Sunday, December 29, 2024

Hindu teachings and sanathan dharma by Raja Thota PR Ramachandran

 From - Great contribution to Hinduism. 

GodTitleShort Summary
Thepperumanallur Shiva temple where only devotees without future rebirths can goThepperumanallur Shiva temple where only devotees without future rebirths can go Compiled byP.R.Ramachander (I came to know about this temple (Which is the only temple in India where Lord Shiva is worshipped by Rudraksha) from a detailed write up by my face book friend Athreya Gothram Bairava Ramani. All what I have written is rewriting of what he has done .My
Holy acts that protect our previous geberationsHoly acts that protect our previous geberations Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Taking bath in sacred rivers like ganges -3 generations 2.Lighting lamp in dilapidated temple -5 generations 3.Helping to holy acts of a temple -7
My family historyMy family historyByRaja/P.R.RamachanderAround 1860 , there lived two brothers called Subbaraman and Vaitheeswaran in house opposite to Siva temple in Vadakke gramam in Puthucode(Their father was one Rama Sastrigal , who was an astrologer) Subbaraman married a lady called Kamashi,
Job at home without wifeJob at home without wife Based on a tamil article By P.R.Ramachander For twice a year , darling mine , You do go to your parent’s place Without you and children, The home is looking very dull If I want to boil milk in the stowe, for coffee After
Be Hospitable ,Even hungry man has prideBe Hospitable ,Even hungry man has pride Translated by P.R..Ramachander Instead of asking “Have you taken food?” With adamancy again and again tell . “Please Take food” This will be sign of hospitability If You ask a hungry man He will only feel like Saying “Yes , please.”
Speciality of CoimbatoreSpeciality of Coimbatore Translated from Tamil, P.R.Ramachander (Long back I had translate poet Kannadasan’s write up about Coimbatore The four directions of city ruled by 4 queens
Deaths are many in old ageDeaths are many in old age By P.R.Ramachander (I got this idea by reading a tamil face book post, Thanks to him) Some friend send a message , Our great friend Anonymous is no more His kith and kin have ccome from all over And tomorrow he will be cremated in royal way I thought&
Dedicated to all mother’sDedicated to all mother’s Translated with tears in eyeBy an old granpa of 84( P.R.Ramachander) This mother makes a moonOn a dosa thawa It may be father’s homeBut for us it is n mother’s home only Mother’s office is in kitchenHer salary is our
Contribution of Tamil to English translation of Bakthi tamil literatureContribution of Tamil to English translation of Bakthi tamil literatureByP.R.RamachanderMy translations of Tamil Stotras and books I was born in a Palakkad Brahmin family.If you ask me my mother toungue is Tamil.But my close friend would like to see it is
Ideally integrated humble research (IIHR)Ideally integrated humble research (IIHR) By'P.R.Ramachander People always talked of farmers, And expressed sorrow that they were poor But none of them talked about Horticulturists Because they always thought they were rich Income from
An old Man also is OKAn old Man also is OK Transcreated by P.R.Ramachander Some people consider old age, As a guest whom they do not need With negative thoughts every second They would live, scared of their next day of life There are some others , who do not fear They think fear is just like
Vallalar’s compassion for the livingVallalar’s compassion for the living By Vallalar Rama linga adikal Translated by P.R.ramachander If you do it in forenoon, It will yield in the afternoon If you eat the flesh , Of another being, One of the days in future You would get killed, This
SAnatan clock (from Whatsapp)SAnatan clock (from Whatsapp)Fantastic Sanatan Clock, which many Sanatanis may not be aware of. Observe the names written along with the numbers that depict the time...12:00 Aditya-Surya-12 Adityas.1:00 Eshwar-Only ONE Eshwar-"Eko Brahma Dwitiya Naasti".2:00 Paksh-2 kinds-Shukla Paksh and Krishna Paksh.3:00 Anaadi Tatva-3 kinds-Paramatma,
ഹെഡ്മാസ്റ്ററും ശിഷ്യനും Head masterum Sishyanumഹെഡ്മാസ്റ്ററും ശിഷ്യനും Head masterum Sishyanum Head master and student ( A great poem picturising a great bed ridden teacher who is being fed by his daughter and they are visited by his old student .With tears they converse and at the end teacher asks the student to fee him one ball, because he
Meera’s kolu 2024 –all one but 1-10Meera’s kolu 2024 –all one but 1-10 By P..R.Ramachander My dear daughter whose , Creative novelty is known to all, Decided that this year, The theme of her kolu was one to ten She said that whatever scene of mythology , She chooses should have that many
Some Spiritual informationSome Spiritual information Translated By P.R.Ramachander 1,The shadow of temple tower of temple flag Should not fall on your home compound 2.You should not build a house , behind Vishnu temple Or opposite to Ganapathi or Shiva temple 3.If you
What you have learnt little bit lateWhat you have learnt little bit lateTranslated byP.R.Ramachander<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]--> No one is more important than parents <!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->What you have leant is not more important than your work efficiency <!--[if
Amba mahalakshmiAmba mahalakshmi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Today my 80 year old younger sister visited a Golu and suddenly remembered a song which my mother used to sing about 70 years back .I could get the song on line .With mind weeping I am posting it here) Amba mahalakshmi neeye Anna
My periyappa -the great Viswanatha Vadhyar of MumbaiMy periyappa -the great Viswanatha Vadhyar of Mumbai By P.R.Ramachander Sri Viswanatha vadhyar was my mother’s elder sister’s huband .His native place was Payilur ,He was by profession a priest. In the 40’s it was not a paying profession ,
Thum hi ho Mathaa तुम्हीं हो माताThum hi ho Mathaa तुम्हीं हो माता You are the mother Translated by P.R.Ramachander तुम्हीं हो माता, पिता तुम्हीं हो। तुम्हीं हो बंधु, सखा तुम्हीं हो॥ तुम्हीं हो साथी, तुम्हीं सहारे। कोई न अपना सिवा तुम्हारे॥ तुम्हीं हो नैया, तुम्हीं खेवैया। तुम्हीं हो बंधु, सखा तुम्ही हो॥ जो खिल सके न वो फूल हम हैं। तुम्हारे चरणों की धूल हम हैं॥ दया की दृष्टि सदा ही रखना। तुम्हीं
Malayalam ProverbsMalayalam Proverbs Compiled and illustrated by P.R. Ramachander* Introduction - Proverbs are called “Pazham chollugal” in Malayalam. Literally that means ancient sayings. It is well known that Proverbs reflect the culture of the people and their language. These have been coined based on centauries of human experience and are used very effectively by people to drive home
How to behave with different , different peopleHow to behave with different , different people Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I got this great sloka from the face book post of My friend , Great Vasu iyengar, Thanks to him) दाक्षिण्यं स्वजने दया परिजने शाठ्यं सदा दुर्जने | प्रीतिः साधुजने नयो नृपजने विद्वज्जनेश्वार्जवम् || शौर्यं शत्रुजने क्षमा गुरुजने
Modern Gita for all of usModern Gita for all of us (Written based on, Tamil write up) By P.R.Ramachander You got what you got For all that is good When you did not get Again for all that is good Whatever you have to get , You will get at the right time Whatever you have asked, You will&nbsp
A pleasant surprise to meA pleasant surprise to me At the age of 23 I joined as Class 2 Gazetted officer in Cebtral Arecanut research Station at vital . There were 100 staff members Working at that time in the Institute.Out of them 3 were officers and 4 Research assistants. I was younger than &
Visit by a scholar poet RajanVisit by a scholar poet Rajan BY Rajasekharan Venkatraman (Yesterday Rajan (Rajashekaran ) and Brinda who are children of my Thankanna visited me. Though they both are juniors in age , They showed how intimate is our relation. . These lines touched me) A scholar’s haven,
Meaning changes with time.Meaning changes with time. Translated by P.R.Ramachander One boy , told a girl- I am your BF. What is that she asked.Best Friend They started loving each other He told her, I am your BF What is that , she asked with shyness-Boy friend After some time , they Got married, They became parents to &nbsp
Real grand kids of an unreal Royal granpaReal grand kids of an unreal Royal granpa By Raja Thatha Thatha Had nothing much to do, Except staring at the roof, Then he wanted to know, Why he is the thatha Before I have ever seen her, She was named as Friendship v called as My THu And
The Pancha Thanthra (five tricks) to get happiness from our life?The Pancha Thanthra (five tricks) to get happiness from our life?Rewritten in English byP.R.Ramachander(Based on a write up in Tamil posted in whatsapp . Thanks to the author)1. The important needs of a family happiness.Without any doubt for happiness of the family income is needed,Along with that are needed unity, humanity, hobby, appreciation and health,Without any of which life
Reminiscences of our first independence dayReminiscences of our first independence day By Raja Thatha On our first indendence day , I was only 7.I was in Secunderabad,We were driven out of that place by razakkars and reached my village Rasa mama took my mother , me sister and Kasi in an extremely crowded train to Ayilur My father took us to Chelakkara possibly in july
MotherMother By Kalai Kannan Translated by P.R.Ramachander Made herself my I standard book And made me learn from it She made herself the sky And made me the moon light She made herself as cloud And made me the rain water She made herself as earth And made me flower She made herself in to a wick And
That which is biggestThat which is biggest Translated by P.R.Ramachander Once Lord Vishnu called Narada and asked him “I have a doubt , can you clear it for me?” Narada told “Oh God , hpow can I ? I am smaller than the dust of your feet” Vishnu laughed and said , “ I will try!” Vishnu asked “Which is greatest among &
Effect of Dhana (giving away) of many thingsEffect of Dhana (giving away) of many things Translated from Tamil BY P.R.Ramachander (elders say, keep what you and give away the rest and all that you have at death is all that you have given) 1,Turmeric Dhana -All good things will happen 2.Anna dhana(giving away of cooked rice/food ) all the
My history of Income taxMy history of Income tax At the age of 23 I joined as as a gazette officer in ICAR.My salary was only rs350 + rs 10 (it was in a small village near Mangalore. Those who got more than Rs3000 a year had to pay income tax and I did it (cost of rice was 30 paise per kg) Now People who have income more than Rs 300000 a year&nbsp
Varieties of South Indian DosasVarieties of South Indian Dosas Answered byMeta Masala Dosa: a classic version filled with spiced potatoes and onions – Rava Dosa: a crispy version made with semolina and often served with chutney – Mysore Masala Dosa: a variation of the classic masala dosa with a spicy kick – Paper Dosa: a thin and crispy version that's almost like a crepe – Set Dosa: a soft
The left alone HeThe left alone He By P.R,Ramachander (Based on a tamil post Every year , once only, You go to your mother’s home, Just for two weeks only Along with our darling kids Without you and the kids , The home is without joy and luster I some times do feel, That I have been
Lines that surprised meLines that surprised me Translated from Tamil By P.R.Ramachander He who eats , till he becomes sick, Would be forced to starve till he becomes healthy Earning money is like digging earth by a pin But spending it is like blowing balloon by a pin To know value of money –spend To know value&
Prayer to God to give long life to our better halfPrayer to God to give long life to our better halfEveryday your wife would pray for a long life to you .I was wondering if there is any prayer at all praying for long life to our dear wife , whose only ambition seems to be to make your life pleasant , provide you constant companionship , to advise you to take the correct decision in family affairs and so on. She is also the greatest
The story of Varalakshmi vrithaThe story of Varalakshmi vritha Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Story Of shyama There was a king called Badhrasrava in saurashtra. His queen was called Karachandrika, The king was an extremely good person who used to talk only auspicious things The queen was educated , virtuous and pretty,. She never used to get
Silence- many meaningsSilence- many meanings (This Word has very many meanings) Translated from Tamil By P.R.Ramachander When trying to reach an aim Silence is power When fighting with some one, Silence is strength When not agreeing to what you do not like Silence is fight When you fall in a marriage hall And then get up and sit
Rules of life by Anon in MalayalamRules of life by Anon in Malayalam Translated by P.R.Ramachander Do not go to places where you are not respected Do not sell “respect” to eat Do not spit lying down with face up Do not cut branch , you are setting Do not sleep , when sun is rising Do not walk at improper times Do not sleep in unknown people’s
Mother’s child does not know poor fatherMother’s child does not know poor father Translated by P.R.Ramachander Have seen mother cry Have not seen father crying Have obeyed mother Have disobeyed father Have known pain of mother Has not known pain of father Have learnt mother-toungue Have not learnt father-toungue Have talked about greatness of mother Have not talked about greatness
Money is a monkeyMoney is a monkey Translated from Tamil BY P.R.Ramachander When money is not there, To fill up his stomach , he goes in cycle When Money is there To reduce his stomach, he goes in cycle When money is not there, Though he works in a hotel He comes home , to take his food When money is there Though
Sruthivani abut award to RamachanderSruthivani a great magazine, brought out by Trichur chapter of “Kerala Brahmin association Said this in its april 2024 issue P.R.Ramachander set record in India books of records P.R.Ramachander who has translated 75 minor Ramayanas , apart from Valmiki Ramayanam(Sanskrit), Kamba Ramayanam (Tamil) and Adhyathma Ramayanam(Malayalam) has got a position in “India book
REcord of translating maximum Rama literatureMy dear Friends, My work on translations of Ramayanas and stotras on Rama Has been recognized as a record by “Indian book of Records” After getting the facts examined by a committee of Learned men.They have said “The record for translating the maximum number of Books and prayers of Lord Ram,To English was set by P.R.Ramachander, Of Bengaluru, Karnataka.He translated 3
Saptha varnangalaal(Malayalam)Saptha varnangalaal(Malayalam) By the seven colours Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Saptha varnangalal shobhithamaayoru, Maanathe mazhavillinnu yendhu chandam Kodakar varnande mauliyil choodiya Varna mayil peelikku yere chandham What a prettiness to the rainbow in sky Which shines in several different
Euology on my 80th bithdayEuology on my 80th bithdayWritten on my eightieth birthday by TAMBRAHM GNANA PARIVAR Vasu Iyengar · 18 January 2021 TGP is blessed to greet Shri P.R,Ramachanderji an erudite scholar par excellence, on his 80th Birthday today Our pranaams and best wishes to a great personality on this yet another milestone in Sirs's life We pray to
Convergence of Science and Sanatana Dharma.Convergence of Science and Sanatana Dharma.ByRajeswari P Ranganathan On 18 January 1940 , a multifaceted genius was born in Palakkad district.Originally from Puducode Agraharam in Palakkad district, he spent his childhood and teenage years in both Hyderabad and Chelakkara (adjoining Palakkad&amp;Trichur) before moving to Tamilnadu for pursuing higher studies.Completed his post-graduate
Poem –dead bodyPoem –dead body Based on tamil poem by Adhiths Karikalan By P.R.Ramachander The pretty name kept by our parents, The silly name kept by college mates And the lovely names kept by our darling Changes in to “corpse” The pretty dress worn as a baby The flamboyant
Why was Gita told?Why was Gita told? ByRaja Thatha(As told to his grand children) King Pandu the younger brother of King Drutharashtra was ruling over Hasthinapur. While King Pandu had five sons, King Drutharashtra had one hundred sons and a daughter. Unfortunately King Pandu died early. Because of this all the 106 children were brought up together. Maithree asked, “Thatha, it means
Ten acts which are undesirableTen acts which are undesirable Translated from tamil By P.R.Ramachander 1.Son should not see Father’s tears 2.Mother should not hear about bad name of her son 3.You should not shw off 6your wealth before siblings 4.There shuld not be suspicion between married couple 5.The winner should not have pride 6.Even for a second a leader should not have
Scenes that never change in Tamil cinemaScenes that never change in Tamil cinema Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I got this interesting satire from face book inn Tamil.There it is written that it was given originally by great Tamil writer Sujata) 1.One of the double roles would also be evil 2.Hero can cut any wire to stop bomb from exploding 3.Though many people come to
கேசவ கீதை Kesava Gitaகேசவ கீதை Kesava Gita Translated by P.R.Ramachander (It is a translation of Summary of Bhagawad Gita in tamil ,Which appeared in face book) Telling I am your charioteer The “God of all” climbed he the chariot And told “The enmity of grand father is there, Your teacher is there Your cousins as enemies are there
யாதும் ஊரே; யாவரும் கேளிர் Yaathum oore , Yaavarum Kelirயாதும் ஊரே; யாவரும் கேளிர் யாதும் ஊரே; யாவரும் கேளிர் Yaathum oore , Yaavarum Kelir All places are your place , All people are your relations By கணியன்_பூங்குன்றனார் Kaniyan Poonkundranaar Translation based on Face book post by Mrs Seetha Narayanan By P.R.Ramachander (this very great universal thought occurs in anancient Tamil
Idli -A tamil poemIdli -A tamil poem Translated by P.R.Ramachander ஆவியால் அவித்த அழகி ஆளையே மயக்கும் நழுவி AAviyaal aviththa azhaki AAlaye mayakkum nazhuvi The pretty damsel cooked in steam By slipping out it would make a person faint ஆகாயம் பூலோகம் அயல்நாடு உள்நாடு எங்கெங்கு தேடினாலும் கிடைக்காது உன்னைப் போல ஒரு சுவையான
The India which I likeThe India which I like BY Rajeswari Raman (written in tamil in alphabetical order) A feeble attempt to translate BY P.R.Ramachander India which is peaceful and not dangerous to ladies India which makes us wonder and which is healthy India which is sweet and has nothing bad about it India which attracts and has no
Ammamma, Ammamma, is it alright?Ammamma, Ammamma, is it alright? Transcreation P,R,Ramachander (I saw a hindi song where grand son and grand daughter Try to pacify their father’s mother – see I thought one day if ammamma of my grand daughters is angry (she never gets angry) One day Ammamma was angry , her little
அம்மம்மா , அம்மம்மா , சரியாஅம்மம்மா , அம்மம்மா , சரியா First tamil writing byP.R.Ramachander (Raja Thatha)( when I read , I wanted to translate it in to tamil.I nstead of father’s mother , I wanted to make it mother’s mother.I have left a few lines.Since I rarely type in tamil, do excuse me)அம்மம்மா , அம்மம்மா , சரியா அம்மம்மா , அம்மம்மா , சரியா இந்த கோபத்தை விடேன்
The India I likeThe India I like By Rajeswari Raman (In alphabetical order in Tamil) (Possibly no dream can be translated. I tried, excuse me if I have failed, Raja Thatha) The progressive India in the year 2025 , which came in my dream The india without danger peaceful young women The healthy India which creates
What emotions really meanWhat emotions really mean Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Faith Rain was there for a long time, All people assembled at one place, To pray for rain , but only one, Of them carried Umbrella Trust There was pretty baby in a home, Her father played with her, By
Nudity(nakedness)Nudity(nakedness) <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Translated by P.R.Ramachander To the mother who enjoys seeing the nude baby To the doctor who examines the body in nude to find disease To the couple who remove cloths on the first night stage, To the wife who cleans the anus of her very old husband And
Man and animalMan and animal Translated by P.R.Ramachander AAhaar , nidhraa , bhaya, maidhunam cha Samanya methath, pashubir Naranaam Dharmo hi theshaath adhiko visesho Dharmena heenaapasubhi samaanaa Food , sleep , fear and love making Are common among men and animals “Dharma” is only special to man And so he who
Thoughts of a saintThoughts of a saint Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I read it and started thinking) Till what we think happens Intelligence would seem most impotant When what we think does not happen Faith would seem most important If what we did not expect happens God would seem to be most
Divine wordsDivine words Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I saw it in face book.It attracted me lot) To make a man who cried to laugh is blessed To make a slave think is blessed To sow love is blessed To make an orphan live , blessed To make a mother happy , blessed To make father proud , blessed To share with elder brother , blessed
Azhako Azhaku Pretty is prettyAzhako Azhaku Pretty is pretty Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I always though beauty is every individuals concept ,Here a person Is trying to tell , what is beauty) yerivathil Dheepam azhaku Parappathil puraa azhaku Uravinil natpu azhaku Uraivathil pani azhaku Paaduvathil kuyil Azhaku Chuduvathil Sorriyan azhaku In
Mother’s melodious magical mesmerizing Music in TamilMother’s melodious magical mesmerizing Music in Tamil Compiled and translated by P.R.Ramachander A lullaby in English is known as Thalattu In Tamizh. It is a song sung by mothers of little babiies rocking them in a cradle or on their laps or on their shoulders with a desire to make them sleep .Most of the known Thalattu songs are folk songs weaved in magic. Their composer is the mother,
Lucky ThathaLucky thathaThis thatha is greatly fortunate because he has two grand daughters, both like gold and diamond,THey have given me a letter each today telling their affection to me:-
A, B., C to oldiesA, B., C to oldies Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.If you become old , see to it that you do not fall 2.You should not be adamant and be proud 3.You should not serves your own hero’s story 4.You should think and analyse always 5,you should see inexperienced talks as babbles 6. you should not use tricky glances should not be able
Each of you live your own livesEach of you live your own lives In tamil by Swami Kripananda Varrior Humble translation By P.R.Ramachander 1.Ant does not desire to live like butterfly 2.Dog does not desire to live like a lion 3,An elephant does not feel jealous of a little bird flying on the sky 4,A crow after hearing a nightingale , does
The great king and the blind beggarThe great king and the bling beggar Retold by P.R.Ramachander A king and his minister went for a walk in the town, They sat a fruit hanging on climbr and a blind man near it, King asked the blind man , whether it is a Cucumber, But he said. It is bitter cucumber which make people vomit, King
Complains galore , till…….Complains galore , till……. By P.R.Ramachander (I read a similar piece in Hindi,Thanks to that author) One devotee was daily complaining to god 1.When I wake I do not get coffee in your world 2.My wife does not give good breakfast in world 3.The day is very cold and no good
Why my village is called Chelakkara ?Why my village is called Chelakkara ? Compiled from different sourcesP.R.Ramachander 1,It seems Tipu Sultan wanted to Plunder Anthimalan Kavu and he came up to the other shore of Bharatha Puzha and asked some one where rich village is. He got a reply” ചെല്ല് അക്കരെ(chel akkara) " ie “go to the other shore “ and they started &
Oh my dear PotatoOh my dear Potato Translated by P.R,Ramachander (Post of Ms Seetha Narayanan put in my own words .Thanks to her) You hid yourself inside, Increased the cost of Dosa And became the masal dosa, Oh Potato you are great You stood bside Poori , And did become Poori masala, You hid &nbsp
சிற்றின்பம் vs பேரின்பம் Earthly pleasures vs Divine pleasuresசிற்றின்பம் vs பேரின்பம் Earthly pleasures vs Divine pleasures By Kidambi Srinivasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander In tamil literature and philosophy there are lot of references to Chithinbam and Perinbam. Literally translated it means, small pleasures and big pleasures.Chithinbam is commonly understood as sexual
Devi Mahathmyam and me –a bond of Sixty seven yearsDevi Mahathmyam and me –a bond of Sixty seven years Right from child hood I was interested in Hindu prayers. The first prayer that I learnt with meaning was sri Krishna Karrnamrutham, because my Father was extremely fond of that book.Ilater learnt to chant Vishnu Sahasranamam and Lalitha
The unalterable affectionThe unalterable affection By Mu.Mubarakh Translated by P.R.Ramachander She who taught me, who was stammering To speak properly She who taught me Who was stumbling while walking, To walk majestically like a king Knowing that I will not tolerate hunger, She who feed me the last morsel, That she had kept for her She who
Thamaso ma Jyothir Gamaya-A KoluThamaso ma Jyothir Gamaya-A Kolu From darkness let us go to light Kolu by Meera VenkatesanHumble effort to understandBy her Appa-Raja Thatha The doll exhibition (bommai kolu) mainly of gods, Started in the south perhaps, To remove darkness by light And remove ignorance by knowledge An effort&nbsp
கேளடா ...மானிடவா ...எம்மில் கீழோர்..மேலோர் இல்லை Kelada Manidavaa , yemmil keezhor, melor illaiகேளடா ...மானிடவா ...எம்மில் கீழோர்..மேலோர் இல்லை Kelada Manidavaa , yemmil keezhor, melor illai By Mahakavi Bharathiyar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear the great song;ab_channel=%E0%AE%A8%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B2%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%95%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%AF%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF%87..&nbsp
My Meera,My Meera, By Her Appa Fifty years back one day, I got a daughter, And though we named her Abhirami , We decided to call her our dear “meera” She was the last grand child to my in laws She grew up in to a little treasure of
Man does not deserve freedomMan does not deserve freedom Translated by P.R.Ramachander Matha Sikshathi Kaumare, Bharya Sikshathi youvane Puthri sikshathi vardhakye Na Purusha swathanthryam Arhathi Mother punishes during boyhood, Wife punishes during youth Daughter punishes during old age, Man does not deserve&nbsp
Pretty bags from waste blouse piecesPretty bags from waste blouse pieces Most of the ladies get blouse pieces when they visit other homes, which they rarely use .They also get attached blouse pieces with most of the saris they buy which again most of them may not use. My wife made use of them by stitching bags which she proposes to give to the visitors to our Kolu(this year we have a
Time passed , but how , We never knewTime passed , but how , We never knew By P.R,Ramachander (Based entirely on a Hindi poem “samai chala, Kaise Chala, Patha nahi chala” Do not know the author Thanks to him) In this mad rush of life, WE never knew , When We became old The children who used to climb up our shouldersm We never knew, When they reached up to our shoulders Our life started in a
An appeal by fish in seaAn appeal by fish in sea Translated by P.R.Ramachander The fish which was brought by river to sea gave an appeal “This Sea water is very saltish” The sea read the appeal And forwarded to the sky The sky send it to cloud The cloud send it to rain The rain send it to stream The stream
What is vIctory for elderly citizensWhat is vIctory for elderly citizens Translated from Tamil By P.R.Ramachander At the age of 65 If you can live without diseases &nbsp
Raja Thatha Wishes his daughter wishing her all that is bestRaja Thatha Wishes his daughter wishing her all that is best BY Raja Thatha My daughter is the huge treasure of unending affection But for her , life would have been an arid desert When I say to her, “Darling I feel like having kheer tomorrow” Just&
Daughter’s of GodsDaughter’s of Gods Compiled by P.R.Ramachander I do not how many of you have thought over this The greatest God’s Lord Vishnu , Lord Shiva and Lord Brahma did not have daughters at all. (they did get married but not to daughters of Gods) though
Me and DR.MS swaminathanMe and DR.MS swaminathan By P.R.Ramachander Many people do not know that DR.MS Swaminthan was a Palalakkad Iyer like me.He was from Monkombu, kerala.His father who was a doctor was practising in Kumbha Konam and he was born there It was he who was the prime seed of Green revolution in India.He had a phenomenal memory &
Raja Thatha Wishes his daughter wishing her all that is bestRaja Thatha Wishes his daughter wishing her all that is bestByPR RamachanderMy daughter is the huge treasure of unending affectionBut for her , life would have been an arid desertWhen I say to her, “Darling I feel like having kheer tomorrow”Just as a joke though it was not my or her birthday,Next day before noon , a huge vessel of kheer would be on my table.When
Happy seventy fifth birthday to my greatest halfHappy seventy fifth birthday to my greatest half ByP.R.RamachanderOut of these seventy five years of your life ,You have lived with me for more than fifty two,And In all these years of our life together,I can never say that we did not ,Have disagreements or quarrels,But I would say that All the time ,You gave me happiness in life and it was you,Who looked after my father till ripe old age
WE do ganesa pooja along with our grand daughtersWE do ganesa pooja along with our grand daughters By P.R.Ramachander Since we settled in Bangalore in 1975, Like all Kannadigas my children believe that Lord Ganesa is the God of Vidhya (learning) and from that time our children also join us in worship of
The true helpers till the endThe true helpers till the end If parents go awayIf relatives neglectIf others forgetTill the endWalking stick to each other Is husband and wife
My grand father’s cotMy grand father’s cot By P.R.Ramachander My maternal grand father was Sri Ayilur Naganathan Parameswara Iyer .He was a great Bhaktha of Pazhani Aandavan.and did sizable contribution to the Annadhana to Murugan devotees every Thai poosam.Due to this his finances were affected.During one of those time, he worked as an assistatant&
Those days of the four gems (my elder co brothers)Those days of the four gems (my elder co brothers) By P.R.Ramachander He was a gem among men, Strict not only at his home, But with all others that he meets Kindness used to flow like Ganges from him And he somehow chose a Mandhir to live
Namaskarams to my former teachersNamaskarams to my former teachers By P.R.Ramachander I joined Annamalai university, mathematics department for studying B.Sc(Hons) in 1957 Our Professor was the renowned Dr.V.Ganapathi iyer (who was president of Indian Society of Mathematics for several years).He was a specialist in Mathematical,
सेवानिवृति का आनंद Joy of retirementसेवानिवृति का आनंद Joy of retirement Translated by P.R.Ramachander मजा रिटायरमेंट का, सबसे है अनमोल। जो भी आपको बोलना, बोलो, दिल को खोल।। The joy of retirement , I most invaluable than others Whatever you want to tell, Please tell, please open your mind - सब बंधनों से मुक्त होकर हो जाते हैं, आजाद। अपने मन की आप अब,
Then and NowThen and Now Translated by P.R.Ramachander (original source .I have deleted political comparisons) Then House full of children Now One child per house Then Elders told, youngsters obeyed Now Youngsters tell, elders are blinking Then Less income, more satisfaction Now More income, less satisfaction Then Job if
My books should live beyond meMy books should live beyond me By P.R.Ramachander Heartfelt aseervadams to all my friends, followers , members of Raja thatha groups who are younger to me and sashtanga Namaskarams to all elders Due to galloping age , I am moving to a smaller house belonging to my Son in law(
Super senior citizens can also workSuper senior citizens can also work and the my best wishes for all senior citizens on this day By P.R.Ramachander ( there are many examples I know in face book Sri JK Sivan , DRVisvanah Krishnamurthy, Sri Shivam perunkulam are seniors
Does Dasavathara show evolution on earthDoes Dasavathara show evolution on earthByP.R.Ramachander (not at all my original idea-Read it somewhere long Back)First incarnation -Fish-lives only in water Second incarnation -Tortoise -lives in water and landThird incarnation Boar-lives only on land, walks with four legsFourth incarnation-Narasimha-The first animal
The groups and sub groups among iyersThe groups and sub groups among iyers Compiled by P.R.Ramachander The major groups are Vadama , Brahacharanam,,Ashtasahasram, Vathima, Chozhiyars. Mukkani, Kesi and Kaniyalar (are there any more?) I could find mention of some sub groups among these groups There &
Poem on me by Artificial intelligence-P.R.RamachanderPoem on me by Artificial intelligence-P.R.Ramachander (My younger brother Dr.Kasi gave few hints abot me and the AI(chatgpt) has created this poem on me) In the realm of family ties, a treasure I've found, A brother so sincere, in his virtues so profound. With each passing day, his light shines bright, A beacon of goodness, a
How to live happily and with peace?How to live happily and with peace? Translated from Malayalam by P.R.Ramachander Very easy 1.Do not think about what others think about us. 2.Unless any matter directly affects us, do not interfere in it 3.Do not think about people whom you do not like 4.Clearly understand that world forward, even if I am there or not 5
The Biography of he and she(AVAN AND AVAL)The Biography of he and she(AVAN AND AVAL) By P.R.Ramachander He was born to his dear parents, Who engulfed him in affection , Gave him all that he wants, And nurtured him to young intelligent slightly rich lad She was born to her dear parents Who
Sun Salutations Sandhyavandanam, Goddess of Dawn and Dusk.Though I am not interested in publishing books , one of my friends has published , My trivedi sandhya vandhanam as a kindle edition book in 2019.I came to know only today .My humble thanks to him Gayatri Mantra Sandhyavandanam: Sun Salutations Sandhyavandanam Ramachander P.R Sun Salutations Sandhyavandanam, Goddess of Dawn and Dusk. Gayatri
Predicion based on day of birth(ladies)I got this in Tamil.I do not know the basis nor whether it is true, P.R.Ramachander Day of week when a Girl is born Prediction Monday &
Which is victory at different stages of life?Which is victory at different stages of life? Translated from P.R.Ramachander Age 4- walk by oneself Age 8- go to any place alone and coming back without missing the way Age 12- Getting more than 4 friends Age 18- Getting driver’s licence Age 22- Becoming a graduate Age 25- Getting a good job Age30-Having one’s
Avvayaar and four croresAvvayaar and four crores Translation by P.R.R.Ramachander A king met Sage Avvayar , the poetess and asked for four crores , She said:- 1.Mathiyaathaar muthram , Mathithu oru kaal chendru Mithiyamai kodi perum The courtyard of those who do not respect you. By chance. , not going and stepping on it&nbsp
What is life? Which is best lifeவாழ்க்கை என்றால் என்ன? உலகில் சிறந்த வாழ்க்கை எது? What is life? Which is best life Translated by P,R,Ramachander (I do not know who wrote it but it is quoted very often) 1.If mother is there , there is no sorrow 2.If Father is there , there is no worries 3.If younger sister is there&
Women ?Women ? In the life of every male Four ladies , Are very important She to whom you were born She who was born with you She who was born for you She who was born to you Why? Mother carries you in your womb Wife carries you in her neck Mother is for yesterday and today Wife is for today
My work between 60-70 years compared to work between 70-83Dear friends 13 years back , when I was 70 , my cousin from USA wrote to meDear Babu,I am trying my best to contribute wht I know to the enrichment of our culture and inform those who want to know that this is what it al means.Kindly visit my web pages :-1. For reading translations of 500 stotras: For reading about
Some sons were bad 5000 years back alsoSome sons were bad 5000 years back also By P.R.Ramachander There is a great book called “Devi Mahathmya(Called Chandi in north” which is a part of the great “Brahmanda Purana” which was compiled by sage Vyasa The main character of the story is a king called Suradha , who is driven by his ministers,One day he saw a sad Vysya in the forest. Now read what happened 16.
My Rasa Mama (sri A.P.S.Iyer )My Rasa Mama (sri A.P.S.Iyer ) BY P.R.Ramachander .A.P.S.Iyer (called Rasam In home and to me My Rasa Mama) ) was my maternal uncle . He was the elder brother of my mother. His full name was Ayalur Parameswara Iyer Subramanyan Iyer . Like all the lads of very poor families of Kerala , my extremely brilliant uncle had to leave his education and go for working in a hotel
Some tips to be greatSome tips to be great Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Talk slowly-you will get peace 2.Leave out pride –You will become great 3.Think and think - You will get wisdom 4. Be devoted to God –You will get salvation 5, do service to others-you will get strength 6. Tolerate-you will become divine 7,become happy -You will get
People who have influenced my life -A.P.S.Iyer of Hyderabad , My uncle.People who have influenced my life -A.P.S.Iyer of Hyderabad , My uncle. BYP.R.Ramachander I am thinking of writing about some people who have influenced my life and who are no more in this world .A.P.S.Iyer my maternal uncle comes to my memory first. . He was the elder brother of my mother. His full name was Ayalur Parameswara Iyer Subramanyan Iyer . Like all the
Practical advice in MalayalamPractical advice in Malayalam Translated by P.R.Ramachander Do not go to plaxe where you are not respected Do not feed yourself by selling your respect Do not spit by lying looking up Do not cut the branch you sit Do not sleep during sun rise Do not wander at improper times Do not sleep
You yourself are not yoursYou yourself are not yours BY Saint Thirumoolar Translated by P.R,Ramachander Please hear it;ab_channel=DrGovindarajSrinivasan You yourself are not yours Why all this sound , why this show off The name so lovingly kept by parents Becomes as Corpse &
Milion thanks to God and my friendsMilion thanks to God and my friends Though I started transltion of prayers to different gods in five different languages in to english in 2002, I went on posting them in Yahoo groups, ,, web site of Sathya sai Baba brother hood , I started my own blog in 2008 ie 15 years back (https:
വഞ്ചീശ മംഗളം Vancheesa mangalamവഞ്ചീശ മംഗളം Vancheesa mangalam All that is good to lord of Travancore By Ulloor .S. Parameswara Iyer Translation attempt by P.R.Ramachander (This was the m national anthem of the kingdom of Travancore.It is said that it is written in mani pravalam- a mixture of Malayalam- , Sanskrit &
The meaning of word for wife in several languagesThe meaning of word for wife in several languages By P.R.Ramachander (I read a similar write up about wife in tamil-I am indebted to it) She is the soul of the house (manai in tamil) , And so she is called Manaivi (Wife –Tamil) She is your constant companion help(thunai in
When to die?When to die? Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I translated it from tamil post in face book) Before own wife gets bored , To cook and give us food , we should die Before our own children start, Shouting to us “Hey useless” we should die Before the time the father
What is Khumbabhishekam? What Worships are done?What is Khumbabhishekam? What Worships are done? Translated from Tamil (khumbabhishekam fortemples is supposed to be done once in 12 years.Here a fewrituals conducted during Khumbabhishekam is given Kumbhabhishekam ceremony has everlasting effect on the society as a whole, besides on devotees. Aagama sastras mention, “Sarvaroga nivrityartham, sarva yaaga phalapradam
Some things that we should know about in our daily life from KeralaSome things that we should know about in our daily life from Kerala Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The Malayalam text is given below.I forgot where from I took it.My heartfelt thanks to the author) 1.Men should sleep straight , looking up, Ladies should not sleep like that but sleep facing their
My momMy Mom Translated by P.R.Ramachander Leading life as per wishes of children Leading life as her wishes of her husband She forgets to live as per her wishes, Who else it can be mother Mother’s last wish, Do write your name on my tombstone, Not for making me think of you, But to make me carry you there also &
Women in RamayanaWomen in Ramayana BY P.R,Ramachander (it is clear from reading Ramayana , that most of them are not treated well) 1.Though Dasaratha had three chief wives, He gave the divine payasa only for two? 2.When Bharatha and sathrugna went to their uncle’s home, They did not bother to take their wives? 3.After marriage till
Book of achievers mentions about me (2 years back)Book of achievers mentions about me (2 years back)P.R.RamachanderWhat is book of achievers?Book of Achievers is a platform dedicated to all the Achievers across the globe. It aims to curate the stories of achievers from divergent fields and showcase them on a single platform with an intention to provide equal opportunity to the lesser known as well as the prominent achievers.The
My greatest teacher DR.C.R.RaoMy greatest teacher DR.C.R.Rao In 1960 , I joined ISI, Calcutta after writing a great entrance test carried all over India, On the first day, first class , our teacher entered the class.He asked each of us to introduce ourselves .Then started the classes He asked us as to whether we know how the baby’s sex
Shiva MayamShiva Mayam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (One meaning of Shiva is peace) To those who See Shiva Eat Shiva Drink Shiva Feel Shiva Breath Shiva Live in Shiva Are waiting to mix with Shiva And hold to Shiva Due to kindness of Shiva, It is always joy I surrender , I surrender oh Lord
Interview with me before life time achievement awardInterview with me before life time achievement award I had posted last month about my getting an award in Hyderabad, At that time they interviewed me.Here is the recording of the the interview;feature=share, Ramachander
Appeared in Sruthivani March 2023 issueAppeared in Sruthivani March 2023 issue Award for P.R.Ramachander The life time achievement award of Hyderabad India reading olypiad has beenrecieved by P.R.Ramachander of Chelakkara Village,This is in recognition of his translated several articles , books ans prayers for the use of next generationThe Kerala Brahmana sabha ,
The Azhvar priests of KeralaThe Azhvar priests of Kerala Compiled by P.R.Ramachander As is well known the tamil shiva or ambal temples are worshipped using Shaiva agama only And the Vishnu temples managed byIyengars are worshipped by Pancharathra or Vaikasana Agama The temple in the west coast managed by
A great write up about me by my daughterA great write up about me by my daughter When Hindupedia , wanted a proper write up about me , I requested my daughter to write one . She wrote a simply sizzling write up about me in English .When I was toying with googke translation , it made a tamil translation of the write up.It was simply great but
Single sun and two dawnsSingle sun and two dawns By Pa.Uma Maheswari (In Aval Vikatan December 21st) Translation attempted by P.R.Ramachander I became a local commodity, Used to buy a son in law from other shores. You gave me some faded nights, And vanished to
Oh, husband mine!Oh, husband mine!
About P.R.RamachanderAbout P.R.Ramachander By his daughter Smt Meera Venkatesan There is a lot of buzz in today’s world about the importance of finding your space, your Ikigai. I learnt from my father, P.R. Ramachander, that this space is big enough for many pursuits. If there have been two distinguishing features of every of his professional achievements, they are- his
Simple birthday greetings , specially for slightly old peopleSimple birthday greetings , specially for slightly old people Translated by P.R.Ramachander रोचनो रोचमानः शोभनो शोभमानः कल्याणः | शतमानम भवति शतायुः पुरुषः शतेन्द्रिय आयुष्येवेन्द्रियेः प्रतितिष्ठति || Rochano , rochamana , shobhano Shobamana Sathamanam bhavathi Sathayu purusha, sathendriya Aayushyendriyam Prathithishtathi &
You live your life and see(Tamil)You live your life and see(Tamil) By Swami Kripananda Vaariar Translated by P.R,Ramachander (Tamil text given at end) You live your life An ant does not want to live Butterfly’s life A dog does not see a lion and become even slightly jealous An elephant seeing a bird flying on the sky and
Pullanalum PurushanPullanalum Purushan By Shivam Perinkulam Translation attempt by P.R.Ramachander புல்லானாலும் புருஷன், கல்லானாலும் கணவன் வாயைதிறந்தொரு வார்த்தை நீ சொல்லாதே ! புல்லானாலும் 1 Pullanulum purushan , kallanulum kanavan Vayai thiranthoru vaarthai sollathe &
Dying daysDying days By Oviyachinthu in tamil Tanslated by P.R.Ramachander (The scene of a death from the man dying is described here in a great fashion.kudos to the poet) Joy was absent in all faces All relations crowding together, Were Talking about the good in him Unable to stand, talk and even move He was couting his
Go Cyclone , goGo Cyclone , go By Poet Vairamuthu Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a poetic request to the cyclone to go away in tamil by one of the greatest poets in Tamil. God bless him) Due to trees getting uprooted Not cleaning the teeth, Due to palf leaf roofs getting disturbed, Not able to fan with a palm fan Without playing marbles , By&
Sanskrit birthday cardSanskrit birthday cardTranslation byP.R.Ramachander Today one of my friend used this very pretty Sanskrit words to wish another friend शुभ जन्म दिनं तुभ्यं शुभ जन्म दिनं तुभ्यं शुभ जन्म दिने तवहे सकलं मधुरं भूयात सकलं सफलं भूयात सकलं च शुभम भूयात। Shubha Janma Dhinam Thubhyam Shubha janma Dhinam
Vanangukirom AmmaVanangukirom Amma We are saluting you, oh mother By Lakshmi Mohan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The writer has her DIL in her DIL and has written this great poem.I wanted to make it only for her Mummy and have suggested an alternative line, with a wet eye. Sister , whoever you are, you have done a
Tastey incarnations of PotatoTastey incarnations of Potato Translated by P.R.Ramachander You made the D.Osa Pregnant , And made it costly You came with Puri Maharaj, And made him Puri Masala, You hid inside folded spread flour , And made him Sam Oza You went inside Puri Junior, And
Does caste of child depend on Father or mother ?Does caste of child depend on Father or mother Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Ravana was born to a maharshi(Brahmin) and a rakshasi- he was considered as a Rakshasa mostly and as a Brahmin some times Parasara was a Brahmin- His son born out of a fisher women ,Veda Vyasa was a Brahmin SAnthanu was a kshatriya-All his three
I am proud of indiaI am proud of india Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I read this in Tamil and enjoyed it .) I am proud of my India I brush my teeth with Colgate I shave with Gillete Razor I apply Old spice Shaving lotion I am proud of my India I use Head and shoulders shampoo I Use
My stories for childrenMy stories for children Many of you may not know that I write stories for children too .These are available in my web site Raja THatha’s corner and is being referred to by many mothers. You can directly download all stories by clicking .
Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharshi (tamil)பகவான் ஸ்ரீ ரமண மகரிஷி Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharshi By Sri Anand Vasudevan Translated by P.R.Ramachander புண்ணிய பூமியன்றோ திருச்சுழி நம் யாவர்க்கும் பிறந்ததோர் நல்வழி மதுரையில் உணர்ந்த மரண அனுபவம் அருணையை அடைந்த அதிசய அற்புதம் Punniya bhoomiyandro Thiruchuzhi Nam yaavarkkum piranthathor nal vazhi Madhurayil unarnth
Sound(hindi)Sound Translation attempt By P.R.Ramachander Control the sound while talking ,Sound has neither arm nor legs Produce one sound, it would be medicine say another it would be village Control the sound while talking, Sound attracts attention Sound can wound the mind, it can increase your respectability Sound leaves your face,
Mazhai(chandamarutham)Mazhai(chandamarutham) By Mahakavi Bharathiyar Translation attempt By P.R.Ramachander (Today I posted a poem in Tamil about rain . Sri Ramakrishnan KS gave me this treasure on Rain by Bharathiyar. I tried to translate it) மழை_கவிதை #சுப்பிரமணிய_பாரதியார் திக்குக்கள் எட்டும் சிதறி-தக்கத் தீம்தரிகிட
A poem to fatherA poem to the father Translated by P.R.Ramachander A mother would make me feel , Her affection in many many ways, But father would make you feel, Just by pressing your hand. He has never told me before me, I have heard it only from others That he feels very proud of me , And has
A poem to the motherA poem to the mother Translated by P.R.Ramachander (translation of a great poem ) You are not just my relation, you are my soul For you’re your sacrifice , would this day, Only be sufficient , mother Definitely no mother Even if I lay below your feet for ever For the sacrifice that you
Why Dharma sastha keeps his finger on his noseWhy Dharma sastha keeps his finger on his nose Translated by P.R.Ramachander Once king of Vijayanagar visited a Sastha temple, Along with Vaishnava Thathachari and Appayya Deekshitha, They all say that lord Sastha was keeping his finger over his nose And People there told , if real reason for that is
Sage advises bird way to cross oceanSage advises bird way to cross ocean By P.R.Ramachander One pretty bird approached a sage, And said that it wanted to cross the ocean, Which is thousand miles wide , And visit a pretty island on the other sde The sage said that it would be difficult , For the bird to fly that
Chathuranga Vallabha Nadhar temple, PoovanurChathuranga Vallabha Nadhar temple, Poovanur Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (Our prime minister Sri Narendra modi while inaugurating the international chess tournament in Chennai mentioned about this temple .Since I wanted to know about Goddess and god who played chess , I collected these info.Hope you will find it interesting) &
Guru(Tamil)குரு-Guru Translated byP.R.Ramachander......குரு என்பதுஒரு தன்மை Guru is A nature..குரு என்பதுஒரு தனி நபர் அல்ல Guru is not ,One particular person...கடவுள் வேறுகுரு தன்மை வேறு அல்லஇரண்டும் ஒன்றே God and nature of GuruAre not different but the same...இந்த இரண்டும்ஒரு உருவம் இல்லாதது Both of them are formless..ஒரு மகா திவ்ய
Who is wife?Who is wife ? Translated by P.R.Ramachander The ocean told:- She is one who consoles her husband , Whenever he is sad , keeping him on her lap The sky told:- She is one who decides that every sorrow , Of her husband is hers too and sheds tears
Marriage(Malayalam)Marriage (Translated with thanks from Malayalam) By P.R.Ramachander Marriage is like throwing, Stone on a fully mango laden mango tree Some time we wil get ripe sweet mango Some times we will get ripe sour mango Some times we will get a fully spoiled mango Some times we will get unripe mango Some
God has blessed senior citizens?God has blessed senior citizens? Transcreated by P.R.Ramachander When his children start talking bad about him, he takes away his hearing ability When children start openly ill treating him, he makes his vision very dim When you think of all that you did for them and become
Some temples in South where sarpa dosha parihara is doneSome temples in South where sarpa dosha parihara is done Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Types of sarpa dosha 1. Naga dosha delaying marriage If Lagna has Rahu or kethu , the seventh house will have one of them. 2.Naga Dosha lessening number of children &nbsp
Greatness of Mundu(Veshti without borders)Greatness of Mundu(Veshti without borders) Translated BY P.R.Ramachander (I always felt that I had translated two poems on greatness of Sari and has not written any thing about Mundu/Veshti/Dhothi. I found this pretty poem posted in face book) It Can be tied immediately , it can be untied immediately We can wear it, we can invert it
dead is precious not one alivedead is precious not one alive Translated from a hindi poem By P.R.Ramachander If a mouse is made of stone, all people worship it, But if it is alive , till they kill it, they are not peaceful If the snake is made of stone, all people worship it, But it is alive , they see that it is immediately killed If their
Mother vs FatherMother vs Father This malayalam write up brought tears in my eyes, Please read Translated by P.R.Ramachander One grown up son asked his mother”To bring us up like this , who did more sacrifice-You or father? Mother told “you should have asked this to your father because, compared to his sacrifice , I have almost
Raja Thatha's on line stock taking of his contributionsRaja Thatha's on line stock taking of his contributions May God bless all of you with a very great 2022 Dear Friends, I am so happy to inform you that I took a stock taking of all the work done by me on line and found that more than one crore people have visited my blog spots as well as web sites from the year 2008 till the end of 2021. I hope you would agree with me that it is an
Ramu the affectionate MumbaikarRamu the affectionate MumbaikarByRaja ThathaWe met Ramu the mumbaikar in his marriage,To our little , pretty , ever smiling Raji junior.Next time our usual Mumbai trip came ,And in the Dadar Platform was standing,Our new Mumbai son in law to receive us ,And
Effect of guru peyarchi from Makara rasi to Kumbha rasi on 14th november 2021Effect of guru peyarchi from Makara rasi to Kumbha rasi on 14th november 2021 This is just for one year.If Guru is strong in your horoscope(Meena rasi Dhanu rasi and kadaka rasi , you will have only good during any movement of Guru Collected by P.R,Ramachander Planet Guru moved from Makara Rassi to
Me and Devi MahathmyamMe and Devi Mahathmyam By P.R.Ramachander AS a young boy of 16, I received a Devi Mahathmyam book in Malayalam from my father.I was trying to chant it. It was at this time , I got admission in Annamalai university. My eldest mama(periya Mama)/Sri A.P.Naganathan) was running a hotel in Vridhachalam
Thank you God , and Thank you to all my known and unknown friendsThank you God , and Thank you to all my known and unknown friends With tears of joy in my eyes , I thank God and each one of you P.R.Ramachander ( Raja Thatha) A few months back, knowing well thatAll my translations which are in google blogs Are not permenant and
Muthassimaarude nalla upadesangal(Malayalam)മുത്തശ്ശിമാരുടെ നല്ല ഉപദേശങ്ങൾ Muthassimaarude nalla upadesangal Godd advices from Grandmas Translated by P.R.Ramachander <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> *1)മാനിക്കാത്തിടം ചെല്ലരുത്!!!* Maanikaathidam chellaruthu Do not visit places where you are not respected *2)മാനം വിറ്റ് ഉണ്ണരുത്!!!* Maanam
Great role of Vidhya-some subashithasGreat role of Vidhya-some subashithas Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.सुखार्थिनः कुतोविद्या नास्ति विद्यार्थिनः सुखम् । सुखार्थी वा त्यजेद् विद्यां विद्यार्थी वा त्यजेत् सुखम् ॥ Sukhardhins kutho vidhyaa naasthi vidhyaarthina sukham Sukharthi vaa thyajeth vidhyaam Vidhyarthi vaa thyajeth sukham &nbsp
Some Subashithaas in SanskritSome Subashithaas in Sanskrit Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.आलस्यं हि मनुष्याणां शरीरस्थो महान् रिपुः । नास्त्युद्यमसमो बन्धुः कृत्वा यं नावसीदति ।। Aalaasyaam hi manushaanaam sareerasthi mahaan ripu Naasthi udhyamo samo bandhu kruthwaa yam naavaseedathi Laziness is the greatet enemy of body of men
Today happens to be our 51st anniversary(13-7-2021)Today happens to be our 51st anniversary(13-7-2021) By P.R.Ramachander WE both look back to the three legged race called married life , offering pranams to all elders, blessings and love to those t younger to us After being tied together , We started running together In
Gods , ancient sages and marriageGods , ancient sages and marriage By P.R.Ramachander All the gods of india are married Lord Ganesa appears with his wives(sidhi and Budhi) in many temples Lord Ayyappa in many places in Tamil nadu is married to his wives Poornaand Pushkala Lord Karthikeya of North has two wives
Visitors to my blogs till 16/7/2021Visitors to my blogs till 16/7/2021 By P.R,Ramachander I started “Raja Thatha blogs “ in the year 2008.Slowly I added 14 more blogs to the original blog.Here are the number of visitors till today to each of these blogs. Name of Blog &
Chevvai dosham or ManglikChevvai dosham or Manglik By P.R.Ramachander ( many people with marriageable groom and bride are exploited due to Chevvai dosham .No prayer and no worship will change the horoscope .) 1.For Boys The 7th house from Lagna and/or Chandra in case of boy determines, his health , future and most importantly
Aim perum Kaappiyankal (The five big tamil epics)Aim perum Kaappiyankal (The five big tamil epics) Compiled in a very summarized fashion by P.R.Ramachander ( It is believed that the names of these five epics are based on women’s ornaments of those days- Chilappathikaram- Chilambu anklet Mani mekhalai- Waist belt Kundala kesi -&
A small compilation of Palakkad iyer contributors to Carnatic musicA small compilation of Palakkad iyer contributors to Carnatic music (This collection was done some 20 years back and since I do not belong to field of music, there may be very many omissions .Please excuse me for short comings and suggest whom I should include) The three major centers
Mathikere jyosyar Ramachandra mama alias P.R.Ramachander alias Raja ThathaMathikere jyosyar Ramachandra mama alias P.R.Ramachander alias Raja Thatha Right from age of 40 I having helping people to match horoscopes for matrimony . After I retired I started doing it as a cservice in on line.Thousands of people consulted me including people from Lanka, Australia, USA
Faith and devotion causes miraclesFaith and devotion causes miracles It is usual for people to ask me questions? One gentleman wanted to know, how to get cured of Diabates I searched and in my collection there was one , I had reference to a temple called “Venni karumbeswarar of Venni in Tamil nadu. https://
Chelakkara ganapathiChelakkara ganapathi Compiled by P.R.Ramachander The temple in my native plave chelakkara is a Narasimha murthy temple facing east.On the right nand corner wall , there are statues of Ganesa and lord Ayyappa. There walls are enclosed in a small temple (they are not consecrated there) ,
Some opinions about me b by othersSome opinions about me b by others Compiled byP.R.Ramachander (makes me happy) Dr.Sankaran who was not known to me wrote in his whatsapp group I have been disseminating the above information about Dr P.R.Ramachander's translation contributions during the past several years in a few WhatsApp websites. Particularly, Carnatic
Routine life 80 years back and nowRoutine life 80 years back and now By P.R.Ramachander Then I was born in a small agraharam in kerala about 80 years back. All the people were very particular about cleanliness and if they are not ill they used to take bath in the early morning . Then wearing the wet cloths they used to go to the temple , worship God and return home .Boys at very young age used to wear half
Payyalur or Payilur , the village which was heaven for mePayyalur or Payilur , the village which was heaven for meByP.R.Ramachander Payyalur is a small agraharam near kollengode town on the way to kachankurichi temple,My mother’s elder sister was livening there with her family. I possibly visited here some 70 years
Raman Kadhai Kelunkalராமன் கதை கேளுங்கள் Raman Kadhai Kelunkal Please hear story of Rama Translated by P.R.Ramachander (from film called Sippikkul muthu;ab_channel=sappamukk ராமன் கதை கேளுங்கள்.. ஸ்ரீ ரகு ராமன் கதை கேளுங்கள்... ராமன் கதை கேளுங்கள்.. Raman kadhai kelungal Sri
Hum Haar Nahin Maanenge (Hey Carona , we will not accept defeat)Hum Haar Nahin Maanenge (Hey Carona , we will not accept defeat) By Prasoon Joshi Translated by P.R.Ramachander;ab_channel=A.R.Rahman Ek diya tumhara Aur ek lau hai meri Tal jaayegi ye kali raat andheri Hum dor dor saahas bator laayenge (Hum dor dor saahas bator laayenge)
Do not start , do not start , do not startमत निकल, मत निकल, मत निकल – Do not start , do not start , do not startByहरिवंशराय बच्चनTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(great poem .you may feel it has been written for present time);ab_channel=HarishDarshanSharmaशत्रु ये अदृश्य है,विनाश इसका लक्ष्य है,कर न भूल, तू जरा भी ना फिसल,मत निकल, मत निकल, मत निकल।This enemy remains
P.R.Ramachander Namo nama in April 2021 issue of SruthivaniP.R.Ramachander Namo nama in April 2021 issue of Sruthivani By Ayyadurai Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sruthivani is a great magazine run by Kerala Brahmin association in Trichur .It is an extremely popular magazine doing very great social service&
i AM IN BOOK OF ACIEVERSCIENCE &amp; SERVICES WRITER SHOW UPDATES81 YO translating ancient scriptures into English so all can benefit and understand. Noble deed.This 81-year-old retired man is on a mission to translate Upanishads, scriptures and Carnatic Kritis into English in order to gift them to young generations.By: swetha_vangavetiPublished: 20 Days AgoLast Modified:&
Our journey over time with hopeOur journey over time with hope By P.R.Ramachander Vikarai year (2019-20) Vikara means ugliness and aso disorder and During year Vikari without our realizing , We started living in a disorderly and ugly manner Thinking that, that is the best manner&nbsp
Guruvayurappan temple , Nettigere In BangalorGuruvayurappan temple , Nettigere In Bangalor Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (My sister Smt Geetha Narayanan , wanted me to write about this temple today.I have tried my best) When any Malayali Hindu is in trouble , He cries out “ende Guruvayurappa(Oh my
Blessing the bride and groom on day of marriageBlessing the bride and groom on day of marriage Translated byP.R. Ramachander This great prayer was used by Swami thejomayananda to bless the married couple विवाह दिनं इदं भवतु हर्षदम् मङ्गलं तथा वां च क्षेमदम् प्रति दिनं नवं प्रेम वर्धतम् शत गुणं कुलं सदा हि मोदतम् लोक सेवया देव पूजनम्
Children born at any time are always goodChildren born at any time are always good Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A very great poem which tells you , you are good, whichever month you are born. This was posted by my face book scholar friend Srinivasa Sharma .Thank you sir) Chithirayil pirantha pillai Chinthanaikal niraintha
Effect of Guru Peyarchi in april 2021Effect of Guru Peyarchi in april 2021 Planet Guru is moving from makara rasi to Kumba Rasi on April 6th Please understand that 1.Guru is a good planet and so it does not cause bad effects but when it is weak, prevents good things from Happening 2.According to astrology the good, bad &
Worship Nava gunjara and attain victory in all aspects of lifeWorship Nava gunjara and attain victory in all aspects of life Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (I was not aware of this form of Krishna , though I have visited Puri Temple .My friend Smt Pushkala Ravindran drew my attention to it .Thanks to her) You have seen Ganesa and Narasimha &
The sweetest bouquet to every motherThe sweetest bouquet to every mother By P.R.Ramamachander ( I saw a tamil poem by my face book friend and wrote) One day my school teacher asked , For the sweetest five letter word, One boy said sugar , another honey , But I said , it is mother and
MazhaiMazhai (the ghostly dance of the divine rain) By Mahakavi Bharathiyaar Translated by P.R.Ramachander I am a great fan of the Mahakavi and have translated many of his poems. Today morning I saw a great poem, which I have not translated in the whatsapp . What a wonderful song penned by
An effort to teach how to be happy through UpanishadsAn effort to teach how to be happy through Upanishads By Raja Thatha The reopening of the school was fast approaching. Rohan has to go back to USA where he studies and Maithree and Goldy have to go to school. So Raja Thatha found that his grand children were all sad. He tried to cheer them up. Maithree then asked, “Thatha, how to be happy and what is happiness?” Thatha
A poem addressed to idliA poem addressed to idli இட்லிக்கு_ஒரு_கவிதை By Ramya Niranjan Translated by P.R.Ramachander You are the nectar, Fed by my mother to me, You are the full moon,\ That comes in early morning You are the nectar that came, Like white fluffy cotton You are one who stood like mother, After feeding
Stotra literature by timeStotra literature by type.ByP.R.RamachanderMost of the prayers in the vedic period were called Sukthams .Most probably they were used in Yajnas . The post Vedic Stotras can be classified as1.SahasranamamsThese are the listing of thousand names of each God. If you go through them critically you may not find that all these thousand names are different and we find that several names are
Stotra literature over time.Stotra literature over time.ByP.R.RamachanderStotra comes from the word Sthuthi and Sthuthi means praise.Some stotras are also called as Sthavas. Stotra could be broadly translated as “Praise of God”.1.Stotras of the Vedic periodThe foremost among the Vedic Stotras is Rudram and chamakam addressed to Lord Shiva, Narayana as well as Purusha Suktham addressed to Lord Vishnu and Sri Suktham,
Who should Garland the Bharata Rathna?Who should Garland the Bharata Rathna?Rewritten from Tamil postByP.R.Ramachander(Shaking hands –Pani Grahana is the present day culture even between all men and ladies..But once we lived differently?. I could have simply translated the tamil post but some thing in me,Wanted me to write it in my own words) Once MS, the nightingale of south india,Was supposed to be honoured,And
I re-dedicate all my work done after retirement to my best halfI re-dedicate all my work done after retirement to my best half By P.R.Ramachander (Six years back , I did it and now again, With heart full of gratefulness to her , I am doing it) My efforts in the last few days in highlighting my hobbies were intended in making all of you aware of the work done by me as also to encourage people who are
A poem to super star IdliA poem to super star Idli Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Thanks to sister Anandi Lakshmi for posting it) <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> You are nectar fed by mother’s to their kids Tou are the full moon rising on breakfast table You the nectar which came like a white and soft cloud You
The thirty which are goodThe thirty which are good By P.R.Ramchander (Based on a tamil write up) 1.Do , what you want to do , just now 2. Drink as much water you can daily 3.Daily laugh at least once 4.Daily know one good thing 5.Daily read at least one page of the book that
Centenary birthday in heaven on 8th December 2020Centenary birthday in heaven on 8th December 2020 (humble wishes, Raja) BYRaja Thatha One hundred years back in the southern village, Of a great agrahara of Puthucode(new line) was born, A gem like baby to a very rich man and he thought, He is going &
Drik ganitha and Vakhya PannchangamsDrik ganitha and Vakhya Pannchangams By P.R.Ramachander PAnchangam ie book giving us information about five aspects that is Month, date, day , Nakshatra and Thithi of all days.(some people say Karana and Yoga instead of month and date) Possibly in Vedic times , certain very
Guruvayur Ekadasi on25-11-2020 this yearGuruvayur Ekadasi on25-11-2020 this year Compiled by P.R.Ramachander It is the belief that Lord Vishnu himself comes to Guruvayur on that day.It is also believed that Devendra and all his Devas , all gods and Goddesses participate in the celebrations in Guruvayur,Because of it, it is believed that Guruvayur Ekadasi is very special, destroys all sins and purifies one and all Narada
Saint Ramanuja’s visit to KashmirSaint Ramanuja’s visit to Kashmir Compiled by P.R.Ramachander ( We have now “google search “ to locate information about anything and everything but 1000 years back there was no method to locate a book or info.But Saint Ramanuja located the only available copy of a book
Kolar iyers or Ashtagrama iyers or DEvasamudram iyers-an IntroductionKolar iyers or Ashtagrama iyers or DEvasamudram iyers-an Introduction Compiled by P.R.Ramachander In the early 16th century a few of the Iyers from the North Arcot and the Tanjavur districts of Tamil Nadu migrated to the Ashtagrama group of villages, at the request of the existing government, as learned priests, Vedic scholars and agriculturists.
