| Mepathur Did not prefer to call him “Ende Guruvayurappa” | Mepathur Did not prefer to call him “Ende Guruvayurappa” Compiled by P.R.ramachander We expect the devotion drenched master piece of “Mepathu Narayana Bhattathiri (1559-1632) to call the lord of Guruvayur as “guruvayurappan or lord of Guru pavana Pura”. But he did not prefer it. Narayaneeyam, the great book written by Meppathur has 100 dasakams ( ten verse chapters, some times around 12).In |
 | An abridged parayanam of Narayaneeyam (Mini Narayaneeya Parayanam) | An abridged parayanam of Narayaneeyam (Mini Narayaneeya Parayanam) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Many ladies read Sampoorna narayaneeyam (All the songs of Narayaneeyam ) on special occasions .You can see the procedure in https://narayaneeyamtrans.blogspot.com/2010/09/sampoorna-narayaneeya-parayanam.html Since the |
 | Tutorial to learn Narayaneeyam dasakam wise with meaning along with audio | Tutorial to learn Narayaneeyam dasakam wise with meaning along with audio By P.R.Ramachander ( Without the contribution of two people, this venture would not have been possible without the contribution of people.Millions of my thanks to both of them 1.Jayashree of Mumbai who maintains a blog called & |
 | Sarva Karya Sidhi by reading /hearing some Dasakams of Narayaneeyam | Sarva Karya Sidhi by reading /hearing some Dasakams of Narayaneeyam- please share with your friends By P.R.Ramachander (Today I completed rewriting my translation of Narayaneeyam , with Sanskrit and english text and audio of each dasakam. I am giving below the effect of hearing /reading different Daskams( |
 | Dasakam 100 Description of God from head to foot | Narayaneeyam Dasakam -100 Hear this Dasakam 100 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUhyW1lAWMk Dasakam 100 Description of God from head to foot. (This is the last chapter of Narayaneeyam. This describes the poet’s description of God as he saw him in front of his eyes while writing this chapter. The last line of Narayaneeyam is “Long life, Health and |
 | Dasakam 99 The prayer of the Vedas | Narayaneeyam Dasakam -99 Hear this Dasakam 99 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQ2_GqXAw2A Dasakam 99 The prayer of the Vedas (Mst of the stanzas contain quotations from the Vedas.) Dasakam: 099 -- Slokam: 01 विष्णोर्वीर्याणि को वा कथयतु धरणे: कश्च रेणून्मिमीते यस्यैवाङ्घ्रित्रयेण त्रिजगदभिमितं मोदते पूर्णसम्पत् योसौ विश्वानि धत्ते प्रियमिह परमं धाम तस्याभियायां |
 | Dasakam 67 Destroying of pride of the Gopis. | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 67 – Hear this Dasakam 67 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cNNAc7rjZc Dasakam 67 Destroying of pride of the Gopis. (This makes all the Gopis proud because each of thinks that Lord Krishna , who is the God is theirs only. To teach them a lesson, Lord Krishna leaves them along with Radha. Later when she becomes proud , he leaves her also. Later when al of them |
 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 33 -- Story of Ambareesha | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 33 -- Hear the Dasakam 33 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgvT5rb-LjE Dasakam 33 The story of Ambareesha (Ambareesha was a great devotee of Lord Vishnu who was always protected by Vishnu Chakra. When sage Durvasa got short tempered and tried to harm him, that Vishnu Chakra chased sage Durvasa and left him only at the request of Ambareesha.) Dasakam: |
 | Dasakam 98 Meditating on the property less Brahmam | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 98 Hear this Dasakam 98 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sU13LUGvmJk Dasakam 98 Meditating on the property less Brahmam ( The difficulties in concentrating on God the concept without any form is brought out.) Dasakam: 098 -- Slokam: 01 यस्मिन्नेतद्विभातं यत इदमभवद्येन चेदं य एत- द्योऽस्मादुत्तीर्णरूप: खलु सकलमिदं भासितं यस्य भासा । यो वाचां |
 | Dasakam 97 The prayer for model devotion and story of Markandeya | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 97 Hear this Dasakam 97 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZo_Mvp2CMg Dasakam 97 The prayer for model devotion and story of Markandeya. (devotion is explained with a model devotion of sage Markandeya.) Dasakam: 097 -- Slokam: 01 त्रैगुण्याद्भिन्नरूपं भवति हि भुवने हीनमध्योत्तमं यत् ज्ञानं श्रद्धा च कर्ता वसतिरपि सुखं कर्म चाहारभेदा: । |
![]() | Dasakam 96 Power centers of God and Bhakti, Jnana, Karma Yoga | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 96 Hear this Dasakam 96 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWrk7n4igGA Dasakam 96 Power centers of God and Bhakti, Jnana, Karma Yoga. (God is everywhere but he is more so in certain things and places. Such centers are identified.) Dasakam: 096 -- Slokam: 01 त्वं हि ब्रह्मैव साक्षात् परमुरुमहिमन्नक्षराणामकार- स्तारो मन्त्रेषु राज्ञां मनुरसि मुनिषु त्वं |
 | Dasakam 95 The method of Dhyana (meditation) | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 95 Hear this Dasakam 95 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLm9gp-AmT0 Dasakam 95 The method of Dhyana (meditation) (The merits of the technique of meditation is stressed.) Dasakam: 095 -- Slokam: 01 आदौ हैरण्यगर्भीं तनुमविकलजीवात्मिकामास्थितस्त्वं जीवत्वं प्राप्य मायागुणगणखचितो वर्तसे विश्वयोने । तत्रोद्वृद्धेन सत्त्वेन तु गुणयुगलं भक्तिभावं गतेन |
![]() | Dasakam 94 The generation of wisdom of philosophy | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 94 Hear this Dasakam 94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIzKt5eZzLc Dasakam 94 The generation of wisdom of philosophy (How a wise man gets philosophical approach in him is described) Dasakam: 094 -- Slokam: 01 शुद्धा निष्कामधर्मै: प्रवरगुरुगिरा तत्स्वरूपं परं ते शुद्धं देहेन्द्रियादिव्यपगतमखिलव्याप्तमावेदयन्ते । नानात्वस्थौल्यकार्श्यादि तु |
 | Dasakam 93 The twenty four Gurus | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 93 Hear this Dasakam 93 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hxQlgGBRys Dasakam 93 The twenty four Gurus (The very interesting fact that anything or person will have some thing to teach you is brought out.) Dasakam: 093 -- Slokam: 01 बन्धुस्नेहं विजह्यां तव हि करुणया त्वय्युपावेशितात्मा सर्वं त्यक्त्वा चरेयं सकलमपि जगद्वीक्ष्य मायाविलासम् । |
