Sunday, December 29, 2024

List of Hindu strotra and puja chantings translations to english by P R Ramachender


List of strotra translations from by P.R.Ramachander - They have done such a big contribution to Hinduism by translating the strotras.
GodTitleShort Summary
Dwadasa stotra-IVDwadasa stotra-IV By Madhvacharya\ Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Madhvacharya also known as Ananda theertha Bhagwat Pada had composed 12 prayers at the time of consecration of the Krishna idol in Udupi.These are Considered as very sacred by his followers. I am trying to translate them Individually . The third prayer is a prayer addressed to
The Dwadasa stotra –IIThe Dwadasa stotra –II By Sri Madhvacharya Bhagawat Pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Madhvacharya also known as Ananda theertha Bhagwat Pada had composed 12 prayers at the time of consecration of the Krishna idol in Udupi.These are Considered as very sacred by his followers. I am trying to translate them Individually . The second prayer is&
Gana Nadha SthuthiGana Nadha Sthuthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander Gananadha Hare, srunu may vachanam Smaranam thava na pradhdhaathi sukham Vadanam bhavatho jwalathi prabhayaa Natanam kuru no hrudhi bho sathatham Bhuvane sujanai kriyathe havanam Bhavvatha janatha yajathaa dravinam Charanam
Prayers to Goddess VarahiPrayers to Goddess Varahi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Varahi is a ratri devata (night goddess) and is sometimes called Dhruma Varahi ("dark Varahi") and Dhumavati ("goddess of darkness"). According to Tantra, Varahi should be worshipped after sunset and before sunrise.) ஸ்ரீ வாராஹி அம்மன் துதி Sri Varahi Amman thuthi Prayer&
Kattodu Kattumudi Lyrics in TamilKattodu Kattumudi Lyrics in Tamil By Sri Hari Translated by P.R.Ramachander (… இந்த பாடல் ஐயப்ப சாமியை பாடி வழிபட மிக சிறந்த ஒன்றானதாகும்…. சபரிமலை யாத்திரையை குறிப்பதாக அமைந்த பாடலாகும்…. This is a great song of Devotion to Lord Ayyappa. It deals with going through traditional route to
ஆவுடையக்காள் வேதாந்தப் பாடல் திரட்டு Avudayakkal Vedantha Padal Thirattuஆவுடையக்காள் வேதாந்தப் பாடல் திரட்டு Avudayakkal Vedantha Padal Thirattu Collection of philosophical poems of avudayakkal BY Avudayakkal Translated by P.R.Ramachander (She was a tamil poet who lived in 15th centaury in Senkottai. She was born in a rich family &nbsp
கோதையின் திருப்பாவை Kothayin THiruppavaiகோதையின் திருப்பாவை Kothayin THiruppavai Aandal’s THiruppavai By Poet Kannadasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear The great song - கோதையின் திருப்பாவை வாசகன் எம்பாவை கூப்பிடும் குரல்கேட்டு கண்ணன் வந்தான் மாதவர் பெரியாழ்வார் மன்னவர் குலத்தாழ்வார்
AAni thirumanjana Nayakanukku, Oar Kavithai (Tamil)A poem to the hero of divine bath to Lord Nataraja In month of AAni(June-july) By ஆனந்தி AAnandhi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (see AAni THirumanjanam) இடதுபதம் தூக்கி ஆடும் ஈசனே என்னிடர் களைந்து அருள்புரி சிவகாமி நேசனே Idathu padham thooki aadum easane Yen idea kalainthu arul
മണ്ണ് തിന്നോ , എന്ടെ കണ്ണൻ? Mannu thinno yende kannan?മണ്ണ് തിന്നോ , എന്ടെ കണ്ണൻ?Mannu thinno yende kannan? Has my darling ate mud? By K L M Suvarddhan Translated by P.R,Ramachander മണ്ണു തിന്നോ നീയെൻ പൊൻ മകനേ ചൊല്ലു തിണ്ണം പറയു നീ ഉണ്ണിക്കണ്ണാ അണ്ണൻ പറഞ്ഞല്ലൊ മണ്ണു നീ തിന്നെന്നു കള്ളം പറയൊല്ലേ കണ്ണേ കണ്ണാ ദെണ്ണം വന്നീടുമെന്നുണ്ണി കൃഷ്ണാ, മണ്ണുതിന്നീടിൽ എന്തിതു കാട്ടുന്നേവം &
Narayaneeya Sthuthi (tamil)Narayaneeya Sthuthi (tamil)Prayer to Narayaneeya Translated in malayalam and english byP.R.Ramachander (I do not know who is author of this prayer) ആദ്യം ഈ സ്തുതിയിൻടെ മലയാള തർജ്ജമ തരുന്നു :- (ഇത് എന്ടെ ആദ്യത്തെ മലയാളം തർജ്ജമ ആണ് ,തെറ്റുകൾ ഉണ്ടെങ്കിൽ ക്ഷമിക്കണം ) നാരായണ ഹരേ , നാരായണ ഹരേ ,
പൂർണത്രയീശ്വരാ കാണാകേണം Poornathrayeeswara Kaanaakenamപൂർണത്രയീശ്വരാ കാണാകേണം Poornathrayeeswara Kaanaakenam Oh Poornathrayeeswara , I want to see (Prayer addressed to lord Poornathrayesa) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (For several years I have been searching for the correct Malayalam lyrics for this great prayer addressed to
ചേലക്കര നരസിംഹ പ്രപത്തി Chelakkara Narasimha Murthy Prapathiചേലക്കര നരസിംഹ പ്രപത്തി Chelakkara Narasimha Murthy Prapathi Translated and modified by P.R.Ramachander ( This is simply to modification of “Narasimha prapathi “ by Mukkur Lakshmi Narasimhachari ,I beg his pardon for this modification.) അച്ഛൻ ചേലക്കര നരസിംഹ
Chelakkara Narasimha Murthy PrarthanaChelakkara Narasimha Murthy Prarthana By Chelakkaara Ramaswamy Venkateswaran Translated by P.R.Ramachander ചേലക്കര ഗ്രാമത്തിൻ ആശ്രിത വത്സല നരസിംഹമൂർത്തേ പ്രഹ്ലാദ ഭക്തിയാൽ തൂണുപിളർന്നെത്തിയ ഭക്തവത്സലനാം നരസിംഹമൂർത്തേ ഓടിയും ചാടിയും, അമ്മാനമാടിയും തവ സന്നിധി അലങ്കോഅലമാക്കിയ പാപിയാമെനന്നോട്‌ പൊറുക്കുമാറാകണേ ഒന്നായ നിന്നെയിഹ കണ്ടത്‌
Chelakkara narasimha murthy sthuthi ചേലക്കര നരസിംഹമൂർത്തി സ്തുതിChelakkara narasimha murthy sthuthi ചേലക്കര നരസിംഹമൂർത്തി സ്തുതി By P.R.Ramachander Hey Gramathin deivame, Prahladande Narasimha murthe Oro manushyandeyum Rakshaka,Thoonil niinnu vannavane, Hey Narayana , yennu vilichaal , odi ethunnavane Chelakkara bhagavane narasimha
श्रीमहालक्ष्मी ललिता स्तोत्रं Sri Mahalakshmi Lalitha Stotraश्रीमहालक्ष्मी ललिता स्तोत्रं Sri Mahalakshmi Lalitha Stotra Stotra addressed to Goddess Mahalakshmi and Lalitha Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Lalita Mahalakshmi Stotra (ललिता महालक्ष्मी स्तोत्र): . Lalita Mahalakshmi is a highly revered Sanskrit Stotra which addressed the 300 Divine Names of
हमारे साथ श्री रघुनाथ-Hindi prayerहमारे साथ श्री रघुनाथ-Hindi prayer Hamare sath sri Raghunadh Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear the prayer हमारे साथ श्री रघुनाथ तो किस बात की चिंता । शरण में रख दिया जब माथ तो किस बात की चिंता । किया करते हो तुम दिन रात क्यों बिन बात की चिंता । किया करते हो तुम दिन रात क्यों बिन बात की चिंता ।
பீஷ்மர் ஜெபிக்கச் சொன்ன இறைத் திருநாமங்கள் THhe God’s name which Bhishma said should be chantedபீஷ்மர் ஜெபிக்கச் சொன்ன இறைத் திருநாமங்கள் THhe God’s name which Bhishma said should be chantedTranslated byP.R.Ramachander( i had given this earlier as Lord Kesava's 24 nammes) யார் ஒருவர் தினமும் நாராயணின் 24 திருநாமங்களை ஜபிக்கிறார்ளோ, அவர்களுக்கு வாழ்நாள் முழுவதும் மனநிம்மதியுடன் கூடிய ராஜயோகம் கைகூடுவதோடு , பிறவி முடிந்த பின்னும்,
அனுமன் துதி Anuman Thuthiஅனுமன் துதி Anuman Thuthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander நீல நிற பெரும் கடலை ஒரு நீர் தாரை போல் தாவி குதித்து வந்தவனே பொல்லாத அரக்கன் இராவணனை புழுவாய் மதித்து அவனுக்கு நிகராக வாலினால் சிம்மாசனம் அமைத்தவனே Neela nira perum kadalai , oru neer thaarai poal thaavi kuthithu
Ayyappa suprabatham in to TamilAyyappa suprabatham in to Tamil By Kaviyur M.V.Narayana IyerTranslated in to Tamil bySmt.Gita Kalyan(You can see my translation in to englishஶ்ரீ அய்யப்ப ஸுப்ரபாதம் … 1991 ஆம் ஆண்டு மலையாளத்தில் இயற்றியவர் — ஶ்ரீ கவியூர் எம். வீ. நாராயண ஐயர்… தமிழாக்கம் - அடியேன்
श्रीलक्ष्मीनामावलीस्तोत्रम् Sri Lakshmi Namavali Stotramश्रीलक्ष्मीनामावलीस्तोत्रम् Sri Lakshmi Namavali Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander ब्राह्मी नारायणी श्रीश्चाक्षरी मुक्तानिता रमा । ब्रह्म्प्रिया च कमला हरिप्रिया च माणिकी ॥ १॥ Brahmi Narayani Sri scha akshari , mukthaa anithaa , remaa Brahma priyaa cha kamalaa hari priya
श्रीचन्द्रलाम्बाष्टकम् Sri Chandralamba ashtakamश्रीचन्द्रलाम्बाष्टकम् Sri Chandralamba ashtakam The octet on Goddess Chandralamba TRanslated by P.R.Ramachander (The temple for this Goddess is in a village called Sannathi village in Gulbarga district of Karnataka on the shores of Bhima river . The Goddess Sri Lakshmi Chandrala
श्री परशुराम स्तोत्र (Shri Parshuram Stotram)श्री परशुराम स्तोत्र (Shri Parshuram Stotram) Prayer addressed to Lord Parasurama Translated by P.R.Ramachander कराभ्यां परशुं चापं दधानं रेणुकात्मजं । जामदग्न्यं भजे रामं भार्गवं क्षत्रियान्तकं ॥१॥ Karabhyam Parasum chapam Dadhaanaam Renuka athmajam Jaamadagnyam Bhaje Ramam Bhargavam
श्री केशव चतुर्विंशतिनामावलिः Sri mKesava Chathurvimsathi Namavaliश्री केशव चतुर्विंशतिनामावलिः Sri mKesava Chathurvimsathi Namavali The twenty four names of Lord Kesava Translated by P.R.RamachnderHear the names 1 श्री केशवाय नमः। Shri Keshavaya Namah। He who is served by Vishnu , Siva and Brahma 2श्री नारायणाय नमः
Maha Lakshmi Chathurvimsathi NamavaliMaha Lakshmi Chathurvimsathi Namavali The 24 names of Goddess Mahalakshmi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Chanting these 24 names with devotion will get back one’s riches, job, position of authority. The body of sloka in Sanskrit (without nyasa) is available in
Vaidyanatha NamaskaramVaidyanatha Namaskaram Translated By P.R.Ramachander(Lord Shiva is considered as the king among physicians. He is worshipped in this form in Purlee Vaijyanath. He is also worshipped in this form at a great temple in Tamil Nadu known as Vaitheeswaran Koil (Temple of the lord of physicians). It is believed that Lord Rama
வேலவா வேலவா- Tamil Bhajan Oh God with vel, Oh God with Velவேலவா வேலவா- Tamil Bhajan Oh God with vel, Oh God with Vel Translated by P.R.Ramachander வேலவா வேலவா வேல் முருகா வா வா வேலவா வேலவா வேல் முருகா வா வா Velavaa , velavaa , vel murukaa Va va Velavaa , velavaa , vel Murukaa Va, Va Oh God with Vel , Oh God with Vel , Oh Muruka
श्री साईनाथ महिम्नस्तोत्र – Sri Sai nadha mahimna stotramश्री साईनाथ महिम्नस्तोत्र – Sri Sai nadha mahimna stotram The prayer extolling greatness of Saibaba BY Sri Upasini Baba Maharaj (composed in 1912 when Baba’s Padukas were conscrated below the neem tree) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear the great prayer sung by Kavalam &
Madana MohanashtakamMadana Mohanashtakam (The octer of pretty bewitcher-Krishna) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (My friend Sri Shivam Perinkulam in his blog says “Madana mohanastakam’ is really ‘mohanam’, a lovely prayer song. You can sing the melody and forget yourself, forget the world around, while at home or in a lonely forest or under a moonlit sky or in the pouring
ராம பஜனை பாடல்கள் . Rama BHajanai Padalkalராம பஜனை பாடல்கள் . Rama BHajanai Padalkal Rama BHajanai songs (bhajans are normally sung together by devotees. Some time one person sings followed by all the assembly Singing together) Given by Healer Suresh Rajagopal in face book Translated
Sri Guruvayur Ekadasi (Malayalam)Sri Guruvayur Ekadasi 🕉️ ശ്രീഗുരുവായൂർ ഏകാദശി 🕉️ 🪔 Translated by P.R.Ramachander കൃഷ്ണാ..! കൃഷ്ണാ..!! ശ്രീഗുരുവായൂരപ്പാ..!!! Krishnaa , Krishnaa , Sri Guruvayurappaa Oh Krishna , Oh Krishna, Oh Sri Guruvayurappa എവിടെ തുടങ്ങണം.. എങ്ങനെ തുടങ്ങണം.. ഏകാദശിയുടെ
துன்பம் போக்கும் தசாவதார ஸ்தோத்திர மாலை THunbam pokkum dasavathara stotra malaiதுன்பம் போக்கும் தசாவதார ஸ்தோத்திர மாலை THunbam pokkum dasavathara stotra malai The garland of prayers to Nava grahas to get rid of sorrow Translated by P.R.Ramachander (If those suffering from poverty , sorrow ,problems due to enemies , chant this stotra daily ,
அறுபடை வீடு கொண்ட திருமுருகா Aru padai veedu konda Thiru murukaஅறுபடை வீடு கொண்ட திருமுருகா Aru padai veedu konda Thiru muruka Divine Muruka with six abodes By Poet Kanna Dasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander அறுபடை வீடு கொண்ட திருமுருகா திருமுருகாற்றுப்படை தனிலே வருமுருகா முருகா (அறுபடை) Aaru padai veedu konda thiru
Chelakkara ganapathi sthuthiChelakkara ganapathi sthuthi Written by P.R.Ramachander The temple in my native plave chelakkara is a Narasimha murthy temple facing east.On the right nand corner wall , there are statues of Ganesa and lord Ayyappa. There walls are enclosed in a small temple (they are not consecrated
துன்பம் போக்கும் பராசக்தி பாடல் THunbam pokum Parasakthi padalதுன்பம் போக்கும் பராசக்தி பாடல் THunbam pokum Parasakthi padal The song of Parasakthi with removes sorrow Translated by P.R.Ramachander (If this prayer is sung daily , sorrow would go away, Those he cannot chant daily , may chant it on Tuesdays and Friday To me “Parasakthi “ means”Divine power” and Adhi Para SAkthi means “primeval divine power”&
നരസിംഹ പ്രപത്തിനരസിംഹ പ്രപത്തി(My first malayalam translation, ചേലക്കര പി ആർ രാമചന്ദ്രൻ ) (ഈ സ്തോത്രം എഴുതിയത് , മുക്കുർ ലക്ഷ്മി നരസിംഹാ ചാരി ആണ്. . ഇത് ദിവസം 108 പ്രാവശ്യം ജപിച്ചിട്ടു , കാച്ചിയ പാലോ പാനകമോ നൈവേദ്യം ചെയ്തിട്ടു , വീട്ടിൽ ഉള്ളവർക്ക് എല്ലാം കൊടുത്താൽ , നമ്മുടെ എല്ലാ വ്യാധികളും കാൻസർ
Raman yenum (Tamil)Raman yenum (Tamil) (He who is Rama) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Raman yenum peyarai chonnal Papam yellam theernthu vidum Krishnan yenum peyarai chonnal Aanandam pongi varum If you chant the name of Rama All your sins would run away If you chant the name of Krishna The joy&
Karmam yellaam odungi yen deham The body after my karmas come to an enKarmam yellaam odungi yen deham The body after my karmas come to an end Translated by P.R.Ramachander (There are references to say this was written by poonthanam.But I could not find it in his complete works) കർമ്മമെല്ലാം ഒടുങ്ങിയെൻ ദേഹമീ മണ്ണിൽ വീഴുന്ന നേരത്തു മാധവാ
The ten great Ganesa ManthrasThe ten great Ganesa Manthras Compiled and Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The manthras can be chanted day or night, 108 times for best results) 1,Vakra thunda Manthra “Vakra thunda Maha kaya, Surya koti , sama prabha Nirvighnam Kuru May Dea” Oh God with twisted trunk, Whose shina is
அகத்தியர் பாடல் Agathiyar paaadal of deathஅகத்தியர் பாடல் Agathiyar paaadal Song of Agasthya Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This song is about the psychology of old age and faith in God) ஹரி நாராயண ஹரி நாராயண ஹரி நாராயண நாராயணா ஹரி நாராயண ஹரி நாராயண ஹரி நாராயண நாராயணா Hari Narayana Hari Narayana , Hari Narayana , Narayanaa Hari
Ashta dasa Saraswathi Devi stotra Prayer to goddess Saraswathui with eighteen namesAshta dasa Saraswathi Devi stotra Prayer to goddess Saraswathui with eighteen names Translated by P.R.Ramachander சரஸ்வதி தேவி Saraswathi devi ஓம் சரஸ்வத்யை நம-om Saraswathyai nama- Salutations to goddess who is eloquent ஓம் சாவித்ர்யை நம-Om SAvithyai nama-Salutations to Goddess who stimulates ஓம் சாஸ்த்ர ரூபிண்யை நம-Om Sastra&
Ashta dasa Lakshmi Devi stotra Prayer to goddess Lakshmi with eighteen namesAshta dasa Lakshmi Devi stotra Prayer to goddess Lakshmi with eighteen names லெட்சுமி தேவி Goddess Lakshmi Translated by P.R.Ramachander ஓம் மகாலக்ஷ்ம்யை நம-Om Maha makshmyai nama-Salutations to great Lakshmi ஓம் வரலெக்ஷ்ம்யை நம-Om Vara Lakshmyai nama- Salutations to Lakshmi who grants boons ஓம்
Ashta dasa Durga Devi stotra Prayer to goddess Durga with eighteen namesAshta dasa Durga Devi stotra Prayer to goddess Durga with eighteen names Translated by P.R.Ramachander துர்க்கா தேவி Goddess Durga ஓம் துர்க்காயை நம-Om durgayai nama- Salutations to Goddess Durga ஓம் மகா காள்யை நம-Om Maha kalyai nama-Salutations to great goddess Kali ஓம் மங்களாயை நம-Om
Om NamashivayaOm Namashivaya Translated by P.R.Ramachander Thai , thanthai , guruvum nee SAkala deva ganangal nee Chithai nee, thelivum nee Sidhi , mukthi thaanum nee Vinthum nee , vinayum nee Melathaya Vedham nee Yenthai nee, iraivan nee Yennai aanda easan nee Mother , father , Guru , you are All deva
Vishnu Nama AshtakamVishnu Nama Ashtakam[The Eight Names of Vishnu] From Vamana PuranaTranslated by P. R. Ramachander1. Achyutham, Kesavam, Vishnum, Hari, Sathyam, Janardhanam,Hamsam Narayanam chaiva methan namashtakam padethHe who does not slip, He in whom Lords Vishnu, Shiva, and Brahma reside,He who is peace, He who removes birth and death cycle,He who is the truth, He who troubles bad people,He who in
श्री अनघाकवचाष्टकम् Sri Anagha kavacha Ashtakamश्री अनघाकवचाष्टकम् Sri Anagha kavacha Ashtakam The octet armour of Anagha Translated By P.R.Ramachander (Godess Anagha is believed to be wife of Lord Dathathreya) ।।अथ श्री अनघाकवचाष्टकम्।। Adha Sri Anagha kavachashtakam Now octet armour of Anagha ॐ श्री अनघा लक्ष्मी
ஸ்ரீலக்ஷ்மி துதி Sri Lakshmi prayerஸ்ரீலக்ஷ்மி துதி Sri Lakshmi prayer Translated by P.R.Ramachander உலகின் தாயே ஸ்ரீலக்ஷ்மி உணர்வில் வாழும் ஸ்ரீலக்ஷ்மி நிலவின் வடிவே ஸ்ரீலக்ஷ்மி நிம்மதி அருளும் ஸ்ரீலக்ஷ்மி Ulakin thaaye Sri Lakshmi Unarvil Vaazhum Sri Lakshmi Nilavin vadive Sri Lakshmi NImmathi arulum Sri Lakshmi Oh mother of
Anaga Lakshmyaa shodasa nama vali Sixteen names of Faultless LakshmiAnaga Lakshmyaa shodasa nama vali Sixteen names of Faultless Lakshmi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Anagha devi is the wife of Lord Dathathreya.She is also considered as Vidhya Lakshmi, the goddess of knowledge) 1 ஶ்ரீ அனகா⁴யை நம꞉ . –Srri Anagayai nama- salutations
Thiruvilakkai Yetri VaithomThiruvilakkai Yetri Vaithom We lit the lamp We have lighted the divine lamp Translated BY P.R.Ramachander THiru vilakkai yethri vaithom, THiru makale varuka Kulam vilanga , yengal veettil Kolu irukka varuka We have lighted the divine lamp Oh Goddess Lakshmi , please
கோகுலாஷ்டமி கண்ணன் பாட்டு Gokulashtami Kannan pattuகோகுலாஷ்டமி கண்ணன் பாட்டு Gokulashtami Kannan pattu Song on Krishna for Gokulastami By Smt Vemkata Lakshmi Mahadevan, Trivandrum Translated by P.R.Ramachander (பிருந்தாவனமும் நந்த குமாரனும் மெட்டு) Sing like song “Brindavamum Raja kumaranum” 1. குருவாயூரினில் வாழ்ந்திடும் பாலன் &
Murari PancharathnamMurari Pancharathnam Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sri Murari Pancharathnam is the Slokam in praise of and in prayer to Lord Sri Maha Vishnu. Lord Vishnu has got the name Murari as He had destroyed the demon named Mura. यत्सेवनेन पित्रु मात्रु सहोदराणां चित्तं न मोहमहिमा मलिनं करोति इत्थं समीक्ष्य तव भक्त जनान् मुरारे मूकोऽस्मि तेऽङ्घ्रि कमलं
Sri Swadha Stotram ஸ்ரீ ஸ்வதா ஸ்தோத்ரம்Sri Swadha Stotram ஸ்ரீ ஸ்வதா ஸ்தோத்ரம் (Swadha Devi is a Hindu goddess who is the queen of Pitru Loka, the realm of ancestors.. If this great stotra is chanted on Mahala amavasya You will satisfy all your pithrus. This was given in tamil by Bombay Nagaraja vadhar.Very many thanks to him
Sri Anantha Padmanabha Mangala stotramஶ்ரீ அனந்தபத்மநாப மங்கள ஸ்தோத்ரம் Sri Anantha Padmanabha Mangala stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander श्रियः कान्ताय कल्याण निधये निधयेऽर्थिनाम् श्री शेष शायिने अनन्त पद्म नाभाय मङ्गलम् (1) ஶ்ரிய꞉காந்தாய கல்யாணநிதயே நிதயே(அ)ர்தினாம் । ஶ்ரீ ஶேஷஶாயினே அனந்தபத்மநாபாய மங்களம் ॥ 1 ॥ Sriya kaanthaaya Kalyana nidhaye
Free book "Guruvayurappan" amrutham to downloadDear Friends, After retirement , I started translating Hindu stotras written in Sanskrit, Malayalam, Tamil , Hindi and Telugu in to english. I am attaching a link to a pdf file containing English translation of Books( Slokam wise) 1.Narayaneeyam, 2.Jnanapana, 3.Basha
श्री गणेश भजनावलिः shree ganesha bhajanaavalih'श्री गणेश भजनावलिः shree ganesha bhajanaavalih' The chants to salute praise of Sri Ganesa Translated by P.R.Ramachander जयतु जयतु श्री सिद्धिगणेश jayatu jayatu shree siddhiganesha- Hail , Hail , Sidhivinayaka जयतु जयतु श्री शक्तिगणेश jayatu jayatu shree shaktiganesha-Hail Hail , Stong ganesa अक्षररूपा
വാമനമൂർത്തി🌷 Vamana Moorthiവാമനമൂർത്തി🌷 Vamana Moorthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a pretty Malayalam prayer giving the story of Vamana incarnation in Malayalam) ഗോവിന്ദാ ഹരി ഗോവിന്ദാ ഹരി ഗോവിന്ദാ ഹരി ഗോവിന്ദാ..... Govinda Hari Govinda Hari Govinda Hari Govinda ആമോദത്തോടെ വന്നു ഞങ്ങളീ &
Sri Mahaswami Shat padhiSri Mahaswami Shat padhi || ஸ்ரீ மஹாஸ்வாமி ஷட்பதி || (Six verses on Maha Swami/Maha Periyava) By Saanu puthran Translated BY P.R.Ramachander ஓம்.... 1.கீதா வாக்ய ப்ரசாராய கமலபாத ஸ்வரூபிணே ஸந்யாஸாச்ரம சிகராய சங்கராச்சார்ய தே நம: Geetha vakhya pracharaya Kamala padha swaroopine Sanyasrama shikaraaya
GuruvayurappaneGuruvayurappane Translated by P.R.Ramachander குருவாயூரப்பனே அப்பன் ஸ்ரீ கிருஷ்ணன் குருவாயூரப்பனே அப்பன் Guruvayurappane Appan Sri Krishnan Guruvayurappane appan Only Lord Guruvayurappa is father Sri Krishna , only Lord Guruvayurapa is father தொடுப்பு நாராயணா என நாவாற
Muthukumaranadi- Tamil Bhajan முத்துக்குமாரனடிMuthukumaranadi- Tamil Bhajan முத்துக்குமாரனடி Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear it முத்துக்குமாரனடி அம்மா அம்மா செல்வமுத்துக்குமாரனடி அம்மா Muthu kumaranadi Amma , Amma Chelva muthukumaranadi Amma He is peral like lad , oh dear , oh dear
English translations of Hindi prayersEnglish translations of Hindi prayers Translated by P.R.Ramachander I wrote in my posting in 2011 ( ) that I have translated till then (in 11 years) 600 stotra rathnas and I had given a list of 25 Hindi stotra rathnas translated by me . I was doing
English Translation of Malayalam Stotras and KrithisEnglish Translation of Malayalam Stotras and Krithis By P.R.Ramachander Malayalam is spoken by people of Kerala .They all believe cleanliness is next only to Godliness , whatever the religion may belong The Hindus in Kerala are spread all over the state .
श्रीकान्तिमतीश्वर्यष्टकम् SRi Kanthimathi easwariya Ashtakamश्रीकान्तिमतीश्वर्यष्टकम् SRi Kanthimathi easwariya Ashtakam THe octet of Prayer on Goddess Kanthimathi By SWami SAchidananda Shivanubhava SWami of SRingeri TRanslated by P.R.Ramachander ( THere is great temple of LOrd Shiva in Thirunelveli town of Tamilnadu.He is called Sri
வினை தீர்க்கும் நாயகனே Vinai theerkkum Vinayakanaவினை தீர்க்கும் நாயகனே Vinai theerkkum Vinayakana Oh Vinayaka who puts an end to Karma Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Please hear it sung bu Dr.K.J.Yesudas ) வினை தீர்க்கும் நாயகனே வினை தீர்க்கும் நாயகனே வணங்கித் துதிப்பேன் விநாயகனே வினை தீர்க்கும் நாயகனே வணங்கித் துதிப்பேன்
കണ്ണന്റെ വാൽസല്യം Kannande Vathsalyamകണ്ണന്റെ വാൽസല്യം Kannande Vathsalyam Affection of Lord Krishna Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This great prayer which simply melted this old Thatha was published eight years back in face book (
12 தமிழ் மாதங்கள் தெய்வங்களின் மந்திரங்கள் Prayers to Gods of the 12 Tamil months12 தமிழ் மாதங்கள் தெய்வங்களின் மந்திரங்கள் Prayers to Gods of the 12 Tamil months Translated from Tamil BY P.R.Ramachander (I found it posted in by Praveen and in several Whatsapp Groups. Most of Gods mentioned there are&nbsp
Ganesha Swapna GeethamGanesha Swapna Geetham[Song for retiring addressed to Ganesha]Translated by P. R. Ramachander[This song of eight verses is sung at night before closing the doors of the temple of Ganesha. It requests him to sleep sweetly.]1. Kailasa Shikara varekaarthaswara kalithe,Kalyana nava Sadane kalabhamukha, seshva sukham,Oh Lord who lives on top of Kailasa, who is blessed with immeasurable gold,Oh
Nava Naga Stotram-Prayer to nine serpentsNava Naga Stotram-Prayer to nine serpents Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I had earlier translated a prayer called Sarpa Badha Nivruthi sloka( ).There also prayer is addressed to Nava Nagas) Anantham , vasukim , sesham , Padmanabham Cha kambalam
Sri Maha Ganapthi Sthuthi ശ്രീമഹാഗണപതി സ്തുതി(Sanskrit)Sri Maha Ganapthi Sthuthi ശ്രീമഹാഗണപതി സ്തുതി The Great prayer of Ganesa (From Ganesa Purana) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ഗണേശ്വരോ ഗണക്രീഡോ ഗണനാഥോ ഗണാധിപഃ ഏകദംഷ്ട്രോ വക്രതുണ്ഡോ ഗജവക്ത്രോ മഹോദരഃ 1. Ganeswaro , Gana Kreedo , Gana Nadho, Ganadhipa Yeka damshtro , Vakra thundo , Gajja
Stotra ChinthamaniStotra Chinthamani [Sloka Prayers for Solving Various Problems]Compiled by Sri Vathsa Somadeva SharmaTranslated by P. R. Ramachander[These slokas and the method of chanting them have been taken from a book "Stotra Chinthamani" compiled by Sri Vathsa Somadeva Sarma and published in Tamil by Surabhi Jagatguru Sathabdhi Publications, Madras.]1.For Getting Rid of Diseases[Prayer is
ഗീതാസാരം Gita Saramഗീതാസാരം Gita Saram Essence of Gita By ഒരു അന്തേവാസി Oru Anthevasi One inmate Translated by P.R.Ramachander ചേലിൽ ശ്രീ മൗലിയിൽ പീലിചാർത്തി കോലുന്ന നെറ്റിയിൽ ഗോപിചാർത്തി ചെന്താമരയിതൾ കണ്ണിനേറ്റം ചന്തം കലർത്തും മഷിയെഴുതി Chelil Sri Maliyil Peeli Chaarthi Kolunna nethriyil Gopi
ജയാ കൃഷ്ണാ ഹരേ ജയാ മാരുതേശ! Jaya Krishnaa , Hare ,jayaa Maruthesaജയാ കൃഷ്ണാ ഹരേ ജയാ മാരുതേശ! Jaya Krishnaa , Hare ,jayaa Maruthesa Hail Krishna, Hari , Hail Guruvayurappa Translated by P.R.Ramachander ഉണ്ണിയായ് വന്നല്ലോ ലോകൈകപാലകൻ കണിയാവും തുണയാവും കണ്ണനുണ്ണി കാരാഗൃഹത്തിൽ പിറന്ന യദുരത്നം എൻമനോമന്ദിരേ ബന്ധനസ്ഥൻ Unniyai vannallo , lokaika palakan Kaniyaavum , thunayaavum
Guruvayurappande amruthethu Malayalam) Eating of necter like food by GuruvayurappaGuruvayurappande amruthethu Malayalam) Eating of necter like food by Guruvayurappa Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I have earlier translated a poem called Unnu Guruvayurappa ( 1.Guruvayurappande THiru amruthethinu Uruli nirachum paal choru
Vandana slokangalവന്ദന ശ്ലോകങ്ങൾ(Sanskrit) Vandana slokangal Sanskrit Verses of salutation (This was given to me, by my friend Ms Anitha Krishnan. Later I found it is recommended for prayer by Many temples of Kerala-Eg Chemmanadu devaswom , kerala, pariyanampatha temple etc) 1. ഗണപതി ശുക്ലാംബരധരം വിഷ്ണും ശശിവർണ്ണം
Kanaka dasa's Keshava NamaKanaka dasa's Keshava Nama By Kanaka dasa (Pen name-Adhi KesavE) (Kanaka dasa is a great devotee of Krishna who lived between 1508 and 1806. He hailed from Kagginale of Dharwad district. When he was not allowed to enter the shrine in Udupi, the lord himself turned to see him(Kanakana kindi) .His songs are classified as Devarnamas and he is a great composer from
Happy birthday to my baby KrishnaHappy birthday to my baby Krishna Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( One of my friends send it from USA.Somehow I did not see it yesterday. After translating it my eyes are wet, please) വെണ്ണക്കൊതിയൻ ഉണ്ണിക്കണ്ണന് ഇന്നാണത്രേ പിറന്നാള് കൊട്ടും വേണം കുരവേം വേണം കുട്ടികളൊക്കെ കൂടേണം Venna kothiyan Unni kannannu &
ദേവീ മാഹാത്മ്യം കിളിപ്പാട്ട് Devi Mahathmyam –Kili Pattuദേവീ മാഹാത്മ്യം കിളിപ്പാട്ട് Devi Mahathmyam –Kili Pattu By Thunjathu Ramanujan Ezhuthachan Translated by P.R.Ramachander Contents <!--[if supportFields]> TOC \o &quot;1-3&quot; \h \z \u <![endif]-->I,Introduction to Malayalam -Devi Mahathmyam –Kili Pattu. <!--[if supportFields]> PAGEREF _Toc175508060 \h <![endif]-->1<!--
Kollur Mookambika Sthavam(malayalam)കൊല്ലൂർ മൂകാംബിക സ്തവം.(Malayalam) Kollur Mookambika Sthavam Prayer to Kollur Mookambika Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,അഞ്ജാനത്തിൻ തിമിരം നീക്കി വിഞ്ജാനത്തിൻ ദർശനമരുളി കുടജാദ്രിയിൽ വാഴും ദേവീ മൂകാംബികയെ നമിച്ചീടുന്നേൻ Ajnathin thimiram neekki, Vikjnathin Darsanam aruli Kutajdriyil vaazhum devi
മഹാവിഷ്ണു സ്തുതി Maha Vishnu Sthuthiമഹാവിഷ്ണു സ്തുതി Maha Vishnu Sthuthi Prayer addressed to Maha Vishnu Translated by P.R.Ramachander ധരണിതൻ പരിപാലനലക്ഷ്യമായ് വിരവൊടേ പല രൂപമെടുത്തുടൻ സരളമായവ തീർത്തു സുശാന്തനായ് മരുവുമീശ്വര ! മാമകവന്ദനം . Darani than paripalana lakshyamai Viravode pala roopam yeduthudan Saralamaayava Theerthu &
Subrahmanya Kavacham(Malayalam)Subrahmanya Kavacham(Malayalam) Chin armour of Lord Subrahamanya സുബ്രഹ്മണ്യ കവചം:- Translated by P.R.Ramachander സുബ്രമണ്യൻ രക്ഷിയ്ക്ക മുന്നിൽ സേനാനി പിന്നിലും ഗുഹൻ വലം രക്ഷിക്ക ഇടം വഹ്നി സംഭവൻ Subrahmanyan Rakshikka Munni , Senaani pinnilum Guhan Valam Rakshikka Idam vahni sambhavan Let&nbsp
ചോറ്റാനിക്കരയമ്മേ ശരണം Chothanikkara amme Saranamചോറ്റാനിക്കരയമ്മേ ശരണം Chothanikkara amme Saranam Oh Mother of Chothanikkar , I surrender Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Please see Chothanikkara temple , back ground sond is sifferent ചോദിച്ച വരമെല്ലാം ഭക്തര്‍ക്കു നല്‍കുന്ന ചോറ്റാനിക്കരയമ്മേ ശരണം. Chothicha varamellam baktharkku nalkunna Chothanikkara amme , Saranam &
നമഃശിവായ നാമജപം Namashivaya Nama japamനമഃശിവായ നാമജപം Namashivaya Nama japam Salutations to shiva chanting of names Translated by P.R.Ramachander നമഃശിവായ ആദിയായൊരക്ഷരങ്ങള്‍‌കൊണ്ടു ഞാന്‍ ചുരുക്കി നല്ല കീര്‍ത്തനങ്ങള്‍ ചൊല്ലുവാന്‍ ഗണേശനും മനസ്സില്‍‌വന്നുദിപ്പതിന്നനുഗ്രഹിക്കവാണിയും നമഃശിവായപാര്‍‌വ്വതീശപാപനാശനാ ഹരേ Namashivaya aadhiyaya aksharangal kondu Jnan
Ramayana subashitham (Malayalam) Good sayings(Quotations ) From RamayanaRamayana subashitham (Malayalam) Good sayings(Quotations ) From Ramayana Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Though I ve translated three Ramayanas and have read Ananda Ramayana , I have not come across these great sayings in any of them .They are simply superb and sent to by a scholarly musu=ician friend
നവദുർഗ്ഗ സ്തുതി. Nava Durga Sthuthi (Malayalam)നവദുർഗ്ഗ സ്തുതി. Nava Durga Sthuthi (Malayalam) The prayer to nine durgas Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1..വാഞ്ഛിതാര്‍ത്ഥപ്രദേ ദേവീ ശൈലപുത്രീ നമോസ്തുതേ Vaanchithatha pradhe Devi Sailaputhri Namosthuthe (Sailaputhri-daughter of mountain) Oh Goddess Saliaputhri who gave All that &
സന്ധ്യാനാമം ജയ് ഹനുമാൻ SAndhya namam –Jai Hanumanസന്ധ്യാനാമം ജയ് ഹനുമാൻ SAndhya namam –Jai Hanuman Translated by P.R.Ramachander ജയ ജയ ജയ ജയ മാരുതിദേവാ ജയ ജയ ശിവസുത ശ്രീ ഹനുമാൻ ജയ ജയ ലക്ഷ്മണ സീതാരാമ ജയ ജയ ജയ ജയ ശ്രീഹനുമാൻ Jaya jaya jaya jaya maruthi devaa Jaya jaya Shivasutha Sri Hanuman Jaya Jaya Lakshmana seethe Rama Jaaya jaya jaya jaya Sri Hanuman Hail hail hail hail
Om Sri Madhurambikai sarana Malai ஓம் ஸ்ரீ மதுராம்பிகை சரண மாலைஓம் ஸ்ரீ மதுராம்பிகை சரண மாலை ( முடிவில் சரணமம்மா என்று சேர்த்துப்படிக்கவும்) Om Sri Madhurambikai sarana Malai Om garland of surrender to Sri Madhurambika (At the end of stanza add “I surrender to you mother” Compiled by Sri Madhra Kali dasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander மாதா பிதா குருவே என் குலதெய்வமே விநாயகனின் தாயே
Dasavatara Stotram (Malayalam)Dasavathara Stotram In Malayalam Translated by P.R.RamachanderDasavathara Stotram I(I learnt this great stotra from my co brother PVV Raghavan, I dedicate it to him)Ambodu meenayi vedangal veendidum,Ambuja nabhane kai thozhunnen. 1I salute the Lord
Sri Rama Keerthanam (Malayalam)Sri Rama Keerthanam(Malayalam)Translated byP.R.Ramachander (This is a prayer narrating the story of Rama in very simple words. Yet another similar prayer ending with Ramanarayana has been translated by me earlier( ) ) Refrain (to be repeated at the end of every stanza)Rama Hare Jaya , Rama Hare Jaya,Rama Hare Jara, Rama Hare
श्रीरामनामसङ्कीर्तनम् Sri Rama nama Sankeerthnamश्रीरामनामसङ्कीर्तनम् Sri Rama nama Sankeerthnam The song of the names of Sri Rama Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I have translated another Rama Nama Sankeerthanam by Swami Brahmananda which is entirely different from this- ) भजनम् Bhajanam The
Fifty lakh people have read my stotra rathna blogFifty lakh people have read my stotra rathna blog By P.R.Ramachander With your best wishes, Five million( 50 lakhs) people visited My humble translation to english of stotras to gods in the last 15 years 1e after I reached 70 years Due to my age making me a slow worker , my
15 million visitors to my blogs in 15 yearsMy dear friends I started posting my translations of stotras in Raja Thatha blog on 12-7-2009 (I was posting them in various other places like HIndupedia, Celextel, and geocities web site earlier to that) .With great happiness I reported to you all on 13-7-2017 that the one
ജയനാരായണസ്തോത്രം Jaya Narayana Stotramജയനാരായണസ്തോത്രം Jaya Narayana Stotram Hail Narayana Prayer\ Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This was sent to me by my friend Mrs Anitha Krishna.The last two lines of each sloka is same .The last two lines can be taken as Pallavi and the rest as charanams and sung) ജയ നാരായണ ജയ പുരുഷോത്തമ ജയ വാമന കംസാരേ
காமாட்சி அம்மன் திருவடிகளே சரணம் Kamakshi amman Thiruvadiye Saranamகாமாட்சி அம்மன் திருவடிகளே சரணம் Kamakshi amman Thiruvadiye Saranam Surrender to divine feet of Goddess Kamakshi Translated byP.R.Ramachander(great small prayer in tamil addressed to Goddess Kamakshi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.மாயவன் தங்கை நீ மரகதவல்லி நீ மணிமந்த்ரகாளி நீயே! Maayavan
Pithru Dosha Shodasa Namavali (16 names of Worship of Pithrus)Pithru Dosha Shodasa Namavali (16 names of Worship of Pithrus) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I came across these naa valis in tamil in face book .They are very meaningful and cover all the pithrus whom we do Tharpana on Thidhis. Please chant them on Tharpana days) Om sri Pithre Nama ( salutations To father) Om Sri&
Prayer To God to give our wife a long life aka octet of long life to the better halfEveryday your wife would pray for a long life to you .I was wondering if there is any prayer at all praying for long life to our dear wife , whose only ambition seems to be to make your life pleasant , provide you constant companionship , to advise you to take the correct decision in family affairs and so on. She is also the greatest wealth that an old man like me can have because
Contribution to English translation of Malayalam books, Stotras and KrithisContribution to English translation of Malayalam books, Stotras and Krithis By P.R.Ramachander Though I was born in Kerala , I lived there only for 6 years of my life of 85 years.Being born in chelakkara, which is surrounded by Malayalam speaking villages,I developed a great love for Malayalam language .When my father was alive , we
Contribution of Tamil to English translation of Bakthi tamil literatureContribution of Tamil to English translation of Bakthi tamil literature By P.R.Ramachander <!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Introduction I was born in a Palakkad Brahmin family.If you ask me my mother toungue is Tamil. But my close friend would like to see it is Thalayalam My
Shivakama Sundari AshtakamShivakama Sundari AshtakamBySage VyagrapadaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Shivakama Sundari is the Goddess Presiding besides Lord Nataraja in Chidambaram temple , This octet written by sage Vyagra pada(sage with a fet of a tiger) who praises her.)1.Pundareeka pura Madhya vasinim,Nrutha raja saha dhgarminim,Adhri raja thanayaam,Dhine dhine chinthayami Shivakama Sundarim.I daily think of the
My collection of Guruvayurappan books, Stotras and KrithisDear Friends, After retirement , I started translating Hindu stotras written in Sanskrit, Malayalam, Tamil , Hindi and Telugu in to english. I am attaching a Pdf file containing English translation of Books( Slokam wise) 1.Narayaneeyam, 2.Jnanapana, 3.Basha Karnamrutham 4.Srimad Narayamrutham(tamil) 5,Sree Hariyam , 6,
Pancha Mukha Anjaneya worship and results of worshipPancha Mukha Anjaneya worship and results of worship From post in face book Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,East face of Anjaneya-Monkey By chanting thisall enemies would be destroyed Om namo bhagwathe , pancha vadanaya, poorva Kapi Mukhe Sakala Sathru samharanaaya Swaha Om salutations to god , east
ஓம் நமோ வெங்கடேசாய Om Namo Venkatesayaஓம் நமோ வெங்கடேசாய Om Namo Venkatesaya Om Salutations to Lord Venkatesa Prayer found in face book post Mrs Seetha Narayanan Translated by P.R.Ramachander கன்னத்தில் நீர்வழிய ஐயா உன்னைத் தேடுகிறேன்!! Kannathil neer vazhiya Ayya unnai thedugindren With teard flowing to my cheeks, Oh Lord , I am searching you
காசு நல்குவீர் Kasu Naluguveer Please give us money-sambandar pathikamகாசு நல்குவீர் Kasu Naluguveer Please give us money By Thirujnana Sambandar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This great song was sung by Thirujnanasambandar in Thiruveezhilalai Shiva temple .It is believed that when Lord Vishnu was worshipping lord Shiva , he found shortage of one flower.He took out one of his eyes(vizhi ) to
முரளீதரா , கோபாலா Muralidhara Gopalaமுரளீதரா , கோபாலா Muralidhara Gopala Oh Lord holding a flute , Oh Cowherd Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.ஒப்பிலா அப்பனே ! ஓங்கி உலகளந்தவனே! உயரிய அரியாசனம் அமரும் மதுராபுரிகோவே ! Oppila appane , ongi ulagalandhavane Uyariya ariyaasanam amarumMadhurapuri kove Oh incomparable God who became tall and measured the
இடரினுந் தளரினும்- பதிகம் Idarinum THalarinum-Pathikamஇடரினுந் தளரினும்- பதிகம் Idarinum THalarinum-Pathikam Suffering and problems By திருஞானசம்பந்தர் THiru jnana Sambandar Translated By P.R.Ramachander Idarinum Thalarinum is a Hymn composed by Thirugnana Sambandar at the Thiruvavadthurai Siva Temple. The story goes that Sambandar’s father needed money to perform a Yajna. Sambandar, wanting to help his
Pazhani murukan thuthi (tamil)Pazhani murukan thuthi (tamil)Translated byP.R.Ramachander 1.Arulukku per ondru irunthaal, antha Aandavan pazhani thaan yenben If there is a name for divine grace , then, I will tell it is Aandava(god) of pazhani 2.Azhakukku per ondru irunthal antha Aandi velavan thaan yenben &
Prathyangira StotramPrathyangira Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander Dharanim Paramam Vidyam Pratyangiram Mahottamam. Yo janati svahastena sarvam syabhaya hi jihvaya, amrutam pibate tasya mrityurnasti kadachana. In this world the divine Vidhya of Prathyangira is very great He who knows , by his own hand makes everything&
Prayer Addressed To Saint Mata AmrithandamayiPrayer Addressed To Saint Mata Amrithandamayi (From the prayers of Bala gokula run by her organisation- ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Mata Amrithanandamayi is a great saint from kerala.She is a spiritual leader , humanitarian and Guru.,Since she hugs her
॥ श्रीगोदावरी अष्टकम् ॥ Godavari AShtakam॥ श्रीगोदावरी अष्टकम् ॥ Godavari AShtakam The octet on river Godavari BY Saint Vasudevacharya Translated by P.R..Ramachander वासुदेवमहेशात्मकृष्णावेणीधुनीस्वसा । स्वसाराद्या जनोद्धर्त्री पुत्री सह्यस्य गौतमी ॥ १ ॥ Vasudeva mahesathmas Krishna veni dhuniswasaa Swaasaaradhyaa janodharthu puthri sahyasa &
ஸ்ரீ மதுரகாளியம்மன் துதி Sri Madhura kali amman prayerஸ்ரீ மதுரகாளியம்மன் துதி Sri Madhura kali amman prayer By Ponnammal Bala Translated by P.R.Ramachander Thavamai Vandhaai Thaaye THunayai nindraai neeye Thalinai paninthom thaaye Thaangida vendum neeye You came like a penance , Oh Mother You stood as our support We saluted your feet oh mother You
#ஶ்ரீமதுரகாளி #கவசம் Sri Madhura Kali KavachamSri Madura Kali amman Temple is situated in Siruvachur Village off Trichy-Chennai Higway. The temple is open during Monday and Friday only. Other days it is believed that amman is guarding the village from near by hills along with her guards- Sri.Selliamman, Sri Karuppanna swamy. The amman is worshipped as Sri. Madhurambhika by devotees. More information about the temple is available in velachery
Hari Om Sathru Paatanaaya GeethamHari Om Sathru Paatanaaya GeethamHari om the song which destroys enemiesTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(I saw this in devanagari script in Whatsapp .I could not find it by google search .If you come across please let me know “Vadha” can mean say/pray.I chose the later one)गच्छन् राम वद,आगच्छन् राम वद।तिष्ठन् राम वद राम राम राम।।उत्तिष्ठन् राम वद,उपिषन् राम वद।स्मरन् राम वद,राम राम
राम आएंगे (Ram aayenge) Hindi bhajanराम आएंगे (Ram aayenge) Hindi bhajan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A great Bhajan written in 2024) मेरी झोपड़ी के भाग आज खुल जाएंगे राम आएंगे मेरी झोपड़ी के भाग आज खुल जाएंगे राम आएंगे Mere jhopdi ke baagh AAj khul jayenge, Ram AAyenge The garden of my hut will Get opened today , Ram will come Mere jhopdi ke baagh
நான் ஒன்று சொல்வேன்! நீ கேளாயோ கிருஷ்ணா Naan ondru cholven, nee kelaayo Krishnaநான் ஒன்று சொல்வேன்! நீ கேளாயோ கிருஷ்ணா Naan ondru cholven, nee kelaayo Krishna Translated by P.R.Ramachander நான் ஒன்று சொல்வேன்! நீ கேளாயோ கிருஷ்ணா! பாவங்களை போக்கிடும், குருவாயூர் கிருஷ்ணா! Naan ondru cholven, nee kelaayo Krishna Paavangal pokkidum Guruvayur Krishna I will tell you one thing, would you&nbsp
Vilakke , thiru vilakke விளக்கே திரு விளக்கேVilakke , thiru vilakke விளக்கே திரு விளக்கே Translated by P.R.Ramachander விளக்கே திரு விளக்கே வேந்தன் உடன் பிறப்பே ! ஜோதி மணிவிளக்கு ஶ்ரீ தேவி பொன்மணியே அந்தி விளக்கே அலங்கார நாயகியே காந்தி விளக்கே காமாட்சி தாயாரே Vilakke , thiru vilakke, vendhan udan pirappe Jothi mani vilakku, sri devi pon maniye Anthi vilakke , Alankara
जो नामका परताप है Jo nam ka pratap haiजो नामका परताप है Jo nam ka pratap hai That name which has great power Translated by P.R.Ramachander Jo naam ka pratap hai, tumhe yaad ho ke na yaad ho , That name which has great power whether you remember or not Jab daitya chabuk mariya prahlad naam uchariya Nakh se asura ko bidariya, tumhe yaad ho
Manthras for worshipping Adhi Sankara on his birthdayManthras for worshipping Adhi Sankara on his birthday Adhi Sankara , one of the greatest aacharyas was born in Kaladi Kerala. His father died when he was a young boy . With lot of persuasion and difficulty he got permission from his mother to take Sanyasa and chose Govinda Bhagawat Pada as his Guru. He enunciated and preached the philosophy of Advaitha(no two) . The
Maa telugu thalli ki malle poo dhanda- official song of AndhraMaa telugu thalli ki malle poo dhanda- official song of Andhra (Jasmine garland to my Telugu mother) Translation attempt by P.R.Ramachander (I do not know how to read Telugu .So I had depend on english or Tamil version to translate .Please pardon for mistakes) Maa telugu thalli ki malle poo dhanda Maa kanna thalli ki mangala
इतना तो करना स्वामी, जब प्राण तन से निकले - भजन ( Ithna to Karna Swami Jab Pran Tan Se Nikle)इतना तो करना स्वामी, जब प्राण तन से निकले - भजन ( Ithna to Karna Swami Jab Pran Tan Se Nikle) Translated from Hindi By P.R.Ramachander इतना तो करना स्वामी, जब प्राण तन से निकले इतना तो करना स्वामी, जब प्राण तन से निकले गोविन्द नाम लेके, गोविन्द नाम लेके गोविन्द नाम लेके, तब प्राण तन से निकले इतना तो करना स्वामी, जब प्राण तन से निकले Ithnaa tho&
Adhi sankara krutha Shri Jagannath Ashtakam जगन्नाथ अष्टकम्Adhi sankara krutha Shri Jagannath Ashtakam जगन्नाथ अष्टकम् By Adhi Sankaracharya Translated by P.R.Ramachander (There was a great king called Indra Dhyumna in Orissa who was a great devotee of Lord Vishnu. One great scholar once told him about a very rare but extremely holy form of Lord Vishnu called Neela Madhava . The king send all
मेरे घर राम आये हैं Mere GHar Ram AAye haiमेरे घर राम आये हैं Mere GHar Ram AAye hai To my home Lord Ram has come Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear the song मेरी चौखट पे चल के आज चारो धाम आये हैं बजाओ ढोल स्वागत में मेरे घर राम आये हैं Meri Choukhat pe chal ke aaj Charo dham aaye hai Bajao dol
ഹനുമാൻസ്വാമി_ഗീതം Hanuman swami Geethamഹനുമാൻസ്വാമി_ഗീതം Hanuman swami Geetham Song on God Hanuman Translated by P.R.Ramachander This is about God Hanuman in Alathiyur, Kerala ( ) and thanks to Ms Anitha Krishna, who send it to me) Salutations and salutations to son of
Rama, Rama Pahi maam രാമ രാമ പാഹിമാംRama, Rama Pahi maam രാമ രാമ പാഹിമാംTranslated by P.R.Ramachanderരാമ രാമ രാമ രാമ രാമ രാമ പാഹിമാം രാഘവാ മനോഹരാ മുകുന്ദ രാമ പാഹിമാം രാവണാന്തകാ മുകുന്ദ രാമ രാമ പാഹിമാം Rama Rama Rama Rama Rama Rama Rama pahi maam Raghava manohara Mukunda Rama pahi maam Ravananthaka Mukunda Rama Rama Pahi maam Oh Rama Rama
അവതാരകീർത്തനം Avathara Keerthnamഅവതാരകീർത്തനം Avathara Keerthnam Song about incarnation Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I have earlier translated two stotras very similar to this .Thanks to my learned friend Ms Anitha Krishna for sending this) അമ്പിൽ മീനൊരു
തിരുമാന്ധാംകുന്ന് ദേവി കീർത്തനം THirumandhan kunnu Devi Keerthanamതിരുമാന്ധാംകുന്ന് ദേവി കീർത്തനം THirumandhan kunnu Devi Keerthanam DEvotional song addressed to Mother of Thirumandhankunnu Translated by P.R.Ramachander (King Mandatha was a great ancestor of Lord Rama in the solar dynasty.He was the father of king Ambareesha and a great devotee of Lord Shiva. After he gave the kingdom he went
Eka Sloka RamayanamEka Sloka RamayanamTranslated byP.R.Ramachander Sri Ramam, Raghu kula thilakam Shiva danus graheettha Seetha hastha karam Angulya abharana shobitham Choodamani darasana karam Anjaneyam asrayam Vaidehi Manoharam Vanara sainya sevitham Sarva mangala karya anukoolam Sathatham Sri Ramachandram Palaya Maam
Sastha Panchakam –sung during Kettu nirai in TrichySastha Panchakam –sung during Kettu nirai in Trichy (five verse prayer addressed to sastha) Contributed by, Sri K.Prasanna Raghavan Translated By P.R.Ramachander (There is a famous Satha pancharathnam translated by me - ,There is an Ayyappa
The moola manthra of GanesaThe moola manthra of Ganesa Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Chant this h great manthra,The God Ganesa would give you all that ant in life) Hear the great manthra;v=i3ERqaRqMO4 ओम विघ्नेश्वरय वरदया सुरप्रिया, लम्बोधरराय सकलाय जगदिताया। ॐ नागाननाय श्रुति-यज्ञ विभुशिताय, गौरी सुताया गण नाथ
Ashrayam Neethanne(Malayalam)Ashrayam Neethanne(Malayalam) ആശ്രയം നീ തന്നെ You are the support Translated by P.R.Ramachander ആശ്രയം നീ തന്നെ അല്ലാതാരുണ്ട് പാരിൽ ആരോരും ഇല്ലാത്തവർക്കീ സന്നിധി മേലിൽ അംബികേ ചോറ്റാനിക്കര വാഴുന്നോരമ്മേ Asrayam nee thanne allathe aarundu paaril Aarorum illathavarkee sannidhi melil Ambike
Ramayana in sixteen wordsRamayana in sixteen words Translated by P.R.Ramachander Some one has written Ramayana in 16 tamil words பிறந்தார், வளர்ந்தார், கற்றார், பெற்றார், மணந்தார், சிறந்தார், துறந்தார், நெகிழ்ந்தார், இழந்தார், அலைந்தார், அழித்தார்,செழித்தார், துறந்தார், துவண்டார், ஆண்டார், மீண்டார் It is not possible to translate it in to 16 english words
Raghava Rama ShatkamRaghava Rama Shatkam (six versed prayer addressed to Rama) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Murahara nagadharaa govinda Ramaa Mukunda madhavaa Raghava Rama Oh Rama who is Govinda who killed Mura and who lifted the mountain Oh Rama who is Raghava who is Mukunda and Madhava 2.Vasudevaa vanamaalaa&
Gunasheela –Sriprasanna-Venkatesa pancharathnamGunasheela –Sriprasanna-Venkatesa pancharathnam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Gunasheelam Vishnu temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Vishnu located 20 km from Trichy, Tamil Nadu on the banks of river Cauvery. The visit to the temple is believed to be a curative to the mentally challenged, who are taken to temple and kept in the
Hara Haro Hara NamavaliHara Haro Hara Namavali The chanting of names with Hara Haro Hara Translated by P.R.Ramachander (haro hara is a powerful and poupular chant in all murugan temples, I believe it means “Destroy all our troubles” .In one reference I saw its meaning as “Glory to thee ) .Thiruparagiri dheranakku hara haro hara To the bold one of
Va , va , va Vadivel MurugaVa , va , va Vadivel Muruga ByAAndavan PichaiTranslated byP.R.Ramachander( Thanks to my face book friend Hariharasubramanian Venkatasubramanian who brought this great prayer to my notice)“Andavan Pichai is a contemporary woman composer who composed in Telugu, Tamil and Sanskrit. It is said that her vision of Lord Muruga was the impetus behind her compositions.&
Ram Anthem(Hindi)Ram Anthem(Hindi)Translated byP.R,Ramachander Lyrics राम रामेति रामेति, रमे रामे मनोरमे । सहस्रनाम तत्तुल्यं, रामनाम वरानने ॥ Rama Ramethi ramethi, Rame Raame manorameSahasranama thathulyam Rama Nama Varanane Hey beautiful one,I play with Rama always, By chanting Rama Rama and Rama, Hey lady with a beautiful face, Chanting of the name Rama , Is same as the thousand names. Chehre
Ram ko sakshi(Hindi)Bharatheeya man hara sthithi mein “Ram” ko Saaksh Banane kaa adhi hai The mind of Indians make Rama their witness for Every situation from the good old
नदी स्तोत्रम् Prayers addressed to rivers of Indiaनदी स्तोत्रम् Nadhi stotram Prayer addressed to rivers Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Pryer addressed to 62 rivers) नदी स्तोत्रं प्रवक्ष्यामि सर्वपापप्रणाशनम् । भागीरथी वारणासी यमुना च सरस्वती ॥ १॥ Nadhi stotram pravakshyami, sarva papa pranasanam Bagiradhi Varanasi Yamuna cha Saraswathi
துன்பங்களை போக்கும் அம்மன் துதி THunbangalai pokkum Amman Thuthiதுன்பங்களை போக்கும் அம்மன் துதி THunbangalai pokkum Amman Thuthi The prayer to goddess which will wipe away sorrow By Satheesh Translated by P.R.Ramachander அம்மன் துதி அழகிய மதுரையில் மீனாட்சி அகிலம்போற்றும் அன்னை அரசாட்சி நான்மாடக் கூடலிலே அருளாட்சி தேன்மொழி தேவியின் தேனாட்சி Amman thuthi , azhakiya
बाल राम स्तुति (prayer to Boy Rama)बाल राम स्तुति (prayer to Boy Rama) By P.R.Ramachander ( there is no simple prayer addressed to boy Rama. Though not competent , though I have written in Sanskrit almost 75 years back ,Anitha Krishna has sang this new prayer- ) &
Swami SaranamSwami Saranam By Lakshmi mohan Translated by P.R.Ramachander Arul naadi vanthen-Iyan Akam thedi vanthen Avaniyile avan andri Verrethum Venden-Naan Verethum venden I came seeking his grace- I came in search of mind In the world , except him I do not want any thing-I Do not
Sree HareeyamSree Hareeyam (summary of Narayaneeyam) By Moorkkannur Sree Hari Nambhudiri Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The divinely blessed author was chief priest of Guruvayur twice (1917 and 1920).He has tried , with great success to summarise Meppathur BHattathiris Narayaneeyam .
Thank you God for your great blessingsThank you God for your great blessings Thank you god for making me take birth in a poor family in Kerala. Had I not been born in such a family, I would not be what I am today.Thank you God for being born to my parents, who though not educated in the modern sense, were intelligent, inquisitive, caring and wise people. I inherited some of these qualities from them and me and my siblings,
சரணாகதி உன் பர நான் Saranagathi un para naanசரணாகதி உன் பர நான் Saranagathi un para naan <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> By மணவை ராமசாமி ஐயர் Manavai Ramaswami iyer Translated by P.R.Ramachander ராகம் - வாகதீஸ்வரி (IN April 1908, Manavasi Ramaswami Iyer, a supervisor in the PWD at Tiruvannamalai visited the Maharshi at the Virupaksha cave. A friend who accompanied him felt that the visit was a
Kurathi Ramayanam( Malayalam)Kurathi Ramayanam(Malayalam) Kurathi Ramayanam( Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Kurathis are wandering gypsies of Tamil Nadu .They normally sell needles , bangles etc.Apart from that they read the palm and tell the future . In this story , One kurathi and her husband reach Ayodhya and Kurathi meets Dasaratha’s three queens ,
jai shree ram in hindiGreat moment for all Hindus. Great composition for RAM… Sharing a lovely song sung and composed be Hansraj Raghuwanshi.....released nine days ago. Song is on Lord Rama's return to Ayodhya, composed on the occasion of the Pran Pratishtha of the Lord's idol in Ayodhya, scheduled for January, 2024. I am giving as usual my english translation and and also a very feeble
Subrahmanya Udhbava ViruthamSubrahmanya Udhbava Virutham (The virutham telling birth of Subrahamanya) Translated from Panaka pooja book By P.R.ramachander Soora padmal upadravam than sahiyamal, devarkal than Maara vairi kitta vanthu murai murayai kooraluthaar Athi kopamaaka Easwaran ambikayai than parthu Athu moolam rethassu than avani thannil
NrisimhashtakamSri Nrusimhashtakam(Octet addressed to Lord Narasimha)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a remarkable octet addressed to Lord Narasimha. I have taken this from stotra along with meaning given by Mr.Stephen knapp has been reproduced in various web sites. My translation is slightly different.)1.Dhyayami
ചോറ്റാനിക്കര ഭഗവതീ Chothanikkara Bhagwathiചോറ്റാനിക്കര ഭഗവതീ Chothanikkara Bhagwathi Goddess of Chothanikkara Translated by P.R.Ramachander ചോറ്റാനിക്കര ഭഗവതി കാരണരൂപിണി കാരുണ്യശാലിനി Chothanikkara BHagwathi , karana roopini Karunya salini Oh Goddess of Chothaikkara, who has taken form for a cause and who has form of kindness ചോറ്റാനിക്കര ഭഗവതി കാരണരൂപിണി കാരുണ്യശാലിനി ഞങ്ങളെ കാത്തരുളൂ
Namashivaya, Narayana(Tamil)Namashivaya, Narayana(Tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander நமச்சிவாயம் எனச் சொல்வோமே நன்மைகள் ஆயிரம் கொள்வோமே நாராயணா எனச் சொல்வோமே நால்வகைத் துன்பத்தை வெல்வோமே Namashivaya yena cholvome Nanmaikal AAyirangal kolvome Narayana yena cholvome Naal vagai thunbathai velvome Let us Chanr Namashivaya(
ஏழுமலை வாசா Yezhumalai vaasaaஏழுமலை வாசா Yezhumalai vaasaa Lord Who lives on Seven mountains Translated by P.R.Ramachander (this is a song, sung by people who climb THirupathi hils) நல்லதே நடக்க வேண்டும் நல்லதே நடக்க வேண்டும் அல்லவை எல்லாம் நீங்கி நல்லதே நடக்க வேண்டும் Nallathe nadakka vendum, nallathe nadakka vendum
Sri Kannan Thuthi (tamil)ஸ்ரீ கண்ணன் துதி Sri Kannan Thuthi Prayer to Sri Krishna Translated by P.R,Ramachander கண்ணா கண்ணா ஆனந்தக் கண்ணா ஊது குழலும் கொண்டோடிவா கண்ணா பக்தரைப் பாலிக்கும் கண்ணா கண்ணா ஆனந்தக் கண்ணா ஓடிவா கண்ணா. (க). Kanna, kanna, ananda kanna Oothu kuzhalum kondu odi vaa Baktharai palikkum Kanna, Kanna Ananda kanna, odi vaa&
Vayukumarar Thuthi (tamil)வாயு குமாரர் துதி Vayukumarar Thuthi Prayer to son of wind god Translated by P.R.Ramachander வாராமல் இருப்பாரா அருள் தாராமல் இருப்பாரா வாயு குமாரர் அந்த வானர வீரர் வருக என்றே நாம் உருகி நின்றால் இங்கு. (வா). Vaaraamal irupparo, arul thaaraamal irupparo Vayu kumarar, antha vanara veerar Varuka yendre nam urugu nindraal ingu&nbsp
Daily Namaskara Manthras at homeDaily Namaskara Manthras at home (please chant them daily and do namaskara before your prayer room They are Namaskaras to Ganesa , Guru, Sarasawthy, family guru, Mother, father and Kula deivam) They have been collected from Famous Namaskara manthras) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Gajananam,
Sastha Panchakam –sung during Kettu nirai in TrichySastha Panchakam –sung during Kettu nirai in Trichy (five verse prayer addressed to sastha) Contributed by, Sri K.Prasanna Raghavan Translated By P.R.Ramachander (There is a famous Satha pancharathnam translated by me - ,There is an Ayyappa
Prayers to different Gods inside temple of Lord Shiva-2Prayers to different Gods inside temple of Lord Shiva-2 Translated by P.R,Ramachnder (I got this set of prayers from a Malayalam book published by RS Vadhyar , Kalpathi , Palghat, I have earlier translated a different set of prayers- 1,Prayer before
Apad udharaka Batuka Bhairava stotramApad udharaka Batuka Bhairava stotram The prayer to Batuka Bhairava for getting lifted from dangers Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Batuka Bhairava (Sanskrit बटुकभैरव, Romanized : Baṭukabhairava) or Vatuka Bhairava is a fierce form of Shiva in Hindu iconography, associated with his manifestation
മുത്തശ്ശിരാമായണം (Full) Muthassi Ramayanamമുത്തശ്ശിരാമായണം (Full) Muthassi Ramayanam Grand mother RamyanaByPattayil PrabhakaranTranslated byP.R.Ramachander പുരാണകഥകളും ധാർമ്മിക സന്ദേശങ്ങളും തലമുറകളിൽനിന്ന് തലമുറകളിലേക്ക് മുത്തശ്ശിക്കഥകളിലൂടെ പകർന്നുവന്ന ഒരു പാരമ്പര്യം നമുക്കുണ്ടായിരുന്നു. ഇടക്കാലത്ത് ആ നല്ല സമ്പ്രദായത്തിന് ഊനം തട്ടിയത് നമ്മുടെ സാംസകാരിക മേഖലയെ സാരമായി ബാധിച്ചിരിക്കുകയാണല്ലോ. ആ
Ayyappa Kavacham (Tamil)Ayyappa Kavacham (Tamil)Armour to AyyappaTranslated byP.R.Ramchander ( I have taken this very devotional prayer from Sri ayyappa nithya Parayanam, a tamil book published by Giri traders, Madras. Like ancient Tamil prayers , there are three sections to this prayer.)Kappu(protection)Harihara puthranai , aananda roopanai,Iru moorthi maindanai , aaru mugan thambiyai,Sabari gireesanai , Santha
Nava Durga SthuthiNava Durga SthuthiTranslated by P.R.Ramachander This great prayer is addressed to the nine forms of Durga. Descriptions of these forms can be got in This pprayer has been taken from These are supposed to be recited during Nava Rathri.Shailaputhri sthuthiJagatpajaye , jagat wandhwe, sarva Shakthi
Vijaya Lakshmi StotramVijaya Lakshmi Stotram (Prayer to the Lakshmi of victories) By Sage Agasthya Translated by P.R.RamachanderJaya padma visalakshi(Palasakshi) , jaya thwam sri pathi priye,Jaya mathar maha Lakshmi, samasarnavarnava
கோமாதா 108 தமிழ்ப் போற்றி Gomatha 108 thamizh pothriகோமாதா 108 தமிழ்ப் போற்றி Gomatha 108 thamizh pothri Ashtothara in tamil to worship the cow Translated By P.R.Ramachander <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Our Ancestors have told that by worshipping mother cow you can get one crore benefits.Here is the 108 manthras to worship her in Tamil Hear the&nbsp
संतान गणपति स्तोत्र SAnthan Ganapathi Stotraसंतान गणपति स्तोत्र SAnthan Ganapathi Stotra Prayer to Ganesa to get child Translated by P.R.Ramachander नमोऽस्तु गणनाथाय सिद्धी बुद्धि युताय च। सर्वप्रदाय देवाय पुत्र वृद्धि प्रदाय च।। गुरु दराय गुरवे गोप्त्रे गुह्यासिताय ते। गोप्याय गोपिताशेष भुवनाय चिदात्मने।। Namosthu gana nadhaya sidhi budhiyuthaya cha Sarva pradhaya&
அம்பாள் ஸ்தோத்திரம் Prayer to mother Goddessஅம்பாள் ஸ்தோத்திரம் Ambal sthothiram Prayer to mother Goddess Translated by P.R.Ramachander மாதங்கி, உன்னை நான் மனமுடன் மொழிகளால் மெய்யுடன் மலர்களால் சுத்தித்துத் துதி செய்தி வணங்கியே பூஜிக்க வரமெனக் கருள்புரிவாய் Mathangi , unnai naan Manmudan mozhikalaal, Meyyudan malarkalaal Suthithu Thuthi cheithu Vanangiye poojikka Varam yenakku arul purivai Oh
Om Jai, jai SAni Maharaj – Aarthi of Lord Sani in Hindiॐ जय जय शनि महाराज,- आरती: श्री शनिदेव जी Om Jai, jai SAni Maharaj – Aarthi of Lord Sani in Hindi (earlier I had translated another Sani Dev ki aarthhi- ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Om Jai Jai Shri Shani Maharaj, Swami Jai Shani Maharaj | Krupa karo hum din raj par
Dhenupureeswara Sarana GanamDhenupureeswara Sarana Ganam By Dhenupureeswara Dasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Dhenu pureeswara is God Shiva in a temple in Madambakkam ,Tamil nadu) 1.THedi vanthorkku Shiva Saranam THevaikal theerthidum Guru Saranam Devarum potridum pada Saranam Dehenupureeswara Shiva saranam To those who come
ആശ്രയം നീ തന്നെ Asrayam Nee Thanneആശ്രയം നീ തന്നെ Asrayam Nee Thanne You are only our support By Hari Ethmannor Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear the prayer;ab_channel=MCAudiosAndVideosMalayalam ആശ്രയം നീ തന്നെ അല്ലാതാരുണ്ട് പാരിൽ ആരോരും ഇല്ലാത്തവർക്കീ സന്നിധി മേലിൽ അംബികേ ചോറ്റാനിക്കര വാഴുന്നോരമ്മേ Aasrayam nee&
சூரியன் துதி Sooriyan THuthiசூரியன் துதி Sooriyan THuthi Prayer to Lord Surya By Poet Kannadasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This song occurs in the famous Tamil film Karnan.-hear it please ) ஆயிரம் கரங்கள் நீட்டி அணைக்கின்ற தாயே போற்றி!
Sri Anjaneya Sthuthi with manthras ஶ்ரீ ஆஞ்சநேய ஸ்துதிSri Anjaneya Sthuthi with manthras ஶ்ரீ ஆஞ்சநேய ஸ்துதி Prayer to Lord Anjaneya Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1) ஸர்வ கல்யாண தாதாரம் ஸர்வாபத் கன மாருதம் | அபார கருணாமூர்த்திம் ஆஞ்ஜநேயம் நமாம்யஹம் || Sarva kalyana Datharam, sarvapath Ghana mrutham, Apara karunamurthim anjaneyam namamyaham I salute &
ஓம் ஶ்ரீ லலிதா ஸப்த நாமாவளி Om Sri Lalitha Saptha Nama Valiஓம் ஶ்ரீ லலிதா ஸப்த நாமாவளிOm Sri Lalitha Saptha Nama Vali Seven names of Lalitha Selected By Maha periyava Translated by P.R.Ramachander ஈஸ்வர ஸ்வரூபமாக விளங்கும் காஞ்சி மஹான் ( மஹா பெரியவா) அன்னை லலிதையின் ஆயிரம் திருநாமங்களில் தனது உள்ளுணர்வால் தான் தேர்ந்தெடுத்துத் தந்த இந்த ஏழு நாமாக்கள் அதிசயங்கள் பல நிகழ்த்தும். The god like great&
What blessing to give when some one does namaskaram to you?What blessing to give when some one does namaskaram to you? Compiled by P.R.Ramachander 1.SAnskrt Vijayee bhava -விஜயீ பவ! Be victorious Samartho சமர்த்தோ பவ! [May you have ability to do things Vidhwan(for men)/Vidhushui (for women)bhava வித்வான் / விதுஷி பவ! [May you become&
Agni Suktam from Rig VedaThis great Suktham has been translated by greenmesg and has been reproduced here with the permission of the web site.Million thanks to themAgni Suktam - Agnim Iille Purohitam - In sanskrit with meaning- from Rig Veda - Mandala 1 - Sukta 1अग्नि सुक्तम् - अग्निमीळे पुरोहितं यज्ञस्य देवमृत्विजम्Agni - Om Agnim-Iille Purohitam Yajnyasya Devam-Rtvijamॐ अग्निमीळे पुरोहितं&
Yoga Sikha UpanishadYoga Sikha UpanishadTranslated by P. R. RamachanderOm! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both together;May we work conjointly with great energy,May our study be vigorous and effective;May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).Om! Let there be Peace in me!Let there be Peace in my environment!Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me!First Chapter"All the
Yoga Chudamani UpanishadYoga Chudamani UpanishadTranslated by P. R. RamachanderOm! Let my limbs and speech, Prana, eyes, ears, vitalityAnd all the senses grow in strength.All existence is the Brahman of the Upanishads.May I never deny Brahman, nor Brahman deny me.Let there be no denial at all:Let there be no denial at least from me.May the virtues that are proclaimed in the Upanishads be in me,Who am devoted to
Vasudeva UpanishadVasudeva UpanishadTranslated by P. R. RamachanderOm! Let my limbs and speech, Prana, eyes, ears, vitalityAnd all the senses grow in strength.All existence is the Brahman of the Upanishads.May I never deny Brahman, nor Brahman deny me.Let there be no denial at all:Let there be no denial at least from me.May the virtues that are proclaimed in the Upanishads be in me,Who am devoted to the
Trisikhi Brahmana UpanishadTrisikhi Brahmana UpanishadTranslated by P. R. RamachanderOm! That (Brahman) is infinite, and this (universe) is infinite.The infinite proceeds from the infinite.(Then) taking the infinitude of the infinite (universe),It remains as the infinite (Brahman) alone.Om! Let there be Peace in me!Let there be Peace in my environment!Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me!A Brahmin called '
Sarabha UpanishadSarabha UpanishadTranslated by P. R. RamachanderOm! O Devas, may we hear with our ears what is auspicious;May we see with our eyes what is auspicious, O ye worthy of worship!May we enjoy the term of life allotted by the Devas,Praising them with our body and limbs steady!May the glorious Indra bless us!May the all-knowing Sun bless us!May Garuda, the thunderbolt for evil, bless us!May
Rama Tapaniya UpanishadRama Tapaniya Upanishad*Translated by P. R. RamachanderI. Rama Poorva Tapaniya UpanishadOm! O Devas, may we hear with our ears what is auspicious;May we see with our eyes what is auspicious, O ye worthy of worship!May we enjoy the term of life allotted by the Devas,Praising them with our body and limbs steady!May the glorious Indra bless us!May the all-knowing Sun bless us!May Garuda, the
Rama Rahasya UpanishadRama Rahasya UpanishadTranslated by Dr. Sunder Hattangadi and P. R. Ramachander[This great Upanishad is in Atharvana Veda and is the authoritative source of Lord Rama's worship methods.]Om! O Devas, may we hear with our ears what is auspicious;May we see with our eyes what is auspicious, O ye worthy of worship!May we enjoy the term of life allotted by the Devas,Praising them with our body
Pasupata Brahmana UpanishadPasupata Brahmana UpanishadTranslated by P. R. RamachanderOm! O Devas, may we hear with our ears what is auspicious;May we see with our eyes what is auspicious, O ye worthy of worship!May we enjoy the term of life allotted by the Devas,Praising them with our body and limbs steady!May the glorious Indra bless us!May the all-knowing Sun bless us!May Garuda, the thunderbolt for evil, bless us!
Pancha Brahma UpanishadPancha Brahma UpanishadTranslated by P. R. RamachanderOm! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both together;May we work conjointly with great energy,May our study be vigorous and effective;May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).Om! Let there be Peace in me!Let there be Peace in my environment!Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me!Sage Pippalada asked
Nrisimha Uttara Tapaniya UpanishadNrisimha Uttara Tapaniya UpanishadTranslated by P. R. RamachanderOm! O Devas, may we hear with our ears what is auspicious;May we see with our eyes what is auspicious, O ye worthy of worship!May we enjoy the term of life allotted by the Devas,Praising them with our body and limbs steady!May the glorious Indra bless us!May the all-knowing Sun bless us!May Garuda, the thunderbolt for evil,
Nrisimha Poorva Tapaniya UpanishadNrisimha Poorva Tapaniya UpanishadTranslated by P. R. RamachanderOm! O Devas, may we hear with our ears what is auspicious;May we see with our eyes what is auspicious, O ye worthy of worship!May we enjoy the term of life allotted by the Devas,Praising them with our body and limbs steady!May the glorious Indra bless us!May the all-knowing Sun bless us!May Garuda, the thunderbolt for evil,
Narayana UpanishadNarayana UpanishadTranslated by P. R. RamachanderShanthi Pata[Prayer for peace]Om Sahananavathu.Saha nou bunakthu.Saha veeryai kara vahaiThejasvinaava dhithamasthuMaa vidwishavahaiOm Santhi santhi santhi.Om! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both together;May we work conjointly with great energy,May our study be vigorous and effective;May we not mutually dispute (or may we
Maha Vakya UpanishadMaha Vakya UpanishadTranslated by P. R. RamachanderOm! O Devas, may we hear with our ears what is auspicious;May we see with our eyes what is auspicious, O ye worthy of worship!May we enjoy the term of life allotted by the Devas,Praising them with our body and limbs steady!May the glorious Indra bless us!May the all-knowing Sun bless us!May Garuda, the thunderbolt for evil, bless us!May
Kshurika UpanishadKshurika UpanishadTranslated by P. R. RamachanderOm! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both together;May we work conjointly with great energy,May our study be vigorous and effective;May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).Om! Let there be Peace in me!Let there be Peace in my environment!Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me!Kshurika means knife. This
Krishna UpanishadKrishna UpanishadTranslated by P. R. RamachanderOm! O Devas, may we hear with our ears what is auspicious;May we see with our eyes what is auspicious, O ye worthy of worship!May we enjoy the term of life allotted by the Devas,Praising them with our body and limbs steady!May the glorious Indra bless us!May the all-knowing Sun bless us!May Garuda, the thunderbolt for evil, bless us!May
Jabali UpanishadJabali UpanishadTranslated by P. R. RamachanderOm! Let my limbs and speech, Prana, eyes, ears, vitalityAnd all the senses grow in strength.All existence is the Brahman of the Upanishads.May I never deny Brahman, nor Brahman deny me.Let there be no denial at all:Let there be no denial at least from me.May the virtues that are proclaimed in the Upanishads be in me,Who am devoted to the Atman;
Jabala Darsana UpanishadJabala Darsana UpanishadTranslated by P. R. RamachanderOm! Let my limbs and speech, Prana, eyes, ears, vitalityAnd all the senses grow in strength.All existence is the Brahman of the Upanishads.May I never deny Brahman, nor Brahman deny me.Let there be no denial at all:Let there be no denial at least from me.May the virtues that are proclaimed in the Upanishads be in me,Who am devoted to
Hayagriva UpanishadHayagriva UpanishadTranslated by P. R. RamachanderOm! O Devas, may we hear with our ears what is auspicious;May we see with our eyes what is auspicious, O ye worthy of worship!May we enjoy the term of life allotted by the Devas,Praising them with our body and limbs steady!May the glorious Indra bless us!May the all-knowing Sun bless us!May Garuda, the thunderbolt for evil, bless us!May
Dakshinamurti UpanishadDakshinamurti UpanishadTranslated by P. R. RamachanderOm! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both together;May we work conjointly with great energy,May our study be vigorous and effective;May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).Om! Let there be Peace in me!Let there be Peace in my environment!Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me!Om. In Brahma Vartha (
Brihad Jabala UpanishadBrihad Jabala UpanishadTranslated by P. R. RamachanderOm! O Devas, may we hear with our ears what is auspicious;May we see with our eyes what is auspicious, O ye worthy of worship!May we enjoy the term of life allotted by the Devas,Praising them with our body and limbs steady!May the glorious Indra bless us!May the all-knowing Sun bless us!May Garuda, the thunderbolt for evil, bless us!May
Atharvasiras UpanishadAtharvasiras UpanishadTranslated by P. R. RamachanderOm! O Devas, may we hear with our ears what is auspicious;May we see with our eyes what is auspicious, O ye worthy of worship!May we enjoy the term of life allotted by the Devas,Praising them with our body and limbs steady!May the glorious Indra bless us!May the all-knowing Sun bless us!May Garuda, the thunderbolt for evil, bless us!May
Atharvasikha UpanishadAtharvasikha UpanishadTranslated by P. R. RamachanderOm! O Devas, may we hear with our ears what is auspicious;May we see with our eyes what is auspicious, O ye worthy of worship!May we enjoy the term of life allotted by the Devas,Praising them with our body and limbs steady!May the glorious Indra bless us!May the all-knowing Sun bless us!May Garuda, the thunderbolt for evil, bless us!May
Advaya Taraka UpanishadAdvaya Taraka UpanishadTranslated by P. R. RamachanderOm! That (Brahman) is infinite, and this (universe) is infinite.The infinite proceeds from the infinite.(Then) taking the infinitude of the infinite (universe),It remains as the infinite (Brahman) alone.Om! Let there be Peace in me!Let there be Peace in my environment!Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me!That which helps you
Ganesh Kavach from Ganesh puranGanesh Kavach from Ganesh puran Translated by P.R.Ramachander श्री गणेशाय नमः Sri Ganesaya nama Salutations to Ganesa गौरी उवाच- Gauri Uvacha Goddess Gauri told एषोऽतिचपलो दैत्यान्बाल्येऽपि नाशयत्यहो । अग्रे किं कर्म कर्तेति न जाने मुनिसत्तम ।।1।। Yesho athi chapalo Daithyaan balyopi nasayathyaho Agre ki karma
Lalita Trishati StotramLalita Trishati StotramTranslated by P. R. RamachanderThough the God Vishnu, Shiva and Brhama (called the Trimuthi) are the most important Gods in Hinduism, there is a very large school of thought which gives primacy to .the Shakthi (literally the strength) which is the female aspect controlling even these gods. The followers of Shakthi cult were called Shakteyas. Among this group rose a
Sri Saptha Rishi NamavaliSri Saptha Rishi Namavali (the names to worship of the Saptha rishis) Translated by P.R.Ramachander This stotra is about saptha rishis as listed in Shatapatha Brahmana and Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (we daily worship the sun by ut he worships thr saptha rishis, Kasyapa, athri, Bharadwaja, Jamadagni, Gauthama, Vasishta and
Kamkhya Dasa Maha Vidhyaa ManthrassKamkhya Dasa Maha Vidhyaa ManthrassTranslated byP.R.RamachanderThese are the prayer to the Dasa Maha Vidhyas according to the Kamakhya tradition. Kamakhya is the chief Goddess of the temple in Guahathi.These are taken from deergeswarim devim sarva kama Phalapradham,Deergaakaara kundala
சனி கவசம் தமிழ் பாடல் வரிகள் The lyrics of Tamizh Armour of Saniசனி கவசம் தமிழ் பாடல் வரிகள் The lyrics of Tamizh Armour of Sani BY Aravindhan K Translated by P.R.Ramachander Taken from சனீஸ்வரன் துன்பம் தரக் கூடிய ஏழரை சனி காலம், சனி தசை நடக்கும் காலம், அஷ்டம சனி, அர்த்தாஷ்டம
Useful manthras of saniUseful manthras of sani (taken from Translated by P.R.RAmachander 1.SaniBheeja manthra The root manthra of sani Om Pram, preem Praiym Sanaischaraaya nama Om Pram, preem Praiym Salutations to Sani 2,The ordinary manthra Om Sam
One lettered great Manthra of Ganapathiएकाक्षर गणपति महामन्त्रः Ekakshara Ganapathi Maha ManthraOne lettered great Manthra of Ganapathi Translated By P.R.Ramachander (Though the manthra is just one letter , there is detailed procedure to chant it.Learning from Guru I ideal .If Not possible , Sit in Front of Ganapathi statue and pray him to be
மதுரை மீனாட்சி அம்மன் ஸ்துதி Madurai Menakshi amman thuthiமதுரை மீனாட்சி அம்மன் ஸ்துதி Madurai Menakshi amman thuthi Prayer to Godess Meenakshi of Madurai Translated By P.R.Ramachander அம்மா மதுரை மீனாக்ஷி அருள்வாய் காஞ்சி காமாட்சி அன்பாய் எனையே ஆதரித்து அல்லல் களைந்தே காப்பாற்று Amma Madurai Meenakshi Arulvai Kanchi Kamakshi Anbai yennai
RAJA THATHA , THE GIFT TO MANKIND.. -- J K SIVANRAJA THATHA , THE GIFT TO MANKIND.. -- J K SIVAN It is very rare to come across in life, giants and great men., especially a person blessed and recognized by Maha Periyava for translating sanskrit sthothras and slokas. Such books authored by PRR were published at most economic and
அஷ்டலட்சுமி வருகைப் பதிகம் AShta Lakshmi Varukai Pathikamஅஷ்டலட்சுமி வருகைப் பதிகம் AShta Lakshmi Varukai Pathikam Poem to Request Ashta Lakshmi to come By கவிஞர் சிவல்புரி சிங்காரம் Poet Seevalpuri singaram Translated by P.R.Ramachander Please hear;ab_channel=ALAGAPPACREATIONS வருவாயே லெட்சுமியே வருவாயே உன்னை
About meaning and benefits Gayathri ManthraAbout meaning and benefits Gayathri Manthra Compiled by P.R.Ramachander from various sources) It has been told “Na Gayatrayha param Manthram, Na Mathu pare devatha” “There is no chant greater than Gayatari, And no God greater than mother” Please understand that , Gayathri manthra is not a prayer addressed to Mother Gayathri , but a manthra written in the poetic
கோதாய் உனக்கு மங்களம் Kodhai Unakku mangalamகோதாய் உனக்கு மங்களம் Kodhai Unakku mangalam Oh goddess Kodhai, All that is good for you Translated by P.R.Ramachander கோதாய் உனக்கு மங்களம் நித்ய கல்யாணி ஆண்டாள் உனக்கு மங்களம் கோதாய் உனக்கு மங்களம் நித்ய கல்யாணி ஆண்டாள் உனக்கு மங்களம் Kothai unakku Mangalam Nithya kalyani AAndal Unakku Mangalam Kothai unakku
Mangalam Pattu for Lakshmi worshipMangalam Pattu for Lakshmi worship Translated by P.R.Ramachander Mangalam padukindren, mangalam varalakshmikku Mangalam Padukindren , shukra varam thannil Suddhamai Dhanam cheithu poojaikal panniye poorithen Easwarikku Mangalam, , Deviye undhakku Mangalam Thiru vaal Chiriyaval , poojai
Hari Hari Govinda (Tamil)Hari Hari Govinda (Tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Hear this prayer addressed to Lord Venkatesa;ab_channel=HTSHowtoSuccessin10th ) ஹரி ஹரி ஹரி கோவிந்தா ஸ்ரீஹரி ஹரி கோவிந்தா ஹரி ஹரி ஹரி கோவிந்தா ஸ்ரீஹரி ஹரி கோவிந்தா Hari hari Hari Govinda Sri Hari hari Govinda Hari Hari Hari
कोदण्डपाणिस्तोत्रं Kodandapani Stotramकोदण्डपाणिस्तोत्रं Kodandapani Stotram (Prayer to god Kodandapani) By Sri asok Raghunadhacharya Translated by P.R,Ramachander (In this prayer also, the entire story of Ramayana is retold in concise form) साकेतपुर्यां निवहं जनानामानन्दयन् कौशिकयज्ञपालः । पादेन पुण्यां कलयन्नहल्यां कोदण्डपाणिः कुलदैवतं नः ॥ १॥ Saaketha
॥ श्रीवेङ्कटेशशरणागतिस्तोत्रम् ॥ Sri Venkateswara Saranagathi Stotram॥ श्रीवेङ्कटेशशरणागतिस्तोत्रम् ॥ Sri Venkateswara Saranagathi Stotram The prayer of Surrender to Sri Venkateswara Translated by P.R.Ramachander A great stotra to solve all your problems (Hear the stotra;ab_channel=RajshriSoul ) शेषाचलासमासाद्य कश्यपाद्या महर्षयः ।
श्री हनुमान स्तोत्र Hanuman Stotraश्री हनुमान स्तोत्र Hanuman Stotra Prayer to Hanuman Translated by P.R.Ramachander सर्वारिष्टनिवारकं शुभकरं पिङ्गाक्षमक्षापहं सीतान्वेषणतत्परं कपिवरं कोटीन्दुसूर्यप्रभम्। लंकाद्वीपभयंकरं सकलदं सुग्रीवसम्मानितं देवेन्द्रादिसमस्तदेवविनुतं काकुत्स्थदूतं भजे ॥१॥ Sarvarishta nivarakam , shubhakarampingakshamakshapaham Sitanveshana&
வெள்ளிக் கதவு திறக்கட்டுமே(prayer to Muruka)வெள்ளிக் கதவு திறக்கட்டுமே(prayer to Muruka) Velli Kadavu thirakattume Let silver door open Translated by P.R.Ramachander வெள்ளிக் கதவு திறக்கட்டுமே வேலன் தரிசனம் கிடைக்கட்டுமே வெற்றி முகமும் சிரிக்கட்டுமே வேண்டும் வரமும் கிடைக்கட்டுமே Velli kadhavu thirakattume Velan Darisanam kidaikkattume Vetri
Simple prayer to Lord Ganapthi in tamilSimple prayer to Lord Ganapthi in tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I saw the original in face book) கணபதி என்றிடக் கலங்கும் வல்வினை கணபதி என்றிடக் காலனும் கைதொழும் கணபதி என்றிடக் கருமம் ஆதலால் கணபதி என்றிடக் கவலை தீருமே Ganapathi yendrida Kalangum Valvinai Ganapathi yendrida
Prayers to get childrenPrayers to get children Translated by P.R.Ramachander Many couples find it difficult to get children Here is list of stotras to get children 1 Durga Vamsa vridhikaram durga kavacham 2. Krishna Santana Gopala stotram https://
Prayer to Lord Padmanabha of Trivandrum(Malayalam)Prayer to Lord Padmanabha of Trivandrum(Malayalam) Translated by P&gt;R.Ramachander THiruvananthapure Vilangunna Padmanabha namosthuthe Thirumalar thariradikal kani Kandu unaruvaan Thuna arulene Salutations to you Padmananbha Who is in Trivandrum Please help me to see first, Your flower like soft feet&
Gurupavanapura nilaya (Malayalam)Gurupavanapura nilaya (Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Gurupavana puranilaya-HareMurare Krishna Thava charanam Abhayamini Pahi pahi maam OH Hari . oh killer of Mura , Oh Krishna , who lives in Guruvayur From now on , I surrender to your feet, Please protect , Please protect me Pahi pahi maam, Krishna Pahi Pahi maam
Kesadhi padham thozhunnen , Kesavaകേശാദിപാദം തൊഴുന്നേന്‍ - കേശവKesadhi padham thozhunnen , Kesava Oh Kesava I salute from your head to feet Translated by P.R.Ramachander കേശാദിപാദം തൊഴുന്നേന്‍ - കേശവ കേശാദിപാദം തൊഴുന്നേന്‍ (കേശാദി) പീലിച്ചുരുള്‍മുടിയും നീലത്തിരുവുടലും ഫാലത്തൊടുകുറിയും താണുതൊഴുന്നേന്‍ Kesadhi padham thozhunen, kesava Kesadhi padham thozhunen, Peeli churul mudiyum ,
Jnana devathe (Malayalam)Jnana devathe (Malayalam) Oh God of wisdom Translated by P.R.Ramachander Jnana devathe, vani maathe nee Vaaneedenam yen manase Veda mathave vannu nee yini Mamamka andhatha theerkkene Oh Goddess of wisdom , Om mother Vani You should come in my mind Oh mother of Vedas , after coming You should
Ainkarane(mani pravalam)Ainkarane(mani pravalam) Oh Five handed one Translated by P.R.Ramachander Aiynkarane , yen thampurane vaa Bajanayil vannu vilayaadaan vaa vaa Shivanukku makanaakum selva kumaranaaka Van vinaikal theerkka vanthai Van gana nayakane Oh God with five hands , oh my lord please come For playing in in the Bhajan come
വാസുദേവപ്പാട്ടു Vasudeva Pattuവാസുദേവപ്പാട്ടു Vasudeva Pattu Vasudeva song (on 27th june 2019, I brought out a compilation of “ stotras composed by Poonthanam” Among them there is Vasudeva Sthuthi in Malayalam ( )
Radha KrishnashtakamRadhakrishnashtakam (Octet on Radha’s Krishna) Translated by P.R.RamachanderChathur mukhadhi samsthutham, samastha sthvathonutham,Halaudhadhi sayutham, namami radhikadhipam. 1I salute the Lord of Radha,Who is worshipped by Brahma and other devas,Who is always
மலைகண்டு நதி கண்டு Malai kandu , Nadhi kanduமலைகண்டு நதி கண்டு Malai kandu , Nadhi kandu Seeing the mountain , Seeing the river Translated by P.R.Ramachander மலைகண்டு நதி கண்டு பதினெட்டு படி கண்டு சன்னதிக்குள் சென்றேனய்யா ஐயப்பன் தவமிருக்கக் கண்டேனய்யா. (மலைகண்டு). Malai kandu , nadhi kandu Pathinettu padi kandu Sanaadhikkul chendren
ஸ்ரீ தன்வந்திரி பகவான் மந்திரம்-துதி. Sri Dhanvanthari Bhagawan Manthiram- Thuthiஸ்ரீ தன்வந்திரி பகவான் மந்திரம்-துதி. Sri Dhanvanthari Bhagawan Manthiram- Thuthi The manthra /prayer of Lord Dhanvantari Translated by P.R.Ramachander ஸ்ரீ விஷ்ணு அவதாரமே சரணம் தேவ வைத்தியனே சரணம் சரணம் தேவாதி தேவனே சரணம் ஸ்ரீ தன்வந்திரி பகவானே சரணம் சரணம்(ஸ்ரீ வி). Sri Vishnu avatharame
लघु शिव स्तुति Laghu Shiva Stuti:लघु शिव स्तुति Laghu Shiva Stuti: Simple prayer to Lord Shiva By Srimad Vyasaraja Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Shiva sthuti is the work of eminent Madhva scholar Sri Vyasarayaru,) ललितचंद्रनिभाननसुस्मितं शिवपदं शिवपदं स्मरता शिवम् । विशदकोटितटित्प्रभया युतं शिवजया शिवया युतम् ॥ १ ॥ Lalitha
श्रीराघवेन्द्रकवचम् Sri Raghavendra Kavachamश्रीराघवेन्द्रकवचम् Sri Raghavendra Kavacham The armour of Raghavendra By Sri Appannacharya Translated by P.R.ramachabnnder Hear;ab_channel=JayasindoorBhaktiMalar “No one can deny the fact that Mantralaya Guru Saarvabhouma Sri Raaghavendra Swamy (Sri Raayaru) is called as Bhavaroga
Compilation of Lakshmi ManthrasCompilation of Lakshmi Manthras Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (Goddess Mahalakshmi is goddess of wealth .I have selected a few of these manthras) लक्ष्मी मंत्र – 1 Lakshmi manthra1 This Lakshmi manthra has to be chanted 25000 times within 72 days and later homa
Vara Lakshmi pattu Song of Vara LakshmiVara Lakshmi pattu Song of Vara Lakshmi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (this is a prayer detailing what should be done on the Varalakshmi festival day) .Narayani , Lakshmi , Narayni Narayani Lakshmi , Narayani (twice) 1.Vara Lakshmi vritham irunthaal Deerga Sumangali Veettuku Varuvaal Karunyamana devi&
पुत्रप्राप्तिकरं श्रीमहालक्ष्मीस्तोत्रम् Puthra prapthikaram Mahalakshmi stotramपुत्रप्राप्तिकरं श्रीमहालक्ष्मीस्तोत्रम् Puthra prapthikaram Mahalakshmi stotram Prayer to Mahalakshmi to get a son Translated by P.R.Ramachander (You can read this great prayer in tamil in ) अनाद्यनन्तरूपां त्वां जननीं सर्वदेहिनाम् । श्रीविष्णुरूपिणीं वन्दे महालक्ष्मीं
Radha devi stotra to get great fameRadha devi stotra to get great fame Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Chant “Om sri Radhikayai nama “ 108 times And chant this prayer:_ 1.Namasthe paresani rasa mandala vasini Rajeswari namosthesthu, Krishna pranadhika priye I salute the divine goddess, who lived in middle of Rasa leela I
राधिका अधिपाष्टकम् Radhika Adhipashtakamराधिका अधिपाष्टकम् Radhika Adhipashtakam The octet of lord of Radhika Translated by P.R.Ramachander चतुर्मुखादिसंस्तुतं समस्तसात्वतानुतम् हलायुधादिसंयुतं नमामि राधिकाधिपम् ॥१॥ Chathurmukhadhi samsthutham , samastha sathva nutham Halayudhadhi samyuthm, namami Radhikadhipam He who has four faces, who has all good people as
श्रीयोगमीनाक्षीस्तोत्रम् Sri Yoga Meeenakshi stotramश्रीयोगमीनाक्षीस्तोत्रम् Sri Yoga Meeenakshi stotram By Sage agasthya Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Pathanjali Yoga Sastra speaks of the Aagnya Chakram and Sahasrara Chakram. In between the two there are twelve points called the Dwadasa Sthanam, and their pinnacle is known as Dwadhasantham. Yoga meenakshi is supposed to occupy this dwadasa sthanam. )
Prayer to Lord Ganesa in tamilPrayer to Lord Ganesa in tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander Velanukku moothavane , vighna vinayakane Velanukku Moothavane, vighna Vinayakane Oh elder brother of Lord Subrahamanya , Oh destroyer of bootlenecks Oh elder brother of Lord Subrahamanya , Oh destroyer of
Mahalakshmi(tamil)Mahalakshmi Translated from Tamil by P.R.Ramachander Those who do not have blessing of God The other world is not there for them Those who
Nama thraya asthra manthraNama thraya asthra manthra (the arrow like chant of three names Translated by P.R.Ramachander The Nama Traya Astra Mantra is a prayer that devotees chant for their well-being and protection from evil. This ancient Sanskrit mantra invokes the three different names of Lord Vishnu. It is one of the strongest barriers against all negative effects. Hindus from various
கந்தன் போட்ட கணக்கு முருகன் பாடல் Kandhan potta Kanakku , Murukan paadalகந்தன் போட்ட கணக்கு முருகன் பாடல் Kandhan potta Kanakku , Murukan paadal The maths problem put by Skanda , Song on Muruka Translated by P.R.Ramachander கந்தன் போட்ட கணக்கு தெரிவதில்லை நமக்கு வேலன் போட்ட கணக்கு புரிவதில்லை நமக்கு. (க). Kandhan potta Kanakku THerivathillai namakku Velan potta kanakku
அனுமன் துதி Anuman thuthiஅனுமன் துதி Anuman thuthi Hanumam prayer Translated by P.R. Ramachander 1.மிகச் சிவந்த முகமுடைய வானரன் மேரு போன்ற எழிலுரு வாய்ந்தவன் பகை யழித்திடும் வாயுவின் புத்திரன் பாரிசாத மர நிழல் வாழ்பவன் ஆஞ்சநேயனை அஞ்சலி செய்கிறேன் .ஆஞ்சநேயனை அஞ்சலி செய்கிறேன். Miga chivantha mukamudaya vaanaran Meru pondra yezhiluru vaainthavan Pagai azhithidum
Kunguma Archanai lyrics tamilKunguma Archanai lyrics tamil குங்கும அர்ச்சனை – Kunguma Archanai song lyrics tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sing this great Bhajan on aadi pooram and all Tuesdays of aadi month Hear the song;ab_channel=VijayMusical Kunguma Archanai lyrics tamilகுங்கும அர்ச்சனை – Kunguma Archanai Worship with kumkum 1.
ஆடிப் பூரம் அம்மன் வளைகாப்பு (கும்மி) பாடல்.ஆடிப் பூரம் அம்மன் வளைகாப்பு (கும்மி) பாடல். ----------------------------------- Aadi pooram Amman Valai Kaappu (kummi) padal The bangle protection song (clap , sing and dance) to goddess during aadi pooram Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear the song;ab_channel=krishnamurthysivaraman
அனுமன் துதி பாடல் Anuman thudhi padalஅனுமன் துதி பாடல் Anuman thudhi padal Hanuman prayer song Translated by P.r.ramachander ஸ்ரீ ஆஞ்சநேயா ஆனந்த யோக மூர்த்தி தேடியே உன்னிரு பாதங்கள் சரணடைந்தோம் வல்லமை யாவும் தந்தருள்வாய் எங்கள் வாயு குமாரா Sri Anjaneyaa, aananda yoga moorthi Thediye unniru padhangal Saranadainthom Vallamai yaavum thantharulvai Yengal
Muruka, Muruka Odi vaa(Tamil)Muruka, Muruka Odi vaa(Tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Muruka, Muruka , odi vaa Mukkannan mainthane odi vaa Oh Muruka, Oh Muruka , come running Oh son of three eyed one, come running 2.pazhani malai vaasaa, odi vaa Pal kavadi yeduthu aadi vaa He who lives on Pazhani mountain, come running Carrying milk Kavadi&
Vetrivelan, Pathu malai Velmurugan Thuthi.Vetrivelan, Pathu malai Velmurugan Thuthi. Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Batu Caves (Tamil: பத்து மலை, is a cave complex situated in Malaysia having many temples.It is referred as ten mountains in Tamil. Batu Caves was promoted as a place of worship by K. Thamboosamy Pillai , an Indian Tamil trader. He was inspired by the vel-shaped entrance of the main
Gajanana hey ShubhananaGajanana hey Shubhanana Elephant face one who has pleasing face Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Gajanana hey Shubhanna Gowri manohara Priya Nandana Oh elephant faced one who has a pleasing face Oh dear handsome son of Gauri 2.Pashupathi tanaya gajanana Modhaka priya , mukha subhanana Oh elephant faced one
அன்னை பராசக்தி Mother Parasakthiஅன்னை பராசக்தி Mother Parasakthi <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Translated by P.R.Ramachander அன்பே சிவமாய் அமர்வாள் நம்மை அன்னை பராசக்தி ஆறுதல் சொல்லி அமுதம் பொழிவாள் ஆதி பராசக்தி! இப்புவி இன்பம் யாவும் அளிப்பாள் அன்னை பராசக்தி! உயர்வு தாழ்வு ஒன்றும் பாராள் அன்னை பராசக்தி! Anbe Shivmai amarval nammai annai parasakthi AAruthal&
Tulasige NamaskaraTulasige Namaskara Translated by P.R.Ramachander "Tanmoole Sarvatheerthaani Tanmadhye Sarva devatha Tansakha Sarva Vedaascha Thulasee Devi Namostute” Below its roots are all sacred waters In iits middle all the Gods In its branches all Vedas Oh Goddess Thulasi, I am saluting you
Tulasi Paridakshinam Slokam(Telugu)Tulasi Paridakshinam Slokam(Telugu) (Prayer while going round Thulasi) Translation Attempt by P.R.Ramachander (For a long time, I have not translated or spoken telugu, If there is a mistake , do please point out) Gopa Paridakshinam Neekistinamma -Govindu Sannidi Nakeeyavamma Oh mother, I will give you great Pradakshina -Please Show
Sri Kamakshi Thuthi padal(tamil)Sri Kamakshi Thuthi padal(tamil) Prayer song addressed to Kamakshi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This great song is addressed to the goddess Kamakshi of Maankadu) 1.Nee aadum vilayadal ondraa-indru Naan thaana kidaithenaa , nandraa? Chei vaadum pothinile thai nee-un Cheyal maranthu nirpatheno, vaa nee-Uyar Maangattil
श्री मंगला जयन्ती स्तोत्र(Hindi) Sri Mangala Jayanthi stotraश्री मंगला जयन्ती स्तोत्र(Hindi) Sri Mangala Jayanthi Stotra Prayer for celebration of Goddess Mangala Translated by P.R.Ramachander भवानी दुर्गा के श्री चरणों में भक्त का निवेदन... की हे महामाया उसे भुद्धि और शक्ति दे ताकि वह भवानी की महिमा गा सके... BHavani Durgake Sri Charan mein Bakth ka nivedhan KI
காமக்ஷி துதி”- Prayer to Kamakshiகாமக்ஷி துதி”- Prayer to Kamakshi (துன்பம் நீங்கி, மோட்சம் பெற- தினமும் /வேண்டும்போது. Sorrow would go away and you will get salvation, if you chant daily) Translted by P.R.Ramachander 1.காஞ்சி மாபுரியில் வாழும் காமகோடி வாவா! வாஞ்சையுடன் எந்தனுக்கு வரம்ருள வாவா! மாவடியின் கீழமர்ந்த மாமணியே வாவா! சேவடி தந்திடும் சிவ சக்தியே வாவா!
Thiruvilakku- திருவிளக்குThiruvilakku-Divine lamp திருவிளக்கு Translated by P.R.Ramachander (By chanting this on Fridays and festival of lamp worship , worries would go away, there would be light in life and we would get luck of baby birth) 1.மகாலக்ஷ்மி தாயே, மங்களங்கள் அனைத்தையும் பெற வேண்டி நான் செய்கின்ற பூஜையின் பலனை அளிப்பதற்காக இந்த தீபத்தில் தீபலட்சுமியாக
கருப்பினில் உடை அணிந்தேன்Karuppinil Udai Anindhenகருப்பினில் உடை அணிந்தேன் Karuppinil Udai Anindhen I wore black dress Translated by P.R.Ramachander (hear the song;ab_channel=RamiiTamilStatus ) கருப்பினில் உடை அணிந்தேன் கழுத்தினில் மணி அணிந்தேன் கருப்பினில் உடை அணிந்தேன் கழுத்தினில் மணி அணிந்தேன் Karuppinil udai aninthen, kazhuthinil mani
Prayer at Siruvachoor Sri Madhurakali Amman TemplePrayer at Siruvachoor Sri Madhurakali Amman Temple (taken from deep sense of acknowledgements) Translated by P.R.Ramachander The many names must be gods in the temple .Not familiar I have just tried to translate, May be wrong,
Oru Kaiyil Damarukam Song Lyrics TamilOru Kaiyil Damarukam Song Lyrics Tamil ஒரு கையில் டமருகம் Translated by P.R.Ramachander (hear the great bhajan;ab_channel=sathiyazorba ஒரு கையில் டமருகம், மறு கையில் திரிசூலம், உடையாக புலி தோலை சூடுவார், சிவ சிவ ஒரு காலை தூக்கி நின்று ஆடுவார் சிவ சிவ சிவ Oru kayyil damarukam , maru
Hanuman ji ko Prasanna karne wali Prarthana(Hindi)Hanuman ji ko Prasanna karne wali Prarthana(Hindi) The prayer which makes Lord Hanuman pleased Translated by P.R..Ramachander (This prayer does not have any rules.Whenever you pray to Lord Hanuman, please chant this prayer also,You would become peaceful and get rid of your worries ,. For this prayer in hindi alphabets
Rama Dhootha stotraRama Dhootha stotra Prayer to messanger of Rama Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Vajra deham amaram visaradham Baktha vathsala varam Dwijothamam Rama Padha Niratham Kapi priyam Rama Dhutham amaram Bhaje He who has diamond like body , Greatly learned Great one dear to devotees, Great Brahmin Always happy with feet of Rama,
Kali BHadrakali(Malayalam)Kali BHadrakali(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Kali BHadrakali , kathurulu devi Maaye , Maha maye, Mariyamman thaye Oh Kali, Oh Bhadra Kali , Please protect me oh Goddess She who is illusion, the great illusion, the Mother Mariyamma 1.Amman kudamenthi aadiyaadi vannen Pamba melam kotti Aadi paadi
गुरु वन्दना(Hindi)गुरु वन्दना(Hindi) Guru Vandan Salutation to Guru By Raghav Shukla Translated by P.R.Ramachander मिट गयी वासना हो गया मन सजग, जिस समय आपका स्मरण हो गया। स्वच्छ निर्मल सरल हो गया आचरण, शुद्ध शालीन अंतःकरण हो गया।। <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Mit gayee vaasanaa ho gaya Man Sajag Jis samay aapkaa smaran&
Thai pooya kavadiyaadaam(malayalam)-A prayer to Lord MurukaThai pooya kavadiyaadaam(malayalam)-A prayer to Lord Muruka Translated by P.R.Ramachander .Thai pooya* kavadiyaadaam*, thanga mayil peeli aadaam Manassile ambalathil Nee poru Jnana velayudhana nee poru WE can dance with Kavadi of Thai poosam, We can play with golden peacock feather Please come inside the temple in my mind
Vellai ullam konda Amma(Prayer to Madhua kali amman)Vellai ullam konda Amma(Prayer to Madhua kali amman) By NR Balasubramanian Translated by P.R.Ramachander வெள்ளை மனம் கொண்ட அம்மா பிள்ளை வரம் தரும் அம்மா கள்ளமில்லா மதுர காளியம்மா உள்ளமெல்லாம் நீயே அம்மா கண்கண்ட தெய்வம் அம்மா பாலாபிஷேகம் உனக்கம்மா தேடியவர்க் கருளுமம்மா தாயினது பாசந்தன்னை சேய் எனக்கு அருளிடம்மா வளமார வாழ்ந்திடம்மா வாயார வாழ்த்திடம்மா
Mahalakshmi Thaye-Tamil prayerMahalakshmi Thaye-Tamil prayer Translated by P.R.Ramachander Take mercy on me Oh mother Mahalakshmi. oh state of joy You are Aadhi Lakshmi The one who grants great power to do You are Gaja Lakshmi You cause rain of wealth You are Dhanalakshmi Oh mother who satiates the hunger You are Dhanya Lakshmi You are one granting victory You are vijaya&
Dhanadha Stotram-2Dhanadha Stotram-2 Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Godess Dhanadha is giver of wealth) Namah sarva svarupe cha namaha Kalyana dayike Maha sampatprade devi Dhanadayai namostute Salutations to her who takes all forms And grants all that is good, To the goddess who grants great wealth To the
Dhanada Lakshmi StotraDhanada Lakshmi Stotra Translated by P.R.Ramachander For getting money , this is a powerful pryer.This has to be chanted in Temple of Shiva, Near banana plant, Bilwa tree or In temple of any goddess, observing Brahma charya, if we chant prayer 100 times, We would able to get near Goddess Lakshmi and get all the wealth we want
Velankku moothavane(Tamil)Velankku moothavane(Tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear this great song;ab_channel=SaregamaBhakti Velankku moothavane , vignna vinayakane Velanukku moothavane , Vighna vinayakane The one elder to skanda , the leader in removing road blocks The one elder to
Translations submitted to the most holy and divine and lotus feet of Lord RamaTranslations submitted to the most holy and divine and lotus feet of Lord Rama BY His devotee Ramachander .P.R. 1.Valmiki Ramayanam The sloka by sloka english translations of Valmiki’s Ramayana(24000 verses) in two pdf files.Mine isone of the many translations(1782 pagesin 2 pdf files) 2.
Kanchi periyava dasaka stotramSri Kama koti peetadheesa Chandra shekara sarasawathi dasakam or Kanchi periyava dasaka stotram The pentad of Chandra shekara saraswatheendra of Kama Koti peeta Or The pentad prayer ofKanchi Periyava Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Reading the stotra while translating , made my eyes wet) 1.Namasthe loka
Prayer to Goddess Lalitha in TamilPrayer to Goddess Lalitha in Tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander Kalai magal, Alai magal CHamaram veesa Malai makal Lalithai nee Nalinamai amarnthida Malai urai eesanum Malar urai ayanum Alai kadal aranganum Kalippinil moozhkave Moozhkiya malai thanai Muthikinil thaangiya Aazh kadal aranganin Azhakiya Sodhari
Murukaa, MurukaaMurukaa, Murukaa By Maha kavi bharathiyar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (இப்பாடலை சென்னையில் ஒரு சபையில், முருகன் திருவுரு முன் மாலை நேரத்தில் பாரதி பாடிய போது புகைப்படத்தில் இருந்து முருகன் அப்படியே இறங்கி வந்தது போல் இருந்தது என்று குறிப்பிடுகிறார் வெ.சாமிநாத சர்மா ஒரு நூலில். அதையே முன் மொழிந்திருக்கிறார் திரு.வி.க. அவர்களும் It seems when the
வரம் தரும் அதி சூட்சும ஷண்முக மந்திரம் (Vara tharum Athi Sookshma Shanmukha Manthram)வரம் தரும் அதி சூட்சும ஷண்முக மந்திரம் (Vara tharum Athi Sookshma Shanmukha Manthram) (The boon giving very powerful shanmukha Chant) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Write it in a sheet , Keep it before Photo/statue of Lord Muruka Salute him and request him to be your guru
रामाष्टक-Ramashtakamरामाष्टक-Ramashtakam The Eight lines on Rama Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I downloaded it feeling it is a eight verse prayer of Rama, It was eight line prayer.The first four lines were , Prayer to Rama and Krishna and last four lines Were one sloka Ramayana) हे रामा पुरुषोत्तमा नरहरे नारायणा
വഞ്ചീശ മംഗളം Vancheesa mangalamവഞ്ചീശ മംഗളം Vancheesa mangalam All that is good to lord of Travancore By Ulloor .S. Parameswara Iyer Translation attempt by P.R.Ramachander (This was the m national anthem of the kingdom of Travancore.It is said that it is written in mani pravalam- a mixture of Malayalam- , Sanskrit&nbsp
Jagad Guru Chandrasheka saraswathi ashtothara satha nama stotramJagad Guru Chandrasheka saraswathi ashtothara satha nama stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (this can be used to worship the picture of Maha Periyava on all days when Anusham(anuradha star occurs by using Akshatha. It can be daily sung as a prayer.Once you understand the meaning of 108 names, I am sure you would be transported to his
श्री रामजी की आरती-Shri Ram ji ki Aarti (hindi)श्री रामजी की आरती-Shri Ram ji ki Aarti (hindi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander आरती कीजै श्री रघुवर जी की, सतचित आनंद शिव सुंदर की, Aarthi keejai Raghuvar Ji ki Sath chith Aanand Shiva Sundarki Please worship Rama, the great one of Raghu clan The pretty one of truly divine joy and peace
Sri Guru DevashtakamSri Guru DevashtakamBySri Viswanatha Chakravarthi ThakuraTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Known also as Haricharan das, Takura belonged to the Guru lineage of Sri Chaithanya Maha Prabhu. This great prayer is addressed to his Guru. I became aware of it from a tamil translation of this prayer done by Sri Kannan of Navi Mumbai and published in MUkthi Priya August , 2011 issue. I have also used the
Sri Rama AarathiSri Rama Aarathi By Sri KSV Krishnan Translated by P.R.Ramachander Surya vamsa sujatha namo nama Kausalyathmaja Namo nama DEvadhi deva poojyaa namo nama Raghu veera The great one born in Raghu clan ,salutations The sonn of Kausaya ,Salutations He who is worshipped by all devas salutation
Krishna Asraya stotramKrishna Asraya stotram (Prayer of dependence on Krishna) By Saint Vallabhacharya Translated by P.R.Ramachander सर्वमार्गेषु नष्टेषु कलौ च खलधर्मिणि । पाखण्डप्रचुरे लोके कृष्ण एव गतिर्मम ।।१।। Sarva margeshu nashteshu , kalou cha khala dharmaani Pakhanda prachure loke Krishna yeva gathir mama
Sri LakshmiAshtothara satha nama stotram/Daridrya mochana stotraSri LakshmiAshtothara satha nama stotram/Daridrya mochana stotra Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear the stotra;ab_channel=AmuthamMusic Sri devi Uvacha Deva deva maha bhaga, trikalajna maheswara Karunakara devesa, bhakthanugraha karaka Ashtothara
Sri Kamakshi namavali(tamil)ஸ்ரீ காமாட்சி நாமாவளி,Sri Kamakshi namavali(tamil) அருள்மிகு காமாக்ஷி அம்மன் வழிபாடு மந்திரம். Translated by P.R.Ramachander அன்பின் உருவமவள் காமாட்சி ஆற்றலில் சக்தியவள் காமாட்சி இன்னல்கள் தீர்த்திடுவாள் காமாட்சி ஈசனின் உடல் பாதி காமாட்சி உலகத்தை ஆள்பவளாம் காமாட்சி ஊக்கங்கள் தந்திடுவாள் காமாட்சி எதிலும் விளங்கிடுவாள் காமாட்சி
Lalithamba stotramLalithamba stotram (Prayer to mother Lalitha) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I took this great stotra from 1.Sahasra nama santhushtam devikaam , Trisathi priyaam Satha nama sthuthi priyam , Lalithambam namamyaham The Goddess who becomes pleased
Bala Manthra Sidhi sthavaBala Manthra Sidhi sthava (prayer to Bala to get power over manthras) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Stotramārambham (स्तोत्रमारम्भम्) – (Beginning of the stotram) ब्राह्मीरूपधरे देवि ब्रह्मात्मा ब्रह्मपालिका । विद्यामन्त्रादिकं सर्वं सिद्धिं देहि परमेश्वरि ॥ १ ॥ Brahmi roopa dhare Devi Brahmathma Brahma palika
Sri Guru DevashtakamSri Guru DevashtakamBySri Viswanatha Chakravarthi ThakuraTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Known also as Haricharan das, Takura belonged to the Guru lineage of Sri Chaithanya Maha Prabhu. This great prayer is addressed to his Guru. I became aware of it from a tamil translation of this prayer done by Sri Kannan of Navi Mumbai and published in MUkthi Priya August , 2011 issue. I have also used the
Lalitha pancha vimsathi- (Twenty five names of Lalitha)Lalitha pancha vimsathi- (Twenty five names of Lalitha) (An easy way for busy persons to get effect of chanting Lalitha Sahasra namam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander <!--[if !supportLists]-->a. <!--[endif]-->First Chant the dhyana of Lalitha sahasra nama
Ashta vimsathi Vishnu Nama StotramAashta vimsathi Vishnu Nama stotram (The prayer of twenty eight names of Lord Vishnu) Translated by P.R.RamachanderThis stotra appears in Maha Bharata as a conversation between Arjuna and Lord Krishna.]Arjuna Uvaacha:Arjuna asked:Kim nu Naama Sahasraani Japitena Puanaha punahaYaanir Naamaani Divyaanee
दक्षिणामूर्तिचतुर्विंशतिवर्णमालास्तोत्रम् । Dakshinamurthy Chathur vimsathi varna mala stotramदक्षिणामूर्तिचतुर्विंशतिवर्णमालास्तोत्रम् । Dakshinamurthy Chathur vimsathi varna mala stotram THe 24 stannza of coloured garland like Dakshinamurthy stotram By Adhi sankara Translated by P.R.Ramachander ॐमित्येतद्यस्य बुधैर्नाम गृहीतं यद्भासेदं भाति समस्तं वियदादि । यस्याज्ञातः स्वस्वपदस्था विधिमुख्या- स्तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं
Jivanmuktanandalahari of Adhi SankaraThis is an inspiring composition of Shankara in which he pictures beautifully the attitudes and behaviour of a Jeevan-Mukta (one who is liberated while alive) when he is moving in the world. The spiritual wisdom and attainments are truly inner and, once properly gained, they do not stand the chance of getting blurred or stained at any time. Whatever be the circumstances in which he is placed, the
श्रीवेङ्कटेशविजयस्तोत्रम् ।। Shri Venkatesha Vijaya Stotram.श्रीवेङ्कटेशविजयस्तोत्रम् ।। Shri Venkatesha Vijaya Stotram. The prayer to victory of Venkatesa by Vaadhi Saadhvasakruth Soori Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I could not find any translation to this great stotra) दैवतदैवत मङ्गलमङ्गल पावनपावन कारणकारण । वेङ्कटभूधरमौलिविभूषण माधव भूधव देव जयीभव ॥ १॥ <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <
Krishna Akshara malika StotramKrishna Akshara malika Stotram Prayer of Garland of Alphabets to Lord Krishna By Sri Ganapathi Panditha Translated by P.R.Ramachander (You can read this great stotra in devanagari if you click You can hear it and read it in Sanskrit by clicking https:
The mercy full ganesaThe mercy full ganesa Translation byP.R.Ramachander (Making a trial to translate post of Sri Pk Srinivasan) உண்ட தெத்தனை கொழுக்கட்டையோஉருட்டிக் கொண்டதெத்தனை மோதகமோஉன்னழிலார் தும்பிக்கையினிலேஉற்றுப் பார்த்திடும் எழிலார் கண்கள்கொட்டிடும் கருணா வெள்ளம்பிடித்து வைத்துக்கொள்ள பாத்திரம்பானை வயிற்றுப் பிள்ளையேநீயே ஒன்று கொடுத்திடேன்! How many sweet
Song on KaruppachamiSong on Karuppachami by Thekkampatti Sunder Rajan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Karuppa chami or black god stands as guard to SAbari Malai Ayyappan And then he is called 18 steps Karuppu Chami) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,அங்கே இடி முழங்குது – கருப்பசாமி தங்க கலசம் மின்னுது Ange idi
Dharma sasthra sthuthi kadambam- In English-At lastDharma sasthra sthuthi kadambam- In English-At last BY Kambangudi kulathu iyer This great collection of prayers was published at Trivandrum in year 1972 by S.S.Narayana Iyer of Jayendra book depot This Book had 22 chosen sanskrit prayers praising Dharnma Sastha and one tamil prayer .It was prized at 1 Rs. Long back this book went out of print and by the great blessing of
Sri Dharma Sasthru Satakamश्री धर्मशास्त्रुस्तुतिशतकं Sri Dharma Sasthru Satakam Translated by Sri Anantha Narayanan Vaidhyanathan ( This in one of the prayers given in KUlathu Iyer’s Dharma Sathra sthuthi kadambam) ( I have not attempted a word by word translation.. but I have, I trust managed to be in sync with the spirit of the author..) शबरिगिरिनिवासं
SAnkatmochan Hanuman Ashtak| संकटमोचन हनुमान अष्टक || SAnkatmochan Hanuman Ashtak The octet to Hanuman who removes sorrow By Saint Thulasi das Translated by P.R.Ramachander (By reading this all problems and sufferings would go away and sorrows would go far away.I have translated it by reading a hindi commentary-
திருநள்ளாறு பச்சைப் பதிகம்(THirunalathu Pachai Pathikam)திருநள்ளாறு பச்சைப் பதிகம்(THirunalathu Pachai Pathikam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I have used the tamil meaning given to this great prayer in .My acknowledgements to them) Chanting this திருநள்ளாறு பச்சைப் பதிகம்(THirunalathu Pachai Pathikam) Composed by THirujnana Sambandar about
நம் ஒப்பில்லியப்ப பெருமாள் (Oppilatha perumal song lyrics)நம் ஒப்பில்லியப்ப பெருமாள் (Oppilatha perumal song lyrics) Our incomparable god Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This great temple of Lord Vishnu in the form Lord Venkateswara is located in the outskirts of Kumbhakonam town. It is also called then Thiruppathi(The south thiruppathi)) 1.ஒப்பிலாத பெருமாள் நம்
ஸ்ரீ மதுரகாளியம்மன் போற்றி Sri Madhura Kaliyamman Pothriஸ்ரீ மதுரகாளியம்மன் போற்றி Sri Madhura Kaliyamman Pothri Translated by P.R.Ramachander The renowned temple of Arulmigu Mathura Kaliamman at Siruvachur located 50 kms from Trichy and 8 kms from Perambalur has an antiquity dating back to 1000 years. Large number of devotees throng this temple on Mondays and Fridays to worship the powerful deity and seek her divine blessings.