Dravida Brahmins of telugu state -migrants from Tamil NaduDravida Brahmins of telugu state -migrants from Tamil Nadu Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Among the telugu speaking people of Andhra Pradesh there are two important sects , Vaidiki and Niyogi ,Amongf them Vaidikis are considered as scholars of Veda,They have sub
Kheer BHavani temple , KashmirKheer BHavani temple , Kashmir The Bhavani temple of Milk Payasam Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (The Kashmir, which housed the Saravajna peeda ,The Kashmir which had the great works of Bodhayana which our saint Ramanuja referred, The Kashmir the land of Abhinava Guptha the philosopher,
Sankethi Brahmins of Karnataka( Migrants from Chenkottai of Tamil Nadu to Karnataka )Sankethi Brahmins of Karnataka( Migrants from Chenkottai of Tamil Nadu to Karnataka ) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (one of the sects of Karnataka Brahmins , known for their intelligence are Sankethi Brahmins., who are migrants from Shenkota of tamil nadu. I have compiled tid bits of info about
Sholiyar or Chozhiya BrahminsSholiyar or Chozhiya Brahmins Compiled by P.R.Ramachander A book on history of Tamil Nadu Brahmins, says they are one of the earliest settlers in Tamil Nadu and since they were not expert in Vedas, they learned Agamas and got employment as temple priests ,Because of that the Vedic Brahmins
Happy deepavali to each and every one of youHappy deepavali to each and every one of you By Raja Thatha (this Thatha’s namaskarams to all elders and Aseervadams for a wonderful life) The festival of row of lights has come With darkness surrounding the world due
Elegy of earsElegy of ears Translated by P.R.Ramachander We are ears We are twins who have not seen each other Because God created on both sides of the face We are created for hearing Both the good and bad, Music and hurting sound Slowly we have become hanging hooks &
Annapurneswarikku UthsavamayiAnnapurneswarikku Uthsavamayi (A song about Navarathri festival in Puthucode) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I got the song with lyrics from Viswanath Placode ,to whom I am chithappa .Thanks to him . it is a pretty song about The major festival of Puthucode is Navarathri)
Madras TamilMadras Tamil ( I do not know it at all, though people tell these words in Tamil cinemas and Serials.Here are some words I copied from ) Afterwards Appālikā,appāllē (அப்பாலிகா, அப்பாலே) There &
Money has many namesHey Money, (borrowed (not money) from post of my friend, my co villager Sri Ramaswami Venkateswaran) Translated by P.R.Ramachander How many names have you got? In temple it is called “offering” In school it is “fees” In marriage it is “dowry” In divorce it is “Alimony” In accidents it is “compensations” If given to poor it
Father-DaughterFather-Daughter (Based on excellent write by - Dilip KumarThe Iyer - Iyengar Network I can not match his emotions) Rewritten in English By P.R.Ramachander However much mother scolds , This minds takes it lightly But if father says one word Our mind would become heavy Our eyes would become filled with
Idli-Priya pratha BakshanaIdli - Priya pratha Bakshana (Idli- lovely Breakfast By Kavi kula thilaka Bala Subrahmanya Sharma of Madhurai <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> English Translation By P.R.Ramachander (Got sloka in whatsapp . But a british historial who ate it said it is boring .
Paadilla, Paadilla(A malayalam song )Paadilla, Paadilla(A malayalam song ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( this great song was typed by Sri P.V.Viswanathan (Ramani) of Mumbai in tamil , hearing the song, I am his proud Raja Chithappa and my thanks to him ) You can hear this great song பாடில்ல பாடில்ல பக்ஷண சமயத்து ஸம்ஸாரிக்குவான் பாடில்ல
My Kamalam MamiMy Kamalam MamiByRaja Thatha Long back, when I was young, I had to visit Mumbai , city of dreams And I as usual , went to Krishna mama’s home Which was very near Chembur Station Mama went to office and me and Mami went to market And Mami suddenly went near&
: Raja Thatha Wishes his daughter wishing her all that is best: Raja Thatha Wishes his daughter wishing her all that is bestBy P.R.RamachanderMy daughter is the huge treasure of unending affectionBut for her , life would have been an arid desertWhen I say to her, “Darling I feel like having kheer tomorrow”Just as a joke&
Father whom no body understands?Father whom no body understands? Translated by P.R.Ramachander (as a father I understood it) Do not like Father’s voice Do not like Father’s adamant nature Do not like Father looking at me Do like father’s advice &
Justice according to Vidhura(Some points from Vidhura neethi)Justice according to Vidhura(Some points from Vidhura neethi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.No decision should be taken during these three states <!--[if !supportLists]-->a. <!--[endif]-->When you very hungry <!--[if !supportLists]-->b. <!--[endif]-->When you are&
Dedicated to Mani , the gem of the worldDedicated to Mani , the gem of the world By Raja A gem belonging to the northern village of Kerala, Lead all of us in the right path all these days. HE was born as the son of a leading hotelier of Mylapore , Along with his very and very dear
Most desirable things according to Veda VyasaMost desirable things according to Veda Vyasa Translated by P.R.Ramachander Veda Vyasa has told:- Uchishtam , Shiva Nirmalyam , vamanam , savakarpadam Kaaka vishtaathe, panchaithe pavithraathi mano hara Meaning(some thing wrong) That which is remnant of eating, That which was&
Then and NowThen and Now Translated by P.R.Ramachander (original source .I have deleted political comparisons) Then House full of children &
My teachers in SMTHS , ChelakkaraMy teachers in SMTHS , Chelakkara By P.R.Ramachander In the year 1947 , I was studying in a second standard in a Tamil medium Kalasi guda school in Secunderabad(Near Chithra talkis).I still remember one Sri Gopalaswamy who was head master there. He used to come with a coat , Panchakacham
Corona onam for MahabaliCorona onam for Mahabali By P.R.Ramachander King Mahabali kept alarm to wake up at five am, So that he can dress himself up, take his umbrella, And visit his own country in India that is Bharath, Which was called all over the world as “God’s own
Golden words by Swamy Kripananda variarGolden words by Swamy Kripananda variar That which keeps on coming and going –two - sorrow and joy That which never goes away after coming- two – fame and bad name That which comes , of its own –two - youth and old age That which comes with us- two- sins ,
Story man receives a trophyStory man receives a trophy By Story man As a boy I told stories to younger children, And they called me Raja Anna, AS uncle I have told stories to my nephews,. They called me as Raja mama and Raja Chithappa, I had told as Raja stories to my own children, They both called me Appa As an old man I told stories to thousands of children. To them all I was known as Raja Thatha, And
The wail of Gandhari (Gandhari vilapam)The wail of Gandhari (Gandhari vilapam) By Thunjathu ezhuthachan Translation attempt by P.R.Ramachander (Note For very many years , one of my great desire was to translate this great piece of Malayalam literature. It occurs in Mahabharatham kili pattu by THunjathu
Do we have any Rama or Krishna temple in kerala and Tamil Nadu?Do we have any Rama or Krishna temple in kerala and Tamil Nadu? This is one subject of discussion in QUORA ( Collected by P.R.Ramachander I tried to collect as much information as possible.I know it is very inadequate and may be I have committed many
Belong to God but never claim him as yoursBelong to God but never claim him as yours By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a folk story I heard from my daughter) One day lord Krisbna’s wife’s Bhama and Rugmani, Met Draupadhi wife of Pandavas in the forest, With curiosity they asked, “How
Varalakshmi pooja iis on 31st- manthras for doing poojaVaralakshmi pooja iis on 31st Vara Maha Lakshmi Pooja Compiled byP.R.Ramachander (Slightly simplified version mainly for ladies knowing only english , especially for those who stay abroad.If by chance in that country Banana leaf is not available, paddy can be spread on a plate. Mango leaves are only decoration material and not essential) The materials needed for
The mile stone 5 is a personal one.-our fiftieth wedding anniversaryThe mile stone 5 is a personal one.-our fiftieth wedding anniversary (My given name is Rama and she is Jaya and today the victory of rama (rama Jayam) started fifty years back This day (13-7-1970) , fifty years back , we got married to each other. Today after another 50 years we are again celebrating our anniversary surrounded by our son, daughter in law , daughter, son in law , two grand
Mile stone 4. I am a small time astrologer , poet and story tellerMile stone 4. I am a small time astrologer , poet and story teller As astrologerI have been doing help to the human society as a small time astrologer , practicing it as a social service . I helped very large number of parents , grooms and brides by matching horoscopes. The credit must go to God and science of astrology , that most of those marriages were successful .I have also helped
Mile stone 3 Informing Brahmins about rules and rituals as well as manthras for different occasionsMile stone 3 Informing Brahmins about rules and rituals as well as manthras for different occasions Some time in 2005, I started putting the tharpana sankalpams for every year as well the upakarma manthras for every year in yahoo groups .In 2008 one of my friends requested me to translate in to English, a tamil of rites and rituals called samkshepa dharma sastram. It was initially put in
Mile stone 2 of Raja thatha-Translation of Carnatic Krithis written in 7 languagesMile stone 2 of Raja thatha-Translation of Carnatic Krithis written in 7 languages I wrote 10 years back The second mile stone pertains to my translation of 300 Carnatic music Keetrthanas originally written in five different languages. I am not a musician and not a great pundit in any of the five languages. I am not a
Mile stone 1 stotras addressed to godsMile stone 1 - stotras addressed to gods I wrote in july month 10 years back that The first mile stone is my completing the translation of 500th Stotram, I can publicly confess that I am not a great scholar and whatever I have done is by the express guidance from God. This great collection includes such gems
Day of Jealousy (Hera Panchami) of goddess Lalkshmi in Puri JagannathDay of Jealousy (Hera Panchami) of goddess Lalkshmi in Puri Jagannath BY P.R.Ramachander (This is based on the write up about this festival in times of India ) Possibly you may not know that lOrd Jaganath of Puri, Lives in Sri Mandhira, the temple of the goddess Lakshmi, On the ratha yathra day ,he along
Our Kumbakonam with innumerable greatnessOur Kumbakonam with innumerable greatness Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The tamil text is given below.I do not know, who wrote that.He must be from Kubhakonam) Translated from Tamil by P.R.Ramachander It is a great city where so far , No natural calamities have happened Due to being surrounded by temples Kumbhakonam is a temple city The
The Corona song-MalayalamThe Corona song By Muthalpaauram Mohan das Trtanslated by P.R.Ramachander (I was mesmerized by this song when i heard it in a post of Mrs Shyama Nair -I decided to translate it so that , non-malayalis can enjoy it. .THe text typed in english is given after my translation). hear it along with malayalam text
Thieves in web of modern lifeThieves in web of modern life Translated by P.R.Ramachander Three thieves wearing a carona mask , Entered a big government bank and shouted, “The money belongs to government and life is yours, If you want to back alive , Lie down, seeing the floor” Every one did, because , they all
How my stotra translation Started?How my stotra translation Started? By P.R.Ramachander Who I was in 2003? As a boy of 6 year old , I remember my Pattiyammai daily saying Harihari stotra while attending to all her work. When I was a young boy , I remember my father singing in loud voice Sri Krishna Karnamrutham&nbsp
I am 80 years 5 monthsI am 80 years 5 months By P.R.Ramachander I lived 55 years in Karnataka (3 years in Bidar, 7 years in Vittal near Mangalore and 45 years in Bangalore I lived 6 years in Telengana(Secunderabad) I lived 3 years in Andhara pradesh(Rajhamundry) I lived 6 years in Tamil Nadu(3 years in
poem written twenty years back by meTwenty years back on this day my first grand daughter was born to me . I wrote &
Guruvayurappan and the empty temple (A malayam poem)Guruvayurappan and the lock down (A malayam poem) Translated by P.R.Ramachander; (read the text typed in english at the end) It is not like what you think, If we think, It is interesting here, There is no push and pull, THere is no, Sound pollution, here it is peacefully pretty WE can
Jogada Siri Belakinalli –Forever festival to you, motherJogada Siri Belakinalli –Forever festival to you, mother By Nisar Ahmed the Nithyothsava poet Translation attempt by P.R.Ramachander (I was once working in Indian Institute of Horticultural research ,I was in a senior position and when some staff members wanted to celebrate “Kannada Rajyothsava “ I supported
“Old is gold”vs “old is in trash bin”“Old is gold”vs “old is in trash bin” By P.R.Ramachander (Not original but written based on what I read in tamil, with additions and changes) Relatives and friends inviting us, For staying a week with them , To take great food, to laugh and to cry, Together and take leave of them with tears Used to take place&
சூரியன் #வருவது#யாராலே? By Whom does the sun comes?சூரியன் #வருவது#யாராலே? By Whom does the sun comes? By #நாமக்கல் #கவிஞர் #வெ. #ராமலிங்கம் #பிள்ளை Namakkal poet V,Ramalingam pillai Translated by P.R.Ramachander சூரியன் வருவது யாராலே? சந்திரன் திரிவதும் எவராலே? காரிருள் வானில் மின்மினிபோல் கண்ணிற் படுவன அவைஎன்ன? பேரிடி மின்னல் எதனாலே? பெருமழை பெய்வதும் எவராலே? யாரிதற் கெல்லாம்
Some conondrums for” stay at home” thought?Some conondrums for” stay at home” thought? By P.R.Ramachander We should think about how and why, Sun and moon rise and travel through the sky, Stars shine like fire flies up above the sky in darkness and Huge rains lash with thunder and
The School teacherThe School teacher By P.R.Ramachander The doctor who saved millions of people, The great IG who prevented several great crimes, The great minister well known for his efficiency , The religious savant who taught religion to all, Were all invited by a president of a great country, So that He could honour all of them . And they all got
Description of human life from Vidhura neethiDescription of human life from Vidhura neethi Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (I read this in tamil in a post of my friend Sri Vasu Iyengar. What a wonderful description of life?) One person entered in to a forest, Wild animals started chasing him, He was scared and then a very ugly , Whom no body will like embraced
Pichu mama and ammalu mamiPichu mama and ammalu mami By Antha Raja Thatha (Story written in Palakkadu thamizh typed in English) Pichu mama was born in a small village in kerala and like any other Kerala iyer studied typing and short hand.Due to his great luck he got a job in the government as a steno in a
Women are the stronger sexWomen are the stronger sex Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (Something similar was written by a lady in face book .I have reproduced it in tamil , without giving her name . Oh men , have you even won in argument , with women? Selfishness , adamant nature, anger , affection and hatered, Aremuch more for&
Threes and sevens of lifeThrees and sevens of life Translated from Tamil By P.R.Ramachander (very many people have posted it in face book as well as outside .My thanks for the first one.I may not be first one who has translated) A.Three . 1.Three things wait for no one &nbsp
The golden period has comeThe golden period has come Rewritten from Hindi P.R.Ramachander No worry about how to spend Sunday, No worry about coming of Monday No desire to earn money No complaint about expenditure No desire to take food in hotel No joy of going round the town No desire to buy Gold and silver No desire for money No
Hear other’s problem with kindnessHear other’s problem with kindness Translated by P.R.Ramachander There was a rat in a house and one day, It saw the owners opening a new parcel, And it thought , it was something which , It can eat, but it was a rat trap. The rat ran out of there and met a cock, And told
Raman mama and Ammu mami-oru kadhaiRaman mama and Ammu mami-oru kadhai By P.R.Ramachander Rama Mama and Ammu Mami were husband and wife .Both were extremely Adamant about everything. If Ammu Mami prepared Dosai for breakfast Raman Mama Wanted only Idli , he threw that dosai in to the
Why cry? It is purely temporary.Why cry? It is purely temporary. Transcreated by P.R.Ramachander One person was taking bath in a river, Suddenly he got a floating silk Sari, He tied it on his head as a turban , And another wave came and took it away from him He got to the shore and
What you are “used to” is always betterWhat you are “used to” is always better Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Most of the modern people advise us of many new methods to live but what we are “iused to” is always better) One Blind man went to his friend’s home , When he wanted to return it was dark night, And the friend gave a
Oru Kadam Kadha(Puzzle)Oru Kadam Kadha(Puzzle) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I was asked this question in Malayalam by, the son of my sister in law, sri Venkateswaran Iyer of Brindavan Society ,Thane. Naturally I blinked and when he explained I understood) Oruthan poYi , Oruthi aayi, Oruthi pethu iruvr undaayi , iruvarum
Sorry tale of a teacherSorry tale of a teacher Translated by P.R.Ramachander Keeping his hand daily on the black board, He daily breathes the dust of Chalk, Teaches, Teaches and teaches, And with lung filled with chalk He has the constant pain always there. When the teacher punishes&
Penance vs discussion about GodPenance vs discussion about God By P.R.Ramachander (I read it in Tamil and was attracted and put it in my words) Sage Vasishta visited sage Viswamithra, After a good feast , the sage Visamithra, Gave a parting gift to his friend Vasishta,
What is my heaven?What is my heaven? By P.R.Ramachander (I saw a similar write up in Tamil . I modified it as per my tastes and preferences) Heaven is Kerala in torrential rain Heaven in Vidhyarthi bhavan, Bangalore is Masala dosa Heaven in summer is tender coconut water Heaven in winter is hot
God’s own countryGod’s own country Tranlated from Malayalam by P.R.Ramachander Andhra has to give rice, Tamil nadu has to give vegetables Karnataka has to give medical facilities All the three have to give seats for higher education Saudi has to give jobs Bengal and Bihar has togive labourers Central government has to give money
Subbu Kutti -the great astrologer-Did he find out about CaronaSubbu Kutti -the great astrologer-Did he find out about Carona ByP.R.Ramachander There was a meena mami in a village.Her husband’s name was Subbu kutti. Though intelligent Subbu Kutti never did any job. Meena Mami’s friends one day teased her saying “your Subbu Kutti is useless and he knows nothingMeena Mami told them “Who said like that”he is a great astrologer” .All Mamis laughed
Chuppuni and the ghost in tamarind treeChuppuni and the ghost in tamarind tree BY Raja Thatha Chuppuni was a lad who did not learn much.Once he tried to learn music ,Hearing his harsh voice, his teacher one day left telling his father that all that Chuppuni needs is music practice.Chuppuni’s father told him to practice or he will drive himout of the house
My father P.R.Rama Iyer used to tell a story,(Thirty years ago)My father P.R.Rama Iyer used to tell a story,(Thirty years ago) By P.R.Ramachander (My Father Late P.R.Rama Iyer had studied only up to third standard because his father died at the time .But by the time he was 60. He could fluently speak and read six languages including English.He was an encyclopedia of
How Palakaatu Rama iyer mama lived forever?How Palakaatu Rama iyer mama lived forever? A story by P.R.Ramachander Once upon a time there was a great scholar in Palakkad called Rama Iyer Mama .Rama Iyer mama was a great scholar and and a great devotee So when the time for his death came , he realized this and he was able &
Waqt to phir waqt hai.... Time is again only timeWaqt to phir waqt hai.... Time is again only time -An urdu poem Translation attempt by P.R.Ramachander (I have a great admiration for Urdu poems which i understand a little bit but I am not that good in Urdu,I have tried to translate a poem which I liked) Time is again only time, it will
கொரானா ஆத்திசூடி- Alphabetical Corona tipsகொரானா ஆத்திசூடி- Alphabetical Corona tips Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Enjoyed reading this very educative tips in Whatsapp Thanks top original author) அ டிக்கடி கை கழுவு-Wash your hands often ஆ பத்தை அறிந்து கொள்-understand the danger இ ல்லத்தில் தரித்திரு-be constantly at your home ஈ ரடி தள்ளி நில்-Stand two feet away உ ற்றாரை ஒதுக்கி
Coronayum , Kannande Karunaayum-Prayer deep from heart to drive away Corona addressed to Lord Guruvayurappan.Coronayum , Kannande Karunaayum-Prayer deep from heart to drive away Corona addressed to Lord Guruvayurappan. (corona and the mercy of Krishna) By Mukannor Srihari Nambudhiri Translated with eye full of tears By P.R.Ramachander (Translation of such an emotional appeal to Guruvayurappan ,
APN ஸ்வாமியின் பஞ்ச🖐(punchAPN ஸ்வாமியின் பஞ்ச🖐(punch (You can see the original in tamil with tamil comments in ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Whatsapp , Twwitter, thadhaa face book, Android , Ipad thadhaapare, Mano vaikalya sidhyartham, Banthi loke maneeshinaam Whataspp, twitter , as also
My country is the greatest-Jai HindMy country is the greatest-Jai Hind By P.R.Ramachander I am proud to be an Indian and to me my mother land is greater than all the wealth that any one can give Here are people deeply divided, by religion, caste , language they speak, state they belong, the political party they
Indu the incomparableA wedding poem wishing the bride 45 years back .Fotunately she had preserved it By Raja Thatha Indu the incomparable Full of dreams in your eyes, Of honeyed things to come, Of great things unknown. But dear lass, I wish, That world is a path of rose for you, With kisses so sweet and fragrant, That Ramnath&
I am very sad!I felt extremely sad since few days because of running away of people from centres of isolation because three star comforts were not provided.Today I am extremely sad because of a report that many people coming to India by plane to avoid, their being detected as having fever are taking paracetemol tablets in plane! Our government is doing even things impossible normally so that our country
How can we protect our Nirbhayas?How can we protect our Nirbhayas? BY P.R.Ramachander When I was little more young , Till my daughter comes back from school, My old father used to stand near the gate, With fear and apprehension written on his face? Those bad men of&
My Pazhani AAndavanMy Pazhani AAndavan By P.R.Ramachander My maternal grand father Ayalore Naganathan Parameswaran was a great devotee of Pazhani subrahmanya,Every year he used to walk to Pazhani during Thai poosam and used to participate in the Annadhanam at Kozhumam Yajamanan Satram, I did get an opportunity to live with him as a young
His world is feminineHis world is feminine By P.R.Ramachander (I read some thing like this and have modified , added and put it in my own words) Vidhya is needed by him to become wise, Lakshmi is needed by him to become rich, Shanthi is neede by him to lead a happy life , Without
Smartha Brahmins of BangaloreSmartha Brahmins of Bangalore A note by P.R.Ramachander Quite a large percentage of Bangalore Brahmins are Smarthas . Most of them are settlers from neighbouring states. I might have left many other groups .Please do write in this forum, if you know any more group . I would be writing about Vaishnavites soon. The word Smartha means , followers of Smrithi. Most of
She who with her ten properties has ten incarnations-Happy women’s dayShe who with her ten properties has ten incarnations-Happy women’s day By P.R.Ramachander (Based on the tamil comments of my friend, Sri Raghu Rajan) 1.Without you there is no world, 2.Without you Life is not sweet, 3.Without you there is no spring among seasons 4.Without you kindness does not
Vegetable poemVegetable poem Translated from Tamil By P.R.Ramachander If you consume tomato always, You will never see sicknessin the world Even if lime is sour , please take it. Your bones will become strong SAmbar without onion , the taste, Will never stay in our toungue The taste of snake &
An interest in DiabetesAn interest in Diabetes BY Sri Yezhil Arasu Sokka lingam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I thought this write by Sri Sokka Lingam would be very useful to those affected by Diabetes.I am only trying the message to reach those who do not know Tamil.I have given the Tamil Text below my
Mother’s last diary notingMother’s last diary noting By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a whatsapp message in tamil) The golden son whom I fondled Lifting him over my head , Has grown up above my head I have one fear , Will he some day, Say “Do not interfere in my affairs.” Oh son , never ever say that
Mother’s last diary notingMother’s last diary noting By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a whatsapp message in tamil) The golden son whom I fondled Lifting him over my head , Has grown up above my head I have one fear , Will he some day, Say “Do not interfere in my affairs.” Oh son , never ever say that. As soon as I hear it I will die
The sufferings we caused to our motherThe sufferings we caused to our mother Translated by P.R.Ramachander In Gaya they offer sixteen Pindas(Rica balls) to the n mother, Here is what they say in english 1.Oh mother I caused you great pain and sorrow, While I came out of your womb and while you put me on earth, And for the sake of alleviating that great pain, I am offering this first Pinda to
Kuladeivam among Tamil BrahminsKuladeivam among Tamil Brahmins By P.R.Ramachander a.Brahmins in Tamil Nadu There is an opinion that there are no Kula Deivam for Brahmins but they have adopted it from other castes who worship their Grama DEvathas (called Kaval deivangal- Gods who protect) . I have met large number of tamil
All mother’s are castelessAll mother’s are casteless Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (Some one send me an English tranbslation of this from Marathi. I put it in my own words. Simply superb thought process .I dedicate this to all casteless mothers.Thanks to my daughter who is a mother for sending it) A caste survey was being
Old age- A hindi poemबुढापा Old age Hindi poem Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The text of hindi poem below my translation.) In the early morning, Some body knocked at my door, I suddenly got up and went, And opened the door, And there old age was standing And from coming inside, It stood there adamantly I said, “No brother, Not now After
A new way of looking at marriage of God Vishnu and Goddess LakshmiA new way of looking at marriage of God Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi By P,R.Ramachander All of us know that Goddess Lakshmi came out of the ocean of milk and Lord Vishnu claimed her as his., In the Bhajana Padathi , the marriage is celebrated as if
Hammer not key opens lock easilyHammer not key opens lock easily By P.R.Ramachander (based on whatsapp message in tamil.Thanks to original author) A wife gave a cup of coffee to her husband , And he saw an ant floating in the coffee, He became very angry , called his wife, And poured the hot coffee over her head, The wife got
To cheat God is a difficult jobTo cheat God is a difficult job Translated by P.R.Ramachnder One man was standing in a queue to visit a temple, There was money box on their way to drop contributions This man had a torn ten rupee note in his hand, And he thought,if I put it, even god cannot find out AS he neared the box some one behind gave him, A
Story of a very intelligent kingStory of a very intelligent king Translated by P.R.Ramachander There was a kingdom on a huge river shore In which any one wanting to become a king can become , A king for five years and later they would, Be left to the other shore of the&
My recollection of the people of my village 70 years backMy recollection of the people of my village 70 years back By P.R.Ramachander of Chelakkara Through my write up about Pulakkottu madam , I renewed my contacts with some of the people of Pulakkottu madams Then I thought , why not I write about the people my village Gramam(Agraharam) .There was a
A humble request to all sonsA humble request to all sons By P.R.Ramachander (I read an English write up about this by my friend Sri Devanathan Srinivasarangan based on a telugu poem. I liked it and am presenting it in the form that I want with grateful thanks to my friend) Mom carries you for nine months, Dad carries you for twenty five years
Old age +Solitude = TortureOld age +Solitude = Torture Translated by P.R.,Ramchander (Translation after Tamil Text) Some one sent me in whatsapp :- *முதுமை + தனிமை= *கொடுமை ! பிள்ளையை... பெண்ணை... பெற்று, வளர்த்து, படிக்க வைத்து..., ஆளாக்கி..., மணமுடித்து... வைக்கிறோம்! வேறு ஊரில்..., வேறு மாநிலத்தில்..., வேறு நாட்டில்... வேலை நிமித்தமாக சென்று விடுகிறார்கள்... இங்கு... 70
Food should be mediine to avoid medicine being foodFood should be mediine to avoid medicine being food Translated By P.R.Ramachander 1.Without cumin(Jeera) food would not be good 2,For protecting our body, Onion is sufficient 3.Banana would make you live 4.Urgent taking food is dangerous 5.For stmach ulcer lime juice 6.For blood preassure ,Agathi(sesbania)
ͥ An old couple learnt from a babyͥ An old couple learnt from a baby By P.R.Ramachander An old man decided to be like a baby , To be happy for no reason at all, And all his children started liking him, For they knew Thatha is a nice person An old couple decided to be always, Doing some thing or other to
The Story of Rama putting an arrow through maramara treesThe Story of Rama putting an arrow through maramara trees By P.R.Ramachander There was a king called Manibhadra and he had several sons from his wife Kavika. Seven those sons learnt evil magic,One day by their magic they made a big serpent.When going over Rishya mooka mountains , they saw Agasthya coming that way.They made the snake in to
Classification of sons according to lord RamaClassification of sons according to lord Rama Translated by P&gt;R.Ramachander In the Adhyathma Ramayana (Malayalam) , in the Ayodhya Kanda when Kaikeyi tells Rama, that his father is not able to tell him that “He should go to forest for Fourteen years and Bhratha should rule Ayodhya “ Rama immediately agrees and defines&
My humble Birthday celebration With GuruvayurappanMy humble Birthday celebration With Guruvayurappan By Raja Thatha I reached Guruvayur on first February evening to celebrate my star birthday along with my wife. On 2nd morning I had wonderful Senior citizen Darshan within 20 minutes.We both went to Kadampuzha temple. For every problem we or our relations we have,
The ashtothara Garland of my translation and writings to my Lord and God GuruvayurappanThe ashtothara Garland of my translation and writings to my Lord and God Guruvayurappan By P.R.Ramachander ( as a child I was left in the temple of Guruvayurappan and my aunt brought me from the temple to look after me. So I consider myself as the property of Guruvayurappan. All of you joined in my
Pulakottu MadamsPulakottu Madams Compiled by Raja Thatha (Pure recollection of a very old man .Mistakes might have been there.Please pardon) Pulakkottu madams are families who have their original homes in Pulacode. Pulacode is a very small village near Chelakkara About 5000 people live in this village with nearly 1000 homes as of now
Remote vs OTP-Wife vs HusbandRemote vs OTP-Wife vs Husband By P.R.Ramachander Husband said , he was busy to go for shopping, As he has lots and lots of work at home, As the one day cricket final was going on. She said Okay went for shopping, with their TV remote, She finished the
வேண்டாம்---- Vendamவேண்டாம்---- Vendam Do not need it Translated by P.R.Ramachander வருவது அறியாது செயல் புரிய வேண்டாம் வஞ்சகர்தம் நட்பென்று நாட வேண்டாம் கருவத்தால் பிறர் வருந்தப் பேச வேண்டாம் கடமைகளைச் செய்திட பின்வாங்க வேண்டாம் Varuvathu ariyaathu cheyal puriya vendam, Vanchakar tham natpendru Naada vendam Karuvatha; pirar varuntha pesa
Brahmins of Chelakkara VillageBrahmins of Chelakkara Village By P.R..Ramchander Though you see Puthucode (An agraharam with nearly 400 houses) in my surname, I actually belong to a village called Chelakkara. (my grand father migrated to that village) Chelakkara means “Pretty Valley” It had 120 otha madams (compounds
WidowsWidows Compiled by P.R.Ramachander I was translating a prayer. I n one place it has been told If a widow chants it, she will die quickly! In another place it has been told If a widow chants it, In her next birth she will not become a widow I was shocked.My mind went back to my childhood.
Golden words of adviceGolden words of advice Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I was charmed by the simplicity abd grandeur of these advices which were in Tamil. They were in whatsapp .I do not know who is the author.I found a tamil video on it ) Some wounds get cured by medicine Others by forgetting Luxury takes
Problems caused by Sani after Sani Peyarchi and what can be doneProblems caused by Sani after Sani Peyarchi and what can be done On January 24th Saturn is leaving the Dhanu Rasi and entering the Makara rasi .according to Drik Panchangams This would mean that 1.It will not be ashtamathil sani for those born in Rishabha rasi (Karthikai 2,34, Rohini , Mreigaeersham 1,2 Padams) 2. It would not be Ezharai Sani (sade sathi) period for those who are born
My Celebration of birthdayMy Celebration of birthday By Raja Thatha I decided not to cut a cake nor blow the candle. WE placed a lamp and all round it we kept cups of Gulab Jamun(my most favourite sweet ) ,Before a small group of Brother, cousin, daughter and children, I (80 year old Raja Thatha) lit the lamp.All
Why bulls and cows work for men?Why bulls and cows work for men? By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a folk tale told by my daughter Mrs Meera Venkatesan) One day Lord Shiva called his Nandi, And told him, “Go to earth, And tell all those human beings there, To daily take bath and take food once ina month” Lord Nandi&
Twenty years after I retired from service God made me a ………………..Twenty years after I retired from service God made me a ……………….. 1. person who has translated 2000 prayers written in four languages to English 2. person who has translated 3000 songs written in six different languages to English 3.person who has translated three different
Lord Ayyappa has become lonely againLord Ayyappa has become lonely again Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I was greatly moved by this Malayalam poem in whatsapp) After month of Makaram, devotees have got down from mountain, Anf again Mani Kanta has become all alone, Wild elephants, tigers , cheetah , Have again ncome to keep him company The statue which was taking
You are getting old and so whatYou are getting old and so what Recreated from Tamil essay, P.R.Ramachander ( I am a great admirer of Tamil writer Sujatha and he wrote a Tamil essay “For seniors Sujatha” .I have rewritten it in my own way .,Hope Sujatha who is in heaven will pardon me) Within another few days
Absolute Truth but your child will not believeAbsolute Truth but your child will not believe By P.R.Ramachander I was born in 1940 First photo 1941(attached.It is me) First school 1944 First college 1955 First bribe- to peon of college to get my pass certificate quickly 1957 First university 1957 First Bank account 1957 First
God please send the Pied Piper of HamelinGod please send the Pied Piper of Hamelin By P.R.Ramachander (many of you think it is harsh.When I wrote this I reembered my fatther above ninety waiting near the gate with apprehension till my daughter comes.Today I am waiting till my wife,, my daughter and my grand daughters come back with shivering insecurity. God please help me.) I am in search of that Pied piper
Am I ?Am I? Translated By P.R.Ramachander (text taken from Halasya Sundaram’s post Written by Injimedu Kalyanam ) For you to come running, when I call you, Am I prahladha For me to give as soon as you ask, Am I Mahabali Without battling an eye to look after you, Am I lord Lakshmana To fight the way as per
A letter from Poland to meA letter from Poland Thanks from Poland (I received it a few months back by e mail. I virtually shed tears) Mr Ramachander, I've been admiring and so rightly so, your, no doubt,Divinely inspired translation work which you share with the humanity. Bereally blessed, additionally blessed, as no doubt you are highlybleeesed already. Indeed, I greatly thank you in the name of peop;le
Why I am a Hindu?Why I am a Hindu? Translated with minor modifications By P.R.Ramachander (I read the original text from a great book by pOet Kannadasan. It was called “The meaningful Hindu religion” and wrote this .I felt I am a proud Hindu too) 1.A religion which does not find fault with even a person , who
Books (97) compiled/translated by me which are freely available on lineBooks compiled/translated by me which are freely available on line By P.R.Ramachander I started translation of stotras and religious books when I was 60.I am trying to find out how much I have done so far 97 books and I am already 80 ,I myself was surprised to see that I the robot under guidance of my
One Vadhyar analyses why?One Vadhyar analyses why? Translated by P.R.Ramachander One person who was an assistant for another “leader Vadhyar” has written a very huge essay on vadhyars in tamil and published in whatsapp .Here are some of the points he mentioned 1.Vadhyars are not sanyasis&
Very nice Tribute to the Passing Year 2019.... A Poem by Gulzar:Very nice Tribute to the Passing Year 2019.... A Poem by Gulzar: Translation attempt By P.R.Ramachander (Though I am not an expert in Urdu, I love their poems .I am great fan of Gulzar.I hope he will pardon me for my shoddy attempt) Oh life , please go slowly, There are several loans to be repaid There
My maid servant has not comeMy maid servant has not come Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A maid servant not coming in a home can be compared to a cyclone, earth quake and Tsunami mixed together for a Housewife .Here is a lteral crying in a funny way by one of them. Some Marathi words are there and so if my translation is not
Kalidasa tried to introduce himself to a village belleKalidasa tried to introduce himself to a village belle Translated by P.R.Ramachander Once Kalidasa , after writing dseveral great works, Was travelling in a village and he became thirsty, And saw a village lady drawing water from the well, And&
Lord Krishna tries to introduce himself to RadhaLord Krishna tries to introduce himself to Radha Translated by P.R,Ramachander Once Radha was in her house and the proud Krishna, Knocked at her door and she asked him from , Behind the door “Who are you?” and Krishna, Replied “I am Hari”
The curse of dependent old ageThe curse of dependent old age Compiled by P.R.Ramachander The second most important problem faced by us is that” There is no one to take care of us at old age especially when we are physically dependent” Even about 80 years this problem was not
Sabarimala Swamy Ayyappan- The second indian with his own post officeSabarimala Swamy Ayyappan- The second indian with his own post office Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Only two person in India have their own post office, which receives posts addressed to them only They are The President of India And Sabarimala Sami ayyappan In case of Sabarimala Ayyappan his post office
I am just another human beingI am just another human being Daily to sing about You I am not Andal To give you AVal(beaten rice) and get wealth from you , I am not Kuchela To fondle you , even in my dreams, I am not a Gopi, When you say “do your duty without attachement,to hear, I am not Arjuna Daily to repleatedly chant your name, I am
What SHE wants and what HE wants?What SHE wants and what HE wants? A man wrote :- A wife wants her husband should be Sincere A wife
Make these hormones flow and make your family happyMake these hormones flow and make your family happy Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Endomorhins – produced when you exercise- makes you happy Dopamines-produced when some one appreciates us- makes us happy Serotonins-produced when we help others- makes us happy Oxytocin-produced when we are close&nbsp
When age increases beyond sixtyWhen age increases beyond sixty Translated with little freedom From a Hindi poem जब उम्र बढ़ जाएगी By P.R,Ramachander When age increases, Instead of perfume , iodex smell will come If some one sends a vehicle , better go, For Vechicles may not come back If you want to
Who are all bound to look after the aged old parents?Who are all bound to look after the aged old parents? Compiled by P.R.Ramachander In India we had a notion that , it is the responsibility of the sons only to look after their old parents. About a few years ago the high court of Mumbai , when approached by old parents ordered the daughter
Who am I ?Who am I ? By P.R.Ramachander I am not a philosopher. I am not trying to answer whether I am the body or the soul My father was living in a village called Chelakkara. He had purchased some land and one house there.Once he asked ., “Konthe, do you know who I am ?” I
Never compare yourself to othersNever compare yourself to others Never compare yourself to others Translated from Tamil by P.R.Ramachander There was a boy from a middle class family, They all struggled together to send their son , To one of the top computer institution of the city, And the boy also
Two verses from Vairagya Sathakam of Bharthru hariTwo verses from Vairagya Sathakam of Bharthru hari Translated by P.R.Ramachander (samudhra guptha was a great king.He had four wives , one from each caste. His eldest son Bharthru hari was from His hudra wife.In the death bed Samudhra guptha was seen crying.When Bharthru hari asked why, he told that if his son from Shudra wife
Chosen Slokas from mahabhagawatha for various purposesChoose Slokas from mahabhagawatha for various purposes Compiled by Ramachander 1.Health 1,Prayopa vishtam gangaayaam, Pareetham parama rishibhi, Krishne swadhamopa gathe, Dharma jnanadhibhi saha Skandam 1 chapter 3 sloka 43 After the going away of
How come Mandala vritha period is 41 daysHow come Mandala vritha period is 41 days Translated and summarized From a Whasapp message By P.R.Ramachander (ofcourse I read some where it is 42, some where else it is 48.) Lord Vishnu is considered as 4 (conch, wheel , lotusand mace) and Lord Shiva is I and their joining is 41 The solar
Softa ware developed in 1995It was the year 1995 .Desk tops were available but no google search to find out information about various things. I was working In Indian Institute of Horticultural research .I though we can collect information about cultivation practices of various
रामायण Ramayana in modern Hindi slangरामायण Ramayana in modern Hindi slang By शशांक तिवारी Sasank Thiwari Translatedin fun, P.R.Ramachander कौसल्या ने पुत्र जना , रामचन्द्र ही आज अस्पताल बारात हुई , शुरू हो गया नाच भरत शत्रुघ्न लक्ष्मण , पुत्र तीन थे और पूरी अयोध्या नाच उठी , खुशियों का था दौर Kausalya gave birth to a son, Called Ramachandra today She was admitted to hospital, the
Rules prescribed for Sabari mala YathraRules prescribed for Sabari mala Yathra Compiled from various sources By P.R.Ramachander 1.Mala Dharanam Wear a thulasi beads or Rudraksha mala through Guruswamy or parents or priest of the temple 2.Observation of vritha for 41 days. (This has to be done under direction of Guru Swami) Daiy take
She wants himShe wants him Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I have very great respect to my friend Meena Rajan , who is a great teacher who has sacrificed herself to educate kids in the school where she became a teacher .She does some times write great poems .This was one .My writing
People who are going to hellPeople who are going to hell Translated From Tamil by P.R.Ramachander IN Kato Upanishad A great sage called Vajrashravas was doing Godhana during a yaga. His son Nachiketas noticed that he was giving away only sick and useless cows. So he went and asked him continuously “To whom are you giving me?” .
What is Nirmalya Darsanam and Vaka chathu in Guruvayur?What is Nirmalya Darsanam and Vaka chathu in Guruvayur? Translated from Malayalam by P.R.Ramachander Normally we take “NIrmalya Darsanam”, AS that which remove sins(dirts) in our mind, And some how every one thinks it is seeing God , Without his garland or decorations.
Thathasthu- So be it-a session of modern story tellingThathasthu- So be it-a session of modern story telling By P.R.Ramachander Today I attended a story telling program for adults and children conducted for raising funds to “aasha Infinite fondation, Bangalore” which is a platform engaged in educating and mentoring under privileged children .The program revolved round the stories of Indian mythology and folk tales all
The birth of RamaThe birth of Rama Compiled from Three Ramayanas(My translations) By P.R.Ramachander (I am one of the lucky ones who went to Rama Lalla(baby Rama) temple adjoining the mosque before the mosque was destroyed. I am so happy that the temple is going to be rebuilt in a great
You should be lucky to be born as a boy/girl?,You should be lucky to be born as a boy/girl?, Recreated from Tamil by P.R.Ramachander (I read an article saying that you should be extremely lucky to be born as a boy.? Is it true?) Boys need never to get a make up done, They need not grow long hair at all, But every
Nine things that should be kept as secretNine things that should be kept as secret Translated by P.R.Ramachander आयुर्वित्तं गृहच्छिद्रं मन्त्रो मैथुनमौषधम् । तपो दानावमानौ च नव गौप्यानि सर्वदा II Ayur , vitham , graham Chidram manthrou maidhunam oushadham, Thapo Dhana Avamano cha nava Gopyaani SArvadhaa Our Lifespan, Money
My October , 2019 performance on Google SearchMy October , 2019 performance on Google Search (I am flying with joy) Blog: 26.2K Clicks (web) 500K Impressions (web) 14 Pages with first impressions (estimated) Your content achievements Top-growing pages Compared to previous month Page Clicks (web) http://
What do you call your grand father and grand mother?What do you call your grand father and grand mother? By P.R.Ramachander WE(palakkad) in the olden days used to call our grand father(majestic father) as Pattappa And our grand mother (majestic mother) as Pattiyammai, becausePatta was word we used for old man and Patti , a word used for old woman (Kizhavan and Kizhavi were not very popular in Palakkad
Right or wrong -you are not in controlRight or wrong -you are not in control By P.R.Ramachander (I read some thing in whatsapp and this seed has grown up in to this poem.- right or wrng?) Never get angry with any one, If you are right , there is no need, If you wrong, you do not have a right. Right or wrong , you will
Kerala- Indian State with no Crackers for DeepavaliKerala- Indian State with no Crackers for Deepavali By P.R.Ramachander (This is my recollection of my childhood. Things might have changed) Possibly most of you may not know that for except for handful Tamil Brahmins living in Palghat, Deepavali is not an
Looking back to those industrious daysLooking back to those industrious days tside the shop.Though almost 45 years are over , I could locate many of the things that she made during that time in our house a.wire bag b,Ganesa made of beads c. THirupathi Venkidachapathy and Alumelu Manga pictures weaved by beads d.Rajarajeswari picyure whih she decorated by Chimki e.garland she made
Be good , the world will be good to youBe good , the world will be good to you Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Not at all mine .Some one wrote it in Tamil) One person went to his Guru and told, Every one in this world in mad at me, And they keep on troubling mr forever, Please tell me
Two great MahathmasTwo great Mahathmas Compiled by P.R.Ramachander It is believed that Mahaperiyava reveled the summary of his conversation (in Palakkad) with Mahathma Gandhi long time after the death of Mahathma Gandhi in 1985.This is the quotation from the book that I have.
Why Gita to Arjuna?Why Gita to Arjuna? Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (The original Tamil post about this came in Dinamalar 2011.That write up was posted by many friends recently in Face book .I was great attracted by it and rewritten it in my own words,Thank you dhina Malar , Thank you friends.) Long time&
Why Soul does not get corrupted?Why Soul does not get corrupted? Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (The original Tamil write up about this again came in Malai Malar in the year 2007. Suddenly many of our friends started posting it .I have posted it using my own words, Thanks Dhina Malar and my friends who posted it ) One disciple
"Summary of talk between Mahathma and Maha Periyava"Summary of talk between Mahathma and Maha Periyava It is believed that Mahaperiyava reveled the summary of his conversation (in Palakkad) with Mahathma Gandhi after the death of Mahathma Gandhi in 1985.This is the quotation from the book that I have. This is given in a
She is a mega magnifierShe is a mega magnifier Transcreated by P.R.Ramachander Give her a house, she will make it a home, Give her a child , she will make him in to an adult Give her a student , she will turn him in to a genius Give her a great prayer, she will make ii in to a bhajan Give her provisions and vegetables, she will make them a great
An activity of Raja Thatha other than translation which gave him great happinessAn activity of Raja Thatha other than translation which gave him great happiness By P.R.Ramachander My father used to help people in matching horoscopes to those who approach him personally .I learned that art from him and I was also doing
Seven wonders of your life and the Ultimate wonderSeven wonders of your life and the Ultimate wonder By P.R.Ramachander (Though the words are mine, the idea is stolen from online) Your mother , whom you see first, Is the first wonder of your life Your father who does anything in life, To see you smile is the second
Become a friend to tame the toughBecome a friend to tame the tough By P.R.Ramachander (Read it in Whatsapp long time back. Here is the summary) One farmer who grew sheep was living in his little house, A hunter who has several pet dogs came in next house, The hunter never tied his dogs and they
The Iyengars of GadiBero , West BengalThe Iyengars of GadiBero , West Bengal By A.S.Narayan Tamil Brahmins were migrated to many places, but can you imagine that many tamil Brahmin families were settled in a small village in purulia district of west Bengal and became landlord, Rajguru of 4 Royal Dynasties. Few know about such a village in west Bengal. Our great ancestor named Sri Gopalachari
Brahmin marriage market once upon a time and nowBrahmin marriage market once upon a time and now By P.R.Ramachander Once upon a time , a. Brahmins were abysmally poor and believed that Girls should be got married when they were young. b. The sex ratio at that time was more favorable to females , because
Farmers and GodFarmers and God Translated by P.R.Ramachander Once all Farmers did a Dharna of God and demanded, “You are spoiling our rice crop, no water , no wind and too much sun, And so please given them all under our control and , God smilingly agreed and withdrew&
Strange happenings in Kali ageStrange happenings in Kali age Translated by P.R.Ramachander After the Mahabharatha war, just outside , Their capital, horses were auctioned . Towards the end a black man came , With a pretty horse and every one wanted it. At that time Sahadeva the last of pandavas, Came
Become a friend to tame the toughBecome a friend to tame the tough By P.R.Ramachander (Read it in Whatsapp long time back. Here is the summary) One farmer who grew sheep was living in his little house, A hunter who has several pet dogs came in next house, The hunter never tied his dogs and they
Dasara- an interpreatationI thought it was Dasara because ten head of Ravan were cut that day . I never knew about this.One of my friends informed me .If you can kill those ten, it is indeed vijaya.God bless my friend Dasha Hara in Sanskrit means removal of ten bad qualities within you🌺 🌾Ahankara* (Ego) 🌾Amanavta* (Cruelty) 🌾Anyaaya* (
Seven wonders of human lifeSeven wonders of human life Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Inspite of knowing that his death is certain, He does not bother to do his duty. 2.Loving the world passionately Though he knows within a day , the world would be destroyed 3.In spite of knowing that
The ladder personThe ladder person Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I have climbed up to the top climbing on my father ladder. But for him, I would be rotting at the ground level. I realize this and daily salute him. Am I the only one who have climbed using him? Definitely not.) Ladder&
Life is temporaryLife is temporary Translated by P.R.Ramachander (slightly different translation than that given by my friend Sri Kunar Rananathan) The name given by your parents , Has changed to “ corpse” The new dress that you liked , Has changed in to “ dry waste” The
Dasavathara of every wifeDasavathara of every wife By P.R.Ramachander (I got the idea after reading the post by my friend Sri Halasya Sundaram iyer) When she cooks and serves she is Annapurni When she teaches her children she is SAraswathi When she looks at her husband she is Kamakshi When&nbsp
Three friends who were class matesThree friends who were class mates By P.R.Ramachander Three classmates and friends in Face book All the three of them joined for study , In an institute teaching agricultural statistics, Fifty eight years back , one was from Kerala, Another from
What is life?What is life? Transcreated by P.R.Ramachander Some one asked God, What is life?”, He said, “When you are born you have breath but no Name, When you die, you have a name but no breath, The interval between breath and no name, And name and no breath is life”
Do action with detachment . says Bhagawad GitaDo action with detachment . says Bhagawad Gita By P.R.Ramachander ( I too always felt , without detach,ent nobody can do any action? After reading this , I feel like revising my opinion.) One Guru was teaching Gita to a class of students, He told them to succeed in
How to tie down Lakshmi , goddess of wealth in your home?How to tie down Lakshmi , goddess of wealth in your home? By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a tamil write up which I have read long back) Goddess Lakshmi one day came in the dream of , A billionaire and told him , The time has come, For me to take leave of you, but before going , I want to give
Father -Daughter relationshipFather -Daughter relationship Trancreated by P.R.Ramachnder A.Daughter to father 1.To the father , daughter is always the golden darling 2,At a particular stage of life , man will love their daughters more than their wife 3.Only man has three mothers- Their mother , Their sister given by their motherr
Two gems that he receivedTwo gems that he received Transcreated by P.R.Ramachander (Based on a tamil write up quoted by my friend Kumar Ramanathan) One gentleman went to the used car shop, And purchased a car that he liked. Brought it home and was getting it cleaned, And to his surprise . he found a small
Rest in Peace my friend BavappaWhen I joined my first job in 1963, in a small village near Mangalore, I never expected that I would get several great friends there.One of them was Mr Ahmed Bavappa..He joined a few months before me in a similar post like mine and except for our Director , he was the only senior to me in that
Our Kolu has two parts this year II Gems who contributed Stotra RathnasOur Kolu has two parts this year II Gems who contributed Stotra Rathnas (This great KOlu was set up by my daughter Smt Meera Venkatesan. She feels that it will be apt for us because in our own way we are drowned in stotras written by the Gems of great writers) Bhaktha Lahari Adhi SankaraAdhi Sankara who poured stotras after stotras,Praising almost all Gods of India with
Mummy tells her son Rama “Ramayana”Mummy tells her son Rama “Ramayana” By P.R.Ramachander (once upon a time I was a story teller to children. I thought , why not try telling Ramayana in my fashion and this is the result) “I am sleepy , tell me a story Mummy “ , said Rama, And Mummy laughed and said, “Why not?” “Long long ago ,
SelfieSelfie Translated by Ramachander (I read this in tamil in a post by my friend Sri sivam Perumkulam) Mother phoned to her son, Öh Ramu , come home urgently, Your wife is very sick, and the son. Asked “what happened to her?” Her neck is turned to the side, Her mouth is slanting and , And
The special name which will do everything for usThe special name which will do everything for us Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (Many people including my friend , had posted about an incident of A vaishnavite approaching Parmacharya and his telling this great verse of Thirumangai Azhvar.Hope you will all pardon me for rewriting this way)
Song :Kando, kando (malayalam)Song :Kando, kando (malayalam) Picture Ittymaani Made In China Sung by Mohanlal | Deepak Dev | Vaikom Vijayalakshmi (who is really blind) (The text in Malayalam can ve read in the video .It has been typed first stanza by stanza followed by the meaning) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Kando kando
Mappila Lamayanam- A Malayalam folk version of Ramayana written by MoplasMappila Lamayanam- A Malayalam folk version of Ramayana written by Moplas By P.R.Ramachander Mappilas are a section of Muslims of Kerala..They are supposed to be the oldest native Muslim community of South Asia. They speak a peculiar dialect of Malayalam( mixed a lot with Arabic words)
Raja Thathavin ArichuvadiRaja Thathavin Arichuvadi A part of my contribution for translating Tamil Bhakthi as well as popular works By P.R.Ramachander (I was recently translating Thirumandiram of Thirumoolar.One of my friends told , he was one of the pillars of Tamil literature.This made me think about the translations
My thirukkural translations?My thirukkural translations? By P.R.Ramachander Thirukkral has 133 chapters (note 3+3+1=7) arranged in three books viz Arathu pal( Book of Dharma) , Porut pal( Book of wealth) and Kamathu pal (book of love .).Possibly the most accepted commentary is written by Parinel Azhagar(Pretty one on the top of
Different Brahmin names in TirumandiramDifferent Brahmin names in Tirumandiram Translated by P.R.Ramachander Thirumandhiram by Thirumoolar is a book written in 200 BC. Recently I had translated 350 verses of thirumanthiram.To my surprise, THirumoolar refers to Brahmins as Brahmanar(worshippers of
The Tirumandiram (Selected 350 Stanzas on various aspects)The Tirumandiram (Selected 350 Stanzas on various aspects) By Tirumular Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The Tirumandiram, by Siddha Tirumular is a sacred, monumental work of philosophical and spiritual wisdom rendered in verse form. Encyclopedic in its vast scope, and written perhaps as early s 200 B.C., it is one of India’s greatest texts, a spiritual
Ramayana in slightly modern set up (Original in Hindi)Ramayana in slightly modern set up Written in Hindi BY Sasasnk Tiwari Translated by P.R.Ramachander Kausalya Produced a son called Ramachandra today, In hospital there a procession and then the dancing started, There were three more sons, Bharatha, Lakshmana and Sathrugna, The
Trying to finding answer to your problems using Ramayana in KeralaTrying to finding answer to your problems using Ramayana Compiled by P.R.Ramachander In Kerala Malayalam speaking Hindu devotees believe that if any one wants to find out any answer to their problem, all that they need is a Adhyathma Ramayanam book,. You have light a lamp,
Yeka Virutha Ramayanam(tamil)Yeka Virutha Ramayanam(tamil) in one verse ‘ ஏகவிருத்த ராமாயணம் ’ By யாழப்பாணத்துச் சுன்னாகம் அ. குமாரசாமி Sunnakam Aa,Kumaswamy of Yaazhpanam TRanslted by P.R.Ramachander தாதையார் சொலராமன் காடு போதல் சார்ந்துளபொன் மானெனுமா ரீசன் சாதல் சீதையார் பிரிவெருவை மரணம் பானு சேயொடுநட் புக்கோடல் வாலி வீடல் ஓதநீர்க்
Ramayana in 61 Manthras in TamilRamayana in 61 Manthras Translated by P.R.Ramachander One Kamakshi ammal has built a temple called Thapovanam for Maha Periyava in Govinda puram , near THiruvidai maruthur . She says that Maha periyava has told Sri Sengalipuram Anantha Rama Deekshithar a 61
Ramayanam in 108 lines(tamil)ராமாயணம் 108 வரிகளில்..! Ramayanam in 108 lines(tamil) Published by Dhina Malar in 2003 Translated by P.R.Ramachander வால்மீகி முனிவர் எழுதிய ஸ்ரீமத் ராமாயணம் ஆறு காண்டமும் எளிய தமிழில் 108 வரிகளில் கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. ராமாயணம் முழுவதையும் படிக்க இயலாதவர்கள் இந்த 108 வரிகளைப் படித்துப் பயன் பெறலாம். The Six chapters of Ramayana written by Valmiki has
It is the will of GodIt is the will of God even to Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu and even Rama By P.R.Ramachander Today I was cleaning some old papers,Suddenly I found a page of my father’s writing in Malayalam. I became emotional .All that he has written in those two pages, were what he has taught me.I would like to tell you about what he
CursesCurses Translated from Tamil By P.R.Ramachander (I found many people have written about this,I have translated with some changes) There are thirteen types of curses viz 1.Sthree Sapam( curse of a lady) 2.Pretha Saapam (Curse of the dead body) 3.Brahmana Saapam( Curse of a Brahmin) 4.Sarpa Saapam(
Generation GapGeneration Gap Translated by P.R.Ramachander (When I was studying intermediate first year, I wanted a Time piece to wake me up .When me and my father went to the shop in my village, he said it costs Rs 12/- My father said, “konthe( baby son) we cannot afford it . From then on I studied 8 long years without an
DharmaDharma Translated from Tamil by P.R..Ramachander (Based on a whatsapp message.I have made some modifications) Dharma consists of Satisfying , Rishis by chanting Vedas, Devas by doing Homa, Pithrus by doing Sradha, Guests by serving delicious food. Gods by offering them flowers. Our Boss by
Avoid finding fault with othersAvoid finding fault with others Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I read it in tamil in the face book post of S Ganapathy Subramaniam.Thanks to him) A King gave a big feast to his people, And at that time an eagle was flying , Holding a snake on its mouth on the sky, And a drop
Witness a synthesis of Story telling and Dance in BangaloreWitness a synthesis of Story telling and Dance in Bangalore My daughter Meera Venkatesan along with dancer Janavi Ananth is doing a very interesting play. This is a combination of dance and Storytelling, set to a contemporary theme, revolving around make up. I have seen it once when it was performed in Koramangala and it was enthralling .It was a trial by
Some good teachings from a great GuruSome good teachings from a great Guru Translated from Hindi by P.R.Ramachander ( I found it in Whatsapp .My humble pranams to the real author) One day a father went and met his IAS son, In his chamber and kept his hand on his head, And asked him.”Who is the most powerful man of the world?” And the son smilingly replied “ Of-course me daddy”
All of us are carrying the billionaire politiciansAll of us are carrying the billionaire politicians BY P.R.Ramachander (I saw this pretty drawing and these words came out of me.) The poor farmer works from morning to night, Very hard, along with his family, And produces all that is needed , By all the world and gives
Rich people who are beggarsRich people who are beggars By P.R.Ramachander Mostly based on the great write up in Tamil of Sri.N.Prasannan, Trichy) The millionaire Beggar, you may ask , who, It is he , who has millions of cash with him, But will prefer to get &
Massive Ganesas of IndiaMassive Ganesas of India Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Mundhi Vinayaka is supposed to be the biggest Idol of Ganesa in Asia and is situated in Puliankulam , near Coimbatore.The idol is 19 feet 10 inches tall and 11 feet 10 inches broad and is made of a single stone.One of the peculiarities of this Ganesa&
My change less father , who is one in thousandMy change less father , who is one in thousand Translated by P.R.Ramachander My father had not changed at all, And there are thousand fathers like him. When I got a job in a neareby town and got Rupess eight thousand, As salary next month, I&
Some tid bits about Bhagawad GitaSome tid bits about Bhagawad Gita Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (I have used an excellent compilation about this subject by my friend Vasu Iyengar. My heart felt thanks to him) 1, Bhagwad Gita is in Bhishma Parva of Mahabharatha –chapter 25 to 42 has 700 verses, 620 spoken by Krishna, 57 by Arjuna, sixty seven by SAnjaya
Onion Rava and Menu Dharma SasthraOnion Ravavum , Menu Dharma Sastramum Onion Rava and Menu Dharma Sasthra By BHagyam Ramasawami Translated by P.R.Ramachander (My translation has totally killed the prettiness of reading it in Tamil but I am doing it so that, the great humour of the author who can be
Much larger population of Vegetarians in several states of North India than in all southern statesMuch larger population of Vegetarians in several states of North India than in all southern states Compiled by P.R.Ramachander I was always thinking that The people in South India are mostly vegetarians . I knew that Brahmin community of the entire South india is&
Travel called lifeTravel called life Translated by P.R.Ramachander If you go straight and turn right , You will reach place called defeat, If you take a left from there, You will reach a big place called Treachery, If you go little more and take a U-turn, You will reach the great pit of loan,
A blind Vadhyar supported by other Vadhyars in CoimbatoreA blind Vadhyar supported by other Vadhyars in Coimbatore By P.R.Ramachander I went to attend A Ganapathi homam and Bhava Sevai in my sister’s home in Coimbatore. Early morning A Subrahmanya VAdhyar was lead in side her home by Another Young Vadhyar.He was made to sit before the
universe is an illusion and desire an Infinityஅண்டம் ஒர் மாயை - ஆசை ஒர் முடிவிலி () Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Part of this was published by the above author in 2012 Again we find this expanded version posted in 2014 in face book,) அண்டம் ஒர் மாயை அறிவியல் ஒர் புதிர் ஆண்டவன் ஒர் தேடல் ஆசை ஒர்
Old father-sorrowing -lonely and not cared for?Old father-sorrowing -lonely and not cared for? Is this true? Translated from Tamil by P.R.Ramachander The final days of most of the fathers, Is spent mostly in loneliness and silence, And it is sad that it is also spent , In avoidance and hatred by his family. Possibly due to this fathers want to, Keep on working and want
Are you safe , my darling daughter?Are you safe , my darling daughter? Translated a great poem from Tamil By P.R.Ramachander (With news paper and TV reporting about that “victim by a gang” who may be 3 years to 80 years, Every responsible male waits for their return with a sinking heart .) Just&
யஜுர் வேத உபாகர்மா - ஆடி30-ம் தேதி,யஜுர் வேத உபாகர்மா - ஆடி30-ம் தேதி, (Based on Yajur Veda UpaKarma in Tamil sent by Sri R.Venkateswaran ) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander ஆவணி அவிட்டம் ( 15-08-2019 ) தாமாகவே வீட்டில் உபாகர்மாவை செய்து கொள்பவர்களுக்கு குறிப்பு:- ப்ரம்மசாரிகள் காலையில் ஸ்நானம், ஸந்தியாவந்தனம் செய்து, பிறகு வபனம் (க்ஷவரம்) செய்துகொண்டு மறுபடியும் ஸ்நானம் செய்து ஸமிதாதானம், ”காமோ கார்ஷீத்”
Who is A brahmin and how should he live?- According to ancient Tamil literatureWho is A brahmin and how should he live?- According to ancient Tamil literature- Thiruvalluvar and Thirumoolar. Compiled and translated by P.R.Ramachander I. Thiruvalluvar is the Author of thirukkural , considered as Tamil Veda . He is supposed to have lived around 5th centuary by some of the
Divine retirement benefitsDivine retirement benefits When you are becoming Old , God does give you some gifts, And makes you thank Him for them. Loss of hearing , poor eye sight and poor memory, Due to hearing loss, you do not hear, The harsh words that your children
Maha Periyava tells us methods to lead an auspicious lifeMaha Periyava tells us methods to lead an auspicious life Translated and Abridged By P.R.Ramachander (This is based on a Tamil supplement of KUmudam Bhakthi of 30th may 2019.. I am like a small speck of dust before Maha Periyava who is like the Mount Kailas. And so I
Some tales about Tipu SultanSome tales about Tipu Sultan Compiled by P.R.Ramachander I belong to a village called Chelakkara , near Trichur town. To every hindu in Chelakkara , The temple of Narasimhamurthy is the most important temple . Sultan Tipu marching to conquer Cochin and Travancore, did visit Chelakkara. He broke the Narasimha
Me and filmsMe and films By P.R.Ramachander I want to talk to you about an interesting incident in my life I was 13 years old then. My father had no other option other than selling our hotel in Secunderabad and go back to Kerala . Arrangement was made with the
Twenty four by sevenTwenty four by seven By P.R.Ramachander (I read a whatsapp message that today is twenty four by seven and I who knew nothing is twenty four by seven wrote it) I held her hand for , The first time and told her, I would love you , Twenty four &nbsp
A tearful appeal to Athivarada in the form of a poemஅத்திவரதருக்கோர் கண்ணீர் விண்ணப்பம் என் கவிதை வடிவில் Athi Varadarukku oar Kanneer Vinnappam -Yen Kavithai Vadivil A tearful appeal to Athivarada in the form of a poem By ஆனந்திலக்ஷ்மி Anandi Lakshmi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This great poem jolted me and I wanted others who do
Nanda Vanathil oar Aandi.நந்தவனத்தில் ஓர் ஆண்டீ Nanda Vanathil oar Aandi. (This is a very famous popular verse written by a Sidha called Kadu veli Sidha.The real meaning of this verse as per this great Sidha was very real and different) Translation by P.R.Ramachander
Ravana the Brahmin priest Of Lord RamaRavana the Brahmin priest Of Lord Rama Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander Nala the engineer monkey completed the Sethu, The first ever sea bridge of the world , and, All monkeys were eager to cross the bridge , And reach Lanka to kill&
The simple summary of all Vedas and puranasThe simple summary of all Vedas and puranas Rewritten in English By P.R.Ramachander Veda Vyasa, edited and compiled the four Vedas , 18 puranas and not satisfied with them Maha Bhagawatha Purana, Once many Hindu devotees , met him and asked, “Swami most of are ignorant and
Mundaka Kanni amman temple , Mylapore , ChennaiMundaka Kanni amman temple , Mylapore , Chennai Compiled by P.R.Ramachander This is a famous temple in Chennai which is supposed to help us remove Naga Dosha as well as grant women longevity of married life.”Mundakam” in Tamil means lotus flower and this Goddess is called “One with the lotus eyes) .