 | Dasakam 92 The devotion mixed with action | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 92 Hear this Dasakam 92 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwJbgnzYVyY (This chapter deals with the act of devotion mixed with rituals. Devotion is a superior and easier method in the Kali age) Dasakam: 092 -- Slokam: 01 वेदैस्सर्वाणि कर्माण्यफलपरतया वर्णितानीति बुध्वा तानि त्वय्यर्पितान्येव हि समनुचरन् यानि नैष्कर्म्यमीश । मा |
 | Dasakam 91 The greatness of devotion to God | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 91 Hear this Dasakam 91 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpCOS9CnHJ8 Dasakam 91 The greatness of devotion to God (The superiority of devotion as a method of attaining God is argued out in this chapter.) Dasakam: 091 -- Slokam: 01 श्रीकृष्ण त्वत्पदोपासनमभयतमं बद्धमिथ्यार्थदृष्टे- र्मर्त्यस्यार्तस्य मन्ये व्यपसरति भयं येन सर्वात्मनैव । यत्तावत् |
 | Dasakam 90 Establishment of the greatness of Vishnu | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 90 Hear this Dasakam 90 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10WROsrESt8 Dasakam 90 Establishment of the greatness of Vishnu (The author puts up several points of arguments to prove that Lord Vishnu , who is pre dominantly Sathvic is the greatest among the trinity of gods. From this chapter, the story telling is over. Theories and philosophy are |
 | Dasakam 89 The story of Vrukasura and testing of Bhrugu. | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 89 Hear this Dasakam 89 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tn024xvnP6E Dasakam 89 The story of Vrukasura and testing of Bhrugu. (Vrukasura also called Basmasura did penance to Lord shiva who can be easily and got a born being able to kill any body by placing their hand on their head. He wanted to test the efficacy of the boon on Lord |
 | Dassakam 88 Santhana Gopalam | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 88 Hear this Dasakam 88 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Fxaobnotyw Dassakam 88 Santhana Gopalam (As per request of his mother Devaki, Lord Krishna brought back from the Suthala world a ll his dead siblings and later gave them salvation. He also helped Arjuna to keep up his promise of saving from death an expected child of a Brahmin , by taking him to |
 | Dasakam 87 The story of Kuchela | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 87 Hear this Dasakam 87 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwQTQKlb7f8 Dasakam 87 The story of Kuchela (Kuchela who was a poor Brahmin class mate of Lord Krishna came to see him with a small quantity of beaten rice tied to his torn cloth. After receiving him well. Lord Krishna ate , one hand full of that beaten rice and was prevented from eating further by |
 | Dasakam 86 The killing of Sala and others and the Maha Bharatha war. | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 86 Hear this Dasakam 86 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IY9tKGIa_no Dasakam 86 The killing of Sala and others and the Maha Bharatha war. (Lord Krishna later killed king Sala who had obtained magical powers by penance . In the war between Pandavas and Kauravas, he gave his army to Kauravas and he himself became the charioteer of Arjuna. He helped |
 | Dasakam 85 Killing of Jarasandha and Sishupala | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 85 Hear this Dasakam 85 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzV-i9JaH30 Dasakam 85 Killing of Jarasandha and Sishupala (When Lord Krishna visited Indra prastha to attend the Raja Sooya conducted by Yudhishtr, at the request of Yudhishtra , he visited Jarasandha and got him killed by Bheema. He also killed Shishupala who objected to his being worshipped after the Yaga |
 | Dasakam 84 The journey to Samanthakapanchaka | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 84 Hear this Dasakam 84 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZG_hLMfUpR8 Dasakam 84 The journey to Samanthakapanchaka (Lord Krishna along with others went to the sacred waters of Samanthaka Panchaka and met all the Gopis including Radha there. He spent a few months in their company and returned back after consoling them through advice.) Dasakam: 084 -- Slokam: |
 | Dasakam 83 Killing of Poundra and others | <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 83 Hear this Dasakam 83 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bwn2PHFjVc Dasakam 83 Killing of Poundra and others (An imposter called Poundraka Vasudeva claimed that he was the real Vishnu and dressed himself like that, Lord Krishna killed him as well as the king of Kasi who helped him. He then killed a |
 | Dasakam 82 War with Banasura and salvation of Nruga | <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 82 Hear this Dasakam 82 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9d4P79J5sM Dasakam 82 War with Banasura and salvation of Nruga (Anirudha was the grand son of Krishna through his son Pradhyumna begot through Rugmani. Usha the daughter of Banasura falls in love with him , Usha manages to abduct Anirudha, When |
 | Dasakam 81 The marriage with Kalindhi and others as well stealing of Parijatha | <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 81 Hear this Dasakam 81 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkb401lS_YI Dasakam 81 The marriage with Kalindhi and others as well stealing of Parijatha (Lord Krishna then marries five more ladies in different circumstances. He kills Narakasura in Pragjyothishpura and later goes to Indra Loka with Sathyabhama |
 | Dasakam 80 The story of Syamanthaka | <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 80 Hear this Dasakam 80 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcvrLomp8Ms Dasakam 80 The story of Syamanthaka ( To clear his name against the unfounded charge that he had stolen the Syamanthaka from Sathrajit, Lord Krishna, fights with Jambhavan and recovers the gem. He marries his daughter Jambhavanthi as well |
 | Dasakam 79 The abduction of Rukmani | <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 79 Hear this Dasakam 79 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9DWuusj4ys Dasakam 79 The abduction of Rukmani (Onher way back from the temple to the marriage hall Rukhmani is abducted by Lord Krishna along with Lord Balarama and a big Yadava army. He gets married to her.) Dasakam: 079 -- |
 | Dasakam 78 Life in Dwaraka and getting a message from Rukhmani | <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 78 Hear this Dasakam 78 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2qR39wIGSM Dasakam 78 Life in Dwaraka and getting a message from Rukhmani (Lord Krishna a long with his people shifted to Dwaraka a fortified island created by him and had a very pleasant joyous life there.Lord Balarama marries |
