Sunday, December 29, 2024

Brahman rituals by PR Ramachandra


Rules and rituals of Brahmins: from by PR Ramachandra - Raja Thatha ji

GodTitleShort Summary
Tharpana manthra sakalpas of Mahalaya Paksha , 2024Mahalaya (மஹாளய ) Paksha begins on 18-9-2024,( maha Bharani is on 21-9-2024) Here are the tharpana Manthras for all the Mahalaya Paksha days Tharpana SAnkalpam (for Mahalaya Paksha) .Those who do not do it please skip this info) for year 2024- (mahalaya Paksha tharpana manthras are given https://
Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2024 (19-8-2024)Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2024 (19-8-2024) According to sastras it should be done on Sravana Nakshata day. From Samkshepa Dharma sasthra Rik Vedis should do Upakarma in Sravana star in the month of Sravana. If there is dosha during that period , they can do it instead on a day in the same month when Hastha star and Panchami Thidhi are together.
Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2024(5-9-2024 Thursday )Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2024(5-9-2024 Thursday ) (Compiled by P.R.Ramachander) (The Gayathri japam is on 20-8-2024 for all the three Vedas. The sankalpam for the Gayathri japam is given in https:/
Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2024 on 19-8-2024Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2024 on 19-8-2024 (For both Apasthamba Sutra and Bodhayana Suthra) &nbsp
Gayathri japam manthras for year 2024( 20-8-2024)Gayathri japam manthras for year 2024( 20-8-2024) (For Yajur, Rig and Sama Vedis) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander ( Gayathri japam date for all the three Vedas . It is on 20-8-2024 for all the Vedas .) 1.Aachamanam .After Achamanam wear Pavithram 2,Shuklaam baradharam 3.Om bhoo 4.Mamo
.Brahma Yagnam. For Sama Vedis.Brahma Yagnam. For Sama Vedis Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (Brahma Yajnam is an important ritual done after Mahyahnikam every day , After Tharpanam and afterUpakarma .It differs between to Veda to Vedas_) Perform Achamanam Face eastern direction and do “Shuklam baradaram….” Followed by pranayamam “om Bhoo…” Mamopatha samastha
Brahma Yajna for Rig VedisBrahma Yajna for Rig Vedis Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (Brahma Yajnam is an important ritual done after Mahyahnikam every day , After Tharpanam and afterUpakarma .It differs between to Veda to Vedas_ 1.Shuklambaradaram Vishnum , saivarnam chathur bujam, Prasanna vadanam dhayayeth , Sarva Vighna upasanthaye. 2.Om Bhoo 3.
Brahma Yagnam For Yajur VedisBrahma Yagnam For Yajur Vedis Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (Brahma Yajnam is an important ritual done after Mahyahnikam every day , After Tharpanam and afterUpakarma .It differs between to Veda to Vedas_ Perform Achamanam Face eastern direction and do “Shuklam baradaram….” Followed by pranayamam “om Bhoo…” Mamopatha samastha duritha kshya dwara sri
When you are not able to do SradhaWhen you are not able to do Sradha due to no priest being available or due to becoming handicapped due to old age, What you can do?Compiled byP.R.RamachanderSradha is annual death ceremony conducted by Brahmins in honour of their dead ancestors. There are several vedic rules and regulations for conducting it. Normally it involves doing Homa sitting on the floor, washing
Tharpana Sankalpams for the year 2024-25 –Krodhi varshamTharpana Sankalpams for the year 2024-25 –Krodhi (That which makes things angry )varsham (Amavasya Tharpanam, Chaithra Vishu, Kadaka Ravi, Thula Ravi and Makara Ravi) (I have followed the details given in the Acharyal Madathu Panchangam as well as the panchangam published by Giri Traders. I have also given the time of change of Thithi and Nakshatra, so that people, who do tharpanam in the
A note on Karadayan nonbu on 14-3-2024A note on Karadayan nonbu on 14-3-2024 Compiled by P.R.Ramachander The Karadayan Nolumbu(nombu) commemorating the epic story of Savithri regaining her husband from Lord Yama is celebrated at the last few minutes before the end of Masi(Kumbam) month and before the
Rituals to be done on Rahu grastha partial Chandra Grahanam(Lunar eclipse ) on 29-10-2023Rituals to be done on Rahu grastha partial Chandra Grahanam(Lunar eclipse ) on 29-10-2023 Compiled by P.R.Ramachander <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> As per information available with us, Partial Lunar Eclipse on 28-29th October 2023 will be visible to the whole world Except most of the north America some parts of &
Mahalaya (மஹாளய ) Paksha begins on 29-9-2023Mahalaya (மஹாளய ) Paksha begins on 29-9-2023,( maha Bharani is on 2.10.2023) Here are the tharpana Manthras for all the Mahalaya Paksha days Tharpana SAnkalpam (for Mahalaya Paksha) .Those who do not do it please skip this info) for year 2023- (mahalaya Paksha tharpana manthras are given https://
Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2023(16-9-2023 Saturday )Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2023(16-9-2023 Saturday ) (Compiled by P.R.Ramachander) (The Gayathri japam is on 31-8-2023 for all the three Vedas. The sankalpam for the Gayathri japam is given in https://
Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2023 (29-8-2023)Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2023 (29-8-2023) According to sastras it should be done on Sravana Nakshata day(29-8-2023)From Samkshepa Dharma sasthra Rik Vedis should do Upakarma in Sravana star in the month of Sravana. If there is dosha during that period , they can do it instead on a day in the same month when Hastha star and Panchami Thidhi are together.
Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2023 on 30-8-2023Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2023 on 30-8-2023 (For both Apasthamba Sutra and Bodhayana Suthra) &nbsp
Gayathri japam manthras for year 2023( 31-8-2023)Gayathri japam manthras for year 2023( 31-8-2023) (For Yajur, Rig and Sama Vedis) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander ( Gayathri japam date for all the three Vedas . It is on 31-8-2023 for all the Vedas .) 1.Aachamanam .After Achamanam wear Pavithram 2,Shuklaam baradharam 3.Om bhoo 4.Mamo patha
Sradha RitualsRituals on the Sradha day(The rituals to be performed on day of annual death ceremony.)Compiled byP.R.Ramachander (I have summarized the rules for performance of Sradha in the section Sradha Vidhi. This compilation gives the rituals that have to be performed on the Sradha day. These rituals change from family to family. When performs a ritual he has to perform it as done by his paternal
Caste of children born inter caste marriageCaste of children born inter caste marriage By P.R.Ramachander Inter caste marriages have become very common in South india . If both parents are not bothered about caste , the caste of child does not matter at all But I felt curious to know what about caste of the children. .Indian law mostly says