Vethathiri Maharshi Talks on Family peaceVethathiri Maharshi Talks on Family peace Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Yogiraj Shri Vethathiri Maharishi (14 August 1911 – 28 March 2006) was a spiritual leader, world peace activist, scientist , philosopher, Ayurvedic and homeopathic practitioner, and founder-trustee of the World Community Service Center in 1958 in Chennai, India
Ashada or adi month-the good bad month of Indian calendarAshada or adi month-the good bad month of Indian calendar Compiled by P.R.Ramachander The month of Ashada(Chandra mana) or Aadi (tamil) or Karkidaga is normally considered as inauspicious.It is the beginning of Southern Solstice (Dakshinayana) comes. During Aadi/Ashada month , no
When will all my problems end?When will all my problems end? Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander One saint was waiting near the river bank, Without crossing the river and one young man asked him, Sir When are you going to cross the river and he said, “Water keeps on flowing and I am
Moru Charu recipeMoru Charu Compiled by P.R.Ramachander This is an instant recipe when you don’t have time and have nothing else except sour buttermilk. Here is the recipe. My grand mother used to fefer it as “Mulgayai killi Mora vidal” . This is prepared very rarely , as it is considered as a very
AvialAvial Compiled by P.R.Ramachander When king Marthanda Verma was ruling over Travancore , He had a minister called Ramayyan Dalavai , who was a Tamil Brahmin from Tinneveli .There is a practice of conducting Laksha Dweepam and Mura Japam in the Padmanabha swamy temple every 12 years.Very large
Ode to my Akka, the goddess of ConcernOde to my Akka, the goddess of Concern By Raja Not long ago , I had an elder sister, Who was not born with me , But came as the greatest gift, Of my marriage, along with my wife. She was the real good goddess of concern , Always smiling and always bothered
Mezhukku Pe(u) ratti(Oil coated vegetables)Mezhukku Pe(u) ratti(Oil coated vegetables) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander &
All about PradoshamAll about Pradosham Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Pradosham (Before dosham/that which removes dosha-defect) is the period just before night every day It is also called as Rajani Mukha ie the face of night .It is normally observed between 4.30 Pm to 6.00 Pm on the Shukla paksha (bright half)
What all would happen after age 60+ or 70+ or 80+ depending on yourselfWhat all would happen after age 60+ or 70+ or 80+ depending on yourself BY P.R.Ramachander One by one our parents would bid us good bye, Slowly the friends of our own age would start disappearing, Some of our remaining friends would start
Principle of living in a communityPrinciple of living in a community Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I read it in tamil . I have altered the content in various places,Hope you like it) 1.To those who do not know us we are ordinary people,e 2.To the jealous people
Mulagootal -a kerala iyer contribution to Vegetarian recipesMulagootal -a kerala iyer contribution to Vegetarian recipes Compiled byP.R.Ramachander Most of the Kerala iyers like Mulagootal (Literally means 'addition of pepper").It is a typical Palakkad Iyer dish , which must have been derived from the Mulagooshyam of the NambudirisMulagooshyam of Nambudiris(The Nambudiri dish from where Mulagootal originated )¼ tsp of turmeric powder1
Office GitaOffice Gita Translated from Hindi By P/.R.Ramachander Hey Subordinate 1.You came to office alone and you will be going from here alone. 2,For less staff being allotted to you , do not cry, Fight your war alone 3.Do not be sad about punishments for mistakes due to your over work. 4,Never
Arachu Kalakki (grind and mix with no heating)Arachu Kalakki (grind and mix with no heating) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander This is a very simple Main dish of Kerala to be added to rice . It is a dish which is not heated at all (can we called Salad). It should have ingredients for pungency , sour
If for that little , I get this, For that much, how much will you getIf for that little , I get this, For that much, how much will you get Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander Once upon a time there was a young boy, Who used to beg food in several homes, And give it to his mother and she after , Both of them ate , gave away the rest to others. When the boy asked ,
Sweetest and bitterest thing of the world are the sameSweetest and bitterest thing of the world are the same Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (the original can be seen in ) A great sage called all his disciples, To bring the sweetest thing on earth, Most of the
Olan- Kerala dish with world’s simplest recipeOlan- Kerala dish with world’s simplest recipe Compiled by P.R.Ramachander The recipe of olan 1.Cut Pumpkin/Ash gourd in to thin square flat pieces 2.Boil with small quantity of salt 3.Season it with Raw coconut oil Though all keralites who use
Tea or ChayaTea or Chaya By P.R.Ramachander I started drinking tea in my native Kerala village 1,Our homes in kerala Making tea is very simple there.Take tea dust( leaf was not available) , Take sufficient , water and milk.Boil them together .Sieve the tea through chaya filter.Add sugar .Tea would be very thick
Recipe of Puthucode Kovil Pulungari/ PulinkariRecipe of Puthucode Kovil Pulungari/ Pulinkari Compiled byP.R.Ramachander ( The normal Pulunkari of Kerala is prepared by boiling vegetables like Brinjal, ash gourd , Pumpkin in Tamarind juice and adding to it powder of roasted rice+chillies .Puthukottu pulankari is the combination of Sambhar, aviyal and Pulunkari. The recipe for the mass scale preparation
Arjuna did not understand Gita at all,.Arjuna did not understand Gita at all,. By P.R.Ramachander ( read in face book , but I have slightly modified it. Thanks to original author) In the Maha Bharatha war , Abhimanyu died, Arjuna started crying miserably and , Lord Krishna , also cried and Arjuna asked, “So you too have affection to
What to do when you have problems in life based on your rasiWhat to do when you have problems in life (Recommendations Based on your janma rasi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Translated from a tamil book. The method suggested are very simple.Please try when you are running through problems) Recommendations given in Tamil book
Mangadu Kamakshi -Temple which gives life with long MangalyaMangadu Kamakshi -Temple which gives life with long Mangalya(long auspicious life with husband) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (This great temple is only 20 km west of Madras and is 4 km from poondhamalli .The telephone number is 044-26272053Town buses are available from
You always be yourselfYou always be yourself TRanscreated from Tamil By P.R.Ramachander ( I love myself, my looks , my method of living, my way of talking,my country , my habits and my religion. If one day I feel like changing myself , it would mean that I am ashamed of some aspect of myself. And if it happens, I would
Is spells and astrology , true? There is a proverb in Tirunelveli districtIs spells and astrology , true? There is a proverb in Tirunelveli district Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Since I do not belong to Tamil Nadu , I do not know , how far the explanation of cowdung Ganesa is true) If spell is false , See the snake When the snake
Ghar (home) –A pretty Hindi poemGhar (home) –A pretty Hindi poem Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear the poem in Hindi ) घर चाहे 'कैसा' भी हो उसके एक कोने में खुलकर हंसने की जगह रखना! 😀 The house could be of any type but there should be a corner where we can laugh openly सूरज कितना भी दूर हो उसको घर आने का रास्ता देना! 🌞 Sun
Forty three rules of life of Vallalar Ramalinga SwamigalForty three rules of life of Vallalar Ramalinga Swamigal Translated by P.R.Ramachander There was a great Tamil saint called Sri Ramalinga Swamikal who was known as Vallalarin the 18th centuary in Tamil Nadu.He has given the following 43 rules of good living. Some of them like ,
I am a mobile(Main Mobile hoon)I am a mobile(Main Mobile hoon) Translated from Hindi By P.R.Ramachander I am a mobile More more , You get addicted to me , I would go on becoming your hobby, First I would steal the sight of your eyes, Then I will steal your sleep, And slowly and slowly, I would break down your health I am a mobile, I &
Offering to Kochu GuruvayurappanOffering to Kochu Guruvayurappan By P.R.Ramachander (Posted in Tamil by many people in face book and outside .Thanks to all of them) Once Mepathur asked baby Guruvayurappan sitting near “Oh God , which offering do you like most?” With a smile Guruvayuappan replied to him, “Ofcourse Ghee payasam made
Bhojaraja's Champuramayanam as translated by Dr.C.Lakshmi Narayana MurthyBhojaraja's Champuramayanam This is not my translation but copy and pasted from Humble thanks to the author This is noitCHAMPURAMAYANA OF BHOJA TRANSLATION BY DR.C.LAKSHMI NARASMHA MOORTY READER IN SANSKRIT SRI SATYA SAI INSTITUTE OF HIGHER LEARNING PRASHANTHINILAYAM 515134 ANDHRA
Wrong doing can never be an excuse of misfortuneWrong doing can never be an excuse of misfortune Rewritten in English, By P.R.Ramachander ( This great write up in Tamil was quoted first in
Astrologer can never be GodAstrologer can never be God By P.R.Ramachander (I read something similar in tamil in a whatsapp post.Being an astrologer, I knew that it was truth and so I am presenting it in my own words. But even this need not be 100% True.) Sahadeva the great astrologer , Was greatly shocked to know , After the great&
Lord Rama and the touch me not plantLord Rama and the touch me not plant By P.R.Ramachander ( based on write up in face book by Sri Gautham Iyengar. Thanks to him. Mimosa Pudica is the famous touch me not plant . It is called “Lajawanthi (she who is shy ) in Hindi and Shame plant in English. I never knew there is a story behind it
Trees should be healthy to bear good fruitsTrees should be healthy to bear good fruits By P.R.Ramachander The parents of two kids told their father, That both of them care most for their kids and not for themselves The old man told them that both of them, Are committing the most important mistake. The &nbsp
Good old days -- NowadaysGood old days -- Nowadays By P.R.Ramachander
Pen parkkal, Pennu kanal , then and nowPen parkkal, Pennu kanal , then and now By P.R.Ramachander (once upon time , the groom used to go to several girl’s homes and reject them left and right , For silly reasons.Even now he goes, but is rejected by the girl within a minute. Soon it would be “Payyan paarkkaL “ . This custom has been there among certain &
Philosophy of lifeIn a group called "Friendly advice" in face book I saw a tamil post by Sri Rama iyer .With acknowledgements to him, I have translated it in to english
Kanna and Krishna –What is the difference?Kanna and Krishna –What is the difference? Rewritten from Tamil By P.R.Ramachander ( Based on the write up of Viji Kumari
Kannan yen Kadhalan Tamilகண்ணன் என் காதலன் Kannan yen Kadhalan Krishna is my darling By Anandhi Lakshmi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a pretty poem describing a scene of the love story of Krishna and Radha,.My humble thanks to the author) You told me “ I am within you” You told me, “You are within me, You told me,”Within every one the other is ,” You
Differernces between body and soulDifferernces between body and soul Translated by P.R.Ramachsnder (I read it in Tamil in the post of Athma sri .Thanks to him) Om Namashivaya Body is made of five elements The sensation of Soul is the earlier one, The body has a form, The soul has a form of a dot, We can see the body, We cannot see&
Maha Periyava speaksMaha Periyava speaks Abstracted and Translated by P.R.Ramachander (When I was lad I was attracted by small book lets published by rama Krishna mission titled, Rama Krishna Paramahamsa speaks, Vivekananda speaks etc . One of my aims was to bring out a book called “Maha Periyava speaks” Jagadguru Shri
Should young parents not do something about this?Should young parents not do something about this? Compiled by P.R.Ramachander One of my serious hobbies has been astrology for the past 20 years, though I am not at all great astrologer. About 20 years back , people used to ask, when their daughter would get married and would their
Gods without mother?Gods without mother? By P.R.Ramachander (Hindu god’s thought that being born from a mother’s womb would make them inferior.If you search their names, “Aja- not born” would be one of them..Ganesa was not born to Parvathy , she created him. Subrahmanya was created by Lord Shiva. IN spite of that , we worship our
Admirer from Poland WritesAdmirer from Poland Writes By P.R.Ramachander I hava an admirer in Poland known As Siwam.He is a follower of Sathya Sai .He wrote to me:- Sai Ram, Mr Ramachander, I've been admiring and so rightly so, your, no doubt, Divinely inspired translation work which you share with the humanity. Be really blessed, additionally blessed, as no doubt
The 1.5 millionth visitor has visited my blog on Rules and Ritual of BrahminsThe 1.5 millionth visitor has visited my blog on Rules and Ritual of Brahmins” today(3/5/2019) P.R.Ramachander My humble pranams to all my friends , admirers and fans. I have a blog dealing with “Rules and rituals Of Brahmins” ,I informed on July 30 , 2017(
I met a great auto driverI met a great auto driver By P.R.Ramachander Today I was returning in an OLA auto from some where .The Road was choking in traffic.One ambulance was struggling in one lane .My OLA auto driver who was in the next lane , stopped and applied the break when he reached near the Ambulance. He stood like rock
Without faith , prayer will not help.Without faith , prayer will not help. By P.R.Ramacchander Many of friends are asking, “You keep on giving so many prayers, With they work? <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> An elephant’s leg was caught by a crocodile, Elephant called God for help but with belief in himself, No God
A remarkable initiative which should be followed All over IndiaA remarkable initiative which should be followed All over India Compiled by P.R.Ramachander I had been to Coimbatore last week. Behind the Sai Baba temple , I saw a peculiar Structure.It had one refrigerator on one side and a shelf on the other.It was called “Dhina UnavaU” meaning “daily food “. There was old
Natha muni and Nalayira Dhiva PrabandhamNatha muni and Nalayira Dhiva Prabandham Compiled by P.R.Ramachander The original Name of Nathamuni was sri Ranganathan.Due to his sagely qualities he was called as Natha muni. He was working in the Veera Narayana temple of Kattu mannar gudi.One day some devotees from outside the town came to the temple .They sang the ten stanzas
Parama Kalyani -Godess Parvathi with four hands and golden Wrist watchParama Kalyani -Godess Parvathi with four hands and golden Wrist watch Compiled by P.R.Ramachander In tirunelveli district , near the temple town of Azhvar Thirunagari is a Shiva Temple in SriSailam. It is 47 km from Thirunelveli and 12 km from Papanasam dam The God here is
My contributions in briefPlease read 1. Translations of more than 1600 stotras- Translations of more than 2000 Carnatic Krithis - Translation of Valmiki Ramayana from Sanskrit -http://
Expectation groom/brideExpectation groom/bride Compiled by P.R.Ramachander What type of wife a groom expects? What type of husband a bride expects? A groom should expect a bride , Who is interested in married life , Who would never ever be his slave, And who never ever be his boss. A bride &
Hell , before and after electionHell , before and after election By P.R.Ramachander (I enjoyed reading a similar Whatsapp post) A politician died and he was taken up, A door opened, and he saw five star hotels, Golf links. Dance by very pretty girls and so on. There he saw a board “Vote for this hell
Horoscope and BhagwathaHoroscope and Bhagwatha Problems/prospects caused by 12 houses of Horoscope and the 12 Bhagavatha slokas to solve them Slokas chosen by Sri Aravind Sivaraman Translation of sloka and brief interpretation By P.R.Ramachander (My humble thanks to the great author Sri Aravind Sivaraman.) A horoscope
Meppathur’s Naivedhya to his Kochu GuruvayurappanMeppathur’s Naivedhya to his Kochu Guruvayurappan By P.R.Ramachander (Based on what I read in Whatsapp.Thanks to original author) The day the great Mepathur wrote “ayur-Aroghya-Soukhyam” And completed his great book as an offering to Guruvayurappan, He wanted&nbsp
How can you do “punya”?How can you do “punya”? Transcreated by P.R. Ramachander (I read this in Tamil and liked it.As usual, I injected my thoughts in it and wrote it in English .I hope all of you will agree ) Punya (Sanskrit: पुण्य) ( the opposite of Papa meaning sin) is a difficult word to translate; there is no equivalent
Do not get jittery at the time of your deathDo not get jittery at the time of your death Translated By P.R.Ramachander World does not give any importance to your dead body Your friends and relatives would do all the needed rituals for you 1.They would remove your cloths 2.They would bathe you 3.They will make you wear new cloths 4.
Tamil Granma’s advice to other ladiesTamil Granma’s advice to other ladies Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Ofcourse the good advices are very old and next generation of girls, will say , we are telling impossible things and make fun of them) நீரால் கோலம் போடாதே நெற்றியைக் காலியாய் விடாதே
Man always wants moreMan always wants more By P.R.Ramachander (rewritten from tamil post in Whatsapp) One multi billionaire made a public announcement, I am going to distribute all my wealth to all those who want, And he requested people in the palace ground of our city,
Two boons from well of miraclesTwo boons from well of miracles BY P.R.Ramachander (it is an old folk tale that I have read,) One greedy merchant , who thought he is intelligent, Was once driving back in his empty cart , through a forest. He was very thirsty and he saw
Hey pleasure , where are you available- a hindi poemऐ "सुख" तू कहाँ मिलता है Hey pleasure , where are you available By Sanjay Kumar Jain Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( This is a great Hindi poem , about search of happiness , Hear and read it in Hindi;ab_channel=R.K.TiwariKNOWLEDGE ) Hey , Pleasure
WE have made a resolve of 'non stop' IndiaWE have made a resolve of non stop India (A great Hindi song praising the glory of PM modi’s rule sung by Sankar Mahadevan (breathless) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (hear the song breathless -;ab_channel=
Ithihasas (people friendly compilations)Ithihasas (people friendly compilations) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander The Sruthi and Smrithi that I explained till now were essentially for the very intelligent intellectual .Though extremely difficult to comprehend , stories were used to illustatre the
our guardian angel has gone backour guardian angel has gone back By P.R.Ramachander The year was 1972 (when I was just 32 years old) and I was working in Coimbatore at that time. My wife had presented me with our first son. I got a senior class I gazetted job in Central tobacco Institute in Rajamundry and after despatching all our household goods
The story of unbearable Adai and YamaThe story of unbearable Adai and Yama By P.R.Ramachander ( Some how when I was a child , I never liked Nolumbu adai and used to call it the unbearable Adai , though, many people consider it extremely tasty .Nowadays, I do eat one or two of the unbearable Adai and have even
The push –pull theory of lifeThe push –pull theory of life By P.R.Ramachander When my family decided that , I would be a post graduate , My father told me” My little son, We are jointly pushing you upwards” “You know that we definitely cannot afford, But jointly&nbsp
Smrithis or laws for just lifeSmrithis or laws for just life Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (I hope , after reading this , you would agree with me that , Smrithi is not at all a suitable name to girls) After Vedas(Sruthi) , the next important Hindu religious books are Smrithis (That which is to be remembered)They
Chilli was not there in India 400 years backFour hundred years back all the pungent dishes of South India were prepared using pepper only By P.R.Ramachander I am sure you would all be surprised to know that Chilles were first brought by Portuguese to India (around 1500 AD) and South iNdia must have started cultivating it
The saga of the retired ManThe saga of the retired Man Translated from Hindi by P.R.Ramachander (My friend posted it in Whatsapp .He says he has copied from another Whatsapp.It obviously deals with a retired person , living in joint family Such persons are rare in South . That person realized that he was no more “head of
BharatBharat BY Prashoon joshi|SHANKAR EHSAAN LOY Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear the pretty song देश से है प्यार तो हर-पल यह कहना चाहिए मैं रहूं या ना रहूं भारत ये रहना चाहिए If you have love to this country, Every minute you have to tell, Whether I live or not live Bharath should
The nine avatharas of the husband in modern daysThe nine avatharas of the husband in modern days By P.R.Ramachander (Reaction after reading about nine avatharas of devi in whatsapp:- The 9 avataars of a devi in our everyday lives.... 1. Morning rush hour, office work... Ashtabhuja. 2. Teaching her children.... Saraswati. 3.
Three mothers of every manThree mothers of every man By P.R.Ramachander Every male has four different mothers, The mother who gave birth to him and nurtured him, The sister, whom his mother gave who flodded him with affection, The daughter presented by his wife and
Raja Thatha (Story man) the story tellerRaja Thatha (story man) the story teller By Raja Thatha ( Dedicated to my daughter Meera who brought my story telling skill on line) 1.What is that in life that motivated you to know more stories and collect them? I belong to Kerala where
The Upa(subsidiary) Vedas and the Veda angas(limbs)The Upa(subsidiary) Vedas and the Veda angas(limbs) By P.R.Ramachander Upa (Subsidiary) Vedas There are four subsidiary Vedas viz Ayurveda, Dhanurveda, Gandharva Veda and Artha sastra . Ayurveda deals about clinical aspect of Vedas , The Dhanurveda deals about the science
Woman from point view of ManWoman from point view of Man By P.R.Ramachander Every man knows extremely well , That he cannot live in this world , Without a woman to look after him, Atleast without the mother who nurtured him. He may at times think that all
Sanathana Dharma , the ancient banyan treeSanathana Dharma , the ancient banyan tree Trancreated by P.R.Ramachander (Based on a Malayalam whatsapp write up.Thanks to original tree There was a huge and ancient Banyan tree, One day a climbing plant started growing near it, The tree allowed it to grow and
Our complaints to the God who never complainedOur complaints to the God who never complained Translated by P.R.Ramachander (When I read this in Malayalam I cried for never ever thinking how sad a life our darling Krishna lead?) There was one person , who made , His parents sad , about his future birth, Even on the day
Vedas –the material and its sub divisionsVedas –the material and its sub divisions Compiled by P.R.Ramachander The Vedas (came from root word VId meaning knowledge) are called Sruthi(what is heard) /Amnaya(what is remembered) , because initially for several thousands of years , it was not written down but only taught orally by teacher to
Wo(men) in life of menWo(men) in life of men By P.R.Ramachander (Celebrating international women’s day) Every male is born to a female-his mother, She gives her milk as food for him, Struggles lots and lot to keep him clean, And till her death she is worried about his health. That male is indeed greatly blessed , If we had
Tweet by ADG PI –Indian armyTweet by ADG PI –Indian army (from ) Quotation from Hindi poet Ram dhaman singh Dhinkar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 'क्षमाशील हो रिपु-समक्ष तुम हुए विनीत जितना ही, दुष्ट कौरवों ने तुमको कायर समझा उतना ही। Kshama Sheel
Kumbakonam- the temple town , with temples to solve all problems of lifeKumbakonam- the temple town , with temples to solve all problems of life Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (I read in whatsapp that for any problem in life , there is a temple in Kumbakonam to solve it. They had also given a list of temples and the problem that can be solved there.I sat
Some tid bits about Kashmir HinduismSome tid bits about Kashmir Hinduism Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Gunadhya wrote “Brihath katha (Very huge story)” in Paisachi (savage) dialect in Kashmir . This is perhaps the only book, which is reported to have been written, in the unrefined dialect of Sanskrit. The only&nbsp
Raja Thatha writesRaja Thatha writes Most of you , my friends , would be knowing about my contributions on translation stotras and krithis.You also may know that I do some contribution about Brahmin rituals . But most of you may not know that I am a story teller .Having heard lot of stories&
Some easy tips to handle problems in lifeSome easy tips to handle problems in life ( Many such write ups come everywhere . I saw this in one Whatsapp Group. It says that these tips were given by Maha Periyava. Having read him a lot, these do not appear to be tips given by him. But the tips appear
Rahu /Kethu transits(peyarchi) during March 2019Rahu /Kethu transits(peyarchi) during March 2019 Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Rahu and Kethu planets have anti clock wise motion and stay in a Rasi for one and half years. Rahu moves to Mithuna Rasi and Kethu moves to dhanu rasi this month .Various pancgangs as usual&
Desire to get more than all the restDesire to get more than all the rest By P.R.Ramachander (Story not mine but related in Tamil by my friend sri Vasu Iyengar. Thanks to him) One very rich billionaire announced . “I am going to distribute all my wealth , Free to all those who come to the beech, As much as every one
How come Parvathi got Married to Shiva?How come Parvathi got Married to Shiva? For he wore only a Tiger hide , had a river , AS well as moon on his head , was a strict vegetarian, And did not have any parents or relatives Based on Kannada joke By P.R.Ramachander need of washing machine or soap Mother Parvathi&
Day of retirement for him not to her?Day of retirement for him not to her? By P.R.Ramachander One day he came back from office , With a useless flower bouquet, And equally useless painting , And told , I have retired from service” That night he called all his family members, And told “I have been working hard for the sake
Dwara Palakas of Hindu GodsDwara Palakas of Hindu Gods Written based on a Malayalam write up, By P.R.Ramachander Whenever we visit any the sanctum sanctorum(Garbha Graham) Hindu temple we see two statues on both side of the doors .These are the gate keepers of the concerned God and are
My mother land is greater than Heaven to meMy mother land is greater than Heaven to me By P.R.Ramachander Here are two great sayings ,supposed from Valmiki Ramayana( It does not appear in the version I have translated) Sage BHaradwaja tells मित्राणि धन धान्यानि प्रजानां सम्मतानिव | जननी जन्म भूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी || Mithrani Dhana&
Ten commandments of Maha PeriyavaTen commandments of Maha Periyava Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Read in tamil the meaningful commandments of Maha Periyava and made an attempt to translate it) 1.As soon as you wake up, pray God for at least for 2 minutes 2.Pray that the day should be good-- for you and for every one 3.Think about
Ten important things when you cross Sixty years of ageTen important things when you cross Sixty years of age Based on what I read somewhere By P.R.Ramachander (Though I am advicing you not to lecture , I am only doing that.Please pardon me) 1.Use the railing. The consequences of a fall are worse as you age and your balance isn't as good. 2,Don't lecture about your health, at least not in any detail. If
The first person from India to visit USA was from Madras in 1790The first person from India to visit USA was from Madras in 1790 By P.R.Ramachander I read in many places that the first Indian to have visited USA from India was from Madras and he visited Massachusetts. After a long research I found out that the particulars about that man is
Mini Punjab in USAMini Punjab in USA Mini Punjab in USA Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Many of you would be as surprised as me to know that the earliest Indians to settle down in USA were Sikhs . They were brought as agricultural labourers in USA,The place they settled down is
Some facts about senior citizens in USASome facts about senior citizens in USA Compiled by P.R.Ramachander This is my fourth visit to USA in the past several years. I was given to understand that parents in usa after they become old never live with their children and those who do not have any savings suffer&nbsp
A Hindu University in USAA Hindu University in USA <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> I do not how many of you know about a “Hindu University of America” situated in Tampa Florida. I have not visited it . The web site says “The mission of Hindu University of America is to provide learning, research, and training in a
Hindus in Carribean Islands(West Indies)Hindus in Carribean Islands(West Indies) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander When I was 14 years of age , I attended a lecture by Sri Cheddi Jagan, the Hindu Prime minister of British Guyana. Ever since that time , Ihave interest in Carribean Hindus. Carribian is known as west Indies to us. I am sure Cricket
Reading glasses(vellezhuthu kannadi/kitta parvai kannadi) hawker in USAReading glasses(vellezhuthu kannadi/kitta parvai kannadi) hawker in USA <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> By P.R.Ramachander Long long back , my father who used to read a lot , told me that he is not able to read because he has Vellezhuthu. Few days later there was a temple festival
Raja Thatha's on line stock taking of his contributions- 1-1-2019Raja Thatha's on line stock taking of his contributions- 1-1-2019 May God bless all of you with a very great 2019 Dear Friends, I am so happy to inform you that I took a stock taking of all the work done by me on line and found that more than milli 5 milion people have visited my blog spots as well as web sites from the year 2008 till the end of 2018. I hope
Kerala Iyers From Logan’s Malabar Manual(1877)Kerala Iyers From Logan’s Malabar Manual(1877) Collected in 2001 By P.R.Ramachander It was 18 years back and I was extremely busy in collecting information of Kerala iyers. One day I received this (hand written) hote from SERi V.R.Venkateswaran of Trivandrum. He was 80 at that time. Seeing my appeai,
I have become old, Oh GodI have become old, Oh God Translated by P.R,Ramachander Having been born in this magical world , Surrounded by all Karmas done earlier. I entered in to the circle of love and affection, And after rotating like a ball there , today, After affection and relations have been &
Cat attends Tiger’s marriageCat attends Tiger’s marriage By P.R.Ramachander A tiger got married in the forest . And arranged for a grand reception, All the animals attended and , Wished the couple from a distance and went away.
How does a person grows up in life?How does a person grows up in life? By P.R.Ramachander I read in Tamil post that The middle part of the body is belly. The middle part of our life span is forty. AS long as live , you will be like you were forty, Do not allow your belly to bulge , after forty, Do not allow&
Should not think of a handicapped/very old and feeble devoteeShould not think of a handicapped/very old and feeble devotee By P.R.Ramachander About 18 years back I had visited California state of USA.My son in law took me to Shiva Vishnu temple at Livermoore near San Francisco,. We entered the temple together and all the temples of different Gods
The great Guruvayurappan temple in HoustonThe great Guruvayurappan temple in Houston ( temple where wearing half pants for both sexes over age 10 is banned.) Taken from various places(copy and paste) By P.R.Ramachander The great Guruvayurappan temple in Housten opened in may 2015. A correspondent writes about the
Sri Maha Vallabha Ganapati Devasthanam the First Hindu temple in USASri Maha Vallabha Ganapati Devasthanam the First Hindu temple in USA Compiled from Wikipedia and the web site of the temple By P.R.Ramachander The temple ( Tamil : ஸ்ரீ மஹா வல்லப கணபதி தேவஸ்தானம். Telugu:శ్రీ మహావల్లభ గణపతి దేవస్థానం Sanskrit: श्री महावल्लभ गणपति देवस्थानम्) is at 45–57 Bowne Street,&
Shiva Vishnu Temple of South FloridaShiva Vishnu Temple of South Florida Compiled from the temple’s Web Site By P.R.Ramachander (There are huge Hindu temples throughout USA. I am writing about this temple to bring out the fact that Hindu temples in USA are not only temples but centres promoting Hindu Culture. They also help
Old mother writes to her sonOld mother writes to her son By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a Whatsapp Write up.Thanks to the author) The son whom I fondled , Holding him above my head, Has grown up so much, That he is taller than my head, I have a fear about him, That during one of these days, He may&
Shuklambaradaram Manthra-What does it meanShuklambaradaram Manthra-What does it meaN By P.R.Ramachander Before we start any ritual we recite the prayer:- Shuklambaradaram Vishnum Sasi Varnam Chathurbujam, Prasanna Vadanam Dhyayeth , sarva Vigna upasanthaye. The smarthas consider it as prayer addressed to Lord Ganesa ,
Story of Skanda as contained in Valmiki RamayanaStory of Skanda as contained in Valmiki Ramayana From Translation of Valmiki Ramayana By P.R.Ramachander Today is Skanda Sashti and many of you may be wondering , which is the first book , which tells about the stiry of Skanda I am sure many of you do not
The sastha who sits below a jack fruit tree –Palavadi SasthaThe sastha who sits below a jack fruit tree –Palavadi Sastha (on whom three leaves of the tree shed after pooja) Compiled By P,R,Ramachander (Only micro info is available about this temple on line) This temple is near Amba Samudram of Thirunelvelii, which is 37 km from TEnkasi and 47 km from&
We have only today with us and not tomorrowWe have only today with us and not tomorrow By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a whatsapp story.Thanks to he who thought about it .May God bless each one of us and help us to lead a life of joy, today as well as tomorrow) One orf the richest mill magnets of India, Gave
Sori Muthu Ayyanar TempleSori Muthu Ayyanar Temple (The pearl like Ayyappa who rains wealth) Compiled from different sources By P.R.Ramachander THis is a famous Ayyappa(sastha) temple located between Papanasam Karaiyar dam..It is located In side The Kalakad-Mundam THurai tiger resort , in Amba SAmudram Taluq of Nellai
Happy birthday greetings from younger brother to her elder brotheHappy birthday greetings from younger brother to her elder brother Transcreated by P.R.Ramachander (I was the eldest son of a lower middle class family. The greatest relations in the earth to me are my younger sister and younger brother. With tears
Happy birthday greetings from younger sister to her elder brotherHappy birthday greetings from younger sister to her elder brother Transcreated by P.R.Ramachander (I was the eldest son of a lower middle class family. The greatest relations in the earth to me are my younger sister and younger brother. With tears I
The great fixer is GodThe great fixer is God Recreated by P.R.,Ramachander (I read this essay in Tamil written in face book by Visalatchi Iyer and enjoyed it. I have absorbed it within myself and rewritten it .Thanks Visalatchi iyer) A portion for us to live in the world was fixed. For every birth&
Sage in search of herb and his wifeSage in search of herb and his wife By P.R.Ramachander (Got from Whatsapp .Please follow the very important moral) One saint took his old wife deep in the forest . All the time he was searching for something, And never , ever told what it is to her , And
Baby and Cell phoneBaby and Cell phone BY P.R.Ramachander One day my darling daughter whom I loved, Asked me “Have i confused you at any time?” And I said , “Yes , daughter , once , long ago, You were just one year old and used to crawl I kept a pen, a coin, a pen and a toy little away
Me and my GodMe and my God By P.R.Ramachander (idea borrowed from Whatsapp .THankyou, Anon) I was a lady and my God was sitting on the top of a mountain, People advised me not to go there empty handed, And I took some thing simple like Kuchela’s beaten rice, Since the
Beta Mar Jayaga“Beta Mar Jayaga” By P.R.Ramachander The year was 1963 . Two years back I had arrived as a mango lad at Delhi in the month of may along with my best friend KSN .WE started staying in our hostel which was behind NPL .Every one who saw us both use to advise us to
Cell netizen-=ahoyMan has started going alone- Likely to suffer (Hey I read it in Tamil Whatsapp net only .Thanks to another netizen) By P.R.Ramachander No need of parents top wake us up- There is- Alarm app No need of mother to cook -There is –Zomato ,
Prasnothara RamayanaPrasnothara Ramayana By P.R.Ramachander (I got this idea from reading a series of similar question and answers about Ramayana in Malayalam. I feel this would help us to teach Ramayana in the modern way. To the audience we can ask questions from one onwards. Some one would answer, if not we can always help them. WE can also
Life -a short travel togetherLife -a short travel together By P.R.Ramachander (Whatsapp message in Tamil .Thanks to the great one who wrote it) One young lady was travelling in a bus, One very fat lady got up in to the bus , And sat near this young lady with lots , Of bags on a bench whose length was less. The
“HUMAN SILENCE” Means WHAT?“HUMAN SILENCE” Means WHAT? Translated by P.R.Ramachander When others are questioning you it means “I agree” When parting from friends it means “sorrow” When working very hard it means “hope”
I have become a senior citizenI have become a senior citizen By P.R.Ramachander (On the day after our sixtieth birthday, they say we are senior citizen .I think that they are telling us not that we are old and that we are bald or our hairs are grey , but they are telling us that we have fully
In praise of Holy Places and riversn praise of Holy Places and rivers Compiled and translated by Anantha Narayanan Vaidyanathan In all temples in Tamilndau, and in temples following the Tamil system of Agamas, after the formal pooja, especially on festival days, the scholars and devotees, stand before the deity in reverence and after presenting their respects, recite the glory of the Vedas,
You always be yourselfYou always be yourself Translated by P.R.Ramachander (posted in Tamil in face book by my many friends .Thanks to all of them. ) Gold is costly tin is cheap, But what you can make with tin, Cannot ever be made with gold, And so you always be yourself Water of the Ganges is indeed sacred, Water&
Poonithura Agraharam, CochinPoonithura Agraharam (I have taken this write up from Keralaiyers dot com web site. Long long back I wrote about several Tamil Brahmin agraharams in Kerala , ) Poonithura is a small village in Tripunithura. The nearest railway station is Tripunithura and railway junction is Ernakulam. The nearest bus stops are Petta and Gandhi mukku. from where
NaivedhyaNaivedhya <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> By P.R.Ramachander <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> (The idea is taken from a whatsapp message in Tamil) <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> When a learned Guru was making offering to God , One of his students laughed and asked him, “You say God has accepted what you have offered
Different Women in different rolesDifferent Women in different roles By P.R.Ramachander (Based on what I read in Whatsapp.Thanks to original author. I do not like Onion Pakoras during rain) It was torrentially raining cats and dogs , Ramu some how manged to reach home, Dreaming of hot onion pakoras
Thoughts of a son in New YorkThoughts of a son in New York Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Translated from a Malayalam poem which was sent to me inWhatsapp ) Even If I am not an old man like my father, I am older than my father For my father does not have pressure, Sugar and anger, And I run much before father in all these . I am in New York, and
Conquer anger by a smileConquer anger by a smile By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a tamil folk story that I read) One Rakshasa challenged to fight with Lord Balarama, Who accepted and jumped to fight with great anger, The Rakshasa became double his size and Balaram
What all would get spoiledWhat all would get spoiled Translated by P.R.RAmachander Neglected crop would get spoiled By too much affection children would get spoiled Without asking back loan would get spoiled(not come back) When we ask back , relation would get spoiled Wealth got without
Humble lunatic request to the mother of the worldHumble lunatic request to the mother of the world By Sri Kumar Ramanathan Translated by P.R.Ramachander Does the lotus hesitate to grow , In a slushy mud feeling it would become dirty? Oh mother , then why do you hesitate , To keep your lotus like feet on my head.
If only soul can be transplantedIf only soul can be transplanted Translated by P.R.Ramachander Did you not introduce me to this world, Did you not make me reach the mansion of respectability, By making me climb the stair case of education, Did you not hug and comfort me , when I was sad, Did you not go far , far away , to see and enjoy, when I was happy,
Life like portraitLife like portrait Translated by P.R.Ramachander Mother is the portrait drawn by the artist called God And I was the colour that added beauty to that portrait, Every one who saw us said ,”What a great beauty?” But possibly some one among them had an evil eye , Day by day the beauty of the portrait got reduced
Mother and me – A tamil poemMother and me – A tamil poem Translated by P.R.Ramachander Mother, if you are honey, I am the taste of honey, Mother ,if you are the poem , I am the words of that poem, Mother , if you are the rain, , I am the drops of the rain, Mother, if you are the rainbow , I am the colours&
What is the Value of wifeWhat is the Value of wife Translated by P.R.Ramachander Value of water can be seen in the crop, Value of land can be seen in crop yield Value of qualification can ve seen in the job that you hold Value of money can be seen in poverty Vakue of mother can be seen in affection’ Value of father can be seen in our knowledge
Beneficial effect of chanting Vishnu SahasranamamBeneficial effect of chanting Vishnu Sahasranamam Quoted by P.R.Ramachander A research article entitled “Beneficial effect of twelve weeks Sri Vishnu Sahasranama chanting on stress, cognition and autonomic functions: A pilot study in International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy7(5):87-89 · November 2016 with 1,242
The dust of heavenThe dust of heaven Translated by P.R.Ramachander Mother is the flower of heaven, To show affection is her principle, The love of this world is a mere waser, Every blessing of mother is her deep wish To get angery with mother, Oh human being , it is your great mistake The dust&
f only soul can be transplantedIf only soul can be transplanted Translated by P.R.Ramachander Did you not introduce me to this world, Did you not make me reach the mansion of respectability, By making me climb the stair case of education, Did you not hug and comfort me , when I was sad, Did you not go far , far away , to see and enjoy, when I was happy, Did you&
Life like portraitLife like portrait Translated by P.R.Ramachander Mother is the portrait drawn by the artist called God And I was the colour that added beauty to that portrait, Every one who saw us said ,”What a great beauty?” But possibly some one among them had an evil eye , Day by day the beauty of the portrait got reduced
Mother and me – A tamil poemMother and me – A tamil poem Translated by P.R.Ramachander Mother, if you are honey, I am the taste of honeym Mother ,if you are the poem , I am the words of that poem, Mother , if you are the rain, , I am the drops of the rain, Mother, if you are the rainbow , I am the colours
God , do not throw away all his problemsGod , do not throw away all his problems Translated from post of Kalakkad By P.R.Ramachander One lady went to the temple , Made a prayer for her husband , Made a request and tied a holy thread, Then she thought for some time , And immediately untied the thread. Husband asked, “why did you
Yaadon Ki BaraatYaadon Ki Baraat Nikli Hai Aaj Dil Ke Dwaare Dil Ke Dwaare Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Famous song from a hindi film called Yadon ki Baraat. Hear it Yaadon Ki Baraat Nikli Hai Aaj Dil Ke Dwaare Dil Ke Dwaare Sapnon Ki Shehnai Beete Deeno Ko Pukare Dil Ke Dwaare Ho O O Chedo Tarane Milan Ke Pyaare
Meera’s innovative doll arrangement for 2018 NavarathriMeera’s innovative doll arrangement for 2018 Navarathri By P.R.Ramachander (Meera is my daughter .She is professional story teller who does not want to routinely do what all the other persons are doing. This year she has chosen Avathara (major, minor and ordinary as her theme. I stood frozen to see her
A woman can manage everything , long live womanA woman can manage everything , long live woman Rewritten from Hindi by P.R.Ramachander (I read it in Whatsapp post. I liked it .Would All women like it? All men like it?) I am a woman I some how manage to do everything Whether it is putting a Rangoli in the courtyard
To succeed , never lose an opportunityTo succeed , never lose an opportunity By P.R.Ramachander (A very famous English story , in my own words) One very strong man wanted to marry , A very rich farmer’s very pretty daughter , And when approached the farmer , he told, “For that you should win
The boon that the tenth man asked !The boon that the tenth man asked ! By P.R.Ramachander (Not my idea but some one wrote it some where .I am writing in my own words) Ten people were called by God , He asked the first one “I can give , You a boon , What would you want ?” He said “I want to
Bapuji’s three monkeys in modern IndiaBapuji’s three monkeys in modern India (Not at all my idea. Read it in Tamil somewhere) By P.R,.Ramachander One day the great Mahathma .Who was in heaven met the God ,And asked him .”I gave people ,Three monkeys which did not talk evil,Never heard evil and never spoke evil.” The great god laughed and told , Those monkeys ,Are very much there, in your India. Two of them now occupy
My religion is my civilizationMy religion is my civilization By P.R.Ramachander (completly based on a wonderful write up by Dr(Sri) N.Gopalakrishnan of Indian Institute of Scientific heritage , in Malayalam . My Humble request .It is lengthy but please read it) My religion is beginning less perennial
Thamra parni Maha Pushkaram (12th October to 23rd October 2018)Thamra parni Maha Pushkaram (12th October to 23rd October 2018) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Thambra parni is a very ancient river of Tamil Nadu . a.Valmiki Ramayana In Valmiki Ramayana when Sugreeva tells his monkeys , the way to the soulth of Kishkinda he says Then you will come across the divine
You always try be yourselfYou always try be yourself Rewritten in English By P.R.Ramachander (Many of my friends have posted the original in tamil , saying they read it some where.The thought in these lines is great .I have tried to put it in my own words. Thanks to Prof.Vishvanath Das from whose post, I read it) Gold is costly , Tin is cheap, But you
Some family conundrumsSome family conundrums (A feeble attempt based on a very pretty essay in tamil on கொஞ்சம் கவனிக்கவேண்டியவை.(Some things that need to be cared for by J.K. SIVAN. I hope he will excuse me) By P.R.Ramachander 1.Husband is in a hurry to go out some where, But wife spends lots, lote and lots&
Yaksha PrasnaYaksha Prasna (Questions of Yaksha) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (During the time when the Pandavas were living in the forest, a deer took away the stick used to make fire from the sage’s home in the forest in its antlers. The saint tried to recover it but could not. He then requested the Pandavas (sons of Pandu) to trace the deer by its hoof marks and recover it. The
The silken bond of daughters with their mother is strongThe silken bond of daughters with their mother is strong Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander ( I read with lot of interest , a pretty and well illustrated article by Ms Pallavi Thakur and that lead&nbsp
Malayalam proverbs have become outdated-replace them with Malayalam new verbsMalayalam proverbs have become outdated-replace them with Malayalam new verbs By P.R.Ramachander (I enjoyed the new proverbs in Malayalam posted by many people in face book as ,I had written stories to illustrate 100 old Malayalam proverbs-…/Malayalam%20proverbs%20En…I thought you too should enjoy them and am giving the b suggested new proverbs and the
Oh my mind , you can winOh my mind , you can win --- Reading it through my own words , my mind shakes and I know , I will never get worried. Translated by P.R,Ramachander ( I got it through whatsapp and then by Google searching it , I found that it is a face book post of Kannan geethai.suresh kumar.,
Time passed , but how , We never knewTime passed , but how , We never knew By P.R,Ramachander (Based entirely on a Hindi poem “samai chala, Kaise Chala, Patha nahi chala” Do not know the author Thanks to him) In this mad rush of life, WE never knew , When We became old The children who used to climb up our shouldersm We never knew, When they
Malayalam proverbs have become outdated-replace them with Malayalam new verbsMalayalam proverbs have become outdated-replace them with Malayalam new verbs By P.R.Ramachander (I enjoyed the new proverbs in Malayalam posted by many people in face book as ,I had written stories to illustrate 100 old Malayalam proverbs-
Life led by multi-human directors is pain in the neck?Life led by multi-human directors is pain in the neck? By P.R.Ramachander My grandpa told me that I should get up at five am, My doctor told me to sleep well and get up at six, My wife and children ask me not to be silly and get up at seven, Hearing all these well meant advices
Old age secretsOld age secrets By Trichy N.A.Prasannan Translated in to english by P.R.Ramachander (This is a remarkable well written document written in Tamil .I have translated it so that, those who do not know Tamil can read it. Very many thanks Sri Prasannan) 1.For all my friends who have retired 2.Life’s secrets in one word
Please do not throw your stored garbage on mePlease do not throw your stored garbage on me By P.R.Ramachander (Many of us shout at others for no reason at all. After one or two such shouting when we became calm, we claim that we are short tempered. “The law of the Garbage truck” ( ) is
In the heaven of lonely HellIn the heaven of lonely Hell By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a tamil whatsapp message from a group called Hell which some old man forwarded. Dedicated to all lonely old people all over India) With blessings of God , we gave birth, To son and a daughter , educated&
Who is God?Who is God? Poet Kannadasan replies and Sri P.R.Ramachander tries to understand. Poet Kannadasan was an atheist and became later as a great believer in God . At that time some of his old friends came to him and requested him to show them the God . What he replied in Tamil is
Ubuntu-I am happy because we areUbuntu Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander One scientist devised a new game in Africa, He kept a basket full of sweets hundred feet away, Amd told fifty children that , the one , Who reaches first the basket would get all the sweets. They all smiled, held each
To get the paper called moneyTo get the paper called money Translated by P.R.Ramachander Some people loose their affection and love, Some people losse their culture Some people loose their friendship Some people loose their relations Some people loose their virtue Some people loose their honesty
The wife who does nothing!The wife who does nothing! By P.R.Ramachander (Based in an essay in Malayalam. Thanks to author) One day a husband returned to his home from his office , All his children were playing in their drawing room, All their school bags and Tiffin bags were lying on
Two peculiar practices in festival celebrations that existed in Palakkad tamil brahmin villagesTwo peculiar practices in festival celebrations that existed in Palakkad tamil brahmin villages Compiled by P.R.Ramachander There is no doubt at all that the Palakkad Brahmins are the Brahmins of Tamil Nadu who have migrated to Palakkad for some reason or other and there
The times when you Should not speakThe times when you Should not speak (got it from Whatsapp) TRanslated by P.R.Ramachander स्नास्यतो वरुणश्शोभां,जुह्वतोग्निःश्रियं हरेत्। भोजने मृत्युमाप्नोति,तस्मान्मौनंत्रिषु स्मृतम् ।।(व्यासः) Snasyatho Varuna shobath , juhwatho agni Sriyam Hareth, Bhojane Mruthyupnothi , thasman mounam trishu smrutham(vyasa) Varuna&
I signed an appeal to make our world “ a p l a s t i c free world “I signed an appeal to make our world “ a p l a s t i c free world “ By P.R.Ramachander (Long , long back I remember reading a thriller where the hero by mistake synthesises p l a s t i c eating bacteria. Finding no use to it, he pours it in the sink . By the next day morning
Subbu GitaSubbu Gita Based on teachings of Tharun Sagar Maharaj (see video Translated and interpreted by P.R.Ramachander (Muni Tarun Sagar (26 June 1967 – 1 September 2018) was an Indian Digambara monk. His lectures are termed Kadve Pravachan
Nava Graha Santhi methods followed by SrivaishnavitesNava Graha Santhi methods followed by Srivaishnavites Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Most of us believe that the nine planets create problems for us when they are in bad positions. Though none of them are Gods (Sani’s name is Sanaischara(slow moving) and not Saneeswara) except the Sun God&
Happy Birthday , Oh my KrishnaHappy Birthday , Oh my Krishna By Raja Thatha Happy birthday to you , my little one , Who was born in side a prison , To grow up among cowherds , On the shores of black river Yamuna Happy birthday to you , my little one, Who by the honeyed tunes of his
The new version of my old web siteMany of you might be missing my web site stotraratna sathyasaibababrotherhood org This is now replaced by You can read all my posts there
Our life is His ,live it according to HimOur life is His ,live it according to Him By P.R.Ramachander (THis is based on a Tamil post in Face Book .Google search showed that these are told by Swami Vivekananda. I could not find them in works of the Swami..Humble effort to translate in my own way. Thanks to author of tamil post) Life is a challenge , face it , Life
My first use of TelephoneMy first use of Telephone By P.R.Ramachander I am taking you all nack to about 60 years .Though I was brought up in a town that in a business establishment ,I had not seen a telephone there .In our village , none of our houses had a phone, The only phone that we had access during that time was in our
Me and my Stotra Translation as in 2010Me and my Stotra Translation Dear Friends, I retired from service as a scientist in a national institute in the year 2000. My research life spanning 36 years was very productive and fruitful. Once I retired I decided that I should do some thing which is entirely different from what I was doing till then . I started with very many activities. Of them, one was the
Lokava Helida MaathiduLokava Helida Maathidu Translated by P.R.Ramachander (THis is kannada film song , from a film called Ranadheera which I like .Hear it sung by my daughter in law SAngeetha in Mule .My translation may not be that accurate.Please pardon me ) Lokave heLida maatidu vedada
Tiger Sabu welcomes Maveli 2018Tiger Sabu welcomes Maveli 2018 Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Hear this song of welcome in Malayalam by Tiger Sabu who is travelling along with Maveli to see Kerala- ,For you to understand the song , I am translating it in
Painting by grand daughter Yamini using Coffee paste
A great Documentry on Vedantha DesikaA great Documentry on Vedantha Desika By P.R.Ramachander Sri Muktha Ravi , who is the son the famous director Sri Muktha Srinivasan and who is my face book friend, invited me to see the great documentary he has prepared on the great Acharya Vedantha desika It was a
The miracle of “Whatsapp”The miracle of “Whatsapp” Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I enjoyed this Hindi poem about Whatsapp) It connected all the broken relations, Those relations which were broken several years back, Were made in to family group, “Whatsapp” has done miracles All the friends of school
Kammu Saw her GrandmaKammu Saw her Grandma By P.R.Ramachander (This is based on an incident reported as real in face book by my friend. I feel that it is not true as no parents would be that much cruel to their mother .) A grandma called her granddaughter Kamala as Kammu, And Kammu loved her grandma too, too much, Daily coming from school she
A wail from a Keralite under deluge to his lordA wail from a Keralite under deluge to his lord By Sri K.S.V.Krishnan Translated by P.R.Ramachander Long long ago taking incarnation, Of BHargava Rama you created this Kerala, Oh Lord who exists in the form of Guruvayurappaa, Please protect this land of Malayalam
ThankannaThankanna BY P.R.Ramachander Thankanna was the first son of my father’s athan ProfC.V.Subbarama Iyer.His mother died on the day that he was born .His father was at that time Professor of Mathematics at the University college Trivandrum . Finding it difficult to bring up the motherless baby , his father
Practical Hindu Philosophy in few versesPractical Hindu Philosophy in few verses By P.R.Ramachander (I read this in tamil but though great it was not written properly ,I am trying to write it in English using my own words. Thanks to the original author) If we who sprouted from the earth , Do not know God who made us
The teacher of this great philosophy-the flood GitaThe teacher of this great philosophy-the flood Gita Translated from Malayalam By P.R.Ramachander (I found this poem in one of yahoo groups .Melted my mind) There are no churches, no temples , no palaces and no huts. They are only buildings , where we can enter and sit.