Prayer to Madhura Kali AmmanPrayer to Madhura Kali Amman Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The renowned temple of Arulmigu Mathura Kaliamman at Siruvachur located 50 kms from Trichy and 8 kms from Perambalur has an antiquity dating back to 1000 years. Large number of devotees throng this temple on Mondays and Fridays to worship the powerful deity and seek her divine blessings. According to
Thoda Dhyan laga-Pay little attention)Thoda Dhyan laga-Pay little attention (Great Hindi prayer on Shirdi sai) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear this great bhajan;ab_channel=saivrinda ) Thoda dhyaan lagaa Thoda dhyaan Sai Daude daude aayenge Thoda dhyaan lagaa Sai Daude daude aayenge Tuje gale se lagayenge Ankhiya man ki
Om Madhurambika sthuthi panchakamOm Madhurambika sthuthi panchakam (The prayer of five verses addressed to Thirvuvachur Madhurambika) BY Madhurakalidasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Sri Madhurambike, maha rajnee, madhura Kali Maheswari Kula devatha devi chiruvakshi Rakshamam Saranagatham Oh sweet mother , great queen, sweet Kali , great Goddess
Rama anusmruthi stotramRama anusmruthi stotram Prayer of recollecting names of Rama Translated by P.R.Ramachander Brahmo uvacha:- Lord Brahma said:- 1.Vandhe ramam , jagath vandhyam , sundarasyam suchi smitham Kandharpa koti lavanyam , kamidartha pradhayakam I salute Rama , who is saluted by the world, who has pretty looks ,
Sri Rama namam ninaithaale (Tamil)Sri Rama namam ninaithaale (Tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sri Rama namam ninaithaale Sri Rama Namam Ninaithale Perinbam perugume Mei porule Sri Rama Jaya Rama , Raghu Rama , Sita rama Just by thinking name of Sri Rama The great joy would increase Sri Rama the meaning(thing) of truth Hail
The first love story of worldஉலகின் முதலாவது காதல் Ulagin mudhalaavathu kadhal The first love story of world Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This scene of meeting of Rama and sita is described in Kamba Ramayana Thus:- 514. When that Sita who was more prettier than any one’s concept of beauty, Was standing there, her eyes and that of
Tripura Sundari Aparadha kshamapana stotramTripura Sundari Aparadha kshamapana stotramJump to:navigation, search Share Translated By P.R.RamachanderThe prayer requesting pardon for mistakes from Tripurasundari.Kunja manohara pada chalan Mani noopura hamsa virajithe, Kanji bhavadhi surougha parishtutha loka visruthwara vaibhave, Manjula vag maya nirjitha keera kale achala rajasya kannighe, Palaya Hey Lalitha
Parakkattu devi (Malayalam prayer)Parakkattu devi (Goddess Bhagawathy of Parakkattu kavu) By Praseedha M.N.Devu Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I had earlier written about this goddess . I am so happy to post an enchanting prayer to this mother Goddess)
The holy names of Lord Vishnu for the 12 RasisOm Namo Narayanaya The holy names of Lord Vishnu for the 12 Rasis If people chant these powerful manthras of their Rasi Daily, their poverty and loans would be wiped off And they will get riches which will never get over 1.Mesham Aswathi, Bharani , Karthikai I padam &
Maha Periyava SaranamMaha Periyava Saranam மஹா பெரியவா சரணம்- Surrrender to Maha Periyva Translated by P.R.Ramachander அனுஷத்தில் உதித்த ஜோதி அகிலத்தில் உலவும் ஜோதி ஆலயத்தில் தங்கும் ஜோதி இம்மைக்கு வழிகாட்டும் ஜோதி Anushathil udhitha jothi Akhilathil ulavum jothi Aalayathil thangum jothi Immaikku vazhi kaattum jothi The light&
Mukunda Sthuthi(Malayalam)Mukunda Sthuthi(Malayalam) Prayer to Mukunda Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Kannaa , kadal varnaa , kaniverum mukil varnaa Kalmasham akalaan nal vazhi nalkeedu Mukunda Oh Krishna, oh lord with colour of sea , the merciful lord of colour of the cloud Oh Makunda, give me a good way so that stains would go
Powerful Manthras of Hanuman for Various purposesPowerful Manthras of Hanuman for Various purposes Translated by P.R.Ramachander शत्रु को परास्त करना का मंत्र The manthra to defeat enemies ॐ नमो हनुमते रुद्रावताराय रामसेवकाय रामभक्तितत्पराय रामहृदयाय लक्ष्मणशक्ति भेदनिवारणाय लक्ष्मणरक्षकाय
Pancha sloka Ganesa puranamपंचश्लोकिगणेशपुराणम् Pancha sloka Ganesa puranam The epic of Ganesa in five verses Translated by P.R.Ramachander श्रीविघ्नेशपुराणसारमुदितं व्यासाय धात्रा पुरा तत्खण्डं प्रथमं महागणपतेश्चोपासनाख्यं यथा । संहर्तुं त्रिपुरं शिवेन गणपस्यादौ कृतं पूजनं कर्तुं सृष्टिमिमां स्तुतः स विधिना व्यासेन बुद्ध्याप्तये ॥ १॥ &
AAdhi shivan vandhan (Tamil)AAdhi shivan vandhan (Tamil) The primeval Shiva came Translated by P.R.Ramachander ஆதி சிவன் வந்தான் அண்ணாமலையாய் நின்றான் ஞான ஜோதியாக சுபயோக வாழ்வு தந்தான் Aadhi shivan vanthaan , annamalayai nindraan Jnana jothiyaaka shubhayoga vaazhvu thanthan The primevial shiva came, He stood as Annamalai(arunagiri)
Saraswathi dhyanamSaraswathi dhyanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I was not aware of this stotra and it was brought to my notice by one Ms Lakshmi Balasubramanian. Thanks to her. I could later locate it in Dhinamalar) 1. ஸரஸ்வதி நமஸ்துப்யம் வரதே காமரூபிணி வித்யாரம்பம் கரிஷ்யாமி ஸித்திர் பவதுமே ஸதா Saraswati namastubyam Varadhe kamaroopini | Vidhya rambam
Sita Kalyanam (tamil)Sita Kalyanam (tamil) By வாங்கல் லஷ்மிநரசிம்மன் ஶ்ரீதரன் vAangal Lakshmi Narasimhan Sridharan Translated by P.R.Ramachander சீதா கல்யாணம் சொல்லி வாழ்த்திடுவோம் சீதா ராமன் பேர் சொல்லி வரம் பெறுவோம் சீதா கல்யாணம் சொல்லி வாழ்த்திடுவோம் Sita kalyanam cholli vazhthiduvom Sita raman per choli varam peruvom
Sri Rama Jayam Stothiram(tamil)Sri Rama Jayam Stothiram(tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Anbarkal idarai agathida vendi ayothiyil vanthathu Sri Rama Jayam Asurarai azhithu aram thazhaithu onga amaithi alithathu Sri Rama Jayam AAthavan marabil, azhakiya uru kondu avatharithathu Sri Rama Jayam
Birth of Rama in Kamba RamayanaBirth of Rama in Kamba Ramayana Translated by P.R.Ramachander Bala Kandam, Avathara Padalam Verses 280, 281, 282 280.When the time for delivery came , And the goddess earth became very happy And the bamboo like Punar poosam star . the devas, And the pure Rasi of Kadaka ,
Bhaye prakat kripala – birth of lord Rama, from Ramacharitha manas of ThulasidasBhaye prakat kripala – birth of lord Rama, from Ramacharitha manas of Thulasidas By Sant Thulasidas Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This famous Hindi bhajan describes how Rama at birth appeared like Lord Vishnu to his mother Kausalya and who how he assumed the form of a human baby at her request .In Valmiki Ramayana , Rama is only born as a human baby and this is not
Rama navami prayer about Rama's birthRama navami prayer about Rama's birth Please do Parayana of Slokas connected with Rama’s birth from Valmiki Ramayana on Rama Navami Compiled by P.R.Ramachander It is a normal practice to read the eighteenth chapter of Bala Kanda of Valmiki
Hanuman Chalisa (Hindi)Hanuman Chalisa (The Hanuman-Forty) By Saint Thulasi das Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Hanuman Chalisa, the boon of Tulsidas to all the Hindus in the world, will find a
Apeetha kuchamba sthavamGreat prayer to reduce fever Apeetha kuchamba sthavam Prayer to mother whose breast has not been used for feeding By Appayya Deekshithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander आनन्दसिन्धुलहरीममृतांशुमौले- रासेविनाममृत-निर्मित-वर्तिमक्ष्णोः । &
Kulashekara Azhvar’s SAmpoorna RamayanamKulashekara Azhvar’s SAmpoorna Ramayanam Section 10.SAmpurna ramayanam (summary of entire ramayanam including Uthara Kandam பத்தாம் திருமொழி By Saint Kulashekara azhvar Translated by P.R.Ramachander எண்சீர்க் கழிநெடிலடி ஆசிரிய விருத்தம் Ramayana in brief , 741 அங்கணெடு மதிள்புடைசூ ழயோத்தி யென்னும் அணிநகரத்
Lamentation of Dasaratha on Rama leaving to the forestLamentation of Dasaratha on Rama leaving to the forest ஒன்பதாம் திருமொழி Section 9 of Perumal Thirumozhi By Saint Kulashekara Azhvar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 730 வன்தாளி னிணைவணங்கி வளநகரம் தொழுதேத்த மன்ன னாவான் நின்றாயை அரியணைமே லிருந்தாயை நெடுங்கானம் படரப் போகு என்றாள்,எம் இராமாவோ உனைப்பயந்த கைகேசி தஞ்சொற் கேட்டு நன்றாக
Kulashekara Azhvar’s Triology on RamayanaKulashekara Azhvar’s Triology on Ramayana Translated by P.R.Ramachander Kula shekara Azhvar was a great Vaishnavite saint who was a king of the chera country. Kulashekara Azhwar (Called Kula shekara perumal in Kerala) was also called Mudaliyandan Nambi . He was one of the 12 sages of the Bhakthi
Dasavatharikai (Tamil)Dasavatharikai (kural uruvil dasavatharam) ByK.Srinivasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Meenuru kondu marai nankum meettedutha Madhavan paal manam vai mada nenje(Machavathharam) On Madhava who recovered the four vedas , Taking the form of fishm, Oh foolish one keep your mind 2,AAmayuru kondu amararkku amuthalitha
Saranam Ganesaa(tamil)Saranam Ganesaa I surrendrer to you Oh Ganesa Translated by P.R.Ramachander Saranam ganesaa Saranam ganesaa Saranam ganesaa Saranam ganesaa (Saranam) I surrender to you Oh Ganesa, I surrender to you Oh Ganesa I surrender to you Oh Ganesa, I surrender to you Oh Ganesa Sakthiyin manithaa Saranam ganesaa Sankata naasanaa Saranam ganesaa (Saranam) &
Dasa Avatharam(tamil)Dasa Avatharam(tamil) Ten incarnations Translated by P.R.Ramachander திருமால் பெருமைக்கு நிகரேது! உந்தன் திருவடி நிழலுக்கு இணையேது! பெருமானே உந்தன் திருநாமம்! Thirumal perumaikku Nikarethu, Unthan Thiruvadi nizlakku inaiyethu Perumaane undhan thiru namam What is equal to Vishnu’s fame What is equal to the shadow &
Govinda Hari GovindaGovinda Hari Govinda From Translated by P.R.R.Ramachander கோவிந்தா ஹரி கோவிந்தா ஹரி கோவிந்தாஹரி கோவிந்தா.! ( கோவிந்தா...) Govinda , hari Govinda Hari Govinda , Hari Govinda(Govinda) Hey Govinda, Hey Hari , Hey Govinda Hey Govinda , Hey Hari , Hey Govinda வெய்யிலில் ஓடி
ஸ்ரீ கிருஷ்ண கவசம் Sri Krishna Kavasamஸ்ரீ கிருஷ்ண கவசம் Sri Krishna Kavasam Sri Krina’s Armour கவிஞர் திரு. கண்ணதாசன் இயற்றியது By Poet Kannadasan Translated by P.R.Ramachnder Hear it;ab_channel=BalaArunsuvaiyakam காப்பு அருமறை முதல்வனை ஆழிமாயனை கருமுகில் வண்ணனைக் கமலக் கண்ணனை திருமகள் தலைவனை தேவ தேவனை இருபத முளரிகள்
The Gita Sara lullaby (Gita sara Thalattu)The Gita Sara lullaby (Gita sara Thalattu) composed by Sri Venkata Natha Interpretation in Tamil given by Sri Poornananda saraswathi (
Prayer to get rid of sinsPrayer to get rid of sinsTranslated byP.R.RamachanderIf this Manthra is chanted just onceIn some old shiva temple,All the sins done byUs(husband and wife), our parents, our grand parents,Etc etc to last seven generations would go awayOm Sri Soma nadheeswaraya namaOm Sri mallikarjuneswarayai namaOm sri Maha Kaleswarayai namaOm sri Omkara Malleswarayai namaOm Sri Vaidhya bheema
Bhootha Nadha VimsathiBhootha Nadha VimsathiTwenty verse prayer of Bhootha nadha) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This in one of the prayers given in KUlathu Iyer’s Dharma Sathra sthuthi kadambam) 1.Leelakaram , lalitha vadanam , lakshanadyam , suredyam Baalaakaaram , parimala dharam , Bhaktha lokopakaram Sailaaroodam , sura
Sri Dharma sasthru sthuthi dandakamSri Dharma sasthru sthuthi dandakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is from “The Dharma sasthra sthuthi kadambam of Kambangudi sundaram iyer) 1,BHaja hridaya sathatham ,api bhaja . sakala viswa samposha, samplosha, sarva thanthra prabhu Dwandhwa nirdhwandhwa dhivyamsa sambhootha sampoorna lavanya THejo nidhim
Sthuthi sathakam to Lord Ayyappa (hundred verse prayer to Lord ayyappa)Sthuthi sathakam to Lord Ayyappa (Hundred verse prayer)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(from Kulathu iyers Dharma sathra kadambam) 1.Aadhi bhootha nadham , tribhuvana Saranam , thrana deeksha kadaksham Nadha Sriranga vasam , natha jana hridayollasa leelaa vilasam Bhoothi sri Bhooshithangam pradhitha
ஶ்ரீ நாராயணீய ஸஹஸ்ர நாமம்Narayaneeya sahasranamam in tamilTyped byGeetha Kalyanஶ்ரீ நாராயணீய ஸஹஸ்ர நாமம்முன்னாள் ஸம்ஸ்க்ருத கல்லூரி முதல்வர் ப்ரஹ்மஶ்ரீ சேஷாத்ரிநாத சாஸ்த்ரிகள் சிஷ்யன் ஶ்ரீமான் ஐய்யப்பன் கார்யாட் என்றவர் இயற்றியது. பாகவத வித்வான் ஶ்ரீமான் எளம்குன்னப்புழ தாமோதர சர்மா என்பவர் இந்த நாராயணீய ஸஹஸ்ரநாம புத்தகத்திற்கு முன்னுரை வழங்கியுள்ளார். ப்ரபல முகநூல் அன்பர் ஶ்ரீ புதுக்கோடு ராமஜயர் ராமசந்தர்
Narayaneya Sahasranamam(Also known as Guruvayurappa SAhasra namam)Narayaneeya Sahasranama is a condensed form of Narayaneeyam consisting of 1000 names of Vishnu. It is carefully created sangraha, of all the namas (names) of that appear sequentially and chapterwise in the Narayaneeyam Narayaneya Sahasranamam(Also known as Guruvayurappa SAhasra namam) By Sri Ayyappan Kariyat Translated by P.R.Ramachander &
Bandhuka ashtakamBandhuka ashtakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander(From Dharma sastha sthuthi kadambam) 1.Bandhuka bandhura ruchim kala dhoutha bhasam Panchananam , duritha vanchana dheeram eesam Paarswa dhwayaa kalitha sakthi kadaksha charum Neelothphalarchitha thanum , pranathosmi devam He who likes the
Bhagyodhaya SthuthiBhagyodhaya Sthuthi Prayer to make luck rise up Translated by P.R.Ramachander(FRom Kulathu Iyers Dharma satha stotra kadambam) 1.Sri Parvathi pathi , rema pathi yugma Jatham Sri Pandya poorna sukrutham , vara Bhootha nadham Sri Poorna Pushkalayutham , sritha parijatham Sri Poorna
Pachakshara priya AshtakamPachakshara priya Ashtakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (From Kulathu Iyers Dharma sastha Sthuthi kadambam) 1.Panchakshara priya, virinchadi poojitha , chidananda roopa , BHagawan Panchadrivasa, sikhi pinchavathamsa, jaya vanchanukoola, vardha Panchasya vaha, mani kanchi gunanchitha, sumanjeera manjula padha
Dharma Sastha Asraya ashtakamDharma Sastha Asraya ashtakam The octet of protection Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Hari kalabha thuranga vaaham , hari mani mohana haara charu deham Hari dadhi panatham gireendra geham , Harihara puthramudhara masrayami He who rides on green black horse , he who has pretty body
BHagya sambhava panchakamBHagya sambhava panchakam (The pentad of happeing of luck) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (From Kulathu iyers Dharma sastha sthuthi kadambam) (From Kulathu iyers Dharma 1.Padaravinda bhaktha loka palanaika lolupam Sadara parswam athmajadhi modshakam , suradhipam Udharam aadhi bhootha nadham&
Sri HariharathmajaashtakamSri Hariharathmajaashtakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (From Kulathu Iyer’s Dharma sastha sthuthi kadambam) 1.Giri charam , karunamrutha sagaram , paricharam, paramam , mrigayaa param Suruchiram sucharachara gocharam , hariharathmajam easwaram asraye He who moves about on mountain,the ocean nectar of mercy, He
Subrahamanya vara pathikamSubrahamanya vara pathikam Translated by P.R.Ramachander Aadhithya Vaaram Vaadhitha soorarai vadi veleduthu valainthu kondu Saasithu vendra dhaya parane, yenthan chanchalathai Sodhithu paarthu , thuyar thanai neekki nal thokayudan AAdhithya vaaram varuvai , pazhani Nallandavane Oh merciful one , who Taking the
Haihara puthra dasavathara virutham(tamil)Haihara puthra dasavathara virutham(tamil) ஹரிஹர புத்ர தசாவதார விருத்தம் Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is the last tamil song after 21 stotras in Sanskrit in the great book “Sri Dharma Sastha Sthuthi Kadambam” by Sri Kambamgudi Kulathu Iyer in the Malayalam pdf version .I could not find it any where in the
Aadhiyum neeeye , Anthamum Neeyeஆதியும் நீயே அந்தமும் நீயே Aadhiyum neeeye , Anthamum Neeye You are the beginning , you are the end Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear the song;ab_channel=TarakaBrahman ஆதியும் நீயே அந்தமும் நீயேஅரிஹர‌ சுதனே ஐயப்பா மாதவ‌ மணியே மாணிக்க‌ ஒளியே மணிகண்ட‌ சாமியே ஐயப்பா (ஆதியும் நீயே)
Vadakkunadha StotramVadakkunadha Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Nadichu kinkarnmaar vannu athikramichu avarenne Pidichaasu kayarittu valikkunneram Pura thrayam kanak kannil yerichavan thadukkenam Kazhalkku kai vanangunnen, vadakku nadha When the acting servants come and attack me And when they catch me and pull me
Sri MuktharyashtakamSri Muktharyashtakam *ஸ்ரீ முக்தார்யாஷ்டகம்* (This is a prayer addressed to God Sorimuthu Ayyanar ) ( by the great authority on Lord Sastha , Sri Aravind Subrahamyam.He has kindly given permission to translate this prayer in to
Dharma sasthru dasakamDharma sasthru dasakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I found this rare stotra in pallassena.blogspot posteed by Sri Radhakrishnan. I have not seen this prayer earlier) ഭൂതനായക പാഹിമാം ഭുവനാധിനായക പാഹിമാം ഭൂതിദായക പാഹിമാം ജഗദാദിനായക പാഹിമാം &
Kusuma manjari dasakam(prayer to lord Sastha)Kusuma manjari dasakam(prayer to lord Sastha) കുസുമ മഞ്ജരീ ദശകം The ten flower bunch like verses Translated by P.R.Ramachander പുണ്ഡരീകഹരിവാജി വാരണ വരേണ്യ! വേത്രകര മണ്ഡിത! പുണ്ഡരീകഭവ പൂജനീയ! വരപാണ്ഡ്യബാല സുര വര്‍ണ്ണിത! ചണ്ഡഭാനു ശശികുണ്ഡലോജ്വല! മനോജ്ഞ ഗണ്ഡതല ശോഭിത! പൂര്‍ണ്ണചന്ദ്രമുഖ! ഭൂതനാഥ പരിപാഹി പൂര്‍ണ്ണകുശലപ്രദ! 1. Pundareeka hari vaji varana varenya
Pattu padi jnaan varunnu Ayyappa(Malayalam)Pattu padi jnaan varunnu Ayyappa(Malayalam) (singing songs I am coming Ayyaoppa) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Paattu Paadi Naan Varunnu.. Ayyappa Pambayattil Neeraadi.. (2) Singing songs , I am coming Lord Ayyappa, After taking bath in Pamba river Paripavana Mohana Roopa (2) Parirakshikanne Deva… Oh Lord &nbsp
Sastha Varavu paadalசாஸ்தா வரவுப் பாடல் : Sastha Varavu paadal The song of coming of Sastha கரந்தையர் பாளையம் சாஸ்தா புத்தகத்தில் இருந்து தட்டச்சு. குமார் ராமநாதன். Typed from the book Karantharpalayam sastha By Kumar Ramanathan ( கரந்தையர்பாளையம் மஹாமேரு சமூஹத்தில் கம்பங்குடி வம்ச ஸ்தானியர்களால் பாடப்படும் முழுமையான அய்யன் வரவு விருத்தம் ) (The full&
Sastha varavuசாஸ்தா வரவு :- Sastha varavuTHe coming of Sastha Translated by P.R.Ramachander வாராரீதோ......... மணிகண்டர் .......... வாராரீதோ......... !!!!! Vaaraaritho …. Manikandar Vaaraaritho Here he is coming , Manikanda Here he is coming ராகம் : காந்தாரம் ​ Raga Gandhara தா ளம் ஏக தா ளம் Thala -Eka
Thayyal nayaki pamalaiThayyal nayaki pamalaiதையல்நாயகி பாமாலை (Garland of poems to Goddess THayyal Nayaki (leader among ladies)) By கவிஞர் சிவல்புரி சிங்காரம் Kavinjar Sivalpuri Singaram Poet Sivalpuri Singaram Translated by P.R.R.Ramachander (This very great prayer is addressed to Goddess THayyal nayaki , the
My translation work of Rama and books on RamaMy translation work of Rama and books on Rama By P.R.Ramachander a.I have translated 6 books of Ramayana written in various languages in to English b. I have translated 9 short Ramayanas written in various languages in to English c. I have translated 44
Namaskara SlokangalNamaskara Slokangal Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Bhootha pretha pisacha badhithareyum, Rogathuraranmareyum Devi sannidhiyilaakki nibhyatham mithrangal sevikkilum AApathage agathi nithya bhuvukam nalkunnithaa aascharyamayi Chothanikkara vaazhum easwari, Thozhaam Raja rajeswari Those who are
Shirdi wale Sai Baba(hindi)Shirdi wale Sai Baba(hindi) Sai Baba of shirdi Translated by P.R.Ramachander Zamane ne kaha tooti hui thasweer banthi hai Tere darbar main bigdi thaqdeer banthi hai The times told , a broken picture can be mended In your Darbar, the broken fate can be set right Tareef teri nikli
Guru Chandrashekara THotakashtakamகுரு சந்த்ரசேகரேந்த்ர தோடகாஷ்டகம் Guru Chandrashekara THotakashtakam – சாணு புத்திரன் – Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.மறை யாவையும் போற்றிடும் சற்குருவே – அருட் சாத்திர போதமும் உணர்த்தியவா | இறை யாவையும் ஒன்றென போற்றியவா – சசி சேகர சங்கரரே சரணம் || Marai yaavum pothridum sathguruve-arut, Chathira bodhavum&
Namashivaya (Malayalam)Namashivaya (Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Namashivaya aadhiyayoru aksharangal kondu jnan Churukki nalla keerathanangal cholluvaan ganesanum Manassil vannu udhippathinnu anugrahikkam vaniyum Nama Shivaya parvatheesa papa nasana hare Using the letters like the letters Namashivaya, for me To tell
Chathu sloki RamayanamChathu sloki Ramayanam Four verse Ramayana By Villur Srinidhi swami Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.ராம ஜனனம் முதல் ஸீதா கல்யாணம் வரை From birth of Rama till marriage with Sita ராம: கௌசிகம் அன்வகாத் பதிமுனேர் வாசா வதீத் தாடகாம் ஸத்ரம் தஸ்ய ரரக்ஷ தேன கதிதா: ஸுச்ராவதாஸ்தா: கதா: கத்வாதோ மிதிலாம் விதாய த்ருஷதம் யோஷிந்மணிம்
Vadakkumnadha, sarvam nadathum Nadha-MalayalamVadakkumnadha, sarvam nadathum Nadha-Malayalam (OhVadakkumnadha , who makes everything happen) Translated by P.R.Ramachander വടക്കുംനാഥാ സര്‍വ്വം നടത്തുംനാഥാ നിന്റെ നടക്കൽ ഞാൻ സാഷ്ടാംഗം നമിക്കുന്നീതാ വടക്കുംനാഥാ സര്‍വ്വം നടത്തുംനാഥാ നിന്റെ നടക്കൽ ഞാൻ സാഷ്ടാംഗം നമിക്കുന്നീതാ Vadakkum nadha , sarvavum nadathum nadha Jnan nadakkal&
Kiratha SasthashtakamASya sri kirata sastru maha manthrasya, remantha rishi devi Gayatri chanda , Sri Kiratha sastha devathaa, hraam bheejam , hreem SAkthi Hroom keelalam Sri Kiratha sasthru prasada sidhyarthe Jape viniyoga Kara nyasaOm hraam Angushtabhyam namaOm hreem tharjaneebhyaam
Sri Lakshmi dwadasa nama stotramSri Lakshmi dwadasa nama stotram (the prayer of twelve names of Godddess Lakshmi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sridevi prathamam nama dwithiyam amrithodhbhava, Trithiyam kamala prokthaa, chathurtham loka sundari The first name is Goddess Sri, second she who was born with amritha(nectar) Third one is told as lotus and fourth, the
Prayer for increase of wealth and married happinessPrayer for increase of wealth and married happiness Translated by P.R.R.Ramachander ഭദ്രകാളീ സ്തുതി കാളി കാളി മഹാകാളീ-ഭദ്രകാളീ നമോസ്തുതേ കുലം ച കുലധര്‍മ്മം ച- മാം ച പാലയ പാലയ... <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Kali , kali Maha kali bhadra kali namosthuthe Kulam cha&
Vibheeshana Gita (From Thulasi Ramayan)Vibheeshana Gita (From Thulasi Ramayan) By Saint THulasi dhas Translated by P.R.Ramachander When Rama went to war with Ravana he went on foot and Ravana was riding on a chariot . Vibheeshana became sad and expressed it . Rama
Vadakkumnadha Stotram(Malayalam)Vadakkumnadha Stotram(Malayalam) (vadakkumnadha is God Shiva consecrated in Trichur town of Kerala. You can get all info about the temple in ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Ambilithellum pichaka malayum Thumba malayum charthi vilangunna
Arul migu Nataraja Peruman thuthi padalஅருமிகு நடராஜப் பெருமான் துதிப் பாடல். Arul migu Nataraja Peruman thuthi padalTHe prayer song of Lord Nataraja Translated by P.R.Ramachander நடராஜா நடராஜா நர்த்தன சுந்தர நடராஜா சிவராஜா சிவராஜா சிவகாமி ப்ரிய நடராஜா நடராஜா நடராஜா ஆனந்தத்தாண்டவ நடராஜா நடராஜா நடராஜா ஊர்த்துவ தாண்டவ நடராஜா நடராஜா
AparadhashtakamAparadhashtakam (The octet of the guilty) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This great prayer is taken from Halasya Purana. Shiva took incarnation as Sundreswara Pandyan and ruled over Madurai of Tamil Nadu. Halasya puranam deals with these incarnations and sports that Lord Shiva played in Madhurai.) 1.Paripoorna parananda , parichith Sathya vigraha, Sundareswara SArvagna , thrahi
Kshamapana Keerthanam(Malayalam)*ക്ഷമാപണ കീ൪ത്തന൦* (kshamapana keerthanam) Song requesting pardon Translated by P.R.Ramachander മഹാദേവ! ശ൦ഭോ പ്രണാമ൦ പ്രസീദ മഹേശ! ജഗന്നാഥ! ദേവാധിദേവ! നമസ്തേ! പരബ്രഹ്മജ്യോതി:സ്വരൂപ! സമസ്താപരാധ൦ പൊറുക്കേണമേ നീ Mahadeva , shambho,pranamam praseedha Mahesa , Jagannadha , devadhi deva Namasthe , para brahma
Shiva Namam( Names of shiva)(Malayalam)Shiva Namam( Names of shiva)(Malayalam) To remove fear of death , to get all typeof wealth and to feel presccence of Lord Shiva always in mind, It would be great if you chant this great prayer) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Imp. To all manthras add “Om Namashivaya”(om salutations to lord Shiva) 1.Cholluka ,
Get cured of cancer advised Maha PeriyavaGet cured of cancer advised Maha Periyava Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Chant this sloka from Dasakam 8 of Narayaneeyam Said Mahaperiyava to a devotee suffering due to cancer 108 times for 45 days .He did and was cured Dasakam: 008 -- Shlokam:13 अस्मिन् परात्मन् ननु पाद्मकल्पे
Navarathnani Eka slokiNavarathnani Eka sloki नवरत्नानि एकश्लोकी (The vikramadhithyas Navarathnas in one verse) Tanslated by P.R.Ramachander विक्रमादित्यराजसभास्थनवसंख्यकपण्डिताः - धन्वन्तरि क्षपणकामरसिंह शङ्कु वेतालभट्ट घटकर्पर कालिदासाः । ख्यातो वराहमिहिरो नृपतेः सभायां रत्नानि वै वररुचिर्नव विक्रमस्य ॥ इति
Amme Narayana Devi Narayana(malayalam)Amme Narayana Devi Narayana(malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Amme Narayana Devi Narayana Lakshmi Narayana Bhadre Narayana Amme Narayana Devi Narayana Lakshmi Narayana Bhadre Narayana Oh mother Narayana , Oh Goddess Narayana Oh Lakshmi Narayana , Oh Lady Narayana Oh mother Narayana, Oh Goddess Narayana Oh
AAdi paadiduvom(tamil)AAdi paadiduvom(tamil) We will dance and sing Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Aadi paaduvom, ayyan pugazh paaduvom Aanandamai ayyan pugazh aadi paaduvom Swamiye Ayyappa , sarnam pon Ayyappa Swamiye Ayyappa , sarnam pon Ayyappa We will ance and sing , We would sing the fame of the God With great joy we will sing and dance
Pahi Parama Pavana(hanuman-Malayalam)Pahi Parama Pavana(hanuman-Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Padasarruhaa , vanangidunnen yiha MOdhayaam sri Hanuman pavana suthaa Pahi Parama Paavana pavana suthaa Pahi parama paavana I salute the lotus like d feet of yours The joyful Hanuman, the son of wind
Mura hara , Naga DharaMura hara , Naga Dhara Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Mura hara Nagadhara Govinda nama, Mukunda madhava Raghava Rama Oh Govinda rama who was enemy of Mura and one who lifted the mountain Oh Mukunda, Oh Madhava , Oh Raghava Rama 2,Vasudeva vana mala dhara Vaikuntadhipa
Jaya JagadheeswariJaya Jagadheeswari Translated by P.R.Ramachander Jaya Jagadheeswari Amba maaye Jaya Jagadheeswari Amba maaye Sakala kala bhuvaneswari Devi Jaya Jagadheeswari Ambaa maaye Hail goddess of universe , the mother Maya Hail goddess of universe , the mother Maya Goddess of of all arts in universe, oh Goddess Hail goddess&
Prayers Connected with Kasi Translated by mePrayers Connected with Kasi Translated by me P.R.Ramachander Lord Viswanatha
Eka sloki Mallari MahathmyamEka sloki Mallari Mahathmyam एकश्लोकी मल्लारीमाहात्म्यम् One sloka of greatness of Lord Shiva as warrior Translated byP.R.Ramachander पूर्वं धर्मसुतास्तपोवनगता मल्लेन सन्तर्जिता जिष्णुंविष्णुमतीत्य शम्भुमभजन् तेनावतीर्य क्षितौ । तत्रोल्का मुखमुख्य दैत्य निवहं हत्वामणिं मल्लकं देवः प्रेमपुरेऽर्थीतोऽवतु वसन् लिङ्गं द्वयात्माऽर्थदः ॥ Poorvam dharma&
Eka sloki Sundara kandamEka sloki Sundara kandam एकश्लोकी सुन्दरकाण्डम् Sundara kandam in one verse By Swami Raghavendra Translated by P.R.Ramachander यस्य श्रीहनुमाननुग्रह बलात्तीर्णाम्बुधिर्लीलया लङ्कां प्राप्य निशाम्य रामदयिताम् भङ्क्त्वा वनं राक्षसान् । अक्षादीन् विनिहत्य वीक्ष्य दशकम् दग्ध्वा पुरीं तां पुनः तीर्णाब्धिः कपिभिर्युतो यमनमत् तम्
Yeka Sloki Nava Graha StotramYeka Sloki Nava Graha Stotram एकश्लोकीनवग्रहस्तोत्रम् Prayer to Nava Grahas in one verse Translated by P.R.Ramachander आधारे प्रथमे सहस्रकिरणं ताराधवं स्वाश्रये माहेयं मणिपूरके हृदि बुधं कण्ठे च वाचस्पतिम् । भ्रूमध्ये भृगुनन्दनं दिनमणेः पुत्रं त्रिकूटस्थले नाडीमर्मसु राहु-केतु-गुलिकान्नित्यं नमाम्यायुषे ॥ इति एकश्लोकीनवग्रहस्तोत्रं
Yeka sloki DurgaYeka sloki Durga एकश्लोकी दुर्गा Durga in one verse Translated By P.R.Ramachander ॐ दुर्गायै नमः । या अम्बा मधुकैटभप्रमथिनी या माहिषोन्मूलिनी या धूम्रेक्षण चन्डमुण्डमथिनी या रक्तबीजाशिनी । शक्तिः शुम्भनिशुम्भदैत्यदलिनी या सिद्धलक्ष्मीः परा सा दुर्गा नवकोटिविश्वसहिता मां पातु विश्वेश्वरी ॥ Om Durgayai nama Yaa Ambaa madhu
Eka sloki BHarathamEka sloki BHaratham (Maha Bharatha in one sloka0 Translated by P.R.Ramachander एकश्लोकि महाभारतं आदौ पाण्डवधार्तराष्ट्रजननं लाक्षागृहे दाहनं द्यूतं श्रीहरणं वने विहरणं मत्स्यालये वर्तनम् । लीलागोग्रहणं रणे विहरणं सन्धिक्रियाजृम्भणं पश्चाद्भीष्मसुयोधनादिनिधनं ह्येतन्महाभारतम् ॥ ॥ एकश्लोकि महाभारतं सम्पूर्णम् ॥ Eka sloki
Eka Sloki BhagawathamEka Sloki Bhagawatham (story of Bhagawatha in one sloka) Translated by P.R.Ramachander आदौ देवकिदेविगर्भजननं गोपीगृहे वर्धनम् मायापूतनजीवितापहरणं गोवर्धनोद्धारणम् । कंसच्छेदनकौरवादिहननं कुंतीसुतां पालनम् एतद्भागवतं पुराणकथितं श्रीकृष्णलीलामृतम् । அதௌ தேவகி தேவி கர்ப
Devanam sthuthi ashtakam of SasthaDevanam sthuthi ashtakam of Sastha Octet prayer by devas Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Om Namasthe bhagawathe , Namo narayanaya they Om Namasthe Bhagawathe sarvajnaaya namo nama Om salutation to god, salutations to you Narayana Om salutation to god, salutation and salutation to all knowing one 2.Ghora samasararnavasya&
Bhavanashtakam (Octet on Dharma Sastha)Bhavanashtakam (Octet on Dharma Sastha) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Angana manganam anthare vigraham Kundaloth basitham dhivya karna dhwayam Bhibratham susthitham yoga peedothame Santhatham bhavaye, sri patheesathmajam The form without a women and a women, Shining with its ear globes on itstwo divine ears Properly placed and
Octet on God of Madhyarjuna( Thiruvidai maruthur)श्रीमध्यार्जुनेशाष्टकम् Octet on God of Madhyarjuna( Thiruvidai maruthur) BY SEngalipuram Anantharama Deekshithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander मध्यार्जुनेशं भजेहं साम्बमध्यार्जुनेशं महालिङ्गमाद्यं मध्यार्जुनेशं भजेहम् ॥ ध्रुवपदम् ॥ Madhyarjunesam Bhajeham , Samba Madhyarjunesam Mahalinga maadhyam, Madhyarjunesam
Navarathri, Navarathri(tamil)நவராத்திரி நவராத்திரி By Sri Vasu Iyengar Translated by P.R.Ramachander நவராத்திரி நவராத்திரி மங்கள சுப ராத்திரி மஞ்சள் குங்கும நவராத்திரி மங்கையர் வணங்கும் சுபராத்திரி ஓம் சக்தி ஶ்ரீ துர்கே காரிய சித்தி அளிப்பவளே ஓம் சக்தி ஶ்ரீ லஷ்மி சகல சௌபாக்யம் அளிப்பவளே ஓம் சக்தி ஶ்ரீ சரஸ்வதி கலைகளை அள்ளி அளிப்பவளே துர்கா,லஷ்மி, சரஸ்வதியை சுப
Venkatesa Mala ManthraVenkatesa Mala Manthra -For solving our problems and get inner peace Collected by P.R.Ramachander (You need not recite it as many times as possible in a day, however spend at least a couple of minutes everyday to recite this powerful Mantra. All you need to do is just sit or stand in a quiet place, preferably facing East, after
Hanumath Shabhar manthraHanuman Shabar Mantra (The Hanuman chant for great protection and strength) ) By Guruji Gorakh Nath Translated by P.R.Ramachander (this is a thanthrik Manthra of calling Hanuman for getting great strength and great protection .It protects yoy from all black magic and all other troubles. You have chant it facing a picture or
Sundara Kandam (valmiki Ramayanam )Sundara KandamRamayanam - Sundara KandamBy Sage ValmikiTranslated by P. R. RamachanderIntroduction to RamayanaVedas and Puranas dominated the ancient religious scenario of Hinduism. Vedas are great store house of knowledge and deal in sacred holy form as to how to lead a normal life, giving stress to the ideal method of living. Side by side the history of religion and the spiritual quest methods
Yeka Virutha Ramayanam (Tamil)Yeka Virutha Ramayanam(tamil) in one verse ‘ ஏகவிருத்த ராமாயணம் ’ By யாழப்பாணத்துச் சுன்னாகம் அ. குமாரசாமி Sunnakam Aa,Kumaswamy of Yaazhpanam TRanslted by P.R.Ramachander தாதையார் சொலராமன் காடு போதல் சார்ந்துளபொன் மானெனுமா ரீசன் சாதல்
Maha Periyava's Eka sloki RamayanaMaha Periyava’s Eka Sloki Ramayanam (eleven line summary of Ramayana given by Maha Periyava as per request of Devotes) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ஸ்ரீ ராமம் ரகுகுல திலகம் சிவதனு சாக்ரிஹத சீதா ஹஸ்தகரம் அங்குல்யா பரண சோபிதம் சூடாமணி தர்சனகரம் ஆஞ்சநேய
Eka sloki Ramayana 3एकश्लोकि रामायणम् ३ Eka sloki Ramayana 3 Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is yet another popular version) जन्मादौ क्रतुरक्षणं मुनिपतेः स्थाणोर्धनुर्भञ्जनं वैदेहीग्रहणं पितुश्च वचनाद्घोराटवीगाहनम् । कोदण्डग्रहणं खरादिमथनं मायामृगच्छेदनं बद्धाब्धिक्रमणं दशास्यनिधनं चैतद्धि रामायणम् ॥ इति एकश्लोकि रामायणं (३)
Eka sloki Ramayana 2एकश्लोकि रामायणम् २ Eka sloki Ramayanam version 2 Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This version is possibly next popular version.) रामादौ जननं कुमारगमनं यज्ञप्रतीपालनं शापादुद्धरणं धनुर्विदलनं सीताङ्गनोद्वाहनम् । लङ्काया दहनं समुद्रतरणं सौमित्रिसम्मोहनं रक्षः संहरणं स्वराज्यभवनं चैतद्धि रामायणम् ॥ इति एकश्लोकि रामायणं (२)
Eka sloki Ramayana 1एकश्लोकि रामायणम् (most popular) Eka sloki Ramayanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 9This is the most popular one verse summarization of Valmiki Ramayanam आदौ रामतपोवनादिगमनं हत्वा मृगं काञ्चनं var पूर्वं वैदेहीहरणं जटायुमरणं सुग्रीवसम्भाषणम् । वालीनिर्दलनं समुद्रतरणं लङ्कापुरीदाहनं ( var
Bhagawan Ramana’s Eka slokiBhagawan Ramana’s Eka sloki Compiled by P.R,Ramachander In 1915 , when Ramana Maharshi was living in Skandashram, a young devotee, Called Jagadhiswara Shastri wrote “Hrudaya kuhara madyhe “ and went out and when he came back Bhagawan Ramana had completed it as Hrudaya Kuhara madhye Kevalam Brahma
Viswanatha Nava Graha Mangala Sthuthiविश्वनाथ नवग्रह मंगल स्तुति Viswanatha Nava Graha Mangala Sthuthi By as well as translated by Ishan श्री गणेशाय नमः नमः रामार्चिताय भानुप्रियाय जगतसृष्टिकर्ताय, कोटिसूर्यप्रकाशिताय विश्वनाथाय नमः शिवाय। नमः कर्पूरगौरवर्णाय शशिमुकुटधराय शान्ताय, निर्मलाय सोमनाथाय विश्वनाथाय नमः शिवाय। नमः वीरभद्राय मंगलपूजिताय मधुप्रीतिकराय, स्कंदजनकाय
Viswa roopa ashtakamविश्वरूपषट्कम् Viswaroopa ashtakam By as well as translated by Ishan श्री गणेशाय नमः बर्हमौलिशोभितं श्यामवर्णं पाञ्चजन्यंवादनम्, कोमलांगम् काम्यनयनंसदावक्रतमोभूतकेशम्, गर्गदैवज्ञवंदित वैजयन्तीसुपूजित चंदनंलेपनम्, कुचेलास्यमित्रम् सदाभावयामि गुडाकेशमीशम्।। He who is adorned by a crown of peacock feathers, he who is of dark complexion, He who blows the
Hanuman Shabar Mantra (he Hanuman chant for great protection and strengthHanuman Shabar Mantra (The Hanuman chant for great protection and strength) ) By Guruji Gorakh Nath Translated by P.R.Ramachander (this is a thanthrik Manthra of calling Hanuman for getting great strength and great protection .It protects yoy from all black magic and all other troubles. You have chant it facing a picture or statue&nbsp
Sakthi om, Sankari Om (Malayalam)Sakthi om, Sankari Om (Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sakthi om , sankarai o , sankari om , sankari om Sankari om sankari Om sankari Om Sankari om 1.Aadi varu sankariye, aadi varu sundariye Aana mukhannu utha thaaye ,Aaru mukhannu utha maaye Come dancing oh Sankari , Come dancing oh pretty one Suitable mother to
Paramelkavu Bhagawathi Sthuthi(Malayalam)Paramelkavu Bhagawathi Sthuthi(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This great prayer is addressed to Goddess Parvathi in Parmekkavu temple in Trichur . You can learn about the temple by clicking ) 1.Paramelkavil kudi kollum BHagawathi Pavithra karini, para brahma
Neyathinkara Vaazhum Kanna(Malayalam)Neyathinkara Vaazhum Kanna(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This great prayer is about God Navaneetha Krishna in Neyathinkara temple .You can learn more about the temple by clicking ) 1.Neyyathinkara vaazhum kanna , nin
Odi vaa , Odi vaa Kanna( Malayalam)Odi vaa , Odi vaa Kanna( Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Odi vaa , odi vaa vaa, kannan oda kuzhalumai Kaadellam Payye thedi, Balaramanum balarumai Peeli kar koonthal ketti, mulla maalayum mele charthi Kumkuma pottum thottu, Kalla punchiri thooki thooki Come running, come running, come Krishna with
Sakala Kala Nadha stotram(Malayalam)Sakala Kala Nadha stotram(Malayalam)Prayer to goddess of all arts Translated by P.R.Ramaxchander (Very rare prayer of Goddess Parvathi as goddess of all arts including music. Very charming) Om Sakthi, Om Sakthi om 1.Nadantha niravadhya swara sagara kanye Naaleeka dhoolimaya keli padha dhanye
Mangala Ganam (Ayyappan)Mangala Ganam-Ayyappan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Anthakanthaka Kantha kumara Chintha bandhura Sundara roopaa Oh Son of the wife of killer of Yama One with pretty form , who is dear to those worried 2.Mandasmera manohara, veera Sundaranana, Kanana vaasaa Oh pretty one with pretty smile , The
Saranam Ayyappa (malayalam)Saranamayyappa(Malayalam) Translated byP.R.Ramachander (Prayer giving entire story of Ayyappa) 1.Pandala rajannu oru unniyundangine Unnikku per Manikkandan yennangine The king of Pandala had a darling son That son’s name was Manikanda 2.Loka mayangunna kanthi yundangine Pandals bhoopannu
Sri Hanumatn kavacham from Ananda Ramayana॥ श्री हनुमत् कवचम् ॥ Sri Hanumatn kavacham from Ananda Ramayana Armour of Lord Hanuman ॥ श्रीमदानन्दरामायणान्तर्गत श्री हनुमत् कवचं ॥ Srimad aananda ramayana anthargatha Sri Hanumath kavacham The Armour of Hanuman from ananda Ramayanam ॥ ॐ श्री हनुमते नमः ॥ Om Hanumathe nama Om Salutations to Hanuman ॐ अस्य श्री हनुमत्कवच स्तोत्र
Gokulathu Kannaa (tamil)கோகுலத்து கண்ணா Gokulathu Kannaa Darling of Gokula By Seetha Narayanan Translated by P.R.Ramachander கோகுலத்து கண்ணா கோவர்தன கிரிதரா..... நின்குழல் நாதமதில் ஆவினங்களும் அசைந்தாடும் Gokulathu Kannaa , Govardhana Giri Dharaa Nin kuzhal Naadhamathil, Aavinangalum Asainthaadum Oh Darling of Gokula
Sri Vidhya Theertha ashtakamSri Vidhya Theertha ashtakam By Jagadguru Narasimha Bharathi swami of Sringeri Translated by P.R.Ramachander (abhinava Vidhya theertha swamiji was the 35th Jagath Guru of Sringeri Sarada peetam (1954-1989))
SAnkashta Nasana Vishnu StotramSankashta Nasana Vishnu Stotram (prayer to Vishnu to destroy our sorrow) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Narada Uvacha:- Narada said:- Punar daithyam samaayaantham drishtwaa Devaa savaasava Bhaya prakampithaa sarve vishnum stothum prachakramu Seeing again the asuras , Indra
Rama PancharathnamRama Pancha rathnam (From Prof.VK ‘s book) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Om Rama yeva param brahma, Rama evam param thapa, Rama yeva param sathyam, Sri Ramo Brahma tharakam Om rama who is divine Brahmam, Rama who is divine penance Rama who is divine truth, Rama is the crossing over to Brahmam
Sri Hanumath PancharathnamSri Hanumath Pancharathnam (From Prof VK’s book) TRanslated byP.R.Ramachander 1.Sri Rama hrudayanandam, baktha kalpa maheeruham Abhayam varadam dhobhyo kalaye maruthathmajam He who makes mind of Rama happy, He who is strongwish giving tree to devotees The son of wind god grants protection and
Goddess Ambika (tamil)Goddess Ambika By Smt Prema Narayan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I have read several times the home page of Sri Sankara narayanan where he pouts the tamil prayers written by Smt Prema Narayanan. I wanted to translate at least one .He so kindly send to me. Thanks to him. Here is my humble effort) Rathna
Nandikeswara StotramNandikeswarar Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Stotra addressed to God Nandi the steed of Lord Shiva) 1.Nama kooshmaaanda roopaaya, vajrojjatha karaya cha Saalankayana puthraaya hala margodhithaya cha Salutation to one with pumpkin form, who has diamond like strong arms, Who is son of
Aadi thapasinile Ambalai Darisikka(tamil)AAdi thapasinile Ambalai Darisikka Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Once snake king Sanga , devotee of Lord Shiva and another snake king Paduma devotee of Lord Narayana fought with each other saying their god is great ,One sage suggested them to approach Goddess Parvathi ,She went toLords Shiva and Narayana telling them to prove they are equalLord
Nandikeswara stotram(stotram addressed to Lord Shiva)Nandikeswarar stotram नन्दिकेश्वरस्तोत्रम् Nandikeswara stotra Prayer to God of Nandi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The title means it is a prayer addressed to God of Nandi ie Lord Shiva) भवेशं भवेशानमीड्यं सुरेशं विभुं
Garuda Kavachamगरुडकवचम् । Garuda Kavacham Armour of Garuda Translated by P.R.Ramachander अस्य श्रीगरुडकवचस्तोत्रमन्त्रस्य नारद भगवान् ऋषिः वैनतेयो देवता अनुष्टुप्छन्दः श्रीवैनतेयप्रीत्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः । Asya Sri Garuda kavacha stotra manthrasya, Narada Bhagawan Rishi Vainatheyo Devathaa, Anushtup Chanda , Sri Vainatheya preethyarthe Jape
Sri Mahalakshmi KavachamSri Maha Lakshmi Kavacham Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1Mahalakshmya pravakshyaami kavacham sarva kamadham, Sarva papa prasamanam, Sarva vyadhi nivaranam I am seeing the armour of Mahalakshmi which fulfils all desires\ It destroys all sins and cures all diseases 2.Dushta mruthyu prasamanam, dushta&
Ayyappa Bhajana KerthanamAyyappa Bhajana Kerthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Kala kala kokila gana poornam Jala kana seekara sparsa lolam He who is with the song of nightingale, Who likes to be touched by the drops of water falling on him 2.Dhinakara kara jaala sammilitham Bahu rasa poornam pamba anthareeksham He who is touched
I reach another mile stoneAnother mile stone achieved visitors to Stotra 3.5 million, Krithis 3.0 Millin, Total 10 million(for all 15 blogs) on 2-8-2022 (Thanks to each and every one of you) When I found that my yahoo blogs have been stopped I started Raja Thatha’s blogs in the year 2010, I added another 14 blogs one
Shiva Sankalpa Suktha from Yajur vedaShiva Sankalpa suktha (Prayer to establish peace(Shiva) in mind) (This is a version which I got.Possibly there are many) (determination ffor mind pervaded with shiva(peace) Translated by P.R.RAmachander (Six verses from Yajur veda 34th chapter) 1.Yath jagratho dhooram udaithi Daivam Thadh supthasya thadhai avaithi Doorangamam jyothishaam jyothir
श्रीशिव आरती Shiva Aarathiश्रीशिव आरती Shiva Aarathi Worship of Lord Shiva Translated by P.R.Rmachander सर्वेशं परमेशं श्रीपार्वतीशं वन्देऽहं विश्वेशं श्रीपन्नगेशम् । श्रीसाम्बं शम्भुं शिवं त्रैलोक्यपूज्यं वन्देऽहं त्रैनेत्रं श्रीकंठमीशम् ॥ १॥ Sarvesaam Paramesam Sri Parvatheesam Vandheham Viswesam , SRi Pannagesam Sri Sambam shambhum
Vilwadri Nadha KeeerthnamVilwadri Nadha Keeerthnam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (One of the greatest Rama temple of Kerala is Thiruvilwamala. The God is consecrated below a Vilwa tree and is called Sri Vilwadrinathan..When my friend Smt Geetha Narayanan send this stotra , initially I thought it was referring to lord Shiva (lord of Vilwa) but when I started understanding
Easwara Prarthana(Prayer to god)Easwara Prarthana(Prayer to god) By Mahakavi Ulloor Parameswara iyer Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Deivame , pakalum Ravum Kai Vanangunnu ninne jnan Papakum yenikkennum Kavalai nilkkanam Vibho Oh god, day and night I am saluting you with clasped hands For ever to make sins stay away from me, Oh Lord
Sri Lakshmi Narayana Swami SthuthiSri Lakshmi Narayana Swami Sthuthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A prayer to fulfill al your desires) Simha mukha , Roudra roopinyaam Abhaya Hasthangitha Karuna moorthe Sarva vyapitham, LOka Rakshakam Papa vimochana , Duritha nivaranam Lakshmi Kadaksham , Sarvabheeshtam Anekam Dehi , Lakshmi Narasimha Oh
Shukra stotramShukra stotram Prayer to Planet Shukra Translated by P.R.Ramachander Om Asya Sri Shukra stotra maha manthrasya Bharadwaj rishi, Anushtup Chanda, Shukro devatha, Hraam Bheejam , Hreem Sakthi , Hoom keelakam , Shukra graham prasada sidhyarthe Jape Viniyoga Om for the prayer to Lord Shukra , the sage is Bharadwaja,
Sri Kethu StotramSri Kethu Stotram Prayer to Lord Kethu Translated by P.R.Ramachander Om asya sri Kethu stotra maha manthrasya , vama deva rishi, Anushtup chanda, Kethu Devatha, Mama kethur prasada sidhyarthe Jape viniyoga For the great prayer of Kethu, the sage is Vamadeva, N Meter is anushtup , god addreesed is Kethu and for pleasing planet Kethu
Rahu stotramRahu stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander Om asya Sri Rahu stotra maha manthrasya , Vamadeva Rishi , Anushtup Chanda , Rahur devatha , Mama rahu graham prasada sidhyarthe Jape Viniyoga To the great chant of Rahu Stotra, the sage is Vamadeva, meter is anushtup, God addressed is Rahu , For getting the
Sri Budha KavachaSri Budha Kavacha The armour of Budha Translated bY P.R.Ramachander Om Asya Sri Budha Kavacha stotra Maha Manthrasya To the great chant of the prayer of Budha’s armour Kathyayani rishi , Anushtup Chanda , Budho Devatha, Yam Bheejam , Kleem Sakthi , Oom Keelakam , The sage is Kathyayani , the meter
Saraswathi dwadasa nama valiSaraswathi dwadasa nama vali (12 name s to worship Saraswathi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (you can use this 12 names to worship Goddess instead of usual 108 names – 1.Om Sri Bharathyai nama-Salutations to her who is Bharathi 2.Om Sri Saraswathyai
Dathathreya Dwadasa NamavaliDathathreya Dwadasa Namavali (twelve names of worship of Dathathreya) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (you can use this 12 names to worship Lord instead of usual 108 names – 1.Om Sri Maga yogiyai nama- Salutations to great Yogi 2.Om Sri
SRi Narasimha dwadasa namavaliSri Narasimha Dwadasa Namavali Twelve names to worship Lord Narasimha Translated by P.R.Ramachander (you can use this 12 names to worship Lord Narasimha instead of usual 108 names – i.Om Sri maha je=walayai nama- Salutations to the great flame 2.Om Sri Om sri ugra kesaryai nama- Salutations to ferocious
Venkatesa Dwadasa NamavaliVenkatesa Dwadasa Namavali (Twelve names to worhip or Lord Venkatesa) Translated by P.R.Ramachnder (you can use this 12 names to worship Lord Venkatesa instead of usual 108 names – 1.Om Sri Venkatesaya nama- Salutations to God of Venkata Mountains 2.Om Sri Vasudevaya nama- Slutations to son of Vasudeva 3.
Krishna Dwadasa NamavaliKrishna Dwadasa Namavali (Twelve names to worship lord Krishna) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (you can use this 12 names to worship Lord Krishna instead of usual 108 names – 1.Om sri hari vidhyaya nama-
Rama Dwadasa nama valiRama Dwadasa nama vali (twelve names to worship God Rama) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (you can use this 12 names to worship Lord instead of usual 108 names – 1.Om Sri Sridharaya nama- Salutations to one who
Sanischara (sani) shodasa nama valiSanischara (sani) shodasa nama vali (sixteen names to worship God Sani) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (you can use this 16 names to worship Lord SAni instead of usual 108 names – ) 1.Om Sri Kunyai nama- Salutation to
Radha shodasa namavaliRadha shodasa namavali (sixteen names to worship Goddess Raja) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Radha is not worshipped as Goddess in South India) 1.Om Sri radhayai nama- Salutations to Radha 2.Om Sri Raseswaryai nama- Salutations to Goddess&nbsp
Sri Vasavi Kanyaka Parameshwari Shodasa namavaliSri Vasavi Kanyaka Parameshwari Shodasa namavali (sixteen names to Worship Goddess Kanyaka Parameshwari/Vasavi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Goddess Vasavi is the family Goddess of Vaisya community in South) 1,Om Sri Saubhagya
Shodasa namavali of Maha PeriyavaShodasa namavali of Maha Periyava (sixteen names giving life history of Periyava to worship Maha Periyava) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (you can use this 16 names to worship Maha Periyava instead of usual 108 names – ) 1.Om
Sri Raja Shyamala devi namavaliSri Raja Shyamala devi namavali (Sixteen names to worship Goddess Raja Shyamala) Translated by P.R.Ramachander All names start with om Hreem Sreem Aim Kleem sou\ <!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Sangeetha yoginyai nama- Salutations to one who can be attained by music <!--[if !
Sri shiva Shodasa namavaliSri shiva Shodasa namavali (Sixteen names to worship lord Shiva) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (you can use this 16 names to worship Lord Shiva instead of usual 108 names – ) 1.Om Sri Vaitheeswaraya nama- Salutations to god Vaitheeswara(Doctor God) 2.Om Sri
Om Pathni sahitha Navagraha NamavaliOm Pathni sahitha Navagraha Namavali Sixteen names of nine planets with wives for worship Translated by P.R.Ramachander (you can use this 16 names to worship navagrahas with wives instead of usual 108 names of Navagrahas only ) 1.Om sri&
Om Maha Varahi Shodasa namavaliOm Maha Varahi Shodasa namavali (Sixteen names to worship Goddess Varahi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (you can use this 16 names to worship Goddess Varahi instead of usual 108 names – ) 1.Om Sri Brihath varahyai nama- Salutations to huge
Sri subrahmanya Shodasa nama valiSri subrahmanya Shodasa nama vali (sixteen names to worship Lord Subrahmanya) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (you can use this 16 names to worship Lord Subrahmanya instead of usual 108 names – ) 1.Om Sri
Sri Maruthi shodasa namavaliSri Maruthi shodasa namavali (sixteen names to worship Lord Hanuman) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (you can use this 16 names to worship Lord Hanuman instead of usual 108 names – ) 1,Om Kaundinya gothrajayai nama- Salutations to one
Ambal (goddess Parvathi) shodasa namavaliAmbal (goddess Parvathi) shodasa namavali (sixteen names to worship Goddess Parvathi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (you can use this 16 names to worship Goddess Parvathi instead of usual 108 names – ) 1.Om Sri
Sri Gayathri Shodasa namavaliSri Gayathri Shodasa namavali (Sixteen names to worship Goddess Gayatri) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (you can use this 16 names to worship Goddess Gayatri instead of usual 108 names – 1, Om sri chathur vimsathi
Sri sastha shodasa namavaliSri sastha shodasa namavali (sixteen names to worship Lord Sastha) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (you can use this 16 names to worship Lord Sastha instead of usual 108 names – ) 1,Om sri Dharma sasthre nama- Salutations to Lord
Sri Vishnu Shodasa NamavaliSri Vishnu Shodasa Namavali (Sixteen names to worship lord Vishnu) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (you can use this 16 names to worship Lord Vishnu instead of usual 108 names - ) 1.Om Sri Lakshmi Narayanaya nama- Salutations to Narayana with Lakshmi 2.Om Sri
Ganesa Shodasa NamavaliGanesa Shodasa Namavali Sixteen names to worship Lord Ganesa Translated by P.R.Ramachander (you can use this 16 names to worship Ganesa instead of usual 108 names - ) 1.Om Sumukhaya nama- salutations to god with pleasing face 2.Om Eka Danthaya nama-
Sarva Guru Shodasa namavaliSarva Guru Shodasa namavali (16 names to worship all gurus) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Adhi Sankara gurubhyo nama- Salutations to Guru Adhi sankara 2.Om Ramanuja Gurubhyo nama- salutations to Guru ramanuja 3,Om Madhva gurubhyo nama- Salutations to guru Madhva 4.Om Raghavendra Gurubhyo nama- Salutations to Guru raghavendra 5.Om Ramakrishna
Humble request to all my friends to prayHumble request to all my friends to pray By P.R.Ramachander For past 27 days , I have posting a comprehensive collection of prayers to be chanted by those born in different stars .With an aim that it should be useful to all readers , I had given names of stars in as many
Translation of Malayalam Stotras and KrithisTranslation of Malayalam Stotras and Krithis By P.R.Ramachander Malayalam is spoken by people of Kerala .They all believe cleanliness is next only to Godliness , whatever their religion may be The Hindus in Kerala is spread all over the state .The major communities&
Sarva Dharma Prayer in Sathya Sai AshramSarva Dharma Prayer in Sathya Sai Ashram Translated by P.R.Ramachander Om Tat Sat Sri Narayana Tu You are Narayana Purushottama Guru Tu &
kalaimakaḷār tiruppatikam(tamil)கலைமகளார் திருப்பதிகம் kalaimakaḷār tiruppatikam Prayer to Goddess Saraswathi By Swami Ramalinga Adigal known as Arut prakasa Vallalar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (once two poor parents approached Thiru arut prakasa vallalar with their two sons who were not able to learn anything. The Swami went inside and
Manthra to put Thilakaतिलक लगाने का मन्त्र Manthra to put Thilaka Translated by P.R.Ramachander केशवानन्द गोविन्द वाराह पुरुषोत्तम। पुण्यं यशस्यमायुष्यं तिलकं मे प्रसीदतु।। कान्ति लक्ष्मीं धृतिं सौख्यं सौभाग्यमतुलं बलम्। ददातु चन्दनं ( कुंकुमम ) नित्यं सततं धारयाम्यहम्।। Kesava anantha Govinda Varaha, Purushothama, punyan , yasas
Kaana pathinaayiram kankal VendumKaana pathinaayiram kankal Vendum To see I should have ten thousand eyes Translated by P.Ramachander 1.Kaana pathinaayiram kankal vendum Kanchi Guru nadhanin dhinasari poojayai To see I should have ten thousand eyes To see the daily worship of Guru Nadha of Kanchi 2.Velliyinaal&
Venu Gitam(song of Flute)Venu Gitam Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sung by Gopis Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This occurs in Dasama skanda chapter 2 and deals with description of the Gopis of the music played by Lord Krishna on his flute)10.21.7 Gopya Ouchu Gopis told Akshanvathaam phalamidham, na param vidhaamaa, Sakhya pasoonanu
Prayer to die as Sumangala (with wife alive)Prayer to die as Sumangala (with wife alive) By P.R.Ramachander My wife was chanting a stotra before goddess And I asked her , what for she was chanting it, She said, to die as a sumangali that is die before you, I thought over and
How should we worship Goddess Lalitha?How should we worship Goddess Lalitha?By P.R.Ramachander The detail method as to how to perform worship to goddess Lalitha is given in Lalitha Sahasranamam itself 1,Who should worship 971 Suvasinyarchana preetha She who likes the worship of married woman She likes to be worshipped by married
SrI Nagaraja AshtotharaSrI Nagaraja Ashtothara (108 names to worship king of snakes) Translated by P.R.Ramachander This great worship can be used to get rid of Sarpa saapa(curse of snale) Sarpa kopa(anger of snake and sarpa dosha(The evil caused by snake or to get rid of doshas caused by Rahu or Kethu or killing of snakes (Click on
The greatness of the name of Rama-Rama, RamaThe greatness of the name of Rama-Rama, Rama Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Rama nama itself is para Brahma (rama poorva thapaneeya Upanishad) Ramanthe Yogin ananthe nithyanandhe chidathmani Ithi Rama padhenaasou para brahmabhidheyathe That on which endless yogis get devoted, receive for ever joy and divine soul Is
Narayana KavachamNarayana Kavacham Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is taken from “Brihadh Naradheeya Mahapuranam, uthara kanda , chapter 56..This chapter explains procedure of prayer and worship of Gods in Puri Jagannath. You can read it in Sanskrit in and in tamil
Sri Narayana DashakamSri Narayana Dashakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is taken from “Brihadh Naradheeya Mahapuranam, uthara kanda , chapter 56..This chapter explains procedure of prayer and worship of Gods in Puri Jagannath. You can read it in Sanskrit in and in tamil &nbsp
Sri Bala Badhra StotramSri Bala Badhra Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is taken from “Brihadh Naradheeya Mahapuranam, uthara kanda , chapter 56..This chapter explains procedure of prayer and worship of Gods in Puri Jagannath. You can read it in Sanskrit in and
Sri Bhuvaneswari Kavacham (Tamil)Sri Bhuvaneswari Kavacham ஶ்ரீ புவனேஸ்வரி கவசம் ஓம் ஸ்ரீ ஸத்குரு பரமாத்மனே நம: ஓம் ஸ்ரீ கணேசாய நம: By Arul Migu SAdananda SwamigalTranslated byP.R.Ramachander (This great work in tamil is in praise of Bhuvaneswari Amman of Pudhukottai , Tamil Nadu. Pudukottai became part of the pilgrims' path, thanks to the Bhuvaneswari temple established
Shadakshara mantha Mala StotramShadakshara manthra Mala Stotam Garland of prayer to the six lettered mantha Translated by P.R.Ramachander Om Asya Sri Shadakshara maha manthra stotrasya, Guru Brahma Rishi, Anushtup chanda, prana sakthi, sri saravna bhavo devatha, Om Bheejam , hreem sakthi, Sreem keelakam, Sri saravana Bhava preethyarthe Jape&
Himalaya Krutha Shiva Stotramहिमालय कृतं शिव स्तोत्रम Himalaya krutham Shiva stotra Prayer to lord shiva composed by Himalayas Translated byP.R.Ramachander हिमालय उवाच ॥ Himalaya uvacha Himalaya said त्वं ब्रह्मा सऋष्टिकर्ता च त्वं विष्णुः परिपालकः । त्वं शिवः शिवदोऽनन्तः सर्वसंहारकारकः ॥१॥ Thwam brahma srishti kartha cha&
Kamakshi choornikaKamakshi choornika Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sri Chandra Mouleeswaraya nama Salutations to God with moon on his crown Sri Kamakshi DEvyai
Panchakshara Mahathmyam(Malayalam)പഞ്ചാക്ഷര മാഹാത്മ്യം(Malayalam) The greatness of Panchakshara(Namashivaya) Translated by P.R.Ramachander സര്‍വ്വജ്ഞനും ത്രിഗുണങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് അതീതനും ആയ ഈശ്വരന്‍ ഓം എന്ന ഏകാക്ഷരത്തില്‍ അധിവസിക്കുന്നു. The omnipotent who is beyond all qualities is living in the one letter “Om” 'നമഃ ശിവായ' എന്ന പഞ്ചാക്ഷരത്തില്‍ പഞ്ചബ്രഹ്മ സ്വരൂപനായ ഭഗവാന്‍
Sri Rama Raksha StotramSri Rama Raksha Stotram Rama protection prayer By Budha Koushika Translated by P.R.Ramachander This is a very great prayer composed by a saint called Budha Koushika. Several verses are simply quoted from other great stotrams. It is believed that recitation of this great prayer would get rid of all the problems created by the nine planets. Asya Sri Rama Raksha stotra manthrasya Budha
Sundara Kandam (Malayalam)Sundara Kandam (Malayalam) (SAngaraha Ramayanam-DEvamrutham) By Devabala swmigal Translated by P.R.Ramachander (you can hear it sung by Smt Anitha Krishna;ab_channel=AnithaKrishna ) 1.Kadalini chaadeeduvan saadhikkathe Vanarangu bhramicheedave Samudrathe chaadaan orungeedunna Rama
Akarathil varthai RamayanamAkarathil varthai Ramayanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a tamil Ramayanam with single words starting with “aa” from Sundara Kanda to Pattabhishekam ,I have also translated a Ramayanam in verses of tamil with all words starting with Aa -
Nelluvai Sthuthi addressed to God Dhanvanthari (Malayalam)Nelluvai Sthuthi addressed to God Dhanvanthari (Malayalam) (There is very famous Dhanwanthari temple in a place called Nelluvai in Kerala .It is believed that the Aswini devas consecrated this temple .In ancient days for any Ayurvedic doctor to start practice in Kerala , he has to&
Sri Sanaischara Maha ManthraSri Sanaischara Maha Manthra Translated by P.R.Ramachander Asya Sri Sanaischara mahamanthrasya Uru mithra rishi, Gayatri chanda, Sanaischaro devatha, Sa- naischara prasada sidhyarthe jape viniyoga To the great mantra of Lord Sani , the sage is Uru mithra , the meter is Gayatri , the Go addressed is God Sani, For
Sri Sthuthi of Vedantha DesikaSri Sthuthi of Vedantha Desika BY Sri Nigamatha Maha Desika Translation attempt by P.R.Ramachander (this is a prayer sung by the great acharya in front of Sri Perumdevi thayar the consort of Swami Varadarajan of Kanchi.It seems one young Brahmachari wilting in terrible poverty approached Swami Desika.It seems he was
AAyar padi konjukindra yadava Kanna(tamil)AAyar padi konjukindra yadava Kanna(tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ஆயர்பாடி கொஞ்சுகின்ற யாதவ கிருஷ்ணா ! உன்னை ஆடிப் பாடும் யோக மென்ன மாதவ கிருஷ்ணா ! ஆயர்பாடி கொஞ்சுகின்ற யாதவ கிருஷ்ணா ! AAyar padi konjukindra yadava Kanna Unnai aadi padum yogamenna Madhava Krishna AAyar padi &
Shiva, Om Namashivaya (tamil)Shiva, Om Namashivaya (tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander அடிமுடி இல்லா ஆனந்த வடிவே அண்ணாமலையே போற்றி சிவ ஓம் நமச்சிவாயா Adi mudi illa Ananda Vadive Annamalaye Pothri Shiva Om Nama Shivaya A joyful form without top or bottom Oh Arunachala hail Shiva om Namashivaya அம்மையப்பனாய் அகிலம் காக்கும் அமுதேஷ்வரனே போற்றி ஹர
Sidhi Vinayaka Stotramश्री सिद्धिविनायक स्तोत्रम् (Sidhi Vinayaka Stotram) Translated by P.R.Ramachander विघ्नेश विघ्नचयखण्डननामधेय श्रीशंकरात्मज सुराधिपवन्द्यपाद । दुर्गामहाव्रतफलाखिलमङ्गलात्मन् विघ्नं ममापहर सिद्धिविनायक त्वम् ॥ १ ॥ Vighnesa , Vighna chaya Khandana Namadeya Sri Sankarathmaja, Suradhipa Vandhya Padha Durgaa Maha vrutha Phala Akhila
Ramayana from NarayaneeyamRamayam as told in Narayaneeyam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Narayaneeyam is an abridged version of Bhagawatham. Dasakam 34 and 35 deal with story of Rama) Dasakam 34 Story of Rama till the meeting with Hanuman Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 34 -- Hear the Dasakam 34
Shiva Sthuthi-Shiva Sthuthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander शुद्धस्फटिकसंकाशं चन्द्राभंचण्डनिर्मलं । तारीणीकरसंकाशं हिमकुण्डेन्दुसंनिभं ॥ Shudha sphatika sangaasam Chandraabham chanda nirmalam Thaarini kara Sankasam, Hima kundhendhu sannibham He who is the pure crystal
Short RamayanaShort Ramayana (If this Ramayana verse is daily chanted, it would grant you good and help you To get success in all activities and get auspiciousness) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ஸ்ரீராமம் ரகுகுல திலகம் சிவதனுசாக் ருஹீத சீதாஹஸ்தகரம் அங்குல்யாபரண சோபிதம் சூடாமணி தர்ஸன கரம் ஆஞ்சநேய மாஸ்ரயம் வைதேகி மனோகரம் வானர தைன்ய சேவிதம் சர்வ
Om Muruka(Tamil)Om Muruka(Tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ஓம் முருகா என்றொரு தரம் சொன்னால் உள்ளம் குளிருமே ஓம் முருகா என் இரு தரம் சொன்னால் இம்மை மறுமை இன்பம் பயக்குமே ஓம் முருகா என் மும்முறை பகர மும்மலம் அகன்றிடுமே Om Muruka yendru oru tharam Chonnal Ullam kulirume Om Muruka yena iru tharam chonnal Immai marumai inbam
Sakala Karya Sidhi slokas from Durga SAhasra NamaSakala Karya Sidhi slokas from Durga SAhasra Nama Translated by P.R.Ramachander For getting all good things you want (11 times) Haraa Maheswari, mukthaa Hamsini, Hamsavahana Bhagyaa Phala kari NithyaBhakthi gamya Bhayapahaa Wife of Lord Shiva , The great goddess, She who islike pearl, She who has a Swan, She who rides on swan
Jaya Jaya Devi(Tamil)Jaya Jaya DeviHail, hail. Goddess Translated by P.R.Ramachnder Jaya Jaya Devi , Jaya Jaya Devi Durga devi Saranam Jaya Jaya Devi , Jaya Jaya Devi Durga devi Saranam Hail , hail Goddess , Hail, hail Goddess Goddess Durga, I surrender Hail , hail Goddess , Hail, hail Goddess Goddess Durga, I surrender Durgai ammanai
Namaskaram( salutations)Namaskaram( salutations) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Anyadha Saranam Nasthi , thwameva Saranam mama Thasmadh karnuya bhavena Raksha , Raksha Maheswara I d not have any protection about you, you only are my protection And so please in a merciful mod, Oh Great God Protect, protect me Yani kani cha paapaani , janmanthara
Prayer to Lord Subrahamanya to cure diseasePrayer to Lord Subrahamanya to cure diseases (sloka 25 and 24 of Subrahmanya Bhujanam (Given by Sengalipuram) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Apasmara, kushta, kshayarsa prameha, Jwaronmadhagulmaadhi rogo mahantha, Pisachascha sarve bhavath pathra bhootheem, Vilokya kshanaa tharakare dravanthe. 25 Epilepsy, leprosy, tuberculosis, Consumption, diabetes, fever,
Sath puthra labha Subrahmanya stotramSath puthra labha Subrahmanya stotram sloka 18 and 24 of Subrahmanya Bhujanam (Given by Sengalipuram) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Ihayahi vathsethi hasthaan prasaarya Hyavsdhyadharrath sankare mathur angath Samuthpathya thatham srayantham kumaram Haraslshta gathram Bhaje Bala Moorthim I
Draupadhi Sthuthi of KrishnaDraupadhi Sthuthi of Krishna Translated by P.R.Ramachander(From SEngalipuram's book) 1.Sankha Chakra Gadha pane, Dwaraka Nilayaa achyutha Govinda Pundarikaksha, Rakha Maam Saranagatham Oh Lord who holds , conch, wheel and mace, He who stays in Dwarak Oh Govinda, oh lotus eyed one, Please save me , I have come&nbsp
To avoid untimely deathTo avoid untimely death Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Given by Sengalipuram) 1.Gauri Vallabha Kamare,Kala koota vishassana Maam udhara aapadaam bodhe Tripranthakanthaka Oh consort of Gauru, Oh killer of Manmatha, OgH god who drank Kala koota poison Life me up from the ocean of dangers, Oh destroyer of
Prayer to be chanted by those who want to get job and/or famePrayer to be chanted by those who want to get job and/or fame (Selected by SengaLIPURAM Anantha Rama Deekshithar from Mooka Panchasathi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sriyam vidhyaam dathyaajanani namathaam Keerthimamithaam Suputhra pradatha thava Jatithi Kamakshi, Karunaa Trilokyamadhikyaam Tripura pari pandhi
Prayer to those who wish to earn wealthPrayer to those who wish to earn wealth Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Sengalipuram Anantharama Deekshithar feels that if you recite these three slokas, OF Hanuman as soon as he saw Lanka, if recited would make you wealthy) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Ya hi Vaisravane Lakshmi yaa chendre HariVahane Sa Ravana gruhe sarvaa
Budha KavachamBudha Kavacham Armour of Budha Translated by P.R.Ramachander Om asya Budha kavacha maha manthrasya Gauthama Rishi, Anushtup Chanda,Budho devathaa Yam bheejam, kleem sakthi, oom keelakam Mama Budha graha Prasada sidhyarthe Jape Viniyoga Om For the great Manthra of armour of Budha Sage is Gauthama, meter is
Prayer to get rid of liabilities and debts –twenty one names of Angaraka(Mars)Prayer to get rid of liabilities and debts –twenty one names of Angaraka(Mars)Given by Sengalipuram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (On Tuesday, after worshipping mars(Angaraka) read the following 21 names of him, draw three lines from east to west before the photo of the God and erase them by your left feet .All your debts will
Chandra StotramChandra Stotram Prayer addressed to moon Translated by P.R.Ramachander Asya Sri Chandra Stotra Maha manthrasya , Gauthama rishi , Anushtup chanda, Chandro devatha , Chandra prasada sidhyarthe jape viniyoga To the great manthra of prayer to moon , sage is Gauthama , meter is Anushtup, god addressed is
Chandra KavachamChandra Kavacham Armour of Chandra Translated by P.R.Ramachander Om Asya sri Chandra Kavacha stotra maha manthrasya Om For the great manthra called Armour of mmoon Gauthama Rishi , Anushtup Chanda, Somo devatha , Ram Bheejam , sam sakthi , Om Keelakam Mama Soma graham prasada sidhyarthe jape viniyoga The sage is
Surya stotramSurya stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander Om asya Sri Surya stotra maha manthrasya agasthya rishi , anushtup chanda, Suryo devathaa , soom bheejam, yam sakthi, mam keelakam , mama Adhithya prasadha sidhyarthe Jape viniyoga Om for the great prayer of Sun God , sage is Agasthya , meter is Anushtup , God &
Surya KavachamSurya Kavacham Translated by P.R.Ramachander Om Asya sri Surya Kavacha Maha manthrasya, agasthyo bhagawan rishi, anushtup chanda , Suryo devatha, sreem bheejam Nem Sakthi, soom keelakam , To the great manthra of the armour of sun God Agasthya is the sage , Anushtup is the meter , god addressed is Sun God, Sreem is the root nem
Prayana Karya sidhiPrayana Karya sidhi (To make travel give positive results) Given by &
Arya Navakam or Amba Nava Rathna MalaArya NavakamTranslated by P. R. RamachanderVaaneem jitha shuka vaaneem, AlikulaVeneem,bhavaambudhi droneem, Veena shuka sisu paaneem, Natha geervaaneem, namami sarvaaneem., 1 I salute the goddess of all, who is the Goddess of speech,Who has a sweet voice similar to lisping of a parrot.Who has a crown of hair similar to bevy of bees,Who is a boat which helps us to cross the ocean
Pithru Thushti Karak Pithru StotraPithru Thushti Karak Pithru Stotra(the prayer to Pithrus which make them happy) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear it;ab_channel=RajshriSoul ) 1.अर्चितानाममूर्तानां पितृणां दीप्ततेजसाम् । नमस्यामि सदा तेषां ध्यानिनां दिव्यचक्षुषाम् ।। Archithanama amorrthhaanaam
Ashta Lakshmi padal(ashtalakshi song in Tamil)Ashta Lakshmi padal(ashtalakshi song in Tamil) Ragam Aananda Bhairavi By C.K.Lakshmanan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Pambanayil thuyil kollum, Paranthaman Marbile Kudi kondiruppavale-Bhagyatha Lakshmi Oh Lakshmi of Luck who lives on chest, Of God Vishnu sleeping on a snake 2.Un yettu
Dasavathara song(Tamil)Dasavathara song(Tamil) By C.K.Lakshmanan Translated by P.R.Ramachander Ragam Hamsanandhi 1.Aadhiyile Ananthan vandhan, aalilai mele avan Yeduthaan avaniyile Dasavatharam In the beginning Anantha came, on the banyan leaf He took ten incarnation on the earth 2,Meen vadivai kadal pugunthu, meettu vanthan
Srimad Parayana Ramayanam (Tamil)Srimad Parayana Ramayanam (Tamil) Ramayana to be read By C.K.LakshmananTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(HUmble thanks to author for permission to translate) Sri Ram JayaRam , Jaya Jaya Ram Om Sri Ram JayaRam , Jaya Jaya Ram Om Sri Ram, Hail Ram, Hail, hail Ram Om Sri Ram, Hail Ram, Hail, hail Ram Om Sri Ram JayaRam , Jaya Jaya Ram Om Sri Ram
Prayers addressed to Maha Periyava and some notes about himPrayers addressed to Maha Periyava and some notes about him Compiled and translated by P.R.Ramachander (I have given below translations of 43 Sanskrit prayers 28 Tamil prayers and 12 general notes) Sanskrit prayers addressed to Maha Periyava and his Sanskrit teachings Collected and translated by P,R.Ramachander <!--[if
Jagad guru Sri Chandrashekarendra saraswathi Saranagatha stotramJagad guru Sri Chandrashekarendra saraswathi Saranagatha stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander Kamakoti mahapeete virahantham Mahagurum Sarveshaam Kshema dathharam , Chandra shekaramasraye The Great guru who shines on the great Kamakoti Peeda Who grants comfort to every one, I Take shelter in Chandra Shekara
Kanchi Sankara Guru GanamKanchi Sankara Guru Ganam The song of Guru Sankara of Kanchi By Dhenu Puri Dasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sankara Guru , Sankara Guru Maha Periyavaa-Thava Sankara Avathara Maha Periyavaa Sangadangal theerthu arulum Maha Periyavaa-Divya Sangeetha namam konda Maha Periyava Oh Guru&
Jagam kaakkum jagadheesa jagat Guru GanamJagam kaakkum jagadheesa jagat Guru Ganam Song of Jagat Guru , the god of universe , who protects the universe By Dhenu Puri Dasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hara hara Sankara , Jaya Jaya Sankara Swminadha Guru eesaa Jaya jaya Sankara Jagath guru Sankara Bhoominadha Jagadheesa &nbsp
Guru Padha sarana GanamGuru Padha sarana Ganam Song of surrender to feet of Guru By Dhenu Pureeswara Nadhan Translated by P.R.Ramachander Guru Padha charanam Saranam-Kanchi Thava Nadha Saranam ,yuva padha Saranam I surrender to the feet of Guru ,the saint Of great meditation, I surrender to your feet Guruve un ponnadikal
Thithikkum Varamarul thigazh Kanchi Guru ganam(Tamil)Thithikkum Varamarul thigazh Kanchi Guru ganam(Tamil) Song of Guru living in Kanchi who grants sweet boons By Dhenu pureswara nadhan Translated by P.R.Ramachander Advaitha amrutha arul Guruve Sath Chith aanandA Sath guruve Yethikkum katharul jagath guruve Thithikkum Varam arulum Kanchi Guruve Oh Guru
Hey naath sab sukhee(Hindi)Hey naath sab sukhee(Hindi) Oh Lord , all happy Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hey NadhSab sukhi ho Koi na dukhari Sab ho nirog bhagwan Dhan dhanya ke Bandaari Hey Lord , let every body be happy Let no one be sad Oh God, let everybody be without disease Let them be treasure of wealth and grains
Karpura Gauram , Karuna avtharam(HindiKarpura Gauram , Karuna avtharam(HindiCamphor like body , merciful incarnation Translated by P.R.Ramachander Karpura gauram, Karuna avatharam Sansara saaram , bhujagendra haram Sadaa Basantham hrudayaaravindhe\ Bhavam Bhavani Sahitham Namami White like camphor, incarnation of kindness The essence of our samsara, wearing
Govind Meri(hindi)Govind Meri(hindi) Oh govinds my Translated by P.R.Ramachander Govind meri yahi Prarthana hai Apnaa das banaa lenaa Mithakar avagun saare, Charanon mein chitha lagaa dhenaa Janma janmanthar Bakthi dhenaa Aur seva SAkthi dhenaa Oh Govinda , this is my prayer Make us your servants Destroy all my bad habits Make us keep our mind&nbsp
Veer Hanuman (Hindi)Veer Hanuman (Hindi) Valorous Hanuman Translated by P.R.ramachander Veer Hanumaanaa , Athi Hanumaanaa Valouros Hanuman, , Extremely strong Rama Nama Rasiyo re prabhu man Basiyo re Ram Nam Nam rasiyo re Prabhu Man Basiyo re Name, name Of Rama, please enjoy, Oh Lord Dwell in his mind Name , Name&
Sarva Bhavanthu Sukinaa(Hindi)Sarva Bhavanthu Sukinaa(Hindi) (May all people have leasant life) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Om Sarve Bhavathu Sukhina, Sarve Santhu Niramaya Sarve Bhdrani pasyanthu maa kaaschidh Dukha Bag bhaveth Let all people have pleasabt life , Let none of them be miserable Let all of them feel safe, let them not get involved
Neyyathinkara Kanna(Malayalam)Neyyathinkara Kanna(Malayalam) Oh Krishna of Neyathinkara Translated by P.R.Ramachander Neyathinkara Kannaa , nin munniloru Nei vilakkakatte yende janmam Kanninnu kannaya unnikku thiru mumbil Karpooramaaktte , yende janmam Oh Krishna of Neyyathinkara, in front of you May my life become a ghee lamp Before the
Jaya Guru Omkara(Malayalam)Jaya Guru Omkara Hail Guru who chants OM Translated by P.R.Ramachander Jaya Guru Omkara, Jaya , jaya Sath Guru Omkara Om Hail Guru Who chants Om, hail, hail The Good Guru who chants Om Om Brahma , Vishnu , Sada Shivaa Hara Hara Har Hara Mahadeva Oh Brahma, Oh Vishnu , Oh sadhaa Shivaa
Sri Parameshwara Dheena bandhoSri Parameshwara Dheena bandho Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sri Parameshwara Dheena Bandho Ananda Dayaka Palaya maam Nana Jagathinde Naadhanaakum Karunya Varidhe Kai THozhunnen Oh God of the divinr , friend of the oppressed One who grants joy, Protect me Oh ocean of mercy who is the lord Of
Mangalam(Malayalam)Mangalam(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.RamachanderMangalam , Mangalam Loka Nadhe , Mangalam, Mangalam Maruthesa Mangalam nalkatte rendu perkkum , Mangalm yevarkkum nernnidatte Manmadha Manmathan Maaruthesan, kanmaniyaya rugmaniye Sammodham Veli kazhich vaanu chemme, Jnan mangalam nernnidatte Mangalam , Mangalam to she who owns the world&
Devi Sthuthi (Malayalam ) 2Devi Sthuthi (Malayalam ) 2 ( I had translated a prayer of this title addressed to Mahalakshmi This is a general prayer) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Amme Narayana, Devi Narayana Lakshmi Narayan, Bhadre Jaya Keliyerum kodungallore Vaazhunna Kali BHagawathi Karthyayani Sri Vidhya roopini, nin meni, yen munnil Aavirbhavichu
Om Guru nadhaa(Malayalam)Om Guru nadhaa(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Om Guru Nadha , Jaya Guru Nadha Swami sevanam, aanandam Om Hey great guru , Hail great Guru Service to you is full of joy Brahmanandam , swami naamam Nethraanandam Swami roopam, Nithyanandam Swami Namam Hrudayaanandam swami
Hare Narayana (Malayalam)Hare Narayana (Malayalam) Hey Narayana who is Hari Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hare Narayana, Hare Narayana Hare Narayana, Hare Narayana Hey Narayana, Hey Narayana Hey Narayana, Hey Narayana Charana pankajam , saranamaayoru Purudukhartharaam adiyangalkku yennum Thiru namam naavil theru
Sri Vigneswara stotramSri Vigneswara stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Vighna dwantha nivaranaika Daranir Vignabdhi kumbhoth Bhava Vighna vyala kulobha Martha garudo Vighnobha panchanana Vighnothunga giri prabhedhana bhavir Vighnadavi havya vaat Vighnagowga Ghana prasanda
Sri Vishnu Vijaya stotramSri Vishnu Vijaya stotram The prayer of victory to Lord Vishnu Translated by P.R.Ramachander (You can see the Sanskrit original in ) Deva ouchu:- Devas told 1.Natha sma Vishnum jagad aadhi bhootham sura surendram jagatham prapalakam
SriVenkatesa stotram(Tamil)SriVenkatesa stotram(Tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Malar mel madhavi marbakathe Kulavum oru kumkuma neelavane Malar thamarai kannudai naykane Nalame pera katharul Venkadavaa OhBlue one with whom the red mAdhavi , On the flowers is prattling on his chest Oh Lord who has eyes like lotus
Sri Dharma Sastra Stotram (Sringeri Jagad guru virachitham)॥ श्री धर्मशास्ता स्तोत्रम् (शृङ्गेरि जगद्गुरु विरचितम्) ॥ Sri Dharma Sastra Stotram (Sringeri Jagad guru virachitham) The prayer to Dharma Sastha Composed by Sringeri Jagad Guru Translated P.R.Ramachander जगत्प्रतिष्ठाहेतुर्यः धर्मः श्रुत्यन्तकीर्तितः । तस्यापि
Ramar Slokam(tamil)ராமர் ஸ்லோகம் Ramar Slokam Verses on Rama Translated by P.R.Ramachander ராம நாம சுர வந்தித ராம் ரவிகுல ஜனநிதி தந்தவராம் சாகேதஸ்தலம் வந்தவராம் தசரத கோசலை தந்தவராம் விஸ்வாமித்ரர் பின் சென்றவராம் மேவு தாடகையைககொன்றவராம் அகலிகை சாபம் முடித்தவராம் அரியதோர் பாணம் ஒடித்தவராம் பாவை சீதை மணம் கொண்டவராம் பரசுராமன் வலி கொண்டவராம் Rama Nama Sura
Sai Teri leelaa kabhi samaj na pavoon maiSai Teri leelaa kabhi samaj na pavoon mai Oh Sai , I never am able to understand your sports Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sai teri leelaa samaj na pavoon mein There charanon mein sada shsh jukau mein Oh Sai , I never am able to understand your sports I always bend my head &nbsp
Sai Parameshwar Sai KaruneswarSai Parameshwar Sai Karuneswar The Divine God Sai, is God of mercy Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sai Parameshwar, Sai Karuneswar Mukthi dathaa hey Jagadheswar Sai Parameshwar , Sai Karuneswar Sai is divine God, Sai is the God of mercy The God of the world, who grants salvation Sai is divine God , Sai is
Kabhi Ram Bhanke, Kabhi Shyam BhankeKabhi Ram Bhanke, Kabhi Shyam Bhanke By becoming Rama some times and Krishna some times Translated by P.R.Ramachander Kabhi Ram Bhanke, Kabhi Shyam Bhanke Chale aanaa Prabhu ji Chale aanaa By becoming Rama some times and Krishna some times, Please come , oh lord , please come Kabhi Ram Bhanke,
Man mein Ram BasaleMan mein Ram Basale Make Ram sit in your mind Translated by P.R.Ramachander Bolo Ram , jai jai Ram , Bolo Ram Bolo Ram Jai Jai Ram , bolo Ram Say “Ram” , hail , hail “ram” , say “Ram” Say “Ram” , hail , hail “ram” , say “Ram” Janam safal hogaa re bandhe, man mein ram Basale, Man Mein Ram Basale
Duniya Chale Na , Sri Ram ke binaDuniya Chale Na , Sri Ram ke bina The world does not go , without Sri Ram Translated by P.R.Ramachander Dhuniya Chale na , Sri Ram ke bina Ramji chale na, Hanuman ke bina Ramji chale na, Hanuman ke bina The world does not go without Sri Ram And Sri ram does not go without Hanuman Ramji
Ithni SAkthi Hume Dhena DathaIthni SAkthi Hume Dhena Datha You give me that much power Datha Translated by P.R.Ramachander Ithni Sakthi Hume Dena Datta, Man kaa viswas kamjor ho naa Hum chale nek Rasthe pe , Hum se bhoolkar be koi bhool ho na You give me that much power , Datha , So that the strength of mind is not
Achyutham , Kesavam ,Krishna ., damodaramAchyutham , Kesavam ,Krishna ., damodaram Acyutha , Kesava ,Krishna and Damodara Translated by P.R.Ramachander Achyutham , Kesavam ,Krishna ., damodaram Rama Narayanam, Janaki Vallabham Kaun kehtha hai Bhagawan Aathe Nahi THum mere jaisa Bulathe Nahi Oh Achyutha ,
Sun lo Sai Baba Vinti HamariSun lo Sai Baba Vinti Hamari Oh Sai Baba , please hear our request Translated by P.R.Ramachander (;ab_channel=TipsBhaktiPrem ) Sun lo Sai Baba, Sun Lo Sai Baba , Vinthi Hamari Karlo BHakthom mey ginthi Hamari Nit Nit Har Pal Har dhin , har pal , dhil base
Saranam Ayyappa ( Ayyappa I surrender-Malayalam)Saranam Ayyappa ( Ayyappa I surrender-Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Pandala Rajannu oru Unniyundangine Unnikku per Mani kandan yennangine Pandala king had a son The son’s name was Mani kanda 2.Loka mayangunna kanthi yundangine Pandala bhoopannu oru ananda mangine He had the luster&
Ayyappa stotram(Malayalam)Ayyappa stotram(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1, Mohini nandana , moha vinasana Sri Mahadeva Kumaraka nee, Oh son of Mohini , Destroyer of passion, The son of lord Shiva, you please, 2.Omana kan kondu kadakshichu yen Manasam thannil kalikkename See me by your darling eyes, And play indide my mind &
Geethi poorva Ganapathi stotramGeethi poorva Ganapathi stotram (The prayer to Ganapathi with song) By Sri Vasudevananda Saraswathi Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Sumukha pradhama, swa nama gayaka palaka, sevaka mangala Karaka Kama Supooraka, Mangala Karaka, Thrahi vinayaka Bhavika Tharaka Good faced first , he who looks after those who sing his
Jagadheeswari (Malayalam)Jagadheeswari (Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Jagadheeswari , jaya Jagadheeswari Chandra kala choodum Bhagawande Hrudayeswai Oh goddess of all world, hail goddess of all world The godeess of the heart of the God who wears moon’s crescent Padunnathu Avidathe thiru namangal
Aadhiyum neeye (Tamil prayer to Shanmukha)Aadhiyum neeye (Tamil prayer to Shanmukha) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Aadhiyum neeye Amararkalai kaathathum neee Jyothiyum neeye, thulakavathum neeye Soora samharam cheithathum neeye You are the beginning You are one who protected the devas You are the flame, you are one who makes others shine You are&
Ashta Murthy StotramAshta Murthy Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander ईशा वास्यमिदं सर्वं चक्षोः सूर्यो अजायत । इति श्रुतिरुवाचातो महादेवः परावरः ॥ १॥ eesa vasya midham sarvam , chaksho suryo ajayatha, Ithi sruthi uvachatho mahadeva paravara God envelops every thing which are visible like sun
Sri Gopala KavachamSri Gopala Kavacham Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Though Gopala means a cowherd and is one of the names of Krishna, it could also mean the protector of all beings.) Sri Mahadeva Uvacha:- Lord Shiva said:- 1.Adha vakshyami kavacham Gopalasya Jagad guro , Yasya smarana mathrena Jeevanmuktho Bhaved nara Now I am going to tell that Armour of Gopala , who is the world teacher, Remembering
Sri Chandra Mauleeswara Sthuthi॥ श्री चन्द्रमौलीश्वर स्तुतिः ॥ Sri Chandra Mauleeswara Sthuthi Prayer addressed to Chandra mauleeswara Translated byP.R.Ramachander (I had not translated this great prayer earlier. My friend Amarnath Medavarapu, send this great prayer and requested help in translation , God bless you friend) यस्मिञ्जगत्सर्वमिदं विभाति यश्चाप्यनन्यः सकलप्रपञ्चात् । &
Bhootha Nadha Keerthanam 2Bhootha Nadha Keerthanam 2 Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Bhoothanadha deva, raksha cheika deivame Nin padangal kaanuvaan namichidunnu nithyavum AArya nadhaa , deva deva, bhootha nadha pahi maam Vishna sankarathmajaa sabari nadhaa raksha nee Oh God Bhootha nadha, oh God please protect me To
Ayappa Avathara sthuthiAyappa Avathara sthuthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Loka maanoharan , lokaika nayakan Radha pathiyakiya devan Vishnu The attracter of the mind of world , lord oe entire world Lord Vishnu , the god who was lord of Radha 2.Mohiniyennoru pennai theernnittu Dhanava koottathe
Namavali 3Namavali 3 Translated by P.R.Ramachander Radhe shyamaa, hey Ghana Shyama Radha Madhava mAngala Dhama The black one of Radha , Hey pitch dark one Oh Madhava of Radha, Oh home of auspiciousness Nada nandana Govindaa Nava nitha chora Govindaa Narada priya , Govinda Nijjana pala Govinda
Namavali -2Namavali -2 Translated by P.R.Ramachander Jai , jai, jai mana mohanaa Jai, jai, jai , madhu sudana Hail , hail, hail attracter of the mind Hail, hail, hail , killer of Madhu Kesava, Madhava , Kesava Madhavaa Gopala, gopalana Yadhava madhava, yaadhavaa madhavaa Gopala , gopalanaa OH kesava, Oh Madhava , Oh
NamavalikalNamavalikal Translated by P.R.Ramachander Govinda jai, jai , Gopala jai jai Radha ramana Hari Govinda Jai jai Hail , hail Govinda , hail. Hail , gopala The daling of Radha , Hari Govinda hail, hail Sri Krishna jai jai , Sri Hari jjai, jai Gopala , gopala , govinda jai jaai Sri
Kandorundo? (Malayalam)Kandorundo? (Malayalam) Are there any people who have seen? Translated by P.R.Ramachander Kandorundo yende Kannane –neela, Thandar ani mani vannane Kandal kothikkum yen kannane ningal Kandaayo thamara kannane Are there any one who has seen my darling Krishna, The gem coloured child wearing
Sri Krishna Sandhya namam 2Sri Krishna Sandhya namam 2 Translated by P.R.Ramachander Jaya Janardhana Krishna Radhika pathe -Hail janardhana Krishna , the lord of Radha Jana vimochanaa Krishnaa janma mochanaa- he who frees people,Krishna, he ho grants freedom from birth Garuda vahanaa Krishnaa , Gopika pathe-
Govinda KeerthanamGovinda Keerthanam Song of Govinda Translated by P.R.Ramachander Govinda Hari Govinda Hari Govinda Hari Govinda Govinda Hari Govinda hari Mukunda Madhava Govinda Oh Govinda Oh Hari Oh Govinda Oh Hari Oh Govinda oh Hari Oh Govinda Oh Govinda oh Hari oh Govinda oh hari Oh Mukunda&
Manda hasa VadanaManda hasa Vadana Oh god with slow smiling face Translated by P.R.Ramachander Manda hasa vadana Krishna, bhaktha parayana Duritha nivarana, Mandahasa vadana Slow smiling faced Krishna , the object of attention of devotees He who destroys suffering , He with slow smiling face Peethambara
Govinda , Govinda , GovindaGovinda , Govinda , Govinda Translated By P.R.Ramachander Govinda , Govinda , Govinda Venkataramana Govinda Venkataramana Govinda Sankata Haranaa Govinda Oh Govinda, Oh Govinda, Oh Govinda Oh bewitcher of Venkata , Govinda Oh Bewitcher of Venkata Govinda Oh destroyer of sorrow ,
Aana thalayolam venna tharamedaa ,(malayalam)Aana thalayolam venna tharamedaa ,(malayalam) Aananda Sti Krisha, vaa murukku Translated by P.R.Ramachander I will gave you butter of size of elephents head Oh very joyful Krishna , please close your mouth Paikkale meikkuvaan padathayaykkam jnan Maikannaa ponnunni vaa murukku I wll send you
Kananne Kanatha Kannenthinna(Malayalam)Kananne Kanatha Kannenthinna(Malayalam) What is the need of eye which has not seen Krishna Translated by P.R.Ramachnder &
ULAGAALUM SAIULAGAALUM SAI உலகாளும் சாயி Sai who rules the world Translated by P.R.Ramachander உலகாளும் சாயி உயிராலும் சாயி ராம் எனை ஆளும் சாயி உன் ஆரத்தி தான் உலகாளும் சாயி உயிராலும் சாயி ராம் எனை ஆளும் சாயி உன் ஆரத்தி தான் Ulagaalum sai , uyiraalum sai ram Yenai aalum sai ,
Yuga Purushnaam Sai BabaYuga Purushnaam Sai Baba The man of the Eon , Sai Baba Translated by P.R.Ramachander சதா சத்ஸ்வரூபம் பிரசன்னாத் மபாவம் நமாமீஸ்வரம் சத்குரும் சாயிநாதம் SAdhaa sath swaroopam , prasannathma Bhavam Namameeswawaram Sath Gurum Sai Nadham Always form of good person,
Vara vendum neeye Sai Baba(Tamil)Vara vendum neeye Sai Baba(Tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander வரவேண்டும் நீயே சாயி பாபா வரம் வேண்டினோமே சாயி பாபா தரவேண்டும் நீயே சாயி பாபா கரம் குவித்தோமே சாயி பாபா ஹரே ராம ராமா சாயி ராமா, ஹரே ராம ராமா சாயி ராமா ஹரே கிரிஷ்ண கிருஷ்ணா சாயி கிருஷ்ணா, ஹரே கிரிஷ்ண கிருஷ்ணா சாயி கிருஷ்ணா Vara vendum neeye Sai Baba Varam
Nambi Parungal Sai deivathai(Tamil)Nambi Parungal Sai deivathai(Tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander நம்பி பாருங்கள் ஸ்ரீ சாயி தெய்வத்தை சொல்லி பாருங்கள் தினம் தினம் சாயி நாமத்தை (2 ) அதிஷ்ட தேவதை கொடுக்குமே ஐஸ்வர்யத்தை (2 ) நம்பி பாருங்கள்… Nambi paarungal Sri sai Deivathai Cholli parungal , dhinam dhinam Sai namathai Adrishta
Om Jaya Jaya Sai(Tamil)Om Jaya Jaya Sai(Tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ஓம் ஜெய ஜெய ஸ்ரீ சாயி சீரடி வாசனே என் சாயி ஜகத்குரு சாயி பாபா ஜெய ஜெய சாயி பாபா சச்சிதானந்த சாயி சத்யரூபனே சாய் பாபா Om Jaya Jaya Sri Sai Shirdi vasane yen sai Jagath guru Sai Baba Jaya Jaya Sai Baba Sachid ananda Sai Sathya roopane Sai Baba Om
Baba, Sai Baba(Tamil)Baba, Sai Baba(Tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander பாபா.. சாயி பாபா ஷீரடி வாழும் சாயி பாபா.. ஷீரடி வாழும் சத்குரு நாதா சீரடி தொழுதேன் சிவகுறு நாதா நாளும் பொழுதும் நலமாய் வாழ அருள்வாய் பகவானே Baba, Sai Baba Shiradi Vaazhum Sai Baba Shiradi vaazhum sath guru Nadha Naalum pozhuthum nalamai
NIthya mangalam to Lord Ayyappa (tamil)NIthya mangalam to Lord Ayyappa (tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Shiva Balan Ayyanukku Mohini Balanukku Villali Veeranukku Veera mani kandanukku Aryankavil ayyanukku Achan kovil AAndavarkku Puli pal konarnthavarukku Purai kualthoor&
Brahma Navakam , prayer to Goddess SitaBrahma Navakam , prayer to Goddess Sita Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is from Ananda Ramayana.There was an asura called Moolaka who could only be killed by a Lady. So Lord Rama Taught Goddess Sita, Dhanurveda-the science of Archery.She took a very fierce form and flew in Pushpaka Vimana and arrived to Kill N Mulaka,
Om Sai noothi ettu Guru om (Tamil)-AShtotharamOm Sai noothi ettu Guru om (Tamil)-AShtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Om Sai Ganesaya nama- Om Sai who is Ganesa salutations 2.Om Sathguru Sai Nadhya nama- Om good guru Sai Nadha salutations 3.Om Jagathguru Sainadhaya nama-Om guru of Universe Sai , salutations 4.Om Parama Guru
Sai Ashtothram (108 Namalu)Sai Ashtothram (108 Namalu) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1 OM Shri Sai Nathaaya Namaha – Om Salutations to Lord Sai 2 OM Shri Sai Lakshmi Naarayanaya Namaha-Om salutations to Sai Lakshminarayana 3 OM Shri Sai KrishnaRaamaShiva Maruthyaadhi Roopaaya Namaha –Om Salutations to Sai Who is Krishna , Rama , Shiva , Hanuman etc 4 OM Shri
Sri Dathathreya Bhavani(tamil)Sri Dathathreya Bhavani(tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Jaya yogeeswara Datha Dhayalo. Jagathinai aakkiya mooladharaa Hail, merciful Datha the God of Yoga Oh basic creator of the world. 2.Athri, anasooyaa , karuviyai kondai Jaga nanmaikkakave avatharithai
AAndavan pichai's Devi mansa pooja in tamilDevi Manasa pooja in Tamil By AAndavan Pichai Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a prayer drenched in devotion describing the mental worship of the Mother Goddess ) 1.Karumbu villendhi kanayaam malar iynthum kayyil yendhi Virumbiye iru karathil pasangusathai yenthi
Gopiyar KOnjum KannaGopiyar KOnjum Kanna (Kanna fondled by Gopis) By K.V.Mahadevan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (hear the song ) gopiyar Konjum Ramana gopala Krishna gopiyar Konjum Ramana gopala Krishna gopiyar Konjum Ramana Oh Ramana fondled by Gopis Oh
Kamakoti Kamakshi GanamKamakoti Kamakshi Ganam Song of Kamakshi of Kama koti By Dhenu pureeswara Dasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Namam chollidave nanmai arulum Nayakiye devi Kamashi Nama Koti nayakiye-Kanchi Kama koti vasiniye Oh Nayaki, Oh Goddess Kamakshi Who grants good things, if we tell
Guru vara Guru Nadha GanamGuru vara Guru Nadha Ganam (Song addressed to Guru on thursday) By Dhenu pureeswara Dasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander Periyava, periyava yendru ummai naadiye Chiriyaven azhaikkindren, arulveer ayyaa Periyava Periyavaa , Thiru Kanchi Periyava Ariyava arula vaa Shiva THabdavaa I call you, wanting you as Periyava,
Nadai raja Guru Mahimai GanamNadai raja Guru Mahimai GanamThe song about greatness of Guru who is the king ho walksByDhenu pureeswara DasanTranslated byP.R.Ramachander1,Nadamadum deivame, thiru kanchi sadh guruveVidamunda kandane, Thiru neela KandaneMada manathai adakkiyarul, maha linga nadhaneDhida manathai thanthu arulvaar , thiru
Chandra shekara SAthguru GanamChandra shekara SAthguru Ganam Song of Sathguru Chandra shekara By Dhenu pureeswara Dasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Chandanam manakkum sannidhiye-konda Chandra shekara Guruve, Santhathamum ummai paninthidave-arul Chandrashekara sath Guruve Oh Chandra shekara Sadh guru , who has The
SAntha roopa SAth guru GanamSAntha roopa SAth guru Ganam (Song of Sath guru who has a peaceful form) By Dhenu pureeswara Dasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Chinnam chhiru punnagayaal, Yen paavam aruthu eriveer Pon mazhai pozhinthavare Yen pizhai poruthu arulveer With a very , very small smile You will cut off all my
Bala Guru Ganam(vijayendra Saraswathi)Bala Guru Ganam(vijayendra Saraswathi) Song addressed to the boy Guru By Dhenu pureeswara Dasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Pathrilla vaazhvu pera Pathriduvom nin paadham Pethra yi piraviyil Kanchi Bala Periyav For getting a life of detachment, We will catch hold of your feet In this birth&
Irul neekki, oli arul, Kanchi Guru Ganam(Swami Jayendra Saraswathi)Irul neekki, oli arul, Kanchi Guru Ganam(Swami Jayendra Saraswathi) Song of removing darkness and giving light addressed to Guru of Kanchi ByDhenu Pureeswara DasanTanslated byP.R.Ramachander Kama kodi vaasane , Kamakshi Dasane Nama koti nadhane, sarguruve Namam cholli paninthida Narayana Nadhane Kshema labham Arul Guruve&nbsp
Thayai katharul Dhayapara Guru GanamThayai katharul Dhayapara Guru Ganam The song of merciful Guru who protects as mother By Dhenu pureeswara Dasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander Thayin madi un adiye, thaimayodu arul Guruve Mayangal pokki arul Maha swami Cheyaaka odi vanthe painthu un padham patha Neyamodu nitham arul Mahaswami
Guru Padha mahimai GaanamGuru Padha mahimai Gaanam The song of greatness of feet of guru By Dhenu pureeswara Dasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Padham paninthom , Guru padham paninthom Padham Paninthom , Guru padham paninthom Bharathathai valam vantha thiru padham paninthom We saluted the feet , Saluted feet of the Guru We
Manam adakkum Maha guru Nama MahimaiManam adakkum Maha guru Nama Mahimai The greatness of name of Guru would control your mind By Dhenu pureeswara Dasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Paavam pokkum Guru Namam-perum Puniyam cherkkum Namam The name of Guru will remove sinsand would at, That name would add great blessings &nbsp
Nadamadum DEiva Guru GanamNadamadum DEiva Guru Ganam Song of God Guru who moves about By Dhenu pureeswara Dasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Nadamadum deivamai , mannil nadamthitta Nataraja deivathim padham panivome Nadanthitta vinaikalai nalivara cheithe Nadappavai nanmayai arulvaar Guruve He
Advaitha Sankara Akshara malaiAdvaitha Sankara Akshara malai (The letter Garland to Advaitha Sankara) By Dhenu pureeswara Dasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Om shivaya Sankara , Kaladi Sankara, Kalavayil udhithavaa, kanchi Maha periyavaa Om kara nadhane, Om namashivayanne Odi vanthu arulum Kanchi Maha Periyava &
Sri Chandra Shekara Guru Mahima sangraham(Maha Periyava)Sri Chandra Shekara Guru Mahima sangraham(Maha Periyava) Collection of greatness of Guru Chandra Shekara Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Yathraiva kanchyaam , bhuvi sankaraya, Sarvajna peetam guru raru rohha Thathraiva peete sriyaya Abhishiktham Sri Kamakotyadhipathim Smarami In
Sankara vijayendra Panchakam(About Swami Vijayendra SaraswathI)Sankara vijayendra Panchakam(About Swami Vijayendra SaraswathI) Five verses about Sankara Vijayendra Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Namasthe sambhave thubhyam Vijayendra Swaroopine Jnanananda swaroopayaa, Kama Koti Matadhipa Salutations to Lord Shiva, who has form of Vijayendra Who has a
Jayendra Akshara mala sthava(about Swami Jayendra Saraswathi)Jayendra Akshara mala sthava(about Swami Jayendra Saraswathi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Jayendra desikam mudhaa dadhaanam eesa roopinam Purathanam Matadhipam kusumbha vasa savrutham Yadartha thathwa sdarsakam , purana Marga bodhakam Jayendra sadhguru sadhaa karothu
Deiva vaani sthuthi panchakam(About Maha Periyava)Deiva vaani sthuthi panchakam(About Maha Periyava) The pentad of prayers of voice of god Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Kama koti peetaadheesa, mukhodhbhava sudhaa mayee Sri Chandra shekara kanye, deiva vani namosthuthe The nectar like words originating from mouth of lord of Kama koti
Marga Bandhu Stotram addressed to Maha PeriyavaMarga Bandhu Stotram addressed to Maha Periyava Prayer to friend on the way Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Sri Sankaracharya varyam, Chandra chooda abhidhanam, Bhaje Marga Bandhum Kamesa padhabja Bhrungam, kama koti matesam, Bhaje Sankararyam (Sri Sankaracharya&
Bhakthi geetham( addressed to Maha PeriyavaBhakthi geetham( addressed to Maha Periyava Translated by P&gt;R.Ramachander 1.Jayathedikam guro janmana mahi Sakala sampadhaa shobathe athra hi Yathipathe ramaa Brahma jayayaa Varadha sankadha chithramathra hi &nbsp
aya Jagadheeswari (Malayalam)aya Jagadheeswari (Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Jaya Jagadheeswari Ambaa Mayee Jaya Jagadheeswari Ambaa maye Sakala kalaa bhuvaneswari devi Jaya Jagadheeswari ambaa maye Hail goddess of universe , mother of illusion Hail goddess of universe, mother of illusion Goddess Bhuvaneswari &
Om Sakthi , om Sakthi(Malayalam)Om Sakthi , om Sakthi(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Om Sakthi , om Sakthi , Om Sakthi , om Om Sakthi , om Sakthi , Om Sakthi , om Om Sakthi , om Sakthi , Om Sakthi , om Om Sakthi , om Sakthi , Om Sakthi , om Ambathonnu akshara sundarimar, Amboli thalam eduthidumbol Ambodu saptha
Hanuman Chalisa in tamilஅனுமன் சாலிசா Hanuman Chalisa in tamil The Hanuman forty Translated in to Tamil by Satheesh Translated in to English from Tamil By P.R.Ramachander (Hanumman Chalisa is possibly one of greatest prayer of Hanuman , written by Saint Thulasi das in Language Avadhi,..Many tamil people chant it without understanding the
Pahi , pahi maam, devi tripurasundariPahi , pahi maam, devi tripurasundari Protect , protect me , Goddess who is beauty of Tripura Translated by P.R.Ramachander Jaya Maheswari devi , tribhuvaneswari Jaya Krupakari devi , sarva sankari Jaya Digambari devi, parama sundari Pahi , pahi maam, devi tripurasundari Hail the great
Sri Radhika-SthavaSri Radhika-Sthava The praise of Radha Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Radhe jaya jaya , madhava Dhayithe Gokula Taruni mandala Mahithe Oh Radha, hail , hail , Oh beloved of Madhava\ Who is the greatest of the group of ladies of Gokula 2.Damodahara rathi vardhana veshe Hai nishkuta vrunda
Sai Nathar Ashtakam(Tamil) in form of prose poemSai Nathar Ashtakam(Tamil) in form of prose poem Translated by P.R.Ramachander <!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Ambikai pethra iymkaranai thuthithu ezhuthum adiyenin ayyane , sai nathane, Athri, anasuya eendra mummurthy cher Datha avatharame, Vasukiyaal kadaya pethru amuthu
Viruppangalai niraivethrum Shiradi vasa Pothriவிருப்பங்களை நிறைவேற்றும் சீரடி வாசா போற்றி Viruppangalai niraivethrum Shiradi vasa Pothri Praise lord of Shirdi who fulfills our wishes Translated by P.R.Ramachander சீரடி சாய்பாபாவுக்கு உகந்த இந்த போற்றியை தினமும் அல்லது வியாழக்கிழமைகளில் சொல்லி வழிபாடுசெய்து வந்தால் விருப்பங்கள் நிறைவேறும். If these pothis suitable to Shirdi Saibaba are
Sri Sainadha Dasha Nama StotramSri Sainadha Dasha Nama Stotram (Ten names of Lord sai) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Pradhamam sai nadhascha dvithiyam dwarakamayini Thrutheeyam theerda rajascha chaturdam bhakta vatsalaha Panchamam paramathmaacha shashatam cha shridi vasascha First Lord Sai , Second he who lives in Dwarakamayi Third the king of sacred
Prayers to thiose born in Revati രേവതി ரேவதிPrayers to thiose born in Revati രേവതി ரேவதி రేవతి रेवती-planet concerned Revathi-Budha, God Srinivasa BY P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Nithya mangalaya vidmhe, Sathya roopaya Deemahi THanno srinivasa prachodayath Let me meditate on God who is always
Sri Hanuman stotramSri Hanuman stotram By Paramahamsa sadhguru Sridhara Swami Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Sukhaika dhama bhooshanam , manoja garva khandanam Anathamadhi garhanam , bhajeham anjani sutham The ornament of the place of pleasure, one who blames those who areproud in mind He who
Prayers to those born in Uttara Bhadrapada ഉത്രട്ടാതി, Meena RasiPrayers to those born in Uttara Bhadrapada ഉത്രട്ടാതി, Meena Rasi Prayers to those born in Uttara Bhadrapada ഉത്രട്ടാതി உத்திரட்டாதி ఉత్తరాభాద్ర उत्तरभाद्रपदा-Planet concerned Sani /God Sankara By P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Bhagawathi Nadhaya Vidhmahe, Parameswaraya deemahi Thanno Rudra Prachodayath
Sri Ganapathi stotramSri Ganapathi stotram By Sri vasudevananda saraswathi swami Sumukha prathama, swa nama gayaka palaka, sevaka mangala karaka Kama supooraka , mangala karaka , thraahi vinayaka Bhavika tharaka Firstly one with pleasant face , he who takes care of those who sing his name,he who does good to
Ayyappan padi Pattu(malayalam)Ayyappan padi Pattu(malayalam) Ayyappa song of steps Translated by P.R. Rmachander (I had earlier translate four song of steps –You can find them in ) Swami Saranam, ayyan Saranam Ayyappa Saranam , Saranam pon Ayyappa Oh God I surrender ,
Sri Ayyappan(Malayalam)Sri Ayyappan(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Ayyappa hare Ayyappa pahi maam SAbari mamala sasthave Pahi maam Oh Ayyappa, Oh Ayyappa , protct me Oh Sastha of sabari mountain ,protect me 1.Athalenye dharaniyil ulloru Marthyanmar okkeyum , ayyane koopuvaan, Koottamode erumeliyil chennittu Petta
SWamiye Saranm (malayalam prayer)Swamiye SaranamTranslated byP.R.RamachanderSWmiye Saranam , swamiye SaranamSaranam , tharanam AyyapaOh God I surrender , Oh God I surrender,Please grant me protection oh Ayyappa1.Bhakthi illathavar dukham sahikkumbolBhagyathaal jnaan ninde bhakthaaiAAkula chinthakal illa yenikkennumeAsritha vatsalaa nin varathaalWhen those without
Sri Subrahmanya MangalashtakamSri Subrahmanya Mangalashtakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Shivayosthanujayasthu , sritha mandhara saakine Siki varya thurangaaya, subrahmanyaya mangalam The son of Lord Shiva, who is worshipped by Mandhara flowers Who rides on the great peacock, Mangalam to subrahmanya 2.
Prayer to those born i n Pururva bhadrapadaPrayer to those born i n Pururva bhadrapada പൂരുരുട്ടാതി பூரட்டாதி పూర్వాభాద్ర पूर्वभाद्रपदा(occurs in two rasis Khumba and Meena )Planet concerned Guru.God Pasupathi By P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om sarvewaraya Vidmahe ,
Prayer to those born in Chadayam starPrayer to those born in Chadayam star Prayers for those born in Shatabhishak ചതയം சதயம் శతభిష शतभिषक् planet concerned Rahu/ God Mruthyunjaya BY P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Mruthyunjayaya Vidhmahe, Hema roopaaya deemahi Thanno Rudra
Sri MahaaGanapathi Slokam-Prayer.ஸ்ரீ மகாகணபதி வழிபாடு ஸ்லோகம்-துதி. Sri MahaaGanapathi Slokam-Prayer. Translated by P.R.Ramachander சதுர்தீசாய மான்யாய சர்வ வித்யாப்ரதாயினே | வக்ரதுண்டாய குப்ஜாய ஸ்ரீ கணேசாய மங்களம் || Chathurtheesaaya Maanyaaya Sarva Vidhyaapradhaayinay | Vakrathundaaya Kupjaaya Sri Ganaesaaya Mangalam || God of the fourth phase of
Ganesha Pancharatnam StotramGanesha Pancharatnam Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander Mudakaraatha Modakam Sada Vimukti Saadhakam Kalaadharaavatamsakam Vilasiloka Rakshakam Anaaya Kaika Naayakam Vinasitebha Daityakam Nataasubhasu Naashakam Namaami Tham Vinaayakam. I salute that remover of obstacles, Who has modakas in his hand Who always bestows salvation Who wears a part of moon on his head Who
Ganesh sthuthiGanesh sthuthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Chant this great prayer and Lord Ganesa would be pleased and help you in achieving every thing) 1.Vakra thunda Maha kaya, Surya Koti sama Prabha Nirvignam kuru mey deva, sarva kaaryshu sarvadhaa Oh lord with bent bone, big body, shining
Saibaba AArthi songSaibaba AArthi song Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Om Jai Jagadheesh hare Swami Jai Jagadhees hare Bhaktha janom ke sankat Bhaktha Janom ke sankat Kshan mey dhoor kare , Om Jai Jagadheesa hare Om Hail , Hari the god of universe Oh God , hail Hari the God of universe The sorrow of
Sri Saibabavirkku NIvedanam(tamil)Sri Saibabavirkku NIvedanam (Food offering to Sri Sai Baba) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Oh Saibaba yethu arulvaaye-naan Anbudan alithitta unavinaye Oh Saibaba , please accept, The food offered by me with love Paasamudan nalla inippukal cheithene Bhakthiyudan pala pandangal
Ith dekhoonIth dekhoon I see from here Translated by P.R.Ramachander Ith dekhoon to tu laage Kanhaiya Uth dekhoon to Durga maiya I see you from here , you are Lord Krishna From there I see you, you are mother Durga Is dekhoon to tu laage Kanhaiya Us dekhoon to Durga maiya Nanakh ki muskaan hai mukh par I
Sainath tere hazaron hathSainath tere hazaron hath Translated by P.R.Ramachander Tu hi fakeer Tu hi hai raja Tu hi hai Sai Tu hi hai Baba You are a Fakir You are definitely the king You are the Sai And you are definitely the baba SaiNath SaiNath
Mere ghar ke aage SainathMere ghar ke aage Sainath SAinath just before my home Translated by P.R.Ramachander Mere ghar ke aage Sainath tere mandhir ban jaye Jab khidki kholu to tere darshan ho jaye || Mere || SAinath just before my home When your temple is built Wheb I open my window, I will see you Jab arati
Thoda dhyaan lagaa (2)Thoda dhyaan lagaa (2) Pay little attention Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sai Daude daude aayenge Sai will come running, running Thoda ......... Sai ........ Little Sai Tuje gale se lagayenge Ankhiya man ki khol (2) Tujko darshan wo karayenge He will hug you to his chest Please open
Prayers for those born in star Dhanistha /AvittamPrayers for those born in star Dhanistha അവിട്ടം அவிட்டம் ధనిష్ఠ धनिष्ठा (occurs in two rasis Makara and Kumbha)-planet concerned mars/god concerned Lord Vishnu By P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Lakshmi Vallabhaya Vidmahe, Sesha sayanaya &
Welcome to three millionth visitor to my Stotra Rathna blogWelcome to three millionth visitor to my Stotra Rathna blog P.R.Ramachander On Vijaya Dasami day , the thirty millionth visitor has visited by Stotra Rathna blog site. I welcome him/her I am indebted to all of you for visiting my Blog on translation of Stotra&nbsp
Prayers to those born in Shravana തിരുവോണം திருவோணம் శ్రావణ श्रवण planetPrayers to those born in Shravana തിരുവോണം திருவோணம் శ్రావణ श्रवण planet concerned moon/God Hayagreeva RAsi Makaram By P.R.Ramachander <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Aswa roodaaya vidmahe, Vageeswaraaya deemahi, Thanno&
Prayer to those born on star Uttara Ashada ഉത്രാടം உத்திராடம் in dhanu and Makara rasiPrayer to those born on star Uttara Ashada ഉത്രാടം உத்திராடம் in dhanu and Makara rasi Prayer to those born on star Uttara Ashada ഉത്രാടം உத்திராடம் ఉత్తరాషాడ उत्तराषाढा (occurs in two rasis Dhanu and Makara) Planet concerned Sun/god concerned Ganapathi BY P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Eka danthaya Vidmahe , Vakra thundaya deemahi Thanno danthi Prachodayath
Prayers for those born in star pooradam/Poorvashada Dhanu RasiPrayers for those born in star pooradam/Poorvashada Dhanu Rasi Prayers for those born in star Purva Ashadha പൂരാടം பூராடம் పూర్వాషాడ पूर्वाषाढा- Planet concerned Shukra, God UMa Maheswara BY P.R.RMACHANDER a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Sadashivaya
Prayers to those who are born in Moola starPrayers to those who are born in Moola star Prayers to those born in star Moola മൂലം மூலம் మూల मूल- Planet concerned Kethu/God Hanuman By P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Anjana puthraya Vidmahe, Vayu kumaraya deemahi tHanno Hanumath
Prayers to those born in Kettai(Jyeshta) starPrayers to those born in Kettai(Jyeshta) star Jyeshta തൃക്കേട്ട கேட்டை జ్యేష్ట ज्येष्ठा-Planet concerned Budha, God concerned Lord Varaha BY P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri OmHiranya Garbhaya vidmahe, Bhoo varahaya Deemahi Thanno krodaa Prachodayath Om
Prayers for those born in anusham star , vrischika rasiPrayers for those born in anusham star Prayers for those born Anuradha അനിഴം அனுஷம் అనురాధ अनुराधा Planet concernes Sani, God Lakshmi Narayana BY P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Narayanaaya Vidmahe, Lakshmi vallabhaya deemahi Thanno Vishnu prachodayath
Sanaischara maha manthra(The greatest chant to please Lord Saturn)Sanaischara maha manthra(The greatest chant to please Lord Saturn) (Saturn in bad positions during it travel or during its dasa hurts people. Here is a simple method to get rid of its problem) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ASya Sanaischara Maha Manthrasya Urumithra Rishi, Gayatri Chanda, Sanaiscaro
Prayers of those born in star Vishakam 1,2,3(thulam) and 4 (Vruschika)Prayers of those born in star Vishakam 1,2,3(thulam) and 4 (Vruschika) Vishaka വിശാഖം விசாகம் విశాఖ विशाखा (occurs in two rasis THula and Vruschiga) –Planet concerned Guru / God subrahmanya By P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri
Prayers to those born in Swathi Nakshatra Thula rasiPrayers to those born in Swathi Nakshatra Thula rasi Swati ചോതി சுவாதி స్వాతి स्वाती-Planet concerned Rahu-God concerned Lord Narasimha By P.R.Ramachander <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Sthambha
Prayer to those born .ChitraPrayer to those born .Chitra ചിത്തിര சித்திரை చిత్త चित्रा (occurs in two rasis Kanya and Thula) –Planet concerned Mars god Sudarshana By P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om sudarshanaaya vidhmahe, Maha jwalaya deemahi, Thanno Chakra Prachodayath
Prayers to those born in Hastha NakshatraPrayers for those born in Hasta അത്തം அஸ்தம் హస్త हस्त-Planet concerned Chandra , goddess Parvathy, hastha is in kanya rasi By P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Maha devyai cha Vidmahe, Rudra pathni cha deemahi, Thanno Gauri prachodayath
Prayers to those born in Uthram star(Sinham and Kanya Rasi)Prayers to those born in Uthram star(Sinham and Kanya Rasi) Uttara Phalguni ഉത്രം உத்திரம் ఉత్తర ఫల్గుని उत्तर फाल्गुनी(occurs in two rasis Simham and Kanya) Planet concerned Surya/Goddess Mahalakshmi BY P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Kamala
Material for reeading on 8tyh day of Navarathri -Devi MahathmyamMaterial for reeading on 8tyh day of Navarathri -Devi Mahathmyam Chapter 12: The greatness of the story of Devi.1. Devyuvacha:-Ebhi sthavai scha maam nithyam sthoshyathe ya samahitha,Tasyaham sakala badhaam nasayishyamasamsyam.The goddess told:-Whoever with concentrated minds prays daily with this prayer, I would definitely remove all his problems.2. Madhu Kaidaba nasam cha Mahishasura
Material for reading on 7th day of Navarathri -Devi MahathmyamMaterial for reading on 7th day of Navarathri -Devi Mahathmyam Chapter 11: Prayer to Narayani.1. Devya hathe thathra mahasurendra,Sendra suravahni purogamastham,Kathyayanim thushtuvarishta laabha,Vikasi vakthrabja vikasithasa.When Shumbha, the chief of all great asuras was killed, The devas including Indra were lead by the fire god, and with very happy faces resembling fully
Material for reading the sixth day of Navarathri -devi MahathmyaMaterial for reading the sixth day of Navarathri -devi Mahathmya Chapter 9: Killing of Nishumbha.1. Rajo Uvacha:-Vichithramidhamaakhyatham bhagawan bhawatha mama,Devyascharitha mahatmyam raktha bheeja vadhasritham.The king told:-Hey god like sage, You have told me till now the strange story of the great Goddess which includes the killing of Raktha Bheeja.2. Bhooyaschechamyaham srothum raktha
Material for reading on 5th day of Navarathrri-Devi MahathmyamMaterial for reading on 5th day of Navarathrri-Devi Mahathmyam Chapter 8: Killing of Raktha Bheeja.1. Rishir Uvacha:-Chande cha nihathe daithye Munde cha vinipathithe,Bahuleshu cha sainyeshu kshayiteshwasureswara.2. Thatha kopa paradheena chetha Shumbha prathapawan,Udyogam sarva sainyanaam daithyanaam adhidesha ha.When Chanda was killed, Munda has fallen and a huge army was destroyed, the
Material for reading on 4th day of Navarathri--Devi MahathmyamMaterial for reading on 4th day of Navarathri--Devi MahathmyamChapter 7: Killing of Chanda and Munda1. Rishir Uvacha:-Agnapthasthe thatho daithya Chanda Munda purogama,Chathuranga balopetha yayurbhuythayudha.Then Chanda and Munda sent by that Asura went there with four types of army and holding their weapons aloft.2. Dhadrususthe thatho devimeeshadhasam vyavasthitham,Simhasyopari sailendra
Material for reading on third day of Navarathri-Devi MahathmyamMaterial for reading on third day of Navarathri-Devi MahathmyamChapter 5: The argument between devi and the emissary.1. Rishir Uvacha:-Puraa Shumbha Nishumbha masurabhyaam Sacheepathe,Trilokyam yagnabhagascha hruthaa madha balasrayath.The sage told:-During olden times, because Indra was proud of his strength and prowess, his three worlds and share in the fire sacrifice were stolen by
Material for reading on second day of Navarathri-Devi MahathmyamMaterial for reading on second day of Navarathri-Devi MahathmyamMadhyama Charitham(Middle part)Chapter 2: Killing of the armies of Mahishasura.Rishir Uvacha:-Devasuramabhoodhyudham poornama sabdhasatham pura,Mahishe asuranamadhipe devanam cha purandareThe sage told:-Long long ago when Indra was the king of devas and Mahisha was the king of asuras, a hundred year was fought between
Purva Phalguni പൂരം பூரம் పూర్వ ఫల్గుని पूर्व फाल्गुनी-Planet concerned Sukra-god Lord Ranganatha, rasi kanyaPurva Phalguni പൂരം பூரம் పూర్వ ఫల్గుని पूर्व फाल्गुनी-Planet concerned Sukra-god Lord Ranganatha, rasi kanya ByP.R.Ramachandera.Nakshatra GayathriVeda moolaaya Vidhmahe,Veda srungaaya deemahi,Thanno Ranga PrachodayathLet me meditate on the root of Vedas,Let the peak of Vedas give me higher intellectLet
Prayers to those born in Magha മകം மகம் మాఘ मघा-Planet concerned Kethu, God SuryaPrayers to those born in Magha മകം மகம் మాఘ मघा-Planet concerned Kethu, God Surya By P.R.RAMACHANDER a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Eka Chakraya vidmahe, Mahathyadhikaraya deemahi, Thanno adhithya prachodayath Let me meditate on him who has one wheel, Let he who is great
Palllasena Garga Linga Stotram(Manipravalam-Tamil and Sanskrit)Palllasena Garga Linga Stotram(Manipravalam-Tamil and Sanskrit) By Sadhu Shiva Sundaram , Sion, Mumbai (Pallasena is a Village near Kollengode, which has the famous Meen Kolathi Kavu (Meenakshi temple) . The village has several other important temples , the most impostant being “Kalyana Parvathi Sametha Gargeswara temple of &
prayers to those born in ayilya/ASleshaprayers to those born in ayilya/ASlesha Ashlesha ആയില്യം ஆயில்யம் ఆశ్లేష आश्लेषा-Planet concerned Budha , God-Nagdeva by P.R.Ramachander A.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Nagarajaya Vidhmahe, Naga Mani sekaraya deemahi, Thanno Nagendra Prachodayath Let me meditate on
Prayers to star pushya/poosam occurs in Kadaka Rasi onlyPrayers to star pushya/poosam occurs in Kadaka Rasi only Pushya പൂയം பூசம் పపుష్యమి पुष्य-planet concerned Sani God addressed Lord Dakshinamurthy BY P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Jneswaraya Vidhmahe, Thathwa bodhaa deemahi Thanno deva Prachodayath Let me meditate on God of
Prayers for punarvasu/PunarthamPrayers for punarvasu/Punartham Punarvasu പുണർതം புனர்பூசம் పునర్వసు पुनर्वसु (occurs in two rasis Mithuna(pada 1,2,3) and Karkidaga(Pada 4) )-Planet concerned Guru –God Lord Rama By P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Dasaradhaya vidhmahe, Seetha Nadhaya Vidhmahi Thanno Ramachandra prachodayath Let me meditate
Does caste of a child depend on mother or father?Does caste of a child depend on mother or father? ByP.R.Ramachander A few years back a high court of our country decided that caste of a child depends on caste of the father. WE will take only the case of Sage Vyasa who collected the Vedas , edited them and divided in to four books Sage Vyasa&
Prayer to star Arudra/THiruvadiraiPrayer to star Arudra/THiruvadirai Ardra തിരുവാതിര திருவாதிரை ఆర్ద్ర आद्रा- Planet concerned –Rahu God concerned Nataraja By P.R.Ramachandera.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Chith sabhesaya Vidhmahe, Chitha akasaya deemahi Thanno sabhesa pachodayath Let me meditate on Chith Sabhesa, Let the god who is divine sky give me higher intellect, Let Natarajs illuminate my
Prayer for star Mrigaseersham/Mageeram in rishabha and mithuna rasiPrayer for star Mrigaseersham/Mageeram in rishabha and mithuna rasi Mrigashirsha മകയിരം மிருகசீரிடம் మృగశిర म्रृगशीर्षा (Occurs in two rasi Rishbha and Mithuna) –Planet concerned Mars-goddess Parvathi Compiled by P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om That purushaya Vidmahe, Maha devaya Deemahi Thanno
Prayer to those born in .Rohini രോഹിണി ரோகிணி రోహిణి रोहिणी-Prayer to those born in .Rohini രോഹിണി ரோகிணி రోహిణి रोहिणी-Planet concerned moon God of Rohini-Krishna by P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayatri Om praja vruthyai cha deemahe, Viswaroopaaya deemahi Thanno rohini prachodayath Let me meditate in increase of population, Let the God with super form give me higher
Prayers for those born in Karthika/KarthikaPrayers for those born in Karthika/Karthika Karthika falls in Mesha and Rishbha Rasi .Prayers to those born in these rasis are included 3,Krittika കാർത്തിക கார்த்திகை కృత్తిక कृत्तिका (occurs in two rasis-Mesha and Rishabha) pLanet concerned Sun/ lord subrahmanya Translated by P.R.Ramachander
Prayers to those born in Bharani ഭരണി பரணி భరణి भरणी Planet concerned ShukraPrayers to those born in Bharani ഭരണി பரணி భరణి भरणी Planet concerned Shukra Prayers to those born in Bharani ഭരണി பரணி భరణి भरणी Planet concerned Shukra.Bharani -DurgaByP.R.Ramachandera.Bharani GayathriOm Krishna varnaya Vidmahe,Danda Dharaaya deemahiThanno Bharani PrachodhayaathLet me meditate on black goddess,Let She holds the staff give me higher intellect,And let Goddess Bharani
Prayer to those born in Aswini/Aswathi Nakshatra and Mesha Rasi (Daily for one star would be given)Prayer to those born in Aswini/Aswathi Nakshatra and Mesha Rasi (Daily for one star would be given) Compiled ByP.R.Ramachander (Prayers to those born in Aswathi/Aswini star is given first and at the end The prayer to the rasi which this star belongs is given)1.Star Asvathi/Asvini God Saraswathi a.Prayer to
Sri Lakshmi sastha dhyana slokamஸ்ரீலக்ஷ்மீசாஸ்த த்யாந ஸ்லோகம்: Sri Lakshmi sastha dhyana slokam The prayer to meditate on God Lakshmi sastha (Lakshmi Sastha is a thanthrc form of God Sastha which removes poverty and suffering) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.ஏஹாஸ்யம்
Raghavendra's Sri Rama Charitha manjariSri Rama Charitha manjari(A condensation of Ramayana)By Swami Raghavendra TheerthaTranslated byP.R.Ramachanderश्रीमान् पूर्वं प्रजातो दशरथनृपते रामनामाऽथ नीतो विश्वामित्रेण मन्त्राहृदनुजसहितस्ताटकां घातकोऽस्त्रम् ।ब्राह्माद्यं प्राप्य हत्वा निशिचरनिकरं यज्ञपालो विमोच्या- हल्यां शापाच्च भङ्क्त्वा शिवधनुरुपयन् जानकीं नः प्रसीदेत् ॥
Prayer to keep money we earned before goddess and pray(Tamil)Prayer to keep money we earned before goddess and pray(Tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Namaskaram maha maye, sri pedathoru nayaki Sankhu chakra gadahi kayyai , mahalakshmi vanankinen Namaskaram garudanil yeri kolasurarai azhi bhayankari Yellaa paavamum azhikkindra maha lakshmi vanankinen
The prayers to be chanted by people of different rasi to become richThe prayers to be chanted by people of different rasi to become rich Translated by P.R.Ramachander Mesha rasi Om Narayanaya vidhmahe Vasudevaya Deemahi Thanno Vishnu prachodayath Om let me meditate on Lord Narayana Oh God Vasudeva , give me higher intellect And
Nava graha , dasa maha vidhya sukthamनवग्रह दश महाविद्या सूक्तम् Nava graha , dasa maha vidhya suktham Translated by P.R.Ramachander In Tantra, worship of Devi-Shakti is referred to as a Vidya. Of the hundreds of tantrik practices, the worship of the ten major Devis is called the Dasa Mahavidya. Dasa Mahavidya are the incarnations of Goddess Shakti covering the whole range of feminine divinity.