 | Dasakam 77 Love with Sairandhri and killing of Jarasandha and Kala yavana. | <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 77 Hear this Dasakam 77 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5t-jZBGhngc (Lord Krishna satisfies the passionate yearning for him of Sairandhri, gave her a son called Upasloka , sent Akroora to know the news about Pandavas, killed the armies of Jarasandha and got Kalayavana killed by Muchukunda ) Dasakam: |
 | Dasakam 76 Sending message through sage Udhava | <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 76 – Hear this Dasakam 76 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5ivA5VhmSw Dasakam 76 Sending message through sage Udhava (Lord Krishna and Balarama complete their education under sage Sandhhepini, and as his fees brought back his dead sons alive. He then sent his friend Udhava to Vrindavana |
 | Dasakam 75 Killing of Kamsa | <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 75 – Hear this Dasakam 75 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6P6CJXUbyQ Dasakam 75 Killing of Kamsa (Next day Lord Krishna and Lord Balarama go to the wrestling arena, kills the four tusked Elephant called Kuvalayapeetha, defeat and kill Chanura and Mushtika and later kill Kamsa |
 | Dasakam 74 Entry of the God in to Mathura | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 74 – Hear this Dasakam 74 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahvmvXLgDYY Dasakam 74 Entry of the God in to Mathura (Lord Krishna arrives in Mathura , In the city he kills a washer man who refuses to give him cloths, rewards the weaver who presents him cloths , cures Sairandhri who is a hunch backed woman and breaks the bow kept for bow |
 | Dasakam 73 The travel of the God to the town of Mathura | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 73 – Hear this Dasakam 73 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHFmCzzryIUDasakam 73 The travel of the God to the town of Mathura (Lord Krishna with Lord Balarama leaved Brindavana to the cityof Mathura along with Akroora. The Gopis who love him become very sad.) Dasakam: 73 -- Slokam: 01 निशमय्य तवाथ यानवार्तां भृशमार्ता: पशुपालबालिकास्ता: ।किमिदं किमिदं कथं |
![]() | Dasakam 72 The coming of Akroora | --Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 72 – Hear this Dasakam 72 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6iAb5tp7I4 Dasakam 72 The coming of Akroora - (Akroora a Yadava who was a great devotee of Lord Krishna arrives as an emissary of King Kamsa to invite Krishna and Balarama to the bow sacrifice.) Dasakam: 072 -- Slokam: 01 कंसोऽथ नारदगिरा व्रजवासिनं त्वा- माकर्ण्य दीर्णहृदय: स |
 | Dasakam 71 Killing of Kesi and Vyomasura | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 71 – Hear this Dasakam 71 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2RXe4QXGkI Dasakam 71 Killing of Kesi and Vyomasura (The killing of Kesi who came as a horse and Vyomasura who came as a Gopa boy and imprisoned the Gopa boys and cows in a cave.) Dasakam: 071 -- Slokam: 01 यत्नेषु सर्वेष्वपि नावकेशी केशी स भोजेशितुरिष्टबन्धु: । त्वां सिन्धुजावाप्य |
 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 70 – | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 70 – Hear this Dasakam 70 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJ5JAk4WF8U Dasakam 70 Redemption from curse of Sudharsana, killing of Shankha choodaAnd killing of Arishta. (Redemtion from curse of of Sudarshana who was cursed to be a python and killing Shanka Chooda , the servent of Lord Khubera and Arishta who came in the form of a bull) Dasakam: 070 -- Slokam:1 |
 | Dasakam 69 Rasa Kreeda (sports of love) | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 69 – Hear this Dasakam 69 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFhGG0mfgDo Dasakam 69 Rasa Kreeda (sports of love) (The play of love is done with Lord Krishna assuming as many forms as there are Gopis. Even the gods hearing about it from sage Narada , rush to see this great sports.) Dasakam: 069 -- Slokam: 01 केशपाशधृतपिञ्छिकाविततिसञ्चलन्मकरकुण्डलं |
 | Dasakam 68 The extreme happiness of the Gopis | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 68 – Hear this Dasakam 68 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2GpMx1ig8o Dasakam 68 The extreme happiness of the Gopis (The passionate lunacy of the Gopa maidens is first described . Then to calm them down, Lord Krishna advices them .) Dasakam: 068 – Slokam: 01 तव विलोकनाद्गोपिकाजना: प्रमदसङ्कुला: पङ्कजेक्षण । अमृतधारया संप्लुता इव स्तिमिततां |
 | Dasakam 66 The enraptured joy of Gopis. | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 66 – Hear this Dasakam 66 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJG4DDPargc Dasakam 66 The enraptured joy of Gopis. (The session of the play of love starts by Lord Krishna advising them to look after their families and later by talking sweet nothings with each other.) Dasakam: 066 -- Slokam: 01 उपयातानां सुदृशां कुसुमायुधबाणपातविवशानाम् । अभिवाञ्छितं |
 | Dasakam 65 Close contact of Gopis with Krishna. | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 65 – Hear this Dasakam 65 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7pEEAmLWGQ Dasakam 65 Close contact of Gopis with Krishna. (As promised Lord Krishna gets prepared for a play of love with the Gopis. This and the next five chapters deals with this play of love called Rasaleela. Lord Krishna starts it all by playing his flute. Those lovelorn maidens come |
 | Dasakam 64 Anointing of Govinda | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 64 – Hear this Dasakam 64 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHxoNANstAc Dasakam 64 Anointing of Govinda (Devendra along with Devas anoints Lord Krishna as the Lord of the cowherds.) Dasakam: 064 -- Slokam: 01आलोक्य शैलोद्धरणादिरूपं प्रभावमुच्चैस्तव गोपलोका: ।विश्वेश्वरं त्वामभिमत्य विश्वे नन्दं भवज्जातकमन्वपृच्छन् ॥१॥ aalOkya |
 | Dasakam 63 The lifting up of Govardhana | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 63 – Hear this Dasakam 63 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGuhq1_DEzQ Dasakam 63 The lifting up of Govardhana (Lord Krishna lifts the Govardhana mountain and the Gopa clan along with animals are kept safe under the shade of the mountain. After seven days Indra realizes his folly and begs your pardon. Then the usual life of Vrindavana is resumed.) |