The happy cobbler , the sad richman and Lord GuruvayurappanThe happy cobbler , the sad richman and Lord Guruvayurappan By P.R.Ramachander There was a street in the divine town of Guruvayur , Where there lived a cobbler and a millionaire The cobbler had a small painting of Guruvayurappan, And the rich man had a mini temple of Guruvayurappan. The
Atal was firm and strongAtal was firm and strong Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I saw this great piece of poem in a whatsapp message .My thanks to whosoever is its author) The death was standing in wait , And I was waiting for that only, My flag will never bend before it , On the day of the fifteenth august, You
Fare thee well, Oh Bharatha RathnaFare thee well, Oh Bharatha Rathna Tamil poem By Sankar Dharmaraj Translated by P.R.Ramachander WE will never cry loudly , please wake up, WE will never cry and call you, please run and come , You built our India and said to us good bye You have summoned the
Bharath Matha ki jaiBharath Matha ki jai By Atal Bihari Vajpayee Translated by P.R.Ramachander Bhrath koi bhoomi ka tookda nahin, Jeeetha Jagtha Rashtra purush hai India is not a piece of land but, Living and active country being Yeh Vandhan ki dharthi hai, Abhinandan ki dharthi hai, Yeh arpan ki bhoomi
Please chant or hear to stop Kerala floodsSaundarya Lahari Sloka 82- Stopping flood from spreadingand getting powers like Indra Translated byP.R.Ramachander Chant to stop flood from spreading and getting powers like Indra , Saundarya Lahari Sloka 82 Or Please hear it .You would see my translation on the screen करीन्द्राणां शुण्डान्-कनककदली-काण्डपटलींउभाभ्यामूरुभ्या-मुभयमपि निर्जित्य
ऊँचाई-Heightऊँचाई-Height By अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी Atal Bihari Vajpai Translated by P.R.Ramachander (With admiration and tears I did this translation within two hours so that it can be dedicated to the great Atal) ऊँचे पहाड़ पर, पेड़ नहीं लगते, पौधे नहीं उगते, न घास ही जमती है। On huge mountains, Trees do not grow, Crops
Oh Gods and Goddesses , please save our mother landOh Gods and Goddesses , please save our mother land A humble prayer By P.R.Ramachander Oh Lord Ayyappa , we are falling at your feet , Please leave out your sudden rush of anger, On your mother land , this pretty little Kerala, And withdraw
The Tamil Brahmins-??The Tamil Brahmins-?? (This is a translated and re written articles (in my own style) on Tamil Brahmins by By P.R.Ramachander Tamil Brahmins spread all over the world , as cooks, priests , Software engineers, poets, writers, experts in English , Are
Ramayana a wife based epicRamayana a wife based epic By P.R.Ramachander (The idea is not at all mine but I found a similar thought process written IN hindi in Whatsapp.I have greatly modified it .My thanks to whosoever wrote that piece in Hindi) There is no life without wife ,
My pilgrimage to Tamil NaduMy pilgrimage to Tamil Nadu By P.R.Ramachander I returned today after very small annual pilgrimage to certain temples in Tamil nadu,The temples I visited are 1.Vaitheeswaran Koil WE were about 45 years back young parents for a son and daughter and were living in Rajamundry..Both our children were
Will we be happy , some where else?Will we be happy , some where else? By P.R.Ramachander (I felt writing this after reading the very scholarly essay by my friend sri.J.K.Sivan . on how two children in mother’s womb would feel and talk about coming out to a new world? Thanks to him. God bless him to think &
The royal road to mental peaceThe royal road to mental peace BY P.R.Ramachander (THis is based on a tamil article on ten steps to mental peace posted by ten different people in face book .One of them could be possibly the original author .I have shortened it , modified it and written it in my
Life of a non electrified Otha madam -Chelakkara GramamLife of a non electrified Otha madam -Chelakkara Gramam By P.R.Ramachander (THis tme my recollections of my village has become too long.Excuse me for that.) Chelakkara is a a village of Brahmins called “Otha madam”(meaning each house surrounded by a compound -in present
Pachai podal in our homePachai podal in our home By PR.Ramachander WE do this on one of the Fridays of the Adi month. The normal Ammi Kuzhavi is made into statue of Ambal , we need to collect neem leaves , Hibiscus flowers(Chemaruthi) , A banana leaf before hand In the morning rice is soaked and slightly dried.THis is powdered and sieved in the early
Woman –The one who has man in her but who makes him completeWoman –The one who has man in her but who makes him complete By P.R.Ramachander (This is based on a tamil poem by my revered face book friend Sri.Kumar Ramanathan. Thanks to him) The only true meaning of the word “affection” is our mother , She who always teases us, encourages us and
Disqualifications of a Tamil Brahmin BrideDisqualifications of a Tamil Brahmin Bride Estimated due to experience , By P.R.Ramachander (Though Generally All of us think that “Getting married” is a problem , only for the grooms , It is not so,Here are problems with probabilities for brides estimated by me) The Bride said , matching
Make your post retirement life meaningfulMake your post retirement life meaningful By P.R.Ramachander (This is what I have learnt , when I became old) The day you retire you do not become an old person, Though the process of getting old starts at birth when you cry, It stops only on the day when
Puthucode-An introductionThere was a great write up in Malayalam about our village by Arjun Seshadree Puthucode . It Warmed my heart .I am translating it in to English so that people who do not know how to read can enjoy(THis may include Puthucodians also,) Thanks Arjun Translated by P.R.Ramachander Puthucode-An introduction Puthucode
Eight of my 80 year life was spent in hostelsEight of my 80 year life was spent in hostels By P.R.Ramachander From the age of 15 till I attained 23 , I spent my life in four hostels and four different corners of India. SKV college Trichur (South west 1955-57)) Few months after I joined
Great prayer to my GodGreat prayer to my God (From a tamil prayer ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Even if income is less , Oh my God , give me belly full of food Even if life span is short , Oh my God , give me body without disease Even if facilities are less, Oh my God , give me loving relations Even if relations
Brahmin matrimony – (old) groom protests and (young )bride answersBrahmin matrimony – (old) groom protests and (young )bride answers By P.R.Ramachander (I happen to read a tamil article in Dhina malar, giving the point of view of a Brahmin groom, unable to get married even when he was nearing 40 . Ofcourse I sympathise with him but he has also to consider the &
Guru , learning and knowledge in our countryGuru , learning and knowledge in our country Compiled and translated by P.R.Ramachander The process of learning in our country is given in this sloka Acharya padham aadathe, Padham sishya swamedhayaa, Sa brahmacharibhya paadham, Paadham kala kramena cha We get quarter of our knowledge from teacher , We learn
“Cousin “the english word which murdered many Indian words indicating relations .“Cousin “the english word which murdered many Indian words indicating relations . By P.R.Ramachander With “we two and ours two” , becoming “we two ours one” and slowly further slipping to “we two and ours none” , the endearing words used to indicate many close relation ships &nbsp
Guru DakshinaGuru Dakshina A Malayalam story by Shahul Malayil An attempt to retell by P.R.Ramachander (I am simply am incapable of retelling the great story .With eyes full of tears “great thanks Shahul , You made me feel like a human being” ) Vishnu the brightest student , In my class
Parlikkad GramamParlikkad Gramam Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Location : near Vadakkancheri, Trichur District This is a very small village near Vadakkancheri in Trichur district and had 15 iyer houses. This village had a temple of Bhagawati, Sivan and Krishna but not under the management of iyers. Though efforts were made to start a samooham, it did not take roots. Swami
A lovable poemA lovable poem Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I saw this great poem in .I liked it .) I do not want to tell my age. Whenever some one asks this question, I start thinking The matter is not that , I do not want to tell my age. But the matter is that . I want to again
Sarvam Bala Kishora Krishna arpanamSarvam Bala Kishora Krishna arpanam By K.S.Ramakrishnan Translated and rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (I read it in a much detailed and sentimental prose form in Tamil .I read it and some thing happened to me .My trial to rewrite it in english ) The priest who was devoted to his Krishna, Was taken
Thiruvaarpu Agraharam Kottayam District and the Krishna temple in the villageThiruvaarpu Agraharam Kottayam District and the Krishna temple in the village Compiled by P.R.Ramachander a.The agraharam This is a village near Kottayam (7 km) and is only 20-30 miles from Monkombu. This village had about 20-30 houses in the eighteenth century and was on the shores of Meenachilaru The village was named after a
Mobikural (THirukural for Mobile)Mobikural (THirukural for Mobile) By Anon Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Anon has written only 9 kurals though THirukural has ten per chapter .) 1. செல்போனில் சூப்பர்போன் ஸ்மார்ட்போன் அப்போன், செல்போனில் எல்லாம் தலை... Superphone among cellphone is smart phone , That phone is greatest among all cell phones 2
Krishna goes to meet DuryodhanaKrishna goes to meet Duryodhana By P.R,Ramachander (Based on a slightly different write up , Which I enjoyed ,. Thanks to that author) Lord Krishna was one day busy , Dressing up nattily and was often, Seeing the mirror, applying scents , And was dressed in the best dress that he had His consort&nbsp
Chandrasekhara Puram, Edathara , PalakkadChandrasekhara Puram, Edathara , Palakkad Compiled by P.R.Ramachander This is a Palakkad village named after the temple of Lord Shiva called Chandra Shekara is in the banks of Soka Nasini River(Thekke Puzha, which is a tributary of Bharatha puzha) ) The village is 10 km from Palakkad town.. The land of this village belonged to the
Tragedy of becoming oldTragedy of becoming old By Venkatesan Ramalingam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The tamil original is given after my so called translation) Becoming old , Gives you several shocks, When age increases , Tiredness also increases When further
Party for getting rid of an old manParty for getting rid of an old man BY P.R.Ramachander (Not truth but based on some slightly different incident in face book, It could happen !) One railway porter saw an old man sitting on the bench. In the morning and later again after two hours, He thought that may be the old
Summary of Bhagawad GitaSummary of Bhagawad Gita By A learned man “Leave , tie, If not, tie , leave” (I am sure you have not understood.My friend Rajagopalan Srinivasan has written about it in Tamil .With acknowledgements to him , I am rewriting it in english) I asked the author of this summary , Can you please of my contributions were in this web site .A few days back I could not log in to this web site .I felt bad, But today I found all my work is safe in another web site God bless the owner of web site
Some Kudhambai sidhar songs in englishSome Kudhambai sidhar songs in english Translated by P.R.Ramachander Kuthambai Sidhar is one of the 18 Sidhas . It seems he was only son to his parents and was brought up like a girl waering an ear globe(Kudhambai) .He is famous for his three lined philosophical verses , all addressed as
The cell phone Gundodhara asuraThe cell phone Gundodhara asura Translated by P.R.Ramachander (It seems during Meenakshi Kalyanam Lord Shiva created an Asura called Gundodhara who ate everything that he saw .A hindi poet feels that cell phone has ate everything in the world .I have just translated in my own way. Since I got it in
Kizhakkanchery GramamKizhakkanchery Gramam Compiled By P.R.Ramachander This is an important village near Vadakkancherry.which is 37 km from Palakkad and 35 km from Trichur towns. It had about 150 houses in earlier days. The people of this village believe that they came and settled down here from Tanjore. There is an Uttaravahini river called Mangalam puzha flowing by
Ramanathapuram gramam of PalakkadRamanathapuram gramam of Palakkad Compiled by P.R.Ramachander This is one of those 18 gramams of Palakkad town. There were about 80 houses in earlier days. Here there were several temples under the management of Kerala Iyers. At the entrance of the village is a Maha Ganapathy temple, followed by Lakshmi Narayana SWamy temple housing a prathishta of
Mother vs wife –what does our epics say?Mother vs wife –what does our epics say? Compiled by a confused P.R.Ramachander 1.About wife Mahabharatha says that Na cha Bharya samam kinchith vidhyathe, BHishajaam matham, Oushadham sarva dukheshu, Sathyamedath braveemi they Nothing in the world equals&
Those were the days when food was drenched in loveThose were the days when food was drenched in love By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a tamil post by my friend Sri Rajagopal srinivasan ,My thanks to him as mind went sixty years back.) Those were the days when our mother, After taking bath early
Lullaby deep from my heart , to you my dead papaLullaby deep from my heart , to you my dead papa Trancreated by P.R.Ramachander (I am giving below the touching Tamil poem , based on which I have written these words.My mind went back to my father , who was lying dead before me.My eyes are full of tears With a lamp that was not put
Why this dull look Krishna?Why this dull look Krishna? By Ananda Lakshmi Translated by P.R.Ramachander ஏன் இந்த முக வாட்டம் எதற்கு இந்த நாடகம்?? Why this dull look , And why this drama? 1. அயர்ந்து தூங்கும் உன்னை ஆநிரைகள் மேய்க்கச் சொல்லி அதிகாலை எழுப்பினாளோ அன்னை யசோதையுமே (ஏன் இந்த முக வாட்டம்) Did your mummy Yasoda , Wake you up early
MelarkodeMelarkode Compiled By P.R.Ramachander Melarkode is located about 30kms from Palakkad town. It consists of three villages viz., the South Village, North Village and Chattuvakode. The villagers believe that they have migrated from THirunelveli and Thakazhi. The north and south villages each have a ganapathy temple and the chattuvakode village has a
Oh mother , your Sari -2Oh mother , your Sari -2 ஆத்தா உன் சேல ஆகாயம் போல... AAthaa un selai Aagaayam pola Oh mummy your Sari is like the sky (I was mesmerised by this song. Here is my translation. Hear it The lyrics are slightly different) தொட்டி கட்டி தூங்க தோலி கட்டி ஆட ஆத்துல மீன் பிடிக்க
Puthucode GramamPuthucode Gramam Location : Palakkad District Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Puducode (also spelled Puthucode and Puthukode) is a village and gram panchayat in Palakkad district It is situated in Alathur taluk, around 12 km from Alathur and 4 km from Vadakkancherry, on the western bank of&
Followers of Shukla Yajurveda Founded by sage YajnavalkyaFollowers of Shukla Yajurveda Founded by sage Yajnavalkya Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Yagnavalkya (He who puts Yajna as a dress , implying he who performs Yajnas as easily as changing of a dress) is one of the greatest of the Vedic sages. He was the son of
Perinkulam agraharamPerinkulam agraharam Compiled byP.R,Ramachander (Our face book friend Sri Shivam Perinkulam has written two very pretty and detailed essays on his village and put it in his blog. Those interested may please refer…/perinkulam-a-pond-a-vi…/ ,…/perinkulam-story-conti…/ ) Perikulam is a
Sankethi Brahmins of KarnatakaSankethi Brahmins of Karnataka Compiled byP.R.Ramachander (I have few SAnkethi Brahmin friends and all my knowledge about them is only by reading .Most of Whatever I have written has been taken from ) Sankethi Brahmins are a small but very significant smarta Brahmins community (most probably Vadama) originally
When the schools reopened fifty years backWhen the schools reopened fifty years back Translated from Malayalam By P.R.Ramachander 1.No one used to wear new dress , pant, and coat 2.90% schools never had uniform 3.Boys used toi wear Dhothi and shirt and girls used to wear Petticoat and Blouse 4.The boy wearing pants used to be teased&
Vadama BrahminsVadama Brahmins Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (Most of the material is taken from on line .I have also consulted books on Brahmin history ) Among the iyers this sub class is the largest .Vadamas could be taken as those belonging to the North( Or those who came from north)&
Pallavoor GramamPallavoor Gramam Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Pallavoor is part of the Kollengode police station area. It is 3 km from Kunissery , 4 km from Kudallur , 5 km from Nemmara , and 20 km away from Palakkad city Pallavoor has three gramams – Kizakke Gramam, Thekke gramam and 6-AaThu vari. Altogether there were about 100 houses. Most of the
Ashta Sahasram BrahminsAshta Sahasram Brahmins Compiled by P.R,Ramachander (There is saying in Tamil vadama settu,vathima kattu,ashtasahasram chakrai, which indicates that Ashtasahasraam Brahmins be have sweetly as if they are sugar .. There is another saying that Ashtasahasram Achupichu(fools)., I do not know much about them .Whatever I got is from on
Chozhiya Brahmins of KeralaChozhiya Brahmins of Kerala Complied by P.R.Ramachander Among the several sub castes of Brahmins who live in Kerala , Chozhiya Brahmins are one of the smallest .According to Tamil history , after migration to Tamil Nadu they landed in Kingdom of Chozhas and took up temple worship as
Kannadasan makes epic demands to write an epicOne writer called Nanjil Sha asked , the king of poets Kannadasan:- Oh king of poets blessed with wisdom of arts, Who takes the mountain like philosophy, And makes it in to a very sweet quality banana , And gave us in the stable honey nectar of Tamil, When would you do the great
Brahatcharanam group of IyersBrahatcharanam group of Iyers Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (I am not an expert in this subject and whatever has been given below are from books that I have as well as on line search .Please pardon me if there is a mistake .If you comment about it , I would make the needed&
Brahmins with Vaishnavite Marks in Palakkad villagesBrahmins with Vaishnavite Marks in Palakkad villages Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Strangely most of the people who migrated to Kerala were iyers (Though I have seen an iyengar family in my own village and when enquired they said, they migrated from Andhra) . While most of these iyers wore
Grandpa’s home Heaven of love or Hell of silence ?Grandpa’s home Heaven of love or Hell of silence ? By P.R.Ramachander My mind goes back to the time , when my children, Had gone to their
Ten commandments to the married couple of all agesTen commandments to the married couple of all ages By P.R.Ramachander Just now read a long write up in Tamil , addressed to the wife as to how they should be . I felt that being happy and being successful is a joint responsibility Hence these modified commandments
Ten Commandments to those budding adults by SujathaTen Commandments to those budding adults by Sujatha By Sujatha Translated from Tamil by P.R.Ramachander (introduction by author. I It is easy to advice and very difficult to follow and every day one person will advice, If only all the advice books and commandments have been
Ayalore Gramam, KeralaAyalore By P.R.Ramachander (This was written long time back. Though there is a web site of Ayalur , I could not access it and revise this) This village was part of Kochi State. It had in the earlier days 120 Brahmin houses. Most of them belonged to the Vadamas and Brihatcharanam sub sect. Most of them had either Pallaseni Kavu or Chittalancheri
Kerala Iyer Sub Groups - by migrationKerala Iyer Sub Groups - by migration Compiled by P.R.Ramachander There are three very important groups of Tamil Iyers who have settled down in Kerala –Palakkad iyers, Pandi iyers and Trivandrum Iyers Palakkad iyers Among the three groups , this perhaps&
The tweet of Lord Vishnu to the common manThe tweet of Lord Vishnu to the common man By P.R.Ramachander (I got this idea after reading a Tamil article by my Scholar friend Sri J.K.Sivan .I adopted the idea and slightly modified the contents. Namaskaram my friend) One day in his native place Vaikunta
My baby steps on lineMy baby steps on line By P.R,Ramachander It was the year 2002 .I had just started my translation of Stotras to English. In USA my new daughter in law created a web site to put all what I have done on line
Fathers, mothers and sons according to Hindu scripturesFathers, mothers and sons according to Hindu scriptures Compiled by P.R.Ramachander If you examine our scriptures , we have very broad vision of parent child relationship Here are the different tpe of fathers, mothers and sons:- Different type of fathes He who gives food, he who
A father writes to his children and their replyA father writes to his children and their reply –Happy father’s day Written by P.R.Ramachander Father said:- A son is an ocean of affection , Who would love me like himself , He is like an antique treasure , Filled with sense of duty and Ambition to excel,&
My father -A poem in MalayaamMy father -A poem in Malayaam- Happy father’s day Translated by P.R.Ramachander ആദ്യാക്ഷരം കുറിച്ചു First alphabets you made me
Poem on father in TamilPoem on father in Tamil –Happy father’s day to all Translated by P.R.Ramachander Till the end of her life , A mother , Never cooks for heself Till the end of his life , A father , Never earns for hiself On one side though, He spends all his time , In
My father -a poem in HindiMy father -a poem in Hindi for tomorrow’s father’s day Translated by P.R.Ramachander प्यार का सागर ले आते He would bring the ocean of love , फिर चाहे कुछ न कह पाते And even if I desire for more, he does not tell anything बिन
Kerala Agraharams (gramams) of the olden times.Kerala Agraharams (gramams) of the olden times. Written by P.R.Ramachander Somehow People in kerala called the Agraharam, of iyers as Grammam(village) By Gramam, what is meant is streets in a locality with continuous row houses exclusively populated by Kerala Iyers, each sharing a common wall. There would be houses on both
My journey of stotra translationMy journey of stotra translation I retired in the year 2002. I went to visit my son in California .A strange idea of translating well known stotras in to english had taken shape in me by then. Within three months of my stay I
Is life a paradox?Is life a paradox? By So called P.R.Ramachander (I read a tamil poem posted by my friend and these words flowed from me. When I am not real and there is nothing to flow, can you call it a paradox?) I do not know , why I came, I do not know ,why I grew up, I do not know, wgy I am living I
PG hostels for senior citizens with guaranteed incomePG hostels for senior citizens with guaranteed income By P.R.Ramachander Quite a very good percentage of the senior citizens living alone in cities of South India belong to the upper middle class with assured income .Even if they fall ill
If possible have a daily small prayer schedule –A humble requestIf possible have a daily small prayer schedule –A humble request By P.R.Ramachander I once belonged to Kerala . When i remember my boyhood , what comes first to my mind is our extreme poverty and great devotion to God .Every day visiting the local temple after morning bath and&
An old man with a burden and Maha PeriyavaAn old man with a burden and Maha Periyava By P.R.Ramachander (Based on an article by Sri P.Ramakrishnan in Kumudam Bhakthi .My gratitude , To the magazine and the author,When I have a burden in my life , I know what to do?) There was a lower middle class very aged , Householder living in a village near kanchipuram
Vibhuthi Prakara of Thiruvanaikaval templeVibhuthi Prakara of Thiruvanaikaval temple (Obviously all Trichy people would know about it.) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Vibhuthi prakara ? Like you it was strange sounding to me. On searching I understood that it is the fifth and last precinct (Just as soon as we enter the temple) of Jambukeswaram temple in
Good is always tortured to become the bestGood is always tortured to become the best (Please do not end your life) By P.R.Ramachander (Many and many of my friends have written this story in Tamil without mentioning the original author.Thanks to all of them) One day , walking
Take bath in sacred waters with Snana SankalpamTake bath in sacred waters with Snana SAnkalpam Snana Sankalpam for people to take bath in Sacred Rivers/Sacred Tanks. Many of us visit rivers like Cauvery, Yamuna , Godhavari etc and sacred tanks attached to great temple ,Here is a very easy method to take bath in such places with
Greatness of Coffeeகாப்பி மஹாத்மியம் Greatness of Coffee By Subramaniam Swaminathan Translated by P.R.Ramachander காப்பி மஹாத்மியம் கனிவுடன் பொழிந்திட காராம்பசுவே கருணை செய்வாய் காப்பி பில்டர் டபராடம்ளர் சர்க்கரை டப்பா துணை புரிவாய் For being able to write the greatness of coffee , Oh Milch Cow , be kind to
Coffee StotraCoffee Stotra Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Thanks to the pretty stotra on coffee posted by several of my friends ) ஏக காலே பிபேத் காபி சிர ராேக நிவாரணம் த்விகாலம் ய: பிபேத் காபி ஸ்ர்வ உத்ஸாக ஸமன்வித: த்ரிகாலம் ய: பிபேத் காபி கார்யாலய சத்ரு வினாசனம் காபிதேவி பவேந் நித்யம் ஸூகந்தா வரதா சுபா.” Yeka kale pibeth coffee , Siro
Kali age –How it would be –A sage replied 5000 years back.Kali age –How it would be –A sage replied 5000 years back. Summarised by P.R.Ramachander (After almost the entire Bhagawatham is narrated by sage Sukha , King Parikshith asks him , about Kali age .In the chapter 2 of the 12th dasakam of Bhagawatham , the reply of the sage is there in great
Universal Hindu Prayer to God Taught by Maha PeriyavaUniversal Hindu Prayer to God Taught by Maha Periyava Summarised in English By P.R,Ramachander (The tamil write up given by Sri Ganapathi is given below the english text) Ra.Ganapathi was a great devotee of Maha Periyava and he wanted to learn a Manthra which is a universal prayer to God friom Maha
Vali the great monkey of Ramayana with a rainbow personalityVali the great monkey of Ramayana with a rainbow personality By P.R.Ramachander (I read in a face book post of my friend Sri Vasu Iyengar , about how Vali was considered as having human, monkey as well as divine personalities, as was pointed out by a great Scholar of Epics, Sri Keeran..
Introduction to UpanishadsIntroduction to Upanishads P.R.Ramachander General Introduction "Upanishad means the inner or mystic teaching. The term Upanishad is derived from upa (near), ni (down) and s(h)ad (to sit), i.e., sitting down near. Groups of pupils sit near the teacher to learn from him the secret doctrine. In the quietude of the forest hermitages the Upanishad thinkers pondered on the problems of
Prayer to son , daughter, brother, sister to get marriedPrayer to son , daughter, brother, sister to get married Puducode Rama Iyer Ramachander 4 hrs · PLease share with your friends and groups.Large number of people are in need of this What to do if Children /siblings do not get married within reasonable period of time Given bySwami Shanthananda Puri The manthra given below should be
Me and MoviesMe and Movies By P.R.Ramachander From the age of 7 to 11, I saw lots and lots of Tamil pictures and few Malayalam pictures in Chelakkara, my native village .I remember that I have seen Maya Bazar , Manthri Kumari, Jeevitha Nauka during this time. THen I moved to secunderabad, From
Computer (Armour) KavachamComputer (Armour) Kavacham Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I enjoyed greatly reading the computer Kavacham in Tamil, which was send to me .God bless the author , because I became joyful on reading it) Hanging of computers and attacking Virus would go away to all those&
Quo Vadis , Brahmin Priests ?Quo Vadis , Brahmin Priests and Their Dakshinai? Quo Vadis , Brahmin Priests (Purohitha- Puro Hitha those who are in front of us to do acts which are beneficial to us) who help us to do Vedic rituals By P.R.Ramachander
Divorce a son?Divorce a son? By P.R.Ramachander ( After having written about the need for a Raksha Bandhan for old parents , I feel that it would be great if we can divorce our children too) It was an office of a great lawyer , Who specialised in getting divorce to couples,
Software developer as groom?Software developer as groom? By P.R.Ramachander In reply to a matrimonial ad , a groom said . I develop software for any thing and everything The girl who was an HRD expert. The parent of the girl asked
Oh God , I am the one who is wrongOh God , I am the one who is wrong Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (Based on a pretty write up by my friend Sri vasu Iyengar in tamil.Thanks to him for making me realize , my mistakes) I said , I was leading a life . As per God’s will and they ask me, Have you ever seen God , And when did he tell you
Oh God , give meOh God , give me Translated by P.R.Ramachander Belly full of food , even if income is less , Healthy life without sickness, even if , my life span is less, Loving relations and friends , even if my wealth is less , Friends who give even then their life for me , even if
Musings of Raja Thatha , at the command of godMusings of Raja Thatha , at the command of god By Raja Thatha I do not know , why i came, I do not know ,why I grew up, I do not know, Why I am living I do not know, where I am going, I do not know, when I will reach there, I do not know , how far I have to travel , Oh son of Lord shiva Who is the god
New Summary of Gita by meNew Summary of Gita by me By P.R.Ramachander (I got inspiration to write this after reading “Gita Sar” in Hindi) Q.How can I be troubled by my own brothers? How can I kill my teachers , brothers and Uncles? A.The soul in you can never be
Sinning against parents and teacherSinning against parents and teacher (Quoted from Vaidhyanatha deekshitheeyam) English translation by P.R.Ramachander (I saw this with tamil translation in Whatsapp.When most of us do not think that Abortion is a sin , Possibly , we need not bother about sinning against parents or teacher also. ) व्यास:
Mahalingeswara Temple, Puttur (SK)Mahalingeswara Temple, Puttur (SK) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (There is a g huge temple pilgrimage going to temples of South Kanara District of Karnataka .Maost of them pass very near by this temple but do not visit it .Near the temple there is also a chilsdren’s zoo &
Proper division based on what you gaveProper division based on what you gave BY P.R.Ramachander (Based on a folk story that I read in Kumudam Bhakthi. Thanks to them) In a forest two way farers were caught in a heavy rain, They ran and took shelter in a forest
Oh motherOh mother Poem by Kumar Ramanathan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (My friend Kumar Ramanathan writes great poems.Here is one written by him for mother’s day) Oh mother I did not kick you fron , Inside your womb, Not to give pain to you. But living there for eight months, I wanted to see your face. As A baby I did
Shiva Vakkiam of Shiva VakkiarShiva Vakkiam of Shiva Vakkiar Translated by P.R.Ramachander Introduction These have been written by a Sidha called Siva vakkiar. He was called Siva vakkiar because at birth instead of crying he chanted “Shiva , Shiva” . At a very young age he learnt Vedas &nbsp
Master of multi taskingMaster of multi tasking Folk tale rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (This is a well known folk tale and I was reminded about it , by reading a Tamil post by my friend Sri Krishnamurthy Iyer . My thanks to him) One king in turkey while hunting lost his way, And took
Some pretty people have a pretty mind tooSome pretty people have a pretty mind too Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The original was written possibly by subha sri who has posted a suitable picture for this story. This has also been posted by very many other people.Apart from translating her post I am borrowing the picture she has posted.
Girl on a bike and an old man cobblerGirl on a bike and an old man cobbler Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This was from a tamil magazine Ananda vikatan and was posted in face book by my several of my friends .Thanks to that great tamil magazine,) One day I was walking by the side of a busy road, And saw
Miserable journey from a little girl to old ladyMiserable journey from a little girl to old lady By P.R.Ramachander (After writing about misery of a man , I suddenly realized that I am partial as the girl child also has much more problems.) A girl is born in a house and her shrill voice, Does not often make&
Miserable journey of boy to old manMiserable journey of boy to old man By P.R.Ramachander (Based on the Tamil write up of Padmanabhan Krishnamurthy. Thanks to him. True.It is slight exaggeration and very male centric .Excuse me for that) ‎When a boy is born , sweets are exchanged, And every one fondles him and his mother
Radha’s true and selfless loveRadha’s true and selfless love Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Based on same write up posted by several people in face book. My thanks only to original author) Once Lord Krishna got extremely sick, And continued to suffer in spite of medical
Kolar iyers or Ashtagrama iyers-an IntroductionKolar iyers or Ashtagrama iyers-an Introduction Compiled by P.R.Ramachander They bare also known as Devarayasamudram iyers and speak a mixture of Kannada and Tamil. Being a border district of Andhra most of them also kow Telugu. .They are supposed to have
The way each of us sees things , may be different.The way each of us sees things , may be different. By P.R.Ramachander One day Lord Krishna took his friend , Arjuna for a walk in the forest , And there they saw a Brahmin , Who only ate fallen dried leaf, So that he never ate
Dig in the same place again and again to get waterDig in the same place again and again to get water By P.R.Ramachander (Based on what I read recently .Unfortunately I do not know the author of that peace . My thanks to him.) There was a great devotee of God Rama , Who used
Daughter’s role in satisfying our PithrusDaughter’s role in satisfying our Pithrus By P.R.Ramachander THarpanam for a person is done BY Their son, (Pitha and Matha) Their son’s son, (Pitha maha and Pitha mahi) Their son’s grand son (Prapitha maha , Prapitha mahi) And also Their Daughter’son, (Matha maha , Matha mahi)
A birthday wish in the form of a Rig Veda blessingA birthday wish in the form of a Rig Veda blessing Given with approximate meaning by P.R.Ramachander Request the birthday person to light a lamp and pease recite this blessing from Rig Veda on his/her birthday . The meaning is given in a simple form to suit the present days , so that , the birthday boy/
Tooth brush and paste and your classTooth brush and paste and your class By Suresh Translated by P.R.Ramachander When you go for a two day visit to a new place , If you do not carry your brush and paste , But think , I can manage with the paste there, And brush there with my hand you are lower middle class. When you&
Disqualifications of a Tamil Brahmin groomDisqualifications of a Tamil Brahmin groom Estimated due to experience , By P.R.Ramachander ( the greatest problem our community faces is for boy’s getting suitable brides. Once upon a time he never had any disqualifications but now times have changed . You may not agree to my estimates&
Chitra Pournami Vritham on 29-4-2018Chitra Pournami Vritham on 29-4-2018 Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Chithra Guptha is the book keeper of Yama the God of death who keeps tag of the sins and good deeds committed by each individual being on earth .It is based on his accounting that God of death sends one to hell or heaven.
Sacred kolam for Chithra Pournami (29-4-2018)Sacred kolam for Chithra Pournami (29-4-2018) By P.R.Ramachander Chithra pournami is a festival meant to pray to Lord Chithra Guptha , the book keeper of Lord Yama . Like all other festivals on that day the home is decorated by a Rangoli(Kolam) .On line search will show&
The gutter of flowing thoughts and actsThe gutter of flowing thoughts and acts By Binu Thomas Translated from Malayalam By P.R.Ramachander (Thanks my friend for these great flow of thoughts) <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> The greatest gutter in the world flows , Unfortunately through the mind of human being , Unfortunately only
What a fool is a human being ?What a fool is a human being ? (I was jolted when I read it i Hindi .I said to myself, “Oh God what a fool i am?) Translated By P.R.Ramachander When he is praying to God, he thinks , God is listening to him, But when he shouts at God , he forgets this, When he is doing good deeds, he thinks God is seeing him, But &
Curious little daughter- My reason for working night shiftCurious little daughter- My reason for working night shift Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is based on a good write up by my scholarly face book friend Vasu Iyengar . I believe that intelligence has three top ingredients- Curiosity , memory and power of
An unsocial old man alone in his home.An unsocial old man alone in his home. By P.R.Ramachander He was a very old man of very unsocial type , And he did not have any friends to talk , And he spent all his time in reading, And writing in the computer but never talked. She too was
The joy of givingThe joy of giving By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a face book Tamil post , posted by very many people .I want to thank the original author.) Once when I was studying in college , My father took me to see a famous circus, And we were waiting in the queue , To buy&
Darling Radha’s puzzling repliesDarling Radha’s puzzling replies Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This verse in Sanskrit with Tamil commentary was posted by my scholarly friend Sri Vasi Iyengar . Having enjoyed it , I thought I will make an attempt to take it to those who do not know Tamil.Thanks my friend) Once Lord
Please Doctor , do not become rich by making me poorPlease Doctor , do not become rich by making me poor By P.R.Ramachander (Based on an old post in Tamil made by Pattabiraman Sampath .My thanks to him.) One patient entered a doctor’s room, And the doctor asked him “What is your problem?” And the patient told, “I would tell you
Few Tamil proverbs illustrated by storiesFew Tamil proverbs illustrated by stories By P.R.Ramachander (I am a story teller and I like to trach others by telling stories.I did illustrate 100 Malayalam proverbs by stories.A school in Coimbatore teaches proverbs to its students by using my stories and they requested me to illustrate tamil proverbs also in a similar
What has gone wrong?What has gone wrong? Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This great analysis was posted in mAlayalam by my friend Smt Meena Krishnan .Having lived almost 80 years, my mind went back to the golden days when we were all together with all our friends and relatives) None of the new generation of children
About husbands and wivesAbout husbands and wives Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A great post by Sri Murali Venkatraman in face book,THanks to him) Do not refuse to go with wife , wherever she calls:- One lady went for shopping and at the time of billing , Shop owner was surprised to see TV&
Vacant houses are not white washedVacant houses are not white washed By Swami Krupananda Variar Translated by P.R.Ramachander One day a rough person saw , Sri Variar applying sacred ash on his forehead, And he with sneering smile asked , “Why are you white washing your forehead?” Variar &
One does not want our one because we had only oneOne does not want our one because we had only one By P.R.Ramachander Once upon a time there was no family planning being practiced in India. Every home had several siblings –some of them male and some female .Most of the families were poor or lower middle class . There
Father who was the greatest motherFather who was the greatest mother Recreated by P.R.Ramachander (I do not know who wrote the original but i read it in Tamil , poster by my friend Karikudi Mani Bhagawathar . It simply jerked me in to tears.God bless the original author , Ganga Ram the Gardener and his daughter)
Age difference between husband and wifeAge difference between husband and wife By P.R.Ramachander I belong to the generation of people who were born in the middle of twentieth centaury.In my previous generation girls had to get married even they were mere children and the boys did get married when they were nearing 18. Most of the
Request alms from Godஇறைவனிடம் கையேந்துங்கள் Request alms from God By Poet Nagoor E.M. Haneefa Translated by P.R.Ramachander இறைவனிடம் கையேந்துங்கள் அவன் இல்லையென்று சொல்லுவதில்லை Request alms from the God, As he never tells no பொறுமையுடன் கேட்டுப்பாருங்கள் அவன் பொக்கிஷத்தை மூடுவதில்லை Try to ask him with patience , He
Do your duties to your parents , God would be with youDo your duties to your parents , God would be with you By P.R.Ramachander (This is only a summary of a story that I read in KUmudam BHakthi, called “Matha..Pithaa -DEivam” written by R.Rangarajan.I was simply shaken and I want you also read it,. My sdeep sense of acknowledgementto the author and
Multiple teaching is needed like multiple cleaningMultiple teaching is needed like multiple cleaning By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a story in Kumudam Bhakthi. Acknowledgements to Saravanan who has contributed it.) One confused soul went to a great Guru and asked him , “What is the need for me to daily come and hear you,
How can any one not miss such a wife?The Great Tamil poet THiruvalluvar was fortunate to have Vasuki as his wife. She never knew how to ask “Why? , Whatfor?” with her husband .One day she had to leave him and attain God and he wrote about her:- "அடியிற்கினியாளே அன்புடையாளே படிசொல் தவறாத பாவாய்- அடிவருடி பின்தூங்கி
My acievements in field of computes in 1995-96My acievements in field of computes in 1995-96 BY P.R.Ramachander I studied to operate computers in ISI , Calcutta in the year 1970. I joined the horticultural Institute at Bangalore in the year 1975.Within a few months after my joining our division was equipped
Secrets of Old age livingSecrets of Old age living By an old man called P.R,Ramachander An appeal to all the friends who have retired:- I am presenting briefly The secret of our lives in a nutshell Do not get scared of life –before middle age Do not feel sorry of life - after the middle
Our pilgrimage to our own lonely home of the aged coupleOur pilgrimage to our own lonely home of the aged couple By P.R.Ramachander Till we both got married we were with our parents, Though we were all alone ourselves immediately after marriage, The new companionship and the dreams about the future , Made us never to feel
Allow me to live in this wealth from your wasteAllow me to live in this wealth from your waste Trancreated by P.R.Ramachander (From a great tamil poem by Sami Gireesh published in Ananda Vikatan 24th January. Thanks to the author and Journal) I collected the bits of wires that men threw away, The bits of grass which fell ,
God is not inside but waiting in the queue for free darasanGod is not inside but waiting in the queue for free darasan Transcreated by P.R.Ramachander (Based on a poem on similar theme by Ra.Prasanna in Ananda Vikatan 24th January .Thanks to author and journal) Wanted to see God in the temple and tell my wants, And there was huge queue to see him , by
Krishna my little babyகண்ணன் என் கைக்குழந்தை Kannan yen kai KUzhandhai Krishna my little baby By Anandhi Lakshmi Translated by P.R.Ramachander எங்கிருந்தோ வந்த குழல் நாதம் என் செவிகளில் மோதுகிறது நாதத்தின் இனிமையில் எனை நான் இழக்கிறேன் Engirundho vandha kuzhal naadham, Yen chevakalil modhukirathu , Naadhathin inimayil yenai Naan yizhakkiren The
Some methods you need not do to tackle a wifeSome methods you need not do to tackle a wife Presented by P.R.Ramachander (This is based on a face book post. All those methods are not necessary .All that you need is to love and respect her. And she will reciprocate those feelings. ) 1.When your mother in law is observing penance , Act as
I am a BrahminI am a Brahmin By P.R.Ramachander (I am by birth a Brahmin and I introduce myself to my Brahmin elders as the follower of Yajurveda, who follows the rituals as codified by Apasthamba , belonging to the Kaundinya Gothra , with Vasishta , Maithravaruna and Kanudinya lineage. I am by profession a scientist&
Quo Vadis (where to?) Brahmin priests?Quo Vadis (where to?) Brahmin priests? By P.R.Ramachander There are two types of priests among Brahmins. 1.Archakas These are the priests who specialise in agama (that which came down to us ie tradition ) Sastras &
Sivadas Ponnathil- My friend of the past 60 yearsSivadas Ponnathil- My friend of the past 60 years By P.R.Ramachander Among my face book friends , if I do not consider my brother , sister and Cousins, Sivadas Ponnath has been my friend for the longest time .I know him for the past 60 years as a very very close friend. In 1958 I shifted to Annamalai
Vemana Satakam (Essence of Dharma according to poet Vemana in Telugu)Vemana Satakam (Essence of Dharma according to poet Vemana in Telugu) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (One of the great books of “essence of Dharma” in Telugu .Since these are taught right from school, these are ever popular. This is as great as any other
Humble homage by translationHumble homage by translation of a great homage before sun rise of today by P.R.Ramachander இருள் நீக்கியில் பிறந்த ஒளியே! Oh light who was born, Out of remover of darkness சாதி மத பேதங்கள் சாடாததோர் சமூகம் உருவாக்க இருள் நீக்கியில் பிறந்த ஒளியே! Oh light who was born, Out of remover of
Our religion the Sanathana DharmaOur religion the Sanathana Dharma (the beginning less thought process) By P.R.Ramachander Adhi Sankara said there is only one and there is no two, Saint Ramanuja said if one surrenders to another , there would be only one. Saint Madhwa said one and one are different &
Ambitious nurture may become unwanted tortureAmbitious nurture may become unwanted torture By P.R.Ramachander ( All middle class parents want to make their son rich and they want him to get , all that they did not get. Some times the children may feel that their father is not bringing them up but torturing them. I saw a tamil post to this effect by my friend Meena Rajan.Thanks to
Truth Takes you near GodTruth Takes you near God By P.R.Ramachander (Read it in face book.Supposed to be from the talk of the great THiru muruga Krupananda Variar swamigal .He is well known to his ability to tell great ideas in simple words) One sage went to a new town, That sage had a
The bluff of a cloth merchantThe bluff of a cloth merchant Translated by P.R,Ramachander My scholarly friend Vasu Iyengar in post has mentioned, This is a poem written by a Tamil poet who sang this to his wife, When she complained that the colour of the sari which she purchased, From a great cloth merchant
Please love your wifePlease love your wife BY P.R.Ramachander (based on Tamil write up of my face book friend கங்கை சுந்தர் . Thanks to him) Please love your wife , please love her , She would travel a lot and wait you , For a very long long way , as she loves you, And she would sacrifice her all for you. Please love
Thoughtful thoughts on practical wisdomThoughtful thoughts on practical wisdom Translated by P.R.Ramachander I read these pretty statements in Tamil in Whatsapp .I find that that Sri Ravi Chandra has posted them first in face book. Thanks to him, I have just translated them . I am giving the tamil text after my translation 1,Parents would
Succesful man?Succesful man? By P.R.Ramachander (Read it in whatsapp .Thanks to original author) There was one rich crocodile farmer. Who called lots of guests to his farm, And announced , “to any one who jumps, In this crocodile tank abd crosses it, I would give a reward of ten lakh
Trayambakesawar templeTrayambakesawar temple Compiled by P.R.Ramachander This is one of the important temple among the Dwadasa Jyothir lingas of India .Adhi Sankara wrote about existence of 12 jyothir lingas :- Sourashtre Somanadham, cha Sri Shaile Mallikarjunam, Ujjayinyam Maha Kalam,
Shani Shinganapur Sani templeShani Shinganapur Sani temple <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> By P.R.Ramachander (By my good fortune I visited this great temple on 21-2-2018) <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Sanaischara (Wrongly called as Saneeswara) is the slowest moving planet and takes two and a half years to cross one Rasi. People worship the planet so that the
Hold on to God to prevent falling in lifeHold on to God to prevent falling in life By P.R.Ramachander (Based on Tamil write up of சர்வம் சிவமயம , my face book friend) Once when saint Adhi Sankara , Was going through a village , One rustic and unlettered farmer asked, “They say depend on yourself and not God?” Adhi&
Shirdi Sai BabaShirdi Sai Baba By P.R.Ramachander (Two days back I had the good fortune of visiting this temple . Please have glimpses hindi commentary ) Sai Baba of Shirdi was a great saint who is revered as an incarnation of Dathathreya and is considered as Saguna Brahma .
Love Poem(story)Love Poem(story) By Saanu Puthiran Translated and rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (My face book friend SAanu puthiran is a great tamil poet and a c very great devotee of Maha Periyava, Rarely he writes poems on any other subject .i was very much attracted by his poem(story) on love and am presenting it in
No good words then and no food nowNo good words then and no food now By P.R.Ramachander (After reading a tamil poem on this subject.Thanks author of poem) When you brought hot degree coffee , I used to shout at you , “How many times, I need to tell you , less sugar, please....” When you prepare your master
Kumarapuram Seshadri ayyarDo you know about this Palghat Brahmin who is respectfully remembered by the city of Bangalore Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Kumarapuram Seshadri ayyar (1845 -1901) was the son of anathakrishna iyer and his venkatalakshmi and was from Kumarapuram&
The love story of our traditional marriageThe love story of our traditional marriage By P.R.Ramachander (Based i on the post by my friend Vasu Iyengar . Thanks to him) After three times of serving sweets and savouries, I nodded yes the fourth groom who came to see me, And at last my marriage was fixed with a
Unarmed murder by the lord of loveUnarmed murder by the lord of love By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a tamil post of Ms Bala Sivakumar .Thanks to her) Every one says that in this incarnation , You did not come carrying any weapon. They are saying since you did not&nbsp
I lived with a smiling golden angel called Gold(Thangam) writes MeeraI lived with a smiling golden angel called Gold(Thangam) writes Meera ByP.R.Ramachander (This is based on a very striking sketch of her Patti by my daughter Meera . It was simply great but I wanted to rewrite it in my own fashion , as if she has written it and so I borrowed words and ideas from her write up and wrote .Thanks my daughter) Meera wrote:- Some one asked me one day ,Do
God Yama and his great doctor sonGod Yama and his great doctor son Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I read the original in tamil by my face book friend Sri Padmanabhan Krishnamurthy .Thanks to him) The lord of death fell in love with a human lady , And without any difficulty they got married , When god of
Tell father that you love him before it is too lateTell father that you love him before it is too late By P.R.Ramachander (Based on the slide show in Tamil of Na.Prasannan, Trichy .Thanks to him.May God bless him) Mother would show her affection in various ways, But with a press of oour Hand father would show it I have heard my mother&
A student in search Of GodA student in search Of God By P.R.Ramachander (Not at all mine but combination by me of two or three stories about search for God that I have heard. Please try to search for god.) One gentleman wanted to see God and stared
I lived with a smiling golden angel called Gold(Thangam) writes MeeraI lived with a smiling golden angel called Gold(Thangam) writes Meera By P.R.Ramachander (This is based on a very striking sketch of her Patti by my daughter Meera . It was simply great but I wanted to rewrite it in my own fashion , as if she has written it and so
What to offer to please God?What to offer to please God? By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a tamil posting by Renugasaravanan Subhiksha Gokulan . Thanks my friend) One potter was making mud pots , Large number of pots that he had made , Were stacked near to him and
In this rat race called life , did he forget her completelyIn this rat race called life , did he forget her completely By P.R.Ramachander (I read this moving story in a whatsapp message .I have translated and put it my own words .Thanks to the original author) After running and running , After working and working , The
We two , ours twoWe two , ours two By P.R.Ramachander WE became two and they told , You two and so yours two , Those two birds flew away from their nest , We too became we two, We two were once in two places, And now both jobless , we are in one place , When we too started feeling
Athai Madi MeththayadiThe emotion of a lady trying to make her brother’s daughter sleep by rocking the baby on her lap is brought out by this song By Vali in an old Black and white picture called Karpagam. Athai Madi Meththayadi By Poet Vali (Hear the song as sung by Smt Susheela https://
You treat your wife as a partner in lifeYou treat your wife as a partner in life By P.R.Ramachander (I read a tamil write up
The impoosible liar –her Lord KrishnaThe impoosible liar –her Lord Krishna Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (I saw the original of this write up in Tamil as posted by Dr.Saroja Ramanujam (ஏலாப்பொய்கள் உரைப்பான்) . I was simply attracted and wanted it to reach others who know
Satiating the hunger of the poor is real gift to GodSatiating the hunger of the poor is real gift to God Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (I saw the original in tamil posted by Sri. Dinakar Raj.What a lofty idea ? Thank you my friend) There was a rich farmer in a great village, Near a great temple&
You have everything , thank Lord Krishna for thatYou have everything , thank Lord Krishna for that By P.R.Ramachander (Adopted and modify the post of Padmanabhan Krishnamurthy. Thanks to him and I thank God Krishna) Do not keep on crying thinking about some things , Do noe weep thinking about some person, Do not get scared
Faith works miraclesFaith works miracles By P.R.Ramachander (None of them my original stories) Story 1 Once Lord Krishna ordered Rugmani to carry food to a sage, Who was on the other side of Yamuna and when she asked, “How would I cross the river?” , and he replied, ”Tell that river, “A person who has never touched a lady&
Old mother’s day out with sonOld mother’s day out with son BY P.R.Ramachander (Based on a tamil narration posted by Sri Venkat Srinivasan in face book. I wrote it with my face made wet by own tears. Thank you Venkat) Once my wife called over phone and toldme, “A lady known to me would like to spend , This evening in your company and I know ,
Old is handy and real goldOld is handy and real gold By P.R.Ramachander (Based on the tamil write up சின்னச்சின்ன by Swaminathan Ramasubramanian ) We may be extremely ultra modern , But when we want to carry food to our relations, When they are admitted in hospital, WE always take it in the orange colour , Wire bag &
How many of you would like her job?How many of you would like her job? Translated from Hindi By P.R.Ramachander (I read it in Hindi in Whatsapp .I dedicate it to every woman whom I know and do not know) When some one asked a housewife(home maker?) Are you a working woman or housewife? Then What she replied was really heart touching I am
The farmer was a socialistThe farmer was a socialist By P.R.Ramachander There was one farmer , Who said he was a socialist, And he decided that every stage, Of crop growing, he will share, Half with his bullocks. He grew the crop of paddy , The straw , he gave it to the bull, And he took the gain for
Children on path of adulthood and their Grand parentsChildren on path of adulthood and their Grand parents By P.R.Ramachander (PARTLY BASED ON WHAT I READ IN WHATSAPP) With whatever care and affection parents , Nurture their children , from the age of thirteen To twenty one, the children need very careful love, Otherwise they tend to agitate a
Kamalam , who ?Kamalam , who ? Rewritten in english by P.R.Ramachander (Based on a tamil joke reported in face book by several persons. Thanks to all of them. Posted just in a light manner for a change ) Kamalam the wife wanted divorce from her husband , For being in love with their maid
God is thereGod is there Rewritten in english by P.R.Ramachander (Based on tamil posting in face book by several people .Thanks to all of them) One wise man sat for getting shaved , On the barber’s chair of an intelligent barber.” While conversing the wise man told, “I do believe that God &
Mother the medicineMother the medicine Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I do not know who is the author of this great Hindi poem .Thanks to him .There is no denying the fact that mother is a great panacea) Mother is the medicine for all our problems, She some times chides us but she also
Maa ki hath ki RotiA tearful dedication to all mothers Maa ki hath ki Roti माँ के हाथ की रोटी By Kumar Sasi Translated by P.R.Ramachander mujhe har taraf , har taraf khuda nazar aata hai jab sir par maa ka hath chuaa nazar aata hai When Mother’s hand touches my head , To me , ever where , every where God appears thak har
Have deep faith in God Krishna to lead problem less lifeHave deep faith in God Krishna to lead problem less life Rewritten by P.R,Ramachander (Based on a write up in tamil communicated in Whatsapp . My grateful thanks to him who wrote it) Do not wail thinking of something, Do not cry thinking of some one, Do not ever be scared of life Do not babble due to desire in
Brahmins and orthodox religion- A cursory lookBrahmins and orthodox religion A cursory look By P.R.Ramachander The very small number of Brahmins in India are further divided based on Whether they follow, Advaitha , Visishtadvaitha or Dvaitha and further sub sects in each of these groups By the Vedas and suthras
Atheist ?Atheist ? By P.R.Ramachander (Not my original idea .Borrowed from various places) X challenged Y and said to him, “I can prove that there is no god” Y said , “ Go ahead my friend” X then broke a statue of a God He laughed out loudly &
Reference to girls in Thiruppavai of aandalReference to girls in Thiruppavai of aandal Translated by P.R.Ramachander Another reference indicated that Kothai in her magnum opus Thiruppavai has used several words indicating girls .That author feels there is a evolution of the usage &
My fifteenth mile stoneMy fifteenth mile stone By P.R.Ramachander In 2010 (8 years after I started my translation efforts) I wrote that I have completed till then .I had completed translation of 500 stotra rathnas , 300 Carnatic music Krithis ,I also wrote that it was all made possible due to the unstinted
Positiva and negative results of same actionPositiva and negative results of same action Translated by P.R.Ramachander (At least fifteen people have posted it in the face book as their contribution, Whom to thank?) இட்டுக் கெட்டது காது* *இடாது கெட்டது கண்* *கேட்டுக் கெட்டது குடி* *கேளாது கெட்டது கடன்* *பார்த்துக் கெட்டது பிள்ளை* *பாராமல் கெட்டது பயிர்* *உண்டுக் கெட்டது வயிறு* *
Allegory story of Samudhra MadhanaAllegory story of Samudhra Madhana Rewritten by P.RRamachander (I read this great interpretation in a whatsapp message in Malayalam.AS usual whoever posted it is an asura who copied and pasted great writing by a great man but omitted his name. I humbly thank the original author of this piece&
Reason for outbursts and need for depositing love.Reason for outbursts and need for depositing love. By P.R.Ramachander (Some one send me a Malayalam video .The video with the background of tender emotional bond between husband and wife , tries to explore in a wonderful fashion , the reason for mutual angry outbursts and the need to
Do not meddle in other’s affairsDo not meddle in other’s affairs By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a post in face book by Ms Seetha Narayanan. My Thanks are to her) Once a saint saw a centipede, Which was crawling with great speed, And he asked “Why this great hurry?’ And it replied ‘”The cart is coming
Take care of that old person who is a babyTake care of that old person who is a baby By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a write up of Jayaraman Venkatraman Dindigul.Thanks to him) Old age is definitely the return of infancy . It makes you tell the same thing again and again, It would make you talk a lot and also sometimes, Make you keep
Search of GodSearch of God By P.R.Ramachander (Idea borrowed from Kumudam BHakthi) One day a person who was in search of God , Went to a great Guru and requested him, To help him find God and that Guru told him, “God is everywhere and there is no need to search him.” When the person said, that&
Best Country in the worldWE know that each line of this poem to a large extent is true, To which direction shall we proceed? பாருக்குள்ளே நல்ல நாடு* Best Country in the world By Kavikko Abdul Rehman Translated by P.R.Ramachander I met them all in a prison, And I asked them, “What crime did you commit?” And one
Mother I once againमाँ मैं फिर Ma mein phir Mother I once again By Abhishek Mishra Translated from Hindi by P.R.Ramachander (The Hindi text is given below) Oh mother , once again, Oh mother , once again I want live , after becoming your loving child, Oh mother , once again, I want to sleep , hearing Lullabies sung by you Oh mother once again I
Golden sayings from Bharatha VarshaGolden sayings from Bharatha Varsha Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The author in Tamil claimed that it was from Bhagawad Geetha. Having read Geetha several times, I have my own doubts .But they are indeed golden.) 1.The world likes a person who does not talk too much, It respects a person who talks
Bargain with poor and tip the richBargain with poor and tip the rich By P.R.Ramachander One lady saw an old man struggling , With a push cart and trying to sell, Some plantain fruits on the road, And she asked him” what is the price?” Struggling to even speak properly , He told, “Five rupees each Madam”
Preliminary results in the medical miracle of chanting Vishnu Sahasra NamaPreliminary results in the medical miracle of chanting Vishnu Sahasra Nama By P.R.Ramachander Kumar SAilesh et al(2016) have conducted a study on the effect of chanting Vishnu Sahasranama in reducing stress of a participant .They have concluded that Depression, anxiety , stress and coristol significantly
Get defeated to win in 2018Get defeated to win in 2018 By P.R.Ramachander Get defeated by your mother , Her affection will increase Get defeated by your father Our wisdom will increase Get defeated by your wife , The joy would get doubked Get defeated by your children &
New year a poem in Hindiनया साल- New year Translated by P.R.Ramachander नया साल क्या लाएगा.. नया साल भी सताएगा ख्वाब दिखायेगा, कदम बहकायेगा ठोकरे देकर संभालना सिखाएगा याद दिलाएगा, हमे रुलाएगा वास्ते देकर फिर चुप कराएगा आरज़ू जगायेगा, नींदें उड़ाएगा दिलासे देकर फिर सुलाएगा यादें महकाएगा, गीत लिखवाएगा आंसू छलकाकर अकेला छोड़ जायेगा उम्मीदे लाएगा, हसरतें जगायेगा जीना सिखाएगा, यादें दे जायेगा नया साल
Three great approaches to God in Hinduism explained by Bhagawan RamanaThree great approaches to God in Hinduism explained by Bhagawan Ramana By P.R.Ramachander (What is your opinion ? Is it OK?) I read an interesting post in Tamil about BHagawan Ramana’s teaching ,which is as follows:- A disciple who went to see Saint Ramana , With a mango fruit&
Ten incarnations in two linesTen incarnations in two lines By P.R.Ramachander (Completly and totally based on the write up of S.Nagarajan in After seeing
My grand daughter who is a poetic genius-Raja ThathaMy grand daughter who is a poetic genius-Raja Thatha Maithree Venkatesan is my grand daughter .I am extremely proud of her because she is a thinker as well as poet .I am below two poems , the first one written by her when she was eight years old and the second one nine years later.You can see that she was a
Palakkad Brahmins or Kerala IyersPalakkad Brahmins or Kerala Iyers By P.R.Ramachander (I have lived several years in Kerala, Karnataka , Andhra, Telengana as well as Tamil Nadu .In each of these states there were social reformers and atheists . But in no other state except Tamil Nadu, Brahmins are treated so badly. I have never heard of Brahmin&
Thirumalpur Manikandeswara templeThirumalpur Manikandeswara temple Compiled by P.R.Ramachander This is a famous temple of Lord Shiva which is 14 km from Kanchipuram on the Kancipuram Arkonam route. It is 40km from Thiruvallore and there is electric train to this temple from Chennai It is believed that Lord Parvathi made this Shiva LInga here with
Do not punish yourselves by getting angryDo not punish yourselves by getting angry By P.R.Ramachander (Long , long back I had read somewhere that anger is a poison that we eat. When I read what sri Anantha Narayanan had written in Tamil , I wanted to write about anger. I borrowed heavily from what he wrote.My thanks are to him) Once some I did
Methods of worship to God in HinduismMethods of worship to God in Hinduism Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I saw the original in Malayalam script as a whatsapp message, possibly from some book on BHakthi) Worship of god in Hinduism can be , In nine different ways of approach, They are Sravanam,
Mad, semi and saneMad, semi and sane By Sri Guru moorthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I have taken some independence in my translation.Hope the author would pardon.) One journalist went to interview a psychiatrist , And asked him , “How will you find our , That your patient is completely cured ?” And the doctor told&nbsp
Sorrow tinged with joySorrow tinged with joy By P.R.Ramachander I had a non believer atheist friend , And one day we both saw , That one of our common fiend has died, Because we were informed by his crying son, My father has reached the lotus feet of god. My atheist friend laughed
Tirupattur Brahma Pureeswarar templeThe only Brahma temple in Tamil Nadu is located here Tirupattur Brahma Pureeswarar temple and a great prayer addressed to Lord Brahma Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (Lord Brahma has a separate temple in this temple of Lord Shiva.You can see a video about the temple shown in SAnkara TV&
Ten lessons that Bhagwad Gita teaches usTen lessons that Bhagwad Gita teaches us By P.R.Ramachander (I read this in Malayalam in a Whatsapp message.The person who saw these great and relevant teachings in Gita is indeed a great person.My thanks to him.) 1.Never get scared of anything Every one is scared of death , But in Gita the God
Even an atheist can be a good personEven an atheist can be a good person By P.R.Ramachander (Completly based on the face book post of கங்கை சுந்தர்(Gangai Sundar) .My deep sense of gratefulness ) An Atheist is also a human being within whom God is there, But he is internally blind and he realises God just like blind people, A blind one who
Some information about month of MargazhySome information about month of Margazhy Translated by P.R.Ramachander Dhanurmas or Dhanur Masa is also known by the names Chapa Mas, Kodanda Mas, Karmuka Mas etc. Chapa, Kodanda, Karmuka etc., in Sanskrit are synonyms of Dhanus; meaning a bow. It is the month of margashira and so also called Margazhi masam in Tamil. Dhanurmasa is also called as Shoonya Masa because it
Scars of my old ageScars of my old age By Asok Kumar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (translated with eye filled with tears) I am one of those very old men of seventy seven, In whose life the rain of love has forgotten to wet , I live one month with each of my four sons , And in another four days I have
My happiness is in my handsMy happiness is in my hands By P.R.Ramachander (I read this in Tamil in a post by Madhavan Yengnanarayanan , who himself read it in a Whatsapp message ,Its original could be in English but I likes the idea very very much and am putting it in my own words, thanking whosoever is the original author)
Thirunilai Perandavar and Angala Parameswari templeThirunilai Perandavar and Angala Parameswari temple-Temple of Shiva in Human form Compiled by P,R.Ramachander Thirunilai (Divine stable point) is a temple near Thirukazhu kundram in Tamil Nadu where Lord Shiva is in the human form There is a very interesting story about this temple. It
Phone pe DakshinaPhone pe Dakshina By P.R.Ramachander (Based on what i read in Tamil in a whatsapp message) Ramu had to perform a Sradha , And when time came to pay Dakshina , He remembered that he has not , Drawn any money for that from ATM With a sorry face he told &nbsp
Made for each other but never agreed with each otherMade for each other but never agreed with each other By P.R.Ramachander One TV channel decided to conduct , A made for each other contest , For the couples whio have already , Celebrated their silver anniversary. Hundreds of couples came for the contest, But one couple came there constantly quarrelling,
Her wishful wishes-a tamil poemHer wishful wishes-a tamil poem அவள் விகடனில் வந்த ஒரு கவிதை.:- A poem from Aval vIkatan Translated by P.R.Ramachander This was a song popular and published in 2005,to welcome the New year, and holds good today also (From post of my friend Sri.Vasu Iyengar) தண்ணீர் பஞ்சம் தொலைய வேண்டும் தங்கம் விலை குறைய வேண்டும் அழுகை இல்லா சீரியல் வேண்டும் அழாமல் பிள்ளை
Good morning and congrats FriendGood morning and congrats Friend (Dedicated to a goddess Saraswathi in human form, Who dreamt and has made her dream in to realty – May God continue to bless her.) By P.R.Ramachander In a forsaken corner Of Tamil Nadu , There existed an old temple of learning , In a little village called Pushpagiri , Which was run by the government. This school which was
Sastha Preethi or making Sastha pleasedSastha Preethi or making Sastha pleased By Sri Aravind Subramanyam Theory Text &amp; Practice Of Sastha Preethi In South India Sabarimalai Yatra, Ayyappa Pooja and Sasthapreethi are the three, most well known events that please the Kaliyuga Varadha Swami Shree Dharma Sastha. For a Ayyappa devotee the chanting of the celebrated three words is
Warning letters from God of death, which we ignoredWarning letters from God of death, which we ignored By P.R.Rmachander (Based on a pretty well written story written by scholarly friend Vasu Iyengar. Thanks to him) One person called Suresh took bath in the ganges , And while he was returning he met a black man, And when they started talking
How Achan Deekshithar became Vaksha sthala Acharya ?How Achan Deekshithar became Vaksha sthala Acharya ? By P.R.Ramachander (I did not know this story but read it somewhere in Whatsapp. My thanks to the author) There was a great Scholar called “Appayya Deekshitha” .His grand father’s name was” Achan Deekshitha” .He was also called “VAkasthalaxcharya(The
An elderly lady advises a young wifeAn elderly lady advises a young wife By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a blog which I read long back My acknowledgements and thanks to the author. Many people possibly of the fairer sex may not agree with this ..I crave their pardon) One elderly lady who has great experience ,
Prayer of the soul to GodPrayer of the soul to God By Swarnalatha Natarajan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I just read it and felt like translating it. God bless you Sister) 1 hr · அடிக்கடி பல பாடல்களில் பலர் இறைவனை இரைஞ்சி வேண்டி கேட்ட வரிகளின் தாக்கத்தினால் ஈர்க்கப்பட்டு வார்த்தைகளாக எனக்குத் தெரிந்த விதமாக தொகுத்து எழுதியது... தவறுகள் இருப்பின்
The moral of the story is—The moral of the story is— By P.R.Ramachander (read this old meaningful story in tamil from a facebook post by Rajagopal Sreenivasan. Thanks to him,) There was a very honest cutter who had great devotion to God, And one day , he went to the forest , And
How to deal with problem of Thathas and PattisHow to deal with problem of Thathas and Pattis By P.R.Ramachander One great problem with all young ones, Is the irritation caused by Thathas and Pattis, By their so called uncalled for advices, By their constant complaints and criticisms. A.Request to Thathas and Pattis
Parakalakottai Podhu Avudayar templeParakalakottai Podhu Avudayar temple –Shiva temples which opens only on Monday midnight Compiled by P.Ramachander (I came to know about this peculiar temple from a face book post of my friend. May Lord Shiva bless him. This is Karthigai month and next Monday there is a festival in this temple)) Parakalakottai is a temple which
Thiuvetriyur temple of Valmeeka Nadhar and Bagam piriyalA small temple which cures diseases of the feet , brings together separated couples and helps to get married soon Thiuvetriyur temple of Valmeeka Nadhar and Bagam piriyal Compiled by P.R.Ramachander THiru vetriyur is a small village in Ramanathapuram district of Tamil Nadu ,From either Karaikudi or Madurai you can reach
Lesson of lifeLesson of life By J.K.Sivan Rewritten in english by P.R.Ramachander My friend was like a touch me not plant , Some times he would blow out in great anger , And some other times , he will cry like a young girl, Some times he will laugh and some times take deep breath. Once I decided
She who is everythingShe who is everything By P.R.Ramachander (I read it in Malayalam , posted by some one who did not know the author. My humble thanks to the original author) She was a pretty body to me , When I visited her home , To see the bride and her family, And approve her for marriage. After my engagement ,
What does God who is our partner need from Us?What does God who is our partner need from Us? By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a write up received by Whatsapp.My thanks to the author) One poor person had lost his job , And requested a rich man to help him, But the rich man said, I would make you , My partner and all that you need todo, Is to give me ten
Non Dharmic emotions lead to destructionNon Dharmic emotions lead to destruction By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a small write up posted in Facebiook-given at the end.) There was a king called Dasaratha , Who destroyed himself completly , Due to his desire for his pretty wife, By sending his god like son to forest
Vellai nirathoru pooonaiVellai nirathoru pooonai வெள்ளை நிறத்தொரு பூனை A white coloured cat (My sad comments on this great poem:- Here is another great poem by Mahakavi BHarathi .Seeing all around him, he felt that even in our country colour is going to make people inferior or superior.In this simple song he tells us that , just like
No selfishness in a prayer pleaseNo selfishness in a prayer please Recreated by P.R.Ramachander (Rewriitten based on write up by my friend , who isa scholar who never asks anything himself –Sri Sivan jaykat) One day I happened to meet Lord Krishna , And I asked him , “Do you know why I pray you?” Lord Krishna with a pretty
Venni Karumbeswarar temple of Kovil VenniVisit the God who cures Diabetes, which is the major disease nowadays Venni Karumbeswarar temple of Kovil Venni Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (I saw about this temple in the post of Athreya Gothram Bairava Ramani and I collected more info from various web sites. Thanks to Ramani and the several
Match stickMatch stick Posted by SWarnam Meenakshinathan Rewritten in english by P.R.Ramachander Matchstick lit the lamp, Everyone saluted the lamp, But that one who appeared mad, Saluted the match stick and , I asked him , “Why?” And he said, “Is not that which brightens, Greater than that which is brightened? Is not the teacher &
Nenmeli Sradha samrakshana PerumalNenmeli Sradha samrakshana Perumal A place where God will do Sradha for people who could not do Sradham or to people who do not have anybody to do Sradham. Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (I saw about this temple in a post by my friend Prof Viswanath Das , Half the article is a translation from his post and the other half from a web site http://
Then and nowThen and now Translated from Malayalam By P.R.Ramachander (Image gives original text) During those days One small pot of water was sufficient for cleaning oneself One hurricane lantern used to give light throughout the night One small vessel of Gruel was the fuel for the entire day One dilapidated hut
Prove that and live a great life or at least get defeated and winProve that and live a great life or at least get defeated and win By P.R.Ramachander (Based on the write up and posting of several people.Thanks to the original; author) Prove that you would “Up to the end love her” with mother, Prove that you would “ forever protect his name “, with
A letter from a girl to her unknown future husbandA letter from a girl to her unknown future husband Writeen based on a Tamil post BY P.R.Ramachander (I was greatly moved by this letter.My thanks to Rajagopal Srinivasan who had posted the Tamil Original) My dear future husband, I am waiting for your
Some good are bad and some bad is goodSome good are bad and some bad is good By P.R,Ramachander (Based on a post of Meena Rajan,) Ten rupees is too much to give it to a beggar, Thousand rupees is too small to go for shopping Too much bore to read to read one page of Gita, Very interesting to read hundred pages of a weekly One hour is too
Hanuman gets TA sanctionedHanuman gets TA sanctioned By P.R.Ramachander (This is a very old story that I had heard and thanks to sri Rajagopal srinivasan, I remembered it) Lakshmana fell in the battle with Indrajit, And Hanuman was given order to bring Sanjeevini herb, And he flew in the sky , could locate the mountain, But not the herb, brought
In defence of belief in GodIn defence of belief in God By King of poets Kannadasan (A former atheist who became a great believer in God) Translated by P.R.Ramachamder “Muthiah was a staunch atheist and a follower of the Dravidian atheistic movement. He had great love for the Tamil language and culture, and excelled in Tamil literature prose and poetry. He once read the
Infancy without freedom , a time of torture.-Do you agree with this? I some how do not.Infancy without freedom , a time of torture.-Do you agree with this? I some how do not. Rewritten with by P.R.Ramachander (I read the original written by Rajkumar S in Tamil(Facebook post by Rajagopal Srinivasan) . AS a parent I was shocked. Being from very poor background many parents do make their children work very hard
Theru kural(Kural of the streets)Theru kural(Kural of the streets) Vellathu pal(Chapter on water) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Short pithy messages very suitable for posting in twitter were given by THiruvalluvar during times of yore . Had he seen Chennai in floods , this possibly would be his reaction and these would be his twitter messsages. I got the tamil
Car full of kids-ours?Car full of kids-ours? By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a tamil write up in facebbook. Possibly based on some other write up) One gentleman. Who was extremely rich, Bought a computer operated robot car, Which would obey all oral orders that he gave , To the T , without any error. One day
Being God for a day is toughBeing God for a day is tough By P.R.Ramachander (Based on what i read in Whatsapp. Thanks for the original author) There was a servant in a Krishna temple, Who was also a great devotee of Krishna , One day he felt that legs of the lord , Who is always standing must be paining
God competing with devoteeGod competing with devotee By P.R.Ramachander (Story taken from lecture of Sri Muralidhara swamijee. I am indebted to him) When the little tiny tot , our own darling boy Krishna, Was living in Brindavan, there used to be an old grandma, Who used to sell fruits in the streets
Horanadu Annapurneswari temple of KarnatakaHoranadu Annapurneswari temple of Karnataka Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (Only a person who had visited this temple would know how great is that divine experience) Due to the curse of the sages of Daruka Vana , Lord Shiva had to beg for alms from his own consort .Goddess Parvathy assumed the
Thumb rules for a good and purposeful lifeThumb rules for a good and purposeful life Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Based on a post in face book by several people in Tamil under the heading 71 rules but actually they were much less because they were not properly numbered .But the rules make a sense for good living. ) 1.Do not remain without learning and
Effect of good and badEffect of good and bad By Sage Agasthya Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Translation of the post by my friend Rajagopal Srinivasan. God bless him) Be patient, there is a reason for everything, You do not have the power to understand it, Do not think that sinner is leading a happy
Failure is not foreverFailure is not forever By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a tamil post imn KM s time line. Posted by Sridar Nambi Thanks to him) I had visited a yard where elephants , Are maintained by human beings like us , And I found that only a thin rope was, Used to tie the elephant to
Guru learns stability of emotionsGuru learns stability of emotions By P.R.Ramachander (Based on the note by Jayaraman Venkatraman Dindigul in face book. My thanks to him) One seeker of knowledge approached a great Guru, And asked him , “Great sir , can you please tell me, Wherefrom you have learnt this composure , And wisdom,?” .