Vengadea yezhunthu arulvai (Suprabatham in tamil)Vengadea yezhunthu arulvai (Suprabatham in tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Vanthu udhithaai Rama nee , kosalan than thirumaganai Sinthu mozhi siru kaalai disayengum pularkirathu Manthiangal vaai mozhinthu vanthanaikal purinthu arula Chen thirukkan arul pozhiya Vengadavaa yezhunthu arulvai Oh Rama you came and
Bhaktha janangal jnangalBhaktha janangal jnangal Translated by P.R.Ramachander Om Jaya Krishna Hare Swami Jaya jaya Krishnaa Hare Bhaktha janangal jnangal, dasa janangal jnangal Thunayegu devaa Oh hail Krishna , oh god Hail hail , oh Krishna We are devotees, we are servants Please give us company Kaliya
Kanna neela kaar varnaaKanna neela kaar varnaa Translated by P.R.Ramachander Kanna neela kaar varna, Palikka, Vasudevaa, paavangl Jnangal inne , karunyam yekidene Oh Darling of colour of blue cloud, please look after Oh Vasudeva, We are poor people today And please grant us your mercy Kottu kaarodu othu. Kaali meykkam Kaindi theerathu
Thodu kuriyum , peeli thirumudiyumThodu kuriyum , peeli thirumudiyum Translated by P.R,Ramachander Thodu kuriyum , peeli thirumudiyum Mukha sreeyum kandu thozhunnen Seeing your thilaka and hair decorated by feathers And the prettiness of your face , I am saluting you Thodupuzha maruvum , krishnaa ninnudal Adi mudi
Krishna, Gopa kumara, Guruvayurappa(Malayalam)\Krishna, Gopa kumara, Guruvayurappa(Malayalam)\ Translated by P.R.Ramachander Krishna , gopa kumara , Guruvayurappa Gopi hrudaya kumara, kanna Govardhana giri pon kudayaakkiya, gopi hrudaya Kumara Krishna , cow herd lad , Guruvayurappa The lad in mind of Gopis, darling The one who made govardhana mountain in to
Ambadi thannil Oru Unni (Thiruvambadi) MalayalamAmbadi thannil Oru Unni (Thiruvambadi) Malayalam Translated by P.R.Ramachander Ambadi thannil oru unni , Thiru Vambadi kannanaam unni Unnikku trikkayyil ponnodakuzhalu Kuzhalil churukkunnor amruthu In cow herd’s house there was a boy The boy who is Lord Krishna , In his divine hand the boy had a golden
Krishna hare jaya(2) , MalayalamKrishna hare jaya(2) , Malayalam Translated by P.R.Ramachander Krishna Hare Jaya , Krishna Hare Jaya Krishna Hare jaya , Krishna hare Jaya Hail oh Krishna who is Vishnu,Hail Oh Krishna who is Vishnu Hail oh Krishna who is Vishnu,Hail Oh Krishna who is Vishnu Kari mukil varnande, thiru
Saranam Sri GuruvayurappaSaranam Sri Guruvayurappa Translated by P.R.Ramachander Saranam Sri Guruvayurappa, nin Aravinda padham thozhunnen kai koopi Saranam sri Guruivayurappa Murlidharaa , madhu sudhana , mukunda Murahari Narayana Govinda I surrender to you Guruvayurappa I salute your lotus like feet with folded handa I surrender to you
Santhana Gruhe sthitha Vrudha Ashtakamsanthana Gruhe sthitha Vrudha Ashtakam(The octet on oldies living in their children’s home)ByP.R.Ramachander(Based on the tamil write up by my face book friend Padmanabhan Subramanian, Thanks to him)1.Being always there in the home doing nothing at home,They try to be critical of all activities of all people of the home,And this is not only not liked but also hated by
Sri Krishnan sannidhanam(Malayalam)Sri Krishnan sannidhanam(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Rakshaa deivam AAthma Bandhu, Abhayam nalkunna chaithanyamai Saakshaal sri Guruvayurambalamezhum Moorthe, Jagan nayaka\ Nin omal paada pankajam mukaruvanethunna Bhakthannu nee thannalum, thava manju manjula Mana thaaril krupaa mangalam God who
THava Radhikayaanu Vilikkunnen( Malayalam)THava Radhikayaanu Vilikkunnen( Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Deva murare , deva murare, deva murre, deva hare Ragamanohara vannalum , , thava Radhayunu , vilikkunnen Oh god who is enemy of Mura , Oh God who is ene,my of Mra, Oh God who is enemy of Mura, Of Deva who is Hara Oh
Radha Madhava gopala(Malayalam)Radha Madhava gopala(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Radha madhava Gopala, Rasa manohara seelaa Ravum pakalum nin pada chinthanam allathoru vela Radha Madhava Gopala , Who steals our mind through Ras I do not have any other work, night and day, except thinking of your fet Alayugayaanee samsaare,
Hari Bhajanam (Tamil)Hari Bhajanam (Tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hari bhajam , Hari Bhajanam , Hari bhajanam ondre Kali yugathil Nammai Kaakkum ,Hari Bhajanam ondre Only praying Hari, praying Hari Praying Hari Would protct us in Kali age, Only prayer to hari Paal kadalil, pambanaimel, palli konda namam Yama bhayathai
Kunnin mel Gana nadhan(Malayalam)Kunnin mel Gana nadhan(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Kunnin mel guru nadhan , yennil anugrahamai Vannidaan bhakthiyode ponnadi thozhunnithaa For the god who is a guru on the hill , to come to me, As a blessing , with devotion, I am saluting his golden feet Antharaayam aagave nin
Vigneswara , janma naalikeram(Malayalam)Vigneswara , janma naalikeram(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Vigneswara janma naalikeram ninde Trikaalkkal udakkuvaan vannu Thumbiyum kombum kondu adiyende maargam Thamburaane thadayalle, eka danthaa Kaakename niyatham Oh Lord God of obstacles I have &nbsp
Sri Gana Nadha varam thaa(Malayalam)Sri Gana Nadha varam thaa(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sri gana Nadhaa varam thaa Mooshikan mukalil yeri va va va Oh lord of Ganas , please give me boons Please come, come riding on mouse Muppathu mukkoti devaadhi devaril Sri Gana nayakan Aadhi devan Among the thirty three
Sri Ganathipa nadha(Malayalam)Sri Ganathipa nadha(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sri ganathipa nadhaa jaya jaya Aasrayam mama neeye gajanana Paarthu nin padathaaril Thozhunnithaa Ganesaa Hail , hail , lord who is the lord of Gana Oh Gajanana you are my support I stayed below your feet Oh Ganesa , I am now saluting you
Gayatri ashtakamGayatri ashtakam(The octet on Gayatri) Translated byP.R.Ramachander (This great work is supposed to be composed by Adhi Sankara but it is not listed in his complete works( ) and even the style of writing does not resemble his style) 1.Viswamithrapapalaam priyatharaam
Sri Shoolini Sumukhikarana SthuthiSri Shoolini Sumukhikarana Sthuthi(Prayer which makes Shoolini pleasant ed)Translated by P.R. Ramachander(The prayer requests the fierce goddess Shoolini to show us a plasant face,Bestow wealth amnd long life devoid of all sickness. You can find this prayer in several languages in
Shiva Bhajanai(tamil)Shiva Bhajanai(tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander சிவசிவ என்று ஒரு நாமம் சொல்லடா பாமரனே உனக்கதில் பாரமென்னடா எமன் வந்தால் பொல்லாதவன் விடமாட்டான் - அவன் பொல்லா எமன் - வந்தால் விடமாட்டான். SivaSiva Yendru Oru Naamam Solladaa Paamaranae Unakkadhil Bhaaram Yennadaa Yeman Vandhaal Pollaadhavan Vidamaattaan - Avan Pollaa Yeman - Vandhaal Vidamaattaan. &
Mangadu Kamashi stotram(tamil)Mangadu Kamashi stotram(tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Maangaattil vazhpavale Kamakshi Mahimayulls deivam neeye kamakshi Panchagni madhiyile Kamakshi Paramanukku thavam iruntha kamakshi Oh Kamakshi who lives in Mangadu Oh Kamakshi , you are the powerful
Mangala Chandika THuthiMangala Chandika THuthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander Parameswaran koorukiraar Lord Parameswara says Jagan mathave , Mangala chandika devi Yeppozhuthum mangalathai koduppavale Vipathukkalai thavirppavale Vishnuvin sodhariye Devi yemai kaapaai Ninaitha mathirathil amangalangalai pokkubavale Mangalangalai
Rahu Kala Dugai stotram(tamil)Rahu Kala Dugai stotram(tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Yendrum pathinaaru vayathudaya kumari pennazhake Azhakiya uthadukalum, thooymayaana thamarai poo Pondra udal vanappum , venmayaana Chenpaka poo niram kondu, neelothpala Malar pondra azhakiya kankalai udayavalum Mondru
General Tamil BHajanGeneral Tamil BHajan Translated by P.R.Ramachander Vinayakar Thuthi Prayer to Lord Ganesa Mooshika vahana , modhaka hastha Chamara karna vilambitha Suthra Vamana roopa maheswara puthra Vighna vinayaka padha Namasthe I salute the feet of the God who clears obstacles, Who rides on a mouse
SWamiye Saranamayyappa(Malayalam)SWamiye Saranamayyappa(Malayalam) By Anand K.R.Nair Translated by P.R.Ramachander Dhyanam Kara charana krutham vaak kayajam karmajam vaa, Sravana nayanajam vaa maanasam vaa aparadham, Vihithamavihitham vaa sarva methath Kshamaswa, Jaya Jaya katunabdhe sri Bhootha nadha namasthe. Please pardon Oh lord, for All those acts committed by me, By
Hari Sundar Nanda Mukunda(Hindi Bhajan)Hari Sundar Nanda Mukunda(Hindi Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear this song by so many devotees that it entered the Guniness book of records;ab_channel=TheArtofLiving ) Hari Sundar Nanda Mukunda Hari Narayana Hari Om Hari Keshava Hari Govinda Hari
Jaya Maruthi-Tamil prayerJaya Maruthi-Tamil prayer ஜயமாருதி Victorious Maruthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander ஶ்ரீ ஆஞ்சநேய ஸ்வாமி க்கி ஜேய் ராமா ராமா ராமா என்று ஜயமாருதி ஜய ராமா ராமா ராமா என்று ஜயமாருதி Sri Anjaneya swamikku Jai Rama Rama Rama yendru Jaya Maruthi Jaya Rama Rama Rama yendru Jaya
Velundu, vinai illaiVelundu, vinai illai Translated by P.R.Ramachander வேலுண்டு வினையில்லை மயிலுண்டு பயமில்லை குகனுண்டு குறையில்லை மனமே கந்தனுண்டு கவலையில்லை மனமே) ...... (வேலுண்டு) Velundu , vinayillai , mayilundu , bhayamillai, Guhanundu kurai illai maname Kandhanundu kavayillai maname (Velundu There
THithi nithya devi GayatrisTHithi nithya devi Gayatris (the daily goddess of different Thithis Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here are the Gayatris of the goddess on all 30 moon phases(Thidhi) of the month . It is believed that praying he5r using these manthras on those specific days is very effective After chanting when you go round the goddess in the
Mangala Githam (All gods)Mangala Githam (All gods) Translated by P.R.Ramachader 1.Mangalam Gana nadhaya, Mangalam Hara soonave Mangalam Vighna rajaya, vignaharthresthu Mangalam Auspiciousness to lord of all Ganas Auspiciousness to son of LordShiva Auspiciousness to king of obstacles Auspiciousness to him who destroys obstacles &
Kasi Viswanatha SuprabathamKasi Viswanatha Suprabatham ॥ श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः॥ Sri Gurubhyo Nama SAlutations to Guru Translated by P,R.Ramachander विश्वेशं माधवं धुण्डिं दण्डपाणिं च भैरवम् । वन्दे काशीं गुहां गङ्गां भवानीं मणिकर्णिकाम् ॥ १॥ Viswesam Madhavam,, dundim , dandapanim cha Bhairavam Vandhe Kasim guhaam
Sri Dhanwantari SuprabathamSri Dhanwantari Suprabatham ധന്വന്തരീ സുപ്രഭാതം Wake up dong of Lord Dhanwantari By Ottur unni Namudiripad Translated by P.R.Ramachander ശ്രീ ഗണേശായ നമഃ ॥ അസ്മത്സ്തവം ജലധിമന്ഥനഘോഷതുല്യ - മാകര്‍ണ്യ ഭഗ്ന നിജയോഗസമാധിനിദ്രഃ । ഉന്‍മീല്യ നേത്രയുഗലീമവലോകയാസ്മാന്‍, ധന്വന്തരേ, ഭവതു ഭോ തവ സുപ്രഭാതം ॥ 1॥
Adhithya hrudayam from Adhyathma Ramayana6.27 Adhithya hrudayam from Adhyathma Ramayana Coming of Agasthya and prayer addressed to the Sun. Translated by P.R.Ramachander Angameyulla por kandu nilkkum neram, Yengane yennu arinjeela Agasthyan thadhaa, Raghavan theril irangi ninnedinaan, Akasa desal prabhakara sannibhan.
Narada Sthuthi from Yudha Kandam , Adhyathma Ramayanam(Malayalam)6.17 Narada Sthuthi from Yudha Kandam , Adhyathma Ramayanam(Malayalam) Prayer of Narada Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sidha, Gandharwa Vidhyadhara Guhyaka, Yaksha BHujanga apsaro vrundavum, Kinnara charanakimpurushanmaarum, Pannaga thapasa deva samoohavum, Pushpa varsham cheythu
Swayam Prabha Sthuthi from Adhyathma Ramayana (Malayalam)4.15 Swayam Prabha Sthuthi from Adhyathma Ramayana (Malayalam) The prayer of Swayam Prabha Translated by P.R.Ramachander Yoginiyum guha vasam upekshichu, Yogesa sannidhi pukkal athi drutham, Lakshmana Sugreeva sevithanakiya , Lakshmeesane kandu kruthwaa pradakshinam, BHakthya sagadgdam , romancha
Kabandha Sthuthi from Adhyathma Ramayana (Malayalam)3.21 Kabandha Sthuthi from Adhyathma Ramayana (Malayalam Prayer of Kabanda Translated by P.R.Ramachander Ninthiruvadiyude thathwam mithoruvarkkum,’ Chinthichal arinju koodavathennakilum,’ Ninthiruvadi thanne sthuthippan thonnedunnu, SAnthathamandathwam kondu yenthoru maha moham, Anthavum aadhiyum illathoru para brahmam, Antharathmani thelinju
Jatayu Sthuthi from ADhyathma Ramayanam(Malayalam)3.19 Jatayu Sthuthi from ADhyathma Ramayanam(Malayalam) Prayer of Jatayu translated byP.R.Ramachander Aganya guna maadhyam mavyayam aprameyam, Akhila jagal srushti sthithi samhara moolam, Paramam paraaparamanandam parathmanam, Varadam aham pranathosmi santhatham Ramam . I always &
Agasthya Sthuthi in Adhyathma Ramayanam (Malayalam)3.7 Agasthya Sthuthi in Adhyathma Ramayanam (Malayalam) The prayer of Agasthya from Aranya Kandam Translated by P.R.Ramachander Nee varunnathum parthu jnan irunnithu noonam, DEvakalodum kamalasananodum bhavan , Ksheera varidhi theerathingal ninnarul cheythu, “Ghora Ravanan thanne konnu jnan Bhoomandala, Bharapaharanam&
Prayers by the author in Adhyathma Ramayanam(Malayalam)I.1Prayers by the author in Adhyathma Ramayanam(Malayalam) (Normally written as a prelude before writing great works.) <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sri Rama, Rama, Rama, Sri Ramachandra Jaya Sri Rama, Rama, Rama, Sri Ramabhadra Jaya, Sri Rama, Rama, Rama, Sitabhirama Jaya Sri Rama, Rama, Rama, Lokabhirama Jaya Sri Rama,
Subrahmanyaraam-Panaka poojai songSubrahmanyaraam-Panaka poojai song Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Yeraka pathiyil iruppavaraam Tharakamaaka yengum thazhaippavaraa, He is one who stays in SWamimalai AS one who helps to cross, he grows everyyywheeerrre 2.Sarvana poigayil vanthavaraam Chathur mukhan guruvai irunthavaraam He is&
Subhramayar vaara pathikam during Panka Poojai in PalakkadSubhramayar vaara pathikam during Panka Poojai in Palakkad Translated in to English P.R.Ramachander (The iyers who have settled in palakkad showed very great devotion to Lord of Pazhani. Naturally the community further split in to Malabar also . Few weeks before The Thai Poosam in
Karumbin madhuramena kalanthu-Panaka poojai padaKarumbin madhuramena kalanthu-Panaka poojai pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Karumbin madhuramena kalanthu vilangum unnai Virumbum adiyen vinai theer ,Velayudhane Oh Velayudha please remove my problems, who likes you And is merged with you like sweetness in sugarcane 2.
ராமன் கதை கேளுங்கள் Raman Kadhai Kelunkaராமன் கதை கேளுங்கள் Raman Kadhai Kelunkal Please hear story of Rama Translated by P.R.Ramachander (from film called Sippikkul muthu;ab_channel=sappamukk ராமன் கதை கேளுங்கள்.. ஸ்ரீ ரகு ராமன் கதை கேளுங்கள்... ராமன் கதை கேளுங்கள்.. Raman kadhai kelungal Sri
Sri Maha Ganapathi mangala Malika stotramSri Maha Ganapathi mangala Malika stotram Prayer of garland of auspiciousness of great Ganapathi By Sri Krishnendra Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Sri kanda prema puthraaya, Gauri vamanga vasine, Dwatrimsath roopa yukthaya, Sri Ganesaya Mangalam The loving son of Lord Shiva , who
சிவசக்தி அந்தாதி Shiva Sakthi andathiசிவசக்தி அந்தாதி Shiva Sakthi andathi End-start poem praising Shiva-Sakthi BySri Venkatrama Sidha Swamikal Translated by P.R.Ramachander Prayer to Lord Ganapathi நற்றவம் செய்தே நங்கையாய்ப் பிறந்தேன் கற்றவர் பலருள் கருவியாய் இயங்கியே பற்றற்று இருந்து ( சிவ)சக்தியைப் பாடிட நற்றுணையாய் வா நர்த்தன கணபதி Nathavam cheithe
Uyirellam uruguthe unathu pugazh paadave-Maha Periyavaஉயிரெலாம் உருகுதே உனது புகழ் பாடவே… Uyirellam uruguthe unathu pugazh paadave My soul melts to sing about your praises By Srinivasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (song about Maha Periyava) (;ab_channel=ArawindhSankar ) உயிரெலாம் உருகுதே உனது புகழ் பாடவே… மனமெலாம் மருகுதே உனது
செல்வம் கொழிக்குது - Selvam Kozhikkuthuசெல்வம் கொழிக்குது - Selvam Kozhikkuthu Translated by P.R.Ramachander (hear the great song ) யா தேவி சர்வ பூதேஷு லட்சுமி ரூபேண ஸம்ஸ்திதஹ நமஸ்தஸ்யய் நமஸ்தஸ்யய் நமஸ்தஸ்யய் நமோ நமஹ ! Yaa devi sarva bhootheshu Lakshmi roopena samsthitha Namasthasyai, namasthasyai Namasthasyai, namo nama That
Anthimahaa kalan chelakkareswaran geethamAnthimahaa kalan chelakkareswaran geetham അന്തി മഹാ കാളൻ ചേലക്കരേശ്വരൻ ഗീതം Song on Anthimahakalan Lord of Chelakkara By Sri Unni Nayar KOthanaath Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Anthimahakalan Kavu is a famous Shiva (as a hunter) temple located at Chelakkara in Thrissur District. Lord Shiva in the form of '
Annavahana-She who travels on Swan(Malayalam prayer to Saraswathi)Annavahana-She who travels on Swan(Malayalam prayer to Saraswathi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Anna vahana , devi Saraswathiye Anna vahana , devi Ssaraswathiye Anna Vahana devi Oh Goddess Saraswathi who travels on swan Oh Goddess Saraswathi , who travels on swan The goddess who
Paduka , Paduka , Narayana namam(Malayalam)Paduka , Paduka , Narayana namam(Malayalam) Sing, Sing , name of Narayana Translated by P.R.Ramacchander Paduka, paduka , Narayana Namam Neduka , Neduka, Nithya anandam Sing, sing , the name of Narayana And get and get , for ever happiness Paleya malinyam, theendaathirikkan Kala kedatethum varathirikkan Kaalan
Prayer to Lord Ranganatha to protect your childPrayer to Lord Ranganatha to protect your child By Pathasarathy Krishnan Vanamali (I had written such a prayer in English and requested my friends to translate in to tamil. This great author has written in majestic , poetic tamil. ( ) My humble pranams to him)
Viradha Sthuthi from Adhyathma Ramayanam , malayalamViradha Sthuthi from Adhyathma Ramayanam , malayalamTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(AS soon as the enter the DAndakaranya forestr , they meet a Rakshasa called Viradha. Rama kills him only to find , he was a Vidhyadhara who was cursed. That Vidhyadhara prays Lord Rama)Raghavam pranathathrthi haarinam grunakaram,Rakendu mukham bhava bhanjanam&nbsp
Rama Sita ThathwamRama Sita thathvam (The principle of Rama and Sita)FRom Adhyathma Ramayanam- MalayalamBySAge VamadevaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander((seeing the people of Ayodhya are upset at leaning of Rama, sita and and Sita, Sage Vamadeva who was also a minister of Dasaratha , explains to them about Principle of Rama and Sita“Ramane chinthichu dukhiyayakaarume,
ஸ்ரீ ராம சரித பஜனை.... Sri Rama Charitha Bhajanaiஸ்ரீ ராம சரித பஜனை.... Sri Rama Charitha Bhajanai Prayer song based on story of rama By Bala Mohan Translated by P.R.Ramachander பாகவதோத்தம ஸ்ரீ ஆஞ்சநேய சுவாமிகள் அருள்வது.... Bhagathothams Sri Anjaneya swami arulvathu As told by best of devotees Swami Anjaneya ************************
துளசி மகாத்மியம் THulasi Mahathmyamதுளசி மகாத்மியம் THulasi Mahathmyam By வாங்கல் லஷ்மிநரசிம்மன் ஸ்ரீதரன் Vaangal Lakshmi narasimhan sreedharan Translated by P.R.Ramachander துளசி திருமால் நெஞ்சில் வாசம் துளசி தளத்திற்கு பரிமள வாசம் துளசி பிறந்தது பார்கடல் மீதே துளசிச் செடி நீர் ஔடதம் ஆகும் துளசிதளம் திருமால் துலாபாரம் துளசிபூஜை வாழ்வைஉயர்த்தும் திருத்துழாய் மஹாலஷ்மி ரூபம்
Lakshmanopadesam (malayalam-Adhyathma Ramayanam)Lakshmanopadesam (malayalam-Adhyathma Ramayanam)Translated byP.R.Ramachander\(When Kaikeyi tells Rama togo to forestLakshmana starts shoting and Rama teaches him what should be his thought process)(Teaching to Lakshmana)“Vathsa, Somumithre, Kumara, Nee kelkaanam,Mathsaradhyam vedinjennude vakkugal,Ninnude thathwam arinjirikknnithu,Munname jnanodaa ,
Stuthi of parasurama(Malayalam from Adhyathma Ramayana)Stuthi of parasurama(Malayalam from Adhyathma Ramayana) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (When Lord Rama was on his way to Ayodhya with Sita , Lord Parasurama challenges him to break his Vishnu’s bow.Lord Rama does it and humbles pride of Parasurama, He prays Lord Rama Namasthe jagalpathe , Namasthe Rema
Ahalya Sthuthi(Malayalam –adhyathma Ramayanam)Ahalya Sthuthi(Malayalam –adhyathma Ramayanam) Ahalya Sthuthi (Prayer of Ahalya) Translated by P.R.Rmachander (The translation of this prayer from the Sanskrit orignial is given in ) Jnaan aho krutharthayaanen Jagannadha, “Kkanai vannathu moolam , athrayumalla
Kausalya’s prayer to Baby Rama at his birth(Malayalam:Adhyathma Ramayanam)Kausalya’s prayer to Baby Rama at his birth(Malayalam:Adhyathma Ramayanam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Lord Rama takes birth like Lord Vishnu with four hands holding Chakra , Conch, flower and made. His mother Kausalya prays to him) “ Namasthe deva deva , SAnkha chakrabhja dhara, Namasthe Vasudeva , Madhusudana , hare, Namasthe
The principle of Sita and Rama(Malayalam- from ADHYATHMA RAMAYANAMThe principle of Sita and Rama(Malayalam- from ADHYATHMA RAMAYANAM Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sita teaches their principle to Hanumam In Bala Kandam of adhyathma ramayana Yengilo munnam Jagan nayakan Rama Devan, Pankaja vilochanan , paramananda murthy , Deva kandakanaya pankthi kandane konnu, Deviyum anujanum
Manapullikavu Bhagawathi sthuthiManapullikavu Bhagawathi sthuthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( It is with heart flowing with emotions that I am posting this translation, A lady doctor called Mahalakshmi residing in POndicheri sent me the entire text and wanted it to be typed in English , because she cannot read Malayalam,, Since Manapallikkavu
THirupugazh 68- Thonthii chariya (Thiruchendur)THirupugazh 68- Thonthii chariya (Thiruchendur) BY Arunagiri Nathar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (the poet lists out the problem of old age and tells that God he should come when death calls him) Please hear the great song
Sri Sabarimala Sastha Suprabhatham.Om Sri HariHara puthraya nama!! Om Salutations to son of Hari And Hara Sri Sabarimala Sastha Suprabhatham. Wake up song of Sastha of Sabari mountain Anand. K. R. Nair &
Navarasa RamaNavarasa RamaTanslated byP.R.R.RamachanderSringAram kShitinandInI viharaNEvIram dhanur bhanjanEKAruNyam bali bhOjanEadbhuta rasam sindhou giri sthApanEhAsyam shUrpaNakhA mukhEbhayam aghE beebhatsam anyAmukheRoudram RavaNa mardanEmunijanE shAntam vapuH pAtu naHRomance during stay with daughter of earthValour when he broke the bowMercy when he offered pinda for Jatayu Wonder
Story of Ramayana - song in MalayalamStory of Ramayana - song in Malayalam I have never met nor would ever likely to meet a devotee like Sri P.V.V..Raghavan ( called fondly as Veeramani by all his friends and the entire Gramam of Puthucode) .His devotion was drenched in pure unalloyed BHakthi . There was never a trace of Ego in that great human being . I considered him as my elder brother rather than a co-brother.). All his bhakthi
The greatness of ThulasiThe greatness of Thulasi Thulasi Mahathmyam துளசி மகாத்மியம் By வாங்கல் லஷ்மிநரசிம்மன் ஸ்ரீதரன் Vaangal Lakshmi Narasimhan Sridharan Translated by P.R.Ramachander துளசி திருமால் நெஞ்சில் வாசம் துளசி தளத்திற்கு பரிமள வாசம் துளசி பிறந்தது பார்கடல் மீதே துளசிச் செடி நீர் ஔடதம் ஆகும் துளசிதளம் திருமால் துலாபாரம் துளசிபூஜை வாழ்வைஉயர்த்தும்
Two tamil Prayers to Swami sadaiudayar SasthaTwo tamil Prayers to Swami sadaiudayar Sastha Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a temple of SAstha near Kalakad , Thirunelveli. I have written about it in 1.Sadayudayar thudhi கருணை பொங்கும் உனது நின்ற
Sri mukthi sthala devi kesadhi padha varnanamSri mukthi sthala devi kesadhi padha varnanam (the description from head to feet of Bhagawathi of Mukthi Sthala) By Meppathur Narayana Bhatathiri Translated by P.R.pRamachander (Sri Bhatathiri is known to have got completely cured of the disease that he got from his Guru Sri Achyutha Pisharody by singing Narayaneeyam. But it seems
Précis of the whole of the Bhagawad Gita in 45 versesPrécis of the whole of the Bhagawad Gita verses (The following 45 shlokas give you a complete précis of the whole of the Bhagawad Gita) Says sri Visvanatha Krishnamurthy, A great scholar and authority on Indian Philosophy Translations of verses of Gita By P.R.Ramachander Chapter 4 :18-24 How to do things?That man indeed is greatly intelligent,
Prayer to be chanted for closeness between couplesதாம்பத்ய நெருக்கத்திற்கு சொல்ல வேண்டிய ஸ்லோகம் Prayer to be chanted for closeness between couples Given by Chamarthi Srinivasa Sharma Translation by P.R.Ramachanderஸ்ரீ ராமசந்திர: ஸ்ரீத பாரிஜாத: ஸமஸ்த கல்யாண குனாபி ராம: | சீதா முகாம் போருஹ ஸம்ஸரீக: நிரந்தரம் மங்களமாதநோது || 10.Sri Ramachandra sritha&
Naraayaneeya Mahathmyam - The greatness of NarayaneeyamNaraayaneeya Mahathmyam - The greatness of Narayaneeyam Translated by P.R. Ramachander (The photos of all pages of this great book with malayalam meaning was forwarded to me by Smt Kalamalini Sundararajan who has posted the entire Narayaneeyam in Sanskrit and English in her web site with a request to translate it into English. This book was
bhagavatha stotraStotras and translations<!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Kunthi sthuthi<!--[if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->Bheeshma Sthuthi<!--[if !
My translations in Hindu pediaHumble thanks to hindupedia(Hindu encyclopedia run by DR.Krishna Maheswari. I am bequeathing all my work to future generation of Hindus I became 81 in the beginning of this year. I checked up as to what will happen to my blogs (about 15000 typed pages containing translations to&
Sri Yama Sthuthi for getting mangalya to ladiesSri Yama Sthuthi for getting mangalya to ladies Translated by P.R.Ramachander Every married woman has to read / tell this sloka, after taking bath daily morning and evening, if not possible at least on Thursday and Friday. Each and every time when you read this sloka your manglya prapthi will increase. Uthama Sthri Savithri told this sloka to get her
Sri Viswanadha suprabatham iIश्रीविश्वनाथ सुप्रभातं Sri Viswanadha suprabatham Wake up prayer to lord shiva Translated by P.R.Ramachander उत्तिष्ट भैरवस्वामिन् काशिकापुरपालक । श्रीविश्वनाथभक्तानां सम्पूरय मनोरथम् ॥ १॥ Uthishta Bhairava swamin, Kasika pura palaaka Sri Viswanadha Bhakthanaam sampooraya manoratham Oh LOrd
Sri Anjaneyar thirupathikamSri Anjaneyar thirupathikam ஸ்ரீ ஆஞ்சநேயர் திருப்பதிகம் Divine prayer to Lord Hanuman Translated by P.R.Ramachander வாவாவா அனுமானே வளங்கள் தருவாய் அனுமானே வாவாவா அனுமானே வளங்கள் தருவாய் அனுமானே Va va va Anumaane valangal; tharuvai Anumane Va va va Anumaane valangal; tharuvai Anumane &
Arul migu shiva peruman Vazhipadu THuthiஅருள்மிகு சிவபெருமான் வழிபாடு துதி Arul migu shiva peruman Vazhipadu THuthi Prayer to worship Lord Shiva Translated by P.R.Ramachander ஈஸ்வரஸ்வரூபா இறைவா போற்றி Easwara roopaa iraivaa pothri- Praise Easwara who has form of God ஈடற்ற தலைவா ஈஸ்வரி நாதா போற்றி
Saravanabhava –manthram-meaningSaravanabhava –manthram-meaning Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Lord Muruga was born out of fire sparks which came from eye of Lord Shiva. These sparks were given to ganges,But since she was not able to bear the heat, they were transferred to Agni(fire) and since he was not able to bear the heat , he was asked to
ஸ்ரீ மஹா காளி கவசம் Sri Maha Kali Kavachamஸ்ரீ மஹா காளி கவசம்<!--[endif]--> Sri Maha Kali Kavacham Sri Armor of the great Kali (Written by Saint Aandavan Pichai , so that Indian army will win in India-Pakisthan war) During 1965 when the war between India and Pakisthan was going on, one
Muthum pavizhamum- Prayer to lord MurugaMuthum pavizhamum- Prayer to lord Muruga Translated by P.R.Ramachander முத்தும் பவழமும் மரகத பச்சையும் நீலமும் சிகப்பும் கோமேதகமும் மின்னிடும் வைரமும் வைடூரியமும் நவரத்தினத்தில் மின்னிடும் ஹாரமும் பள பள பள வென ஜொலிக்கும் அட்டிகையும் கல கல கலவென குலுங்கிடும் வளைகளும் நவமணி மாலையும் பொன்மணி
Sri Maha Lakshmi sthavamSri Maha Lakshmi sthavam(The poem of praise on Mahalakshmi)Translated byP.R.Ramachander( This is a rare stotra on Maha Lakshmi and was found in a Malayalam book published Reddiar press , Trivandrum in the year 1939. The book was edited by Brahma sri Vittala sasthrigal. Except for this small book, I have not been able to get reference to this great prayer. From the nyasa slokas, it is
Jeya Jeya Maruthiye –prayer to HanumanJeya Jeya Maruthiye –prayer to Hanuman Translated by P.R.Ramachander அஞ்சிலே ஒன்று பெற்றான் அஞ்சிலே ஒன்றைத் தாவி அஞ்சிலே ஒன்று ஆறு ஆக்க , ஆருயிர் காக்க ஏகி அஞ்சிலே ஒன்று பெற்ற அணங்கு கண்டு அயலார் ஊரில் அஞ்சிலே ஒன்று வைத்தான் அவன் நம்மை அளித்துக் காப்பான். Anjile ondru petran , anjile ondrai thaavi Anjile ondru aaru aakka,
Samayapurathu MariyammanSamayapurathu Mariyamman சமயபுரத்து மாரியம்மன் Mariyamma of Samayapuram By சாந்தா ஸ்ரீநிவாசன் Translated by P.R.Ramachander &
Ganapathi thuthiGanapathi thuthi கணபதி துதி Prayer to Ganapathi இயற்றியவர் : சாந்தா ஸ்ரீநிவாசன் By Santha Srinivasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander
Saraswathi thuthiசரஸ்வதி துதி Saraswathi prayer (குறத்தி மெட்டு/in gypsy tune) By R.Santha Translated by P.R.Ramachander அன்னமதில் அமர்ந்திருந்து அருள்புரிபவளே அருங்கலைகள் அனைத்திற்கும் அன்னை நீயே அன்னமதாய் வடிவெடுத்தோன் அருள் நாயகியே அன்னையே அம்பிகையே சரஸ்வதி தேவி (
Yezhu Malayan thuthiஏழுமலையான் துதி Yezhu Malayan thuthi Prayer to lord of seven mountains By R.Santha Translated by P.R.Ramachander ஏழு மலைவாசா ஜெய ஸ்ரீநிவாசா ஏகாந்த சேவை தரும் ஏகஸ்வரூபா (ஏழு) Yezhu malai vaasaa , jaya Srinivasa Yekantha sevai tharum yeka swaroopaa Oh Lord who lives on seven mountains, Hail Srinivasa Oh
THanjavur Mariyamman Paattuதஞ்சாவூர், மாரியம்மன் பாட்டு THanjavur Mariyamman Paattu Song of the Mariyamma of Thanjavur By R.Shantha Translated by P.R.Ramachander புன்னை நல்லூர் மாரியம்ம்மா புவிதனையே காருமம்மா தென்னை மரத் தோப்பிலம்மா தேடியவர்க் கருளுமம்மா Punnai nallur Mariyamma Puvi thanaye Kaarumamma Thennai mara thoppilamma
Ganesa Saranam,(Tamil)Ganesa Saranam,(Tamil) கணேசா சரணம் Translated by P.R.Ramachander கணேசா சரணம் சரணம் கணேசா கணேசா சரணம் சரணம் கணேசா (கணேசா) Ganesaa Saranam, Saranam Ganesa, Ganesaa saranam , saranam Ganesa (ganesa) Oh Ganesa , I surrender, I surrender to you Lord Ganesa, Oh Ganesa , I surrender, I surrender
Download my Ramayana TranslationsDownload my Ramayana Translations BY P.R.Ramachander aka Raja Thatha Due to my knowledge of many Indian languages I could translate three different Ramayanas written in three languages viz Sanskrit, Tamil and Malayalam I have not typed &
My efforts in translating stotras-read all my translationsMy efforts in translating stotras-read all my translations By P.R.Ramachander aka Raja Thatha By the wish of God , I started translating storas under his guidance some where in 2001 .For past 20 years I have been translating stotras
Kanna neela Varna Kanna(Malayalam Bhajan)Kanna neela Varna Kanna(Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Kanna, neela varna kannaa palikka Vasudeva-Pavangal, Jnangalinne- Kaarunya yegidene Oh Krishna, the blue colouredKrishna , look after us, Oh Vasudeva, We the poor people today, Please grant us your mercy Koottu kaarodothu, kaali mekkan Kalindhi
Nambi paarungal sai deivathaiNambi paarungal sai deivathai Believe and see the Sai God Translated by P.Ramachander Nambi parungl Sai deivathai, Cholli paarungal dhinam dhinam sai namathai Believe and see the Sai God, Try telling the name of Sai daily Adhirshta devathai kodukkume&nbsp
Ulagaalum Sai , Uyiraalum Sai RamUlagaalum Sai , Uyiraalum Sai Ram Oh Sai who rules the world ,Oh Sai Ram by my life Translated by P.R.Ramachander Yenai aalum Sai , un arathi thaan Ulagaalum Sai , Uyiraalum Sai Ram Yenai Aalum Sai, Un Aarathi thaan Oh Sai who rules me , only your worship, Oh Sai who rules the world ,Oh Sai Ram
Saraswathi dwadasa nama StotramSaraswathi dwadasa nama Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander Saraswathi thwayam drushta veena pusthaka Dharini Hamsa vaha samayuktha, vidhya dhana Karee mama Oh Saraswathi you are seen holding Veena and Book, Riding on a swan, please grant knowledge as charity to me &
Stotras Of Saraswathi Translated up to September 2021Stotras Of Saraswathi Translated up to September 2021<!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Veenayum Vayichu (Malayalam) <!--[if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->Saraswathi Sthguthi (Sanskrit)
Sixty eight stotras of Adhi Sankara translaedSankara in English with translation Adhi Sankara is supposed to have lived only for 32 years . In this short period , he is supposed to have written 114 works , of which 80 are prayers , some of them addressed to gods and some explaining his philosophical doctrine of advaitha. Out of these God had been responsible to translate 68 works in to English through me
The tamil worship Manthra of Lord HanumanThe tamil worship Manthra of Lord Hanuman Translated By P.R.Ramachander (When people worship using tamil language , instead of “Nama” which Means “I salute” they use “pothi” , which means , “I praise” or “I pray”’. I have translated the tamil manthras) ஓம் அனுமனை போற்றி- ஓம் அஞ்சனை புதல்வனை போற்றி-
Hanuman Maha Manthra-2Hanuman Maha Manthra-2 Compiled by P.R.Ramachander a.To drive away enemies, to get cured of diseases, to attract(chant 108 times) ஓம் நமோ ஹனுமதே ருத்ராவதாராய | சர்வ சத்ரு சம்ஹாரணாய சர்வ ரோக ஹராய | சர்வ வசீகரணாய ராமதூதாய ஸ்வாஹா || 2.Om namo hanumathe, rudaravatharaya Sarva sathru samharanaaya ,
Hanuman Maha Manthra-Hanuman Maha Manthra- Compiled by Raja Thatha Chant this great prayer 3 times before you start any thing after mentally saluting Anjaneya . You will succeed அசாத்ய சாதக ஸ்வாமிந் | அசாத்யம் தவகிம்வத | ராம தூத க்ருபாசிந்தோ | மத் கார்யம் சாதய ப்ரபோ Asadhaya sadhaka swamin Asaadhyam kim thava vadha
திருச்சாழல் – Thiruchaazhalதிருச்சாழல் – Thiruchaazhal BYManikka vasakar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (these 20 verses supposed to be composed in Chidambaram, are word play between two ladies, who are both Shiva devotees. The first asks doubts As if he does not know anything in a teasing manner appearing to
Sri Jagadguru Kamakoti Sri Chandrasekarendra Saraswathi stotramSri Jagadguru Kamakoti Sri Chandrasekarendra Saraswathi stotram By Chimizgi K.Gopala deekshithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (this stora can be read in Tamil and Sanskrit in ) 1.Sri kamakoti yatheendram loka
Sri Jagadguru Thamizh akshara PamalaiSri Jagadguru Thamizh akshara Pamalai Garland of Tamil alphabets to Jagadguru (126 malaikal-126 Garlands) By Brahma Sri Subrahmanya Krishnamurthy Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear it; To
Pathakam pokkum padha Darisanam(Tamil)Pathakam pokkum padha Darisanam(Tamil) The seeing of the feet which removes sins BY Dhenu pureeswara Nadhan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Brahman, thirumal paninthitta padham Parabrahmam unarnthida vanthitta padham Pamararkku arulum paramanin padham
SAntha swaroopa sath guru ganam(Tamil)SAntha swaroopa sath guru ganam(Tamil) Song of peaceful sath guru BY Dhenu pureeswara Nadhan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Chinnam chiru punnagayaal Yen paavam aruthu yeriveer Pon mazhai pozhindhavare Yen pizhai porutharulveer With a very small smile, Cut
Varum thunbam pokkidum guru nadha ganam(Tamil)Varum thunbam pokkidum guru nadha ganam(Tamil) (The song of Guru Nadha which removes the sorrow which is coming) BY Dhenu pureeswara Nadhan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Guruvundu kanchiyil, avar ninaivundu nenchilnile-dhiname Varum varum thunbam vendridume maname-Dhinam
THaayai katharul Dhayapara(Tamil)THaayai katharul Dhayapara(Tamil) Oh merciful one protect me as a mother BY Dhenu pureeswara Nadhan Translated by P.R.Ramachander THaayin madi un adiye THaimayodarul Guruve Maayangal pokki arul Maha Swami Cheyaaka odi vandhe painthu unthan paadham patha
Kayilai Nadhaa Kanchi Vasaa Guru Ganam(Tamil)Kayilai Nadhaa Kanchi Vasaa Guru Ganam(Tamil) Song about the lord of Kailasa, he who lives in Kanchi BY Dhenu pureeswara Nadhan Translated by P.R.Ramachander Yen disai kaakum yekamban Un disai thozhuthen ula maara Kan asaival arul mozhiveere Kayilai eesane&
Vedha Nadha Guru Ganam(Tamil)Vedha Nadha Guru Ganam(Tamil) Song of Guru who is lord of Vedas BY Dhenu pureeswara Nadhan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Vedam pothrum thiru uruve Vedantha karuve, Jagath Guruve Vedantham yengum olithida-Padma Padham paditheer Jagat Guruve Oh divine
Aadhi shiva Guru Nadha Sankara guru Ganam(Tamil)Aadhi shiva Guru Nadha Sankara guru Ganam(Tamil) The song of Guru Sankara, who was the first Guru BY Dhenu pureeswara Nadhan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Aadhi jnana sath guruve, aaladi amar guruve, Kaladiyil udhithavare Maha swami Oh&
Kachi maanagar amarntha kan kanda Guru Ganam(Tamil)Kachi maanagar amarntha kan kanda Guru Ganam(Tamil) The song of the visible Guru who sat in great city of Kanchi BY Dhenu pureeswara Nadhan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Kana kan aayiram vendum –ummai Kana kan aayiram vendum To see we need thousand
Guru Padha Mahimai Ganam(Tamil)Guru Padha Mahimai Ganam(Tamil) The sond of greatness of feet of Guru BY Dhenu pureeswara Nadhan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Padham panivom , guru padham panivom, Padham panivom, guru padham panivom Bharathathai valam vantha thiru padham panivom We will&nbsp
Kanchi urai Karpaka Guru ganam(tamil)Kanchi urai Karpaka Guru ganam(tamil) Song of Karpaka Guru who lived in Kanchi By Dhenu pureeswara Nadhan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Arivom a, arivom Guruvin Mahimai Velvom vaazhvin vemmayaam varumai Panivom panivom pavithra Padhame Peruvom
Sri Sri Sri Maha Periyava Karavalamba Stotramஸ்ரீ ஸ்ரீ ஸ்ரீ மஹா பெரியவாள் கராவலம்பம் ஸ்தோத்ரம் Sri Sri Sri Maha Periyava Karavalamba Stotram Prayer to Mahaperiyava to give a helping hand By Brahma Sri Lakshmi Kantha Sarma Translated by P.R.Ramachander (To be chanted by Maha Periyava devotees , first in the morning) &
Sri Vighneswara SuprabathamSri Vighneswara Suprabatham (wake prayer of God who removes Obstacles) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear Sri Gauri Nandana deva, Sidhi, budhi pradhaayaka, Uthishta pramathadeeshaa Uthishta Gana Nayaka Oh God who is son of Goddess&nbsp
Anadhi Nadha , Dheena Bandho-A famous Krishna BhajanAnadhi Nadha , Dheena Bandho-A famous Krishna BhajanOh Lord of orphans , oh friend of the suffering- Song prayer addressed to Krishna Translated by P.R.Ramachander ராதே ! ராதே ! ராதே ! ராதே ! ராதேகோவிந்தா ! பிருந்தாவன சந்தா ! Radhe, Radhe Radhe, Radhe Radhe Govinda , Brindavana Chandhaa
Anusha nadha (Maha Periyava) anugraha ganam-IAnusha nadha (Maha Periyava) anugraha ganam-I Translated by P.R.Ramachander Anushathil piranthitta aadhi Sankara-Oar Nimishathil arul puriyum aadhi Sankara Oh Adhi Sankara who was born in Anusham Oh Adhi Sankara who will bless in one minute Anuvirkkul anuvaana&
Raja Thatha's on line stock taking of his contributions-January 2020Raja Thatha's on line stock taking of his contributions-January 2020 May God bless all of you with a very great 2021 Dear Friends, I am so happy to inform you that I took a stock taking of all the work done by me on line and found that more than 92 lakhs people have visited my 15 blog spots as well as web sites from the year 2008 till thebeginning of 2020 .
வேற்குழவி வேட்கை Ver Kuzhavi vetkaiவேற்குழவி வேட்கை Ver Kuzhavi vetkai Desire for baby with baby with Vel By Pamban Swamigal English translation By P.R.Ramachander (I found the poem difficult to follow the prayer . What were I have written Is bases on tamil meaning by
Sri Raghavendra Gurubhajanam- ஸ்ரீ ராகவேந்திர குரு பஜனம் (Kannada prayer)Sri Raghavendra Gurubhajanam- ஸ்ரீ ராகவேந்திர குரு பஜனம் Translated with typing in Tamil By P.R.Ramachander ( This great prayer is in Kannada and was published in And I am not an expert in Kannada. There was a
Sai Saranam , Baba Saranam SaranamSai Saranam , Baba Saranam Saranam Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear the song sung by K.J.Yesu Das in telugu Jai Panduranga , Jai Pandarinatha Saranam Saranam Saranam Hail Panduranga , Hail Pandarinatha ,I surrender I surrender, I
Ammavin vadivvaka arulum Sai(Tamil)Ammavin vadivvaka arulum SaiSAi whop blesses in form of mother Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sai who blesses in the form of mother Karuvaakki vaithennai thaangiya Sai, Uyiraai unarvai yenai unnul niraivai, Udalum manamum arivum
ANKHE BAND KARUN YA KHOLUN MUJHKO DARSHAN DE DENA(Sai BHajan)ANKHE BAND KARUN YA KHOLUN MUJHKO DARSHAN DE DENA(Sai BHajan) Whether I close or open my eyes please show yourself Translated by P.R.Ramachander Ankhe band karun ya kholun mujhko darshan de dena . darshan de denaa, Sai mujhe darshan de denaa .. Whether I close my eyes or open Please
Daily prayer scheduleDaily prayer schedule(Remember and chant these daily prayers at times mentioned)Collected and translated byP.R.Ramachander1.AS soon as you wake up , seeing your palmKaragrevasathe LakshmiKaramadhye SaraswathiKaramoolesthithou GowriPrabhathe KaradarsanamLakshmi lives in the tip of my palm,Saraswathi lives in its middle,
Hanumath dwadasa nama stotramHanumath dwadasa nama stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hanuman anjana sunu vayuputro mahabala Rameshta phalguna sakaha pingaksho amitavikramha Udadhi kramana schaiva Sita sokavinasakana Lakshmana pranadaatascha dasagreevascha darpaha dwadasaithani naamaani kapindrasya mahathamana swapakaale padeth nithyam yatrakaale
Sri Hanumadh VandanamSri Hanumadh VandanamTranslated BYP.R.Ramachander1.Anjana nandanam veeram, Janaki soka nasanam,Kapeesam aksha hanthaaram , vandhe Lankha bhayankaramThe valorous one who was son of Anjana, the one who destroyed sorrow of Sita,The king of monkeys, the killer of Aksha, I salute the fearful one of
Thank you 2.5 millionth visitorDear friends Right from 2009 , I have been posting Translations of Hindu prayers In to English written in Sanskrit, Tamil , Malayalam and hindi (Most people accept me do not translate from so many languages) In my stotra rathna blog I told you that one million people visited my blog in
Daily worship to Ayyappa in simple tamilஐயப்பன் நித்திய பூஜை [எளிய தமிழில்]Daily worship to Ayyappa in simple tamil(Taken from byP.R.Ramachander விநாயகர் காப்பு:Vinayakar Kappu Prayer for protection to God Ganesa முழுமைக்கும் முதலான வெண்களிற்று விநாயகனே! பழுதின்றி பூஜை நடக்க முன்னின்று அருள் செய்வாய்! Muzhumaikkum Mudhalaana Ven Kalithru&
Gangashtaka stotram of AyyavalGangashtaka stotram By Sridhara Ayyaval Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Sridhara Ayyaval was the son Sri Sridhara Padmanabha who was a high ranking officer in the court of the king of Mysore. But he was spiritually oriented and took his residence in Thiruvisainallur in the banks of river Kaveri. Various events are associated with the life of Sridhara
Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram(hindi)Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram(hindi) Translated By P.R.Ramachander Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram, Rama naraynam Janakivallabham, Kaun kehta hai Bhagvan aate nahi(2) Tum Meera ke jaise bulate nahi, Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram, Rama naraynam Janakivallabham Who says God will not come You are not&
Sai Nadhar Thiruvadi (Tamil)Sai Nadhar Thiruvadi (Tamil) Divine feet of Lord Sai (Tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sai Nadhar thiruvadiye Sampath alikkum thiruvadiye Neyam mikundha thiruvadiye Ninaithathu alikkum thiruvadiye Deiva Baba thiruvadiye Dheeram alikum thiruvadiye Uyarvai alikkum thiruvadiye
Srimadh bhagawatha mahathmyam FRom Skanda PuranaSrimadh bhagawatha mahathmyam The greatness of Bhagawatha (Skanda puranam, Vishnu Kandam-AS told by Lord Vishnu to Lord Brahma) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Normally Bhagawatha Mahathmyam indicates the first few chapters of Bhagawatha purana or what is given in Padma
Wrap up Song of Reading Bhagawatha PuranaWrap up Song of Reading Bhagawatha Purana Jaya Jaya Bhgavata song. Translated by P.R.Ramachander <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Jaya Jaya Bhagavata Deva Hail , hail Bhagawatha who is God Jaya Jaya Bhagavata Jeya Jeya Radha Krishna swaroopa Jeya Jeya Bhagavata Deva Jeya Jeya Bhagavata –Deva Hail, hail ,
Sri Rama Sthuthi /Sri rama Chandra sthuthiश्री राम स्तुति: Sri Rama Sthuthi /Sri rama Chandra sthuthi The Prayer to Rama (श्री अत्रि मुनि द्वारा रचित श्रीराम-स्तुति रामायण के अरण्यकाण्ड से संबंधित है।means that this Prayer to Rama was composed by sage Athri and is in Aranya Kanda of Ramayana. Stotra rathnavali however mentions that this
Bhagawatcharana stotramBhagawatcharana stotram (Stotra requesting refuge in God) Written by &
Sri Hari Sarana AshtakamSri Hari Sarana Ashtakam (The octet on Hari’s protection) By Swami Brahmananda Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I had translated this as Hari Sarana sapthakam .In stotra rathnavali it is given as ashtakam with one more stanza) Dheyayam vadanthi shivamevahi
Saranam Saranam Ayyappa( Malayalam Bhajan)Saranam Saranam Ayyappa( Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Saranam , saranam saranam saranam SAranamayyappa Swamiyillathoru saranavumilla Ayyappa Saranam , saranam saranam saranam SAranamayyappa SAbari gireeswara charanam saranam Ayyappa
Om Guru Nadha, Jaya Gurunadha(Malayam prayer to ayyappa)Om Guru Nadha, Jaya Gurunadha(Malayam prayer to ayyappa) Om Gurunadha, hail Gurunadha Translated By P.R.Ramachander Om Guru Nadha, Jaya Gurunadha Swami sevanam aanandam Om Guru Nadha , hail Gurunadha Service to the Swami (guru) is joy Brahmanandam Swami
Sani sthuthiSani sthuthi Prayer to Sani Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Chant the sani manthra given below and later do worship to him, please pardon for pad acts and receive the Prasad 1.Nama Krishnaaya neelaaya sithi kanta nibhaya cha &
Veenayum Vayichu (Malayalam prayer to Saraswathi)Veenayum Vayichu (Malayalam prayer to Saraswathi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Veenayum vayichu vedantha vaatiyil Veezhmen AAnanda Rani Mannilee maari vil koottil irikkunno- Renne nee paade mranno Oh queen of joy, wjho playing veena Is living in the
Saraswathi sthuthiSaraswathi sthuthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Amalaa, kamalasana sahithe Adbutha charithe palaya maam Amale vimale Palaya maam Adbutha charithe palaya maam Oh pure one who is with lord Brahma She who has wonderful story, please look after me Oh Pure one , oh clear
Aadhi moolam Aanavane(Tamil)Aadhi moolam Aanavane(Tamil) (About Pillayar) Translated by P.R.Ramachander AAdhi moolam aanavane, AAnai mukham Kondone Aadarithaai yen Perumaane Oh Lord who is the primeval root, Oh Lord who has elephant face Your supported me my lord 1,AAlamundaarin makane
Sankara Nandana Palaya( Malayalam)Sankara Nandana Palaya( Malayalam) (About God Ganapathi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Sankara Nandana Palaya Sankada nasana nin padham Sanga vedinju jnaan koopunnen Nin kanivu yengal udhikkenam Oh son of Shiva look after me Oh destroyer of sorrows ,
Hari nama keerthanam of Thunjathu EzhuthachanHari Nama Keerthanam (Song of the name of Hari) &
The Karthikeya ashtakam॥ श्रीकार्तिकेयाष्टकम् ॥ ॐ श्रीगणेशाय नमः । The Karthikeya ashtakamOctet on lord KarthikeyaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander अगस्त्य उवाच- Agasthya Uvacha – Agasthya said:- नमोऽस्तु वृन्दारकवृन्दवन्द्यपादारविन्दाय सुधाकराय । षडाननायामितविक्रमाय गौरीहृदानन्दसमुद्भवाय ॥ १ ॥ Namosthu Vrindharaka Vrindha Vandhya Padharavindhaya Sudhakaraya |
Sri KalanthakashtakamSri Kalanthakashtakam The octet of killer of god of death Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Kamalapathi , mukha sura poojitha Kakola bhasitha greeva Kakodhara pathi bhooshana , Kalanthaka pahi Parvathi nadha Oh lord who is worshipped by Vishnu, Brahma and devas, Who has a
Paramathma Ashtakamपरमात्मा अष्टकम् । Paramathma Ashtakam The octet of divine God By Sri Yogananda theertha Translated by P.R.Ramachander परमात्मंस्तव प्राप्तौ कुशलोऽस्मि न संशयः । तथापि मे मनो दुष्टं भोगेषु रमते सदा ॥१॥ Paramathma sthwam praprthai kusalosmi na samsaya Thadhaapi may mano
Thiruvempavai (Tamil)Thiruvempavai Translated in to free verse By P.R.Ramachander The ancient Tamil Nadu saw two important Bhakthi movements , which most probably preceded the philosophical movements of Adi Sankara and Saint Ramanuja. The sentinels(sages) of Bhakthi movement worshipping Lord Shiva were called Nayanmars and those worshipping Lord Vishnu were called Azhwars. History records the story of 63 Nayanmars
Malayalam BHajan about Gurvayur Ekadasiഏകാദശിനാളേറെ വിശേഷം - എന്നാലും ഗുരുവായൂരില്‍ വരും Ekadasi naalere visesham , ennalum Guruvayirulu varum Ekadasi day is very special , but still people will come to Guruvayur ഗാനരചന: എം പി ശിവം Compose by M.P.Shivam Translated by P.R.Ramachander ഏകാദശി നാള്‍ (2) Ekadasi naalu
Sri asrayashtakamSri asrayashtakam (The octet of dependence ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A prayer to Lord Sastha) 1.Giricharam , karunamrutha sagaram Paricharam, paramam, mrugayaaparam, Suruchiram, sucharachara gocharam , Hariharathmaja meeswaram aasraye He who roams on mountains, the ocean of nectar of
Sri Bhavana ashtakamSri Bhavana ashtakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A prayer addressed to Lord sastha) 1Anganaam angamaam anthare vigraham Kundaloth bhasitham dhivya karna dwayam Bhibratham susithitham Yoga peedothame Santhatham Bhavaye Sri patheesathmajam The form which is in
Namashivaya ManthraNamashivaya Manthra Translated by P.R.Ramachander This MNanthra is very powerful,If daily facing east if we chant this manthra 12 times, All Gods would become ours, all sorrows will vanish and the black magic manthras sent on us by others, would not stop but run away Om Omkaraya&
Datha sthavana ashtakamDatha sthavana ashtakam By Vasudevananda Saraswathi Translated by P.R.Ramachander The octet of praise of Datha 1.Bhootha pretha pisachaadhyaa yasya smarana mathradha Dhooradheva palayanthe, Dathathreyam namami tham Just by remembering his name ghosts&nbsp
Sathyam-Truth -some Sanskrit sayingsSathyam-Truth -some Sanskrit sayings Translated by P.R.Ramachander सत्येन रक्ष्यते धर्मो विद्याऽभ्यासेन रक्ष्यते । मृज्यया रक्ष्यते रुपं कुलं वृत्तेन रक्ष्यते ॥ Sathyena rakshathe dharmam, vidhyaa abhyasena rakshathe Mrujyayaa rakshathe roopam ,Kulam vruthena Rakshathe Dharma
Some sayings about GuruSome sayings about Guru Translated by P.R.Ramachander गुरुर्ब्रह्मा ग्रुरुर्विष्णुः गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः । गुरुः साक्षात् परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः ॥ Guru is Brahma , Guru is Vishnu and Guru is Lord shiva Guru is the real divine Brahman and I so I salute the guru धर्मज्ञो धर्मकर्ता च सदा धर्मपरायणः । तत्त्वेभ्यः
कैवल्याष्टकम् अथवा केवलाष्टकम् Kewvalashtakam or Kaivlyashtakamकैवल्याष्टकम् अथवा केवलाष्टकम् Kewvalashtakam or Kaivlyashtakam The octet salvation or octet of nothing By Neelakanta Goswami Translated by P.R.Ramachander (It seems Neelakanta Goswami was a vaishnavite scholar of early 20th centuary . More info about him is given in
Ammavin vadivaaka arululm Sai (Tamil)Ammavin vadivaaka arululm Sai (Sai who blesses me in form of mother) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (You can read it in tamil in ) Karuvaakki vaithennai thaangiya sai Uyirin unarvai yenai unnul niraivai Udalum manamum arivum
ஸ்ரீ காஞ்சி மஹா பெரியவா தாலாட்டு Sri kanchi Maha periyaa Thalattuஸ்ரீ காஞ்சி மஹா பெரியவா தாலாட்டு Sri kanchi Maha periyaa Thalattu Lullaby to Kanchi Maha Periyava By Dr.Krishnamoorthi Balasubramanian Translated by P.R. Ramachander காமகோடி தெய்வமே கற்பகமே தாலேலோ சாமிநாத னாய்ப்பிறந்த சற்குருவே தாலேலோ மஹாலக்ஷ்மி அம்மாளின் மைந்தரே தாலேலோ புகழ்மிகு சுப்ரமணியர் புதல்வரே தாலேலோ Kamakodi
Damodara AshtakamDamodara Ashtakam By Sathyavrutha muni Translated by P.R.Ramachander During the month of Kartika , devotees around the world sing this prayer each day while offering ghee lamps or candles to Krishna. Each verse describes various qualities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who, in this pastime, appears as a child and allows Himself to be captured by
Arunachala suprabatham (tamil)Arunachala suprabatham (tamil) (The wake up song for God ouprabathamf Thiruvannamalai) By M.R.Vijaya Translated by P.R.Ramachander (You can hear this great suprabatham - ) Om enum pranavathin utporul aamavane Omkaara naadha mayamaana Jagadeeswarane Malar
श्री साईं वन्दना – Shri Sai Vandana- Salutation to Saiश्री साईं वन्दना – Shri Sai Vandana- Salutation to Sai Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( यह सौंप दिया सारा जीवन, साईंनाथ तुम्हारे चरणों में| अब जीत तुम्हारे चरणों में, अब हार तुम्हारे चरणों में|| Yah Saump dhiyaa saaraa jeevan , Sainadh thumhare charanom mein Ab
Ab Saump Diya Is Jeevan Ka Sab Bhar Tumhare Hathon Me-Sai BhajanAb Saump Diya Is Jeevan Ka Sab Bhar Tumhare Hathon Me-Sai Bhajan (अब सौंप दिया इस जीवन का, सब भार - भजन) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (An almost similar prayer called Sai Vandan has been separately translated .Hear the bhajan ) अब सौंप दिया इस जीवन का, सब भार तुम्हारे हाथों में, है जीत तुम्हारे हाथों में,
भजन: जिनके हृदय श्री राम बसे (Jinke Hridey Shri Ram Base)भजन: जिनके हृदय श्री राम बसे (Jinke Hridey Shri Ram Base) He whose heart is with Rama Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear this bhajan त्वमेव माता च पिता त्वमेव। त्वमेव बन्धुश्च सखा त्वमेव। त्वमेव विद्या द्रविणं त्वमेव। त्वमेव सर्वं मम देव देव ॥ Thwameva maathaa cha pithaa
Prayer to Maha periyava on his birthdayAnusham Special 2014 ( Prayer written on birthday of Maha Periyava) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Anushathil udhithavare Pothi- Hail one who was born in anusham Aapath bandhavare Pothi-Hail friend in time of trouble Inbam alippavare Pothi-Hail one who grants joy Eesanin
Sai Baba chamathkar manthra and prayerSai Baba chamathkar manthra and prayer Translated by P.R,Ramachander Sai Baba Pooja Mantra Should be chanted before we pray to him साईं के इन मंत्रों में छुपा है आपकी हर समस्या का हल और मनोकामना पूर्ति का राज। गुरुवार के दिन ये मंत्र जाप आप सुबह या शाम कभी भी कर सकते हैं, लेकिन जब भी आप इस मंत्र जाप को करें, शांत भाव से करें। Sai
Govinda , unnai namaskaram cheikindrom(tamil)Govinda , unnai namaskaram cheikindrom(tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Oh Govinda we are saluting you, at the time, When you are anointed with pots and pots of milk 6.Kondai mayil cheevi , pinni , manjal pattu katti kondu, Kuzhaloothum Krishna, Unnai namaskaram cheikindrom
Suprabatham to myselfSwayam SuprabathamSuprabatham to myself Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a prayer requesting gods, sages, earths,. Oceans , mountains who surround us to make our morning great.If you can chant this as soon as you wake up , understanding its meaning , I am sure the entire day would be great
Prayers to please planet Guru for next year after guru peyarchi this year ( 2020)Prayers to please planet Guru for next year after guru peyarchi this year ( 2020) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Planet Guru has moved from Dhanu rasi to Makara Rasi on November 20th November according to Drik
Govinda Rama sandhya namam(Malayalam)Govinda Rama sandhya namam(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (You can download Malayalam text ) Govinda Rama Rama Gopalakrishna nin mei Kanumaaru arulenam Govinda Govinda Rama Rama Gopalakrishna nin mei Kanumaaru
Madhuram , Madhuram, Hari Namam(Malaiayalam)Madhuram , Madhuram, Hari Namam(Malaiayalam) Name of Hari, that is sweet, sweet Translated by P.R.Ramachander (You can get lyrics in Malayalam in ) 1.Krishna , Hare Jaya Govinda , Rama , Hare Jaya Govinda Krishna
SRI LAKSHMI KUBERAR SUPRABHATAM--FOR WEALTH and SUBIKSHAMSRI LAKSHMI KUBERAR SUPRABHATAM--FOR WEALTH and SUBIKSHAM Translated by P.R.Ramachander (hear it .SEi Viswanathan pulacode provided me with the lyrics.My thanks and blessings to him. There is a Lakshmi Khubera temple in Vandalur Chennai) விண்ணகத்தே பரிதியவன் நல்வரவு தெரிகிறதே கண்ணனவன் நிறமுடைய மையிரவும் கரைகிறதே செந்நிறத்து ஒளியுடனே
Karpanai yendraalum Karchilai Yendraalum (tamil)கற்பனை என்றாலும் கற்சிலை என்றாலும் Karpanai yendraalum Karchilai Yendraalum Whether you are imagination or statue of stone First song written By Kavinjar Vali Translated by P.R.Ramachander (yesterday Sister Seetha Narayanan had posted this great poem and had explained , how poet Vali wrote it.
Sri Rama Sandhya namamSri Rama Sandhya namam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear this mellifluous bhajan . Those who want to read it in Malayalam ) 1.Rama, Rama, Rama, Rama, Rama, Rama . pahi maam Rama padham
The Mangalam song of ThirupugazhThe Mangalam song of Thirupugazh Translated by P.R.Ramachander Thiruppugazh ("Glory of the Lord") was written by Sri Arunagirinaathar on Lord Murugan in the 15th Century. There are 1327 musical poems, each one preaching a way of life, glorifying Lord Muruga (Son of Lord Shiva). This Thiruppugazh Erumayil Eri was composed by Saint Arunagirinathar at Tiruvannamalai. It is supposed
Amme Pudukottamme-A malayalam BHajanഅമ്മേ പുതുക്കോട്ടമ്മേ- A BHajan Amme, puthukottamme Oh mother , Oh mother of Puthucode Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This great Malayalam prayer was brought to my notice by Sri Viswanathan Placode. Thanks to him) അമ്മേ അമ്മേ പുതുക്കോട്ടമ്മേ അന്നപൂർണേശ്വരി ദേവി അമ്മേ ആശ്ചര്യം നീയേ ആനന്ദ രൂപിണി അഭയം തരണേ ജഗധീശ്വരിയെ
Vetrilayila Maalai KAttunga-Tamil prayer too Hanumanவெற்றிலையில மாலை கட்டுங்க-Tamil prayer to Hanuman Vetrilayila Maalai KAttunga Tie a garland with betel leaf Translated by P.R.Ramachander வெற்றிலையில மாலை கட்டுங்க மாலை கட்டுங்களேன் வீர மாருதியை போற்றி போற்றி மாலை கட்டுங்களேன் Vettilayil maalai kattunga , malai kattungalen Veera maruthiyai pothi pothi
Sandhya Namam-Amma Narayana (Chothanikkara)-MalayalamSandhya Namam-Amma Narayana (Chothanikkara)-Malayalam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This devotion filled prayer is addressed to BHagawathi of Chothaniukkara of kerala.It is meant to be chanted at dusk and That is why it is called SAndhya namam.People interested to down load the original
Narayani, Narayani-A great Malayalam prayer to Puthukottu BHagawathiNarayani, Narayani-A great Malayalam prayer to Puthukottu BHagawathi Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I have never typed a song in malayalam .Pardon me if there are any mistakes) നാരായണി നാരായണി നാരായണി നാരായണി നാരായണി നാരായണി അംബികേ നമ Narayani , Narayani Narayani , Narayani Narayani , Narayani
BHadrakali suprabatham(Malayalam)BHadrakali suprabatham(Malayalam) Waking up of BHadra Kali By Vinod Nambuthiri Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This great waking up prayer has been wriiten and sung about the Goddess Bhagawathi of Elamakkavu , in Kummanam, which is a village near Kottayam and is on the banks of Meenahil aaru. Read the great&
Jnanamrutha Stotram- the death dissolving hymnJnanamrutha Stotram- the death dissolving hymn By Sage Markandeya Translated by P.R.Ramachander (this grat prayer occurs in Garuda Puransa. It seems hearing this gret prayer, the god of death ran away from there being chased by Vishnu Dhoothas 1.Yasya viswam anadhyantham ajam athmani
Universal prayer of Hindu religionUniversal prayer of Hindu religion Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a universal prayer of our religion .No god is addressed or invoked. In hiduism “brahmana” means “He who seeks the supreme god(Brahman)” ) Swasthi prajabhya paripalayantham, Nyayena margena maheem maheesa, Gobrahmanebhyo shubhamasthu nithyam,
Hanumath VandanamHanmuath VandanamSalutation of Hanuman Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.anjna nandanam veeram Janaki soka nasanam, Kapeesa maksha hanthaaram vandhe Lanka bhayanuaram Salutation to son of Anjana,valorous one, one who removed sorrow of Sita, The lord of monkeys, killer of
Hanumath thandava StotramHanumath thandava stotram Prayer to dance of Hanuman Translated By P.R.Ramachander 1.Vandhe sindhoora varnaabham , lohithambara bhooshitham, Rakthanga raga shobhadyam sona pucham kapeeswaram Salutations to the one of colour of Sindhoora, wearing red cloths,
Sankat mochan Hanuman Stotram by Thulasi dasSankat mochan Hanumath stotram By Saint Thulasi Das Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Thathoham Thulasidasa smaraami Raghunandanam Hanumantham thath purasthad raksharthe Bhaktha Rakshakam I who am THulasidas, for the protection of devotees meditate, On Rama the Raghunadha and Hanuman.. &
Hanuman Sundara Kanda SthavaHanuman Sundara Kanda Sthava By Athreya Bala Krishna sastri Translated by P.R,Ramachander (Summary of Sundara Kandam with each stanza saluting Hanuman) 1.Jambhavath smaritha balam sagaro ullangano uthsukam Smarathaam sphoorthidham , Dheena Rakshakam , Naumi Maruthim I
Hanumath smarana stotram for three times a dayHanumath smarana stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Pratha smarami, hanumantham anantha veeryam Sri Ramachandra charanambuja chanjareekam Lanka puri dahana nanditha deva vrundham Sarvartha sidhi sadanam pradhitha prabhavam In the morning I think of Hanuman of endless valour, Who goes round
Hanumath stotram By VibheeshanaHanumath stotram by King Vibheeshana Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Namo Hanumathe thubhyam Namo Maarutha soonave Nama Sri Rama Bhakthathaya, Shyamasyaya cha they nama I salute you Lord Hanuman, I salute the son of wind God, I salute
Kashta Nivarana Sashti Kavacham( ஸ்ரீ ஷண்முக ரக்ஷா பந்தனம் ) Kashta Nivarana Sashti Kavacham (Sri Shanmuga Rakshaa Bandhanam) By AAndavan Pichi Translated by P.R.Ramachander The Sashti armour for avoiding sufferings ( The tying of protection to God Shanmukha) (When the&nbsp
Srimad Anjaneya Suprabathamश्रीमदाञ्जनेयसुप्रभातम् Srimad Anjaneya Suprabatham A wake up song to Lord Hanuman Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear it ) श्रीसीतारामाभ्यां नमः । श्रीमदाञ्जनेयाय नमः । Sri Sita Ramabhyaam nama, Sri mad Anjaneyaya nama Salutations to Sita and Rama, Salutations&
Dhanvanthari healing ManthraDhanvanthari healing Manthra Compiled by P.R.Ramachander These manthras can be chanted 108 times by either the people who are sick, Or the people who love them and want them to get cured. They should take bath in early morning Either chant 1.Dhanvanthri sloka “Om Namo Bhagavate Maha Sudharshana Vasudevaaya
Collection of prayers addressed to Durga,Vaidhyanatha, Subrahamanya, Krishna, Hanuman, Dhanwantari , Guruvayurappan, Dathathreya, Shirdi Sai and God Sastha to cure your diseasesCollection of prayers addressed to Durga,Vaidhyanatha, Subrahamanya, Krishna, Hanuman, Dhanwantari , Guruvayurappan, Dathathreya, Shirdi Sai and God Sastha to cure your diseases Compiled by P.R.Ramachander 1.To get cured of diseases –prayer to Durga A.Roganseshanapahamsi thushta, Rushta thu kaman sakalan abheeshtaan, Twamasreethanaam na
Narasimha Manthra in tamilNarasimha Manthra in tamil நரசிம்மர் மந்திரம் By அழகிய சிங்கர் முக்கூர் ஸ்வாமிகள்- அஹோபில மடம். Azhagiya singar Mukkur swamikal of Ahobila Mata Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Chant daily for 48 days to get rid of loans, get cured of diseases, problem in getting married, getting job etc Procedure Light a lamp before God Narasimha
Madhalasa Upadesha or putra upadesha stotra-a philosophical lullabyMadhalasa Upadesha or putra upadesha stotra-a philosophical lullaby Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This prayer/piece of philosophy occurs in markandeya Purana .Madhalasa(voluptuous) was a queen and she had four sons Vikrantha, Subahu, Sathru mardhana and Alarka.She used to advice them facts of philosophy
Arul Muruka (tamil)Arul Muruka Divine Shanmuka By Durgai chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (When participating in a Bhajan in Trivandrum, at the request of devotees, Durgai chithar composed and sang this great song) 1.Arul muruka va, arukinil va va, Anbudan azhaithom ododi va va Porul tharum
Maha Ganapathi Malai(tamil)Maha Ganapathi Malai By Durgai Chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander Om Sreem Hreem kleem kloum kang Ganapathaye Vara Varadha sarva janam may vasamaanaaya swaha Om Sreem Hreem kleem kloum kang Ganapathaye Oh Lord giving boons, let all people become amenable to me 1.Mangalathu&
Dasavathara stotram(Sanskrit)Dasavathara stotram(Sanskrit) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I found this great prayerin Malayalam script with benefits of praying to that avathara) 1,മത്സ്യം: വിദ്യാലബ്ധി, കാര്യസാധ്യം വേദോദ്ധാര വിചാരമതേ സോമക ദാനവ സംഹാരതെ മീനാകാര ശരീര നമേ ഭക്തം തേ പരിപാലയ മാം Mathsya- Vidhya labdhi , karya sadhyam Vedodhara vicharamathe,
Adhi sankara's Nava Rathna Mala StotramNava Rathna Mala StotramByAdhi SAnkaraTranslated By P.R.RamachanderThis prayer if recited on the Nine days of Nava Rathri gives special benefits on the devotees.Hara noopurakireeta kundala vibhooshitha avayava shobhineem, Karanesa vara mouli koti pari kalpyamana pada peetikaam, Kala kala pani pasa bana dhunurangusam aruna mekhalam, Bala bhoo thilaka lochanaam, manasi bhavayami para
Adhi sankara's Shiva NamavalyashtakamShiva nama malyashtakamThe octet of a garland of names of ShivaByAdhi SAnkara Translated by P.R.RamachanderHey Chandrachooda, madanaththaka soola pane, Sthano gireesa,girijeesa, mahesa shambho, Bhoothesa,bheethi bhaya soodhana mamanadham, Samsara dukha gahana jagadeesha raksha., 1 Please save me from the deep sorrow of life, Oh Lord of the universe,Who wears
Adhi sankara's Shiva Panchakshara navarathna Mala stotramShiva Panchakshara navarathna Mala stotram (Prayer of the gem garland of Namashivaya) By Adhisankara Bhagawath padha Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a great prayer addressed to Lord Shiva with 27 stanzas of four lines with each line ending With
Vadhi Raja theertha’s Sri Venkastesa mangalashtakamVadhi Raja theertha’s Sri Venkastesa mangalashtakam By Sri Vadhi Raja theertha Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Sri kshonyo ramani yugam sura mani puthro apivani pathi Pouthra Chandra Shiromani phanipathi sayya , sura sevakaa Tharkshyo yasya radho mahascha bhavanam
Vadhi Raja Theertha's Durga SthavamDurga Sthavam By Swami Vadhi Raja Theertha Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Om sannadha simha skandhaayaam swarna varnaam manoramam Poornendhu vadhanaam Varnayaami gunarnavaam I am describing her who is sitting on neck of lion , ready for a
Prayers to be chanted by unmarried girls to get a good husbandPrayers to be chanted by unmarried girls to get a good husband Selected by Sengalipuram Anantha Rama Deekshithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 21-- Shlokam: 04 varShe pratiichi lalitaatmani ketumaale liilaavisheSha-lalita-smita-shObhanaangam | lakshmyaa-prajaapatisutaishcha niShevyamaaNaM tasyaaH priyaaya dhR^
Durga ashtothara satha nama stotramDurga ashtothara satha nama stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The text of this stotra was sent to me by Sri Raja Sundareswaran . Thanks to him) 1.Durga, Shivaa , Mahalakshmir Maha Gauri cha Chandikaa Sarvajnaa ,sarva lokesi ,sarva karma phala pradhaa <!--[if !
Kurma Stotram from BHagawathaKurma Stotram (Prayer to the incarnation of Tortoise) From BHagawatham II skanda 5th Adhyaya.Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Koorma (Tortoise) is the second incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He took this incarnation to help devas to act as the base for the mandhara mountain which was used to churn the ocean. This rare stotra is taken from a very dilapidated Malayalam stotra book,
Vamana Stotram (Prayer to Vamana) From Bhagawatham 8th skanda , 17th chapter)Vamana Stotram (Prayer to Vamana) From Bhagawatham 8th skanda , 17th chapter) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Though a Rakshasa, Mahabali was a benevolent emperor. But he usurped the Deva kingdom. Vishnu took the form of a young, dwarf, Brahmin boy called Vamana and requested for
Maha sudarshana Stotram(bhagawatha 9th Skanda , Chapter 5)Maha sudarshana Stotram(bhagawatha 9th Skanda , Chapter 5) Translated by P.R. Ramachander (King Amareesha used to oberve Ekadasi and take food only on Dwadasi. On Dwadasi day sage Durwasa went as guest and told him , he will join him for meals after bath. He went of delaying. Seeing the proper&
Surya stotram of Saint YajnavalkyaSurya stotram of Saint Yajnavalkya (From Bhagwatham 12th skanda , chapter 6) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sri Ganesaya nama Om namo Bhagawathe aadhiyaakhila, jagathaam aathma swaroopena, Kala Swaroopena, chathurvidha bhootha nikaayaanaam, Brahmadhi stamba paryanthaanaam , hrudayeshu
Sri Ganesa Nyasa from Mudhgala PuranaSri Ganesa Nyasa from Mudhgala Purana Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (According to SEngalipuram, if this is done daily diseases would be cured, mental tensions will ease , problems in life would disappear and you will achieve all that you want , You can also hear it
Seeing of good omens by Sita in Asoka VanaSeeing of good omens by Sita in Asoka Vana By Sage Valmiki Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a scene from Sundara kanda of Valmiki(29th chapter) . Sita feeling her hopless condition decides to commit suicide and at that time several good Omens are seen.Seeing them she becomes happy. &
Lalitha Sthava rathnamLalitha Sthava rathnam By Sage Durvasa Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I have taken this great Stotra from “Jaya Mangala Stotra” by the great Sengalipuram.. he says that by reading 1.All the defects from body and sense organs would go away 2,Would remove Sumangali Saapa, Go saapa etcwhich is indicated
Sri Meenakshi Sundaresa , halasya naadhaya StotramSri Meenakshi Sundaresa , halasya naadhaya Stotram (Prayer addressed to Meenakshi Sundaresa who is lord of Madhurai) By God Varuna Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Kalyana saila pari kalpitha karmukaaya Moulikruthaakhila maho raga nayakaya Pruthwee radhaaya kamalapathi sayakaaya Halasya Madhya
SAnaischara Sthava RajaSanaischara Sthava RajaShanaischara Sthava Raja(The king of prayers addressed to the slow moving planet)Translated ByP.R.Ramachander( This is a rare stotra addressed to Sanaischara (the slow moving planet Saturn.) Apart from having a Kavacha(armour 2-5) as a part of it, it also has the Sani ashtotharam(the 108 names of Sani deva) as a part of it. It indeed is the king of stotras.)Narada
Bhadra Kali Pathu(Malayalam)Bhadra Kali Pathu(Malayalam)-two translations Ten verse prayer of BHadra kali Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear it along with Malayalam lyrics ) BHadra kali is the Goddess who protects us. She cures diseases, poverty, fear of death..This great Malayalam prayer can be chanted
Adhi Sankara’s Dasa Sloki Sthuthi Lord ShambhuAdhi Sankara’s Dasa Sloki Sthuthi Lord Shambhu By Adhi Sankaracharya Translated by P.R,Ramachander (Here is a prayer in which Adhi Sankara tries to prove ultimate superiority of Lord Shiva) 1.Saambo na Kula deivatham, pasupathe Saamba thwadheeyaa vayam SAmbam sthomi surasuro
*ശ്രീ തൃപ്രയാർ രാമ സുപ്രഭാതം*Sri Triprayar Rama Suprabatham*ശ്രീ തൃപ്രയാർ രാമ സുപ്രഭാതം*Sri Triprayar Rama Suprabatham Translated by P.R,Ramachander (Sri P,V.Viswanathan sent me this great suprabatham in tamil. I transferred it in to Malayalam and English.You can hear from second line of second stanza in
Collection of small prayers to get cured of diseases to different GodsCollection of small prayers to get cured of diseases to different Gods By P.R.Ramachander 1.To get cured of diseases-Lord Vaidhyanatha Balambikesa vaaidyesa , bhava roga haredhi cha , Japeth namathrayam nithyam Maha roga nivaranam Lord of Balambika,&nbsp
Meenakshi AshtakamMeenakshi Ashtakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Madhurye mahime, maha giri suthe, malladhi samharini, Moolaadhara kruthe , maha marakathe shobha Maha sundari Mathangi mahime, mahasura vadhe manthrothame madhavi Meenakshi, Madhurambike , mahimaye, Maam pahi Meenambike She who is famous for her sweetness,
SIRUVAPURI MURUGAN SUPRABHATHAM (Tamil)SIRUVAPURI MURUGAN SUPRABHATHAM Translated by P.V.Viswanathan (Siruvapuri is located about 40 kms from Chennai on Chennai Kolkata highway. The temple is located about 3 km off the highway. History of the temple has that Lava and Kusa, the sons of Rama lived in this place. Once when Rama was passing this place, they have fought a war with Rama himself without
Pillayarpatti Vinayagar Suprabhatham (Tamil)Pillayarpatti Vinayagar Suprabhatham Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( The tamil lines of this great Suprabatham was sent to me by by Sri ,P.V.Viswanathan of Mumbai to whom I am the Chithappa. You can hear it sung ) கண் விழி கண் விழி பிள்ளையார்பட்டியின் கற்பக கணபதயே கரைந்தது
. ஸ்ரீ மீனாக்ஷியம்மன் திருவடிகள் போற்றி Goddess Meenakshi -ashtotharam –Tamil. ஸ்ரீ மீனாக்ஷியம்மன் திருவடிகள் போற்றி Goddess Meenakshi -ashtotharam –Tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Chant this at home after lighting a lamp or before the Goddess in Temple.) அன்னையின் புகழ் பாடும் 108 போற்றி திருநாமங்கள். ஓம் அங்கயற்கண் அம்மையே போற்றி-Om Ankayal Kanni Ammaye pothi-Hail
Dhanwanthri Manthra for curing diseasesDhanwanthri Manthra for curing diseases Compiled and translated by P.R.Ramachander This great manthra addressed to God Dhanwantari , the doctor among gods can be chanted after bath for curing our own sickness or that of others. If being chanted for curing others , in stead of Mama ,
மாங்காடு காமாட்சி அம்மன் துதி Maangattu Kamakshi Amman thuthiமாங்காடு காமாட்சி அம்மன் துதி Maangattu Kamakshi Amman thuthi Prayer to mother Kamakshi of Mangadu Translated by P.R.R.Ramachander (பெண்கள் வெள்ளிக்கிழமைகளில் சொல்ல வேண்டிய மாங்காடு காமாட்சி அம்மன் துதி இது. This is the prayer to be chanted by ladies on Fridays) மாங்காடு திருக்கோயில் காமாட்சி
Adhi Sankara's NarmadashtakamNarmadhashtakam (Octet on river Narmadha) By Adhi sankara Translated by P.R.Ramachander (It is one of the important sacred rivers of India and flows from east to west and feed a large part of India) 1.SAbindu sindhu suskalth tharanga bhanga ranjitham, Dwishathsu papa jaatha
Stotra Rathnas addressed to different Gods translated up to September 2020Stotra Rathnas addressed to different Gods translated up to September 2020 By P.R.Ramachander 1 Vishnu 206 2 Dasavathara stotra 14
Prayers to sacred animals translated up to September 2020Prayers to sacred animals translated up to September 2020 By P.R.Ramachander (Cow and some Vahanas of Gods are worshipped as sacred animals) 1.Worship of cow in tamil 2.Aarthi Gomatha ki .Hindi https://
Twenty two type of stotras I have translated till September 2020Twenty two type of stotras I have translated till September 2020 Prayer in English means “asking for something” ,It is called Sthuthi or stotra , which means, praising God in Sanskrit. There are inricate classifications among stotras .Here is a small list, the number pf prayers I have
A malalyalam prayer to Lord Poorna thrayessa of TripponithuraA malalyalam prayer to Lord Poorna thrayessa of Tripponithura Translated by P.R.Ramachander (To prevent Lord Arjuna from dying Lord Krishna brought back to life the nine children of a Brahmin. Arjuna consecrated this form of lord in Tripponithura(
Table of contents of Kavachams translated up to September 2020Table of contents of Kavachams translated up to September 2020 By P.R.Ramachander I wrote in my posting in 2011 ( ) that I have translated till then (in 11 years) 600 stotra rathnas and I had given a list of 54 Kavachams translated by
Karavalamba Stotras translated up to September 2020Karavalamba Stotras translated up to September 2020 Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Praying God to give his hand to support us are called Karavalamba stotras) <!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Dharma Sasthru Karavalambam
Prayers addressed to Maha Periyava translated up to January 2021Prayers addressed to Maha Periyava translated up to January 2021 Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Maha Periyava whose name was Swamy Chandrashekara Saraswathy of Kanchi Kamakoti peetam was a living God to all those who knew him.Here are 35 prayers addressed to him) 1. &
Manasa pooja translated up to september 2020Manasika pooja(Worship mentally) for different godsTranslated byP.R.Ramachander<!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Shiva Manasa pooja in tamil <!--[if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->Ganesa Manasa pooja 3 https://
My translations in to english of the prayers composed by Adhi Sankara- 72 stotras out of his 80 sdotrasMy translations in to english of the prayers composed by Adhi Sankara- 72 stotras out of his 80 sdotrasBy P.R.Ramachander For the past sixteen years I have been doing translation of various stotrams,. I have so far translated about 2000 stotra rathnas. Written in 4 different languages I am now trying to look back as to that I have
Prayers to sacred Plants translated till September 2020Prayers to sacred Plants translated till September 2020 By P.R.Ramachander (Indians consider many plants as sacred .Here is a small list of prayers addressed to them) A.Thulasi 1.Hulasi Khadir (Malayalam)
Prayers to rivers translated up to September 2020Prayers to rivers translated up to September 2020 By P.R.Ramachander ( I have only translated 13 such prayers) <!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Adhi Sankara’s Gangashtakam <!--[if !supportLists]-->2.
Suprabathams translated up t0 september 2020Suprabathams translated up t0 september 2020(WAking up prayers) Translated By P.R.Ramachander 1 S Ayyappa Ayyappa Suprabatham 2 M Ayyappa Ayyappa Suprabatham http://
SAhasranams translated up to September 2020SAhasra namamsTranslated byP.R.Ramachander 1 S Jagannatha Jagannatha Sahasranamam 2 S Lakshmi Lakshmi Sahasranamam 3 S Lalitha
Pratha smarana stotras-Prayers meant to chant in mornings up to september 2020Pratha smarana stotras-Prayers meant to chant in mornings Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Most of these 4 stanzaq prayers and I have translated 11 such prayers) <!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Adhi Sankara’s Pratha Smaranam
Shodasa nama stotrm /Prayer of 16 names up to September 2020Shodasa nama stotrm /Prayer of 16 names up to September 2020 Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I have translated 5 such stotras) <!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Ganesa Shodasa nama stotram <!--[if !supportLists]-->2.&
Dwadasa Nama Stotram-prayer of 12 names up to september 2020Dwadasa Nama Stotram-prayer of 12 names Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is one of the simplest prayers in Sanskrit. The devotee chants 12 names of The God .I have translated 11 such stotras) 1. ADhithya dwadasa nama stotram <!--[if !supportLists]-->
Lalitha Ashtothara Namavali selected by Swami BHarathi theertha swamigal of SringeriLalitha Ashtothara Namavali selected by Swami BHarathi theertha swamigal of Sringeri Compiled and translated by P.R.Ramachander Sri BHarathi Theertha swamigal of Sringeri has selected 108 powerful names from Lalitha Sasranamam for chanting or worship People who perform it Longevity, health,
Prayer to kasi vinayakas(56 in number) for succeeding in your jobPrayer to kasi vinayakas(56 in number) for succeeding in your job (according to vinayaka Purana) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Though many of us undertake Pilgrimage to Kasi , we are unaware of the fact that there are 56 vinayakas surrounding the temple
Begging for state of Saumangalya to the Goddess (tamil prayer)Begging for state of Saumangalya to the Goddess (tamil prayer) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A married lady with husband living is called Sumangali ie. An auspicious lady .Every married lady wants this state of Saumangalya.Here is a great prayer to goddess to grant you saumangalya.You
Prayers Addressed to Hanuman translated up to September 2020Prayers Addressed to Hanuman translated up to September 2020 (Hanuman, the Rama Bhaktha is worshipped all over India, It is believed that by praying him all our problems would get solved,It is also believed that by Parayana of Sundara Kandam, he would be greatly pleased I have translated only 24 prayers
Nava Graha stotras translated up to September 2020Nava Graha stotras translated up to September 2020 I have translated 64 prayers addressed to Navagrahas from four different languages in to English. A list as well as url is given below <!--[if !supportMisalignedColumns]
Stotras addressed to Mahalakshmi translated up to September 2020Stotras addressed to Mahalakshmi translated up to September 2020 1 S Lakshmi Sri Kamalambika ashtakam 2 S Lakshmi Saubhagya Lakshmi Ashtakam
Stotras addressed to Goddess Parvathy up to September 2020Stotras addressed to Goddess Parvathy up to September 2020 Out of the nearly 2000 Stotras that I have translated 231 prayers are addressed to Goddess Parvathi Out of them 66 are Tamil , 23 are Hindi, 9 are Malayalam and 133 are Sanskrit. I have also
Stotras to Dathathreya translated up to September 2020Stotras to Dathathreya translated up to September 2020 1 S Datha Datha prarthanaa chathushka Stotram 2 S Datha Datha nava rathna malika stotram
Stotras addressed to Shirdi sai translated up to September 2020Stotras addressed to Shirdi sai translated up to September 2020 I have translated 31 prayers addressed to Shirdi Sai Baba from four different languages in to English. A list as well as url is given
Prayers to Sastha/Ayyappa translated up to September 2020Prayers to Sastha/Ayyappa translated up to September 2020 (I have been translating prayers addressed to several Gods in at least five languages to English for the past 20 years. I wanted to find what all I have translated . I find I have translated 250 prayers addressed
Shanmukha/Muruga prayers translated up to September 2020Shanmukha/Muruga prayers translated up to September 2020 I have translated 49 prayers addressed to Lord Shanmukha from four different languages in to English. A list as well as url is given below 1 S
Rama stotra translations up to September 2020Rama translations up to September 2020 (When I was born I was named Rama , which was my paternal grand father’s name .My father was also Rama and just to distinguish I was called as Ramachandra. I studied my SSLC in Hyderabad and in the pass certificate my name was changed to Ramachander.
Ganesa Prayers Translated by me up to September 2020Ganesa Prayers Translated by me up to September 2020 I have translated in to English 67 prayers addressed to Ganesa and among them 7 are from Hindi+ 11 are from Tamil +1 is from Kannada +2 are from Malayalam 46 are from Sanskrit . Click on the
Prayers addressed to Lord Shiva translateed up to September 2020Prayers Addressed to Lord Shiva translated up to September 2020 Here is my translation of Stotra Rathnas with translation all addressed to Lord Shiva- 99 in Sanskrit , 26 in Tamil , 5 in Malayalam and 5 in Hindi. With a full realization that this number has
Stotras of Krishna translated up to September 2020Stotras of Krishna translated up to September 2020 I have translated 96 prayers addressed to Ktishna from four different languages in to English. A list as well as url is given below 1
Translation of prayers addressed to Lord Guruvayrappan till September 2020Translation of prayers addressed to Lord Guruvayrappan till September 2020 I am from kerala .Whenever A Kerala Hindu (poor or rich) are in trouble they will call “Yende Giruvayurappa” This was the God &
Stotras on Venkatesa translated up to September 2020Stotras on Venkatesa translated up to September 2020 <!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Venkatesa Suprabatham <!--[if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->A note on Venkatachalapathi temple https://
Stotras addressed to Narasimha translated up to September 2020Stotras addressed to Narasimha translated up to September 2020 (Among Lord Vishnu’s Avatar’s , Lord Narasimha is a man –lion form and is worshipped and prayed to by millions of people,. Here are 44 prayers addressed to him in english along with translations Though I
Dasavathara stotras translated up to September 2020Dasavathara stotras translated up to September 2020 1.Dasavathara Bhujangam 2.Dasavathara sthuthi in Malayalam 3.Dasavathara thothurangal
Vishnu Stotras (Rama and Krishna given separately) translated up to September 2020Vishnu Stotras (Rama and Krishna given separately) translated up to September 2020 I have translated 206 prayers addressed to Vishnu (Rama and Krishna Avatharas are dealt separately) from four different languages in to English. A list as well as
Vedic Sukthas Translated up to September 2024Vedic Sukthas Translated up to September 2020 A Suktam is a part or portion of Vedic verses in praise of a Deity or group of Deities to please accordingly, and to have a desire fulfilled.There are 74 Sukthas in the 4 vedas .I have translated 24 of them 1. Agamarshna Suktham&
Mangala prarthanas translated up to September 2020Mangala prarthanas translated up to September 2020 (Normally it is a practice to end prayer sessions and pooja sessions with a prayer of auspiciousness(mangalam) to that god/Goddesses. These are extremely difficult to get.Here are 26 Mangala stotras addressed to
Stotras in tamil Translated up to September 2020Stotras in tamil Translated up to September 2020 I wrote in my posting in 2011 that I have translated till then (in 11 years) 600 stotra rathnas and I had given a list of 34 Tamil stotra rathnas translated by me . I was doing a stock taking since a few days . I find that as of now I have translated
Translation of Malayalam Stotra Rathnas up to September 2020Translation of Malayalam Stotra Rathnas up to September 2020 By P.R.Ramachander I wrote in my posting in 2011 I told that I have translated till then (in 11 years) 600 stotra rathnas and I had given a list of 19 Malayalam stotra rathnas translated by me . I was doing a stock taking since a few days .
Stotra Rathnas In Hindi translated up to september 2020Stotra Rathnas In Hindi translated up to september 2020 I wrote in my posting in 2011 ( ) that I have translated till then (in 11 years) 600 stotra rathnas and I had given a list of 25 Hindi stotra rathnas translated by me . I was doing a stock
Dasakam (Ten stanza prayers) translted up to September 2020Dasakam (Ten stanza prayers) translted up to September 2020 1 S Ayyappa Dharma Sastru Sthuthi Dasakam 2 S Ayyappa Bhootha nadha Dasakam 3 S Ayyappa Dharma Sastru
Navakam (Nine stanza prayers) translated by me till September 2020Navakam (Nine stanza prayers) translated by me till September 2020 1 S Parvathi Arya Navakam 2 S Shiva with Parvathy Sasakthi shiva Navakam
Sapthakam (Seven stanza prayers) translated till september 2020Sapthakam (Seven stanza prayers) translated till september 2020 1 T Ganesa Vinayaka Sapthakam 2 T Shanmukha Subramanya Sapthakam 3 S Vishnu Hari Sarana Sapthakam
Shatkam (Six stanza prayers) translated till september 2020Shatkam (Six stanza prayers) translated till september 2020 1 S Krishna Parthasarathy Shatkam 2 S Lakshmi Sriya Shatkam 3 S Philosophy Nirvana Shatkam
Panchakam (Five stanza prayers) translated by me till September 2020Panchakam (Five stanza prayers) translated by me till September 2020 16 S Narasimha Lakshmi Narasimha Pancharathnam 17 S Parvathy Amba Pancharathnam 18 S Parvathy Meenakshi Pancharathnam http:
Stotras written in Bhujanga metere till september 2020Stotras written in Bhujanga metere till september 2020 Translated by P.R.Ramachander Bhujangam is a poem resembling the sinuous movement of a snake . Though not many poets could handle this method of writing, Adhi Sankara was an exception .He has written several prayers adopting this
Gadhyam (prose) translatede by me till september 2020Gadhyam (prose) translatede by me till september 2020 Some religious scholars like Saint Ramanuja preferred to write in prose. I could get few prayers in Stotras written as prose(Gadhyam) translated by me Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Saint Ramanuja was one of the leaders of
Panjara Stotras translated by me till september 2020Panjara Stotras translated by me till september 2020 By P.R.Ramachander Panjaram are a net to catch god and prevent harm /I could get only few Panjara stotras 1 S Dathathreya Datha Panjaram 2
DAndaka stotras translated by me till SEptember 2020DAndaka stotras translated by me till SEptember 2020 By P.R.Ramachander Dandakam are peculiar poems in which there is no fixed line length like all other poems. Some Dandakams are only a single line .The first and most famous Dandakam is the famous Shyamala Dandagam of Kali dasa. Out of
Ashtotharams Translated by me till september 2020Ashtotharams Translated by me till september 2020ByP.R.RamachanderAshtotharams are 108 names of each god and used to worship gods ,They are most popular form of worshipI wrote in my posting in 2011 that I have translated till then (in 11 years) 600 stotra rathnas and I had not given a list of ashtotharms&
Ashtakams Translated by me till september 2020Ashtakams Translated by me By P.R.Ramachander AShtakam, the prayers with eight stanzas are the post popular form of Sanskrit hindu prayers I wrote in my posting in 2011 that I have translated till then (in 11 years) 600
Books compiled/translated by P.R.Ramachander aka Raja thatha till September 2020Books compiled/translated by P.R.Ramachander aka Raja thatha till September 2020 I started translation of stotras and religious books when I was 60. Today I am 80+ ,I myself was surprised to see that I the robot under guidance of my master , the GOD have either translated or compiled 97
Prayers for those born in different birth starsPrayers for those born in different birth stars Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (There are 27 stars in the sky.They rule the time one after another. Our birth star is the star ruling at the time of our birth. This prayers are divided in to 4 divisions <!--[if !supportLists]-->a.&
Prayers to thiose born in Revati രേവതിPrayers to thiose born in Revati രേവതി ரேவதி రేవతి रेवती-planet concerned Revathi-Budha, God Srinivasa BYP.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Nithya mangalaya vidmhe, Sathya roopaya Deemahi THanno srinivasa prachodayath Let me meditate on God who is always auspicious,
Prayers to those born in Uttara Bhadrapada ഉത്രട്ടാതിPrayers to those born inUttara Bhadrapada ഉത്രട്ടാതി உத்திரட்டாதி ఉత్తరాభాద్ర उत्तरभाद्रपदा-Planet concerned Sani /God SankaraByP.R.Ramachandera.Nakshatra GayathriOm Bhagawathi Nadhaya Vidhmahe,Parameswaraya deemahiThanno Rudra PrachodayathLet me meditate on consort of Parvathi,.Let The greatest God give me higher intellect,Let Rudra Illuminate my mindb.Prayer to GodSeersha
Prayer to those born in Poorioorattathi/Poorva BhadraPrayer to those born in Purva Bhadrapada പൂരുരുട്ടാതി பூரட்டாதி పూర్వాభాద్ర पूर्वभाद्रपदा(occurs in two rasis Khumba and Meena )Planet concerned Guru.God Pasupathi ByP.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om sarvewaraya Vidmahe , Om Jadadharaya Dheemahi
Prayer to those born in Chadayam starPrayers for those born in Shatabhishak ചതയം சதயம் శతభిష शतभिषक् planet concerned Rahu/ God Mruthyunjaya BYP.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Mruthyunjayaya Vidhmahe, Hema roopaaya deemahi Thanno Rudra prajothayaath Let Me meditate on God Mrutyunjaya, Let
Prayers to those born in Shravana തിരുവോണംPrayers to those born in Shravana തിരുവോണം திருவோணம் శ్రావణ श्रवण planet concerned moon/God Hayagreeva ByP.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Aswa roodaaya vidmahe, Vageeswaraaya deemahi, Thanno haya greeva prachodayath Let me
Prayer to those born on star Uttara Ashada ഉത്രാടം உத்திராடம்Prayer to those born on star Uttara Ashada ഉത്രാടം உத்திராடம் ఉత్తరాషాడ उत्तराषाढा (occurs in two rasis Dhanu and Makara) Planet concerned Sun/god concerned Ganapathi BYP.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Eka danthaya Vidmahe , Vakra&
Prayers for those born in star pooradam/PoorvashadaPrayers for those born in star Purva Ashadha പൂരാടം பூராடம் పూర్వాషాడ पूर्वाषाढा- Planet concerned Shukra, God UMa Maheswara BYP.R.RMACHANDER a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Sadashivaya Vidhmahe, Sarveswaraya Deemahi, Thanno Sankara Prachodayath &
Simple tamil prayer to be chanted daily, when you go by vehicleSimple tamil prayer to be chanted daily, when you go by vehicle Translated by P.R.Ramachander Tell this prayer before you start vehicle, when you travel for a long distance Om namo Angarakaya- Om salutation to Mars Om namo Angarakaya-Om Salutations to Mars Om namo Angarakaya-Om Salutations
Prayers to those who are born in Moola starPrayers to those born in star Moola മൂലം மூலம் మూల मूल- Planet concerned Kethu/God Hanuman ByP.R.Ramachandera.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Anjana puthraya Vidmahe,Vayu kumaraya deemahitHanno Hanumath prachodayath Let me meditate on son of anjana,Let son of Wind God give me
Prayers to those born in Kettai(Jyeshta) starJyeshta തൃക്കേട്ട கேட்டை జ్యేష్ట ज्येष्ठा-Planet concerned Budha, God concerned Lord Varaha BY P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri OmHiranya Garbhaya vidmahe, Bhoo varahaya Deemahi Thanno krodaa Prachodayath Om Let me meditate on Hiraya Garbha, Let God Bhoo Varaha give
Rama manthras from Ananda RamayanaRama manthras from Ananda Ramayana Translated by P.R.Ramachander It may not be possible for people to chant the long Kavachams or prayers ,.In such case they can sing or chant any of the following Rama Manthras 1.The famous twenty two letters Manthra Dasaratha Nandana , Megha&
Sita ashtothra nama stotramSita ashtothra nama stotram Prayer of 108 names of sita Translated by P.R.Ramachander (From Ananda Ramayanam) Asya sri Sita nama ashtothara satha manthrasya Agasthya Rishi, Anushtup Chanda, Ramethi bheejam, Mathulingethi sakti, padmakshajethi keelakaam Avanijethya asthram, janakajethi
Sita KavachamSita Kavacham Translated by P.R.Ramachander (From Ananda Ramayana,To be read along with Rama Kavacham, Hanumath Kavacham and Lakshmana Kavacham) Yasya Sita sambhavadha Midhilaa paalena savardathaa Padmaaksha nrupathe suthaa nalagathaa yaa maathulungodhbhava Yaa rathne layamaagathaa jala nidhou yaa
Prayers for those born in anusham starPrayers for those born Anuradha അനിഴം அனுஷம் అనురాధ अनुराधा Planet concernes Sani, God Lakshmi Narayana BY P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Narayanaaya Vidmahe, Lakshmi vallabhaya deemahi Thanno Vishnu prachodayath Let me meditate on Narayana Let Husband of Lakshmi &
Prayers of those norn in star VishakaVishaka വിശാഖം விசாகம் విశాఖ विशाखा (occurs in two rasis THula and Vruschiga) –Planet concerned Guru / God subrahmanya By P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Kukkuda dwajaya vidhmahe, Sakthi hasthaya deemahi , Thanno Skanda&
Prayers to those born in Swathi.Swati ചോതി சுவாதி స్వాతి स्वाती-Planet concerned Rahu-God concerned Lord Narasimha By P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Sthambha sambhavaya vidmahe, Ugra roopaaya deemahi, Thanno nrusimha prachodayath Let me meditate on him who broke the pillar,
Prayers to those born in Chithra.Chitra ചിത്തിര சித்திரை చిత్త चित्रा (occurs in two rasis Kanya and Thula) –Planet concerned Mars god Sudarshana By P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om sudarshanaaya vidhmahe, Maha jwalaya deemahi, Thanno Chakra Prachodayath Let me meditate on Sudarshana
Prayers for those born in Hastha nakshatraPrayers for those born in Hasta അത്തം அஸ்தம் హస్త हस्त-Planet concerned Chandra , goddess Parvathy By P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Maha devyai cha Vidmahe, Rudra pathni cha deemahi, Thanno Gauri prachodayath b.Prayers to Goddess Mahadevim , Maha Shakthim,
Prayers to those born in Uthram starUttara Phalguni ഉത്രം உத்திரம் ఉత్తర ఫల్గుని उत्तर फाल्गुनी(occurs in two rasis Simham and Kanya) Planet concerned Surya/Goddess Mahalakshmi BY P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Kamala vasinyai cha Vidhmahe, Padma lochanyai cha
Sai Nadha Kashta nivaran manthra (three languages with meaning)Sai Nadha Kashta nivaran manthra (three languages with meaning) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Starting on a Thursday , please chant this simple manthra for eleven days .Your troubles will fly away பிரதமம் சாயிநாதாய திவீதியம் துவாரகா மயினே த்ரிதீயம் தீர்த்தராஜாய சதுர்த்தகம் பக்தவத்சலாய பஞ்சமம் பரமாத்மாய
Prayer to those born in Pooram starPurva Phalguni പൂരം பூரம் పూర్వ ఫల్గుని पूर्व फाल्गुनी-Planet concerned Sukra-god Lord Ranganatha By P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Veda moolaaya Vidhmahe, Veda srungaaya deemahi, Thanno Ranga Prachodayath Let me meditate on the root of Vedas,
Mangala slokas of AnjaneyaMangala slokas of Anjaneya Translated by P.R.Ramachander (this occurs in Ananda Ramayana) Koojantham Rama Ramethi maduram madsuraksharam, Aaroohya kavitha shakhaam vande Valmiki kokilam., 1 Salutations to The nightingale Valmiki, Who sits on the poem like branch, And who goes on singing sweetly, “Rama”, “Rama” and “Rama”. Valmike muni
Narada Stotram of RamaNarada Stotram of Rama Translated by Ramachander (This sthuthi is from Ananda Ramayanam) 1.Sri Ramam, muni Visramam, janasadhaamam, Hrudhyaaramam, Sita ranjana, sathya sanathana, Raja ramam , Ghana shyamam, Nari samsthutha kalindhi natha , nidhraa prathitha bhoopaalam Ramam thwaam sirasaa
Brahma Sthuthi of Goddess SitaBrahma Sthuthi of Goddess Sita Translated by P.R.Ramachander (once an asura called Moola troubled the devas and the world. Goddess sita In the form of Chamunda killed him. This is the prayer offered to her by Lord Brahma and is found in Ananda Ramayana) Brahma Uvacha Lord Brahma said 1,Janakathmaje, Raghava
Pakshi sthuthi of RamaPakshi sthuthi of Rama Prayer by birds of Rama Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a prayer of the birds of forest addressed to Rama from Ananda Ramayana) 1.Jayathu Raghavo jaanakiyutho, Jayathvakhila raja rajakeswara Dasarathathmajo Lakshmanagrajo Jayathi mapathisthati kanathaka Hail Rama along with Janaki, Hail&
Vishnu stotramVishnu stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (prayer addressed to Vishnu from Ananda Ramayana) 1.Namasthe Pundarikaksha, Namasthe Viswa bhavana Namosthesthu Hrishi kesa, maha purusha poorvaja Salutations to the lotus eyed one, salutation to one who has universal vision,
Sri Rama Ashtothra satha nama stotramSri Rama Ashtothra satha nama stotram (Prayer of Lord Rama using one hundred and eight names) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is taken from Ananda Ramayana) Om Asya sri Ramachandra namashothara satha manthrasya Brahma rishi, Anushtup Chanda, Janaki Vallabha Sri Ramachandra devathaa, Om Bheejam ,
Shiva Sthuthi of Lord RamaShiva Sthuthi of Lord Rama Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This occurs in Ananda Ramayana. When Rama has lived in the world happily for long time, Lord Shiva is sent to meet lord Rama and call him back ,He praises Rama using this stotra) Shumbur Uvacha:- Lord Shiva said:- 1.Raghavam&nbsp
prayers to tjhose born on makha starMagha മകം மகம் మాఘ मघा-Planet concerned Kethu, God Surya By P.R.RAMACHANDER a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Eka Chakraya vidmahe, Mahathyadhikaraya deemahi, Thanno adhithya prachodayath Let me meditate on him who has one wheel, Let he who is great president give me higher intellect , Let
prayers to those born in ayilyaAshlesha ആയില്യം ஆயில்யம் ఆశ్లేష आश्लेषा-Planet concerned Budha , God-Nagdeva by P.R.Ramachander A.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Nagarajaya Vidhmahe, Naga Mani sekaraya deemahi, Thanno Nagendra Prachodayath Let me meditate on king of serpents, Let the collection sepent gems &
Prayers to star pushya/poosamPushya പൂയം பூசம் పపుష్యమి पुष्य-planet concerned Sani God addressed Lord Dakshinamurthy BY P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Jneswaraya Vidhmahe, Thathwa bodhaa deemahi Thanno deva Prachodayath Let me meditate on God of wisdom, Let he who teaches philosophy give me higher intellect Let That God illuminate my mind b. Prayers to god 1.Upasakanam
Prayers for punarvasu/PunarthamPunarvasu പുണർതം புனர்பூசம் పునర్వసు पुनर्वसु (occurs in two rasis Mithuna and Karkidaga)-Planet concerned Guru –God Lord Rama By P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Dasaradhaya vidhmahe, Seetha Nadhaya Vidhmahi Thanno Ramachandra prachodayath Let me meditate on son of Dasaradha, Let the husband of Seetha give me higher intellect, Let That Ramachandra
Prayer to star Arudra/THiruvadiraiArdra തിരുവാതിര திருவாதிரை ఆర్ద్ర आद्रा- Planet concerned –Rahu God concerned Nataraja By P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om Chith sabhesaya Vidhmahe, Chitha akasaya deemahi Thanno sabhesa pachodayath Let me meditate on Chith Sabhesa, Let the god who is divine sky give me higher intellect, Let Natarajs illuminate my mind B,Prayers to god Om Akasa
Prayer for star Mrigaseersham/MageeramMrigashirsha മകയിരം மிருகசீரிடம் మృగశిర म्रृगशीर्षा (Occurs in two rasi Rishbha and Mithuna) –Planet concerned Mars-goddess Parvathi Compiled by P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayathri Om That purushaya Vidmahe, Maha devaya Deemahi Thanno easwara prachodayath Om Let me meditate on that Purusha, Let the great God give me higher intellect Let That Easwara
prayers for star Rohini4.Rohini രോഹിണി ரோகிணி రోహిణి रोहिणी-Planet concerned moon God of Rohini-Krishna by P.R.Ramachander a.Nakshatra Gayatri Om praja vruthyai cha deemahe, Viswaroopaaya deemahi Thanno rohini prachodayath Let me meditate in increase of population, Let the God with super form give me higher intellect Let goddess Rohini illuminate my mind b.Prayers to God of
Prayers for Karthika3,Krittika കാർത്തിക கார்த்திகை కృత్తిక कृत्तिका (occurs in two rasis-Mesha and Rishabha) pLanet concerned Sun/ lord subrahmanya Translated by P.R.Ramachander a.Karthika Gayathri Om Vahni dehanaya vidmahi Maha thapaaya deemahi Thanno Krithika prachodayath Let me meditate on Goddess with fire like body, Let The goddess who does thapas give me higher intellect ,
Prayers to those born in BharaniPrayers to those born in Bharani ഭരണി பரணி భరణి भरणी Planet concerned Shukra .Bharani -Durga By P.R.Ramachander a.Bharani Gayathri Om Krishna varnaya Vidmahe, Danda Dharaaya deemahi Thanno Bharani Prachodhayaath Let me meditate on black goddess, Let She holds the staff give me higher intellect, And let Goddess Bharani illuminate my mind
Prayer to those born in Aswini/Aswathi Nakshatra (Prayer to those born in Aswini/Aswathi Nakshatra (Daily for one star would be given) By P.R.Ramachander 1.Star Asvathi/Asvini God Saraswathi a.Prayer to the star /Nakshatra Sumanasa vanditha deva manohari, Aswini devi SAhaya krupe Oh pretty deva maiden saluted by people with good mind Oh ASwini devi , please take mercy and help me b/.
Rama Manasika poojaRama Manasika pooja (From Ananda Ramayana) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A very charming mental worship which goes step by step similar to the normal worship, Followed by Namaskara Manthras , followed by Manthras for honouring and pleasing the lord,THis was taught by 1.
AAdhi sakthi , Para Sakthi (Malayalam)AAdhi sakthi , Para Sakthi (Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Aadhi sakthi , parasakthi , parasakthi thaaye, AAndavanum , ganapathiikkum arumayaya thaye thaye Oh mother who is the primeval power, the divine power, the divine power, The dear mother to Lord Subrahmanya and lord Ganesa ,Oh mother
Aruna giri PerumalAruna giri Perumal The God of Aruna giri By Durgai Chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Ulaga thuyar yaavum ninayaathe, Ullathil avan naamam marvathe, Kalaga thuyraathil kuliyaathe, Karunai kumaresan arulvaane Do not think of the sorrow of all the world, Do not
Sri kaliyamman arul maalaiSri kaliyamman arul maalai By Durgai chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sudha veera maakali, kamala magalai Karunayaana vadivazhaki, kaninthu nindranai Vindhayaaki vilakkumaki vilangi vanthanai Vinnumaaki mannumaaki vethri kandanai, Mandhamaana budhiyotti, manamum thanthanai Malaril vedhan unnai paada mayakkam
Sri Maha Ganapathi MalaiSri Maha Ganapathi Malai By Durgai chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander Om-sreem-hreem-kleem-kloum-kang Ganapathaye, Vara varadha sarva Janam may vasamanaya swaha Om-sreem-hreem-kleem-kloum-kang Ganapathaye, Oh divine God who grants boons, I salute , please all make people to be with me Mangalthu nayagane, mannalum mudhal iraiva,
சக்தி தாலாட்டு Sakthi thalattuசக்தி தாலாட்டு Sakthi thalattu Lullaby to goddess SakthiByR.SHantha Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This pretty lullaby is to make the make Goddess Sakthi sleep .I could not find out the author. but i found it out today 25th feb 2021) Thanks to him/her) ஓம் சக்தி;
SRIRAMA SUPRABHATHAMSRIRAMA SUPRABHATHAM श्रीरामसुप्रभातम् TRanslated by Sri Ananthanarayanan Vaidhyanathan श्रीराम कोसलसुताजठरामृताब्धि- पीयूषभा दशरथाङ्कविभूषणग्रथ । साकेतवासिजननेत्रसुधाञ्जनश्रीः । स्वामिन्कृपाजलनिधे तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ १॥ श्रीराम कौशिकमखावन सुन्दपत्नी - प्राणाशुगाहिवर बालमनुष्यरूप । मारीचमत्तगजसिंह सुबाहुशैल- &
Sri Dhinesa SthavaSri Dhinesa Sthava Prayer to God of the day(Sun) By Pojya sri Nrusimha Bharathi swamigal of Sringeri Translated by P.R.Ramachander Srunga giri nikatastha Sri Suryanarayana devathana virachitham Complsed in temple of Surya Narayana near Sringeri Om manasa sarogatham may &
Birth of Rama according to different RAmayanasBirth of Rama according to different RAmayanas Compiled by P.R.Ramachander 1.Valmiki Ramayanam Six seasons were over after the fire sacrifice, and in the twelfth month which was Chithra, on the Navami day( The ninth phase of rising moon) , on the star belonging to Adhithi Devatha (Punarvasu) when five of the nine planets were in exalted
சண்முகனை துதிப்போம். Shunmukhanai Thuthippomசண்முகனை துதிப்போம். Shunmukhanai Thuthippom Let us pray Shanmukha Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1. முருகனே செந்தில் முதல்வனே மாயோன் மருகனே ஈசன் மகனே - ஒருகைமுகன் தம்பியே நின்னுடைய தண்டைக்கால் எப்பொழுதும் நம்பியே கைதொழுவேன் யான். Murukane , chenthil muthlvane , Maayon, Marukane , eesan makane -Oru kai mukan,
Shiva Suvarna mala SthuthiShiva Suvarna mala Sthuthi By Adhi Sankara translated by P,R.Ramachander (I had posted translaion of Swarna malya sthavam earlier . It is different from this) 1.Adha Kadhayaami madhrasanaam thwad guna lesai visodhayaami vibho, Samba sadashiva shambo Sankara, saranam may &
Avathara Purushan (Man who was an incarnation)- Story of RamaAvathara Purushan (Man who was an incarnation) Story of Rama By Poet Vali Translation attempt By P.R.Ramachander (It seems Vali met a great man. He asked him , “Why Vali?.He replied, .I have heard when Vali of Ramayana goes to fight with some. Half his strength will come to him. I chose
. Avathara purushan by Vali (part 1). Avathara purushan by Vali (part 1) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Introduction I am a typewriter, That which strikes and strikes, And make tail words appear, Is that eight lettered manthra (Om Namo Narayana) He is the one who does and I his machine He is using me as his handy man These
. Avathara purushan by Vali (part 2). Avathara purushan by Vali (part 2) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Ayodhya Kandam 1.White hair The palace of Ayodhya, Its female quarters, its garden, The night of early summer To the walls of the sky , Blackened by sun’s heat, the moon came , And white washed In the long house of the sky, In all its corridors, Lots of lamps&
Avathara purushan by Vali (part 3)Avathara purushan by Vali (part 3) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Aranya Kanda Chithra koota Continued Next day along with three mothers, sage, minister, Relations and his retinue Bharatha reached shore of Ganga On the north side of Ganges was Bharatha, And on its south side was Guha Sumanthra had told Bharatha that Guha
Avathara purushan by Vali (part 4)Avathara purushan by Vali (part 4) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Kishkinda kanda 1.Hanuman Hanuman is the dharma carried by Anjana Devi, Fir ten months in her womb. The boon given, To the world by God Wind with great mercy. He is as big as a hill, but for looks he is as simple as a calf, He had learnt
Avathara purushan by Vali (part 5)Avathara purushan by Vali (part 5) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sundara kandam Viswa roopam (cont..) Hanuman said “Ram, Ram, Hail Ram” He said “Hari, hari, Om hari” Once a upon a time vamana came , grew up and measured the sky, And now another monkey came and hit the sky by his head, It powdered its top, Seeing&
Avathara purushan by Vali (part 6)Avathara purushan by Vali (part 6) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Yudha kanda 1.I saw Sita (Contd) As per the words of Sugreeva, all the seventy velam, Of monkey army stood up , and slapped on their thigh, And they reached on the twelfth day the southern sea. Rama who holds the bow, with worry though of, How
Geethopacharam to Goddess LakshmiGeethopacharam to Goddess Lakshmi(Worshipping Lakshmi through song) P.R.Ramachander (Since for all of us it is not possible to worship god as per Sastras or Vedas , here is a simple method , to do it by singing . You can sing it in Tamil or English , whichever you prefer. These lines are addressed to Goddess Lakshmi . Just by changing the name to the God whom you want to pray
பாப்பா ராமாயணம் (Pappa Ramayanam)பாப்பா ராமாயணம் (Pappa Ramayanam) Ramayana for the babies By Laitha Mittal Translated by P.R.Ramachander Introduction by the author (இது தமிழெழுதப்படிக்கத்தெரியாத தமிழ்பாப்பாக்களுக்கு தமிழ் தெரிந்த பெரியவர்கள் படித்துக்காட்டியோ பாடிக்காட்டியோ நம் ராமரின் கதையை அவர்களின் இதயத்தில் பதிய&
அபிராமி அந்தாதி -Tamil and englishஅபிராமி அந்தாதி Abhirami Anthadhi (end-start poem) By Abhirama Bhattar Translated into verse By P.R.Ramachander Introduction Abhirami is the Goddess of Thirukadayur near MayiladuThurai town of Tamil Nadu. The Lord Shiva who presides over the temple is called Amritha Gateswarar. It is believed that while transporting the Nectar (Amritha) which they got by churning the ocean of milk,
பாப்பா ராமாயணம் (Pappa Ramayanam)-Part 1பாப்பா ராமாயணம் (Pappa Ramayanam)-Part 1 Ramayana for the babies By Lalitha Mittal Translated by P.R.Ramachander Introduction by the author (இது தமிழெழுதப்படிக்கத்தெரியாத தமிழ்பாப்பாக்களுக்கு தமிழ் தெரிந்த பெரியவர்கள் படித்துக்காட்டியோ பாடிக்காட்டியோ நம் ராமரின் கதையை அவர்களின்
பாப்பா ராமாயணம் (Pappa Ramayanam)-Second Partபாப்பா ராமாயணம் (Pappa Ramayanam)-Second Part Ramayana for the babies 5,சுந்தரகாண்டம்- &
Dhanwanthari Manthra and Dhanwanthari GayathriDhanwanthari Manthra and Dhanwanthari Gayathri Translated by P.R.Ramachander (slightly different versions are also there) Please chant it 108 times daily to get cured of diseases Dhanwanthari Manthra Om namo Bhagwathe, maha sudrashana vasudevaya Dhanwantharaaya,Amrutha kalasa hasthaya Sakala Bhaya vinasanaaya, Sarva
Short cut to read Vishnu Sahasranama:-Short cut to read Vishnu Sahasranama:- Compiled by P.R.Ramachander I.In the phala sruthi of Vishnu sahasranama, lord Vishnu says , even if you read one sloka, he would be satisfied Sri Bhagawanuvacha: Yo mam nama sahasrena stothumichadi pandava, Sohamekena slokena sthutha eva na samsaya Sthutha eva na samsaya
Prayer to Gods in Mumbai to remove Carona in Marathi/EnglishPrayer to Gods in Mumbai to remove Carona in Marathi/English In Marathi by Anil G.Joshi (Based on English prayer composed by P.R.Ramachander , given below Marathi text) (I prayed to Gods in Chennai to remove Carona and help people living there in Tamil .I know that
Unnu Guruvayurappaa Eat oh lord guruvayurappaഉണ്ണൂ ഗുരുവായൂരപ്പാ Unnu Guruvayurappaa Eat oh lord guruvayurappa Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is one of prayers which was often sung by my co brother Sri.PVV Raghavan ,.This is about the story of priests son making Guruvayurappan eat the neivedhyam. He will be singing this prayer with tears in his eyes. I thought
Prayer to Gods in Mumbai to remove Carona in EnglishPrayer to Gods in Mumbai to remove Carona in English BY P.R.Ramachander (I prayed to Gods in Chennai to remove Carona and help people living there in Tamil .I know that Bombay is facing a worst scenario.I wanted to pray the Gods in Mumbai to help them by removing Carona.I do not Marathi and not very
Pancha mukha aanjaneyar sthuthi(tamil)Pancha mukha aanjaneyar sthuthi(tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I am quoting in extenso from the learned article on Pancha Mukha Anjaneya from the Wikipedia. “Sri Panchamukha Anjaneya Swami was the main deity of Sri Raghavendra Swami. The place where he meditated on this five-faced form of Hanuman is now known as Panchamukhi, wherein a temple for him has been built.