 | Dasakam 62 Worship of Govardhana mountain | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 62 – Hear this Dasakam 62 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeeFRLesZWs Dasakam 62 Worship of Govardhana mountain (Lord Krishna stops an annual worship of Indra by the cowherds. He tells them that they ought to worship The Govardhana mountain which provides food for them as well as the cows and also the Brahmins who bless them. They agree to the |
 | Dasakam 61 Blessing given to wives of Brahmins | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 61 – Hear this Dasakam 61 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOVpkscI0v4 Dasakam 61 Blessing given to wives of Brahmins (There were a group of Brahmin women who were great devotees of Lord Krishna. Since their husbands were ritual bound they were not able to see Krishna. So he himself goes there to meet them. When The Gopa boys request the Brahmins |
 | Dasakam 60 Stealing of the cloths of Gopis | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 60 – Hear this Dasakam 60 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jjV8Wd2DW4 Dasakam 60 Stealing of the cloths of Gopis (The Gopis start doing a penance to Goddess Karthyayani to make them consorts of Lord Krishna. While they were taking bath in the river without any cloths, Lord Krishna steals all their cloths and made them come out of the water |
 | Daskam 59 Song of the flute | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 59 – Hear this Dasakam 59 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nICaJWTBFBM Daskam 59 Song of the flute (Lord Krishna becomes a lad and starts playing flute. All the gopa women of Vrindavana fall in love with him.) Dasakam: 59-- Slokam: 01 त्वद्वपुर्नवकलायकोमलं प्रेमदोहनमशेषमोहनम् । ब्रह्म तत्त्वपरचिन्मुदात्मकं वीक्ष्य सम्मुमुहुरन्वहं स्त्रिय |
 | Dasakam 58 Saving of Gopas and Gokula from forest fire and seasons in Brindavan | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 58 – Hear this Dasakam 58 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uW0d9B54tH4 Dasakam 58 Saving of Gopas and Gokula from forest fire and seasons in Brindavan (Again Lord Krishna saves them from another forest fire which surrounded all of you by simply transporting all of you back to Vrindavana in an instant. This chapter also contains the description of |
 | Dasakam 57 Killing of Pralambhasura | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 57 – Hear this Dasakam 57 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZIl4Kb20f8 Dasakam 57 Killing of Pralambhasura (An asura called Pralamba came to kill you in the guise of a gopa lad. While playing the fame of losers carrying winners, Lord Balarama killed him.) Dasakam: 057 -- Slokam: 01 रामसख: क्वापि दिने कामद भगवन् गतो भवान् विपिनम् । सूनुभिरपि गोपानां |
 | Dasakam 56 Humbling of the pride of Kaliya and blessing of the God | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 56 -- Hear this Dasakam 56 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4I-_wuuLLI Dasakam 56 Humbling of the pride of Kaliya and blessing of the God (When his wives requested his pardon, you showed him an alternate place to live and sent him out. Later when a forest fire attacked the Gopa boys, you saved them) Blessing Kaliya Dasakam: 056 -- Slokam: 01 |
 | Dasakam 55 The dancing on heads of Kaliya. | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 55 -- Hear this Dasakam 55 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2_BpCqIgbQ Dasakam 55 The dancing on heads of Kaliya. (You then destroyed the pride of the serpent by dancing on its heads..) Dasakam: 055 -- Slokam: 01 अथ वारिणि घोरतरं फणिनं प्रतिवारयितुं कृतधीर्भगवन् । द्रुतमारिथ तीरगनीपतरुं विषमारुतशोषितपर्णचयम् ॥१॥ <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <! |
 | Dasakam 54 The coming of Kaliya to Yamuna(Kalindhi) | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 54 -- Hear this Dasakam 54 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcaG4T6MCvQ Dasakam 54 The coming of Kaliya to Yamuna(Kalindhi) (The Cobra called Kaliya once troubled Lord Garuda, When Garuda came to attack him , he came to Vrindavana where Garuda cannot enter due to the curse of a sage.. He mixed his poison in the river waters. Once tall Gopa boys and cows drank |
 | Dasakam 53 Killing of Dhenukasura | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 53 -- Hear this Dasakam 53 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFXRWXPTLTM (Lord Krishna becomes a young boy and started taking care of the cows instead of the calves. You happened to enter the forest of palm trees in which Dhenukasura lived in the form of a donkey .You got him killed through your elder brother Lord Balarama.) Dasakam: 053 -- Slokam: 01 |
 | Dasakam 52 Destroying pride of Brahma. | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 52 -- Hear this Dasakam 52 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEzEMnzmwrQ Dasakam 52 Destroying pride of Brahma. (Lord Brahma wanted to test your power and hid all the calves and Gopa boys with you. Then you , yourself took the forms of each individual calf and the Gopa boy. This continued for one full year. Later Brahma came and begged your pardon.) |
 | Dasakam 51 The killing of Aghasura and the picnic lunch in the forest | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 51 -- Hear this Dasakam 51 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pg5az9dIwfg Dasakam 51 The killing of Aghasura and the picnic lunch in the forest (Aghasura attacked Lord Krishna and the Gopas in the form of a big Python. How Lord Krishna killed him is described in the first part. The second part deals with the picnic lunch these boys had with Lord Krishna,) |
 | Dasakam 50 Killing of Bakasura and Aghasura | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 50 -- Hear this Dasakam 50 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uBXWrO5nZk Dasakam 50 Killing of Bakasura and Aghasura (Lord Krishna kills two more asuras who came in the form of a calf and another who came who came as a crane.) Dasakam: 050 -- Shlokam: 01 तरलमधुकृत् वृन्दे वृन्दावनेऽथ मनोहरे पशुपशिशुभि: साकं वत्सानुपालनलोलुप: । हलधरसखो देव श्रीमन् |