Tharpana Sankalpams for the year 2023-24 –Shobhakruth (English and Tamil)Tharpana Sankalpams for the year 2023-24 –Shobhakruth (That which makes things shine) varsham (Amavasya Tharpanam, Chaithra Vishu, Kadaka Ravi, Thula Rravi and Makara Ravi) (I have not added the tharpanams during Mahalaya) (I have followed the details given in the Acharyal Madathu Panchangam as well as the panchangam published by Giri Traders. I have also given the time of
Rituals to be done on Rahu grastha Chandra Grahanam(Lunar eclipse ) on 8-11-2022Rituals to be done on Rahu grastha Chandra Grahanam(Lunar eclipse ) on 8-11-2022 Compiled by P.R.Ramachander As per information available with us, Lunar Eclipse November 2022 will be visible to the whole world and all of you can see it with naked eyes in the Night Time. As per the science behind the Lunar Eclipse India, Shadow of earth is observed over the moon due to
Sandhya Vandana and BrahminSandhya Vandana and Brahmin Translated by P.R.Ramachander Though Every one leaves a Brahmin , He should not k leave SAndhya विप्रो वृक्षस्तस्य मूलं च सन्ध्या वेदाः शाखा धर्मकर्माणि पत्रम्। तस्मान्मूलं यत्नतो रक्षणीयं छिन्ने मूले नैव शाखा न पत्रम् Vipro vrikshasya moolam cha Sandhyaa Veda
Kethu Grastha Surya Grahanam(Solar eclipse) on 25th October 2022 in India and other countriesKethu Grastha Surya Grahanam(Solar eclipse) on 25th October 2022 in India (5.14 pm to 6.10 pm according to Indian Panchangam – (how to observe it along with Tharpana Sankalpa) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (this Grahana affects those born in &
யஜுர் வேத உபாகர்மா - ஆகஸ்ட் 11, ஆடி 26-ம் தேதி,யஜுர் வேத உபாகர்மா - ஆகஸ்ட் 11, ஆடி 26-ம் தேதி, (Based on upakarma manthras sent by my friend Sri Venkatesan in 2015) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander ஆவணி அவிட்டம் ( 11-08-2022 ) வியாழக் கிழமை. தாமாகவே வீட்டில் உபாகர்மாவை செய்து கொள்பவர்களுக்கு குறிப்பு:- ப்ரம்மசாரிகள் காலையில் ஸ்நானம், ஸந்தியாவந்தனம் செய்து, பிறகு வபனம் (க்ஷவரம்) செய்துகொண்டு மறுபடியும் ஸ்நானம் செய்து
Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2022(30-8-2022 Tuesday)Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2022(30-8-2022 Tuesday) (Compiled by P.R.Ramachander) (The Gayathri japam is on 12-8-2022 for all the three Vedas. The sankalpam for the Gayathri japam is given in
Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2022 (11-8-2022)According to sastras it should be done on Sravana Nakshata day(11-8-2022)From Samkshepa Dharma sasthra Rik Vedis should do Upakarma in Sravana star in the month of Sravana. If there is dosha during that period , they can do it instead on a day in the same month when Hastha star and Panchami Thidhi are together. I am giving manthras for both days below Rig
Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2022 on 11-8-2022Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2022 on 11-8-2022 (For both Apasthamba Sutra and Bodhayana Suthra) &nbsp
Gayathri japam manthras for year 2022( 12-8-2022)Gayathri japam manthras for year 2022( 12-8-2022) (For Yajur, Rig and Sama Vedis) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander ( Gayathri japam date for all the three Vedas . It is on 12-8-2022 for all the Vedas .) 1.Aachamanam .After Achamanam wear Pavithram 2,Shuklaam baradharam 3.Om bhoo 4.Mamo patha
Mahalaya Paksha tharpana sankalpams , 2022Mahalaya Paksha tharpana sankalpams , 2022 Tharpana SAnkalpam (for Mahalaya Paksha) .Those who do not do it please skip this info) for year 2022- (mahalaya Paksha tharpana manthras are given Compiled by P.R.Ramachander
Karadayan Nombu year 2022 on 14-3-2022Karadayan Nombu year 2022 on 14-3-2022 Collected by P.R.Ramachander The Karadayan Nolumbu(nombu) commemorating the epic story of Savithri regaining her husband from Lord Yama is celebrated at the last few minutes before the end of Masi(Kumbam) month and before the beginning of the month of Panguni(Meenam) .Normally all unmarried ladies and married ladies
Tharpana Sankalpams for the year 2022-23 –Shubhakruth(That which does good) varshamTharpana Sankalpams for the year 2022-23 –Shubhakruth(That which does good) varsham (amavasya tharpanam,Chithra Vishu , Kadaka ravi, thula ravi and makara Ravi) ( I have not added the tharpanams during Mahalaya (I have followed the details given in the Acharyal Madathu Panchangam as well as
Mahalaya Paksha tharpana sankalpams , 2021Mahalaya Paksha tharpana sankalpams , 2021 Tharpana SAnkalpam (for Mahalaya Paksha) .Those who do not do it please skip this info) for year 2021- (mahalaya Paksha tharpana manthras are given
Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2021(9-9-2021 )-thursdaySama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2021(9-9-2021 )-thursday (Compiled by P.R.Ramachander) (The Gayathri japam is on 23-8-2021 for all the three Vedas. The sankalpam for the Gayathri japam is
Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2020 (21-8-20201Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2020 (21-8-20201 Avani Avittam 21-8-2021(Saturday ) (Compiled by P.R.Ramachander) (The Gayathri japam is on the same day
Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2021 on 22-8-2021Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2021 on 22-8-2021 (For both Apasthamba Sutra and Bodhayana Suthra) &nbsp
Gaayathri japam manthras for year 2021( 23-8-2021)Gaayathri japam manthras for year 2021( 23-8-2021) (For Yajur, Rig and Sama Vedis) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander ( Gayathri japam date for all the three Vedas . It is on 23-8-2021 for all the Vedas .) 1.Aachamanam 2,Shuklaam baradharam 3.Om bhoo 4.Mamo patha samastha duritha kshya dwara
A note on Karadayan nonbu on 14-3-2021 sundayA note on Karadayan nonbu on 14-3-2021 sunday Compiled by P.R.Ramachander The Karadayan Nolumbu(nombu) commemorating the epic story of Savithri regaining her husband from Lord Yama is celebrated at the last few minutes before the end of Masi(
Tharpana Sankalpams for the year 2021-22 -Plava varshamTharpana Sankalpams for the year 2021-22 -Plava varsham (amavasya tharpanam,Chithra Vishnu , Kadaka ravi, thula ravi and makara Ravi) ( I have not added the tharpanams during Mahalaya Paksha) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander And Tamil version by Sri Agaramangudi Jayaraman., great grandson of mangudi
english translation of SAmkshepa dharma sasthra can be down loadedSAmkshepa dharma sasthra in English (you can read it now and preserve it P.R.Ramachander writes It was ten years back that I completed the translation of the great book “Samksepa Dharma Sasthras” compiled as per wishes of Maha Periyava by Manjakudi Venkatrama SAtrigal, with help of Sri E,S,Ramamurthy Sastrigal and Sri.S.M.Krishna Sarma . This book was pubished in 1985
What to do if we are not able to do Sradha due to CaronaWhat to do if we are not able to do Sradha due to Carona Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Most of us do Sradha to our parents with devotion. Suppose we are not able to do sradha to our parents on the Sradha day due to carona An epidemic is sweeping the world.