Made for each other but never agreed with each otherMade for each other but never agreed with each other By P.R.Ramachander One TV channel decided to conduct , A made for each other contest , For the couples whio have already , Celebrated their silver anniversary. Hundreds of couples came for the contest, But one couple came there constantly quarrelling,
You are great and not inferior to any one in any aspectYou are great and not inferior to any one in any aspect By P.R,Ramachander (Idea expanded based on a tamil write up that I read in facebook.Thanks to the author) No one can be ugly , believe yourself that you are handsome, Understand that beauty and colour are not related, Understand that your beauty is
MotherMother Dedicated at the feet of all mothers By P.R.Ramachander (Though my own script , I got the idea from a post communicated in Whatsapp.Thanks to the author) Yajur Veda says “All mothers are God”, Because every mother giving birth , Suffering great pain becomes joyous , And indeed becomes a Goddess
To grow a tree or sonTo grow a tree or son Translated by P.R.Ramachander (such things are rarely happening but extremely rare) I helped a tree grow, It gave me shade to take rest, It gave me fruits so that I can satiate my hunger, And It gave me a walking stick When my legs lost their strength , And I needed help to walk. I brought
Understand that those steel(fe)males are differentUnderstand that those steel(fe)males are different By P.R.Ramachander ( the basis is a whatsapp message .Thanks to original author.) If a girl moves with a man closely , she is a courtesan, If she does not bother about men , then she is a snob, And in general , in the eyes of men , all
When she says ,” I keep quite at home”, he is speechlessWhen she says ,” I keep quite at home”, he is speechless By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a great tamil posting by my friend Rajagopal Srinivasan. Thanks to him For a he says:- When I get up from bed , I see her struggling with fire and smoke in the kitchen, When I am cleaning my teeth, I see her cleaning the vessels, When I am
Let us change our lives by changing wordsLet us change our lives by changing words ByPoet Vairamuthu Translated byP.R.Ramachander (To the person who posted in Whatsapp thanks. No words are Okay to thank the great poet) “Kill , rob “, Words most heard in history,“Hug, kiss,” words most heard by a cot,“Little darling, useless one “ , words most heard by cradles,“How can you ever get married?” words most heard by a
Do not make our country a land of orphansDo not make our country a land of orphans (Possibly some of you may think this is an exaggeration .But it is not ,Our girls getting married very late and then get their only child still later.Many of them do not have any child .So inspite of our country not introducing one child norm like China(after 37 years experimentation they withdrew it) , we are
The temple which is open only for a few days during Deepavali (Hasanamba temple , Hassan)The temple which is open only for a few days during Deepavali (Hasanamba temple , Hassan) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (One of my sisters of face book called Smt Bhavani Mangalam requested me to write whatever I know of this temple. I am dedicating this small article to her.) Hassan is an important
Do not make family wait , says dead mother to her sonDo not make family wait , says dead mother to her son By P.R.Ramachander (based on a write up in Whatsapp.Thanks to the original author) One day Malini’s husband too her to an ice cream parlour And Malini asked her husband ,”I wanted to ask you something” “Go ahead “ her husband told and she asked “There is some change in you,
Letter from a married daughter to her motherLetter from a married daughter to her mother By P.R.Ramachander (Completly based on the post of my friend Rajagopal Srinivasan .Thanks to him) Dearest mother mine , just like , Every one else I got married to him, Whom I liked , with your consent , And expected life to be a sweet dream. Only now I realize
Words have not changed but who tells whom has changedWords have not changed but who tells whom has changed By P.R.Ramachander 9Based on a facebook post of Vasantha Krishnaswamy in face book.) Once upon a time The mother used to tell her daughter while bidding her farewell to her husband’s home:- Do not talk unnecessarily Be a good daughter&
Interview with GodInterview with God By P.R.Ramachander (I read this in Tamil in Whatsapp.To the great author my pranams) One journalist of a modern TV channel, Went to heaven and the first thing he wanted, Was to interview the God himself and, Without any fuss God gave him time immediately.
Read the story to know your wealth, number of children and age .Read the story to know your wealth, number of children and age . By P.R.Ramachander (I read it in Tamil in a face book message .It is told by THiru Muruga Krupaanda Variaar , who lived all his life teaching religion and way to live,) There was a great sage who only told truth, And ate only
You may change but your heart will notYou may change but your heart will not By P.R.Ramachander (Thanks Radhakrishna Bhagavathar for the story) There was mouse in a sage’s hermitage, And this mouse was scared of cats , And so it said to the sage , “I am scared of the cat, Change me to a cat” and the sage said “Amen”
Hammer , own key , other key and a lockHammer , own key , other key and a lock By P.R.Ramachander (A pretty idea got from a face book post.Thanks to the author) One day a hammer asked the key, “I am stonger than you but , I struggle to open a lock, How come you open it so quickly?” The key replied “You are
Surrender to Him, He will lead youSurrender to Him, He will lead you Translated by P.RRamachander (The concept of surrender and the fact that we will only suffer , if we do not do is brought out in this great write up in Tamil, which is given below my translation) Bullock cart does not have life , Bullocks have life as well as wisdom, But the cart man hitches&
Wishful wishes-a tamil poemWishful wishes-a tamil poem அவள் விகடனில் வந்த ஒரு கவிதை.:- A poem from Aval vIkatan Translated by P.R.Ramachander This was a song popular and published in 2005,to welcome the New year, and holds good today also (From post of my friend Sri.Vasu Iyengar) தண்ணீர் பஞ்சம் தொலைய வேண்டும் தங்கம் விலை குறைய வேண்டும் அழுகை இல்லா சீரியல் வேண்டும் அழாமல் பிள்ளை சாப்பிட
Flute and FootballSocial service is like a Flute, Selfishness is like a Football, Both of them work with air , We kick the football, WE kiss the flute , Beacuse the football keeps the air for its own self, The flute gives out the air and entertains others, Selfish person would be ignored, Person who does service to society
God does not want us to be beggars before him.God does not want us to be beggars before him. BY P.R.Ramachander (God made me see the post of Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan and he told me read this and then rewrite it in a way that I have taught you. I did and I thank God for making me walk by that wway.God, Thank you.) From God, I requested for strength , God gave me
Worm in ear of the kingWorm in ear of the king Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (Based on a folk story posted in face book, by my friend Sri Guru Moorthi . Thanks to him) Promadha was a very great king, Fighting umpteen wars to expand his kingdom, And one day when he was sleeping , In the military tent , a worm entered his ear. All
A twitter from moneyA twitter from money By P.R.Ramachander (based on a whatsapp message in Tamil .Thanks to the creator of the letter, possibly not money him/herself) Dear Mr/Mrs Human being, If I am with you , you are rich, If I am not with you , you are poor, If you give me to others you are charitable, If you get me from others you are a
Personal problems of senior citizens and some suggested solutionPersonal problems of senior citizens and some suggested solution Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (To celebrate senior citizens day , Usha Ramakrishnan of Global adjustment foundation interviewed some senior citizens living in Ananya shelters , Coimbatore and also sounselled them. Excerpts were published as a booklet called “
Bhagawad Gita is Lord KrishnaBhagawad Gita is Lord Krishna By P.R.Ramachander (This is only a rewriting of the great post of my friend J.K.SIVAN.My thanks are due to him) There was a great saint called Arjunacharya , And he took the mission of writing commentary, To Bhagawad Gita as his job , day and night
Difficult to tackle a Marketing manDifficult to tackle a Marketing man By P.R&gt;ramachander (This is entirely based on a face book post of my friend Vasu Iyengar. Grateful thanks to him.) One doctor’s daughter fell in with a Marketing man, And her father felt that he will give his daughter in marriage , To even a beggar but not
Enjoy the good , bury the bad,Enjoy the good , bury the bad, Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (This very meaningful write up which is a super lesson for each of us was posted in face book by sri Guru Moorthi .I learnt a lesson from that and possibly you will two.) One disciple asked his teacher, “Has not the same God , Made &nbsp
Millions of thanks to you machines and instrumentsMillions of thanks to you machines and instruments By Rajagopal Srinivasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I found this compilation very interesting .There are many more to be thanked which include all transporting machines ,Laboratory and medical instruments which helps us to live , the machines which helps us to
Quo Vadis?- bride search among Brahmins.Quo Vadis?- bride search among Brahmins. by P.R.Ramachander (This is a modified write up based on the excellent face book posting of my friend sri Vasu Iyengar.Thanks to him.This is only the tip of the iceberg of the mega problem of bride search among Brahmins) One of my friends was searching for a good groom to his daughter. They located
Is it just Oh Lord Shankara??Is it just Oh Lord Shankara?? ByMannargudi Sitaraman Srinivasan Translated byP.R.Ramachander ( I consider myself as a very ordinary person who is in love with God . I 100% believe that what all has been done by me is done by God not me. I consider that God is the computer operator and I am his key board. So when I read whatever has been written by Mannargudi Sitaraman Srinivasan ,
Pleasant note from a careful wife to her dear husbandPleasant note from a careful wife to her dear husband Translated from Tamil By P.R.Ramachander (Many , many people have posted the same thing. My thanks to the original author) One husband, one day reached home after office,late, And he saw that the house was empty , But there was a note on his dining
Prayer for getting sleepPrayer for getting sleep Those who struggle to get sleep May chant this sloka Valuable info given by Charumathi Srinivas Posted in face book by Rajagopal Srinivasan Posted in english with meaning By P.R.Ramachander Take a small quantity of water , and chant the following sloka 10 times and drink that
Navarasa NavarathriNavarasa Navarathri By P.R.Ramachander THunderstuck I had long back stood as an audience, Witnessing the navarasas being portrayed, By a Kathakali artist, without movement of his body, But only by movement of his two eyes. A few days back my loving daughter invited me, With great&
Whatsapp UpanishadWhatsapp Upanishad Translated from Tamil by P.R.Ramachander( i found it interesting , as I do not own it ) 1.What has come to you , has not come only to you 2.Anything whichj comes to you, does not belong to you 3. Send everything in the same route by which it has come 4.Do your duty without expecting any recognition. 5.Dedicate all
They stood like a rock and were not upsetThey stood like a rock and were not upset Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is the translation in my own words of a great posting by Smt Meena Rajan , who is a school teacher and has chosen transfer of knowledge to tiny kids as a chosen duty. Though much younger to me, my pranams to her for this great mega
Hawk, God and workHawk, God and work Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (Based on a facebook post by my friend Dinakar Raj.My thanks to him) There was a hawk living on a barren stone, Which was a fanatic devotee god and , It used to meditate on god daily but one day, It suddenly got a doubt “ Does God know that, I
God is beginning less and endless principleBhagawan is an anadhi anantha thathwam (God is beginning less and endless principle) Rewritten by P.Ramachander ( an atheist finds a concept of endless and beginning less truth laughable .Rajagopal Srinivasan has posted in face book , that even in science such concepts are there. Thanks to him) One atheist approached&
Five senses are greaterThe heart of the poet cries that man with six senses is inferior to the animal with five senses Five senses are greater By Poet Vairamuthu Translation by P.R.Ramachander Are the five senses greater, Than the six senses. No animal grows a paunch over its stomach, Have you heard of
What does “Narayana “ mean?What does “Narayana “ mean? By P.R,Ramachander (This is an old folk tale. I remembered it after reading the face book post of Kumar Ramanathan . Thanks to him) Sage Narada who keeps on chanting “Narayana” Suddenly had a doubt-“What does “Narayana “ mean?” One great scholar whom he approached told him, “Naara”
Grand parent express flightsGrand parent express flights By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a write posted in face book in Tamil .Thanks to the author) There are special grand parents flights most of the week days, Flying to USA or England or Australia or Germany, Whose tickets would be blocked by young parents, Who are
Those wingless unfulfilled dreamsThose wingless unfulfilled dreams By Na.Muthukumar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Sri Na. Muthukumar (12 July 1975 – 14 August 2016) was an Indian poet, lyricist, and author. Best known for his Tamil language film songs, he received the most number of Filmfare Awards for Best Lyricist in Tamil and was a two-time recipient
Life is like a south Indian LunchLife is like a south Indian Lunch By P.R.Ramachander (I felt like writing this after reading the very great nterpretation of lunch items by Maha Peiyava. Anantha Koti Namaskarams to Him) Some one asked the saint who knew everything , Why we during a feast eat Sambhar first, Then
The forever cycle of lifeThe forever cycle of life By P.R.Ramachander During my childhood , my father , used to tell me:- a.One generation only works to earn, second generation saves what is with them and the third generation spends all that is saved and never works and the fourth generartion again starts working b.
The stone that did not know how to cryThe stone that did not know how to cry By P.R.Ramachander (Based on the write up posted by Mrs Vijaya Sundar in Tamil . Thanks to her for posting the gem and thanks to whoever wrote it.) My father did not know how to cry, Even when he worked like an animal for the family, Even when he struggled hard to
Thank your God for the time is shortThank your God for the time is short By P.R.Ramachander (I read this golden words of wisdom, in a whatsapp message in Tamil. Millions of thanks to you who thought about it. I will now forever remember that the time is short) A thin and very pretty lady was travelling in a bus, A fat lady with many bags got in to
She , he and theyShe , he and they By P.R.Ramachander (Parents of yesteryears depended on their son and always thought, that she who married him was their slave and that poor she suffered , waiting for the time when she will become they and the story was repeated ad infinitum. Times have changed Girls are
Pre marriage advices to a son by his motherPre marriage advices to a son by his mother By P.R.Ramachander (I was surprised to read a tamil post on this by Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan .The idea was fabulous and much needed. With minor modifications, I have written it in english.May God bless the author of the Tamil write up) Oh son , this may come as a great surprise
Village crow feels city is hellVillage crow feels city is hell By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a story posted by Bhanu Ravi. Change crow in to man and you would find it the real life of a city.) An urban crow came to a village , And persuaded strongly, a village crow, To accompany him to the town, Because towns are the real
MotherhoodMotherhood By Poet Kannadasan Translation attempt by P.R.Ramachander (From the face book post of parthasarathy krishnan vanamali . Thanks to him) Ii is the kindness that feeds milk, Even if an uncultured animal is born , It is the garden giving fruits , On seeing a hungry face of any being, It is the temple which without
Sparrow and a coinSparrow and a coin By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a folk tale posed by a friend in face book) It seems a sparrow once dug the trash in a trash can, And it found a rupee coin from that trash, And holding that rupee coin in its beak , It flew to the king’s palace abd
Trash canTrash can By P.R.Ramachander One of the most essential thing of the world, Which is talked as an inferior thing by many, But if it in not there in a place , The prettiness of that place would go away. There is no office or home without a trash can, And it has made me wonder as it can secretly teach Every one
Life without problems would lead you nowhere.Life without problems would lead you nowhere. By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a post of folk story by my friend Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan. Thanks to her.) There was farmer in an Indian village , And one day God appeared before him, And asked, “What are your problems ? And in what way I can be of help to you.?” The farmer
Realize that life as well as problems are not forever.Realize that life as well as problems are not forever. Retold By P.R.Ramachander (I read it in Tamil and it was posted in the face book by one SriN. Ganesan. My deep sense of gratitude to him) There was a famous saint in Maharashtra, Whose name was Eka Natha, And he was always
Can each of you not shine in other subjects of study which were not desired/chosen by you?Can each of you not shine in other subjects of study which were not desired/chosen by you? By P.R.Ramachander I studied up to SSLC in Hyderabad and I was extremely good in Mathematics. Circumstances compelled me to shift to Kerala for further studies. Due to the Hyderabad results coming very late , I did not get admission to
How did Tamil Month Names originate?How did Tamil Month Names originate? By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a write up in Kumudam Bhakthi ) Most of us know in the solar calendar that we follow, The month is named after the rasi in which sun is there that month, But most of us are unable to understand , the tamil names of these months. And here is an attempt&
Saint and a horse thiefSaint and a horse thief By P.R.Ramachander (I was terribly impressed by the morel of the folk tale published in a Tamil Magazine) A samint was travelling on a horse , and on the way side , He saw some on lying unconscious and he immediately got down, From the horse to help that poor man and though he tried his best,
Ship wrecked stranded devotee and godShip wrecked stranded devotee and god By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a story in Tamil posted by my facebook friend Sri Guru Moorthi .Thanks to him) One great devotee of god was once ship wrecked, And got stranded in an island devoid of any human beings, And he prayed God to some how help him , And take him
Santhana Gruhe sthitha Vrudha AshtakamSanthana Gruhe sthitha Vrudha Ashtakam (The octet on oldies living in their children’s home) By P.R.Ramachander (Based on the tamil write up by my face book friend Padmanabhan Subramanian, Thanks to him) 1.Being always there in the home doing nothing at home, They try to be critical of all
An old mom’s poem of tears to her sonAn old mom’s poem of tears to her son Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (This poem describes an event which is going to come in the life of each one of us. I wish parents take a video of how much trouble in involved in bringing up babies and show it to their son, when each of them grow for long years and reach their second
The Pancha Thanthra (five tricks) to get happiness from our life?The Pancha Thanthra (five tricks) to get happiness from our life? Rewritten in English by P.R.Ramachander (Based on a write up in Tamil posted in whatsapp . Thanks to the author) 1. The important needs of a family happiness. Without any doubt for happiness of the family income is needed, Along with that are needed unity, humanity, hobby, appreciation
Bitter pill can be presented as a sweet syrupBitter pill can be presented as a sweet syrup Retold by P.R.Ramachander (this is an old folk tale which was posted by my face book friend Bhanu Ravi .Please judge for yourself whether it is a bitter pill or sweet syrup. ) One great king one day saw a dream , In which he saw himself
People who have influenced my life-AP Naganatha Iyer (My Periya Mama) of VridhachalamPeople who have influenced my life-AP Naganatha Iyer (My Periya Mama) of Vridhachalam By P.R.Ramachander Sri A.P.Naganatha iyer who was popularly known as Chellappan was my eldest uncle and he had a hotel in Vridhachalam. During his childhood , driven due to poverty in his house, I understand he spent&
Guru shows the way to see GodGuru shows the way to see God Retold by P.R.Ramachander (Based on a meaningful face book post .My thanks to that author who wrote it) One very learned person went to a guru and told, “I have learnt several religions of world but , I am not knowing which of them would lead me to God?
Only good partners can build a good homeOnly good partners can build a good home Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (I wrote this based on a tamil write up in face book by Mohan Krishnaswamy.My thanks to him) There was a person who always fought with his wife, And he would daily challenge her, “One day ,manage my office,
Magical goblet which reduced angerMagical goblet which reduced anger Rewritten in english , By P.R.Ramachander ( I was greatly charmed by this story posted by my friend Rajagopal Srinivasan and my thanks to him)) There was a great king in a great country, And the only problem of his was his short temper, And due to this be became&
Maha Periyava tells his angry devotee , “treat your wife well”Maha Periyava tells his angry devotee , “treat your wife well” Retold by P.R.Ramachander (I was charmed by the simplicity of the story and clear understanding of human problems by Maha Periyava. This story was was posted in tamil by Rajagopal srinivasan. Thanks to him) One devotee of Maha Periyavaa
He and she crossing the bridgeHe and she crossing the bridge By P.R.Ramachander (based on the write up by Viswanath Das .My heart felt thanks to him and if you like this thank him rather than me) He and she were returning from a stroll, In the country side full of hills and dales, At a time when evening fades and , The
The innocent boy and God BuffaloThe innocent boy and God Buffalo By P.R.Ramachander (This is a folk tale , which i have heard in Kerala ,It again tells us that faith is most important to see God) There was a well known great sage , And a foolish boy became his disciple , And the sage and his wife made that boy, Do
Sage , cowherd and the GodSage , cowherd and the God Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (I read this Tamil story in the post of my facebook friend Rajagopal Srinivasan . My thanks to him) There was a sage who used to wander . From place to place in search of God. Wherever he went , he used &
Reasonable expectations of a wife ? and husband’s opinion of those wants.Reasonable expectations of a wife ? and husband’s opinion of those wants. By P.R.Ramachander ( My face book friend Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan has posted 37 needs that wife will have out of her husband . I would like to thank her for the interesting post .I have translated those 37 and have added the possible reaction to
Ten commandments to senior citizens in makingTen commandments to senior citizens in making Translated with minor changes By P.R.Ramachander (I saw a Malayalam write up about this . I do not agree with many commandments as these cannot be universal commandments but would make one think before taking important decisions in life) 1.Nurture
Sensual pleasure is not stable , But Divine pleasure is stableSensual pleasure is not stable , But Divine pleasure is stable. (Differences between them) Translated from Tamil text P.R.Ramachander (Many of my friends have posted this in Tamil .I do not know who the author is.My grateful acknowledgment to the real author. Tamil word used for Sensual
You are the cause of your own sorrowYou are the cause of your own sorrow By P.R,Ramachander (Based on the d face book post of Mohan Krishnaswami.My acknowledgements to him) One person went and approached the sage , And said , “ I am suffering greatly due to sorrow.” And the sage told him a little story, “Once upon a time ,
From an incident in Benares in life of Maha PeriyavaFrom an incident in Benares which I read :- Some Pundits asked Periyava “ who is the universal Guru?”, Periyava said, “I am” as everything in the universe teaches me “, And to prove, he showed them a nest and asked them , who built it , They told that a sparrow built
Garbage Truck -a storyGarbage Truck -a story Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (This story was posted by an anonymous friend as the one written by an anonymous friend in Tamil in the face book. I rewrote it and then just checked on line and found that the story is available in .
Doctors at Chelakkara , seventy years backDoctors at Chelakkara , seventy years back By P.R.Ramachander (One of my chelakkara friends posted an image of a news item about the medical treatment problems in my village , Chelakkara. My mind got in to the time machine and flew back to the olden times) MY mind again flew back
Philosophy of life taught by our foodPhilosophy of life taught by our food By P.R.Ramachander (It is only a rewriting in my own style what I got free in Tamil through whatsapp .I thank the original author) Defeat is like asafoetida , It would be bitter to taste, But if mixed in sambhar the victory, It would add aroma to it
Some truths which cannot be deniedSome truths which cannot be denied Selected and translated By P.R,Ramachander (From the tamil post of my friend Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan. Thanks to her) 1,In all homes where objections are raised, For daughter in law wearing nighty, The grand daughters &
Our phone is out of orderOur phone is out of order BY P.R.Ramachander (It is not mine but an anonymous person. I thank him) One old man carrying his cell phone, And his wife carrying another , Reached the service centre, Which repairs their brand of phone.
Hey age by Gulzarऐ उम्र Hey age Poem by Gulzar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The poem is really great but I had to refer the dictionary several times to translate it. So if there are any mistakes, do point it out, so that I can correct the mistake) ऐ उम्र ! कुछ कहा मैंने, पर शायद तूने सुना नहीँ..! तू छीन सकती है बचपन मेरा, पर बचपना नहीं..!! हर बात का कोई जवाब
Religious experience is your own experienceReligious experience is your own experience By P.R.Ramachander ( I read it in a whatsapp posting. I have borrowed the idea and summarised it.My thanks to the original author) One young man was getting trained under a great sage , But he did not like his teacher and his method of teaching,
Tharpanam on Lunar eclipse on 7th August 2017Tharpanam on Lunar eclipse on 7th August 2017 Compiled by P.R.Ramachander A Chandra Grahanam(Lunar eclipse ) occurs on 7th August 2017. This is visible in India and almost all the world except in American countries.The the eclipse starts around 10.51 PM , and it reaches its middle phase at
Cauvery has dried, Oh Ranga , Oh RangaCauvery has dried, Oh Ranga , Oh Ranga By Anthathi poet R.V.Swami Translated in to english by P.R.Ramachander (Any one of us who entirely depend on Cauvery for our sustenance , food and even water to drink, would break in to tears , once they read this great prayer
Our blood seems to change, our visionOur blood seems to change, our vision By P.R.Ramachander (Not mine but based on a write up in tamil floating in Facebook and Whatsapp,My thanks to original author) A wife asked her husband who has just arrived , You went to admit your mother in the old age hone, What happened ? My
Cauvery has dried, Oh Ranga , Oh RangaCauvery has dried, Oh Ranga , Oh Ranga By Anthathi poet R.V.Swami Translated in to english by P.R.Ramachander (Any one of us who entirely depend on Cauvery for our sustenance , food and even water to drink, would break in to tears , once they read this great prayer
I hit one more million .I hit one more million . By P.R.Ramachander I hope you know that I maintain blogs since 2008.I informed all of you that my Stotra Rathna website was visied bt i one million visitiors some time back .Today God had sent the millionth visitor to my blog on “Rules and
No chemistry in my new wife but over time she had everythingNo chemistry in my new wife but over time she had everything By P.R.Ramachander (This is entirely based on the posting in Tamil of Dinakar Raj . He has mentioned that he read it somewhere and liked it. Thanks to him as well as the original author) Like every unmarried lad &nbsp
Krishna teaches philosophy of pride destructionKrishna teaches philosophy of pride destruction By P.R.Ramachander (Based on Tamil post of Sri Guru Murthi .My pranams and thanks to whoever has written it .If only we all learn and practice it.....) Lord Krishna was trying to take a nap one day, And Garuda his steed, and Chakra his
K.S.Natarajan my friend for past 60 yearsMy friend and classmate Kalakkad Sundaram Natarajan –Who played an important role in my life By P.R.Ramahander After I completed my post graduation in Annamalai University, (1960) I was lucky to get admission in the Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta. On the day that I had to start to Calcutta, I received an appointment order as Statistical assistant in National Sample
The letter of a daughter to her dear daddyThe letter of a daughter to her dear daddy Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( i found this heart moving poem in tamil posted by Banumathy Kannan and many others .When I read it my eyes filled with tears. My thanks to the original author , whoever he/she is ) You are the first lover&
Lord GruruvayrappanLord Gruruvayrappan By Kumar Ramanathan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The very pretty verse in Tamil of the author is given below my translation.Thanks to the author. I am also borrowing the pretty picture of Baby Krishna posted by him in facebook) Oh Guruvayurappa, I saw the very pretty peacock feather moving on your head, Oh
Try to catch God’s blessingsTry to catch God’s blessings By P.R.Ramachander (Based i on a story told by Sri Sukhi Sivam which I got from Whatsapp. My acknowledgements to that great scholar) It was a village deep in South india, Where in people walked one mile, To the river to bring a pot of water, And one day the skies opened up,
Philosophy of life taught by our foodPhilosophy of life taught by our food By P.R.Ramachander (It is only a rewriting in my own style what I got free in Tamil through whatsapp .I thank the original author) Defeat is like asafoetida , It would be bitter to taste, But if mixed in sambhar the victory, It would add aroma to it
The real seven wonders of of our lifeThe real seven wonders of of our life By Sivan Krishnan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Each of were taught about the seven wonders of the world, which none of us can afford to see and here is a great devotee of God seeing the seven wonders below the roof of his home.I could not match his emotional language and so I am
Come what may , how can mother be an ill omen?Come what may , how can mother be an ill omen? By P.R.Ramachander (It had been practice among most of us , that a widowed mother is not supposed to participate in the marriage of her children. Though this custom has almost faded away from most of our families, there was
Barber who shaved the pride .Barber who shaved the pride . By P.R.Ramachander (I got the idea from a face book post by A.G.Kesavan. My thanks are to him) One learned man who was very proud, Enjoyed teasing others and make them cry. All people of the village avoided him, But one day the learned one
Wherefrom?Wherefrom? By Viswanath Das Translated by P.R.Ramachander When dress becomes shorter , Wherefrom would shyness ever come? When the flowers have been made of plastic , Wherefrom aroma would ever come from it? When the faces are being made up, Wherefrom would prettiness ever come?
Sparrow and bag of emotionsSparrow and bag of emotions By P.R.Ramachander (I have taken this idea from a Whatsapp posting and for gaining fame and name , they have omitted the name of the author. My thanks are due to the original unknown author ) In one city there was a sprightly sparrow, And it got bored&nbsp
Does Pa (Pavam Appa) know how to cry?Does Pa (Pavam Appa) know how to cry? Translated by P.R. Ramachander (Got the tamil original from Whatsapp. Thanks to whosoever wrote this.) Even when he slogged from morn to night for the family, Even when he was struggling in life , to feed his children. Pa would never have cried thinking “What a wretched life this is?”
Man whom we do not knowMan whom we do not know Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Based on Tamil post by my face book friend Meena Rajan.Her text is given below my translation ) Man is not the one who does not know how to cry, But One who knows how to swallow tears Man is not the one who does not know how to be affectionate to others,
Who follows whom is importantWho follows whom is important By P.R.Ramachander (Based of on a tamil message in Whatsapp .I am sure it must be available in the web. My acknowledgements to original author) One teacher was trying to teach arithmetic to students, And in the class one student was neither listening nor attending to the
Mother in old age home , wants her son to be happy!Mother in old age home , wants her son to be happy! By P.R.Ramachander (I had read this story long back but was reminded about it be the facebook post of my friend Mohan Krishnaswamy. Thanks to him) There was small family in our country, Consisting of father, mother and son. The son married a
Blaming yourself for all failures is bad., learn from themBlaming yourself for all failures is bad., learn from them By P.R.Ramachander (Based on the tamil post by my friend Hamsabai Santhanakrishnan .Thanks to her) What has been lost is lost , What has happened has happened, Think of what should be done and not what has happened, Be
Diseases - Curse or boon?Diseases - Curse or boon? By P.R.Ramachander (This is based on posting of my face book friend Bhanu Ravi. Thanks to her ) Diseases are a curse to those who love their body, For it makes them controltheir toungues as well as desires, But to those who love only god&
GST -illustrated by BIRTHDAY businessGST -illustrated by BIRTHDAY business By P.R.Ramachander (( Based on a whatsapp message I received. Thanks to the anonymous author) Suppose it is my son’s birthday tomorrow, I buy sweets to give to all the children in his class, And gave it to your son for proper distribution,
Sitaram - The Portrait maker of GodsSitaram - The Portrait maker of Gods By P.R.Ramachander God’s pictures are the treasured possession of most of the Hindus. They keep it with reverence in their prayer room. Most of the time we are not bothered to find, who painted it. For example I have been charmed by the Bala Krishna as well as Viswaroopa paintings of Guruvayurappan. I also reverentially look at and
No charity in business and no business in charityNo charity in business and no business in charity Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This pretty meaningful story was posted by my friend Hamsabai SAnthana Krishnan in facebook today. My thanks to her) My mother was sitting near the outer door , Of my house wanting to buy some leafy vegetable.
GST -A hindi songAnyway, here’s a despondent song, after listening blankly to Arun Jaitley’s yet another eloquent discourse on GST. Writes Some one .I am trying to make you understand that song-(?) Translated by P.R.Ramachander GST Ka Safar Hai Ye Kaisa Suffer Koi Samjha Nahin Koi Jaana Nahin Hai Ye Kaisi Structure, Bharte Hain Sab Magar Koi Samjha Nahin Koi Jaana Nahin This is&
One who desires to become a Sanyasi, Will never become a sanyasi.One who desires to become a Sanyasi, Will never become a sanyasi. By P.R.Ramachander (Based on stories told by the great Thenkachi Swaminathan and swami Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.My grateful acknowledgements to those great human beings ) There was one old men who looked, Like a
Sentences that attracted meSentences that attracted me Translated by P.R.Ramachander (In Whatsapp some one has selected these tamil sentances as the ones he liked. I also liked them
Each person understands you, according to his nature.Each person understands you, according to his nature. By, P.R.Ramachander (This story posted by my friend Athreya Gothram Bairava Ramani , brings home a great truth. Thanks to him) One man did great thapas and made god appear before him, And when God did appear God asked him, what do you
How we live together is more important than how longHow we live together is more important than how long By P.R.Ramachander (based on the post of my friend Rajagopalan Srinivasan ) Husband and wife should be like milk and water, For when water is poured in milk , it merges with it, For when milk and water are heated till all water goes
Ramu cursed the God for a bad day and God answered.Ramu cursed the God for a bad day and God answered. By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a message in Whatsapp.My a thanks to the unknown writer) Ramu used to daily wake up , pray god , And then do all his duties one after another, But one day , he forgot to pray God, And
How Krishna’s feet suffered burn injuriesHow Krishna’s feet suffered burn injuries By P.R.Ramachander (This is a very popular story from north. My attention was drawn in to it by the post of Meena Rajan . Thanks to her) Lord Krishna and his wife Rugmani . Were one day staying in a hut, By the side of river Yamuna ,
The witness Lord Krishna defends himselfThe witness Lord Krishna defends himself By P.R.Ramachander (I have written it in a summary form from the face book post of my learned friend Rajagopal Srinivasan (my deep sense of gratitude to him.) . Though it is a conversation is between Udhava and Lord Krishna
To get rid of all germs in your home , switch off the TVTo get rid of all germs in your home , switch off the TV By P.R.Ramachander (Based on the posting by Kesavan Sivaramakrishnan. Thanks to him) I got up one morning and I went to brush my teeth, Suddenly some one with a white coat and mini beard, Jumped from the inside
How Do I wish a father’s day to him who is my father ?How Do I wish a father’s day to him who is my father ? By P.R.Ramachander Oh father , you are the head of our household , For you are the one who had taken care of it , all your life. I would like to wish you a happy Father’s day ,
You are great not because of your status but by your visionYou are great not because of your status but by your vision By P.R.Ramachander (Based o the posting of Rajagopal Srinivasan in face book. My thanks to him.) A huge hawk was flying on the sky, Thinking about his greatness and strength. It thought about its huge &
Saint Ramanuja-The great social reformer born 1000 years backSaint Ramanuja-The great social reformer born 1000 years back By P.R.Ramachander Albert Einstein is supposed to have told ““Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth. (said of Mahatma Gandhi)”I hope every one would agree with this &
Compensation –then and nowCompensation –then and now By P.R.Ramachander ( “Then” based on a story from a book called AAnmeega Kalanchiyam(Spiritual collection ) Then:- A king went to hunt in the forest , And from a distance he saw some being on a tree, And he shot and killed it &nbsp
Fate driven death of a pet of IndraniFate driven death of a pet of Indrani By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a post in face book. Thanks to that anonymous author) Indrani , the wife of Indra had a pet parrot, It became sick and the world’s greatest vet, He examined the bird and told that it is sinking, And
Do not touch these five and drive them outDo not touch these five and drive them out By P.R.Ramachander (The great Tamil poet defines Dharma as that life without Jealousy , desire, anger and undesirable words. Adhi Sankara says Passion, anger , and avarice live , Within you as robbers , For stealing the gem of
The villager and the judgeThe villager and the judge Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Translated from a face book post. I forgot to not down who posted it. Thanks to that Anonymous friend) One village hotel owner was arrested and produced, Before the judge as he was having a separate
A social worker meets a thiefA social worker meets a thief Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Translated from Bhanu Ravi’s posting. Thanks to you.) One middle aged social worker was returning home, And he was stopped a very young lad holding a knife , And demanded his purse and the social worker , Did not hesitate for a moment
King and the sageKing and the sage Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Translated from Face book post of my friend Anantha Narayanan) There was a sage who used to do penance in the forest, And once a day he used to extend his right palm , And if any thing is placed in it he would swallow it , And people round the
Wail of a lady waiting a long time to become a motherWail of a lady waiting a long time to become a mother By P.R.Ramachander ( I have added few lines to the post of my friend Manikandan Seetharaman . With eyes full of tears I felt that to be born as a lady , sometimes is cursed .) After&
Each one of you live your own lifeEach one of you live your own life By Thirumuruga Kripananda Vaariar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This great savant specialised in teaching the unread and the ignorant . If in spite of atheist principles of the rulers of Tamil Nadu, if still religion flourishes among the ordinary
Three idlis can fill a stomach but no wealth can fill our prideThree idlis can fill a stomach but no wealth can fill our pride Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I have only rewritten and translated the great post of my facebook friend Ravi R. My thanks to him.) A very rich man who had prominent status in life. Was arrested for illegally amassing of
Do not become jealous of joy of others , they may be sadDo not become jealous of joy of others , they may be sad By P.R.Ramachander (I was reminded about this folk tale when I read the tamil posting of my friend Athreya Gothram Bairava Ramani. My thanks to him), One very sad person thought within him, “I am so much sad as no one cares about me,
The tears of a mother would not hurtThe tears of a mother would not hurt . Posted in Malayalam by Sanjeevan P Eachur Translated from Malayalam by P.R.Ramachander Ramu and Sita were shocked to know, That Ramu’s mother had escaped from her old age home, Where they had admitted her as Sita hated
பாருக்குள்ளே நல்ல நாடு* Best Country in the worldWE know that each line of this poem to a large extent is true, To which direction shall we proceed? பாருக்குள்ளே நல்ல நாடு* Best Country in the world By Kavikko Abdul Rehman Translated by P.R.Ramachander I met them all in a prison, And I asked them, “What crime did you commit?” And
GivingI read this very meaningful poem written by Kaviko(king of poems) in the post of Sri Tiruppur Kumaran. .Kaviko is no more . Oh God let him rest in peace, Giving By Kaviko Abdul REhman (From his poetry collection called Alapanai) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hey you , who thinks that you want
View sorrows through glasses of joyView sorrows through glasses of joy Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This very positive message is a translation of a face book posting by sri Murali Venkatramani . my face book friend) One great gentle man with great sorrow wrote in his diary, “Last year my gall bladder was
Avyaja Karuna MurthiAvyaja Karuna Murthi (The one who is kind for no reason at all) By P.R.Ramachander (Avyaja Karuna Murthi is one of the names of Ambal in Lalitha SAhasranam. I got it from a Whatsapp message .My thanks to whosoever wrote it.) A small family with mother , father , elder sister and a baby Were living in a small&
Kanini Kavacham The armour to the computerகணினி கவசம் Kanini Kavacham The armour to the computer By Sri kunjumani Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Got the very impressive original from a Whatsapp group. This is written by Sri Kujumani 8 years back in ) துதிப்போர்க்கு தொங்குதல்போம் வைரஸ்போம்-நெஞ்சில்
Difference between love and marriageDifference between love and marriage Written in English By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a face book post of my face face book friend Meena Rajan –Thanks Madam.) One young lad who was yet to choose his life partner, Approached a very learned man and
Is there a person called “God”?Is there a person called “God”? By P.R.Ramachander (The original story was told in Tamil by Thirumuruga Krupananda Varriar . I have modified it slightly and condensed it. Many thanks to that messenger of God) An elderly devotee with closed eyes was meditating ,
Twenty four Gurus of Dathathreya AvadhoothaTwenty four Gurus of Dathathreya Avadhootha By P.R.Ramachander Based on the information in Once there was a sad king who approached , Many Gurus so that he can learn to be happy, But in spite of all
Psychology of attachment in a small family.Psychology of attachment in a small family. By P.R.Ramachander (My face book friend Hamsabai SAnthana Krishnan wrote of a similar game where only the wife plays it. I have expanded it as a game for the four adult members of the family. You may not agree with my conclusions and if so please tell the verse number&
The Kali ageThe Kali age By P.R.Ramachander ( Read this old story as posted by my friend Bhanu Ravi and made some modifications and additions. Thanks) Four Pandavas except the eldest after a great rule in Dwapara Yuga, Started ruling in the Kali yuga and they wanted , To know how
How the Barber shaved off the pride of the PunditHow the Barber shaved off the pride of the Pundit By P.R.Ramachander (Self pride is poison and it kills you soon. I read this story written by my face book friend Anantha Narayanan . In this translation , I have not been able to get the magic of his tamil words but I hope
Dedicated to all fathersDedicated to all fathers By P.R.Ramachander (Mostly translated from the great write up of my face book friend sri Anantha Narayanan. Thanks Sir. I did shed a tear remembering my father) It is very easy to become a father but it is difficult to be a father, The courage and stability every one
Our maternal grandmaOur maternal grandma Written from a great poem in “Nam Nagarathar Group” By P.R.Ramachander ( Nagarathar are great business community of Tamil Nadu who are extremely rich and extremely cultured . Their contribution to Hinduism is unparalleled . Do you know that Ganges water from Allahabad is taken daily to
Best groom among the software eggsBest groom among the software eggs Translated and rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (This again was seen in a whatsapp posting by me written in Tamil . Thanks to that unknown author) Vidya’s father brought a bunch of alliances from Bharath Matrimony, Gave all of them to her and
Let hurts get washed off and good deeds live foreverLet hurts get washed off and good deeds live forever Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander From and in One very rich friend and his very poor friend, Were once forced to cross &
Where is God , how is he and what does he do?Where is God , how is he and what does he do? By P.R.Ramachander (based on a famous folk tale) There was a very great king in South of India, Who was well known as “Krishna Deva Raya” And in his court were eight great geniuses, Whom the world called “Eight great&
Curses or Saapams of IndiaCurses or Saapams of India Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I do not much about this but saw an exhaustive Tamil write up. This is a simple English translation. The original Tamil write up is given at the end of translation) Saapam or curse is an ancient personal punishment in Hinduism. There we read God
The ever needy child and the ever sacrificing tree(parent)The ever needy child and the ever sacrificing tree(parent) By P.R.Ramachander (Based on the great posting by my friend Anantha Narayanan in face book. My acknowledgements to him. ) There was a young boy of a little known village, Who used to daily go near tree and sing and play? The tree used to daily become happy on seeing him And
An ayurvedic doctor treating CancerAn ayurvedic doctor treating Cancer in a small village near Shimoga There is an ayurvedic doctor who is supposed to treat Cancer successfully He is an Ayurvedic physician in a village called Narasipura near Shimoga Though Shimoga is a town, Narasipura &nbsp
Cruel "no" , but really a great sacrificeCruel "no" , but really a great sacrifice By P.R.Ramachander (Based on the tamil writing of my face book friend Sri Guru Moorthi. Thanks are due to him.) On the banks of one torrential river , There were two huge Banyan trees. Once a sparrow approached the first
Four wivesFour wives By P.R.Ramachander (Completely based on the story in alltimeshort There was a person with four wives and he loved the fourth one the most, He fulfilled all her desires and bought to her all that she ever wanted, He also loved the third one, but did
God’s angel- our motherGod’s angel- our mother By P.R.Ramachander (Based on write up of my friend Sri Rajagopal SRibivasan in Tamil.My acknowledgements to him) There was a great scholar in our land, Who was greatly devoted to Lord Krishna , And due to this the Lord used
Happy mothers day to Mother Karnataka who has adopted meHappy mothers day to Mother Karnataka who has adopted me Jaya Bharata Jananiya Tanujate By Mahakavi Kuvempu (Here is a great poem on mother Karnataka , which has been adopted by the state as iys state anthem) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Jaya bharata jananiya tanujate Jai hey karnataka mate Jaya
Happy mother’s day to my mother land who is my motherHappy mother’s day to my mother land who is my mother ॥ मातृभूमी प्रार्थना ॥ Mathru Bhumi Prarthana Translated by P.R.Ramachander नमस्ते सदा वत्सले मातृभूमे त्वया हिन्दुभूमे सुखं वर्धितोऽहम् । महामङ्गले पुण्यभूमे त्वदर्थे पतत्वेष कायो नमस्ते नमस्ते ॥ १॥ Namastha sadhaa
Happy mother’s day to my country who is our motherHappy mother’s day to my country who is our mother .பாரத மாதா திருப்பள்ளி யெழுச்சி Suprabatha to Bharatha Mata By Mahakavi Subramanya Bharathi Translated by P.R.Ramachander பொழுது புலர்ந்தது; யாம்செய்த தவத்தால், புன்மை யிருட்கணம் போயின யாவும்; எழுபசும் பொற்சுடர் எங்கணும் பரவி &
The MasksThe Masks By P.R.Ramachander ( Based on a short story I read in Kumudam , The tamil magazine. On reading it , I could think of the need to have several such masks, So that life becomes tolerable and bearable) I was one day standing in market
If you waste food , it will cryIf you waste food , it will cry By P.R.Ramachander (Based on excellent write up in Tamil by my face book friend Mannargudi Sutaraman Srinivasan . My acknowledgements to him) One day noon, I was taking food with my children, Then I heard the loud wail of some
Mother - A poem in HindiMother - A poem in Hindi By Kusum Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hindi text is given in the end) Mother is the medicine for all our problems, She some times chides us but she also some times hugs us, She
The Thought of motherThe Thought of mother माँ का एहसास BY Kanchan Pandeya , GURUSANDI MIRZAPUR UTTAR PRADESH Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hindi text is given at the end) The thought of a mother I had a very sweet thought, When you came in to my lap, My life has become complete, When you came in to my lap,
Mother I once againMother I once again(Tomorrow is her day) By Abhishek Mishra Translated from Hindi by P.R.Ramachander (The Hindi text is given below) Oh mother , once again, Oh mother , once again I want live , after becoming your loving child, Oh mother , once again, I want to sleep , hearing Lullabies sung by you Oh mother once again I want to
mOtherMother Translated by P.R.Ramachander She is the partner of God , comparable to the sky, And the guide book of great affection, And after suffering pain for ten months , She lifts in her hand her next birth , She is the one who shoulders the burden by &
Mother - A poem in HindiMother - A poem in Hindi By Kusum Translated by P.R.Ramachander हमारे हर मर्ज की दवा होती है माँ…. कभी डाँटती है हमें, तो कभी गले लगा लेती है माँ….. हमारी आँखोँ के आंसू, अपनी आँखोँ मेँ समा लेती है माँ….. अपने होठोँ की हँसी, हम पर लुटा देती है माँ…… Mother is the medicine for all our problems, She some times chides us but she also
For the first time to the motherI am trying to get poems on mothers till mother’s day. Today I dedicated this great poem by a great poet to all mothers. When I read the last two lines If some thing happens to me , you have other children, But if some thing happens to you , Where is another mother for me? My eyes filled with tears.
The whatsapp syndromeThe whatsapp syndrome By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a write up in Kumudam, Tamil; Magazine by Pamaran . Thanks to him. ) Perhaps The app asking what ? came from, The normal enquiry about what happened, But I want to know How I can get , Freedom from this great pleasant prison. Morning to next day
The single rose flowerThe single rose flower By Vadukam R.Srikumar , Erode Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I read this pretty poem in Kumudam Tamil Magazine. My acknowledgements and thanks to the author as well as Kumudam) The ants also built a tajmahal , After collecting the pieces
The greatness of wifeThe greatness of wife Translated from Tamil, By P.R.Ramachander The greatness of water can be seen in crops, The greatness of land can be seen in crop yield, The greatness of education can be seen in your position, The greatness of wealth can be seen in poverty, The greatness of mother can be seen in her affection, The
My bundle of GoldMy bundle of Gold By P.R,Ramachander Her elder sister wanted her to be called Goldie, Her mother wanted her to be called after her grandmother, Her father wanted her to be called the timeless Yamini , And I only wanted to see her and call her “Oh my child” She&
Need for a plain talkNeed for a plain talk By P.R.Ramachander (Based on the facebook post in Tamil by my friend Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan. Thanks to her) Be it a family relation or be it a great friendship, They would become deep only if we talk plainly , If by chance we forget to do that , They would be
Poor old lonely parents in five star planetsPoor old lonely parents in five star planets Face book post by Vasu Iyengar Rewriiten i English By P.R.Ramachander (Being old and that too living in an apartment as lonely as Deepak’s parents , I wanted to write it in English immediately. Each five star apartment is like a big box with one door. Once the door is
Vairamuthu's magic with wordsThe Diamond words of Vairamuthu(Diamond pearl) Magic with words வார்ததை ஜாலம் By Kavi Arasu Vairamuthu TRanslated by P.R.Ramachander (Vairamuthu (Vairamuthu Ramaswamy ) is a profound poet, a masterful lyricist, a versatile Novelist, an enlivening essayist, a spirited social enthusiast, a genius thinker and a Philanthropist
Late self realization by a very old husbandLate self realization by a very old husband Posted in tamil in facebook by A.G.Kesavan Translated in to English By P.R.Ramachander I am seventy, My mind and body stand without any support, I could have appreciated and treated my wife In a much better way for
The wet grave of his wifeThe wet grave of his wife Posted by Anantha Narayanan Translated by P.R.Ramachander One young wife was about to breath her last, And she asked her dear husband with love, “How long would you wait to marry again after I die?” And he without even thinking replied , “Till your grave&nbsp
Go away from your own self to go nearer to Him.Go away from your own self to go nearer to Him. Original lecture in Tamil by Tenkachi ko Swaminathan Written in his own words by P.R.Ramachander (Wikipedia says “Thenkachi Ko. Swaminathan (1946-2009) was a popular orator, an author of various Tamil books, Deputy Director of "All India
Our misunderstandings of the profession of a doctorThere is a general feeling in our country that Doctors as a profession are exploiting the common people . Here is a poem trying to clarify that misunderstanding. I am not a doctor . Our misunderstandings of the profession of a doctor By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a whatsapp post that I
Realistic problems of getting universal property to cure woundsRealistic problems of getting universal property to cure wounds By P.R.Ramachander ( Based on a post by Ravi Ramanathan in tamil in face book and my acknowledgements to original author.) It was a village near the sea in Kerala , And a man lived with
Honoured slippers and the dishonoured bodyHonoured slippers and the dishonoured body By P.R.Ramachander (This is based on the tamil write up posted by Seshadriinadhan Ramasubramanian in the face book..My acknowledgements to him.) There was a very rich well known man in a village , And one day while he was walking one of his slippers. Got damaged&nbsp
Oldies and conservation of environmentOldies and conservation of environment Rewritten from original English With deep sense of acknowledgements to that author By P.R.Ramachander We hear the need to preserve enviorment, the need to conserve energy , eat ready made food and to conserve fuel , whenever we opened a newspaper
The greatest among them allThe greatest among them all Posted in facebook by Sri J K Shivan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This small write up by my great friend who has given up his entire life to Lord Krishna shocked me to tears. How many of us will think like my friend.) There
“To cut or not cut “ is the question?“To cut or not cut “ is the question? Translated from a face book post by A.G.Kesavan in Tamil By P.R.Ramachander Wife asked “Shall I cut my hair?” Her husband replied , “Please cut.” She replied ”If I cut , to again grow it would take a lot of time” Her husband replied “Do
God knows what you needGod knows what you need By P.R.Ramachander (Based on the tamil post in Face book. My acknowledgements to whoever wrote it.) There was a young man in a village , Who went on wandering doing nothing, And one day he saw some people chanting , The names of Lord Krishna again and&
This room of thousands of mirrorsThis room of thousands of mirrors By P.R.Ramachander (Idea is copied from a tamil posting of face book. Thanks to original author) Once one rich man approached his scholarly Guru and asked, “Sir, this whole world seems to be an extremely place, All my servants, my relations , my children and &
How did South India cook pungent dishes before Chilly was introduced in India?How did South India cook pungent dishes before Chilly was introduced in India? By P.R.Ramachander Chilly or Chilli pepper was discovered by Christopher Columbus in the Norther America. Since one of his aim was to find a spice to replace Pepper, he brought it with him to Europe in 1493&
கண்ணின் மொழி-Language of the eyeகண்ணின் மொழி-Language of the eye Translation By Ramachander (Possibly before human beings invented the art of talking with the mouth , they talked with each other using their eyes,. But even after we invented the art of talking, we needed to
We met our guardian angel after 42 yearsWe met our guardian angel after 42 years By P.R.Ramachander The year was 1972 and I was working in Coimbatore at that time. My wife had presented me with our first son. I got a senior class I gazetted job in Central tobacco Institute in Rajamundry and after despatching all our household goods by TVS , I arrived at the new
The first fierce feud to get control of a kitchen( home)The first fierce feud to get control of a kitchen( home) By P.R.Ramachander (I took this theme from a face book tamil post of my friend Sridhar Ramaswami, thanks to him.) A family showers tonnes of affection in bringing up, Its great so who is going be the seed that would not allow,
Script writing for a Hindi serial in TVScript writing for a Hindi serial in TV By A Non Hindi P.R.Ramachander (I saw a write up in Tamil in Whatsapp about this and I am not at all sure , whether I can write a Hindi Serial for TV) I went with my Hindi knowing friend to a hindi cinema as I went on asking him questions
Urmilayana -the story of UrmilaUrmilayana -the story of Urmila By P.R.Ramachander (Lon long time, when I was about 10 years old I had read the story of Urmila in Kalaimagal possibly written by great writer Kanchana . After reading the story only I came to know about the very strong women characters in Ramayana. Recently a post in
Apply to admission in a monastery with identificationApply to admission in a monastery with identification Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (This is based on a tamil posting in the face book, Thanks to whoever has posted it there. I searched online for it but could not find it. Had the monastery been in India in 2017, Singlan would be forced to apply
God does not forsake any oneGod does not forsake any one Rewritten by P.R,Ramachander (This is a very famous story available in various places on line. One of them is written in 2013 and even there the one who wrote has mentioned that he does not know who is the author. But I
Kali age has come -said YudhishtraParents being neglected by children, Bad people able to achieve difficult jobs easily , Government which is supposed to protect busily engaged in destroying , People wanting to earn dishonestly and People not bothering about contractual obligations are according to this story , the
Some plain advice by father to his childrenFor some time a letter supposed to have been written by a Hongkong TV broadcaster to his son is being copied and pasted in various forums and even in Speaking tree. I try to find out the original source , I found it written in April 2007 and published in
Names are just labels to identify youNames are just labels to identify you By P.R.Ramachander There was a man who was named Papi(sinner) by his parents. He felt extremely bad about it and went to his Guru to get his name changed. The Guru requested to him to take a walk in the village , chose a name and come back ..Papi first met a man who had lost his way. When Papi asked
Yeh Hai Mumbai meri jaanYeh Hai Mumbai meri jaan Recreated by P.R.Ramachander (Rewritten based on the write up of Arpan Kumar de given in huffington Since I have never lived in Mumbai for more than two days I am simply not capable of writing this.) From my cosy nook in Bangalore, One day , I did reach that
Uthanga Gita teaching that all the creations of God are oneUthanga Gita teaching that all the creations of God are one. Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (The incident narrated below is supposed to have taken place in Thiru Arimeya Vinnagaram Located in the Nagapatinam district of Tamil Nadu is the charming temple of Arimeya Vinnagaram. This serene temple is home to the Deity of Vishnu as
Advice to a young wife by an old lonely lady who is a widowAdvice to a young wife by an old lonely lady who is a widow By P.R.Ramachander (Based on the post Sri Rajagopal Srinivasan in face book.) A very young couple went to attend a marriage held in a home , After a war of words husband went in the Pandal and the wife &
Epic hero saint RamanujaPoet Vali has penned an epic on Saint Ramanuja , which he called as Ramanuja Kaviyam. This short poem on Ramanuja is taken from that book. I have great admiration to the saint Ramanuja as a great social reformer born 1000 years earlier. I know many of my friends will disagree
Some knowledgeable free tips to the husbands to keep their wives happy.Some knowledgeable free tips to the husbands to keep their wives happy. By P.R.Ramachander (These great tips in typical tamil commercial lingua was posted by my friend Srimani Venkatraman , I am only passing it on to people who do not know Tamil) When your mother in law &
Instead of cleaning your face you clean the mirrorInstead of cleaning your face you clean the mirror Translated from Hindi By P.R.Ramachander "Insaan, Ghar badalata hai ... Libaas badalata hai ..... Rishte badalata hai ... Dost badalata hai .... Phir bhi pareshaan kyon rehta hai .... Kyon ki woh khud ko nahi badalata " .... Isiliye to Mirza Galib ne kaha tha: "Umer bhar Ghalib yahi Bhool Karta
Matchless devotion to Lord KrishnaMatchless devotion to Lord Krishna Transcreated by P.R.Ramachander (I read this story written in Tamil in a whatsapp message .I was simply shaken. I am sure you would also experience it) One devout priest in an ancient temple of Krishna, One day opened the temple for morning Pooja, And he was shocked to
NRI –Poem in HindiNRI –Poem in Hindi Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( This was posted in my whatsapp group by my friend Ranganathan. My thanks to him.) ना इधर के रहे ना उधर के रहे बीच में लटकते रहे Did not belong to here, Nor could get belonged to there, They were keeping on hanging in between ना India को भुला सके ना videsh को अपना सके NRI बन के काम चलाते
The costliest gift that God can giveThe costliest gift that God can give By P.R.Ramachander (This is a famous story which I have written in my own words .If at all I meet God , I will ask him only for this precious gift.) More than ten people were involved in a great worship, Of God in one of the greatest temples
Extra key?Extra key? Translated by P.R.Ramachander Suppose I happen to come , First from office , There is a need for first key? Suppose you happen to come, Early from office, There is a need for the second key? Supoose our son happens to come , From his school early , There is a
A husband asks “How come my darling?”Oh wives , note these down and make him not to repeat the same questions again, as he also is a human being. A husband asks “How come my darling?” By P.R.Ramachander (When I wrote “ A wife asks “ Jow come my darling?” . the men and husbands wanted a similar
A wife asks “How come my darling?”Oh husbands , note these down and make her not repeat the same questions again, She also is a human being. A wife asks “How come my darling?” In English by P.R.Ramachander (The original in Tamil had been posted by Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan in face book .My thanks to her.) After our engagement ,
Donkey adjustment -the new philosophy of lifeDonkey adjustment -the new philosophy of life Posted in Tamil by Prof.Viswanath Das Rewritten in English by P.R.Ramachander There was a merchant with roaring business in good old times, Who used to go to various places to do his trade, And one day he met
Mother and WifeMother and Wife Transcreated by P.R.Ramachander (I had read a similar essay recently in face book. My acknowledgements to the friend who posted it.) Mother carries you in your womb , And wife carries you all her life, Mother gives birth to you and nurtures
Daughter , Daughter and DaughterDaughter , Daughter and Daughter Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (This is based on a slightly different write up in english posted on the same subject in the face book. Unfortunately I did not note the name of the contributor ,May God bless that Anon friend .Sons do love their parents equally and would sacrifice their all for their
A suggestion for a new Hindu type of celebration for our birthdaysA suggestion for a new Hindu type of celebration for our birthdays (with no hope of it being implemented ) By P.R.Ramachander According to Hindu concept putting off a light on a birthday is an ill omen. We should rather light a lamp . The birthday song in English without knowing anything about it is a meaningless. Rather we should&
I am selfish, I am not mother TheresaI am selfish, I am not mother Theresa In Tamil by Meena Rajan Translated in to English P.R.Ramachander (I had believed that unless women are selfish this world would not exist. They would not have translated themselves in another home, bear the unbearable pain of labour. Struggled so hard to
பாட்டி(Grandma)பாட்டி(Grandma) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I located this great piece of writing in one of the Tamil poem web site.I do not know who wrote it . This is supposed to be written by a grand daughter about her late grand mother . It moved me a lot . I have tried my best to keep the emotions in tact and also a
Urdhwa Pundra , Veda and UpanishasUrdhwa Pundra , Veda and Upanishas Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Urdhva-pundra refers to the two vertical marks placed on the forehead and other parts of the body to indicate surrender to Lord Vishnu. The Padma Purana and Yajur Veda state that urdhva-pundra symbolizes the lotus foot of Vishnu. The twelve parts of the body on which we place the urdhva-pundra marks are not
How to prepare Vibhuthi ? How to wear it? Did it originate in Vedic times?How to prepare Vibhuthi ? How to wear it? Did it originate in Vedic times? By P.R.Ramachander These are the questions each Shaivite may have in his mind. The information about is given in a great Upanishad called Brihad Jabala Upanishad . This upanishad is part of Atharva Veda . It
Happy and glorious Women’s day to all Indian ladiesHappy and glorious Women’s day to all Indian ladies Compiled by P.R.Ramachander I just made a partial list of women achievers of India. None of them were famous for cooking or housekeeping or beauty or being wives who loved their husbands . Each of them&
The fleeting joy of human life in the veil of darkness of SamsaraEven when one is suffering , small pleasures make him happy ? The fleeting joy of human life in the veil of darkness of Samsara Summarized from Tamil by P,R,Ramachander (Based on the very scholarly lecture of Mukkur Sri Lakshmi Narasimhachaya Swami which was
A glorious women’s day to all womenA glorious women’s day to all women Woman is the store house of all power(Shakthi) who gave power to all Gods and Devas according to Vedas. Woman is the first gift of God to man according to Juadaism. She is the one who gave birth to us .
Sex determination of the babySex determination of the baby Compiled by P.R.Ramachander I was searching my old papers today and I got this page(very old),It claims that it will help you predict the sex of the conceived child. I simply am not able to believe it because there is no basis for the prediction. .But to some of you it may be interesting. The rows are the month in which conceived starting from
Blinded by PrideBlinded by Pride Narrated by P.R.Ramachander (I saw this pretty story which can teach us all humility and make us do everything after dedicating to god in the Tamil post of Sri Vijay Raghav, The tamil poem was very extensive and pretty . After thanking him for the post I
Five idiotsFive idiots Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (This is same as the story told in written slightly differently . My acknowledgements to the author of the story) One day the chief of India called the Police chief, And told him that
What does word “Narayana “ mean?What does word “Narayana “ mean? Summarized and Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Though I have heard this story before I happen to see it again in Tamil in the post of Balasubramanian Nannilam Ranganathan . Thanks to him ) Sage Narada once went to a sage asked, :What is the meaning of
Can we use sea water , which is an international assetCan we use sea water , which is an international asset Condensed and translated by P..R.Ramachander (Based on the tamil post by my friend Sri Ravi Ramanathan. Perhaps It can happen in India.) There was a poor villager who lived with his grandma. And one a wound appeared in the feet
Pray to God but do not ask him anythingPray to God but do not ask him anything By N.Ganesan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is based on the great and detailed wiriting by N,Ganesan posted by by Hamsabai SAnthana Krishnan. All of us have problems and we believe God can help but should we not leave it to him
Mother’s eyeMother’s eye Rewritten from Tamil by, P.R.Ramachander ( I read this wonderful story in the post of my friend Neyveli Murali. My eyes were full of tears. I have tried my best to bring out the soul of the story in English. Thanks Sri Murali) Ramu his darling wife Geetha, Their little honey like daughter Anandi, And their very affectionate&nbsp
Nectar of the GodsNectar of the Gods By Shivram (In Dinamani news paper) Summarised and translated by P.R,Ramachander (I would not have come across this great story but for the posting of the full story by my Face book friend Swarnalatha Natarjan .Kudos to the great writer and thanks to my friend. I am convinced the Tamil original is
Roadblocks in settling marriage alliances among Brahmins –I .Horoscope matchingRoadblocks in settling marriage alliances among Brahmins –I .Horoscope matching By P.R.Ramachander ( I belong to an ancient family odf astrologers but I am definitely not a great expert in that science. I know there are several very talented and professional astrologers in face book . I am sure
A angry outburst of a 40+ iyer bachelorA angry outburst of a 40+ iyer bachelor Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I felt sad on reading it in Whatsapp. I do have the name and e mail id of the man who wrote it. What else I can do except sympathizing with him.) Once upon a time the poor Brahmins gave their 20 year old daughters in marriage to 60 year old men&
The World laughed when I criedThe World laughed when I cried By P.R.Ramachander ( Based on the great write up in face book by my friend Mannargudi Sitaraman Srinivasan .My pranams to that great artist of words. ) I don’t understand , where I am, I seem to be floating in some fluid, And am attached with
Gist of Face book DharmaGist of Face book Dharma By P.R.Ramachander (I got the idea from a face book post of my friend Nagasubramanian Jayaraman in Tamil. My thanks to him) Whatever you have posted in face book , has been posted for good Whatever you are posting in face book is being posted for good, Whatever you are going to post in
Thank you my fatherThank you my father By P.R.Ramachander Based on write up in Tamil bt my face book friend Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan To become a father is an easy job, But to be a father is a difficult job, The courage and strength of every human being , Is basically rooted in his father ,
Be a good husbandBe a good husband By P.R.Ramachander (Based on tamil write up of Balasubramanian Nannilam Ranganathan. I did make a few changes ) Not only in your bed room but also, In Kitchen give her company , Become her mother when she is weak and in pain Become her child to her on all other days ,
Reflex action of sub conscious mind=men's in car and lady's in kitchenReflex action of sub conscious mind Translated by P.R.Ramachander (based on write up in Tamil of my face book friend Sri Gurumurthy. Thanks to him.) Once I was driving my car , Along with my wife in front seat, My wife suddeny said in a scared voice, You are driving too fast , be careful. I
Kali age has worsenedKali age has worsened By Smt . V. Padma Priya Rajagopal Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Smt Padma Priya is a very talented poet who has published books of poems in English as well as Tamil.Here is a great poem written in Tamil –(Tamil text given below) .The poet in her cries about what&nbsp
In Whose hand is the garland?In Whose hand is the garland? By Smt.V.Padma Priya Rajagopal Translated by P.R.Ramachander (After seeing all around her , the poet laments at what is happening around us. She requests the God to take an incarnation and destroy the evil of this world. Her Tamil text is
Life is hell if there is no give and takeLife is hell if there is no give and take By P.R.Ramachander ( I have taken the first story from the post of my friend Rajagopal Srinivasan . Thanks to him) A dear husband and his darling wife quarreled. And they stopped speaking to each other. One day the husband had to catch an early
The Golden giftThe Golden gift By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a little story by my friend Jabalimuni Putrevu .I think , million thanks would not be enough to thank him .To all my friends. Do not punish little innocent children, They are a treasure to you and their mind is a treasure to you. If you do you will repent as long as you
A humble request to celebrate Men’s dayA humble request to celebrate Men’s day By P.R.Ramachander (Based I on a tamil post in face book by Sundararajan Ambi iyer. Ninteenth November every year is “International men’s day”. Have you seen any one exchanging gifts on that day? Have syou seen any one praising the role of men on that day. This poem brings out the good pof men, in these days when they
The final Bye to old ageThe final Bye to old age Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I have become old. One by one I am loosing my faculties and I am sad. I can only bid farewell to this old age when my soul leaves the body. Based on a post by my face book friend Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan. Thanks to her.) In the rotation of wheels of time ,
Mein aur meri Tanhai (Me and my solitude)Mein aur meri Tanhai (Me and my solitude) Translated By P.R.Ramachander (This song is from the Cinema Silsila. It is actually sung by Amitabh and Lata Mangeshkar . But the portion sung by Amitabh became very popular.Hear the great song as sung
Love is careLove is care TRanscreated by P.R.Ramachander (I read it in face book written with hindi and English mixed. I thought I should write it in my own words . My eyes filled with tears when I wrote it, for I am a very sentimental idiot. May God bless that original author) When your mother kisses you fondly, And
You be yourselfYou be yourself Transcreated in English By P.R.Ramachander (I read it in Tamil in a Whatsapp message . It impressed me because I have never in my life imitated somebody . I have been always proud of myself) Gold is costly , tin in cheap, What needs to be got done by tin, Cannot be got done by Gold, Gold is
You got this life to please GodYou got this life to please God Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I got it from somw one’s whatsapp posting . Here is the translation.. I have translated “Allah” as “God” so that this great poem in Urdu would carry the message to all. My thanks to my daughter(of my extended family) Meenakshi for having
Mother’s dosaMother’s dosa Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (The original in Tamil was published in Vikatan Magazine and posted in face book by my friend Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan . I have made several modifications. Thanks to Vikatan and to my face v book friend) Masal dosa from Vidhyarthi Bhavan , Plain Dosa from Ary Bhavan, Onion dosa &
God , Oh God, how to be your devotee?God , Oh God, how to be your devotee? By P.R,Ramachander (The first part is a story from Upanishad and the second written from some one in face book. Thank God for both of them) Then:- Sage Narada was greatly proud, That he was the greatest devotee of God, And one day , when God was relaxed, He Asked him&
Follow this lesson- I am not responsible for the consequencesFollow this lesson- I am not responsible for the consequences Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is based on the writing of Smt.Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan . She is a wife and so it must be true) If your wife says ,”we need”, it means “she needs”, If your wife asks”What is your decision?’ , it means, “My
The Tamarind tree which never sleepsThe Tamarind tree which never sleeps Composed by P.R.Ramachander (This is based on a famous legend which was posted by my friend Rajagopal Srinivasan in facebook. This tree is called in tamil Urangapuli( A tamarind tree that never sleep is there in a town called Azhvarthirunagari The tree has seven branches and the
Ganapathi Prathal -Seethangan thullal by Kunjan NambiarGanapathi Prathal -Seethangan thullal by Kunjan Nambiar Introduction The Land of Kerala which is termed as “God’s own country “ has a great tradition of story telling especially those from Puranas. Most of these story telling is accompanied by dance . The most classical method of
A new daughter-in-law writes to her motherDedicated to all Daughter in laws A new daughter-in-law writes to her mother Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Every girl in the world undergoes the transplantation shock in a new environment, living with new people and finding
What she wanted and what He gave!What she wanted and what He gave! By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a tamil post by my face book friend A.G.Kesavan.Thanks to him.) It was a pleasant evening , The wife who was waiting for her hubby. Just entered in to a short sweet nap, And God came before her in her dream, God asked that lady , “what boon do you want?”