 | Dasakam 49 Entering in to Vrindavana. | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 49 -- Hear this Dasakam 49 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHvaD7BsYqE Dasakam 49 Entering in to Vrindavana. (Upset by the various bad happenings the Yadavas decide to shift to Vrindavana (literally forest of Thulasi) near the Govardhana(mountain that increases cows) mountain as well as on the banks of river Yamuna.. Krishna likes the new place and started |
 | Dasakam 48 Freeing Nala khoobara and Mani Greeva from their curse. | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 48 -- Hear this Dasakam 48 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRvZyIEb7_8 Dasakam 48 Freeing Nala khoobara and Mani Greeva from their curse. (nala Khoobara and Mani Greeva were sons of Lord Kubhera who had become trees by the curse of Sage Narada. These trees were standing in the courtyard of Lord Krishna’s house. The child Krishna dragged the mortar |
 | Dasakam 47 Getting tied to the mortar. | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 47 -- Hear this Dasakam 47 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEmko-40z7g Dasakam 47 Getting tied to the mortar. (When baby Krishna was left half fed by Yasoda to mind some house hold chores, he got angry and broke the curd pot. Angered by this Yasoda tried to tie him to the mortar . But the length of any rope was not just sufficient. Seeing her |
 | Dasakam 46 The story of Yasoda seeing the universe in the mouth of baby Krishna. | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 46 -- Hear this Dasakam 46 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWnXqngx6io Dasakam 46 The story of Yasoda seeing the universe in the mouth of baby Krishna. (Lord Krishna’s friends complained that he had eaten mud. When he denied it, his mother asked to open his mouth. There Yasoda saw the entire Universe.) <!--[if ! |
 | Dasakam 45 Childhood pranks | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 45 -- Hear this Dasakam 45 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bevoa3Dj9Ik Dasakam 45 Childhood pranks (Krishna , became a slightly older baby and kept on doing the childhood pranks which entertained everybody.) <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam: 01 अयि सबल मुरारे पाणिजानुप्रचारै: किमपि भवनभागान् |
 | Dasakam 44 Naming ceremony and casting of horoscope | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 44 -- Hear this Dasakam 44 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9ugvwEYQsw Dasakam 44 Naming ceremony and casting of horoscope (Worried by these happenings Nandagopa and Yasoda consult their Guru sage Garga , who knew that Lord Krishna was God himself. Sage Garga consoled them and at their request named him as Krishna. Krishna would mean that which leads |
 | Dasakam 43 Killing of Trinavartha | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 43 -- Hear this Dasakam 43 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXuOlcEb9Ws Dasakam 43 Killing of Trinavartha (Another asura called Trinavartha came in the form of a cyclone and lifted baby Krishna from the cradle. The baby kept on increasing its weight and that made the asura drop the baby. Lord Krishna then killed him.) <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]- |
 | Dasakam 42 The killing of Chakatasura | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 42 -- Hear this Dasakam 42 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aA2ikSx4tEA Dasakam 42 The killing of Chakatasura (Chakatasura, the asura who came in the form of a cart was destroyed by the baby Krishna when he was left near the cart by the baby Krishna.) Dasakam: 042 -- Shlokam: 01 कदापि जन्मर्क्षदिने तव प्रभो निमन्त्रितज्ञातिवधूमहीसुरा । महानसस्त्वां |
 | Dasakam 41 The cremation of Poothana and happiness in play of Krishna. | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 41 -- Hear this Dasakam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXlKW8hE3HI Dasakam 41 The cremation of Poothana and happiness in play of Krishna. ( The scariness created by Poothana’s death , her being given salvation by the God and childhood pranks of the baby Krishna are described here.) <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Dasakam: 041 -- |
 | Dasakam 40 Salvation to Poothana | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 40 -- Hear the Dasakam 40 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iniz4Yyr9i4 Dasakam 40 Salvation to Poothana (Poothana not knowing where the baby to kill Kamsa was born kills several babies indiscriminately. She reaches Gokula and while she tries to feed Lord Krishna, he sucks her life out and leads her to salvation.) Dasakam: 040 -- Shlokam: 01 तदनु |
 | Dasakam 39 The coming out of Yoga Maya and festival of Krishna’s birth. | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 39 -- Hear the Dasakam 39 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PR_PAyIzc1k Dasakam 39 The coming out of Yoga Maya and festival of Krishna’s birth. ( Vasudeva brings the child Yoga Maya born to Yasoda to the prison. In spite of the baby being a girl, Kamsa tries to dash the baby against a stone. She appears before him and tells that he who is born to kill |
 | Dasakam 38 The incarnation of Krishna | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 38 -- Hear the Dasakam 38 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl98AT-p8xo Dasakam 38 The incarnation of Krishna (This Dasakam deals with the birth of Krishna in prison and his transport to The labour room of Yasoda who was the wife of the Yadava Chief Nandagopa.) Dasakam: 038 -- Shlokam: 01 आनन्दरूप भगवन्नयि तेऽवतारे प्राप्ते प्रदीप्तभवदङ्गनिरीयमाणै: । |
 | Dasakam 37 The happenings leading to Incarnation of Krishna | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 37 -- Hear the Dasakam 37 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jd8fuRVfilU Dasakam 37 The happenings leading to Incarnation of Krishna (The story of the incarnation as Lord Krishna starts with this Dasakam and continues till Dasakam 88. In this the circumstances befind the incarnation are described in detail. It also includes the killing by Kamsa of all the |
 | Dasakam 36 The incarnation of Parasurama | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 36 -- Hear the Dasakam 36 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvMuUb_dSxM Dasakam 36 The incarnation of Parasurama (Lord Vishnu took the incarnation of Lord Parasurama to get rid of the evil and bad kings of the world. He was born as the son of sage Jamadagni. To take revenge on the Kshatriyas who troubled his parents, he massacred them for twenty one generations |