Shri Sai Kashta Nivarana Stotram- simpleShri Sai Kashta Nivarana Stotram The prayer to get rid of sufferings addressed to Shirdi sai Translated by P.R.Ramachander (My friend Sri AV Sundaram, yesterday sent me this sweet and short prayer addressed to Shirdi Sai .The other two Kashta nivaran stotras I have translated are very long .Since it was sent in English, I do not
Kalikambal Kavacham -Tamilகாளிகாம்பாள் கவசம் Kalikambal Kavacham Armour of Goddess Kalikambal Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This great prayer is addressed to Goddess Kalikambal of Chennai. The Kālikāmbal Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Shri Kāligāmbāl and Lord Kamadeswarar, located in Parry’s corner in Chennai&
உன் சென்னையில மேவும் கரோண நோயை போக்கிடுவாய்உன் சென்னையில மேவும் கரோண நோயை போக்கிடுவாய் Collected and modified by P.R.Ramachander (Though I do not belong to Chennai, I feel greatly disturbed by the spread of Carona epidemic there.I decided to pray some goddesses in Chennai for removing the disease.I will take half an hour to type few lines in Tamil.So I decided to borrow lines from other
Manthras for getting cured of diseases from Hanuman chalisaManthras for getting cured of diseases from Hanuman chalisa Chant again and again 1. बुद्धिहीन तनु जानिके सुमिरौं पवनकुमार। बल बुधि बिद्या देहु मोहि हरहु कलेस बिकार। Budhi heena thanu jaani ke, Sumeerou pavana kumar, Bala budhi vidhya dehu moheem, Harau klesa vikar. Though I am one without any brain, I place in my mind, the son of wind,
Sampoorna roga nivarana stotra of GuryvayurappanSampoorna roga nivarana stotra of Guryvayurappan Compiled and translated by P.R.Ramachander (Pardon me for compiling a new stotra from various existing stotras for curing your diseases addressed to guruvayurappan. It starts with a general prayer to cure diseases, a suprabatham sloka requesting cure
Ayyappa Jaya MangalamAyyappa Jaya Mangalam Translated by P.R.Ramachander Jaya Mangalam Shiva balan ayyanukku Mohini Balanukku Villali veeranukku Veera mani kandanukku AAryan kaavil ayyanukku Achan koil aandavarkku Puli paal konarnthavarkku Purai kulathoor ayyannukku Kanda prachandarukku Veera mani kandanukku Pampayil vaasanukku Sabari malai sasthaavukku Jaya
Mangala slokamMangala slokam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,. Mangalam gana nadhhaya, mangalam hara soonuve, Mangalam Vigna rajaya , vigna harthresthu mangalam Auspiciousness to lord of Ganas, auspiciousness to son of Lord shiva, Auspiciousness to king of obstacles, auspiciousness to he who destroys obstacles 2.Yaa shivo
Prayer to kill Carona to our Lord Narayana in English and TamilPrayer to kill Carona to our Lord Narayana in english and Tamil By P.R.Ramachander The crocodile Asura called Carona, Has started pulling the leg of , The royal elephant called India, And the troubled elephant , Is shouting “Oh Narayana , Narayana” Oh Lord please rush and kill the crocodile, And save your own devotee, with speed. The ten headed Asura called Carona,
Om Mangalam Omkar MangalamOm Mangalam Omkar Mangalam Translated by P.R.Ramachander Om Mangalam Omkar Mangalam Om Mangalam Omkar mangalam Om is Auspicious , the sound of om is auspicious Om is Auspicious , the sound of om is auspicious BHumi mangalam , modhaka mangalam Agni mangalam Vayumangalam Gagana mangala, surya mangalam
Ganesha Avathara stotramGanesha Avathara stotram (prayer to incarnations of Ganesa) Translated by P.R.Ramachander श्री गणेशाय नमः । Sri Ganeshata nama Salutations to Ganesa आङ्गिरस उवाच । Aangeerasa Uvacha Aangeerasa told अनन्ता अवताराश्च गणेशस्य महात्मनः । न शक्यते कथां वक्तुं मया वर्षशतैरपि ॥ १॥ Ananthaa avatharascha Ganesasya
Guruvayupuresa Mangala Stutiगुरुवायु पुरेश मङ्गल स्तुति || Guruvayupuresa Mangala Stuti Translated by P.R.Ramachander श्री कृष्णाय मुकुन्दाय श्रीराजद्दिव्यवर्ष्मणे | गुरुवायुपुरेशाय जगदीशाय मङ्गलं ||१|| Sri Krishnaya Mukundaya , sri Raja divya varshmane Guruvatha puresaya jagadheesaya Mangalam To Sri Krishna, Mukunda, he who is the top of royal
Aadhi SAnkaracharya AshtakamAadhi SAnkaracharya Ashtakam By Lata Nrgam (taken from stutimandal web site . I could not know how to contact her to take her permission.God bless her for such a great stotra addressed to adhi Sankara . The typing in English and translation is mine.It is slightly different from what is given there)
Krishana ChhaviKrishana Chhavi Splendour of Krishna By Saint thulasidas Translated by P.R.Ramachander (It is written in a Hindi dialect) 1.Gopala, gokula vallavi priya Gopa gosutha vallabham Charanaravindhamaham bhaje Bhajaneeya sura muni durlabham He who looks after cows, Darling of the Gopis, Lord of gopa boys and calves
Goda ChathuslokiGoda Chathusloki (I saw a pretty Sanskrit stotra called Godha Chathusloki in the web .I wanted to translate it and I was searching for a commentary on this great stotra all over the web .I could not get it .Then as per directions of God I approached Sri Vasu Iyengar , my scholarly friend in face book. He promised to search his
Sri Vasavi stotramSri Vasavi stotram (She is the caste goddess of Arya Vaishyas .She is also called as Kannika Parameshvari ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1..Kailasachala sannibhe giripure souvarna srunge maha- Stthambodhyan mani mantape suricira pranthe cha simhasane Aaseenam sakala amararchitha padhaam bhktharthi vidhwamsineem Vandhe vasavi
Manasa devi dwaasa nama stotramManasa devi dwaasa nama stotram Prayer of twelve names addressed to Manasa devi ( Manasa Devi is Goddess of snakes mainly worshipped in eastern India.She is considered to be the sister of serpent king Vasuki) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Om namo Manasayai Om Salutations to Manasa Jarathkarur Jagad Gauri&
Devi ShatkamDevi Shatkam (The six verse prayer to Goddess) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Amba Sashi bimba vadane , Kambu greeve Katora kucha kumbhe Ambara samana madhye sambara aripu vairi . devi maam pahi Oh mother with moon like face , conch like neck, very hard pot like breasts Who has sky like middle, who is friend of
Durvasanaa prathikara dasakamDurvasanaa prathikara dasakam दुर्वासनाप्रतिकारादशकम् Reversal of evil propensities By Swami Vidhyaranya , 12th Jagad Guru of sarada Peeta Translated by P.R.Ramachander प्रातर्वैदिककर्मतः तत्तदनुसद्वेदान्तसच्चिन्तया पश्चाद्भारतमोक्षधर्मकथया वासिष्ठरामायणात् । सायं भागवतार्थतत्त्वकथया रात्रौ निदिध्यासनात् कालो गच्छतु नः शरीरभरणं
Anjaneya MangalashtakamAnjaneya Mangalashtakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander Gauri siva vayu varaya, anjani kesari suthaya cha Agni panchaka jaataya, anjaneyaya Mangalam Blessed by Parvathi, Shiva and Vayu and also son of anjana and Kesari, He who was born from the five types of fire , Auspiciousness to Anjaneya Vaishake masi krishnayam
Mura hara , naga dharaMura hara , naga dhara Killed of mura , one who lifted mountain Translated by P.R.Ramachander Mura hara naga dhara , Govinda Rama Mukundha Madhava Raghava Rama Oh killer of Mura, the lifter of mountain, Oh Govinda Rama Oh Mukunda, MadhavA, Oh Raghava Rama Vasudevaa, vana mala dharaa Vaikuntadhipa, Raghava Rama Oh son of
Sri Ramachandra , dasaradha PuthraSri Ramachandra , dasaradha Puthra Ramachandra son of dasaradha Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sri Ramachandra , Dasaradha puthra Sathya swaroopa, Jaya jaya Ram Ram Jaya jaya Ram, Ananda Ram Sita Nayaka jaya jaya Ram Ram Ramachandra son of Dasaratha The form of truth, hail, hail, Rama, Rama Hail, Hail Rama, Rama of joy The lord&
AAthma ramaa, aananda RamanaAAthma ramaa, aananda Ramana Rama of the soul , who enjoys being happy Translated by P.R.Ramachander Aathma Rama, Aananda Ramana Kesava Hari Narayana Bhava bhaya harana, vanditha charana Raghu kula bhooshanaa, rajeeva lochanaa AAdhi Narayana, anantha SAyana Sachidananda sathya Narayana Oh rama of the soul , who enjoys
Karuna cheyyambike devi MookambikeKaruna cheyyambike devi Mookambike Oh Goddess Mookambika , please show mercy, oh mother Translated by P.R.Ramachander Karuna cheyyambike , devi mookambike Devi mookambike sarvathra sadhaye Show mercy ooh mother, Goddess Mookambika Goddess Mookambika who is present everywhere Girivara thanaye, kari mukhan thaaye
Kari mukhil varnandeKari mukhil varnande To the God who has colour of black cloud Translated by P.R.Ramachander Karimukhil varnande thiruvudal yennude, Arukil vanneppozhum kaanaakenam Always I should see near me the body, Of the God who has colour of black cloud Kaalil chiambum kilukki nadakkunna Bala gopalane
Deva murareDeva murare Translated by P.R.Ramachander Deva Murare, Deva Murare , Deva Murare Deva hare, Raga manohara vannalum Thava Radhikayaanu Vilikkunnen Oh God who killed Mura, oh God who killed Mura OH God who killed Mura, Oh GGGod Vishnu Oh Pretty Raga please come Your Radha is calling you ThamasamenthiniNandakumara Thamarsasanana
Most powerful slokas in Adhithya Hrudayam according to Maha PeriyavaMost powerful slokas in Adhithya Hrudayam according to Maha Periyava Translated by P.R.Ramachander All of us know that adhithya Hrudayam was taught by Sage agasthya to Lord Rama , so that he gets the power to kill Ravana Once when a great Lawyer Sri C.R.Pattabhiraman&nbsp
Chant prayer of your birth starChant the manthra for your birth star Compiled by P.R.Ramachander These are the prayers to be chanted by the people born in different stars.They are supposed to chant it 108 times a day. The first line gives the manthra in English, second in Tamil and the third gives the meaning of Manthra Aswini –Sumanasa vanditha deva manohari aswini devi sahaya krupeஅஸ்வினி: ஸுமநஸ
Gurupavanesaa Rema patheGurupavanesaa Rema pathe Oh Guruvayurappa , consort of Lakshmi Translated by P.R.Ramachander Gurupavanesa rema pathe, Oru thuna nalgene Radha pathe Gurupavanesa , rema pathe, Muraleedharane Radha pathe Oh Guruvayurappa, consort of Lakshmi Please give me a help , oh Consort of Radha Oh Guruvayurappa, consort of
Krishna Hare JayaKrishna Hare Jaya Translated by P.R.Ramachander Krishna hare Jaya Krishna murare Krishna hare Jaya Krishna murare Oh Krishna oh Vishnu , Oh Krishna who plays the flute, Oh Krishna oh Vishnu , Oh Krishna who plays the flute Ambadi thannile omana kanna Anbodu nee yennil kaniyenam&nbsp
Nanda Sundaraa, nandanane vaa(Malayalam)Nanda Sundaraa, nandanane vaa(Malayalam) Come pretty one of Nanda Gopa, the son of Nandagopa Translated by P.R.Ramachander Nanda sundara Nandanane va, Vandhya roopa , mukundane Va va Kannane, Kadal varnane va va Venna, paal , pazham nalkeedaam vaa Come pretty one of Nanda Gopa, the son of Nandagopa Come
Hey Murali, sri dharaHey Murali, sri dhara Oh one who carries flute and Lakshmi Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hey Murali, Sridhara Radhe Krishna , Radhe Shyam Kesava Madhava, Yadhava Nandana Radhe Krishna, Radhe Shyaam Oh one who carries the flute and Lakshmi Krishna of Radha, Black one Radha Oh Kesava, Oh Madhava , of the son of
Nanda Nandana Namasthe NarayanaNanda Nandana Namasthe Narayana (Oh son of Nanda, salutations oh Narayana) Translated by, P.R.Ramachander Nanda nandana Namasthe Narayana Navaneetha choraa, Namasthe Narayana Aravinda lochana Namasthe Narayana Aasritha vathsala Namasthe Narayana Oh son of Nanda, salutations to Narayana Oh stealer of
Prayer addressed to Periyava to remove CaronaPrayer addressed to Periyava to remove Carona Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This was posted my face book friend smt Seetha Narayanan. It seems she got it as a forwarded Message in Whatsapp. I thought that those who do not know Tamil , can use this to Pray Maha Periyava to remove Carona. Thanks my face book
Arya Vamsha Sujatha Namo NamoArya Vamsha Sujatha Namo Namo Translated by Rammohan Bala (translation after text) Arya Vamsha Sujatha Namo Namo, Veera Divya Vilasa Namo Namo, Shaswatharchita Deva Namo Namo- Bahukoti. Bhootha Vandita Deva Namo Namo, Bheethi Nashana Roopa Namo Namo, Mohanambhuja Paada Namo Namo.... Manikanta Rajasevaka Veera Namo Namo, Vaaji Vaarana Vaha Namo Namo Geetha Nrithya Vinoda
Dhanvanthai Kavacha StotramDhanvanthai Kavacha Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (here is the greatest prayer that I know addressed to God Dhanvanthari requesting him to cure all diseases. After chanting the kavacha, the moola manthra has to be chanted and then there is again a prayer to get rid of diseases.
Pambai nadhi karaye -undhan (Tamil Bhajan)பம்பை நதிக்கரையே... உந்தன் Pambai nadhi karaye -undhan Oh banks of Pamba-your Bhajan translated by P.R.Ramachander பெருமைக்கு இணை இல்லையே அரிஹரன் திருவருளே நீதான் அறிந்தாய் முதன் முதலே ஆயிரம் கோடி பக்தர்கள் பாடி. (பம்பை). Perumaikku inai illaye Ariharan thiruvarule nee thaan Arinthai muthan muthale Aayiram kodi &
Avathara thraya stotramAvathara thraya stotram By Swami Vadhi Raja Theertha Translated by P.R.Ramachander pAlayasva nipAlayasva nipAlayasva ramApatE | vAdirAjamunIndravandita vAjivaktra namO&amp;stu tE || pa ||| Look after , protect, protect , Oh consort of Goddess Lakshmi Let me salute the pretty figure saluted by the
Ganapathi Jaya jayaGanapathi Jaya jaya Hail, hail, Ganesa Translated by P.R.Ramachander Chinthithavarkku arul Ganapathi Jaya jaya Seeriya yanai kandre jaya jaya Anbudai amararai kaappai jaya jaya AAvi thunayana Ganapathi jaya jaya He who blesses those who think of him,Ganesa hail, hail Pretty elephant calf, hail, hail You protect&
JANTA VARiSAI RAMAYANAM TranslationJANTA VARiSAI RAMAYANAM Ramayana with progression of notes By Dr. Saroja Ramanujam Note the English translation does’nt follow Janta Varisai. The original text is given after my translation (Though Jantai varisai is applicable to the basic composition(in this case in Tamil) , I wanted to add one more Ramayana
Nama Ramayana including Uthara KandaNama Ramayanam Bala Kandam Kalathmaka parameshwara Rama Seshathalpa suha nidhritha Rama Barhamthyamara prarthitha Rama Chanda kirana kala mandana Rama Srimath Dasratha nandana Rama Kausalya sukha vardhana Rama Viswamithra priya dhana Rama Gora Thatakaa gathaka Rama Mareehadhi nipathaka Rama Kaushika muka samrakshaka Rama Srimad Ahalya uddharaka Rama Gowthama muni sampoojitha
English translation of Chinmaya mission Swaranjali(Music worship songs)English translation of Chinmaya mission Swaranjali(Music worship songs) By P.R.Ramachander Introduction From Chinmaya mission web site “CHINMAYA SWARANJALI – The Music wing of Chinmaya Mission Swara to Ishwara The origin of music lies in the very beginning of life itself! In the vast orchestra of Mother
விநாயகர், பிள்ளையார் துதி. Vinayagar, pillayaar thuthiவிநாயகர், பிள்ளையார் துதி. Vinayagar, pillayaar thuthi Prayer to lord Ganesa Translated by P.R.Ramachander தொந்தி கணபதி வா வா வா THondhi ganapathi va va va Big paunch Ganesa, come come come தொந்தி கணபதி வா வா வா வந்தே ஒரு வரம் தா தா தா Thondhi ganapathi va va va Vanthe oru varam thaa thaa thaa
வேதாந்த ஆச்சே ! போச்சே Vedantha Ache pocheவேதாந்த ஆச்சே ! போச்சே Vedantha Ache poche Philsophy ended or lost By ஆவுடையக்கா Avudai akka (She was a tamil poet who lived in 15th centaury in Senkottai. She was born in a rich family and became a widow when she was a child.Continuing her learning of Tamil she has written about 10000 poems.It seems Maha Kavi
Prayer to get rid of Carona disease by Swami Vijayedra Saraswathi (Please chant)Prayer to get rid of Carona disease by Swami Vijayedra Saraswathi (Please chant) Swami Vijayendra Saraswathi of Kanchi Kamakoti peetam has requested you to chant this great prayer for getting rid of Carona not only for us but for the entire world,I think it is the duty of every one of us to do it and also share it
After Carona came , daily with tears in eye , I chant this Malayalam prayer:-After Carona came , daily with tears in eye , I chant this Malayalam prayer:- By Raja Thatha (First time in my life I am typing in Malayalam and tamil in the computer for the first time I am translating from English in to Tamil,first time after I passed my SSLC. .Pardon me for mistakes) In Malayalam മാരുതാധീശ്വരാ, നിൻ കൃപാ വർഷത്താൽ , പാരിനെ
Swami Ayyappa deepa aarthiSwami Ayyappa deepa aarthi Translated by P.R.ramachander Deepa mangala jyothi namo namo Thooya ambala leele namo namo Deva kunjari paada namo namo - Arul thaarai Vetri Vel Muruganukku hara haro hara !! Salutations to the auspicious luster of lamp, Salutation to the lord who plays pure sports in the temple Salutations to&nbsp
DurgashtakamDurgashtakam (octet o0n durga) By Madanāntānandasaraswathi Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Durge , paresi , shubhadesi parathparesi, Vandhye mahesa dayithe, karunarnavesi, Sthuthye swadhe sakala thapa hare suresi, Krishna sthuthe kuru krupaam lalithe akhilesi Oh Durga, oh divine Goddess who grants auspicious , Goddess&
Vishnu StotraVishnu Stotra Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Trilokya pavana, jagat parivandhya padhaa Viswesa viswapa maha purusha pradhana Narayanachyutha hare, madhu kaiatabhare Vishno praseedha parameswara namosthuthe He who purifies the three worlds,Whose feet is saluted by the world, God of the world, who takes care of the world, who is the important great Purusha, Oh
Jagadamba SthuthiJagadamba Sthuthi (Prayer to mother of the world) Translated By P.R.Ramachander 1.Namosthesthu they Bhagawathi Papa nasini Namosthesthu they sura ripu darpa sathani Namosthesthu they Harihara Rajya Dhayini Naosthesthu they Makha buja karya karini Salutation to you Goddess who destroys sins Salutations to you
Indiraa stotram (Prayer to Goddess Lakshmi)Indiraa stotram (Prayer to Goddess Lakshmi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Lakshmi rama priye, sindhuje anaakruthe, AAkruthe antharathmaasraye sheethale, Nithya shudhe vilasa pradhe, budhidhe, Devi vishnoora shobhe praseedhe indire Oh Lakshmi , who is dear to rama, who is daughter of ocean, who is formless, Who is with form
Sutheekshna rama SthuthiSutheekshna rama Sthuthi By Sage Sutheekshna Translated by P.R.ramachander 1.Shyamathamara sareeram Jatamakuta paridhana muni cheram, Pani chapa sarakati thooniram, Naumi niranthara Raghu veeram You have body of black deva, You wear a sages dress including matted tuft You have a bow, arrows and
Kshipra phala pradha dhana lakshmi StotramKshipra phala pradha dhana lakshmi Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Nama sarva swaroope cha namo kalyana dhayike Maha sampath pradhe devi danadhayai namosthuthe Salutations to her with all forms and salutations to her who grants auspiciousness, Oh Goddess who grants great
Nama yugalashtakamNama yugalashtakam (the eight name of pairs) By Rupa Goswami Translated by P.R.Ramachander Radha madhava yoretha dwakshaye nama yugashtakam Radha Damodharou poorvam Radhika Madhou thathaa The ever lasting eight pair names of Radha and Madhava Radha damodhara first and Radha Madhava in the end
Sri Krishna-saranam mamaSri Krishna-saranam mama Oh Krishna you are my protection Translated by P.R.Ramachander Refrain Sri Krishna yeva saranam Mama. , Sri Krishna yeva saranam Sri Krishna is my only protection, The Krishna only protection 1.Guna mayyeshaa na yathra maya na cha janurapi maranam Yadhyathaya pasyanthi samaadhou parama mudhaabharanam
Gopika viraha GeethamGopika viraha Geetham Song of Lovelorn Gopis Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Yehi murare, kunja vihare, yehi pranatha jana bandho, Hey Madhava madhu madhana varenya kesava karuna sindho Hey killer of Mura ,hey lord who stays in garden, hey friend of those who love him, Hey Madhava, hey sweet god of love , hey Kesava
Prathar smarana stotra of Bhagawad BhakthasPrathar smarana stotra of Bhagawad Bhakthas(devotees of God) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Prahalada , Narada parasara pundareeka, Vyasa Ambareesha Shuka Saunakha bheeshma dalabhyan Rukmangadha Arjuna vasishta vibheeshanaadheen Punyaan yimaan parama bhagawathaan smarami. I remember the great devotees who have done
Pratha smarana Stotram of Lord VishnuPratha smarana Stotram of Lord Narayana Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Pratha smarami Bhava Bheethi maharthi santhyai, Narayanam Garuda vahanamabja nabham, Grahaabhi bhoothavara varana mukthi hethum , Chakrayudham tharuna varija pathra nethram In the morning I remember him who
SAlya Mukhesa Dhanvanthari Stotram (Prayer to Nelluvai Dhanwantari)SAlya Mukhesa Dhanvanthari Stotram (Prayer to Nelluvai Dhanwantari) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (There is very famous Dhanwanthari temple in a place called Nelluvai in Kerala .It is believed that the Aswini devas consecrated this temple .In ancient days for any Ayurvedic doctor to start practice in
Ambal Mansa Poojai (Tamil)Ambal Mansa Poojai (Tamil) By Aandavan Pichai Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I have taken this great prayer from .This prayer can be downloaded in tamil from there) 1.Karumbu villendhi kanayaam malar iynthum kayyil yenthi, Virumbiye iru karathil&
Sri Bhuvaneswari SthuthiThose who chant this great prayer in the morning and evening would get all their desires fulfilled and also get mental peace Sri Bhuvaneswari Sthuthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander नमो देव्यै प्रकृत्यै च विधात्र्यै सततं नमः । कल्याण्यै कामदायै च वृत्त्यै सिध्यै नमो नमः ॥ १ || .Namo devyai , prakruthyai cha Vidathryai SAthatham&
Namo Narayana /Ashtakshara vaibhavam (Tamil)Namo Narayana (also called AshtaksharaVaibhavam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Taken from ஓம் நமோ நாராயணாய ஒம் நமோ நாராயணாய ஓம் நமோ நாராயணாய ஓம் நமோ நமோ நமோ Om Namo Narayanaya , On Namo Narayanaya Om Namo Narayanaya , On Namo Narayanaya Om Salutations Narayana
Avasaram iniyum Undo( Malayalam)Avasaram iniyum Undo( Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Avasaram iniyum undo ?Manujaa, Asarananaam ninakku eesane bhajikkan, Avasaram in yum undo?, Avasaram aagave paazhayi pokki, Avasanai Jeevitham Tharu maraakki? Oh man, do you have still time? Is there time for the helpless you, To pray God? You wasted all the
The Go Savitri StotramThe Go Savitri Stotram TRanslated by Sri .K.V.Ananthanarayanan ================== in praise of Cows whom we revere as Divine beings walking on earth.. This is also called Go Savitri Mantram ========================== If we chant this stotram and then smear our bodies with the dust from the places where the hooves of the cow was placed, then we would attain the punyam of having bath in
Jaya Janaki RamanaJaya Janaki Ramana Hail sweet heart of Sita Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Jaya janaki Ramana , Jaya Vibheeshana sarana,Jaya saroruha charana , Jaya dheena karuna jaya, jayaVictory to sweet heart of Sita,Victory to him who gave refuge to VibheeshanaVictory to the one with lotus like feet,Victory to one merciful towards one in distress victory, victory2.Jaya loka
Bhagan Nama MahathmyaBhagan Nama Mahathmya The greatness of God’s name Translated by P.R.Ramchander 1.Harer namaiva namaiva namaiva mama jeevanam, Kalou naasthyevanasthyevanasthyeva gathir anyadhaa The name of Hari, only that name Only that name is my life In Kali age, there is no, there is no , there is no other way . 2.Visrujya lajjaam
Shiva narayana sthuthi(Malayalam)Shiva narayana sthuthi(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Shambho Sankara Sadhashiva, Ambuja nayanaa Narayanaa Hara Om, hara om, Sadhaa shiva Hari Om, Hari Om , Narayana Oh Shambu, Oh Sankara , Oh Sadashiva, Oh lotus eyed Narayana, Om Shiva, Om Shiva, Sadhashiva Om Vishnu, Om Vishnu , Narayana
Durga Parameshwari storam By Sringeri AcharyaDurga Parameshwari storam By Sringeri Acharya Prayer to cure Carona to Goddess Durga Parameshwari by Jagadguru of Sringeri Peetam Etham vathantham samayam Adhunaa sarvathra Jagathi prasaratha Janaanaam pranaapaaya karasya Karona Namakasya Roga Viseshasya Nivaranaartham Sri Jagad Guru virachitha, Sri durga Parameswari Stotra Parayanam Kaishye For
Gowreesa Keerthanam (Malayalam)Gowreesa Keerthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Har hara Shambho gowreesa, Shiva shiva sambho Gowreesa Hara hara Shambho, Shiva Shiva Shambho Jaya jaya Shambho Gowreesa Oh Hara, Oh Hara , Oh Shambhu, Lord of Gowri Oh Shiva, Oh shiva , Oh Shambhu, Lord of Gowri, Oh Hara, oh Hara , Oh Shambu , Oh Shiva, Oh Shiva&
Vani sarswathi(Malayalam)Vani sarswathi Sarswathi Goddess of eloquence Translated By P.R.Ramachander 1.Vani Sarawathi Vaagh devi, Veenaa Dharini Maam Pahi Let Goddess of eloquence Saraswathi ,the goddess of speech Who carries the Veena protect me 2.Pusthaka pani Vaagh devi, Pannaga veni Maam pahi She who has books in hand, the goddess&
Ammaye thanne bhajikkanam (Malayalam)Ammaye thanne bhajikkanam WE have to sing and worship only mother Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Ammaye thanne Bhajikkanam , nammalkku, Ammayeyennum BHajichidenam WE have to sing only about mother we have , To always sing the mother 2.Kanmashamokke agannu poyeeduvaan, Ammaye bhakthyaa bhajichidenam For
Sri Devi Darsanam (Malayalam)Sri Devi Darsanam Translated By P.R.Ramachander SaranamekenamAmme nin paadangalil, Kodungallor vaazhum kaleeswari, Oh mother you should give me protection in your feet, Oh Goddess Kali who lives in Kodungaloor Sridevi darsanam nayana mohanam Sri devi poojanam moksha dhayakam Sri Devi keerthanam sruthi manoharam Saalukhya vasanam
Amme Narayana (Malayalam)Amme Narayana Translated by P.R.Ramachander Amme Narayana , Devi Narayana , Lakshmi Narayana, Badhre Narayana Oh mother Narayana , Oh Goddess Narayana, Oh Lakshmi Narayana, Oh Lady Narayana Chothanikkarayil Vaazhum Amme Narayana, Mathaarum thunayilamme bhadre Narayana&
Mookambike devi(malayalam)Mookambike devi Oh Goddess Mookambike Translated by P.R.Ramachander Refrain Mookambika devi Jagadambike Mupparinnum nithya vara dhayike Oh Goddess Mookambika, the mother of the universe, One who grants boons daily to the three worlds Mookambika devi Jagadambike
Shiva Rama KrishnaShiva Rama Krishna Translated by P.R.Ramachander Shiva Rama Krishna Govinda Nara Hari Narayana Kasi Viswanadha Oh shiva, Oh rama , Oh Govinda, Oh Narasimha Oh Narayana Oh Kasi Viswanadha Pandari pura vasa Sri Panduranga Chidambaresa Sri Nataraja Pandari pura vasa Sri Panduranga Chidambaresa Sri Nataraja Natha&nbsp
Anjaneya Pahi maam(Malayalam)Anjaneya Pahi maam(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Parijatha tharu nivasa Aanjaneya Pahi maam Padha vijitha Dushta graham Anjaneya Pahi maam Pathitha loka pavana sri Anjaneya pahi maam Parama bhavatharenya Anjaneya pahi maam Tharunaruna padhambuja Anjaneya Pahi maam Thapana koti sangasa Anjaneya&
Om sakthi Om Sakthi Om -Para Sakthi,Om sakthi Om Sakthi Om -Para Sakthi, Translated by P.R.Ramachander Om sakthi Om Sakthi Om -Para Sakthi, Om Sakthi Om Sakthi om Om sakthi Om Sakthi Om -Para Sakthi, Om Sakthi Om Sakthi om 1.Amme jagat janani-Maheswari, nanmakku uravidame. Chemme Anugrahikku, thozhunnu jnan Nirmale Bhadrakali (Om
Soma shekara nandana devaSoma shekara nandana deva Translated by P.R.Ramachander Soma shekara Nandana devaa, Pahi maam Karunalaya devaa Khedham ambodu pokkeduvanai Pada tharina Koopiduven Jnan OH god who is son of Lord Shiva with moon, Protect me, oh God who is in temple of mercy, For completely
Kani kaanaan Kanna nee munnilKani kaanaan Kanna nee munnil Translated by P.R.Ramachander Kani kaanaan Kannadi munnil Vannethi Kavi hrudayam karpoora dheepam koluthi Kala mari villaniyum kaaril Niramudayone Kavi bhavana kola mayil peeli viruthi Oh Krishna you came before mirror to see Kani, You lit the lamp of camphor
Saraswathi Palaya maam(Malayalam)Saraswathi Palaya maam(Malayalam) Oh Saraswathi protect me Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Sakala Kala Nidhe Saraswathi devi Kanakambike , Divya vandithadevi Nalina Manohare Veenaapani Vani Saraswathi Palaya maam Oh Goddess Saraswathi, the treasure of all arts, Oh Golden mother, who is saluted by gods Oh tender beauty who holds&
Narayanam Bhaje NarayanamNarayanam Bhaje Narayanam Sing about Narayana , sing Translated by P.R.Ramachander Refrain(Pallavi) Narayanam Bhaje Narayanam -Lakshmi Narayanam Bhaje Narayanam Narayana, sing about Narayana –sing about, Lakshmi Narayana, Narayana 1.Vrundavana Sthitham Narayanam-Deva Vrundhair abheeshtutham Narayanam( Narayanam..)
Jaya Janardhana (malayalam)Jaya Janardhana Translated by P.R.Ramachander Jaya Janardhana Krishna Radhika pathe Jana vimochana Krishna Janma mochana Garuda Vahana Krishna gopika pathe Nayana mohana Krishna neerajekshana Hail Janardhana Krishna the Lord of Radha The savior of people Krishna, the one who frees us from birth The one who rides on
Araj suno Mori SainathAraj suno Mori Sainath Hear my appeal Lord Sai Translated by P.R.Ramachander <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Na jaat na mazhab koi raja nahin fakir Sabka malik ek hai sabka ek hi peer Jai Sainath, Jai Sainath, Jai Sainath …. No caste , no religion, no one is king nor a saint The boss of every one is one, the sage for
Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram Rama Narayanam Janaki Vallabham – 2-Hindi prayerAchyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram Rama Narayanam Janaki Vallabham – 2-Hindi prayer Oh Achyutha, Kesava , Krishna , Damodara Rama Narayana, Consort of Janaki Translated from Hindi By P.R.Ramachander 1.Kaun kehte hain bhagwan aate nahin – 2 Tum Meera ke jaise bulaate nahin – 2 Achyutam Keshavam Krishna
Achyutha NamashtakamAchyutha Namashtakam (The eight names of Achyutha) Chant just eight names of Vishnu thrice in the dawn, noon and dusk and you will get most of the things you want) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Achyutham, kesavam Vishnum, harim, sathyam janardhanam, Hamsa , narayanan chaiva methan namashtakam padeth, 1 Trisandhya
Devi StotramDevi Stotram By Adhi Sankara Translated by P. R. Ramachander Na mantram no yantram thadapi cha na jane sthuthimaho, Na chahwanam dhyanam thadapi cha na jane sthuthi kadha, Na jane mudrasthe thadapi na jane vilapanam, Param jane matha thwadanusaranam klesa haranam., 1 Neither I know mantra nor thanthra nor your praise,Neither I know how to call you,
Hari, Narayana , Hari#ஹரி #நாராயண #ஹரி Hari, Narayana , Hari Oh Hari, Oh Narayana , Oh Hari By Agathiyar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (here is a prayer of a person nearing death.He laments why he did not chant name of God all his life) ஹரி நாராயண ஹரி நாராயண ஹரி நாராயண நாராயணா ஹரி நாராயண ஹரி நாராயண ஹரி நாராயண நாராயணா Hari Narayana ,
Vallabhesa Karavalamba DasakamVallabhesa Karavalamba Dasakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander "Vallabha Ganapathi is that form of Ganapathi Vallabha Ganapathi is a rare form of Ganapathi who has eleven arms and is believed to be the protector of the universe. There are a few temples dedicated to this form of Ganapathi ( for example Mambalam, Madras) and one of them is in Suva, Fiji Islands and another
Naalai yenpathai Yaar thaan Kandaarநாளை என்பதை யார் தான் கண்டார்? Naalai yenpathai Yaar thaan Kandaar Who has ever seen tomorrow Posted By Kumaran Translated by P.R.,Ramachander ( took this pretty prayer from .Thanks to the author) நாளை நாளை நாளை என்கின்றாய் நாரணன் நாமத்தை நீ சொல் என்றால் நாளை என்பதை யார் தான்
Parasakthi mathaveபராசக்தி மாதாவே Parasakthi mathave Oh mother with divine power Translated by P.R.Ramachander பராசக்தி மாதாவே பரமேஸ்வர நாதனே பராசக்தி மாதாவே பரமேஸ்வர நாதனே Para sakthi Mathave, Parameshwara Nadhane , Para sakthi Mathave, Parameshwara Nadhane , Oh Mother of divine power, Oh Lord who is the God of all, Oh Mother&nbsp
Nava Rathna Mala Stotram aadhi sankaraNava Rathna Mala Stotram By Adi Shankara Translated by P. R. Ramachande [The prayer of the garland of nine gems. This prayer if recited on the Nine days of Nava Rathri gives special benefits on the devotees. An audio of this stotra can be heard in] <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> हार नूपुर किरीट कुण्डल विभूषितावयव&
Ramar Thalattu PaattuRamar Thalattu Paattu Translated by P.R.Ramachander Ragam Neelambari Kosalai Nadala vandha Dasaradhe SriRama KOththa mudi mannavanaar Puthirane Sri rama Poosalidum Thadagayai Nasamittai Sri rama Punga Munivan Yagam Pothhinai Sri rama Oh
Bhagavatha Purana- 25 Nithya Parayana Slokas- Read them and get effect of reading Bhagawatha-SAnskrit/Tamil /English/ MeaningBhagavatha Purana- 25 Nithya Parayana Slokas- Read them and get effect of reading Bhagawatha-SAnskrit/Tamil /English/ Meaning (golden collection .Share with every one who is interested in Bhagawatha) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Bhagavatha is the last Purana &
‎Vaidhyanatha Stotra‎Vaidhyanatha Stotra Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Vaidhyanatha Mahadeva,BHavamaya bhishagwara,Paramesa dhayalo me,Sarva rogan NivarayaOh Great God Vaidhyanatha,The doctor who cures all diseases of the soul,Oh greatest God, eho is kind to me,Please cure all diseases2.
Sarva mangala Sri Raja Rajeswari PanchakamSarva mangala Sri Raja Rajeswari Panchakam சர்வமங்கள ஸ்ரீ ராஜ ராஜேஸ்வரி பஞ்சகம் The pentad of all auspiciousness of Goddess Raja Rajeswari By Aandavan Pichai Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This prayerin a form of stotra has to be sung .The raga and Thala for which verse is
Oru nullu Kumkumam adhikam-Malayalam bhajanOru nullu Kumkumam adhikam By Sri.S.Ramesan Nair Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear is sung by Jesu Das ഒരു നുള്ളു കുങ്കുമം അധികം തരൂ അമ്മേ.... ഒരു തുള്ളി ജ്ഞാനം അധികം തരൂ... കുങ്കുമമുഴിയാതെ ചൂടാനും... ജ്ഞാനം തിരുനാമം പാടാനും...(2) Oru nullu Kumkumam adhikam tharu Amme, Oru thulli jnanam&
Akshara mala Bhagawathi SthuthiAkshara mala Bhagawathi Sthuthi (Prayer to Goddess with vowel Garland) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This was taught to me my co brother late sri PVV Raghavan, to be chanted at the end of my prayers before singing Mangalam.The first Bhagawathy to whom we salute is our Kula deivam ,Puthucode
Extremely important small manthra for all students who want to shine in their studiesExtremely important small manthra for all students who want to shine in their studies TRanslated by P.R.Ramachander Chant the 14th stanza of Samkshepa Ramayanam, the first chapter of Valmki Ramayana would give students intelligence ( a great scholar DR. Visvanatha Krishnamurthy suggests that the student should repeat this stanza daiily, as
Suriya bhagawan malai stotram(tamil)Suriya bhagawan malai stotram(tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a great and y unusual tamil prayer ,Theme is that Goddess Parvathi , Lakshmi and other Goddesses worship Lord Surya and get boons from him ) 1,Kadalil udithu varum kadhiravanai sthotharikka, Allai kadalin melezhuntha
Sri Ganapathi thalamश्रीगणपतितालम् (तत्पुरुषाय विद्महे वक्रतुण्डाय धीमहि तन्नो दन्तिः प्रचोदयात् ॥) Sri Ganapathi thalam (Thath purushaya vidmahe , vakra thundaaya dheemahi, Thanno danthi prachodhayaath) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sri Ganapthi Thalam this stotram in favorite to lord Ganesha. Chant this daily and get the blessing of Vinayaka. Hear it played on
Bhakthaal , mukthaal moovar devarkalin stotramBhakthaal , mukthaal moovar devarkalin stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( a great tamil prayer found in a book called Dhinasari stotrangal by Smt.R.S.Subbulakshmi Ammal ,Salutation is overed to Gods , Sages and devotees) 1, AAdhi ganapathi aaru mukhanai, ambigai manavalarai, Kala bhaireswarar, Nandikeswarar ,
Ramayana in sixteen words-second attemptRamayana in sixteen words (second attempt of translation .My first attempt is given in ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander I read this moving summary of Ramayana in tamil in whatsapp "பிறந்தார் வளர்ந்தார்
Sabari pon mamala mettilSabari pon mamala mettil On the huge golden mountain of Sabari(Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sabari pon mamala mettil, Thiru nadanam chethu amarum, Sri Bhagwane, nin thiruvadi thaan, Saranam saranam devaa On the huge golden mountain ofSAbari, Oh God who sits after doing , The divine
Irumudi kettumaiIrumudi kettumai Along with two section bundle(Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Irumudi kettumai, yeru meliyil petta thulli, Thiruvadi kudi kollum idam thedunnu, Jnangal idam thedunnu, SAranam Ayyappa, swami SAranam ayyappa SAranam Ayyappa, swami SAranam ayyappa Along with the two section bundle , After
Pambayil nee janichuPambayil nee janichu You were born in Pamba(Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Pambayil nee jancichu, Panthalathil nee vasichu, Andathakal neekki vechu , Ayyappa Bandhu bhavam aacharichu, Ayyappa, Indira nayakane, pon murali gayakane, Ammayaakki nee chamachu Ayyappa, Brahmachariyai jwalichu
Udhichu uyarnnuUdhichu uyarnnu Rose up(Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Udhichu uyarnnu maamala mele uthram nakshathram , swamiye saranam, Kulichu thozhuthu valam veykkunnu bhakthar ahorathram , Ayyappa saranam Namichudunnen adiyan oru asrayam yennum nee Mathram The Uthram star rose up and went up the great mountain, Oh God
Mohini than Omana BalakanMohini than Omana Balakan Darling child of Mohini(Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Mohini than omana Balakan alle, Mamalayil irikkunna Manikhyam alle, Mamunimar kai thozhunna mathi mukhanalle Inbamodu pandalathil valarnnavanalle Is he not the daling child of MOhini, Is he not the cosly gem sitting on
Shudhamayi Karthika msam onnam dhinamShudhamayi Karthika msam onnam dhinam Becoming pure on the first of Karthika month, (Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Shudhamayi Karthika Masam onnam thiyathi, Rudraksha Mudhra kazhuthil chaarthi, Mandalamonnu kazhinjeedumbol, SWamiye dhyanichu bhathiyode, Swami saranam, saranam ponnayyappa,
Sri Dharma Sastha Pahi maamSri Dharma Sastha Pahi maam May Dharma Sastha protect me(Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sri Dharma sastha pahi maam, Sri SAbaresaa pahi maam Manikandane Swami Pahi maam, Kan kanda deivame Pahi maam May Dharma Sastha protect me, May God of Sabari protect me, May God
AvatharamaiAvatharamai Became the incarnation(Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Avatharamai , Avatharamai, Akhilanda kotikalkkum aadhaaram, Sri Bhoothesan avatharamai Became incarnation, incarnation , The supporter of crores in all universes, The Lord of Bhoothas became an incarnation Charu kireetamagram
Vrischika poompulariVrischika poompulari The flowery morning of Vrischika month (November –December) (Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Vrushika pooompulari, Vritha sudhi tharum pulari, Mudrayaninjavar , ambala muthathu othu cherum pulari, Swami Bhakthar than poom pulari SWamiye Ayyappa, SWamiye Ayyappa, SWamiye Ayyappa, Saranam saranam Ayyappa
Karunamoorthiyaam Sabari nadhandeKarunamoorthiyaam Sabari nadhande (The lord of sabari who is very merciful) (Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Karunamoorthiyaam Sabari Nadhande, Parama pavana charithangal Anudhinam paadi nimishangal pole, Divasangal neekki varunnu jnan, SAranamayyappa, Saranamayyappa, Saranamayyappa , Bhagwane, SAranamayyappa,&
Nee vilangidun nisthoola sailamNee vilangidun nisthoola sailam The tall mountain where you shine(Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Nee vilangidum nisthoola shailam, Nithyavum jnangalkku bhavanam Nin pada padmam , pon pada padmam, Nithyavum jnangalkku saranam, SAbari gireesaa saranam The tall mountain where you shine&
Madhura kadavulallo?Madhura kadavulallo? Is he not sweet god? (Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Madhura Kaduvallo Mama guru Maamamala vaazhum ayyan Moola porulathallo, mama guru, Manikanda devanayyam Is not my Guru Ayyappa living in huge mountain a sweet god, Is not my Guru Manikada who is Ayyappa the basic
Thedivarum kannukaliThedivarum kannukali (in the eyes that are searching) (Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Thedivarum kannukalil , odi yethum swami, Thiruvilakkin kathiroliyil koodiyirikkum swami. Vaadi veezhum poovukali thuyil unarthum swami Velli mani sri kovil; vaanarulum swami Ayyappa swami , Abhayam Ayyappa swami Oh
Nei vilakkuklalNei vilakkuklal Ghee lamps(Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Nei vilakkukal , niraye , niraye, Nada thurakkumbol , yeiye, yeriye, Padi pathinettin mukalil vaazhunna, Param porule saranam, saranam Ghee lamps , lots and lots, When temple door opens, they throw, throw, Oh divine being who lives
Ninde mala Neeli malaNinde mala Neeli mala Your mountain is Neeli Mala(Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Ninde mala neeli mala, nithya sathyamaarnna mala, Neeli mala kayarunnen, saranamayyappa, Ninde paadham thedi vannen , saranamayyappa Saranamayyappa, saranamayyappa Your mountain is Neeli mala, themountain of perennial truth, I am climbing the&
Shambho mahadevane, Shambu than kumaraneShambho mahadevane, Shambu than kumarane Oh Shambho Mahadeva , Oh son of Shambhu(Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Shambho mahadevane, Shambu than kumarane SAravana sodara balane, saranam, saranam,Ayyane Oh Shambho Mahadeva , Oh son of Shambhu Oh Boy who is brother of Lord Muruga, I surrender ,
SAbari mamala nilayana SwamiSAbari mamala nilayana Swami God who is situated in big Sabari mountain(Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander SAnarai mamalai nilayana swami , mani kantaane, Yi papikal aagumee yezhakalil nee varamarulene, koti koti inam iru mudiyai ninne,Kaanmaanaai Oh God Manikanta who is in big SAbari
SWamiye SAranam Ayyappa (Malayalam Bhajan)SWamiye SAranam Ayyappa (Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Swamiye Ayyappa, swamiye Ayyappa, SWamiye Ayyappa, Swamiye Ayyappa Oh God Ayyappa, Oh God Ayyappa, Oh God Ayyappa, Oh God Ayyappa Azhutha nadhikadanu, vazhipadu cheithu jnangal, Periyoru perur thottil kuli kazhinju, Pambayude theeramethi, pandu nee&
Swamiyillathoru SAranam illaSwamiyillathoru SAranam illa (There is no protection without God) (Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Swamiyillathoru saranamilla,, Swami ninne kaanan varunnu Ayyappa There is no protection without gOd, Oh we god , we are coming to see you Ayyappa Mandala vrutham yeduthu malayum aninju jnangal, Maamala keri vegam
Akhilandeswaran Ayyappa(Malayalam Bhajan)Akhilandeswaran Ayyappa(Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Akhilandeswaran Ayyappa, Manasija Mohana Ayyappa, Manasija Mohana Ayyappa Oh Ayyappa, the God of entire universe, The pretty one born out of our mind , Ayyappa The pretty one born out of our mind , Ayyappa Mohini suthane , Mohana roopaa,
Jnangalkku AArundu AAswasamekanJnangalkku AArundu AAswasamekan Who is there to give hope to us (Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Jnangalkku aarundu aaswasamekaan, Dukhameridum yi kodum kaanane, SAchidanandan aayidum, Gireswaraa, Mathoru aalambanam yille SArveswara Who is there to give us hope, In his fierce forest&
Makara SAnkramathilMakara SAnkramathil In the start of Makara month (Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Makara sankramathil , Makara vilakku kaanaan, Mamala thannil jnan varunnu, Mamala thannil jnan varunnu In the beginning of Makara month, to see the Makara lamp, I am coming to the big
Mamala vanarulum sabareesaMamala vanarulum sabareesa God of sabari who lives on big mountain (Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Mamala vaanarulum sabareesa, AAnandamode vaazhum Manikanda, Pambaa than nadhi there pirannavane, Pandala Rajanai Vaanavane, Van puli mukalil yeri vannavane, Villali veeranai Vaanavane God of sabari who lives
Karunakara Ayyappa Malayalam Bhajan)Karunakara Ayyappa Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Karunaakaraa sri Ayyappa, Tharane nin darsanam yennum, Sabari mamalayil vaazhum devathi devaa, Yende durithangal theerthu bhavanum anugrahikku Oh Lord Ayyappa who shows mercy, Please give your sight daily, Oh God of Gods who lives in Sabarimala,
Oru thuna nalakane , sabareswarane, Malayalam Bhajan)Oru thuna nalakane , sabareswarane, Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Oru thuna nalakane , sabareswarane, Sabarivasa , Ayyappa, truppadam kaanman, Yennum arul tharenam , Appaa, Thaappayi padiythellam marannidenam Give me one help , oh God of sabari, Oh Ayyappa who lives in Sabari, daily , Give me
Ayyappa Pahi maam Malayalam Bhajan)Ayyappa Pahi maam Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Ayyappa pahi maam , Ayyappa pahi maam Ayyappa protect me, Ayyappa protect me Ayyappa pahi maam , Ayyappa pahi maam Ayyappa , nin padham kumbidunnen, Ayyappa pahi maam , Ayyappa pahi maam Ayyappa , nin padham kumbidunnen, Ayyappa protect me, Ayyappa protect me I salute your feet ,
Harhara suthane Ayyappa Malayalam Bhajan)Harhara suthane Ayyappa Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Harihara suthane Ayyappa, Sabari gireeswaran Ayyappa, Harihara suthane, sabari gireesa, Shanmukha sodharan Ayyappa Oh son of Hari and Hara , Ayyappa, Oh lord of Sabari mountain, Ayyaapa, Oh son of Hari and Hara, king of sabari mountain, Oh brother
BHaktha jana Priyan Ayyappa Malayalam Bhajan)BHaktha jana Priyan Ayyappa Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander BHaktha jana priyan Ayyappa, Pankaja lochanan Ayyappa, Bhatha jana priya, Pankaja lochana ParamanandA Ayyappa The darling of devotees, Ayyappa, the lotus eyed one Ayyappa, The darling of devotes, the lotus eyed one, THeone of divine joy, Ayyappa
Saranam , saranam SAbari gireesa Malayalam Bhajan)Saranam , saranam SAbari gireesa Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Saranam saranam , sabari gireesa, Saranam saranam , sabari gireesa, I surrender, surrender , lord of Sabari mountain, I surrender, surrender , lord of Sabari mountain, Kari neela kaattile, Kanaka poonkathire, Kaduva pura meri kondu yezhennullu, yethire, Kani kannan, kai kozhuvan&
Ayya Ayya , Sabarigiresswara Malayalam Bhajan)Ayya Ayya , Sabarigiresswara Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Ayya, Ayya Sabarigireeswara, Sachidananda roopaa thunaykana Oh Lord, Oh Lord, God of Sabari Mountain, Oh God having form of divine joy, please be with me Swami, yinnalla, yennum jnan kanniyai, Swami yenne Karimala Kethane OH God , not today, for ever , I have&
Sri Ayyappa Maha deva Malayalam Bhajan)Sri Ayyappa Maha deva Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sri Ayyappa Maha deva Nin kaalina jnaan vanangunnen Sri Ayyappa , Mahadeva girvasaa, Maha deva, Maheswara, girivasaa, Mohini suthane Mohana roopaa, Maha deva Giru vasa Oh Lord Ayyppa, the great God, Oh Great God who lives on mountain, I salute
Manikanta jaya(Malayalam Bhajan)Manikanta jaya(Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Manikana jaya , Manikanta jaya, Mahisha mandhanan Ayyappa, Mangala darasanamekuka , darsana, MOhananaakiyorayyappa Hail Manikanta , Manikanta hail, The killer of Mahisha , Auyyappa Please grant me an auspecious vision , Oh Ayyappa, Who has very
Sri Rama Gita MahathmyaSri Rama Gita Mahathmya Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sutha Uvacha:- Sutha said:- 1.Sri Rama Gita Mahathmyam kruthsnam jaanaathi Sankara, Thadardha Girijaa vethi , Thadardh vedmyaham mune. Lord Paramashiva knows the greatness of Rama Gita entirely, And half of it is known by Parvathi and oh Sages , I
WE love our country .WE love this worldWE love our country .WE love this world Let us chant this great Malayalam Prayer Addressed to Lord Guruvaurappan &
Weekly prayer time table for busy persons.Weekly prayer time table for busy persons. By P.R.Ramachander Most of us (not me) are very busy .Though we want to pray God Daily , we do not know which gods to pray everyday, nor do we know simple prayers for praying on each day. Here is a treasure compiled by me .It gives what god to pray on
KIds Sloka Book with english translationSRI LALITHA TRIPURASUNDARI with the blessings of Acharyas &amp; the Divinity Kids’ Sloka Book Sri. Ganesh Slokas Gajananam bhootha Ganathi sevitham Kabita jambu balasara bakshitam | Umasutham shoka vinaasha karanam Namami Vigneshwara paada pankajam || I salute the lotus like feet of Lordwho removes obstacles, Who has a face
Aapad Uddharaka Rama SlokamAapad Uddharaka Rama Slokam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Aapadam apa hartharam dhataram sarva sampadam, Lokabhi ramam Sri ramam bhooyo bhooyo namamyaham. My prostrations to that Sri Rama, Who removes all dangers in life, Who gives all riches to his devotees, And who is the darling of all the world. 2.Aarhanaam aarthi hantharam bheethanam bheetha nasanam, Dwishatham
Sarva rogaan Nivaraya (Cure all diseases)Sarva rogaan Nivaraya (Cure all diseases) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This very rare , unusual and timely prayer requesting Lord Shiva to cure all diseases was sent to me in Malayalam script(attached) by my friend Sri,Raja Sundareswaran .Please chant it again and again.My humble thanks to my
Hari Om Sathru Paatanaaya Geethamहरिओं‌म्।शत्रृपाठनाय गीतम्। Hari Om Sathru Paatanaaya Geetham Hari om the song which destroys enemies Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I saw this in devanagari script in Whatsapp .I could not find it by google search .If you come across please let me know “Vadha” can mean say/pray.I chose&
ஓம் ஜெய ஜெய சக்தி-A Tamil aarthiஓம் ஜெய ஜெய சக்தி-A Tamil aarthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear the great prayer sung ஓம் ஜெய ஜெய சக்தி ஓம் ஸ்ரீ ஜெய ஜெய ஜெய சக்தி ஜெய ஜெய அனுதினம் பாடிப் பணிந்தோம் ஜெகமெங்கும் அமை தியைத் தா - ஓம்.... Om jeya jeya Sakthi, Om Sri jeya jeya jeya Sakthi Jeya Jeya Anudinam
Shanmuga NAyagan thOtRamஷண்முக நாயகன் தோற்றம் Shanmuga NAyagan thOtRam Appearance of Lord Shanmukha By Sage agasthya Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear the great song as sung in Malaysia Refrain/Pallavi (ஷண்முக நாயகன் தோன்றிடுவான் ... சிவ ஸத்குரு நாயகன் தோன்றிடுவான் கண்களினால் கண்டு போற்றிடலாம் ...
My Prayer to Gods to help all the women who made our life worthwhile,My Prayer to Gods to help all the women who made our life worthwhile, By P.R.Ramachander (Happy women’s day .Prayer composed by me yesterday) 1.Woman as mothers have made us what we are, By giving birth to us stifling and bearing unbearable pain, And did the billion dollar job&
Harmonious prose on Lord Anjaneya by Sri Bhadrachala Ramadasஸ்ரீ ஆஞ்ஜநேய சூர்ணிகா : ஸ்ரீ பத்ராசல ராமதாஸர்(telugu) Harmonious prose on Lord Anjaneya by Sri Bhadrachala Ramadas Translated based on Tamil script By P.R.Ramachander (BHadrachala Ramadas repaired the Bhadra Chala temple and at the end holding Chowries Sang this song in prose <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--
Sri Anjaneya karya Sidhi stotramSri Anjaneya karya Sidhi stotram (prayer to anjaneya to fulfill our wants,) Translated by P.r.Ramachander 1.Sarvarishta nivarakam,shubha karam , pingaksha makshapaham, Sitanveshana thath param , kapivaram, koteendhu surya prabham, Langadweepa bhayankaram, sakaladham,sugreeva sammanitham, Devanthraadhi samastha
Ammaye thanne Bhajikkanam(Malayalam Bhajan addressed to Chothanikkara Bhagawathy)Ammaye thanne Bhajikkanam(Malayalam Bhajan addressed to Chothanikkara Bhagawathy) WE should sing only about mother Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Ammaye thanne bhajikkenam, nammalkku , Ammaye thane bhajichidenam We should sing only about mother, we should, Sing only about mother 2.Kanmashmam aake&nbsp
Rama Nama Tharkam-Malayalam BhajanRama Nama Tharkam-Malayalam Bhajan (The name of Rama which makes you cross) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Rama Rama Rama Rama Rama Nama Tharakam Rama Krishna Vasudeva Bhakthi mukthi Dhayagam The name of Rama, Rama, Rama, Rama, Rama makes you cross It grants devotion to Rama Krishna and Vasudeva and grants you salvation
Shiva jaya Vadha stotramShiva jaya Vadha stotram Prayer telling”Hail” to Lord shiva Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Jaya jaya Grijalankrtha Vigraha Jaya jaya Vinathakhila dik pala Jaya jaya sarva vipathi vinasana, Jaya jaya Sankara Dheena dhayala Hail hail One whose body is decorated by Girija, Hail
Humble request to all parents who happen to read itHumble request to all parents who happen to read it By P.R.Ramachander We all know that as parents we would like to pray God to protect our children. There are no specific prayers to do it .Long long back I stumbled on a malayalam prayer addressed to Lord Guruvauyrappan, which was soul
Narayana yennum Parayanamநாராயணா என்னும் பாராயாணம் Narayana yennum Parayanam The recitation called Narayana By சீர்காழி கோவிந்தராஜன் Seerkazhi Govinda Rajan Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear the song (ஏகாதசியை முன்னிட்டு பெருமாள் பக்தி கீதம்-BHajan for Ekadasi) Pallavi நாராயணா என்னும் பாராயணம் நலம் யாவும் தருகின்ற
Thum ho matha - hindi bhajanThum ho matha Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear it तुम्हीं हो माता, पिता तुम्हीं हो तुम्हीं हो बंधू, सखा तुम्हीं हो तुम्हीं हो माता, पिता तुम्हीं हो तुम्हीं हो बंधू, सखा तुम्हीं हो tumhi ho mata pita tumhi ho tumhi ho bandhu sakha tumhi ho tumhi ho mata pita tumhi ho tumhi ho bandhu sakha tumhi ho You are my mother, my
Aarthi to Santoshmi Mata( Main Toh Aarti Utaru Re)Aarthi to Santoshmi Mata( Main Toh Aarti Utaru Re) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear the song मैं तो आरती उतारूँ रे संतोषी माता की मैं तो आरती उतारूँ रे संतोषी माता की मैं तो आरती उतारूँ रे Main tho aarathi utharoon re SAnthoshi Matha kee Main tho aarathi utharoon re&
NIthya Parayana Slokas of Bhagawatham in TamilTwenty five Nithya Parayana Slokas From Bhagawatham reading which will give same effect of reading The entire Bhagwatham (Text in Tamil) By P.R.Ramachander (Most of the people who do parayana agreed that my post was extremely useful ,But many of them felt that if
Lakshmi ShobhaneLakshmi Shobhane By Saint Vadhi Raja Theertha Translated by P.R.Ramachander Lakshmi Shobane was written by the maha rishi Shri shri Vadhiraj. This Lakshmi shobane is like a mangal sutra for all sumangali’s (married women). Lakshmi Shobane is considered to be a weapon for raksha (protection) which has to be chanted every day in every house. For
Rasi and Bhagawatha slokasProblems/prospects caused by 12 houses of Horoscope and the 12 Bhagavatha slokas to solve them Slokas chosen by Sri Aravind Sivaraman Translation of sloka and brief interpretation By P.R.Ramachander (My humble thanks to the great author Sri Aravind Sivaraman.) A horoscope
Tamil prayers addressed to Lord Shiva , to be chanted from morning to nightTamil prayers addressed to Lord Shiva , to be chanted from morning to night காலை முதல் இரவு வரை சொல்ல வேண்டிய சிவ துதிகள் Translated by P.R.Rmachander 1.As soon as you wake up chant காலையில் எழுந்திருக்கும் போது அண்ணாமலை எம் அண்ணா போற்றி கண்ணார் அமுதக் கடலே போற்றி Annamalai yem Anna pothi , Kannar amudha kadale Pothi Oh
Prayers to Lord shiva from TirumandiramPrayers to Lord shiva from Tirumandiram By Tirumoolar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The Tirumandiram, by Siddha Tirumular is a sacred, monumental work of philosophical and spiritual wisdom rendered in verse form. Encyclopedic in its vast scope, and written perhaps as early s 200 B.C., it is one of India’s greatest texts, a spiritual
Shiva Sankara Jaya(Malayalam)Shiva Sankara Jaya(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Nalina saranthan thiruvudal azhakodu, Nayanam thannil yerichavane jya , Narakanthaka jaya, Nara palaka jaya, Girijavara Jaya, Shiva Sankara Jaya Hail god who with his eye burnt, God with flower as arrow along with his pretty body, Hail God
Namashivaya keerthanam(Malayalam)Namashivaya keerthanam(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Namashivaya maadhiyaya aksharangal kondu jnan, Churukki nalla keerthangal cholluvaan Ganesanum Manassil vanniruppathinnu anugarhikka vaaniyum, Namashivaya Parvatheesa papa nasana Hare With the letters like Namashivaya&
Shiva manasa pooja in tamil as taught by Lord Krishna to PandavasShiva manasa pooja in tamil as taught by Lord Krishna to Pandavas Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A remarkable of mental woship of Lord Shiva .Since many of the tamil words referred tp flowers , dishes and traditional ornaments it was not possible to translate them.I have attachment haven the images&
शिवरात्रि त्यौहार Festival of Shiva Rathriशिवरात्रि त्यौहार Festival of Shiva Rathri Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear it शिवरात्रि त्यौहार आ गया शिव रात्रि त्यौहार, शिव की मंगल मेय भक्ति का आ गया शिवरात्रि त्यौहार, Shiva rathri thyohar , aa gaya Shiva Rathri Thyohar Shiv ki mangal mey bhakthi aa gaya shiva rathri thyohar The festival of
Jai Bhole Jai Bhandari –Hindi shiv bhajanJai Bhole Jai Bhandari –Hindi shiv bhajan Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear it sung जय भोले जय भंडारी, तेरी है महिमा नयारी, तेरी मोहिनी मूरत लगे है प्यारी। Jai Bhole Jai Bhandari Teri Hai Mahima Nyari Jai Bhole Jai Bhandari Teri Hai Mahima Nyari Hail innocent one , hail stotre keeper, your greatness&nbsp
Ambe thu hai Jagadamba Kaliअम्बे तू है जगदम्बे काली Ambe thu hai Jagadamba Kali Mother you are the universal mother Kali Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear the song अम्बे तू है जगदम्बे काली, जय दुर्गे खप्पर वाली, तेरे ही गुण गायें भारती, ओ मैया हम सब उतारे तेरी आरती अम्बे तू है जगदम्बे काली, जय दुर्गे खप्पर वाली, तेरे ही गुण गायें
“Rama” or “Narayana” which to chant ?“Rama” or “Narayana” which to chant ? In Vishnu Sahasranama 1.Lord Krishna says .Artha vishanna , sidhilascha Bheethaa , (From Vishnu Sahasranama) Vyadhishu , Goreshu cha varthamana, Narayana sangitha Sabdha mathram, Vimuktha dukho , Sukhino
Sri Devi , Easwari , Sakthi, Ambigai Sthuthiஸ்ரீதேவி, ஈஸ்வரி, சக்தி, அம்பிகை ஸ்துதி. Sri Devi , Easwari , Sakthi, Ambigai Sthuthi Prayer addressed to Goddess , consort of God , Sakthi and mother Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.உயிர் வாழ்வருளும் உண்ணாமலையே உலகெல்லாம் போற்றும் உணமைப்பொருளே இருளை அகற்றும் இச்சா சக்தியே இகபர சுகமளிக்கும் இறைவியே Uyir&
Arul migu Anjaneyar , Hanuman thuthi-tamilஅருள்மிகு ஆஞ்சநேயர், ஹனுமான் ஸ்துதி. Arul migu Anjaneyar , Hanuman thuthi The prayer to Lord Anjaneya/Hanuman Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1. அருள் தரும் ஆண்டவனே ஆஞ்சநேயா அருட்பெருஞ் ஜோதியே ஆஞ்சநேயா அன்புடன் அழைக்கின்றோம் ஹனுமந்தா அன்பருக்கு மித்ரனே ஆஞ்சநேயா Arul tharum aandavane ,
Sri Jagadheeswari, Sarvaeswari, Parameswari, Devi, Kaali, Sakthi Sthuthi.-tamilஸ்ரீ ஜெகதீஸ்வரி, சர்வேஸ்வரி, பரமேஸ்வரி, தேவி, காளி, சக்தி ஸ்துதி. Sri Jagadheeswari, Sarvaeswari, Parameswari, Devi, Kaali, Sakthi Sthuthi. Prayer to goodess of universe , Goddess of all , Great Goddess, Devi. Kali and Sakthi Translated by P.R,Ramachander 1.மங்கள ரூபியே சங்கர தேவியே பொங்கும் கருணைப் பெருங்கடலே எங்கும் வசிக்கும் தயாநிதியே
Narayana yennum ParayanamNarayana yennum Parayanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander A pretty sweet song about Thirupathi .Hear it நாராயணா என்னும் பாராயணம் நலம் யாவும் தருகின்ற தேவாம்ருதம் தேவாம்ருதம் தேவாம்ருதம் Narayana yennum Parayanam , Nalam yaavum tharukindra devamrutham , Devamrutham
Story of a very intelligent kingStory of a very intelligent king Translated by P.R.Ramachander There was a kingdom on a huge river shore In which any one wanting to become a king can become , A king for five years and later they would, Be left to the other shore of the&
Sri Ranganatha Manaseeka stotram in teluguSri Ranganatha Manaseeka stotram (mental prayer to Ranganatha) Translated from Telugu By P.R.Ramachander (After seeing this very pretty mental prayer , I spent lot of time to locate it on line .I could not find it .My humble offering to Lord Ranganatha of sri rangam) 1.Hey devaa naa viNNappamulu kai koni
Prayers based on Birth NakshatraPrayers based on Birth Nakshatra Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Every person in this world is born in one of the 27 stars(nakshatra) . They indicate the position of moon in their horoscope. I recently saw a book which gives the daily prayers which people have to chant daily based on their birth stars. It is recommended that they
Muni charya PanchakamMuni charya Panchakam (The pentat of life of a sage) By Srimad Narayana Guru Traslated by P.R.Ramachander (This was written by SRimad Narayana Guru after he returned from his visit to ashram of Ramana Maharishi .It can be read in mAlayalam script
Nirvriti PanchakamNirvriti Panchakam നിര്‍വൃതിപഞ്ചകം (The pentad of divine bliss) By Srimad Narayana Guru Translated by P.r.Ramachander (Once Srimad Naraya Guru , saint and social reformer of Kerala Visited the Ashram of Ramana Maharshi. Before leving he wrote this small poem and presented it to Ramana
Sri Krishna dhyanam(meditation on Krishna-A Malayalam Bhajan)Sri Krishna dhyanam(meditation on Krishna-A Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Krishna hare jaya, Krishna hare jaya, Krishna hare jaya, Krishna hare., Victory to Krishna who is hari, Victory to Krishna who is Hari, Victory to Krishna who is Hari, Krishna who is Hari. 1.Venu gopalande charu kalebharam, Kanunnu charathu chithrm
Neela Kallu -Blue stone(A malayalam Bhajan)Neela Kallu Blue stone By Vazhakunnam Vasudevan Nambudiri Translated by P.R.Ramchander Hear the pretty song 1,Kallu veno , neela niram kolum nalla kallu veno, Malla vairi perolunna kaallu venamo? Do you want a stone,Do you want a good stone blue in colour, Do you want a stone which
Thiruvamruthethu(Making boy Krishna eat -A bhajan)Thiruvamruthethu(Making boy Krishna eat -A bhajan) By Oottoor Unni Nambhudiripad Translated by P.R.Ramachander Govinda hari, govinda hari, Govinda hari govinda Govinda who is Hari , Govnda who is Hari, Govinda who is Hari, Govinda 1.Veyilu kondu nin poo vudal ayyo, Thalu poale tharrnnu poi, Mannil odi kalichathu mathi Kannan unni
Guruvayurappande Thiru Amruthethu (Malalayalam Bhajan)Guruvayurappande Thiru Amruthethu (Malalayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A lady makes offering of meals to Guruvayurappan .Since he is not taking it she gets upset .This is described in this Bhajan) ഗുരുവായൂരപ്പന്‍റെ തിരുവമൃതേത്തിന് ഉരുളി നിറച്ചും പാല്‍ച്ചോറു വച്ചു.. കദളിപ്പഴംവച്ചു പഞ്ചാര നേദിച്ചു തുളസിപ്പൂവിട്ടു ഞാന്‍ പൂജിച്ചു..
Thoolikaa chithram (Malayalam Bhajan addressed to Krishna)Thoolikaa chithram (Malayalam Bhajan addressed to Krishna) The Pen portrait Translated by P.R.Ramachander Krishna hare jaya, Krishna hare jaya, Krishna hare jaya, Krishna hare., Victory to Krishna who is hari, Victory to Krishna who is Hari, Victory to Krishna who is Hari, Krishna who is Hari. 1. chuthum psukkalum vallava- Pennukalum
Thulasi kadhir (song in Malayalam)Thulasi kadhir (song in Malayalam) Translated by P.R,Ramachander (I took it from the post of Smt Gita Kalyan. Thanks to her துளசிக்கதிர் நுள்ளியெடுத்து கண்ணன்னொரு மாலய்க்காய் பொட்டாத்த நூலில் கெட்டி என்னென்னும் சார்த்தான் ஞான். கண்ணா கண்ணா, கண்ணா கண்ணா!! Thulasi kadhir nulli yeduthu, Kannannu oru malakkai jnan, Pottatha noolil ketti, Yennennum&
Thank you two millionth visitor of my stotra Rathna blogThank you two millionth visitor of my stotra Rathna blog By P.R.Ramachander I started posting my translations of stotras in Raja Thatha blog on 12-7-2009 (I was posting them in various other places like HIndupedia, Celextel, and geocities web site earlier to that) .With
Bhagawatha theevandi (The train of Bhagawatha)Bhagawatha theevandi (The train of Bhagawatha) By Vazha kunnam vasudevan Nambudiri Translated by P.R.Ramachander gives a commentary about book in Malayalam and recital of “BHagawatha Theevandi” (There is a beautiful malayalam poem written by Bhagavathacharyan ,the Late Sri. Vaazhakkunnam
Pathu avathara paththuபத்து அவதாரப் பற்று— Pathu avathara paththu The attraction of ten incarnation by sri kainkarya sri <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.மீனாய்ப் பிறப்பெடுத்தான் தானாய்க் கடல் அளந்தான் சிக்கெனப் பிடிக்கவில்லை --கிளியே சீரழிந்து போய்விட்டேன் Meenai pirappeduthaan, Thaanaai kadal&nbsp
Guru Gita (song of Guru)Guru Gita (song of Guru) By Lord Shiva Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Introduction The Guru Gita (Song of the Guru) is a Hindu scripture that is said to have been authored by the sage, Vyasa. The verses of this scripture may also be chanted. The text is believed to be part of the larger Skanda Purana. There are several versions of the Guru
Sri Lalitha Sthava RajaSri Lalitha Sthava RajaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander (This great prayer was found by me in an old collection of prayers addressed to the Goddess published by R.S.Vadhyar and sons, Palghat.)1.Jaya devi jagan matha , jaya devi parathpare,Jaya kalyani nilaye , jaya kama kalathmike.Victory to Goddess who is the mother of universe,Victory to Goddess who is
An introduction to the story contained in the first 84 names of Lalitha SahasranamaAn introduction to the story contained in the first 84 names of Lalitha Sahasranama Compiled byP/R.Ramachander This stotra (hymn which praises) occurs in Brahmanda purana (Old epic of the universe) in the Chapter on discussion between Hayagreeva and Agasthya.Hayagreeva is an incarnation of Vishnu with the horse head and is believed to be the storehouse of knowledge. Agasthya is one of
Lord Krishnan, Kannan Bhakthi Song - Thuthi.Lord Krishnan, Kannan Bhakthi Song - Thuthi. ஸ்ரீ க்ருஷ்ணன், கண்ணன் துதிப் பாடல். Translated by P.R.Ramachander - குழலை ஊதியே கண்ணா ஓடி வந்திடு குழலின் இனிமையாய் கண்ணா ஆடி வந்திடு கருணை செய்திட இனி என்ன தயக்கமோ கார்முகில் வண்ணா நீயும் ஓடி வந்திடு. Kuzhalai Oodhiyeh Kannaa Ohdi Vandhidu Kuzhalin Inimaiyaai Kannaa Aadhi Vandhidu Karunai Seidhida Ini Yenna
Sthava Rajas(king of prayers) translated by me till september 2020Sthava Rajas(king of prayers) translated by me By P.R.Ramachander (Certain prayers have been given the status of king of prayers.Here are few of them) 1.Rama Sthava Raja 2.Lalitha Sthava Raja 3.Vishnu Sthava
Sri Devi MangalashtakamSri Devi Mangalashtakam Octet of auspiciousness to the Goddess Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Kanath kanaka thadanga, vilasad mukha pankaje Karunya varidhe thwam may santhatham mangalam kuru Oh Goddess wityh lustrous gold ear studs shining on your lotus face Oh ocean of mercy, Please always
Looking back for my translation effort for the last 20 yearsLooking back the last 20 years I started my translation of stotras in 2000.One of the first translation I did was Vishnu Sahasranamam. And my first online posting , with the blessing Swamy Jayendra Saeawathy was in 2002 in a tripod web site created by my daughter in
Sri Krishna Saranam mamaSri Krishna Saranam mama I surrender to Krishna By Sri Krishna Lal Translated by P.R.Ramachander Pallavi Sri Krishna eva saranam , mama sri Krishna eva Saranam I surrender to Krishna, I surrender only to Krishna 1.Guna mayyesha na yathra mayaa na cha janurapi maranam, Yadhyathaya pasyathi samaadhou
Vittaleswara’s Chathu sloki (four verses)Vittaleswara’s Chathu sloki (four verses) BY Sri Vittaleswara Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Sadhaa sarvathma bhavena bhajaneeyo vrujeshwara, Karishyathi sa evasmad iyheekam parama loukikam. With the notion of all souls always , please sing about the king of Vruja, And he would make us
Sri Prapanna gitamSri Prapanna gitam By Sri Krishna Lal Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Prapanna is a Sanskrit word which means complete ‘surrender’, ‘dedication’. To make it easier for all kinds of people, Rāmānuja, the great Param-Āchārya of Śrī Vaishnava tradition, said that a person has to be just a 'prapanna', meaning completely surrendered to God.) Parrama sakhe Sri
Devyaa Arathrikamदेव्या आरात्रिकम् Devyaa Arathrikam The nigt time worship of Goddess Mohini (THis is prayer addressed to LOrd Vishnu in the form of Mohini.Perhaps this is the only prayer) Translated by P.R.Ramachander जय देवि जय देवि जय मोहनरूपे । मामिह जननि समुद्धर पतितं भवकूपे ॥ Jaya devi jaya devi jaya mohana roope, Mamiha&
Lord Krishna tells Arjuna the shortcut to read Vishnu Sahasra NamaLord Krishna tells Arjuna the shortcut to read Vishnu Sahasra Nama We all know Goddess Parvathy asked Lord Shiva as to the alternative of reading Vishnu Sahasranama to the learned ones and we know that He replied that chanting name of Rama is
Twelve aspects of MurugaTwelve aspects of Muruga By P.R,Ramachander (The poem was written based on a similar tamil poem given below . in case of 6th and 10th line , the author of the poem did not use numbers but used words string with numbers.I tried my best and has come out with this English poem.) One truth , after hearing its explanation , Siva
Krishna Rama avathara charitha rathna sangarahaKrishna Rama avathara charitha rathna sangaraha (gem like summary of the story of Krishna and rAma) By Sri Vadhi raja (Very peculiar work .It consists of 14 slokas out of which story of Rama is told in one sloka and that of Krishna is repeated thrice (1-10, 11-12 and 13. No reason is given.
Rama Pratha smarana StotramRama Pratha smarana Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Pratha smarami Raghu nadha Mukhara vindam, Mandasmitha Madhurabhashi vilasa phalam, Karnavalambi chala kundala Ganda Bhagam, Karnatha derga nayanam nayanaabhiramam Early morning I think of the lotus like face of Rama, Smiling softly , taking sweetly&
Uma Maheswara DhyanamUma Maheswara Dhyanam Meditating on Goddess Uma and Lord Shiva BY P.R.Ramachander 1.Dhyayeth niramayam vasthu sarga sthithi layaadhikam, Nirgunam nishkalam nithyam , manovachama gocharam I meditate , he who is everything, who is beyond nature , existence and merger of things, Who
Pahi, Pahi( Malayalam-Lord KrishnaPahi, Pahi( Malayalam-Lord Krishna Translated by P.R.Ramachander Pahi pahi Shyama Varna, Pahi pahi Megha varna, Pahi pahi Shyama Varna, Pahi pahi Megha varna, Protect me , Protect me, Black coloured one, Cloud coloured one, Protect me , Protect me, Black coloured one, Cloud coloured one,
Saranam , Saranam Bhagawane(malayalam)Saranam , Saranam Bhagawane(malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Saranam, saranam Bhagawane, Saranagatha vathsalanaam Bhagawane Arivillathavaraane Bhagawane Pizhakal porukkanam Bhagawane I surrender , I surrender to you God, Oh God who likes people who surrender to him, We are ignorant&
Dasavathara Sthuthi in MalayalamDasavathara Sthuthi in Malayalam Prayer to ten incarnations By Thunjathu Ezhuthachan Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( a remarkable prayer) 1.Darppena nan mara harichasu sindhu jala, Mul puku daithyane hanikkan Maha vibhava, Mathsyavathaara udan aarnee jagathukkale Rakshicha deva , Hari Narayanaya nama Oh
BHagawatha Keerthanam in MalayalamBHagawatha Keerthanam in Malayalam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a prayer based on Bhagawatha and is given in the Bhagawatha book in Malayalam By Thunjathu Ezhuthachan. It is not clear as to who wrote it) 1.Achyuthananda Bhoothaa, Viswathmaka, Sachidananda vigraha Saswathaa, Thwacharithram anu dhinamnaavinaal, Ucharikkenam ,
Vaishnava sampradhaya Dhyana slokasVaishnava sampradhaya Dhyana slokas Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This selection has been published in a Malayalam book called “agre Pasyami” by Giri Traders) Ramanuja dhaya pathram , jnana vairagya bhooshanam SriMad Venkaranadharyam vandhe Vedantha desikam, Lakshmi nadha samarambham nadhayamuna
Maha lakshmi sthavamMaha lakshmi sthavam 2 Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a very secret prayer approved by Vedas.It destroys sorrow and poverty of human beings. If You have to light lamp at dusk and daily chant this great prayer before it., Then no sorrow will approach you and you will be prosperous . I have translated a similar rare sthava
Gurvayurappan SuprabathamGurvayurappan Suprabatham Translated by P.R.Ramachander Peethambaram, kara virajitha sankha chakra, Kaumodhaki sarasijam, karuna samudhram, Radha sahayam athi sundara mandahasam, Vathaleyasam anisam Hrudhi bhavayaami 1 Wearing yellow silk, his hands shining with conch , wheel, The mace
Mangaimadam Veera Narasimha Swamy temple, PoompuharByInjimedu Kalyanam Translated from Tamil byP.R.Ramachander Mangaimadam Veera Narasimha Temple is believed to be around 1000 years old. This is located in the small city of Poompuhar in the state of Tamil Nadu. The presiding deity is Narasimhar who is sometimes also referred to as Veeram and hence the name of the temple Veera Narasimhar. This is a unique temple which attracts thousands of
The Lord Narasimha Chalisaअथ श्री नरसिंह चालीसा THe LOrd Narasimha Chalisa Translated by P.R.Ramachander मास वैशाख कृतिका युत हरण मही को भार । शुक्ल चतुर्दशी सोम दिन लियो नरसिंह अवतार ।। Mas Vaishak kruthika yutha haran Mahi ko Bhar Shkla Chathurdasi sma dhin liyo Narasimha Avathar In the month of Vaishak(april-may) along with krithika in
The hail manthras of Lord Narasimha which helps us to manage anythingவாழ்வில் எதையும் சமாளிக்கும் தைரியம் தரும் நரசிம்மர் போற்றி By Hariprasath Translated by P.R.Ramachander Only faith in God gives people courage to face anything.To increase this courage and help them to face any circumstances, I am presenting The Hail Narasimha names composed by spiritual masters , so that it can be used to worship&
Aarthi sri Narasimh Bhagawan ki॥ आरती श्री नरसिंह भगवान की ॥ Aarthi sri Narasimh Bhagawan ki This is the worship of Lord Naraimha Translated by P.R.Ramachander ॐ जय नरसिंह हरे, प्रभु जय नरसिंह हरे। स्तम्भ फाड़ प्रभु प्रकटे, स्तम्भ फाड़ प्रभु प्रकटे, जन का ताप हरे॥ १ ॥ ॐ जय नरसिंह हरे॥ Om Narasimha Hare, Prabhu Jai Narasimha Hare , Sthamb phad prabhu Prakate, Sthamb phad&
Manyu Suktha (vedic prayer considered as prayer to Lord Narasimha)Manyu Suktha (vedic prayer considered as prayer to Lord Narasimha) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Manyu is a vedic God for anger and war. The Sri Vaishnavites identify him as Lord Narasimha. The Smarthas identify him as God Rudra. I have consulted the translation of Sri Narayanan (https://
Sri Nrusimha dwathrimsath bheeja malaa stotramSri Nrusimha dwathrimsath bheeja malaa stotram (the 32 stanza prayer to lord Narasimha) By Saint Bharadwaja Translated by P.R.Ramachander (this prayer of 32 stanzas has a garland of Bheeja mantras of Lord Narasimha . Beej mantras are sounds endowed with great spiritual powers. They work in the unseen planes of the
Nrusimha Manthram (for chanting and meditation along with detailed methods )Nrusimha Manthram (for chanting and meditation along with detailed methods) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Lord Narasimha is the protector , one who cures all ills , troubles your enemies, cures.It is the best remedy for all aches and mental depression .This is the first verse of Nrusimha Raja patha stotram (http://
Prayer Book for every Hindu Child in EnglishPrayer Book for every Hindu Child in English Compiled and translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a compilation of simple prayers and their meanings , so that all our children can chant them.Please copy and paste and circulate to every parent that you
Short Tamil prayers addressed to Important Hindu Gods in Tamil (For Tamil children settled abroad)Short Tamil prayers addressed to Important Hindu Gods in Tamil (For Tamil children settled abroad) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (You children belong to Tamil Nadu .Your mother toungue is Tamil. Due to migration of your parents , you are not living in Tamil Nadu and do not know how to read Tamil or
Shanmukha nava graham paamalai-tamilShanmukha nava graham paamalai Translated by P.R.Ramachander (peculiar prayer. The devotee prays god Shanmuka in periods under influence of various planets (dasa) for solving problems that may Occur in that dasa.I have never come across a similar prayer any where.) All of you know is that you pass through navagraha dasas
Thozhi pattu(Thamizh)-Lord SubrahamanyanThozhi pattu(Thamizh)-Lord Subrahamanyan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is one of the songs where a lady tells her girl friend that she loves Lord Subrahmanya and describes her lover,The orinial is written in Malayalam script .I have never come across any stotra of this type in case of Lord Subrhamanya)
Murugan ThirupallaiyezhuchiMurugan Thirupallaiyezhuchi (waking up of Shanumukha) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (there is a thirupalliyezhuchi of Lord Subrahmanya of Thirupalliyezhuchi This again is a panaka pooja song) 1.Pozhuthu vidinthathu , por kozhi koovithu, Ponnana Velare Vaarum Minnar moonuvare Vaarum The day has broken , the battle
Subrahmanya Mangalam 2 TamilTranslated by P.R.Ramachander (this is a mangalam song to lord Muruga in Tamil) Pallavi Mangalam vadi velavrkku Mangalam, Jaya, Mangalam Vadi velavarkku Mangalam Auspiciousness to Lord Vadivela, Auspiciousness, victorious auspiciousness To Lord Vadivela aupiciousness 1.Thingal mukhan valliyarkkum , deivanai murigarukkum
Subrahmanya Mangalam 1 (tamil)Subrahmanya Mangalam 1 (tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (this is a mangalam song to lord Muruga in Tamil) 1.Parameswara Maintharukku , ParvathiKumararukku, Valli manavaalarukku, Bala Subrahmarukku mangalam To the son of Lord Shivqa , To the son of Parvathi , To the husband of Valli and to boy
Vathalayesawara PrapathiVathalayesawara Prapathi Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.sthambadwinargathavatha sthava Narasimha, Drushtou thu bheekara mukham bahava prabheetha, Swamin abheetha karane nipunou padhou they , Vathalayeswara charanou saranam prapadhye Oh Narasimha you came out of two pillars, Showed your&
Pahi, Pahi( Malayalam-Lord KrishnaPahi, Pahi( Malayalam-Lord Krishna Translated by P.R.Ramachander Pahi pahi Shyama Varna, Pahi pahi Megha varna, Pahi pahi Shyama Varna, Pahi pahi Megha varna, Protect me , Protect me, Black coloured one, Cloud coloured one, Protect me , Protect me, Black coloured one, Cloud coloured one,
Saranam , Saranam Bhagawane(malayalam)Saranam , Saranam Bhagawane(malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Saranam, saranam Bhagawane, Saranagatha vathsalanaam Bhagawane Arivillathavaraane Bhagawane Pizhakal porukkanam Bhagawane I surrender , I surrender to you God, Oh God who likes people who surrender to him, We are ignorant&
Annapurna stotram by Lord ShivaAnnapurna stotram by Lord Shiva श्रीब्रह्मभैरव उवाच – Sri Brahma Bhairava Uvacha:- Sri Brahma Bhairava asked:- धनानि च सर्वाणि श्रुतानि तव सुव्रत । इदानीं वद देवेश स्तोत्राणि कवचानि च ॥ १॥ Dhanaani cha Sarvaani sruthaani thava Suvrutha. Idhaaneem vadha devesa Stotraani Kavachaani
Ayyappa Pancha rathna mala by Sage AgasthyaAyyappa Pancha rathna mala அகத்திய முனிவர் அருளிய ஐயப்ப பஞ்சரத்ன மாலா: By Sage Agasthya Translated by P.R.Ramachander அத்வைத வஸ்துவாய் ஆதி பரமாத்மனாய் அசலனாய் அகுண குணணாய் அமரருக்கதிபனாய் அடியவர்க்கெளியனாய் சுத்த ஸத்துவ பரப்ரஹ்ம சாட்சாத்கார ஜோதியாய் தோன்றும் உந்தன் துரிய லீலா வைபவங்கள் பல என்று மறை சொல்லுகின்றதேதுமறியேன் ஐயப்பா ஐயப்பா ஐயப்பா பித்தனாய் நினது
श्री लघु अन्नपूर्णास्तोत्रम्-Laghu Annapurna Stotramश्री लघु अन्नपूर्णास्तोत्रम्-Laghu Annapurna Stotram Simple prayer to Goddess Annapurna Translated by P.R.Ramachander (While searching for some other stotra, I came across this tiny but very pretty prayer.It was mentioned there that it was written by Adhi Sankara. Without any doubt it was not written by him) भगवति भवरोगात् पीडितं
Vedic Sukthas Translated by meVedic Sukthas Translated by me By P.R.Ramachander A Suktam is a part or portion of Vedic verses in praise of a Deity or group of Deities to please accordingly, and to have a desire fulfilled.There are 74 Sukthas in the 4 vedas .I have translated 22 of them <!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Agamarshna Suktham https://
What does “Swami Saranam” indicate?What does “Swami Saranam” indicate? Translated by P.R.Ramachander I normally used to translate “ Swami Saranam “ to denote “I surrender to you god”.Today in a malayalam write up I saw this great verse indicating the meaning of “Swami Saranam”.I have given it in english &nbsp
Prayer for pleasing the nava grahas from Paduka Sahasram of Vedantha DesikaPrayer for pleasing the nava grahas from Paduka Sahasram of Vedantha Desika Translated by P.R.Ramachander (When I was doing a random search , I landed on the site , which gave me a gem of a sloka to chant from Vedantha
Kamakshi PathigamKamakshi Pathigam By Sri Venkatesan Translated by P.R.Ramachander Aadhi mudhalvane, arul vadive, anburue, akathin, Jnana chuddar oliye, iynkarane panikindren, Annai kamashi arulamudhai kavi pada, Pan yeduthu arulvaaye, param porul Ganapathiye. 1 Oh primeval one, oh form of grace, of form of love, The light of inner
Chandra shekara ashtothara satha stotramChandra shekara ashtothara satha stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (these can be used for worshipping the photo of Jagadguru on anusham day of the month or it can be used for regular reading) 1.Sri Chandra shekarendra asmad acharyaya namo nama-Salutations to my Acharya Chandrashekarendra saraswathi 2
Chandra Shekara Sadguru Akshara maalaiChandra Shekara Sadguru Akshara maalai By Sri Venkatesan (the author composed this great prayer in 1983 and sang it before with his consent and blessing and made a humble request” Whenever and wherever this song is sung, you should appear there.” Maha Periyava said “I will come” &
Maha periyava Poththi in TamilMaha periyava Poththi in Tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander (when doing worship in Tamil language , theyprefer to say Pothi, meaning I praise ,I have translated it as “hail”) 1.Peyyum karunai mazhaye pothi -praise oh falling rain of kindness 2.Pesum deivam
Guru StotramGuru Stotram Translated by P,R.Ramachander 9I saw this great prayer in a book published by Kama koti peetam.I also saw that it is taught to the students of Bala vihar conducted by Chinmaya Mission) 1.Akanda Mandalakaram Vyaptham yena Characharam, Thath padham darsitham yena thasmai guruve nama I salute that Guru , by seeing &
Aanathosmi-A prayer to Chandra Shekara SaraswathiAanathosmi-A prayer to Chandra Shekara Saraswathi I salute you with reverence By Sri Narayanand Saraswathi Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Kama koti sidha peeta bhooshanam hi ya swayam Sweeya bhaktha visudhi prathya vaya varakam, Nithya shudha budha muktha Brahma jnana&
Suprabatham song of Dharma SasthaSuprabatham song of Dharma Sastha By Kathalmathi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Music Regi Anand-All slokas in between(except last sloka) by Sri P.P.Venkat humble thanks to sri P.P.Venkat for providing lyrics in Tamil) Slokam Uthishta Bhootha Naadhaya , Uthishta&nbsp
Poojya Sri Chandra Shekarendra Saraswathi Sri Charana Sahasranama StotramPoojya Sri Chandra Shekarendra Saraswathi Sri Charana Sahasranama Stotram Compiled by Sri SV Radhakrishna Sastri Translated in to English by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a great work , which moves all those interested in Hindu religion . Swami Chandra Shekara
குருவாயுரப்பன் - மைந்தனைக்காக்கும் ஸ்தோத்திரம்Here is a gift to all Tamil Knowing parents in the form of a very unique stotra, to protect our son addressed to Lord Guruvayurappan. . THis was made possible because of Sri Anand Vasudevan(amrutha varshini) who acceding to my request translated the Malayalam stotra(Author unknown) in to a form which can be chanted by any of you daily .Personally having benefitted I can assure you that that
Kattiya vachanam of Dharma Sastha 108கட்டிய #வசனங்கள் 108​Kattiya vachanam 108 By குமார் ராமநாதன் Kumar Ramanathan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Kattiya vachanam is one step of South Indian Bhajan.Mostly it is said it is only a quotation from Various books. Kattiya vachanam are prose writings describing a person. Kattiya vachanam&
Murugan Pamalai in Tamilமுருகன் பாமாலை ! Murugan Pamalai Garland of prayers to Lord Muruga By Sri Venkatesa Bhagawathar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Kunnakudi Shanmughanathar temple (also called Kunnakudi Temple or Kunnakudi Murugan Temple) in Kundrakudi, a village in the outskirts of Karaikudi in Sivaganga district in
Sathya Sai AarthiSathya Sai Aarthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1. Om Jaya Jagadheesa Harey Swami Sathya Sai Harey, Bhaktha Jana Samrakshaka Bhaktha Jana Samrakshaka Parthi Maheshwara Om Jaya Jagadheesa Harey Om hail God of the world , Hey God Sathya Sai hey, Protector of devotees, Protector of Devotees, The great God
SarvaDharma Prayer in SAthya Sai centreSarvaDharma Prayer in SAthya Sai centre (Universal Prayer) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Om Tat Sat Sri Narayana Thoo, Purushotthama Guru Thoo Siddha Buddha Thoo, Skanda Vinaayaka, Savitha Paavaka Thoo Brahma Mazda Thoo, Yahva Shakthi Thoo, Esu Pitha Prabhu Thoo Rudhra Vishnu Thoo, Ramakrishna Thoo, Rahim Tao Thoo Vasudeva Go
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai SuprabhathamBhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Suprabhatham ‘(a good morning to Swami Sathya sai) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1. Easwaramba Suthah Shreeman Poorvaa Sandhyaa Pravarthathe Utthishta Sathya Sayeesha Karthavyam Daivamaanhikam Oh Prosperous person who is son of easwaramba, The
Sastha DhyanamSastha Dhyanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander .Jeemootha shyama Dhamaa, mani maya vilsad kundalollasi vakthro, Hasthaabjam dakshamathith pala mithra bhujam vama janu paristham, Bibhrath padmasansthaa pari kalitha thanur yoga pattena jushta Sri poorna pushkalaabhyaam purahara murajith puthraka pathu sasthaa He who is black like the clouds,
Sri Kovil nada Thurannu-Malayalam BhajanSri Kovil nada Thurannu-Malayalam Bhajan Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sri kovil nada thurannu Ponnambalathin, Sri Kovil nada Thurannu The doors of sanctum of golden temple were opened, The doors of sanctum were opened Sankrama sandhyakal sindhooram charthiya, Ponnambalathin sri
Dhaya karo Bhagawan sri Hari-Hindi BhajanDhaya karo Bhagawan sri Hari-Hindi Bhajan Translated from Hindi By P.R.Ramachander Dhaya karo Bhagawan sri Hari, Krupa karo Bhagawan, Dhaya karo Bhagawan sri Hari, Krupa karo Bhagawan, Show us mercy oh God Sri Hari, Show us kindness oh god, Show us mercy oh God Sri Hari, Show us kindness oh god
Panduranga Darisanam#பாண்டுரங்க #தரிசனம் Panduranga Darisanam Seeing of Panduranga Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This was posted in face book by some of my friends .My thanks to them) பாண்டுரங்க! பாண்டுரங்க! பாண்டுரங்க! - ரங்க பாண்டுரங்க! பாண்டுரங்க! பாண்டுரங்க! - ரங்க. (பா). Pandu Ranga!Panduranga!Panduranga! –Ranga, Pandu Ranga!Panduranga!Panduranga! –Ranga, Hey
Vedantha Desika AshtotharamVedantha Desika Ashtotharam By Sri Venkatacharya aka Pattraryar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Venkata Natha or Vedantha Desika is one of the greatest savants that Visishitadvaitha produced ,after Ramanuja. He lived about 140 years after Saint Ramanuja and has written several books. The prayers he wrote are immensely popular among the devotees of Vishnu.
Lord Ayyappan Devotional Song-Thuthi.ஸ்ரீ அய்யப்பன் பக்திப் பாடல். Lord Ayyappan Devotional Song-Thuthi. Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This was posted in face book , three years back. மலையாளம் தனில் வாழும் தேவா எந்தன் மனதில் குடிகொண்ட முருகனுக் கிளையோனே. (ம). Malayaalam Thanil Vaazhum Dheyvaa Yendhan Manadhil Kudikonda Muruganuk Kilaiyohnay. (Ma). Oh Lord
Swagatham Karuna lolaSwagatham Karuna lola Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This was posted by Sri Vasu Iyengar I liked it and am translating it.My humble thanks to my friend Sri Vasu iyengar ) ஸ்வாகதம் கருணாலோலா ஸ்வாகதம் பக்தவத்ஸலா ஸ்வாகதம் கோபகாநாதா ஸ்வாகதம் கோபநந்தனா ஸ்வாகதம் ஸர்வலோகேசா ஸ்வாகதம் ஸ்யாமசுந்தரா Swagatham Karuna lola, Swagatham Bhaktha vathsala
नीलकंठ अघोर मंत्र स्तोत्र-Neelakanta Aghora Stotramनीलकंठ अघोर मंत्र स्तोत्र Neelakanta Aghora Stotram Prayer to lOrd Shiva as Neelakanta Translated by P.R.Ramachander If you feel some one has used black magic against you, read this stotra once keeping a small pot of water and after that thinking of lord Shiva sprinkle that water all over the house,it would be also better if you give small
Anu Raghavendra StotramAnu Raghavendra Stotram By Sri appanacharya Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear all except the first sloka(which is not included in this stotra normally पूज्याय राघवेन्द्राय सत्यधर्मरताय च। भजतां कल्पवृक्षाय नमतां कामधेनते ॥१॥ Poojyaya
Do you believe your God has life?Do you believe your God has life? By P.R.Ramachander (I read something similar in whatsapp and I rewrote it .Unless you have faith that “God is God”, he will never come before you) There was a great devotee of Lord Rama , Every minute he would chant “Hare Rama”,
A great Ashtotharam to worship Lord Muruga in Tamil (108 Pothi)A great Ashtotharam to worship Lord Muruga in Tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander ஓம் அழகா போற்றி-Om Azhakaa Pothi- Praise to the Handsome boy ஓம் அறிவே போற்றி-Om Arive pOthi- Praise to the wisdom, ஓம் அரன் மகனே போற்றி-)-Om Aran Makane pothi-Praise to the son of Lord Shiva ஓம் அயன்மால் மருகா போற்றி-Om Ayan maal marugaa Pothi-Praise&
Kulam Tharum , Chelvam thanthidumகுலந்தரும் செல்வம் தந்திடும் Kulam Tharum , Chelvam thanthidum By திருமங்கையாழ்வார் Translated by P.R.Ramachander (it seems once when some one asked for a short cut to read Nalayira Divya Prabandham , Mahaperiyava told him it is “Narayana” as per the conclusion of the famous Thirumangai azhvar .What does
Sri Kumara Upanishadஸ்ரீ குமாரோபநிஷத் (Śrī Kumāra Upanishad) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a prayer called Kumara Upanishad, which consists of 12 verses. I got the text in Tamil as well as English. There is slight differences in the text here and there.Since I could not get the Sanskrit version,
Which God to pray for Which problems?Which God to pray for Which problems? Translated from Tamil By P.R.Ramachander (I saw a list in Tamil, posted my friend. With minor modifications, I am posting its translation Most of you may find the list is incomplete. Please suggest .I will add it to my list) 1.Pray Lord Ganapathy
Simple prayer to have a safe journeySimple prayer to have a safe journey Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I was not knowing about this prayer.This was published in the November first issue of Kumdam Bhakthi. Thanks to them) Om namo Angarakaya - repeat thrice (om Salutations to Planet mars) Om namo Kujaya- repeat thrice(Om salutations to planet mars) Om namo
Stotra Rathnas addressed to Lord VenkateswaraStotra Rathnas addressed to Lord Venkateswara Though there are nearly 100 stotras in Sanskrit Addressed to Lord Venkateswara , I have translated only about 23 of them. I will try to translate a few more of them but I humbly request my very scholarly
Dattatreya Vajra KavachamDattatreya Vajra Kavacham (the diamond Armour of Dathathreya) It is one of the greatest prayer addressed to Lord Dathathreya., who is the son of sage Athri and lady Anasooya 'Vajra' means diamond and
How should chanting or parayana of a Religious work to be done?How should chanting or parayana of a Religious work to be done?" This sloka tells us the rules for the same " Geethi , Seegri, Shirakhambi, Thadhaa Likhitha pataka, Anathrthajnothkandascha shadathe padakaadhama He who sings it, he who reads it with great speed
My Translation of Malayalam Stotra Rathnas up to september 2020My Translation of Malayalam Stotra Rathnas By P.R.Ramachander Translation of Malayalam Stotra Rathnas up to September 2020 By P.R.Ramachander I wrote in my posting in 2011 I told that I have translated till then (in 11 years) 600 stotra rathnas and I had given a list of 19 Malayalam
Stotra Rathnas In Hindi-translated by meStotra Rathnas In Hindi-translated by me I wrote in my posting in 2011 ( ) that I have translated till then (in 11 years) 600 stotra rathnas and I had given a list of 25 Hindi stotra rathnas translated by me . I was doing a stock taking
Sri Ram Chalisa – IISri Ram Chalisa – II Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear the chalisa Jaani Gauri aanakool, seeye heeye harshi nadu kahi. Manjul mangal mool, baag ang pharkan lag Understanding that Goddess Gowri was on her part , Sita’s mind was filled with joy , And due to the auspicious &
Vaka Charthu- A Malayalam songVaka Charthu- A Malayalam song Translated by P.R.Ramachander (In Guruvayur after all worships , the Temple would be closed at 10 Pm.Then at 3 Am next day , the sanctum would be opened.The previous days decorations of the God would be there and these are called Nirmalyam .The
Dwadasa Stotra of Madhwa charya -1Dwadasa Stotra 1 By Saint Madhwacharya Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Dwaadasha stotras are a collection of twelve stotras in praise of Lord Sri Vishnu, composed by Srimad Ananda Teertha (also called Sriman Madhwacharya and Sri Poornaprajna) .Though there are 12 wstotras in Dwadasa stotra, I have translated only the First one) Vandhe Vandhyam
Dasavathara Thothirangal(Tamil)Dasavathara Thothirangal(Tamil) By THirukannamangai Kidambi Srinivasa Dasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander Maadhavanin pathavathara vaibhavathai manam urugi bhakthiyudan Padidave, Naavathanil nar padhangal nalkidave orumukhamai naan paninthen, Parivadhana perumalinin por
Rama translations by the third generation RamaRama translations by the third generation Rama By P.R.R.Ramachander (When I was born I was named Rama , which was my paternal grand father’s name .My father was also Rama and just to distinguish I was called as Ramachandra. I studied my SSLC in Hyderabad and in the pass certificate my
Prayers (250) Addressed to Sabarimala Sastha(Ayyappa) translated by P.R.RamachanderPrayers (250) Addressed to SAbarimala Sastha(Ayyappa) written in Sanskrit, Tamil, Malayalam and Telugu along with Translations Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I have been translating prayers addressed to several Gods in at least five languages to English for the past 20 years. I wanted
Prayers to please planet Guru for next year after guru peyarchi this year ( 2019)Prayers to please planet Guru for next year after guru peyarchi this year ( 2019) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Planet Guru is moving from Vruschiga rasi to Dhanur Rasi on October 18th according to
Desire, desire , I desire youஆசை, ஆசை, உன் மேல் ஆசை தான்… Aasai , Aasai , un mel Aasai than Desire, desire , I desire you Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I found it in a blog called sricharanam. I could not find the name of the author. My thanks to him. This poem expresses the love of a devotee to Lord Krishna ) 1.உன் கரு நிறம் தொட்டு,
Ganesha Mala ManthraGanesha Mala Manthra Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a very powerful Manthra to control all evil effects in our life,It removes Nava Graha Doshas , removes obstacles in married life, protects us from business problems , protects us from Unknown enemies and makes life full of joy and pleasure
Sri Ganapathi Mala Saravna Manthraஸ்ரீ சுகபிரம்ம மகரிஷி அருளிய கணபதி மாலா சரவண மந்திரம் Sri Ganapathi Mala Saravna Manthra By Maharshi Sukha Brahmam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (பௌர்ணமி நாளில் இம் மகா மந்திரத்தை பதினாறு முறையேனும் ஜபித்தால் எல்லா பாக்கியங்களும் கிட்டும் என்பது சுகர் அருள் மொழி On Full moon day if this great manthra is chanted at least 16
Sri Jagadguru Maha Periyava KavachamSri Jagadguru Maha Periyava Kavacham BY Geethagiri Translated by P.R.Ramachander (You can see the tamil version of this Kavacham in Kaappu Protection Ulagathin guru thannai uruvaakki thandhitta, Ulagathin
Sri Jyeshta Lakshmi StotramSri Jyeshta Lakshmi Stotram Prayer to Jyeshta Lakshmi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Jyeshta is the elder sister of Goddess Lakshmi and is supposed to be Harbinger of bad luck. She is called “Moodevi” in Tamil Nadu) n Trilochanaam , shukla danthim, Bhibhratheem kaanchanee thanum, Virakthaam&
Guru Dhyana SlokaGuru Dhyana Sloka Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A prayer to the Guru of Sringeri peetam) 1.Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu , Gurur Devo Maheeswara, Guru saakshaath param brahma thasmai sri Gurave nama Guru is Brahma, Vishnu and the great Maheswara, Guru is the real Brahman and so I salute the Guru. 2.Sadhashiva samarambhaam ,
Sri Ganesa Lakshmi stotramSri Ganesa Lakshmi stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Om namo Vighna rajaya , sarva saukhya pradhayine , Dushtarishta vinasya Paraaya Paraathmane Om salutations to king of avoiding impediments, Oh Lord grants us all type of pleasures, You are the one who destroys evil people and wants, You are
A japa to get rain according to Maha periyavaA japa to get rain according to Maha periyava Translated by P.R.Ramachander We all know that when sage Rishya sringa visited Anga desa which was suffering from famine it rained Once when there was no rain Tamil Nadu , Maha Periyava advised the people to chant &
Day to day prayer time table for every Hindu child- A humble human being’s trialDay to day prayer time table for every Hindu child- A humble human being’s trial Compiled by P.R.Ramachander ( Bringing out a time table of simple prayers to every Hindu child had been my dream. I knew that such a thing will be followed by children, only if it is very
'வேல் மாறல்' Vel Maaral'வேல் மாறல்' Vel Maaral Exchange of Vel Compiled by Vallimalai Sri Sachidannda SWamigal வள்ளிமலை ஸ்ரீ சச்சிதானந்த சுவாமிகள் Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Vel is the SAkthi weapon given to Lord Muruga by his mother SAkthi , to help him kill Asura&
Murugan AndathiMurugan Andathi முருகன் அந்தாதி By Kumar Ramanatrhan Translated as English Andathi By P.R.Ramachander அழகனே! அமுதே! அறுமுகா! கந்தா தொழுதுனைத் தினம் வேண்டு கின்றோம் அருள்செய் தாட்கொள் உடனெமை உமைபாலா ஐங்கரன் சோதரா! அறுபடை ஆளுமீசா Azhakane , Amudhe , Aarumukhaa , Kandhaa, Thozhuthu unai dhinam dhinam vendugindrom, Arul
Mal Marugan-Nephew of Lord VishnuMal Marugan மால் மருகன் Nephew of Lord Vishnu Translated by P.R.Ramachander மால் மருகன் மனம் வைத்தால் மலை போல் துன்பமும் பனிபோல் நீங்கிடும் (மால்) Mal marukan manam Vaithal, Malai poal thunbamum, Pani pol neengidum (Mal) If nephew of Lord Vishnu wills, Mountain like sorrow, Would go away like dew (if&
Shiva DandakamShiva Dandakam By Mepathur Narayana Bhattathiri Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This rare work is found in a book by him called Äshtami Champu (full name Vyagralaye cha ashtami mahothsava Champu) ” describing the Vaikathu Ashtami of the great Shiva temple in Vaikom, kerala .The text in tamil along
Devi Atharva Seersha also known as Devya UpanishadDevi Atharva Seersha also known as Devya Upanishad Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sri Devi Atharva Shirsha, also called Devyupanishad, is a part of Atharvana Veda .This sukta is considered to be very important in Atharvaveda.It is a tradtion to recite this sukta before " Durga Saptashati" .It gives a rare insight into some of the deep concepts in
Song of devotion to lord Shivaசிவ பக்தி கீதம் Shiva Bakthi Geetham Song of devotion to lord Shiva By R.P.KARAN, S.BHARATHIGANESH Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear it sung by Unni Krishnan ஆதிசிவன் வந்தான் அண்ணாமலையாய் நின்றான் AAdhi shivan vanthaan, Annamalayai nindraan The primeval Lord Shiva came, And stood as Arunachala
Simple prayer to help children to retain what they have studiedin memorySimple prayer to help children to retain what they have studiedin memory Translated by P.R.Ramachander This manthra has to be chanted Thrice Says Sage Shukha Sri Vidhyaroopini , Saraswathi , SAkalakalavalli, Sara , Bimbadhari, SArada devi , Sasthravalli, Veenapusthaka dharini. Vani&
Ramayana in ThirupugazhRamayana in Thirupugazh Translated by P.R.Ramachander Arunagiri Nadhar is the author of Thirupugazh ,It has 503 songs mostly praising Lord Muruga. Interstingly though they are prayers addressed to Lord Subrahmanya , he has touched upon several aspects of Ramayana in his great book. They are not continuous nor
Lord Narasimha in my contributionsLord Narasimha in my contributions By P.R.Ramachander <!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Pataladhri Narasima peruman sthuthi <!--[if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->Prahladha vara pradhana sthuthi
A review of my translations of books as well as Stotras dealing with God Sri RamaA review of translations of books as well as Stotras dealing with God Sri Rama in Sanskrit, Hindi, Tamil and Malayalam BY P.R.Ramachander ( I have translated verse by verse three Ramayanas written in three Languages,Valmiki Ramayanam(24000 Sanskrit verses) , Kamba Ramayanam(12000 tamil verses), Adhyathma Ramayanam(4000 malayalam&
Oh Bhagawathi of Puducode who is mother of the worldപുതുക്കോടു ഭഗവതി ജഗദംബികേ Puthukodu Bhagawathi Jagadambike . Oh Bhagawathi of Puducode who is mother of the world Translated by Puthucode Rama Iyer Ramachander (Today My mother Goddess Annapurneswari send a pretty prayer addressed to her through my friend Sri RVB Subramanian .(thanks to you friend) I
Material for Devi Mahathmya Parayanam for tenth day of NavarathriMaterial for Devi Mahathmya Parayanam for tenth day of Navarathri Translated by P.R.Ramachander Devi kshama prathana stotram (Prayer to goddess requesting her pardon) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Goddess Parvathi is an ocean of mercy. This prayer tells what a bad person one is, and requests her pardon. This is a part of Durga Sapthasloki) Aparadha
Material for Devi Mahathmya Parayanam for ninth day of Navarathri<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Material for Devi Mahathmya Parayanam for ninth day of Navarathri Translated by P.R.Ramachander Chapter 13: The getting of boons by Suradha and Vaisya. 1. Rishir Uvacha:- Ethathe Kaditham Bhoopa, Devi Mahatmyam Uthamam, Evam prabhava saa devi yayedham dharyadhe Jagat. The Sage told:- Hey king, I
Material for Devi Mahathmya Parayanam for eighth day of NavarathriMaterial for Devi Mahathmya Parayanam for eighth day of Navarathri Translated by P.R.Ramachander Chapter 12: The greatness of the story of Devi. 1. Devyuvacha:- Ebhi sthavai scha maam nithyam sthoshyathe ya samahitha, Tasyaham sakala badhaam nasayishyamasamsyam. The goddess told:- Whoever with concentrated minds prays daily with this prayer, I would definitely remove
Material for Devi Mahathmya Parayanam for Seventh day of NavarathriMaterial for Devi Mahathmya Parayanam for Seventh day of Navarathri Translated by P.R.Ramachander Chapter 11: Prayer to Narayani. 1. Devya hathe thathra mahasurendra, Sendra suravahni purogamastham, Kathyayanim thushtuvarishta laabha, Vikasi vakthrabja vikasithasa. When Shumbha, the chief of all great asuras was killed, The devas including Indra were lead by
Material for Devi Mahathmya Parayanam for Sixth day of NavarathriMaterial for Devi Mahathmya Parayanam for Sixth day of Navarathri Translated by P.R.Ramachander Chapter 9: Killing of Nishumbha. 1. Rajo Uvacha:- Vichithramidhamaakhyatham bhagawan bhawatha mama, Devyascharitha mahatmyam raktha bheeja vadhasritham. The king told:- Hey god like sage, You have told me till now the strange story of the great Goddess which includes
Material for Devi Mahathmya Parayanam for Fifth day of NavarathriMaterial for Devi Mahathmya Parayanam for Fifth day of Navarathri Translated by P.R.Ramachander Chapter 8: Killing of Raktha Bheeja. 1. Rishir Uvacha:- Chande cha nihathe daithye Munde cha vinipathithe, Bahuleshu cha sainyeshu kshayiteshwasureswara. 2. Thatha kopa paradheena chetha Shumbha prathapawan, Udyogam sarva sainyanaam daithyanaam adhidesha ha. When Chanda
Material for Devi Mahathmya Parayanam for Fourth day of NavarathriMaterial for Devi Mahathmya Parayanam for Fourth day of Navarathri Translated by P.R.Ramachander Chapter 7: Killing of Chanda and Munda 1. Rishir Uvacha:- Agnapthasthe thatho daithya Chanda Munda purogama, Chathuranga balopetha yayurbhuythayudha. Then Chanda and Munda sent by that Asura went there with four types of army and holding their weapons aloft. 2.