Rituals to be followed when a divorced groom marries a divorce girlRituals to be followed when a divorced groom marries a divorce girl By P.R.Ramachander I have to mention some important points 1.Divorce is not recognized in most of the castes of Hinduism 2.A man can marry any number of times and every time the Brahmin
AVani Avitta (Upakarma) Manthras for Yajur(English, Tamil, Malayalam, Sanskrit) , Rig and Samaveda in the year 2020.AVani Avitta (Upakarma) Manthras for Yajur(English, Tamil, Malayalam, Sanskrit) , Rig and Samaveda in the year 2020. My dear friends , I have been giving every year the Upakarma procedure for the past 20 years for the use of people who are not able to get a priest for guiding them in the procedure. Since such eventuality would mostly occur in case of people living abroad, along with
yajur veda upakarma in tamil 3-8-2020யஜுர்வேத உபகர்மம் 3-08-2020 Compiled by Anantha narayanan Vaidhyanathan ( i have to tell million thanks to my friend for compiling the manthra in Tamil Also) யஜுருபாகர்மம் காமோகார்ஷீத் ஜபம் பவித்ரம் த்ருத்வா தர்பேஷ்வாஸீன: தர்பான் தாரயமாண: ஶுக்ளாம்பரதரம் விஷ்ணும் ஶஶிவர்ணம் சதுர்புஜம் ப்ரஸந்நவதநம் த்யாயேத் ஸர்வவிக்நோபஶாந்தயே ॥ ௐ பூ: (
Yajur veda upakarmam 22020 in SAnskrit and Malayalamyajurveda upakarmam 03-08-2020 (Monday) and gayatri japam 04-08-2020 (Tuesday) Mantrams compiled by K V Ananthanarayanan Sekharipuram Palakkad yajurveda upakarmam 03-08-2020 (Monday) 1 यजुरुपाकर्मं कामोकार्षीत् जपम् पवित्रम् धृत्वा दर्भेष्वासीनः दर्भान् धारयमाणः शुक्ळाम्बरधरम् विष्णुम् शशिवर्णम् चतुर्भुजम् प्रसन्नवदनम् ध्यायेत् सर्वविघ्नोपशान्तये
Period of Theettu/Pelai/Taint if death occurs in familyPeriod of Theettu/Pelai/Taint if death occurs in familyTranslated byP.R.Ramachander On death occurring of relatives of our family , we have to observe a period of taint(Theettu/Pelai).This has been summarized in the great book “Samkhepa Dharma Sasthram”, Please copy and paste and keep a copy with you. Sent it to your friends who may need it I Ten day taint1. For the death or birth in the family
Mahalaya Paksha tharpana sankalpams , 2020Tharpana SAnkalpam (for Mahalaya Paksha) .Those who do not do it please skip this info) for year 2020- (mahalaya Paksha tharpana manthras are given Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Mahalaya Paksha &
Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2020 (22-8-2020 )-SaturdaySama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2020 (22-8-2020 )-Saturday (Compiled by P.R.Ramachander) (The Gayathri japam is on 4-8-2020 for all the three Vedas. The sankalpam for the Gayathri japam is given in &
Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2020 (4-8-2020Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2020 (4-8-2020) Avani Avittam 4-8-2020(Tuesday ) (Compiled by P.R.Ramachander) (The Gayathri japam is on the same day 4-8-2020&
Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2020 on 3-8-2020Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2020 on 3-8-2020 (For both Apasthamba Sutra and Bodhayana Suthra) Avani
Gaayathri japam manthras ( 4-8-2020)Gaayathri japam manthras ( 4-8-2020) (For Yajur, Rig and Sama Vedis) ( Gayathri japam date for all the three Vedas . It is on 04-8-2020 for all the Vedas .) 1.Aachamanam 2,Shuklaam baradharam 3.Om bhoo 4.Mamo patha samastha duritha kshya dwara sri parameshwara preethyartham Tadeva lagnam sudhinam tadaiva,
Do tharpanam with help of Vadhyar though ZoomDo tharpanam with help of Vadhyar though Zoom Suggested by P.R.Ramachander Though thecurfew has been lifted many Vadhyars arereluctant to visit their client’s home to help them do THarpanam. Many of the people who are used to do this are feeling miserable .Here is a suggestion 1.!,Vadhyar&
Samkshepa dharma sastram-A tamil book on rules and rituals of iyersSamkshepa dharma sastram-A tamil book on rules and rituals of iyers (A great gift of Maha Preriyava to all the iyers) Realizing that the book Vaidhantha Deekshitheeyam, the only book giving in details the law of rites and rituals of Iyers was not easily available, the late Paramacharya of
Rahu Grastha Surya Grahanam(Solar eclipse) on 21st june , 2020Rahu Grastha Surya Grahanam(Solar eclipse) on 21st june , 2020 in India -how to observe it. Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Rahu Grastha Surya Grahanam(Solar eclipse) on 21st june 2020 in India (10.22 to 12.48 pm according to Indian Panchangam – (how to observe it along with Tharpana
Sradha Niyamam compiled by Sri Gopala KrishnanRules of Domestic Observances During Sraadhdhams (compiled by Ananthanarayanan Vaidyanathan based on Smrithi mukthaphalam of vaidyanatha deekshita and local traditions recorded and oral) 1 Please keep self control and celibacy for at least three days per week in the fortnight in which the Sraadha Tithi falls. 2. Kartha is the one who is to
Navarathri one month after Mahalaya Amavasya in this Saarvariyear 2020-21Navarathri one month after Mahalaya Amavasya in this Saarvari year 2020-21 Compiled by P.R.Ramachander The mahalaya paksham this year begins on 2nd September , 2020 and the Mahalaya Amavasya is on 17th September 2020, But the navarathri begins only on 17th October.2020 This is because there is Adhika masam according to
If Sraadha comes before April 14th?If Sraadha comes before April 14th? By Raja Thatha Many Brahmins are greatly worried as to what should be done when Sraadha comes during the lock in period Maha Periyavas book called “SAmkshepa Dharma Sasthram says When you cannot afford to do Sraadha, feed sufficient grass to cows. They can be fed with rice
A note on Karadayan nonbu on 14-3-2020 SaturdayA note on Karadayan nonbu on 14-3-2020 Saturday Compiled by P.R.Ramachander The Karadayan Nolumbu(nombu) commemorating the epic story of Savithri regaining her husband from Lord Yama is celebrated at the last few minutes before the end of Masi(
Tharpana Sankalpams for the year 2020-2021 -Saarvari varsha in English and TamilTharpana Sankalpams for the year 2020-2021 -Saarvari varsha Varsham(including tharpana Sankalapa for all days of Mahalaya Paksha) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (edited and Tamil version added by Sri Agaramgudi Jayaraman., great grandson of mangudi chidambara bagavathar ) <!--[if !
One of my greatest contributions to Brahmin community with blessings of Maha PeriyavaBy P.R.Ramachander It was ten years back that I completed the translation of the great book “Samksepa Dharma Sasthras” compiled as per wishes of Maha Periyava by Manjakudi Venkatrama SAtrigal, with help of Sri E,S,Ramamurthy SAstrigal and Sri.S.M.Krishna Sarma . This book was pubished in
Rituals to be done Chandra Grahanam on 10-11/1-2020Rituals to be done Chandra Grahanam on 10-11/1-2020 Compiled by P.R.Ramachander I have received a message from Kanchi Mutt , that the Grahana on 10th need not be observed ஆஸ்திகர்கள் கவனத்திற்கு ஒரு அறிக்கை: ஸ்வஸ்திஶ்ரீ நிகழும் விகாரி ௵ மார்கழி ௴ 26 ௳ திருவாதிரை நக்ஷத்ரம் கூடிய வெள்ளிக்கிழமை (2020-ஜன-10) அன்று சந்த்ர க்ரஹண அனுஷ்டானம்
My contribution to monthly and yearly ritual manthras for past 10 yearsMy contribution to monthly and yearly ritual manthras for past 10 years (I started a blog on Rules and Rituals in February 2010 ) By P.R.Ramachander A. THarpanam I started putting annual amavasya tharpana sankalpam in the year 2010-11, when I started a Blog on “
Kethu Grastha Surya Grahanam(Solar eclipse) on 26th December 2019 in India -how to observe it.Kethu Grastha Surya Grahanam(Solar eclipse) on 26th December 2019 in India (8.09 to 11.19 Am according to Indian Panchangam – (how to observe it along with Tharpana Sankalpa) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (this Grahana affects those born in ASvini, Maka, Kettai, Moolam and Pooradam and also&
Classification of Dhurbha grass and its use in ritualsClassification of Dhurbha grass and its use in rituals Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Dhurbha (Desmotachya bipinnata) is a tropical grass considered a sacred material in Vedic scriptures and is said to purify the offerings during such rituals .Traditional tropical grass, Darbha, has been identified as an eco-friendly food preservative. Though I