 | Dasakam 35 The story of Rama after treaty with Sugreeva. | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 35 -- Hear the Dasakam 35 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqyvyDOdOVk Dasakam 35 The story of Rama after treaty with Sugreeva. (This is the second part Ramayana and ends with the going away of Sri Rama from this earth) Dasakam: 035 -- Shlokam: 01नीतस्सुग्रीवमैत्रीं तदनु हनुमता दुन्दुभे: कायमुच्चै:क्षिप्त्वाङ्गुष्ठेन भूयो लुलुविथ युगपत् पत्रिणा सप्त सालान् । |
 | Dasakam 34 Story of Rama till the meeting with Hanuman | Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 34 -- Hear the Dasakam 34 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWCSNKNiGCQ Dasakam 34 Story of Rama till the meeting with Hanuman (This Dasakam relates the story of Rama, till he meet Lord Hanuman) Dasakam: 034 -- Shlokam: 01गीर्वाणैरर्थ्यमानो दशमुखनिधनं कोसलेष्वृश्यशृङ्गेपुत्रीयामिष्टिमिष्ट्वा ददुषि दशरथक्ष्माभृते पायसाग्र्यम् ।तद्भुक्त्या तत्पुरन्ध्रीष्वपि |
 | Dasakam 32 Incarnation of Fish | Dasakam 32 Incarnation of Fish (Lord Vishnu took the incarnation of fish to save the Vedas from an Asura called Hayagreeva)) Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 32 -- The Fish Incarnation Hear the Dasakam 32 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wq6fD0WdPkY पुरा हयग्रीवमहासुरेण षष्ठान्तरान्तोद्यदकाण्डकल्पे । निद्रोन्मुखब्रह्ममुखात् हृतेषु वेदेष्वधित्स: किल मत्स्यरूपम् ॥१॥ <!--[if ! |
 | Dasakam 31 Humbling the pride of Maha Bali | Dasakam 31 Humbling the pride of Maha Bali (this is the continuation of Dasakam 30) Hear this Daskam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CcmjsbW53w Dasakam: 031 -- Shlokam: 01 प्रीत्या दैत्यस्तव तनुमह:प्रेक्षणात् सर्वथाऽपि त्वामाराध्यन्नजित रचयन्नञ्जलिं सञ्जगाद । मत्त: किं ते समभिलषितं विप्रसूनो वद त्वं वित्तं भक्तं भवनमवनीं वाऽपि सर्वं प्रदास्ये ॥१॥ <!--[if ! |
 | Dasakam 30 The incarnation of Vamana | Dasakam 30 The incarnation of Vamana (When Mahabali became very powerful, Lord Vishnu took the incarnation of Vamana and begged for three feet of land. He then assumed the form of Trivikrama and measured the entire world in two steps. Mahabali requested him to keep his third step on his head. Lord Vishnu then made this great asura king to stay in Patala.) Hear the Dasakam |
 | Dasakam 29 The stealing of the nectar and killing of Asuras. | Dasakam 29 The stealing of the nectar and killing of Asuras. (The Asuras who were partners in the churning of the ocean wanted a part of the nectar. Understanding that it would make them more strong, Lord Vishnu appeared as a pretty damsel and agreed to serve the nectar to every one. But he served it only to the devas.) Hear the Dasakam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= |
 | Dasakam 28 Wedding with Goddess Lakshmi and emerging of nectar. | Dasakam 28 Wedding with Goddess Lakshmi and emerging of nectar. (Goddess Lakshmi arose from the ocean of milk was churned and Lord Vishnu chose her as his consort. Later after several other things, Lord Vishnu in the form of Dhanvanthri rose from the ocean of milk with a pot of nectar. Dhanvanthri is listed as a minor incarnation of Lord Vishnu.) Narayaneeyam Dasakam-28 Lakshmi Swayamvaram |
 | Dasakam 27 The churning of ocean of milk and incarnation of tortoise. | Dasakam 27 The churning of ocean of milk and incarnation of tortoise. Hear this dasakam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S94bviSGdmY (Indra was cursed by Durvasa and became old and weak. Consequently the devas were defeated. Lord Vishnu suggested that they churn the ocean of milk to get nectar using a mountain. When the mountain did not stand steady, Lord Vishnu took the form of a |
 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 26 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 26 Hear the daskam26 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2EDmy70mT0 Dasakam 26 The salvation of the king of elephants. (A king by curse was turned in to an elephant and lead a pious life. And he was caught by a crocodile in water. In spite of a great fight the King of elephant was not able to free himself. And when the elephant called |
 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 25 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 25 Hear the daskam25 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wywL2pPsk88 Dasakam 25 The incarnation of Narasimha (The killing of Hiranya Kasipu by Lord Narasimha, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu) Dasakam: 25-- Shlokam: 01 स्तंभे घट्टयतो हिरण्यकशिपो: कर्णौ समाचूर्णय- न्नाघूर्णज्जगदण्डकुण्डकुहरो घोरस्तवाभूद्रव: । श्रुत्वा यं किल |
 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 24 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 24 Hear the daskam24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVvJm8_Uoro Dasakam 24 The story of Prahlada (The story of Prahalada , the son of Hiranya Kasipu begins in this dasaka) Dasakam: 024 -- Shlokam: 01 हिरण्याक्षे पोत्रिप्रवरवपुषा देव भवता हते शोकक्रोधग्लपितधृतिरेतस्य सहज: । हिरण्यप्रारम्भ: कशिपुरमरारातिसदसि |
 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 23 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 23 Hear the daskam23 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxD5yqqqbn4 Dasakam 23 The story of Daksha and Chithrakethu (This chapter contains the story of Daksha, Chithra Kethu and the Maruths.) Dasakam: 23-- Shlokam: 01 प्राचेतसस्तु भगवन्नपरो हि दक्ष- स्त्वत्सेवनं व्यधित सर्गविवृद्धिकाम: । आविर्बभूविथ तदा लसदष्टबाहु- स्तस्मै |
 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 22 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 22 Hear the daskam 22 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9EV9w_y1EU Dasakam 22 The sermon of Ajamila (Ajamila was born as Brahmin but became a sinner. At the time of death, he called his son “Narayana, Narayana.”. The agents of Vishnu took him to heaven by arguing with Yama’s soldiers that he is purified by this act.) Dasakam: 022 -- |
 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 21 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 21 Hear the daskam 21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdRvWW9VwGQ Dasakam 21 The nine continents and seven islands (This chapter is the summary of the detailed geography of the earth as known at that time as well as the people occupying different parts.) Dasakam: 21-- Shlokam: 01 मध्योद्भवे भुव इलावृतनाम्नि वर्षे |