Material for Devi Mahathmya Parayanam for Third day of NavarathriMaterial for Devi Mahathmya Parayanam for Third day of Navarathri Translated by P.R.Ramachander Chapter 6: The killing of Dhoomra lochana. 1. Rishir Uvacha:- Ithyakarnya vacho devya sa dhootho amarshapooritha, Samachashta samagamya dhithya rajaaya vistharath. The sage told:- Hearing the words of the Goddess, that emissary became full of anger and went to
Material for Devi Mahathmya Parayanam for second day of NavarathriMaterial for Devi Mahathmya Parayanam for second day of Navarathri Translated by P.R.Ramachander Chapter 2: Killing of the armies of Mahishasura. Rishir Uvacha:- Devasuramabhoodhyudham poornama sabdhasatham pura, Mahishe asuranamadhipe devanam cha purandare The sage told:- Long long ago when Indra was the king of devas and Mahisha was the king of asuras, a hundred year
Marterial of Devi Mahathmya to be read on first day of NavarathriMarterial of Devi Mahathmya to be read on first day of Navarathri Chapter 1: Description of Killing of Madhu and Kaidabha. OM IM 1. Markandeya Uvacha:- Savarni Surya thanayo yo Manu Kadyatheshtama, Nisamaya Thad uthpathim vistharath gadatho mama. Makandeya told: - Please hear from me about the origin of Savarni who is the son of Sun god and the eighth Manu in
How to read(do Parayana) Durga Saptashati (Devi Mahatmyam/Chandi ) during Navratri festivalHow to read(do Parayana) Durga Saptashati (Devi Mahatmyam/Chandi ) during Navratri festival (as per request of one devotee of Ambal. I will put text and meaning of what has to be read daily from tomorrow. By P.R.Ramachander Every day read the Nyasa given in
Vishnu Sahasranama Slokas corresponding to one’s birth NakshatraVishnu Sahasranama Slokas corresponding to one’s birth Nakshatra Rewritten by P.R.Ramachander The Chanting of Vishnu Sahasranama daily was very common in all Brahmin homes, even about 80 years back.But taking in to account the fact that we are very busy , It is difficult to chant all the stotras every day. Many
Kalikambal PanchakamKalikambal Panchakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This great prayer is addressed to Goddess Kalikambal of Chennai. The Kālikāmbal Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Shri Kāligāmbāl and Lord Kamadeswarar, located in Parry’s corner in Chennai . The temple is located in Thambu Chetty Street, a prominent
Benefits of doing Parayana of Sundara kandaBenefits of doing Parayana of Sundara kanda along with sloka wise translation of Sundara Kanda in to English Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (You can read Sundara Kanda in any language you want .Our ancestors have realized this and
Swami Raghavendra’s one sloka summary of Sundara kandaSwami Raghavendra’s one sloka summary of Sundara kanda Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Swami Raghavendra has summarized the entire Sundara Kanda in one sloka ,He has told his devotees that they can fulfill all their desires by chanting this 21 times daily for 48 days यस्य श्री हनुमान् अनुग्रह बलात् तीर्णांबुधिर्लीलया
Om Jai Jagdish Hare with english meaningOm Jai Jagdish Hare By Pandit Shardha Ram Phillauri Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is one of the very popular prayers in Hindi sung by all Hindus. It is written in a colloquial dialect of Hindi and touches the heart instantly. This translation is slightly different from what is available in the web. .I have tried to translate the words and also tried to have a similar poetic
Sri Ramar Stothiram in Tamil (ananda Ramayanam)ஸ்ரீ இராமர் ஸ்தோத்ரம்(Also called as Ananda Ramayanam) Prayer to Rama Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I was not knowing about this great prayer.One Smt Geetha Naganathan send it me and told it was Ananda Ramayanam. Searching on line , II found that it is referred to Ramar THothiram(Prayer to Rama)) 1.பூதலத்தை யோரடி அளந்த ரூபமானபொற்
Sri Sankaracharya sthavaश्रीशङ्कराचार्यस्तवः॥ Sri Sankaracharya sthava Prayer addressed to Sri Sankaracharya श्रीशङ्कराचार्यवर्यं सर्वलोकैकवन्द्यं भजे देशिकेन्द्रम् Sri Sankaracharya varya , sarva lokaika vandhyam , Bhaje Desikendram Salutations to the king of Gurus, The great Sankaracharya Who is saluted by all the world
Sri Kanchi Kamakoti ashta Aiswarya Sidhi ManthramSri Kanchi Kamakoti ashta Aiswarya Sidhi Manthram (The Kanchi kamakoti manthra to get eith types of wealths) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Om Kanchi Kamakoti Jagadh Guru Maha Periyavaa Om Oh JAgad Guru of Kanchi kamakoti peeta sri Maha Periyava Mama Sarvabheeshtam sadhaya,
Chilanga Ketti -A malayalam BhajanChilanga Ketti (With anklets tied ) Translated with tears of joy by P.R.Ramachander (A pretty Bhajan addressed to lord Krishna in Malayalam. Hear it and enjoy it ) Chilange Ketti Odi Odi Vaayo Ende Taamara Kannaa Aadi Aadi Vaayo Ninde Pinju Paadam Tedi Tedi Njaangal Ninde Divya Naamam
Sri Datha Bhava Sudha rasa stotam॥ श्रीदत्त भावसुधारसस्तोत्रम् ॥ Sri Datha Bhava Sudha rasa stotam The prayer to nectar like essence of attitude of Datha By Sri Vasudevanand Saraswathi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Sri Dathathreya is a combined God form of Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva and Lord Brahma , who was the son of
Yugala GeethamYugala Geetham The song of separation of one from the other (Chapter 35 of Dasama Skandam of BHagawatham) Introduction BY Gauranga Darshan Das “The gopis felt separation from Krsna during the day when He went to tend His cows in the forest. As Krsna played His flute to announce His coming to the trees,
Prayer to Lord Ganesa requesting him to tell good morning to you.Prayer to Lord Ganesa requesting him to tell good morning to you. Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sri Parvatheesa thapa prabhava, Jatha suredya tharunendu chooda, Kumbeendra vakthrascha kumara poojya, Kuryath Ganeso mama Suprabatham. Let my morning be made great by Ganesa, Who was born as the result of austerities of Shiva and Parvathi, Who is being worshipped by devas, Who
Venkatesa SuprabhathamVenkatesa Suprabhatham By Prathi Vadhi Bhayangaram AnnangaracharyarTamil Translation by Dr. Cha Parthasarathy Transliteration and translation by P.R.Ramachander This great Suprabhatham was composed by one of the greatest savants of Vaishnaism, Sri Prathivadhi Bhayangaram Annangaracharyar and is a splendid Sri Sookthi that is recited every morning in front of
Samarpanam in MalayalamSamarpanam in Malayalam (dedication to God in Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Kamala dala nayana, jaya jaya jagath padhe, Karunya Varidhe ,Krishna Namosthuthe. Oh lotus eyed one, hail , hail oh Lord of universe, Who is ocean of mercy, Salutations to Krishna. 2.Parasudhara, kamala bhava&
Jai Bhagawad Gita in HindiJai Bhagawad Gita in Hindi Translated by P.R,Ramachander (hear it sun g by anup Jalota जय भगवद् गीते, जय भगवद् गीते । हरि-हिय-कमल-विहारिणि, सुन्दर सुपुनीते ॥ Jaya Bhagawad Githe , Jaya Bhagawad githe, Hari hiya kamala Viharini, Sundara supunithe Hail
Bhagawat Gita in a NutshellA Search For Bhagwad Gita In A Nutshell By P.R.Ramachander Bhagwat Gita is a very tiny part of the biggest ever epic written by man-Mahabharatha. It adopts the conversational style of Upanishads, with Guru giving explanations and the disciple asking doubts. According to the Hindu calendar, it was taught in the battle field by Sri Krishna who was the charioteer to
Paramacharya Krutha Kamakshi Stotra for auspecious events/marriage to take placePrayer to Goddess Kamakshi to get marriages and auspicious events happen By Maha Periyava 1.Introduction When some devotee requested Paramacharya to show a way to unmarried people , He composed this great hymn . He wanted them to meditate on Goddess Kamashi on the Fridays and Tuesdays of Thai (
Guruvayurappan Pratha SmaranamGuruvayurappan Pratha Smaranam Remembering Guruvayrappan in the morning Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Pratha smarami Guruvayupuresa Moorthim, Aarthi pranasana samarjitha punya keerthim, Tailabisheka ruchiranga druthathpa bhooshaam, Balochithaambara lasadh kamaneeya veshaam. In the morning I
Sri Guruvatha puresa AshtotharamSri Guruvatha puresa Ashtotharam By Sengalipuram Anantharama Deekshithar TRanslated by P.R.Ramachander Dhyanam Peethambaram kara virajitha sankha chakra, Kaumodhaki sarasijam karuna samudhram, Radhaa sahayam , athi sundara mandhahasam, Vathalayesam anisam hrudhi bhavayami I ceaselessly meditate on
Roga Nivarana slokas from NarayaneeyamRoga Nivarana slokas from Narayaneeyam By Mepathur Narayana Bhattathiri Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( DEue to giving his health to his Guru , When Mepathur decided to compose Narayaneeya, he was a very sick man , sitting in front of Lord Guruvayurappan and composing his great book.From Dasaka 5 onwards( Except
Mookambika Suprabathamश्रीमूकाम्बिका सुप्रभातं (A good morning to Goddess Mookamba) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Being a Keralite , Mookambika temple is extremely important to me .I have translated a few prayers about this Goddess. A few days back my friend Sri Psa Easwaran contacted me and Asked me whether , I have translated
Sri Kamakshi Chinthamani of Durgai ChitharSri Kamakshi Chinthamani By Durgai Chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This great prayer is addressed to Goddess Kamakshi in the kalikambal temple , near High Court , Chennai. When I translated few Works of Durgai Chithar and posted it in Face book, my Smt.Shanti Elangovan pointed out that I have
Translations of some stotras by Durgai Chithar written in TamilTranslations of some stotras by Durgai Chithar written in Tamil By P.R.Ramachander (Durgai Sidhar is a sidha of modern times who has his jeeva Samadhi in Padappai Chennai .He has written 66 prayers and songs most of them
Mani kanda Maalai of Durgai ChitharMani kanda Maalai By Durgai Chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Nallone , nalam tharu vallone, nayanamathil nalvaakku kattu maniye, Kallane yaanalum , karunai mazhai pozhikindra, karpaga tharuvin kaniye, Yillane yedralum inba nalai thanthu udhavi irunthalum yengal maniye, Sallabha
Swarnakarshana Bhairava Archanai of Durgai ChitharSwarnakarshana Bhairava Archanai By Durgai Chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Om sreem Dhana Vairava pothi -Om sreem Bhairava of wealth, hail. 2,Om sreem thathuva deva pothi -Om Sreem , God of philosophy hail, 3.Om sreem Dayala Pothi – Om SReem , Merciful one, hail 4.Om
Sri karumariyamman Virutham of Durgai chitharSri karumariyamman Virutham By Durgai Chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Oli tharu nilve, uyar tharu amuthe, unarvukal tharu maniye, Kali tharu kaniye, karpaga nizhale, kankalil nirai maniye, Vali tharu amme, vazhi tharu nilame, van pini theer maniye, Kulir tharu aare, gunamigu kumari, kurai thavir kula maniye,
Sri devi Karumari Chathurthi mala of Durgai ChitharSri devi Karumari Chathurthi mala By Durgai chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Nimbaswaroopi, nija bodha roopi, Nirmala ananda sukha boga roopi. Kumbha swaroopi, guna jnana roopi, Guru mani jnana Karumari devi She who has form
Seethala Ashtakam of Durgai ChitharSeethala Ashtakam By Durgai Chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Nadhamumana geethamumana, nayakiyaana deviyale. Sathakamaana sakalamumana Sambhaviyana saraswathiye, Vedhanai yaavum verodu chaya vegamai vantha veniyale, Seethala matha ,Seethala matha , seethala yellai deviyale Oh
Annamalayaar Ashtakam of Durgai ChitharAnnamalayaar Ashtakam By Durgai chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This prayer is addressed to the Lord of Thiruvannamalai temple) 1.Pongi varu gangayaana ponni yaanavan, Ponnudane porul alitha pothigai aanavan, Thangi nirkka yingu vantha thanthayaanavn, Thavamalitha inbamaana tharunananavan, Sangeduthu&nbsp
Sri Bhuvaneswari Malai of Durgai ChitharSri Bhuvaneswari Malai By Durgai Chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Manthira oliye, mangala isaye, Manmatha paniyale, Chandra Shekari, Shanmugan thaye, Sankari saundhariye, Indira jalam , thanthira mayam ilangidu vizhiyavale, Pongida yendrum punnagai &
Sidha samputa manthras from Devi Mahathmya (chandi) for achieving what you all want.Sidha samputa manthras from Devi Mahathmya (chandi) for achieving what you all want. Translated by P.R.Ramachander Devi Mahathmyam called as Chandi in North India is a great book of Manthras.It is believed just by keeping that book with us , no evil spirit can come near us and all our
Translation of complete works of Poonthanam in to English done for the first timeTranslation of complete works of Poonthanam in to English done for the first time By P.R.Ramachander (You can see English translation of fifty stotra works of poonthanam. Though few more people including me have translated Jnana Pana , this is the first time all his enchanting Stotra
Partha Saradhi Sthavam of PoonthanamPartha Saradhi Sthavam The prayer to Partha Saradhi( Charioteer of Arjuna) By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Pangajaksha , gatha srungalam puzha kadathi ninne nija puthram, Appen kidaavine viranjeduthu vasudevan kamasannu kodutha naal, Amgreenaa pozhuthu kondu chadudan uruttina &
Sri Ramam Bhaja- Sing about Rama –Prose prayer of PoonthanamSri Ramam Bhaja- Sing about Rama –Prose prayer of Poonthanam By Poonthanam 1.Bho chetha, sri ramam bhaja saranam, Sritha chinthamani mathi karunakaram, Mura hara muru thara sara kodandam Bho chetha sriramam bhaja saranam Oh mind, sing about Sri Rama and surrender to him
Paarum –porum (see -suffecient/come to an end )-Tamil of PoonthanamPaarum –porum (see -suffecient/come to an end )-Tamil By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Kannan unnikale paarum, Kanninnu kouthukamathu porum See the child Krishna, The curiosity of eyes would come to an end. 2,Kananam yenna aasayaale paarum Rama, Rama, Kanavum , nettavumini porum See&nbsp
Athma bodha keerthanam (Tamil) of PoonthanamAthma bodha keerthanam (Tamil) (song about realization of soul) By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.AAdhiyile adwitheeyanaanathoru chithirunthu, Vadhamulla vadhikalkku vadamatha chithirunthu In the beginning there was divine God who was no two, To the arguing&
Kesadhi padha, padathi kesa stotram of PoonthanamKesadhi padha, padathi kesa stotram Prayer from head to feet and feet to head By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachnder 1.Yennunni krishnane kannil ammaru jnan, Kanunna naalil eevannam kaanename, Pichakam, mulla chemanthika , chembakam, Thechi mandharavum choodi kaanenme. I would like to see , when I am able to see , My baby
Vishnu stotram of poonthanamVishnu stotram BY Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Pacha kallin prabhakale vellum, Thiru mei muzhuvan kaanaakenam, Aruna dhivakara koti samaanam, Kanaka kireetam kaanaakenam. I would like see the whole divine body, Which wins the luster of Emerald stone, I &nbsp
Balakrishna stotram of poonthanamBalakrishna stotram of poonthanam By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Chaanjaadum paithal kalicheedum nalla-, Punchayalaadumaaradeedum – Krishna, Kanja malarodu neridum thiru , Kannummazhathi kondu odeedum –Krishna The baby which is rocking will play, it will, Play nicely along with a good
Sri Krishna keerthanam of poonthanamSri Krishna keerthanam By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Yennunni krishnane kanumaarakanam, Yeppozhumingane kaanumarakalam, Ponnin kireedam vilamarangane, Pulpadakkuzhal minnumarangane I would like to see my child Krishna, I would like to see him all the time, With the golden
Kaanumarakanam of PoonthanamKaanumarakanam By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Kannanaam unniye kaanumarakanam, Karoli varnane kanumarakanam. I want to see the baby called Kanna, I want like to see the baby with black colour 2.Kinkini naadhamgal kelkkumaarakanam Keerthanam cholli pugazhthu marakanam I want to hear the bell sound of his
Narayana Jaya Stotram of PoonthanamNarayana Jaya Stotram Hail Narayana prayer By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Narayana jaya, Narayana Jaya, Narayana Jaya , Narayana Jaya Hail Narayana, Hail Narayana. Hail Narayana , Hail Narayana 2.Amala kamala dala lochana jaya jaya, Ananda roopa manohara
Krishna stotram of PoonthanamKrishna stotram By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Krishna, Rama Krishna , Rama Krishna, Rama Krishna , Rama, Krishna, Rama Krishna, Rama Krishna Pahi maam Krishna, Rama Krishna , Rama Krishna, Rama Krishna , Rama, Krishna, Rama Krishna, Rama Krishna Protect me 2.Krishna Rama Parama purusha,
Vasudeva sthavam of PonthanamVasudeva sthavam Prayer to Vasudeva By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Padmanabhaa, paraa parareswara, Pankajaaksha namosthuthe, Pasupa yuvathi bhiramitha vihruthi, Bhirarchithaaya namosthuthe, Vasudeva namosthuthe, Vama nilaya pathe. Oh Padmanabha , Oh divine God of all, Oh God with lotus like eyes, Salutations, Oh
Vasudeva Stotram of PoonthanamVasudeva Stotram Prayer to Krishna son of Vasudeva By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Kanmasha vana dahana, Vasudeva jaya, Chinmaya jagan mangala Vasudeva Oh destroyer of Blemishes, Vasudeva,hail, Oh Divine universal auspiciousness, Vasudeva 2.kalindhi thata vihara, Vasudeva, jaya, Kaliya madha dhamana ,
Vandhe vama pureshwara of poonthanamVandhe vama pureshwara By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Vama pureswara vandhe, Pada saroruham manisam, Shyamala lalithakalaaya manohara, Komala subhaga manohara jaya jaya. Oh Vama pureshwara , salutations, Always to your lotus like feet, Which are black, simple and bewitching, And which are pretty ,
Sauri sthuthi of POonthanamSauri sthuthi By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Krishna, Govinda. Rama, Govinda, Vasudeva saure, Krishna Janardhana , krupana janaasraya Keerthana priya Govinda Oh Krishna, Oh Govinda, Oh Rama, Oh Govinda, Oh Vasudeva,Oh Krishna, Oh Krishna, Oh Janardhana, who is help to miserable people, Oh Govinda , who likes
Saure Murare of PoonthanamSaure Murare Oh Krishna, Oh killer of Mura By Poonthanam Translated by P.RE.Ramachander 1.kanja vilochana, kamaneeyanana, Kanmasha nasana , saure Oh lotus eyed one , Who has a pretty form, Oh destroyer of dirt, Oh Krishna 2.Kaliya madhana, kalaaya manohara, Kali mala nirasana, SAure Oh destroyer of pride of
Sauri Sthothram of POonthanamSauri Sthothram By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.jaya jaya deva Mukunda Krishna, Janma vinasana saure, Jaladhi suthaa kucha kunkuma bhooshana, Bhuvana vimohana saure Hail, hail God Mukunda and Krishna , Oh Krishna who destroys birth cycle, Oh lord who wears the kukum of the breasts of
Vama pura prasamsa of PoonthanamVama pura prasamsa Appreciation of Vama pura By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.shyamala payodha ruche, komala gathram, Veda pari geetha, bahu mohana charithram Oh black one wholikes milk , who has pretty body, And who has a pretty story as approved by the Vedas. 2.Bhaktha jana&nbsp
Krishna Pahi maam of POonthanamKrishna Pahi maam By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Krishna , rama Krishna ,Rama ,Krishna Rama, Krishna Rama Krishna Rama, Krishna , Rama Pahi mmaam OhKrishna ,oh rama , Oh Krishna , Oh Rama ,Oh Krishna, Oh Rama, Oh Krishna Oh Rama Oh Krishna Oh Rama, Oh Krishna , Oh Rama , please&
Varadha Vibho of PoonthanamVaradha Vibho By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander Vandhe Madhava, Vasudeva Nandana, Vamapureswara, Varadha Salutations to Madhava , the son of Vasudeva, Lord Vamapureswara who blesses with boons. 1.Vandharu muni vrundha vanditha padha yuga, Mandhara giri dhara ,Varadha vibho (vandhe Madhava) He
Vandhe vama pureswaram of POonthanamVandhe vama pureswaram Salutations to Lord of Vama pura By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander Vandhe vama puresam Vasudevam, Vandhe Vama puresam Salutations to Lord of Vama Pura, who is Vasudeva, Salutations to lord of Vama Pura 1.Vandharu muni vandaitha padha yuga, Mindiraa ramana , mindheevara&
Vama pureswara hare of poonthanamVama pureswara hare By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Nishkala , nirmala, Nirguna, Vamapureswara hare Innocent , pure and without properties, Oh lord of Vama pura 2.NIrupadhika, nithya , niramaya, govinda, Vamapureswara hare He who is absolute , forever , and healthy Govinda Oh lord of Vama pura 3.Ambuja lochana
Vama puraadheesa Sthuthi of poonthanamVama puraadheesa Sthuthi (the prayer to lord of Vama pura) By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1Neela niradha nibhaangam neerajaayathaksham, Vandhe vama puraadheesam , vandharu santhaanam He who has body like the blue cloud, who has eyes like lotus, Salutations to lord of Vama pura, the child with reverence. 2.
Vandhe vama pureshwara of PoonthanamVandhe vama pureshwara By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Vama pureswara vandhe, Pada saroruham manisam, Shyamala lalithakalaaya manohara, Komala subhaga manohara jaya jaya. Oh Vama pureshwara , salutations, Always to your lotus like feet, Which are black, simple and bewitching, And which are pretty
Narayana Sthavam of PoonthanamNarayana Sthavam By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Pacha kallotha thirumeniyum ninde, Picha kalikalum kanumarakanam, Sri Padmanabha Mukunda, Muranthaka, Narayana nin mei Kanumaarakanam Your divine body looking like a green stone, And your infant legs. I should be able to see, Oh
Unartthu pattu of poonthanamUnartthu pattu (song to wake up) By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The first Suprabatham of tamil was composed in 9th Centuary and that in Sanskrit in the year 1430 AD.Poonthanam who lived between (1547-1640) has this great prayer to wake up his lord .Can we call it a Suprabatham?) 1.Palli kkurupoo amarumenna kanakke
Kaliyamman Kavacham of Durgai ChitharKaliyamman Kavacham By Durgai Chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander For Tamil lyrics Jayanthi mangalaa Kali , bhadra kali , Kapalini , Durgaa, Kshamaa Shivaa Dathri swaha swadha Namosthuthe Salutations to you who is Jayanthi, Mangala, Kali, Bhadrakali
Vada bhadra Kaliyamman Malai of Durgai chitharVada bhadra Kaliyamman Malai By Durgai Chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander Om hreem Bhadra kslikaayai kleem swaha (vada
Roga nivarana ashtakam of Durgai chitharRoga nivarana ashtakam By Durgai Chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( according to Durgai Chithar , this is a very powerful prayer eulogizing several forms of Durga.Each of them remove one type of disease. This song should be chanted on morning and evening of Tuesdays and Ashtami day..This
Sri Maha Ganapathi Malai of Durgai ChitharSri Maha Ganapathi Malai By Durgai Chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander Om sreem hreem kleem kloum kang –ganapathaye Vara varadha sarva janam may vasamanaya swaha Om sreem hreem kleem kloum kang –ganapathaye Oh giver of boons Let all
பெருமாளே சரிதானே ” Is it not right , oh godபெருமாளே சரிதானே ” Perumle Sari thane Is it not right , oh god By Crazy Mohan Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( The great comedian, the one is considered as the greatest writer of comedy , once wrote this very spiritual poem and read it before The great writer Sujatha (https:
Puthukkottu Annapurneswari Akshara Mala StotramPuthukkottu Annapurneswari Akshara Mala Stotram BySmt,P.S.Chellamma Teacher ,Mani Mandir , Puthucode Translated byP.R.Ramachander (My original roots are in the Puthucode(Puthucode) Village Vadakke Gramam. The goddess of Puthucode is Annapurneswari. Here is a very pretty prayer composed by one Smt Chellamma teacher about Our Bhagawathy..THe picture is one drawn
Forty four Stotra Rathnas(Prayer gems) from Maha Bhagawatha Purana in English with translationForty four Stotra Rathnas(Prayer gems) from Maha Bhagawatha Purana in English with translation Translated by P.R.Ramachander The Maha Bhagawatha purana consists of twelve books (skandhas) totalling 332 chapters (adhyayas) and has 18,000.It was composed By Veda Vyasa who taught to his sage
Veda Sthuthi in BhagavathaVeda Sthuthi in Bhagavatha Meaning summarized for each sloka, By P.R.Ramachander (When sage Shuka was about to complete , king Parikshith asked how Vedas would be able to Describe Brahmam.He told that once Vedas to wake up the God who was in Yoga Nidhra at the end of deluge sang this prayer describing him. (Skanda 10, chapter
Shukra Sthuthi to God as divine truthShukra Sthuthi to God as divine truth By Sage Shukacharya Translated by P.R.Ramachander (When king Parikshith asked sage Shukha, why God does the creation, before explaining it to him, the sage prays, the divi9ne truth. Bhagawatha Skanda 2 chapter 4 slokas 12-23) 1.Nama parasmai purushaaya
Akroora Sthuthi When he was taking Lord Krishna to MathuraAkroora Sthuthi When he was taking Lord Krishna to Mathura Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Saint Akroora was sent by Kamsa to bring Krishna .Krishna accompanies him and shows his Mega form when he dips in the water for bath,This prayer is chanted at that time by akroora (Skandam 10
Reply of Rugmani to lord KrishnaReply of Rugmani to lord Krishna Translated by P.R.Ramachander (once Lord Krishna teased his wife Rugmani that he is not at all a suitable husband to her.This prayer is her reply skanda 10 .chapter 60 sloka 34-46) 1.Nanvevamethadh aravindha vilochana ha, Yadhvai bhavaan bhagwatho
Deva Sthuthi To Lord Narayana praying for help to defeat Vruthrasura(from Bhagawatham)Deva Sthuthi To Lord Narayana praying for help to defeat Vruthrasura Translated by P.R.Ramachander The prayer has two parts Part1 Devas praying Lord Vishnu for his appearance (skandam 6 chapter 9 sloka 21-27) Part 2 Devas praying Lord Vishnu who comes before them to help
Brahma sthuthi with devas due to Durvasa’s curse(from Bhagavatham)Brahma sthuthi with devas due to Durvasa’s curse Translated by P.R.Ramachander (due to curse of sqage Durvasa Devas lost their prosperity.They approached K Lord Brahma who took them to Lord Vishnu and prayed to him (Skandam 8 chapter 5 verses 26-50) 1.Avikriyam sathyam anantha maadhyam. Guhasayam
Kandha Sarana Pathu-Mudhal Thiru muraiKandha Sarana Pathu-Mudhal Thiru murai கந்தர் சரணப்பத்து - முதல் திருமுறை ----------------------------------------------------------- By Vallalaar Ramalinga adikal Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Arutprakasa Vallalār Chidambaram Ramalingam (5 October 1823 – 30 January 1874), whose pre-monastic name was Rāmalingam, commonly known in India and
Sri Kandha Vel Pothi Of Pamban SWamigalSri Kandha Vel Pothi By Sri Pamban Swamigal Translated by P.R,Ramachander Chanting this great prayer daily would bring you all that is Good” According to pamban Swamigal (Pamban Gurudasa Swamigal ( பாம்பன் குமரகுருதாச சுவாமிகள்), popularly known as Pamban Swamigal, was a Saivite saint and poet. He
Prayer of Lord Brahma addressed to Lord Vishnu before he started creation (from Bhagavatham)Prayer of Lord Brahma addressed to Lord Vishnu before he started creation (from Bhagavatham) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (When Lord Brahma was created by Lord Vishnu and asked to create the world , he gets terribly jittery and prays Lord Vishnu (skandam3 chapter 9 slokas 1-25) and then Lord Vishnu replies to
Sathru samhara Ver pathigam of Deva Raya SWamigal in Tamilதேவராய சுவாமிகள் அருளிய 'சத்ரு சங்கார வேற்பதிகம்' Sathru samhara Ver pathigam The poem on Vel which kills the enemies Composed by DEva Raya swamigal Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear the pathigam (this prayer removes road blocks in life. Sri Devaraya Swamigal composed these hymns in simple beautiful
Guruvayupureesa Stotram in MalayalamGuruvayupureesa Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Very heart touching stotra addresseb to My Own Guruvayurappan in Malayalam) 1.Sri Krishna, Krishna, Yadhu Nandana , Vasudeva, Govinda , madhava,Janardhana Chakrapane, Sri sankha Chakra Koumodhaka Padhma dhari Vathalayadhipa , puresa namosthu thasmai
Sri Pataladri Narasimha Peruman(singa perumal koil) SthuthiSri Pataladri Narasimha Peruman Sthuthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Pataladri, commonly known as Singaperumal Koil is a very famous Narasimha Kshetra situated in Chengalpattu District, Tamilnadu. This place houses a beautiful rock-cut Narasimha temple, which is situated on a small hill. The name of the place, ‘PATalAdri’ also
சனி பகவான் பரிகார ஸ்தோத்ரம் with english translationசனி பகவான் பரிகார ஸ்தோத்ரம் (கடன் நீங்கி, செல்வம் செழிக்க) The prayer to remedy God Sani Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This prayer was posted on line in 2011 in and this was posted in Tamil in face book by Devakottai Dolphin AR Ramanathan on 8/6/2019&
Akroora Sthuthi to Lord Krishna in his houseAkroora Sthuthi to Lord Krishna in his house Translated by P.R.Ramachander (To send Akroora to Hasthinapure and to keep up his word to him,Lord Krishna along with Balarama and udhava visited his home,After showing them great hospitrality, Akroora prayed Lord Krishna thus. (skandam 10 chapter 48 sloka
Hiranya kasipu’s Brahma SthuthiHiranya kasipu’s Brahma Sthuthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (When Lord Vishnu killed Hiranyaksha , his brother Hiranya Kasipu did great penance addressed to Lord Brahma and when he came in erson, he prayed to him.Skanda 7 chapter 3 sloka 26-34) 1.
Sthuthi to Mathsyavathara by Sathya vruthaSthuthi to Mathsyavathara by Sathya vrutha Translated by P.R.Ramachander (When king Sathyavratha was doing Tharpana in a river, in the water that he took in his hand there was a small fish, which requested the king to save him.The king grew that fish in his palace and when it became very huge , he left it in
Hari Sthuthi during Daksha yagaHari Sthuthi during Daksha yaga Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Lord Shiva married Sathi devi the daughter of Daksha .,Daksha conducted a Yajna without inviting his daughter and also did not give Yaga offering to Lord Shiva.,Goddess Sathi jumped in the Yajna fire and died.Lord Shiva sent Veera Bhadra who
Sthuthi of Lord Krishna by devasSthuthi of Lord Krishna by devas Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Brahma, sages like sanaka , prajapathis , lord shiva, Indra and other devas and very many sages came to see Lord Krishna.They went on looking at him and prayed him with these honey coated words and later they requested him to leave the earth and return
Requesting God Siram aaru udayan to grant us rains and waterRequesting God Siram aaru udayan to grant us rains and water By Hariharasubramanian Venkatasubramanian Translated by P.R.Ramachander Add caption (Siram aaru udayan- could mean according to Tamil poet “Cheiku Thambi pavalar “ “ God who has a river on his head”-Lord Shiva or “God
Kaliya pathni SthuthiKaliya pathni Sthuthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( A serpent called Kaliya started living in river Yamuna and started poisoning it .When Lord Krishna went to attack it, it caught hold of him but when his parents and friends start crying Krishna got up on the hood of Kaliya and dancing there .Seeing that
Daily Prayers to individuals born in different birth starsDaily Prayers to individuals born in different birth stars Compiled and translated by P.R.Ramachander There are 27 birth stars according to Indian astrology . A birth star determines the place of moon in a person’s horoscope and to certain extent indicate the person’s personality (
Is our religion bundle of lies and silly stories?Is our religion bundle of lies and silly stories? By P.R.Ramachander (I read a write up about this in Malayalam and I had to struggle to make a meaning of it .Here is what I learnt.” A group of young lads decided to ask their doubts
Rama Padha Thuthi (Tamil)Rama Padha Thuthi (Tamil) Prayer to Rama’s feet (this was posted in face book by my friend Sri Vasu Iyengar .I was greatly charmed by it. Acknowledgement to my friend) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Padham , yenna Padham, Ithu Sri Rama piraan Padham Paavangalai pokkukindra
Prayer to Lord of Sri Rangam to take care of your child in TamilPrayer to Lord of Sri Rangam to take care of your child in Tamil Transcreated by Parthasarathy Krishnan Vanamali ( I had written an English prayer and requested ny friends of face book to translate the same in to tamil.My friend
Durgai Chithar's Sri Saundara nayaki malaiSri Saundara nayaki malai By Durgai Chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (in the introduction by Samba murthi Sivacharyaar, he says that if this is chanted in the evenings of full moon day, you would become attractive as well as rich. If you read it five times on day when Uthra star comes on Panchami day and put a thilaka
Prayer to Lord of Pandharpur to take care of your childPrayer to Lord of Pandharpur to take care of your child By P.R.Ramachander ( Except a prayer in Malayalam addressed to Lord Guruvayurappan , there are no prayers with us to pray for the welfare of our child ,So I have written a prayer in English for that purpose. This prayer is addressed to lord of Lord
Prayer to Lord of Puri jagannath to take care of your childPrayer to Lord of Puri jagannath to take care of your child By P.R.Ramachander ( Except a prayer in Malayalam addressed to Lord Guruvayurappan , there are no prayers with us to pray for the welfare of our child ,So I have written a prayer in English for that purpose. This prayer is addressed to lord&nbsp
Prayer to Lord of Sri Rangam to take care of your childPrayer to Lord of Sri Rangam to take care of your child By P.R.Ramachander ( Except a prayer in Malayalam addressed to Lord Guruvayurappan , there are no prayers with us to pray for the welfare of our child ,So I have written a prayer in English for that purpose. This prayer is addressed to lord of
Vishnu Sthuthi of Lord ShivaVishnu Sthuthi of Lord Shiva Translated by P.R.Ramachander (After Lord Vishnu as Mohini deceived the Asuras and gave it to Devas and returned back, Lord Shiva along With Goddess Parvathi visited Vaikunta and there Lord Shiva prayed to Lord Vishnu. Skandam 8 chapter 12 sloka 4-13) 1.Deva deva Jagath vyapin, Jagadheesa Jaganmaya,
Procedure for worshiping cow in tamilProcedure for worshiping cow in tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander Introduction. Worshipping cow with deotion and faith is equivalent to worshipping goddess Para Sakthi.It is an inexpensive worship which would remove want of money, drive away evil forces, help you in getting children, would not allow the sins
Shiva Sthuthi of PrajapathisShiva Sthuthi of Prajapathis Translated by P.R.Ramachander (When the ocean of milk was churned, the first thing to come out was Halahala poison.This was creating great problem by burning everyting it touches. The devas as well as Prajapathi(people who created people) prayed to Lord Shiva. Using this stotra .This occurs in Bhagawatha
Hare Narayana (Oh Hari , Oh Narayana), MalayalamHare Narayana (Oh Hari , Oh Narayana), Malayalam Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hare Narayana , Hare Narayana, Hare Narayana , Hare Narayana Oh Hari , Oh Narayana, Oh Hari , Oh Narayana, Oh Hari , Oh Narayana, Oh Hari , Oh Narayana Charana pankajam , saranamaayoru, Puru dukhartharaam adiyangalkkennum, Thiru namam naavil theru
Pahi , pahi Shyama Varna(protect, protect) –MalayalamPahi , pahi Shyama Varna(protect, protect) –Malayalam Translated by P.R.Ramachander Pahi pahi shyama varnaa, Pahi pahi Megha varnaa, Pahi pahi shyama varnaa, Pahi pahi Megha varnaa, Yengine jnaan bhajikkendu , Yengine inaan Vanangendu Protect, protect Black coloured god , Protect , protect, cloud coloured god , Protect, protect
The antidote slokas from Bhagwatha for different houses in horoscopeThe antidote slokas from Bhagwatha for different houses in horoscope Translated and compiled P.R.Ramachander Vyasacharya’s Bhagawatha has 12 Skandas and our horoscopes have 12 houses.Astrology tells what problems the houses of the horoscope indicate .The great scholar Sri
Prarthanai in TamilPrarthanai in Tamil (Prayer in Tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I do not know who wrote this very great prayer .I saw it in a book called Sanmarga Darshini.My humble acknowledgements) 1.Punneri thannil chellaa budhi, iym pulan adakkam, Thannalam nadaa thanmai ,
Dhana vruthi maalai tamilDhana vruthi maalai (Garland for increase of wealth) By Durgai Chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a prayer addressed to Ashta Lakshmi in Tamil) 1.Dhana Lakshmi (Lakshmi of riches) Pongu dhana karathaal , porpudaya chakkarathaal, Yengum nalam tharukindra yezhir karathu thamarayaal,
Bangaru Kamakshi Pancha RathnamBangaru Kamakshi Pancha Rathnam By Durgai Chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Bangaru Kamakshi (Kamakshi made of pure gold) has a great temple in Thanjavur.Devotes believe that her idol was brought from Kanchipuram during Muslim invasion) 1.Vedha vedha roopini , Vedhanpaadu Maamani, Nadhamaana geethamum
Raghupathi Raghava Raja Ram(various versions with translations)Raghupathi Raghava Raja Ram(various versions with translations) By P.R.Ramachander The Sanskrit version is by one Sri Lakshmanacharya and mentions Bhadrachalam , possibly he is from Andhra Pradessh. This was modified by Our father of nation Sri Mahathma Gandhi in to a Hindi prayer . https://
Prayer of a mother of a differently able childPrayer of mother of a differently able child By P.R.Ramachander (of late I have seen many small children suffering with several problems .Almost every week , I get a mail of parents who are having such children . This prayer written
Tamil Mother Mahal built by king Raja RajaTamil Mother Mahal built by king Raja Raja Six hundred years before Tajmahal was built by Shahjahan, A chozha king Rajendran built a memorial to his step mother “Pancha Maha dev Iswaram i”(Pancha maha devi palli padai kovil –temple of the memorial of Pancha maha devi) .The
THirupugazh song (243) on Thiruthani Murugan to cure diseasesTHirupugazh song (243) on Thiruthani Murugan to cure diseases By Aruna giri nathar Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( If you are not able to read it at least Hear this song as sung by Guruji Raghavan ) 1.இருமலு ரோக முயலகன்&
Bala Pancha rathnam in TamilBala Pancha rathnam By Sri Durgai Chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander Ninaivil nindraal , nirai pugazh thanthaal, Nithiyai Balaa nirai mathiye, Vinaikalai vendraal , viraivinil vanthaal, Vithaki Balaa vin mathiye, Manayilil nindraal , malar manam aanaal Mangala Bala maamathiye, Kanaikadhir im kleem
Om Durga sthavam TamilOm Durga sthavam By Durgai Chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Om Durga devi namo namo Om goddess Durga salutations and salutations 2. Om Dukha nivarini namo namo Om Remover of sorrow salutations and salutations 3. Om
Santhi Durga Ashtakam TamilSanthi Durga Ashtakam By Durgai Chthar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Nithya mangalam niraya vanthnai, Sathya dheepame , sakalam aayinai, Budhi sakthiye, punya seelame, Vidhyai sakthiye, vilangu neethiye, Athi yanthiram amarntha manthiram, Sidhi yanthiram chirakka vendume, AAdhi
Chithrakethu sthuthi of SankarshanaChithrakethu sthuthi of Sankarshana (there was a king called Chithrakethu.He was sad that he did not have children.By the blessing of sage Angeeras, The king had a son through his chief queens. The other jealous wives poisoned that child and killed the Baby.At that time Sage Narada and Angeeras came there.After seeing the king sage Narada
Daksha sthuthiDaksha sthuthi By Daksha ( From Bhagawatham) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Daksha was the son of Prechethas and he tried to fill all the thre worlds with people.He created devas , Rakshasas and men and for further creation, he prayed Lord Hari using this prayer,This prayer is called Hamsa guhyam. At
The greatness of name of Rama।। अथ श्रीरामनाममहिमा ।। Now “the greatness of name of Rama’ By Dr, Shivani Sarma, Kurukshethra डा. शिवानी शर्मा, कुरुक्षेत्रम् । ( There are several stories of the greatness of name of Rama. Though I remember this story , I forgot the name of the sage, It seems one king killed a
Sri shanmukha malai of Durgai ChitharSri shanmukha malai By Durgai Chithar Translated by P.R. Ramachander 1.Thiruparam kundram (chevvai) Thiru magal, kalai magal, malai magal vadive, Thiruparam kundrin Vadivelaa, Thiru maal naan mukhan para shiva maganaai, Thiru nirai vaazhvin kathir vela, Perumayin vadive, perum thava thaniye, Perumaan murukaa ,
Lord Vishnu anugraha and Prithu sthuthiLord Vishnu anugraha and Prithu sthuthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Prathu was a great king , from whom earth got the name as Prithwi..Prathu was trying to complete one hundred aswamedha yagas,The jealous Indra invaded his Yaga SalaThe emperor Prathu won over Indra and unable to
Prachethas sthuthiPrachethas sthuthi From Bhasgawatham Translated by P.R.Ramachander (chanting Rudra geetha ( as taught by Rudra and remaining under water, the ten Prachethas did great penance for a long time.Lord Naryana came before them riding on Garuda and he advised
Markandeya Sthuthi to Nara and NarayanaMarkandeya Sthuthi to Nara and Narayana By Sage Markandeya Translated by P.R.Ramachander (When sage Markandeya lives sen Manwantharas doing penance, Indra treies to disturb him.By his power the sage chases them.Lord Vishnu in the form of Nara and Narayana appear before him.Then the sage prays to them
Prayer to God as divine truthPrayer to God as divine truth By Sage Shukacharya Translated by P.R.Ramachander (When king Parikshith asked sage Shukha, why God does the creation, before explaining it to him, the sage prays, the divi9ne truth. Bhagawatha Skanda 2 chapter 4 slokas 12-23) 1.Nama parasmai purushaaya bhooyase,
Sri Rama Ashtapadhi Sri Rama KaviSri Rama Ashtapadhi (With Raga and Thala) By Sri Rama Kavi Translated from Tamil Text By P.R.Ramachander (Jayadheva’s Ashta padhi decribes the love story of Lord Krishna and Radha .It has 24 sections , each with 8 verses. The author says he was a resident of Thiruvisainallur at the time of
Tamil prayer to get cured of diseasesTamil prayer to get cured of diseases Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.To get cured of Arthritis AAttuvikkum aandavane, AAdhi parameshvarane, Paattu vazhi vendukindren, Pan thamizhil paadukindren, Kaattu vazhi naan nadanthu, Kadha vazhi chendraalum , Moottu vali vanthidamal, Mukannane munnarulvai OH God wakes me live
Itho Vaikundam Here is VaikundamItho Vaikundam Here is Vaikundam by Sri Durgai chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A very rare philosophical prayer of Sri durgai chithar) Vaikundam itho irukkirathu, Vaanathil ithai yeen thedugiraai veenaai, Vaikunda is here, Why are you searching for it in the sky Sorgamum, narakamum , nam manam
Nithya kalyani pancha Rathnam of Durgai chitharNithya kalyani pancha Rathnam Five gems about Goddess Nithyakalyani) By Durgai Chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The area around the place where we see the Nithyakalyani Ambal temple at kadayam( temple town 40 km from Tirunelveli of Tamil Nadu) now, was once upon a time, a "Bilwa" tree forest. The legend goes on like this:
Tamil Nava Graha malai of Sri Durgai ChitharTamil Nava Graha malai of Sri Durgai Chithar (garland of nine planets) By Sri Durgai Chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( If possible daily pray Lord Surya on Sundays in the mornings Lord moon on Mondays at night(specially on full mmon) Lord Mars on Tuesdays between 9 am to noon as
Durgai ashtakam in TamilDurgai ashtakam in Tamil By Durgai Chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Inba nalan alippavalai, Iniyanave tharubavalai, Anbudaya annayavalai, Arum sivanai mananthavalai, Yennudaya idhayathe, Ponnuyiraai iruppavalai, Nan malarial pojithu, Namo durga yendriduven. She who grants joyful pleasant life, She who gives
Prahladha vara pradhana sthuthiPrahladha vara pradhana sthuthi By Prahladha Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( After Hiranya Kasipu is executed , Brahma and other devas pray to Lord Narasimha ( ) and then Prahladha himself prays to the God (http:/
Rudra Gita from BhagavathamRudra Gita from Bhagavatham Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Pracheena Barhis was a king in the Dynasty of Pruthu.He had ten sons and they were known as Prachethas.When their father ordered them to create human beings, they went to the ocean shore to do penance.They saw a very pure water lake near the ocean and they saw Lord
Deva Sthuthi from BhagavathaDeva Sthuthi from Bhagavatha (Prayer of devas from Bhagawatha) (from Skanda 3, chapter 5 , slokas 38-50 of Bhagwatham) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (in the third slkandam of Bhagawatham, Vidhara requests sage Maithreya to explain the secret of the creation by god. Before creation God was alone and the one God wanted to become many. Maayaa Sakthi
Sri Gomathi Malai in TamilSri Gomathi Malai (Garland to gomathi) BY Sri Durgai chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This prayer addressed to Goddess Gomathi of Sankaran Koil, rejoins estranged couple.It also increases unity and love among them. It can be vread every day in the month of aadi or every Tuesday) Sankaranaai madiyamarntha sankariye maaye, Sangadathil thunayaagum
Srimad Narayaneeyamrutham from TamilSrimad Narayaneeyamrutham (the nectar of Narayaneeya) By Sri S,Sundara Rajan Translated by P.Ramachander (When Sri S.Sundararajan was suffering from severe pain of the back bone and was bedridden for five months and he happened to read a Tamil translation of Narayaneeyam by Navarathnamala SriM.K.Venkatraman.When he was in sick bed for a long time he
Kanninun ChirutthAmbuKanninun ChirutthAmbu By Madhura Kavi Aazhvar TRanslated by P.R.Ramachander (This great work is in praise of Nammazhvar , one of the great azhvars . Nammalwar is considered the fifth in the line of the twelve alwars. He is highly regarded as a great mystic of the Vaishnava tradition. He is also considered the greatest
Shri Narasimha Pranama (Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha)Shri Narasimha Pranama (Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha) Translated by P.R.Ramachander sri-narasimha, jaya narasimha, jaya jaya narasimha prahladesa jaya padma-mukha-padma-bhrnga Oh Lord Narasimha , hail Narasimha , Hail, hail Narasimha. The victorious Prahaladha , like a be always sees the Lotus face of Lakshmi namas te
Mukunda stotram of PoonthanamMukunda stotram By Poonathanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Kanna kadal varnaa, kanivekum mukil varnaa, Kanmasham akalaan , nal vazhi nalkeedu Mukunda Oh Krishna who is the colour of the sea, Who is the colour of the cloud which grants solace, Oh Mukunda, grant me the good way to remove ills. 2.Karmeghavum
Prayers for those born in different starsPrayers for those born in different stars Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Chant the prayer to yor birthstar, daily thrice after morning bath .Many of the problems coming to your life would be solved and life will become happy .The names of stars are given in english, malayalam , Tamil, Telugu and
Narasimha Stuti by Shri Narayana Pandita AcaryaNarasimha Stuti by Shri Narayana Pandita Acarya (Pandit Trivikramacharya) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a powerful prayer to Lord Narasimha for one's protection from the dark elements and demons within this material world. It was written by Sri Narayana Pandithacharya who was the son of Pandit Trivikramacharya, a leading disciple of Sri Madhvacharya.
Short cut to Shiva SahasranamaShort cut to Shiva Sahasranama Compiled by P.R.Ramachander In Vishnu sahasranama , when Goddess Parvathy asked Lord Shiva for a short cut to Vishnu SAhasranama he replies Sri Rama Rama ramethi reme rame manorame, Sahasra nama thathulyam rama nama varanane Rama nama varanane Hey beautiful one, I
Anjaneya Dandakam in TeluguAnjaneya Dandakam in Telugu A translation attempt By P.R.Ramachander (Dandakam is a style of poem where there is no limit to the length of a single line ,Hearing the Anjaneya dandakam, I was very much attracted by it. My knowledge of Telugu was not at all sufficient to translate it, Then fortunately I stumbled&
Samastha Papa nasak stotra (Prayer to Lord Vishnu to destroy all sins)Samastha Papa nasak stotra (Prayer to Lord Vishnu to destroy all sins) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (In agni puranna , Agni (fire) gives several advices to sage Vasishta. In that Mahathma Pushkar says that “Men commit several sins like theft , murder , rape etc etc By this their mind becomes
Para Devathai Stotram in TamilPara Devathai Stotram in Tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Para devathai means “divine Goddess” and this prayer is addressed to Goddess Parvathi) 1.Kotharugum kondrai thumbai choodum , Kodi lingar bhagamudayavale. Mai kuzhali mangayum avale , Vaar kathu pani isayum vadive She who has&
A story of Rama Dedicated to God Rama in TamilA story of Rama Dedicated to God Rama in Tamil பக்தியின் சுவை- ஸ்ரீராமர்புகழ் BHakthiyin suvai-Sri Ramar Pugazh Taste of devotion-the fame of Rama By shri ramesh sadasivam (. The author , sRi Ramesh SAdashivam writes” I am a spiritual aspirant.A devotee of Shri Rama. A student of Shri Krishna. An ardent fan of
Sri Ranganatha Maanaseeka stotram (telugu)Sri Ranganatha Maanaseeka stotram (telugu) By Smt. R.S.Subbulakshmi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The author was a great social reformer, who was the first Hindu woman who graduated from Madras presidency) 1.Hey devaa, naavinnaappamulu kaikoni Rakshimpave Rangesaa, Naa SAnkalpa vikalpamulu neeku Ubhaya Cauvery
Pancha PuranamPancha Puranam Translated by P.R.Ramachander Panniruthirumurai (பன்னிருதிருமுறைகள்)are the songs of Tamil Saivism projecting the glory of Lord Shiva. Out of this Panniruthirumurai songs, five sacred books are glorified as Panchapuranam. They are 1. Thevaram, 2. Thiruvaachakam, 3. Thiruvisaippa, 4.Thiruppallandu, and 5. Periyapuranam.(தேவாரம், திருவாசகம், திருவிசைப்பா,
A Search For Bhagwad Gita In A NutshellA Search For Bhagwad Gita In A Nutshell By P.R.Ramachander Bhagwat Gita is a very tiny part of the biggest ever epic written by man-Mahabharatha. It adopts the conversational style of Upanishads, with Guru giving explanations and the disciple asking doubts. According to the Hindu calendar, it was taught in the battle field by Sri Krishna who was the
The Ramayana story as sung by Luv and KushaThe Ramayana story as sung by Luv and Kusha Translated by P.R.Ramachander (In the year 1987 , the Ramananda sagar’s Ramayana story was broadcast in TV .I am not exageerating when I say that whole India froze for that one hour. Meetings , including cabinet meetings were
Lakshmi Narayana ManthraLakshmi Narayana Manthra Translated by P.R.Ramahander (Daily chant this great manthra three times starting from Shukla paksha Thursday .It is believed that all your problems regarding money, loan repayment and job would vanish. At least hear it thrice
Ramanuja LaaliRamanuja Laali Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The Laali songs of south India , praise a person , God imagining him that he is swinging .Hear this very pretty Laali ) Laali Ramanuja Yathiraja Laali, Laali bhashyakara mannatha laali Swing
Panniru Thiru namangal (twelve divine names)Panniru Thiru namangal (twelve divine names) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I was slightly sick and my daughter Smt Raji Raman sent me this great stotra in Tamil. I immediately got up and completed the translation, so that people who cannot read also can enjoy it. Thankyou Raji) Kesava yendry azhaithen
श्री साईं प्रार्थना - Shri Sai Prathnaश्री साईं प्रार्थना - Shri Sai Prarthna Translated by P.R.Ramachander साईं कृपा से व्रत कथा लिखवाई, भक्तों के हाथों में पहुंची| साईं गुरुवार व्रत करे जो कोई, उसका कल्याण तो हरदम होई| <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Sai krupaa se vruth kadhaa likvai, bhakthon ke haathon may pahunchi, Sai guruvar vruth kare
Thava charana yugam- Malayalam bhajanThava charana yugam (A great BHjan which seems to be a mixture of many prayers. ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Radha ramana mukunda murare, Saranam may thava charana yugam, Pavana puresa Radhakrishna, Saranam may thava charana yugam Oh darling of Radha, Oh Mukunda , Oh en, emy of Mura, I
Jaya Krishna StotramJaya Krishna Stotram By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander Kannande, Kaliyundu, kalavundu, kanivundu Unninkal palarundu,Jaya Krishna SAraname There is playing , cheating and mercy of Krishna, There are several boys, I surrender to Jaya Krishna Kaal chilamboliyundu , Kala kala chiriyundu, Kacha ppal kothiyundu, Jayakrishna saraname
Kaanumaarakanam (I should be able to see)Kaanumaarakanam (I should be able to see) BY Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander Kannanaam unniye kaanumaarakanam, Kaaroli vannane kaanumaarakanam I should be able to see the darling baby Krishna, I should be able to see him of the colour of dark cloud. Kinkini ninaadhangal kelkkumaarakanam, Keerthanam cholli pugazthumasarakanam, I
Naraka Vairi Stotram Prayer to enemy of hellNaraka Vairi Stotram Prayer to enemy of hell By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander Nara vairiyaam Aravindakshande, Cheriya naalathe kalikalum, Thiru mei shobhayum Karuthi koopunnen Thinking of the childhood plays, As well as the luster of his divine body, I am saluting the God with lotus like eyes who is enemy of hell.
Pavana Puresa KeerthanamPavana Puresa Keerthanam By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This Prayer has three parts .All of them are prayer to Lord Guruvayurappan) Part I 1.Gokulam thannil vilangum Mukundande, Poomeni yeppozhum kanumaarakanam, Peeli thirumudi kettiyathil chila, Maalakal chaartheettu kanumaraganam. I must be able to see always ,
Sastha Preethi-Malayalam PrayerSastha Preethi-Malayalam Prayer By Venmani kuttan Nambudiripad Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A peculiar prayer where devotee begs Lord Ayyappa to give him again great devotion to Lord Guruvayurappan) Saranamayyappa , saranamayappa, Sabari malayil minnum swami saranam, Srimad bhagawatham nannai paaduvaanum
Amme Maheswari(prayer in Malayalam)Amme Maheswari(prayer in Malayalam) Translated by P.R,Ramachander 1.Amme maheswari kathyayani,Ambige, durga devi, Annapurenswari, nee kadakshikka nanma vanneduvaanai Oh mother who is the great goddess,oh Kathyayani, Oh Ambika, Oh Goddess Durga, Oh Goddess Annapurneswari , please see me with the corner&
Subrahmhanya udbhava virutham(Tamil)Subrahmhanya udbhava virutham(Tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Tis is one of the Panaka Pooja songs on Lord Subrahmanya. It deals with the story of Lord Subrahmanya’s birth. AS is normal it is written in tamil spoken by Palakkad Brahmins) Soora padhmaal upadravam than sahiyaamal , devarkal thaan, Maara vairi kitte vanthu
Venkatesa PrapathiVenkatesa Prapathi (The surrender to Lord Venkatesa) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear it sung 1,Eesaanaam jagathasya venkata pather,Vishno param preyasim, Thad vaksha sthala nithya vaasaa Rasikaam , thath kshaanthi samvardhinim, Padmaalankruthapani pallava yutham,Padmanastham sriyaam, Vathsalyaadhi
Pavana Puresa Keerthanam of PoonthanamPavana Puresa Keerthanam By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This Prayer has three parts .All of them are prayer to Lord Guruvayurappan) Part I 1.Gokulam thannil vilangum Mukundande, Poomeni yeppozhum kanumaarakanam, Peeli thirumudi kettiyathil chila, Maalakal chaartheettu kanumaraganam. I must be able to see always
Govindabhishekam(Malayalam)Govindabhishekam(Malayalam) Translatedby P.R.Ramachander ( a great prayer of concern to little Lord Krishna) Govinda Hari, Ghovinda Hari, Govinda Hari, Govinda Hari Oh Hari who is Govinda, Oh Hari who is Govinda Oh Hari who is Govinda, Oh Hari who is Govinda Komalan, Ghana Shyamalan mama, Thamara kannaa vannalum.,
Deivame –Oh God by PoonthanamDeivame –Oh God By Poonthanam (Is this a poem where Poonthanam takes leave of his KOchu Guruvayurappan to go to his heaven?) Adiyangal yithaa vida kollunnathe, Aakasam poale niranja deivame , Indu Shekaran thozhunna Deivame, Eerezhu lokam udaya Deivame <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> We the slaves are bidding you farewell,
Vaka Charthu kazhinjoru DevandeVaka Charthu kazhinjoru Devande വാകച്ചാർത്തു കഴിഞ്ഞൊരു ദേവന്റെ By P.Bhaskaran (In Malayalam film Iruttinde Athmaavu) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear the get prayer വാകച്ചാർത്തു കഴിഞ്ഞൊരു ദേവന്റെ മോഹനമലർമേനി കണികാണണം കണികാണണം കണ്ണാ കണികാണണം കമനീയമുഖപത്മം കണികാണണം വാകച്ചാർത്തു കഴിഞ്ഞൊരു ദേവന്റെ മോഹനമലർമേനി
Bhaghyam venam a prayer in MalayalamBhaghyam venam a prayer in Malayalam (I should have luck) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (AS a great devotee of Lord Guruvayurappan, by eyes became wet while translating this great work.I wanted to sing Guruvayurappa , yende Guruuvayurappa , Yi maha Kruthi tharjama Cheyyuvaan yenikku &nbsp
Govindashtakam in malayalamGovindashtakam in malayalam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Govinda Hari, Govinda Hari Govinda Hari , Govinda Oh Hari who looks after all beings Oh Hari who looks after all beings Oh Hari who looks after all beings Oh Govinda 2.Komalan , Ghna Shyamalan mama, Thamarakanaa vannalum, Venna
My translations of few stotras of Vaishnavite LiteratureMy translations of few stotras of Vaishnavite Literature By P.R.Ramachander Among my small contribution of translation of religious literature to English , I have also done simple peripheral translation of the following Vaishnavite literature. These have been done without any commentary or deeper meanings
Hara Shankara , Shiva Sankara -Malayalam devotional songHara Shankara , Shiva Sankara -Malayalam devotional song Translated by P.R.Ramachander Here is an ancient Malayalam song addressed to Shiva , asking him to you devotion to Hari’s feet .Hear the mesmerising song, which ladies used to sing in their small homes Hara&nbsp
Sri Subhramanya Akshara mala Stotra,ശ്രീ സുബ്രഹ്മണ്യ അക്ഷരമാല സ്തോത്രം ...!! Sri Subhramanya Akshara mala Stotra, (prayer to Lord Subrahmanya as alphabetical garland ) Written record by Sivaramakrishnan Narayanan Ayakkad Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Akshara mala stotra of Lord Shiva is extremely popular in Kerala, Here is an extremely rare
Manthra to bring SaubhagyaManthra to bring Saubhagya (Chant to bring all round prosperity) Compiled by P.R.Ramachander The 33rd Manthra of Saundarya Lahari , is called the Saubhagya manthra.A learbed man is saying that “Chant the manthra 108 times for 21 days, holding as much coins as possible then you would get Ultimate Saubhagya (
Swami Ramanuja SuprabathamSwami Ramanuja Suprabatham An attempt to translation By P.R.Ramachander (By accident I located this great work in In that blog it is felt that this could also have been written by the author of Sri Venkatesa suprabatham. But unlike that work, this
Abhirami Andathi- Only Andathi in EnglishAbhirami Andathi- Only Andathi in English Translated by P.R.Ramachander i consider my translation of Abhirami Andathi as the greatest effort because , I transalted the great tamil Andathi in to an English andathi i.e the first word of a stanza of all the
Matha Kathyayani devi stotraMatha Kathyayani devi stotra Translated by P.R.Ramachander Kathyayani is a form of Goddess Durga and she is supposed to be the daughter of Sage Kathyayana.She is the sixth form of the nine durgas and is worshipped on the sixth day of Navarathri Hear this great&
Kalikambal Kavacham in Tamilமங்களம் தரும் காளிகாம்பாள் கவசம் Mangalam tharum Kalikambal Kavacham (Armour of mother Kali which gives prosperity) (If we chant this kavacham daily or at least on Fridays, all sorrows will vanish and you will become prosperous)ByR.Shantha Translated by P.R.Ramachander முழு முதற் கடவுளே மூஷிக வாகனனே முக்கண்ணன் புதல்வனே மோதகப்ரியனே பார்வதி
Sri Kadhi vidhyeswari Kalika stotram|| श्रीकािदिवद्येश्वरी कािलका स्तोत्रम् || Sri Kadhi vidhyeswari Kalika stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a great prayer to goddess Kali from Tripura THanthra.It is extremely powerful and chanting it with faith would make one great ) Sri Devyuvacha The goddess told SWamin
Sarva Karya Sidhi Slokas from Devi MahathmyaSarva Karya Sidhi Slokas from Devi Mahathmya Collected and Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I have been guiding you for reading Devi Mahathmya for the past 5 days. Apart from being a story of Goddess , it is a great manthra book. In a Devi Mahathmyam book, the manthras for achieving various things , Have been
Material for the seventh day of parayana of Devi Mahathmyam in the seven day Parayana schemeMaterial for the seventh day of parayana of Devi Mahathmyam in the seven day Parayana scheme Chapter 13: The getting of boons by Suradha and Vaisya. 1. Rishir Uvacha:- Ethathe Kaditham Bhoopa, Devi Mahatmyam Uthamam, Evam prabhava saa devi yayedham dharyadhe Jagat. The Sage told:- Hey king, I have told the holy story of “Devi Mahatmyam.
Material for the sixth day of parayana of Devi Mahathmyam in the seven day Parayana schemeMaterial for the sixth day of parayana of Devi Mahathmyam in the seven day Parayana scheme Chapter 11: Prayer to Narayani. 1. Devya hathe thathra mahasurendra, Sendra suravahni purogamastham, Kathyayanim thushtuvarishta laabha, Vikasi vakthrabja vikasithasa. When Shumbha, the chief of all great asuras was killed, The devas including Indra were lead by the fire
SHRI JAGAN MANGAL KAVACHAM KALI KAVACHSHRI JAGAN MANGAL KAVACHAM KALI KAVACH Translated By P.R.Ramachander (This is a powerful kavach and should be taught only to devoted student by a Guru who has mastered it.Otherwise negative effects may result.I am posting it only for understanding by people not for chanting .I am not a Guru of this Kavacha. I am not responsible for
Material for the fifth day of parayana of Devi Mahathmyam in the seven day Parayana schemeMaterial for the fifth day of parayana of Devi Mahathmyam in the seven day Parayana scheme Chapter 10: Killing of Shumbha. 1. Rishir Uvacha:- Nishumbham nihatham drushtwa bratharam pranasammitham, Hanyamanam balanchaiva Shumbha krudha abraveedvacha. The sage told:- Seeing that his solu like brother was killed as also his army, Shumbha became very angry and
Sri Mahalakshmi PanchakamSri Mahalakshmi Panchakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (THis is a rare prayer , possibly popular in mAharashtra because I saw it with Marathi meaning) 1.Mahalakshmi, Maha Maye , poojaneeye, jagasthriye, Para Brahma mahishi thwam Vishnu pathni namosthuthe Oh Mahalakshmi , Oh Great illusion who is fit to worship,
Om Sri Kamakoteesa vruthamॐ ॥ श्रीकामकोटीशवृत्तम् ॥ Om Sri Kamakoteesa vrutham Om The report about Kama Koti (THis is a prayer addressed to peetadhipathi of Kanchi Kamakoti peetam and most probably written by SriK.N.Ramesh. My thanks to him ) Translated in to english by P.R.Ramachander (I saw this as a post of Sri K.N.Ramesh.Thanks to him) श्रीकामकोटीशदेवम् -
Arunachala Nava mani pathigamArunachala Nava mani pathigam (necklace of nine gems of Arunachala) By Saint Ramana Translated by P.R.Ramachander (THis is one of famous philosophical works of Sage Ramana in Tamil) 1.Achalne yaayinum acchavai thannil, Achalayam ammai yethiredum achala, Uru vilaa sakthi odungida ongum, Arunachalam
Thamraparni chathurvimsath nama stotramThamraparni chathurvimsath nama stotram (prayer of 24 names of river THamraparni) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (THamraparni is an ancient river of India which is even mentioned in Valmiki Ramayanam .Here is a great prayer addressed to this sacred river&
Parayana for fourth day of Devi Mahathmya in the seven day scheduleParayana for fourth day of Devi Mahathmya in the seven day schedule On the fourth day please read chapter5,6,7,8 , which deal with the war between Goddess and Shumbha and NIshumbha. It is a practice not to stop parayana in between the war .Please read the four chapters Translated by
Parayana on third day of Devi Mahathmya of the seven day Parayana SchemeChapter 4 of Devi Mahathmya to be read on third day of the seven day Parayana Scheme Chapter 4: The prayer of Sakradi devathas. (Sakra is name of Indra ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1. Rishir Uvacha:- Sakradhaya suragana nihathe athiveerya, Thasmin durathmani surari bale cha devya, Thaam thushtuvu pranathi namra siro daramsa, Vagbhi
Parayana of Devi Mahathmya for the second day, in the seven day Parayana SchemeChapter 2 and 3 for Parayana of Devi Mahathmya for the second day, in the seven day Parayana Scheme (These two chapters deal about killing of Mahishasura by Goddess Durga) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Chapter 2: Killing of the armies of Mahishasura. Rishir Uvacha:- Devasuramabhoodhyudham poornama
Ram se Bada Ram Ka Naamराम से बड़ा राम का नाम Ram se Bada Ram Ka Naam Rama ‘s name is bigger than Rama Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear it sung अंत में निकला ये परिणाम, ये परिणाम, राम से बड़ा राम का नाम .. Anth mein nikala ye parinam ,Ye parinam Ram se bada Ram Ka nam At the end
Chapter 1 of Devi Mahathmyam -First day Parayana of SEven day Parayana schedule.Sri Devi Mahatmyam Prathama Charitham (First Part) Pradhmao adhyaya: Madhu Kaidaba Vadha Varnanam Chapter 1: Description of Killing of Madhu and Kaidabha. OM IM 1. Markandeya Uvacha:- Savarni Surya thanayo yo Manu Kadyatheshtama, Nisamaya Thad uthpathim vistharath gadatho mama. Makandeya told: - Please hear from me about the origin of Savarni who is the son of Sun god and the eighth Manu
Nyasam for Devi Mahathmyam /ChandiNyasam for Devi Mahathmyam /Chandi (To be read before Parayana) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sankalpam (Announcing as to what is being done and why?) 1. Shuklam baradaram vishnum sasi varnam Chaturbhujam, Prasanna vadanam dyayeth sarva vignopa santhaye Dressed in white you are, Oh, all pervading one, And glowing with the colour of moon. With four arms, you are
Thank you 1.5 millionth visitor to my stotra rathna blogThank you 1.5 millionth visitor to my stotra rathna blog I started posting my translations of stotras in Raja Thatha blog on 12-7-2009 (I was posting them in various other places like HIndupedia, Celextel, and geocities web site earlier to that) .With great happiness I reported to you all on 13-7-2017
Thulasi PattuThulasi Pattu Translated by P.R,Ramachander (From my cousin sister Subba Lakshmi (Subby) , I understand that my maternal grand mother Smt Subbalakshmi called as Ammu by her family members and as Ammu athai by the entire Ayalore(near Paghat) village.Whlile going bath and coming back, I
Prayers to please planet GuruPrayers to please planet Guru Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Planet Guru is moving from Thula rasi to Vruschiga Rasi on October 11th according to Drik Panchangams and on October 4th according to Vakya panchangam Please understand that 1.Guru is a good planet and so it does not cause
Rama-Krishna NamavaliRama-Krishna Namavali Translated by P.R.Ramachander Rama namo , Rama namo, Rama namo, Sita Rama Namo Salutation to Rama, Salutation to Rama, Salutation to Rama, Salutation to Sita Rama Krishna namo, Krishna namo, Krishna namo , Radha Krishna nama Salutations to Krishna, Salutations to Krishna, Salutations
Ayyappan thuthi in TamilAyyappan thuthi in Tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Aanai mukhan sodharane , Saranam Ayyappa, Aaru mukhanukku ilayavane, Saranam Ayyappa, Hariharanaar Puthirane, SAranam Ayyappa, Anbarukku mithirane, Saranam Ayyappa, Neela vanna kattazhakaam Saranam Ayyappa, Nee vanthu kaakaa vendum , saranam Ayyappa Oh beoyther of
Raghavendrar THuthi in TamilRaghavendrar THuthi in Tamil Translated by P. R.Ramachander 1.Thunai neeye yendriunthal Raghavendra, Thunbamethu Vaazhvinile Raghavendra, Thikatha perkalukku Raghavendra, Deivam neeye yeppothum Raghavendra If we live you as our only help , Oh Raghavendra , How can be sorrow in life ,Oh Raghavendra, To the people who do not have any help, Oh
Shiva Mangalam in TamilShiva Mangalam in Tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Manam vendum mangalangal magizhvudane pozhibavane, Dhinam undhan per chonnom, thikkettum pothidave, Vedangal nalginilum vilangidum naadhane, Bhoothangal paninthidum yem perumane, umakku mangalam. Oh Lord who rains all the good that our mind asks, We daily tell your name so
Shiva Thuthi IN TamilShiva Thuthi IN Tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander Shivane gathi yendru unai nambiyavan, Malai poal ingu uyarnthida arul , Sivane. Saranaa gathi yendru un thiruvadiyil, Vanthu vizhinthidil yezhunthida seibhavane Oh Shiva , to the one who firmly believed, You are his only support, make him
Shiva Suprabatham in TamilShiva Suprabatham in Tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander (THis was published in tamil as a booklet by Kumudam Bhakthi magazine. They have not told who has written it. Thanks to the author) 1.Om ulakalum easwaraa , umaa maheswaraa, Yemayaalum sankaraa , viswanadhaa shivaa, DEvadhi deva, Divya Kailasa nadha, Om Namashivaya , Yem
Bala Tripurasundari Suprabatham in TamilBala Tripurasundari Suprabatham in Tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander Bala Tripura Sundari is a child form of Tripurasundari. There is also a story that she is the daughter of Lalitha devi and fought with Banda's son and killed them(refer Balavikramandhitha name in Lalitha sahasra namam.)IN a place called Nemili near Vellore , the goddess
Ayusha suktham- Prayer for long life spanआयुष्यसूक्तम् Ayusha suktham Prayer for long life span Translated by P.R.Ramachander Suktams are Vedic hymns addressed to deities and are recited for specific outcomes(phalas). Ayushya suktam, found in Yajur Veda is a hymn addressed to a group of Gods and Goddesses.In Ayushya sUktam, the deities invoked are Brahma , Shiva, Parasakthi , Agni, Surya, Lakshmi,
Rama ‘s name is bigger than Ramaराम से बड़ा राम का नाम Ram se Bada Ram Ka Naam Rama ‘s name is bigger than Rama Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear it sung अंत में निकला ये परिणाम, ये परिणाम, राम से बड़ा राम का नाम .. Anth mein nikala ye parinam ,Ye parinam Ram se bada Ram Ka nam At the end
Ram ka naam lekar jo mar jaayengeराम का नाम लेकर जो मर जायेंगे Ram ka naam lekar jo mar jaayenge He who dies taking the name of Ram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (hear this prayer sung + महल चौबारे तेरे साथ नहीं जायेंगे। अपने पराये तेरे साथ नहीं जायेंगे। जाये नेक कमाई तेरे साथ
Stotras, Sthuthis and Sthavams translated by P.R.RamachanderStotras, Sthuthis and Sthavams translated by P.R.Ramachander I wrote in my posting in 2011 that I have translated till then (in 11 years) 600 stotra rathnas and I had not given a list of ashtotharms translated by me . I was doing a stock taking since a few days . I find that as of now I have translated 1450 stotra rathnas&
Upanishads Translated by P.RRamachanderUpanishads Translated by P.RRamachander P.R.Ramachander General Introduction "Upanishad means the inner or mystic teaching. The term Upanishad is derived from upa (near), ni (down) and s(h)ad (to sit), i.e., sitting down near. Groups of pupils sit near the teacher to learn from him the secret doctrine. In the quietude of the forest
Para puja stotramPara puja stotram By Adi Shankara Bhagawat Pada Translated by P. R. Ramachander The traditional worship of any deity consists of Dhyana[1], Avahana[2], Asana[3], Padya[4] , Arghya[5], Achamaniya[6], Snana[7], Vastra[8], Upavita[9], Patra-Pushpa[10], Gandha [11], Abharana[12], Naivedya[13], Thamboola[14], Dheepa[15], Dhoopa[16],
Bhima Roopi StotraBhima Roopi Stotra Translated by P.R.Ramachander (THis stotra is in Marathi .My wife was taught this by her elder sister and has been chanting it whenever she is in trouble without knowing that it is in Marathi .Hear it chanted ) भीमरूपी महारुद्रा वज्र हनुमान मारुती । वनारि
Sri Santhana Ganesa StotramSri Santhana Ganesa Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a rare prayer addressed to Lord Ganesa , Requesting him to give us a son Hear it 1.Namosthu Gana nadhaaya , Sidhi Budhi yutaya cha, SArva pradhaaya devaaya , puthra vrudhi prathaya &
Translation of prayers addressed to Lord Shanmukha written in Sanskrit, Malayalam and TamilTranslation of prayers addressed to Lord Shanmukha written in Sanskrit, Malayalam and Tamil By P.R.Ramachander I have translated 49 prayers addressed to Lord Shanmukha from four different languages&nbsp
Translation of prayers addressed to Shirdi Sai Baba written in Sanskrit. Tamil and HindiTranslation of prayers addressed to Shirdi Sai Baba written in Sanskrit. Tamil and Hindi By P.R.Ramachander I have translated 30 prayers addressed to Shirdi Sai Baba from four different languages &
Translation of prayers addressed to Goddess Lakshmi written in Sanskrit, Malayalam, Tamil and HindiTranslation of prayers addressed to Goddess Lakshmi written in Sanskrit, Malayalam, Tamil and Hindi By P.R.Ramachander I have translated 45 prayers addressed to Goddess Lakshmi from four different languages
Translation of prayers addressed to Lord Shiva written in Sanskrit, Malayalam, Tamil and HindiTranslation of prayers addressed to Lord Shiva written in Sanskrit, Malayalam, Tamil and Hindi By P.R.Ramachander I have translated 105 prayers addressed to Shiva from four different languages in to english. A list as well as url is given below 1
Translation of Prayers addressed To Ganesa -in five different languagesPrayers addressed To Ganesa Translated by P.R.Ramachander I have translated in to English 58 prayers addressed to Ganesa and among them 7 are from Hindi+ 10 are from Tamil +1 is from Kannada +2 are from Malayalam +36 are from Sanskrit . Click on the URL to&nbsp
Vinayaka ashtakam of Sri Narayana GuruVinayaka ashtakam By Sri Narayana Guru Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I wasmade aware of thiswork of Sri Narayana Guru by my friend Dr.M.R.Ravi Mamparambath who sent me a detailed commentary on this work by Sri Nithya Chaithnya Yathi translated in to Malayalam. I have simplified the commentary
☘#வரலஷ்மிதுதிபாடல்☘ Vara Lakshmi prayer songTomorrow many women would welcome VaraLakshmi (The Goddess Lakshmi who gives boons) and worship them , Here is pretty prayer song in Tamil along with my english translation. May The Goddess answer to the prayers of all women , P.R.Ramachander ☘#வரலஷ்மிதுதிபாடல்☘ Vara Lakshmi prayer song -- ⚘
Guruvayur Vaazhum Bhagawane (Malayalam Bhajan)Guruvayur Vaazhum Bhagawane (Malayalam Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Adiyen cheithulla doshangal yellam, Podi podichu udan kalavaanaai , Adi malirngel , udikkanam Bhakthi, Guruvayur vaazhum bhagwane For powdering all the sins . That I have done
Ram Naam Athi meeta hai, koi gaa ke dekh leराम नाम अति मीठा है कोई गा के देख ले Ram Naam Athi meeta hai, koi gaa ke dekh le Name of Rama is very sweet, Let some one sing and see it Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear this sweet Hindi Bhajan ) <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> राम नाम अति मीठा
Parasakthi Poojayum Prarthanayum(Tamil)Parasakthi Poojayum Prarthanayum The prayer and worship of Para sakthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (THis divine Tamil prayer addressed to Goddess of Thiruverkadu was found in Malayalam script by Smt Usha .My thanks to her) Petti niraye poo kondu poojippom amma, Bhuvaneswariye unnai Bhoosurakal pothidum por
Durga Stotram(Prayer to Durga)Durga Stotram(Prayer to Durga) (Here is a simple and powerful prayer addressed to Goddess Durga.It has to be chanted on tuesdays for nine weeks) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The original lyrics in Malayalam script were given to me by Smt Usha, Thanks to her) Raksha , Raksha Jagan matha, Sarva SAkthi Jaya Durga,
Geethopacharam (Tamil as well as English)Geethopacharam (Tamil as well as English) –which melted my heart Typed in English and translated by P.R.Ramachander (Since for all of us it is not possible to worship god as per Sastras or Vedas , here is a simple method , to do it by singing . You can sing it in Tamil or English , whichever you prefer. These lines are
My Prayer to my Gods in EnglishMy Prayer to my Gods in English By P.R.Ramachander (Here is a prayer written by me in english praying to my Gods and requesting them several things .It has come deep from my heart Oh God Shiva , Oh Parameshwara , Oh Sankara , Oh God Nataraja, You gave me my parents at the time of my
Aangarai Periyaval(Govinda Damodara Swami) teachingsAangarai Periyaval(Govinda Damodara Swami) teachings TRansribed, translated in to english By P.R.Ramachander (Apart from putting everything in englis, With the blessings of Swami , I have given all the stotras mentioned there in full with english translation.It is a treasure which every Brahmin should
Prayers to Parasurama Avathara Of VishnuPrayers to Parasurama Avathara Of Vishnu Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (May be little long but you would not find all this information about God Parasurama in same place) Parashurama (Sanskrit: परशुराम, IAST: Paraśurāma, lit. Rama with an axe) is the
Chelakkara Narasimha Murthy SthuthiChelakkara Narasimha Murthy Sthuthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I am from a village called Chelakkara in Kerala.Like all the people of Chelakkara , I am greatly devoted to Lord Lakshmi Narasimha Murthy who has a temple in our village.Today is my wedding anniversary and early morning ,
Prayers to Vamana/Trivikrama Avathara Of VishnuPrayers to Vamana/Trivikrama Avathara Of Vishnu Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (May be little long but you would not find all this information about God Vamana/Trivikrama in same place) Vamana (Sanskrit: वामन: Vāmana, lit. dwarf), is the fifth avatar of
Prayers to Kurma Avathara Of VishnuPrayers to Kurma Avathara Of Vishnu Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (May be little long but you would not find all this information about God Koorma Narayana Swami in same place) The second Avathara(incarnation) of Lord Vishnu is that of Kurma . Lord Vishnu Took
Saundarya Lahari /The wave of beauty in Sanskrit/Tamil /English along with audioSaundarya Lahari /The wave of beauty By Adhi Sankara Bhagawath Padha Translated by P.R.Ramachander Introduction Soundarya Lahari meaning waves of beauty consists of two parts viz. Ananda Lahari meaning waves of happiness (first 41 stanzas) and Soundarya Lahari(the next 59 stanzas). It is believed that Lord Ganesha himself has etched the Ananda Lahari
Prayers to Mathsya Avathara Of VishnuPrayers to Mathsya Avathara Of Vishnu Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (May be little long but you would not find all this information about God Mathsya Narayana Swami in same place) The first Avathara(incarnation) of Lord Vishnu is that of Mathsya. There are two stories&
Bhagavatha Purana- Nithya Parayana Slokas- Read them and get effect of reading BhagawathaBhagavatha Purana- Nithya Parayana Slokas- Read them and get effect of reading Bhagawatha (golden collection .Share with every one who is interested in Bhagawatha) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Bhagavatha is the last Purana composed by sage Vyasa. Though the major
Kannande punya NamangalKannande punya Namangal (A Malayalam song translated by me in 2002) By Ottur Nambudirpad (One of my first translations from Malayalam done in 2002 was this great song .It is as if a sixteen year old boy looks at what he had written on a slate when he was studying Kinde garten. I feel even
My first stotra translation on lineMy baby steps on line By P.R,Ramachander It was the year 2002 .I had just started my translation of Stotras to English. In USA my new daughter in law Smt SAngeetha Narayanan created a web site for me to put all what I have done on line http:/
Kani Kanum Neeram - malayalam bhajanകണി കാണും നേരം Kani Kanum Neeram When we see him first in the morn Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This treasure of a song which I had not translated was brought to my ntice by my friend Sri Jayanth Ramakrishnan, with a request to translate it .I thought it is an order of my Kochu Guruvayurappan and did it within half an hour.Thanks my friend. Hear
Stotras chosen by me about Lord Vishnu-Compare my translations in 2002 and after 2008Stotras chosen by me about Lord Vishnu-Compare my translations in 2002 and after 2008 By P.R.Ramachander (By good fortune, I could h get translations of stotras on Vishnu done by me in 2002 and after 2009.Please read and see how the translation of very popular stotras change over time.God bless you) Introduction
Brahmha Samhitha in English with translationBrahmha Samhitha in English with translation Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This great book was found in Thiruvattar Adhi Kesava temple by the saint Chithanya Maha Prabhu and he made it the most important foundation of Gaudiya Vaishnavism , which i was spread all over the world by ISKCON .
Simple prayers for ThursdaySimple prayers for Thursday The planet governing Thursday is Guru also called as Brahaspathi and Vyazhan. You need pray two prayers to planet and three to one of the three gods. Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (I started posting last Thursday onwards. With this I complete&
Simple prayers to be chanted on WednesdaySimple prayers to be chanted on Wednesday Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Budha the son of the moon is the planet controlling Wednesday Budha Priyangukalika Shyaamam , RoopenaaPratimam Budham Soumyam Soumya Guno Petham Tam Budham Pranamamyamham My salutations to Budha, Who is black like the bud of millet, Whose beauty has
Simple prayers for every one to be chanted on TuesdaySimple prayers for every one to be chanted on Tuesday Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (Tuesday is governed by planet mars called Kuja, Angaraja , Mamgala and Chevai. The God governing Tuesday is Lord Subrahamanya . Here ia a set of five prayers for Tuesday Prayer for
Prayer to “Rama and Krishna”Prayer to “Rama and Krishna” Translated by P.R.Ramachander Rama , Rama , Rama Namo, Rama namo, Sita Rama Namo, Krishna namo, Rama Krishna namo, Krishna Namo, Radha Krishna namo Salutations, Rama , Rama, Rama, Salutations Rama , Salutations Sita Rama, Salutations
Ragavendrar Thuthi (Prayer to Sage Raghavendra in Tamil)Ragavendrar Thuthi (tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Thunai neeye endru irunthaal Raghavendra, Thunbam yethu vazhvinile Raghavendra, Thikkatha perkalukku Raghavendra, Deivam neye yeppothum Raghavendra Oh Raghavendra , if we remain feeling, you are only help&
Simple prayers to be chanted on MondaySimple prayers to be chanted on Monday Compiled by P.Ramachander (Monday ins the day of the moon and God of the moon is Lord Shiva) Prayer to Chandra(Moon) Dadhi Shankha tushaa-raabham Khseero Darnava Sambhavam Namaami Shashinam Somam Shambhor Mukuta Bhooshanam My salutations to the moon,
Gajanana Bala Ganesa Sodhara(Tamil prayer addressed to Murugan)Gajanana Bala Ganesa Sodhara (Tamil prayer addressed to Murugan) Brother of the elephant faced young ganesa Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Gajanana Bala Ganesa Sodhara Kandu magizhnthida vanthom vanthom Oh.Brother of the elephant faced young ganesa We came and came
A golden collection of prayers for various purposesA golden collection of prayers for various purposes Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (These great prayers g have been collected by Smt Sri Vidhya Guruprasad and are posted in deep sense of acknowledgements to her) For &nbsp
Ashtakshara Manthra of Swami RaghavendraAshtakshara Manthra of Swami Raghavendra By P.R.Ramachander (Based on a book Sri raghavendra stotra mala published by Giri traders. “One who recites the ashtakashara mantra everyday with complete bhakthi and devotion on rayaru, will get all their wishes fulfilled and there is no doubt or question in that ” Millions of people
Simple prayers suitable to chant on SundaysSimple prayers suitable to chant on Sundays Prayer to Surya Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Bhano, Bhaskara , Marthanda , Chanda rasmai, Divakara, Ayur , arogyam , budhim sriyamscha dehi mey Oh Sun God , Oh God who gives light , The globe that floats in sky , God who gives harsh rays, God makes
Simple prayer suitable for chanting on SaturdaySimple prayer suitable for chanting on Saturday(Chant 2 prayers to Saturn and three to the God of your choice from What I have given Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (Five small prayers with meaning ideal to be chanted on Saturdays .Please whenever you complete your bath, chant these prayers.You
Simple prayer schedule for Friday for very busy peopleSimple prayer schedule for Friday for very busy people Collected and translated by P.R,Ramachander (The planet governing Friday is planet Shukra and the goddess is Goddess Sakthi .It would not take you more than 2 minutes to chant these .After bath tomorrow(a Friday) try to
For Getting wealth which will never get overFor Getting wealth which will never get over (From Bhakthamrutham by J.Narasimhan, Translation P.R.Ramachander) 1.Visthara , sthavara sthanu , Pramanam beejamavyayam, Artha anartho maha koso, Maha bhogo Maha dhana He who broadens the world , he who is stable and makes the world stable, He who is
Greatness of Shiva linga and PanchaksharaGet all desires fulfilled and get all your sins destroyed By chanting these prayers Greatness of Shiva linga and Panchakshara By Adhi Sankara Pratha Linga mumapather hara sandarshannah swargadham, Madhyahne hehaya medha thulya phaladham , sayanthane mokshadham, Bhanor asthamaye&
Lakshmi Narasimha DandakamLakshmi Narasimha Dandakam By Sri Chayynam Ramaswami Sastrigal (To remove fear of enemies and rejoining of our dear people who have parted from us) Thwayi gathavathi dandakaranya veedhim , parithyajya rajyam, sahaiva sriyaa sithaayaa
Shri Mahavidya KavachShri Mahavidya Kavach Translated by P.R.Ramachander "In Tantra, worship of Devi-Shakti is referred to as a Vidya. Of the hundreds of tantrik practices, the worship of the ten major Devis is called the Dasa Mahavidya. Dasa Mahavidya are the incarnations of Goddess Shakti covering the whole range of feminine divinity. Mahavidya or Extreme Knowlege are the divine incarnations that can
Prayer to avoid widowhoodPrayer to avoid widowhood Given by Sengalipuram Ananthrama Deekshithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander This is the prayer of Savithri the wife of Sathyavan addressed to Goddess Savithri to avoid Widowhood for her.All married women are requested to chant this prayer once a day
Meditation on God GanesaMeditation on God Ganesa By Sengalipuram Anantharama Deekshithar Translation by P.R.Ramachander (This meditation can be done by man, woman and child without a guru . It acts like a protection to his/her body. , twice a day-once in the morning and once in the evening,Diseases, worries and problems would go away by
Prayer to get cured of fever from BhagavathaPrayer to get cured of fever from Bhagavatha Aniruddha (the one who cannot be controlled) was the grand son of Lord Krishna, Usha , the daughter of Banasura (a very great devotee of lord shiva) fell in love with Aniruda, Because of this Banasura kidnaps anirudha.,Lord Krishna, Lord Balarama, and Lord
Sri Krishna Avathara Keerthamam (Malayalam)Sri Krishna Avathara Keerthamam (Malayalam) The song describing the incarnation of Krishna Translated by P.R.Ramachander\ 1.Itham tham puri pukku vasudevan, Chitha santhosham poondu vasikkumbol 1.Like this when Vasudeva entered his city, And was living with a happy frame of mind.
Oh my God in VaikuntaOh my God in Vaikunta Translated by P.R.Ramachander (When I read it in Tamil, I realized that they are the 12 names , we are supposed to touch different parts of out torso , using our five fingers .It was a great challenge to find 12 different words to summon the God like
Solve all your problems by worshiping Lord GuruvayurappanSolve all your problems by worshiping Lord Guruvayurappan Procedure for Worship of Lord Gruvayurappan By Sengalipuram Anantha Rama Deekshithar ( This is taken from Deekshithars Jaya Mangala stotram. Deekshithar says that this powerful worship procedure can be followed by any
Verses of salutation to Guruvayurappan in MalayalamVandana Slokangal (Malayalam) (Verses of salutation to Guruvayurappan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Yivanoru bandhu guruvayurappa, Avidunnu allathilla avaniyil I do not have a relation Guruvayurappa , Except you in this world. 2.Avanam cheyyane , karuna varidhe, Avasanayium adiyane
Saranam, saranam Bhagavane- A malayalam prayerSaranam, saranam Bhagavane- A malayalam prayer (I surrender and surrender to you oh God) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A pretty prayer to Lord Ayyappa) Saranam saranam BHagawane, Saranagatha vathsalanaam Bhagawane, Arivillathavarane Bhagawane , Pizhakal porukkanam Bhagawane, I surrender
Kanya Kumari Sthuthi (Malayalam)Kanya Kumari Sthuthi (Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Amme bhagwathi , nithya kanye devi, Yende mel kadakshikka, kumbidunnen Oh mother Goddess , Goddess who is forever maid, Please throw your glances on me, I am saluting you 2.Maaye, jagathinde thaaye, chidananda , Priye maheswari kumbidunnen Oh
Sri Guruvatha pureesa stotramSri Guruvatha pureesa stotram (Prayer to lord of city of Guruvayur) By P.R.Ramachander (a very unusual prayer to Lord of Guuvayur , which has used several Vedic prayers ) 1.Sarve bhavanthu sukhina, sarva bhavanthu niramaya, Sarve bhadrani pasyanthu , maa kaaschith dukha bag bhaveth Let
Suprabatham for baby Krishna in MalayalamSuprabatham for baby Krishna in Malayalam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I have read several Suprabathams(waking up songs of Gods) but this song, Which tries to wake up the little baby Krishna , brought tears to my eyes.) Govinda Hari, Govinda Hari, Govinda Hari, Govinda Hari, Govinda Hari,
Sri Guruvatha pureesa stotramSri Guruvatha pureesa stotram (Prayer to lord of city of Guruvayur) By P.R.Ramachander (a very unusual prayer to Lord of Guuvayur , which has used several Vedic prayers ) Sarve bhavanthu sukhina, sarva bhavanthu niramaya, Sarve bhadrani pasyanthu , maa kaaschith dukha bag bhaveth Let
The greatness of Vishnu SahasranamaThe greatness of Vishnu Sahasranama By Sri Govinda Damodara Swami Posted in Tamil by Sri Vasu Iyengar Translated by P.R.Ramachander Because it was taught by Sri Bheshma to king Dharma Puthra when he requested and because Adhi sankara wrote a commentary on it
Devi MahatmyamDevi MahatmyamTranslated byP. R. Ramachander* ©IntroductionThis book which relates the story of how the devi (mother Goddess) killed Madhu and Kaidabha as Vishnu Maya (Thamasic-base), killed Mahishasura as Lakshmi (Rajashic form-materialistic) and killed Shumbha and Nishumbha in the form of Goddess Saraswathi (Sathvic-spiritual) is known as Devi Mahatmya in South India,
Pragya Vivardhana Karthikeya StotramPrayer to increase intelligence of children- Extremely useful prayer –Please share Pragya Vivardhana Karthikeya Stotram (Prayer to Karthikeya which would increase intelligence) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a very unique prayer addressed to Lord Subrahmanya, which would help one to increase his intelligence /wisdom. It is said that even a mentally retarded child would
Matsya StotramMatsya Stotram [Prayer to the Fish] Translated by P. R. Ramachander [Here is a rare prayer praising the Mathsya avatara of Lord Vishnu.] Noonam thwam Bhagawan sakshath harir narayano avyaya, Anugrahaya bhoothanam dhathse roopam jalokasam. 1 Hey Lord Vishnu who does not have death, You, who is the real Lord Vishnu, Even took the form of living being in water, For showering your blessings on
Chithra Gupth Bhagwan Aarthi in HindiChithra Gupth Bhagwan Aarthi in Hindi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Katyasths an important caste spread all over North India , believe that they are the descendents of Lord Chithraguptha and his wife Karunika . Kayastha (also referred to as Kayasth&
Sri Venkatesa suprabhathamSri Venkatesa suprabhatham &
Vishnu SahasranamamVishnu Sahasranamam Translated by P.R. Ramachander The Vishnu Sahasranam is found in the Mahabharatha. Literally translated this means thousand names of Vishnu. This is found in the Anushasanika Parvam (chapter relating to orders or rules to the kings) of Mahabharatha. Bheeshma Pitamaha was defeated and grievously wounded by Arjuna. But since he could choose the
Shiva SahasranamamShiva Sahasranamam Thousand names of Lord Shiva from Mahabaratha Translated by P.R.Ramachander There are two versions of Shiva sahasranama; one in Linga Purana (Wihch Lord Krishna taught to Sage Markandeya) and the other which occurs in Anushasanika Parva of Mahabharata. In the Mahabaratha version Yudishtra after hearing the
Shanmuga Naayagan Kaavadi TamilShanmuga Naayagan Kaavadi Sadhguru Naayagan Kaavadi thuthi Tamil - English, சண்முக நாயகன், Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A NOTE ON ORIGIN OF KAVADI Reproduced from http thaipusam dot sg –heartfelt thanks to whoever wrote it:- There are many types of offerings, which the devotee makes to his beloved deity Sri Murugan. A
SaambashtakamSaambashtakam By Sri Sri Chandra Shekara Bharathi Swamigal Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Sri Sri Chandra Shekara BHarathi was the 34th Peetadhipathi of the SRingeri Sarada Peetam. SAmbashakatam is one of the great stotras composed by him , In this he
Chethi Mandharam ThulasiChethi Mandharam Thulasi By Vayalar Rama Varma Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This heart melting song is about the wish to see Lord Guruvayurappan as Kani on the Vishu day. Very many great musicians have sung it .Please hear it sung my Smt K.S.Chithra Happy vishu to all of you )
Sai Bavani in HindiSai Bavani Translated By P.R.Ramachander Sai Bhavani (Sai Baavni) is the song of praise about Shirdi Sai. Sai Devotees who cannot read the Sai Satcharitra everyday can recite or sing this with devotion atleast once a day. Sai Bavani is a prayer for praising Shirdi Sai Baba and we can chant this as a song for baba during Arati or when praying Sai Baba
Shrdi Sai baba Ashtothram with meaningShrdi Sai baba Ashtothram with meaning Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sai Baba of Shirdi, also known as Shirdi Sai Baba, was an Indian spiritual master who is regarded by his devotees as a saint, a fakir, a satguru and an incarnation (avatar) of Lord Shiva. He is revered by both his Hindu and Muslim devotees during, as well as after
Sai Bavani in TamilSai bavani in Tamil avani By Ranjith Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Bavani or holy rustic songs and here is one about Shirdi Sai Baba written in Tamil .It high lights the life of the great saint..This is a translation from Hindi 1.Jai easwar , Jai Sai Dayala, Neeye Jagathin&
Vairagya dindimamशङ्कराचार्यविरचितं वैराग्य डिण्डिमम्-----------------------------------------Vairagya dindimam--------------------------------- The clarion call..for renunciation..Wake up, keep awake by Shankara BagavadpadaaH..------------------ Posted by Ananthanarayanan Vaidyanathan माता नास्ति पिता नास्ति नास्ति बन्धुः सहोदरः।अर्थं नास्ति गृहं नास्ति तस्मात् जाग्रत जाग्रत॥१जन्म दुःखं जरा दुःखं जाया
Daily Sanskrit prayer Schedule for a Vishnu devoteeDaily Sanskrit prayer Schedule for a Vishnu devotee Translated by P.R.Ramachander (compiled from a book called Srimad Ramayanam and All round success .My acknowledgements. This is my third such compilation . The first one was for devotees of Lord Shiva in Sanskrit http://
The prayer to Swami Sri Jayendra Saraswathiஶ்ரீஜயேந்திர ஸரஸ்வதி ஸ்வாமிகள் ஸ்தோத்திரம் Sri Jayendra Saraswathi Swami Stothram The prayer to Swami Sri Jayendra Saraswathi By Swami Sankara Vijayendra Saraswathi Transliteration in Tamil by Sri P.R.Kannan Translation in to english by Sri P.R.Ramachander (Here is a
Collection of 25 slokas for praying Lord Vishnu , his consorts , his avataras and his assistantsCollection of 25 slokas for praying Lord Vishnu , his consorts , his avataras and his assistants Collected and translated by P.R.Ramachander 1Lord Maha Vishnu Santhakaram Bujaga sayanam Padmanabham suresam, Viswadharam Gagana sadrusam Megha varnam shubangam Lakshmi kantham kamala nayanam Yogi hrid dyana gamyam Vande vishnum bava bhayaharam sava
Guru Ganam#ஸ்ரீகுருகானம் Guru Ganam Song to the Guru By Saanu Puthran Translated by P.R.Ramachander கச்சிநகர் வீதியிலே – அந்த காலகண்டன் ரூபியுமாய் – சங்கரா பத்தியுடன் பார்த்திருந்தோம் – உந்தன் பாதமலர் போற்றுகின்றோம்! (1) Kachi nagar veethiyile –antha , Kala kandan roopiyumai-Sankaraa , Bhakthiyudan parthirunthom-undhan Pada malar
Sri Chandra Shekara Pancha Rathnamஸ்ரீசந்திரசேகரேந்திர பஞ்சரத்நம் Sri Chandra Shekara Pancha Rathnam Five gems on Saint Chandra Shekara By Vaidya.Ayyappan Karyat Translated by P.R.Ramachander (My friend Saanu Putran sent me this great prayer .Thanks to him) 1,காமகோடி பீடவாஸிகாமிதார்த்த தாயகம் த்யாகசீலமானஸம் க்ருபாதரங்கிதேக்ஷணம் தண்டதாரிஸத்கரம் விபூதிபூஷ ஃபாலகம் சந்த்ரசேகரேந்த்ர
Rama MangalasasanamRama Mangalasasanam By Jamatha Muni Translated By P.R.Ramachander The good wishes prayer to Lord Sri Rama Kosalendraya, mahaneeya gunabhdhaye, Chakravarthi thanujaaya sarva bhoumaya Mangalam., 1 Let good happen to, Rama, Who is the king of Kosala, And the ocean of good qualities. Let good happen to Rama, Who is son of emperor Dasaratha, And who is&
Sri Jagath Guru Chandrasekara Saraswathi Suprabathamஸ்ரீ ஜகத்குரு சந்த்ரசேகரேந்த்ர ஸரஸ்வதி சுப்ரபாதம் Sri Jagath Guru Chandrasekara Saraswathi Suprabatham Waking up song to Swami Jagatguru Chandra shekara SAraswathi By Saanu Puthran Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.கச்சித் திருமடத்தில் கண்கண்ட தெய்வமான கலைவாணி ரூபமொத்த கற்கண்டே! கதிர்முகனே! மெச்சித் திருநாமம் செப்பிடுவோர் தம்வாழ்வில் வினைநீக்கி
The prayer from Narayaneeyam which cures all eye diseasesThe prayer from Narayaneeyam which cures all eye diseases By P.R.Ramachander (I read about this in Whatsapp ,Please recite and get cured of all diseases of the eye) Hrudhyam poornanukamba arnavas mrudhu lahari chanchala bru vilasai, AAneela snigdhapakshmaavali parilasitham nethra yugmam vibhoo they , Saandraa chayam&nbsp
A prayer in english for a long SoumangalyaA prayer in english for a long Soumangalya BY P.R.Ramachander (I believe that whichever language we pray our God will understand. Here isa simple prayer addressed to the different Goddesses for happy long Saumangalya) OH Goddess Lalitha who did great penance ,
Chant this great prayer for get blessing of Lakshmiand To get a jobChant this great prayer for get blessing of Lakshmiand To get a job By P.R.Ramachander (AS an astrologer , I have come to know that large number of people have lost their job and are not able to get anither one.According to Sri Vathsa Soma deva Sharma , this prayer would help them. Please share with
Pulliruukku Velur paamalaiPulliruukku Velur paamalai (The garland of poems of city of of Rig veda, Jatayu, sun and Skanda ) By saanu puthiran Translated by P.R.Ramachander Vaitheeswaran koil is a temple occupied by Lord Shiva as the Doctor king form of Lord Shiva . It also is called Pullirukuum velur in Tamil because
For getting longer life span please Chant Shiva GayatriFor getting longer life span please Chant Shiva Gayatri By P.R.Ramachander The Vedic God Rudra(angry one) got transformed to Lord Shiva(peaceful one) in the post Vedic days. Among the trinity of Gods , he is in charge of destruction. Shaivism that is belief that
Chant and Meditate on Ganesa Gayatri and lead a life devoid of obstaclesChant and Meditate on Ganesa Gayatri and lead a life devoid of obstacles By P.R.Ramachander Lord Ganesa (Ganapathi) is the manasika Puthra of Goddess Parvathi.She actually created him so that he wil guard her .When he prevented Lord Shiva from entering Parvathi’s home , Lord Shiva cut off his head .But when Goddess got very sad , he
Bhavani Varugiraal , AnnaiBhavani Varugiraal , Annai பவனி வருகிறாள் அன்னை Mother is coming in a procession BY Geetha Kalyan (To be sung in the tune of Harivarasanam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander பவனி வருகிறாள் அன்னை பவனி வருகிறாள் பவனி வருகிறாள் அன்னை பவனி வருகிறாள் பவனி வருகிறாள் அன்னை பவனி வருகிறாள் தங்கத்தேரிலே அன்னை பவனி வருகிறாள். Bhavani&
Amma bhavani varugiraal-A prayer in TamilAmma bhavani varugiraal Mother is coming in a procession A prayer in Tamil BY Rajagopalan Srinivasan Translated by P.R.Ramachander ஜலஜலவென சலங்கை குலுங்க கலகலவென சிரித்துக் கொண்டு பல பல பல லீலை புரிந்து பவனி வருகிறாள் அம்மா பவனி வருகிறாள்! Jala Jalavena chalangai Kulunga, Kala kalavena
Sammanasya SukthamSammanasya Suktham BY Raghu Rajam Atharvavedam.. Chapter 3 Sooktham 33 This is the benediction Atahrvan representing the supreme being is conferring on all of use human beings.. calling upon all fo us to live in harmony.. This is similar to the Aikamatya Sooktham in the tenth mandalam of Rigvedam.. of course the wording and even tone here is different from rig vedam but the underlying
Maaya Vaazhkkaiyai Nee Nambaadhae, Shiva Thuthi TamilMaaya Vaazhkkaiyai Nee Nambaadhae, Shiva Thuthi Tamil மாய வாழ்க்கையை நீ நம்பாதே சிவன் பக்தி துதி, Do not believe u in this life of illusion-Devotional prayer addressed to Lord Shiva Translated By P.R.Ramachander மாய வாழ்க்கையை நீ நம்பாதே காயம் நிலையல்ல பொய்யாதே. (மா). Maaya Vaazhkkaiyai Nee Nambaadhae Kaayam Nilaiyalla poiyaadhae. (
Prayer to Shukra/Velli / VenusPrayer to Shukra/Velli / Venus Shukra/Velli / Venus Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Shukra takes one month to cross from one Rasi to another By praying to him you get prosperity, beauty , pretty eyes , loving partners , do teaching of arts like cinema , drama etc, lead a loving married life .He also causes diseases of
prayers to Sani/Mandha /SaturnSani/Mandha /Saturn Compiled by P.R.Ramachander He is the son of Lord Sun and is the slowest planet.He takes two and half years to cross a rasi .Whenever a person is continuously suffering it is maily dur to Sani .People wrongly write his name as Saneesawara as it is SAnaischara .Praying to him would give a
Gopala sthavamGopala sthavam By Kadathanad K Padmanabha variar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Jathopi Mathura puryaam , sampushto nanda gokule, Yastham kapata gopalam vandhe adbutha kisorakam. Though born in Mathura , he was nurtured in Gokula of Nanda, He is the deceiving Gopala and I
Prayer to Guru/Vyazhan/JupiterGuru/Vyazhan/Jupiter Compiled and translated by P.R.Ramachander Guru gayatri (Jupiter) Vyazhan is the Guru of all devas .It never does any harm at any stage .It remains in one Easi only for one year .In ceratin Rasis it postphones marriage . To become an expert in Yoga, get a job in a cort, to get promotion, To be recognised by
Yenga Karuppa chami avar yenga karuppa chami-Karuppan Varavu pattuYenga Karuppa chami avar yenga karuppa chami-Karuppan Varavu pattu Translated by P.R.Ramachander Karuppan (Black God) is one of the very popular village Gods of Tamil Nadu.Almost all villages in Tamil Nadu have a Karuppantemple(statue) guarding them, There &
Pray Budha/Mercury/SaumyaBudha/Mercury/Saumya Compiled and Translated by P.R.Ramachander This planet controls intelligence , education , Success in Examination, Happiness to our maternal relatives, eloquence , job of writing and selling books , Accounts m and auditing jobs, job of liason officers , cure of disease of the toungue, diseases
Yoga nrusimha mangalam in TamilYoga nrusimha mangalam in Tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander This great prayer is addressed to Lord Yoga Nrusimha Swami of Gadikachlam. It is supposed to help you in getting rid of fear , loan and problems created by enemies that too in 24 minutes (Lord Narasimha of
Prayer to please Angaraka/Kuja/Mars / ChevvaiAngaraka/Kuja/Mars / Chevvai Compiled and translated by P.R.Ramachander Angaraka takes 45 days to cross a Rasi . If your problem is of that much duration and again comes after about 500 days, your problem may be caused by Chevvai,The dosha caused by him in a person’s horoscope
Amma Saranam அம்மா சரணம்Amma Saranam அம்மா சரணம் Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Thanks to those friends , who have posted this simple prayer in face book) அம்மா சரணம் அம்மா சரணம் அம்பிகை யேஉன் பதம்சரணம் அன்பின் வடிவே அருளின் பொருளே அடைக்கலம் நீயே அருள்சரணம் Amma saranam amma SAranam , Anbikaye un padham saranam, Anbin vasive arulin porule ,
Prayers to please Chandra or moonPrayers to please Chandra or moon Compiled and translated by P.R.Ramachander By meditating on moon , your mind and brain would become active, good sleep, Improvement in business involving liquids, Improvement in export business . Digestion and kidney would be affected by moon .Moon remains in a Rasi only for two and Quarter days..So if you
Short prayers to please Surya GrahaShort prayers to please Surya Graha Compiled and Translated by P.R.Ramachander (By praying to Sun God we get good health to our father ,health , power , position , status ,generosity and also get rewards from Gvernment. Such prayer also would cure diseases relating to blood flow,
Oru tharam Saravana BhavaOru tharam Saravana Bhava ஓரு தரம் சரவணபவா Once Saravana Bhava Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a short and sweet tamil prayer addressed to Lord Swaminatha of Swami Malai .In one post in face book it is mentioned that it is written by Sri Thyagaraja Desika) ஓரு தரம் சரவணபவா என்று சொல்பவர்
Hari Guna Malai#ஹரிகுண_மாலை… Hari Guna Malai By Sage Agasthya (i saw this great prayer inthe post of my friend Sri Kumar Ramanathan and liked it very much. In each verse the devotee tells God that when he is very deep trouble or when his end is near m whether his mind would call God and so he is calling Him now itself) நாராயணா
Brahaspathi krutha Shiva stotramब्रुहस्पतिकृतशिवस्तॊत्रम् Brahaspathi krutha Shiva stotram The prayer to Lord Shiva composed by Lord Brahaspathi By Maharshi Brahaspathi Translated by P.R.Ramachander बृहस्पतिरुवाच – Brahaspathir uvacha Braghaspathi said नमॊहरायदॆवायमहामायायशूलिनॆ । तापसायमहॆशायतत्वज्ञानप्रदायिनॆ ॥ १ Namo haraya devaya , mahaa mayaya sooline, Thapasaya &nbsp
Chothanikkarai devi stotram in TamilChothanikkarai devi stotram in Tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Avaniyile oru ambalam undu, athai, Aatkollum deviyin arumaigalai , Ayiram navulla ananthanaalum , Cholla aakaathu aval perumaikalai Athisayamaam intha akhiladeswari , AAthi vasam cheyyum naadethu , Cheerudan meviya&
Guruvayurappa Namaskaram (Tamil Bhajan)Seventy eight years back my parents gave me to Guruvayurappan(There is a system , where parents leave the child in the temple and walk back and later some one goes and buys back the child back from the temple-Nada Thallal in Malayalam) and today I am putting before a stotra addressed to the lord sent by a friend of
Swami Ayyappa Kattiya VachanamSwami Ayyappa Kattiya Vachanam By Kambamkudi Viswanatha iyer Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Kattiya Vachanam is one step of Sampradaya BHajanai . Thisrare prayer in the form of prose was posted in Face Book by many friends.I just tried to translate it in to english) 1)உக்ர ப்ரதாப, உன்மத்த தேக சத்ய
Varavu Paattu of Pthinettampadi Karuppanna Swamiபரிவார தேவதாக்கள் வரவு : Varavu Paattu of Pthinettampadi Karuppanna Swami Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I found that this song was posyed in 2015 in a facebook page of Sappanikaruppu ,I do not know who is the author.Karuppanna swami is one who is the Security guard of SAbari Malai Ayyappa Swami and is included as Parivara&nbsp
Loka Samastha Sukhino BhavanthuLoka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu Compiled by P.R.Ramachander (My blessings and thanks to my face book friend who kindled all these thoughts by posting about the name “Narayana”) The word “Narayana “ has several meanings like , “one who lives on water” The supreme being” , “Direction of human being” , “Shelter of a human being” etc..
Shiva GadhyamShiva Gadhyam (Prose prayer on Lord Shiva) By Sage SAnath Kumara Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This prayer occurs in Shiva Mahapurana in Rudra Samhitha. You can read it in Sanskrit in Om Namasthe devesaaya , surasura namaskruthaya, bootha bhavya
Sri Chandra Shekara Mahaswami Ashatakamஸ்ரீ சந்த்ரஶேகரேந்த்ர மஹாஸ்வாமி அஷ்டகம் Sri Chandra Shekara Mahaswami Ashatakam BY - திருமதி. கீதா கல்யாண், ட்ரஸ்ட்புரம், சென்னை – Smt.Geetha Kalyan ,Chennai Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Very rarely people compose stotras in Sanskrit.Here is one composed by Smt .Geetha Kalyan as a prayer to Maha Periyava)
How Achan Deekshithar became Vaksha sthala Acharya ?How Achan Deekshithar became Vaksha sthala Acharya ? By P.R.Ramachander (I did not know this story but read it somewhere in Whatsapp. My thanks to the author) There was a great Scholar called “Appayya Deekshitha” .His grand father’s name was” Achan Deekshitha” .He was also called “VAkasthalaxcharya(The learned man
Appanukku oru malayundu அப்பனுக்கொரு மலையுண்டுஅப்பனுக்கொரு மலையுண்டு Appanukku oru malayundu Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear this great song ) அப்பனுக்கொரு மலையுண்டு திருக்கயிலை அன்னைக்கொரு மலையுண்டு ஏழுமலை அண்ணனுக்கொரு மலையுண்டு பழனிமலை ஐயப்பா உனக்கும் ஒரு மலையுண்டு சபரிமலை ஸ்வாமியே சரணம் ஐயப்பா அய்யனே சரணம் ஐயப்பா Appanukku oru malayundu-Thirukayilai,
Cheer mevum Thiru mayilaai சீர்மேவும் திருமயிலைA great prayer addressed to Goddess Karpangambal சீர்மேவும் திருமயிலை Cheer mevum Thiru mayilaai By ஆண்டவன் பிச்சை Aandavan pichai Translated by P.R.Ramachander சீர்மேவும் திருமயிலை நகர்வாழும் தெய்வமே சின்மயானந்த வடிவே Cheer mevum Thiru mayilai nagar Vaazhum deivaame, Chinmatananda vadive Oh Goddess who lives in
Sri Krishna Sandhya Namam(Malayalam)Sri Krishna Sandhya Namam(Malayalam) By THunjathu Ezhuthachan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (It is a general practice in all Hindu homes in Kerala , to lit the lamp as soon as dusk falls , and then sit around it and chant names of God. This is called Namam chollal or Sandhya namam. In this very pretty Sandhya namam
A musical prayer to Vana Durga (tamil)ஸ்ரீ வனதுர்க்கை பாடல் ஸ்துதி. Sri Vana Durgai paadal thuthi A musical prayer to Vana Durga Posted in face book by Gowthaman Venkatasubramanian Translated by P.R.Ramachander ஆரண்ய வனம் அவள் ஆலயத்தலம் தாமரை மலரினில் தாயின் தரிசனம் முழுநிலவின் குளிர் ஒளி வதனம் இருவிழி நடுவினில் மூன்றாம் நயனம். (ஆ). Aaranya Vanam Aval Aalayaththalam Thaamarai
The history of Lalitha Sahasranama and its greatnessThe history of Lalitha Sahasranama and its greatness By Sivasubramanian Nagarajan · (I i am reproducing this material with permission of the Author.It is extremely informative) Sahasranama is in the 36th chapter of Lalitopakyana in Brahmanda Purana. It is presented in the form of instructions imparted to the sage Agasthya by Hayagriva who is an
Nava Durga thuthi in TamilNava Durga thuthi in Tamil (A prayer to Nine forms of Durga) By Kumar Ramanathan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Devotees believe that worshipping Goddess Durga is a blessed deed. On the nine days of Navarathri, each of these forms are worshipped in the order given , Here is a tamil poem on her nine forms
Namam Japikkuga in TamilNamam Japikkuga in Tamil Translated in to Tamil by Geetha Kalyan (My heart felt thanks to her) சமீபத்தில் திரு மாவிலிச்சேரி சுப்ரமண்யன் நம்பூதிரி இயற்றிய "நாம.ம் ஜபிக்குக" என்ற மலையாளப்பாணலை திரு Puducode Rama Iyer Ramachander அவர்கள் ஆங்கில உரையுடன் மீள்பதிவு செய்திருந்தார். அதன் தமிழாக்கம் அடியேனுக்கு அறிந்தவரை இங்கே பதிவிடுகிறேன். சரீரத்திலிருந்து உயிர் பிரியும்
Planets and Srivaishnavism - suitable small prayers to nine incarnation to solve problems due to planetsPlanets and Srivaishnavism - suitable small prayers to nine incarnation to solve problems due to planets Compiled by P.R.Ramachander As per the principles enunciated in Sri Vaishnavism, the Sri Vaishnavites do not worship planets. My learned friend Sri Vasu Iyengar in a facebook post under the title “Navadgraham in SriVaishnavism”
Eka sloka Sankara Vijaya (Life of Sankara in one verse)Eka sloka Sankara Vijaya (Life of Sankara in one verse) By BHashyam Swamigal Translated by P.R.Ramachander AAryaambha jatare jani, dvija sathi daridrya nirmoolanam, Sanyasaramayanam guroopa sadanam Sri mandanadher jaya, Sishaika grahanam subhashya rachanam sarvjna peetasraya
Saubhagya Lakshmi AshtakamSaubhagya Lakshmi Ashtakam (The octet of Lakshmi of prosperity) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (chant this stotra on Vara Lakshmi vrutham day and get benefitted. It can also be chanted on all Fridays. The Tamil version as given by Kumar Ramanathan is given after the
Tamil Devi aparadha kshamapana stotramI read a prayer similar to Devi Aparadha Kshamapana stotram of Adhi Sankara , which is given along with Ragas in which it has to be sung. The text given in Tamil and the text has some very little similarity with the stotra written by Adhi Sankara , which it resembles and its meaning is very much different. I do not know who is the author
Sri Rama KarnamruthamSri Rama Karnamrutham By Srimad Bhagwan Nama Bodendra Saraswathi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Swami Bodendra Saraswathi was the 33rd Pontiff of Kanchi Kama Koti peetam, 59th peedathipathi .(17th centuary) is the author of this great book. .It was he who first popularized the chanting of God’s
Guruvayupuresa SuprabathamGuruvayupuresa Suprabatham A very good morning to Lord of Guruvayur Translated by P.R.Ramachander Guruvayurappan , the Lord of Guruvayur is believed to have been brought and installed there by Guru (the teacher of devas) and Vayu (the God of wind) at the time when the island of Dwaraka was swallowed by the sea. The temple and the lord are not only popular in Kerala
Shirdi Sai baba Udhi ManthraShirdi Sai baba Udhi Manthra Translated by P,R.Ramachander It is well-known that Baba took Dakshina from all, and out of the amount thus collected, He spent a lot on charity and purchased fuel with the balance left with Him. This fuel He threw in the Dhuni - the sacred fire, which he kept ever burning. The ash from this fire was called Udi and it was freely distributed to the
Rama Gita From Aranya Kandam of Malayalam Adhyathma Ramayanam.Rama Gita From Aranya Kandam of Malayalam Adhyathma Ramayanam. By THunjathu Ramayanan Ezhuthachan Translated in to English by P.R.Ramachander Rama Gita is the conversation between Rama and Lakshmana, in which Rama teaches several aspects of Philosophy,One such conversatyion occurs in
Rama Gita from Uthara kanda of Adhyathma RamayanaRama Gita from Uthara kanda of Adhyathma Ramayana Translated By P.R.Ramachander Adyathma Ramaya is authored By Veda Vyasa and is the part of Brahmanda Purana.Unlike Valmiki’s Ramayana which is more of a story of Rama, Adhyathma Ramayana also tries to analyze to spiritual side of
Avadhootha Gita english translationAvadhootha Gita By Swami Dathathreya Avadhootha Translated by P.R.Ramachander Avadhootha Gita (written in 9th or 10th centuary) is an independent treatise on Advaitha Vedantha written by Swami Dathathreya who was an Avadhootha . The book is also called “Datha Gita yoga Shastra” or also as “Vedantha Sara
Maha periyava suggests a short cut to read Ramayana dailyMaha periyava suggests a short cut to read Ramayana daily Compiled and translated by P.R.Ramachander It would be great if each of us read Ramayana daily . There are many easy methods to do it. One would be to recite one Sloa Ramayana given by Eka sloki Ramayanam (Ramayana in one
Mooka Saaram -collection from Mooka panchasathi by Maha periyavaMooka Saaram (Essence of Mooka panchasathi) Collection made by Maha Periyavaa Translated by P.R.Ramachander There is no authentic proof available on the date and life of ‘Mooka kavi’. There lived a man in kAnchIpuram, who was speech impaired from birth. He was regularly visiting ‘kAmAkshi’ temple and was prostrating before the goddess. One
Swarnakarshana Bhairava Tamil StotramSwarnakarshana Bhairava Tamil Stotram ஸ்வர்ணாகர்ஷண பைரவ அஷ்டகம் By SRi Durgai Chithar (In THanthondri malai temple in Iluppaikudi of Tamil Nadu there is a Swanakarshana BHairava . The dhinamalar web site says :- Lord Bhairava of the temple is praised
Sri Kamakshi Vilasamஸ்ரீ காமாக்ஷி விலாஸம் श्री कामाक्षी विलासं Sri Kamakshi Vilasam The luster of Goddess Kamakshi Translated by P.R.Ramachander Mahaperiyava once told Brahmasri Vedapuri mama to chant and share this slokam to all. As per Him, this slokam is supposed to chant before taking bath to get ambal’s kadaksham. Anyone who could not get daily darshan of Kamakshi ambal, would
Kumara Sthavam of Pamban swamigalகுமாரஸ்தவம் Kumara Sthavam The song of praise of Lord Subrahmanya By Pamban Kumara Guru Swamigal Translated by P.R.Ramachander The ``Kumara Sthavam'', which Sri Pamban Swamigal, a saint who was in our midst not long ago wrote, contains 44 mantras each of which extols Lord Subramania's graceful qualities and projects the philosophy of Saivism. Hear the
Sri Gomathi Ambal AshtakamChant this stotra, go to her temple in Sankaran koil, take bath in Naga theertha , worship the Goddess and get the Puthu Mannu prasada from temple . It is believed that all incurable diseases would get cured. ஶ்ரீ கோமதி அம்பாள் அஷ்டகம் Sri Gomathi Ambal Ashtakam The octet on Gomathi Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I got this great and rare prayer
Prayer to GoddessPrayer to Goddess By Kumar Ramanathan Translated by P.R.Ramachander தூய்மை கெடுமென அஞ்சிச் சேற்றினில் தாமரை பூத்திடத் தயங்கிடுதோ ? அன்னையே!உன்பதத் தாமரை எந்தன் சென்னியில் மலர்ந்திடத் தயங்குவதேன் ? THooymai kedumena Anji chethinil, THamarai poothida thayangiduthio? Annaye un pada thamarai yendhan, Chenniyil
Anusha Nadhanukkor akshara malaiAnusha Nadhanukkor akshara malai Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Each line of the man poem starts with alphabets of Tamil in Alphabetical order .This is called Akshara Malalai) Harahara sankara , advaitha sankara, Jaya jaya sankara Jagat guruve, Karuna saagara Kanchi maa
Swami chandrashekara PrapathiSwami chandrashekara Prapathi Translated by P.R.Ramachander Yah Kanchi purayamiha Kamakoti, Peetabishiktha sasishekarakhyaa , Punathi lokaan gururat sasishya, Tham desikendram saranam prapadhye 1. He who was anointed as the Peetadhipathi, Of Kamakoti peetam and who was called&
Man tharapth hari darsan ko aaj -A hindi BHajanMan tharapth hari darsan ko aaj -A hindi BHajan By Shakeel Badayuni Sung by Mohammad Rafi Music direction by Naushad ali TRanslated by P.R.Ramachander (This bhajan from the famous film Baiju Bawara ( -this video has been watched by 15 lakh
Chathu Sloki BhagawathamPlease read these seven verses of Bhagwatham and get the effect of reading the entire Bhagwatham. WE all know that Parayana of Bhagwatha is the story of Lord Vishnu . It has 12 chapters and 18000 slokas .Parayana of these 18000 slokas is suppose to fulfil all your desires, whatever it may&
A great prayer to Lord VishnuA great prayer to Lord Vishnu வருவாயா?, உன்னைத் தருவாயா?, என்னைப் பெறுவாயா?…. Varuvaayaa” Unnai Tharuvaayaa “ Yennai Peruvaayaa? Would you come? Would you give yourself to me ? Would you get me? From Translated by P.R.Ramachander எயிறு கொண்டு முதலை அழுந்தப் பிடிக்க, களிறு வலி கொண்டு, கதறி உனை அழைக்க, தலைமாறு, கால்மாறாக,
Do Parayana of Bhagawad Gita dailyDo Parayana of Bhagawad Gita daily Here is an easy shortcut to do Parayana of Bhagawad gita daily . First read the Dhyanam and then the Ashta dasa Gita given as the second part. This can be easily done by you Part I .Bhagawad Gita Dhyanam (Priminary prayer to get
Maha Vishnu StotraMaha Vishnu Stotra By Jagadguru Bharathi Theertha Swamiji of Sringeri mutt Translated by P.R.Ramachander The is a kriti on Maha vishnu composed by Jagadguru Bharathi Theertha swamiji. Just by hearing this itself your mind gets relaxed. Most powerful as Maha Vishnu will ward off all difficulties.
Sri Yadagiri Lakshmi nrusimha praparthi॥ श्रीयादगिरि लक्ष्मीनृसिंह प्रपत्तिः ॥ Sri Yadagiri Lakshmi nrusimha praparthi By Vangipuram Narasimhacharya (Saint Yada was the son of Sage Rishya Srunga and his wife Santha (adopted daughter of King Roma Pada and she is also elder sister of Lord Rama) . He is supposed to have performed Thapas in Yada giri
Nrusimha Prapathiநரசிம்ம ப்ரபத்தி : नृसिंहप्रपत्तिस्तोत्रम् Nrusimha Prapathi By Sri Mukkur Lakshmi Narasimhachar English translation By P.R.Ramachander Chant this great stotra after bath every morning 108 times and later offer to the God Boiled milk or Panaka and later give it as Prasada to all those who were
Rare Maha Lakshmi stotraPray Goddess Lakshmi using this rare Lakshmi Prayer and realize immense benefits Translated by P.R,Ramachander (This great stotra was posted by Sri Guru Murthi in the face book. May the goddess bless him) தேடினாலும் கிடைத்தற்கரிய அற்புதமான பழைய ஓலைச்சுவடிகளில் சமஸ்கிருதத்தில் எழுதப்பட்ட மகாலட்சுமி ஸ்துதிகளை
Ashta Gopala ManthrasAshta Gopala Manthras Do you know that chanting these eight gopala manthras daily would get you all that God wants you to get ? And each manthra has a special effect attached to it. SAnthana Gopala Manthram which cures infertility is one of them.Share it will all your friends who may
Dasavathara stotram(Malayalam)Dasavathara stotram(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is another great Dasavathara stotram in Malayalam. This is perhaps the fourth or fifth Dasavathara stotram in Malayalam I am translating) പാലാഴി മാതു തൻ പാണികൾ തഴുകും പന്നഗ ശയന പാദ നവനം മനം തുമ്പുരു, നാരദ,യതി വര്യ ധ്യാനം – ശംഖ്, ചക്ര, ഗദാ, പത്മ ധാമം ധരണീ ഭ്രതേ
Sri Chandra shekara SuprabathashtakamSri Chandra shekara Suprabathashtakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This very pretty Suprabatha is again taken from a book published by Giri traders called Sri Kanchamahaswami nithya parayana Sthuthi.My acknowledgments to them and Smt Geetha Kalyan who sent the book to me.) 1,Mayathriyaamaasu
Ramanavami Parayanam of Ramayana-Periyavaa recommendationRamanavami Parayanam of Ramayana-Periyavaa recommendation Translated by P.R.Ramachander It is a normal practice to read the eighteenth chapter of Bala Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana which deals with birth, Namakarana and education of Rama .
Sri Kanchi Mahaswami suprabatha dasakamSri Kanchi Mahaswami suprabatha dasakam (The ten verse song of waking up of the great Saint of Kanchi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is great Suprabatham meant to wake up Maha periyvaa of Kanchi. Again thanks to Geetha Kalyan who sent me a book today
A prayer to Deivathin Kural book or the words of Maha PeriyavaA prayer to Deivathin Kural book or the words of Maha Periyava Deiva vani sthuthi panchakam (The pentad of prayers to Deivathin Kural) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Deivathin kural (divine voice) is a pain stakingly made collection of the great advisory speeches made
Two great Karavalamba stotras addressed to Maha PeriyavaTwo great Karavalamba stotras addressed to Maha Periyava Maha Peiyavaa was the living God who was with us not very long ago . Tomes have been written about his divinity and wisdom. Even after he attained Samadhi, large number of devotees get answer to their prayer &
Sri Ram Chalisa -prayer in HindiSri Ram Chalisa By Sri Sundar das Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a 40 verses prayer addressed to Lord Rama. You can hear it by clicking Ganapati charan saroj gahi, Charanodak dhari bhal, Likhau vimal Ramavali, sumiri Anjanilal. I would hold he lotus feet of Ganesa &
Sri Narasimhaswami , Narasimhan thuthiஸ்ரீ நரசிம்ம சுவாமி, நரசிம்மன் துதி. Sri Narasimhaswami , Narasimhan thuthi Translated from Tamil by P.R.Ramachander (I got this pretty prayer from to them. I have also used the image from that web site) மாதா பிதா குரு நீ தானே மனக் கவலையை ஒழிப்பதும் நீ தானே மன மகிழ்ச்சியைத் தருவதும் நீ
Oh Lord -me and you<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Oh Lord -me and you By Sawmi Raidas Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Raidas was a great saint belonging to Benares. He was adopted by many including Meera Bai as his Giru. This simple prayer talks od devotion and high philosophy,. Hear it in the mesmerizing voice of
Harihara Abedha sthuthiThis great Stotra was composed when the great savant went to Chidambaram Nataraja temple , where from a particular point you can see God Govindaraja as well Lord Nataraja, In this stotra in every verse he praises lOrd Shiva as well as Lord Vishnu ॥ हरिहराभेदस्तुती ॥ ॥ ஹரிஹராபே⁴த³ஸ்துதீ ॥ Harihara Abedha sthuthi
Thirukolur Pen pillai ragasiyamThirukolur Pen pillai ragasiyam The private secret of a lady of Thirukolur Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is one of classic work of Tamil Nadu Vaishnavism , where an ordinary lady summarized the principles of Vaishnaviam. THirukolur is a temple town on the banks of Tambraparni river and is in Thoothukudi
Yaacheham Karuna Sindho-Prayer of Hindu High School , TriplicaneThe prayer song daily sung by the students of Hindu High School , Triplicane , which is one of the oldest in South India Yaacheham Karuna Sindho Translated by, P.R.Ramachander (Here is a great prayer sung by students and staff of the 150 year old Hindu higher secondary
Mangal bhavan amangal haari - Hindi Bhajanमंगल भवन अमंगल हारी – Hindi Bhajan Mangal bhavan amangal haari By Sant Thulasidas Translated By P.R.Ramachander (I agree that I am not capable of translating this very popular verse from Sant Thulasidas’ Ramacharithamanas. I have made liberal use of the hindi translation of this verse by Radhika Ravi Rajan found in the speaking
Bhaye prakat kripala – A hindi Bhajan detailing birth of lord RamaBhaye prakat kripala – A hindi Bhajan detailing birth of lord Rama By Sant Thulasidas Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This famous Hindi bhajan describes how Rama at birth appeared like Lord Vishnu to his mother Kausalya and who how he assumed the form of a human baby at her request .In Valmiki Ramayana , Rama is only born as a
Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram Ram Naraynam Janaki Vallabham Hindi Bhajanअच्युतम केशवं कृष्ण दामोदरं, राम नारायणं जानकी वल्लभं || Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram Ram Naraynam Janaki Vallabham Oh Achyutha , Oh Kesava , Oh
Gokarna Ganapathi sthavamGokarna Ganapathi sthavam BY Swami Shivabhinava Narasimha BHarathi 33rd Peetadhipathi of Sringeri Translated by P.R.Ramachander (When Ravana came to Kailasa and pleased him, Shiva gave him a Shiva Linga worshipped by Goddess Parvathi .He said that if it was consecrated in Sri Lanka no body
Sai Nathar Smaranai(Meditation on Sai) in TamilSai Nathar Smaranai(Meditation on Sai) in Tamil Translated from Tamil By P.R.Ramachander 1,Vaarum Sai , Vaarum Sai, Vaarum Sai, Vaarum Sai Bhakthar ummai azhaikkirom, Viruppam eedera vendum, Bhakthi Balamura vendum, Vaarum Sai , Vaarum Sai, Vaarum Sai, Vaarum Sai Come Sai, Come Sai, Come Sai , Come Sai, Your devotees are&
Saibaba Pamalai (Garland of poems to Shirdi sai)Saibaba Pamalai (Garland of poems to Shirdi sai) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I too this prayer from a book on Sai in Tamil by Ranjith. Thanks to him) 1.Shiradiye ulagin azhagiya punya sthalam, Sri Saibaba avatharithu aruliya thalam, 2.Kalpa tharuvinum peru pethra veppa maram, Athan madiyil
Mujhe tera he sahara , Shera wali Ma - Hindi BHajan addressed to Ma Vaishno Deviमुझे तेरा ही सहारा , शेरा वाली माँ Mujhe tera he sahara , Shera wali Ma You are my only help mother who rides on tiger ( This a BHajan addressed to the goddess Vaishno devi . Hear it sung by the nightingale of India Lata Mangeshkar- मुझे तेरा ही
Rom Rom mein Basane Wale Ram-Hindi BHajanRom Rom mein Basane Wale Ram- English text रोम रोम में बसनेवाले राम Rama who lives in every hair, Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a prayer addressed to Lord Rama from a Hindi film Neel kamal. You can hear it in the voice of Asha Bonsle in ) Hey rom rom mein basane wale ram Jagata ke swami, he
Pitu Matu Sahayak Swami Sakha - A Hindi BhajanPitu Matu Sahayak Swami Sakha - A Hindi Bhajan addressed to Lord Krishna (Father . Mother , helper and master) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear this great prayer in Hindi sung by the Great Anup Jalota ) पितु मातु सहायक स्वामी सखा तुम
Srimad Raghavendra MangalashtakamSrimad Raghavendra Mangalashtakam By Srimad Appanacharya Translated by P.R. Ramachander Hear this devotion drenched stotra by Appanacharya on him Srimad Rama Padaravindha Madhupa, Sri madhva vamsadhipa, Sat sishya udu gana udupha sritha jagath geervana sath padhapa, Athyartham manasa &nbsp
Ten divine slokas from Shivananda Lahari -Selected by sage Ramana and Okayed by Maha PeriyavaaTen divine slokas from Shivananda Lahari -Selected by sage Ramana and Okayed by Maha Periyavaa This is one of the greatest poetic prayer couched in an undercurrent of practical philosophy by Sri.Adhi Sankara Bhagawat pada. Unlike Soundrya Lahari, this stotra does not seem to have tantric implication. It is more simpler and enriched with several alankaras(
Thottuvadheeswara Dasavathara stotram (Malayalam)Thottuvadheeswara Dasavathara stotram (Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This prayer is a Dasavathara Sthuthi addressed to The Danvanthari Murthi - the God who is a doctor consecrated in Thottuva , not far away from Cochin air port in Kerala. There are several curative prayers and offerings there
Muruganb Anthathi in Tamilமுருகன் அந்தாதி:- Muruganb Anthathi By Kumar Ramanathan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Anthathi are poems in which , the last word of each verse would be used as first word of next verse. There is a famous Kandhar Anthathi wjich is available on Kaumaram web site which is comparatively big) அழகனே! அமுதே! அறுமுகா!