One of my major contribution to performance of Brahmin rituals all over the worldOne of my major contribution to performance of Brahmin rituals all over the world By P.R.Ramachander In the year 2004 , I started putting the upakarma Manthras for Yajur Vedis.In the first year about 3000 people saw itBecause of this I started putting avani avitta Manthras for Yajur Vedis every year .A few years
Tharpana Sankalpams (for Mahalaya Paksha)Tharpana SAnkalpam (for Mahalaya Paksha) .Those who do not do it please skip this info) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Mahalaya Paksha begins on September 15thth , September 19 th is maha Bharani..Here are the tharpana Manthras for all
Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2019 (2-9-2019)Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2019 (2-9-2019)-Monday (Compiled by P.R.Ramachander) (The Gayathri japam is on 16-8-2019 for all the three Vedas. The sankalpam for the Gayathri japam is given in https://
Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2019 (15-8-2019)Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2019 (15-8-2019) Avani Avittam 15-8-2019(Thursday ) (Compiled by P.R.Ramachander) (The Gayathri japam is on 16-8-2019 &
Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2019 on 15-8-2019 (For both Apasthamba Sutra and Bodhayana Suthra)Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2019 on 15-8-2019 (For both Apasthamba Sutra and Bodhayana Suthra) Avani Avittam 15-8-2019 (
Gaayathri japam manthras ( 16-8-2019) (For Yajur, Rig and Sama Vedis)Gaayathri japam manthras ( 16-8-2019) (For Yajur, Rig and Sama Vedis) Gaayathri japam manthras ( 16-8-2019) (For Yajur, Rig and Sama Vedis)
Rituals to be done on Chandra Grahanam(Lunar eclipse ) on 16/17-7-2019Rituals to be done on Chandra Grahanam(Lunar eclipse ) on 16/17-7-2019- including Sankalpa for Chandra Grahana Tharpanam and Dakshinayana Punya Kala Tharpanam Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Please note that According to Indian belief the day starts with Sun
ThamboolamThamboolam Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (I have refrred to posts in face book and also in the web in Tamil.Thanks to all authors) Thamboola is the combined name which is normally given to Betel leaf and Betel nut ,It is believed that the goddesses Parvathi , Lakshmi and Saraswathi in live in betel leaf ,
Pani Grahanam(holding of hand) –an important ritual in Hindu marriagePani Grahanam(holding of hand) –an important ritual in Hindu marriage By P.R.Ramachander Holding the bride’s hand is a very important vedic ritual in all Hindu marriages With each of us giving shake hand to hundreds of the other sex (pani
Some good recommended habitsSome good recommended habits Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I have translated and posted several,such recommendations.This is another. But it is believed that you have tofoillow the habits recommended by the family and not recommendations by any one outside, however great he may be) 1,You should not bite your nails with your
The Dharma of BrahminsThe Dharma of Brahmins Translated by P.R.Ramachander (the original tamil text is in the blog thanks to the author) 1.All Brahmins have to understand their Dharma and follow it to the best of their ability. 2,A Brahmin should not
Hiranya SradhamHiranya Sradham By P.R.Ramachander Parvana Sradha is the Normal annual Sradha with homa, Washi ng legs of Brahmanas,Feeding Brahmanas by cooked food , Offering Pindas ,and Dakshina Aama Sradha which is done in a similar manner but by giving the Brahmins uncooked food Hiranya Sradha is done by giving money only.Hiranya means Gold
Summary meaning in English of various manthras used in tharpanamSummary meaning in English of various manthras used in tharpanam By P.R.Ramachander (I for one believe that when we do a ritual , we should understand , what we are doing.AS I told you in the introduction of Tharpanam, It is an important ritual addressed to our forefathers .) 1.Aachamanam This is a
More than 400 Gothras and their Pravara RishisMore than 400 Gothras and their Pravara Rishis Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (I understand a young boy after upanayanam went to meet Head of Sringeri Mutt recently with his father. When the chanted “Abhivadaye”, the swamiji asked him for his pravara .He said, he does not know .Then the SWamiji asked his father for his
Tharpana Sankalpams for the year 2019-2020 -Vikari VarshamTharpana Sankalpams for the year 2019-2020 -Vikari Varsham(including tharpana Sankalapa for all days of Mahalaya Paksha) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander ( You can clear any doubts if any by contacting me at God bless you) (I have followed the
A note on Karadayan nonbu on 15-3-2019 FridayA note on Karadayan nonbu on 15-3-2019 Friday Compiled by P.R.Ramachander The Karadayan Nolumbu(nombu) commemorating the epic story of Savithri regaining her husband from Lord Yama is celebrated at the last few minutes before the end of Masi(
Observe the Ritual of Ratha SapthamiObserve the Ritual of Ratha Sapthami on 12/2/2019(tomorrow ) Compiled by P.Ramachander Ratha Sapthami also called as Surya Sapthami or Surya Jayanthi is a festival celebrated on the Shukla Panchami in the month of Makara /Kumbha Masa(Magha masa for those &
Mahodhaya Punya Kalam this MondayMahodhaya Punya Kalam this Monday Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Mahodhaya Punya Kalam is an extremely special day to satisfy the Pithrus. It occurs , when thai Amavasya falls on a Monday with star THiruonam .That day also has vyathi padha yogam( when Pithrus
The Hiranya sradha that I performed in USAThe Hiranya sradha that I performed in USA By P.R.Ramachander I had to perform a Sradha a few days back in USA. I approached a near by temple. They had put on their notice board that charges for performing Hiranya Sradha was $51. They had also mentioned that Acharya SAmbhavanai is up&
What I give to others became useful to me todayWhat I give to others became useful to me today By P.R.Ramachander For the past 18 years I have been putting tharpana SAnkalpa manthras for the entire year , just before the new year starts.Realizing that it would be used more by people who have settled abroad, I had been putting the time of change of
Mahalaya Paksha THarpana SAnkalpa manthras for the year 2018Mahalaya Paksha THarpana SAnkalpa manthras for the year 2018 Compiled by P.R.Ramachander 25-9-2018 Adya Sri Bhagavatha maha purushasya Vishnor Agnaya pravarthamanasya Adhya Brahmana Dweethiya parardhe Swetha Varaha kalpe Vaivaswatha manvanthare ashta vimsathi thame kali yuge prathame padhe ,jambu dweepe
Mahalaya paksha Tharpana ManthrasMahalaya paksha Tharpana Manthras Compiled With help from Guru Vadhyar , Bangalore by P.R.Ramachander (Complied based on Temple Purohith web site .Thanks to them) 1.Perform Achamanam Take minute quantities of water(just sufficient to soak one grain of black gram) three times in
Mahalaya Paksha Tharpanam -An introductionMahalaya Paksha Tharpanam -An introduction By P.R.Ramachander Mahalaya Paksha orPithru Paksha orApara Pakshna is the 16 days of waning moon starting from Prathama after full moon to the Mahalaya Amavasya .It normally comes in the month of Kanni or Purattasi (September-october)&
Vara Maha Lakshmi PoojaVara Maha Lakshmi Pooja Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (Slightly simplified version mainly for ladies knowing only english , especially for those who stay abroad.If by chance in that country Banana leaf is not available, paddy can be spread on a plate. Mango leaves are only decoration material and not essential) The materials needed for