 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 20 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 20 Hear the daskam 20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4lqm4NwCXY Dasakam 20 The story of the Lord of sages called Rishabha. (The story of Rishabha deva another minor incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The division of earth in to several distinct parts is mentioned here.) Dasakam: 20-- Shlokam: 01 प्रियव्रतस्य प्रियपुत्रभूता- |
 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 19= text meaning and audio | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 19 Hear the daskam 19 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmJVdCrRFg4 Dasakam 19. The story of Prachethas. (The story of princes called Prachethas who were born in the clan of Prathu) Dasakam: 019 -- Shlokam: 01 पृथोस्तु नप्ता पृथुधर्मकर्मठ: प्राचीनबर्हिर्युवतौ शतद्रुतौ । प्रचेतसो नाम सुचेतस: सुता- नजीजनत्त्वत्करुणाङ्कुरानिव ॥१॥ pR^ithOstu |
 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 18 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 18 Hear the daskam 18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wV6uyTE0WbQ Dasakam 18 The story of Pruthu. (The story of King Prathu who was the son of Vena who was a bad king. He is also considered as a minor incarnation of Lord Vishnu) Dasakam: 018 -- Shlokam: 01 जातस्य ध्रुवकुल एव तुङ्गकीर्ते- रङ्गस्य व्यजनि सुत: स वेननामा । |
 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 17-text meaning audio | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 17 Hear the daskam 17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbDG_jsy1dA Dasakam 17 The story of Dhruva (The story of the penance of the boy named Dhruva, who was the son of king Uthanapada.) Dasakam: 017 -- Shlokam: 01 उत्तानपादनृपतेर्मनुनन्दनस्य जाया बभूव सुरुचिर्नितरामभीष्टा । अन्या सुनीतिरिति भर्तुरनादृता सा त्वामेव नित्यमगति: शरणं |
 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 16 text, meaning audio | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 16 Hear the daskam 16 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOdxMUEQI6c Dasakam 16 The incarnation of Narayana and the Yaga of Daksha (The minor incarnations of Nara and Narayana and also the Fire sacrifice conducted by Daksha Prajapathi.) Dasakam: 016 -- Shlokam: 01 दक्षो विरिञ्चतनयोऽथ मनोस्तनूजां लब्ध्वा प्रसूतिमिह षोडश चाप कन्या: । धर्मे |
 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 15 text, meaning and audio | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 15 Hear the daskam 15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hNdRiQ28DU Dasakam 15 Dasakam 15 The teachings of Kapila (Sage Kapila teaches Philosophy to his mother Devahuthi. This occurs in the third chapter of Bhagawatham. Each verse is a summary of one chapter) Dasakam: 015 -- Shlokam: 01 मतिरिह गुणसक्ता बन्धकृत्तेष्वसक्ता त्वमृतकृदुपरुन्धे |
 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 14 -text meaning andaudio | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 14 Hear the daskam 14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TGxirL1wA8 Dasakam 14 The incarnation of Kapila (The story of Kardhama and the minor incarnation of Sage Kapila) Dasakam: 014 -- Shlokam: 01 समनुस्मृततावकाङ्घ्रियुग्म: स मनु: पङ्कजसम्भवाङ्गजन्मा । निजमन्तरमन्तरायहीनं चरितं ते कथयन् सुखं निनाय ॥१॥ <!--[if ! |
 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 13 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 13 Hear the daskam 13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A96R6iPIpFs Dasakam 13 The killing of Hiranyaksha (The fight of the boar incarnation with Hiranyaksha and his destruction.) Dasakam: 013 -- Shlokam: 01 हिरण्याक्षं तावद्वरद भवदन्वेषणपरं चरन्तं सांवर्ते पयसि निजजङ्घापरिमिते । भवद्भक्तो गत्वा कपटपटुधीर्नारदमुनि: शनैरूचे नन्दन् दनुजमपि |
 | Narayaneeyam : Dasakam 12 1text meaning audio | Narayaneeyam : Dasakam 12 Hear the daskam 12 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co5m_rMqR7o Dasakam 12. Dasakam 12 The incarnation of Varaha the Boar (The incarnation of a boar which lifted the earth which has sunk in the sea.) Dasakam: 012 -- Shlokam: 01 स्वायम्भुवो मनुरथो जनसर्गशीलो दृष्ट्वा महीमसमये सलिले निमग्नाम् । स्रष्टारमाप शरणं भवदङ्घ्रिसेवा- |
 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 11 text , meaning audio | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 11 Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear the daskam 11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kupk6GNqHds Dasakam 11 The birth of Hiranya Kasipu and Hiranyaksha (The attendants of Vishnu are cursed by the sages for being born as Asuras. They chose the option of coming back to Vaikunta after three births hating Lord Vishnu, First they are born as |
 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 10 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 10 Hear the daskam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGuexNNBWqc Dasakam 10 The variety in creation (The various creations of Lord Brahma and his attempts to populate all the three worlds.) Dasakam: 010 -- Shlokam: 01 वैकुण्ठ वर्धितबलोऽथ भवत्प्रसादा- दम्भोजयोनिरसृजत् किल जीवदेहान् । स्थास्नूनि भूरुहमयानि तथा तिरश्चां जातिं मनुष्यनिवहानपि |
 | Narayaneeyam . Dasakam 9 text , mensing audio | Narayaneeyam . Dasakam 9 text , mensing audio Hear the daskam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Fxm19-KQtg Dasakam 9 The penance of Brahma and creation of the world (Lord Brahma searches for his origin , finds lord Vishnu and does penance to get the power of Creation and initiates the process of creation.) Dasakam: 009 -- Shlokam: 01 Brahma searching |
 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam 8: text meaning and audio | Narayaneeyam Dasakam 8: Dasakam 8. Dasakam 8 The causal deluge and birth of Brahma from lotus Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Then there is a deluge and from that raises a lotus and from that Lord Brahma is born) Dasakam: 008 -- Shlokam: 01 एवं तावत् प्राकृतप्रक्षयान्ते ब्राह्मे कल्पे ह्यादिमे लब्धजन्मा । ब्रह्मा भूयस्त्वत्त एवाप्य वेदान् सृष्टिं चक्रे |
 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam 7: text , meaning and audio | Narayaneeyam Dasakam 7: Dasakam 7 The penance of Brahma and seeing of Vaikunta. (That Supreme God assumes the form of Lord Brahma and sees Vaikunta and its Lord) Dasakam: 007 -- Shlokam: 01 एवं देव चतुर्दशात्मकजगद्रूपेण जात: पुन- स्तस्योर्ध्वं खलु सत्यलोकनिलये जातोऽसि धाता स्वयम् । यं शंसन्ति हिरण्यगर्भमखिलत्रैलोक्यजीवात्मकं योऽभूत् स्फीतरजोविकारविकसन्नानासिसृक्षारस: ॥१॥ < |