Mother , oh motherMother , oh mother By P.R.Ramachander (The heart melting fact that the sacrifices of a mother are unmatched in brought out in this simple story. Times have changed in middle class homes .Now babies use diapers and do not wet their bed.Taken from facebook tamil post of Rajagopal srinivasan, my face book friend) There&
The slaves of a slave - aren’t we all ?The slaves of a slave - aren’t we all ? By P.R.Ramachander (Based in a remarkable story narrated by my face book friend Rajagopal Srinivasan. The last few stanzas are from my English translation of 31st chapter of Thirukkural called Vekulamai (not getting angry) I have
The temple called the mind.The temple called the mind. BY Aandavan PIchai (This is written by a lady devotee, whom people called “One who is mad after God” . She has written several prayers as well as Tamil Krithis. In this case it is a philosophical song.) Translated by P.R.Ramachander With love as its sacred pond ,
Shuklambaradaram – A humorous explanation by Maha PeriyavaShuklambaradaram – A humorous explanation by Maha Periyava By P.R.Ramachander Before we start any ritual we recite the prayer:- Shuklambaradaram Vishnum Sasi Varnam Chathurbujam, Prasanna Vadanam Dhyayeth , sarva Vigna upasanthaye. The smarthas consider it as prayer addressed to
Domestic life is ruined by a great show offDomestic life is ruined by a great show off By P.R.Ramachander (I got the idea of writing this after I read a tamil post by SP Ramanathan. My thanks to him) I am great genius of sorts , Who is capable of writing a Wikipedia, On any subject on earth whatsoever , But my wife&
Wife -the angel of love sent by GodWife -the angel of love sent by God Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I found these divine words written in Tamil by my facebook friend Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan. My grateful acknowledgements to her.) The word wife can be taken as another, Synonym for the word “love”. All wives are
Working mothers -a boon or curseWorking mothers earn money but sometimes are not able to give affection. Are they a boon or curse to their children? Working mothers -a boon or curse BY P.R.Ramachander (Based on a write up I read long back and am not sure who wrote it. My acknowledgements for that anon writer) A:BOON <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> It is a boon&
Ganges - Does the sins go away by dipping in Ganges- two storiesGanges - Does the sins go away by dipping in Ganges- two stories By P.R.Ramachander (The first story is very popular in Kerala and I read the second one in Tamil in the post of Mannargudi Sitaraman Srinivasan. Thanks to him.) I. Pakkanar and the bitter gourd There is a poor saint
How to see God?How to see God? By P.R.Ramachander (Here is a a great truth told in simple worlds culled from a Tamil speech of Sri Tenkachi Swaminathan , who specializes in explaining religious truths in simple way. My thanks to him.” One man was yearning to see God, And enquired with all his
The never diminishing offerings(Naivedhyam) to GodThe never diminishing offerings(Naivedhyam) to God Transcreated by P.R.Ramachander (I read the Tamil original in Tamil from the post of my face book friend Sri Guru Moorthi. My deep sense of acknowledgement to him.) One disciple told his Guru , I am not able to believe, That God takes
Varieties of Mammium ChennapatnamVarieties of Mammium Chennapatnam Original by Prasad Kaushik ( ) Rewritten material by P.R.Ramachander (I was fascinated by this piece of writing of Prasad Kaushik but somehow I wanted to rewrite it in my own way. Hope the great
Dedicated to all mothers of the worldDedicated to all mothers of the world Translated by P.R.Ramachander (From whatsapp, Thanks to whosoever has written it , Do also read as well as and shed tears for&
Aanaikku oru kalam, Poonaikku oru kalamAanaikku oru kalam, Poonaikku oru kalam Recently I have penned several such posts.All of them are not completely true. Yes, once upon a time (50 years back) it was the groom who used to put conditions but now they cannot afford to do so, Once the grooms parents used to ask , “pretty very fair girls who have orthodox upbtingng along with &
Logic of face washingLogic of face washing Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander This is but a rewriting of post in English of Subramanian Raman but written by me in my own words. Thanks are due to Subramanian Raman P.R.Ramachander There was a great expert in logic , And he approached a great Guru, And told him
The Husband and wife market in IndiaThe Husband and wife market in India By P.R.Ramachander (I saw a Tamil write up about this. It was only quoting about write up of Husband/Wife store in a web site called . My writing is similar to it but for south Indian conditions. Felt sad after writing it and not funny.) Some one in India read
Vandhe Matharam- some songs saluting country as motherVandhe Matharam- Tomorrow is our republic day - The birthday of the mother of us all Collected by P.R.Ramachander ( As a five year old in pre independence days in Secunderabad , I have travelled on the shoulders of my father to Fatheh Maidan to attend and hear the speeches our freedom
Cell makes a curious boy confusedCell makes a curious boy confused By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a small write up in Whatsapp in Malayalam, I have modified it. Please do not get confused ) It was a great school in a town in Kerala. Where Pradheep was attending his classes, And Pradheep was a boy &
My ever lasting loveMy ever lasting love Written in English based on great write up by J.K.Sivan By P.R.Ramachander (I enjoyed reading Write up of Sri J K Sivan and what all I have done is make a similar weite up in English. Thanks Sir) I have earlier with great love asked you, “Are there any persons who
The lost (last) spring season fifty five years back , in this autumn of modernityThe lost (last) spring season fifty five years back , in this autumn of modernity By P.R.Ramachander (This write up is not mine but was posted in the face book which attracted me. I have modified certain aspects to make its appeal universal. I have changed certain narrations) Fifty five years back:- They
Your home with kith and kin , the best old age home for youYour home with kith and kin , the best old age home for you By P.R.Ramachander (The recent issue of Mangayar Malar has a story by Mrs Nandini Selvam entitled “Yen iniya(karunai) illa thailvikku oru parisu. The story is about a retired widowed school teacher who finds, life in her son’s home abominable because, she does not get degree coffee at 5 Am, no body
Ek sath mein ,main sath sathEk sath mein ,main sath sath (I am 77 in 2017) By P.R.Ramachander Today is my birthday.Seventy seven years back , I started this journey from a hamlet near Parlikkad(near Wadakanchery).Though initially called Durai by my maternal grand parents , soon I became Raja to my Paternal grand mother .Since my
Everything is perhaps done by our own selvesEverything is perhaps done by our own selves By P.R.Ramachander (Very philosophical and difficult to understand .It clearly tells that when something is done by its own self m it is done by nature/God. This is based on the face book posting of Rajagopal srinivasan. Thank you sir ) The day breaking as well as day ending are happening by
Bother not of praises or harsh words and proceed your march of lifeBother not of praises or harsh words and proceed your march of life By P.R.Ramachander (Based on the face book posting of Shankaran Balasubramanian .My thanks to him) A valorous prince was defeated in war by a victorious king, And the victor told ‘ I would give you one pot filled , With water up to
Hear each other’s murmur by keeping your minds very closeHear each other’s murmur by keeping your minds very close By P.R.Ramachander (This is based on a tamil Write up posted by my friend sri SP Ramanathan. My thanks to him.) One day a Guru saw members of the same family , Shouting at each other in a very loud voice and he asked, His disciples, “all these people are&
We lose millions for sake of saving fifty paiseWe lose millions for sake of saving fifty paise By P.R.Ramachander (This is based on a story posted in face book.My acknowledgement to the one who posted in Tamil) One beggar while walking with his donkey, Found on his way a real very costly diamond. And not knowing what it is or its worth , he took it , And
All doves are simply doves but all men are not like thatAll doves are simply doves but all men are not like that By P.R.Ramachander (This is based on a story in Tamil posted by Vishwanath Das. I learnt a lot from it and so thanks Mr.Das ) There was big town with good population of doves, AS well temples of various religions and groups. A dove family was
Kanu pongal - a festival to pray to welfare of their brothers by ladiesA festival when Brahmin ladies pray for the welfare of their brothers. For a moment each lady is transported to their childhood when they used to live and play with their brothers, You can have a glimpse of the festival in Kanu pongal - a festival to pray to welfare of their brothers by ladies
She can be a witch or an angelShe can be a witch or an angel By P.R.Ramachander (This is based on a story retold by Sri Anantha Narayanan , who is my friend in face book. My heartfelt thanks to him.) One great king after fighting very hard , Defeated another in a fierce battle, And the defeated king was brought &
Salvation request from a great devoteeSalvation request from a great devotee By P.R.Ramachander (This is based on two postings by Halasya Sundaram Iyer under the title “Kurai ondrum illai”. The devotee/priest mentioned here was “Pillai Perumal ayyangar “ who was the disciple of “Parasara BHattar “and who was
Paths lead to same goal , one may be rough and another smooth.Paths lead to same goal , one may be rough and another smooth. By P.R.Ramachander (I got this idea after reading about one of Shirdi Sai Baba’s teaching in Tamil. If only we understand and follow it! All water that falls on earth flows to the sea , And just like it all
The heart gives birth to a manThe heart gives birth to a man By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a story in Malai Malar, Tamil news paper) It was dark night in the suburbs of chennai, One empty taxi was coming with great speed on the road, A middle aged lady frantically waved and stopped the taxi, And said to the taxi driver “Brother I need to go to hospital”
Self belief is the greatest beliefSelf belief is the greatest belief By P.R.Ramachander (I got the idea from tamil posting of my friend A G Kesavan.Thanks to him) I believed in astrology, my fiends , my relations and my wife, And when I became old I did believe in God and at last fate , And at that time&
Not even God can go against fateNot even God can go against fate By P.R.Ramachander (I saw the first part of this narration in face book , written in Tamil .I knew about the second part of the story.) There was a great but very poor old saint , One day he was mending his torn dhothi , Using a
Royal stinking beggarRoyal stinking beggar By P.R.Ramachander (Yet another great story quoted by Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan in face book. I have taken the idea and dressed it in different cloths. My acknowledgements are due to her.) A beggar who was dressed in tattered cloths, Happened to go near the great
The burden that the Lord gaveThe burden that the Lord gave By P.R.Ramachander (This idea again came to me while reading a post by Hamsabai Santana Krishnan. I have modified and concised what she has written and slightly modified the conclusion. May Lord bless her for het h great and wonderful thoughts. My deep
Idhu Podhum yenakku (This is sufficient for me )Idhu Podhum yenakku (This is sufficient for me ) By Kaviyarasu Vairamuthu Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A remarkable poem by the great poet about the love of the husband to his wife . The feelings expressed are very sentimental and sensitive.) Early morning sounds , the five AM birds ,
Death came knockingDeath came knocking Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (This very emotive write up was posted in face book by Mohan Krishnaswamy / Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan .My thanks are due to them .) Death Came and met a man , Called him, “Please come, “As the time for you to
Are we happy miserly donkeys who enjoy life?Are we happy miserly donkeys who enjoy life? By P.R.Ramachander (The idea is not mine but based on a write up called “Equations” in Whatsapp.My thanks to whosoever conceived this great idea.) All man and women eat , work , sleep and enjoy, But poor donkey does&
Welcome , new yearWelcome , new year By Jumana Junaid , Sri Lanka Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I found this great poem welcoming new year in;c=1&amp;title=welcome-new-year&amp;author=jumana-junait-sri-lanka ) All over the world there is celebration today, For earth is going start a new rotation,
Honest wood cutter and trigonometryHonest wood cutter and trigonometry By P.R.Ramachander (An old story retold . Hamsabai SAnthana Krishnan reminded it to me by a post in face book) Once upon a time there was an wood cutter, Who by nm misfortune lost his axe in a well, And he started crying the name of God. God came
God is kind when he gives or when he deniesGod is kind when he gives or when he denies Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( The Tamil original was sent to me by a member of Whatsapp group. I do not know who wrote. My grateful thanks to whosoever who wrote it.) There was a very big temple in a holy place, And there was a servant
Dedicated to all women- greatest creation of Lord BrahmaDedicated to all women- greatest creation of Lord Brahma By P.R.Ramachander ( I have read this in Tamil several times and this is based on a post in face book by my friend A G Kesavan. Thanks to him.) God Brahma finished creating all beings including man , And at last started creating a
March of ability in the time machine of lifeMarch of ability in the time machine of life By P.R.Ramachander (This material was posted in Tamil by my face book friend Kutti Sankar Kalidaikurichi.I have rewritten what he had given in my own way. My thanks to him.,) After you attain the age of twenty, Whether&nbsp
The Angel called Amma(mother/Mummy)The Angel called Amma(mother/Mummy) By P.R.Ramachander (This is based on the write up of my friend Neyveli Murali in tamil. In his write up, it is a baby who is sent to this world . I have modified it based on Hindu belief of rebirth of the soul. I have also made very minor modifications .Thank you my friend. )
Fat and cheap Idli vs Thin and costly DosaIdli philosophy -Part II Fat and cheap Idli vs Thin and costly Dosa By P.R. Ramachander (I wanted to further write on philosophy of Idli and chanced to read post of Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan. I have just added two or three more points to what she has already
Every coin has two facesEvery coin has two faces By P.R.Ramachander ( The thought process was triggered by a tamil post of my friend A G Kesavan in face book. My thanks are due to him ) When four friends go a hotel , Togather and take food, If one of them pays the bill, Does he want to show us he is
Merry Christmas to all of you 2016Merry Christmas to all of you 2016 By P.R.Ramachander Our religion which no one established. Ad told us that , whatever God we salute, Any where in the world would reach our God Narayana, Just like the water which falls on earth,
The tragedy of being a womanThe tragedy of being a woman Translated By P.R.Ramachander (When I read this in Tamil as posted by Pasupathi Nathan in face book, though male , my eyes got filled up with tears. I have never thought of a woman’s life from this miserable stand point..If I call all women as “ the ocean of misery” I would be making a mistake as
My world in my palm –real world far -far awayMy world in my palm –real world far -far away Translated by P.R.,Ramachander (This is the faithful translation of a post , posted by Hamsabai SAnthana Krishnan. I enjoyed reading it, though my world is the real one and not in my palm) I am not able see the face of those who pass by, I am not able to understand thoughts of who laugh&
Teacher the GodTeacher the God By P.R.Ramachander (Ofcourse I love teaching, I respect teachers and whenever possible thank God for the wonderful teachers that I had, without whom, I would not be what I am. This is based on a posting by Narasimham Kota, a face book friend in English. I have used the material and put it in my own style .Next time you meet
Oh Doctor , change your method of treatmentOh Doctor , change your method of treatment This great poem possibly stresses on need of General practitioners who would consider the patient as a family member and teach him lessons of health, warn him of habits which are pernicious etc. All of us rush to a five star hospital as soon as we are sick . To the doctor who
Seeing Arundathi and Dhruva at 12 noon on marriage day – Is there a need?Seeing Arundathi and Dhruva at 12 noon on marriage day – Is there a need? By P.R.Ramachander There is a function in the marriage when the iyer groom points out Arundathi star who was an epitome of virtue and Bride points out The Druva star (Pole star) which is famous for piety and constancy .
Philosophy of IdliPhilosophy of Idli By, P.R.Ramachander ( I had already written Idli Puranam and I thought , next step is “Philosophy of Idli. “Then I came across face book post of Meena Rajan. With minor modifications , I have mostly translated her write up.. Thanks a million to her.) If you say Idli looks properly cooked , it is “
After me , who will be the Guru?After me , who will be the Guru? By P.R.Ramachander (This thought process was triggered by a post of Balamurugan in face book.Thanks to him) There was very great and pious Guru of yore, Who was steeped in Godliness and piety. One day that Guru realized that, The time has come for him &
Whatsapp groups , Ada Devuda!Whatsapp groups , Ada Devuda! (Based on tamil write up by Neyveli Murali) By P.R,Ramachander One lady with curiosity asked her friend, “How come you are not seen in face book for lot of time?” “Oh I was busy in whatsapp groups for quite some time.” “Oh That is&
Yennanga (“Hey you!”)Yennanga (“Hey you!”) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (ofcourse I have changed it a bit.Hope author would excuse) IN India till recently no wife used to address her husband by his name believing that her husband’s life span would come down .There were many methods that they used to adopt <!--[if !supportLists]-->1. &
To make the body in to the imperishable soulTo make the body in to the imperishable soul By P.R.Ramachander (I got the idea from a whatsapp message communicated to me .I churned it, and made it hot by my wring. Here is the result. ) One devotee greatly perplexed , Went to his Guru and asked, “Sir , they say body is perishable , But soul
Blind man with a put out lampBlind man with a put out lamp By P.R.Ramachander (I have read about how blind people walking in the dark should carry a lamp for others to see them. But no one told me that a blind person cannot see whether light is burning or not. Each of us have handicaps and we manage with them
Control your anger by healing a small woundControl your anger by healing a small wound Composed by P.R.Ramachander (This is actually a tamil contribution of my friend J.K.Sivan who is doing great service to our Hindu religion by his very many publications and the Krishnarpanam society that he has established. I have taken his entire idea &
Shuklambaradaram is it prayer to GanesaIs “ Shuklam Baradaram Vishnum…” a prayer addressed to Ganesa or addressed to Vishnu? I do not have a positive answer and so I am putting before you all that I know so that you can tell which is the correct answer? Compiled by P.R.Ramachander When a Brahmin starts any ritual he chants &nbsp
Criticism of act of remorse would punish youCriticism of act of remorse would punish you By P.R.Ramachander (I saw this remarkable story in tamil the face book post of my friend Sri A G Kesavan. We all find fault on people acting due to remorse.Please know you may get punished and he excused because of that) There was a sage in the deep
Baseless rumours fly like little bits of paper.Baseless rumours fly like little bits of paper. By P.R.Ramachander (The idea is not mine but I got it from a Whatsapp message that was floating everywhere. My making the lady as the one who spreads rumours was not intentional . Men also spread rumours) There was an old morose lady in a town, Her neighbor was modern but
What is a poem?What is a poem? A great poem By Saanu Puthiran Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I do not know how many people have written a poem on a poem. Our Saanu puthiran has done it .It is so great , so moving and so clear , That possibly an ignoramus like me should stop writing poems. If I have failed to bring out the emotions of
Dedicated to all males who are husbandsDedicated to all males who are husbands By P.R.Ramachander (Written based on a tamil message in Whatsapp. Do not know who wrote it .By the way I do not do Yoga.) As soon as the sun rose a dear hubby woke up his wife and asked, “Darling, I am going to do Yoga, Are you also coming?” The wife retorted “Are you telling me&
Do not crush the little world of a motherDo not crush the little world of a mother By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a posting by Bhanu Ravi in face book .) One day when my mother told me something, When I was eating great lunch prepared by her, I shouted her with great anger and walked out of the house, And
Carrot becomes soft, egg becomes hard , water becomes sweetCarrot becomes soft, egg becomes hard , water becomes sweet By P.R.Ramachander (This is a very old story that I had heard. I thank my friend Pasupathi Nathan for reminding it) A daughter after living for some time in her newly married home , One day went to her home and sobbed before her mother,
Wail of an Atheist to the God whom he realizedWail of an Atheist to the God whom he realized By Kavinjar Kannadasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Sri Kannadasan can be considered as a great intellectual and a poet of the highest order in Tamil .His poems would even melt the stony heart of a hard hearted man. AS a
Old age –Quo vadis?Old age –Quo vadis? Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Whenever two old people meet each other, they talk of how their children are not bothered about them and may put them in some old age home. Is their worry justified-My opinions based on a write up by Kovai Anuradha on this subject as a preface to his new drama Mamiyar
Vairamuthu's Chirippu /laughterA great poem on laughter by a great Tamil poet , which I am sure would make you cry,Please read it and make your life better and increase your life span. Chirippu /laughter By The great king of poets Vairamuthu Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Poet Vairamuthu is called “the great king of poets” in tamil . It is no exaggeration .
Phone as well as you need protectionPhone as well as you need protection Rewritten in english from Tamil by P.R.Ramachander ( I saw this wonderful posting from my friend Ranganathan Sridhar Iyengar. Just like a screen is need to protect the phone, decent dress is needed to protect a pretty girl. ) A very pretty young girl, dressed
A very pretty piece of poem from KurunthogaiA very pretty piece of poem from Kurunthogai Contibuted and translated in Tamil by Banumathy Kannan All the sufferings a lady undergoes while cooking a dish liked by her husband . completely vanishes if he tells a word of praise . This concept is
Lord Sanaischara(Sani) –who he is , when he causes problems , what prayers to chantLord Sanaischara(Sani) –who he is , when he causes problems , what prayers to chant Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Sanaischara (Slow moving one) , popularly known as Sani is also known as Mandha(Slow one) is the slowest moving planet among planets (It takes 30 years to once go round the sun i.e 30 years to go around the rasi chakta) &
Your belongings after deathYour belongings after death Transcreated by P.R.Ramachander (The idea has been taken from a post of Smt Hamsabai Anantha Krishnan and except for a few presentation changes are hers only.My acknowledgements to her.) A rich person of the world suddenly expired, And when he
Ashta Sastha Temple at VeppampattuAshta Sastha Temple at Veppampattu - dream of Guruswami Viswanatha Sarma Compiled by P.R.Ramachander A temple complex dedicated to Sri Ayyapan is on the final stages of completion , on unusual lines in Veppampattu in Tiruvallur district of Tamil nadu (Nearly 40 km from Chennai on Chennai vellore road .
This foul smelling body is mineThis foul smelling body is mine By Saint Pattinathaar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (sage Pattinathaar also called THiruvenkadar was a great Saivite saint. There is a temple dedicated to him in Thiruvothiyur . In this one verse he tells that this body we nurture is a useless one , would become foul smelling and claimed
Manu murai Kanda VasagamManu murai Kanda Vasagam By Ramalinga Adigalar or Vallalar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Ramalinga Adigalar well known as Vallalar was a great Tamil saint who lived in Tamil Nadu from 1823-1874. He was full of divine wisdom. I understand that he was not allowed to enter the Natarajar temple in
Lord VamanaLord Vamana By Injimedu Kalyanam Translated from Tamil by, P.R.Ramachander Egoistically Mahabali asked, That Brahmin boy, “What do you want?” Sukracharya quickly decided. That the boy with lustrous eyes is the pretty Vishnu himself, And he said , “ Oh idiot, send back that boy,” And&
Wife is like Sun, Husband like moon?Wife is like Sun, Husband like moon? Translated from Malayalam by P.R.Ramachander (this cute comparison was given by my face book friend Sunilkumar Surendran in Malayalam.I am sure you may be able to compare ) Dear husband sent a SMS to his wife. All that I need is the wife and the sun, Sun cooks food for the
A bride searching for a groom in modern timesA bride searching for a groom in modern times By P.R.Ramachander (Lot of exaggeration and unrealistic , you may say but we are speedily travelling towards this situation) After lot of technical education , earning great many degrees, An
Perfect bride search -a consultationPerfect bride search -a consultation Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is based on the posting of Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan. My thanks to her The groom is nearing thirty , anxious to get married but not getting suitable bride decides to consult an elder . This is the result.) One very elegible&
Be positive as there are many who are negativeBe positive as there are many who are negative Translated from Hindi By P.R.Ramachander (Again great material quoted in face book) Follow the habit of listening , For there is no dearth of people who taunt Follow the habit of smiling , For there is no dearth of people who make you cry
Who will mend split relations?Who will mend split relations? Translated from Hindi by , P.R.Ramachander (I got these pretty lines from face book) I got angry and you too got angry, Who will make peace between us? Today there is a leak, tomorrow there would be a ditch, And who will fill it up
Never allow relations to get souredNever allow relations to get soured Translated from Hindi by P.R.Ramachander Water made friendship with milk, And completely got mixed with it, And when milk saw the dedication of water. It told, “ Oh friend, You have completely given up, Your form and have &
In search of GodIn search of God Translated from Tamil prose by P.R.Ramachander (This very interesting write up was posted by Balamurugan R Ramalingam in the face book .My acknowledgements to him) One little young boy , wanting to see God, Thinking that God may be far , far away, Took &nbsp
Idli puranam, avatharas and side dishes.Idli puranam, avatharas and side dishes. Compiled by P.R.Ramachander A.Idli puranam Idli the steam cooked fermented batter made by grinding rice and black gram dhal is one of the important breakfast items in the three southern states of THamizh Nadu, Karnataka and And Andhra Pradesh ,In Kerala also
Dirty is when we look through a dirty glassDirty is when we look through a dirty glass Translated from Tamil By P.R.Ramachander (From quotes in Tamil by Sri Narayana Swami Krishna Swami, My face book friend.) A newly married couple went to a new home, The wife told her darling husband , “I cannot tolerate dirt at any time, And would get
Golden real truths from a real honest personGolden real truths from a real honest person Translated from Tamil, By P.R.Ramachander (From quotes in Tamil by Sri Narayana Swami Krishna Swami, My face book friend. Real truths are hard to digest) Valour is acting as if we are not scared, Intelligence is in showing other man as a fool, Happiness
Sage Narada seeks effectiveness of “Om Namashivaya”Sage Narada seeks effectiveness of “Om Namashivaya” Translated from Tamil by P.R.Ramachander (This very meaningful story was told in Tamil by Balasubramyam Nannilam Ranganathan .Om Namashivaya) Sage Narada who usually chanted “Om Namo Narayanaya” With great hesitation went his father , the Lord Brahma
A rich , social man with four wivesA rich , social man with four wives Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander (This is based on material published in Tamil paper “Malai Malar” which was posted in face book by my friend Bhanu Ravi. I was charmed by the philosophy of the poem. That paper must have got it from the web site https://
The great Sastha had played midwifeThe great Sastha had played midwife to a suffering woman here in this temple-Sadaiyudayar Sastha Compiled by P.R.Ramachander THE TEMPLE of Sri Porchadaichi and Sri Sadaiyudaiyar Sastha is situated among paddy fields surrounded by hills on the old Koprathope Road that connects Kalakkadu and Papanasam and Kizha Ambur villages skirting the
My humble salutations to all mothersMy humble salutations to all mothers By P.R.Ramachander In our country what all jobs does a home maker(House wife) do? 1.If there are four people in the house they would want to eat different dishes to each of them ?. Mother cooks and satisfies them all. Is she a cook? 2.How many times mother has washed our mud stained shirt and
Auvayar meets Muruga outside a bankAuvayar meets Muruga outside a bank By P.R.Ramachander (I have taken the idea from a whatsapp post as I liked it.My acknowledgements to the original author.) “Greatly tired you look ,Oh Muruga “ said Auvayar, Replied Muruga , “ Had lots of notes of five hundred, AS well as one thousand , all old notes , and
Dharma Sastha as Linga in this great Sasatha temple of Tamil NaduDharma Sastha as Linga in this great Sasatha temple of Tamil Nadu Peruvembudayar Sastha temple Compiled by P.R.Ramachander ( This is the rarest temple of Dharma Sastha and is very special. People believe that this Sastha and his consorts answer all your prayers.Many of my friends belonging to Thirunelveli district
Teachers-the gods who are always blamedDEDICATED TO ALL TEACHERS WHO READ THIS Teachers-the gods who are always blamed Translated By P.R.Ramachander (This poem in tamil was quoted by Hamsabai Santhanakrishnan. She had dedicated it to all
You are son of your mother and the husband of your wifeYou are son of your mother and the husband of your wife By P.R.Ramachander (A tamil creation , gave wings to my imagination and creativity) To a mother you were the end of all her pain and birth of all joy , And to the wife you are the birth of joy and partner in suffering , The world
ATM daddy is given an AADHAAR (Support) cardATM daddy is given an AADHAAR (Support) card By P.R.Ramachander (Idea got from what I read in Whatsapp) There is upright gentleman called Ramu, Who was owning his own start up, After marriage Ramu was in real heaven, With his wife and soon they got a son, The Son grew upo to a little boy ,
Welcome of MIL to DILWelcome of MIL to DIL Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The idea is not mine but I found it in the face book posting of Vishwanath Das and I liked it. MIL –Mother in law, DIL – Daughter in law , FIL-Father in law and SIL –Sister in law) The new DIL came and settled down, The MIL summoned her and told her. This home is run&
Never this time a poem by Sri Prasoon Joshi after Mumbai attack on 26/11 , eight years backNever this time a poem by Sri Prasoon Joshi after Mumbai attack on 26/11 , eight years back Translated by P.R.Ramachander These are the words written by Prasoon Joshi whose heart was bleeding on seeing the inhuman, mindless , cruel murders that took place in Mumbai on a 26/11 some 8 years back.
Real devotion is doing our duty- three different storiesReal devotion is doing our duty- three different stories Devotion or Bhakthi has been defined in various ways by various savants and sages. Here are three methods to define devotion through stories. The first by a face book friend in Tamil , the second from Upanishads &
Father Advises daughter after marriageFather Advises daughter after marriage By P.R.Ramachander (The entire idea was written by one of my face book friends Sri Halasya Sundaram Iyer My grateful acknowledgements to him ) Darling daughter , I do need to advice you , Though it is normal only for a mother. To advice her daughter while she leaves her, I
What all we can download?What all we can download? By P.R.Ramachander Ramu was a young intelligent boy , Working in one top software firm, He left to office at eight in morning and did not, Return before night eleven o clock. Malini was an equally intelligent girl, Busy
Anger-the curse that makes you lose everythingAnger-the curse that makes you lose everything By P.R.Ramachander (These again are not my original thoughts but thoughts of a great person which I read and copied in Tamil , long back. Unfortunately, I did not note down his name .Being short tempered , these lines attracted and influenced me . I remember that
Pattinathar songs sung before cremating his mother.Pattinathar songs sung before cremating his mother. Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a great poem of sorrow written by a great Shaivite saint called Pattinathar ( Some people believe that he lived 50 years before and some others 1000 years) ,He was a trader by birth and was also referred to as Thiruven Kadar. When he
Yudhishtra and the horseman –Coming of Kali ageYudhishtra and the horseman –Coming of Kali age By P.R.Ramachander (I had not heard about this story but read it from the post of my face book friend Bhanu Ravi. I liked it very much and am putting it in my own words with acknowledgement to Bhanu Ravi) Dwapara age was about
The sweet love brought in my mind by those rustling dry leavesThe sweet love brought in my mind by those rustling dry leaves By Sanu Puthiran Translated from Tamil by P.R.Ramachander (One friend sent this peculiar image and requested Sanu Puthiran , who spends all his day, In writing worshipful poems about the God &nbsp
Theist and atheist –Where is God?Theist and atheist –Where is God? By P.R.Ramachander One person Hari, who was good and devout , Went to worship God in a temple , An atheist standing near the gate , Jeered it him and called him a fool Hari , with folded hands in salute,
The guru teaches the beggar about his great assets.The guru teaches the beggar about his great assets. By P.R.Ramachander (This is based on the write up of my scholarly friend sri Vasudevan Srinivas in face book. I thought expressed this way it would be slightly better) There was a great Guru , who once told, “Be grateful to the God&
The pending case of darkness in the court of GodThe pending case of darkness in the court of God By P.R.Ramachander (This is based on the writing of Acharya Rajaneesh and was brought to my notice by the posting of Sri Mani Iyer. Ofcourse I have injected myself in to it.) The God was one day relaxing in his world, Suddenly his
Who can be Prime Minister in India?Who can be Prime Minister in India? Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.A rich man can become a Prime minister, This was proved by Jawahar Lal 2.A poor man can become a Prime minister, This was proved by Lal Bahadhur Sasthri 3.An elderly man can become a Prime Minister, This was proved by
Stri slimashtakamStri slimashtakam By P.R.Ramachander (This is based on the excellent write up in Tamil by my face book friend Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan. I have modified it in a prayer like poem with nyasa and Phala sruthi) Asya Stri janoragya maha manthrasya , Swami health ananda Rishi, English&
Monkey throws the snake-throw out worriesMonkey throws the snake-throw out worries Based on posting in Tamil Narayanasany Krishnaswamy in facebook BY P.R.Ramachander Once there was a lttle kid monkey, And one day , it caught hold of a poisonous snake, The Snake was hissing with an open mouth, All the big
The paradox of our ageThe paradox of our age By P.R.Ramachander (Based on the short write up by the 14th Dalai Lama . I Am not him , but I am myself and so you cannot expect what I write to be great but certainly simple.) 1.Our forefathers used to live in smaller homes , In small villages , with a very large joint
Ten tips for husband and wife not to quarrelTen tips for husband and wife not to quarrel By P.R.Ramachander (I have used the material posted from the net posted by my friend Balasubramanian Nannilam Ranganathan. I agree even hundreds of such tips cannot help the couple avoid their quarrels, if they do not love each other and
The Mind of a human beingThe Mind of a human being Translated by, P.R.Ramachander (This is a translation of the posting about mind by my face book friend Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan. My deep sense of acknowledgements to her. Her Tamil post is ven below the translation.) The mind of of human being , who knows, How to pardon, does
Real love is same both in east and westReal love is same both in east and west By P.R.Ramachander (I read about the Indian couple in the post of my friend Bhanu Ravi and ofcourse the other is the famous short story of O.Henry. Both illustrate the real meaning of love.) Hari married Sita ,an
A teacher –the salutable cynosure of all eyesA teacher –the salutable cynosure of all eyes By P.R.Ramachander (I got the idea to write about a teacher after reading with tears in eyes a post by Meena Rajan .She is a teacher and struggling to build up a great school in a village . Whenever I see her name in
Cutnocutmania-Can it be cured?Cutnocutmania-Can it be cured? Translated from Malayalam By P.R.Ramachander ' (All wives want to investigate the thought process of their husband-This is done by series of questions.Most of the husbands manage it by saying either no or yes for answer repeatedly .Possibly after some time they would know only two
Old people are “Gods of experience and treasures who love us”Old people are “Gods of experience and treasures who love us” Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Based I on writing posted by Sri Rajagopal Srinivasan .My thanks to him.) 1.Old age is the second infancy and, Only his family members can make it pleasant, The senior citizens are the fruits of experience,
Written by affectionate father to his darling sonWritten by affectionate father to his darling son Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I saw the original in Tamil in a whatsapp post . I do not know who wrote it.) Oh son , the old age home where you Have admitted me is indeed convenient, When you left me there and went way , I remembered the olden days &nbsp
ElectionElection Translated by P.R.Ramachander There was a father who had a daughter , Mischievous and one year old , He wanted to find her future , And so he kept before her, Three things money, pen and a doll. If she chooses money, then she will be rich, If she chooses the pen, she would be a writer, And if
The book on daughtersThe book on daughters &
The four candles and life –my versionThe four candles and life –my version Re written by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a very famous story in my own words. See it as a video with entirely different commentary- ) There were four candles burning in a house, Storm called “misfortune “ was blowing in to that
Fifth standard A section- A tamil poemHere s a great poem by Na.Muthukumar posted by Vasantha Krishnaswamy , Read it and you would ask yourself , Dreams are meaning less . I have posted the Tamil original below my translation Fifth standard A section By Naa Muthu kumar Translated by P.R.Ramachander The roja poo teacher who
Dedicated with tears to our strict , morose but loving fatherDedicated with tears to our strict , morose but loving father By P.R.Ramachander (Based on write up in Malayalam received via Whatsapp.Whosoever is its Brahma , Thanks ) He is the head of the household , He is the one who takes care of it , all his life. He is short tempered ,
Anger causes never healing woundsAnger causes never healing wounds By P.R.Ramachander There was a young man, Who used to get angry, Without any reason, And extremely quite often. His father gave him a hammer , And a bag full of nails , And told him , whenever you get angry, Drive one nail in behind wall of our
Eerie silence in home of two oldies on Deepavali dayEerie silence in home of two oldies on Deepavali day ( Read also comments of my daughter given at the end) By P.R.Ramachander The festival of lights has come, The festival of crackers and sparklers has come, The festival of shining new cloths has come, But in a dark corner in the eerie silence , Sit a very old man and his companion
An old widower talks to a young husbandAn old widower talks to a young husband Translated By P.R.Ramachander (Again another emotional masterpiece in Tamil from a face book friend Unfortunately I did note the authors name.My acknowledgements to that Anon.) 1.Outside a department store, A husband and wife had a tiff, He sent&
Hawker of Greens and old lady selling Idli -a poemHawker of Greens and old lady selling Idli By P.R.Ramachander ( I had heard of this old story earlier but yesterday it was posted by my friend Bhanu Ravi. My acknowledgement to him and if only this lesson is learnt by our business people…) 1.Once a very tired hawker of greens, Wandered all &
The festival to herald prosperity and healthy life- Dhana Throyadasi or Dhantheras or Dhanvanthari Jayanthi (27-10-2016)The festival to herald prosperity and healthy life- Dhana Throyadasi or Dhantheras or Dhanvanthari Jayanthi (27-10-2016) By P.R.Ramachander Tomorrow is the festival of Dhantheras ..It is also called Dhana Throyadasi and Dhanvanthari Tryodasi(Jayanthi) .People make it a point to buy gold or silver or vessels on
Man O’ man” , written by his wife“Man O’ man” , written by his wife Transcreated by P.R.Ramachander (Acknowlwdgements to my face book friend Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan. My grateful thanks. I have Added some material to that tamil write up) Dedicated to all men who try
Father in law to the new son in law- A humble requestFather in law to the new son in law- A humble request Transcreated By P.R.Ramachander (Parting with the daughter after marriage is a time of great worry to the father because she was his everything and he would be worried about her future life with an unknown person. A tamil
Mind of Human being – a quick surveyMind of Human being – a quick survey These very great thoughts about mind were written in Tamil and posted By Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan .My grateful thanks to this great thinker Translated and put in verse , By P.R.Ramachander. 1.The mind of human being , Who knows how to pardon,
The Rabbit –tortoise running race story retold as poemThe Rabbit –tortoise running race story retold as poem By P.R.Ramachander (This is 100 % based on the tamil write up of my friend Devanathan Srinivasarangan. Acknowledgements and thanks to him.) Rabbit boasted “ I am faster.” Tortoise challenged the rabbit Due to pride Rabbit slept
Things that Goddess Lakshmi (The Goddess of Prosperity-not having any wants ) does not likeThings that Goddess Lakshmi (The Goddess of Prosperity-not having any wants ) does not like Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I read these in Tamil from the posting of my friend Bhanu Ravi .I felt that I do not pass these tests .An ideal person should do. But remember one
Pranams to the anonymous Policeman of Aluva( Alwaye )Pranams to the anonymous Policeman of Alwaye On 13th morning I left Bangalore and reached Aluva (Alwaye) at around 4.15 PM . The BJP had called a state wide Harthal from 6 am to 6 PM on that day . We had to visit a 96 year old grand father of my daughter in
Need for happiness –Quo vadis ?Need for happiness –Quo vadis ? By P.R.Ramachander “I need happiness “said a rich lady, Who was dressed nattily and , Was living in great luxury , To her psychiatry counselor . That Counselor called the maid , Who was cleaning his office , And told the very rich lady , I would ask her &nbsp
Miserable saga of man’s life ?- Sweet up to sixteen and sorrow afterwardsMiserable saga of man’s life ?- Sweet up to sixteen and sorrow afterwards By P.R.Ramachander (This again is based on a great write up in Tamil my face book friend Hamsabai Santhaana Krishnan.I do not agree with it entirely
Old is not always gold -says the younger generationOld is not always gold -says the younger generation By P.R.Ramachander 1.Some grandpas both from cities and small villages, Had their usual meeting on the benches of a city park. They then started talking about the greatness , Of
A lullaby to the mother sung by a sonA lullaby to the mother sung by a son By P.R.Ramachander (Times have changed. There seems to be no need to sing a Lullaby(Thalattu ) for babies any more . The baby likes TV music better and also the mother of babies do not have time for this non sense.But the elders in the house&
The orders of God is to continue my workThe orders of God is to continue my work By P.R.Ramachander In the year 2000 (I was 60) I started doing translation of stotras in to English.Within a period of 18 months , I completed translation of 41 stotras, which included two Sahasra Namas . Slowly and surely I went on translating
Woman –the greatest gift got by man from GodWoman –the greatest gift got by man from God Rewritten with minimum changes from a Facebook post of Meena Krishnan entitled “Woman”- If you like it the credit goes to Smt.Meena Krishnan P.R.Ramachander She changes her name for you, She uproots in to your home to be with you She&
Is it just Oh Lord Shankara??Is it just Oh Lord Shankara?? By Mannargudi Sitraman Srinivasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I consider myself as a very ordinary person who is in love with God . I 100% believe that what all has been done by me is done by God not me. I consider that God is the computer operator and I am his key board. So when I
A dark girl Questions a dark God – What made you do it?A dark girl Questions a dark God – What made you do it? By P.R.Ramachander I Just saw a posting in face book of my friend Sri Parthasarathy Krishnan writing a commentary on the great song of Poet Kannadasan titled “Karumai nira kanna..” IN that song a Girl who has been created as black questions Lord
The travel of a sparrow( a human being ) to its/his land of dreams-a poemThe travel of a sparrow( a human being ) to its/his land of dreams-a poem By P.R.Ramachander ( We as human beings are nowadays prepared to loose everything including our happiness and culture to reach our land of dreams .Some of us reach there and lead a life of sorrow and others like the sparrow fall on the way . I got the idea
Cure for Husbadaitis Virus disease caused by “Shopamania ladylarum”Cure for Husbadaitis Virus disease caused by “Shopamania ladylarum” ( The first curse and its cure) By P.R.Ramachander (I rarely write anything like this but an announcement of husband care centres when wife is shopping made me write it. It is all purely fun as I know several males
The marriage day eve for a bride and the transplantation shockThe marriage day eve for a bride and the transplantation shock By P.R.Ramachander I saw this great write up in Tamil regarding the last day of a bride in her home by I S Anand , my facebook friend. I was moved to tears and remembered how my sister, my wife and my daughter would have gone
Go to Kathalaya, Bangalore to hear stories and to learn how to tell stories.Go to Kathalaya, Bangalore to hear stories and to learn how to tell stories. By P.R.Ramachander All of you must be knowing how simple is to teach children by telling them stories.Once upon a time it was a job of Grandpa and Grandma to tell stories , because they did not have any job to do .Much much
THe first talk of Daughter in law to mother in law in 2060 IndiaFuture Indian daughter in law of 2060 would perhaps talk to her mother in law like this –God save us? Composed by P.R.Ramachander This frank talk of the daughter in law to her mother illustrated here would not take place for another 30-40 years ,By that time the present day daughter in laws&
Son replies to his mother who advised him after marriageSon replies to his mother who advised him after marriage By P.R.Ramachander (Many of you might have read , how a wise mother advised her son about how to treat his wife. Here is his reply ) Mother mine the wishes and advices , That you gave me on this day , When I am taking the new steps , To
The animal in man is unfortunately blindThe animal in man is unfortunately blind A poem dedicated to my tearful sisters and mothers, By P.R.Ramachander (I saw the material for writing this posted by sri Anantha Narayanan and I have rewritten it in my own style ) Whether a girl wears a Sari, Whether she wears a Chudidhar. Or even
Daughter Divine - poem dedicated to my daughterDaughter Divine A poem dedicated to our daughter By P.R.Ramachander Times have past in a frenzy , daughter divine , Since the day when I lifted you as a helpless baby, To stare at you with pride without bounds , Wanting to shout , “Oh , how blessed I am , To have a daughter &
A loving Mother’s tips to her son after marriageA loving Mother’s tips to her son after marriage By P.R.Ramachander (I got the idea of writing this in the form of a poem after reading a Tamil Write up about the advice that every mother should give it to her just married son by Jayaprakash Padma Siva Sankaran which was shared by my friend Suresh
Yours , mine and ours - Practical philosophy in a nutshellYours , mine and ours - Practical philosophy in a nutshell From Face book page of Mannargudi Sitaraman Srinivasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander I told yours is not mine- peace came I told mine is not yours- Enmity came, I told mine is mine only- Aloofness came, I told mine is yours- affection came, I told &
Matching horoscopes for MatrimonyMatching horoscopes for Matrimony By P.R.Ramachander Though this subject is not described either in Ramayana , Mahabharatha or Bhagawatha , the system of matching horoscopes of the bride and groom plays an important role in arranged marriages in India. With the steep
Please do not waste even a single grain-It is a crime against humanityPlease do not waste even a single grain-It is a crime against humanity From the posting of Ravikumar P in the face book:- Translated by P.R.Ramachander The grain of cooked rice in your plate, Saved itself from rats when it was growing, Escaped when the grain awns&
Maha Periyava in Puthucode Annapurneswari templeIn Kerala the Acharyas of Kanchi Kama koti peetam were in the earlier days known as ”kumbakonathu Samiyar” .In the year 1907 the great Savant whom we call with reverence as Maha Periyava ascended the throne of the Kanchi Kama Koti peetam as its 68th Peetadhipadhi under the titular name of Chandrashekara Saraswathi at the age of 13. At the age of 21 SWamigal took over the administaration of the
The tears of our Golden mother- a poemThe tears of our Golden mother Written with tears by P.R.Ramachander To the parched southern tip of our motherland, Sage Agasthya brought in pitcher his wife Lopa Mudhra. The great God Ganesa who presides over all our welfare , Took a form of a crow and toppled that
A poetic homage to the Messiah of sweet songsA poetic homage to the Messiah of sweet songs On her birth centaury By P.R.Ramachander Oh Mistress of Singing , Oh Miraculous Singer, Millions are your Slaves, Mind
Quo Vadis ?- Let us think a little about it ?- A treasure , please read itQuo Vadis ?- Let us think a little about it ?- A treasure , please read it Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is great diamond of an essay about where we as Indians are going? It is felt that we are ignoring the knowledge we collected by experience
Home without a Grandma-A tamil poemHome without a Grandma-A tamil poem Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I got this great poem from the post of Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan as a poem which she liked . Who does notr remember their Grandma .I also did with a slightly wet eye) The alarm bell that wakes us in the morn, Is the sound of Grandma pounding betelnut Whenever&
UpanishadUpanishad By P.R.Ramachander The term "Upanishad" literally means the inner or mystic teaching. It is derived from upa (near), ni (down) and s(h)ad (to sit), i.e., sitting down near, which refers to groups of pupils sitting near their teacher to learn from him the secret doctrine. In the serenity of forest hermitages, the Upanishad thinkers pondered on the problems of
Our city of baked beansOur city of baked beans By P.R.Ramachander The Red Gowda went for hunting , In a forest near his capital Magadhi, In the intense hunting of wild animals, The king Gowda lost his way, And got separated from his army. Suddenly it became
Mahaperiyvaa on Iyer marriagesMahaperiyvaa on Iyer marriages Summarised and Translated by P.R.Ramachander Maha Periyvaa had listed a small number of conditions which needed to be followed if the marriages need to be blessed by him. Here is a summary of what he wrote in English :- Maha Periyava
Is it truly you, my own loving mother - A poem in TamilIs it truly you, my own loving mother - A poem in Tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander (It is with eye filled with tears that I translated this great poem posted by Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan in face book in Tamil .The poem as given by her is given below the translation. I felt like
The rare truths of feminineness -A tamil poemThe rare truths of feminineness -A tamil poem Translated by P.R,Ramachander (Feminineness is a a puzzle , which no one can properly understand . Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan in her facebook post makes an effort to unravel the mystery and at the end admits failure .The
Quotations from Nenjukku nimmathi (Peace to the mind)Quotations from Nenjukku nimmathi (Peace to the mind) By Kannadasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Kannadasan was one of the greatest poet produced by Tamil Nadu .He has also written few religious and philosophical books . These quotations , which are always relevant are from
Bhala kisi kaa kar na sakaa tho (If You are not able to do good to anybody )Bhala kisi kaa kar na sakaa tho (If You are not able to do good to anybody ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear this great song 1,BHala kisi kaa kar na sakaa tho, Buraa kisi ka math karnaa 1,If You are not able to do good to anybody, Then do not do bad to any body 2.Pushp
Annam Brahma (Food is God) –Avoid wasting itAnnam Brahma (Food is God) –Avoid wasting it By P.R.Ramachander My friend Dr Rajagopal Velamoor who is a retired Director of an agricultural research Institute has dedicated his life for avoiding wastage of food and has started a society called “Society for
He answers HerAnswer by P.R.Ramachander for a post of Her , which is given below this posting:- HIM Love your Handsome Husbands *Do not say no to all proposals that husband makes –It hurts him *Do not share your love with another man-It is also called
Food is precious , give it but not throw it outFood is precious , give it but not throw it out Composed by P.R.Ramachander (I have borrowed some words and idea from a tamil poem on hunger given in Please do not waste food, do not make it dirty and throw it out .Ask
Modern Lullaby in Tamil by a modern motherModern Lullaby By The great Poet Vairamuthu Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Poet Vaira Muthu imagines the fate of a baby, whose parents are going to work. Possibly this is the suitable Lullaby to make the baby to sleep. The tamil lyrics (taken from
You and me -A tamil Song by Poet VairamuthuYou and me By , The great king of poets Vaira Muthu Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This great song was penned by the poet for a fim “Nilava vaa” and you can hear it sung by Hariharan and Chithra
Mathru Shodasi- The slokas used to offer 16 PIndams to mother in GayaMathru Shodasi- The slokas used to offer 16 PIndams to mother in Gaya Translated by P.R.Ramachander All Hindus believe that by offering Pindas(balls made of food) to the departed souls , they get comfort and later solace . Gaya in Bihar is considered extremely special for offering PIndas to the ancestors. A person without both parents offers 64 pindas
Witness a silver river by the lamp of the guest (Sakshi , Sindhu, Deepa and Adithi )Witness a silver river by the lamp of the guest(Sakshi , Sindhu, Deepa and Adithi ) A humble tributebyP.R.Ramachander Sakshi produced a witness,That even girls knew wrestling,Sindhu flowed like a river ,In the field of Badminton,Deepa held in her hand the lamp,That showed that we are potential gymnasts,And Adithi who went as a guest to a great country,Returned back proving that we are
Offering to our dear dead mother – Description of the sufferings of motherhoodOffering to our dear dead mother – Description of the sufferings of motherhood ByP.R.Ramachander All Hindus believe that by offering Pindas(balls made of food) to the departed souls , they get comfort and later solace . Gaya in Bihar is considered extremely special for offering PIndas to the ancestors. A person without both parents offers 64 pindas , out of them 16 are specially
Several negative things that merit our heart felt thanksSeveral negative things that merit our heart felt thanks &
Prayer poems of Him and Her to their dear God ,Not to take them firstPrayer poems of Him and Her to their dear God Not to take them first By P.R.Ramachander ( All the married couples in the world , know that One of them would die first .
A distant relationOne of Poet Vaira Muthu’s great works . Tears fell like rivers from my eyes, when I translated it . A distant relation By Poet Vairamuthu Translated by P.R.Ramachander To see his father’s body kept on the funeral pyre before it is burnt came Sivaraman flying. The father who gave him life was a soul
Wait, wait patiently,Wait, wait patiently, Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I saw the original from the posting of Sri Madhavan Yegnanarayanan, which I have reproduced after my translation.The introduction is mine.) AS a child I had heard a story pointing out the need for waiting .”When a father was about to die he called his sons and
Krishna’s divine wordsKrishna’s divine words Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I took these tamil lines from the post of some one.Now I do not remember from whom. My acknowledgements for that ANON) That which has to be given- yourself He who has to be believed –Guru That which has to be surrendered- Mind That which has to be appreciated-Good company
Arid Land-a poem by an old manArid Land P.R.Ramachander My mind was a lush green field. Waving and chirping to the world,“I am happy and happy,Because of my kids,Who are the nectar and ambrosia,For all my time to come.” But one day, the little birds flew,Out of the nest of my house,For destinations unknown. My mind became an arid land,With hot air blowing from all sides.It used to pray to God
Day of the Housewife or home maker ?Day of the Housewife or home maker ? By Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I was greatly attracted by the very heart touching write up on travails of a home maker during the day by my face book friend Hamsabai Santhanakrishnan. I have translated it by adding some
Mother’s lies - a poem in tamil by Jnana koothanMother’s lies By Jnana Koothan English translation attempt By P.R.Ramachander ( Thiruppur Krishnan is a celebrated Tamil writer who is the editor of one of most literary Tamil Magazine “Amudha Surabhi”. Jnana koothan , the poet is his friend whom he adores and admires and he has given this poem of his to
Desirable food habits in the form of Tamil ProverbsDesirable food habits in the form of Tamil Proverbs Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Author is unknown to me) 1.Without Jeera(cumin) , food would not be good 2.To heal our wound onion alone is enough or to look after our body onion is enough 3,Banana would make us live 4.Taking food with speed is dangerous 5.For ulcer of the stomach lime juice 6.For blood
The good that will come to us if we say “Muruga(Tamil name of Lord Subrahmanya)”The good that will come to us if we say “Muruga(Tamil name of Lord Subrahmanya)” Translated by P.R.Ramachander After saluting Lord Muruga, the lord of wisdom and his great first Disciple Agasthya, and wise people like Nandheesa, Thirumula, Karuvur Deva, and wanting to share the divine joy that I got , this is being
Living a fulfilled lifeLiving a fulfilled life. A great write up in Tamil by my friend Rajagopal Srinivasan , which has been translated by me. I feel guilty because my friend can make a much better translation. பூமி சுழல்வதும் நமக்கே தான்......!!! The earth is rotating only for our sake கடலும் வானமும்
In search of that LordIn search of that Lord Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I saw this posting in the face book my friend Sri Rajagopal Srinivasan.Even after translating it , I have not understood it.Possibly I would not understand it fully,) What had not been looked , What is being looked in to now,
Sufferings we undergo when our end is near (Tamil)Sufferings we undergo when our end is near (Tamil) By Mukkur Lakshmi Narasimhacharyar Translation by P.R.Ramachander Like a buffalo we work for others , undergo many problems and suffer.Because of this when we near our end , we are not able to get up. The sastras tells us about&
Things that would burn you without fireGem like saying in Sanskrit Quoted from essay by my face book friend Vasudevan Srinivas Compiled By P.R.Ramachander कुग्रमवासः कुजनस्य सेवा कुभोजनं क्रोधमुखिच पत्नी मूर्खाश्च पुत्रः विधवा च कन्या दहन्ति चैतानि जनं विनाग्निम् Life in a very small village , service under evil people, bad meals, wife with an angry face, Foolish son&nbsp
Teaching of Gita in examination hallTeaching of Gita in examination hall Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The image in Tamil is from face book page of my friend Shivam Perumkulam who has quoted Sridhar iyer ) Do not blink if you do not know the answer, What have you learnt , for writing? What will you write , so that teacher would read it? The man who set the paper ,
Ulaga neethi by ULaga nathan -TamilUlaga neethi (Just worldly behavior/ Universal laws of conduct) By Ulaga Nathan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I just came to know about this book. I found the text of the book in web.Here is my attempted translation.) Praising God உலக நீதி புராணத்தை உரைக்கவே கலைகளாய் வரும் கரிமுகன் காப்பு The God Ganesa who has the form
Wife till death -a poemWife till death Translated by, P.R.Ramachander ( I found this great poem in the posting of my face book friend Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan. It moved me a lot. True the wife described here is slowly becoming an endangered species even in India of ours.But still many of that species exist still. WE have to do something
A poem on Periyvaa written by poet Vali on the day of his remembranceA poem on Periyvaa written by poet Vali on the day of his remembrance (This was posted by a great devotee of Periyvaa A .Sumathi , who happens to be my face book friend) Translated by P.R.Ramachander One thousand two hundred years back, Aryamba gave birth to a pretty baby, And the baby she gave birth&
Hapless Sita in Asoka forest by poet VAliHapless Sita in Asoka forest By Poet Vali Translated by P.R.Ramachander The great poet Vali has written the entire story of Ramayana in free verse under the heading “The great male incarnation.Here is a sample of what he wrote about the scene of Mother Sita in Asoka forest, when she is met by Hanuman. Today is the late poets birthday.I am
The sparrow which could not fly.The sparrow which could not fly. By P.R.Ramachander (The idea of this poem was got by me from a facebook post of Sri Rajagopal Srinivasan , who has quoted the tamil article on it from somewhere. My grateful thanks to Him.) 1.Once there was a sparrow with a peculiar hobby, Like all those &
Thunjan’s parrot sings in English to the Marunadan MalayaliThunjan’s parrot sings in English to the Marunadan Malayali I once again remind all Marunadan Malayalis who want to read Adhyathma Ramayanam during Karkidagam but do not know Malatalam script that The entire Adhyathma Ramayanam typed in English with verse by verse translation is available in my
Another mile stone in my family lifeAnother mile stone in family life By P.R.Ramachander This day (13-7-1970) , forty six years back , we got married to each other. Everyday I wonder what great Punya was done by me to have her as my life . My kids who were 22 and 20 in 1993 presented us three pictures, indicating
Written by a wife about menWritten by a wife about men Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I have taken the Tamil original from post of Smt.Meena Rajan. .My acknowledgements and thanks. Image taken from ) A man is 1.A great creation of God 2.He is the one who sacrifices sweets for the sake of his susters 3.