Upakarma Manthras 2018Perform Avani Avittam (upakarmam) at home if you are not able to go to Avani Avittam conducted by Vadhyars Rig Vedi Upakarmam 25-8-2018 Rig Upakarma and Gayatri japam in English compiled by P.R.Ramachander Yajur Veda&
Yajur upakarma 2018 SanskritYajurveda Upakarmam 26-08-2018 Gayatri Japam 27-08-2018 compiled by K V Ananthanarayanan Sekharipuruam Palakkad 1 यजुरुपाकर्मम् कामोकार्षीत् जपम् पवित्रम् धृत्वा दर्भेष्वासीनः दर्भान् धारयमाणः शुक्ळाम्बरधरम् विष्णुम् शशिवर्णम् चतुर्भुजम् प्रसन्नवदनम् ध्यायेत् सर्वविघ्नोपशान्तये ॥ ॐ भूः (प्राणायामम्) ममोपात्त समस्त दुरितक्षयद्वारा श्री ---- प्रीत्यर्थम् शुभे शोभने मुहूर्ते आद्यब्रह्मणः
Yajur Veda Upa Karma Manthras for 2018 in MalayalamYajur Veda Upa Karma Manthras for 2018 in Malayalam Compiled by Ananthanarayanan Vaidyanathan യജുരുപാകര്മം 26-08-2018 Sunday. കാമോകാര്ഷീത്‌ ജപം പവിത്രം ധൃത്വാ ദര്ഭേഷ്വാസീനഃ ദര്ഭാന്‍ ധാരയമാണഃ ശുക്ളാംബരധരം വിഷ്ണും ശശിവര്ണം ചതുര്ഭുജം പ്രസന്നവദനം ധ്യായേത്‌ സര്വ്വവിഘ്നോപശാന്തയേ .. ഓം ഭൂഃ ( പ്രാണായാമ) മമോപാത്ത സമസ്ത ദുരിതക്ഷയദ്വാരാ ശ്രീ ---- പ്രീത്യര്ഥം
Gaayathri japam manthras ( 27-8-2018) (For Yajur, Rig and Sama Vedis)Gaayathri japam manthras ( 27-8-2018) (For Yajur, Rig and Sama Vedis) For Yajur, Rig and Sama Vedis (Though there is some controversy regarding the date of Rig and Yajur Upakarma, there is no controversy at
Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2018 (11-9-2018)Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2018 (11-9-2018)-Tuesday (Compiled by P.R.Ramachander) (The Gayathri japam is on 27-8-2018 for all the three Vedas. The sankalpam for the Gayathri japam is given in http://
Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2018 (25-8-2018)Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2018 (25-8-2017) Avani Avittam 25-8-2018(Saturday ) &
Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2018 on 26-8-2018Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2018 on 26-8-2018 Avani Avittam 26-8-2018 (Sunday) &
What is Avani avittam or Avaniyavattam(Palakkad lingo) or “ Upakarma and Uthsarjana”What is Avani avittam or Avaniyavattam(Palakkad lingo) or “ Upakarma and Uthsarjana” By P.R.Ramachander Most of the young people call the festival of Upakarma as “ festival of Change of poonal(sacred thread) “ .THis festival is called by majority of the people as “avani avittam (Avittam(Dhanishta) star occurring in
Rituals to be done on Chandra Grahanam(Lunar eclipse ) on 27-7-2018Rituals to be done on Chandra Grahanam(Lunar eclipse ) on 27-7-2018 Compiled by P.R.Ramachander This eclipse is a total eclipse all over India .When a total eclipse occurs , the moon is seen with red colour .This is called blood moon .In India this year we would be seeing the blood moon
What is Yagnopaveetham?What is Yagnopaveetham? (Very scholarly and informative article.I have simply copy and pasted it here .My humble acknowledgements to the original author , whoever he is.) Yagnopaveetham is a triple stranded sacrificial filament joined by a knot called Brahmagranthi that is worn by those initiated into the Gayathri recital. Yagnopaveetham means a sacred covering on the body
Number of more than 400 Brahmin gothras along with pravara RishisNumber of more than 400 Brahmin gothras along with pravara Rishis Wikipedia on list of Gothras mentions that there are 46 Gothras among Brahmins. gives the total list of 136 Gothras
Classification of Tamil Brahmins according to veda and Suthra they follow:-Classification of Tamil Brahmins according to veda and Suthra they follow:- Compiled byPr.Ramachander (Please inform me if I have left out any ) The Brahmins of Tamil Nadu can be classified by the Vedas that they follow . Again those people who follow a Veda are sub divided by the Grihya Suthra that they follow to do their rituals.There are no followers of Athavana Veda In
Classification by Sub castes among Smartha BrahminsClassification by Sub castes among Smartha Brahmins Compiled by P.R.Ramachander We iyers know that we are divided in to several sub castes.Once upon a time , each of these sub castes considered themselves as the most superior and did not marry from other subcastes, If I have left out some caste sub division or wrongly classified , please inform me so that I can
Daughter’s role in satisfying our PithrusDaughter’s role in satisfying our Pithrus By P.R.Ramachander THarpanam for a person is done BY Their son, (Pitha and Matha) Their son’s son, (Pitha maha and Pitha mahi) Their son’s grand son (Prapitha maha , Prapitha mahi) And also Their Daughter’son, (Matha maha , Matha mahi)
Tharpana Sankalpams for the year 2018-2019(Vilamba-Also called as Vilambi) VarshamTharpana Sankalpams for the year 2018-2019(Vilamba-Also called as Vilambi) Varsham Compiled by P.R.Ramachander ( You can clear any doubts by contacting me at bless you) (I have followed the details given in the Acharyal Madathu Panchangam as well as the panchangam published by Giri
A note on Karadayan nonbu on 14-3-2018A note on Karadayan nonbu on 14-3-2018 Compiled by P.R.Ramachander The Karadayan Nolumbu(nombu) commemorating the epic story of Savithri regaining her husband from Lord Yama is celebrated at the last few minutes before the end of Masi(Kumbam) month and
widow remarriage is not prohibited by Smritis at all..widow remarriage is not prohibited by Smritis at all.. By Ananthanarayanan Vaidyanathan A woman who is married and has become bereft of marriage status throught desertion, widowhood etc.. can be taken back to the parental gothram or any other gothram.. and the lady can be termed as punarbhoo .. and can once again be gifted back.. the procedure is the same a the marriage
Tharpana during BheeshmashtamiTharpana during Bheeshmashtami (Tomorrow 25/1/2018 Bheeshmashtami) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Some Brahmins have the the procedure to give tharpanam to Bheeshma who died as a Naishtika Brahmachari.(WE do not practice in our family .This manthra is only for those whose
Rituals to be done on Chandra Grahanam(Lunar eclipse ) on 31-1-2018Rituals to be done on Chandra Grahanam(Lunar eclipse ) on 31-1-2018 Compiled by P.R.Ramachander This eclipse is a total eclipse in India and is visible all over India(partial Lunar eclipse in north eastern states) .When two full moon(pournami) occurs in a month (Extremely rare , this
Rules of Sradha by Vaidheeka Krita Rathnam Soma Skanda GurukkalIn modern times after the first annual sradha, people are not performing Sradha at all. Since the only weapon of Pithrus is curse, please be careful. The major effect would be they will curse that there should be b no one to perform Sradha for us i.e there would not be male progeny to our sons. Sri Soma Skanda Gurukkal has written a
Palakkad Brahmins to perform Upakarma in SeptemberFinal decision has been taken by Palakkad Brahmana samooham &
End of confusion regarding dates of UPakarma 2017End of confusion regarding dates of UPakarma 2017 Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Sri Sarma SAstrigal has published a Tamil letter from Kanchi Mutt regarding the dates of Upakarma(attached) :- It says IN the last Durmukhi year The Panchanga Sadas which is being
AbhivadayeAbhivadaye Compiled from different sources by P.R.Ramachander This is the proper method of a Brahmin Brahmachari or householder to introduce himself to elders , Our Gurus and people like saints who are fit to be revered. The introduction has five distinct parts. (It is very
Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2017 7-8-2017Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2017 Avani Avittam 7-8-2017 (monday ) &
Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2017 6-9-2017Yajur Vedi-Apasthamba suthra- Avani Avittam for the year 2017* Avani Avittam 6-9-2017 (wednesday ) &nbsp
Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2017 (28-7-2017Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2017 (28-7-2017)* Avani Avittam 28-7-2017(Friday ) &
Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2017- ( 7-8-2017Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2017- ( 7-8-2017)* Avani Avittam 7-8-2017 (Monday ) &
Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2017 (25-8-2017)Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2017 (25-8-2017) (Compiled by P.R.Ramachander) (The Gayathri japam is on 8-8-2017&nbsp
Gaayathri japam manthras ( 8-8-2017)Gaayathri japam manthras ( 8-8-2017) (For Yajur, Rig and Sama Vedis) For Yajur, Rig and Sama Vedis (Though there is some controversy regarding the date of Rig and Yajur Upakarma, there is no controversy at
Tharpana Sankalpams for the year 2017-2018(Hevilambi Varsham)Tharpana Sankalpams for the year 2017-2018(Hevilambi(Hemalamba) Varsham) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander ( You can clear any doubts by contacting me at bless you) (I have followed the details given in the Acharyal Madathu Panchangam as well as the panchangam published by Giri traders . I have also
A note on Karadayan nonbu on 14-3-2017A note on Karadayan nonbu on 14-3-2017 Compiled by P.R.Ramachander The Karadayan Nolumbu(nombu) commemorating the epic story of Savithri regaining her husband from Lord Yama is celebrated at the last few minutes before the end of Masi(Kumbam) month and before the beginning&
Pranayama – the control of breathPranayama – the control of breath- There is an extremely urgent need to teach how to do Pranayama during Sandhyavandana. (If they do is properly 36 times they would become healthy and peaceful) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Pranayama is a part of daily rituals of a Brahmin.Loosely the priest tells&
Yajur Veda Upakarma for the year 2016 -SanskritYajur Veda Upakarma for the year 2016 as well as Brahma Yajna manthras in Sanskrit and phonetic english By Anathanarayanan Vaidyanathan I am giving below the Yajur Veda Upakarma manthras 2016 as well Brahma Yagnam in Sanskrit as well as phonetic English as compiled and presented by my
Most Urgent:Rig Upakarma on 7-8-2016 according to Srungeri MuttMost Urgent:Rig Upakarma on 7-8-2016 according to Srungeri Mutt According to majority of the people Rigvedi Upakarma is on 17th August but a minority lead by Sringeri Mutt feel that since there is Sankramana Dosha on 17th August , it should be carried out on 7-8-2016. &
Avani avitta manthras in Tamil 2016Avani avitta manthras in Tamil 2016 (Acxknowledgements Gopala Vadhyar)
Avani Avitta Manthras in Malayalam 2016 (Acknowledgements to Gopala Vadhyar)Avani Avitta Manthras in Malayalam 2016 (Acknowledgements to Gopala Vadhyar)
Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2016 (4-9-2016)Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2016 (4-9-2016) (Compiled by P.R.Ramachander) In the case of Sama Veda, The upa Karma prayogam
Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2016 (17-8-2016)Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2016 (17-8-2016)* Avani Avittam 28-8-2015(Wednesday ) &
Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2016*Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2016* Avani Avittam 18-8-2016 (Thursday ) &
Achamanam- procedure of purificationAchamanam- procedure of purification. Compiled by P.R.Ramachander I am not a vedic Scholar nor I have been able to read the book on Achamanam written by the great Vedic Scholar Sri Sharma Sastrigal. Yesterday I decided to collect some information and write a
Tharpana Sankalpams for the year 2016-2017(Durmukhi Varsham)Tharpana Sankalpams for the year 2016-2017(Durmukhi Varsham) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (I have followed the details given in the Acharyal Madathu Panchangam. I have also given the time of change of Thithi and Nakshatra so that people who are living abroad can also use it correctly. Amavasva Tharpanams are supposed to be done after Madhyahneekam but
Karadayan Nombu 2016Karadayan Nombu 2016 One of my friends on the face book wanted me to give the correct time to observe Karadayan Nombu .She wanted to give it early so that the confusion among people (especially among Kerala Brahmins) as to the correct time may be removed. I am only writing what I know but
Tomorrow’s (9/3/2016) Solar eclipse-some notes including Tharpana ManthraTomorrow’s (9/3/2016) Solar eclipse-some notes including Tharpana Manthra Compiled by P.R.Ramachander There is a solar eclipse which is visible in India tomorrow. This is not visible in most of western part of North India .Even in other parts, in many cases the solar eclipse gets over before Sun rise. The Solar eclipse Tharpana has to be done
Things that should not be kept on bare earthThings that should not be kept on bare earth Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This interesting slokas are given in the Sloka compilation called Jaya Mangala Stotram published by Sengalipuram Anantharama Deekshithar. What is meant is that these materials should not be kept directly
Gaayathri japam (30-8-2015) for Yajur, Rig and Sama VedisGaayathri japam (30-8-2015) For Yajur, Rig and Sama Vedis 1.Aachamanam 2,Shuklaam baradharam 3.Om bhoo 4.Mamo patha samastha duritha kshya dwara sri parameshwara preethyartham Tadeva lagnam sudhinam tadaiva, tharaa balam chandra balam thadaiva , vidhya balam daiva
Rig Vedi Avani Avitta-Decision by Kanchi mutt -Sent by Sri R.VenkatramanRig Vedi Avani Avitta-Decision by Kanchi mutt -Sent by Sri R.Venkatraman
Yajur Vedi Avani avittam manthram In mAlayalam from Vadhyar web siteTaken from
VaraLakshmi Vrutham manthram in Tamil from R.Venkateswaranவரலட்சுமி விரதம், பூஜை முறை!(28-08-2015)மற்றும் விக்னேஸ்வர பூஜை &amp; ஸ்ரீ லக்ஷ்மி அஷ்டோத்ர சத நாமாவளி By செங்கோட்டை ஸ்ரீராம் மும்மூர்த்திகளில் ஒருவரான முத்துஸ்வாமி தீட்சிதர், தன் வரலக்ஷ்மி நமஸ்துப்யம் க்ருதியில் இந்த விரதத்தைப் பற்றிப் பாடியிருக்கிறார் வரலட்சுமி விரதத்துக்கு புராணக் கதைகள் உண்டு. அன்னை பார்வதியின் சாபத்துக்கு ஆளான தேவர் உலகின் சித்ரநேமி என்ற கணதேவதை, அப்சரஸ்
Yajur Veda UpaKarma in Tamil sent by Sri R.VenkateswaranYajur Veda UPakarma sent to me by my friend Sri.R.Venkateswaran of Bangalore யஜுர் வேத உபாகர்மா - ஆவணி 12-ம் தேதி, ஆவணி அவிட்டம் ( 29-08-2015 )சனிக் கிழமை. தாமாகவே வீட்டில் உபாகர்மாவை செய்து கொள்பவர்களுக்கு குறிப்பு:- ப்ரம்மசாரிகள் காலையில் ஸ்நானம், ஸந்தியாவந்தனம் செய்து, பிறகு வபனம் (க்ஷவரம்) செய்துகொண்டு மறுபடியும் ஸ்நானம் செய்து ஸமிதாதானம், ”காமோ கார்ஷீத்” ஜபம்,
Classification of Brahmins of Tamil NaduClassification of Brahmins of Tamil Nadu Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (I am sure most of you do not bother like me about the Sub divisions among us. What I am presenting is for sake of knowledge. I started taking interest in this due to a write of Sri Vaidyanathan Pushpagiri regarding this subject. Though I have spent a lot of time on
Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2015 (24-9-2015)-as per Madathu PanchangamRig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2015 (24-9-2015)* (As per the Acharyal Madathu Panchangam for Manmatha year)
Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2015 on 15-9-2015Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2015 (15-9-2015) (Compiled by P.R.Ramachander) In the case of Sama Veda, The upa Karma prayogam
Rig Vedi Avani Avittam manthras for the year 2015 (28-8-2015)Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2015 (28-8-2015)* Avani Avittam 28-8-2015(Friday ) &
Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam manthras for the year 2015(29-8-2015)Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2015* Avani Avittam 29-8-2015(Saturday ) &nbsp
Iyer Marriages (Rules and Rituals)Iyer Marriages (Rites and Rituals) BY P.R.Ramachander, Iyer Marriages (Rituals and Functions) Introduction Marriage ceremonies and rituals, though based on the common religious percepts are different for different castes in India. It is also different for the same caste living in different parts of the country not only based on the Veda or Sutra they belong but also due to customs that the