Sowbhagya Lakshmi SthuthAfter reading this stotra daily chant the Sowbhagya Lakshmi Manthra - Om Sowbhagya Lakshmyai Nama 108 times. This is believed to bring prosperity even in bad times. Mahalakshmi Sthuthi மகாலட்சுமி ஸ்துதி Prayer to Maha Lakshmi Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sowbhagya Lakshmi Sthuthi, has been revived out of Palm
Aandal ThirukalyanamAandal Thirukalyanam (Wedding day of Aandal) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Aandal other wise known as Godha was the daughter of Periyazhvar also called as Vishnu Chithar . Right from Child hood she dremt of marrying Lord Ranganatha . At the end she merged with him, Here is a very pretty prayer describing her wedding day,.This is from the
Sri Chandra Shekara Guru Sthuthi panchakamஸ்ரீ சந்த்ரசேகர குரு ஸ்துதி பஞ்சகம் Sri Chandra Shekara Guru Sthuthi panchakam The pentad praising Guru Chandra Shekara By Ananthanatha Swami Translated by P.R.Ramachander (அற்புதமான இந்த ஸ்லோகத்தினை அனுதினமும் பாராயணம் செய்து ஸ்ரீமஹாபெரியவாளின் பரிபூரண அனுக்கிரகமதனை பெறுவோம்! Let us chant this wonderful prayer &
Sri Kanchi Paramacharya Padhuka Panchakamश्री काञ्ची परमाचार्य पादुका पञ्चकम् ஸ்ரீ காஞ்சீ பரமாசார்ய பாதுகா பஞ்சகம் Sri Kanchi Paramacharya Padhuka Panchakam Translated in to English by P.R.Ramachander (The Sanskrit original and tamil transliteration is by my face book fried Geetha Kalyan. Thanks to her. Image courtesy Saanu Puthran ) कोटि सूर्य समानाभां काञ्ची नगर चन्द्रिकाम् |
Adhi Sankara’s Hasthamalaka StotramAdhi Sankara’s Hasthamalaka Stotram By Hasthamalakacharya Humble translation effort By P.R.Ramachander The Mādhavīya Śaṃkaravijayam states that when Adi Shankara was at Kollur , he accepted invitations by brāhmaņas to have Bhikşa (alms or food) at their houses. On such an occasion he visited a village called Śrī Bali (present day Shivalli
Happy pongal 2017Greetings for a happy pongal to all my brothers and sisters, Who unfortunately were not born with me May God bless all of you. P.R.Ramachander (I am greeting you all by using a poem written by a poet called Koodal and translated by me, . I am giving below the Tamil Original) This is the
Dhanvanthari Bhagavane Saranam- A prayer in TamilDhanvanthari Bhagavane Saranam- A prayer in Tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander !.Vishnu avatharame Saranam saranam, Deva vaidhyane Saranam saranam, Devathi devane Saranam saranam, Sri Dhanvathari Bhagavane Saranam saranam. 1.Oh incarnation of Vishnu , I surrender , I surrender, Oh doctor of Devas , I
Kanaka Nilaavinte -Malayalam BhajanKanaka Nilaavinte (In the golden moon light)-Malayalam Bhajan By K K Dileep Translated by P.R.Ramachander Kanaka Nilaavinte Kaanchana Bimbathil Kanakam Pookkunna Jyothi Deeepa Tharangangal Chaalicha Sandhyayil Swamikku Chaarthum Makara Jyothi &
Dhanvanthari ShatkamDhanvanthari Shatkam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (DHanvanthari is a minor Avathara of Lord Vishnu , who came out the ocean of milk with the pot of nectar. He is a doctor and holds in his hand leeches. When you are sick, praying him would help) 1.Jaladha mechaka medhura vigraha, Jalaja neelaaya thamala lochana, Jana parithrana palana lolupa
Guruvayrappa stotram in TamilGuruvayrappa stotram in Tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Aadhiyil Guruvudan Vayudevan amaitha aalayam kaanpathe kannakanam, Angezhundaruliya appanin kaladiyil adimayaai iruppathum naanakanum, Gokulam valarntha gopalane, un thirukolathai kaanpathe kannakanum, Koodi un namathai paadi
Padi pattu of Sabari Mala AyyappanPadi pattu of Sabari Mala Ayyappan ( ) These songs are normally sung in the ayyappan Poojas as Chorus and before starting to the SAbarimala Pilgrimage . There are several versions for this song I a have given a four of them here. A.Ondram Padiyil Ayyappa (In the
Tasmaat jaagruta, jaagrutaTasmaat jaagruta, jaagruta Hence, wake up, wake up! Translation by P.R.Ramachander (Though many people ascribre these slokas to Adhi Sankara , they are not found in his complete works. Some scholars are of the opinion that it is written by Saint Ramadas,What is expressed there is a universal philosophy . Jagaratha is translated as Be careful by some scholars
Matha Pitha ne PandurangaMatha Pitha ne Panduranga-a Hindi Bhajan (Panduranga is mother and father) Translated by P.R.Ramachabder 1,Matha Pithane Panduranga , Bandhu guru Panduranga Panduranga is mother and father, Panduranga is relatives and teacher 2.Thandhe thaayi Pandu Ranga, Bandhu Balagaa Pandu Ranga Panduranga is other and father, Panduranga is relatives &
Hey Jagannatha , Viswa VidathaaHey Jagannatha , Viswa Vidathaa- A prayer in Hindi (Oh lord of the universe Oh the creator of universe) By Rabindranath Tagore Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hey Jagan nadha , viswa Vidhathaa, Hey Sukh santhi nikethan hey Oh lord of universe , of h creator of universe . Oh Lord in whom peace and pleasure
Satyanaaraayana Aarati in HindiSatyanaaraayana Aarati in Hindi Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear this ge reat aarthi by clicking | shree satyanaaraayaNa jee kee aaratee | | jaya lakshmee ramaNaa shree jaya lakshmee ramaNaa satyanaaraayaNa svaamee janapaataka haraNaa || jaya lakshmee ramaNaa The worship of Lamp to Sathyanarayana Hail
Padai Veetu vaara PadalgalPadai Veetu vaara Padalgal By THirumuruga Krupananda Vaariar SWamigal Translated by P.R,Ramachander (These are great simple prayers each for the day of the week addrese to Lord Mruga in his six abodes as well as Vayalur near Trichy.) *ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழமை* தாயினும் இனிமையாகத் தண்ணருள் செய்வாய் போற்றி சேயென ஆள்வாய் ஞானத்
Hari bol. Hari Bol – A bhajan in HindiHari bol. Hari Bol – A bhajan in Hindi Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Hari bol, Hari Bol, Hari hari bol, Mukunda madghhava Govinda Bol 1.Tell Hari, tell Hari, tell Hari, Hari, Tell Mukunda , Madhava and Govinda 2..Rama bol.bol, Rama Rama BOl, Sita sametha Ramachandra Bol, Tell Rama i, tell Rama , tell Rama , Rama Tell Ramachandra
Naga Stotram॥नाग स्तोत्रम्॥ Naga Stotram Prayer to serpents Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is an unusual prayer to the serpents of the Naga loka.Some astrologers claim that chanting this prayer would help you to get over the problems due to Sarpa dosha in the horoscope) ब्रह्म लोके च ये सर्पाः शेषनागाः पुरोगमाः। नमोऽस्तु तेभ्यः सुप्रीताः
Sai Kashta Nivaran Manthra -IISai Kashta Nivaran Manthra -II (The Manthra of Sai which removes sufferings) Translated by P.R,.Ramaxhander (This is the second Kashta nivaran Manthra of Sai which I am posting. This version seems to be more popular. You can hear it in कष्टों की काली छाया दुःख दाई है जीवन में
Sai Baba Raksha manthra in HIndiSai Baba Raksha manthra (The Manthra of protection addressed to Shirdi Sai Baba) Translated by P.R.Ramachander This is Shirdi Sai Baba Raksha manthra for protection from enemies, dangers, evil spirits, ghosts, accidents and calamities of all kinds.There are countless followers of Sai Bana who would like to protect themselves
Jai Ma Ambe saare bolo Matha diJai Ma Ambe –A hindi Bhajan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear this very popular BHajan in .You can read it in Hindi below the translation ) Jai Ma Ambe-Hail Mother Amba Saare bolo Jia Matha Di – All of us please tell,”Hail mother goddess” Mil kar Bolo jai Matha dhi
Sabari malai Vaazhum Ayyappa-A tamil BhajanSabari malai Vaazhum Ayyappa-A tamil Bhajan By Nellai Sundari Balasubramaniyan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Sabari malai Vaazhum ayyapps-Un, Sannadhi varave Aasayappa, Kankalum unai theduthappa –un, Karunaikku manam thaan enguthappa 1.Oh Ayyappa who lives on Sabari mountain , It is my desire to come before you in your
SAranam,. Saranam AyyappaSAranam,. Saranam Ayyappa By V.Rajagopalan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Saranam saranam Ayyappa , Iynthu malai Vasaa Ayyappa, Neyyabhishekam unakkappa, Un Divya darisanam yenakappa 1.I surrender, I surrender to you Ayyappa, Oh Ayyappa who lives on the seven hills, The anointing with ghee is for you, And your
Utra thunai-A tamil bhajan on AyyappaUtra thunai-A tamil bhajan on Ayyappa (Proper companion) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I found this short and sweet Bhajan in the face book pages of sri Gopala . My acknowledgements to him.) 1.Utra thunai unayandri very yaarappa, Pethravan nee, yenai kathu arulvaayappa, Ariyaamal naan &
Abhayam Arulvai Murugaa-A great Tamil prayer addressed to Lord SubrahmanyaAbhayam Arulvai Murugaa-A great Tamil prayer addressed to Lord Subrahmanya By Smt.Geetha Kalyan Translated it in to English by P.R.Ramachander (This great prayer with each line of verses starting from the tamil Vowels in the proper order has been written by Smt Geetha Kalyan. Smt Geetha Kalyan
Saranam,. Saranam AyyappaSaranam,. Saranam Ayyappa By V.Rajagopalan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Saranam saranam Ayyappa , Iynthu malai Vasaa Ayyappa, Neyyabhishekam unakkappa, Un Divya darisanam yenakappa 1.I surrender, I surrender to you Ayyappa, Oh Ayyappa who lives on the seven hills, The anointing with ghee is for you, And your
Om Namo Ayyappa – A tamil BhajanOm Namo Ayyappa – A tamil Bhajan Translated by P.R&gt;ramachander 1.Om Namo Ayyappa deva, Om Namo Ayyappa Deva, Om namo Ayyappa deva , Om namo, namo, namo, Om namo ayyappa deva, Om namo ayyappa deva , Om namo Ayyappa deva , Om namo, namo, namo, 1.Om salutations to God Ayyappa, Om Salutations to God Ayyappa, Om
Some Stotras written by the great Vedantha DesikaSome Stotras written by the great Vedantha Desika By P.R.Ramachander Vedanta Desika is possibly one of the greatest poet/philosopher of Srivaishnavism and lived between 1269 and 1370. He was born in Thoopul, near Kanchipuram. He was named as Venkata Natha and was trained in the philosophy of Saint Ramanuja. Srimath Vedantha Desika is one of the greatest
Tripurasundari ashtakamTripurasundari ashtakam (The octet to the beauty of three worlds) By Adhi Shankara Bhagawat Pada &
Sharada Bhujanga prayathashtakamSharada Bhujanga prayathashtakam (The octet to Sharada written in a meter with snake like movement) By Adhi Shankara Bhagawat Pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Sharda is the goddess of the temple town of Sringeri. She is supposed to be an incarnation of Goddess Saraswathi.Adhishankara has established one of his Mutts in this town, which is in the shores of River Thunga.
Adhi SAnkakara's Shat PadhiShat padhi (Vishnu Shat padhi) (The poem of six verses or The bees) &nbsp
A prayer to Lord Shiva in TamilA prayer to Lord Shiva in Tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander Tamil text given by face book friend Pk Srinivasan is given at the end (My deep sense of acknowledgement to him) He is of five letters1, He is in five places2, He has five activites3 He has five faces4 He is the father of One with elephant face
Ramayana in sixteen wordsRamayana in sixteen words Translated by P.R.Ramachander I got this from the post of my friend in facebook Srikrishnan Raghavan Ghanapatigal. To him my acknowledgements. Here is a very concise and very meaningful summary of Ramayana in 16 Tamil words which I have translated in to 16 english phrases andI have
Navarathri songs along with English translationNavarathri songs along with English translation Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Songs sung during the “Geethanjali Bhajan” held at Sunnywale , California, USA on 22-9-2009 The Tamil original of all these thirty very pleasing songs are available in
Selvathin NayagiyeSelvathin Nayagiye (Oh Goddess of wealth) Maha Lakshmi BHakthi thuthi (Devotional prayer addressed to Maha Lakshmi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Chelavthin Nayagiye , sri Lakshmi thaye-Yengal, Ullathin kovilile ezhuntharulvaaye, Illathin vilakkoliye, ithayam pothrum thaye-intha, Ulagathin kurai theerkka Ezhuntharulvaye 1.Oh Goddess of
Pithru SthuthiPithru Sthuthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I got this rare stotra from posting of Sri Parasuraman Krishnamurthy . My grateful thanks to him . THe Tamil image of the stotra is given below.) Sri Brahma Uvacha:- Lord Brahma said:- 1,Om nama pithre, janma dathre, sarva deva mayaaya cha, Sukhadhaya prasannaya Supreethaaya
Eleven Sayings of Shirdi Sai BabaEleven Sayings of Shirdi Sai Baba Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Jo Shirdi Aayega , AApad door baagaayegaa Dangers would be driven out to the one who comes to Shirdi 2.Chade Samadhi ki seedi par , Pair thale dukh ki peedi par If you climb up one step of The&
Sai Prarthanai in TamilSai Prarthanai in Tamil (Prayer to Sai) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Guruvai unthanai thozhuthen, Sai Nadha Un arulai yenakku tharuvai , Sai Nadha, Yen Vazhvirkku vazhi kattuvai Sai Nadha . I saluted you as my Guru, Oh Lord Sai, You please give your blessing to me , Oh Lord Sai, Please show me the
Shirdi Sai AArthi in TamilShirdi Sai AArthi in Tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Aarathi yeduppom Sri Sai umakke, Aarathi yeduppom Vyazha kizhamayume, Paramananda sukhathinai alippaye , Dhayaydan yemakku arul cheivaaye, Dukha soka sankatam theethu arulvaye, Vaazhvil aanandam ponga arulvaaye. 1.We would take Aarthi for you
Shirdi Sai baba Udhi ManthraShirdi Sai baba Udhi Manthra Translated by P,R.Ramachander It is well-known that Baba took Dakshina from all, and out of the amount thus collected, He spent a lot on charity and purchased fuel with the balance left with Him. This fuel He threw in the Dhuni - the sacred fire, which he kept ever burning. The ash from this fire was called Udi and it was freely distributed to the
Sai Bhajan in TamilSai Bhajan in Tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander Refrain (pallavi) Vaarum Sai , Vaarum Sai, Vaarum Sai , Vaarum Sai, Tharum Sai Tharum sai Please come Sai, Please come Sai, Please come Sai, Please come Sai, Please give Sai, Please give Sai 1.Arul thaarum Sai, Bhakthar ummai azhaikkindrom, Viruppam eedera vendum, Bhalthi bala
Sai Kavacham in TamilSai Kavacham in Tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander (If this great armour in Tamil which is set like the Nava Mani maalai is sung daily morning and evening for nine days, he would be blessed by Shirdi Sai ) Cheer migu Shirdi Sai Thiru Kavacham yaan Pada , Thumbikkayaane nirkattum thunai When I am singing
SRI SAINATHA PANCHARATNA STOTHRAMSRI SAINATHA PANCHARATNA STOTHRAM (The five gem like prayer to Lord Sai.) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1. Prathyksha deivam pratibandha nasanam sathyaswarupam sakalarti nasanam sowkhyapradham shanta manognaroopam sainatham charanam namami : 1.I salute the feet of Lord Sai, Who is the God whom I see, who removes obstacles,
Mangala Aarthi to Shirdi SaiMangala Aarthi to Shirdi Sai Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Swami swami nadhaya , Shirdi kshethra vasaya, Mamaka abeeshtadhayaya mahitha mangalam 1.Oh God , Oh God who is thelord, who lives in temple of Shirdi, Who fulfills all my desires, I offer you auspicious worship. 2.Loka Nadhaya, Bhaktha loka
Sri Vindhyeswari StotramSri Vindhyeswari Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This stotra has been taken from Devi Stotra Rathnakara published by Gita press , Gorakhpur) 1.Nishmbha Shumbha mardhinim Prachanda munda khandininm, Vane rane prakasinim Bhjami Vindhya vasinim. 1.I sing about the Goddess of Vindhya,
Indra krutha Surabhi StotraIndra krutha Surabhi Stotra Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Stotra taken from You can hear it sung in ttps:// ) Purandara Uvacha:- 1.Namo devyai maha devyai surabhye namo nama, Gavaam bheeja swaroopaaya,
Sri sthavam of KoorathazhvarSri sthavam of Koorathazhvar By Srimad Koorthazhvan Translated By P.R.Ramachander (For detailed commentary refer ) THaniyan Sri vathsa chinhamisrebhyo nama Ukthimadhi mahe, Yadhukthya sthrayi kante Yaanthi mangala Soothrathaam. Thaniyan
Devi ki AArthi in HindiDevi ki AArthi in Hindi Translated by P.R.Ramachander Aarthi keejai , SAila suthaa ko, Please do Aarthi to the daughter of the mountain, 1.Jagadambaki , aarthi keejao, Sneha sudha , such sundar leejai, Jinke naam leth durg bhojai , Iysi vah maathaa Vasudhaa ki 1.Do worship of the mother of
Sidha Saraswathi StotramSidha Saraswathi Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This prayer has been taken from a book called Devi stotra Rathnakara , published by Gita press , Gorakhpur) 1.Dhorbhir yuktha Chathurbhi sphatika mani mayeem , akshamaalaam dhadhaanaa, Hasthenaikena padmam sithamapi cha sukam pusthakam chaparena, Bhasaa kundhendhu sankha sphatika mani nibhaa
SankarashtakamSankarashtakam By Sri Yogananda Theertha Translated by P,R,Ramachander 1.Hey Vamadeva Shiva sankara Dheena bandho , Kasi pathe, pasu pathe pasupasa nasin, Hey Viswanadha bhava bheeja jana aarthi haarin, Samsara dukha gahanaa jagadheesa Raksha 1.Please save me from the deep
Radha StotramRadha Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This prayer has been taken from a book Devi STotra Rathna kara published by Gita Press, Gorakhpur ) 1.Vandhe Radha Padambojam , Brahmadhi sura vanditham, Yath keethi keerthanenaiva punaathi bhuvana thrayam 1,I salute lotus life feet of Radha which is saluted Brahma and other
Sri RadhashtakamSri Radhashtakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( This prayer has been taken from a book called Devi Stotra Mala published by Gita press , Gorakhpur) 1.Namasthe sriyai Radhikaayai, paraayai, Namasthe Namasthe Mukunda priyaayai , SAdananda roope praseedha thwamantha=, Prakaso sphuranthi Mukundena&nbsp
Sri Devi, Sakthi, Amman, Kaali Mantra-Prayer Thuthi.Sri Devi, Sakthi, Amman, Kaali Mantra-Prayer Thuthi. ( Prayer to Goddess Sakthi who is Kali) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I got this pretty prayer of the people from Mangala Dhaayini Jai Jegadhambae- Hail mother of universe who grants auspeciousness Jagathjohdhi Jagathjanani Jai Jegadhambae-Hail
Mata Jwala Ji Mangal Aarti –HindiMata Jwala Ji Mangal Aarti –Hindi Translated by P.R.Ramachander Om Jai Jwala Mai, Maiya Jai Jwala Mai |Kasht haran tera archan, sumiran sukh daayi|| -2 Om victory Oh Mother of flame (Jwala ), Mother , victory Mother of Jwala, The worship to you would destroy my problems , I am thinking of&nbsp
Sri Annapurna Mahatmya in HindiSri Annapurna Mahatmya in Hindi Translated By P.R.Ramachander (This stotra was taken from a book called Devi Stotra Rathnakara published by Gita press Gorakhur) 1.Lalalchi , Lalaath , vilalaath , dwar-dwar dheen , Badan malin , man mitai na bisoornaa, Thaakath sagadh , kai bibahg kai uchchah kachoio, Dol lol&nbsp
Bhuvaneswari Kathyayani SthuthiBhuvaneswari Kathyayani Sthuthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Part of this stotra has been translated as Narayani Sthuthi and this entire stotra which is a part of the eleventh chapter of Devi Mahathmyam also has been translated by me.This time I have taken it from Devi sttra Rathna kara published by Gita press as Bhuvaneswari –
Dasamayi Bala Tripurasundari stotramDasamayi Bala Tripurasundari stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This stotra was taken from a book called Devi Stotra Rathnakara published by Gita press , Gorakhpur) 1,Sri Kali , bagaalaamukhi cha lalithaa dhoomravathi BHairavi, Mathangi BHuvaneswari cha Kamala Sri Vajra vairochini, THaraa poorva maha padhena
Devyaa Pratha SmaranamDevyaa Pratha Smaranam (The Morning prayer to the Goddess) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I got this stotra from a book called Devi Stotra Rathnakara published by Gita press. My acknowledgement to them.) 1,Pratha smarami saradindu karojjwalaabham, Sadrathna van makara kundala haara bhooshaam , Divyayudhorchitha suneela
Sri Sita Krutha Gauri VandanaSri Sita Krutha Gauri Vandana Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This stotra was taken from a book Devi Stotra Rathnakara published by Gita press Gorakhpur) 1.Jaya jaya Girivara raja kishorim Jaya Mahesha mukha Chandra Chakori 1.Hail hail darling daughter of king of great mountains
Gayathri SthuthiGayathri Sthuthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This prayer was taken from a book called Devi Stotra Rathnakara published by Gita press Gorakhpur) Maheswara Uvacha Lord Shiva said :- 1Jayaswan Devi Gayathri, Maha Maye, Maha Prabhe , Maha Devi Maha BHage Maha sathve , Mahothsave 1.Victory to you Goddess
Gita Aarthi in HindiGita Aarthi in Hindi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This stotra was taken from DEvi Stotra Rathnakara published by Gita press, Gorakhpur) 1.Jai Bhagavad Gite , Mayya Jai Bhagawad Gite, Hari hiya kamal viharini, Sundar Supnithe Hail oh BHagawad gita , Oh mother Bhagawad Gita hail, She who stays in the lotus
Jagajanani jai jai ma –Hindi BhajanJagajanani jai jai ma –Hindi Bhajan Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( in Hindi) Hear it in voice of Anuradha Podval 1.Jagajanani jai jai ma , Jagajanani jai jai Bhayahaarini , bhava tharini, Bhavabhamini
Janaki SthuthiJanaki Sthuthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This was taken from the book Devi Stotra Rathnakara published buy Gita press , Gorakhpur) 1.Janaki thwam namasyami sarva papa pranaasineem, Daridrya rana samharthri, BHatkhaanaam ishta dhayinim, Videha raja thanayaam Raghavananda Karinmeem. 2.Oh Janaki, who brigs to an
Rama Krutha Kathyayani sthuthiRama Krutha Kathyayani sthuthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This prayer was taken from a book called Devi Stotra Rathnakara published by Gita press , Gorakhpur) Rama Uvacha :- Rama said 1.Namasthe trijagad vandhye sangraame jaya dhayini, Praseedha vijayam dehi , Kathyayani namosthuthe 1,Salutations
Aarthi Sri Janak Dhulari kiAarthi Sri Janak Dhulari ki (Aarthi is for darling daughter of Janaka.) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Original taken from a book called Devi Stotra RAthnakara published by Gita press .) Sithaji , Raghu var pyari ki (refrain) Sitha the loved one of Lord Rama Jagat Janani
Leke Chalo Palki Shirdi Ke Naath Ki-Shirdi Sai Baba prayer in HindiLeke Chalo Palki Shirdi Ke Naath Ki-Shirdi Sai Baba prayer in Hindi (Carry the Palanquin of Sai and Walk) <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Translated by P.R.Ramachander <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> (You can hear this pretty BHajan Song of Sai in ) <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]-->
JIsa ne jane Sai ki Maya- A bhajan addressed to Sai Baba of ShirdiJIsa ne jane Sai ki Maya- A bhajan addressed to Sai Baba of Shirdi (Who can know the magic of Sai) Translated by P.R. Ramachander <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> (Hear this great song in ) <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Jisne jaani sai ki maya, daud daud ke, shirdi wo aaya Jisne jaani sai ki maya,
Prayer to Lord Srinivasa who lives in Thirupathi in tamilPrayer to Lord Srinivasa who lives in Thirupathi in tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander Here is a simple prayer posted by my friend PK Srinivasan .Its simplicity and lofty thoughts appealed to me If we come to you after climbing seven mountains , Oh Srinivasa, You would grant us great benefits , Oh Lord who lives in truth, If we cross&
Shirdi Sai Mahima StotramShirdi Sai Mahima Stotram (The prayer of the greatness of Lord Sai) By Upasini Baba Maharaj Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Upasani Baba is a great disciple of Shirdi Sai Baba and belonged to a village called Sakori which is 5 km from Shirdi, I could not get the Stotra in DEvanagari script and
Gajamukhane ganapathiye – A bhajan in kannadaGajamukhane ganapathiye – A bhajan in kannada Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is the very popular Bhajan in kannada which reverberates in every house and in every pandal On thew Ganesh Chathurthi day. You can hear this great song by clicking . I got the lyrics of this bhajan from web
Hey Gajabadana -Hindi prayerHey Gajabadana -Hindi prayer In Hindi Hear it Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Hey Gaj vadana , Gauri nandanaa , Rakshaa karo sab ki 1.Hey elephant faced one ., hey son of Gauri, Look after every one 2.Mangalmaya ho jeevan
Shree Siddhivinayak Deva Aarti in HindiShree Siddhivinayak Deva Aarti lyrics Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a great prayer in Hindi addressed to Lord Sidhi Vinayaka of Mumbai .Hear it sung by Sonu nigam ) Shree siddhivinayak deva, jai jai gannayak deva – 2 Shashtaang koti pranam Shree siddhivinayak deva, jai jai gannayak deva Deva pragte prabha
Ganesa Manasa Pooja (Mental worship of Ganesa)Ganesa Manasa Pooja (Mental worship of Ganesa) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Here is a simple prayer which helps the devotee to worship Ganesa. I have taken this prayer from . And there it is said “ Shri Ganesh ManasPooja is in
Ganesa Manasa Pooja-IIGanesa Manasa Pooja (Mental worship of Ganesa) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Here is a simple prayer which helps the devotee to worship Ganesa. I have taken this prayer from . And there it is said “ Shri Ganesh ManasPooja
Ganesa Vandhana=Ganesaya DeemahiGanesa Vandhana=Ganesaya Deemahi Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( This song is an extremely popular Bhajan on Ganesa . I got the lyrics for the song from You can hear it sung by Shankar Mahadevan in and several other urls example
Sri Mangalambika suprabathamSri Mangalambika suprabatham By Melakaveri Kumbakonam sri sri Panchapakesa Brahmendra Saraswathi Sri Pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Mangala Nayaki(Mangalambika) is the Consort of Kumbeswarar (God Shiva) presiding over the Kumbheswarar temple of Khumbakonam .She is also called Manthrapureeswari .The Author
Sri Guruvayurappa Kesaadhi pada varnana StotramSri Guruvayurappa Kesaadhi pada varnana Stotram ( Description of Lord Guruvayurappan from head to foot.) (This is the last chapter of Narayaneeyam. This describes the poets description of God as he saw him in front of his eyes while writing this chapter. The last line of Narayaneeyam is “Long life, Health and happiness.”) 1.Agre pasyaami&
Mile stone 2016 in the high way of Stotra rathnasMile stone 2016 in the high way of Stotra rathnas By P.R.Ramachander I retired in the year 2000 and one of my hobbies as soon as I retired was to translate stotras written in Sanskrit, Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi in to English.It was not an easy job , but it kept me occupied and kept me immersed in God. Though in 2003 , I
Table of contents of Sukthams translated by me till August 2016Table of contents of Sukthams translated by me till August 2016 By P.R.Ramachander I wrote in my posting in 2011 that I have translated till then (in 11 years) 600 stotra rathnas and I had not given a list of Sukthams translated by me . I was doing a stock taking since a few days . I find that as of now I
Table of contents of sahasranamams and Suprabathams translated by me till August 2016Table of contents of sahasranamams and Suprabathams translated by me till August 2016 By P.R.Ramachander I wrote in my posting in 2011 ( ) that I have translated till then (in 11 years) 600 stotra rathnas and I had given a list of 4
Sri Maha Lakshmi sthavamSri Maha Lakshmi sthavam (The poem of praise on Mahalakshmi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( This is a rare stotra on Maha Lakshmi and was found in a Malayalam book published Reddiar press , Trivandrum in the year 1939. The book was edited by Brahma sri Vittala sasthrigal. Except for this small book, I have not been able to get reference to this great prayer. From the nyasa slokas, it is
Devi Kavacham-IIDevi Kavacham-II Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a very simple, small and effective Kavacham addressed to the mother Goddess) 1.Agaradathe Ambika pathu ,Parvathi pathu praushtathu, Vaarahi vishame pathu , Durga durgesshu karhichith. 1.Let the mother Goddess protect the front and Parvathi protect the back, Let Varahi
Moola Thathvam (Philosophy of origin)-in MalayalamMoola Thathvam (Philosophy of origin) By Poonthanam (Poonthanam tries to trace the origin of sorrow and concludes that service to Lord Guruvayurappan is the only solution.) 1.Dukham odukkunna thamburane Krishna, Trikkuzhal jnan ithaa kumbidunnen, Dukham meduthathinnu yenthe moolam,Krishna Dukham yeduthathu Janmam moolam
Naranayingane-A prayer in Malayalam to God of VaikkamNaranayingane BY Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Vaikom is one of the most important Shiva temples in Kerala. Here is a prayer addressed to that God in Malayalam.) 1.Naranayingane janichu bhoomiyil, Naraka varidhi naduvil Jnan, Naraksthil ninnenne kara ketheedenam, Thiru vaikam vaazhum Shiva shambo 1.As a
Devi Patam-Namaskaram- A prayer to Goddess Shakthi in TamilDevi Patam-Namaskaram- A prayer to Goddess Shakthi in Tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander (here is a small sweet prayer giving the important events of Devi Patam, which is Tamil version of Devi Mahathmyam) 1.Mahishasuranai samharitha yengal maha deviye namaskaram, Manasthapam pokki nadukal thantha Maheswariye&
My life is Rama- A Tamil prayerMy life is Rama- A Tamil prayer Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I got this great prayer from the face book posting of my facebook friend Vasudevan Srinivas.My grateful acknowledgements to him) 1.Yennuyirum Ramare , yen moochum Ramare , Yen idhayam Ramare , Yen Vaazkkai Ramare, Yen Kankal Ramare, Kanmaniyum Ramare, Yen mana thirayil yeppavum malarum avar&
Saubhagya Lakshmi VaruvayeSaubhagya Lakshmi Varuvaye (Oh Lakshmi of good luck) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The first two lines are refrain to be sung after every verse) 1.Saubhaghya Lakshmi Varuvaye, Mangalam POnga, Saubhaghya Lakshmi Varuvaye-Amma nee 1.Oh Lakshmi of good fortune , please do come so that
Sani Chalisa in HindiSani Chalisa in Hindi By Vimal Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Generally people believe that most of the problems are caused by Lord Saturn to all human beings .Chalisas are prayers in Hindi address to Gods, Chalusas are devotional poems in Hindi in forty verses. The author of this great poetic work in Hind. The author says if you read this
Pithru Stotra from Garuda PuranaPithru Stotra from Garuda Purana By Sage Ruchi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (You can hear the stotra sung by clicking;v=4OtSuXL9KDg ) Markandeya Uvacha:- Evam thu sthuath thsya thejaso Rasiruchitha, Pradhurbabhoova sahasaa gagana vyapthikaraka Thus he
Bhuvaneswari Pancha rathna stotramBhuvaneswari Pancha rathna stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Namo devyai prakrthyai cha vidathryai sathatham nama, Kalyanyai –kaamadhaayai cha vruthyai sidhyai namo nama 1.Salutation tp Goddess , to Nature and to the female creator always, Salutations to one who does good ,
Sri Sudarshana ShatkamSri Sudarshana Shatkam By Sri Kura narayana Jeeyar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Sudarshana is the holy wheel which Lord Vishnu uses as his chief weapon. There is a story that the daughter of Viswa Karma, who was the architect of the God’s, was married to the sun God and she left him because of his immense heat. It seems Viswa Karma put Sun God in a cage and
Sudarshana stotramSudarshana stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Sudarshana is the holy wheel which Lord Vishnu uses as his chief weapon. There is a story that the daughter of Viswa Karma, who was the architect of the God’s, was married to the sun God and she left him because of his immense heat. It seems Viswa Karma put Sun God in a cage and churned him to reduce his heat. The heat was reduced and
Sri Sudarshana kavachamSri Sudarshana kavacham Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Sudarshana is the holy wheel which Lord Vishnu uses as his chief weapon. There is a story that the daughter of Viswa Karma, who was the architect of the God’s, was married to the sun God and she left him because of his immense heat. It seems
Shiva Panchakshara stotramShiva Panchakshara stotram Translated in to verse by &
Oh friend of the poor , Oh Lord SaiOh friend of the poor , Oh Lord Sai By Smt Padmapriya Rajagopal Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a great prayer composed by a great devotee of Sai in Tamil .Her tamil composition is given after this translation.) Oh Lord Sai who is personification of love , Oh Lord who lives in
A devotional song on Muruga in TamilA devotional song on Muruga in Tamil By Geetha Kalyan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (When the author was singing a song on Krishna composed by her Guru Mami, this song on Muruga suddenly came in to her mind . I feel we are lucky to get a great song from her.) Give us protection , oh lord Muruga, Give us blessings , Oh
Sani dev ji ki aarthi (Hindi)Sani dev ji ki aarthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1 Chhar bhujaa thaahi chchajai , Gathaa hastha pyaari Jai You shine with four hands and holy the dear mace in your hand, victory 2.Ravi nandan, Gaja Vandan , Yam Agraj devaa, Kashta ne so nar pathe, karthe thab senaa Jai Oh son of Sun God&
Sri Vaishno ji ki aarthi (hindi)Sri Vaishno ji ki aarthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Jaya Vaishnavi Matha, mayya jaya Vaishnavi Matha Hath jod theire AAge , AArthi main gathaa Victory to mother Vaishnavi, Victory to mother, Victory to mother Vaishnavi, With folded hands in front of you , I am singing your aarthi 2.Sheesh par
A prayer to Guruvayurappan in MalayalamA prayer to Guruvayurappan Translated by Ananthanarayanan Vaidhyanathan അടിയന്‍ ചെയ്തുള്ള ദോഷങ്ങളെല്ലാം പോടിപൊടിച്ചുടന്‍ കളവാനായ്അടിമലരിന്നുദിക്കേണം ഭക്തി ഗുരുവായൂര്‍ വാഴും ഭഗവാനേ ആധികൊണ്ടു വലയുന്നേന്‍ കൃഷ്ണാ ആതങ്കമെല്ലാം തീര്ക്കേണംഭീതി തീര്ത്തെന്നെ രക്ഷിച്ചീടെണം ഗുരുവായൂര്‍ വാഴും ഭഗവാനേ ഇന്നു നിന്‍ പാദം ചേരുവാന്‍ ഭക്തി വന്നു ചേരേണം വഴിപോലെമന്ദമൊന്നു കടാക്ഷിച്ചിടെണം
Prayer to protect the son in MalayalamPrayer to protect the son in Malayalam (Addressed to lord of Guruvayur) &
Sri Ganesa Sthavam(Malayalam)Sri Ganesa Sthavam(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.R.Ramachander (A very remarkable and sincere prayer addressed to Lord Ganesa in Malayalam) 1.Vambicha pon kalasamonnu thadichu neenda, Thumbikarathil athi santhathayodu menthi, Kumbhee praveera mukha, kumba kulukki vannen, Mumbil kalikkuga ganadhipa, kai
Oh Govinda , please do sleep -Lullaby to Lord Govinda of Venkata hills.Oh Govinda , please do sleep -Lullaby to Lord Govinda of Venkata hills. Translated by P.R.Ramachander Oh Govinda , please do sleep. Oh pearl , please do sleep, Oh Gem who was born To the pearl like gem, Please do sleep. கோவிந்தா கண்ணுறங்கு முத்தே கண்ணுறங்கு முத்துமணி பெத்தெடுத்த ரெத்தினமே
Sri Madhusudana StotramSri Madhusudana Stotram (The prayer to the killer of Madhu) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a remarkable prayer addressed to Lord Vishnu, in his form as killer of Madhu .At the end it tells us that everything can be achieved by the twelve lettered chant viz. Om Namo Bhagawathe Vasudevaya.) Sri
Sri Devi Sthuthi in MalayalamSri Devi Sthuthi in Malayalam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is great prayer in Malayalam addressed to Goddess Mahalakshmi) 1.Indhire, loka mathave , Maha Lakshmi, CHandradhi koopum nin padha yugmam, Vandhikkum yenne, neeyonnu nokkeeduvaan, Nandathmaja priye Kai thozhunnen. Oh Goodess Indiraa , mother of the world, Maha
Shanumka Pathu (Tamil)Shanumka Pathu Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Devotees of Lord Subrahmanya walk towards his temple at Pazhani and reach there on Thai poosam day ,On their way , every village they used to conduct Panaka POoja to the God . SDEveral songs on lord Subrahmanya are sung then.The tamil songs are sung In Palakkad
Ramayana From Venkatesa Sahasranamam/ Venkatesa RamayanamRamayana From Venkatesa SAhasranamam/ Venkatesa Ramayanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( There fourteen verses are a part of Venkatesa Sahasranamam and Sri R.Venkata Rathnam found that the entire Ramayana is retold in these 14 verses.He
Bhaj Govind (HIndi)Bhaj Govind By Saint Meera Bhai Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Bhaj Govind, govind Gopala, Sri Krishn kahnayya morea Nand lala (Bhaj Govind..) I sing about Govinda, Govinda, Gopals, The darling Sri Krishna ,my son of Nanda (I sing about…) 2.Mathaa Yasodhaa dahiyaa bhalove , Maakhan khavayya, More Mand lala &
Rom rom mein basne (Hindi)Rom rom mein basne Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Hey rom rom may basnevala Ram, Jagat ke Swami , Antharyami, main thujse kyaa mangoon, hey Oh Ram who lives in each and every hair of mine, Oh God of universe, Oh Lord who is everywhere within, What shall I ask you, Oh 2.AAs ka bandhan thod chuki hoom, THujpar
Sai Matha pitha (Hindi)Sai Matha pitha Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sai Matha Pitha Dheen bandhu sakhaa There charanom mein meraa koti pranaam Mujhe sakthi dho Mere Sai Shivaa Mujhe sakthi dho Mere Sai Shivaa Mujhe sakthi dho Mere Sai Shivaa Sai is my mother , my father . relative to the suffering and friend , In
Amma Upachara Slokam (Tamil)Amma Upachara Slokam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Dhyanam (Bringing the form of Goddess to our mind) Karumbu villenthi kanayaam malar iynthum kayyilenthi , Virumbiye iru karathil pasangusathai yenthi , Arumbum ila nakayum , anbu thathumbum malar vizhikalum , Yen&
Karumari thunai , Durgai thunai (Tamil)Karumari thunai , Durgai thunai Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Aram pala purintha Kamakshi , Arulai alippai Meenakshi , AAdalil valla Karumari, Ananda Thandava Sukumari. Oh Kamakshi who has done several acts of Dharma, Oh Meenakshi, Please shower your grace, Oh Karumari who is
Shiva Ranjini (Tamil)Shiva Ranjini Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Poorani yoga Maheswari thaaye , Bhuvaneswari , gathi neeye amma Oh Maheswari who is completely yogic, Oh mother Bhuvaneswari , You are my protection. 2.Naarani jeeva tharaniye , Shiva nayagiye, Moksha dhayakiye Oh Narayani , Oh supporter of life ,
Kamakshi Pattu (tamil)Kamakshi Pattu Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Anbaana Kamakshi Amma, Kalai amaintha Kanchiyile un Arasangamaa? Angusa , paasam, Karumbu vil, theenganai, Adayaalamaa Amma Oh Mother Kamakshi who loves all, Are you ruling in Kanchipuram ruled by the arts, Are goad , rope, sugarcane and the arrows of fire , The ones &
Jai, Jai Aarthi- HindiJai, Jai Aarthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hail ,hail ,worship 1,Jai Jai Aarthi Venu gopala, Venu gopala , Venu Lola , Papa vidhoora , nava nith chora Hail , hail , I worship Gopala with the flute , Gopala with a flute, who loves his flute, Who dives sins far off , one who steals fresh butter 2.Jai, jai AArthi venkat ramana , Venkata&
Aarthi har har Mahadev-HindiAarthi har har Mahadev Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear it Sung - Har har Mahadev 1.Sathya, sanathan , sundar shiv , sabke swami, Avikari avinasi aj antharyami, har,har Truth, for all time , pretty lord Shiva, God of all, One who does not have emotions, one
AArthi Kunj Bihari ki-HIndiAArthi Kunj Bihari ki (Worship of one who wanders in the forest) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear it sung 1.Aarthi Kunj bihari ki, Sri Giridhar , Krishna murari ki This is the worship of God who wanders in the garden, Who lifted the mountain , the Krishna who plays the flute. 2.Gale
Bhaagavat Bhagawan ki hai aarthi, -HindiBhaagavat Bhagawan ki hai aarthi, Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hear it sung :;v=JgAacfMjtxw 1.BHaagawat Bhagawaan ki hai aarthi, Papiyon ko paap see tharthi Bhagawatha is the worship of God, It helps sinners to cross over sins. 2.Ye Amar Grandh, Yahi mukthi panth, Hai
Banaa rahe Darbar, -A Hindi BHajanBanaa rahe Darbar, (royal court is in session) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (hear this prayer sung - ) Banaa raha darbar mayyaa thera, There paavan dhar pe aake mayyaa , Ho sabkaa udhaar mayyaa, Bana rahe Darbar Oh mother &
Jai Janani Jai- A HIndi BhajanJai Janani Jai Translated By P.R.Ramachander Hear this Bhajan - 1.Jai Janani jai , maan jai janani jai jai, BHayahaarini , bhavatharini bhava bhamini Jai Jai Jaga Janani Victory, mother vctory , Victory to mother , Oh mother&nbsp
Ganapathi Bappa kee Jai bolo- A hindi BhajanGanapathi Bappa kee Jai bolo Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Jai bolo. Jai bolo , Ganapathi bappa ki jai bolo. Shout victory, shout Victory , Shout Victory to Lord Ganapathi 2.Sidhi Vinayak, SankatHaari , Vigneswara Shubha Mangalakari Sidhi vinayak who destroys sorrws , Vigneswara who
Gayiye Ganapathi Jagavandhan=A HIndi BHajanGayiye Ganapathi Jagavandhan (Sing about Ganapathi saluted by the world) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Gaayiye Ganpathi Jag vandhan SAnkar Suvan Bhavani ke Nandan Sing about that Ganapathi who is saluted by universe, Who is the dear son of Sun like Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi 2.
Nain heen ko raah Dikhaa Prabhu-A Hindi BHajanNain heen ko raah Dikhaa Prabhu (To the one without eyes, show the way , Oh lord) Hear this BHajan in the voice of K.L.Shaigal Nain heen ko Raah dikhaa Prabhu , Nain heen hko raah dikhaa Prabhu , Pagh pagh tokar Kavoon mein , Nain heen ko Oh Lord show the way to
Thum Kahann Chupe Bhagwan=-A HIndi BhajanThum Kahann Chupe Bhagwan (where are you hiding God) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear this great BHajan sung by the Great Mukesh -;v=bDq3OxBuDb8 ) Thum kahan chupe bhagwan, karo math deri , Dukh haro dwaraki nath Saran mein theri Dukh haro dwaraki nath
Path se Batak gaya=A Hindi BajanPath se Batak gaya (I slipped from my way) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Path se batak gayaa thaa Ram, Naadhaani se hua ye kam Oh Rama I slipped from the proper way , And this happened due to my ignorance. Chod gaye sab sanghi Sathi , SAnkat mein prabhu thum lo&
Oh Govinda , please do sleep -Lullaby to Lord Govinda of Venkata hills.Oh Govinda , please do sleep -Lullaby to Lord Govinda of Venkata hills. Translated by P.R.Ramachander Oh Govinda , please do sleep. Oh pearl , please do sleep, Oh Gem who was born To the pearl like gem, Please do sleep. கோவிந்தா கண்ணுறங்கு முத்தே கண்ணுறங்கு முத்துமணி பெத்தெடுத்த ரெத்தினமே
Sidheswarashtakam by Maha PeriyavaA humble translation effort of a great stotra written by Maha Periyvaa Yesterday I was simply searching facebook for interesting posts and I stumbled on this stotram .Before the great people who have written commentary to this Stotra , I am almost nothing
Kana Pathinayiram kankal Vendum (tamil)Kana Pathinayiram kankal Vendum (tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Kama pathinayiram kankal vendum, Kanchi guru nadharin dinasari poojayai, We need ten thousand eyes to see , The daily worship of the great Guru of Kanchi. 2.Velliyinaal pooja mandapam amaithu, Swarnathinaal athil&
Jagathamma Saranam (Tamil)Jagathamma Saranam (Tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Saranam saranam jagathamma, Sarnam tharuvaal Omkaari, Chothanikkarayil vanthiduvaal aval, Chollidum kuraikalai theerthiduvaal. I surrender, I surrender , mother of universe, She who tells “Om” would grant protection, She would come in
AAyiram ushassile (Malayalam)AAyiram ushassile By Kadathanattu K. Padmanabha Variar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Aayiram ushassile kaar megha kanthi nin mei , Kai koopi ninnudunnu kanna, Kaikoopi ninnudunnu 1.The luster of the black clouds of thousand dawns , Are saluting your body and standing oh Lord Krishna , Standing
Sri Krishna ChathusthayamSri Krishna Chathusthayam (The four verse prayer to lord Krishna) By Kadathanattu K.Padmanabha Variar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Radha slishta thanum kaLaaya kusuma shyamam , prasannanananm, Hasthanyastha svuvarna venumathulam jyothirmayam mokshadham, Vandhe nirjara sevitham pasupa kanya vrundha
Guruvayurukku Varungal (Please come to Guruvayur)Guruvayurukku Varungal (Please come to Guruvayur) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Guruvayurukku varungal –oru, Kuzhanthai chirippathai parungal, Oru vai choru ootum thai mun, Utkarnthiruppathai kanumgal. 1.Please come to Guruvayur, Please see one baby who is laughing. See it
Sri Rama Sthuthi (Malayalam)Sri Rama Sthuthi in Malayalam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Sridhara thava padambujam mama , BHadha koodathe sevichu kolluvaan, Bodha vigraha kathu kollename , Rama Raghava , Pahi maam, Pahi maam. 1.Oh Lord Who carries Lakshmi , For me to , Serve your lotus like feet , Oh God&nbsp
Swarakshara maala sthavam(Malayalam)Swarakshara maala sthavam(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a prayer addressed to mother Goddess at Chothanikkara.The verses start with Malayalam vowels in their order ) 1,Amrutholi chitharum nava mrudhu hasam , Kalarum omana mukham udayole , Kadina
Ambika sthuthi in MalayalamAmbika sthuthi in Malayalam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a very peculiar prayer addressed to the divine mother . The first part of the prayer tells us in detail about the rot that has been set in humanity and about their forgetting the Goddess. The prayer then commences and is mainly addressed to the mother Goddess&
Amme kodungalloramme Bhagwathi (Malayalam)Amme kodungalloramme Bhagwathi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A great but very simple prayer in mAlayalam addressed to the goddess of the famous temple at Kodungallore.) 1.Amme kodungalloramme BHagwathi , Amme BHagawathi, Narayani , Amme Parabrahma roopini , Kanmasha nasini ,kAi thozhunnen. 1.Oh
Saraswathi Sthvam(Malayalam)Saraswathi Sthvam(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Vani , Gunalaye devi , Vani mathe ,Saraswathi , Vannedukende naavinmel , Jnanam yennil udhikkuvan. Oh Goddess Saraswathi , goddess who is the Temple of good characters, Oh mother Vani , Oh Saraswathi , Please live on
Prabatha prarthana (Malayalam)Prabatha prarthana (Malayalam) Morning prayer By Kumaranasan (Kumaranasan was a great Malayalam poet who lived in the first part of twentieth centuary. He was a follower of Narayana Guru devan.) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.SAkalasrayamay rathriyum , Pakalum ninnu yeriyum pradheepame, Jagadheesa , Jayikka saswatham, Nigamam thedina b nin
Sri Venkatesa Govinda NamavaliSri Venkatesa Govinda Namavali Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is the recitation of 108 names of the Lord with very musical tone that too filled with great devotion. You can hear this great prayer as soon as you enter Tirumala and long after you return from there
Mahalakshmi SuprabathamMahalakshmi Suprabatham By Padur Sri Raghavacharyar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a rare Suprabatham composed about the goddess of Ashta Lakshmi temple of Beasant nagar, Madras..I have referred to the translation of this stotra by Dr.R.Kannan , published by the M.B.Publishers Madras.)
Sri Mahalakshmi MangalamSri Mahalakshmi Mangalam By Srimad Padur Raghavachari Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Vedantha vedhya vibhave Vishnu Vaksho Viharini , Aravindaksha dhayithe Lakshmyasthu thava mangalam Oh wealth of those who have learnt the Vedas, Who lives on the chest of Lord Vishnu , Oh consort of lotus
Mahalakshmi PrapathiMahalakshmi Prapathi BY Srimad Padur RAghavachari Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Bhavabodhou majjathaam maadrusaanaam, Pranamraanaam rakshane sanukampaam, Swa bharthaaram sasmithaam chodhayanthim, Mahalakshmim thwaam saranam prapadhye For saving people like me who are struggling drowned In the ocean of
Sri Mahalakshmi stotramSri Mahalakshmi stotram By Srimad Padur Puranam Raghavachary Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Akhilagama saara vidhaam Yameenaam, Hrudhyabja vihara kuthoohalini, Vina majjanath abhimatha artha kari, Vijayaswa reme harinaa sathatham. Oh essence of all sacred works, who is
Ambigaye Easwariye (Tamil)Ambigaye Easwariye Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is the song praising the Goddess Muthumari of Pudukottai. Mari can be translated as epidemic and Muthu the pox and so Muthumari should be understood as the The goddess who cures epimemic of small pox. I got this poem from face book posting of
॥ कावेरी प्रार्थना ॥ The prayer to Cauvery॥ कावेरी प्रार्थना ॥ The prayer to Cauvery Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Cauvery is the greatest and biggest sacred river of South India. It is due to it that the major part of South India is fertile. The people of Coorg worship her as their chief Goddess. Source: ) &
Thaye Visalakshi … Dhayai PurivaayeThaye Visalakshi … Dhayai Purivaaye (Oh mother Visalakshi -Please show your mercy) By Latchoumy Mohan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The authoress who is my face book friend writes “Good evening friends... Dedicating this verse of mine to my beloved Akka Kanthi Narayanan akka and Usha Muthukrishnan akka, whose grand children
Chelatha, chella Mariatha (My dear Goddess mother)Chelatha, chella Mariatha (My dear Goddess mother) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Mother God worship is very popular in Tamil Nadu. The goddess normally worshipped s called Mother of epidemic. I got this great prayer from the post of Neyveli Murali in the face book. You can hear this prayer sung by Madam
Adhi Sankara's Eka sloka prakaranamEka sloka prakaranam The monograph of one verse By Adhi Sankara Bhagawatpada Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Here is absolute knowledge in one verse given by the great Acharya.I have not translated word by word but have given overall meaning . The Sanskrit and Tamil image of the Stotra is
Amalanadhipiran of ThirupanazhwarAmalanadhipiran of Thirupanazhwar Translated by P.R.Ramachander The Azhvars are the devition drunk minstrels of God who worshipped Lord Vishnu and his incarnations . The were twelve in number and have written 4000 verses in praise of the 108 Divya desams &
The Rama’s story praised by this world(Tamil)The Rama’s story praised by this world(Tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a song telling the story of Rama taken from Film Lava Kusa .I have taken the tAmil lyrics from the posting of Varagooraan Narayanan in the face book) ஜெகம் புகழும் புண்ய கதை ராமனின் கதையே… – வரகூரான் நாராயணன் ஜகம் புகழும் புண்ய கதை
Deivame kai thozhaam (a malayalam prayer)Deivame kai thozhaam By Pandalam Kerala verma Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Deivame kai thozhaam ,kelkkumarakanam, Paavam yenne nee kakkumaarakanam Yennullil bhakthi yundumarakanam, Ninne jnan yennume Kanumaarakanam 1.Oh God I salute you , be pleased to hear me , Be pleased to protect me&
Srinivasa Govinda -A Tamil prayerSrinivasa Govinda Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I got this pretty prayer from the face book page of my friend Neyveli Murali.May God Venkatesa bless him.) ஸ்ரீ ஸ்ரீனிவாசா கோவிந்தா ஸ்ரீ வெங்கடேசா கோவிந்தா வெங்கட்ரமணா கோவிந்தா ஸ்ரீ வேங்கடேசா கோவிந்தா. Hey Govinda in whom Goddess Lakshmi lives, Hey Govinda who
Hey Ram Hey Ram –A Hindi BhajanHey Ram Hey Ram –A Hindi Bhajan Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hey ram hey ram Hey ram hey ram Hey Rama, Hey Rama, Hey Rama , Hey Rama Tu hi mata tu hi pita hai-2 Tu hi to radha ka shyam You are the mother and you are the father , And you are the Krishna, of Radha Hey ram hey ram Hey ram hey
Duniya Chale Na Shri Ram Ke Bina –A hindi Bhajan on RamDuniya Chale Na Shri Ram Ke Bina –A hindi Bhajan on Ram Translated by P.R.Ramachander Duniya chale na shri ram ke bina Ramji chale na hanuman ke bina Without Lord Ram the world can not go , And Lord Rama cannot go without Hanuman Jab se ramayan padh le hai Ek baat maine samaj le hai From the time I
Jag Mein Sundar Hain Do Naam-A hindi bhajan on RamJag Mein Sundar Hain Do Naam-A hindi bhajan on Ram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear this great song ) Jag mein sundar hain do naam, Chaahe krishna kaho ya ram Bolo ram ram ram, Bolo shyam shyam shyam In this world two names are pretty , say either Ram or Krishna, Tell Ram, Ram, Ram., Tell Shyam, Shyam,
Daata Ek Ram Bhikhari Saari Duniya-A Hindi Bhajan on RamDaata Ek Ram Bhikhari Saari Duniya-A Hindi Bhajan on Ram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (You can hear this sung in ) Data ek Ram bhikari sari duniya - 2 Ram ek devta pujari sari duniya Pujari saari duniya Data ek Ram bhikari sari duniya Data ek raam The person who gives is one Ram and the beggars
Mera Ram Ki Kripa Se Sab Kaam Ho Raha hai-A hindi Bhajan on RamMera Ram Ki Kripa Se Sab Kaam Ho Raha hai-A hindi Bhajan on Ram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear this great bhajan in ) Mera raam ki kripa se sab kaam ho raha hai Mera raam ki kripa se sab kaam ho raha hai Karate hai mere raghav mera naam ho raha hai Mera
Aisa hai mere Ram-A Hindi Bhajan on RamAisa hai mere Ram-A Hindi Bhajan on Ram Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Aisa hai mere ram, Vinay bhara hridauy karen jise pranam, Aisa hai mere Ram My Rama is like that , Who is saluted by a heart full of humility, My Rama is like that 2.Hriday kamal , nayan kamal , Sumukh kamal , charan kamal , Kamal ke kunj
Akarathil amaintha Anantha Ramayanam (Tamil)Akarathil amaintha Anantha Ramayanam Taken from Kumudam Bhakthi (7/4/2016) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a summary of Ramayanam in Tamil, with each word of the summary starting wit letter “aa”.) Ananthane asurarkalai azhithu , 1.Anbarkalukku arula avaniyil, Ayothi arasanaaga
Maruthi AshtakamMaruthi Ashtakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I took this stotra from Http:// I have corrected few mistakes that I could observe and translated it.) 1.ஓம் நமோ வாயுபுத்ராய பீமரூபாய தீமதே | நமஸ்தே ராமதூதாய காமரூபாய தீமதே || OM namo Vayu puthraya Bheema roopaya Deemathe , Namasthe Rama Dhoothaya Kama
Hanumath Langulasthra stotramHanumath Langulasthra stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (You can read this stotra in Sanskrit in And in Tamil in Http:// says “ powerful lAngUlAstra stotra (the tail which is the weapon) invokes Hanuman
Shree Ram Kahani Suno Re Ram Kahani (Hanuman's narration to Sita in HIndi)Shree Ram Kahani Suno Re Ram Kahani Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is pretty song by which Lord Hanuman hiding on the tree in Asoka forest tells Goddess Sita of his arrival. Hear it being sung by clicking . This is from the Ramanand Sagar’s TV serial on Ramayaa.) Ram
Godha Sthuthi by Vedantha DesikaGodha Sthuthi By Srimat Vedantha desika (This great prayer was composed by one of the great saints of Vaishnavism, Swami Vedantha Desika wjen he visited the temple of AandaL (Godha) at Srivilliputhur. The words of these prayer can be interpreted in very many ways and are difficult to
Narayanaya Nama (In Malayalam)Narayanaya Nama (In Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Narayanaya Nama, Narayanaya Nama , Narayanay nama, Narayanam. Salutations to Narayana, Salutations to Narayana, Sautations to Narayana , Oh Narayana 2.Palazhi ven thira thalodi thozhunnu , thava- Padangalen hrudaya padmangalil, Mahendra neela mani peedathil
HARI HARI Stotra translation dedicated to my PattiyammaiHARI HARI Stotra translation dedicated to my Pattiyammai P.R.Ramachander It was in 1946 (70 years back) as a six year old who knew only slight English, Telugu , broken Tami , no Malayalam and Urdu that I was forced to migrate back to Kerala , with my mother and siblings due to the
Vathalayesa nin nirmalya Vigraham (Malayalam)Vathalayesa nin nirmalya Vigraham By Kadathanattu .K.Padmanabha Variar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Vathalayesa nin nirmalya vigraham , Pathivai kani kandu koopaan moham, Nin thirumeniyil vaka charthidumbol , Nin Thirumumbil namikkan Moham. 1,I long to see you first in the early morning, Oh
Sri KrishnashtakamSri Krishnashtakam BY Kadathanattu .K.Padmanabha variar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Indira hrudayanandam vrundaraka Ganarchitham, Nanda soonum aham vandhe mandhara suma malinam 1.I salute that son of Nanda who wears the garland of Mandhara, Who makes the mind of Goddess
Sri Krishna sthavamSri Krishna sthavam By Kadathanattu .K.Padmanabha variar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Gorchananalankrutha phala desam, Gopi janaraditha pada Padmam, Go gopa vrundhair anugamyamanam, Gopala balam Hrudhi Bhavayami 1,I think in mind that cowherd boy , Who has decorated his forehead with musk, Whose lotus like feet is worshipped by
Sri Krishna leela varnana sthuthi (Malayalam)Sri Krishna leela varnana sthuthi By Kadathanattu k.Padmanabha variar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Kamsande bandhanam thannil pirannoru , Samsara vairiye Kai thozhunnen 1,I salute that god who is the enemy of ocean of Samsara. Who was born in the
Sarva Vaishnava kala Vandhanam,Sarva Vaishnava kala Vandhanam, By Kadathanttu .K.Padmanabha Variar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Vandeham thwaam Maha vishno , Deva deva , Jagath pathe , Kshamasva may aparadham thwam praseedha mayi madhava 1.I salute you Lord Mahavishnu, God of Gods , Lord of universe , Please pardo my mistakes and become pleased with me&
Guruvayurappande thiru nada thurannallo (Malayalam)Guruvayurappande thiru nada thurannallo By Kadathanattu K.Padmanabha Variar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Guruvayurappande thiru nada thurannallo. Thiru vaka charthinnu samayamai, Oru bala suryan udicha kanakkinnu, Angu uru shobhayengum parannidunnu 1.The divine door of sanctum of lord of Guruvayur has
Guruvayur vaazhum bhagawane (Malayalam)Guruvayur vaazhum bhagawane By Kadathanattu K.Padmanabha varriar 1.Periyathayidum duritha sanchayam, Thuru thure vanningu anayumbol, Karunayodenne paripalikkane, Guruvayur vaazhum bhagawane 1.Oh god who lives in Guruvayur , When crowds of great sufferings come, One after another and come
Guruvayrappa, Sri Guruvayrappa (Malayalam)Guruvayrappa, Sri Guruvayrappa By Kadathanattu .K.Padmanabha Variar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Guruvayrappa, sri Guruvayrappa, Guruvayur vanarulum Karunya moorthe , Nin thiruvadiyude chanthaliradi thane, Santhatham adiyangalkku abhayam-Krishnaa, Santhatham adiyangalkku abhayam. 1.Oh Guruvayurappa, Oh Lord Guruvayurappa
Guruvayrappa ninde Thiru mumbil (Malayalam)Guruvayrappa ninde Thiru mumbil By Kadathanattu .K.Padmanabha Varrrier Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Guruvayrappa ninde thirumumbil vannu jnan, Iru kaayyum koopi vanangunnithaa , Marakalkku marvaam nin THirumeni yennende , Nira kannaal oru nokku Kandidaavu 1.Oh Guruvayrappa I have
Dhanyaril dhanyayaam devi Yasodha (Malayalam)Dhanyaril dhanyayaam devi Yasodha By Kadathattu .K.Padmanabha Variar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Dhanyaril dhanyayaam Yasodha than, Kanninnu karpooramayavane, Oda kuzhal oothi pon mala charthi nee , Odi vannu yen munnil aadidenam 1.Oh Lord who is the camphor to the eye, Of Lady Yasodha , blessed among
Dasavathara StotramDasavathara Stotram By Kadathanauu.K.Padmanabha Variar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Munibhie eeditham , Madhu nishevitham , haya mukhanthakam , bhaya vinasanam , Pralaya Jaladhigam, nalinajarchitham , makara roopinam , Bhaavayaamyaham. 1.I cherish him who took the form of fish. Who was praised by the sages, Who destroyed Madhu, Who
Chathur murthy stotramChathur murthy stotram By Kadathanattu Padmanabha Variar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a peculiar prayer addressed to Rama and his three brothers.) 1.Dasaradha nrupa puthram , Janaki prana mithram, Ruchira jalaja nethram , bhargavee spardhi gathram, Kara thala drutha sashtram , Naumi rakendhu
Subrahmanya Bhujangam-Sanskrit with English and Tamil meanings- A treasure worth preservingSubrahmanya Bhujangam-Sanskrit with English and Tamil meanings- A treasure worth preserving (Offered at the feet of Lord of Thiruchendhur on Panguni Uthram day by P.R.Ramachander ) Among the stotras Adhi Shankara wrote , Subrahmanya Bhujangam written by him in Thiruchendhur is very special. Devotees believe&nbsp
Thirupallandu of Periyazhvar with english meaningThirupallandu of Periyazhvar Translated by P.R.Ramachander “Pallandu” used to be sung by the mothers in Tamil Nadu to protect the babies from dangers and evil eyes . “Pallandu” could be translated as “Long live with protection” . But when a Pallandy u is sung for the God ,
Prayer To God to give our wife a long life aka octet of long life to the better halfPrayer to God to give long life to our better half Today is the day when your wife would pray for a long life to you .I was wondering if there is any prayer at all praying for long life to our dear wife , whose only ambition seems to be to make your life pleasant , provide you constant companionship , to advise you to
Yah kal kal chal chal -Hindi prayerYah kal kal chal chal Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A great prayer in Hindi where the river Ganges tells about herself.) Yah kal kal chal chal bahthi, Kya kahathi ganga dharaa Yug yug se bahtha aathaa, Yah punya pravah hamara Yah punya pravah hamara
The first post-Vedic Hindu prayersThe first post-Vedic Hindu prayers BY P.R.Ramachander Most of the great scholars agree that the Vedic Gods are the powers governing natural phenomena in the world . The following Gods were considered as important by the Vedas :Indra, Varuna , Agni ,
Jaya Pradha Subrahamanya StotramJaya Pradha Subrahamanya Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Jaya Devendrajakantha , jaya Mruthyunajayathmaja, Jaya Sailendraja soono , jaya Sambhu ganavrutha. 1.Victory to the consort of daughter of king of devas , Victory to the son of God who won over God of death, Victory to the daughter of king of mountains&
Sri Jaya Panchakam by Lord HanumanSri Jaya Panchakam By Hanuman Translated by P.R.Ramachander (These five slokas are told by Hanuman in the Sundara Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana (Chapter 42-33-37). SEngalipuram Anantha Rama Deekshithar says that if these are chanted at time of Vivaha Nischayathartham , when we are troubled by debts, when we are fighting case in
Achieve all that you want by chanting specific Gayatri manthras addressed to several GodsAchieve all that you want by chanting specific Gayatri manthras addressed to several Gods By P.R.Ramachander Gayatri manthra was given to the world by sage Kaushika and seeing the benefits the world received from it. He was called sage Viswamithra(the friend of the world) . After
Gayatri manthras addressed to several Gods for achieving specific objectivesGayatri manthras addressed to several Gods for achieving specific objectives Compiled from the Collection of Bhraneedharan &
Annai Anbinikku Mangalam (A tamil prayer)Annai Anbinikku Mangalam (A tamil prayer) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Refrain (to be repeated after every verse) Annai , Annai , Annai, Annai , Anbinikku Mangalam, Adhi sakthi ambigaikku anantha kodi mangalam, Yennulle vilangum yendhan easwarikku Magalam To mother,
Dakshinamurthy Pancha rathnamDakshinamurthy Pancha rathnam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I got this great stotra from a collection of Stotra published by Giri Traders in madras . It was written in Tamil script .I could not get it in Sanskrit in spite of on line searches. There is a possibility of mistakes. Whosoever notices it please write it as a comment so that it
Universal prayer to avoid bad eventsUniversal prayer to avoid bad events Translated by P.R.Ramachander There is no one in the world who is free from sufferings like bad dreams, worry , sickness , natures anger etc. Here is a remarkable prayer to the Lord of the world to destroy all of them . In the original “Jagadhaam Adheesa
Ayyaval’s aarthi hara StotramAyyaval’s aarthi hara Stotram By Sridhara Ayyaval Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The great saint Sridhara Ayyaval was the son Sri Sridhara Padmanabha who was a high ranking officer in the court of the king of Mysore. He was offered the post of his father , when his father attained salvation and he rejected that offer as he was
Srimad Ramayanam-Sundara Kanda Churukkam in Tamil verseSrimad Ramayanam-Sundara Kanda Churukkam From the material of Sumithra Narasimhan , Karur Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a summary of Sundara Kandam in simple but magnificient Tamil verse .It can easily be chanted within two minutes. This is in the collection of Stotras of Smt.Sumithra
Ithni sakthi hamen dena datha -HIndi prayerIthni sakthi hamen dena datha Translated by P.R.Ramachander (An extremely soulful prayer addressed to God. From the film Ankush. Hear it sung in ) 1,Ithni Sakthi hamen dena datha, Man ka viswas kamjor ho na, Hum chale nek rasthe par, humse, Bhool kar bhi&
Hey Saradhe ma-A bhajan in HindiHey Saradhe ma Translated by P.R.Raachander (Here is a great prayer addressed to mother Sarada (Goddess Saraswathi) in Hindi. She is the reigning goddess in the famous temple of Maihar near Allahabad . She is also the reigning Goddess in our great temple of Sringeri.Its simplicity and devotion touches
Hum ko man kee Shakthi dena-Hindi prayerHum ko man kee Shakthi dena-Hindi prayer Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a Bhajan song from the film Guddi. Hear it in Vani Jayaram’s voice in ) 1.Hum ko man kee Shakthi dena, Doosron ki jay se pehle , khud ko jai karo 1,Give us strength of the mind, Before others
Eesh hame detha hai-A hindi prayerEesh hame detha hai-A hindi prayer Translated by P.R.Ramachander Refrain Ish hamen detha hai sab kuch , Hum bhi tho kuch dhena Seekhe God gives us lot of things , Let us also learn to give some things. 1.Suraj hamen roshni detha, hava nava jeevan dethi hai, Bookh mitne ko &nbsp
Aarthi Sri Shakumbari ji ki-Hindi BHajanAarthi Sri Shakumbari ji ki-Hindi BHajan Translated by P.R.Ramachander “Shakambari Devi is considered a Symbol of Botanical Energy. According to the legends Shakambari Devi helped the living creatures to survive only upon plants and vegetables (shaka-ahar), when no water was available on this earth, for full
Surya Dev Aarti – Hindi BhajanSurya Dev Aarti – Hindi Bhajan Translated by P.R..Ramachander Refrain ( to be repeated after every worse) Om Jai-Kashyap Nandan,Om Prabhu jai Aditi nandan, Tribhuvan-timin nikandan bhakt-hriday-chandan. Om Jai-Kashyap Nandan... Om Victory to son of Kashyapa , Om Victory to the Lord who is son of Adithi, Oh Lord who destroys
Thum ho matha –Hindi BhajanThum ho matha –Hindi Bhajan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a great prayer addressed to God.Please note no God is mentioned specifically.) 1.Thum ho matha , Ptha thum hi ho Thum ho Bandhu , Sakha thum hi ho 1.You are our mother and you are our father also, You are our relation and You are our
Loka hitham mama KaraneyamLoka hitham mama Karaneyam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is another statement of true faith in the form of a prayer, which is simply great. Hear it sung ) 1.Manasa sathatham karaneeyam, Vachasa sathatham vadaneeyam, Loka hitham
Daily Sanskrit prayer Schedule of a Shiva devotee (compiled from various Shiva stotras)Daily Sanskrit prayer Schedule of a Shiva devotee (compiled from various Shiva stotras) From Translated by P.R.Ramachander After getting up in the morning Sri Viswanadha karunamrutha poorna Sindho, Sheethamsu khanda samalankrutha Bhavya chooda , Basmanga raga&
Daily tamil prayer schedule of a Shiva devotee (compiled from Thirumurai)Daily tamil prayer schedule of a Shiva devotee (compiled from Thirumurai) From Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Tamil Saivism existed much before the advent of the great Guru and reformer of Hinduism Adhi Sankara. In fact, In the great book soundarya Lahari ,
Maha Lakshmi Sthuthi (Malayalam)Maha Lakshmi Sthuthi (Malayalam) Translated by P.R,Ramachander Here is a simple prayer addressed to Goddess Lakshmi to make oneself rich The utter simplicity of the prayer would captivate any one.) 1,Indire Loka Mathave Maha Lakshmi, Chandradhi koopum nin padha yugmam, Vandhikkumenne nee onnu nokkeeduvaan , Nandathmaja&
Shiva Sthuthi in MalayalamShiva Sthuthi in Malayalam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is actually a general prayer addressed to Lord Shiva to remove our problems. In Stanza for there is a reference made to Lord Shiva of Ernakulam (Ernakulathappan) . So it might have been written by a devotee of Ernakulathappan. If you
Panchakshara Keerthanam in MalayalamPanchakshara Keerthanam in Malayalam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a short prayer of five stanzas , each stanza starting with the letters of Shiva Panchaksharam “Namashivaya”, praying to Lord Mahadeva of the great Vaikom temple in Kerala,- )
Adithya stotram-MalayalamAdithya stotram-Malayalam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Arka nishkala roopa , Dhivakara, Bhaktha vathsala, Papa vinasana , Thwad swarpoopam mama hurudhi thonnanam , Adhithya bhagawane vangunnen. 1,Oh lord who gives light m, who has a stainless form , Who makes the day, Who loves his devotees , Who destroys sins ,
Kamalaja dayithashtakamKamalaja dayithashtakam Translated By P.R.Ramachander (This is the prayer addressed to Goddess Sarada of Sringeri. Kamalaja here refers to Lord Brahma and Dayitha is consort I,e It is a stotra addressed to Goddess Saraswathi ,In the text of the stotra it is clearly brought out that&
Mannu Pugazh kosalai than (Tamil by Kulashekara Azhvar)Mannu Pugazh kosalai than By Sri Kulashekara Azhwar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The verses of this immortal Lullaby (a portion of the book Perumal Thirumozhi) were composed by a prince of the Chera dynasty called Kulashekara Azhwar (Called Kula shekara perumal in Kerala)He was also called Mudaliyandan Nambi . He was one of
Adhithya sthavam (A Malayalam Bhajan addressed to Sun God)Adhithya sthavam (A Malayalam Bhajan addressed to Sun God) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This Bhajan is addressed to the Sun having twelve forms viz Dhatha, Aryama, Mithra, Varuna , Indra , Vivasvan , Thwashta, Vishnu , Amsuman , Bhaga pusha and Parjanjna.These twelve Adithyas rule over the world for the
Subrahmanya moola manthra sthavamSubrahmanya moola manthra sthavam From Kumara Thanthra Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Adatha sampravakshyami moola manthra sthavam shivam, Japathaam srunvathaam nrunaam bukthi mukthi pradhayakam 1.Now I am going to teach you the moola manthra sthava , Which if read or heard &
Panniru vizhi Azhagai Muruga-A tamil devotional songPanniru vizhi Azhagai Muruga Courtsey Alli Malar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I came across this great Tamil song from the posting of my face book friend Alli Malar. The song is steeped in devotion .According to her this song is being sung at the Arul migu SEnthil Murugan
Parthasarathy shatkamParthasarathy shatkam By Sengalipuram Anantharama Deekshithar , Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This prayer is addressed to the Lord Parthasarathy , the God presiding over the Parthasarathy temple of Thiruvallikeni of Chennai.) Refrain to be repeated after every verse. Sri Patha sarathya
Chith sabesa DasakamChith sabesa Dasakam By Sengalipuram Anantha Rama Deekshithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a great prayer written by saint Sengalipuram Anantha Rama Deekshithar in praise of Lord Nataraja , the presiding deity of Chidambaram temple . He is called Chith sabesa as he is the lord of the divine arena&
Datha prarthanaa chathushka StotramDatha prarthanaa chathushka Stotram By Sri Vasudeva Saraswathi Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Samastha dosha soshanam, swabhaktha chitha thoshanam, Nijasritha praposhanam, yatheeswaragrya bhooshanam, Thrayee siro vibhooshanam pradarsithaartha dhooshanam, Bhaje athri janga thaishanam&
Prayer for absence from widow hoodPrayer for absence from widow hood Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a great prayer chanted by Savithri , the wife of Sthyavan addressed to goddess Gayathri to save the life of her husband. The great Sengalipuram Anantha Rama Deekshithar recommends this stotra &nbsp
Go Grasa Slokam (Prayer to feed grass to the cow.)Go Grasa Slokam (Prayer to feed grass to the cow.) Hindu religion believes that Cow is the most scared animal , which protects us . The Dharma Sastras tell us that if we are not able to perform Sradha to our ancestors
Tharaka Ramayanam in TamilTharaka Ramayanam in Tamil (The Ramayana that helps us to cross ocean of Samsara) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hare Rama, hare Rama, Rama , Rama hare hare. Hare Krishna, hare Krishna , Krishna , Krishna hare hare. Om Sri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya jaya Rama, Rama, Om Sri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya jaya Rama, Rama, Rama
Vazhi vidu Nandi vazhi viduve-A tamil prayerVazhi vidu Nandi vazhi viduve-A tamil prayer Give way Nandi , give way Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1, Vazhi vidu Nandi vazhi viduve, Vaazhvil naangal valarnthu uyara, Vazhi vidu Nandi vazhi viduve , Vayyakam valara vazhi viduve 1.Please give way , Nandi, please give way, For us to grow and become great, Please
Nalam cherkkum Nandhi-A tamil PrayerNalam cherkkum Nandhi-A tamil Prayer The Nandi which adds prosperity Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Sivanaarai yendraikkum chumakkum Nandi Sevitha bhakthakalai kakkum Nandi Kavalaikalai yennalum pokkum Nandi Kayilayile nadam puriyum kanintha Nandi Palliyarai pakkathile irukkum nandi 1
Varanam Ayiram of Sri AndalVaranam Ayiram By Sri Andal Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a part of the great work called Nachiyar Thirumozhi of the great Vaishnavite saint Sri Andal. She was brought up by Nammazhvar another great saint and fell deeply in love with Lord Ranganatha . In this
Swami nadha Shodasa namamSwami nadha Shodasa namam Translated By P.R.Ramachander Jnana Shakthi dhara , Skanda m Deva senathipathi sthadhaa, Subrahmanyo, gaja rooda , sara kanana sambhava , Karthikeya , Kumarascha Shanmukhas tharakanthaka , Senaanir brahma sasthaa cha Valli kalyana Sundara , Balascha
Adhi Sankara's Brahamaramba AshtakamBrahamaramba Ashtakam By Adhi sankaracharya Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a prayer addressed to the Goddess Brahmarambika of the temple at Sri Sailam in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh. “ There are several legends associated with Bhramaramba Devi and one of the most popular one is she releasing thousands of bees to
Kamakshi stotram -IIKamakshi stotram -II By Aprouda Bhaktha Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Kanchi kankana noopuraa rathna kankana lasad keyura harojjwalaam, Kasmeeraruna kanchuka anchitha kucham kasthurika charchithaam, Kalhaaranchitha kalpakojjwala mukhim karunya kallolineem , Kamakshim kalayami kalpa lathikam&
Dakshinamurthy Navarathna malika stotramDakshinamurthy Navarathna malika stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Sengalipuram mentions that it is composed by Nava Nadha Sidhar, There is no reference to the garland of nine gems in the prayer and so possibly each stotra was written by one Sidhar of the nine great Sidhas ) 1.Moole vatasya muni pungava
Varadaraja Stotram from Narada PuranaVaradaraja Stotram from Narada Purana Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a prayer addressed to Varadaraja of Kannchi puram temple taken from Narada Purana . This great prayer is addressed to the Lord presiding in temple at Thiru vehaa, which is near Kanchi puram. This lord is also called Yathokthakari(He who obeys what is
Indra krutha Jambukeswara stotramIndra krutha Jambukeswara stotram By Devendra Translated by P.R.Ramachander Indra;- Devendra says:- 1.Lalata lochana jwalaa nirdagdha smara vigraha, Namasthe kari charmatha vaasase , kruthi vaasase. 1.Salutation to Lord Krithivasa who wears the hide of an elephant
Brahma krutha Akhilandeswari stotramBrahma krutha Akhilandeswari stotram By Lord Brahma Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a very very sweet prayer addressed to Goddess Akhilandeswari of Thiruvanaikaval of Trichy town of Tamil Nadu . I have a humble request, whenever you go to Trichy or nearby do not miss to visit the temple of Goddess
Indra Krutha Akhilandeswari stotramIndra Krutha Akhilandeswari stotram By Lord Devendra Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Akhilandeswari is the great Goddess presiding over THiruvanaikaval Temple of Tiruchi. Once you have the luck to look at her , you would never be able to forget the grandeur of her mesmerizing looks.) 1.
Sri Mathru bhoothesa Stotram(Thayumanavar stotram) followed by Mathru Bhootheswara Manthra for ensuring safe delivery.Sri Mathru bhoothesa Stotram(Thayumanavar stotram) followed by Mathru Bhootheswara Manthra for ensuring safe delivery. By Sage Sarama(Sarama Muni) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (in the great temple town of Trichy (Trisira palli found by a king called Trisira ) of Tamil Nadu , there is a temple complex consisting
Jambukeswara Stotra of sage ParasaraJambukeswara Stotra By Sage Parasara Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Here is a great prayer addressed to Lord Jambukeswara of Thiruvanaikovil , Trichy) Parasara Uvacha:- 1.Sahyathmaja parivaha jalamajjanaaya, SArveshwaraya saraseeruha lochanaya , Kailasa basura kareendra vanaalayaya, Sri Jambu
Jambu Nadha Stotram of sage GauthamaJambu Nadha Stotram By Sage Gauthama Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Jambukeswara (god sitting below a Jambu/rose apple tree) is the God of Thiruvanaikovil (holy temple of the elephants) in Trichy. He is worshipped here as Appu linga ( element of water.) 1.Vandeham jagatho moola kandham kandharpa
Tharakabrahma swaroopa varnana -A malayalam prayerTharakabrahma swaroopa varnana (The description of the form of Brahman which helps us to cross ocean of Samsara) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( The Tharaka Brahmam mentioned here is Lord Vishnu . The prayer is extremely devotional but I do not know who wrote it.) 1.Dhanya rathnangal
Prayer to Subrahmanya , the Lord of Pazhani in MalayalamPrayer to Subrahmanya , the Lord of Pazhani in Malayalam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (It is a peculiar fact that in spite of few famous Subramanya temples in Kerala , almost all Keralites have great desire to visit Pazhani and worship the Lord Subramanya there.
Meenakshi stotramMeenakshi stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Meenakshi is the presiding Goddess of Madhurai temple. Parvathi was born as a Pandya princess THadathakai and later married Lord Shiva in the Form of Sundareswara.) 1.Yaa devi jagathaam karthree , sankarisyaapi sankari, Namasthasyai sumeenaksyai devyai&
Stotra collection of Sengalipuram for warding of dangersStotra collection for warding of dangers Collection made by Sengalipuram Anantha Rama Deekshithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a wonderful collection of verses from various stotras which would ensure absence of dangers and diseases forever , to the one who chants them.) 1.
Subrahmanya Mangala stotramSubrahmanya Mangala stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Mangalam deva devaya , Raja rajaya Mangalam, Mangalam Nadha nadhaya , kala kalaya mangalam. 1.Auspiciousness to God of Gods, Auspiciousness to king of kings, Auspeciousness to lord of lords, auspiciousness to killer of God of death. 2.Mangalam
Subrahamanya mangalashtakamSubrahamanya mangalashtakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Srimad Gauri suthayasthu sritha Mandhara sakhine , Sikhi varya thurangaya, Subrahmanyaya mangalam. 1.Auspiciousness to Lord Subrahmanya who is the son of Parvathi, Who is the chosen branch of heaven , who rides on a blessed peacock. 2.
Jayapradha Subramanya stotramJayapradha Subramanya stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Jaya devendraja kantha. Jaya mrutynjayathmaja, Jaya Sailendraja soono, jaya Sambhu ganavrutha. 1.Hail husband of daughter of Indra, hail son of God who won over Yama, Hail the son of daughter of daughter of mountain, hail one surrounded by Shiva’s assistants. 2.Jaya
Saravana manthrakshara shatka stotramSaravana manthrakshara shatka stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Saravana bhava –the one who was born in reeds is the moola manthra of Lord Subrahmanya who is also called Guha as he has temples in caves or he lives in the cave of mind of devotees. This stotra has six stanzas , each stanza beginning with one letter of “Saravanabhava” &
Karthikeya PanchakamKarthikeya Panchakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Vimala nija padabjam , Veda vedantha vedhyam, Mama kula guru nadham , vadhya gana pramodham . Ramana suguna jalam rangarad bhagineyam, Kamala janutha padham Karthikeyam Bhajami 1.I salute that Karthikeya , Who has lotus like pure
Ayyaval's Subrahmanya Pancha rathnamAyyaval's Subrahmanya Pancha rathnam By Sridhara Ayyaval Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Sridhara Ayyaval was the son Sri Sridhara Padmanabha who was a high ranking officer in the court of the king of Mysore. But he was spiritually oriented and took his residence in Thiruvisainallur in the banks of river Kaveri. Much more about this great saint can be got from the
Sri Garbha Rakshambika StotramSri Garbha Rakshambika Stotram By Brahmasri Sengalipuram Anantha Rama Deekshithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This prayer extols the Goddess Garbharakshambika of Thirukarukkavur which is 20 km from the town of Tanjore. The Goddess is believed to help save pregnancies of ladies. Recitation of this stotra along with the Garbha Raksha Stotra as prescribed would help all lady
Garbha Raksha StotramGarbha Raksha Stotram &
Madhvacharya's Samkshepa Sundara KandamSamkshepa Sundara Kandam By Srmath Madhvacharya (aka Ananda theertha) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Sri Madhvacharya is a great sage who established the philosophy of the Dvaitha tradition .He is considered as an incarnation of Vayu, Hanuman as well as Bheema by his followers.&
Navagraha Mangala stotramNavagraha Mangala stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A very great and rare Stotra addressed to the nine planets requesting them to do good to you , For every planet several information about the planet which are difficult to get are given. It would be very useful to those who want to worship the
Hayagreeva Kavacham IIHayagreeva Kavacham II Translated by P.R,Ramachander (I had earlier an occasion to translate a Hayagreeva Kavacham which occurs in Atharva Veda. I found this Kavacha in a book called Jaya Mangala stotra.) Parvathyuvacha:- Goddess Parvathi asked :- 1.Deva deva Mahadeva , Karunakara Sankara, Thwayaa prasada seelena kadhithaani
Prayer to be recited while climbing Thirumala hillsPrayer to be recited while climbing Thirumala hills Translated by P.R.Ramachander Lord Venkatachalapathy (Lord Of Venkata mountains) lives on lat peak of the series of seven peaks called Thirumala viz Seshadri, Neeladri , Garudari, Anjanadri , Vrushabhadri , Narayanadri and Venkatadri .Devotees consider&
Anjaneya StotramAnjaneya Stotram By Gopalakrishna Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This rare prayer has the letters of sanskrit vowels as first letter in the same order for its Slokas.) 1.Anjana Garbha sambootham, Agni mithrasya puthradham, Namami Rama dhootham tham sarva karyartha sidhaye. 1He who was born from the womb of Anjana , He
Alavandhar’s Chathu slokiAlavandhar’s Chathu sloki By Alavandhar aka Yamaunacharya Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( This is a great stota written by one of the greatest Vaishnavita Acharyas called Alavandhar (916-1041 AD). He was the grand son of the great sage Nathamuni and Pracharya of Saint Ramanuja. He was the main person responsible for recovery
GokulashtakamGokulashtakam By Sri Vittalacharya Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Gokula is where cows were nurtured on the banks of river Yamuna by the Yadavas when Lord Krishna was one of them.) 1.Srimad Gokula sarvasvam , srimad Gokula mandanam, Srimad Gokuladdhakthara , srimad gokula jeevanam 1.
Datha nava rathna malika stotramDatha nava rathna malika stotram By Sri Chandra Shekara Bharathi swamigal of Sringeri Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Vitha thrash rahithair manujaanaam, Sathmair anisa sevya Padabjam, Chitha shuddhim abhilipsuraham drak, Datha deva manisam kalayami 1.I always meditate on the
Vadhi Raja theertha krutha Durga sthavamDurga Sthavam By Vadhi Raja Theertha Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A fascinating prayer simply listing out the great qualities of Goddess Durga,.) 1.Om sannaddha simha kandasthaam swrna varnaam manoramaam, Poornendu vadanaam Durgaam varnayaami gunarnavaam. 1.OM I am describing Durga sitting ready
Vadhiraja krutha Hayagreeva StotramVadhiraja krutha Hayagreeva Stotram By Vadhiraja (The Sanskrit original of this stotra is given in ) 1,Hayagreeva, Hayagreeva , Hayagreevethi vadhinam, Nare munchanthi papni daridram iva goshitha 1.The person who chants
Hayagreeva stotramHayagreeva stotram By Vadhi Raja Theertha Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Lasadasya Hayagreeva lasadhoshtadhvayaruna , Lsada dandavali shobha , Haya greeva Lasad smitha. 1.Oh Hayagreeva with the shining face of the horse , Oh God who are having shining red lips&
Dakshinamurthy StotramDakshinamurthy Stotram By Adhi Sankara Bhgawad Pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Unlike the Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam, this work is a prayer addressed to Dakshinamurthy and not a work exposing his philosophy.) 1.Upasakanam yathupasaneeya, Mupathavasam vata saki moole, Thadhama&
Balambikashtakam 2Balambikashtakam 2 Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Balambika is the consort of Lord Vaidyanatha of Vaitheeswaran Koil of Tamil Nadu. The God there is considered as the king of doctors. Very large percentage of people belonging to Thanjavur and Kumbakonam districts of Tamil Nadyu consider Vaidyanatha as their
Balambikashtakam from Skanda PuranamBalambikashtakam-1 Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Balambika is the consort of Lord Vaidyanatha of Vaitheeswaran Koil of Tamil Nadu. The God there is considered as the king of doctors. Very large percentage of people belonging to Thanjavur and Kumbakonam districts of Tamil Nadyu consider Vaidyanatha as their&
Dharma Sasthru sthuthi dasakamDharma Sasthru sthuthi dasakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Aasanu rupa phaladham charanaravindha-, Bhaajaamapara karunarnava poorna chandram, Nasaya sarva vipadhaam api naumi nithya-, Meesana kesava bhuvam bhuvanaika nadham, 1,I daily salute the son of Lord Shiva and Lord
Sri Aarthi Hara Narayana ashtakam by KoorathazhvarSri Aarthi Hara Narayana ashtakam By Kureesa aka Korthazhwar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Koorthazhwar was one of the great disciples of Saint Ramanuja who composed the great work known as Panchasthavam . This stotra in Sanskrit is available in http://
Sri Sasthru sthavam praising Bala Sastha of TrayambakapuramSri Sasthru sthavam By Sengalipuram Anantharama Deekshithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Though the devotees of Sastha , praise him as the Lord of Trayambakapuri many of them may not be aware about the location of Trayambaka Puri. This place is near
Sabari Malai chendral –A tamil BhajanSabari Malai chendral –A tamil Bhajan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Sabari Malai chendraal Sankadangal yillai, SAsthavin munnale sodhanaigal illai , Abaya nilai vazhangi arulvan inba nilai, Ayyappa Saranam yendral neengum thunba nilai 1.If we go to Sabari mountain, there is no sorrow, Before Sastha&
Mani Kanda Sthuthi IIMani Kanda Sthuthi II Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( A great prayer addressed to Mani Kanda ) 1.Oru dinamengilum sabari gireesende , Kamala Manohara truppadangal, 2.Hrudaya sarovaram thannil mulakkuvaan, Anudhinam chinthanam cheiga venam 1-2.For the lotus like pretty divine feet ,
Bhoothanadha KeerthanamBhoothanadha Keerthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Ponnambalithin oliye-nalla, Villali veera prabhuve 1.Oh light of the golden temple, Oh Lord, Who is a great archer 2.Madurya sarvaswa moorthe -Mano, Mohana gana swarame 2.Oh God who is sweetness personified –Oh musical note, Which bewitches the&
Narayana Govinda -Chanting of God's names by PoonthanamNarayana Govinda By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a great chant of names of Govinda ) Refrain Narayana Govinda , Narayana Govinda I.Nadha krupalaya Govinda. Narada Vanditha Govinda (Narayana..) 1.Oh Govinda who is the seat of mercy Oh Govinda&
Sri Simhachala MangalamSri Simhachala Mangalam By Sri. Mukkur Lakshmi Narasimhachar (Simhachala temple is the temple of God Varalakshmi Narasimha swami and is located near Vishakapatnam town of Andhara Pradesh. The Idol of the God (Who is supposed to be in the angry form is covered with Sandal paste all round the year except on Chithra Pournami day for 12
Lakshmi Narasimha PancharathnamLakshmi Narasimha Pancharathnam By Adhi Sankara Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a beautiful parayer which is also philosophical.) 1.Tvatprabhu jeevapriyam ichhasi chennarahari poojaam kuru satatam Pratibimba alamkriti dhruti kusalo bimba alamkriti maatanute Chetobringa brhamasi vridhaa bhava marubhoomau virasaayaam Bhaja bhaja Lakshmi
Saranam, Saranam Deva –A bhajan in MalayalamSaranam, Saranam Deva –A bhajan in Malayalam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The prayer touches the heart and tells us that surrender to Ayyappa is a better way.) 1.Saranam Saranam Devaa saranamayyappa, Karuna varenam nithyam , Sabari gireesa. 1.I surrender, I surrender Oh God , I surrender to Ayyappa
Padi Pooja Kazhinju - Ayyappa Songs Lyrics MalayalamPadi Pooja Kazhinju - Ayyappa Songs Lyrics Malayalam Singer: K.J Yesudas Translated by P.R.Ramachander (When Lord Ayyappa killed Mahishi, she got back her form of Yakshi and requested Lord Ayyappa to marry her. Lord Ayyappa promised her that he will marry her in that year when no debut Ayyappa comes to his temple and asked her to
Pambayil Kuli Kazhinchu - Ayyappa Bhajan in MalayalamPambayil Kuli Kazhinchu - Ayyappa Bhajan in Malayalam Lyrics: T.K.R.Bhadran Music: Dhakshina moorthy Singer: K J Yesudas Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear this sung by Dasettan in ) 1.Pambayil kuli kazhichu pathinettu padi kayaree Pavithramaam sannidhiyil chennu njaan Pandala rajakumaran harihara thanayante Punnya
Gangayaru pirakkunnu-A Malayalam Bhajan by K.J.YesudasGangayaru pirakkunnu-A Malayalam Bhajan by K.J.Yesudas Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Get enthralled by hearing it sung by Yesudas - ) 1,Gangayaru pirakkunnu himavan malayil Pampayaru pirakkunnu sabarimalayil Ponmala nammude punyamala Pampa nammude punya nadi (2) 1.The River Ganges takes birth on the Himalaya
Pambayarin Pon Pulinathil- Another great song by YesudasPambayarin Pon Pulinathil- Another great song by Yesudas Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear this song , sung by K.J.Yesudas - ) 1.Pambayarin Ponpulinathil Panimathy poloru Paithal Panthalamannan Eduthu Valarthee Parvathamukaliliruthee Padi Pathinettu Kettee Pathinettampadi Kettee Pambayarin
Aanayirangum Mamalayil –A super hit song by Gana GandharwanAanayirangum Mamalayil –A super hit song by Gana Gandharwan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear this song in the voice the one only one Yesudas in ) 1,Aanayirangum mamalayil aaraaru keraa poo malayil, Neelimalayilum , Udayasthamanangal Niramala charthum karimalayil Ayyappa ninsaranam
Sri Mookambika stotramSri Mookambika stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Mookambika is the goddess presiding over the temple town of Kollur, 135 km from Mangalore, Karnataka. Here the goddess is in the linga form. In the smaller half of the lings, Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma reside and in the bigger half (separated by a golden line) resides the mother goddesses of Durga,
Mani Kanda Keerthanam-A prayer in MalyalamMani Kanda Keerthanam BY P.R.Rama Verma Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Mahishi mardhana Mani Kanda, Maanusha roopa Ayyappa, Pandala nayaka Dasa swaroopa , Jaya jaya veeraa Ayyappa. 1.Oh Mani Kanda who killed Mahishi, Oh Ayyappa who took the human form, Oh king of Pandala , Oh Lord who took &
Guruvayur vaazhum Bhagawane-A malayalam prayerGuruvayur vaazhum Bhagawane By Kadathanad K Padmanabha Variar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (a heart melting cry for help addressed To Lord Guruvayurappan.) 1.Periythayeedum duritha sanchayam, Thuru thure vanninganayun poal, Karunayodenne palikkane , Guruvayur Vaazhum Bhagawane 1,Oh God residing in
Guruvayurappande thiru nada thurannallo-A Malayalam prayer)Guruvayurappande thiru nada (The divine door of Guruvayurappan0 By Kadathanadu k.Krishna Variar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (In the very early morning , the Guruvayur temple is opened..At that time God can be seen with the decorations of previous night(nirmalya darsanam) . Then the decorations are removed &nbsp
Yennanthangam oru ambadiyakukil (A malayalam prayer)Yennanthangam oru ambadiyakukil. (If my mind were to become a Gokula) By Kadathanattu .K.Padmanabha Variar, Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A very pretty musical prayer addressed to Guruvayurappa) 1.Yennanthangam oru ambadiyakukil, Jnanethra dhanyanai
Sri Datha sthava stotram.Sri Datha sthava stotram. By Sri Vaudevananda Saraswathi Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Bhootha pretha pisachaadhyaa yasya smarana mathratha, Dhooradeva palayanthe , Dathathreyam namami tham. 1.I salute that Dathathreya because as soon as he is remembered, Ghosts , souls and devils&
Mahalakshmi Stotram in MalayalamMahalakshmi Stotram in Malayalam By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Poonthanam almost always composed prayers to please Lord Guruvayrappan .Ofcourse there are exceptions. In this case he has composed a great prayer addressed to Goddess Lakshmi.) 1.Kanmasham koodathe charu&
குருவாயுரப்பன் - மைந்தனைக்காக்கும் ஸ்தோத்திரம்குருவாயுரப்பன் - மைந்தனைக்காக்கும் ஸ்தோத்திரம்முன்னுரை மைந்தனை காக்க குருவாயுரப்பனிடம் முறையிடும் இந்த ஸ்லோகமானது மலையாள பாஷையில் உள்ளது. இதன் மூலம் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர் குறித்து எந்த தகவல்களும் அறியப்படவில்லை. யாரேனும் அறிந்தால் தெரியப்படுத்த வேண்டுகிறோம். இந்த ஸ்லோகத்தை தமிழ் அறியும் மக்களிடம் கொண்டு செல்ல விரும்பிய ஸ்ரீ P.R. ராமச்சந்தர் அவர்கள் என்னிடம் இந்த கோரிக்கையை வைத்தார்.
Devendra Sanga VaguppuDevendra Sanga Vaguppu BY Arunagirinadhar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Vaguppu only means section and The great Arunagirinadhar used this to indicate different sections of his voluminous work. He was a great devotee of Lord Muruga and this song eulogizes his mother Goddess
Ashtakshara Keerthanam(Sanskrit)Ashtakshara Keerthanam(Sanskrit) By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (this is the prayer addressed to Lord Vishnu who is euologised by the eight lettered manthra, Om Narayana Nama. ) 1.Krishnambuja nethra Krishnaa , nruhare , Padmanabha, Krishnachyutha, krupanaasraya, Karunamrutha Jaladhe , Krishnananda jaya Govinda
Govinda stotram-MalayalamGovinda stotram-Malayalam By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Govinda, Govinda, Govindhaa, Krishnaa, Govinda, Govinda, Govindhaa, Krishnaa 1.Oh Govinda, Oh Govinda , Oh Govinda , Oh Krishna, Oh Govinda, Oh Govinda , Oh Govinda , Oh Krishna. 2.Krishnane yee vannam vaazhthunnorkku yellam, Appozhe sampathu methidim Krishna. 2.To
Sadananda StotramSadananda Stotram By Poonathanam Translated by P.R.Ramachande Sri Vasudeva jaya jaya, Sri Vasudeva Hare Jaya, Sri Vasudeva, Janardhana , Sri Vasudeva Victory, victory Sri Vasudeva , Victory Vasudeva and Hari. Oh Vasudeva , Janardhana , Sri Vasudeva 1.Pankaja Dala lochana, Jaya, Jaya, Pankaja bhava nutha
Murari sthithiMurari sthithi By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Krishna , Rama , Vasudeva , Govindha , Krishna , Rama , Narayana , Vasudeva nandana Govinda. 1.Oh Krishna, Oh Rama , Oh Vasudeva , Oh Govinda , Oh Krishna , Oh Rama , Oh Narayana , Oh Govinda who is son of Vasudeva. 2.Vasudeva Nandana , Vidhi
HAR. DESH. ME TU-A Hindi BhajanHAR. DESH. ME TU-A Hindi Bhajan By Sage Tukdya das Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear it sung in ) Har. Desh. Me Tu, Har. Vesh. Me Tu Tere Naam. Anek. Tu Ek. Hi Hai Teri Rang. Bhumi Yah. Vishw. Bhara Sab. Khel. Me, Mel. Me Tu Hi To Hai You in every country, you in every form, Your names
Kanyakumari StotramKanyakumari Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Stotra taken from “Ambal stotrangal” published by Rathnagireswarar temple, Chennai) 1.Devi Kanyakumari , Parasakthi , Devi Kanyakumari, Thaavi varuguthamma yen nenjam, Un thalinai naduthamma, Jnalamelam eendra, Kanniyendra nyayam uraikuthamma, Jnayiru thingalellam&
Sree Kovil nada Thuranoo-A Malayalam devotionalSree Kovil nada Thuranoo-A Malayalam devotional Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear this soul stirring Bhajan in ) 1.Sree kovil nada thuranoo, ponnamabalathil, Sreekovil nada thuranoo 1.The door of the sanctum has opened in the golden temple, The Door of the sanctum has opened. 2.SAnkrama&
Saranam Saranam Saranam Ayyappa (Tamil Bhajan)Saranam Saranam Saranam Ayyappa Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The bhajan in Tamil script can be found in ) 1.Saranam Saranam Saranam Saranam Sranam Ayyappa swami , Saranam Saranam Saranam Saranam Mamalai vaasaa , Maamalai Vasaa 1.We surrender, We surrender
Ayyappa Saranam Saranam Saranam AyyappaAyyappa Saranam Saranam Saranam Ayyappa Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Ayyappa Saranam Saranam Saranam Ayyappa, Swamiye Saranam Saranam Saranam Saranam Ayyappa 1.Oh Ayyappa, I surrender, I surrender , I surrender , Oh Ayyappa, Oh God , , I surrender, I surrender , I surrender , Oh Ayyappa. 2.Uthara naalil aatharithai&
Samiye Saranam , Iyan Saranam (Tamil Bhajan)Samiye Saranam , Iyan Saranam (Tamil Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (To read this great prayer in Tamil script go to 1.Samiye Saranam Saranam Ponnayyappa , Samiye Saranam Iyan Saranam Saraname Ayyappa 1.Oh God We
Ek me anek , ek me anek-Hindi BhajanEk me anek , ek me anek-Hindi Bhajan (Many in one, many in one) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Ek me aneak, ek me aneak Har jagah usaka nazaar hai Wohi tho ek sahara hai 1.Many in one, Many in one , His sight is in every place , He is the only help. 2.Phool me jaise kushubu samaya hai, woo sab me hai samaya Dil ki dhadhkan me,
Ek ishwar sabka rakhwala-A Hindi Bhajan chanted by devotees of Arya SamajEk ishwar sabka rakhwala-A Hindi Bhajan chanted by devotees of Arya Samaj (One God is the protector of all) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Arya Samaj founded by Swami Dhyanand Saraswathi wants to follow Vedas only. They do not give much importance to idol worship or Puranic Gods.) 1.Ek ishwar sabka rakhwala
Dil ki har dhadkan-A hindi BhajanDil ki har dhadkan-A hindi Bhajan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A very sentimental Bhajan addressed to Lord Krishna Hear it in Dil ki har dhadkan se, tera naam nilka tha hai, Tere darshan ko Mohan, tera das tharastha hai Janamo se janam lekar, me haar gaya Mohan Darshan bin vyarth huva, har bhaar
Uski Leela Badi Hai Niraali –A Hindi BhajanUski Leela Badi Hai Niraali –A Hindi Bhajan (His plays are very strange) Translated by, P.R.Ramachander (hear this great bhajan about the strange sports of God in ) 1.Uski leela badi hai nirali hai nirali Hai nirali hai
Maya Ke O Pujari Aage Ki kuch khabar Hai –A hindi BhajanMaya Ke O Pujari Aage Ki kuch khabar Hai –A hindi Bhajan (Hey priest of illusion, do you have any further news?) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This pretty BHajan talks about after life and concludes that even strong ones die but devotees live forever. Hear it in
Kabhi Pyaase Ko Paani Pilaya Nahi-A hindi BhajanKabhi Pyaase Ko Paani Pilaya Nahi (Never offered water to the thirsty one) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Though many of us are devotees , there is a certain amount of hypocrisy in our deeds . Read this song again and again .Possibly you would become a better human being.Hear this great
Hey Dheena Bandhu-A HIndi BhajanHey Dheena Bandhu-A HIndi Bhajan By Sri. Ramesh Babaji Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a prayer to the impersonal God head and be termed as universal prayer .Hera it sung I By Sonu nigam in ) 1.Hey deenbandhu hey karuna sindhu sab pe daya karna Hey deenbandhu hey karuna
Kamakshi Amman Virutham (Tamil)Kamakshi Amman Virutham (Tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander “This Virutham is expression of great devotion, a song containing liberty , anger , fear , devotion and surrender” . After several years search I got it from You can hear it in http:
Sri Bhagawathi StotramSri Bhagawathi Stotram By Mullaivasal S.Krishnamurthy Sastrigal Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( have taken this great stotra from a book called Parayana Mangalam by the author who is a great Vedic Pundit , an expert Pravachana Kartha and a great devotee of Maha Periyavaa. He says in the
Mann mein khot bhari-A hindi BhajanMann mein khot bhari-A hindi Bhajan (Blemishes filled the mind) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear this great Bhajan in .The author says that without goodness there is no use of Bhakthi. I was not able to find who wrote it.) 1. Mann mein khot bhari aur mukh mein hari Phir mandir mein jaane se kya
Pahi Mukunda Paramananda-A malayalam Bhajan on Lord KrishnaPahi Mukunda Paramananda Translated by P.R.Ramachander (For the lyrics in Malayalam script see 1.Pahi Mukunda, Paramananda, Papa nihantha , sri kantha, Mansa vrundavaniyil marandha, Madhuri choriyu Govinda, 1,Protect me Mukunda, who is the divine joy , Who destroys &
Onnu thirinjenne nokkane-A malayalam Bhajan on KrishOnnu thirinjenne nokkane Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear this pretty Bhajan in ) 1.Onnu thirinjenna nokkane , Krishna, Krishna, Krishna , Yende yullile punnara Neela kaar varna, Krishna, Krishna, Krishna , 1.Please turn and see me once, Oh Krishna, Oh Krishna, Oh Krishna,
भज मन राम चरण सुखदाई ./Bhaj Man, Ram Charan -A Hindi BHajanHere is a great and extremely popular Bhjan written by Saint Thulasi Das. Hear it in the Soul stirring voice of Sri Anup Jalota- भज मन राम चरण सुखदाई .. By Saint Thulasi das जिहि चरननसे. निकसी सुरसरि, संकर जटा. समाई । जटासंकरी. नाम परयो है. त्रिभुवन तारन आई ॥ सोइ चरन, संतन जन से.वत, सदा रहत सुखदाई ।
Ikal-86th chapter of Thirukural- (hostility/enmity)Ikal-86th chapter of Thirukural- (hostility/enmity) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hostility is a poison that makes your life miserable. The poet feels that if you are completely devoid of hostility, you can lead a life of pleasure and joy and thus life would be more meaningful.) 1.Ikal yenba yella uyirkkum , pakal yennum,
Sasthru Panchakshara StotramSasthru Panchakshara Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a pretty prayer the different stanzas starting with the letters of the Panchakshara –“Om Namashivaya “) 1.Omkara moorthi marthignam, Devam Hariharathmajam, Sabari Peeda NIlayam, Sastharam pranathosmyaham. 1, I salute that Sastha &
Ayyappa Pahi Mam- A malayalam prayer describing the route from Erumeli to Sabarimala templeAyyappa Pahi Mam- A malayalam prayer describing the route from Erumeli to Sabarimala temple Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a great prayer describing in what way the pilgrimage to Sabari Mala should be done from Erumeli .The pilgrimage is a period of six days with stay at Erumeli. Kallidam kunnu, Neelimala , two days in Sabarimala
Visva Prarthana (Universal prayer in Hindi)Visva Prarthana (Universal prayer) By Swami Sivananda Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The late Swami Sivananda hailed from a village called Pathamadai in Tamil Nadu but as a SAnyasi , a great sage and a great Yogi he preferred to settle down in the Shivananda Ashram
Rama Nama SankeerthanamRama Nama Sankeerthanam From collections of Swami Brahmananda Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Swami Brahmananda of Rama Krishna Mutt happened to visit South India In cotober 1943.He was greatly surprised by hearing this song on Rama.When he went back , his collections were published by Rama Krishna mutt , Calcutta and
Sri Sastha Kalyana Manjari by Villi Vakkam Ayyappa Bhajanai sangamSastha Thikalyana Manjari By Villivakkam Sri Ayyappa Bhajanai Sangam Translated by P.R.Ramachander &
Sri Ayyappa Suprabatham in Sanskrit (sung by Sri K J Yesudas)Sri Ayyappa Suprabatham in Sanskrit (sung by Sri K J Yesudas) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Dedicated to Gana Gandharawan K.J.Yesudas (The song of waking up the Lord of Sabarimala has been recorded by Gana Gandharwan so many years back .The rendering by him is
Natpu-79th chapter of Thirukural- (Friendship)Natpu-79th chapter of Thirukural- (Friendship) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The great poet has defined what is friendship in this chapter .If I had some power, I would have made it as compulsory reading material for the entire population. He says outward smile does not indicate friendship but a smile
Ganga ji ki Aarthi in HindiGanga ji ki Aarthi in Hindi (Worship of mother Ganges) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is the worship song , sung on the banks of Ganga both in Benares and Haridwar , when a grand worship of the river is done in the evening with simultaneous waving of lamps.
Ore oru Lakshyam Sabarimala (Malayalam Prayer song)One of the great prayers of Ayyappa in Malayalam sung by the one and only one gAna Gandharvan of modern times. Hear it silently with devotion, after understanding the meaning .You are sure to be transported to the Divine presence of Lord Ayyappa Ore oru Lakshyam Sabarimala BY TKR Bhadran
Ponnana deivame –A prayer in Tamil to AyyappaPonnana deivame –A prayer in Tamil to Ayyappa Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Ponnana deivame , yennalum yengalai , Kathida vendumappa Ayyappa. Kathida vendumappa 1.Oh Golden god , Oh Ayyappa , forever , You have to protect us, oh God, You have to protect us , Oh God. 2.Nethiyil thiruneerum,
Swamiye Saranam (an emotional Bhajan in Malayalam)Whenever I sing or hear this prayer tears of joy fill my eyes as I have been lucky enough to chant it .Those who do not know Malayalam can read my translation and have the same feeling .What a great stotra, Ayyappa Swamiye Saranam (an emotional Bhajan in Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander
Evide Vili Pongunnuvo avide –A prayer to Ayyappa in MalayalamEvide Vili Pongunnuvo avide –A prayer to Ayyappa in Malayalam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Evide Vili pongunnuvo avide Bhagawan varum , Yellam marannu villkkuvin makkale 1.From the wherever the call is reverberating , There the God will come so , Oh people , Forget everything and call
Katharulenam Bhagwane- A prayer to Lord Ayyappa in MalayalamKatharulenam Bhagwane- A prayer to Lord Ayyappa in Malayalam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a great prayer of a devotee to Ayyappa to protect him, 1.Katharulenam Bhagawane , Kanana vasa , Mani Kanda, Kadana kadalil neendheedum yenne, Kara Kethenam Sasthave. 1.Oh God shower your&
Ayya ,a yya, Sabarigireeswara (Malayalam)Ayya ,a yya, Sabarigireeswara (Oh Lord, Oh Lord , Oh God of Sabari mountain) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A heart touching prayer addressed to Lord Ayyappa in Malayalam) 1.Ayya ,a yya, Sabarigireeswara, Sachidananda roopa thunakkane 1,Oh Lord, Oh Lord , Oh God of Sabari mountain, Oh Lord with the divine form , You have to help me. 2
Mandala Kalam Ananje-A prayer to Ayyappa in MalayalamMandala Kalam Ananje-A prayer to Ayyappa in Malayalam Taken from -page88-89 Translated by P.R.Ramachander Swamiye… Sharanam ayyappa Swamiye Ayyappa (Chorus) Oh God-I surrender to you Ayyappa Oh God Ayyappa (Chorus) 1.Mandala kaalam ananje Manasinullil Manthram unarnne ,
Namaskaram, Namaskaram-A prayer to Ayappa in MalayalamNamakaram, Namaskaram A prayer in Malayalam addressed to Ayyappa Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a great stotra addrssed to Ayyappa which is useful to pray as well as sing in BHajans.May he grant all your desires.) 1.Kala kalathmaja sreeman, Sabari giri samsthitha, Lokanadha Maha yogin , Namaskaram nirantharam 1.Oh Gentle God&nbsp
Hey Deenbandhu (Hindi Bhajan)Hey Deenbandhu By Jagatguru Thakur Shree Shree Shree Abhiram Paramahansa Dev. Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a great Bhajan addressed to no God or Goddess in particular .It can be sung by people of any religion It has been written by a great saint of Orissa .Hear this great Bhajan sung by the great Sonu Nigam- https://
AAaa ghar mere Mayya(Please come to house oh mother)AAaa ghar mere Mayya(Please come to house oh mother) Hindi Bhajan addressed to Ma Vaishnodevi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear this pretty Bhajan;safe=active ) Aaja maa ghar mere aaja maa ghar mere Maan le mera kahana maiya Wari jau tere aaja maa ghar mere Aaja maa ghar mere Please agree
Aarthi Ma Sarada ki (Hindi)Aarthi Ma Sarada ki (Hindi) (This is worship of mother Sarada) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (You can see this great prayer addressed to Goddess Saraswathi/Sarada in and hear
Mujhe Teri Jaroorath hai mayya(Hindi) (Oh mother ,I have the need for you)Mujhe Teri Jaroorath hai mayya(Hindi) (Oh mother ,I have the need for you) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This great Bhajan to the Goddess Vaishno devi is a cry of anguish of a devotee and can be heard in ) 1.Mujhe Teri
Jaikara Sheron Wali ka (A hindi Bhajan addressed to Mata Vaishnodevi)Jaikara Sheron Wali ka (A hindi Bhajan addressed to Mata Vaishnodevi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Vaishno Devi, also known as Mata Rani, Trikuta and Vaishnavi, is a manifestation of the Hindu Mother Goddess Mahalakshmi.. She is supposed to fulfill all the desires of her children and is an extremely popular Goddess . Hear this great BHajan addressed&
Shakthi dhe maa, Shakthi dhe ma-A hindi bhajanShakthi dhe maa, Shakthi dhe ma-A hindi bhajan addressed to the goddess Durga (Give me strength mother, give me strength) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I took this great prayer from . YOPu can also hear it sung in that url ) 1.Shakthi dhe ma , Shakthi dhe ma , Shakthi dhe ma ,
Prayer to Kothanoor Kalai magal(Prayer to Saraswathi in Tamil)Prayer to Kothanoor Kalai magal By Smt.Soundara Kailasam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Koothanur which is in the village of Poonthotam in THiruvarur district of Tamil Nadu has a great temple which is dedicated to Goddess Saraswathi on the banks of river Arasalaru. It is perhaps the only temple
108 DIVINE NAMES OF THE BHAGAWAN SRI SATHYA SAI BABA’S LOTUS FEET108 Divine Names of the bHAGAWAN SRI SATHYA SAI BABA’S LOTUS Feet (Sri sathya Sai BABA Paadam Ashtotharam) BY Sathya Vinodh, Erode, TamilNadu. Member of Editorial Board of TamilNadu Sathya Sai Book Trust. Has also translated the following four books from English to Tamil. 1) SaiSmaran By Dr.Gadhia 2) The Divine Master – By Jenny Socrate 3) Sri
Roga Nivarana ManthrasRoga Nivarana Manthras (Disease curing chants) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( The first four of these is taken from and the last one from the famous Vaidhyanathashtakam ) 1.Achyuthanantha Govinda Namocharana beshajaath, Nasyanthi sakala roga sathyam
Prem Udith Man se Kaho Ram (Hindi Bhajan)Prem Udith Man se Kaho Ram (Hindi Bhajan) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The Bhajan in Hindi is available in and you can hear it sung in ) 1.Prem udith man se kaho Ram, Ram, Ram, Ram, Ram Ram , Ram 1,With a&
Navratri Arti Songs in Hindi -Jai Ambe Gauri MaiyaaNavratri Arti Songs in Hindi -Jai Ambe Gauri Maiyaa Translated by P.R.Ramachander (You can hear this song , sung by Anuradha Podval in 1.Jai Ambe Gauri maiyaa, jai Shyaama Gauri Nish-din tumko dhyaavat, Hari Brahmaa Shivji, Jai Ambe Gauri maiyaa, jai Shyaama Gauri 1.Victory to mother Gauri, Victory to the
Prana Prathishta Durga Bhajan in HindiPrana Prathishta Durga Bhajan in Hindi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (After the devotee makes the idol of the mother and decorates it , she sings this song to make the Goddess pervade that idol. The peculiarity of this song is that Goddess Parvathi is addressed as the mother Sathya Sai.) 1.Aadhi
AArthi Gajabadan vinayak ki (HIndi)AArthi Gajabadan vinayak ki &
Varum Sai- Prayer to to Shirdi Sai in TamilVarum Sai- Prayer to to Shirdi Sai in Tamil Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I got this prayer from the appendix of Mangaya Malar , tenth september 2015 issue . I acknowledge this with Gratitude) 1,Varum Sai, Varum Sai ! Varum Sai, Varum Sai ! Bhakthar ummai azhaikkindrom , Viruppam eedera vendum , Bhakthi balamura
Jagannatha PanchakamJagannatha Panchakam (The pentet on Lord Jagannatha) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Lord Jagannatha along with his elder brother Bala Rama and Sister Subhadra is worshipped in the temple at Puri Jagannath. ,This place is called as Niladri (Blue mountain in the Jagannath cult of Vaishnavism.,It is
Dhanadha devi Kavacha -Armour of the Goddess who is giver of wealth.Dhanadha devi Kavacha (Armour of the Goddess who is giver of wealth) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Dhandha Devi is the thanthric form of Goddess Lakshmi .Chanting this Kavacha three times a day for 36 days is supposed to please Goddess Lakshmi and increase your wealth. THe sanskrit
Saran mein aaye hai hum Thumhari-Hindi BhajanSaran mein aaye hai hum Thumhari-Hindi Bhajan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Saran mein aaye hai hum thumhari, Dhaya karo hey Dhayalu Bhagawan , Samhalo bigadi dasaa hamari , Dhaya Karo hey dhayalu bhagawan 1,We have come to surrender at your feet
Banwari re-Hindi BhajanBanwari re-Hindi Bhajan (Ok Krishna who lives in forest.) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Jeena ka sahara thera naam re, Mujhe duniya valom se kya kam re 1.Your name is the help which makes me live , What have I to do with people of this world. 2.Jooti dhuniya, joote bandhan ,
Ram apnee kripa se-Hindi BhajanRam apnee kripa se-Hindi Bhajan Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Ram apni kripa se mujhe bhakthi dhe Ram apani kripa se mujhe shakthi dhe Oh Ram , using your mercy , give me devotion to you, Oh Ram , using your mercy, give me strength 2.Naam japtha rahoon , kam kartha rahoon Than se seva karoon,
Swarakarshana Bhairava stotram- A prayer to get wealth and goldSwarakarshana Bhairava stotram (A prayer to get wealth and gold) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Bhairava is considered as an incarnation of Lord Shiva by some people and as an assistant to Lord Shiva by I others. There is a legend that he was created by
Janaki nath Sahay kare (Hindi)Janaki nath Sahay kare (Hindi) By Saint Thulasidas Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a very popular Hindi prayer wriien by Saint Thulasidas . You can also hear it sung in;safe=active ) 1.Janaki Nath sahay Karen jab kaun&nbsp
Maha Sakthi Venpa (Tamil)Maha Sakthi Venpa (The prayer to the great power) By Mahakavi Bharathi Translated from Tamil by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a great prayer to the universal mother who is the great power which activates everything by The great poet Subrahmanya Bharathi.) 1.Thannai maranthu sakala ulaginayum, Manna nitham Kakkum
Thirupadai yezhuchi from ThiruvasagamThirupadai yezhuchi By Saint Manickavasagar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The war of the divine army) ( The works of Manikka Vasagar the great saint of Tamil saivism is the first part of the Thirumurai , the key religious text of Tamil Saivism. His works which are poems written while he visited&nbsp
Bhagwat bhagwan ki hai arti,(Hindi)Bhagwat bhagwan ki hai arti, (The worship of the god of Bhagwatha) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Bhagwat(a), literally the story of God is essentially the story of Lord Vishnu .After writing the 18 Puranas , Veda Vyasa was not satisfied and the God asked him this
Arunachaleswarare vaarum(Tamil)Arunachaleswarare vaarum By Sathyamangalam Venkatrama iyer Translated by P.R.Ramachander (One visitor who introduced himself as SAthamangalam Venkatraman is said to have composed five songs called Sri Ramana sthuthi Panchakam(five songs on Ramana ) when he was in Virupakshi cave .
Swami Sadashiva Brahmendral Pancha RathnamSwami Sadashiva Brahmendral Pancha Rathnam Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Brahmendral was a saint who lived in The Thanjavur district in the seventeenth centaury(1680-1755 or 1781) . He was the contemprory of the musical trinity of Thiruvayyaru. He was the disciple of Parameshwara
ManikarnikashtakamManikarnikashtakam By Adhi Sankara Bhagawat pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Mani Karnika Ghat is one of the very ancient Ghats of Varanasi .This is very close to Temple of Lord Kasiviswanath .It is also one of the largest cremation grounds in Ganga. There is a Mani Karika temple and Mani Karnika Khund established there
The stotras praising 58 divine materials and templesThe stotras praising 58 divine materials and temples Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I found this great collection of prayers in a book called Srimad Bhajanamrutham published by Sri Gopala krishna Nama Prachara Sabha . The information given about the temples in the prayers about them are really great .There are both
Krishna evam Trilokya vijayam nama KavachamKrishna evam Trilokya vijayam nama Kavacham Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a very remarkable Kavacham addressed to Lord Krishna. According to the reference I have it was told by Lord Narayana to sage Narada at his request as told by Lord Shiva to sage Parasurama. Normally in Kavachams , different names of the same God are requested to
Kamala StotramKamala Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( This prayer addressed to Kamala (goddess Lakshmi) has been taught by Lord Shiva to Goddess Parvathi. Lord Shiva concludes the prayer that using it there is nothing that is impossible to achieve it. The Sanskrit original with Hindi meaning is available at http://
Kamala KavachamKamala Kavacham (Armour of Goddess Lakshmi ) From “Viswasara Thanthra” Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sri Ganseaya Nama Salutations to Lord Ganesa Om asya chathurakshara Vishnu Vanithaaya , Kavachasya Sri BHagwan Shiva Rishi, Anushtup chanda , Vaghbhavaa devatha, Vaagbhavam bheejam
Manthra Manasika snana stotramManthra Manasika snana stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sankalpam Om Ali Neela Ghana shyamam , nalinayatha lochanam , Smarami Pundarikaksham thena snatho bhavamyaham Expression of wish Om I meditate on God who is black like a dark blue cloud , Who has eyes similar to lotus and I want
Uma maheswarashtakamUma maheswarashtakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A remarkable prayer to Lord Shiva and Goddess pArvathi .One stanza is a prayer to Lord Shiva and next one is about Goddess Parvathi,) 1.Pithamaha sirsachedha praveena kara pallava , Namasthubhyam, Namasthubhyam Namasthubhyam Maheswara 1.
Srimad Ayyappa Sthuthi PanchakamSrimad Ayyappa Sthuthi Panchakam By Telkapalli Ramachandra Sasthri Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Sathyam , nithyam , sakala Jagad aaradhyam, aaryaa ,varenyam, BHakthan sarvaan swapada nirathaam stharayantham bhavabdhim, Aadyam Hrudayam sakala vibudhai sasevyamana
Brahaspathi stotramBrahaspathi stotram (From Manthra Maharnava) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Peethambara , peethavapu , kiritee , Chathurbujo, Deva Guru, Prasantha, Dadhadhi dandam cha kamandalam cha, THadha aksha suthram varadoshtu mahyam 1.Let me be blessed by Lord Guru, Who wears yello, who is of yellow colour , Who wears a crown , has
Sadashiva stotramSadashiva stotram (Prayer to Sadashiva(ever peaceful God)) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a unique stotra which addresses to the Shiva part of the Body of Lord Shiva) 1.Pankajodbhava prapoojithangri pankaja dwayam, Kinkari krutha marogha maprameya mavyayam, SAnkatapaham samastha loka palanothsukam, Chinthayamahe
Sri Ganapathi Mangala malika stotramSri Ganapathi Mangala malika stotram By Sri Krishnendra Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Srikanda prema puthraya , Gowri vamanga vasine, Dwathimsath roopa yiukthaya , Sri Ganesaya Mangalam, 1.Auspeciousness to Ganesa who is the darling son of Lord Shiva . Who lives on the left side of Parvathi and who has
Gayatri KavachamGayatri Kavacham Translated by P.R.Ramachander ((Here is a great Kavacham taught by Sriman Narayana himself to sage Narada. Instead of asking Goddess in her different forms to protect you, here request is made to each letter of Gayathri manthra to protect your varios parts. The stotra in Devanagari script is available in
Sri Krishnasraya StotramSri Krishnasraya Stotram (Prayer of Refuge to Krishna) By Vallabhacharya Translated By P.R.Ramachander (This great prayer has been composed by Sri Vallabhacharya who lived in between 1479 -1531 CE.He belonged to Andhra and is the founder of Pushti Samparadaya(the path of grace) &
Bala Raksha Stotram sung by the GopisBala Raksha Stotram Chanted by the Gopis Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Noticing their dear baby Krishna being attacked by Poothana and seeing that he was having daily problems perhaps caused by the evil spirits, The Gopis sing this hymn of protection of the babies.Please sing this great prayer to protect your baby daily.
Hatakeswara Stotram (Gadhya stotram addressed to Lord Shiva)Hatakeswara Stotram (The prayer addressed to the Golden God.) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This prayer is written in prose. This Eulogises Hatakeswar a form of Lord Shiva found in many places in North and central India .The most famous one is near Cuttack and one in Vada nagar Gujarat and
Sri Guruvayurappan StotramSri Guruvayurappan Stotram By Sengalipuram Anantha Rama Deekshithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This very great prayer requesting Guruvayurappan(Lord of Guruvayur) to cure all the diseses he suffers has been composed by one of Guruvayurappan’s great devotees, Sengalipuram Anantharama
The Kirata Varahi Stothra with Sanskrit text appendedThe Kirata Varahi Stothra with Sanskrit text appended (Prayer to Varahi the huntress) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is the KIRATA VARAHI STAVAH which is used for subjugation of one’s enemies (satru vashya and satru samhara). This stotra is used for counter attacking the abhicharika prayogas and is proved to be very effective. Care should be taken in parayana of this stavah.)
Ithni Shakthi Hamen Dena Dhatha-HIndi BhajanIthni Shakthi Hamen Dena Dhatha (Give us this much power , oh Lord who gives) By Sri Abilash Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This remarkable very meaningful song in Hindi film Aankush has become extremely popular as a Bhajan throughout Hindi speaking Areas. The prayer would definitely bring tears in the
Aarthi annapoornaa devi ki(HIndi)Aarthi annapoornaa devi ki (This is the worshp of Goddess Annapurna) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Goddess Annapurna the presiding Goddess of the holy city of Benares. There is a story that Lord Shiva was cursed to beg and Goddess Parvathi took this form to give
Maa Santhoshi ChalisaMaa Santhoshi Chalisa (The forty stanza prayer of mother Santoshi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Santoshi Mata is possibly one of the very popular Goddesses worshipped once in North India but is now worshipped all over India. She was not in the list of Goddesses in the hindu religion even before
Aarthi sri Jagadamba ji ki(hindi)Aarthi sri Jagadamba ji ki(hindi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.AArthi keeje saila suthaa ki , Jagadamba ji ki, AArthi keeje saila suthaa ki , Jagadamba ji ki, Please do aarthi to daughter of the mountain , to the mother of the universe, Please do aarthi to daughter of the mountain , to the mother of the universe, 2.
Sri Sai Baba ji ki aarthi-IISri Sai Baba ji ki aarthi-II Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,AArthi uthare tumhari Saibaba , Charanom ke there ham poojari Saibaba 1.We are performing worship to you , oh Saibaba , We are the priests worshipping your feet, Oh Saibaba 2.Vidha, bal, Budhi, Bandu Matha Pitha ho, Than Man Dhan Pran ,
Arunagiri Nathar's Thirupugazh on Lord Dandayutha Pani of PazhaniThiruppugazh – Sri Arunagirinaathar Translated and contributed by Elango Kadhirvel (This incident of Sri Subramanya Swami presenting the chanting beads (JapaMala) happened in the life of Saint Arunagirinaathar, the Composer of the Thiruppugazh) Tamil Text அபகார நிந்தைபட்டு உழலாதே அறியாத வஞ்சரை குறியாதே உபதேச மந்திரப் பொருளாலே உனை நான் நினைந்து, அருள் பெறுவேனோ? இபமா
Daily prayer time table for the busy persons.Daily prayer time table for the busy persons. Compiled by P.R.Ramachander In this modern age only old people and unemployed ladies have got time to pray ,But prayer with faith works wonders in the life of persons. It is essential for all
Hindu Dainam Dhina Prarthana(Day today prayer)Hindu Dainam Dhina Prarthana (The daily prayers of a Hindu) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sanathana Dharma better known as Hinduism is one of the greatest and finest of ancient religions. It preaches that every individual’s aim should be Moksha which in simple words means merger with the Ultimate truth called Brahman and reaching a state of no re birth.