New form of happy birthday wishNew form of happy birthday wish <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Translated from Sanskrit <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> By <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> P.R.Ramachander <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> I Found a pretty birthday in Sanskrit in the facebook with terse meanings. I have translated in to English in
Three gems of well needed adviceThree gems of well needed advice Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Do not buy a smart phone but get praised as a smart person 2.Do not use face book even by mistake.The face of the person in front of you is the real face book 3.Most important secret.Do not waste your time by joining whatsapp group.If you spend the time with wife and children
My own declarationMy own declaration Many of my friends have recently made a declaration about several aspects . I too would like to make my own declaration. For the past 16 years all my contribution is aimed
Mother-a topical Tamil poemMother By Ka. Ganesh kumar (;c=1&amp;title=amma-ab ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Very topical poem. Knowing well that the bird mentioned in Tamil is Eagle m I have translated it as vulture, because I thought , it is more appropriate .Would Sri Ganesh Kumar Pardon me. ) Even when I kicked
Father (A hindi poem)Father (A hindi poem) Translated by P.R.Ramachander When the respectability of my home is my mother, its existence lies with my father, When flowing tears are with mother, self control is there before father, Mother cooks food for both times, all our life, But we tend to ordinarily forget the father who makes arrangements for food,
Mother – a few verses in Tamil.Mother – a few verses in Tamil. Translated from Tamil By P.R.Ramachander ( Can a mother or her love be ever described. The great Sankara has told , “There could be a bad son but never a bad mother.Moving verses taken from 1.Oh mother , I have become your slave, Where is
Indianised English Rhymes for Indian childrenIndianised English Rhymes for Indian children By P.R.Ramachander I always felt that the english rhymes meeted out to our kids would not strike a chord with them. They contained foreign names, foreign action and were about situations unknown to our kids. I made a fun attempt to Indianise a few popular rhymes. They are not meant to take the charm away from
The modern world of absorbing gadgetsThe modern world of absorbing gadgets Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is translation of a very meaningful post by my facebook friend Rajagopal Srinivasan about our being busy with gadgets, which makes us move away from those who love us.) I am not able to see faces, Of those who cross me to the front , I was not
Poems on father in TamilPoems on father in Tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I got these pretty collection of verses from They charmed me .I wanted you all to enjoy them . I do not know who wrote it.) 1.Though my achievements , Were appreciated by many, The only
Our father even now saves moneyOur father even now saves money (पिताजी आज भी पैसे बचाते है ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I saw this gem of poem about the father who saves money , posted by my face book friend N Ramdas Iyer. The author ultimately concludes that all the saving of money which the father does is for the sake of his
Pranayama a yogic Exercise during SAndhya Vandhana- Post on International Yoga dayPranayama a yogic Exercise during SAndhya Vandhana- Post on International Yoga day Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Hope all of you are aware of the Joke ”Vadhyar told the NRI Iyer. Mooka pidiyungo(Catch the nose) . That NRI immediately caught hold of the nose of the Vadhyar. This catching of the
Kathril Kalantha Geetham - Poem about MSKathril Kalantha Geetham The song that Got merged in the wind By Sri .N.Ranga nAyaki, Coimbatore (From Mangayar malar, june 16-30) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.SAdahshivam karam pathiya sadanai arasi, Mahaankal aasi petha Maharasi , Illatharasiyai matchimai pethai, Isai arasiyai
Homage to my father on this father’s dayHomage to my father on this father’s day P.R.Ramachander - who is an old thatha himself. Oh my father , this son whom you have made , With eyes blinded with flowing tears, With hands together saluting you , With voice tottering due to emotion . Wants to
Father’s day all the way -Happy father’s day 2016Father’s day all the way -Happy father’s day 2016 By P.R.Ramachander Father is the pillar on which children stand tall to climb up in this life and become great . The higher and higher they climb , they seem to forget that the pillar called father is
Ask God to live with you , you will get everythingAsk God to live with you , you will get everything Translated by P.R. Ramachander (This was written in Tamil by my face book friend sri Sridhar Ramasami .I have summarized what he has written and translated what he has written.My deep sense of acknowledgements to him.) One king used to always send his ministers&
Whatsapp GitaWhatsapp Gita Translated from Tamil by P.R.Ramachander (Possibly some one send it in English and some one translated it in to tamil and called it Whatsapp upanishad and I am translating it back to English and calling it as Whatsapp Gita .According to its lofty principles, this seems to be Ok ) 1.What has come to you , has&
Gita of the work place (office Gita)Gita of the work place (office Gita) By Sri Rajagopal Srinivasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a result of very different thought process You came only alone to this office , You would also go back alone from this office. There is nothing earmarked for you here in this office, Do
Female is needed but female baby is not needed-Female is needed but female baby is not needed- ----- A contradiction in the Indian psyche Translated from a someone’s face book posting By P.R.Ramachander You need a female to love , You need a female to hug tightly, You need a female to get married, You need a female to cook
Drowned in the Whats-app well , where is my real world?Drowned in the Whatsapp well , where is my real world? Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This tamil poem posted by Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan made me think deeply .Are we going away from the world which we love and which loves us , getting drowned in the Whatsapp well ? The tamil text is given after my translation. The credit&
Five is big and six is small ( Whether five sensed animals are better than Six sensed human being )-Vaira MuthuFive is big and six is small ( Whether five sensed animals are better than Six sensed human being ) By Poet Vaira Muthu Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Poet Vairamuthu is one of the greatest among the present day Tamil poets , Here by five , he indicates animals with five senses and by six, he indicates&nbsp
How to live in abundance foreverHow to live in abundance forever By Thiru –gnana-Sambandar Mweaning and comments Elango Kadhirvel Tamil Poet Saint of the 7th Century, Thiru-Gnana-Sambandhar suggests a very simple and effective way to be freed of karma (which is THE CAUSE of disease and suffering) and to live in abundance/bliss ever - &nbsp
My little baby-Tamil poemMy little baby Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( This is a translation of pretty poem in Tamil on a crying baby by my facebook friend Sri Rajagopal Srinivasan. The photo credit is also his. His tamil text follows this translation) Several several things , You are able to achieve. By one&
Shri ManikanTeshwara Swami Temple - Thirumalpur++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Shri ManikanTeshwara Swami Temple - Thirumalpur By Elango Kadhirvel Location * Thirumalpur Shri ManikanTeshwara Swami Temple is near Kanchipuram in Nemili Taluk, Vellore District of Tamil Nadu * This temple is about 85 kilometres from Chennai Presiding
Agraharam-Quo vadis ? - A tamil poemAgraharam-Quo vadis ? Transcreated by P.R.Ramachander (Agraharam , the foremost garland of homes, Were the places where Brahmins lived together to worship and pray to the good of the world .Most of the agraharams had very pretty temples , whose upkeep was done by the kings. With those
MS Amma –Oru ninaivu Anjali (Tamil)MS Amma –Oru ninaivu Anjali Madam MS – salutation memoirs By Ms Padma Priya Rajagopal Velamoor Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Ms Amma Un pattu vinodham, Cheviyil vizhum un kural then Amudham, Katkkum ullathirkku Paramanandam , Unnai ninaithaal ullathil thondrum perumidham, OH Ms Amma your songs are wonderful
Bhujangams-Dandakams -Gadhyams translated in to EnglishBhujangams-Dandakams -Gadhyams translated in to English BY P.R.Ramachander All of us are familiar with normal prayers in Sanskrit called Sahasranamams(1000 names) Trishathi (300 names) Ashtotharam (108 names) , ashtakam (eight verses) , sapthakam (seven verses) , Shatkam( Six verses) ,
Chalisas and Aarthis –Hindi prayersChalisas and Aarthis –Hindi prayers By P.R.Ramachander Prayers in Hindi ( mostly in the local dialects ) are much more popular than prayers in Sanskrit in the entire Hindi speaking India. Possibly this revolution started with the huge popularity achieved by Sant
Prayers to wake up God and telling him “Good Morning”Prayers to wake up God and telling him “Good Morning” By P.R.Ramachander Suprabathams are prayers to the God/Goddess requesting him to wake up. The most ancient of a call for wake up of another person occurs in Valmiki Ramayana. King Dasaratha with lot of reluctance
The list of works of Adhi SAnkara Translated by me in to English (Alphabetical order)The list of works of Adhi SAnkara Translated by me in to English (Alphabetical order) By P.R.Ramachander Adhi Sankara is supposed to have lived only for 32 years . In this short period , he is supposed to have written 114
My first job- some memoirsMy first job- some memoirs By P.R.Ramachander It was way back in 1963,I had completed eight years of college education .By that time whatever little savings were there was exhausted .We were literally fighting a battle of life .It was at this time (I had just completed 23 years
Some things which I liked in what I readSome things which I liked in what I read Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I read this in the post of one of my friends in the face book .I thought it is great and am translating it in to English so that people who are not able to read Tamil can enjoy it. 1,We
These also can be your Guru-A tamil poemThese also can be your Guru-A tamil poem All these can be your teacher too. Transcreation by P.R.Ramachander A tree can be your guru as it teaches you , The laws of nature extremely well, Its green leaves turn yellow by aging Its very old leaves fall down by
Vaikasi VIshakam -Birthday of ShanmukhaVaikasi Visakam (21 May 2016) is observed as the Birthday of Lord Sri Subramanya Swami BY Elango Kadhirvel B · Legend o There were three asura (demon) brothers - Soorapadman, Singamukhan and Tarakan and they attained great powers through deep penance o They were disturbing the
Exhortation to little children , now and thenExhortation to little children , now and then Very little child and very old educated Indian grandpa are slaves to modern gadgets. I am giving a poem of modern times first , followed by Mahakavi Bharathi’s exhortation to children to run and play . I am sure you will enjoy it . 1. New Tab
Waste cloth shopping bags -an art by Mrs Jayalakshmi RamachanderWaste cloth shopping bags By P.R.Ramachander Possibly many of you know that plastic carry bags are completely banned in Bangalore .To make our shopping easy my wife Mrs.Jayalakshmi has started stitching bags using Blouse pieces which she is not using and other waste cloth.She once gave it as a present to all her friends and they are all using it .Here is how they look like
Praise the Vada PavPraise the Vada Pav For a change I found a stotra in Sanskrit extolling the virtues of Vada Pav .Enjoy it वडापाव स्तोत्रम Prayer to Vada Pav (Vada pav (Marathi : वडा पाव), sometimes spelled wada pav or vada paav or vada pao, is a vegetarian fast food dish native to the Indian state of
Sing or hear these songs to get over problems caused by planetsSing or hear these songs to get over problems caused by planets Songs to give relief when planets are troubling you Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Sri Muthuswamy Deeksithar , one of the musical trinities of South India (1775-1835) was also a great
Akshaya tritheeyaAkshaya tritheeya By Elango Kadhirvel There are many legends around Akshaya Trithiya (09 May 2016), one of it being associated with Lord Kubera's Appointment/Anointment * Lord Kubera, the Banker in Heaven, received His wealth on this day by worshipping Lord Shiva at Shivapuram * On this day Lord Shiva blessed Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth, with all the riches * Lord Shiva
Idli Puthirarkal (The idli sons )Idli Puthirarkal (The idli sons ) By Na.Muthukumar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This again was taken from the face book pages of my friend Rajagopal SRinivasan. Idlis are soft . Idliis are warm They are like zeores and Zerous, And cooked in round holes. They were initially solids , Became fluids on
Criticism for whatever they do-Is this independence for girls ?Criticism for whatever they do-Is this independence for girls ? Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A poem which clearly brings out the distressing state of affairs for girls in our society? Tamil original given by Rajagopal Srinivasan in face book.) I went to the college , Chatted freely
One drop of tear remembering our mothers on Mother’s dayOne drop of tear remembering our mothers on Mother’s day <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> To me greeting others or even our own mother with Happy mother’s day is a meaningless exercise.I feel on that day we have to remember the Goddess who bore us all, whom we call as mother and shed a tear of helplessness to compensate her in any way , because whatever we do would be
அம்மா என்றழைக்காத உயிரில்லையே /There is no soul which has not called “Oh Mother”அம்மா என்றழைக்காத உயிரில்லையே There is no soul which has not called “Oh Mother” By Poet Vali Translated by P.R.Ramachander அம்மா என்றழைக்காத உயிரில்லையே அம்மாவை வணங்காது உயர்வில்லையே நேரில் நின்று பேசும் தெய்வம் பெற்ற தாயன்றி வேறொன்று ஏது ammaa enrazhaikkaadha uyirillaiyae ammaavai vanangaadhu uyarvillaiyae naeril ninru paesum dheyvam petra
Long live this funny zooLong live this funny zoo ByP.R.Ramachander The zoo was pretty and had many cages,In some cages there were two animals,In some cages, one animal tearfully roamed,There were cages were several of them were packed.All these animals had very white hairs,They had sunken chins and not so soft skins,The eyes of most of them were moist always,Their eyes were also staring at a far off point,
A little , little bright star was born- sixteen years backA little , little bright star was born- sixteen years back By Raja Thatha I retired in January 2000. And was eking out a boring existence , when one day , like a bolt from a blue , a phone call came from our dear daughter and our dear Son-in-law .WE were informed that soon
Wail of a human being-A Tamil poemWail of a human being Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I saw this wonderful verse in the face book page posted by Sri Kumar. Ramanathan My heartfelt gratefulness to him. The Tamil original is given at the end .) We feed the crow , It would mean we are feeding our ancestors, And the same crow if it flies over our head,
Bhagavad Gita answers our questions ?Bhagavad Gita answers our questions ? Compiled from translation of Gita by P.R.Ramachander Based on the answers given by Swami Udit Chaithanya Swami Udit Chaithanya is a great Scholar belonging to Kerala. He is very well known for his lectures on Bhagwad Gita , Bhagawatham, Narayaneeyam etc.He
There is no relation between age and wisdom (Tamil)There is no relation between age and wisdom By Thenkachi swaminathan Translated by P.R.Ramachander Father used to often regularly chide his son , You should obey what all I say. The twenty year old son one day , Asked back his father, Why should I obey you, Don’t I have my own wisdom?” For that the
The other side of my loss. (Tamil)The other side of my loss. Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A remarkable poem making us realize that loss could be really a gain. I got it from the posting of Narayanaswamy Krishnaswami in face book. My thanks to him. The tamil text is at the end ) I asked God “Oh God return me all that I have lost” God asked me , What
Do you know how Coimbatore got his name? Kaviarasu Kannadasan tries to answer.Do you know how Coimbatore got his name? Kaviarasu Kannadasan tries to answer. Kovai By Kaviarasu Kannadasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The king among poets is trying to do some research on the origin of the name Kovai of the city of Coimbatore. He also praises the city for its culture ,
Budapa par Hindi Kavitha ( A hindi poem on old age)A more mature way to think of interactions of elders and youth Budapa par Hindi Kavitha ( A hindi poem on old age) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A few days back I posted a great lament of a mother who is in an old age home .Here is another great poem which gives proper advice to
The dreams of the poor- A Tamil poemEach of you not only dream for yourselves but also to your children and grandchildren .If were One of those who is poor , this would be perhaps your dream The dreams of the poor- A Tamil poem Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I was attracted by this tamil poem on dreams the poor.The
Pradheep Vi Std “B” Sec ( son of working mother)Pradheep Vi Std “B” Sec By Surya Suresh Translated by P.R.ramachander Daily ,before my auto comes, Oh mother , your bus unfortunately arrives. When I return home from the school , When I see the house without any body , I feel as if there is nothing there.
Oh mother , Your SariOh mother , Your Sari Translated byP.R.Ramachander (This very sentimental poem was posted in face book by Rajagopal Srinivasan. I was moved and remembered my mother’s Sari .I am sure each and every one of you would.. The tamil text is given after the translation.) This is some friends letter,When I read this I was not able to control my tears,I read it several times, I am wailing
For the sake of a mother – a letter to my loving motherCan Words make you cry ?These words did . Oh mother , Oh mother (Tamil original taken from post of Rajagopal Srinivasan –acknowledged gratefully) For the sake of a mother – a letter to my loving mother By A sobbing son , who is a memorial to her Oh mother , Without anything to write , I
The fun called feast and the sin against God FoodThe fun called feast and the sin against God Food By P.R.Ramachander Aum Annam Brahma Raso, Vishnu Bhokta Devo Maheshwarah, Evam Dhyatva na Bhonkte, Anna Dosho na Vidhyate, Om Food is God , its essence is Vishnu , The one who consumes it is Lord Shiva , If you eat it
Ma ka Icha (the wish of the mother)-A Hindi poemMa ka Icha (the wish of the mother)-A Hindi poem (A poem which would make your hair stand up) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (one of my friends sent this poem on Whatsapp. Though my eyes were wet , I did not cry because I am a father) 1.Months get over, The year gets over, On the steps of the old age home, I am waiting to see you. 2.My
Traditional Vishu KanjiTraditional Vishu Kanji Traditionally in our home we prepare a grand feast involving Podiyari kanji in our homes:- (Recipes of my wife Smt Jayalakshmi Ramachander)
Mun Cheitha val vinayaal ( A sidha mystic poem)Mun Cheitha val vinayaal ( A sidha mystic poem) Translated by P.R.Ramachander This mystic sidha poem was copied from face book post of my friend Girija Hariharan and I would like to thank her. The meaning is not at all clear but it speaks abour a person taking birth, entering the womb coming out , wandering listlessly, dying
Sri Kamakshi Amman Temple - MangaduSri Kamakshi Amman Temple - Mangadu By Elango Kadhirvel Location <!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø <!--[endif]-->This Temple is located in Mangadu (meaning Mango Grove/Forest), a Chennai Suburb in Tamil Nadu <!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø <!--[endif]-->This Temple is about 16 kilometers from the Chennai International/Domestic Airport and about 22 kilometers from Chennai Central
Some Random thoughts on Sagothra marriagesSome Random thoughts on Sagothra marriages By P.R.Ramachander When we are not able to arrange marriages for our children, we tend to think that the fault lies with the several systems that we follow .For example many people
The medicine Poem of The king like poet Vaira MuthuThe medicine Poem by The king like poet Vaira Muthu By Kaviarasu Vaira muthu Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I got this very meaning ful prayer in Tamil on the face book maintained by Krishnan KH. My deep acknowledgements to him. The poem in tamil is given at the end.) Change the method of treatment,
MS paa Maalai (tamil)I was terribly impressed by this great first poem by Padma Priya. I could not resist translating it as It is a great tribute to MS . MS paa Maalai(A garland of poems to Bharatha Rathna MS) ByPadma Priya Ramkumar , Coimbatore Translated byP.R.Ramachander (From Mangayar malar , April 1-15 ) 1.Thumbikkayaan thunai kondu,Nambikkayodu ezhuthum paadal ,Thavaru iruppin Poruthu Arulga ,MS Ammaye
It is time that all of us do something to get our children married. 2.Desirable qualities in groom and brideIt is time that all of us do something to get our children married. 2.Desirable qualities in groom and bride By P.R.Ramachander Nothing much can be done about any of these except “GRIN and BEAR IT” Times are changing fast .When I got married almost 50 years back , People were&
It is time that all of us do something to get our children married.1.Matching of horoscopesIt is time that all of us do something to get our children married.1.Matching of horoscopes P.R.Ramachander Amateur Astrologer One of the major problems facing all the communities in India is that , they are not able to find suitable grooms or brides to their children. One of the main reason
Hari hari stotram in Tamil as well as MalayalamHari hari stotram in Tamil as well as Malayalam TRanscription done by my friend Ananthanarayanan Vaidyanathan. ஓட கடலில் உதித்தீர் ஹரி ஹரி ഓട കടലില്‍ ഉടിത്തീര്‍ ഹരി ഹരി உலகதுக்கொருவனாய் நின்றீர் ஹரி ஹரி ഉലകത്തുക്ക് ഒരുവനായ്‌ നിന്രീര്‍ ഹരി ഹരി பச்சை நிற ஆலிலை மேல் படுத்தீர் ஹரி ஹரி പച്ചയ് നിറ ആലിലൈ മേല്‍ പടുത്തീര്‍ ഹരി ഹരി இச்சித&
Can Ladies learn Vedas?Can Ladies learn Vedas? Compiled by P.R.Ramachander I am definitely not competent to answer this question. It is a generally held opinion that they are not eligible to learn Vedas. Arya Samaj a Vedic religion started by Swamy Dhayananda SAraswathi
Valmiki Ramayana-an introductionValmiki Ramayana-an introduction By P.R.Ramachander Rama is the seventh of the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu . The
Panguni uthram (Meena Uthra phalguni)Panguni uthram (Meena Uthra phalguni) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (This year this festival is celebrated on 23/3/2016) Panguni or Meenam (When Sun is in the Meena Rasi is the twelfth month of the solar calendar which is
Mulagootal -a kerala iyer contribution to Vegetarian recipesMulagootal -a kerala iyer contribution to Vegetarian recipes ByP.R.Ramachander ( I am reproducing what I wrote in Indus ladies long back ) Most of the Kerala iyers like Mulagootal (Possibly means 'addition of pepper"). But Kerala iyers do not use pepper in this dish.It is a preperation without sour or pungent taste but is used as a main dish. As a side dish they prepare some sour and pungent
The Smarthas with Vaishnavite marks among Kerala iyersThe Smarthas with Vaishnavite marks among Kerala iyers By P.R.Ramachander Migration to Kerala iyers took place due to various reasons and was mainly from Thanjavur and Thirunelveli districts of Tamil Nadu. They possibly settled there
Prayer of Sita to river Ganga while they were crossing it on the way to the forest:-Prayer of Sita to river Ganga while they were crossing it on the way to the forest:- Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This prayer occurs in the Ayodhya Kanda -52nd Sarga ( Sloka 83-91 ).Rama had bid farewell to Minister Sumanthra and Guha was rowing them to the other shore. At that time Goddess Sita recites this prayer
Oh God give me back all that I have lost- A great Tamil poemஇழந்தது எல்லாம் திரும்பத் தா இறைவா! Acknowledgement to Sri.K.V.Vignesh for sending me this great poem இழந்தது எல்லாம் திரும்பத் தா எனக் கேட்டேன் இழந்தது எவை என இறைவன் கேட்டான்! பலவும் இழந்திருக்கிறேன் கணக்கில்லை என்றேன் பட்டியல் ஒன்றிட்டுச் சொல்லவா இயலும்? கால மாற்றத்தில் இளமையை இழந்தேன் கோலம் மாறி அழகையும் இழந்தேன் வயதாக ஆக உடல் நலம் இழந்தேன் எதை என்று சொல்வேன் நான் இறைவன்
Scry situation after my outlook mail has been hackedHacking of my outlook account-raja-thatha at outlook dot com My mail has been haked.AS soon as he did it the hacker changed my phone number, contact alternate e-mail Id and password and sending a message to all my contacts that I am stranded in LOndon and I am in need of 1500 pounds and has given an address in LOndon with my name attached to it.I have been fighting with outlook all the 24
Adhi Shankara's Contribution to Sanatana DharmaAdhi Shankara's Contribution to Sanatana Dharma P.R.Ramachander Guru Vandana I
My hot mail account has been hacked (P.R.Ramachander)My hot mail account has been hacked Large number of people correspond with me using my hotmail account. Some has hacked it and sending messages to my contact that I am in trouble in Londan and need money. I am very much in Bangalore amnd does not need any help.PLease ignore that message. PLease correspond with me in my new e-mail id
என் முத்தழகி-- My coral like beautyஎன் முத்தழகி My coral like beauty Translated by P.R.Ramachander (source Face book page of my friend Rajagopal Srinivasan .My grateful acknowledgements for the text as well as image.) பாவாடை நாடாக்கூட கட்டதெரியாத உன் கழுத்துல தாலிக்கட்ட சொன்னாங்க கட்டுனது தாலியுனும் நடந்தது கல்யாணம்னும் பத்து வயசுல எனக்கு மட்டும் எப்படி தெரியும் They asked me to tie
Where was Kishkinda according to Ramayana ?Where was Kishkinda according to Ramayana ? By P.R.Ramachander People in the Kerala believe that the Rishyamooka and Kishkinda mountains were near the Pampa river on the way to Sabari Mala. Many of the on line references believe it as a place &
Prayers to Vedic and post Vedic Gods in Valmiki Ramayana.Prayers to Vedic and post Vedic Gods in Valmiki Ramayana. By P.R.Ramachander All Hindu devotees believe that the first book which was written after the Vedas was Valmiki Ramayana. That is why it is called Adhi Grantha.. According to legends Vedas were only
About Mahamaham at KumbakonamOn 22-2-2016-( Manmamatha year , Sisisira Rithu , Kumbaha masam 10th , Monday , pournami , Maka Nakshatram -) the great Mahamaham festival is being celebrated in the holy city of Kumbakonam.. Read some tid bits of information collected by me about this very purifying great festival Compiled
Observe the Ritual of Ratha Sapthami on 14/2/2016Observe the Ritual of Ratha Sapthami on 14/2/2016 Compiled by P.Ramachander Ratha Sapthami also called as Surya Sapthami or Surya Jayanthi is a festival celebrated on the Shukla Panchami in the month of Makara /Kumbha Masa(Magha masa for those who follow
Manshya thu bada Mahan hai- A patriotic hindi poemManshya thu bada Mahan hai- A hindi poem Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a great poem bringing out the greatness of human beings whose mother land is India .You can hear it sung in ) 1.Dharthi ki shaan thu hai, manu ki santhan, Theri &nbsp
Jai Bharathi Vandhe BharathiJai Bharathi Vandhe Bharathi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a great prayer song addressed to our country which was sung by Bharatha Rathna Lataji in the film Jagadguru Shankaracharya. Hear it sung by her ) 1.Sar pe Himalay ka Chathr hai, Charanom mein&nbsp
What are the rites and Rituals that were performed in the marriage of Sita with Rama?What are the rites and Rituals that were performed in the marriage of Sita with Rama? ---Compilations from four different Ramayanams (Sanskrit, Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi) By P.R.Ramachander Many of you might have attended the Sita Kalyanam performed by Bhajan groups. What is
Twenty Dohas of saint Khabir in english.My effort is to introduce the contributions of the great saint Kabir to my friends who do not know Hindi. I am sure you would appreciate this great saint and start searching for more translations of his work . May God bless you. Twenty Dohas of
Sri Koneswarar Temple, Trincomalee District, Eastern Province, Sri LankaSri Koneswarar Temple, Trincomalee District, Eastern Province, Sri Lanka Compiled by Elango Kadhirvel Location <!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø <!--[endif]-->This Temple is located in Trincomalee District in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka <!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø <!--[endif]-->Nearest airport is the China Bay Airport also called the Trincomalee Airport <!
Mother’s melodious magical mesmerizing Music in TamilMother’s melodious magical mesmerizing Music in Tamil Compiled and translated by P.R.Ramachander A lullaby in English is known as Thalattu In Tamizh. It is a song sung by mothers of little babiies rocking them in a cradle or on their laps or on their shoulders with a desire to make
Thiruvachakam Aruliya Manivasagam -A tamil poem in praise of SAint Manikka vasagamதிருவாசகம் அருளிய மணிவாசகம் (The gem of words who wrote the divine words) Thiruvachakam Aruliya Manivasagam Divine poem in Tamil By Anand Vasudevan of Amritha varshini An attempt in translation by P.R.Ramachander (This was a great poem written by Sri Anand Vasudevan about Manickha Vasagar , the great Saivite saint who
Sri Aparaadha Kshameswarar/Kutram Poruth-tha Naathar Temple, Thirukaruppariyalur,Sri Aparaadha Kshameswarar/Kutram Poruth-tha Naathar Temple, Thirukaruppariyalur, Mayiladuthurai Taluk, Nagapattinam District, Tamil Nadu Compiled by Elango Kadhirvel Location Thirukaruppariyalur (also known as Thalai-Gnaayiru), Mayiladuthurai Taluk, Nagapattinam District, Tamil Nadu At a distance of about 280 kilometers from the state capital, Chennai Presiding
Books compiled/translated by me available on lineBooks compiled/translated by me available on line By P.R.Ramachander For the past 16 years under the guidance Of God , I have been translating several Hindu prayers and Carnatic Music Krithis in to English . I have decided to take stock of what I have done ,I myself was surprised &
Happy Republic day- Lets look backHappy republic day to all of you. I am giving below the translation of a Gujarathi prayer very dear to Mahathma Gandhi’s heart, Narsi Mehta tells us who is the man of God .If only this is read by every Indian and followed, all the problems of our country would completely vanish. Vaioshnava Janato (The man of God) By Narasi Mehta Translated by P.R.Ramachander One of the greatest
Happy Pongal 2016 to all of youHappy Pongal to all of you-Blessings to those younger to me and Salutations to those older to me. P.R.Ramachander aka Raja Thatha The Pongal of 2016 has come .It is a harvest festival of all round joy of Tamil Nadu. Harvest festival implies that the poor and the rich would all be joyous, . I am giving
Sri Vilwa-naatheswarar Temple, Thiru-Valam, Vellore District, Tamil NaduSri Vilwa-naatheswarar Temple, Thiru-Valam, Vellore District, Tamil Nadu Compiled by Elango Kadhirvel Location <!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø <!--[endif]-->ThiruValam (also called Thiru-Vallam), Vellore District, Tamil Nadu State <!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø <!--[endif]-->At a distance of about 130 kilometers from the state capital, Chennai &amp; about
Pradakshina or circumbulation - how many times?Pradakshina or circumbulation - how many times? Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Pra means give , Da means granting salvation kshi means getting cured of ailments and na means prosperity and this indicates that one doing Pradakshina would get health ,
Dedicated to my dear friend Sri.C.K.Nalina BabuDedicated to my Babu –( Late Sri .C.K.Nalina Babu of Ernakulam, ) –the angel in human form P.R.Ramachander I am taking you back to around sixty years back. I had just joined the hostel of Annamalai university . I was living with
Kayamai-108th chapter of Thirukural-(meaness)Kayamai-108th chapter of Thirukural-(meaness) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I am sure no one else can describe a mean person like this. He says Mean people do not have worry . follow rituals to deceive others and they are like Gods because they do whatever they want and so on.) 1.Makkale poalvar kayavar avaranna, Oppari
Iravacham-107th chapter of Thirukural- (The shyness caused by begging)Iravacham-107th chapter of Thirukural- (The shyness caused by begging) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I have translated by now 1070 kural stanzas but what brought me tears is the second kural of this chapter.Valluvar says , that if God wants some people to live by begging , that God needs to suffer. It is similar&
Iravu -106th chapter of Thirukkural- (begging)Iravu -106th chapter of Thirukkural- (begging) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Sum how it appears as if Thiruvalluar supports begging and find faults with others for hidinh what they have and not giving. I feel possibly he is not refer to present begging but the poor
Nalkuravu-105th chapter of Thirukural- (Poverty)Nalkuravu-105th chapter of Thirukural- (Poverty) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A graphic description of the ill of poverty. Most of the points are true even today.) 1.Inmayin innathathu yaathenin, inmayin, Inmaye innathathu. 1.If you ask what causes as much sorrow as poverty, We can only say, only poverty causes&
Anegudde Shree Vinayaka Temple, Kumbhashi, Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, KarnatakaAnegudde Shree Vinayaka Temple, Kumbhashi, Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka Bu Elango Kadhirvel Location <!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø <!--[endif]-->Kumbhashi is between Kundapura and Udupi on National Highway-17 (7 Km from Kundapura and 30 Km from Udupi) <!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø <!--[endif]-->This place is about 450 kilometers from Bengaluru, the
Uzhavu-104th chapter of Thirukural- (Cultivation)Uzhavu-104th chapter of Thirukural- (Cultivation) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Great chapter which must be read by all people especially the cultivators. Tiruvalluvar says that only cultivator lives independently and others salute and follow him .) 1.Chuzhandrum yer pinnathu
My work on line till 2015 endDear Friends, I am so happy to inform you that I took a stock taking of all the work done by me on line and found that more than Three and half million people have visited my blog spots as well as web sites from the year 2008. I hope you would agree with me that it is an achievement
Kudicheyal vakai-103rd chapter of Thirukural- (Ability to enhance prestige of our family)Kudicheyal vakai-103rd chapter of Thirukural- (Ability to enhance prestige of our family) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (No family grows up unless some one works for it and sacrifices everything. Thiruvalluvar calls such a person as store house of all sorrows. I wish that this great chapter should be&
Nanudamai-102nd Chapter of Thirukural- (Possesing sense of shame )Nanudamai-102nd Chapter of Thirukural- (Possesing sense of shame ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Valluvar feels that we should feel ashamed if we do an evil act , for otherwise there is no difference between us and the animals.) 1.Karumathaal naNuthal naNuthirunuthal, Nallavar naNaupira. 1
Nandriyil chelvam-101st chapter Of Thirukural- (Thankless wealth)Nandriyil chelvam-101st chapter Of Thirukural- (Thankless wealth) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This chapter is about the wealth that has not been used properly. According to Thiuvalluvar it is perfect lady becoming a hag without getting married.) 1.Vaithan vaaichandra perumporul akthunnaan , Chettan
Panpudamai-100th chapter of Thirukural- (possessing culture)Panpudamai-100th chapter of Thirukural- (possessing culture) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Being cultured is desirable .Valluvar says “The great wealth got by a person without culture, would get spoilt like good milk kept in a bad vessel.”) 1.Yenpadathaal yeithal yelithenpa yaarmaattum, Pabpudamami
Chaandraanmai-99th chapter of Thirukural- (The quality of being learned)Chaandraanmai-99th chapter of Thirukural- (The quality of being learned) Translated by , P.R.Ramachander (Valluvar says in this chapter that Love , fear to do bad acts , behaving like others. Mercy and truthfulness are the important characters of a learned person. How many of us are having
Perumai-98th chapter of Thirukural- (greatness)Perumai-98th chapter of Thirukural- (greatness) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (THiruvalluvar analyses in this chapter “Greatness of person ” and tries to define it. So true and so natural) 1.Oli oruvarkku ulla verukkai ini oruvarkku, Akthu iranthu vaazhthum yil.
Maanam-97th chapter of Thirukural- (Self-respect)Maanam-97th chapter of Thirukural- (Self-respect) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Indian culture gives very great importance to self respect ,Valluvar says that A man losing his self respect does not have even right to live .Please remember Bhima’s words in Mahabharatha , “Even by losing life , I would
Kudimai -96th Chapter of Thirukural- ( Good Heritage)Kudimai -96th Chapter of Thirukural- ( Good Heritage) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (What does well born or good heritage indicate? THiruvalluvar tells the answer to this question in this chapter.Please read it, it should definitely elevate you.) 1.Irpiranthaar kannallathu illai &nbsp
Marundhu-95th chapter of Thirukural- (Medicines)Marundhu-95th chapter of Thirukural- (Medicines) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is remarkable exposition of the knowledge of sickness and its treatment . After reading it, all of will wonder , why we do not follow its advices.) 1.Miginum, kurayinum , noi cheyyum noolor, VaLi muthalaa yenniya moondru. 1.Increased or
Dedicated to the memory of my friend K.C.Ramachandran aka Rajan of PerinthalmannaDedicated to the memory of my friend K.C.Ramachandran aka Rajan of Perinthalmanna By his friend P.R.Ramachander Sri .K.C.Ramachandran aka Rajan lived in Perinthalammanna which is a town adjoining the famous Angadipuram temple of
Soodhu -94th chapter of Thirukural- (Gambling)Soodhu-94th chapter of Thirukural- (Gambling) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (These golden words of Valluvar about Gambling are so true that , it would never get out of date.) 1.Vendarkka vendridinum choothinai , vendrathoom, Thoondil pon meen vizhungiyathu. 1.If you are winning do not desire to gamble as victory, Is
Kal unnamai-93rd chapter of Thirukural- (Not drinking alcoholic drinks)Kal unnamai-93rd chapter of Thirukural- (Not drinking alcoholic drinks) Translated by, P.R.Ramachander ( Thousands of years back the great poet has clearly brought out the sorry state of a drunkard. He says, “The effort to make a drunkard understand the evil of drinking Is like
Varaivin makalir-92nd chapter of Thirukural- (Common women )Varaivin makalir-92nd chapter of Thirukural- (Common women ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This chapter about courtesans/harlots /common women .) 1.Anbin vizhayaar porul vizhayum aaithodiyaar , In sol izhukku tharum. 1.The sweet words of common women who do not have love But only
Pen vazhi cheral-91st chapter of Thirukural - (Going the way of ladies.)Pen vazhi cheral-91st chapter of Thirukural - (Going the way of ladies.) Translated by P.R.Ramahander ( THiruvalluvar tells that obeying ladies is not very desirable for a male. This he tells strongly .This is not in tune with modern thought .WE think that both should obey each other
Periyaarai pizhayamai-90th chapter of Thirukural- (Not finding fault with great people)Periyaarai pizhayamai-90th chapter of Thirukural- (Not finding fault with great people) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (In this chapter Valluvar advises that enmity with great and learned people be avoided.) 1.AAththuvaar aaththal ikazhamai poththvaar , Poththalul yellam thalai. 1.Not finding fault
Utpakai-89th chapter of Thirukural- (The enemy within)Utpakai-89th chapter of Thirukural- (The enemy within) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Here s a remarkable chapter of Kural, which talks of the problems which can be created by an enemy within.He ends u it saying ”To live with an enemy within our house , is like living with a snake in a hut.) 1.
Pakai thiram arithal-88th Chapter of Thirukkural- (Knowing power of enemy.)Pakai thiram arithal-88th Chapter of Thirukkural- (Knowing power of enemy.) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Thiruvalluvar though he does not like enmity , tells us which enemies are the worst,.) 1.Pakai yenum panpilathanai oruvan, Nakayeyum vendar paththu andru. 1, Even as a mere sport a&nbsp
Pakaimatchi-87th Chapter of Thirukural- (The importance of enmity )Pakaimatchi-87th Chapter of Thirukural- (The importance of enmity ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (THiruvalluvar feels even in enmity we should be choosy and selective .He gives a small guide as to when Enmity would lead to success) 1.Valiyaarkku maareththal ombuka ombaa, Meliyaa mel meka pakai. 1,We should
Pullarivanmai-85th Chapter of Thirukural- (Absence of intelligence)Pullarivanmai-85th Chapter of Thirukural- (Absence of intelligence) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Thiruvalluvar again and again emphasizes that ignorance is a curse.This chapter is worth reading by every one) 1.Arivinmai inmayul inmai pirithinmai , Inmayavaiyathu ulaku. 1.Abscence of intelligence is the&
Pethiamai-84th chapter of Thirukural- (Folly)Pethiamai-84th chapter of Thirukural- (Folly) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I have used the dictionary meaning of Pethaimai(Folloy) to translate this chapter .But I some how feel Man of folly should be substituted by simpleton.) 1.Pethaimai yenpathondru yaathenin ,yethamkondu, OOthiyam poka vidal. 1.Folly
Kooda Natpu-83rd chapter of Thirukural- (Friendship that should be avoided)Kooda Natpu-83rd chapter of Thirukural- (Friendship that should be avoided) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Thiruvalluvar wants us to leave those who are only friends outside . He cautions us never to be friends with our enemies.) 1.Cheeridam kaanin yeritharkku pattadai , Neraa niranthavar natpu. 1.The
Sri Agneeswarar – Karuthaar-kuzhali Ammai Temple, Thirupugalur, Nagappattinam District, Tamil NaduSri Agneeswarar – Karuthaar-kuzhali Ammai Temple, Thirupugalur, Nagappattinam District, Tamil Nadu Compiled by Elango Kadirvel Location Ø Thiru-pugalur is a village panchayat located in the Nagappattinam district of Tamil-Nadu Ø The temple is located on Nagappatinam to Nannilam bus route, towards 25 kilometers west to Nagappatinam Ø It is about
Thee Natpu-82nd chapter of Thirukural- ( Bad friendship)Thee Natpu-82nd chapter of Thirukural- ( Bad friendship) Translated by, P.R.Ramachander (Friendship with people without culture is useless and should be avoided , says the poet. A friend should help you when you are in need and should not desert when you are in trouble.)
Pazhaimai -81st chapter of Thirukural (familiarity in friendship)Pazhaimai -81st chapter of Thirukural (familiarity in friendship) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The poet feels that when friendship matures , it induces the friends to take some independence with each other.He feels that when your close friend , causes sorrow
1960 batch of B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics of Annamalai University-An appeal for any information1960 batch of B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics of Annamalai University-An appeal for any information. Sought by P.R.Ramachander Many of my young friends may not about the Intermediaate course after SSLC and the post graduate Hons programme&
Natparaithal-80th chapter of THirukural- (Investigating a friendship)Natparaithal-80th chapter of THirukural- (Investigating a friendship) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The poet is of the opinion that one should accept from a person only after thoroughly investigating him. Being born in a good family , being afraid of bad name, willingness to help in time of crisis etc are important criterian
Padai cherukku-78th chapter of thirukkural- (Pride of the army)Padai cherukku-78th chapter of thirukkural- (Pride of the army) Translated by, P.R.Ramachander (THiruvalluvar in this chapter deals with the essential pride that any soldier should have .When he says , hero is one who killed an elephant with a spear and when he was unable to find a spear to kill
Padai matchi -77th Chapter of Thirukural- (The greatness of army.)Padai matchi -77th Chapter of Thirukural- (The greatness of army.) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a chapter about how an army of the king should be .In the modern context It could be techniques and ways used to fight the competitor .Read the following with this in mind ,
The story of SkandaSashtiThe story of SkandaSashti By Elango Kadhirvel The Story of Skanda Shashti is the story of the birth of Sri Skanda/Kumara/Subramanya and the fulfillment of the purpose of HIS divine incarnation "Tormented by the asura Tarakasura, the devas with Indra went to the Creator Brahma" (Kumara Sambhava 2.1) Lord Brahma the Creator said “only the spark of Shiva can produce the HERO who will
Porul cheyal vagai-76th chapter of Thirukural- (The ways wealth acts)Porul cheyal vagai-76th chapter of Thirukural- (The ways wealth acts) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (THiruvalluvar emphasizes the role that wealth plays in life of a person/country. He says a wealthy person is not found fault but whatever a poo person does is wrong. A chapter that is very relevant to
Aran-75th Chapter of Thirukkural- (Security/Fort)Aran-75th Chapter of Thirukkural- (Security/Fort) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Strength of the fort is important for a country during those days.THiruvalluvar lists the needs of a good fort and the defending country.) 1.Aathupavarkkum aran porul , anjithan , Pothupavarkkum
Nadu-74th chapter of Thirukural- (Country)Nadu-74th chapter of Thirukural- (Country) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( THiruvalluvar tries to study what is a country and how it should be .WE can substitute a company instead of a country and everything mentioned by him would still be relevant.) 1.ThaLLa vilayulum thakkarum thaazhvilaa , Chelvarum chervathu
Avai Anjamai-73rd Chapter of Thirukkural- (Not getting scared of the audience)Avai Anjamai-73rd Chapter of Thirukkural- (Not getting scared of the audience) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (THiruvalluvar feels that one of the essential qualities of a speaker , is not getting scared of the audience . He says just like only some soldiers fight courageously and die, Only good speakers&
Avayarithal-72nd chapter of Thirukural- (knowing the audience)Avayarithal-72nd chapter of Thirukural- (knowing the audience) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Thiruvalluvar says the presentation has to be different with the audience that we address. He says address the learned peopled in a leaned way and while addressing ignorant people , just like simple lime
Kuripparithal-71st chapter of Thirukural- (understanding signs made)Kuripparithal-71st chapter of Thirukural- (understanding signs made) Trasnslated by P.R.Ramachander ( It is essential for your assistant to know what you indicate by some sign because most of the time you may not be able to tell your orders due to circumstances beyong your control. Valluvar says that eye is useless if it cannot understand sugns) 1.
A note of Venkatachalapathi temple thirupathi and few stotras and few Carnatic Krithis about itVenakatesa /Balaji/Malayappa is the divine God of the Great temple at Thirupathi . He is considered as Kaliyuga Varada and this belief has been proved amply by the millions of people who visit this temple every week. A very short note and 7 stotras and 11 Krithis about him , is what I could contribute .Please pray
Mannarai chernthozhukal-70th chapter of Thirukural- (being with the king/boss)Mannarai chernthozhukal-70th chapter of Thirukural- (being with the king/boss) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (THiruvalluvar says you should not either be near nor far away from the boss and he should mot long things which the boss pines for.) 1.Akalaathu , aNukathu theekaivar polka, Ikalvendhar chernthozhukuvaar 1.Without going far away, without out
Thoothu-69th chapter of Thirukural- (emissary/representative/ambassador)Thoothu (emissary/representative/ambassador) Translated By P.R.Ramachander (Though Emissay to the enemy has long back have disappeared , if we take emissary to mean our representative to talk with companies which compete with us , this is relevant even today .He says friendliness , wisdom, mastery over words
A note on Tamil Saivam and SambandarA note on Tamil Saivam and Sambandar By Elango Kadhirvel Tamil Shaivism Shaivism is a School of Philosophy in Hinduism. The followers of Shaivism are called Shaivites and they worship Shiva as their supreme Godhead Tamil Shaivism is a branch of Hinduism that emerged and flourished in Tamil Nadu from the 5th century onwards Of all 63 Nayanmars , Sambanthar, Appar,
Temple of Mother Kollur MookambikaTemple of Mother Kollur Mookambika Compiled by P.R.Ramachander When you hear janani janani jagam nee agam nee janani janani jagam nee agam nee jagath kaarani nee paripoorani nee jagath kaarani nee paripoorani nee jagath kaarani nee paripoorani nee janani janani jagam nee agam nee janani janani janani janani &
Vinai cheyal vakai-68th chapter of Thirukural- (Different methods of doing a job)Vinai cheyal vakai-68th chapter of Thirukural- (Different methods of doing a job) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (THiruvalluvar gives us many type of advices to complete a job.He is very particular that there should not be unnecessary delay in doing any job undertaken. There are many other
Sringeri Sarada Temple and prayers and songs praising the GoddessSringeri Sarada Temple and prayers and songs praising the Goddess Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Singeri or Srunga Giri is believed to be the place where Sage Rishya Sringa lived . This is in the confluence of two sister rivers Thunga and Bhadra (Both Tributaries to the
Vinai thitpam-67th chapter of Thirukural- (Strong sincerity towards work)Vinai thitpam-67th chapter of Thirukural- (Strong sincerity towards work) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( In spite of all other important aspects mentioned in earlier, a job cannot be completed unless we have sincerity. Valluvar says , that sincerity indicates job means strength of mind and unless it is there no job
Guruvayoor Temple and some stotras and kRithis related to itGuruvayur in Kerala is considered as the Bhooloka Vaikuntam .Here is a detailed write up about the temple followed by urls of my transations of books, stotras and Krithis on Guruvayurappan (Due to the huge volume , I have given only urls) .I pray the Lord would bless&
Vinai thooymai-66th chapter of Thirukural- (Purity of work)Vinai thooymai-66th chapter of Thirukural- (Purity of work) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Purity of action , Thiruvaluvar feels is extremely important .He says , “.Even if you happen to see the hunger of your mother do not do an act which is considered as bad by wise people.”) 1.Thunai nalam aakkam tharoomvinai nalam,
A short introduction to the great Thiruvarur Thyagaraja templeA short introduction to the great Thiruvarur Thyagaraja temple and few Krithis and a Stotra praising gods of the temple Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Thiruvarur temple Thiruvarur which was in the olden days called as Arur houses one
Free Matching horoscopes for MatrimonyFree Matching horoscopes for Matrimony For the past sixteen years, I have been providing free service to match horoscopes for matrimony regardless of caste, creed and place of origin. If you are interested kindly send the horoscopes of the bride and groom by E-mail.(The horoscopes can be written in English, Tamil or Malayalam. It can be even in Hindi but the numerals
Chol vanmai-65th Chapter of Thirukural- (Talking skill )Chol vanmai-65th Chapter of Thirukural- (Talking skill ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Abilitity to get things done also depends on our skill to talk , says Thiruvalluvar.) 1.Naa nalam yenum nalanudamai, annalam, Yaanalathu ullathoom andru. 1.The skill to talk well is like a wealth&
Dedicated to Prof.C.V.Subbarama Iyer - A beacon light who showed me light in darknessDedicated to Prof.C.V.Subbarama Iyer , former Principal of University College ,Trivandrum who was in hushed tones referred as Professor in my village Chelakkara. By P.R.Ramachander
Saptharisheeswarar temple ,Lalgudi and Lalgudi Pancharatha KrithisA brief write up on Saptharisheeswarar temple ,Lalgudi(Thiruthavathurai ) and the Lalgudi Pancharatha Krithis of Saint Thyagaraja Compiled by P.R.Ramachander This is one of the ancient Shiva Temples of Tamil Nadu. Lalgudi is located&
Amaichu-64th chapter of Thirukural- (Job of a minister/consultant)Amaichu-64th chapter of Thirukural- (Job of a minister/consultant) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (From this chapter onwards Thiruvalluvar gives more emphasis on royal duties.But if we take Minister to mean Consultant/Adviser, Everything he tells about minister is true even
Madurai Meenakshi Amman Thirukoil and prayers addressed to Goddess Meenakshi.Madurai Meenakshi Amman Thirukoil and prayers addressed to Goddess Meenakshi. Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Most of the Shiva temples in Tamil Nadu are referred by the name of the God but perhaps one of the exception to this rule is the Madurai Meenakshi temple(Meenakshi is also called as Angayarkanni) . Here though
Neelayathashi Amman of Kayarohanar temple , NagapattinamThe Goddess with eyes like the blue ocean of mercy is called Neelayathakshi . Her temple is in the Kayarohanar temple, Nagapattinam and she is the only one Goddess in Tamil Nadu about whom each of the great musical trinity has composed a song. An
Idukkan azhiyamai-63rd chapter of Thirukural- (Not getting rattled by misery.)Idukkan azhiyamai-63rd chapter of Thirukural- (Not getting rattled by misery.) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (If we are to be succesfull adversity should not rattle us and we should continue our effort.THiruvalluvar says. “Laugh when you are miserable”) 1.Idukkan varumkal naguga, athanai,
All vinayudamai-62nd chapter of Thirukural- (Having perseverance )All vinayudamai-62nd chapter of Thirukural- (Having perseverance ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (In this chapter THiruvalluvar puts great emphasis on the need of perservarance to complete any job and he says perseverance increases one’s prosperity and its absence makes you poor.) 1.Arumai udaithendru asaavaamai
Sri Rangam –the greatest Vaishnavite temple and prayers addressed to Lord RanganathaSri Rangam –the greatest Vaishnavite temple and prayers addressed to Lord Ranganatha Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Sri Rangam is the most holy temple for all devotees especially Vaishnavites . When the word “Kovil( temple) “ is mentioned by the Vaishnavites of Tamil Nadu , it would indicate &nbsp
Madi inmai-61st chapter of Thirukural- (Absence of laziness)Madi inmai-61st chapter of Thirukural- (Absence of laziness) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (THiruvalluvar says that unless you leave out laziness you can never progress. He says “of Doing urgent jobs slowly , forgetfulness , laziness and too much of sleep are the ship of destruction ) 1.Kudi yennaam
Chidambaram Nataraja temple and two stotrasAn introduction to Chidambaram Natrajar temple followed by two great stotras on Lord Nataraja. Ciompiled by P.R.Ramachander Chidamabaram meaning “Sky of consciousness” or if you assume that its name is Chit+Ambalam meaning “The stage of performing arts” or if we refer to it
Ookkam udamai-60th chapter of Thirukural- (Possesing enthusiasm).Ookkam udamai-60th chapter of Thirukural- (Possesing enthusiasm) Translated by P.R. Ramachander (The great poet twlls us without enthusiasm no work can be completed .He concludes that a very big sized elephant with sharp tusks would be scared of an enthusiastic tiger.) 1.Udayarenapaduvathu ookkam
Othaadal-59th chapter of Thirukural- (Spying)Othaadal-59th chapter of Thirukural- (Spying) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (To win over the enemy or a competitor , there is a need to get information about them. One of the methods is spying. But even in that there is a dharma. Valluvar details that Dharma.) 1.Othum urai Chandra noolum , ivai irandum, Theththenka mannavan
Pray Lord Vaitheeswaran for health.Pray Lord Shiva , the doctor God , Who has a great temple in Vaitheeswaran Koil and get cured physically and mentally Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Vaitheeswaran koil is a temple occupied by Lord Shiva as the Doctor king form of Lord Shiva . It also is called Pullirukuum
Kannottam-Fifty eighth chapter of Thirukural- (Pleasing eye sight filled with mercy )Kannottam-Fifty eighth chapter of Thirukural- (Pleasing eye sight filled with mercy ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Thiruvalluvar puts great emphasis on looking at others in a pleasant manner.He says if an eye cannot do that , it is not an eye but a wound.) 1.Kannottam yennum kazhi perum kaarikai ,
Vetu vantha cheyyamai-57th chapter of Thirukural- (Not doing scary and harsh acts.)Vetu vantha cheyyamai-57th chapter of Thirukural- (Not doing scary and harsh acts.) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (THiruvalluvar emphasizes the need to deal with crimes and enemies in a kind and merciful way.) 1.THakkangu nadith thalai chella vaNNathaal, Othangu oruppathu Vendhu. 1.The ruler is the one
Mangadu Amman aaru vaara poojaiFulfill all that you wish by visiting Mankadu Kamakshi Amman temple for six weeks and offer the worship according to the prescribed method. That Goddess would fulfill all your wishes. (Compiled by Sri.P.R.Ramachander from the book “Mangattin aru chuvai” written by Amman Swaminathan and Sami iyer and published By&nbsp
Sri Pranava Vyakra-pureeswarar Temple, Omaampuliyur, Cuddalore District, Tamil NaduSri Pranava Vyakra-pureeswarar Temple, Omaampuliyur, Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu By Elango Kadhirvel Location Ø Omaampuliyur is on the northern bank of river Kollidam (North Cauvery) about 32 km from Chidambaram, and 7 km south of Kaattumannarkoil Ø Well connected by bus service to Chennai, Cuddalore, Chidambaram, Mayiladuthurai, Kumbakonam,
Prayer to Garbharakshambikai to protect the pregnancyPrayer to Garbharakshambikai to protect the pregnancy By P.R.Ramachander Pray Garbharakshmbika. She will bless you with children and also protect you during pregnancy and ensure a safe delivery. For stotras in Tamil and Sanskrit Alphabets write to me ramya475 at hotmail dot com. Le the Goddess
Kodumkonmai-56th Chapter of Thirukural- (Tyrannical rule)Kodumkonmai-56th Chapter of Thirukural- (Tyrannical rule) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A ruler/boss who troubles his subjects/subordinates according to Thiruvalluvar is worse than a murderer . The one takes money from citizens/subordinates is worse than a dacoit) 1.Kolai merkondarir kodithe alaimerkondu.
Chengonamai-Fifty fifth chapter of Thirukural- (Not allowing royal staff to bend-Just rule without bias)Chengonamai-Fifty fifth chapter of Thirukural- (Not allowing royal staff to bend-Just rule without bias) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (There are several chapters in this book which are applicable to only rulers,You can also take it that these to mean the duties of the boss. Thiruvalluvar emphasizes that the dealing of a
Pochavaamai-54th Chapter of Thirukural- (Not forgetting )Pochavaamai-54th Chapter of Thirukural- (Not forgetting ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (THiruvalluar feels the forgetting due to great joy would lead to bad results , in spite of all other aspects mentioned before being positive. He says those who forget will never become
Chutham thazhaal-53rd Chapter of Thirukkural - (Hugging those surrounding him.)Chutham thazhaal-53rd Chapter of Thirukkural - (Hugging those surrounding him.) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( THiruvalluvar feels that we have to do any act sharing with and supported by friends and relatives like a crow and then only we will succeed. ) 1.Pathraththa kannum pazhaimai parattuthal,
Therinthu vinayadal-52nd chapter of Thirukural- (Finding a suitable person to do a particular job.Therinthu vinayadal-52nd chapter of Thirukural- (Finding a suitable person to do a particular job.) Translated By P.R.Ramachander ( THiruvalluvar in this chapter emphasizes the need to find a suitable man for every job, and then completely entrusting the entire job with only that person.) 1.
Therinthu thelithal-51st chapter of Thirukkural- (Taking decision after judging suitability of a person.)Therinthu thelithal-51st chapter of Thirukkural- (Taking decision after judging suitability of a person.) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (After determining our strength, suitable place and suitable time, the great poet asks y us to judge the person whom we are going to entrust the job&
Idan arithal-50th chapter of Thirukural- (To find suitable place)Idan arithal-50th chapter of Thirukural- (To find suitable place) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (After emphasizing the need for knowing our own strength and the proper time , in this chapter the poet tells us that you should also choose a proper place. He says a chariot cannot go in water and
Kalam arithal-49th chapter of Thirukkural- (knowing the proper time)Kalam arithal-49th chapter of Thirukkural- (knowing the proper time) Translated By, P.R.Ramachander (After telling us that any act should be done after clearly understanding our strength , Y=Thiruval;uvar tells us that doing any job at the proper time is extremely important. He says that like a stork patiently waiting&
Vali arithal -48th chapter of Thirukkural- (knowing the strength)Vali arithal -48th chapter of Thirukkural- (knowing the strength) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Thiruvalluvar emphasizes the need for us to judge the relative strengths of people or things before deciding to act .He says by stacking feathers , even the axle of a cart can be broken, if the quantity
Therinthu cheyal vagai-47th chapter of Thirukural- (Performing action after understanding it well)Therinthu cheyal vagai-47th chapter of Thirukural- (Performing action after understanding it well) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (THiruvalluvar puts a very great stress on doing an act only after lot of thinking and research. He tells that act should be done after great thought but once we have
Chithinam cheramai-46th chapter of Thirukkural (Avoiding bad company )Chithinam cheramai-46th chapter of Thirukkural (Avoiding bad company ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (After emphasizing the need for company of greatly learned people THiruvalluvar emphasizes the need to avoid bad company. He says that like water taking the colour of the land it stands in, the company that one moves in determines the
Periyarai thunai kodal-45th chapter of Thirukkural- (Taking help from great people)Periyarai thunai kodal-45th chapter of Thirukkural- (Taking help from great people) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This chapter deals wiyth a need for a person or ruler to take help only from great elderly people, for only they can only protect and prevent further sorrows to us.) 1.Aran arinthu
Kutham kadithal-44th chapter of Thirukural- (Removing wrong acts)Kutham kadithal-44th chapter of Thirukural- (Removing wrong acts) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Thiruvalluvar has emphasized the need for us to keep away from wrong acts by the ruler as well as people. He says Needless miserliness , unnecessary luxuries a nd Joy which is more than needed, are crimes when committed by the ruler” ) 1.
Arivudamai-43rd chapter of Thirukkural- (Possessing wisdom).Arivudamai-43rd chapter of Thirukkural- (Possessing wisdom) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Again Valluvar emphasizes the need to have wisdom .In this chapter he explains the essential qualities of Wisdom.) 1.Arivu aththam kaakum karuvi cheruvarkkum, Ullazhikkal aakaa aran. 1,
Kelvi-42nd chapter of Thirukural- (Knowledge gathered by hearing)Kelvi-42nd chapter of Thirukural- (Knowledge gathered by hearing) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (There are several methods of learning , the major being to learn from books. The other major one is to learn it by hearing it. In fact all the Vedas were once only learned by hearing them. The great poet says , that when
Kallamai-41st chapter of Thirukural- (Not learning anything)Kallamai-41st chapter of Thirukural- (Not learning anything) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The great THiruvalluvar abhors , the state of not learing anything. He compares them to animals and the unproductive brackish land) 1.Arangindri vattadi aththe nirambiya , Noolindri
Kalvi-40th chapter of Thirukural- (Education)Kalvi-40th chapter of Thirukural- (Education) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( During those good old days the great poet felt the education is extremely important in getting prosperity .He says lean well and adopt yourself to that education and that only learned people have two eyes and I others are
Book II Porutpal-Book on prosperity-Irai Makshi-39th chapter of Thirukural- ((The greatness of the king)Book II Porutpal-Book on prosperity Thirukural has three books-Arathupal, Porutpal and Kamathupal corresponding to Dharma , Artha and Kama, Irai Makshi-39th chapter of Thirukural- ((The greatness of the king) (The wealth or prosperity of the
OOzh-38th Chapter of Thirukkural - ( Fate)Section 3 OOzh iyal of the I book of THirukural This section with one chapter deals about fate .Possibly Thiruvalluvar thought that fate cannot be either put on the section of householder or the ascetic as it is common tpo both.