Tips to Pilgrimage to Prayag-Varanasi and GayaTips to Pilgrimage to Prayag-Varanasi and Gaya (revised in march 2019) P.R.Ramachander (THis compilation was done about 10 years back. The telephone numbers may have changed) P.R.Ramachander (THis compilation was done about 10 years back and now it has been revised and the contact addresses have been changed with new ones&nbsp
Pithru Tharpanam, the act to satisfy the manesPithru tharpanam is a ritual done by every Brahmin who has lost is father in memory of his manes both on their father’s side as well as mother’s side . This is supposed to satisfy them and the word is derived from Thrupthi (satisfaction) . Brahmins believe that the water oblations offered by them reach the manes if they are
Tharpana Sankalpams for the year 2015-2016(Manmatha Varsham)Tharpana Sankalpams for the year 2015-2016(Manmatha Varsham) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (I have followed the details given in the Acharyal Madathu Panchangam. I have also given the time of change of Thithi and Nakshatra so that people who are living abroad can also use it correctly. Amavasva Tharpanams are supposed to be done after Madhyahneekam but by practice people do
Tharpanam on Lunar eclipse on 4th April 2015Tharpanam on Lunar eclipse on 4th April 2015 Compiled by P.R.Ramachander A Chandra Grahanam(Lunar eclipse ) occurs on 4th April 2015. This is visible in India.Thogh the eclipse starts around 3.30 PM , it will be visible on;ly after the moon rise which is at 6.19 PM on that day. It comes to an end at 7.15
Tharpanam on Lunar eclipse on 8-10-2014.Tharpanam on Lunar eclipse on 8-10-2014. This eclipse starts at 2.48 PM IST and is there up to 6.04 PM IST on the same day. In India most of the places the rise of the moo n is around 6 PM IST .Because of this it would not be visible to the naked eye in most of the western parts of India, It
E book on Avani avitta Manthras Created by Sri.K.RamanThis E book has been created by Sri.K.Raman, who lives in Bay area, USA e book on Avani Avitta (Upakarma) Manthras for the year 2014. Compiled by P.R.Ramachander AS per my usual practice I am putting the Avani Avitta/Upakarma Manthras for the year 2014. For the fourteenth year in Succession. When I
SAma Vedi Avani Avitta Manthras 2014 (29-8-2014)Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2014 (29-8-2014) (Compiled by P.R.Ramachander) In the case of Sama Veda, The upa Karma prayogam
Rig Vedi Avani Avitta Manthras 2014 (7-9-2014)Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2014-II-(7-9-2014)* (This year Avani avittam for Rig vedis comes is on 10-8-2014 according to most Panchangas. But on 10/8/2014, it is Kadaka Masa , Sravana Nakshatra but according to Sastras a Rig Vedi has to perform
Rig Vedi Avani Avitta Manthras (10-8-2014)Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2014-I (10-8-2014)* (This year Avani avittam for Rig vedis comes is on 10-8-2014 according to most Panchangas. But on 10/8/2014, it is Kadaka Masa , Sravana Nakshatra but according to Sastras a Rig Vedi has to perform
Yajur Vedi Avani Avitta Manthras 2014Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2014* Avani Avittam 10-8-2014(Sunday ) &
Tharpana Sankalpams for the year 2014-2015(jaya Varsham)Tharpana Sankalpams for the year 2014-2015(jaya Varsham) Tharpana Sankalpams for the year 2014-2015(Jaya Varsham) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (I have followed the details given in the Acharyal Madathu Panchangam. I have also given the time of change of Thithi and Nakshatra so that people who are living abroad can also use it correctly. Amavasva Tharpanams are supposed to
Thaprapana Manthras-IyengarsTharpana Manthras for Iyengars Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Introduction to Tharpanam (Oblations to the manes) Tharpanam means “That offering which satisfies”. But what we mean by the word Tharpanam is the
Tharpana manthras-iyersIntroduction to Tharpanam (Oblations to the manes) Compiled &
Yajur veda Avani avitta manthras in Sanskrit and TamilDear Friends, WE have to thank a young man called Mr.Jagadish Venkatraman for uploading Yajur veda Avani avitta manthras in Sanskrit. This can be assessed in I have downloaded these manthras in Tamil from Amritha Vahini in pdf form. People who need it may write to me -ramya475 at
Sama Vedi Upakarma Mathras 2013Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2013 (7-9-2013) (Compiled by P.R.Ramachander) In the case of Sama Veda, The upa Karma prayogam
Rig Vedi Upakarma(Avani Avitta) ManthrasRig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2013* (This year Avani avittam for Rig vedis comes is on 20-8-2013) Avani Avittam 20-8-2013(Tueesday ) &
Yajur Veda Upakarmma (avani avitta) Manthras 2013Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2013* Avani Avittam 20-8-2013(Tuesday )
Rare Dharmopadesas for BrahminsAriya Dharmopadeshangal (Rare Dharmopdesas) By Srivathsa Ve. Somadeva Sarma Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I obtained the tamil book “Ariya Dharmopadesangal “ which has been published by Sri Ramamurthy Srouthigal, “Sri sadguru Dattatreya Nivasa” , Vidyaranyapura , Sringeri- 577139 from my friend Sri P.V.Anatha
Tharpana Sankalpams for the year 2013-2014(Vijaya Varsham)Tharpana Sankalpams for the year 2013-2014(Vijaya Varsham) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (I have followed the details given in the Acharyal Madathu Panchangam. I have also given the time of change of Thithi and Nakshatra so that people who are living abroad can also use it correctly. As soon I get information about it, I will modify this list. As per the Panchangam both lunar
Significance of Pitru Paksh, Shraaddh and TarpanSignificance of Pitru Paksh, Shraaddh and Tarpan T.N.Sethumadhavan HINDU SAMSKARAS Hinduism is a way of human life, a path of eternal spiritual discipline, the sanatan dharma. Recognizing the needs of human beings during their lifetimes, the ancient sages have put forward a fourfold ideal to be striven for by every member of the society. This is called the purusharthas or the ends to be
Tharpana Sankalpam for 2012-2013Dear Friends, As has been my practice I have put the Tharpana Sankalams for the Nandana Varsha(2012-13) as given in the Acharyal Madathu Panchangam. In my web site I have also included this time the time when Thidhi and Nakshatra changes so that people who are abroad can make modifications in the sankalpams as per their time. With best wishes, Ramachander
Sama Vedi Avani Avitta Manthras 17-9-2012Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2012 (17-9-2012) (Compiled by P.R.Ramachander) (There is some difference of opinion on
Rig Vedi Avani Avitta manthras 2-8-2012Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2012* (This year Avani avittam and Gayathri japam comes on same day for Rig Vedis. Do Gayatri japa after Avani avittam.) &
Yajur Vedi Avani avitta Manthras 1-8- 2012Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2012* Avani Avittam 1-8-2012(Wednesday ) &
Tharpana Sankalpa manthras for 2012-13 , Nandana yearTharpana Sankalpams for the year 2012-2013(Nandana Varsham) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (I have followed the details given in the Acharyal Madathu Panchangam. I have also given the time of change of Thithi and Nakshatra so that people who are living abroad can also use it correctly. Bodhayana Amavasya was not given there. As son I get information about it, I will modify&nbsp
Bodhayana Darsa Tharpana mantrasBodhayana Darsa TharpanamCompiled byP.R.Ramachander ( Bodhayana was a great saint who was the son of Sage Kanva. He has written Grihya Suthras which are followed by many Iyer Brahmins. He belonged to the Krishna Yajur Veda. The Amavasya Tharpanam for those who follow Bodhayana Sutra has to be done on Bodhayana Amavasya days These can be found as per the rule given below:- If on