 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam 6: text , meaning audio | Narayaneeyam Dasakam 6: Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Dasakam 6. Description of Virat Purusha (This chapter describes in detail that supreme God ) Dasakam: 006 -- Shlokam: 01 एवं चतुर्दशजगन्मयतां गतस्य पातालमीश तव पादतलं वदन्ति । पादोर्ध्वदेशमपि देव रसातलं ते गुल्फद्वयं खलु महातलमद्भुतात्मन् ॥१॥ <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> evaM |
 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam 5: with meaning and audio | Narayaneeyam Dasakam 5: Dasakam 5. The birth of the divine mega essence Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Hear the dasakam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjT5U0SXVn8 (After the deluge when everything merges with nature , The God appears again. This chapter describes the process of the appearance |
 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam 4 with audio | Narayaneeyam Dasakam 4 .Eight fold yoga and the results thereof Translated by P.R.Ramachander (An introduction to Ashtanga Yoga is given in this chapter. This is possibly the biggest chapter in the entire Narayaneeyam. Hear the Dasakam4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bf5yQyab0GQ ) कल्यतां मम कुरुष्व तावतीं कल्यते भवदुपासनं यया । स्पष्टमष्टविधयोगचर्यया पुष्टयाशु तव |
![]() | Narayaneeyam Dasakam 3: Prayer for devotion.Sanskrit, english text, meaning and audio | Narayaneeyam Dasakam 3: Prayer for devotion.Sanskrit, english text, meaning and audio Hear the daskam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WH2qVOrbL8U (The poet who is very much troubled by his sickness first describes the marks of a great devotee and he cries to God to cure him. He requests from him only devotion and freedom from sickness.) पठन्तो नामानि& |
![]() | Narayaneeyam Dasakam 2 SAnskrit, english, meaning Audio | Narayaneeyam Dasakam 2 Sweetness of his form and greatness of devotion ( Here The form of the God who of the God with a form is described. The chapter then eulogizes the Bhakthi (devotion) approach to God.) Hear Dasakam 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkpjwI2BM50 सूर्यस्पर्धिकिरीटमूर्ध्वतिलकप्रोद्भासिफालान्तरं कारुण्याकुलनेत्रमार्द्रहसितोल्लासं |
 | Narayaneeyam Dasakam 1-The form and greatness of God. | Narayaneeyam Dasakam 1-The form and greatness of God. (This is the summary of the first chapter of Bhagawatham and describes the form of the god who is formless.At my age 100 days is huge period. Please pray that I would be able to post the entire Narayaneeyam ) Hear the dasakam https://www.youtube.com/ |
 | Hear or Read this Narayaneeyam Treasure to solve all your problems | Hear or Read this Narayaneeyam Treasure to solve all your problems Translated by P.R.Ramachander The effect of hearing /reading different Daskams(Chapters) as mentioned in the Narayaneeyam book published by Giri Traders .Share it with your friends .When a person needs it , copy the concerned and send it to him by Whatsapp .Copy and |
![]() | Effect of reading Narayaneeya | The effect of reading different Daskams(Chapters) as mentioned in the Narayaneeyam book published by Giri Traders.Dasakam Effect of reading it2 Would be respected in heaven 12 Would get great positions13 Would get wealth long life and fame 15 Would reach the lotus like |
![]() | Dasakam 91-100 Translation | Dasakam 91-100 “Ramanarayana” translation Of Narayaneeyam By |
![]() | Dasakam 81-90 Translation | Dasakam 81-90 “ Ramanarayana” translation Of Narayaneeyam By |
![]() | Dasakam 71-80 Translation | Dasakam 71-80 “ Ramanarayana” translation Of Narayaneeyam By |
![]() | Dasakam 61-70 Translation | Dasakam 61-70 “Ramanarayana” translation Of Narayaneeyam By |
![]() | Dasakam 51-60 Translation | Dasakam 51-60 “Ramanarayana” translation Of Narayaneeyam By |
![]() | Dasakam 41-50 Translation | Dasakam 41-50 “Ramanarayana” translation Of Narayaneeyam |
![]() | Dasakam 31-40 Translation | Dasakam 31-40 “ Ramanarayana” translation Of Narayaneeyam By |
![]() | Dasakam 21-30 Translation | Dasakam 21-30 “Ramanarayana” translation Of Narayaneeyam By |
![]() | Dasakam 11-20 Translation | Dasakam 11-20 “ Ramanarayana” translation Of Narayaneeyam By |
![]() | Dasakam 1-10 Translation | Dasakam 1-10 “Ramanarayana” translation Of Narayaneeyam By P.R.Ramachander Dasakam 1-The form and greatness of God. (This is the summary of the first chapter of Bhagawatham and describes the form of the god who is formless) Indeed it is a great luck that in Guruvayur, The great and well known divine principle of God, Is present as the continuous stream of joy and wisdom, Which does not |
![]() | Narayaneeya Haarathi | Narayaneeya HaarathiTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(These are to be chanted by all members together after completing the reading of Narayaneeya. I have taken this from the book Sri Narayaneeyam , a Sanskrit-Tamil book published by Giri Traders, Mumbai.)RefrainJaya Jagadeesha hare Krishnaa,Jaya Jagadheesa hare,Jaya Guru marutha mandhira natha,Jaya Jagadhesa hare Krishna.Victory to the Krishna the |
![]() | Sampoorna Narayaneeya Parayanam -procedure | Parayana Vidhana of Narayaneeyam It is come to do the full parayanam of Narayaneeyam in a single day. The following procedure is adopted. It is not necessary for a single person to read the entire text. The people who read can be kept changing.Step 1. Do SankalpamStep 2 Read Vishnu SahasranamamStep 3 . After every Dasakam do a Karpoora neeranjanam and offer to God naivendyama like fruits |
![]() | Sankalpa Mantras for Parayanam | The Sankalpa Manthras for doing Parayanam of Narayaneeyam is given below along with meaning:-1.Shuklam Baradaram Vishnum, Sasi Varnam Chatur Bhujam,Prasanna Vadanan Dyayet, Sarva Vignoba Santhaye Dressed in white you are, Oh, all pervading one,And glowing with the colour of moon.With four arms, you are, the all knowing one I meditate on your ever-smiling face, And |
![]() | Introduction | “Rama Narayana “Translation of Narayaneeyam-An introduction. Bhagawatha Purana is one of the 18 Puranas and deals with all the nine major incarnations of Vishnu ass well as a few minor incarnations. This book has 12 chapters and 18,000 stanzas in these 12 chapters. Chapters one to nine of this book deal with several incarnations of Vishnu. But the tenth chapter deals exclusively with the |