Sri Shiva Pradosha StotramSri Shiva Pradosha Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Pradosha worship is done to Shiva in the dusk of The Thrayodashi day (The 13th day of both the Lunar foretnights, It seems the devas worshipped Lord Shiva on this day at this time when Lord Shiva swallowed the Halahala poison spit by the king of serpents which was used
விநாயகர் அகவல்(Vinayagar Agaval)விநாயகர் அகவல் Vinayagar Agaval BY ஔவையார் Saint poet Avaiyar Translated in to English by, P.R.Ramachander Introduction Avaiyar (meaning a very Old mother) was one of the very great women poets of ancient Tamil Nadu.(In telugu even today mother is called Avva) Apart from being a great poet, she played a very great role in the politics of those days, by
Prayers to different Gods inside a Temple of Lord ShivaPrayers to different Gods inside a Temple of Lord Shiva Translation of prayers , By P.R.Ramachander ( I got these prayers from a book published by Giri traders and my grateful acknowledgements to them . I also have translated those prayers and added some notes on etiquettes to be
சிவனோட பாதி உடல் பெற்ற, அம்மன் பக்தி துதி(Prayer to Goddess Ardhanareswari)சிவனோட பாதி உடல் பெற்ற, அம்மன் பக்தி துதி
Prayer to God Nandi in Tamilஅருள்மிகு நந்தி பகவான் துதி, (Prayer to the God Nandi with divinity) Translated by P.R,Ramachander (God Nandi is the steeed of Lord Shive. He also stands as guard at Mount Kailasa and protects him from intruders..He was the son of Sage Shilada. As per the boon of Lord Shiva he came out of the sacrificial fire
Desika MangalamDesika Mangalam By Kumara Varada(Son of Vedantha Desika) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Vedantha Desika who is considered as the incarnation of the temple bell in Thirupathi and is one of the greatest Vaishnavite scholars in the post Ramanuja period.He was the son born to in around 1248 AD to Ananta Suri and Thotakamba and belonged to the Viswamithra
MUKTHAKA MANGALAM of Manavala MamunigalMUKTHAKA MANGALAM By Manavala Mamuni Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This mangalam is normally sung during worship called SAthumurai in many of the Vaishnava temples of South India. The sanskrit original can be found in .. Manavala Manigal is the most revered saints of the Southern sect&
Hari-Hara ashtothara satha nama stotramHari-Hara ashtothara satha nama stotram By Lord Yama Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a very rare Stotra supposed to be the instructions of Lord Yama to his Dhoothas requesting them not to go near those chanting this stotra..Every stanza contains names of Lord Vishnu as well as
Manthiramavathu NeeruManthiramavathu Neeru By Thirujnana Sambandar Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Sambandar one of the greatest saivite saints of Tamil Nadu .He lived in the 7th centuary AD in Tamil Nadu.He has been alluded as Dravida Sisu by Adhi Sankara in his great work “Soundarya Lahari” . When Sambandar was going from Shiva temple to Shiva&
Protecting of the soul-a poem by TagoreProtecting of the soul By Rabindranath Tagore Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I was just turning the pages of the tenth standard Hindi text of my grand daughter and saw this poem called “Athma Thran. From the text I came to know that it was a poem of Tagore,. In Hindi the poem is
Devaraja MangalamDevaraja Mangalam By Manavala Mamunigal Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Devaraja or Varadaraja is a form of Lord Vishnu . He has a temple in the Kanchipuram (Vishnu Kanchi) on a hill called The Hasthagiri(Meaning elephant mountain) .There is a story regarding this temple.It seems after completing creation, Lord Brahma
Sri Venkatesa StotramSri Venkatesa Stotram By Saint Narayana Theertha Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Saint Narayana Theertha , was born in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh in the year 1650. He was a great scholar in Sanskrit and a very great musicologist. He migrated to Thanjavur district of Tamil Nadu and took Sanyasa there.His most famous work is&
Sri Ranga StotramSri Ranga Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a pretty prayer addressed to Lord Ranga Natha of Sri Rangam. Many of the lines bear some similarity to the famous Ranganathashtakam written by Adhi Sankara. I do not know who wrote it and have taken it from the collection of prayers published in Tamil by Giri Traders , Madras. There is a
Rama PancharathnamRama Pancharathnam (The five gems on Rama) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Kanjatha pathrayatha lochanaya, Karnovathamsojjwala Kundalaya, Karunya paathraya suvamsajaya, Namosthu Ramaya Salakshmananaya 1.Salutations to Rama who is with Lakshmana, Who has eyes like the leaf of lotus , Who wears shining ear globes&
Mangala Chandika StotraMangala Chandika Stotra Translated byP.R.Ramachander Chandika or Chandi is the fierce form of Goddess Parvathi who killed Chanda and Manda. Mangala Chandika is the auspicious form of that Goddess. A pooja of Mangala Chandika is very popular in all states which are north of Tamil Nadu and especially popular in the states of Orissa, Bihar and Bengal .The Vrutha is observed on Tuesdays in
Tamil prayers to be chanted daily , during different timesTamil prayers to be chanted daily , during different times Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The Tamil Saiva tradition nourished by the 63 great Tamil saints (called Nayanmars) ,is perhaps one of the greatest in India as apart from having a torrential overflow of Bhakthi, it also had a very strong philosophical
Sri Haridra Ganesa KavachamSri Haridra Ganesa Kavacham Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This special and rare Kavacha is addressed to Ganesa made of turmeric powder is found in Viswa Sara Thanthra) Easwara Uvacha:- Lord Shiva told:- 1.Srunu vakshyami kavacham sarva sidhikaram priye , Padithva paadayithvaa
Dandapani PancharathnamDandapani Pancharathnam The five gems on Dandapani(He who holds the staff) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Chanda papahara pada sevanam , kanda shobhivara kundala dwayam, Dandithakhila surari mandalam , Dandapanim anisam bhavaye . 1.I continuously think about that Dandapani , Who served the feet of one&
Sai Kashta Nivaran ManthraSai Kashta Nivaran Manthra (The prayer to Shirdi Sai for getting rid of our sufferings) Translated By P.R.Ramachander (Here is a great and powerful prayer addressed to Shirdi Sai with a request to him to remove all our sufferings and problems, typed out in English &
Ramayan ji ki aarthi with English translationRamayan ji ki aarthi (The song of worship of Ramayana) Translated from Hindi by P.R.Ramachander ( This is a very popular worship song of Ramayana in Hindi. It is rendered in a very pretty manner in I am extremely glad to post it as this is the Ramayana month.) &
Nava Graha Padalkal (Tamil)Nava Graha Padalkal(Tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a simple prayer in Tamil addressed to the nine planets. ) 1.Sooryan (Sun God is called Suryan in Tamil. He is the son of sage Kashyapa) Seelamai vaazha cheer aul puriyum, Jnalamum pugazhum , Jnayire pothi, Sooriya pothi , Sudanthiraa pothi , Veeriya
Thirunavukkarasar PathigamThirunavukkarasar pathigam Compiled and translated by Elango Kadhirvel Tamil Text முந்தித் தானே முளைத்தானை, மூரி வெள்ஏறு ஊர்ந்தானை,அந்திச் செவ்வான் படியானை, அரக்கன் ஆற்றல் அழித்தானை,சிந்தை வெள்ளப்புனல்ஆட்டிச் செஞ்சொல்மாலை அடிச் சேர்த்தி,“எந்தைபெம்மான், என் எம்மான்” என்பார் பாவம் நாசமே! - திருநாவுக்கரசர் (7th Century Shaiva Tamil Poet-Saint)
Devi Saranam (Tamil)Devi Saranam (Tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is pretty and sweet prayer in Tamil addressed to Goddess Durga.) 1,Jeya jeya devi , jeya jeya Devi, Durga devi Saranam, Jeya jeya devi , jeya jeya Devi, Durga devi Saranam 1.Victory , victory oh Goddess , Victory, victory oh Goddess
Kumkuma Mahimaiபஞ்சதசியை பாடினால் குடும்பத்தில் மகிழ்ச்சி உண்டாகும். If you sing this song in home . There would be boundless happiness there Kumkuma Pachadasi (The fifeen verses about Kumkuma) குங்கும பஞ்சதசி (Kumkumam the red powder prepared by mixing turmeric and lime is a great sign of auspiciousness among all Hindus in India. All married women
Om Jeya , jeya Shakthi –( A harathi song in Tamil )Om Jeya , jeya Shakthi –( A harathi song in Tamil ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (It is common all over India to worship the God or Goddess by waving lamp lit with wicks soaked in ghee. Here is a very touching Harathi song addressed to the mother Goddess . The you tube recording of the song sung by Smt. Priya&
Ganesa BhujangamGanesa Bhujangam by Adhi SAnkara BHagwath pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Ranadh kshudra ganta ninadha abiramam, Chalathanda vothanda vath padma thalam, Lasad thunthilangopari vyala haram, Ganadheesa meesana soonum thameede 1.I praise the leader of the Ganas who is the son of Lord Shiva,
Sri Datha HrudayamSri Datha Hrudayam (The heart of Lord Dathathreya) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a great prayer addressed to Lord Dathathreys. It has within it Dhyanam, Kavacham etc.) 1,Balachandra sukape cha kireede , pushpa hara mani yuktha vakshasam, Peetha vastra parishobhithaadhyam prana maam ya
Neerayya Cauvery- A Panaka pooja song of Palghat villagesNeerayya Cauvery- A Panaka pooja song of Palghat villages Translated by , P.R.Ramachander (The people of Kerala especially of Malabar are great devotees of the Pazhani temple in Tamil Nadu. About 70 years back there was a practice among Palghat Brahmins of coming as a procession to this temple during the Thai Poosam festival
Guru Sthuthi (Malayalam) of PoonthanamGuru Sthuthi (Malayalam) of Poonthanam By Poonathanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Poonthanam was possibly one of the greatest forerunners of Bhakthi cult in Kerala and his greatest work was Jnana Pana, Loosely it can be translated as “Pot of Knowledge”. But “pana” here is not pot but a style of folk poem. This is written in a common man’s language and in a common man’s verse.
Sri Subrahmanya Mala ManthraSri Subrahmanya Mala Manthra ( The garland of Chants on Lord Subrahmanya) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a remarkable prayer addressed to Lord Subrahmanya .It is written in the style of Dandakam. It is taught by Saint Brugu to Lord Rama . It has an introduction, Dhyana , nyasa followed by two very huge
Parvathi Parameswara stotramParvathi Parameswara stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is yet another prayer addressed to lord shiva as well as Goddess Parvathi.) 1.Jaya deva Hara devaJayeswara Maheswara, Jaya Sarva guna sreshta jaya sarva Sukadhipa 1.Victory to Deva , God Shiva , Victory to God , the great God , Victory to him who is best in all
Sri Subrahmanya AshtakamSri Subrahmanya Ashtakam Translated by, P.R.Ramachander 1.Adhithya Vishnu Vignesa Rudra Brahma Maruth gana , Loka pala ssarva deva cHaracharm idham jagad 1.You are the God to Sun, Vishnu , Ganesa , Shiva, Brahma , All Maruths , gurians of the world , all devas and moving and not moving beings. 2.SArvam
Durga Stotram for Rahu Kala PoojaDurga Stotram for Rahu Kala Pooja Translated by P.R,Ramachander (For getting rid of any sort of problems and for fulfilling our desires, praying of Goddess Durga at the Rahu Kala of Tuesdays(3 PM-4.30 PM) , gives definite positive results. This Dhyanam as well as the Stotra given should be chanted at that time in
Sri Lakshmi stotram By LopamudhraSri Lakshmi stotram By Lopamudhra Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Lopamudhra was a very learned sage who was a princess who got married to Agasthya. Agasthya himself was the God of fire-Agni , born as a man.LOpa Mudhra has contributed to the Vedas as well as to to the Sri Vidhya worship of the Goddess .After marriage Lopamudhra
Guru SthavarajaGuru Sthavaraja (The king of prayers addressed to Guru) By Veda Vyasa Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Sage Brihaspathi , who is the Guru of all devas is an auspicious planet who controls, intelligence, wisdom, marriage and fruitfulness of journey. In certain Rasis he is weak and at that time prayer
Vara (Maha) Lakshmi ashtotharamVara Maha Lakshmi ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Varalakshmi is the Goddess Lakshmi who gives boons. She is worshipped during Varalakshmi Vrtha, which is a very important penance observed by Married ladies on the second Friday or the Friday before the full moon in the Tamil month of Adi(July-august), corresponding Sravana/sawan month
shree durga lakshmi Saraswathi ashtottaramshree durga lakshmi Saraswathi ashtottaram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a unique ashtothara aiming at worshipping Goddess Durga , Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Saraswathi who are respectively the Goddesses of valour, wealth and wisdom. Let us use this great prayer and pray the Goddess to grant us Valour, wealth and
Sri Sita devi AstotharamSri Sita devi Astotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Goddess Sita was found by king Janaka while he was ploughing the field to conduct a fire Sacrifice . Hence she is considered as the daughter of Goddess earth. She married Rama and then went to forest along with Rama .There she was abducted by Ravana
Bhuvaneswari AshtotharamBhuvaneswari Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Bhuvaneswari is the Goddess , who is the prime force controlling all the three worlds. She is the fourth of the ten Maha vidhyas .She is depicted as Goddess with four hands, two of which hold the rope and the goad and other two showing symbol of protection and giving boons. The Dasa maha vidhya
Radha Krishna AshtotharaRadha Krishna Ashtothara Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Goddess Radha is mentioned in many places in the Vedas .In most of the north Indian schools of Vaishnavism , it is she who controls even lord Krishna herself. Bhagwatha describes a Radha who was a daughter of Another
Meenakshi ashtotharamMeenakshi ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Goddess Meenakshi(One with fish like eyes-fish is the emblem of Pandya kingdom) is a presiding deity of the great Madurai Meenakshi temple. The city of Madurai was found by Kulasekara Pandyan .His son and the king was Malaya Dwaja Pandian.His queen was
Arunachala AshtottaramArunachala Ashtottaram Composed by Bagawan Lakshmana Swami Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The THiruvannamalai , called as Sonachala is also called Arunachala. Devotees believe that the mountain itself is God Shiva.It is written about this mountain ““This mountain is itself Lord Shiva. That is nonother than Universal Self, and it is origin of the Universe.
Medha Dakshinamurthy AshtottaraMedha Dakshinamurthy Ashtottara Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Dakshinamurthy a spiritual form of lord Shiva as a yogic lad with serene . tranquil and pleasing countenance , who is shown sitting under a banyan tree on an elevated platform on a tiger skin and teaching large number of&
Sathyanarayana AshtotharaSathyanarayana Ashtothara Translated by P.R.Ramachander (God Sathyanarayana is another form of Lord Vishnu.He too has four hands but by the hand in which lOrd Vishnu holds the lotus flower he shows the sign of blessing. HE is considered as the embodiment of truth Normally pooja is performed by him in the homes on the full moon day, after
Bhagawan Ramana AshtotharamBhagawan Ramana Ashtotharam By Sri Viswanatha Swami Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Bhagwan Ramana was great saint who lived among us till 1950.I think that just to call him a saint is not at all sufficient.He was a God who came to light up this world and enthuse the world to know about the great philosophy of thoughts of
Sudarshana ashtotharamSudarshana ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Sudarshana is the wheel like weapon wielded by Lord Vishnu. It seems that Sanjana the daughter of Viswakarma , the deva architect married lOrd Sun and due to the great heat of the sun was not able to live with him. Then as per the request of Sun God , Viswakarma sawed the sun God and made him
Lakshmi AshtotharamLakshmi Ashtotharam With translation by P.R.Ramachander (Lakshmi the goddess of wealth , was born our of the ocean of milk , when it was churned by Devas and Asuras for getting nectar. She was taken as his consort by Lord Vishnu .She was also given the position of Goddess of wealth..Her four hands indicate the four
Shiva AshtothramShiva Ashtothram (108 names of Lord Shiva Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Lord Shiva is one of the great trinity of Gods along with Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma . He is referred in the Vedas as Lord Rudra (indicating he was angry) and in the post Vedic times he is referred to as Lord Shiva(indicating he was peaceful) ,
Lallita ashtotharam -IILallita ashtotharam -II Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is another version of the Lalitha ashtothara addressed to mother Lalitha . It is more simple to read and understand. Most of the references on line give this version. Please refer also to Lalaitha ashtothara II.. shree maatre namaha-Salutations to her who is the mother &nbsp
Lalitha Ashtotharam ILalitha Ashtotharam I Translated by P.R,..Ramachander ( Goddess Lalitha extremely beautiful, having dark thick long hair with scent of Champaka, Asoka and Punnaga flowers, having the musk thilaka on her forehead, Having eyelids which appeared as if it is the gate of the house of God of love ,having eyes which were like fish playing in the beauteous
Hayagreeva AshtotharamHayagreeva Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Lord Hayagreeva is considered as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu with a head of a horse, There is a story that that , the devas were greatly troubled with a horse headed Asura called Hayagreeva ,When the Devas went to appeal to Lord Vishnu he was in deep meditation leaning on his bow. The devas sought the help of
Goda (Aandal) AshtotharaGoda (Aandal) Ashtothara Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Aandal (godha) also called Kothai was a baby found lying under a thulasi plant by Periyazhvar(also called Vishnu Chitha) in the town of Srivilliputhur of Tamil Nadu.She was considered as an Avatara of bhoomi devi . Since Vishnu Chitha used to offer garlands to lord Vishnu
Mookambika ashtotharaMookambika ashtothara Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Goddess Mookambika the presiding deity of Kollur temple of the Udupi district of Karnataka. There are two stories . There was an Asura called Kaumasura who was told by his gUru that he would be killed by a woman. He did great penance addressed to Lord Shiva . When Lord Shiva appeared&
Dhanvantari AshtotharaDhanvantari Ashtothara Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Lord Dhanvaanthari is one of the minor incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He rose from the ocean of milk , holding a pot of nectar , when it waw churned by the Devas and Asuras. His name means “destrpyer of dideases”. As per the instruction of Lord Vishnu he was born as a&
GARUDA ASHTOTHARAMGARUDA ASHTOTHARAM Translated by P.R.Ramachander (God Garuda, the vahana or steed of Mahavishnu was the son of Sage Kashyapa and Vinutha. His elder brother is Aruna, the charioteer of the Sun God. The serpents were the children of same sage Kashyapa through another wife Kadru. Kadru and the
Varahi AshtotharaVarahi Ashtothara Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Goddess Varahi is a Goddess with the head of a boar. She plays along with saptha Matrukas (Brahmi, Kaumari, Vaishnavi, Maheswari Iyndri, Varahi and Narasimhi) a major role in the killing of Shumba and Nishumbha in the famous epic book “Devi Mahatmyam. There she is
Mruthynjaya AshtotharaMruthynjaya Ashtothara Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Mrutynjaya the God who won over death or God of death is a very powerful form of Lord Shiva. When as a young boy Markandeya whose death has been foretold at the age of 16 , went and embraced Lord Shiva ,the lord Killed the God of death who was trying to take away the soul of
Prayer to Durga to be blessed with childrenPrayer to Durga to be blessed with children Here is a time tested and famous prayer to bless any female devotee who is finding difficult to conceive with children . The second stanza of the prayer says She who cannot conceive children would get sons, She who has only one child would get more
Saint Ramanuja AshtotharamSaint Ramanuja Ashtotharam By Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Saint Ramanuja was a great philosopher , a great devotee of Lord Vishnu and a very great social reformer.He was also endearing referred to as “Yathi rajar” and Udayavar (Conferred to him by Lord Ranganatha of Sri rangam temple) by his
Puthra Prapthi AshtakamPuthra Prapthi Ashtakam By Mukkur Lakshmi Narasimhachar Translated By P.R.Ramachander (This prayer is addressed to Narasimhamurthy of Mattapalli seeking for the birth of a son. This town is in the Huzurnagar taluq, Nalgonda District of Andhra Pradesh and is on the bank of River Krishna. Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swami (also known as Sri Yogananda Lakshmi
Gayatri AshtotharamGayatri Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The Goddess Gayatri is considered as the mother of Vedas. Devotees consider her as a Combination of Lakshmi, Parvathi and Saraswathi ,She is also considered as the goddess controlling our senses and is considered as sitting on a red lotus flower.She has form with five faces. These five faces are
Ranganatha AshtotharaRanganatha Ashtothara Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Lord Ranganatha is the presiding deity of Sri Ranga .He is believed to be the God who was worshipped in Ayodhya by the Sun dynasty. When Rama was about to leave this world he entrusted the Vimana containing that idol to Vibheeshana who tried to take the God to Sri Lanka. But when he
Kamakshi AshtotharamKamakshi Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Kamakshi is a form of Tripura Sundari , the presiding deity of Sri Chakra. The main abode of Goddess Kamakshi is the temple dedicated to her at Kanchipuram.Her idol has been carved out of Salagrama stone and she is supposed to have been consecrated there by sage Durvasa himself . Kamakshi is
Mahishasura Mardini AshtotharamMahishasura Mardini Ashtotharam Translated by P.R,Ramachander (Mahishasura Mardhini is the furious form that the Goddess SAkthi to kill the great Asura called Mahishasura . This story is described in the chapers of two and three of the great nobook Devi Mahathmya. (my translation can be seen in http://
Shri Bala Tripurasundari AshtottaramShri Bala Tripurasundari Ashtottaram <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Goddess Tripurasundari presides over Sri Chakra also called as Nagara. Bala (child) is the daughter of Maha TRipurasundari and Lord Kameswara. In the battle with Bandasura , she kills Chithrabahu , the son of
Thulasi AshtotharamThulasi Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Story of Thulasi:-Thulasi (ocimum sanctum) is possibly the holiest plant for the Hindus. There is a story in Devi Bhagavatam about her. Long long ago Lord Vishnu had three wives viz Lakshmi, Saraswathi and Ganga.(I have verified this in several sources) One day Ganga looked at Lord Vishnu with lot of passion, when the other two were
Nava Graha AshtotharamNava Graha Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (According to Hindu beliefs, apart from the seven major planets , there are two half planets which are always 180 degrees (opposite to each other) away and rotate in the anti clock wise directions. The Hindus who had done remarkable scientific work in Astronomy , had chalked
Shri Rajarajeshwari Astottara ShatanamavaliShri Rajarajeshwari Astottara Shatanamavali <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Sri Rajarajeswari the consort of Lord Shiva the very powerful form of Goddess Parvathi presides over the Sri Chakra. She stays there in the Sahsrarara(the thousand petal lotus) and the Swadshishtana Chakras . She controls the
Brahaspathi stotramBrahaspathi stotram (From Manthra Maharnava) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Peethambara , peethavapu , kiritee , Chathurbujo, Deva Guru, Prasantha, Dadhadhi dandam cha kamandalam cha, THadha aksha suthram varadoshtu mahyam 1.Let me be blessed by Lord Guru, Who wears yello, who is of yellow colour , Who wears a crown , has four
Annapurna AshtotharamAnnapurna Ashtotharam Translated By P.R.Ramachander (Goddess Annapurna, called as Annada In Bengali is a form of goddess Parvathi. There are two stories about the reason for her taking this form. <!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->It seems once Lord Shiva told his consort Goddess Parvathi that Food is an illusion and not a
Rama AshtotharamRama Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Rama meaning he who attracts was the incarnation of Lord Vishnu who was born to king Dasaratha and queen Kausalya of the Raghy dynasty to exterminate a great Asura called Ravana . He lead a life of perfect Dharma with fanatic allegiance to truth . His story is told&
Maha Prathangira ashtotharamMaha Prathangira ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Maha Prathyangira called also as Atharvana BHadra kali is an extremely ferocious goddess with one thousand heads of lion, two thousand hands, wearing a garland of skulls , having blood red eyes , and preferring meat and alcohol as offerings ,She is supposed to the wife of
Nandikeswara AshtotharamNandikeswara Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Nandi in the form of a bull is the Vahana of Lord Shiva. He was son of a saint called Silada. Saint Silada wanted an immortal son and did Thapas addressed to Lord Shiva for one thousand years. The Lord granted his wish and wanted him to do a Yaga as a prelude it.When he ploughed the land from that
Dathathreya AshtotharamDathathreya Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Dathathreya is believed to be the unification of the trinity and their creating, nurturing and destroying aspects. He is the son of sage Athri and the lady Anasuya who was one known for her great chastity. There is a story that the trimurthy’s went to home of Anasuya and wanted Biksha&
Khubera AshtotharamKhubera Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Kubhera is the son of sage Visravas and a Yaksha lady called Ilavidha . The same Visravas through a Rakshasi became the father of Ravana, Kumbhakarna, Vibheeshana and Soorpanakha. Due to the powers earned by penance, Ravana snatches away Kubera’s capital Alakapuri, his plane Pushpaka
Anjaneya (Hanuman) AshtotharamAnjaneya (Hanuman) Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hanuman the son of A monkey chief called Kesari and Anjana can be considered as one of the most popular Gods of India. He also is considered as son of Wind God as well as Lord Shiva. There are a lot of stories about his mischievous acts during child hood. He
Santhoshi Matha AshtothatramSanthoshi Matha Ashtothatram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Santhoshi Matha the mother who gives happiness , is the latest Goddess to join the Gods of Hindu pantheon . Her name as the daughter of Lord Ganesa along with the method to propitiate her became popular around the year 1960.
Saraswathi stotramSaraswathi stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The SAnslrit original of this prayer is available in ) 1.Ya kundendu thushara hara davalaa, Ya shubhra vasthravruthaa, Yaa veena vara danda manditha karaa, Ya swetha padmasana, Ya brahmachyutha Sankara prabruthibhir , Devai
Kethu AshtotharamKethu Ashtotharam Translated by P.R,.Ramachander (There was an asura called Swarbhanu son of sage Kashyapa and a Rakshasi called Simihika. When Lord Vishnu was distributing the nectar by stealth to the devas , Swarbhanu took the form of a Deva and joined the Devas. The Sun and moon pointed this to Lord Vishnu in the form of Mohini and
Rahu ashtotharamRahu ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (There was an asura called Swarbhanu son of sage Kashyapa and a Rakshasi called Simihika. When Lord Vishnu was distributing the nectar by stealth to the devas , Swarbhanu took the form of a Deva and joined the Devas. The Sun and moon pointed this to Lord Vishnu in the form of Mohini and &
Sanaischara (Shani) ashtotharamSanaischara (shani) ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Sani also called Sanaischara(slow moving-it is not saneeswara as he is not a god) or Mandha is the son of Sun God and Chaya Devi (who was the shadow of the wife of Sun God). He is the brother of Yama , the God of death. During a step brotherly quarrel, Yama broke a leg of
Shukra (Brugu) ashtotharamShukra ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Lord Shuka , the son on sage Brugu is the Guru of the Asuras.He is a good planet , who does not do any harm. Unlike the common perception, he does not lead to riches but a life of love between husband and wife. He is also callrd Brugu and Kavi. He is of white complexion and agreeable
Brahaspathi (Guru) AshtotharamBrahaspathi (Guru) Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Brihaspathi also called simply as Guru is the teacher of all devas including Indra.He is the son of sage Aangiras ans wife Vasudha .Some references say that he is the son of the fire God .His wife is Thara . He is of golden colour, has four hands , holds stick, lotus&
A poem on Periyava by Sri Anand VasudevanMy friend Anand runs an E-mgazine called Amrutha Varshini (The rain of nectar) with great devotion .Each and every issue of that great magazine is a treat to read.Here is his poem on Maha Periyavaa காஞ்சி மஹாபெரியவாஅன்பே உருவாய் அருளும் கருணைக் கடலேஅஞ்ஞான இருள் நீக்கும் ஜகத்குருவே [1] நாடி வந்தோர் துயர் தீர்க்கும் தீனதயாளனேதேடி வந்தோர் இடர் களையும் அருட் ப்ரபாவமே [2] ப்ரஹ்மானந்த சாகரத்தில்
Budha AshtotharamBudha Ashtotharam (Budha is the son of Chandra and Tara , the pretty wife ogf Brahaspathi. He married a princess called Ia and a son calle Pururuvas was born to them. This pururuvas is the progenitor of the great moon dynasty in Hindu Puranas. He is of green colour, rides on a winged lion has four hands and is armed with&
Angaraka (Kuja/Chevvai/Mangala) AshtotharamAngaraka (Kuja/Chevvai) Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Mangala/Angaraka /kuja/Bhauma/Chevvai is a very powerful malicious planet supposed to be the son of Bhoomi Devi in the form of Vikesi , a Rakshasi and Lord Shiva . There is another story that he is the son born out of the sweat drop of Lord Shiva &
Chandra AshtotharamChandra Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Chandra the planet moon arose from the ocean of milk when it was churned for taking out nectar . He is thus a brother of Goddess Lakshmi. He was made as the Lord of the night. He is young , pretty , fair, has two arms and holds a lotus and mace in his hands. He rides on
Surya Ashtotharam From MahabarathaSurya Ashtotharam From Mahabaratha Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Sun God is possibly the only God that all beings see .In Hindu religion , he is the son of sage Kashyapa and Adithi. Right from the Vedic days he is worshipped . In Ramayana, Lord Rama worships him for being able to kill Ravana. In Mahabaratha he is worshipped by the
Venkatesa Ashtotharam from Brahmanda PuranamVenkatesa Ashtotharam From Brahmanda Puranam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This Ashtothara occurs in Brahmanda Puranam in the chapter dealing with Mahathmyam of The Thirumala hills. The same chapter also contains the Venkatesa Sahasranama stotra. This version of the Astothathra is used more because of
Venkatesa Ashtotharam(Varaha Purana)Venkatesa Ashtotharam(Varaha Purana) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This Venkatesa AShtothara of Lord Venkatesa is daily used to worship him at the Ekantha Seva when only priests are present after the second bell rings in the Thirumala temple. Afterwards only the God can be seen by is other
Thiru Neela KanTa pathikamThiru Neela KanTa pathikam on Lord Shiva (NeelaKanTaa) by Saint Poet Thiru-Gnana-Sambandar is an extremely potent verse. This Pathikam (Tamil Verse) is strongly believed to <!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø <!--[endif]-->Lessen our Karmic Burden and remove the ill effects of our Karma <!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø <!--[endif]-->Remove and completely wipe out any negative forces which
Venkatesa Ashtothara (Sanatkurananthargatha)Venkatesa Ashtothara (Sanatkurananthargatha) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Lord Venkatesa meaning the supreme one who destroys sin is one of the very popular Gods in Hinduism and specially in Vaishnavism. His great temple is situated on the top of seven hills near Thirupathi(holy city) .Here is a rare ashtotharam of that God.
Aadhisankara AshtotharamAadhisankara Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander Source: (Adhi Sankara , one of the greatest aacharyas was born in Kaladi Kerala. His father died when he was a young boy . With lot of persuasion and difficulty he got permission from his mother to take Sanyasa
Nrusimha ashtotharamNrusimha ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Lord Narasimha is the fourth incarnation of Vishnu with head of a lion and body of a man. He took this gform and came out of the pillar pointed out by his great devotee Prahladha, to kill his father Hiranyakasipu. He is one of the very popular God worshipped by Vaishnavites all over India. He is
Kiratha Sastha AshtotharamKiratha Sastha Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Lord Kiratha (hunter) Sastha is the son born Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi when they took the form of hunters to give Pasupathasthra to Arjuna. This form is worshipped in Erumeli Kotta temple , Baluserry Kotta temple , Nilambur temple , Trivandrum Kizhakke Kotta
Dharma Sastha AshtotharamDharma Sastha Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Dharma Sastha , the son of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu as Mohini was being worshipped for thousands of years in several temples in Tirunelveli s district of Tamil Nadu . Lord OParsurama is supposed to have consecrated eight temples of Sastha for the protection of Kerala.,Initially it
A.Harihara puthra AshtotharamA.Harihara puthra Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Dharma Sastha the son of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu when he took the form of Mohini is a God worshipped by millions . He is the God of one and all , the rich and the poor and is beyond caste considerations ,. He is worshipped as Sastha as well as Ayyanar in Tamil Nadu
Periyava ThotakashtakamPeriyava Thotakashtakam Translated from Tamil by P.R.Ramachander (Source URL: ) Composed by: Administrator, Kanchi Periva Forum (Visit us at &amp; Please see YouTube video in;safe=active 1.Arum
Maha Periyavaa AshtotharamMaha Periyavaa Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Maha Periyavaa , “the greatest elder “ was the name people preferred to refer in a hushed tones to the God who walked among us and decorated the Kamakoti Peeta of the Kanchi Mutt .Even though he is no more with us , we prefer
Saraswathi AshtotharamSaraswathi Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Goddess Saraswathi , the consort of Lord Brahma , who wears white silk, sits on a white lotus flower. and rides on a white swan ais considered as the Goddess of knowledge , music arts and wisdom by all Hindus. Her name means “Essence of oneself” , There was a
Durga AshtotharamDurga Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Durga the invincible fort like Goddess was created by Lord Vishnu , Shiva , Brahma and other Gods as their collective energy to kill Mahishasura(The buffalo demon ).All over India , there are several great temples to worship her. She is believed to be capable of
Vishnu AshtotharamVishnu Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Lord Vishnu meaning the God who pervades everywhere is one of the trinity of Hindu Gods who takes care of the world. His heaven is called Vaikunta ( Some people believe that his devotees go to a heaven called Go Loka.) With his wife Goddess Lakshmi he
Dakshinamurthy AshtotharamDakshinamurthy Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Dakshinamurthy or Jnana Dakshinamurti (Tamil: தட்சிணாமூர்த்தி, Sanskrit: दक्षिणामूर्ति (Dakṣiṇāmūrti)) is an aspect of the Hindu god Shiva as a guru (teacher) of all types of knowledge (jnana). This aspect of Shiva is his personification as the supreme or
Krishna AshtotharamKrishna Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Among the human incarnations of lord Vishnu , Only as Lord Krishna we know about his very mischievous and very entertaining childhood. Only as Krishna we know him as the darling of several ladies and his love play . Only as Krishna we know
Parvathi AshtotharamParvathi Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Goddess Parvathi is the consort of Lord Shiva and sister of Lord Vishnu, She has taken several forms to kill asuras and remove ills of the world. She is worshipped in many forms all over India. Unlike Goddess Lakshmi, she has separate temples in the Shiva temples in
Valli Devi AshtotharamValli Devi Ashtotharam (Goddess Valli is the consort of Lord Muruga. She is the daughter of Nambi Rajan, the King of Kuravas(A nomadic tribe specializing in foretelling ) belonging to Thiruthani. Devotes believe that she was the daughter of Lord Vishnu in her previous birth . She married Lord Subrahmanya in Valli Malai . 1.Om Maha Valyai Nama-
THiruKOLili Thevara ThirupathikamThe Lord at ThiruKoLilli (KoLilliNaathar/Brahmapureswarar பிரமபுரீசுவரர்/கோளிலிநாதர்) is believed to have removed the faults of the Navagrahas. The Navagrahas in the temple are in a straight line facing South. The below ThiruPathikam by ThiruGnanaSambandar is believed to appease the Navagrahas. திருஞானசம்பந்த சுவாமிகள் அருளிச்செய்த திருக்கோளிலி தேவாரத் திருப்பதிகம் (முதல்
Devasena AshtotharamDevasena Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is an Ashtotharam to be used to worship Devasena the wife of Lord Muruga. She is the daughter of Indra and was given in Marriage to Subrahmanya when he became chief of the army of Devas. There are no
சுந்தரமூர்த்தி சுவாமிகள் அருளிச்செய்த திருமழபாடி தேவாரத் திருப்பதிகம் - (ஏழாம் திருமுறை 24வது திருப்பதிகம்)சுந்தரமூர்த்தி சுவாமிகள் அருளிச்செய்த திருமழபாடி தேவாரத் திருப்பதிகம் - (ஏழாம் திருமுறை 24வது திருப்பதிகம்) Contributed by Elango Kathirvel Tamil Text பொன்னார் மேனியனே புலித்தோலை அரைக்கசைத்து மின்னார் செஞ்சடைமேல் மிளிர்கொன்றை அணிந்தவனே மன்னே மாமணியே மழபாடியுள் மாணிக்கமே அன்னே உன்னையல்லால் இனியாரை நினைக்கேனே Transliteration Ponnaar
Subrahmanya Ashtotharam with English meaningSubrahmanya Ashtotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Lord Subrahmanya is the son of Lord Shiva , When Manmatha , the God of love tried to disturb his penance , Sparks of fire came out of his third eye . These fell in the river Ganges and became six babies ,
First Thiru murai-49th Padikamமுதல் திருமுறை – 49th பதிகம் - தலம்: திருநள்ளாறு - திருஞானசம்பந்தர் Contributed by Elango Kathirvel ( I am elated to put in my blog the contribution of my friend Elango.) Tamil Text திங்கள் உச்சிமேல் விளங்கும் தேவன் –இமையோர்கள்,எங்கள் உச்சி எம் இறைவன்! என்று அடியே இறைஞ்ச,தங்கள் உச்சியால் வணங்கும் தன் அடியார்கட்கு எல்லாம்நங்கள் உச்சி
Sri Kamakshya annapurna Girija DasakamSri Kamakshya annapurna Girija Dasakam (The ten verse prayer addressed to Girija, Kamakshi and Annapurna) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Lord Shiva is cursed by the sages of Daruka Vana , that he should beg alms from his own wife. Here is a very pretty prayer in which
Maha saraswathyashtakamMaha saraswathyashtakam (The octet on great Saraswathi.) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This great and rare prayer is from Padma Purana and is sung by Brihaspathi ) 1.Idhameva Maharaja prushtavamsthe Pithamaha, BHeeshmam dharma vidhaam Sreshtam Dharmaputhro Yudhishtra. Like this king Yudhishtra who was the
Sarada Mahimna stotramSarada Mahimna Stotram &
Aiswarya Lakshmi StotramAiswarya Lakshmi Stotram Prayer to Lakshmi the goddess of wealth Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This great prayer addressed to Goddess Lakshmi , the Goddess of wealth and occurs in Vishnu Purana. This is said to be sung by Indra in praise of Goddess Lakshmi) Sri Parasara Uvacha:- Sage Parasara
Sri Sai Saranam StotramSri Sai Saranam Stotram Prayer of refuge to Sri Sai Baba Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a very great and soulful prayer addressed to the Saibaba of Shirdi. IN essence it says even for the worst possible human being who does not have any refuge whatsoever , Sai Baba is the refuge
Deiva Dasakam of Narayana Guru (Malayalam)Deiva Dasakam(Malayalam) By Narayana Guru devan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a powerful prayer written in Malayalam. By Sri Narayana Guru , possibly the greatest social reformer that Kerala has seen. It was written in September 1014. The Hindus of Kerala are celebrating its centenary this month. The prayer does not
An E -book on Ganesa PrayersAn e- book on Ganesa Prayers Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Here is a rare collection of 24 Stotras addressed to Lord Vigneswara(Ganesa/Ganapathi/Pillayar) , on the occasion of Vinayaka Chathurthi on 22-8-2020 along with meaning . It starts with two Suprabathams &
Vishnu NamashtakamVishnu namashtakam (The eight names of Vishnu) From Vamana Purana Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Achyutham, Kesavam , Vishnum , Hari , Sathyam, Janardhanam, Hamsam Narayanam chaiva methan namashtakam padeth 1.He who does not slip , He in whom Lords Vishnu, Shiva, and Brahma reside , He who is peace , He who removes&
Janma Mukthi Prarthana (Malayalam)Janma Mukthi Prarthana (Malayalam) (Prayer for salvation from birth cycle) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a very touching and mellifluous prayer addressed to Goddess at Chothanikkara .) 1.Sri Chothanikkare yellarkkum ammayi, Vaneedum ammaye , Kai thozhunnen, Anthakam thannude yanthakanakiya , Chandra chooda priye , kai
Devaanaam Sthuthi AshtakamSri Devaanaam Sthuthi Ashtakam (The octet of prayers of Devas to Dharma Sastha) Translated by, P.R.Ramachander 1.Om Namasthe Bhagawathe namo narayanaya they, Om Namasthe BHagawathe Sarvagnaaya namo nama. Om salutations to you god , salutations to you Narayana , Om salutations to you God , Salutations and salutations . 2.Ghora
Advaya Krishna StotramAdvaya Krishna Sthava A unique prayer to Lord Krishna By, Kautha Mohana Shasthri Translated by , Ramachander 1.Mookam karothi vaachalam , pangum langayathe girim, Yath krupa thamaham vandhe, Paramananda Madhavam. I salute that divinely joyous Madhava by whose grace , The Dumb becomes eloquent and the
Kamala StothramKamala Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( This prayer addressed to Kamala (goddess Lakshmi) has been taught by Lord Shiva to Goddess Parvathi. Lord Shiva concludes the prayer that using it there is nothing that is impossible to achieve it. The Sanskrit original with Hindi meaning is available at http://
Sri Venkatesa Dwadasa Nama StotramSri Venkatesa Dwadasa Nama Stotram (The prayer of twelve names addressed to Lord Venkatesa) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Venkateso , Vasudeva , varijasana vandhita , Swami Pushkarani vasa , Shanka chakra Gadha dhara 1, Lord of Venkata mountain , son of Vasudeva ,Lord saluted by Lord Brahma, He who lives in temple tank at Thirupathi , The lord who
Kamala KavachamKamala Kavacham (Armour of Goddess Lakshmi ) From “Viswasara Thanthra” Sri Ganseaya Nama Salutations to Lord Ganesa Om asya chathurakshara Vishnu Vanithaaya , Kavachasya Sri BHagwan Shiva Rishi, Anushtup chanda , Vaghbhavaa devatha, Vaagbhavam bheejam , Lajja Shakthi , Remaa
Nataraja DasakamNataraja Dasakam By Sengalipuram Ananthrama Deekshithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This prayer is addressed to Nataraja(the king of dancers) , a form of Lord Shiva. This has been composed by one of the greatest scholars of the last generation who was an expert in Upanayasas about stories of all Gods. Sengalipuram Anantarama
Punya Kadhai,Ramanin kadhayePunya Kadhai,Ramanin kadhaye (The holy story is the story of Rama) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here Rama’s story is told in very simple Tamil style in the form of a song.This is a song from the picture Lava Kusa in Tamil and is sung by play back singer Susheela. You can hear it in
Muneeswarar StotramMuneeswarar Stotram Translated by, P.R.Ramachander (Muneeswarar or God like sage is a very popular village God of Tamil Nadu.. It is believed that When Lord Shiva got angry against Daksha , his father in law , he first created Veerabhadra , to destroy Daksha and eight muneeswaras to look after the beings of the earth. They are
Ayyappa Bhajan songs (contd…) Compiled by Mrs Priya VardheeshAyyappa Bhajan songs (contd…) Compiled by Mrs Priya Vardheesh &
Ayyappa Bhajan songs Compiled by Mrs Priya VardheeshAyyappa Bhajan songs Compiled by Mrs Priya Vardheesh &
Vakra Thunda KavachamVakra Thunda Kavacham The armour of the bent tusk Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Maulim Mahesa puthro avyath, Phalam pathu Vinayaka, Trinethra pathu may nethre , Soorpakarno aavathu Sruthi. Let my head be protected by son of Shiva , let my forehead be protected by Vinayaka, Let my eyes be protected by the three eyed one ,
Tri Suparna ManthraTri Suparna Manthra Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a part oh Maha Narayana Upanishad, It has three parts. The prayer is addressed to Brahman or Soma and is chanted before taking food by Brahmins. Its chanting is supposed to purify all the Brahmins who sit in that row to take food with them.. I Have
SwaroopanusandhanaashtakamSwaroopanusandhanaashtakam (The octet on search for our own form) By SWami Brahmananda Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is another great prayer of philosophy from the great SWami Brahmananda I have only given the peripheral meaning and not delved in its interpretation.) 1.
Surya StotramSurya Stotram Translated By P.R.Ramachander (Here is a very rare and very effective prayer addressed to the Sun God.) 1.Om Sapthaswaam Samaruhya , aruna saradhi muthamam, Swetha padma daram , devam Thwaam Suryam pranamamyaham. Om, I salute You God Surya , Who rides on seven
Vittala KavachamVittala Kavacham Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sutha Uvacha:- Sutha said:- 1.Siro may vittala pathu, kapolam mudgara priya, Nethrayor Vishnu roopi, Vaikunto granam eva cha Let my head be protected by Vittala, and the cheek by he who likes the hammer, Let my eyes be protected by he who has a form of Vishnu and let my nose by the the one who lives in
Vishnu Sthuthi from Shiva PuranaVishnu Sthuthi from Shiva Purana &nbsp
Vishnu KavachamVishnu Kavacham (The Armour of Vishnu) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Asya Sri Vishnu kavacha sytotra manthrasya Brahma Rishi, Anushtup Chanda,Sriman Narayano Devatha For the armour of Vishnu the sage is Brahma, the meter is Anushtup and the God addressed is Lord Narayana Adha Kara Nyasam (Rituals of hand) Kesavaya Angushtabhyamnama
Kandu Krutha Vishnu SthuthiKandu Krutha Vishnu Sthuthi (Prayer to Lord Vishnu by sage Kandu) (The Sanskrit original is available in and occurs in Brahma Puranam ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Kandur Uvacha:- Sage Kandu said:- 1.Narayana hare Krishna Sri Vathsanga , Jagat pathe,
RaghavashtakamRaghavashtakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (There are many references that it is written by Adhi Sankara but in the complete list of the works of Adhi Sankara, this prayer does not find place. The addition of a prayer at the beginning and end which is there in this octet, is very unusual to find in works of Sankara. ) 1.Rama Rama
Hayagreeva Sampada StotraHayagreeva Sampada Stotra (The prayer to earn Hayagreeva) By Vadhi Raja Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hayagreeva is a horse faced form of Lord Vishnu. There are several stories about the origin of this God. He is included in the minor incarnations of Lord Vishnu. It is known that he killed as asura called Hayagreeva who had a horse’s head. People who follow
Hayagreeva KavachamHayagreeva Kavacham (Armour of Hayagreeva) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hayagreeva is a horse faced form of Lord Vishnu. There are several stories about the origin of this God. He is included in the minor incarnations of Lord Vishnu. It is known that he killed as asura called Hayagreeva who had a horse’s head. People who follow Vaishavism believe that he is the God
Bhagavat Sthuthi by AgniBhagavat Sthuthi by Agni By Agni Translated by P.R. Ramachander (This great but small prayer is addressed to Lord Vishnu and occurs in Skanda Purana, The Sanskrit original can be seen in ) Agnir Uvacha:- Fire God said:- 1.Vishudha, vijnana ghanam puranam ,
Sri Shiva PancharathnamSri Shiva Pancharathnam By Lord Krishna Translated by , P.R.Ramachander (This great prayer occurs in the Achyuthapuri Mahathmyam of Shiva Puranam. The Sanskrit original can be seen in ) Sri Krishna Uvacha:- Sri Krishna said:- 1.Matha Sindhoora masthakopari nruthyamana Padambuje,
Sri SarabhashtakamSri Sarabhashtakam (Octet on Sarabha) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Sarabha is a very fierce incarnation of Lord Shiva who subdued the great Narasimha incarnation of Vishnu after he killed Hiranya Kasipu . Sharabha is described in the form of a bird with golden colour, with two uplifted wings, two red eyes, four legs in the
Santhathi pradha AbhilashashtakamSanthathi pradha Abhilashashtakam (desire fulfilling prayer which grants progeny) By Viswanara Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a great Stotra composed by a Brahmin called Viswanara addressing Lord Shiva. The God appeared before him and granted him the boon of progeny. This has to be read daily for a year by either the wife or husband,
RamanathashtakamRamanathashtakam (The octet addressed to Ramanatha) By Sri Rama Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Ramanatha , the God of Rameswaram is supposed to be installed by Lord Rama after the war. But Valmiki Ramayana does not refer to this but indicates its installation before crossing the sea. ) 1.Sri Gajajinam soola kapala paninam, Jata dharm Chandra
Parasurama Krutha Shiva SthuthiParasurama Krutha Shiva Sthuthi (Prayer of Lord Shiva by Lord Parasurama,) Translated By P.R.Ramachander Sri Parasurama Uvacha: Lord Parasurama said:- 1. Eesa , thwam sthothum icchami sarvadha sthothum akshama, Akshara Akshaya bheejam kim vaa stoumi nireehakam. Oh God, I desire to pray you and pray you always
Arunchala Pancha RathnamArunchala Pancha Rathnam (The five gems of the mountain of dawn) By Swami Ramana Maharshi ( It is a simple attempt to bring out the peripheral meaning of this great Stotra of Hindu Philosophy written by Sage Ramana of Arunachala(Thiruvannamalai.) both in Tamil as well as Sanskrit. I have given both of them followed by meaning . I realize
Gayatri StotramGayatri Stotram (Prayer to Gayathri) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a great prayer addressed to Goddess Gayatri. It is taught by Lord Vishnu to sage Narada,) Sri Narada Uvacha:- Narada said :- BHakthanukampin SArvajna hrudayam papa Nasanam, Gayathrya kaditham thasmad Gayathryaa stotrameeraya.
Sri Saradha AstakamSri Saradha Astakam (The octet on Saradha) By Sengalipuram Anatha Rama Deekshithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This prayer is addressed to Saradha, the presiding deity of the Sringeri temple in Karnataka. Anantha Rama Deekshithar was a great religious scholar Of Tamil Nadu. ) Sri Saradhe charu roope -Rishya, Srungachalasthe , Bhaje Mataram thwaam , Sri
Sarada Pancharathna SthuthiSarada Pancharathna Sthuthi (The five gem like prayer addressed to Goddess Sarada) By HH Bharathi theertha Maha Swami Of Sringeri Peetam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Jagatguru Bharathi Theertha Mahaswami is the present presiding pontiff of SArada Peetam in Sringeri) Dhyanam Vidhya mudra , aksha malaa amrutha kalasa karaa ,
Sri Sakashta nasanam sankatashtakam.Sri Sakashta nasanam sankatashtakam. (the octet on Sankata Devi which removes sorrow) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Sankata Devi Benares removes all sorrows. Here is a short prayer which ensures that all our sorrows are removed.) Om NaradhaUvacha:- Om Narada said:- 1.Jaigeeshavya munisreshta , Sarvagna sukha dayaka, Aakhyathaani supunyaani
Raja rajeswari StotramRaja rajeswari Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Sri Shakthi Vasini , Sri devi namasthe, Siivakama sundari Sri devi namasthe, Sri Krishna sodhari sri devi namasthe Rajarajeswari sri devi Namasthe Oh Goddess w ho lives as Sri Shakthi , salutations, Oh pretty Goddess who is the darling of Lord Shiva , Salutations Oh Goddess who is sister of Lord
Durga Ashtakam –IIDurga Ashtakam –II Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The first letters of these eight verses read, “Om, Hreem, Dhum, Durgayair nama.” Which is powerful chant aimed at pleasing Goddess Durga.) 1.Omkara vignadhipathim pranamya , Gurooscha sarvaan sakalaam pranamya, SAmsara Dukhougha Vinasanaya, Dukha arthi hanthrim pranamami Durgam
Chamunda SthuthiChamunda Sthuthi (Prayer to Chamunda) Translated by P.R. Ramachander (Goddess Durga after killing Chanda and Munda is called as Chamunda by the devas. Before the war with Shumbha and Nishmbha she sends God Shiva himself as her emissary. This is the prayer by Lord Shiva addressed to this terrible form of the Goddess. The prayer says that if this
Arjuna kruta Durga StuthiArjuna kruta Durga Stuthi By Arjuna Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This occurs in Mahabharatha in the Bheeshma Parva. Just before the start of the war , Lord Krishna requests Arjuna to pray the Goddess Durga for his victory. Arjuna uses this great prayer to pray her. One who recites this famous Durga stothra regularly will be fearless, will not be
Aralakesi sthuthiAralakesi sthuthi (Prayer to Goddess with curled hair.) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Aralakesi is the Goddess in the Rathnagireeswarar temple of Beasant Nagar in Madras. ) 1.Ambha bhuvaneswari , akhilanda nayaki , Aralakesi maam pahi, Annapurneswari , Ambuja vasini , Anandavalli , maam pahi Oh mother Bhuvaneswari , Oh goddess of all worlds,
Sri Soundaravalli Mahalakshmi AshtakamSri Soundaravalli Mahalakshmi Ashtakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (There are several temples in Tamil Nadu with Soundaravalli as the presiding Goddess. It is mentioned here that she lives in “Sri saila” or the mountain of Lakshmi. There is one Soundaravalli temple in Azhagar Malai. Possibly this prayer is addressed to that Goddess. .I
Vatha Pura NadhashtakamVatha Pura Nadhashtakam (The Octet on Lord of Guruvayur) By Ganapathi Sastrigal Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This extremely musical sounding prayer was composed by Sri Ganapathi Sastrigal who was a disciple of Mannargudi Raja Sastrigal when he was at Guruvayur. Though I wanted to translate it long back, I did not attempt it as it was difficult to
Guruvayu puresa Pancha RathnamGuruvayu puresa Pancha Rathnam By Sengalipuram Anantha Rama Deekshithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Kalyana Roopaya kalou janaanaam, Kalyana dathre , Karuna sudhabdhe , Kambhadhi divyayudha sathkaraaya, Vathalayadheesa namo namasthe. I salute the Lord of the temple built by wind God, Who has an
Guru Pavanesa DasakamGuru Pavanesa Dasakam (A ten verse prayer on the Lord of Guruvayur) By Kadathanad K.Padmanabha Varior Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Maruthalaya payoruha sthitham, bhaktha shad pada nishevithe sadaa, Vigraham yadhu varena poojitham sarva papa haramakshi soukhyadham. Very near the lotus the Guruvayur temple, The bee like devotees
Maha Periyavaa Jagat Guru ashtaka stotramMaha Periyavaa Jagat Guru ashtaka stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Jagatguru Swami Chandra Shekara Saraswathi who was the previous Peedathipathi of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam was a living God to his devotees and continues to be even after Samadhi. All his devotees in a hushed tone full of devotoion refer to him as “
Guru DasakamGuru Dasakam By H.H. Sankara Vijayendra Saraswathi of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Vijayendra SAraswathi Swaigal is also called “Bala Periyaval” by his devotees and this is the prayer addressed to his Guru, Swami Chandra Shekara Saraswathi well known as “Maha Periyavaa”) 1.Sruthi Smrithi
Sripada Sri Vallabha , Sidha Mangala stotraSripada Sri Vallabha , Sidha Mangala stotra (from ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Sripada Sri Vallabha is considered as an incarnation of God Dathathreya. He was born in Pithapuram in in Andhara Pradesh in the thirteenth centuary. His father was Appala Raja Sharma &
Sri Datha PanjaraSri Datha Panjara (Tha cage/armour of Dathathreya) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This prayer is written in a Dandaka style and definitely is not a Kavacha.) 1.Om namo Bhagwathe , Dathathreyaya, Maha Gambheeraya, Vaikunda vasaya,Sankha chakra, gadha soola dharine, Venu nadhaya, Dushta samharaya, Sishta paripalakaya, Narayanasthra Dharine, Chith roopaya Om
Sri Datha Atharva SeershaSri Datha Atharva Seersha By Sri Vasudevananda Saraswathi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Other Atharva Seersha Manthras from Atharva Veda but this is mentioned as the work of the saint Vasudeva SAraswathi. I would be greaful , if Satha devotees can clarify.) Hari Om 1.Om namo bhagawathe Dathathreyaya Avadhoothayaya,Digambaraya Vidhihariharaya aadhi
Oudhumbhara Paduka stotramOudhumbhara Paduka stotram (Prayer to the sandals made of Udumbara wood.) By Vasudevananda Saraswathi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The sandals of Datha are worshipped under the Oudhumbara tree- Ficus glomerata Rox ) 1,Vandhe vang manasaatheetham , nirgunam , sagunam gurum, Dathathreya manandha kandham Baktheshta poorakam Salutations
Dathathreya Stotram from Narada PuranaDathathreya Stotram from Narada Purana By Sage Narada Translated by P.R.Ramachander Dhyanam Jatadharam, pandurangam soolahastham , krupa nidhim, Sarva Roga haram devam Dathathreyam aham Bhaje. I praise that Dathathreya carrying a matted tuft , white coloured , Treasure of mercy and the God who cures all diseases.
Dathathreya Stotram IIDathathreya Stotram II Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1,Dathathreyam priya deivatham , sarvathmakam , viswambaram, Karunarnavam Vipadhaahaaram Chinmayam pranamamyam I salute the God divine Dathathreya , who is loving God , who is in all souls, Who dresses himself by the universe, who removes misfortunes. 2.Bala roopam , hasya vadanam
Sri Dathathreya, Jaya DathathreyaSri Dathathreya, Jaya Dathathreya (Sri Dathathreya, victory to Dathathreya.) By Sri Vasudevananda Saraswathi Translated by P.R,Ramachander Sri Gurudevaya nama Sri Guru Dathathreyaya nama Salutations to God like Guru Salutations to Guru Dathathreya 1.Sri Dathathreaya, jaya Dathathreya, Jaya Paramathman, Karuna Sagara, Jaya Jagadheeswara, Jaya
Sri Dathathreya Dwadasa Nama StotramSri Dathathreya Dwadasa Nama Stotram (The prayer of twelve names of Dathathreya,) By Sri Vasudevananda Saraswathi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A great prayer written by sage Vasudevananda Saraswathi , who is incarnation of Dathathreya to his devotees.) Sri Dathathreya Dwadasanama stotrasya Paramahamsa Rishim, Sri Dathathreya Paramathma Devatha,
Dathathreya stotramDathathreya stotram By Sri Vasudevananda Saraswathi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is another great prayer addressed to God Dathathreya By saint Vasudevananda Saraswathi , who is regarded as incarnation of Dathathreya.) 1.Dathathreyam priya deivatham SArvathmakam, Viswambharam, Karunnarnavam vipadhaa haram chinmayam pranamamyaham.
Sri Datha Paduka StotramSri Datha Paduka Stotram (Prayer to sandals of Datha) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (God Dathathreya is worshipped in some parts of India like Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra. His devotees also prefer to worship his sandals.) Brahmanandam , parama sukhadham , kevalam Jnana moorthim, Dwandwatheetham gagana sadrusam thathva masyadhi
Deva Krutham Brahma StotramDeva Krutham Brahma Stotram (Prayer of Brahma composed by devas,) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Lord Brahma has only one or two temples dedicated him. It is also rare to people to pray him . During the time of epics, those who wanted boons used to pray Lord Brahma,) Deva Ouchu:- Devas said:- 1.Brahmane , Brahma vijnana dugdho dhadhi vidhayine, Brahma
Brahma Sthuthi PanchakamBrahma Sthuthi Panchakam (The pentad of prayers addressed to God Brahma) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Due to a curse of Lord Shiva, Brahma is not worshipped in India but our Puranas(epics) are full of persons who did penance addressing Lord Brahma. Here is a short and sweet prayer addressed to him.) 1,Namo naraka Vidweshi , nabhee nalina
Abheeshtadha Brahma StotramAbheeshtadha Brahma Stotram (Desire fulfilling prayer addressed to Lord Brahma) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( There are few prayers addressed to Lord Brahma. Here is a great prayer addressed to him which would fulfill all our desires.) 1.Namo Hiranya garbhaya , Brahmane , Brahma roopine , Avijnatha swaroopaya kaivalyamruthaya cha. Salutations
Sri Bhootha Nadha Manasa AshtakamSri Bhootha Nadha Manasa Ashtakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Lord Ayyappa or Lord Sastha is referred as Bhootha Nadha here. It could mean , the lord of all beings or the Lord of Bhootha Ganas of Lord Shiva.) 1.Sri Vishnu puthram, Shiva Divya Balam, Moksha pradham, Divya Janabhi Vandhyam, Kailsanadha pranava swaroopam , Sri Bhootha
Sani Badhaa Vimochana Sabareeswara AshtakamSani Badhaa Vimochana Sabareeswara Ashtakam (The octet addressed to Lord Of Sabari for removal of problems due to Saturn) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Lord Ayyappa ,Lord Hanuman and Lord Venkateswara are the Gods to be addressed when we are suffering due to problems created by Lord Saturn .&
Sabari GireesashtakamSabari Gireesashtakam (The octer on the Lord of Sabari Mountain) By Sengalipuram Anantha Rama Deekshidhar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Sengalipuram was a great religious scholar of Tamil Nadu who was very famour for his skill in telling stories of God) 1.Yajana supoojitha yogi vaRarchitha, YathuviNasaka Yogathano Yathi vara kalpitha yanthra
Sri Sita Rama SthothramSri Sita Rama stotram By Lord Hanuman Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( This stotra is a joint prayer to Rama and Sita. The first and third lines of every verse describe Rama’s qualities and the second and fourth line of every verse describes Sita’s qualities. In the work itself there is a reference that it is written
Vinayaka Sthuthi from Varaha PuranaVinayaka Sthuthi (From Varaha Puranam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a rare stotra addressed to Lord Ganapathi from the chapter on birth of Ganapathi from Varaha Purana. The stotra mentions that Ganapathi was born from the mouth of Lord Shiva. It recommends offering Sesame seeds to the Lord and eating it. This great stotra was sent to me by Sri Krishna
Vallabhesa HrudayamVallabhesa Hrudayam (The heart of Vallabha Ganapathi) From Vinayaka Thanthram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Vallabha Ganapathi is the form of Ganesa as the universal protector. This stotra is taught by Lord Shiva to Goddess Parvathi. Here Valllabha denotes the consorts of Lord Ganesa. This is the only stotra which says in its Phala sruthi
What are Stotras?Stotra or Hindu prayers Stotra comes from the word Sthuthi and Sthuthi means praise.Some stotras are also called as Sthavas. Stotra could be broadly translated as “Praise of God”. Stotras can be broadly classified according the time period as those originating during period of Vedas, period of the Puranas and post Purana
Dosha Pariharashtakam of AyyavalDosha pariharashtam (The octet of antidote to defects) By Sridhara Ayyaval Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The great saint Sridhara Ayyaval was the son Sri Sridhara Padmanabha who was a high ranking officer in the court of the king of Mysore. He was offered the post of his father , when his father attained salvation and he rejected that
Subrahmanya Hrudaya StotramSri Subrahmanya Hrudhayam (The heart of Lord Subrahmanya) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I was made aware of this great stotra by Mr. Michael Janus, who is a German interested in Hinduism. When I asked him why this stotra , he replied “Since I read about Lord Skanda I feel a great affinity for Him. He likes to help unlucky people. In zoroastrian
Sathya Sai AshtotharamSri Sathya Sai ashthotharam Translated by P.R.Ramachander Here is a garland of 108 names of the Sathya Sai Baba of Puttaparthi , used to worship him. Sai means “The god who is our mother” and is also used to denote a Saint. Here it devotes the great Saint “Sri Sathya Sai Baba of Puttaparthi” who was the god who appeared in person to
Jagannatha Sahasra nama stotramJagannatha Sahasra nama stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (There was a great king called Indra Dhyumna in Orissa who was a great devotee of Lord Vishnu. One great scholar once told him about a very rare but extremely holy form of Lord Vishnu called Neela Madhava . The king send all his courtiers in search of this great form of Lord Vishnu . Excepot one
Ramajayam prayer in TamilRamajayam prayer in Tamil By Paavai Sakthi Sangham Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This simple prayer was taken from The Kumudam Bhakthi May 1-15 issue.My acknowledgements) 1.Anbargal idarai agathida vendi , Ayothiyil vanthathu Ramajayam. Asurarai ozhithu aram thazhaithu onga amaithi alithathu Ramajayam To remove the problems of Devotees Ramajayam
Navagraha Devatha PrarthanaNavagraha Devatha Prarthana Translated by P. R. Ramachander Soorya souryamadendhurucha padaveem, Sanmangalam mangala, Sad budhim cha budho Guruscha kurutham Shukra sukham, Sam Sani, Rahur bahu balam karothu vipulam Kethukulasyonnathim, Nithyam preethikara bhavanthu bhavatham Sarve Prasanna Graha Let Sun give me courage, Moon give high position, Mars grant auspiciousness, Let Mercury
Mandhathya saileswari sthvamMandhathya saileswari sthvam (Prayer to the Goddess of the hill of Mandatha) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (King Mandatha was a great ancestor of Lord Rama in the solar dynasty.He was the father of king Ambareesha and a great devotee of Lord Shiva. After he gave the kingdom he went and met Lord Shiva in Mount Kailasa. At that time Goddess Parvathi was not
Maneesha Panchakam- meanings given by different authors in the web.Maneesha Panchakam- meanings given by different authors in the web. Compiled by P.R.Ramachander Maneesha Panchakam are the answers given by Adhi Sankara to God Shiva about his beliefs on the differences between man and man. Possibly it is the oldest Hindu thought process on the need for
Maneesha PanchakamManeesha Panchakam By Adhi Sankara BHagwat pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander (One day while Adhi Sankara was returning from the ganges after bath, he saw an outcaste man with his wife standing in front of him.His immediate reaction was to ask them to move away from there. Then the man, who was Lord Shiva himself asked Sankara, whether he wanted his body to
DainyashtakamDainyashtakam (Octet on the pitiable one) By Haridasa Translated by P.R.Ramachander (A prayer from one of those saints who was the exponent of Pushti marg of Sri Vallabhacharya) 1.Sri Krishna Gokuladheesa , nanda gopa thanuthbhava , Yasoda Garbha samoothbhava , mayi dheene krupam kuru. Oh Krishna, Oh Lord of Gokula , Of son of Nanda gopa, Oh Lord
Pancha NadheeswarashtakamPancha Nadheeswarashtakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This octet is about the God presiding over Thiruvayaru temple near Kumbakonam..That small town has five rivers flowing through it and all the three Carnatic Trinity was born there. 1.Mahadeva Bhavakara Neelakanda trilochana , Shiva Sankara sarvathman, Pahi Pancha nadheepathe . Protect me lord of the
MahalingashtakamMahalingashtakam By Gopala Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Mahalingam , Mahadevam , Maheswaram, Umapathim, SAmbam , Madhyarjunesam tham gurum devam nathoismyaham. I am the devotee of That great Linga, that great deva , that great god , The consort of Uma, Who is Samba , the God of madhyarjuna(thiruvidai marudur)
Gopi Jana Vallabha AshtakamGopi Jana Vallabha Ashtakam (The octet of the consort of the Gopis) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I do not know who is the author of this great stotra) 1,Saroja nethraya krupayudhaya, Mandhara maalaa paribhooshithaya, Udara hasaya, lasan mukhaya, Namosthu Gopi jana Vallabhaya Salutation to the Lord of all Gopis, Who has lotus like
Sri Devi ashtakamSri Devi ashtakam By Yogananda Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Mahadevim , Maha Shakthim, Bhavanim, Bhava vallabham, Bhavarthi banjanakarim thwaam loka Matharam. Oh great goddess, Oh great power , Oh Bhavani , Oh consort of Lord Shiva, Oh goddess who destroys Karma and desire , you are the mother of the world. 2.BHaktha
Sloka prayers for solving various problemsSloka prayers for solving various problems Compiled by Sri Vathsa Somadeva Sharma Translated by P.R.Ramachander These slokas and the method of chanting them have been taken from a book “Stotra Chinthamani” Compiled by Sri Vathsa Somadeva SArma and published in Tamil by Surabhi Jagatguru
Rama Krutha Parvatha Vardhini AshtakamRama Krutha Parvatha Vardhini Ashtakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Parvatha Vardhini is the Consort of Lord Ramanatha of Rameswaram.. Here is a rare octet addressed to her. It is supposed to have been written by Lord Rama himself .) 1.Sevyaam sadhu janai , Saroja nayanaam , poornenendu Bhimbananaam, EEdyagama Vedhibir muni ganai&
Veda Vyasas Bhagawathi stotramVeda Vyasa’s Bhagawathi Stotram By Veda Vyasa Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The Sanskrit text of this great prayer is available in ) 1.Jaya bhagawathi devi namo varade, Jaya papa vinasini bahu baladhe, Jaya Shumha Nishumba kapala dhare, Pranamami thu devi nararthi hare Victory to Goddess Bhagawathi ,salutations
Namagiri Thayar Stotram for proficiency in MathematicsNamagiri Thayar Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This prayer is addressed to Goddess Namagiri, The goddess in the Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy temple in Namakkal in Tamil Nadu. The mathematiocal genius Dr.Srinivasa Ramanujam belonged to this place and considered that his knowledge of Mathematics was due to the grace of this goddess
Sage Ashtavakra’s Krishna SthuthiSage Ashtavakra’s Krishna Sthuthi By Sage Ashtavakra (This great prayer is from Brahma Vaivartha Purana. The Sanskrit original can be found in ) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Ashtavakra Uvacha:- Ashtavakra said:- 1.Gunatheetha , gunadhara , gunabheeja , gunathmaka, Guneesa , guneenaam bheeja
Vadhi Raja Theertha’s Sri Sarva MangalashtakamVadhi Raja Theertha’s Sri Sarva Mangalashtakam By Sri Vadhiraja Theetha Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Sri Vadhi Raja Theertha is a great saint from the Dwaitha system. Here is a remarkable prayer for auspiciousness written by him. Every stanza requests a group of gods/people/ sages, planets etc to bless us with auspiciousness. I have earlier
Adhi Sankara’s Gita MahathmyaAdhi Sankara’s Gita Mahathmya By Adhi Sankara Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The Gita Mahathmya which normally one reads after reading Gita is from Varaha Purana. I also found this prayer in the web. It is not listed in the Complete works of Adhi Sankara. You can see another translation of this prayer in
Bhagawath Gita MahathmyamBhagawath Gita Mahathmyam By Lord Vishnu Translated by P.R.Ramachander (After the days Parayana is completed, it is a common practice to read this(Mahathmya) which is taken from the Varaha Purana. Goddess earth asks Lord Vishnu , how the human being drowned in the net of domestic problems can become his devotee. Lord Vishnu replies that it
Bhagawad Gita DhyanamBhagawad Gita Dhyanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Those who do Parayana of Bhagawad Gita, should chant this prayer before starting reading Gita. This remarkable prayer brings out the greatness of Bhagawad Gita brilliantly. I do not know who is the author of this Dhyanam.) 1.Om Parthaya prathi boditham bhagawathaa
Banasankari Pratha Smarana StotramBanasankari Pratha Smarana Stotram (The morning prayer of Sankari of the forest) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (To kill Durgamasura , The goddess Durga took the incarnation of Sakambari . This incarnation is worshipped as Bana Shankari or Vana Sankari or Vana Durga.) Dhyanam 1.Ya Mayaa Madhu kaidaba pramadhini , ya mahoishonmulini, Ya dhoormekshana
Sanaischara StotramSanaischara Stotram Composed by King Dasaratha Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I found this rare stotra in a book let published by Vinayak Mandhir Committee of New delhi, Here fearing the Movement of Sani to Rohini which was expected to cause famine in his country for twelve years , King Dasaratha reaches the place of Sani to fight him, Instead he prays to him.&nbsp
YamashtakamYamashtakam (Octet addressed to Yama, the God of death) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a prayer Sung by savithri to yama to get back her husband. ) Savithri Uvacha:- Savithri said:- 1.Thapasaa Dharma Rajaya , pushkare Bhaskare puraa, Dharmasam yam sutham prapa Dharmarajam namamyaham. In the olden times Sun God got Yamuna and Dharma Raja as children,
VishnavashtakamVishnavashtakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a prayer addressed by Lord Yama to Lord Jagannath of Puri. Since all people who visit Puri , go to the land of Vishnu, the hell becomes completely empty. After this prayer the Lord Jagannath assres Yama that only the blessed ones would be able to visit his temple, The Sanskrit text of this stotra is available in http://
Vandhe BhagawathamVandhe Bhagawatham Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This can be heard in ) 1.Veda kalpatharu suphalam , Veda Vyasa krutham, Pranamami thwam Pranamami The wish giving tree of Vedas which was composed by Veda Vyasa, I salute you , I salute you. 2.Sri Shuka keera mukha Achyutha Krishna mahitham, Dwadasa
Guru maruthapuradheesa sthavam (Malayalam)Guru maruthapuradheesa sthavam (Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is soul ful prayer addressed to the Lord of Guruvayur in simple Malayalam) `1.Kashtam yennude mujjanma papangal , Dushtangalaaya Vyadhi swaroopangal , Kettiyittu valyukkunna dehavum, Geeshpathi manu Manmandhira , Govinda. Oh Govinda of the temple of
Ganesa Swapa GeethamGanesa Swapa Geetham (The song for retiring addressed to Ganesa) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( This song of eight verses is sung at night before closing of the doors of the temple of Ganesa, It requests him to sleep sweetly.) 1.Kailasa Shikara varekaarthaswara kalithe, Kalyana nava sadane kalabhamukha, seshva sukham, Oh
Navagraha devatha PrarthanaNavagraha Devatha PrarthanaTranslated by P. R. RamachanderSoorya souryamadendhurucha padaveem, Sanmangalam mangala, Sad budhim cha budho Guruscha kurutham Shukra sukham, Sam Sani, Rahur bahu balam karothu vipulam Kethukulasyonnathim, Nithyam preethikara bhavanthu bhavatham Sarve Prasanna GrahaLet Sun give me courage, Moon give high position, Mars grant auspiciousness, Let
Dasaratha krutha Sanaischara StotramSanaischara Stotram Composed by King Dasaratha Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I found this rare stotra in a book let published by Vinayak Mandhir Committee of New delhi, Here fearing the Movement of Sani to Rohini which was expected to cause famine in his country for twelve years , King Dasaratha reaches the place of Sani to fight him, Instead he prays to him.&nbsp
Sanaischara KavachamSanaischara Kavacham Translated by P.R.Ramachander Asya Sri Sanaischara kavacham Maha manthrasya Kasyap Rishi , anushtup Chanda , Sanaischaro devathaa For the great armour of Sani , the sage is Kashyapa , the meter is anushtup and the god addressed is Sanaischara. Sam Bheejam, Nam Shakthi , mam keelakam,
Ponthanam's Vasudeva Sthuthi (Tamil)Vasudeva Sthuthi (Tamil) By Poonatham Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Poonthanam was possibly one of the greatest forerunners of Bhakthi cult in Kerala and his greatest work was Jnana Pana, Loosely it can be translated as “Pot of Knowledge”. But “pana” here is not pot but a style of folk poem. This is written in a common man’s language and in a common man’s verse. It preaches
Sri Skanda SthavaSri Skanda Sthava (prayer to Lord Skandha) By Sage Vamadeva Translated by P.R.Ramachander (“This following is a rare hymn on Lord Skanda in Shiva Purana (Kailasa Samhita, Chatper 11 titled Vamadeva Brahma Varnanam) created by Sri Vamadeva.-“K.Muralidharan. I have attempted to translate in to English) Sri Vama deva Uvacha:- 1.Om nama pranavarthaya pravartha
Pillayar Perumai (Tamil)Pillayar Perumai (Greatness of Lord Ganesa) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Pillai in tamil can also mean a son or our lad. Lord Ganesa to all those who speak tamil is Pillayar . Wherever you go in Tamil Nadu , you will see him in every nook and corner, This is an awesome Bhajan extolling him) 1.Pillayar, pillayar , perumai vaintha pillayar ,
Poonthanam's Neeyathre Govinda (malayalam)Neeyathre Govinda By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Poonthanam was possibly one of the greatest forerunners of Bhakthi cult in Kerala and his greatest work was Jnana Pana, Loosely it can be translated as “Pot of Knowledge”. But “pana” here is not pot but a style of folk poem. This is written in a common man’s language and in a common man’s verse. It preaches the
Poonthanam'sMoola Thathwam (Malayalam)Moola Thathwam (basic principle) By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Poonthanam is is one of the greatest Bhakthi poets of Kerala, In this poem , which is philosophical , he tries to trace the cause of Sorrow) 1.Dukhamodukkunna thamburane , Krishna, Trukkazhal jnan kumibudunnen,=. Oh Lord Krishna, Who removes sorrow , I salute your divine feet
Poonthanam's Maya Varnanam(tamil)Maya Varnanam(tamil) (Description of illusion) By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Poonthanam was possibly one of the greatest forerunners of Bhakthi cult in Kerala and his greatest work was Jnana Pana, Loosely it can be translated as “Pot of Knowledge”. But “pana” here is not pot but a style of folk poem. This is written in a common man’s language and in a common
Kamkhya Dasa Maha Vidhyaa ManthrasKamkhya Dasa Maha Vidhyaa Manthras Translated by P.R.Ramachander These are the prayer to the Dasa Maha Vidhyas according to the Kamakhya tradition. Kamakhya is the chief Goddess of the temple in Guahathi.These are taken from 1.Kali Namo deergeswarim devim sarva kama Phalapradham,
Poonthanam's Guru Sthuthi (malayalam)Guru Sthuthi (Prayer to the Guru) By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Poonthanam was possibly one of the greatest forerunners of Bhakthi cult in Kerala and his greatest work was Jnana Pana, Loosely it can be translated as “Pot of Knowledge”. But “pana” here is not pot but a style of folk poem. This is written in a common man’s language and in a common man’s verse. It
Ghana Sangam or Ambika Sthavam by POonthanam (Malayalam)Ghana Sangam or Ambika Sthavam (The cloud collection or prayer to mother Goddess) By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Poonthanam was possibly one of the greatest forerunners of Bhakthi cult in Kerala and his greatest work was Jnana Pana, Loosely it can be translated as “Pot of Knowledge”. But “pana” here is not pot but a style of folk poem. This is written in a
Dwatrimsath Ganapathi dhyana slokasDwatrimsath Ganapathi dhyana slokas. Translated by P.R.Ramachander According to Mudgala Purana , a book dealing with Lord Ganesa, there are thirty two forms of Ganesa. These are listed described along with pictures and Dhyana Slokas are in a Kannada book called Sri Thathwa nidhi, in the chapter on Shiva Nidhi. These pictures
Dwadasa Nama KeerthanamDwadasa Nama Keerthanam By, Poonthanam Translated by, P.R.Ramachander ((Poonthanam was possibly one of the greatest forerunners of Bhakthi cult in Kerala and his greatest work was Jnana Pana, Loosely it can be translated as “Pot of Knowledge”. But “pana” here is not pot but a style of folk poem. This is written in a common man’s language and in a common man’s verse. It preaches the
Poonthanam’s Dasavathara Stotram (malayalam)Poonthanam’s Dasavathara Stotram By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Ambujathaya lochana , komala , Kambu dharana, Karunya varidhe , Kanmasha paha nin pada Pankajam, Chemme Kanumarakanam , Govinda Oh Govinda , Oh Lotus eyed one , Oh God who has a white conch, Oh sea of kindness , Oh God
Dasa Maha Vidhya StotraDasa Maha Vidyha Stotra . Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( I have earlier translated Dasa Maha Vidhya Sthuthi ( ) 1.Kalika (Kalika is fearless, lives in cremation ground, horrible to look at , naked, wearing garland of skulls, and has a long toungue projecting outside. She is supposed to have
Bhuvaneswari stotramBhuvaneswari stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander In Hinduism, Bhuvaneswari is the fourth of the ten goddesses and an aspect of Devi. According to some Hindu traditions, Bhuvaneswari, who is known for her beauty, co-operates with Shiva in bringing forth from the formless primal light the elements of the physical cosmos, in giving shape to the inchoate; hence her epithet "
Ashtakshara Keerthanam of Poonthanam(malayalam)Ashtakshara Keerthanam (The song about eight letters) By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Poonthanam was possibly one of the greatest forerunners of Bhakthi cult in Kerala and his greatest work was Jnana Pana, Loosely it can be translated as “Pot of Knowledge”. But “pana” here is not pot but a style of folk poem. This is written in a common man’s language and in a
Amrutha sanjeevana Dhanvanthri stotramAmrutha sanjeevana Dhanvanthri stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Lord Dhanvanthari Rose up from the ocean of milk when it was churned holding in his hand , a pot of nectar . He is considered as another form of Lord Vishnu and also considered as the doctor for all universe. The Sanskrit original of this stotam taken from Sudarsana Samhitha is available in https://
Shiva Akshara Mala StoraShiva Akshara Mala Stora (The prayer of garland of alphabets Or The Garland which never decays) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( This is a very popular prayer in Kerala addressed to Lord Shiva. Each verse starts with alphabets of Sanskrit in that order. Now I also find that this is also popular in Andhra. There is a You tube recording of
Shiva Akshara Mala StoraShiva Akshara Mala Stora (The prayer of garland of alphabets Or The Garland which never decays) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( This is a very popular prayer in Kerala addressed to Lord Shiva. Each verse starts with alphabets of Sanskrit in that order. Now I also find that this is also popular in Andhra. There is a You tube recording of
Surya sthava RajaSurya sthava Raja (King of prayers addressed to Sun God) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Vasishta Uvacha:- Vasisha said:- 1.Sthavam sthathra thatha Samba kruso ghamani santhatha, Rajan nama sahasrena sahasramsum Divakaram Samba born to the very thin daughter of a bear,. Prayed Lord Sun with thousand rays using his thousand names. 2.
Surya Kavacha StotramSurya Kavacha Stotram (Prayer of armour to Sun God) By Sage Yagnavalkya Translated by P.R.Ramachander Yagnavalkya uvacha:- Yagnavalkya said:- 1.Srunushwa muni sardhoola , Suryasya kavacham shubham, SAreerarogyadham divyam , sarva saubaghya dhayakam Please hear oh lion among sages, the holy armour addressed to Sun god, Which improves health of
Sanaischara Dwadasa nama stotraSanaischara Dwadasa nama stotra ( Prayer with twelve names to Saturn) By P.R.Ramachander Kunee , Sanaischaro , manda , chaya hrudaya nandana , Marthandaja sthadha souree , pathangee , Gruha nayaka, Brahmanya kroora karma cha neela vasthro anjana dhuthi, Dwadasithani Naamami prathar uthaya ya padeth, SAnaischara bhayam
Ramayana Agaval-Sundara Kandam(Tamil)Ramayana Agaval-Sundara Kandam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I came across this in an old book. This is a saummarised form of Sundara Kandam in the form of a Tamil poem style called Agaval which is a blank poetry. I am sure that reading this would give the effect of reading Sundara kandam of Ramayana.) Devi Darisanam 1.Malai methu yeriya maruthi
Phala Sruthi of Devi Gadkamala stotramPhala Sruthi of Devi Gadkamala stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (In my earlier posting of my translation of the Devi Gadkamala stotra, the phala Sruthi has unfortunately been left out. I am now posting it separately. I have taken the text from You may find my translation of the stotra
Nava Graha Stotram IINava Graha Stotram II Translated by P.R.Ramchander 1.Surya(Sun) Dwibujam Padma hastham cha varadam makutanvitham, Dhyayed divakaram devam sarvaabheeshta phala pradham. I meditate on the god who makes the day , who has two hands, Has a lotus flower in his hand , who gives boons, who wears a crown, And who fulfils all the
The mangala geetham after Narayaneeyam in MalayalamThe mangala geetham after Narayaneeyam in Malayalam (the song of auspiciousness after reading Narayaneeyam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Mangalam, manjulam Krishna Padambujam, Mangalya pradhayakam Krishna Padambujam, SAnkada nasanam Krishna Padambujam, SAnthosha dhayakam Krishna Padambujam The lotus like feet of Krishna is pretty and auspicious
Sri Mahaganapathi trilokya mohana kavachamSri Mahaganapathi trilokya mohana kavacham (The armour of Ganapathi which attracts the three worlds) Translated by P.R.Ramachander Dhyanam Hasthindrananam indhu choodamarunachayam trinethram rasath, Aaslishtam priyayaa sapadmakaraya swangasthaya santhatham, Bheejapoora gadhaa dhanur vishikayukh chakrabja pasothpala, Vreehagra swavipaana
Ayyappa Ganangal (Malayalam)Ayyappa Ganangal (Malayalam) Taken with thanks from the book “Sarana Kerthanangal “ Published by Sri Ayyappa Temple, Bangur Nagar, Goregaom west, Mumbai-400 090 Translated by P.R.Ramachander Here is a collection of malayalam prayer songs addressed to Lord Ayyappa , taken from a book of songs sung during the Sastha preethi
Vasya Varahi StotramVasya Varahi Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Here is a prayer from the atharvana Veda addressed to Varahi, the very fierce Goddess Varahi. It would be useful for people wanting to bring another person under his control. It was sent to me by my friend Mr.Justin Reynolds.) Aswaroode, rakthavarne , smitha soumya mukhambuje, Rajyasthree
Bhasha Karnamrutham of Poonthanam (Malayalam)Bhasha Karnamrutham (The nectar of ears in common language) By Poonthanam Translated by P.R. Ramachander Dedicated to late P.V.V.Raghavan
Ayyappa Darsana Stotram(Malayalam)Ayyappa Darsana Stotram(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.BHasakara devan udhikkum mumbe thanne, Bhangiyil snanam kazhinju pinne. After taking bath prettily even before, Even before God Sun rises in the sky 2.Sri Bhoothanadha bhakthi samanvitham, Poorna namaskaram cheythu
Bhairava StotramBhairava Stotram By Saint Abhinava Guptha Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Abhinava Guptha was one of the very great saints of Kashmir Saivism. He lived most probably before Adhi Shankara .Some people believe that ADhi Sankara met him and he was defeated in argument. This great
Ashta dasa peeta Durga StotramAshta dasa peeta Durga Stotram (The prayer to Durga of the eighteen power centres) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Lord Shiva married Sathi the daughter of Daksha. Once when Daksha insulted Lord Shiva , he decided not to go to his house . But When Daksha conduced a great Yaga, Sathi wanted go there against
Sri Kamaksi Ashtakam (Tamil)Sri Kamaksi Ashtakam (Tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Goddess Kamakshi is the Goddess Parvathi presiding over the temple in Kanchipuram. This eight versed prayer praises and salutes her.) 1.Guruve saranam, Guruvin uruvil , Kuvala the yenai aala vandhai, THiruve saranam , THirumal Sodhari, THiruvadi inaye
Bhoothanathane Kanumaaraganam(Malayalam)Bhoothanathane Kanumaaraganam(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This soulful Malayalam prayer was taken by me from a book called Stotra Mala, published by Devi Book Stall,Kodungallor) 1.Swamiye kananam , Swamiye Kananam, Sri Bhootha nadhane kanumaarakanam I want to see God, I want to see God, I must able to see
Datta Mala ManthraDatta Mala Manthra Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The great stotra iin Sanskrit is available in It is supposed to be extremely powerful. I request devotees to learn it from a Guru before reciting) Parvathi Uvacha Mala manthra mama bruhi , Priya
Rahu Kala Durga Ashtakam (Tamil)Rahu Kala Durga Ashtakam (The octet of Durga for Rahu Kala) By Sri Durgai Chithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Chanting this prayer in Rahukala is believed to be extremely effective.) 1.Vazhvu aanaval Durga, Vakkumanaval, Vanil ninraval , indha mannil vandhanal, Thazhvu athaval , Durga
Shirdi Sai Baba Chalisa(Hindi)Shirdi Sai Baba Chalisa Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Though called Chalisa , this prayer has more than one hundred verses. You can find it in Hindi script in 1.Pehle Sai ke charan main, apna sheesh namaaun main, Kaise Shirdi Sai aaye, saara
Gayathri Chalisa (Hindi)Gayathri Chalisa (Hindi) The forty verse prayer to Gayathri Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Hreem Sreem kleem medhaa , prabhaa, jeevan , jyothi prachanda , Santhi kanthi jagruth pragathi rachanaa Shakthi akhand. Hreem, Sreem , Kleem , Oh formidable one in wisdom, splendour , life and light , Oh&
Ganesa Namaskara StotramGanesa Namaskara Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This great prayer tells eight names of Lord Ganesa followed by salutation to each name. This stotra was sent to me by Sri.K.Muralidharan .I am extremely thankful to him.) Sri Vishnur Uvacha:- 1.Ganesam, Ekadantham cha Herambham, Vighna Nayakam,
Sri Rajarajeswari SthuthiSri Rajarajeswari Sthuthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Raja Rajeswari is the presiding deity of Sri Chakra she is the mother of love and grace. This prayer is addressed to her beseeching her protection.) 1.Sri Chakra nayagi , Sri Bhuvaneswari , Rajarajeswari Palaya maam, Vaarahi Vaishnavi , varija lochani , Rajarajeswari
Pushpanjali to the Goddess (Tamil)Pushpanjali (Tamil) Salutations with flowers Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a great prayer addressed to the Goddess taken from a book entitled “Durga Ambal storangal published by the Rathnagireeswarar temple , beasant Nagar , Madras. In each stanza the devotee offers a different flower and
Narada krutha Ganesa StotramNarada Krutha Ganapathi Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a great prayer addressed to Ganesa which occurs in Narada Pancharathram sent to me by Sri.K.Muralidharan . I am extremely thankful to him.) Narada Uvacha:- 1.Bho Ganesa Sura sreshta, Lambodhara Parathpara , Heramba Mangalaramba , Gaja
Lakshmi Sthuthi from Skanda PuranaLakshmi Stotra from Skanda Purana Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( The Sanskrit original of this prayer is available in ) Deva Ouchu:- The devas said 1.Nama sriyai loka dhatryai Brahma mathre namo nama, Namasthe Padma Nethrayai , Padma
Balarama Sthava RajaBalarama Sthava Raja Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The stotra is taken from Garga Samhitha and is addressed to Balarama incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Lord Balarama was the Guru of Duryodhana. The stotra in DEvanagari is available in I have already
Abhirami Sthuthi(Tamil)Abhirami Sthuthi (Tamil) (The prayer to Abhirami) Translated by P.R. Ramachander ( This great , short and sweet prayer was taken from a book called “Durga-Amba stotrangal” published by the Rathnagireswarar temple of Beasant Nagar , Madras.) 1.Anbe Shivamai amarnthiruppal , Annai Abhirami , AAruthal
Datha Aparadha Kshama stotram of Thembe SwamiDatha Aparadha Stotra of Thembe Swami By Vasudevanand Maharaj Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( The author was great saint who lived in Maharashtra. He was a follower of Swami Dathathreya and has written several prayers addressed to Swami Dathathreya. He is also known as Thembe Swami.) 1.Rasajna vasaa
Sri Krishna Sthuthi from Garga SamhithaSri Krishna Sthuthi (Prayer addressed to Krishna) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( this rarer and great prayer occurs in occurs in Garga Samhitha and was sent to me by Sri K.Muralidharan ( My grateful thanks to him. ) Deva ouchu:- Devas told:- 1.Krishnaya poorna purushaya&
Sri Krishna Kavacham From Garga SamhithaSri Krishna Kavacham (The armour of Krishna) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This rare armour which occurs in Garga Samhitha was sent to me by Sri K.Muralidharan . ( . This is supposed to be recites by the Gopis when the baby Krishna killed the ogress called Puthana. In the last
Shiva Sankara AShtakamShiva Shankara Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is mellifluous and extremely musical prayer which is full of remarkable meaning. I could not find the source of this stotra. The stotra in devanagari can be seen in 1.Athibheeshana katu bhashana yama kinkara
Vallabhesa Kara Valamba DasakamVallabhesa Karavalamba Dasakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander "Vallabha Ganapathi is that form of Ganapathi Vallabha Ganapathi is a rare form of Ganapathi who has eleven arms and is believed to be the protector of the universe. There are a few temples dedicated to this form of Ganapathi (
Kalpaga Vinayaga SuprabathamKalpaga Vinayaka Suprabatham Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( There is a very famous Ganesa temple in a place called Pillayarpatti in Tamil Nadu, where the deity is called Kalpaga Vinayagar ) 1.Rathna pradheepa visadeekrutha soudha madhye , Mukthasma Garbha mani
Nava Durga Raksha Manthra(Hindi)Shri Nava Durga Raksha Mantra (Hindi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Here is a very simple and straight forward prayer of protection addressing the Nava Durga written in Hindi and found in This mantra is recited for protection. It is based on one calling out to the
Nava Durga SthuthiNava Durga Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Shakthi worship aimed at the worship of woman as the power behind everything is possibly very unique in Hinduism. Though the goddess Shakthi plays a secondary roles as consort of Lord Vishnu,
Dasa Maha Vidhya SthuthiDasa Maha Vidhya Sthuthi (Prayer of the ten great wisdoms) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Shakteyas , worship the goddess Parvathi in her ten different aspects . This great stotra was taken from ) &
Ashta Lakshmi Stotram IIIAshta Lakshmi Stotra-III Composed by Sri Srinivasa Translated by P.R,Ramachander ( I have already translated two stotras already and put in my blog/web site and hence this is Ashta Lalakshmi Stotra –III) 1.AAdhi Lakshmi Angana jana vandhithe akhila
Devi Khadgamala StotramDevi Khdgamala storam (The prayer of garland of swords to the goddess) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a great prayer addressed to the great Goddess which protects us from all enemies and dangers like a garland of swords. I am reproducing a part of great introduction&nbsp
Poonthanam's Mathangi Saptha Swara Keerthanam (Malayalam)Mathangi saptha swara keerthanam(Malayalam) The song addressed to Mathangi with seven notes. By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Matangi is one of the Mahavidyas, ten Tantric goddesses and a ferocious aspect of Devi, the Hindu Divine Mother. She is considered as the Tantric form of Sarasvati, the goddess of
Vandhe BHagawathamVande Bhagwatham Salutations to Bhagwatham Translated By, P.R.Ramachander (Bhagawatha is one of the greatest books composed by Veda Vyasa. It was related by sage Shuka, the son of Veda Vyasa to king Parikshith . Here is an unusual prayer which is addressed to that great book. The Sanskrit original can be found in
Shiva Puranam of Saint Manikka VasagarShiva Puranam By Saint Manikka vasagar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Manikka Vasagar was one of the four great Nayanmars (saivite saints ) of Tamil Nadu , who was a great poet as well as great contributor to the SAivite philosophy. His collection of works
Raghu Veera Gadhyam of Vedantha DesikaRaghuveera Gadyam &
VishnavashtakamVishnavashtakam (The octet on Vishnu) By Lord Yama Translated by P.R,Ramachander (This very rare prayer is given by Sri K.Muraleedharan in Sanskrit at This prayer was composed by Lord Yama addressing Lord Jaganaatha of Puri. Lord Yama finds
Lalitha Moola Manthra KavachamLalitha moola manthra Kavacham Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I have taken this Kavacham from This Kavacha(Armour) is based on the moola manthra of Goddess Laitha viz Ka-aa-ee-la-hrim (Vagbhava koota)
Sri Lakshmi nrusimha hrudaya stotramSri Lakshmi nrusimha hrudaya stotra (Frm bhavishyothara purana) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Lakshmi Nrusimha , the royal man lion with his consort Lakshmi is an extremely important God in the hindu pantheon. This rare stotra in nagari script is given by Sri K.N.Ramesh in ( ) Asya Sri Lakshmi Nrusimha hrudaya stotra m aha manthrasya,
Agasthya Krutham Saraswathi sthuthiAgasthya krutham Saraswathi Sthuthi By Sage Agasthya Translated by P.R.Ramachander 1.Ya kundendu thushara hara davalaa, Ya shubhra vasthravruthaa, Yaa veena vara danda manditha karaa, Ya swetha padmasana, Ya brahmachyutha Sankara prabruthibhir , Devai sadaa poojithaa, Saa maam pathu sarswathi, bhagawthi, Nissesha jadyapaha. She is the one who wears the garland dazzling white jasmine flower,
Saptha Rishi RamayanamSAptha rishi Ramayanam By Saptha rishis Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is the story of Ramayana summarized in seven stanzas , composed by The great Saptha rishis. The deva Nagari original can be found in . The tamil translation of these verses are available in ) 1.Kasyapa
Pithru SthuthiPithru Sthuthi (Bruhad Dharma Puranam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Hindus believe that our dead ancestors live as manes in Pithruloka. It is responsibility of their descendents to offer them food and water ithe form of Annual Sradha and monthly tharpanas. It is believed that manes curse their descendents who do not offer them these. And This stotra addressed to our manes in
Pathi StotramPathi Stotra (Prayer addressed to the husband) Traanslated by P.R.Ramachander I got this stotra from the blog spot of sri K.N.Ramesh ( He has given it in devanagari as well as given its meaning. My translation is Slightly different from his. This is a stotra chanted by Goddess Lakshmi To please her husband , Lord Vishnu ) 1.Nama Kanthaya
Lakshmi Narayana KavachamLakshmi naaraayana kavacham Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This great armour has been related to the world by Lord Bhairava. Many sidhas have used to it for occult purposes . Due to many secret chants contained in it , It is supposed to be got by the Guru , who knows the process of chanting this great stotra.) shri Ganesaya nama Salutations to Ganesa shri Bhairava uvacha Lord
Dwadasakshara Manthra StotramDwadasakshara manthra sthothram. (Prayer of the twelve letterd manthra) By Sage Veda Vyasa Translated by P.R.Ramachander (“Om Namo bhagwathe Vasudevaya”, is the famous twelve letter manthra of Vishnu. In this prayer The first letters of the twelve stanzas if read continuously is this great manthra. This manthra in Devanagari lipi can be found in
Aikamathya sookthamAikamathya sooktham(Prayer of unification)Translated bySri.Anantanarayanan Vaidyanathan(The Sooktham in Sanskrit with english meaning given here is given in )aum samsamidduvase vrishannagne visvaannarya aailaspade samiddhyase sa no vasoonnyaabharasamgachchhadhwam samvadadhwam sam vo manaamsi jaanataam deva bhaagam yathapuurve
Bala Triurasundari Pancha RathnamBala Triurasundari Pancha Rathnam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Bala Tripura Sundari is a child form of Tripurasundari. There is also a story that she is the daughter of Lalitha devi and fought with Banda's son and killed them(refer Balavikramandhitha name in Lalitha sahasra namam.)) 1.Neelalakaam , sasi mukhim , nava pallavoshtim, Chambeya pushpa sushumojjwala divya naasaam,
Balambika dasakamBalambika dasakamTranslated byP.R.Ramachander ( The sanskrit original of this great stotra is available in .Some references in the web indicate that it is from Kandha Puranam)1.Velathi langya karune vibhudhendra vandhye,Leela vinirmitha charachara hrun nivase,Mala kirreeta mani kundala madithange,Balambike mai nidehi Krupakadaksham.Please shower
Bhagya SukthamBhagya SukthamTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This prayer to Bhaga , the God of wealth and fortune occurs in Rig Veda. He is the son of Adithi , supporter and bestower of bliss. Though Bhaga is not a puranic God, he has contributed his name to the words, Bhagawan, Bhagya etc. The Suktha in sanskrit along with its meaning can be found in
Bhaskara StotramBhaskara Stotram(the prayer to maker of light)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a rare prayer addressed to the Sun God as the one who makes light)1.Hamsaya bhuvana dwandhadwamasyam amitha thejase,Hamsa vahana roopaya Bhaskaraya namo nama.Salutations to the maker of light , who is the spiritual preceptor,The killer of darkness of the world who has immense light,And who has the form of the one
Dadhi vamana stotramDadhi vamana stotramTranslated byP.R.Ramachander ( Lord Vishnu took the incarnation of Vamana to kill the pride of the great Asura king Mahabali. Anointing in curd or offering rice mixed with curd are very much liked by him. Possibly because of that this stotra is called Dadhi Vamana Stotram. I understand that there is a temple dedicated to Dadhi Vamana , near Raipur, Madhya Pradesh. The
Ayyappa Pancharathnam(Tamil)Ayyappa Pancharathnam(Tamil) The five gems on Lord Ayyappa Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I have taken this great prayer from a book called Sri Ayyappa Nithya Parayanam , a tamil book published by Giri Traders , Madras. In that book Sage Agasthya has been mentioned as the author of this great prayer. But the language used here does not seem to belong to the ancient Tamizh.) 1.Athuvitha
MUKTHAKA MANGALAMMUKTHAKA MANGALAM ByManavala MamuniTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This mangalam is normally sung during worship in most of the Vaishnava temples of South India. The sanskrit original can be found in ) Thaniyan(- poem about the author)Sri Sailesa dhaya pathram Dhee bhkthyadhi gunarnavam, Yatheendra pravanam vandhe ramya jamatharam
Runa Vimochana Ganesha StotramRuna Vimochana Ganesha Stotram (Prayer to remove loan addressed to Ganesa) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is rare prayer addressed to Ganesa to remove ones debts. The prayer tells that all other Gods got their power by worshipping Ganesa) (Dhyanam) Sindhoora varnam , dwibhujam Ganesam, Lambodharam Padma dale nivishtam, Brahamadhi devai pari sevyamanam, Sidhairaryutham tham Pranamami
Thiruchendur chendhiladhipan Thirupalliyezhuchi.Thiruchendur chendhiladhipan Thirupalliyezhuchi. (The waking up song of the Lord of Thiruchendur) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Among the great temples of Lord Subramany in Tamil Nadu , Thiruchendur is the only one which is on the sea shore. Here Lord Subramanya has been depicted after his victory over Sura . This sweet prayer in Tamil is sung to wake him up.) 1.Vethi ver karamudayai, yemai
Yoga Lakshmi Narasimha SuprabathamYoga Lakshmi Narasimha Suprabatham By Saint Doddacharya of SholaVandan Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This Suprabatham is addressed to Lord Narasimha of Gadikachala , which is in Sholavandan of Tamil Nadu. After the killing Hiranya Kasipu , Lord couldnt contain his anger and there are several stories as to how his anger was controlled. Later to make Prahaladahappy, Yoga Narasimhar gave his seva
Sri Vinayaga sapthakam(tamil)Sri Vinayaga sapthakam(tamil)(The seven stanza prayer addressed to Ganesa)Translated byP.R,Ramachander1.Guruve, Paraman kozhunde panithen,Kuvalayam pothum Gana Nadha,Varuvai ninaivil Vandhu yenai aalvai,Vadivelanin sodharane,Arulvai, unaye anu dinam paniven,Annai Parashakthi arul magane,Dheena rakshagane , Gana nadhaa.Oh teacher, Oh darling baby of Shiva, I bow before you,Oh Lord of Ganas who is
Varadaraja PanchakamVaradaraja PanchakamBySaint Doddacharya(These five verses are also known as Deva Raja Panchakam. They were composed by Doddacharya of Sholingur who was not able to attend the annual festival oF Kanchi on the day when the Lord is carried on The Garuda Vahanam. It seems he sung these five great verses and the Lord appeared before him. In remembrance of this great event, every year during the annual
Tripurasundari SuprabathamTripurasundari Suprabatham(Wishes for a good morning to the beauty of Tripura)ByShankaranandaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Among the several names of the goddess Parvathy one of the most important is Tripurasundari. This means the prettiest woman of the three worlds. It is also possible that she is called Tripurasundari because she is the consort of Lord Shiva who is called Tripura because he
Sri Subrahmanya dandakamSri Subrahmanya dandakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Dandakam is a prose type of poem of praise. This prayer is a rare one addressed to Lord Subrahmanya in the dandaka style.) Om Sri Hara nethroth bhava , Agni swaroopa , Saravana sambhava , Sashti kumara , Ganga suputhra , Gangeyaa, Gowri hrudayakarshitha Skanda moorthe Himachala nivasa, Ibhsa mukha sodara , eesopadesa sad guru moorthe
Shiva StotramShiva StotramTranslated byP.R.Ramachander ( Here is a rare prayer addressed to Lord Shiva.)1.Gowri nadham, Viswa nadham, sarnyam,Bhothaavasam Vasuki kanda bhoosham,Triksham Panchasyadhi devam , puranam,Vandhe Sandarananda Sandoha daksham.Salutations to the God who is diligent in managing Sum total of joy,Who is consort of Parvathi, Who is lord of the universe, Who likes people who surrender,
Sashti devi stotramSashti devi stotram (Prayer addressed to Sashti devi) by Kshatriya Priya Vrutha(son of Swayambhuva Manu) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is yet another prayer to be chanted by the childless couple, It is addrssed to Sashti devi, who was the wife of Lord Subramanya called Devayani (Deva Sena) . She accoring to legend is the daughter of Lord Vishnu but brought up by Devendra as his foster
Mookambika stotra, (Malayalam)Mookambika stotra, (Malayalam)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(To the Keralite the Goddess Saraswathi installed in Mookabika temple in Karnataka, which is is one of the most important temples there. Every family dreams of beginning of Education(Vidhyarambam) of their children to be done there. There is a story that Adhi sankara was returning to Kerala with the idol of Goddess Saraswathi and she
Meenakshi Mani Mala ashtakamMeenakshi Mani Mala ashtakam( The octet of gem studded garland to Meeanakshi)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Meenakshi is the presiding Goddess of the city of madhurai. She was born as a princess and daughter to the pandya king Malaya Dwaja Pandya and married Lord Sundareswarar , an incarnation of Lord shiva)1.Madhurapuri nayike namasthe,Madhuralapishukabhiramahasthe.Malaya dwaja pandya raja
Mayureswara StotramMayureswara Stotram(From Ganesa Puranam)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(I am reproducing below an excellent write up on Mayureswara form of Ganesa from Mayureswara is the first incarnation of Ganesha, as per the Ganesha Puran. Ganeshas incarnation was during Treta yuga. He was born to Shiva and Parvati. He
Sri KumarashtakamSri KumarashtakamTranslated byP.R.Ramachander( Kumara meaning lad is a name of Lord Subrahmanya. Here is a rare stotra addressed to Him.) 1.Nijananda roopam, nirmala guna vikasam, Gajanujam, karthikeyam , guham, Prajapathim parvathi prana puthram, Bhaje sada Shanmuka pada pankajam I always sing about the lotus like feet of the six faced one, Who has the form of true joy , who is personification
Sri Kamakshi stotramSri Kamakshi stotramTranslated byP.R.RamachanderRefrain to be repeated after every slokaKamakshi Mathar namasthe,kama-Dhanaika dakshe , sthithe Bhaktha pakshe.My salutations to mother Kamakshi,who cleverly gives away to the satisfaction And is always on the side of the devotees. 1.kamarikanthe , kumari, kala kalasya bharthu, kare dhatha hasthe,Kamaya kama pradhathri, kamakotistha poojye,
Ganesa Veda Pada SthavaGanesa Veda Pada SthavaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander (Here is a rare stotra addreesed to Lord Ganapathi)1.Srikanda Thanaya, Srisa , sreekara , sree jalarchitha, Sri Vinayaka sarvesa , sriyam vasaya may kule. Oh Son of lord Shiva, Oh divine God , oh giver of wealth , Oh god worshiped by sacred waters, Oh God preventing obstacles, Oh God of all , let wealth always stay in my clan, 2.Gajanana ,
Ganesa SthavamGanesa Sthavam(From Ganesa Puranam)Translated byP.R.Ramachander( I could not find in the web this complete stotra , though I found several references to the first three stanzas of this great prayer addressed to Ganesa. In many places it is mentioned that the first three stanzas are to be recited during the pooja on Sankata Hara Chathuthi. Some people call it Ganesa sthavam and yet others as
Agasthya Krutha Shiva stotramAgasthya Krutha Shiva stotrambySage AgasthyaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is grand prayer of utter simplicity from sage Agasthya)1.Adhya may saphalam janma cha sdhya may thwam paramthapa,Adhya may saphalam jnanam Shambho thwath Pada adharath.If my life is fruitful, it is due to you divine God,If my intelligence is fruitful , it is due to my depending on your feet.2,Krutharthoham,
Athma SuprabathamAthma Suprabatham(Good morning to our own soul)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a prayer wishing ourselves a very good morning after remembering several auspicious things.)1. Brhama muraris thiripurantha kaarir, Baanu: sasee bhoomi sutho Budascha, Guruscha sukras sani raahu kethave, Kurvanthu sarve mama suprabatham. Let Brahma, Vishnu , Shiva the destroyer of three cities, Sun, Moon ,
Krishna Padambuja stotram (Malayalam)Krishna Padambuja stotram (Malayalam)(The prayer of the lotus feet of Krishna)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is prayer of extreme devotion and utter simplicity. Though it is supposed to be a prayer in Malayalam, only the last two stanzas(which are more of a addition to the prayer) are in Sanskrit. This prayer is normally sung after completing the reading of Narayaneeyam.)1.Mangalam,
Guruvatha puresa mangalamGuruvatha puresa mangalam(The song of auspiciousness to Lord of Guruvayur)Translated byP.R.Ramachander( Here is a soul stirring song of auspiciousness to the Lord of Guruvayur, which is sung after the reading of Narayaneeyam of Mepathur Bhattathiri )1.Mangalam mangalaakantha thava vaksha sthala sthithaa,Mangalam prarthamanasya karothu mama mangalam.The auspicious goddess Lakshmi stays on
Mohini rachitha Krishna stotramMohini rachitha Krishna stotramTranslated by P.R.Ramachander(This very great and rare Stotra was brought to my notice by Mr.Justin Reynolds , a great devotee of Lord Krishna. The stotra in Sanskrit is availablein, It is supposed to be written by Mohini. Mohini is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu on two occasions. The first one was to prevent
Mangala Chandika stotramMangala Chandika stotramTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(The text of this stotra is given in various ways in different places and I have pieced out the complete prayer by consulting various places. The text in Sanskrit is given in Slightly different text is given in
Sri Sastha BhujangamSri Sastha BhujangamTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(I was not aware of this stotra and it is not in the list of works of Adhi Sankara who specializes in Bhujanga stotras. It was brought to my notice by sri Sudha Haran Chennicherry. The transliteration is also by him.)1.Shridhaa nanda chinthamani shreenivasamSada sacchidaananda purna prakasham Udhaaram Sadhaaram Suraadhaara meeshamParam jyothi
Sri Maha sasthru anugraha kavachamSri Maha sasthru anugraha kavacham(The great armour of blessing of Sastha)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Sastha is the son of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. This armour deals with that divine God)Sri Devyuvacha:-The Goddess said:-1.Bhagwan deva devesa sarvagna tripuranthaka,Prapthe Kali yuge ghore Maha Bhoothai samavruthe.Oh God, oh god of gods , Oh all knowing one , Oh destroyer of three cities,
Nataraja pathu (Tamil)Nataraja pathu By Muniswamy Mudaliar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (this great prayer addressed to Lord Nataraja (the king of dancers) of Chidambaram was written about 30 years ago by Sri.Chirumanavoor Muniswamy mudaliar. It is an appeal to Lord Shiva and a great prayer. The beauty of the original cannot be brought in a translation fully but I hope devotees would find this translation
Kolaru thirupathigam(tamil)Kolaru thirupathigam (The ten verses that remove all ills) By Thirujnana Sambandar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a remarkable prayer addressed to Shiva composed by Sambandar , one of great saivite saints who were called as Nayanmar. Once the Pandya country of Tamil Nadu was under the influence of Jains , with the king himself converting himself to jain religion. At that time
Mrita sanjeevana kavachamMrita sanjeevana kavacham(The armour of raising from death)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This remarkable and very powerful armour is supposed to help prevent untimely death. It is some times referred as Mruta Sanjeevani stotram. It is available in Malayalam script in The mps recording with suitable video is available in http://
Sarva Vyadhi haram Maheswara KavachamSarva Vyadhi haram Maheswara Kavacham(The armour of Maheswara which cures all diseases)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Maheswara is the Vedic Form of the Shiva who is the supreme lord.)Rajo Uvacha:-The king said:-1,Anganyaso yaduktho bho Mahesakhara samyutha,Vidhanam kee drusam thasya karthavya kena hethunaThad Vadasya Maha Bhaga , vistharena Mamagratha.Oh great one please tell me in detail
Maha Mrithyunjaya KavachamMaha Mrithyunjaya Kavacham(The great armour of one who has won over death)Translated by,P.R.RamachanderBhairva Uvacha:-Bhairava said:-1.Srunushwa Paramesani kavacham Manmukhodhitham,Maha Mrityunjayasyasya na dheyam ParamadhbuthamPlease hear the armour of Lord Paramesawara from my mouth,Which is the desirable one dedicated to ,The great lord Mrithyunjaya* and is greatly wonderful.
Kala Bhairava Pancha rathnamKala Bhairava Pancha rathnam(The five gems addressed to Kala Bhairava.)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Kalabhairava is the God who is the protector of Benares. He is supposed to be the fearsome aspect of Lord Shiva. Once Brahma insulted Lord Shiva and his fifth head teasingly laughed at Lord Shiva. From Lord Shiva came out the Kalabhairava (Black Bhairava) who tore off the fifth head of Lord Brahma
Rudra KavachamRudra Kavacham(The armour of Rudra)BySage DurvasaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a great armour dedicated to Lord Shiva, The kavacham in Deva Nagari script can be found in Sri Rudra Kavacha stotra maha manythrasya Durvasa rishi, Anushtup chanda , Tryabaka rudro devatha, Om Bheejam, Hreem SAkthi, Kleem Keelakam , mama manobheeshta
Adhi Narayana SthuthiAdhi Narayana Sthuthi(The prayer to the primeval Narayana)Rishaya Uvacha:-Rishis told:-1.Nama parama kalayana kalyanayathma yogine,Janadhanaya devaya Sridharaya cha Vedase.Salutations to the most auspicious one, who is a yogi with auspicious soul,Who is God who takes care of people , Who is one carrying sree and one described by Vedas.2.Nama Kamala kinjalka suvarna makutaya cha,Kesavaya,
Trilokya Mangalam Surya KavachamTrilokya Mangalam Surya Kavacham(Armour of the Sun ,Auspiciousness to the three worlds)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This armour in Devanagari script is available in Sri Surya Uvacha:-Lord Sun told:-1.Samba , samba Maha Baho srunu may kavacham shubham,Trilokya mangalam nama kavacham
Balabhadra(Balarama ) KavachamBalabhadra(Balarama ) Kavacham(Armour of Balarama)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Balarama was the elder brother of Lord Krishna , born to his father Vasudeva and step mother Rohini. He is considered as the incarnation of Adhisesha. In south , he is rarely worshipped but in east India he is worshipped along with Lord Krishna and his sister Subhadra. Here is an armour dedicated to him ,.