Avaa aruthal-37th chapter of Thirukural- (Getting rid of desires)Avaa aruthal-37th chapter of Thirukural- (Getting rid of desires) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here THiruvalluvar emphasizes the maxim of Vedantha as well as Budha that desire causes sorrow.We have to remember that in this case he is telling it to the ascetics.) 1.Ava yenba yella uyirkkum&
Mei unarthal-36th Chapter of Thirukural- (Understanding the truth)Mei unarthal-36th Chapter of Thirukural- (Understanding the truth) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The main activity of an ascetic is to find and realize the ultimate truth. In this chapter Thiruvalluvar puts great emphasis on this .He says that unless we realize the ultimate
A Happy birthday poem ,A Happy birthday poem , By Raja Thatha I am sure all but the young ones would agree with me that , A man really needs wife as a companion only when he really becomes old. Without her by his side , he becomes
Thuravu-35th Chapter of Thirukural- (Leaving out attachments.)Thuravu-35th Chapter of Thirukural- (Leaving out attachments.) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The hall mark of an ascetic is to detach himself from this world.Thiruvalluvar says that detaching from any object removes sorrow due to the object. He emphasizes that an ascetic should not have anything called
Nilyamai-34th chapter of Thirukural (Understanding nothing is stable.)Nilyamai-34th chapter of Thirukural (Understanding nothing is stable.) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (THiruvalluvar emphasizes in this chapter about the instability of everything in life .Possibly he wanted to tell this firmly to the ascetics..I feel that this chapter
Random thoughts of one whose original roots were in Puthukode.(Puducode), a village in Kerala.Random thoughts of one whose original roots were in Puthukode. By P.R.Ramachander I belonged to an astrologer/Musician family of Puthucode and my grandfather left that village about 120 years back and moved to Chelakkara, which is the only village of Kerala which I
.Kollamai-33rd chapter of Thirukural (Not killing).Kollamai-33rd chapter of Thirukural (Not killing) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (It is interesting to note that After dedicated one chapter to not eating meat THiruvalluvar dedicates another chapter to not killing. He clearly says that killing is evil.Here he is not dealing with killing for food but with killing perse )
Inna cheyyamai-32nd chapter of Thirukural- (Not causing sorrow to othersInna cheyyamai-32nd chapter of Thirukural- (Not causing sorrow to others.) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Thiruvalluvar feels that all persons including an ascetic should not do acts which bring sorrow to others.He says that if some one troubles you, try to do good to him in return and then forget about it.) 1.Chirappu yeenum chelvam&nbsp
Vekulaamai-31st chapter of Thirukural- (Not getting angryVekulaamai-31st chapter of Thirukural- (Not getting angry) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Thiruvalluvar attaches great importance to this aspect of a person’s conduct .Naturally he would give more emphasis in case of an ascetic..He feels only evil comes out of anger) 1.Chellidathu kaapaan chinam kaapaan ,
Vaimai-30th Chapter of Thirukural ( Speaking Truth)Vaimai-30th Chapter of Thirukural ( Speaking Truth) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Vaimai yena paduvathu yaathenil , yathondrum . Theemai illatha chollal. 1.The word truth would mean that which, Does not cause any harm to any one. 2.Poimayum vaimai idatha purai theerntha, Nanmai payakkum yenin. 2.A lie is also
kaLLammai-29th chapter of Thirukkural (Not stealing property of others.)kaLLammai-29th chapter of Thirukkural (Not stealing property of others.) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (THiruvalluvar in this chapter emphasizes that an Ascetic should not steal the property of others. He has emphasized the same thing as an important quality of the householder in Chapter 18 Vekkamai. While there he
Koodaa Ozhukkam-28th Chapter of Thirukural (Conduct that has to be avoided.)Koodaa Ozhukkam-28th Chapter of Thirukural (Conduct that has to be avoided.) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Thiruvalluvar wants the conduct of sages should be above board and not evil. These ten verses clearly bring out the fact that there were many sages even then who were acting as if they
Dedicated to Manga Kunnan of ChelakkaraDedicated to Manga Kunnan of Chelakkara By P.R.Ramachander I am again trying to take back to the old Chelakkara Gramam. There was a very interesting character called “Manga KUnnan” roaming the CHelakkara Gramam during those days .He was a harmless and very helpful mad man of
Thavam-27th Chapter of Thirukural (Penance)Thavam-27th Chapter of Thirukural (Penance) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (In this chapter THiruvalluvar gives the nature of penance(thapas) that an ascetic has to undertake. Bearing all the sorrows that comes our way and not causing sorrow to others is THapas according to him.He also clearly tells us
Pulal Maruthal-26th chapter of Thirukural (Saying “no” to meat)Pulal Maruthal-26th chapter of Thirukural (Saying “no” to meat) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The poet seems to be a great advocate of Vegetarianism . He seems to abhor the idea of killing another for eating its meat. It is very important to note here that this advice is not included in the Dharma&
25.Aruludamai-25th chapter of Thirukkural (Being compassionate)Thuravaram(ascetism) –second section of First book of Thirukural (Dharma of Ascetics) 25.Aruludamai-25th chapter of Thirukkural (Being compassionate) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (It is very interesting to note that the great poet believes that Compassion is the first necessary
Quo Vadis -My thirukkural translations?Quo Vadis -My thirukkural translations? By P.R.Ramachander THirukkral has 133 chapters (note 3+3+1=7) arranged in three books viz Arathupal( Book of Dharma) , Porutpal( Book of wealth) and Kamathupal (book of love .).Possibly the most accepted commentary is written by Parinel Azhagar(Pretty one on
Pugazh=24th chapter of Thirukkural (Fame)Pugazh=24th chapter of Thirukkural (Fame) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (THiruvalluvar wants to get fame by taking recourse to charity to the have-nots. He is of the opinion that life without getting fame is a wasted exercise .This is the last chapter about the householder’s desirable duties.) 1.Eethal isai pada
Eekai-23rd chapter of Thirukkural (giving in charity)Eekai-23rd chapter of Thirukkural (giving in charity) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (In this chapter Thiruvalluvar emphasizes the need to give charity to one who does not have anything.)\ 1.Variyarkku ondru eevathe eekai , mathellam , Kuri yethir[ppai neera thudaithu. 1.Giving to people &
Oppuraavarithal-22nd chapter of Thirukkural (doing philanthropic work )Oppuraavarithal-22nd chapter of Thirukkural (doing philanthropic work ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Oppuravu also would mean , universal behavior, traditional behavior etc. But in this chapter THiruvalluvar emphasises the need to do any act without any expectation . He says that all our acts should
Theevinaiyacham-21st chapter of Thirukkural. (Desisting from doing evil acts.)Theevinaiyacham-21st chapter of Thirukkural. (Desisting from doing evil acts.) (ofcourse doing any thing evil is bad .Thiruvalluvar emphasizes about this in this chapter .He first tells that evil people would not be scared to do evil acts and later concludes that since evil is
Sri Nellaiappar Kanthimathi Temple, TirunelveliSri Nellaiappar Kanthimathi Temple, Tirunelveli Compiled by Sri Elango Kadhirvel Location Ø This ancient temple is located in the heart of the city of Tirunelveli o The temple is located at a distance of 2kms from the Tirunelveli Junction railway station Ø Tirunelveli is well connected by trains/road to Chennai (554 kilometers), Bangalore (581
Payinila chollamai-Twentieth chapter of Thirukural (Avoiding of talking useless things.)Payinila chollamai-Twentieth chapter of Thirukural (Avoiding of talking useless things.) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (It is but natural for Thiruvalluvar to greatly dislike useless talk but it is great that he u included a chapter on that. He says that if a person keeps on telling useless things, people
Puram kooramai-19th chapter of Thirukural (Telling about others behind their back/backbiting )Puram kooramai-19th chapter of Thirukural (Telling about others behind their back/backbiting ) (THiruvalluvar next tells us why we should not backbite. According to him the worst possible act for a human being. He advices us to tell a person’s fault on his face) 1.Aramkooran alla cheyinum , oruvan, Punnkooran
Vekkamai-Eighteenth chapter of Thirukkural -not stealing material of others.Vekkamai-Eighteenth chapter of Thirukkural (not stealing material of others) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (In this chapter Valluvar emphasizes the need for us to desist stealing materials belonging to others.) 1,Naduvindri nan porul vekki kudi pondrik , Kuthamum
Azhukkaramai –seventeenth chapter of KuralAzhukkaramai –seventeenth chapter of Kural (Not being jealous/envious ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (One of the worst traits that a human being to have accoding to Valluvar is jealousy or Envy. Azhukku in Tamil means dirt and Jealuosy is called Azhukkaru . Though the word does not mean
Porai udamai-Sixteenth chapter of Thirukkural -Having patience or nature to pardon.Porai udamai-Sixteenth chapter of Thirukkural (Having patience or nature to pardon) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Now Valluvar moves from the behavior that should be avoided to the behavior we should have –Patience and the nature of Pardoning. He says that just like the earth, we should pardon those who trouble us also
Chelakkara -My village in Kerala, seventy years backChelakkara -My village in Kerala, seventy years back By P.R.Ramachander (Known in the village as Raja during those times) These are Random thoughts of an old man .There is no order in them and by no means it is complete .I am sure there would be mistakes If you belong to Chelakkara Gramam and
Piranil vizhayamai -15th chapter of Kural -Not desiring the wife of some one elsePiranil vizhayamai (Not desiring the wife of some one else) (Valluvar continues with chapters of desirable personal qualities of householders .He concludes that , the quality of not desiring the wife of some one else is much better than all Dharmic principles.) 1.Piran&
Ozhukkamudamai -!4th chapter of Thirukkural -Possessing good conductOzhukkamudamai -!4th chapter of Thirukkural (Possessing good conduct) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (After the emphasis for need of discipline in life, Valluvar emphasizes on the need for good conduct .He tells I us in several ways that the good conduct is extremely
Application to Lord Krishna for the post of ThathaApplication to Lord Krishna for the post of Thatha By P.R.Ramachander aka Raja Thatha Oh my little Krishna Oh my little treasure, The Devaki in prison loved you like a mother , Vasudeva who took you out of the prison loved you like a father, Yasoda who did not give birth to
Adakkamudamai - possession of self DisciplineAdakkamudamai (possession of self Discipline ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Adakkam could be humility or discipline . After going through the entire ten verses , I thought self discipline is what the poet aims at. Initial verses suggest that it is an important wealth of every one
Naduvu nilamai-Twelfth chapter of Thirukural.Naduvu nilamai-Twelfth chapter of Thirukural. (Balanced unbiased nature) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( After emphasizing the need to have gratitude . Thiruvalluvar emphasizes the need for an unbiased nature 1.Thakuthi yena ondru nandre ,
Chei nandri arithal-Eleventh chapter of ThirukuralChei nandri arithal-Eleventh chapter of Thirukural (Gratefulness for help done.) (Valluvar considers showing gratitude as a very important duty of a person. The people who had helped you without your having helped them earlier are considered “Simply great”. He again puts
Iniyavai kooral –tenth chapter of ThirukuralIniyavai kooral –tenth chapter of Thirukural (Telling sweet things) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (IN this chapter valluvar pleads with us to talk sweetly. He says that one of the important aspects of Dharma is “Sweet words” and he concludes that , if we use harsh words when sweet words are
The God like sage Ramana -A poem in Tamil by Anand Vasudevanபகவான் ஸ்ரீ ரமண மகரிஷி By Anand Vasudevan புண்ணிய பூமியன்றோ திருச்சுழி நம் யாவர்க்கும் பிறந்ததோர் நல்வழி மதுரையில் உணர்ந்த மரண அனுபவம் அருணையை அடைந்த அதிசய அற்புதம் மூன்று ரூபாய் ரகசிய பயணம் அண்ணாமலையாருடன் நிரந்திர சங்கமம் உலகம் திரண்டது பாலனைக் காண அழகம்மையும் சேர்ந்தாள் தன் சிசுவைப் பேண உண்ணாமுலையம்மனின் அற்புத லீலை பாமாலையாய் உதித்தது அக்ஷரமண மாலை நான் யார்
Virunthombal- Ninth Chapter of ThirukuralVirunthombal- Ninth Chapter of Thirukural. (treating guests well/hospitality.) Translated by, P.R.Ramachander (To lead a good life the householder need to support the society that he lives in. Here the guest is not the only one who comes to our house on a visit. In ancient days , the householder&nbsp
Give me back, Oh God -A tamil poem by Chennai PithanGive me back, Oh God -A tamil poem by Chennai Pithan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I was charmed by this poem and the great author graciously gave me permission .Thanks to that great poet) Give me back , Oh God, All that I have lost , God asked , “which all have you lost?” “Several , beyond count , is it ever , possible to
Proposal for another Rakhi PoonamProposal for another Rakhi Poonam By P.R,Ramachander An old man and woman in the evening of their life , Sitting lonely in a nook of their big flat, Were not expecting any one to tie a Rakhi to them, Though they needed a tie of protection from some one. Their brothers and sisters &
Anbudamai-Eighth chapter of ThirukkuralAnbudamai-Eighth chapter of Thirukkural (Having love) (I am feeling little nervous in using the word “love” as meaning of the word “Anbu” because love in present day Tamil Nadu means , the liking between opposite sexes. “Anbu” is much above that, It is a great liking that does not expect anything in return.,Valluvar&
Avaniyavattam seventy years back in my village Chelakkara , KeralaAvaniyavattam seventy years back in my village Chelakkara , Kerala By P.R.Ramachander I am sure you would be surprised at my spelling of Avaniyavattam. That is what we used to call the Upakarma or Avani avittam during those days in my little village of Chelakkara.(Even today , I am not familiar with names of Tamil
Mati Kaha Kumhar seMati Kaha Kumhar se (The mud told the potter) By Sant Kabir Das Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Sabt Kabir was a great mysic poet who lived in the 15th centuary. He was by birth as weaver and his writings are critical of both Hindu and Islam religions .These songs have been sung by Anup Jalota in a
Makkat peru-seventh chapter of ThirukuralMakkat peru-seventh chapter of Thirukural Getting birth to a child (Here is a remarkable chapter on sons and daughters and their relation to their father. Each of the gems of the verses would definitely bring tears in to the eyes of any reader .First the poet tells how great is the gift of a children as
A very happy ONAM to each and every one of my friendsA very happy ONAM to each and every one of my friends Puducode Rama Iyer Ramachander aka Raja Thatha A Keralite (the one who lives in the coconut garden) celebrates ONAM for two reasons. A.The major harvest of Kerala reaches their granaries before the festival ,
.Vaazhkkai thunai nalam-Thirukkural sixth chapter.Vaazhkkai thunai nalam-Thirukkural sixth chapter (The goodness of companion to life) Translated By P.R.Ramachander (After clearly establishing that life of house holder is great , The great Valluvar goes on to tell the need for a good wife for having a great life. Suitable life depending on monetary status, good virtue, respect&
Mohathai Kondru Vidu (Kill this passion in me)Mohathai Kondru Vidu (Kill this passion in me) By Mahakavi Bharathiar Translated from Tamil by P.R.Ramachander (Mahkavi Subramanya Bharathi was one of the greatest poets of India who was also a great nationalist as well as a person with deep devotion to God .His poems would melt the mind of any one
Yil Vazhkai Thirukkural fifth chapterYil Vazhkai Thirukkural fifth chapter (the life of a house holder) (This chapter tells us the need and greatness of the life of house holder .It keeps on reiterating that all other people depend on the householder and if a householder lives according to Dharma, He would be much greater than one who does penance . The
Aran Valiyuruthal -Thirukural fourth chapter4.Aran Valiyuruthal (Thirukural fourth chapter) (Emphasis on Dharma) (Next to the chapter on those who follow detachment , Valluvar writes the chapter on “Aram”,, which can be translated as Dharma.This is the 4th chapter in the Book of Dharma (arathu pal) and the fourth chapter&
Neethar Perumai - Third chapter of ThirukuralNeethar Perumai ( Third chapter of Thirukural) Greatness of those who are detached/who can control Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Valluvar talks her about people who has given up(have controlled ) all attachments. This is very similar to the concept of detachment to actions recommended by Bhagwat Gita. The importance Valluvar&nbsp
Dasavathara –Balarama vs Buddha controversy –What do you think?Dasavathara –Balarama vs Buddha controversy –What do you think? P.R.Ramachander The ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu starts with Mathsya and ends with Kalki of the future . It is told as “Mathsya , Koorma, Varahascha, Nrusimhascha , Vamana , Ramo, Ramascha, Ramascha , Krishna Kalki Janardhana” Prayers addressed&
Vaan chirappu (Thirukkural-second chapter)Vaan chirappu (Thirukkural-second chapter) Greatness of sky Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Thiruvalluvar after saluting God in the first chapter, describes rain and its effect on the world in the second chapter. He says :- The rain supplies nectar to the world. It helps us to produce food and also becomes
A folk tale in You tube by me.Dear Friends, I had told you all some time back, that my daughter Meera Venkatesan who is much interested in story telling like me wanted to preserve to upcoming generations , my peculiar method of story telling , that too in English rather than Tamil which I use to tell the stories, I had circulated my first attempt in telling the story using You tube .it was
Attempt to translate the first chapter of KuralAttempt to translate the first chapter of Kural By P.R.Ramachander ( Thirukural the magnum opus of saint Thiruvalluvar consists of 1330 verses each containing two lines, with first line having four words and the second thre words. Thousands of translations and commentaries of this work in umpteen language
Mother mine by DR.A.P.J.KalamMother mine By DR.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a poem written by Our DR.Kalam about his mother.The pathos in the poem would definitely bring tears in every one’s eyes. This great poem in Tamil was sung by Kalimamani P.Unnikrishnan , set to soul stirring tune by Sri Rangaswamy Parthasarathy. You can
An elegy of Bharatratna MS by Bharatharathna KalamThe divine music born out of music of Yaazh*, You would remain as music in the heaven too . An elegy to the empress of music , the Bharata rathna MS Amma By Bharata Rathna Abdul Kalam, the president ruling the heart of people. Translated by P.R.Ramachander (We were
AVani Avitta (Upakarma) Manthras for Yajur, Rig and Samaveda in the year 2015.AVani Avitta (Upakarma) Manthras for Yajur, Rig and Samaveda in the year 2015. I have been giving every year the Upakarma procedure for the past 15 years for the use of people who are not able to get a priest for guiding them in the procedure. Since such eventuality would mostly occur&
The Fascinating world of Kaval Deivangal of Tamil Nadu.The Fascinating world of Kaval Deivangal of Tamil Nadu. A humble request From P.R.Ramachander Any body who have traveled in to Tamil Nadu must have seen lot of roofless temples (mostly terracotta figures ) established near the entrance of most villages. They might have also seen the temples dedicated to the Goddess of pestilence –Mari , in the middle of the village.
Forty fifth mile stone-a poemForty fifth mile stone A poem on the eve of his forty fifth anniversary By P.R.Ramachander Forty five years back , on this day me and my wife , Started walking together in the way of life, To me who had only lonely walks till then, This walk with a companion gave a &
Appala Pattu of Bhagawan RamanaAppala Pattu of Bhagawan Ramana By P.R.Ramachander Bhagawan Ramana had started living in Arunachala and that time his mother came there to take care of him.Since she loved him she wanted to make Appalam for him and to prepare it she wanted him to help her as he used to do in their home. The great Ramana who had given up
Sri Vashisteswara Temple, Thittai-Temple of GuruSri Vashisteswara Temple, Thittai-Temple of Guru contributed by Elango Kadhirvel (Today Lord Guru is moving from Kadaka Rasi to Simha Rasi.THis is celebrated in a great way in Thittai Vasishteswarar temple where Lord Guru has a seperate Sannidhi,) Location Ø Village of Thittai, 11 kilometres from the town of Thanjavur, Tamil
First ever love letter written in the world-Rugmani to KrishnaFirst ever love letter written in the world-Rugmani to Krishna Translation by P.R.Ramachander (Without any doubt the epics/Puranas of India are the first books ever composed by men. Right from the Vedas , the first epic Ramayana written by sage Valmiki , large number of love stories abound but
A request to read Ramayana during the Ramayana monthThis year the Ramayana Masam starts on 17th of July . The Adhyathma Ramayanam of the great savant Thunjathu Ezhthachan is normally read for the entire month during this period. This treasure like book occupies a special place in Any Maklayali Hindu home .Unfortunately a very large number of
Five Malayalam children poemsFive Malayalam children poems Five Malayalam children poems Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Onnanam kochu thumbi Oh first tiny dragonfly “On first tiny dragonfly , Would you come along with me?” “If I come with you , What all things would you give me?” “I would give you place to play , I would give a pond
Father’s dayFather’s day A poem by, P.R.Ramachander If there is a day for the elephant, They all say that there would be one to the mouse too, And so since there is a mother’s day , There should be one to the father too . Mother carried us all with great suffering and sweet dreams, And she delivered us all&
Who are Sons?Who are Sons? By P.R.Ramachander Sanathkumara, the son of Dharma Deva once approached Lord Brahma to learn Sankhya yoga. Lord Brahma agreed to teach him, provided he became his adopted son. Sanathkumara agreed to become the son of Lord Brahma but he told him that unless he was given in adoption by his parents, it would not be of any use. Then he
Iyer women of KeralaIyer women of Kerala By P.R.Ramachander Women play a very important role in the safeguarding of culture of any community. It is they who really teach the next generation about the customs, history, religion and culture to the upcoming generations of boys and girls. A peep as to how they were earlier generations and how they are treated now is what is attempted here.
Origin of SambarOrigin of Sambar By P.R.ramachander You would be all surprised to know that chillies entered India only 400 years back .So also tomato, potato and onion were introductions from our western settlers to India around the same time. Then the common sense question, which all of you should ask is how was Sambar prepared in South India before that and how were the North Indians
Maandatha-king born to a manMaandatha-king born to a man Retold by P.R.Ramachander Maandatha was a very valorous king of the Ikshuvaku clan. His father Yuvanaswa married one hundred queens and could not beget a child. He was terribly depressed by this and was wandering from forest to forest in search of holy men. At last he reached a forest where a group of divine sages resided. Seeing him highly
Devayani and YayatiDevayani and Yayati Retold by P.R.Ramachander Devayani was the daughter of Sage Shukra who was the guru of all Asuras and Oorjaswathi. She was cursed by Kacha (see Kacha-Devayani) that she would not marry another Deva. At that time the Asura king was Vrushaparva and Sage Shukra was also living in his palace. The king had a daughter called Sarmishta. Sarmishta and Devayani
Garuda-some anecdotesGaruda-some anecdotes Retold by P.R.Ramachander Kasyapa the grandson of Lord Brahma married Adithi, Dithi, Dhanu, Kalika, Thamra, Krodhavasa, Manu and Anala, who were all the daughters of Daksha. Of them Thamra got five daughters viz Krounchi, Dasi syeni, Dhrutharashtri and Shuki. The children of Krounchi were owls. Dasi became the mother of Dasa(Slaves).Syeni gave
Prathu- The king who gave his name to earth.Prathu- The king who gave his name to earth. Retold by P.R.Ramachander In the royal lineage of Dhruva, there was a king called Anga. He married Suneetha who was the daughter of Yama, the god of death. Suneetha was a very cruel woman and used to beat and punish all people. Once she went to the forest and saw a gandharwa, Sushankha, the son of Gethakolahala. Sushankha was doing
Goddess ParvathiGoddess Parvathi Retold by P.R.Ramachander Goddess Parvathi is the consort of Lord Shiva. She is called like that because she is the daughter of Mountain (Parvatha). She is also known as Uma, Kathyayani. Gauri. Kali, Haimavathi, Easwari, Shivaa, Bhavani, Rudhrani, Sarvani, Sarvamangala, Aparna, Durga, Mrudani, Chandika, Ambika, Aarya, Dakshayani, Girija, Chamunda,
Ganapathi –the lord who removes obstacles-Some anecdotes.Ganapathi –the lord who removes obstacles-Some anecdotes. Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Ganapathi who is also referred to as Ganapathi, Ganesa (Chief of Shiva’s army) Vigneswara, (He who removes obstacles), Gaja Mukha (Elephant faced God), Eka Dantha (God with one tusk), Lambodhara (God with a big Paunch) etc is one of the very important Gods of the Hindu pantheon
Goddess Maya(illusion)Goddess Maya(illusion) Retold by P.R.Ramachander Maya (illusion) Devi was one of the wives of Lord Vishnu. She has been given a very great role in the Hindu philosophy. Genealogy as given in Agni Purana Himsa(violence) married Adharma(foul deeds) .They had two children Anrutham(lack of action) and Nikruthi.(dishonesty).These two children in turn produced four children
Krishna-the Nithya BrahmachariKrishna-the Nithya Brahmachari Retold By P.R.Ramachander One day Lord Krishna was playing with his queen Rukmani in the banks of Yamuna. Suddenly the lord told her “Rukmani, on the other shore of Yamauna, sage Durwasa has come and he is very hungry. Please prepare good food and take it to the sage.” Rukmani immediately prepared a sumptuous food, and packed it and came back to
Thulasi –the holy plantThulasi –the holy plant Retold By P.R.Ramachander Thulasi (ocimum sanctum) is possibly the holiest plant for the Hindus. There is a story in Devi Bhagavatam about her. Long long ago Lord Vishnu had three wives viz Lakshmi, Saraswathi and Ganga.(I have verified this in several sources) One day Ganga looked at Lord Vishnu with lot of passion, when the other two were present. A
Sage Agasthya-some anecdotesSage Agasthya-some anecdotes. Compiled By P.R.Ramachander Birth of Agasthya Once up on a time Mithra (Sun) and Varuna (the God of rain) happened to fall in love with the celestial nymph Urvasi. On seeing the pretty dancer, their semen leaked out of them and this was preserved in a pitcher. Out of the pitcher was born two great sages –Agasthya and Vasishta. Together
Kacha –DevayaniKacha –Devayani Retold by P.R.Ramachander Kacha was the eldest son of Brahaspathi, the son of Angeeras. He was an extremely handsome boy. His father was the Guru (teacher) of all devas. When he was a young lad, the fight between Devas and Asuras was continuing. Devas had a complaint that Shukra the Guru of Asuras was protecting the Asuras in a better way. Shukra had got the
Mook poi-The first video children's story from Raja ThathaVideo of Raja Thatha telling a story to his grand daughter (With a humble request from Thatha to send it to as many homes with little children as possible) Once upon a time there was a boy called Raja in a small hamlet called Chelakkara in Kerala. His infanthood was spent in hearing stories mainly from
New proposal for Hindu Birthday celebration -Comments invited.New proposal for Birthday celebration -Comments invited. Generally all of us are attracted by the way the westerners celebrate their birthday. Even though we consider putting out a lamp is a evil omen , we do blow the candle. Even though we know that cake
HIdimba Devi the Rakshasi who married BhimaHIdimba Devi the Rakshasi who married Bhima When the Kauravas lead by Duryodhana try to burn the Pandavas along with their mother Kunthi(The aunt of Lord Krishna) , they escaped and wandered all over the forests of their kingdom. Once they approached a place in the forest without knowing
Mama RamayanayanaMama Ramayanayana &nbsp
75 years and one day-thanksToday I am 75 years and one day old.For past one month my daughter Meera had called all my friends, relations , classmates , colleagues individually and requested them to write about me .My grand daughters and grand sons have made photo art to the entire book. And this book was presented to me by them yesterday.I know that people /families who consult me for astrology have very high regard for
I dedicate all my work done after retirement toI dedicate all my work done after retirement toMy efforts in the last few days in highlighting my hobbies were intended in making all of you aware of the work done by me as also to encourage people who are retiring to take up some hobby like these so that they never feel that “They are not wanted by anyone.”All that I do has been made possible only by the blessing of God. I always consider that
After Retirement hobbies -7After reiiremebt hobbies -7 This is really the last section about some items that I have left out. I have written two great essays on the rituals involved in Iyer marriages and on pilgrimage to Benares and Rameswaram , after pain staking research. You can read them in http://
After retirement hobbies -6After retirement hobbies -6 I always had a great regard to our religion .Due to my interactions with younger generation , I found that our greatest export commodity is them. Most of them have great regard for our rituals but are not able to do simple things like Sandhya Vandanam ,
After Retirement Hobbies 5After retirement hobbies-5 I have always been fascinated by the small but clean and devotion drenched temples of Kerala, to which state I belong . So after collecting information by reading and personal enquiry wrote in great detail about 100 temples of Kerala. I came across
After Retirement hobbies-4After Retirement hobbies-4 All my life I habe been voracious and compulsive reader. I started reading books when I was ten years of age . This made me a story teller of great repute to children. Atl east 6 of those children who were pestering me for stories are members of face book. During one of my trips &nbsp
After retirement hobbies-3After retirement Hobbies-3 Though not a musician or a musicologist I was always fascinated by Carnatic musc But though it is great to hear , I found it difficult to understand the Sahithyam (lyrics) of most of the songs sung during a music programme. One reason
After retirement hobbies-2After Retirement hobbies-2 I retired on 30th January 2000. I was a well known statistician who has made very significant contributions to Statistics. This was possible due to my innate curiosity and capacity to hard work,Whenever I use to recite &nbsp
After retirement hobbies-1After retirement hobbies -1 Al my official life was spent as a scientist in Indian Council of Agricultural Research. I retired in 2000 January. Then I had gone to USA to be with my daughter.It was at this I came to know Sri Murugavel, , the founder of Bharath Matrimony , who was at that
Completed Kamba Ramayana Translation in to EnglishIt was in the month of April 2012 , I started translating Adhyathma Ramayana from Malayalam which has about 4000 verses and I completed it in 4 months,A very interesting incident happened then. Please read about it in
Problems caused by Sani after Sani PeyarchiOn December 16th Saturn is leaving the Thula Rasi and entering the Vrushiga rasi . This would mean that 1.It will not be ashtamathil sani for those born in Meena Rasi(Pororattathi 4th padam, Uthrattathi and Revathi) 2. It would not be Ezharai Sani (sade sathi) period for those who are born
Thatha (granpa)-Quo Vadis?Thatha-Quo vadis? By P.R.Ramachander Anna (elder brother) and Akka (elder sister) will become mama (uncle) and Mami (aunty) when they cross the thirties. The role that they have played till then changes a lot. They were studying and leading a happy carefree life till then. Suddenly the new mama has to work and work a lot, to earn lots of money. His sisters get married (Mami?) and take
Pulacode Veeraraghavan Visweswaran - My dearest friend and elder brotherPulacode Veeraraghavan Visweswaran - My dearest friend and elder brother By P.R.Ramachander When I was about 8 years old , due to the Razakkar movement in Hyderabad , me along with my little sister , brother and mother moved back to my native place , Chelakkara.
English rhymes for Schools in KeralaEnglish rhymes for Schools in Kerala P.R.Ramachander (When we were little kids , we were mesmerized by the pretty rhymes that were taught to us in Malayalam class. Should we not translate them in to English and teach those rhymes
Happy thiru onam to all of youHappy Thiruonam to all of you. P.R.Ramachander The people of Kerala believe that they were once ruled by Mahabali in the perfect manner and due to his fight with
Avani Avitta (Upakarma) Manthras for the year 2014.Avani Avitta (Upakarma) Manthras for the year 2014. Compiled by P.R.Ramachander AS per my usual practice I am putting the Avani Avitta/Upakarma Manthras for the year 2014. For the fourteenth year in Succession. When I started doing it, such Manthras were not available over the
Homage to my friend DR.D.SundararamanMy friend and class mate DR.D.Sundararaman passed away in New Jersey on 17th July . I felt extremely sad on hearing this through the internet from one Sri Mahesh Krishnamurthy in his blog in world press. Many of you might have read my friends write up about his
Happy father's day to my great fatherToday is the Father’s day . I have crossed the age of 74 and my mind went back to my father. My father whose name was P.R.Rama Iyer was poor hotelier in Hyderabad and had only completed his education up to third standard . But he was an extremely wise&
A review of Bala Kandam as written in Valmiki Ramayanam, Adhyathma Ramayanam and Kamba RamayanamTwo days back I completed the translation of Bala kandam of “Ramavatharamof Kamban” which is a book in Tamil. Though this was the original name given to the book, over years people preferred to call it Kamba Ramayanam. Earlier I have translated
Temples of the God's own countryKerala is truly the gift of Gods to India. With his perennial green beauty and it’s very educated masses who truly believe in cleanliness, it stands out from other states of India. There are two views on how it got its name. One view is that , it got its name from the Chera kings who ruled it long time ago and another is that , Keralam simply means “garden of coconuts”, which it truly is.
A note on Rama Worship in Tamilnadu and KeralaOn April eighth this year we would be celebrating Sri Rama Navami, the birth day of Rama. Rama , the Maryadha Purushothama , the ideal of man hood is respected and revered by very large number of people in India. In fact the most popular epic is Ramayana and not Bhagawatha or Mahabharatha. Possibly you will find only a
Tharpana Sankalpams for the year 2014-2015(Jaya Varsham)Tharpana Sankalpams for the year 2014-2015(Jaya Varsham) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander I have followed the details given in the Acharyal Madathu Panchangam. I have also given the time of change of Thithi and Nakshatra so that people who are living abroad can also use it correctly. Amavasva Tharpanams are supposed to be done after Madhyahneekam but by practice people do it
Carnatic Krithis translated during February 2014Here are the 98 Krithis that was translated in February 2014:- 1.Arunachala Kavi Rayar Indha Vibheeshanan 2. Arunachala Kavi Rayar Kanden, Kanden, Kanden,
Stotras Translated during 2014Stotras Translated during 2014 by P.R.Ramachander 1.Ayyappa Bhajan songs Compiled by Mrs Priya Vardheesh 2.Vakra Thunda Kavacham http://
Dinamani a Tamil Newspaper writes about meExpert in Translatuion (From Dinamani , tamil news paper 15/12/2013 P.R.Ramachander who lives in Koramangala is a tamilian .He had retired after 36 years of service in Indian Institute of Horticultural Research , He knows well Carnatic Music as well as Stotras..He
Sins to be avoidedSins to be avoided By Srivathsa Somadeva Sharma Translated by P.R.Ramachander Every religion believes that we should not do sins and if we do it God would punish us. Ofcourse the list of sins and the punishment that we would get differs slightly from religion to religion. Hinduism believes that every one should desist from doing sins. This
Effect of doing Charity(Dhana)Effect of doing Charity(Dhana) By Srivathsa Somadeva Sharma Translated by P.R.Ramachander All religions in the world believe that charity would help you in doing God’s deed. Ofcourse charity should be given to the proper person .Hinduism believes that Charity should be given to the Brahmin who has chosen to dedicate all his life to the study
Effect of doing good deedsEffect of doing good deeds By Srivathsa Somadeva Sharma Translated by P.R.Ramachander Every religion believes that doing good deeds would lead to blessing of God and personal benefits in life. Ofcourse this differs slightly from religion to religion. Hinduism believes that every one should lead a good life. This list of good deeds and the gift
Prayers addressed to nine planetsDear Friends, All of us undergo good and bad times in our life. When things do not go as per our wish, there is a high probability that these are caused by planets. .Planets at the time of birth indicate , the problems which are likely to be caused by absence of wealth, bad married life, lack of children and many other such aspects. Also
Poonthanam and the Bhakthi movement in KeralaIn spite of Adhi Sankara , who has himself composed large number of great devotional stotrams , being born In Kerala and in spite of the Bhakthi movement which was full swing in neighboring Thamizh Nadu lead by the Nayanmar’s(Shaivism) and Azhvars (Vaishnavism) , the Bhakthi movement in Kerala
Sage ViswamithraSage Viswamithra By P.R.Ramachander Viswamithra (Friend of the world) was one of greatest Vedic sages of India. He was a king belonging to Chandra vamsa(moon clan to which King Santhanu belonged in later years). His great grand father was the great king Kusa. His grand father was Kusanabha and his father’s name Was Gadhi. Gadhi married and begot a
Sage YagnavalkyaSaint Yagnavalkya By P.R.Ramachander Yagnavalkya (He who puts Yajna as a dress , implying he who performs Yajnas as easily as changing of a dress) is one of the greatest of the Vedic sages. He was the son of Devaratha (also known as Vajasani or Brahmaratha) and a Sishya(disciple ) of sage Vaisampayana who
An appeal to Lord KrishnaAn appeal to Lord Krishna By Sri Ravi subramanyan (Translated from Ananda Vikatan of 2-1-2013 ,page138-139, translated by P.R.Ramachander An appeal to lord Krishna who has not posted any message in the Facebook You post a message only during Ekadasi and Gokulashtami and then retire to sleep. For how long do you propose to hear sahasranamas and Pasurams(
Golden words of poet KannadasanGolden words of poet Kannadasan sent to me in a group mail by Sri Srinivasan Varadarajan அறிவாளிகளின் குழந்தைகள் பெரும்பாலும் முட்டாளாகவே வளர்கிறார்கள், நிழலிலே வளரும் செடி சோகையாக இருப்பது போல பெர்னாட்ஷா வை நினைத்து கொண்டு தன்னை கண்ணாடியில் பார்ப்பவர்கள்,நடிகையை நினைத்து கொண்டு மனைவியை கட்டிபிடிப்பவர்கள் ஆவர் கண்களை மூடுங்கள்,காதுகளை அடைத்து கொள்ளுங்கள் இதயத்தையும் மூடுங்கள்,
Sage AshtavakraSage Ashta Vakra (sage with eight bends) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander There was saint called Udhalaka He was considered to have talked personally to the goddess Saraswathi.. He had a daughter called Sujatha and a son called Swetha Kethu. He also had a disciple called Kahodaka. (also known as Khagodhara) . The disciple learned all that has
A survey of Gothras among iyers (Tamil Speaking Brahmins)A survey of Gothras among iyers (Tamil Speaking Brahmins) Complied by P.R.Ramachander Gothras among Brahmins is supposed to be patrilineal groups among them. They are believed to have originated from the Gothra rishi. I wanted to know how the gothras are spread among
Puducode Rama Pattar Rama iyer aka Chelakkara Thekke madam Kunju Rama Iyer aka Kingsway Madras Brahmin’s hotel Rama IyerThis great person was my father . Though I do not know his exact birth details , he was born in the early twentieth centaury as the second son of Puducode Vadakke Gramam Rama Pattar aka Saddil Raman and Parvathy the daughter of the very rich Pulacode Rama Pattar . He had three younger sisters and a younger brother. His elder
A Mama in BahamaA nonsense rhyme On Bahama Mama &
Stotras for mothers and would be mothers.Stotras for mothers and would be mothers. I would like to point out several stotras which would be useful to girls who want to be mothers and also mothers. This definitely does not mean that there are no other stotras which would help them. These are some of those which I have come across:-1.Stotras to marry according to ones wish Swayamvara parvathi manthra mala stotram is the prayer
Kavachams (armours ) addressed to various GodsKavachams (armours ) addressed to various Gods.I think that it is the proper time and place to look backward and see the translation work done by me in categories. Kavachams are prayers that ask God to protect us and various parts of us. I have translated Kavacham as Armour . But many of my learned friends, prefer to translate it as shield. I some how feel that armour would be a better
After retirement hobbies- 3 stotra rathnas in EnglishAfter retirement hobbies- 3 stotra rathnas in English During the time I was 16 till I reached 60 , I was fond of praying using several stotras. When I was studying in the university I used to get charmed by reading Sri Krishna Karnamrutham, Vishnu Sahasranamam, Lalitha Sahasranamam, Devi Mahatmyam , Dakshinamurthy stotram and so on. Though I used to read them with devotion and was
After retirement hobbies- 2.Kerala Iyers web siteAfter retirement hobbies- 2.Kerala Iyers web site During the same trip to USA 12 years back , Getting to know about Yahoo search for the first time, I tried searching for information on iyers. I could few references which included a few references on PICO iyer, an Indian American writer. But when I tried searching for Palakkad Iyers/Palghat iyers / kerala iyers there was no information
After retirement hobbies- I. astrology and matching of horoscopes.After retirement hobbies- I. astrology and matching of horoscopes.P.R.Ramachander I knew some amount astrology from my father and later learnt a bit myself. When I was in service, I used to help a few people to match horoscopes for matrimony. Immediately after retirement I happened to Go to USA to be with my daughter. I used to find a lot of time to waste. It was at this time that I
RIP Bhima –my cousin and best friendRIP Bhima –my cousin and best friend I met Bhima as a slightly older child in 1947. He was living with his father and aunt in a god forsaken village in the God’s own country. I had just come from a big town and Bhima’s father made me a horn using the Papaya leaf. That day I enjoyed playing with the little, tiny Bhima. When Bhima was 5 year old his mother had died. His father who was son of a
Avani avitta manthras(Upakarma mantras) for 2011Dear Friends, For the past ten years, I have been compiling the Avani avitta manthras(Upakarma manthras ) every year and putting in the web so that it is available to those who are not able to get them or to those who know only English. I know many other people are doing this job.Last year I came across a reference where even the audio is given. I am still doing it in the hope that at least
Ramya475 –Punascha Hari OmRamya475 –Punascha Hari Om Unlike many old people of today, I am a trained main frame computer programmer from 1970. My knowledge helped me to computerize the Institute that I was working from 1975 to 2000 using the micro computers which came in to the market in 1975. But somehow the wave of the modern day computers did not affect me at all. So when I needed to communicate to my children over
Would this mean the end of terror every where?Would this mean the end of terror every where?ByP.R.RamachanderThe first black one in the white house ,Thought that enough is enough,And the time has come to put an end,To the needless killing of innocent ones.There was no need to search far and wide ,For the most important killer of the decade,Who called himself one of the students of religion,And was called obama with an “s” instead of “b”.
A very happy 2011Our dear friends,A grand old Thatha sitting in front of his desk top.And his great old lady sitting with the thousand great things that she does great ,Are with happiness looking back at the road they had walked.No doubt there were thorns , stones , pits and lions,That made their walk difficult often times,But having faced all of them with tears and smiles,And now being able to take their well
Thank you God for your blessingsThank you god for making me take birth in a poor family in Kerala. Had I not been born in such a family, I would not be what I am today. Thank you God for being born to my parents, who though not educated in the modern sense, were intelligent, inquisitive, caring and wise people. I inherited some of these qualities from them and me and my siblings, care for others, because of this. Thank you God
Recipes for a Onam feast from a professional Kerala IyerRecipes for an Onam feast from a Kerala Iyer professional Recipes by Sri. M.Anantha Raman of Vinayaka Caterers of Kadavanthra, Ernakulam (published in Malayalam Journal Vanitha ,August 15-31 , 2010-12-07
Recipes for some Deepavali/Diwali sweetsSome Deepavali sweets These were selected by Mrs Ramachander from the addendum which came with Aval Vikatan and Kumudham Snehithi (tamil Magazines of October month) . I am giving them in English so that people who do not know Tamil can try them out. P.R.Ramachander1.Deepavali HalwaMaterials needed¼ cup sago rice1 cup corn flour¼ cup maida4 ½ cup sugar1 cup
About me in a city news paperDhainik Jagaran has a weekly called city plus circulated free in different cities of India. It carries a write about me.Ramachander in astrology & religionP R Ramachander"Astrology plays a very important role in all aspects of one's life, especially in matrimony. Even with modern day changes in
A young girl questions the colour phobia of men?From Gori chitti to sportscaster Meera Venkatesan (She is my daughter. I hope some of you may remember what I wrote long back about the cursed colour differences in India, which is possibly the largest country with people of the largest colour differences. Every male wants a Ghori as a bride ? Is it all right? A female point of view)A young girl, with evidently little sophistication is
The Burnt shackles -A short storyThe Burnt ShacklesA short story by Meera Venkatesan*Sumi felt the unpleasantly familiar heave of bile from inside. She quickly got up for the fifth time in so many hours and rushed to the restroom. It was as if, something in her interiors was waiting to gush out of her being and expel itself from her. She wished it would happen and provide her relief. But just like the other characters in her
Reply to my four mile stonesDear Shri Ramachander Oh Sage !, You have released from the Cage (of printed media) many a Page of our holy scriptures by digitalising it and making it as a Webpage. Truly, the milestones are not made of 'concrete' or 'granite' but of 'diamonds' and 'pearls'. From Shri Nandu's mail, I came to know about your great achievements. Man, You have truly "lived", and Swami Vivekananda would
Prayer to get children in SanskritDear Friends, I had recently told about a stotra to get married. I had another great stotra in Malayalam script which would help ina. To get a childless women to get a childb, To get a son for a women who has only daughtersc. To prevent frequent abortions leading to childlessness. This is the great Stotra called “Vamsa Vrudhi karam Durga Kavacham.”. This stotra was taught to Lord Saneeswara
Three great mile stones in my life.I. The first mile stone is my completing the translation of 500th Stotram, I can publicly confess that I am not a great scholar and whatever I have done is by the express guidance from God. This great collection includes such gems like Bhagavad Gita, SundraKandam of Ramayanam, Devi Mahathmyam, Sri Krishna Karnamrutham ,Three great Sahara Namams(Vishnu, Lalitha and Shiva) The great Abhirami
Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2010Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2010 (10-9-2010) (Compiled by P.R.Ramachander)In the case of Sama Veda, The upa Karma prayogam is very extensive and differs very much from the Upakarma prayoga of Rig and Yajur Vedis.They always do it in Hastha Nakshtra of the Kanya Masa. It essentially consists of ten steps in the following order1.Panchagavya
Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2010Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2010* Avani Avittam 23-8-2010(Monday) (compiled by P.R.Ramachander)1.Yagnopa veetha dharana manthra ( Manthra for wearing Poonal)a.Aachamanam:Shuklaam Bharadharam………. Santhayeb.Om Bhoo…………..Bhoorbhavaswaromc.Mamo patha samastha duritha kshya dwara sri paameshwara preethyartham Sroutha smartha
Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2010Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2010* Avani Avittam 24-8-2010(Tuesday) (Compiled by P.R.Ramachander)1.Yagnopa veetha dharana manthra ( Manthra for wearing Poonal)a.Aachamanam:Shuklaam Bharadharam………. Santhayeb.Om Bhoo…………..Bhoorbhavaswaromc.Mamo patha samastha duritha kshya dwara sri paameshwara preethyartham Sroutha
People who wants to contact me?Dear Friends, Any one interested in contacting me can do by E-mail ramachander926 at gmail dot com Raja Thatha
Enge Brahmanan ?Enge Brahmanan ? I am starting with this title fully aware of the fact that this is a title of a serial in Jaya TV which is popular among Brahmins. The first part of the serial ended with a message that Brahmins are no where to be found in this world. This was the only conclusions possible for such a question.. But for some obscure reason , the second part started. This does not even try
My excursions to find out meaning of Carnatic classical music lyricsMy excursions to find out meaning of Carnatic classical music lyrics Though my forefathers were musicians, unfortunately I am very ignorant of music. When I was a child, I never understood what is classical music and used to get bored with it. Slowly I developed a taste for this type of music. There was sweetness and discipline in such type of music. But I rarely understood what the musician
A parallel HinduismA parallel Hinduism Being a member of the higher caste who is religious by upbringing, I was always thinking Of Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva as the greatest Gods and the four Vedas as the only source book of Hinduism. When I was a child in Kerala I used to watch with interest the worship offered to Kutti Chathan in my home. A cock was cut and toddy was offered to the God. Al people believed
Married sages of India?Celibacy and living in a monastery was always strange to Hindu religion. In fact almost all the great sages of Puranas and Vedas are householders. The few exceptions that come to my mind are Narada and Shuka. Among the gods, Ganesa (in south) observes celibacy and Subrahmanya (in north ) observes celibacy and God Ayyappa observes celibacy in Kerala. Ganesa has two wives in North, Subrahmanya has
Prayer for cocieving and taking care during prgnanciesOne of the important requirement of a society is the need for bringing up subsequent generations. This would mean producing children and looking after them so that they become the pillars on which the world will depend. Major burden of this aspect of the society is on women. This involves a pregnancy where the mother carries her baby in her womb, delivery involving lot of labour pain, breast
Sanaischara Sthava RajaShanaischara Sthava Raja(The king of prayers addressed to the slow moving planet)Translated ByP.R.Ramachander( This is a rare stotra addressed to Sanaischara (the slow moving planet Saturn.) Apart from having a Kavacha(armour 2-5) as a part of it, it also has the Sani ashtotharam(the 108 names of Sani deva) as a part of it. It indeed is the king of stotras.)Narada Uvacha:-Narada said:-Dhyathava
Sakalakala valli malai (Tamil)Sakalakala valli malai(The garland of prayers to the Goddess of all arts)BySwamy Kumaraguruparar,Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a great prayer addressed to Saraswathi , the goddess of learning. It is composed by the great saint Kumara guru parar, of the Tamil Saivite tradition. In his quest to popularize the great philosophical implications of Tamil Saivism, this saint reached Benares. To
Maha Lakshmi SthavamSri Maha Lakshmi sthavam(The poem of praise on Mahalakshmi)Translated byP.R.Ramachander ( This is a rare stotra on Maha Lakshmi and was found in a Malayalam book published Reddiar press , Trivandrum in the year 1939. The book was edited by Brahma sri Vittala sasthrigal. Except for this small book, I have not been able to get reference to this great prayer. From the nyasa slokas, it is obvious
Garbha rakshambika stotramSri Garbha Rakshambika StotramBy Brahmasri Sengalipuram Anantha Rama DeekshitharTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This prayer extols the Goddess Garbharakshambika of Thirukarukkavur which is 20 km from the town of Tanjore. The Goddess is believed to help save pregnancies of ladies. Recitation of this stotra along with the Garbha Raksha Stotra as prescribed would help all lady devotes to have an easy
I am 70 todayThe age of 70 is a middle age today. In fact in USA , they are employed and work hard at this age. But to me it is an old age. By the grace of God, I do keep up a good health till today. Also by the grace of God, I have achieved all that I wanted in life. As a boy belonging to a poor family, my dream was to help my family to become rich. I think to a large extent I succeeded. As a scientist,
A change of my homeAbout 3 months back me and my wife were infected by Chikungunea. We were not able to move due to very painful swollen joints. We were not able to move out of our home even to get a glass of milk. Our dear daughter leaving her two little kids drove more than one hour every alternate day to cook us food and help us to procure the necessities. The courage in my mind melted down. I suddenly knew that
My little grand daughter Goldie is an artistHere is a remarkable un assisted drawing by my 4 year old Grand daughter. Ofcourse , the title and verse at the top are mine. Raja Thatha
DoorsDoorsByVasant ChendilReframed in to English,ByP.R.Ramachander(original appearedc in Kumudam Snehithi, Tamil Magazine Feb 2009, page 59)When we knock at some doors,Thinking that that they are locked,A polite sweet voice chimes from within,“Door is open, please step inside”.When we push open some doors,Thinking that they are kept open,A gruff, and harsh voice shouts,“door is locked, go away.”The
Upakarma/Avani Avittam-Some religious rulesXXVIII Upakarma (Annual redemption Ceremony) This has to be observed both by Brahmacharis and family men. It consists of two parts . Upakarma(Redemption) and Uthsarjana(learning of Vedas). These help the already learnt Vedic chants shine with great vigour. .Any actions done with such strengthened Vedic chants , would give good and better results. Due to our using Vedic cants for various
TRansfer of my Stotra Web siteI am extremely glad to inform you that I have successfully transferred the entire contents of my web site (which is being terminated ) to was possible due to the suggestions and advice given by the members of this forum,
Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam Mathras-2009Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2009* Avani Avittam 5-8-2009(Wednesday) (Compiled by P.R.Ramachander)1.Yagnopa veetha dharana manthra ( Manthra for wearing Poonal)a.Aachamanam:Shuklaam Bharadharam………. Santhayeb.Om Bhoo…………..Bhoorbhavaswaromc.Mamo partha samastha duritha kshya dwara sri paameshwara preethyartham Sroutha
Sama Vedi Upakarma Manthras 2009Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2009 (23-8-2009) (Compiled by P.R.Ramachander)In the case of Sama Veda, The upa Karma prayogam is very extensive and differs very much from the Upakarma prayoga of Rig and Yajur Vedis.They always do it in Hastha Nakshtra of the Kanya Masa. It essentially consists of ten steps in the following order1.Panchagavya
Rig Vedi Avani Avittam 2009 manthrasRig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2009* Avani Avittam 6-8-2009(Thursday) (compiled by P.R.Ramachander)1.Yagnopa veetha dharana manthra ( Manthra for wearing Poonal)a.Aachamanam:Shuklaam Bharadharam………. Santhayeb.Om Bhoo…………..Bhoorbhavaswaromc.Mamo partha samastha duritha kshya dwara sri paameshwara preethyartham Sroutha
Mile Stone 400Dear Friends, I retired in the year 2000 and one of my hobbies as soon as I retired was to translate stotras written in Sanskrit, Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi in to English. With the blessings of God as on today, I have completed the translation of 400 such stotras- 363 Sanskrit stotras, 12 Tamil Prayers, 13 Hindi prayers and 12 Malayalam prayers. These were initially put in my web site
An old man bids adieu tearfully to GeocitiesI retired from Government service in India in January 2000. At that time , just to spend time, I started translating Sanskrit Prayers in to English. I also started giving astrological consultation for matching horoscopes as my hobby. It was at this time that I started getting familiar with modern day computers and the world wide web. I happened to visit USA at that time and started giving
Temples of KeralaTemples of KeralaByP.R.RamchanderThe so called God’s own country at present is the ribbon like green stretch of land which stretches from Trivandrum to the small town of Kasargode. Legend says that Parasurama gave as gift all the land he conquered from kings , as per the instruction of Lord Rama. Then he found that he did not have any place to live. So he came to place called Gokarna on Western
Murder seems to be different in different placesMurder seems to be different in different placesRamesh Chander*Gregory Fernandes, a Goan, was killed in Britain. He died after he was brutally attacked by a group of about 20 teenagers on October 20, 2007, while their ship was anchored at a British port. While Fernandes died, his shipmate Vinod Pitchilnaviram suffered a broken shoulder. The attack has been termed a racist attack by misguided
Anil Kapoor-the unnecessary circusAnill Kapoor- the unnecessary circus!Ramesh Chander*When Slumdog Millionaire won the Golden Globe awards, the MEP (Most Excited Person) in the room was also the MUP (Most Useless Person) in the movie – Mr. Anil Kapoor. He was jumping around when the movie won the award for “Best ScreenPlay”, had the biggest smile when the movie won “Best Director” and was among the first to run to the stage when
The feet of Rain by Thanjavur Kavi RayarThe feet of Rain ByThanjavur Kavi Rayar(Kalki 5-4-2009 )Translated in to EnglishByP.R.RamachanderWhen the rain comes , suddenly with a song,,You close all the windows of your home speedily,And you start searching for Umbrellas Throughout the house, in nooks and corners,You rush here and there, if you are outside,For a place where rain’s drizzles will not reach.Would you do this , if your loving
I need the Pied Piper of HamelinI need the Pied Piper of HamelinByP.R.RamachanderI am in search of that Pied piper of Hamelin,So that he can play his pipe in my country,And take away to the far , flung oceans,The politician rats who are bleeding all of us,So that they become immensely rich,The merchant rats who by hoarding,All that we need and make us shed tears of misery,The government servant rats who to become rich,Ask and
The butterfly park -A poem by MaithreeThe butterfly park ByMaithree Venkatesan (This poet is only eight years old and is my grand daughter: Raja Thatha)I once went to a butterfly park,And was greeted by dogs, ready to bark,With many pretty little butterflies,Flittering around the sky.Two little butterflies came and sat on me,I laughed and smiled, shining with glee.We watched a film, which told us about butterflies,In
In search of an Indian Obama?In search of an Indian Obama?RameshchanderAfter Obama won the US presidential elections, a lot of articles heralded Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati as an Indian Obama. Obama and Mayawati have lot of things to be compared on. Let's take a dispassionate look at theseWhy Mayawati is like Obama? The obvious: Obama and Mayawati are from a historically oppressed class in their respective
Slumdog: There's more to India than just povertySlumdog: There's more to India than just poverty ByRamesh Chander’SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE’ won four Golden Globes and is on the way to the Oscars. Great. The underdog with an Indian connection has won. I am one of the biggest fans of Rahman and have heard his music for the film. Then I saw the movie. ‘Slumdog’, is no underdog.Isn’t India poor?India is a vast and diverse country and is a
The value of lives: Media angleThe value of lives: Media angle ByRamesh ChanderDID ANYONE notice the news today that Americans paid Afghans $2500 for each person they killed in a missile strike. Compare that with the $5000 that was paid very recently to all the passengers of US Air for surviving (with hardly a scratch) a plane crash on the river Hudson. When terrorists stuck Mumbai, both national and international media went
Terrorist attacks: How Pakistan wins the news cycleTerrorist attacks: How Pakistan wins the news cycle ByRamesh ChanderWHATEVER ONE may say about Pakistani politicians, they always win the news cycle throughout the world. Something the Indian politicians are just too incompetent or too lazy to do. Some of the secrets Pakistan knows about world news are: 1. Get any statement out to the wires (Reuters/AP etc) and it will be spread through out the
Why "Aryan" isn't a great name for kids abroadWhy "Aryan" isn't a great name for kids abroad Ramesh ChanderARYAN, ALONG with Dev, Raj and Rahul has become one of the most used names in Bollywood movies. This has resulted in a dramatic increase in Indian parents who have named their kids Aryan.Personally, I believe Aryan is a really nice sounding name. It has a great meaning in India. But what many Indians don’t realise is that the name “
'Outsource' becoming a racist word'Outsource' becoming a racist word ByRamesh ChanderWHEN AN American hears the word ‘outsource’, what comes to his mind? First of all, dread - they fear their job will get outsourced. And this feeling is somewhere bringing in a sense of hatred among the Americans towards the Indians. The first sentiment is quiet natural. Nobody wants to lose his or her job. Especially when they have worked hard
Jeev, the best known Indian sportsperson in AmericaJeev, the best known Indian sportsperson in America ByRamesh ChanderJEEV MILKHA SINGH is fast becoming the best known contemporary Indian sportsman in America and perhaps, throughout the world too. This weekend he finished 4th in World Golf Championship event. A commendable achievement indeed – considering the best golfers in the world participated in the event! He finished ahead of the best
A son joins the father.My father who studied only up to third standard , some time in the first decade of the twentieth centaury knew how to read and write Tamil, Malayalam, English, Hindi, Telugu and Kannada. The versatility which he showed in expressing his ideas were remarkably great. Though he was a struggling hotel worker before independence , he thirsted for the independence of his country. I as a small boy of
One of my pet poemsI like to read poems. Today I was searching my old collection.I found this gem. I do not know who wrote it. It goes on like this:-Que Sera Sera When I was just a little girlI asked my mother, what will I beWill I be pretty, will I be richHere's what she said to me.Que Sera, Sera,Whatever will be, will beThe future's not ours, to seeQue Sera, SeraWhat will be, will be.When I was young, I fell in
Honey moon at 70I am racing towards 70 and my better half has just crossed 60. We normally spend our days by temple hopping. For a change we went on a sponsored conducted trip to Malaysia and Singapore in the first week of February. This was our first honeymoon. When we got married only heroines and Heroes of Indian Cinema used to go for honeymoon., According to them, the couple used to spend all the time
Rules of life of our bare footed ancestorsThe following are the rules to be followed in a day to day life of a Brahmin:- He should wakeup during the Brahma Muhurtha (4.30 AM) . As soon as he wakes up he should take a stock of 1.The actions we did yesterday.2. The money we earned by just means 3. The actions that we plan to do today. 4. How we are going to earn money today. 5. How we have to behave so that we do not hurt others. And 6
A Dog in the high court of Madras aka ChennaiThere is a great Euphoria among all Indians for getting several awards to the Indian artistes of the “Slum Dog Millionaire.” At the outset I would like to congratulate them because in a country like India full of brown and black people , nothing is greater than a recognition of the white people . But most of you possibly did not notice about another dog usage in Tamil Nadu. When
Oldicapped SyndromeI am calling those senior citizens who are handicapped, either by physical limitations or mental limitations as oldicapped. According to the figures which are available, these people form about 20-30% of our population. Many of them are slightly miserable, some highly miserable and a few are really happy. I am sure all of you would like to ask “Is this problem new? Did it not exist before?”
Red earth - coloured BusThe red earth coloured BusWritten byThanjavur Kavi RayarKalki, 25th January, 2009Translated byP.R.RamachanderThe village bus goes,Is of the colour of the red earth.Like the life of the villagers,It is a broken and full of holes.The driver is as aged as the bus,And drives it with no urgency,Towards the world which is fast and urgent,The conductor does not shave,For possibly that face is Ok for the
Matricapped Iyer Grooms (Some reactions)Given below are the reactions of some iyers on what I wrote, RamachanderI read your analysis of "Matri capped Iyer Grooms" and found it most interesting."There are two more major problems standing in their way. One of them is the fact that the iyer girls are extremely intelligent and are able to get themselves not only highly qualified but also well employed and the other is the fact that most of
matri capped Iyer GroomsThis time I want to write about the very large of young men being not able to find a suitable girl, who is willing to marry them. One of the reasons for this is the skewed sex ratio. Possibly there are only 90 girls for every 100 boys in the community. This would automatically mean that ten boys out of hundred would not be able to find a wife. This is further complicated by the fact that more
LIfe at Vittal, South KanaraFirst appointment was as a gazetted officer at the very young age of 23. Not only I was the youngest officer of Central Areca nut Research station at Vittal, South Kanara but I was the youngest staff member there when I joined. I was in real financial straits then. At that time I could not afford a good shirt or a new pair of slippers. Sri Mohan Rao who was the Director of the Institute took an
Thank you GodThank you god for making me take birth in a poor family in Kerala. Had I not been born in such a family, I would not be what I am today.Thank you God for being to my parents, who though not educated in the modern sense, were intelligent, inquisitive, caring and wise people. I inherited some of these qualities from them and me and my siblings, care for others, because of this.Thank you God for
On Hearing that USA elected Obama!Colour blindnessByP.R.RamachanderColour blind we are not,For we search a ghori for our bride.Caste blind we are not,For we search for Yadavs,Dalits and Brahmins ,While we tender our votes.Religion blind we are not,For we search and burn ,Temples , masjids and Church.But it looks like Americans ,Have become colour blindHave become caste blind,And also religion blind .How else would they vote,For a
Story telling in IndiaStory telling started in India from the Vedic times. Though most of the Vedas are either emphasis on spirituality or rituals or philosophy, many of these are illustrated by stories. Possibly this was done with a view to make these hard core thought processes, reach the common people. While the stories about the role of nature (symbolized by the five aspects of Fire, earth, water, wind and air)
Kunjan Nambiar- some talesKunjan Nambiar ByP.R.RamachanderKunjan Nambiar was a great poet and story teller of Kerala. He was a disciple of one great story teller called Pothiyil Rama chakyar. Pothiyil used to be an expert in the art form called Chakyar Koothu in Kerala. In this the story teller would come to the stage and tell us a story illustrated by Sanskrit slokas. They were also licensed to tease the audience
Which Man has a womb?Which man has a womb?Vennilawww.koodal.comTranslation attempted byP.R.RamachanderThe food we eat,The words that we talk,All are meant to the baby,When we are carrying himI would deliver your child,After floating in blood ,For four to five hours,So that he travels with you,And puts your initials,In front of his name.If I request,You would kiss me,You would fondle and hug me,And you would console
Computers-mansions vs Mud hutsComputerJa Mariyammalwww.koodal.comTranslation attempted byP.R.RamachanderIn the middle of all these human beings,Who tell lot of falsehoods and lies,She is the perennial God,Who only tells the truth.She who roams and roams,In thousands of souls,Is a dream girl,Called computer,Which never gets,In to the hands of God of death.She lies on several laps,Of rich people in mansions,And when will she
Your God !Your GodYasmin(from attempted byP.R.RamachanderI am asking your God,Why he created your heart,Within you ,For , only because of that,I am not able to know,Whether I am inside your heart.
Sagothra marriagesThere was some very relevant point raised about the need of lifting the ban on sagothra marriages.. It is commonly understood that Gothra is the paternal lineage, which is important to Hindus of all shades except the group practicing matrilineal inheritance in Kerala. The Dharma sashtras, I understand also ban the marriages within Pravaras. Pravaras are important note worthy individuals among
Brahmins of Tamil NaduBrahmanas in India – an introduction BY P.R.Ramachander Evidence as to whether all the present day Hindus were migrants , possibly from Asia minor and whether they were were Aryans is both confusing and conflicting. But the fact that they were a major part of the great religion called “Sanathana Dharma” or “eternal truth” is very strong. The invading hoards from outside of the later
There is no defeatThere is no defeat Translated from Hindi P.R.Ramachander(Here is a translation of a great Hindi Poem called “Haar Nahi Hothi.” .I do not know who is the author of this work but I know that the message of the poem is universal.)For those who try, there is no defeat ever,Since a river can never be crossed.Without an effort to cross it,Even though one is afraid of the waves.Small tiny ants
Maithreem BhajathaMaithreem Bhajatha By Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati Translation by P.R.Ramachander(This prayer was written by Paramacharya of Kanchi to be sung in the U.N. Assembly by Smt.M.S.Subbalakshmi during its 50th anniversary and dealt
Vaishnava JanathoVaioshnava Janato (The man of God) By Narasi Mehta Translated by P.R.Ramachander One of the greatest Gujarati poet-saints, Narsi Mehta introduced philosophical poetry into the bhakti world of Gujarat. He composed about 740 songs. 'Vaishnava-janato', the prayer song popularized by Mahatma Gandhi, is a composition of Narsi Mehta’s. This soul stirring poetry moves any theist. I have taken the
Parthasarathy and NatarajanAfter I completed my post graduation in Annamalai University, (1960) I was lucky to get admission in the Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta. On the day that I had to start to Calcutta, I received an appointment order as Statistical assistant in National Sample Survey in Trivandrum. I knew that I should accept that because the financial condition of the family was not good. But my great father
Political PartiesPolitical Parties ByKochinra(published in Kalki, 31st August 2008)Translation attempt ByP.R.RamachanderPolitical parties,Make fun of our country,One parties name is written in blood,Taken from the wounds of our religion.Film posters are pasted,On the back of the democracy,Talked about by Russo.Elections are not able,To prevent a country,From becoming land of terrorists,Elections,Make
Origin of SambharOrigin of Sambar By P.R.Ramachander You would be all surprised to know that chillies entered India only 400 years back .So also tomato, potato and onion were introductions from our western settlers to India around the same time. Then the common sense question, which all of you should ask is how was Sambar prepared in South India before that and how were the North Indians preparing
Mom of Dad /AppathaWhere did you Go, my mom of my dad (Appatha) By Ramya Chendhi Shanmugam, Bangalore (Tamil poem From Mangayar Malar , September 2008) Translation attempt By P.R.RamachanderI have never even murmured a word.When I passed by you, even at times
Quo Vadis Thathas and Pattis?Anna and Akka will become mama (uncle) and Mami (aunty) when they cross the thirties. The role that they have played till then changes a lot. They were studying and leading a happy carefree life till then. Suddenly the new mama has to work and work a lot, to earn lots of money. His sisters get married (Mami?) and take up the job of running the house. The job is much more difficult than mama’s job
Babu, Shivadas and SundararamanIn 1957 I passed out my intermediate class and much against my wishes got admission in Annamalai University near Chidambaram. Slowly the fact that I was very poor was sinking in o my mind. Unlike all other students of the university, I was not dressed according to the norms of the day. Possibly God brought Sundararaman as a solace to me. He was a son of Sri Dorai Samy of the Kanchi Kama Koti Mutt
Pathan and BalakrishnanI passed out my SSLC in the year 1955 from Hyderabad and joined the Sree Kerala Varma College Trichur. I studied I.Com for two years there. This was the first time in my life that I knew that we were poor. Till 1955, I used to dress up like any other fashionable boy in pants and Bush shirt. But before going to Trichur my father told me that he cannot afford such luxuries any more. The two years
My Friend S.Shanthi Lal<?xml:namespace prefix = o /> st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } <!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in;
A call for my communityAwake , Brahmanas, Awake !! P.R.Ramachander Modern day Brahmanas whose role was to learn the Vedas and tenets of religion and explain it to those who are not capable of understanding them, are in the present day a very confused lot. The main reason is that they have left the vocation of their forefathers and have taken up all
Some forgotten Kerala Iyer recipesOld but forgotten Kerala Iyer Recipes P.R.Ramachander Over the years some of the very special dishes have gone out of fashion from the Kerala Iyer family. It is not because they are not good nor because they are difficult to prepare but because of the migration of families to different areas and their adopting to the recipes of the new area, that these are not prepared. Some of these are
Slaves to some one!Slaves we prefer to some one foreign P.R.Ramachander Slaves to someone foreign we were, To the moguls from the Persian coast, To the merchants who came from a tiny island next. And then some one led us to what some call freedom, But our leaders great led us to
Tips for a Iyer HomeDear Friends,Here are a few tips from a book called “Live with Grace” in Tamil. May be what Kerala iyers believe and follow may be slightly different.Possibly each of you know several dos and donts as well as several tips which makes life easy .Why don’t you please share it with the group. 1.Lighting of lamp a. If Gingelly oil is used then all the sufferings of family will disappear
Oh, our Soft ware ladyOh, Our dear Software lady By C.S.Chithra Mangayar Malar, February 2008 Translation from tamil attempted by P.R.Ramachander* Even though you arrive in a latest
Pradheep, IV standard, B sectionBy Surya Suresh (Aval Vikatan, October 27, 2006) Translated By P.R.Ramachander Oh mummy dear, unfortunately your Bus, Always daily comes before my auto. When I return from school, To an empty home, mummy dear, It appears to me as if there is nothing there. Mummy, you who return home at nine P.M daily, And daddy who will try to come by eleven, Appear as some hazy shadows to me,
Grinding stone, Arundathi and she.Grinding stone, Arundathi and she. By Madurai Baba rajMangayar Malar, August 2008, Translation attempt, By P.R.RamachanderWith burden of a big family,I am being ground like ,The masala on a grinding stone.Even my small and tine wishes ,Are really far , far and far away,Like the Arundathi star in the sky.Perhaps we all enter the married life,Only because of
Hubby, lend me your ears!Hubby, lend me your ears! ByMuthu.Shanthi, Vizhuppuram,Mangayar Malar, pp16, August 2008 Translation attempt by, P.R.RamachanderYou would very often gulp,The tasty food that I cook,Prepared with lots of thought and care.You would sit erect and silent,Without even seeing me,Who am going round and round,Expecting the words, “That was super, darling.”When I say I am sick
A mile stone in My translation efforts.I retired from service as a scientist in a national institute in the year 2000. My research life spanning 36 years was very productive and fruitful. Once I retired I decided that I should do some thing which is entirely different from what I was doing till then . I started with very many activities. Of them, one was the translation of stotras in to English verse. I wanted to do this because I
THe misery of being old in India!When I was young, the old people were respected citizens, possibly because they had money and the youngsters were dependent on that. Times have changed now.The serior citizens , both man and women, do have money now but it is much , much less than their son and daughter. In my young age, all youngsters thaought that it is their responsibility to look after their parents. I know how much
My village and meChelakkara , the village to which I belong is in the Thalapilly thaluq of Trichur district , Kerala. It is a valley , which is fertile, pretty and rich. I am Tail speaking Kerala Iyer and we iyers used to live in Chelakkara Grammam. Though an agraharam, it was independent houses (called Otha Madam) . There used to be more than 100 iyer houses. These houses were bought or perhaps usurped by the
Introducing myselfI am from Kerala. I belong to a village called Chelakkara, which is in Trichur district of Kerala. I completed my intermediate from Sree Kerala Varma College Trichur in 1957. Then I completed my M.A. in Mathematics from Annamalai university in 1960. I then specialised in agricultural statistics in IASRI, New Delhi in 1963. After 36 years of service as Head of the statistical departments of four

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Exhaustive list of gayitri mantras of all gods in telugu english sanskrit with meaning and impact and effect

  1. కోరికలు నెరవేరడానికి - శ్రీ గణేశ గాయత్రీ Sanskrit:  ॐ లంబోదరాయ విద్మహే మహోదరాయ ధీమహి తన్నో దంతి ప్రచోదయాత్। Transliteration:  Om Lambod...