Tri Vedi Sandhya Vandanam ProcedureTri Vedi Sandhya Vandanam Procedure With Summary Meaning Compiled by Ramachander.P.R. Introduction Sandhya Vandanam literally means either “Salutation to the goddess of Dawn and dusk or” the prayers done during dawn and dusk.” Hindus considered the period just before dawn and just after dusk as well as the exact period of noon , as extremely
Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2011Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2011 (31-8-2011) (Compiled by P.R.Ramachander)In the case of Sama Veda, The upa Karma prayogam is very extensive and differs very much from the Upakarma prayoga of Rig and Yajur Vedis.They always do it in Hastha Nakshtra of the Kanya Masa. It essentially consists of ten steps in the following order1.Panchagavya
Yajur /Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2011Yajur /Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2011 Avani Avittam 13-8-2011(Saturday) (Compiled by P.R.Ramachander)1.Yagnopa veetha dharana manthra ( Manthra for wearing Poonal)a.Aachamanam:Shuklaam Bharadharam………. Santhayeb.Om Bhoo…………..Bhoorbhavaswaromc.Mamo patha samastha duritha kshya dwara sri paameshwara preethyartham Sroutha
The rules of good behaviour for Tamil Smartha BrahminsThe rules of good behaviour for Tamil Smartha BrahminsCollected , retold and partly classifiedByP.R.Ramachander(These have been taken from a series of articles on Sadacharam by Sri K. ShankaraSastrigal published as articles in the journal Vaidheeka Dharma Vardhini. He himself collected them and published as a book called Sadacharam , in Tamil. This book was published by Giri Traders. )Some dos
Sradha Vidhi (Rules of Sradha)Sradha Vidhi (Rules governing annual death ceremony) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Sradha (that which is done with attention and sincerity) is the term used by Brahmins for the annual death ceremony. I am summarizing here the rules regarding Sradha as given by Anna in a book called Pithru Pooja and another book called Pithru yagnam which is compiled by Sri.V.Srinivasan. Both books are
Tharpana Sankalpa manthras for Kara year(2011-2012)Tharpana Sankalpams for the year 2011-2012(Kara Varsham)Compiled byP.R.Ramachander(I have followed the details given in the Acharyal Madathu Panchangam. I have also given the time of change of Thithi and Nakshatra so that people who are living abroad can also use it correctly. Bodhayana Amavasya was not given there. I have included it from the Tharpana sheet by Giri traders. The Lunar eclipse
Rules of good behaviour for Tamil Smartha BrahminsCollected , retold and partly classifiedByP.R.Ramachander(These have been taken from a series of articles on Sadacharam by Sri K. ShankaraSastrigal published as articles in the journal Vaidheeka Dharma Vardhini. He himself collected them and published as a book called Sadacharam , in Tamil. This book was published by Giri Traders. )Some dos and don’tsSun should not be seen at the time of sun
Suthakam and AsowchamSuthakam-Asowcham Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Many of you may not familiar with this Sanskrit terminology and would find the above words difficult to understand. In our parts (village near Trichur), it is called Pelai and Valamai. Possibly different terminologies are used about it among our community itself in different parts. An article in this subject has been written by SriVatsa Ve.
Avani avitta manthrasThese were posted in this blog in the month of june in Raja Thatha's blog.Click is a temporary announcement who visit this site and do not find the manthras, Ramachander
Hymns of Pious Living -by Sri MadhvacharyaI have taken the following material from of Pious Living -by Sri Madhvacharya(translated to kannada by Vidhvan Anandathirtha Nagasampige, translated from Kannada to English by Madhukrishna.)1. The Pious people should have a liking for Sri Hari who is the controller of body and who is supreme. They should leave their ego,
Tharpana Sankalpa Manthras for 2010-201114-4-2010 Mesha Ravi Sankramanam/Amavasya Vikruthi nama samvathsare ,utharayane , vasantha rithou, mesha mase , Krishna pakshe, adhya mesha vishu punya kale/ adhya amavasyam punya thidhou, soumya vasara yukthayam, Revathi nakshatra yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubhakarana evam guna viseshena, visishtayam asyam amavasyam punya thidhou, mesha ravi sankramana punyakale/Amavasya punya kale ,
Samkshepa Dharma Shastre Sankeerna VishayaSamkshepa Dharma Shasthre Sankeerna VishayaAppendix to topics dealt in Samkshepa Dharma ShastraTranslated byP.R.RamachanderSanath Kumara said In this very horrible Kali age , the path of Vedas is neglected and the path of the Barbarians is being adopted. Since the mind of Brahmins and others is not pure , there would be no results for the rituals performed by them. So what is the path fot
Prayaschitha Dharma PrakaranaPrayaschitha Prakaranam 2(Chapter on redemptive rituals) 2I. Prayaschitha Shabhadaratha 2Meaning of the word Prayaschitha (Redemption) 2II.Prayaschitha akarane dosha 2The result of not doing redemptive acts. 2III. Nava Vidhani Paapani 4The nine types of sins 4IV. Mahapathakas 4Greatest sins 4V. Athipathaka 5Great sins 5VI .Samapathaka 5(ordinary sins) 5VII. Upapathaka 5Subsidiary sins 5VIII.
Thidhi nirnaya Dharma PrakaranaThithi nirnaya Prakaranam 2(Fixing of Suitable Thithi) 2I.Kala niroopanam 2(fixing of time) 2II. Nimishadhi Lakshanam 2The form of Nimisha and other things 2III. Thithi swaroopa 3The nature of thithi 3IV. Khanda thithi swaroopa 3The nature of Khanda Thithis 3V. Thithinam veda vichara 3Examination of veda regarding thithis 3VI. Prathama thithi nirnaya 4The description of Prathama thithi 4VII,
Sradha Dharma PrakaranaSradha Prakaranam 2(Details of after death and death ceremonies) 2I. Mumukshur Prayachitha vidhi 2The redemptive acts to be done by one who is nearing death 2II, Mumukshor Dhana Vidhi 4(The rules of Dhana for the dying soul) 4III. Paryooshitha prayachitham. 4(Redemptive acts for late cremation) 4IV. Karthru krama:- 5(The order of eligibility for carrying out death ceremonies) 5V. Agni nirnaya.
Aasoucha Dharma PrakaranaAsoucha Prakaranam 1(details of taint) 1I. Asoucha Sabdhartham 2(Meaning of the tainted period) 2II Asoucha Sandhyopasana Vidhi 2(Rules of Sandhya Vandhana during the tainted period) 2III. Asouche Thyaja karmaani:- 3(The rituals which should not be done during the tainted period) 3IV. Sadhya Asoucham 4(The Asoucha beginning) 4V.Durmruthaanaam Samskara 6(ceremonies for those who die badly) 6VI.
Aahneeka Dharma PrakaranaAhneeka Prakarana 2(The details of the acts to be performed ) 2I Prabodha Samaya:- 3(Waking up time) 3II.Brahme Muhurthe Japyani”:- 3(To be chanted in the Brahma Muhurtha) 3III, Soucha Vidhi 4(laws of cleanliness) 4IV. Gandoosha Vidhi 6(Rules for gargling) 6V. Achamana Vidhi:- 6(Rules for inner cleaning) 6VI Dandavadhana Vidhi 8(rules for cleaning of teeth) 8VII Snana Vidhi 9(Principles of
Varnashrama Dharma PrakaranaVarnashrama Dharma Prakaranam 2(The Dharma of different Varnas) 2I Dharma 2II Dharma Pramana 2(The support for Dharma/ The axioms of Dharma) 2III.The authors of Dharma Sashthraas:- 3IV . Places suitable to live. 3V. Yuga Dharma (The dharma in different eons.) 4VI. The process of creation. 5VII . The Brahmana Dharma 6VIII. Dhanam (charity) 7IX. Kshatriya Dharma(The king’s Dharma) 8X . Vaisya
IntroductionIntroduction to Rules and Rituals of BrahminsByP.R.RamachanderThe Vedas are the fundamental and most sacred books of The Hindus. It is believed that all the knowledge contained in Vedas were floating in the atmosphere. Some great sages were able to hear these immortal truths and taught them to their disciples. Vedas are nothing but the collection of such truths as taught by very many rishis to

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Exhaustive list of gayitri mantras of all gods in telugu english sanskrit with meaning and impact and effect

  1. కోరికలు నెరవేరడానికి - శ్రీ గణేశ గాయత్రీ Sanskrit:  ॐ లంబోదరాయ విద్మహే మహోదరాయ ధీమహి తన్నో దంతి ప్రచోదయాత్। Transliteration:  Om Lambod...