Sri Rama KavachamSri Rama KavachamBySage SutheeshnaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander1.Aajanu bahum aravindalayathaksham,Aajanma shuddha rasa hasa mukha prasadam,Shyamam graheeths sara chapa mudhara roopam,Ramam sa ramamabhiramamanusmarami.I think about Rama who is every second pretty,Who has hands reaching up to his thighs , who has lotus like eyes,Who is pure all his life, who has a smiling face ,Who is
Sri Gopala Akshaya KavachamSri Gopala Akshaya Kavacham(The perennial armour of Gopala)Translated byP.R.Ramachander (Gopala means a cowherd or even one who looks after all beings. The Kavacha in Devanagari script is available in Narada Uvacha:-1.Indradhya amara vargeshu Brahman yath paramathbutham,Akshaya kavacham mnama kadhyaswa mama
Kalika KavachamKalika KavachamTranslated ByP.R.Ramachander(This is the version of the prayer as given in a book in Malayalam The prayer obviously belongs to thanthra method of worship of the Goddess. An entirely different version of the Kavacha is given in“O Mother, even a dullard becomes a poet who meditates upon thee raimented with space,
Bhuvaneswari KavachamBhuvaneswari KavachamTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(“In Hinduism, Bhuvaneswari is the fourth of the ten Mahavidya goddesses and an aspect of Devi. According to some Hindu traditions, Bhuvaneswari, who is known for her beauty, co-operates with Shiva in bringing forth from the formless primal light the elements of the physical cosmos, in giving shape to the inchoate; hence her epithet "Creator of the
Sri Saraswathi kavachamSri Saraswathi kavacham(Armour of Goddess Saraswathi)Asya sri Saravanthio kavacha stotra maha manthrasya , samyogeswara rishi , Anushtup chandha, Sri Saraswathi devatha, Sri Saraswathi prasada sidhyarthe jape viniyogaFor the great prayer called “The armour of Saraswathi”, the saint is Samyogeswara , Meter is Anushtup , the goddess addressed is Saraswathi and this is being sung for obtaining
Sidha Kunjika StotramSidha Kunjika Stotram(The unhidden song of perfection)Translated byP.R.Ramachander (This great prayer is chanted before the reading of Chandi path / Sapthasathi (known as Devi Mahathmya) in the northern parts of India. It is more thanthric in nature and has been taught by Lord Shiva to Goddess Parvathi. Devotees believe that just a recitation of Sidha Kunjika stotram is equivalent to
Mahalakshmi Kavacham IIMahalakshmi Kavacham II(Armour of Goddess Lakshmi)Translated by P.R.Ramachander(There is another Mahalakshmi Kavacham as taught by Indra. It can be found along with meaning in may cha agratha pathu , Kamala pathu prushtatha,Narayani seersha dese , Sarvange Sri Swaroopini.Let my nearby places be protected by Lakshmi, Let my
Sri Maha Vidhyaa kavachamSri Maha Vidhyaa kavacham(The armour of great knowledge)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Kali, Thara, Kamakhya, Bhuvaneswari , Bhairavi, Chinnamastha, Dhoomavathi.Bagala mukhi, Matangi and Kamala are the Goddesses collectively known as Mahavidhyas. They are mainly worshipped by Thanthrics)Sri Ganesa uvacha:-Ganesa told:-1.Srunu devi pravakshyami kavacham sarva sidhidham,AAdhyaayam Maha vidhyaaya
Malar Padal storam(tamil)Malar Padal storam(tamil)(Prayer of flowers) Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This remarkable prayer in Tamil tells us the benefits we would get by worshipping 23 forms of the Goddess with 23 different types of flowers.)1.Roja poo kondu vandhe –engal Rajarajeswariyai poojai cheythal,Desadhi desam mechum Rajavai pola vazha cheyval.If you bring rose flowers and worship our Rajarajeswari ,She would
Bilwa ashtothara satha stotramBilwa ashtothara satha stotram (Prayer of one hundred and eight Bilwa) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a very peculiar and rare prayer addressed to Lord Shiva. It has 108 stanzas , after chanting each, we are supposed to offer a life of Bilwa at the Head of Lord Shiva. This stotra in Tamil is given in
Rahasya thrayam II-Vaikruthika RahasyamRahasya thrayam II-Vaikruthika RahasyamThe triad of secrets II -The secret of causal changeTranslated byP.R.Ramachander (Devi Mahatmyam also called as Chandi /Durga Sapthasathi, is possibly the greatest book of prayers addressed to the goddess. This prayer is an appendix of that great book. In Devi Mahatmya after the sage completely relates the story of the Goddess, the king wants to
Rahasya thrayam III-Moorthi RahasyamRahasya thrayam III-Moorthi RahasyamThe triad of secrets III-The secret of different forms.Translated byP.R.Ramachander (Devi Mahatmyam also called as Chandi /Durga Sapthasathi, is possibly the greatest book of prayers addressed to the goddess. This prayer is an appendix of that great book. In Devi Mahatmya after the sage completely relates the story of the Goddess, the king wants to
Rahasya Thrayam I-Pradhanika RahasyamRahasya Thrayam I-Pradhanika RahasyamThe triad of secrets- The important secretsTranslated byP.R.Ramachander (Devi Mahatmyam also called as Chandi /Durga Sapthasathi, is possibly the greatest book of prayers addressed to the goddess. This prayer is an appendix of that great book. In Devi Mahatmya after the sage completely relates the story of the Goddess, the king wants to know , who
Ganesa Mahimna stotramGanesa Mahimna Stotram(Prayer of Ganesa’s greatness)BySage Pushpa DanthaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a great prayer addressed to Lord Ganesa. It tells that all gods get their power from Ganesa. It tells that Lord Ganesa does creation, upkeep and destruction.. )1.Anirvachyam roopam sthavana nikaro yathra galitha,Sthadha vakshye stotram pradhama purushasyathra mahatha,Yatho jatham viswam
Durga Saptha slokiDurga Saptha Sloki(Seven verses to Durga)Translated byP.R.Ramachander( Here is a very famous prayer which was taught by the Goddess herself to Lord Shiva, to realize our objectives in the Kali age. This is also called Amba Sthuthi. These seven verses are only selection from the great Devi Mahatmyam)Shiva Uvacha:Shiva said:-Devi thwam bhakthi sulabhe , sarva karya vidhayini ,Kalou hi karya
Durga dhakara dwathrimsa nama malaDurga dhakara dwathrimsa nama malaThe 32 names of Durga starting with "Dha"TRanslated byP.R.Ramachander( This prayer presents a garland of 32 names of the Mother Durga, starting with letter “Dha”. This is specially recommended to get rid of fear.)1.Durga Druragarthi samani Durgapadvinivarini,Durgama chedini , durga sadhini , durga nasini.Goddess Durga , she who appeases great pain,She ho
Dheepa Lakshmi SthuthiDheepa Lakshmi SthuthiTranslated byP.R.Ramachander1.Dheepo Jyothi Param Brahma, Dheepo jyothi Narayana,Dheepo harathu may papam , Sandhya dheepo Namosthuthe.The lamp and its flame are the divine Brahmam,The lamp and its flame are Lord Narayana,The lamp destroys all sins and I salute the lamp at the dawn.2.Shubham karothi Kalyanam, Arogyam Dhana Sampadha,Sathru budhi vinasaya , Dheepa jyothi
Ambikaye Lalithamba(Tamil)Ambikaye Lalithamba(Tamil) Translated byP.R.Ramachander1.Bramananda rasathai pusithu ,Naan poorithene Lalithamba,Poorna kalyaniyai dayavudan,Poojithu pugazhndene LalithambaOh mother Lalitha , I ate the extract of the divine joy,And experienced great fulfillment,Oh mother Lalitha , I praised and worshipped,The goddess of Complete auspiciousness who is merciful.2.Sathva sadananda
Vishnu Maya SthuthiVishnu Maya Sthuthi(The prayer to Vishnu Maya)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This great prayer of devas occurs in the fifth chapter of Devi Mahatmya. When two great asuras trouble them , the devas remembering the promise of the Goddess to save them whenever they are in trouble assemble in the Himayayas and pray the Goddess Vishnu Maya thus.) 1. Deva Ouchu:- Namo devyai maha devyai shivayai
Sakradhi SthuthiSakradhi Sthuthi(The prayer by Indra and other devas)Translatedby P.R.Ramachander(This great prayer occurs in the fourth chapter of Devi Mahatmyam. This is done by Indra and other devas after the Goddess Killed Mahishasura) 1. Rishir Uvacha:- Sakradhaya suragana nihathe athiveerya, Thasmin durathmani surari bale cha devya, Thaam thushtuvu pranathi namra siro daramsa, Vagbhi praharsha
Narayani StotramNarayani Sthuthi Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Slokas 8 to 25 of Chapter 11 of Devi Mahathmyam is called The Narayani Sthuthi(Prayer to Narayani) .. Narayani denotes “the innate power behind ultimate god”. It also means “she who provides the basis for all living things. ” Or “She who is the power behind Lord Narayana. ” Or the power of illusion behind Lord Narayana or she is who is personification
Devi KavachamDEVI KAVACHAM(Armour of the Goddess)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This great stotra comes as a prelude to the great Devi Mahatmyam. It can also be chanted separately)1. Markandeya Uvacha: - Yath guhyam paramam loke sarva rakshakaram nrunam, Yanna kasya Chidagyatham, thanme bruhi pithamaha.Oh Lord Brahma (Grand father of all) Please teach me that which is secret to all the world, which is great,
Subramanya Sapthakam(TamilSubramanya Sapthakam(Tamil)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(I saw this great prayer addressed to Lord Subrahmanya The name of the prayer is in Sanskrit but the prayer itself is in Tamil. As the title suggests it has seven stnzas.)1.Kandhane , Kadambane , karuthunil urainthidum,Karunai vadivana guhane,Kangalo pannirandu irunthidinum yezhayai kaaka
Subramanya Sapthakam(TamilSubramanya Sapthakam(Tamil)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(I saw this great prayer addressed to Lord Subrahmanya The name of the prayer is in Sanskrit but the prayer itself is in Tamil. As the title suggests it has seven stnzas.)1.Kandhane , Kadambane , karuthunil urainthidum,Karunai vadivana guhane,Kangalo pannirandu irunthidinum yezhayai kaaka
Sri Venkatesa StotraSri Venkatesa Stotra(From Skanda Puranam)BySage PadmanabhaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This is a very short but powerful prayer addressed to Lord Venkateswara. This is composed by sage Padmanabha. This is supposed to occur in Skanda Purana. A Devanagari version is available in )Padmanabha Uvacha:-Padmanabha said:-1.Namo devasdhi
Sri Guru DevashtakamSri Guru DevashtakamBySri Viswanatha Chakravarthi ThakuraTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Known also as Haricharan das, Takura belonged to the Guru lineage of Sri Chaithanya Maha Prabhu. This great prayer is addressed to his Guru. I became aware of it from a tamil translation of this prayer done by Sri Kannan of Navi Mumbai and published in MUkthi Priya August , 2011 issue. I have also used the
Asitha krutha Shiva stotramAsitha krutha Shiva stotramBy Sage AsithaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander( This is one of those rare stotras that promises marriage to a man who is not married.)1.Jagat guro Namathubhyam , sivaya sivadhaya cha,Yogeendraanaam cha Yogeendra gurunaam Gurava namaSalutations to the teacher of the universe,And also to Shiva and the family of Shiva,Salutations to the king of Yogis and the ,Teacher
Sarpa Baadhaa nivruthi slokaSarpa Baadhaa nivruthi sloka(Verses to remove problems due to snakes)Translated byP.R.Ramachander( Here is a powerful prayer to get rid of the fear/problems created by snakes.)1.Anantho, vasuki sesha padmanabhascha kambala,Drutharashtra , sankha pala , thakshaka Kaliya sthadhaAnanth, Vasuki, Adhi Sesha , Padmanabha, Kambala ,Drutharashra , Sankhapala , Thakshaka and Kaliya2.Yethani nava
Pothri thiru agaval(Tamil)Pothri thiru agaval(Tamil) ByManikka VasagarTranslated ByP.R.Ramachander(Manikka Vasagar was a great saint of the saivite Bhakthi movement of Thamizh Nadu. His greatest contribution was a book called Thiruvasagam.(Divine writing) . It has been told that “thiru vasagathukku urugar , yevvachagathukkum urugar” meaning, “ The mind of one whose mind does not melt for Thiruvasagam , will not melt
Sri Lalitha Sthava RajaSri Lalitha Sthava RajaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This great prayer was found by me in an old collection of prayers addressed to the Goddess published by R.S.Vadhyar and sons, Palghat.)1.Jaya devi jagan matha , jaya devi parathpare,Jaya kalyani nilaye , jaya kama kalathmike.Victory to Goddess who is the mother of universe,Victory to Goddess who is more divine than divinity.Victory to the
Sri Kamalambika ashtakamSri Kamalambika ashtakamByA disciple of Narayana TheerthaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Kamalambika is the presiding Goddess in the temple of Thiruvarur of Thanjavur district. Muthuswami Deekshithar has written many of his Krithis appealing to this Goddess. I found this rare stotra in a Tamil book by Najan called “Ananda Sagara Sthavam”. Instead of mentioning who is the author, he says it is
KalikashtakamAdhi sankaras Kalikashtakam(The octet addressed to Goddess Kali)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a prayer addressed to the fierce form of Goddess Parvathi called Kali.. She is supposed to live in the cremation ground and wears a garland of cut heads. There is a reference to her birth in the Devi Mahathmyam (Chandi) . When Raktha Bheeja, the commander of Shumbha and Nishumba comes to
Hari Keerthanam (Malayalam)Hari Keerthanam (Malayalam) By Poonthanam Translated by, P.R.Ramachander (Here is the entire story of lord Krishna in the form of prayer written in simple Malayalam, which is daily sung by many in Kerala.) 1.Boomi than bharam kalavthinnayittu , Bhoomiyil vannu piranna Krishna Hari For the lessening the burden of the earth, You were born in earth itself, Krishnahari 2.Sri Madhurengal
Ghora Kashtodhra storamGhora Kashtodhra storamByTembe swami maharaj alias Sri Vasudevananda SaraswathiTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is great prayer meant to destroy severe sufferings addressed to Lord Dathathreya written by a great Maharashtrian saint Thembe swami Maharaj who was born in the year 1854 AD.)1.Sripada, Srivallabha thvam sadaiva,Sri datha asmath praha devadhi deva,Bhava grahya , klesa haarin Sukirthe
Ganesa Saranam (Malayalam)Ganesa Saranam (Malayalam)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Prayers addressed to Ganesa are rare in Malayalam. Here is a pretty one which is drenched in devotion.)1.Ganesa saranam , Saranam Ganesa,Ganesa saranam , Saranam Ganesa,Give me protection Ganesa, Give me protection Ganesa,Give me protection Ganesa, Give me protection Ganesa,2.Parvathi puthra saranam Ganesa,Sankara thanaya saranam Ganesa,
Agasthya Krutha Sri Saraswathi stotramAgasthya Krutha Sri Saraswathi stotramBySage AgasthyaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander1.Ya kundendu thushara hara davalaa,Ya shubhra vasthravruthaa,Yaa veena vara danda manditha karaa,Ya swetha padmasana,Ya brahmachyutha Sankara prabruthibhir ,Devai sadaa poojithaa,Saa maam pathu sarswathi, bhagawthi,Nissesha jadyapaha.She is the one who wears the garland dazzling white jasmine flower,She is the
Runa Vimochana Ganesha StotramDaily read this great Stotra to get rid of poverty The most referred stotra among my translations(40000).Many people have said they got read of their poverty by reading this stotra daily for one year as told in the last stanza,The stotra in Devanagari and Tamil also
Ganesa Saranam(Malayalam)Ganesa Saranam (Malayalam) 1.Ganesa saranam , Saranam Ganesa, Ganesa saranam , Saranam Ganesa, Give me protection Ganesa, Give me protection Ganesa, Give me protection Ganesa, Give me protection Ganesa, 2.Parvathi puthra saranam Ganesa, Sankara thanaya saranam Ganesa, Mooshika Vahana saranam Ganesa, Ganesa saranam , Saranam Ganesa, Give me protection Ganesa the son of Parvathi, Give me
Nama RasamNama Rasam (The taste of the name) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a collection of prayers found in other stotras that have been given the name of Nama Rasam. I came across this collection in a tamil Magazine called Kumudam Bhakthi.) 1.Krishnaya Vasudevaaya , Devaki Nandanaya, Nanda gopa kumaraya , Govindaya namo nama. I salute and salute that Govinda who is Krishna, Who is son of
Thirupalliyezhuchi of Thondar Adipodi AzhwarThirupalliyezhuchi of Thondar Adipodi AzhwarByThondar Adi Podi Azhwar( Songs for waking up the Lord was not a common tradition in Hinduism. The famous exhortation of Sage Viswamithra to Lord Rama in Bala Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana vizKousalya Supraja Rama, Poorva Sandhya pravarthathe,Uthishta Nara Sardula , Karthavyam daivamahnikam Which requested him to wake up and do his ritualistic
Kirtha AshtakamKirtha Ashtakam(The octet addressed to the hunter)Translated by Ramachander(This is a very rare prayer addressed to Lord Shiva as hunter. It is well known that when Arjuna did Thapas to please Shiva to get Pasupathasthra , he appeared to him in the form of a hunter to test him. To my knowledge there are three temples dedicated to Shiva as a hunter.One of them is in Anthimahakalan Kavu, Chelakkara
Hanuman stotram(Anjana Sutham)Hanuman(Anjana Sutham) stotram (Prayer addressed to Hanuman)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a great and rare prayer addressed to Lord Hanuman as son of Anjana)1.Sukhekadhaam-bhushnam, Manoja garva-khandanam, Anathmadhi-vigarhanam, Bhajeham-anjani-sutamI sing about the son of Anjana , to whom the mace looks like an ornament,Who berates all who are proud and, Punishes those who have not
Mere Man ke Andha Thamas meinMere Man ke Andha Thamas mein(In the blind darkness of my mind )Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This is a famous Bhajan sung by Jagajit singh. It is addressed to the Goddess)1.Mere Man Ke Andh Tamas Mein,Jyotirmayi Utaro,Oh Goddess who shines like a flame,Please enter in to the blind darkness of my mind.2.Kaha Yaha Devo Ka Nandan,Malyachal Ka Abhinav Chandan,Where has the darling baby of devas,Who
Durga Saptha slokiDurga Saptha sloki(seven verse prayer of Durga)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(The seven verses of this prayer has been taken from the book Devi Mahatmyam(Chandi). It is believed that reading these seven verses is equivalent to readinnd the full text of Devi Mahathmya. I thank Sri Akshay Dayal, who brought this great stotra to my notice)Om asya Durga saptha sloki stotra manthrasya Narayana rishi,
Mayuresa stotramMayuresa stotram(Prayer to Lord of the peacock)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This prayer is meant for removal of worry as well as diseases.)1.Puranapurusham devam Nana kreedakaram mudhaa,Mayyavinam durvibhashyam, Mayuresam namamyaham.I salute the Lord of the peacock , who is an epic person,Who appears as if he plays in various ways , who is illusory and pleased by Durva grass.2.Parathparam ,
Translations of Hindi stotra rathnasTranslation of Hindi stotra rathnas For the past ten years I have been doing translation of various stotrams,. I have so far translated 600 stotra rathnas. I am now trying to look back as to that I have done.Among my translations there are few great stotras from Hindi:-1.Jai Jagadessa Hare- Nivasi Rama- http://
Translations of Malayalam stotra rathnasTranslation of Malayalam stotra rathnas For the past ten years I have been doing translation of various stotrams,. I have so far translated 600 stotra rathnas. I am now trying to look back as to that I have done.Among my translations there are few great stotras from Malayalam:-1.Ezhuthachan’s Narayana jaya- Japikkuga- http://
Translations of Tamil stotra rathnasTranslation of Tamil stotra rathnas For the past ten years I have been doing translation of various stotrams,. I have so far translated 600 stotra rathnas. I am now trying to look back as to that I have done. Among my translations are several famous stotras written in Tamil. They are:-1.Thiruppavai- Pathu- http://
My translations-SuprabathamsFor the past ten years I have been doing translation of various stotrams,. I have so far translated 600 stotra rathnas. I am now trying to look back as to that I have done. Suprabatha songs intent to wake up the God/Goddess from sleep. The most famous of this genere of prayers is the Venkatesa Suprabatham. I have translated the following suprabathams in to English1.Venkatesa Suprabatham- http:/
My translations-sahasra namamsFor the past ten years I have been doing translation of various stotrams,. I have so far translated 600 stotra rathnas. I am now trying to look back as to that I have done.SAhasranamams are 1000 holy names of god/goddesses. Most of them occur in some Puranas. Regular chant of these are supposed to be extremely effective. I have translated the following saharanamams1.Vishnu Sahasranamam- http:/
Dasavathara stotram IIDasavathara stotram IITranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This very delectable prayer addressed to the ten incarnations of Vishna was brought to my notice by Sri Chakravathi Madhusoodhana. My grateful acknowledgements to him. The audio and text in Devanagari of this prayer is available in In this stotra Lord Budha is considered as Avathara(incarnatuion)
Arya satakamArya satakamBy Mooka KaviTranslated byP.R.Ramachander( “There are no authentic proof available on the date and life of ‘Mooka kavi’. There lived a man in kAnchIpuram, who was speech impaired from birth. He was regularly visiting ‘kAmAkshi’ temple and was prostrating before the goddess. One day He saw the lips of the goddess and after that he started to speak and wrote a work called ‘mooka
Santana Gopala stotramSantana Gopala stotram (Prayer to Lord Krishna as a child) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Due to various reasons many couple are not blessed with children. In India , since the inheritance is patrilineal, at least one son is needed by a family, so that the clan/family continues. Here is a very specific prayer addressed to Lord Krishna as a child requesting him for a son. This prayer has to
Hanumath badavanala stotramHanumath badavanala stotram(The Sea fire like prayer to Hanuman.)ByKing VibheeshanaTranslated byP.R.RamachanderOm asya Sri Hanumath badavanala stotras mantrasya ,Sri Ramachandra rishi , Sri Badavanala hanuman devatha , mama samastha roga prasamanartham , ayur arogya Aiswaryadhi abivrudhyartham , Samastha papa kshayartham , Seetha Rama chandra preethyartham Hanumath badavanala stotra japam
Pancha devatha stotramPancha devatha stotram(Prayer to the five Gods)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(The followers of Sankara worship five Gods viz Shiva, Parvathi, Vishnu, Ganesa and the Sun God. Here is a rare prayer addreesed to all of them.)1.Ganesa Vishnu surya eesa dugakhyam deva panchakam,Vandhe vishudha manasa jana sayujya dhayakamI salute Ganesa, Vishnu , Sun God, Shiva and Durga,Which uplift the pure
Nrusimha SthuthiNrusimha SthuthiTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This is the prayer by several groups of the world addreesed to Lord Narasimha when he killed Hiranya Kasipu. This forms a part of the 8th chapter of the seventh dasaka of Srimad Bhagwatham. The next chapter is the Sthuthi by Prahlada himself. ).Brahmo Uvacha:-Brahma said:-1.Namosthwnanthaya durantha sakthaye,Vichithra veeryaya pavithra karmane,
Neela Saraswathi stotramNeela Saraswathi stotram(Prayer to the Blue Saraswathi)Translated byP.R.Ramachander.(Neela Saraswathi or Blue Saraswathi is a form of Tara devi , a fierce form of the goddess. Some people refer to her as Nila devi, who is the third wife of Lord Vishnu. The ritual to please her is described in .1.Ghora roope maharave
TarashtakamTarashtakam(Octet addressd to Goddess Tara)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Tara meaning “Star” is the second among the dasa maha vidhyas . Since she is considered as a mother, the Thanthrics believe that she is easily approachable. Most of her followers do not see her different from Goddess Kali. Unlike Kali , she holds in her hand skull, flower sword and a pair of scissors. There is a great temple
Mahalakshmi ji ki aarthi(Hindi)Mahalakshmi ji ki aarthi (version I)Translated by P.R.Ramachander(AArthis are Hindi prayers recited by common people in front of the Gods waving lamps. I have given two versions of this prayer slightly different from each other.)1.Om Jai Laxmi MataUma Rama Brahmaani, Tum ho Jag Mata,Maiya, Tum ho Jag Mata,Surya ChanraMa dhyaavat, Naarad Rishi gaata.Om Jai Laxmi Mata.You are Parvathi , Lakshmi ,
Vipareeth Prtayangira stotraVipareeth Prtayangira stotra(The opposite Prathyangira prayer)Given bySri Yogeswaranand jiTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Prathyangira devi is also known as Atharvana Bhadra Kali and also as Narasimhika devi. There are various stories about her origin. It seems after Lord Nrasimha killed Hiranyakasipu, his anger grew unboundedly. The devas tried all their best to calm him down . When Prahlada and
Vishnu Panjara stotramVishnu Panjara stotram(Prayer of the armour of Vishnu)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This is a rare stotra addressed to Vishnu. It is actually a Kavacha and is supposed to be very effective in giving protection to us.)Sri Ganesaya nama , Asya sri Vishnu panchara stotrasya Narada rishi, anushtup chanda, Sri Vishnu pramathma devatha, aham bheejam, soham sakthi, Om kreem keelakam, mama sarva deha
Shiva jaya jaya kara dhyana stotramShiva jaya jaya kara dhyana stotram(the meditative prayer of Lord Shiva with wishes for victory)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a very powerful prayer that also can be used in Bhajans addressed to Lord Shiva.)1.Spatika prathibhata , kante virachitha kalimala shanthe,Shiva Shankara, Shiva Shhankara , jaya KailasapatheVictory to lord of Kailasa, the Shiva Shankara , the Shiva Shankara,Who with
Nrusimha Sthuthi by SanaischaraNrusimha Sthuthi by Sanaischara (Prayer to Lord Narasimha)ByLord SanaischaraTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This is a rare and great prayer extolling Lord Narasimha and composed by Lord Sanaischara(Slow moving planet) .In the end Lord Narasimha tells Sani that the evil effects that are brought about by Sani would be cured by reading this prayer on Saturdays. The Vaishnavites who normally do not
Narasimha Nakha SthuthiNarasimha Nakha Sthuthi(Prayer of the nails of Narasimha)ByMadhvacharyaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Among the many great works of saint Madhvacharya , the proponent of the Dwaitha system of philosophy, this very small prayer extolling the nails of the man lion form of Lord Vishnu stands out. It was written as an introduction for the Hari Vayu Sthuthi which was written by his disciple
Kirata Varahi StothraThe Kirata Varahi Stothra(Prayer to Varahi the huntress)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This is the KIRATA VARAHI STAVAH which is used for subjugation of one’s enemies (satru vashya and satru samhara). This stotra is used for counter attacking the abhicharika prayogas and is proved to be very effective. Care should be taken in parayana of this stavah. Since I could get only Romanized version of
Yudhishtra krutham Durga StotramYudhishtra krutham Durga Stotram(Prayer to Durga composed by Yudhishtra)ByYudhishtraTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This great prayer addressed to the goddess Durga occurs ,In Virata Parva of Maha Bharatha, just before the great war,With Kauravas by Yudhishtra , the eldest of the Pandavas).1.Yasoda Garbha sambhoothaam, Narayana vara priyaam,Nanda gopa kule jaathaam , Mangalya kula vardhaneem.She
Ambikai Thuthi(Tamil)Ambikai Thuthi(Prayer to mother Goddess)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(I saw this prayer in tamil addressed to the mother goddess in Its simplicity appealed to me a lot.)1.Kanchi Kamakshi, Madurai Meenakshi, Kasi Visalakshi,Karunambikaye tharunam ithuve , dayai purivayammaOh Kamakshi of Kanchi, Oh Meenakshi of Madurai, Oh Visalakshi
Sri Vishnu Chalisa(Hindi)Sri Vishnu ChalisaBySri Sundar Das of Tivari VillageTranslated byP.R.Ramachander ( Vishnu Chalisa is a prayer in forty Hindi verses addressed to Lord Vishnu. I have taken the text from This prayer has been translated several times in the web. Some of them are And
Karya Sidhi malai(Tamil)Karya Sidhi malai (The garland for achieving results) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a great prayer addressed to Lord Ganapathi in Tamil. Reading it would help us achieve results in our endeavors. This tamil prayer is very popular among Tamils of Singapore and Malaysia. The prayer in Tamil is given below my translation ) 1.Bandham agathum anantha guna parappum
Sri Thyagaraja ashtakamSri Thyagaraja AshtakamBySri Muthuswami Deekshithar,Translated byP.R.Ramachander( Thyagaraja meaning king of sacrifice is a form of Shiva ,Worshipped in Thiruvayaru of Tanjavur district of Tamilnadu.The author of this poem is one among the musical trinity ,Who belonged to Thiruvayaru. The author has composed,Large number of Carnatic music krithis in Sanskrit.)1.Kalyana sougandhika pushpa hara,
Yagna Varaha Murthi SthuthiYagna Varaha Murthi SthuthiTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Hiranyaksha a very powerful Asura stole the earth and hid himself along with it inside the sea. Lord Vishnu took the form of a boar with a very huge form and went inside the sea. He killed Hiranyaksha and brought back the earth. The sages assembled there praised him by this prayer which occurs in the third Skanda and in the thirteenth
Narasimha Sthuthi of PrahladhaNarasimha Sthuthi of PrahladhaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander( Hiranya Kasipu thr tyrant tortured his son Prahladha from praying to Lord Vishnu. When in spite of several painful tortures he did not change, Hiranya Kasipu wanted to know where Lord Vishnu lives. When Prahladha replied that he is everywhere, Hiranya Kasipu broke a pillar before him to see , whether Lord Vishnu is there inside
Indra SthuthiIndra SthuthiTranslated byP.R.Ramachander( To bring down the pride of Indra, Lord Krishna advised the cowherds to discontinue the worship to him and instead worship Govardhana mountain. Enraged by this Lord Indra attacked Gokula by torrential rain. The Lord lifted the mountain and under it , the entire Gokula was protected.Humbled by the Lord, Indra prayed to him. This prayer occurs in Tenth
Brahma SthuthiBrahma Sthuthi(Prayer of Lord Brahma)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(once when Lord Krishna was taking rest along with his cowherd friends,, cows and calves after killing Aghasura, the cows grazed and went away to a long distance. Lord Krishna went in search of the cows. At that time Lord Brahma with an aim of testing the powers of Lord Krishna made the calves and cowherds disappear. When Lord
Sri Devaki SthuthiSri Devaki SthuthiTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Lord Vishnu was born as the eighth child to Devaki in prison. He was born with four hands holding Conch, wheel ,mace and flower. Devaki offered this prayer to him and requested him to assume the usual human form, so that Kamsa will not find out. This prayer occurs in the Tenth Skanda, third chapter, slokas 24-31. I have consulted the translation of
Vasudeva SthuthiVasudeva Sthuthi(Prayer by Vasudeva)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This as the prayer offered by King Vasudeva as soon Lord Krishna was born in the prison. This occurs in tenth Skanda and third chapter of Bhagawatha Purana as slokas 13-21. Another prayer by Vasaudeva addressed to Krishna has been earlier translated by me and is available in
Devaki Garbha SthuthiDevaki Garbha SthuthiTranslated byP.R.Ramachander( As per the request of Lord Brahma and other devas Lord Vishnu enters the womb of Devaki ,For yet another incarnation to remove the burden of this earth. This prayer is addressed to the God who is in the womb of Devaki by Lord Brahma and other devas. This great prayer occurs in the tenth Skanda and in second chapter of Bhagawatha Purana as
Gajendra Moksha SthuthiGajendra Moksha Sthuthi(The prayer by the king of elephants)Translated byP.R.Ramachander( This prayer has been taken from eighth Skanda and third chapter of Bhagwatha Purana (Sloka 2-29). Indra Dhyumna was a great king who was a great devotee of Vishnu. Once sage Agasthya visited him. Due to his complete involvement in God , the king did not receive the sage properly. Annoyed by this
Dhruva SthuthiDhruva Sthuthi(Prayer of Dhruva)Translated by P.R.Ramachnder(This great prayer occurs in ninth chapter of fourth Dasakam (Slokas 6-17) of the Maha Bhagawatha Purana. Dhruva was the son of king Uthanapatha out of his wife Sunithi. He had a half brother whose mother was Suruchi who was the favourite of his father. One day when the young child Dhruva who was only five years old saw his brother
Muchukunda SthuthiMuchukunda SthuthiByKing MuchukundaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This prayer by King Muchukunda occurs in the tenth Skanda of Bhagwatha Purana in the fifty first Chapter (slokas 46-58). Muchukunda was a king of the solar dynasty being the son of theGreat king Mandatha. He was extremely valorous and helped the devas in the war againstTheir enemies. Once he even waged a war against Lord Kubhera
Narasimha KavachamNarasimha KavachamTranslated byP.R.Ramachander1.Nrusimha kavachamVakshye prahlodhenodhitham puraa,Sarva rakshakaram punyam , sarvopadrava nasanamI shall recite the armour of Narasimha recited in the olden times by Prahladha,Which protects everything that is blessed and destroys all problems.2.Sarva sapath karam chaiva swarga moksha pradhayakam,Dhyathwa Narasimham devesam hema simhasana
Apamarjana StotramApamarjana Stotram(The prayer for cleaning mind and body)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Aparjana stotram is a prayer addressed to various forms of Vishnu as well as Sudarshana Chakra to clean our body and mind of various sickness as well as afflictions by evil spirits as well as planets . This occurs in the Vishnu Dharmothara Purana ,. At the beginning of the prayer Saint Dhalabhya requests sage
Sritha Kamala stotramSritha Kamala from AshtapadiByJayadevaTranslated by P.R.Ramachander(This is a very popular prayer , usually sung in Hindustani and Karnatik music concerts in the Raga Pahadi or Bhairavi.)1.Sritha Kamala , kucha mandala, Dhritha kundala hey,Kalitha vana mala jaya jaya deva hare,You rest on the lotus like breasts of Goddess Lakshmi,Oh god who wears swinging ear globes,And also wear garland of
Vrinda devi AshtakamSri Vrunda devi ashtakaBySrila Visvanatha Cakravarti ThakuraTranslated byP.R.Ramachander( This great prayer is addressed to Vrunda devi who later became the Thulasi(ocimum sanctum) plant. There is a story that she was doing penance to marry Lord Vishnu and once when Ravana tried to molest her, she jumped in to the fire and became ash. This was written by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura also
Thulasi AArthi -II (Hindi)Sri Tulasi-aratiBy Candrasekhara KaviTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a simple prayer in Hindi addressed to the sacred basil (Ocimum sanctum). Here she is addreesed as queen Thulasi.) 1.Namo namah thulasi maharani,Vrnde maharani namo namahNamo re namo re meiya namo NarayaniSalutations and salutations to queen Thulasi,Salutations and salutations to queen Vrinda,Salutations and salutations to
Sri Datha Aparadha Kshamapana StotramDatha Apardha Kshmamapana stotram(Prayer addressed to Dathathreya for pardoning mistakes)\Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Though I could not find the text of this stotra in the web, the recording of this stotra as sung by Bombay sisters is available in stotra called Datha Kshamapana stotram has been earlier translated by me
Kartha Veeryarjuna Dwadasa Nama stotramKartha Veeyarjuna dwadasa nama stotraTranslated byP.R.ramachander(Kartha veeryarjuna was a king of Hehaya dynasty. He is believed to be the incarnation of Vishnu Chakra. It seems Chakra was proud and Lord Vishnu wanted to teach him a lesson. He did this by killing him with his own incarnation , Parasurama. This stotra is believed to help us recover stolen or snatched items. The stotra
Hanumath Chamathkara anushtanHanuman Chamathkaaranushtaan(The ritual for getting the full divine power of Hanuman)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This is a powerful sloka praising Hanuman. Reciting this sloka is extremely beneficial before proceeding to exam, interview, for success in litigations, overcoming negative energies etc. Most of the stanzas address every type of negative force, dhur devata, jealousy, black magic,
Swarna Malya StuthiSwarna Mala Sthuthi(The prayer of golden garland)ByAadhi Shankara Bhagawat PadaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(The sanskrit original is available in There is also a translation posted by Sri Sai deo in the Kanchi forum.)1.Isha , Girisha , naresha, paresha , Mahesha , bhileshaya bhooshana bho,Samba Sadashiva Shambho Sankara sharanam may thava
Parvathi VallabhashtakamParvathi VallabhastakamTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a prayer addressed to Shiva as the husband of Parvathi.)1.Namo bhootha nadham namo deva devam,Nama kala kalam Namo divya thejam,Nama kama asmam, nama santha seelam,Bhaje parvathi vallabham neelakandam.Salutations to lord of all beings, Salutations to god of Gods,Salutations to the death to god of death, salutations to the great light,
Attala SundarashtakamAttala SundarashtakamByVikrama PandyaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This great stotra written by the scion of Pandya dynasty who faced Malik Kafur is a prayer addressed to Lord Sundareswara. It is from Halasya puranam which deals about the town of Madhurai. There is a village called “Attala Nallur” founded by the Pandyas near Kallidai Kurichi. But there are no references to any temple of
Shatrugna KavachamShatrugna Kavacham(The armour of Shatrugna)Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Shatrugna was the youngest brother of Rama . He was born to Kaikeyi. It is believed that he is an incarnation of Sudarshana Chakra. There is a temple dedicated to Shatrugna in Payyamal in Kerala. There is a temple dedicated to him in Rishikesh.This rare Kavacham has been taken from the book, “49 Kavachangal” published by
Bharatha KavachamBharatha Kavacham(ASrmour of Bharatha)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Bharatha was the next younger brother of Lord Rama. He spurned the possession of the kingdom got by his mother and ruled the country as proxy king on behalf of Rama for fourteen years. He married Mandavi the cousin of Sita and had a son called Thakshaka. It is believed that he is the incarnation of the conch of Lord Vishnu. I
Lakshmana KavachamLakshmana KavachamTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Lakshmana the younger brother of Lord Rama is considered as incarnation of Adhi Sesha. There is a temple dedicated o him in Moozhikulam Kerala. There is also a temple for him in Khajuraho, Orissa . This rare prayer addressed to him is taken from a Malayalam book, “49 Kavachangal” published by Vidhyarambham press..)Agasthya Uvacha:- Soumithrim raghu
Bhagawatha VandanamBhagawatha vandanam(Salutation to Bhagawatha purana)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Bhagawatha Purana deals about the story of Lord Vishnu, highlighting more on his incarnation as Lord Krishna. This great story written be sage Vyasa who wrote this because he did not get satisfaction even after writing the 18 Puranas. It was later retold by his son Sage Shukha to King Parikshith. This prayer is
Apamarjana kavachamApamarjana Kavacham (The armour which cleanses) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( This great armour occurs in Vishnu Dharmothara Purana. It is believed by chanting it and meditating on the manthra given in the end , our body and mind would get clean and we would get rid of all our diseases. I got this Kavacham from “49 Kava changal” , a book in Malayalam published by Vidhyarambham press.)
Sri NrusimhastakamSri NrisimhashtakamBy Paramahamsa Yati Jiyar, Translated byP.R.Ramachander(I have referred to this stotra at 1. Shrimad akalanka paripurna shashikotiShridhara manohara satapata kantaPalaya krupalaya bhavambudhi nimagnamDaitya vara kala Narasimha NarasimhaOh Narasimha, Oh Narasimha, who is the death to great Asura,Who is like
Narasimha Raja Patha StotramNarasimha Raja Patha stotram(the prayer which is the king’s road to Narasimha)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This Stotra supposed to be composed by Lord Shiva himself is from the Ahirbudhnya Samhita, a Paancharaatra text. It also is called“Manthra Raja Pada stotra”. It is supposed to be the best remedy for aches and mental depression. The Sanskrit text of this stotra is available in http://
Ahobila Narasimha stotramSri Ahobilam (Nrisimha) Stotram.Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This prayer extols the Narasimha deva consecrated in the Ahobila Kshethra.”Ahobila Kshetra is a group of temples located on the Ahobila Hills (also known as Garudadri or Garudachala and Vedachala). The presiding deity being Ahobila Nrsimha Swamy or Prahaladavarada. Lord Nrsimha Swamy in Swamyambhu (self manifested form) is located
Adaikkala Pathu (Tamil)Adaikala Pathu(The ten verses on Surrender)BySwami Vedantha DesikaTranslated by P.R.Ramachander( Swami Vedantha Desikan is one of the greatest teachers of Vaishnavism following Saint Ramanuja. He is well known for his divine works on Sanskrit. They are all drenched in devotion and also are the guidelines to the principles followed by the followers of Visistadvaitha. Adaikkala Pathu is one of
Krishna Keerthanam (Malayalam)Krishna Keerthanam (Malayalam)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a mellifluous prayer addressed to Lord Krishna in Malayalam )1.Pankaja vilochanan pada thalir thozhunnen,Palazhi magal kanthan thirumeni thozhunnen.I salute the soft feet of the God with lotus like eyes,I salute the body of the consort of the daughter of ocean of milk.2.Pichagam, Thulasi , pon mani mala Thozhunnen,Peeli malagal
Mooshika vahana stotramMooshika vahana storam(The prayer to he who rides on a mouse)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This is a very great and simple prayer addressed to Ganesa. Though there are many references to the first stanza, I could not find the entire stotra in the web.)1.Mooshika Vahana modhaka hastha,Chamara karna vilambitha suthra,Vamana roopa maheswara puthra,Vighna vinayaka pada namastheI salute the feet of
Madhava SthuthiMadhava sthuthui(Prayer to Madhava)ByKadathanattu .K.Padmanabha variarTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(I found this very meaningful and musical prayer in a book named Sri Guruvayurappan stotra mala published by Devi Book stall, Kodungallore)1.Sarnga Dharinam Pankajekshanam,Pankhajananam pangu soshanamSankara priyam Mangala pradham,Yadhu kulothamam , Madhavam BhajeI sing about Madhava , who is the a
Sri Sharada StotramSharada Stotra(Prayer to Goddess Saraswathi)BySri Sridhara Swami of Chincholi, KarnatakaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This great Prayer is written by a Holy sage of Karnatka called Sridhara Swami ( This stotra in sanskrit script with meaning is available in
Hari Narayana KeerthanamHari Narayana KeerthanamTranslated byP.R.Ramachander( This prayer is written for chanting during Bhajans(mass singing of a parayer. To suita Bhajan, the words should be very musical and easy to follow for all.)1.Hari Narayana Govinda,Jaya Narayana Govinda,Hari Narayana, Jaya Narayana,Jaya Govinda, GovindaHari is Narayana and Govinda,Victory to Narayana and Govinda,Hari is Narayana, Victory to
Dhenu stotramDhenu Stotram(Prayer to the cow)BySridhara Swami Of Chincholi(From time immemorial cows were considered as God by all Hindus. It is believed that all Gods reside in a cow. This great Prayer has been written by a Holy sage of Karnatka called Sridhara Swami ( This stotra in sanskrit script with meaning is available in
Venkatesa ashtakamVenkatesha astakam(The octet on Venkatesha)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(I got this great prayer from the web site also has been given in the web site as Venkatesa sthothram from Brahmanda Purana.)1.Venkatesho , Vasudeva, pradhyumno , amitha Vikrama,Sankarshano anirudhascha Seshadri patireva cha.He is Lord of
Shiva MangalamShiva MangalamTranslated byP.R.Ramachander1.Sankaraya, sankaraya, Sankaraya MangalamSankari manoharaya saswataya mangalamLet good things happenOh Lord Shiva, Lord Shiva, Lord Shiva ,Let good things happenOh Lord who is pretty to Parvathi , Oh Lord who is forever constant 2.Sudresaya mangalam, Santhanaya mangalam,Chinmayaya , sanmayaya , thanmayaya mangalamLet good things happenOh God who is
Sri KamashikashtakamSri kamasikashtakamBySrimad Vedantha DesikaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander (This great prayer is addressed to Lord Narasimha, who chose to sit in a yogic pose in the Thiruvelukkai Azhagiya singar temple, which is in the southern bank of the Veghavathi river , by Srimad Vedantha Desika, decidedly the greatest Sanskrit poet among the Vaishnavites of Tamil Nadu. I have consulted the great
Thulsi ji ki aarthi (Hindi)Sri Thulasi ji ki aarthi(prayer to thulsi )Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Thulasi(ocimum sanctum) is a plant venerated by all Hindus. She is considered by many as the consort of Lord Vishnu. This prayer is taken from maharani , namo nama,.Hari ki patrani namo nama,Dhan Thulasi poorna thap keeno,Shaligram bani patrani,Jake pathra manjar komal ,Sri
Radha Krishna ji ki aarthi (Hindi)Sri Radha Krishna ji ki Aarthi(Prayer addressed to Radha Krishna)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Radha is the close friend of Lord Krishna in Brindavan. She is also considered as an incarnation. Devotees approaching Lord Krishna with prem Bhav (feeling of love) pray them together. This is taken from )1.Om jaya Sri Radha On Jaya Sri Krishna,Sri Radha
Aarthi Sri Gomatha Ki (Hindi)Aarthi Sri Go mathaa ki(Prayer to the mother cow)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This a prayer addressed to the cow and has been taken from sri Gaiya maiya ki, Aarthi harni viswa gaiya ki.Arthakam sadharma pradhayini , avichal amal mukthi pada dhayini,Sura manava soubhagya vidhayini , pyari poojya nanda chaiyaa ki,Akhila viswa prathi palini
Balaji aarthi (Hindi)Balaji aarthiTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This is the aarthi is sung extolling Lord Hanuman consecrated at Mehandhipur, Rajasthan. In this temple he is called Balaji. People believe he can drive away all evil spirits and cure diseases. The aarthi in hindi script is available in )1.Om jaya Hanmath veera , Swami jaya hanumath veera,SAnkat Mochan swami , thum ho Rana DheeraOh
Sri Saraswathi aarthi (Hindi)Sri Saraswathi Aarthi(Prayer to Saraswathi)Translated byP.R.Ramachander1.Sharadhe jaya hamsa vahini,Jayathi veena vaadhniVictory to Shardha who rides on a swan,Victory to the one who plays the Veena.2.Jaya Saraswathi Jnana dhayini,Kamala Hamsa virajini.Victory to Saraswathi who gives wisdom,And who shines on lotus and the swan.3.Sharadhe jaya hamsa vahini,Ridhi sidhi sukha dhayini,Kumathi soola
Saraswathi matha ki aarthi (Hindi)Saraswathi Matha ki aarthi(Prayer to Mother Saraswathi)Translated by P.R.Ramachander1.Om jaya Saraswathi matha, Maiya jaya Saraswathi matha,Sadguna vaibhava shalini , Tribhuvana Vikhyatha.Om Victory to mother Saraswathi, Oh Mother , Victory to mother Saraswathi,To her who is blessed with all good characters, To her who is famous in all three worlds.2.Chandravadani, Pad masini, Sruthi mangalakari,
Aarthi sarawathi ji ki (Hindi)Aarthi Sri Saraswathi ji kiTranslated byP.R.Ramachander( I found this prayer in Hindi in a small book published by B.M.Praminder Publications, Delhi -51.Aarthis are sung before the gods/goddesses in Hindu homes/temples in North India.)1.Om Jaya Vinee vali , maiya , jaya Veene vali,Rhidhi , sidhi ki rahthi , hath there thaliOm Victory to the one who has a Veena,Oh Mother, Victory to one who has
Hanuman ji ki aarthi(Hindi)Hanuman ji ki aarthi(Prayer to Lord Hanuman)Translated byP.R.Ramachander( I took this great aarthi addressed to Hanuman ki jai Hanumaanaa lalaa ki,Dushta dalana Raghunatha kala kiLet us worship the very dear Hanuman,Who slays the wicked and is a crescent of Rama2.Jaake bal se girivara kampe,Bhootha piscachaa nikata nahi jaankeBy his power the
Bhajarang Baan (hindi)Bhajarang Baan(The arrow of colourful worship/ Hanuman)BySanth Thulasi das(I have taken this great prayer (Hindi text ) from )1.Nishchay Prema Prateet-tay, Vinay Karain Sanmaan,Tayhi-Kay Karaja Sakala Shubha, Sidhi Karain HanumanIt is definite that if one worships Hanuman ,With love , devotion and also humility,Then Lord Hanuman would
Tri Lokya Mohana Nrusimha KavachamTrilokya Mohana Nrusimha Kavacham(The armour of the man lion which attracts the three worlds)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Unlike many other Kavacham(armour) this one is mostly based on thanthra and prays different aspects of Lord Narasimha along with Bheejaksharas to protect different parts of the body. It is believed that mis pronunciation of these would lead to bad effects. So I request those
Nrusimha KavachamNrusimha Kavacham(Armour of the man lion)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This armour is supposed to have been composed by Prahaladha and is from Brahmanda Purana. Another translation of this is available in .)1.Nrusimha kavachamVakshye prahlodhenodhitham puraa,Sarva rakshakaram punyam , sarvopadrava nasanamI shall recite the armour of
Sidhi Lakshmi StotramSIdhi Lakshmi Stotram श्री गणेशाय नमः । Sri Ganesaya Nama Salutations to Ganesa ॐ अस्य श्रीसिद्धिलक्ष्मीस्तोत्रस्य हिरण्यगर्भ ऋषिः, अनुष्टुप् छन्दः, सिद्धिलक्ष्मीर्देवता, मम समस्त दुःखक्लेशपीडादारिद्र्यविनाशार्थं सर्वलक्ष्मीप्रसन्नकरणार्थं महाकालीमहालक्ष्मीमहासरस्वतीदेवताप्रीत्यर्थं च सिद्धिलक्ष्मीस्तोत्रजपे विनियोगः । Om asya Sidhi Lakshmi stotrasya,
Aadhya StotramAadhya Stotram(The prayer to the primeval power)Translated byP.R.Ramachander( Shaktheyas believe that that there was a primeval power which is pervading in all earth. They believe that Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva got their power of creation, upkeep and destruction from this power. She has a famous temple dedicated to her in Dakshinewar, West Bengal. She is the Vaishanvite Goddess of Thanthric
Kala Samhara Murthy PathigamKala Samhara Murthi Pathigam(Prayer to God who killed God of death)ByAbhirama BhattarTranslated byP. R.Ramachander(Kala Samhara Murthi (also known as Amrutha Gateswarar) is the God presiding over thirukadayur a temple town near Kumbakonam of Tamil Nadu. It is believed that when sage Markandeya was nearing his death and was being chased by the God of death, he rushed in to the sanctum sanctorum
Abhirami Ammai Pathigam Set IIIAbhirami Ammai Padhikam –Set IIIByAbhirama BhattarTranslated byP.R.Ramachander((This great prayer has been written by Abhirama Bhattar who lived in Thirukadayur. But his major work in Abhirami Andathi , which also I have translated and put in the web site. People wanting to know more about Abhirama Bhattar are requested to refer to my introduction to the translation of Abhirami Andathi. Though
Abhirami Ammai Pathigam-Set IIAbhirami Ammai Pathikam –Set IIByAbhirama BhattarTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This great prayer has been written by Abhirama Bhattar who lived in Thirukadayur. But his major work in Abhirami Andathi , which also I have translated and put in the web site. People wanting to know more about Abhirama Bhattar are requested to refer to my introduction to the translation of Abhirami Andathi. Though
Abhirami Ammai Pathigam-Set IAbhirami Ammai Padikam-Set I(The poetic prayer of mother Abhirami)ByAbhirama BhattarTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This great prayer has been written by Abhirama Bhattar who lived in Thirukadayur. But his major work in Abhirami Andathi , which also I have translated and put in the web site. People wanting to know more about Abhirama Bhattar are requested to refer to my introduction to the
Kalla Vinayagar Pathigam (Tamil)Kalla Vinayagar Pathigam(Prayer to Ganesa who was a thief)ByAbhirama BhattarTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Kalla Vinayagar (The thief Gabesa) presides in the Ganesa temple inside the Amritha Gateswarar temple in Thirrukadayur. It seems after a lot of effort the Devas churned the sea and got the butter. Before taking it , they went for a bath. When they came back , the pot of nectar was missing.
Devi Bhujanga StotramDevi BhujangamByAadhi Shankara Bhagawat Pada(This a Bhujanga stotram (written in a meter which resembles crawling of the snake) by Adhi Shankara. This prayer is addressed to the Goddess of Sri Chakra. And naturally several terms from Yoga Sasthra occurs here. The Sanskrit text of the stotra is available in
Sri Lakshmi SahasranamamSri Lakshmi Sahasranama stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This stotra which occurs in Skanda Purana is taught by Sage Sanath Kumara tro a set of 12 sages. In this Goddess Lakshmi tells that even if this is chanted without belief she would stay for ever in their clan. I have take n the text from a publication of Giri Traders , Mumbai. One thousand thirty three names are mentioned
Gayathri RamayanamGayathri RamayanaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander ( Unlike what is suggested by the title, this is not the story of Rama. . All the twenty four slokas of this stotra have been taken from Valmiki Ramayanam. They are not taken in an order but in such a way the first letters of the 24 slokas form the Gayathri mantra. I could not find who did this great compilation .It signifies that Ramayana is the
Nava Durga Raksha ManthraSHRI NAVA-DURGA RAKSHA MANTRATranslated byP.R.Ramachander This simple prayer in Hindi is addressed to the nine forms of Durga( and requests each of those forms for protection. The text is taken from the blog Shaila-putri mujhe raksha
Kunthi SthuthiKunthi SthuthiTranslated byP.R.Ramachander( At the end of the Maha Bharatha War between Kauravas and Pandavas , When the entire Kaurava army has perished, Aswathama the son of Guru Drona sent the Brahmastra to kill all the Pandavas. In return Arjuna also sent another Brahmasthra. Lord Krishana made Arjuna to take The shiro rathna(Gem on the head) of Aswathama and asked Aswathama to aim his asthra
Mangadu Kamakshi aru vara Padalgal-Set II (Tamil)Mangadu Aru vara Padalgal-Set II(The six week prayer songs of Mangadu)Translated by P.R.RamachanderThis pooja is usually performed on 6 consecutive Tuesdays. You need to take a lemon ( clear of any spots) , keep kumkum dots all around and place it at the altar , light diyas and recite the Mangaadu Kamakshi Aaru Vaara Padal. You need to recite 1 Paadal every week, so you start off with the 1st
Mangadu Kamakshi Aru vara Padalagal -Set I (Tamil)The six week songs to worship Kamakshi of Mangadu-Set IByAmman SathyanathanTranslated by P.R.Ramachander Every one born in this world will have problems. Goddess has taken the incarnation of Kamakshi in Mangadu (Forest of mango) to solve these problems. Like every god having a particular method of worship, this Goddess likes the six week worship. During the first week along with betel leaf,
Neelayathakshi Suprabatham (Tamil)Neelayadakshi SuprabathamByNagai .V.RamaswamyTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Goddess Neelayadakshi is the consort of Lord Shiva in the temple city of Thirunagai Karonam (Arulmigu Neelayadakshi Amman Samedha Shri Kayahorana Swami Temple.) , near Nagapattinam of Tamil Nadu. It is the one of the 108 Shakthi sthalas of India. .Neelayadakshi means Goddess with blue eyes. The lord here is called
Sri Lalitha Nava Rathna Malai (Tamil)Sri lalitha navarathna malai(The garland of nine gems to Lalitha)BySri Guru Haridas Giri SwamigalTranslated ByP.R.Ramachander(This is a very moving prayer to Goddess Lalitha.It is divided in to nine sections and each sections gets its name from one of the nine precious gems. Though in some of the stanzas , the name of the gem occurs, in others , the name of the gem is not used as its name but is
Bhavani KavachamBhavani Kavacham(Armour of Bhavani)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a rare Kavacham of Bhavani.From the Nyasa it appears that Lord Shiva himself has told this SankalpamAsya Sri Bhavani kavacha maha manthrasya Bhagwan Maha devo rishi, Aadhyaa Shakthi , Bhavani DevathaSreem Bheejam, Hreem Shakthi , Kleem Keelakam , Mama samastha kaaman sidhyarthe jape viniyogaStarting prayersFor the prayer
Kamakshi Dukha Nivarana Ashtakam (Tamil)Sri Kamakshi dukha Nivarini Asthakam(The octet addressed to Kamakshi to remove sorrow)BySri Annai Durgai SiddharTranslated byP.R.Ramachander( Once playfully Goddess Parvathi shut the eyes of Lord Shiva. As a result the entire world was drowned in darkness. Shiva cursed her to be born in earth. She was born as Kamakshi in a place called Mangadu(Forest of mango) and did Thapas(penance) to marry
Govindam Adhi PurushamGovindam adhi purusham thamaham Bhajam( I sing about the primeval God Govinda)ByLord BrahmaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander (This great prayer has been taken from a book called Brahma Samhita(Collection of writings by Lord Brahma) . This book was almost lost to the posterity and was recovered by Chaithanya Mahaprabhu from Kerala. He could get only 62 verses of this great work. The book gives a
Thiru vilakku Sthothiram (Tamil)Thiruvilakku Stotram(Prayer to the divine lamp)Translated byP.R.Ramachander( Hindus light a lamp before their deity in temples and homes. In South Indian homes, lamp itself is worshipped as God. This prayer is addressed to that lamp.)Vilakke, Thiru vilakke , Vendan Udan pirappe,Jothi mani vilakke Seedevi, pon maniyeAnthi vilakke , Alangara nayagiye ,Kanthi vilakke , Kamakshi Thayare,Pasum pon
Devi Patam (Tamil)Devi Patam (A summary of Devi Mahathmyam in Tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Devi Mahatmyam (please refer to my translation) tells you about how Goddess Parvathi killed various asuras so that, the devas did not suffer. This mellifluous song written in colloquial Tamil spoken by iyers neatly summarizes Devi Mahatmyam. Ofcourse there are slight differences with the original text (see my
Lalithambal Shobhanam (Tamil)Lalithambal Shobanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( This popular poem which used to be daily recited by thousands of ladies in Iyer homes in Tamil Nadu is a summary of Lalithopakhyanam found in Brahmanda Purana. It is narrated by Hayagreeva(Horse faced incarnation of Lord Vishnu) to sage Agasthya as per his request. The Upakhyanam in the Purana is written in Sanskrit and the Iyer
Sri Ayyappa Sahasra NamamAyyappa Sahasra Namam (one thousand names of Lord Ayyappa) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Lord Ayyappa is the son of Lord Shiva born to Lord Vishnu in his Mohini form. He was brought by the king of Pandala in Kerala and was sanctified in the temple in the hill temple of Sabari Malai in Kerala. He is also called Dharma Sastha and has large number of temples dedicated to him
Sri Lakshmi Narayana HrudayamSri Lakshmi Narayana Hrudayam(The heart of Lakshmi and Narayana)Translated byP.R.RamachanderIntroductionThis great prayer has two distinct parts viz Narayana Hrudayam and Lakshmi Hrudayam and occurs in a book called Atharva Rahasya (The secret Atharva). For thousands of years this great prayer was kept as extremely secret as the prayer itself tells that it should not be taught indiscriminately.
Chatthur Vyooha StotramChathur Vyooha SthuthiByKadathanattu Padmanabha VariarTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This rare prayer is addressed top the four Gods who make four formations to protect us according to the Pancha Rathtra Agama. They are BalaRama protecting us when we are asleep, Pradhymna(son of Krishna) protecting us when we are dreaming, Anirudha(grand son of Kishna) protecting us when we are awake and Lord
Guruvayu Puresa Bhujanga StotramGuruvayu puresa Bhujanga stotraByKodungaloore Kunji Kuttan thampuranTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This very rare stotra was written by Kodungallore Kunji Kuttan Thampuran, who is the one who translated Maha Bharatha epic verse by verse in to Malayalam within a period of 874 days. Due to this impossible feat , he is normally called as Kerala Vyasan.I have followed the translation of this great
Nava Mangali StotraNava Mangali StotraTranslated ByP.R.Ramachander(This mantra is devoted to Goddess Kali stepping over Lord Shiva. Those who chant the following Navamangali mantra especially women will get all their desires fulfilled along with ever peaceful mind and healthy life.)Kathyayyanee mahamaye bhavani buvaneswareeSamsara Sagare magnath udhara sri krupamahiOh daughter of sage Kathyayana , Oh great
Guruvayu Puresa Sthavam (Malayalam)Guruvayu puresa Sthavam(Malayalam) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a remarkable prayer to Lord of Guruvayur seemingly from a senior citizen.) Kashtam yennude mujjanma papangal, Dushtangalaya vyadhi swaroopangal, Kettiyittu valukkunna dehavum, Gheeshpathi maru mandhira Govinda. 1 Oh Govinda of the city of Guru and Vayu, The sins that I committed in previous births, Are becoming
Nava Rathna Mala StotramNava Rathna Mala Stotram(The prayer of the garland of nine gems.)ByAadhi ShankaraTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This prayer if recited on the Nine days of Nava Rathri gives special benefits on the devotees. An audio of this stotra can be heard in )Hara noopura kundala vibhooshitha avayava shobhineem,Karanesa vara mouli koti pari kalpyamana pada peetikaam,Kala kala
RemapathyashtakamRemapathyashtakam(The octet of prayer addressed to Lord Vishnu who is the consort of Lakshmi)Translated byP.R.RamachanderJagadhadhi manadhi majam puroosham ,Saradhambhara thulya thanum vithanum,Drutha kunja radhanga gadham vigadham,Pranamami Remadhipadhim tham aham. 1I salute the lord and consort of Goddess Lakshmi,Who is the primeval spirit of the
Govindashtakam IIGovindashtakam IITranslated byP.R.RamachanderChidanandhaa karam sruthi sarasa saram samaras am,Niradharaadharam bhavajaladhi param para gunam,Ramagreevaharam Vruja vana viharam haranutham,Sada tham Govindam parama sukha kandam Bhajatha re. 1Sing about Govinda who is the store house of all pleasures,Who is the form of divine joy , Who is the meaning of Vedas,Who looks
Dakshina Lakshmi stotramDakshina* Lakshmi stotram(A prayer to the very pleasing Lakshmi)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Dakshina could indicate, south, right side, pleasing, Vishnu and so on. I feel “pleasing” would be the better meaning here. Lakshmi is personification of movement. She keeps on shifting herself. In this prayer which consists of 12 names of Lakshmi, she is requested to stay stable in our home.)Trilokya
Yamunashtakam IIYamunashtakam IITranslated byP.R.Ramchader(River Yamuna is one of the major tributaries of river Ganges. She is the daughter of Sun God. Her waters are slightly coloured black. On her shores is Brindavan and Mathura, the places where Lord Krishna lived. She is supposed to originate from the Kalinda Mountain)Krupaa paaraa vaaraam thapana thanayam thapa samanim,Murari preyasyam bhava bhaya dhavam
Trilokya Mangala Vishnu KavachamTrilokya Mangala Vishnu Kavacham(The armour that brings good things to the three worlds.)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This great prayer has been told by Sage Sanath Kumara to sage Narada and is a part of the book, Narada Pancha rathra.)Narada Uvacha:-Bhagawan Sarva Dharmagna , kavcham yath prakasitham,Trilokya Mangalam nama krupaya Kadhya prabho. 1Narada
Krishnashtakam IIIKrishnashtakam IIIByAdhi ShankaraTranslated byP.R.Ramachander ( In my translations earlier I had included two Krishnashtakams. But on referring the complete works of Shankara, I find that this is the only one composed by Adhi Shankara. The last stanza clearly indicates that it was composed so that his mother would get salvation.)Sriyaslishto Vishnu sthira chara gurur veda vishayo,Dhiyaam
Maruthi stotram Shathru vasa manthramMaruthi stotram Shathru vasa manthram (Prayer to Hanuman to conquer enemies)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(I am translating this powerful mantra as it is. I do not know the procedure to chant it and make it work. People who want to use it should do it after getting guidance from experts in Thanthric practice.) Om namo bhagawathe vichithra veera Hanumathe pralaya kala anala prappojwalanaya,
Ganga SthavamGanga SthavamTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This prayer occurs in Kalki Purana. There is already a translation available in by Mr.Stephen knapp. I have not followed his text and translation but the one in a book called Stotra Rathna published in Malayalam. There seems to be some difference)Iyam sura tharangini bhavana varidhe
Tripura Sundari Veda Sara SthavamTripura Sundari Veda Sara Sthavam(The prayer which is essence of Vedas addressed to Tripura Sundari)Translated byP.R.RamachanderKasthuri panga bhaswad gala chalad amala sthoola muktha valeekaa,Jyothsnaa sudhaavadathaa sasi sisu makutalankrutha Brahma pathni,Sahithyambhoja brungee kavi kula vinuthaa sathwikeem Vag vibhoothim,Dheyanme shubra vastrhra kara chala valayaa vallakeem
Sri Sita RamashtakamSri Sita Ramashtakam(The Octet of Sita Rama)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Here Sita is used as an adjective of Rama, in the sense that she is always with him. The prayer is addressed to Lord Rama.)Brahma Mahendra Surendra Marud gana Rudhra Muneendra ganair athi ramyam,Ksheera sarith pathi theeramupethu nutham hi sathamavithara mudhaaram,Bhoomi bhara prasamartha madha pradhitha prakatee
Saraswathi Chalisa(Hindi)Saraswathi Chalisa(The forty verse prayer addressed to Saraswathi)English transliteration translationP.R.Ramachander(Saraswathi is the mother of knowledge and wisdom. This great prayer in Hindi is addressed to her. )DohaJanak Janani Pad Kamal Raj, Nij Mastak Par Dhaari,Bandau Maatu Saraswati, Buddhi Bal De Daataari.Purn Jagat Mein
Vrindavana ashtakamVrindavana ashtakam(The octet on Vrindavana)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Vrindavana is a place on the shores of Yamuna, very near to present day Mathura. The Yadava king Nandagopa along with his family and people shifted to this place when he found lot of troubles happening to the baby Krishna. Lord Krishna spent his childhood these and left it only when he went to Mathura to kill Kamsa. To the
Lakshmi Narayana StotramLakshmi Narayana StotramByLord KrishnaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This rare and great prayer is addressed to the unified image of Goddess Lakshmi and God Narayana. This was recited by Lord Krishna.)DhyanamChakram vidhyaa vara ghata gadhaa darpanaan padma Yugmam,Dhorbhir bibrath suruchira thanum Mega vidhyyunnibhabham,Gadothkandam Vivasamanisam pundareekaksha lakshmyo,Rekee bhootham vapura
Kunja Viharayashtakam IIKunja Viharayashtakam IIBySri Roopa DevaTranslated ByP.R.Ramachander((“Rupa Goswami (1489-1564 CE) is a devotional teacher, poet, and philosopher from the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition of Hinduism. Alongside Sanatana Goswami he was considered as the leader of the Six Goswamis of Vrindavan - a highly influential group of devotees made up from a number of disciples of the Vaishnava saint, Chaitanya
Dharma Sasthru Karavalamba sthothramSri Dharma Sasthru Karavalamba Sthavam(The prayer for support from Lord Ayyappa)(Though Narasimha Karavalambam and Subrahmanya Karavalambam are very popular, this stotra is a very rare one. I have taken it for translation from the web site!15BB524DBFF8FF24!370.entryThanks Sri Radhakrishnan for bringing out this rare stotra.)Translated byP.R.RamachanderOm
Dharma Sasthru Karavalamba sthothramSri Dharma Sasthru Karavalamba Sthavam (The prayer for support from Lord Ayyappa) (Though Narasimha Karavalambam and Subrahmanya Karavalambam are very popular, this stotra is a very rare one. I have taken it for translation from the web site!15BB524DBFF8FF24!370.entry Thanks Sri Radhakrishnan for bringing out this rare stotra.) Translated by
Sri Krishna Karnamrutham - a nectar to the earsSri Krishna Karnamrutham (Nectar to the ears of Lord Krishna) &
AmbashtakamAmbashtakamByAdhi Shankara (Maha Kavi Kalidasa?)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a mellifluous and very poetic work. Many people claim it as the work of Adhi Shankara but some claim it as the work of Mahakavi Kalidasa. It is written in a meter which resembles the horses gait called Asva Dhati Vrutha. It is referred to as Kalidasa’s dasa sloki but in my source, which is Malayalam book of
Sri Bhootha Nadha DasakamSri Bhootha Nadha Dasakam(Ten verse prayer to Lord Ayyappa)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a great prayer addressed to Lord Ayyappa written in Malayalam. Bhootha Nadhan can be taken to mean the Lord of Bhoothas who are assistants of Lord Shiva or it could mean Lord of all living beings. The prayer requests the help of the God for various things.)Mayaa madham mari ivande yullam ,Nannayi
Sri Maha Lakshmi Hrudaya stotramSri Maha Lakshmi Hrudaya stotram(The prayer of the heart of Maha Lakshmi)Translated byP.R.RamachanderAsya Sri Lakshmi Hrudaya Stotra Maha Manthrasya , Bharghava Rishi, Anushtup Chanda, Sri Maha Lakshmir devatha, Sri Maha Lakshmi preethyarthe Jape Viniyoga.I am chanting the great Mantra called Mahalakshmi hrudayam whose saint is Bhargava, Meter is Anushtup , the goddess addressed is Maha Lakshmi
Brahmanda Mohanakhyam Durga KavachamBrahmanda Mohanakhyam Durga Kavacham(Durga Kavacham to attract everything in the universe)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Every one in the world at some stage wants to influence some one else. Here is a very rare stotra which would help you to do that.)Narada UvachaBhagawan Sarva Dharmagna, Sarva Jnana Visarada,Brahmanda mohanam Nama prakruthe Kavachama Vada. 1Narada said,Oh God who
Marga sahaya linga SthuthiMarga sahaya linga Sthuthi(Prayer to Linga which is the help on the way)ByAppayya DeekshitharTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This great Stotra Rathna was written by Appayya Deekshitha(1520-1593). He was the greatest interpreter of Advaitha Sidhantha after Adhi Sankara. This is another stotra which is written in praise of the Lord Margabandhu of Virinchipuram, near Vellore of South Arcot district of
Sai Baba KI AarthiSai Baba KI AarthiTransliteration as given in TranslationP.R.Ramachander (Aarthi is a very preferred form of worship to any God in North India; normally the devotee sings this song before the God. This Aarthi is addressed to Shirdi Sai Baba)Aarti Shree Sai Guruvar Ki,l Parmanand Sada Survar Ki.ll 1This is
Shiva, Shivaa SthuthiShiva, Shivaa Sthuthi (Prayer to Shiva and Parvathi) By Lord Subrahmanya Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This prayer has been taken from a book called Shiva Rahasya. It first narrates the story of Lord Subrahmanya getting upset for not being given the divine mango in spite of his going around the world. Later Lord Subrahmanya realizes his mistake and sings this prayer addressed to his parents
Tripura Sundari Aparadha Kshamapana sthavaTripura Sundari Aparadha Kshamapana sthava(The prayer requesting pardon for mistakes from Tripurasundari)Translated byP.R.RamachanderKunja manohara pada chalan Mani noopura hamsa virajithe,Kanji bhavadhi surougha parishtutha loka visruthwara vaibhave,Manjula vag maya nirjitha keera kale achala rajasya kannighe,Palaya Hey Lalitha parameshwari, Mam aparadhinam ambike. 1Oh
Tripura Sundhari Sannidhya sthavamTripura Sundhari Sannidhya sthavamByAadhi ShankaraTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(The first letters of the first fifteen verses of this mantra are the fifteen lettered mantra used to worship Tripurasundari. Please see my translation of Lalitha Trishathi for particulars of the mantra.)Kalpa bhanu samana bhaswara dhama lochana gocharaam,Kim kim ityathi vismithe mayi pasyatheeha samaagathaam,Kala
Ramachandraya MangalamRamachandraya Mangalam(Let there be auspiciousness to Ramachandra)ByBhadragiri RamadasTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Bhadragiri Ramadas was a great Savant belonging to Andhra Pradesh. He built the Bhadrachalam temple of Rama. It seems he used the money of the Nizam to build it. Later he was imprisoned and kept in Golkonda fort of Hyderabad. Rama himself interceded on his behalf, paid the money to
Dwadasa Nama Panjara StotramDwadasa Nama Panjara Stotram(The prayer of the armour of twelve names)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This is a remarkable Kavacha made up of 12 names of Lord Vishnu along with his 12 weapons.)Purasthath Keasava pathu , Chakree Jaambu natha prabha,Paschann Narayana Sankhee Neela jeemootha sannibha. 1In the east Mai I be protected by Kesava,Who holds the holy wheel of molten
Krishanashtakam (Vasudeva sutham devam)Krishanashtakam (Vasudeva sutham devam)Translated byP.R.Ramachander (This popular prayer is acribed to Adhi Shankara by some.)Vasudeva sutham devam, Kamsa Chanura Mardhanam,Devaki paramaanandham , Krishnam vande Jagat Gurum. 1I salute the world teacher Krishna,Who is the son of Vasudeva,Who killed Kamdsa and Chanura,And the source of great joy to
Sri Krishna Dwadasa Nama stotramSri Krishna Dwadasa Nama stotram(The prayer of twelve names of Lord Krishna)Translated byP.R.RamachanderSrunu thwam munaya sarve Gopalasya Mahathmana,Ananthasya prameyasya nama dwadasakam sthavam. 1Please hear oh sages the twelve holy names ofThe great Gopala mentioned by Adhi Sesha.Arjunaya pura Githam Gopalena Mahathmana,Dwarakayam prarthayathe Yasodascha sannidhou.
Sri Bhootha natha Sthuthi vimsathiSri Bhootha natha Sthuthi vimsathi(Prayer to Lord Ayyappa with twenty stanzas.)Translated byP.R.RamachanderShivaputhram , maha thejam , shiva karya durandaram,Shivapradham , Shivanandam , Bhoothanatham Namamyaham. 1I salute the Lord of Bhoothas, who is son of Shiva , who has great luster,Who is engaged in works of Lord Shiva ,Who is full of Lord Shiva and one who gives joy for Shiva.Jagat
Narasimha dwadasa Nama stotramNarasimha dwadasa Nama stotram(Twelve names of Narasimha)Translated byP.R.RamachanderPradhamam thu Mahaa jwalo , dwitheeyam thu ugra kesari,Thritheeyam Vajra damshtro , Chathurthothu Visaradha. 1Firstly great flame , secondly the angry lion,Thirdly one with diamond like teeth ,Fourthly the great expert.Panchamam Narasimhascha , Sashta Kasyapa mardhana,Sapthamo yathu hantha cha ,
Sri Dharma Shastru Asraya DasakamSri Dharma Shastru Asraya Dasakam(The ten verses of dependence on Dharma Sastha)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This rare stotra has been taken from the blog!15BB524DBFF8FF24!370.entry. There it is given in Malayalam script.)Surasuradhitha Divya padukam,Characharantha sthitha Bhoota nayakam,Virajamana nanamadhi desikam,Varabhayalankrutha panimasraye.
Sri Dharma sasthru Aasraya dwadasamSri Dharma sasthru Aasraya dwadasam(The twelve verses of dependence on Sastha)Translated byP.R.Ramachander This great rare stotra was taken from the blog!15BB524DBFF8FF24!370.entry There this stotra is given in Malayalam script.)Parama pavanam , viswa vishrutham,Vara gana pradham , bhaktha palakamGiri guha priyam , nithya nirmalam,Pura harathmajam
Shanmukha shodasamShanmukha shodasam(The 12 stanza prayer to Lord Subrahmanya)Translated byP.R.RamachanderBhava thapa vimochana Thath parane,Mama manasa kamitha dayakane,Shiva sambhava bhaktha jana priyane,Paripahi parath para Shanmukha maam. 1Please protect us, oh the most divine Shanmukha,Who is interested in freeing us from the sorrow of birth,Who gives all that our mind
Sarasvathyashtakam IIISarasvathyashtakam III(The octet on Saraswathi)(Saraswathi is the God of learning. This prayer is addressed to her)Amala Viswa vandhya saa kamala kara malini,Vimalabra nibha vovyath kamalaya saravathi. 1She who is pure, She who is saluted by the world,She who is free from blemish and holding a lotus,She who is of the colour of a clear crystal,She who is the
Daivame Kathu kolgaDaivame Kathu kolgaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This is a powerful prayer written in Malayalam. The prayer does not mention or refer to any one God. It could easily be used as a universal prayer by any human being, belonging to any religion.)Daivame kollga angu kaividathingu gnangale,Navikan nee Bhavabdhi korarivan thoni Nin padam. 1God please protect us, without leaving our
Raghupati Raghav Raja RamRaghupati Raghav Raja RamTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This is a Bhajan written in Hindi. These are normally used for mass singing and prayer. The first stanza is called “Ram Dhun” and was very dear to Mahatma Gandhi)Raghupati Raghav Raja RamPati Tapavan Sita RamEeshwar Allah Tero NaamSab Ko Sanmati De Bhagwan 1The King Rama who is the Raghava, the Lord of
Athma nivasi RamaAthma nivasi Rama (Rama who lives in the soul)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This prayer is a bhajan (group song) written in Hindi praising Lord Rama. Normally the first one or two lines are sung by the leader of the Bhajana, and the refrain is sung by all the people who are there in the group.)Atmanivasee Rama, Atmanivasee RamaDasharathanandana Rama jaya jaya, Janakijeevana Rama
Jai Ganesa, Jai Ganesa devaJai Ganesa, Jai Ganesa devaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This is a soulful prayer on Ganesa in Hindi, in the normal lines of Aarathi. But since Ganesa is not a very popular God in places north of Maharashtra, it appears as if it is written there or in the northern Karnataka where Hindi and Ganesa are popular)Jal Ganesha, Jal Ganesha, Jal Ganesha DevaaMatha Jaaki, Parvati Pita Mahadeva,Ladduvan Ka
Sri Krishna Karnamrutham-Chapter IIISri Krishna Karnamrutham Trutheeya aaswasa Nectar to the ears of Lord Krishna Third chapter Translated by P.R.Ramachander Asthi svasthyanam samastha jagatha
Sri Krishna Karnamrutham-Chapter IISri Krishna Karnamrutham Dwitheeya aaswasa Nectar to the ears of Lord Krishna Second chapter Translated by P.R.RamachanderAbhinava navaneetha snighamaapeetha dughdam,Dadhi kana
Sri Krishna Karnamrutham -Chapter ISri Krishna Karnamrutham Prathama aaswasa Nectar to the ears of Lord Krishna First chapter Translated by P.R.RamachanderChinthamanir jayathi Soma girir gurur may,Siksha guruscha
Introduction to Sri Krishna KarnamruthamIntroduction By P.R.RamachanderThis great work was composed by Sage Leela shuka according to the last sloka of the first chapter. Elsewhere he mentions that he is a shaivite but attached to Lord Krishna. It is generally agreed by historians that Leela shuka was his pseudonym and he was known as
Jaya MadhrashtakamJaya Madhurashtakam(The octet of victory to the sweet mother)BySemmangudi MuthuswamiTranslated byP.R.Ramachander Sri Madura Kali amman Temple is situated in Siruvachur Village off Trichy-Chennai Higway. The temple is open during Monday and Friday only. Other days it is believed that amman is guarding the village from near by hills along with her guards- Sri.Selliamman, Sri Karuppanna swamy.
Sundara Kanda Pasuram (tamil)Sundara Kanda Pasuram.(Pasuram on Sundara Kanda)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(It is believed by all devotees that reading or narrating Sundara Kanda of Ramayana would result in fulfillment of all our wishes. In the thirty first chapter of Sundara Kanda. to console Sita as well as to make her understand that he is a genuine messenger of Rama, Hanuman relates the story of Rama, up to that time.
Shiva Shadakshari Stotram-IIShiva shadakshari stotram–II (The prayer to the six lettered chant of Shiva) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is the second version of the same stotra given elsewhere and deals with the six lettered prayer addressed to Lord Shiva namely-“Om Namashivaya”) Omkara samgnatha samastha veda, Purana punyagama poojithaya, ongara roopa Priya darshanaya, Omkara roopaya nama shivaya.
Guru Stotram of Shivanand AshramSri Guru StotramTranslated byP.R.Ramachander (This is a prayer to the Guru sung every day in the Shivananda Ashram, Rishikesh, India. It is more a collection of prayers addressed to Guru collected from different sources. The major part of the stotra is available in A translation of this stotra is also available in
Deva deva ShivanandDev dev Shivananda(God of gods Shivananda)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a prayer addressed to the great Teacher Swami Shivananda , who lived in Haridwar and established the divine life society , there. This prayer has been taken from the prayer book published by his Ashram.)Mangalam yogi varyaya, mahaneeya gunabhdhaye,Ganga theera nivasaya , Shivanandaya Mangalam.
Ab saump Dhiya Main ne (Hindi)Ab Soump Diya Is Jivan ka, (I have entrusted to you this life)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(I happened to get a prayer book of Swami Shivananda Ashram, Rishi Kesh. This great prayer in Hindi is listed there as being sung daily. The prayer some how tugs your heart and grants you lots of peace. A web search revealed that this prayer with modifications is used in several Ashrams of Northern part of
Ishwara Bhajanam (Malayalam)Ishwara Bhajanam(Prayer to God)Translated by Ramachander(I found the gem of a Malayalam prayer in A book called Sthothra mala published by Devi Book Stall, Kodungalore. From some of the verses it is obvious that it is not a prayer from ancient texts but one which has been composed recently. This prayer is addressed to God and nothing about the religion which boasts of the God is mentioned. A
Dathathreya KavachamDaththreya Kavacham(Armour of Dathathreya)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Dathathreya is all the great trinity rolled in to one form. He is followed by the four Vedas in the form of dogs. There is astory that Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva wanted to test the chastity of Sadhvi Anasooya and requested to her to serve them food in the nude. She made them in to babies and took them together . That is one
Viswa Roopa Anjaneya Nava Rathna MalaViswaroopa Nava Rathna Anjaneya Mala(The garland of nine gems to Hanuman in supreme form.)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is the translation of a collection of verses , with attached nine gems , meant to please the nine planets. One is supposed to wear the gem concerned and chant the manthra to please a particular planet. I do not know who collected these manthras but they have been published
Adithya AshtakamAdhithyashtakam(Octet addressed to the Sun God)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Adhithya, the son of Adhithi is the Sun God. He has been venerated by the Hindus from the time of Vedas. Here is a pretty prayer addressed to him. This prayer if chanted o the mornings at day break, will help in removing our sorrows.)Udhayadri masthaka maha manim lasad,Kamala karaika suhrudham mahoujasam,Gadha panga
Adithya Dwadasa Nama StotramAdhithya Dwadasa Nama Stotram(Prayer of twelve names of Sun God)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(From most ancient Vedic times we used to worship the Sun God. It is believed that He would bless us with all that is good, if we pray him using this Stotra on Sundays.)Ekachakro radho yasya divya Kanaka bhooshitha,Sa may Bhavathu supreetha Pancha hasatho divakaro. 1Let me
Loka Rakshanam (Malayalam)Loka Rakshanam(Protection of the world)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This is a prayer in Malayalam addressed to Lord Vishnu, seeking a boon to protect the entire world.Pavana manasa poygayil Vazhunna,Jeevanaam hamsathe Vettayaadan,Ookkode chadi varunnoru moorkharaam,Kootare yodippathinnai, 1Ulkombil Bhakthiyodeppozhum paduga ,Chilkombam Sri
Lakshmi Stotram by IndraLakshmi stotra by IndraTranslated byP.R.Ramachander( Once due to a curse of a sage Lord Devendra lost all his wealth. Then he recited this prayer addressed to Mahalakshmi, the goddess of wealth. She appeared before him and gave him back all his wealth. I have already translated another prayer addressed to Mahalakshmi by Indra under the title Sri Stotram. )Purandara Uvacha:-Nama Kamala vasinyai
Nrusimha MangalamNrusimha Mangalam(The well being stotra addressed to Lord Narasimha)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This Mangala stotra is addressed to The Narasimha incarnation of Lord Vishnu. These songs are recited after reciting prayers to the Lord or after performing worship. Wishing Mangalam means , wishing all that is good.)Mangalam sthamba dimbhaya , Mangalam mruthyu mruthyuve,Mangalam Roudhra roopaya,
Rama Sthava RajaRama sthava Raja (King of prayers addressed to Lord Rama)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is an great prayer taken from a dilapidated book in Malayalam. From the prayer it is understood that it occurs in Sanath Kumara Samhitha. The stotra is sung by Sage Narada and has been retold by Sage Vyasa to Dharmaputhra. However in the text with translation by Sriman Kusakratha dasa , this prayer does
Akshara Mana Malai of Bhagwan RamanaAkshara Mana Malai (Scented garland arranged Alphabetically) By Bhagawan Ramana Maharshi Translated by P.R.Ramachander Bhagwan Ramana was a great sage who lived in the Arunachala Mountains in Thiruvannamalai. He was not a sanyasin and used to make it clear that he was not having any Guru. His scholarly nature and the life of utter simplicity that he lead ,attracted lot of great
Hari hari stotram(Tamil)Hari hari stotram (Tamil) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a very folk/popular method of reciting BHagawatha or story of Krishna effortlessly. Housewife’s of the by gone age used to get immersed in god by reciting this stotra , when they were doing hard work. The simple diction and the moving story used to bring tears in their eyes some times but one thing was sure. They never felt
Panchayudha StotramPanchayudha StotramTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This prayer is addressed to the five weapons of Lord Vishnu viz Holy wheel (Sudarshana), Conch (Pancha Janya), Mace(Gomodhakee), Sword and bow(Sarngam). They are considered as great sages in the service of Lord Vishnu. Sudarshana the holy wheel is supposed to be made by Viswakarma out of the dust got out of sawing Lord Sun, to reduce his
Vega Sethu StotramVega Sethu Stotram(Prayer to the bridge across river Vegha)BySwami Vedantha desiganTranslated byP.R.Ramachander( This great prayer is addressed to the Lord presiding in temple at Thiru vehaa, which is near Kanchi puram. This lord is also called Yathokthakari(He who obeys what is told to him).There is an interesting story about this. Once Lord Brahma wanted to perform Aswamedha (horse sacrifice)
Ekadasa Mukha Hanumath KavachamEkadasa mukha Hanumath KavachamTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This Kavacham was tahught by Sage Agasthya to his wife Lopamudhra.I could find reference to only one temple where Hanuman with eleven faces has been consecrated,In Sudawapuri (Porebandar) Gujarat, there is an Ekadashi Hanuman temple inside the Shri Panchmukhi Mahadev temple. Here Hanuman has two charan (feet), twenty-two hands and arms
Saptha Mukha Hanumath KavachamSapthamukhi Hanumath Kavacham(Armour of Hanuman with seven faces)Translated by P.R.Ramachander(In spite of my detailed search I could not find reference in the epics as to why Lord Hanuman assumed the seven faces. At least in the web there is no reference to any temple of Hanuman with seven faces. The seven faces of Hanuman are monkey, Narasimha, Garuda, boar, horse, cow and man.The text in
Pancha Mukha Hanumath Kavacham.Pancha Mukha Anjaneya Kavacham(The armour of Hanuman with five faces.)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(I am quoting in extenso from the learned article on Pancha Mukha Anjaneya from the Wikipedia.“Sri Panchamukha Anjaneya Swami was the main deity of Sri Raghavendra Swami. The place where he meditated on this five-faced form of Hanuman is now known as Panchamukhi, wherein a temple for him has been
Eka Mukha Hanumath KavachamEka Mukha Hanumath Kavacham(Armour to Hanuman with one face)Translated byP.R.Ramachander( This armour has been told by Lord Shiva to Goddess Parvathy. The lord first tells a prayer of twelve names addressed to Hanuman and then quotes the Hanuman kavacha as taught by Lord Rama to Lord Vibheeshana. Unlike other Kavachas of Hanuman, this is a simple prayer and not a thanthric text.)Yekadhaa
Saraswathy Bhujanga Prayata StotramSaraswathi Bhujanga prayata stotramTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a rarely available prayer addressed to Goddess Saraswathi. It is written in the bhujanga prayatha(movement of snake) style. Adhi Shankara has written many stotras in this style. So people attribute the authorship of this prayer also to him .But this is not listed in the complete works of Adhishankara, nor is there any
Skanda ShatkamSkanda Shatkam(Sextet addressed to Lord Skanda)Translated byP.R.RamachanderShanmugam, Parvathi puthram, Krouncha shaila vivardhanam,Deva Senathipathim devam , Skandam Vande Shivathmajam. 1I salute Skanda , the son of Lord Shiva,Who has six heads and is the son of Parvathi,Who broke in to pieces the Krouncha mountain,And who is the God who was the commander of Deva
Vishnu Satha Nama StotramVishnu Satha Nama Stotram(Prayer of one hundred names of Vishnu)Written byVeda VyasaTranslated by P.R.Ramachander(This is a rare stotra written by Veda Vyasa. In spite of my best efforts, I could locate only 96 names. Either 4 names are missing from the text or I have added two names together in 4 cases,)Vasudevam, Hrishi kesam , vamanam , jalasayinam,Janardhanam , Harim , Krishnam , Sreepaksham,
Parameshwara Sthuthi Sara StotramParameshwara Sthuthi sara sthothram(Prayer of the summary praise of Lord Parameshwara)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(I stumbled on this great prayer under prayer to Lord Vishnu in a dilapidated Malayalam book that I have. In spite of serious search, I could not locate it any where else or in the web. The prayer is in the form of conversation of the devotee to God. Each Sloka of the Stotra is
Vishnu Sthava RajaVishnu Sthava Raja(King of prayers addressed to Vishnu)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This is a rare and remarkable prayer addressed to Vishnu. Each stanza describes a part of his body with similes and metaphors. The effect is stunning.)Sidha vibhudhou paribhavya maanam,Lakshmyalayam Thulasi kaachitha bhaktha brungam,Prothunga raktha nakharanguli pithra chithram,Ganga rasam Hari
Dhana Lakshmi StotramDhana Lakshmi StotramTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a prayer addressed to Dhana Lakshmi , the goddess of wealth. Goddess Parvathi asks Shiva , as to how , the poor, the timid and family men can become wealthy. He then teaches her this great prayer , addressed to Goddess Parvathi herself. This indicates that the Goddess Parvathi also can be worshipped as the giver of wealth.)Dhanadha
Maha Sastha SthuthiMaha Sastha Sthuthi(Prayer addressed to great Sastha)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Sastha is the son of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu , who took the form of Mohini. He has two wives, Poorna and Pushkala. There are large number of temples dedicated to Sastha in the Thirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu. Many People believe that Ayyanar, the guardian God presiding outside many villages in Tamil Nadu is
Subrahmanya GadhyamSubrahmanya Gadyam(Prose on Lord Subrahmanya)Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Most of the Hindu prayers are in verse. A form of verse called Dandakam, does not limit the number of words in a line. Still , it is also termed as Sanskrit Verse. Here is a very, very rare prayer Addressed to Lord Subrahmanya in prose. Similar to Dandakam, this entire prayer consists of only one Sanskrit sentence.)
Rama Dwadasa Nama StotramSri Rama Dwadasa nama stotram(The twelve names of Lord Rama)Translated byP.R.RamachanderOm asya Sri Raama Dwadasa nama stotra maha mantrasya Eswararishihi Anushtup chandaha|Sri Raamachandra devatha|Sri Raamachandra preetyarthe Jape viniyogahaFor the great Mantra called twelve names of Rama, Lord Shiva is the sage,Meter is Anushtup, God is Lord Ramachandra and it is chanted to please Lord
Long live this funny zooLong live this funny zooByP.R.RamachanderThe zoo was pretty and had many cages,In some cages there were two animals,In some cages, one animal tearfully roamed,There were cages were several of them were packed.All these animals had very white hairs,They had sunken chins and not so soft skins,The eyes of most of them were moist always,Their eyes were also staring at a far off point,There was great
A prayer to Lord Guruvayurappan (Tamil)Tamil prayer to GuruvayurappanTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Guruvayurappan is the lord presiding over the temple in Guruvayur in Kerala. It is believed that the idol housed in the temple was the one worshipped by Lord Krishna himself and was brought to Guruvayur by Guru and Vayu and consecrated there. Over years the temple has become very popular in all parts of India. Here is a original prayer
Thulasi Stotram (Tamil)Thulasi Stotram (Tamil)(Prayer to Thulasi)Translated byP.R.Ramachander (Thulasi or the holy Basil ( Ocimum_tenuiflorum/Ocimum sanctum) is possibly the holiest plant to the Hindus. They consider the plant as the consort of Vishnu . Without fail, most of the Hindu homes would maintain a Thulasi plant. This great prayer is a very popular prayer written in Tamil)Thulasiyamma. Thiruve, kalyaniamma,
Dasavathara Bhujanga StotramDasavathara BHujanga SthavamTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(There are several prayers addressed to Lord Vishnu in his ten incarnation. Here is a rare one written in the Bhujanga(snake) meter.)Challalola kallola kallolineesa,-.Sphuran nakra chakradhi vakthrambuleena,Hatho yena meenavatharena sankha,Sa payaada apaya jjagad Vasudeva. 1Let the world be saved from all
Kandhar Alankaram of Arunagiri natharKandar Alankaram The ornament to Kanda(Skanda) By Swami Arunagirinathar Translated in to English By, P.R.Ramachander Transliteration in to English By Elango Kadhirvel This great poetic work was written by Sanit Arunagiri nathar, the author of Thirupugazh, which is considered as one of the greatest poem collections praising Lord Subrahmanya. I am quoting from Wikipedia article about him.
Thulasi StotramTULASI STOTRAMBySage PundareekaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This prayer is addressed to Thulasi (ocimum sanctum) called in English as the sacred Basil. She is also called Vrinda. This plant is considered to be an incarnation of the consort of Lord Vishnu. Devotees believe that if the leaves of Thulasi are offered to Lord Vishnu, he would bless us with all that we want. There are many mythological
Ramanarayana Sthuthi (Malayalam)Rama Narayana Sthuthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This simple musical prayer gives in brief the entire story of Ramayanam. It is extremely popular in Kerala, as it can be effortlessly memorized and sung while attending to our jobs. I do not know the author of this great work.) Athyanthamaylla aapathu asuraral, Nithyam muzhuthu kazhivillanju , Shakthanayi vannu pirannu Dasaradha-,
BhairavashtakamBhairavashtakam(The octet on different forms of Bhairava of Varanasi)Translated byP.R.RamachanderBhairava is a fierce deity and is the guardian of the city of Varanasi. His origin is interesting. It seems Once Lord Brahma got very proud and neglected God Shiva. Lord shiva burnt with anger and his fierce anger reframed itself in to Lord Bhairava, who immediately went to Lord Brahma’s place and
SAmkshepa Dharma Sasthram-Thithi nirnaya dharma prakaranamThithi nirnaya Prakaranam 2(Fixing of Suitable Thithi) 2I.Kala niroopanam 2(fixing of time) 2II. Nimishadhi Lakshanam 2The form of Nimisha and other things 2III. Thithi swaroopa 3The nature of thithi 3IV. Khanda thithi swaroopa 3The nature of Khanda Thithis 3V. Thithinam veda vichara 3Examination of veda regarding thithis 3VI. Prathama thithi nirnaya 4The description of Prathama thithi 4VII,
SAnkshepa Dharma Sathre Sankeerna VishayaSamkshepa Dharma Shasthre Sankeerna VishayaAppendix to topics dealt in Samkshepa Dharma ShastraTranslated byP.R.RamachanderSanath Kumara said In this very horrible Kali age , the path of Vedas is neglected and the path of the Barbarians is being adopted. Since the mind of Brahmins and others is not pure , there would be no results for the rituals performed by them. So what is the path fot
SAmkshepa Dharma Sasthram-Prayachitha Dharma PrakaranaPrayaschitha Prakaranam 2(Chapter on redemptive rituals) 2I. Prayaschitha Shabhadaratha 2Meaning of the word Prayaschitha (Redemption) 2II.Prayaschitha akarane dosha 2The result of not doing redemptive acts. 2III. Nava Vidhani Paapani 4The nine types of sins 4IV. Mahapathakas 4Greatest sins 4V. Athipathaka 5Great sins 5VI .Samapathaka 5(ordinary sins) 5VII. Upapathaka 5Subsidiary sins 5VIII.
Samkshepa Dharma Sastram-Sradha Dharma PrakaranamSradha Prakaranam 2(Details of after death and death ceremonies) 2I. Mumukshur Prayachitha vidhi 2The redemptive acts to be done by one who is nearing death 2II, Mumukshor Dhana Vidhi 4(The rules of Dhana for the dying soul) 4III. Paryooshitha prayachitham. 4(Redemptive acts for late cremation) 4IV. Karthru krama:- 5(The order of eligibility for carrying out death ceremonies) 5V. Agni nirnaya.
SAmkshepa Dharma Sasthram-Asoucha Dharma PrakaranamAsoucha Prakaranam 1(details of taint) 1I. Asoucha Sabdhartham 2(Meaning of the tainted period) 2II Asoucha Sandhyopasana Vidhi 2(Rules of Sandhya Vandhana during the tainted period) 2III. Asouche Thyaja karmaani:- 3(The rituals which should not be done during the tainted period) 3IV. Sadhya Asoucham 4(The Asoucha beginning) 4V.Durmruthaanaam Samskara 6(ceremonies for those who die badly) 6VI.
Samkshepa Dharma Sasthra-Ahneeka Dharma PrakaranaAhneeka Prakarana 2(The details of the acts to be performed ) 2I Prabodha Samaya:- 3(Waking up time) 3II.Brahme Muhurthe Japyani”:- 3(To be chanted in the Brahma Muhurtha) 3III, Soucha Vidhi 4(laws of cleanliness) 4IV. Gandoosha Vidhi 6(Rules for gargling) 6V. Achamana Vidhi:- 6(Rules for inner cleaning) 6VI Dandavadhana Vidhi 8(rules for cleaning of teeth) 8VII Snana Vidhi 9(Principles of
SAmkshepa Dharma Sasthra-Varnashrama Dharma PrakaranaVarnashrama Dharma Prakaranam 2(The Dharma of different Varnas) 2I Dharma 2II Dharma Pramana 2(The support for Dharma/ The axioms of Dharma) 2III.The authors of Dharma Sashthraas:- 3IV . Places suitable to live. 3V. Yuga Dharma (The dharma in different eons.) 4VI. The process of creation. 5VII . The Brahmana Dharma 6VIII. Dhanam (charity) 7IX. Kshatriya Dharma(The king’s Dharma) 8X . Vaisya
Introduction to Samkshepa Dharma SasthraIntroduction to Samkshepa Dharma SasthraByP.R.RamachanderThe Vedas are the fundamental and most sacred books of The Hindus. It is believed that all the knowledge contained in Vedas were floating in the atmosphere. Some great sages were able to hear these immortal truths and taught them to their disciples. Vedas are nothing but the collection of such truths as taught by very many rishis to their
Yajur Vedi Upakarma (Avani avittam) with meaningYajur Vedi Avani Avittam Compilation and Translation byP.R.RamachanderThe duty of all Brahmins is to learn Vedas and preserve it by constant recitation. But this is not being done due to the very fact that in this competitive world, they are forced to earn a living. As redemption all Brahmins are supposed to observe Upakarma every year. This is also called Avani avittam. This is the only
Sharada StotramSharada Stotram(Prayer to Goddess of learning)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Goddess Saraswathi is worshipped as Sharada Devi in the famous temple at Sringeri.)Namasthe Sharade devi, Kashmeera pura Vasini,Thwam aham prathaye nithyam , vidhya dhanam cha dehi may. 1Salutations to Goddess Sharada who lives in Kashmir,I pray you daily and so give me knowledge as gift.Ya Shradha , dharana
Kameshwari SthuthiKameshwari Sthuthi(The prayer to the goddess of attachment)Translated byP.R.Ramachander (This is taken from the Hindi religious magazine called Kalyan, published by Gita press , Gorakhpur. Kameswari can also be translated as the Goddess of passion. She is the presiding deity of the famous temple of Kamakhya, in Guahathi, Assam.)Namasthe paramesani brahma roope sanathani,Surasura jagathvandho
Sri Ganesa SuprabathamSri Ganesa suprabhatham(A good morning to Lord Ganesa)Translated by P.R.Ramachander(This is a rare stotra which I got from a hand out published in 1971 by the Sri Adhi Sankara Bhagawad pada Veda Sabha, Triplicane, Madras which was printed in Tamil. Unfortunately in spite of my best search, I could not get it in Sanskrit alphabets. Tamil being phonetically inadequate, there may be many mistakes
Datha SharanashtakamSri Datha Sharanashtakam(An octet of Surrender to Lord Dathathreya)Translated byP.R.RamachanderLord Dathathreya is an avadhootha who is the son of sage Athri and Anasooya. He is the holy trinity rolled in to one. Here is a write up about his symbolism given in “Symbolically Lord Dattatreya is depicted with three heads, six hands, four dogs,
Datha Kshamapana StotramDatha Kshamapana Stotram(prayer beseeching forgiveness of Dathathreya)BySri Vasudevananda SaraswathiTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This was written by a great saint devotee of Swami Dathathreya of Maharashtra called Sri Vasudevananda Saraswathi or Thembe Swami. A brief life history is given in You can chant this mantra
Datha SthavamSri Datha SthavamBySri Vasudevanand Saraswathi MaharajTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This was written by a great saint devotee of Swami Dathathreya of Maharashtra called Sri Vasudevananda Saraswathi or Thembe Swami. A brief life history is given in You can chant this mantra 9 times a day for a life time or at least
Adhi shankara's AparokshanubhoothiAparakshanubhoothi (Non indirect experience) A philosophic treatise on Advaitha By Adhishankara Bhagwat Pada Transliteration and translation By P.R.Ramachander(This is
Sundra Kandam Chapter 57-68Translated by P.R.Ramachander Fifty- seventh Chapter Reaching the northern shore of the sea,(Hanuman crossed the ocean and was received by the monkeys with happiness. He informed them that he has seen Sita. He also told them about the pitiable but virtuous condition she was in.) Hanuman like a great ship crossing though the shore less ocean
Sundara Kandam Chapter 47-56Translated by P.R.Ramachander Forty -seventh Chapter Killing of Aksha Kumara(This chapter deals with the ferocious war of Aksha Kumara, the second son of Ravana and Hanuman, in which Aksha Kumar is ultimately killed)Then that king Ravana seeing that Hanuman has killed five army-commanders and army along with vehicles, saw in
Sundara Kandam Chapters 36-46Translated by P.R.Ramachander Thirty-sixth Chapter Presentation of the ring(To prove his bonafides, Hanuman presents the royal ring of Rama to Sita .She is convinced by this memento .She then realizes her mistake and praises Hanuman. She sounds hopeful about her being saved by Rama ,She is also perplexed because
Sundara Kandam Chapter 26-35Translated BY P.R.Ramachander Twenty sixth Chapter Sita’s decision to commit suicide(Sita who is extremely sad lists out logical reasons for her to commit suicide and decides on that course)That wailing daughter of Janaka, with a bent head, eye full of tears and crying like a child was similar to the one who is mad, who has lost her wisdom and who
Sundara Kandam Chapter 16-25Translated by P.R.Ramachander Sixteenth Chapter Lamenting about Sita (Seeing Sita Hanuman is upset and thinks about her in various ways and pities her. He again decides that the lady whom he has found is Sita herself)After thinking highly of Sita who is fit to be praised and Rama who has a beautiful character, that
Sundara Kandam Chapter 10-15Translated By P.R.Ramachander Tenth Chapter Seeing of Mandodhari (This chapter gives further description of the harem of Ravana, It gives a vivid description of Ravana, his women and his wife Mandodhari.It ends describing the happy Hanuman who mistook Mandodari for Sita)Hanuman who was searching there, saw
Sundara Kandam Chapter 1-9Sundara Kandam (The beautiful Section) Translated by P.R.Ramachander First Chapter Dealing with crossing of the sea by Hanuman ( This chapter describes how Hanuman crossed the great ocean to reach
An Introduction to Sundara KandamINTRODUCTION TO SUNDARA KANDA BY P.R.Ramachander Sundara Kandam is the fifth section of Ramayana (the story of Lord Rama) written by Sage Valmiki and comprises of 2885 verses spread in 68 chapters. “Sundara” as we all know in the literary sense means 'beautiful' and 'Kandam' means 'section'. The sage has called this
Samkshepa Sundara KandamSree Samkshepa Sundara Kandam (From Vayu Purana) Translated By P.R.Ramachander (Those who do not have time to read the entire Ramayana, could get the same effect by reading Sundara Kanda. People who do not have even time to read full Sundara Kanda, Could read this “Samkshepa Sundara Kanda (Sundara Kanda in brief) and be benefited. It is written that reading this would cure illnesses, give
Samkshepa RamayanaSamkshepa Ramayana (Ramayana in brief) Translated By P.R.Ramachander(This is the first chapter of Ramayana. In this chapter Valmiki who is in search of a suitable hero, whose exploits he wants to write as an epic, asks Sage Narada for suggestions. Narada suggests that Valmiki should
Parayana Vidhana of Sundara KandaParayana Vidhana of Sundara Kanda Translated byP.R.RamachanderSundara Kanda MahatmyaParvathy asked: -“ Oh, God of all beings, I would very much love to know from you, the greatness of Sundara Kanda in detail.”Sri Parameshwara replied: -“I would summarize the greatness of Sundara Kanda for you, because to tell in detail, only the great Lord Ramachandra is capable. Similar to the fact that God Rama
Introduction to RamayanaINTRODUCTION TO RAMAYANA P.R.Ramachander Vedas and Puranas dominated the ancient religious scenerio of Hinduism. Vedas are great storehouses of knowledge and deal in a very sacred holy form as to how to lead a normal life, giving stress to the ideal method of living. Side by side the history of the religion and the
Swaminatha ShadpathiSwaminatha Shadpathi (The sextet on the Lord of Gods) By Swami Ramachandra Translated by
Subrahmanya Shodasa Nama StotramSubrahmanya Shodasa Nama Stotram(The prayer of 16 names of Lord Subrhmanya)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(When the Devas requested Shiva for some one to kill Tharakasura, he opened his third eye and six sparks of fire came out. These were received by Ganges river and the six babies who came out of this fire was put in charge of the six Krithiga maidens. Goddess Parvathy took all the babies
Subrahmanya KavachamSubrahmanya Kavacham(Armour of Subrahamanya)Translated byP.R.RamachanderDhyanamMeditative prayerSindhoora aruna indu kanthi vadanam Keyura haradhipi,Divyair abharanai vibhooshitha thanum swargadhi soukhya pradham,Ambhoja bhaya shakthi kukkada dharam , rakthanga rakhojjwalam,Subrahmanyam upasmahe , pranamatham bheethi pranosodhyatham. I meditate on subrahmanya , Who is of the red colour of
Subrahmanya KaravalambashtakamSubrahmanya Karavalambam (Support of the hands of Subrahmanya) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(This prayer is also called “Swaminatha Karavalambam”. It sings the glory of Lord Subrahmanya, who is the consort of Valle to give a helping hand to the devotees.)Hey Swaminatha
Adhi Shankara's Subrahmanya BhujangamSubrhamanya Bujangam By Adhi Sankara Bhagwat Pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander(This great stotra was supposed to have been composed by Adhi Sankara when he visited the Subrahmanya temple at Thiruchendur (Holy city of sandal) which is in the sea shore.
Subrahmanya Pancha RathnamSri Subrahamanya Pancharathnam (The five gems about Lord Subrahamanya) Translated By P.R.Ramachander(This stotra is about the Lord Subrahamanya who has a temple at Kukke Subrahamanya, which is in the banks of the river Kumaradhara which is
Skanda Sashti Kavacham(Tamil)Skanda Sashti Kavacham (Armour of Skanda Sashti) By Deva Raya Swamigal Translated to english by P.R.Ramachander“Kanda Shasti Kavasam is composed by Devaraya Swamigal. This is a rare and
Adhi Shankara's Shanmuga StotramThiruchendur Shanmuga Stotram By Adhi Shankara Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Adhi Shankara was affected by the evil chants of Abhinava Guptha, when he was staying in the temple of
Shanmuga Kavacham (Tamil)Shanmuga Kavasam (Armour of Lord with six faces) By Pamban Kumara Guru dasa Swamigal Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Pamban Swamigal was a great saivite
ShadananashtakamShadanana Ashtakam (The Octet on the six faced one) By Sage Agasthya Translated by
Pragna Vivardhaka Karthikeya stotramPragya Vivardhana Karthikeya Stotram(Prayer to Karthikeya which would increase intelligence)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a very unique prayer addressed to Lord Subrahmanya, which would help one to increase his intelligence /wisdom. It is said that even a mentally retarded child would become normal by reciting this prayer. The prayer is taught by Lord Subrahmanya himself and gives 28 names
Karthikeya Karavalamba Stotram (Malayalam)Karthikeya Karavalaba Stotram(Prayer to give helping hand, Karthikeya )Translated ByP.R.Ramachander( From the six sparks from the third eye of Lord Shiva, six babies were born. They were looked after by the six stars of Kruthika (Karathiga maidens) . Goddess Parvathi, took all the babies together in her hand and the baby became one with six heads. Due to his being looked after by Karthika maidens
Kandhar Anubhoothi (Tamil)Kandhar anubhuthi (Spiritual union with Kanda) By Saint Arunagiri nathar Translated by P.R.Ramachander* *(My understanding is based on a Tamil translation by poet Pi.Ra.Natarajan and English translation by Swami Anyananda) ( God Kanda (or Skanda-He who supports everything)) or Muruga (the pretty lord)or Kumara(The young lad) or Guha(he who lives in the cave of our mind) or Karthikeya(He who
Skanda Guru Kavacham(Tamil)Skanda Guru Kavacham (The armour of Skanda Guru) BySadguru Santhanatha Swamigal of Skandasramam Translation by P.R.Ramachander Transliteration by Elango Kadhirvel (This great armour is written by Sri Santhanatha Swamigal ,who was a great saint devotee of Lord Skanda. He established a temple called Skandasrama near
Guha PanchakamGuha Panchakam Translated By P.R.RamachanderGuha is another name of Lord Subramanya. Chanting of this five stanza poem is supposed to bring wealth, cure diseases and lead to a happy and prosperous life,Omkara Nagarastham Tham Nigamandha vaneshwaram,
YamunashtakamYamunashtakam (The octet on river Yamuna) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(River Yamuna is one of the major tributaries of river Ganges. Its waters are slightly coloured black. On its shores is Brindavan and Mathura, the places where Lord Krishna lived. It is supposed to originate from the Kalinda Mountain
Valmiki's GangashtakamValmiki krutha Gangashtakam (The octet to Ganga by sage Valmiki) Translated by P.R.RamachanderMatha Shaila sutha sapathni, vasudha srungara haravali,Swargarohana vaijayanthi, bhavatheem bhagiradhee prarthaye,Thwatheere vasathasthwambhu pibathasthwadweecheeshupremgatha,
Adhi Shankara's GangashtakamShankaracharya Krutha Gangashtakam (The octet on Ganga composed by Adhi Shankara) Translated by P.R.RamachanderBhagawathi thava theere neeramathrasanoham,Vigatha vishaya thurshna krishnamaradhayami,Sakala kalusha bhange swarga sopana sange,Tharala thara tharange Devi gange praseedha.
Kalidasa's GangashtakamKalidasa krutha Gangashtakam (The octet on Ganga written by Kalidasa) Translated by P.R.RamachanderNamosthesthu Gange thwadangaprasangad,Bhujangasthuranga kuranga plavanga,Anangari ranga sasanga shivango,Bhujangadhipangi kruthango bhavanthi, 1Salutations
DAsa Hara Ganga SthuthiDasa hara ganga sthuthi (The prayer to Ganga that removes ten types of sins) Translated by P.R.RamachanderNama shivayai gangayai shivadhayai namo nama,Namasthe Rudra roopinyai sankaryai they namo nama. 1Salutations to that Ganga,Who is dear to Lord Shiva,And who does good
Ananda Theertha's GangashtakamAnanda Theertha Krutha Gangashtakam (Octet on Ganga by Ananda Theertha) Translated by P.R.RamachanderYadha vedhi thava theeram patahakee naithi gange,Thadavadhi mala jalairnava muktha kalou syath,Thava jalakanika kaalam papinaam papasudhyai,Pathitha parama dheenamsthwamhi pasi prapannan.
Suryarya StotramSuryarya Stotram(Prayer to the Gentleman Sun)BySage YagnavalkyaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander( Sage Yagnavalka was one of the greatest saints of the vedic times. He learnt Yajur veda directly from the sun God , while he was traveling by walking back wards.The branch he learnt is called Shukla Yajur Veda-the white Yajur Veda)Shuka Thunda cchavisavithuschunda ruche , pundareeka vana Bhandho,
Surya MandalashtakamSurya mandalashtakam (The octet on the solar universe) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Here is a unique prayer not to the sun but the solar system. Though Sun has been worshipped as God by many religions, possibly this is a unique prayer
Surya AshtakamSurya ashtakam (Octet to Sun God) Translated in to free verse, By P.R.Ramachander Pantheism has been a very strong part of Hindu relegion. They gave form to the several aspects of nature and worshipped them.
Rahu StotramSri Rahu Stotram(Prayer to Rahu)From Skanda PuranaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Rahu is an asura (unlike other planets ) and son of sage Kasyapa and an ogre called Simihika. He was born with a serpent head .When Mohini (the feminine form of Lord Vishnu) was distributing the nectar to the devas, Rahu entered the row and ate the nectar. The Sun and moon who saw this informed Lord Vishnu about this.
Kethu StotramSri Kethu Stotra(Prayer to Kethu)From Skanda PuranaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Kethu is an asura (unlike other planets) and son of sage Kasyapa and an ogre called Simihika. He was born with a serpent head .When Mohini (the feminine form of Lord Vishnu) was distributing the nectar to the devas, Kethu entered the row and ate the nectar. The Sun and moon who saw this informed Lord Vishnu about this
Angaraka StotramAngaraka stotram (Prayer to planet Mars) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(The planet Mars in Hindu mythology is the son of the goddess earth. He was born of the three drops of sweat of Lord Shiva which fell on the earth. The earth goddess was requested to bring him up and thus became his mother.)Angaraka shakthidaro
Shukra StotramSri Shukra Stotram(Prayer to Shukra) Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Shukra is the planet Venus of modern times. He is the Guru of Asuras. The time when he stays in sixth, seventh, and Tenth house from the moon is slightly troublesome. People are requested to chant this stotra during that time.)Shukra, kavya. Shukraretha, shuklambara dara, sudhee,Himabha kundha dawala, shubramsu, Shukla bhooshana
Shukra KavachamShukra Kavacham(The armour of Venus) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Shukra in Indian mythology is the teacher Of Asuras and Rakshasas. He is very famous sage and son of Brugu. If any problems are caused by him or if one wants to earn lots of wealth, this Kavacham should be read on Fridays.)Mrunala kundendu payoja suprabham,Peethambaram, prasrutha maksha malinam,Samastha sasthrartha vidhim
Sani Vajra Panjarika StotramShani Vajra Panjarika Stotram (The thunderbolt armour of Saturn) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Saturn, the slow moving planet takes 30 years to complete the perambulation of the Sun. He is supposed to be the son of Chaya Devi (Shadow) and the son God. The God of death Yama is his half brother. He takes 30 months to cross one rasi(one by twelfth of the journey), It is believed that when he
SanaischarashtakamSanaischarashtakam (The octet on the slow moving planet) By King Dasaratha Translated by P.R.Ramachander( Sani(slow one) aka Sanaischara(one who moves slowly) aka
Runa Mochana Mangala StotramRuna mochana mangala stotram (Prayer to Mars to get rid of debts) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(The planet Mars in Hindu mythology is the son of the goddess earth. He was born of the three drops of sweat of Lord Shiva which fell on the earth. The earth goddess was requested to bring him up and thus became his
Rahu KavachamRahu Kavacham(The armour of Rahu) Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Rahu is an asura (unlike other planets ) and son of sage Kasyapa and an ogre called Simihika. He was born with a serpent head .When Mohini (the feminine form of Lord Vishnu) was distributing the nectar to the devas, Rahu entered the row and ate the nectar. The Sun and moon who saw this informed Lord Vishnu about this. Lord Vishnu
Pratha Smarana Surya StotramPratha smarana Soorya stotram(Morning prayer to Sun God)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Normally A Hindu prays God as soon as he gets up. These prayers are necessarily short and should make his mind dissolve in devotion to the God. Here is a morning prayer addressed to the Sun God.)Pratha smarami Khalu thath savithur varenyam,Roopam hi mandala mruchodha thanur yajjomshi,Samaani yasya kirana
Nava Graha StotramNava Graha Sthothram (Translated by P.R.Ramachander) Surya(Sun) Japaa Kusumasankasham Kasyapeyam Maha Dhyuthim Tamognam Sarvapaapghnam Pranatosmi Divakaram My salutations to the Sun,Who is like the flower of meditation,Who belongs to the clan of Kashyapa,Who is of greatest brilliance,Who is the destroyer of darkness,And who is the destroyer of all sins.Chandra(Moon
Vadi Raja Theertha's Nava Graha StotramNavagraha Stotram of Vadhiraja Theertha By Saint Vadhi Raja Theertha Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Sri Vadi Raja Teertha is one of the greatest saints of the Dwaitha sampradaya propounded by Madhvacharya and he can be ranked next to the founder. His contribution to the Dvaita Vedanta, Kannada sahithya and Sanskrit literature is of a very rare and high order.)Bhaswan
Nava Graha SukthasThe Nava Graha Sukthas (The odes on the nine planets) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( Planets are called Grahas in Sanskrit. According to the Hindu concept there are nine grahas viz Sun(Adhithya) , moon (Soma), Mars (Angaraka) , Mercury (budha), Jupiter (Brahaspathi), Venus (Shuka), Rahu and Kethu. The last two of them are called shadow planets. These nine are deities (not planets) in the
Nava Graha Peeda Hara StotramNava Graha Peeda Hara Stotram (Prayer to get rid of troubles caused by nine planets) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This prayer gives the prayer to be chanted to get rid of troubles caused by each planet. Though the entire prayer can be chanted, it is necessary only to
Mangala KavachamMangala Kavacham(The protective armour for Mars) Translated by P.R.Ramachander( This is an armour which gives you protection from all problems caused by the planet Mars . It has to be chanted on all Tuesdays, if mars causes any problem in the horoscope )Asya sri angaraka kavacha stotra manthrasyaFor the chant of the armour of mars,Kasyapa rishiSage is KasyapaAnushtup
Kethu KvachamKethu Kavacham(Armour of Kethu) Translated by(P.R.Ramachander)(Kethu is an asura (unlike other planets) and son of sage Kasyapa and an ogre called Simihika. He was born with a serpent head .When Mohini (the feminine form of Lord Vishnu) was distributing the nectar to the devas, Kethu entered the row and ate the nectar. The Sun and moon who saw this informed Lord Vishnu about this. Lord
Brahaspathi KavachamBruhaspathi Kavacham(The armour of Jupiter) Translated ByP.R.Ramachander( The planet , which is considered as a good planet causes lot of problems , when it moves to some of the houses, especially first, third, fourth, sixth, eighth, tenth and twelfth from the moon. It stays in each house for one year. This Kavacha should be read on all Thursdays during that period to get rid of the problems
Chandra KavachamChandra Kavacham(Protective armour of the moon) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(This is armour which gives you protection from all problems caused by the planet moon. It has to be chanted on all Mondays, if moon causes any problem in the horoscope)Om Ganesaya NamaSalutations to Lord GanesaAsya Sri Chandra Kavacha stotra Maha ManthrasyaWhat follows is the great prayer called “Armour of
Chandra Ashta Vimsathi Nama StotraChandra ashtavimsathi nama Stotra(The prayer of twenty eight names of moon.)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Prayers addressed only to Moon are rare. Here is one which describes him in twenty eight different ways. From the text it is obvious that it is a part of some Purana and is being told by a saint to the king. But I was not able to trace the origin of this stotra.)Chandrasya srunu naamaani,
Budha Pancha Vimsathi StotramBudha Pancha Vimsathi Stotram(The twenty five names of Planet Mercury) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(This prayer to Budha (Planet Mercury) occurs in Padma Purana. Budha according to Indian mythology is the son of moon and Thara , a young wife of Brahaspathi (Planet Jupiter) , who himself was the teacher of the moon .But this stotra mentions him as the son of Rohini-
Budha KavachamBudha Kavacham(Armour for Budha) Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Budha is a planet giving knowledge. Any body who falls short in knowledge or wants to gain knowledge should read this Kavacham on all Wednesdays.)Asya Budha kavacha stotra maha manthrasyaFor the chant called Armour for Budha (mercury)Kasyapa RishiThe sage is Sage KasyapaAnushtup ChandaMeter is AnushtupBudho DevathaGod is Budha (
Brahaspathi StotramSri Brahaspathi Stotram(Prayer to Jupiter)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This rare stotra addressed to Brahaspathi the teacher of all devas and the planet Jupiter. Jupiter occupies a rasi for one year. When it is with Chandra(our Rasi), third, fourth eighth, tenth and twelfth house from our rasi , it brings bad luck. This stotra chanted on Thursdays during this period will bring solace.)Gurur
Adithya KavachamAdithya Kavacham(The armour of the Sun God) Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This is the armour of Sun God which led to Sage Yagna Valkya to learn the Vedas directly from him. It should be read by people for whom Sun is not in a good position in their horoscope or the present position of Sun causes problems to them, on all Sundays.)Om Srimad Adithya kavacha stotra maha manthrasya Yagna valko
Adithya HrudayamAdithya Hrudayam (The heart o the Sun God) Translated By Sri.P.R.Ramachander This prayer is possibly the greatest one addressed to the Sun and occurs in Yudha Kanda of Ramayana. Lord Rama after ceaseless battle with Ravand is not able to kill him
Yaksha PrasnamYaksha Prasna(Questions of Yaksha) Translated byP.R.Ramachander(During the time when the Pandavas were living in the forest, a deer took away the stick used to make fire from the sage’s home in the forest in its antlers. The saint tried to recover it but could not. He then requested the Pandavas (sons of Pandu) to trace the deer by its hoof marks and recover it. The Pandavas followed the hoof
Adhi Sankara's Vijnana NaukaVijnana Nauka(The boat of spiritual science)Written byAdhi Shankara Bhagawat PadaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This is one of those philosophical poems written by Adhi Shankara. It echoes the concept of “Aham Brahmasmi (I Am Brahmam) “.Though written in a simple language, some how, this work is not as popular as his other works.)Tapo yajnadaanaadibhissudhabudhir-Virakto nripaadau pade
Kalidasa's Vara MangalashtakamVara Mangalashtakam By Poet Kalidasa Translated by P.R.Ramachander(This prayer is supposed to be chanted before starting any action and not the end of an action. Essentially the prayer requests the blessing of all the
Narasi Mehta's Vaishnava JanathoVaioshnava Janato (The man of God) By Narasi Mehta Translated by P.R.RamachanderOne of the greatest Gujarati poet-saints, Narsi Mehta introduced
Tri Sloki GitaTri Sloki Gita (Gita in three verses) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Many savants believe that the verses number 16,17 and 18 from the chapter number 15 which details “the sign of the supreme personality” of Bhagwad Gita is the essence of Gita. I have
Thulasi KavachamThulasi Kavacha(The armour of Ocimum sanctum)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This great prayer occurs in Brahmanda Purana. When engaged in fight with Tharakasura, Lord Subrahmanya becomes tired and prays Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva appears before him and teaches him this great stotra. Later by the power gained by reciting the Stotra, Lord Subrahmanya kills Tharaka. It is mentioned in this stotra,
Sathya Sai SuprabathamSathya Sai Suprabatham Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Sathya Sai Baba is one of the great living saints of India with millions of followers, world wide. This prayer is written in a similar format to Sri Venkatesa Suprabatham. These lines (transliteration) were taken from Suthah ShreemanPoorvaa Sandhyaa PravarthatheUtthishta Sathya
Saptha Sloki GitaSaptha Sloki Gita (Taken from Stotraratnavali of Gita Press , Gorakhpur) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(These seven slokas in this order from Bhagawad Gita has been published by Gita press, Gorakpur, in their collection of stotras called Stotraratnavali. It is supposed to
Prayer to Sai in HindiPrayer to Sai in Hindi Translation By P.R.Ramachander(Here is a very beautiful prayer toSai Baba of Shirdi , in Hindi)Dheena Dukhiyom se Prem Kao,Sai Prasanna Hoga,Prem Karo, Prem Karo, Prem Karo,Sai Prasanna hoga,Love the oppressed,Love those who are sad,Sai would be pleased with you,Love, love and Love,Sai would be pleased with you.Sai Meraa, Main theraa,Yeh prem ki
SainathashtakamSri sainathaashtakam (Octet to Lord Sai) Translated By P.R.Ramachander(Sai Baba was a great modern day saint who lived in Shirdi, Maharashtra. He was considered as incarnation
Sai Baba Ashtothara satha namavaliSai Baba Astottra Shatanamavali(The 108 names of Baba )( Shirdi Sai Baba was one of the greatest saints of modern times. His utter simplicity, tolerance to all religion and a remarkable life has attracted lot of devotees to him. These 108 names were taken from . Since I could not see the original in Sanskrit, there is a possibility of
Adhi Shankara's Sadhana Panchakam/Upadesa PanchakamSadhana Panchakam Also known as Upadesa Panchakam (Pentet about religious practice) By Adhi Shankara Bhagwat Pada Translated by
Appannacharya's Guru Raghavendra StotraGuru Raghavendra Stotra(Also called Sri Poorna Bodha Stotra) ByAppannacharya Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Guru Raghavendra (1595-1671) is one of the greatest saints of the Dvaitha Sidhantha, He is considered as the incarnation of Prahladha. His early childhood was spent In Tamil Nadu and he attained jeeva Samadhi in Manthralaya (Andhra Pradesh) in the banks of Thunga Bhadhra,
Adhi Shankara's Pratha Smarana StotramPratha Smarana Stotram By Adhi Sankara Bhagawat Pada Translated by P.R.RamachanderPratha smarami hrudhi samsphuradathma thathwam,Sathchithsugam paramahamsagathim thureeyam,Yath swapna jagara sushupthamavaithi nithyam,Thad brahma nishkalamaham na cha
Adhi Shankara's Prasnothara Rathna malikaPrasnothara Rathna Malika(Garland of gems of questions and answers) ByAdhi Shankara Bhagawat Pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Here is the eternal and perennial wisdom of the great savant called Adhi Shankara, in the form of searching questions and pithy answers. Some people(Digambara jains) are of the opinion that Prashnottara Ratnamalika is written by Amoghavarsha I
Pradosha MahatmyamPradosha Mahatmyam (From Shiva Purana) Translated by* P.R.RamachanderKailasa shaila bhuvane thri jaga janithreem,Gowreedha nivesye kanakanchitha rathna peete,Nrutham vidhthu mabhi vanchithi Soolapanau,Deva Pradosha samaye anubhajanthi sarve. 1During the time of
Parameshwara StotramParameshwara stotram (Prayer to the God ultimate) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Here is a prayer to the God ultimate. In some stanza it addresses Lord Shiva and in another Lord Vishnu but what it aims is to address God who is beyond such limited descriptions. It is extremely
Para Pooja StotraPara Puja Stotra (The hymn of external worship) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(The traditional worship of any deity consists of Dhyana (meditating on his form), Avahana (Installing the deity), Asana (Offering him a seat), Padya (Offering him water to wash his feet), Arghya (
Adhi Shankara's Nirvana ShatkamNirvana Shatkam (Sextet of salvation) By Aadhi Shankara Bhagawat Pada, Translated in to free verse. By
Adhi Shankara's Nirvana ManjariNirvana Manjari (Bouquet of renunciation) By Adhi Shankara Bhagwat Pada, Translated by P.R.Ramachander Aham na amaro naiva marthyo na
Adhi Shankara's Dasa Sloki /Nirvana DasakamDasa Sloki or Nirvana Dasakam By Adhi Sankara Bhagawat Pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander (These ten verses of philosophy is the essence of the thoughts of Sankara, the philosopher. There are two stories about its origin. One says that when Adhi Sankara approached Sage
Nathopadesa stotramNatho upadesa storam (Prayer that teaches the devotees.) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(This prayer addressed to Lord Shiva is not a popular one but is very pretty. It has 20 slokas, which are of four sets of five similar slokas.)Mana samadhou
Narada Bhakthi SuthramNarada Bhakthi Suthras Translated By P.R.RamachanderPossibly this is greatest book defining what is Bhakthi written by Narada who was the greatest among Bhakthas of Lord Narayana.1.Atha tho Bakthim vyakyasyama
Adhi Shankara's Maya PanchakamMaya Panchakam (The Pentad on Illusion) By Adhi Shankara Bhagwat Pada Translated by P.R.RamachanderNirupam anithya niramaskhepya khande Mayi chithi sarva vikalpanadhi soonye,Ghatayathi Jagadheesa
Adhi Shankara's Mathru PanchakamAdhi Sankara’s elegy to his mother dear tinged in utmost sorrow I humbly feel that by Calling it panchakam, possibly the great Acharya erred for these are the most five invaluable jewels of an elegy that one of the greatest human being ever born in India wrote. Each word &
Mangalya PrarthanaMangalya Prarthana(Universal Prayer to well being from the Vedas)Translated by P.R.RamachanderSwasthi prajabhya paripalayantham,Nyayena margena maheem maheesa,Gobrahmanebhyo shubhamasthu nithyam,Loka samastha Sukhino bhavantu.Let good things occur to the king of the country,Who looks after his people well, in the path of justice,Let Cows* and Brahmins** have a pleasant life daily,Let all people
MangalashtakamMangalashtakam (The octet of the good) (This great prayer praying for all that is good addresses itself to all Gods, sages , beings, places and sacred waters . It is remarkable in the sense that many of them addressed are great human beings known to the Hindus. People reading this rare stotra (prayer) would definitely lead a life of fulfillment and reach the land of Vishnu.) Translated by
Maithreem BhajathaMaithreem Bhajatha By Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati Translation by P.R.Ramachander(This prayer was written by Paramacharya of Kanchi to be sung in the U.N. Assembly by Smt.M.S.Subbalakshmi during its 50th anniversary and dealt
Mahalakshmi KavachamMaha Lakshmi Kavacham (Armour of Maha Lakshmi) Translated by P.R.RamachanderAsya Sri Maha Lakshmi Kavcha Maha mantrasya Brahma Rishi, Gayathri Chanda,Mahalakshmir devatha, Maha Lakshmir preethyarthe Jape Viniyoga.For the Armour of Maha Lakshmi , the sage is Brahma, meter is Gayathri, god addressed is Maha Lakshmi, The
KrishnashtakamKrishnashtakam-II Translated byP.R.RamachanderVasudeva sutham devam,Kamsa Chanoora Mardhanam,Devaki Paramanandam,Krishnam Vande Jagat Gurum. 1Salutations to the teacher of the world, Krishna,Who is the God who is the son of Vasudeva,Who killed Kamsa and Chanoora,And who gave immense joy to Devaki.Athasee pushpa sangasam,Hara noopura Shobitham,Rathna kankana keyuram,
Adhi Shankara's Kaupeena PanchakamKaupeena Panchakam (The pentat of the loin cloth) By Adhi Shankara Bhagawat pada Translated by
Adhi Shankara's Kasi PanchakamKasi Panchakam (The pentad on Benares) By Adhi Shankara Bhagwat Pada Translated by P.R.RamachanderMano nivruthi paramopa santhi,Sa theerthavarya mani karnika cha,Gnana pravaha vimaladhi ganga,Saa kasikaham nija bodha
Adhi Shankara's KalabhairavashtakamKalabhairavashtakam, By Adhi Sankara Bhagwat Pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Kalabhairava is the God who is the protector of Benares. He is supposed to be the fearsome aspect of Lord Shiva. Once Brahma
Jai Sadanantha Yadu nathaJai sadhaa nanda yadhunaatha (Victory to the ever happy king of saints) Translated By P.R.Ramachander(Sai Baba was a great modern day saint who lived in Shirdi, Maharashtra. He was considered as
Jai Guru Deva Sai NathaJaya Guru Deva Sainatha From Translated By P.R.Ramachander(Sai Baba was a great modern day saint who lived in Shirdi, Maharashtra. He was considered as
Adhi Shankara's GuruvashtakamGurvashtakam (An octet on the teacher) Composed by Adhi Sankara Bagawat Pada, Translation in to free verse, By
Guru Paduka StotramGuru Paduka Stotram (Prayer to the Sandals of the Teacher) By Sri Satchiddananda Shivaabhinava Nrisimha Bharathi Translated by, P.R.Ramachander (This great prayer was written by His Holiness Sri Satchiddananda Shivaabhinava Nrisimha
Adhi Shankara's Guru Paduka PanchakamGuru Paduka Panchakam (The pentad praising sandals of Guru) By Adhi Shankara Bhagawat Pada, Translated by P.R.Ramachander(These five verses is supposed to have been sung ay the Bhagawat Pada when he went first to meet his Guru Govinda Bhagawat
Gomatha SthuthiGomatha sthuthi (Prayer to mother cow) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Kamadhenu is an all wish satisfying cow of heavens. This prayer (according to the last sloka) is addressed by Indra to Kamadhenu. It has been adapted as a prayer to the cow by all Hindus.)Namo devyai
Gayathri Manthras of different GodsGayathri Manthras Compiled by P.R.Ramachander* Gayathri mantras are very powerful meditation aids to pray for grace of a particular God. Thirty seven such Gayathri Manthras are given below. Hindus believe that chanting or meditating on these mantras has to be done only as per the teaching of the Guru. . (Revised based on compilation of Kasi Vasi Guru Kalidas Maharshi) 1.For&
Vedantha Desika's Garuda DandakamGaruda Dandakam (A Dandakam on Garuda) By Srimad Vedantha Desika Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Vedanta Desika is possibly one of the greatest poets of Srivaishnavism and lived between 1269 and 1370. He was born in Thoopul, near Kanchipuram. He was named as Venkata Natha and was trained in the philosophy of Saint Ramanuja. This great prayer extols Garuda, one of the foremost devotees of Lord
Garbha Raksha StotramGarbha Raksha Stotram (Prayer for safe delivery) To be recited by them* By Sage Sounaka Translated by
Dhyana Slokas of different Hindu GodsDhyana Sloka (Verses which help in meditation) Compiled and Translated by P.R.Ramachander While Stotras are verses praising the deity, Dhyana Slokas describe the deity and help the devotee to bring the deity in his/her mind and proceed with meditation. There are several Dhyana Slokas for each deity, I have selected in most cases one of them and presented here along with its meaning.
Adhi Shankara's DhanyashtakamDhanyashtakam(The octet on he who is blessed) ByAdhi Shankara Bhagawat Pada Translated by P.R.RamachanderThat jnanam prasamakaram yadheendryanam thathjneyam yadupanishatsu nischithartham,They dhanya bhuvi paramarth nischitheha, Seshasthu bramanilaye paribramanthi. 1That is wisdom, which maintains senses at peace,That is knowledge ,
Dathathreya StotramDathathreya Sthothram (Praise chant of Dathathreya) BY Sage Narada translated by P.R.Ramachander(Hindus worship Dathathreya a god
Chathu Sloki GitaChathu Sloki Gita (Gita in four verses) Translation by P.R.Ramachander(These 4 verses (8-11) occurring in the tenth chapter of Bhagwad Gita viz the “essence of God” is considered by large number of savants as the essence of the Gita but
Chathu Sloki BhagawathamChathu Sloki Bhagawatham (Essence of Bhagawatham in four verses) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(These few verses occur in the discussion between Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma in the second chapter of Bhagawatham. Though there are seven verses, first two verses are introductory in nature
BilwashtakamBilwashtakam (The Octet to the Bilwa) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The leaves of Bilwa(Aegle marmelos), which has multiple leaves, with each leaf consisting of three leaves is very dear to Lord Shiva. Offering this leaf to Lord Shiva pleases him especially on the
Bharatha SavithriBharat Savitri (Moral of the epic Mahabaratha) By Veda Vyasa Translated by P.R.Ramachander(These 4 verses are found in the end of the epic Mahabaratha as well as Harivamsam
Adhi Shankara's Athma PanchakamAthma Panchakam (The pentet on Soul) By Adhi Shankara Bhagavat Pada Translated by P.R.RamachanderNaham deho, nendriya nyantharangam,Nahamkara prana vargaa na budhi,
Aswatha Vruksha StotramAswatha Vruksha Stotram (Prayer to the Banyan tree) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Among the trees Aswatha is the most religious for all Hindus. In most of the places, an idol of God is consecrated below the tree. In Kerala and Tamil Nadu, the family which plants the tree, does sacred thread
Adhi Shankara's Anathma sri vigarhana PrakaranamAnathma Sri vigarhana Prakaranam(Censure of the one who has not realized his self) by Adhi Shankaracharya, Translated by P.R.Ramachander(In this simple, powerful , easily understandable and mellifluous verses, the Acharya emphasizes the need for understanding the self)
AbilashashtakamAbilashashtakam (The octet of desires) By Brahmananda Translated by P.R.RamachanderKadha pakshsheendram soparigathamajam kancha nayanam,Ramasamslishtangam gaganaruchmapeethavasanam,Gadha sankhaambhojarivaramalokya suchiram,
Nithya Stotra ParayanamNithya sthothra Parayanam Complied in English with translation By P.R.Ramachander Sanathana Dharma better known as Hinduism is one of the greatest and finest of ancient religions. It preaches that every individual’s aim should
Vyasa raja Theertha's Yanthrodharaka Hanumath stotramYantroddharaka Hanumath stotram (Prayer to Hanuman who removes fetters) By Sage Vyasaraja theertha Translated by P.R.Ramachander*(Vyasaraja theertha is a great saint of Madhva Order. He is supposed to be an
Veera Hanuman Kavacham (Tamil)Veera Hanuman Kavacham (Tamil)Translated byP.R.RamachanderKappu (Protective prayer)Mannuyir kathu manam nirainda Anuman,Thanniruthaal pothi, thanja kavacham ponnaga,Yennavil uditha yeramba ganapathiye, Unnarulal uyarthu.I pray the two feet of highly contended Hanuman,Who protects the lives of all in this earth,Oh Herambha Ganapathi , please make ,This surrender armour which arose in my toungue,
Hanumath StotramHanumath stotram (Prayer to Hanuman) Translated by P.R.RamachanderAkshadhi rakshasa haram, Dasa kanda darpa,Nirmoolanam, Raghuvarangri saroja bhaktham,Seetha vishahya Ghana dukha nivarakam tham,Vayo sutha, galitha bhanu maham namami. 1I salute Him, who shines like the Sun,
Hanumath Sthuthi IHanumath Sthuthi Translated by P.R.Ramachander Here is the translation of another garland of prayers to Anjaneya.Please note that this contains most of the slokas listed under Anjaneya stothra which is translated separately. Goshpadi krutha vaareesham masaki krutha rakshasam,Ramayana maha mala
Hanumath MangalashtakamHanumath Mangalashtakam (Mangala octet on Hanuman) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Mangala stotras are normally recited at the end of reciting several stotras or the end of singing several songs or at the end of an auspicious function. The devotee wishes auspiciousness
Adhi Shankara's Hanumath Bhujanga Prayata StotramHanumath bhujanga prayatha stotram* (Prayer to Lord Hanuman in Bhujanga meter) * also called Anjaneya Bhujanga stotram By Adhi Shankara Bhagawat Pada* *This prayer is
Hanumath PancharathnamHanumath Pancha Rathnam (Five gems on Hanuman) By Adhi Sankara Bhagawat Pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander Veethakhila vishayecham, Jathanandaasru
Apad Udharaka Hanumath StotramApad udharana Hanumath stotramByKing VibheeshanaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a remarkable and rare prayer written by King Vibheeshana requesting Lord Hanuman to save one from dangers. I am sure by recitation of this prayer you can come out of all dangers without any problem,)Apad akhila lokarthi harine, hanumathe,Akasmad aagathothpada nasaya, namosthuthe. 1Hey
Anjaneya stotraAnjaneya Stothra Translated by P.R.Ramachander Hanuman , the monkey devotee of Rama, though never mentioned anywhere in puranas or other holy books as God, is worshipped as though he is God himself. He is the son of Keasri and Anjana. But he is more known as the son of
Ganesa AshtakamGanashtakam(Octet on Ganesa)Translated by ,P.R.Ramachander(This pretty prayer is addressed to Lord Ganesa, the remover of all obstacles.)Eka dantham maha kayam thaptha kanchanna sannibham,Lambodharam visalaksham Vandeham gana nayakam. 1Salutations to the God who is the leader of Ganas*,Who has only one tusk,Who has a very big body,Who looks like molten gold,Who has a very big
Ganesa Saranam (Malayalam)Ganesa Saranam(Malayalam)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This prayer to Ganesa though of Malayalam has all Sanskrit names except for one name. It is also interesting to note that it is written as a prayer to be sung in Group singing Bhajans.)Ganesa saranam , saranam Ganesa,Ganes saranam, Saranam Ganesa. 1Ganesa protect me, protect me Ganesa,Ganesa protect me, protect
Vignesa AshtotharamaVigneswara Ashtothra Shatha Namavali (The row of 108 names to the God of obstacles) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (It is a custom for Hindus to worship Gods with 108 names , which are actually descriptions of the God. Here is a popular Ashtothara Satham (108) of Lord Ganesa . who is the remover of obstacles . Normally with every name Om is added as a prefix and Namaha is added as a suffix.)
Pratha Smarana Ganesha StotramPratha Smarana Ganesa stotram(Morning prayer to Lord Ganesa)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Normally A Hindu prays God as soon as he gets up. These prayers are necessarily short and should make his mind dissolve in devotion to the God. Here is a morning prayer addressed to Lord Ganesa.)Pratha smarami gana nadha manadha bandhum,Sindhoora poora parishobhitha ganda yugmam,Udhanda vigna pargandana
Ganesa Ashtothara sathamGanesha Ashtothra Satham(Hundred and eight names of Ganesa)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Normally Hindu gods are worshipped by chanting their 108 names. These names mostlyDescribe the qualities of the God. Some names point out their various relationships and stories. This is a rare Ashtotharam where Yama the God of death tells his assistants not to go near the person who chants these 108 names. I
Ganesha Bahya PoojaGanesa Bahya Pooja(External worship of Ganesa)Translated byP.R.RamachanderChathur bahum trinethrancha gajaasyam rakthavarnakam,Pasangusadhi samyuktham mya yuktham prachinthayeth. 1I meditate on that Lord Ganapathi,Who has four hands and three eyes,Who is red in colour and who holds in his arms, The Rope and goad and other weapons.Agascha brahmanaam nadha sura asura varjitha,
Ganesh Ji ki aarthi (Hindi)Ganesh Ji ki aarthi(The prayer to Lord Ganesa)Translated byRamachander(Aarthi are Hindi prayer songs, sung in a chorus with the waving of lamps before gods, this prayer is addressed to Lord Ganesa)Jai Ganes , Jai Ganes , Jai Ganes deva,Matha Parvathi, Pitha Mahadeva,Yeka danth , char bhuja, dhari,Madhe sindhoor sohe moose ki Savari,Andhan ko aankh deth Koodeen ko kaya,Banjath ko puthra deth,
Ganapathi Atharva SeershaSri Ganapathi Atharva Seersha(From Atharvana Veda) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Ganapathi atharva seersha is a part of Atharvana Veda. It is classified as an Upanishad and not as a chant. But this is considered universally as the greatest and most effective prayer addressed to Ganesa .I have used a small book let giving meaning of this great prayer published by Om graphics and also
Ganesa KavachamGanesha Kavacham Translated By P.R.RamachanderOm namo bhagawathe.Sri prasanna Vigneswaraya Shira Pathu,Pathu Sri Sindhu Gambheera lochana.Shikaayama varana vatha pathu, Nethram pathu Ganeswaram. 1Salutations to the LordLet the ever pleasing remover of obstacles protect my head,Let
Vinayagar Kavacham (Tamil)Vinayaka Kavacham (Tamil) ( Armour to the God who removes obstacles.) Translated By P.R.Ramachander(This is popular armour of prayer to Lord Ganapathi in Tamil. It is believed that if this is read with devotion, All his problems including health problems will disappear. An English translation of this prayer is available in
Avvayar's Vinayagar Agaval (Tamil)Vinayagar Agaval (Blank poem on Vinayagar) By Saint poet Avaiyar Transliteration By Elango Kadhirvel Translation P.R.Ramachander (Avaiyar (meaning a very Old mother) was one of the very great women poets of ancient Tamil Nadu.(In telugu even today mother is called Avva) Apart from being a great poet, she played a very great role in the politics of those days, by making the great kings obey
Ganesa PrarthanaSri Ganesa Prarthana (Prayer to Lord Ganesa) Translated by P.R.RamachanderVakra Thunda Maha Kaya Koti Surya Sama Prabha,Nirvignam Kurume deva sarva karyeshu sarvadha.He who has an immense body,He who has a broken tusk,He who shines like billions of Suns,Remove all hindrances,From all my work and for all timesSri
Sankata nasana Ganapathi StotramSri Sankata Nasana Ganapathi stotram(Prayer to lord Ganesa which would wipe away sorrow)Narada Uvacha:-Sage Narada told:-Pranamya sirasa devam,Gauri putram, Vinayakam,Bhakthya vyasa smaren nithya,Mayu kama artha sidhaye. The learned one, who wishes,For more life, wealth and love,Should salute with his head,Lord Ganapathi who is the son of Parvathy.Prathamam Vakra
GanesashtakamGanesashtakam (Octet on Ganesa) Translated by P.R.RamachanderYatho anantha shakthir anathascha jeeva,Yatho nirgunadha aprameyaa gunasthe,Yatho bhathi saravam tridha bedha binnam,Sada tham Ganesam namamo bhajama. 1We sing about and salute that Ganesa,From whose
Ganesa Shodasa Nama StotramSri Ganapathi Shodasa Nama Stotram Translated by P.R.RamachanderSumukhaschaikadanthascha, Kapilo Gaja Karnika,Lambhodarascha Vikato Vignarajo Vinayaka. 1Pleasant faced god, God with one tusk, God who is reddish black,God with an elephant ears,God with a very broad paunch,God who is cruel to his enemies,God who is the remover
Ganesa Pancha RathnamGanesa Pancha rathnam (Five jewels about Ganesa) By Adhi Sankara Bhagavat Pada Translated By P.R.RamachanderMudha karatha modhakam, sada vimukthi dayakam,Kaladaravathamsakam, vichithra loka rakshakam,Anayakaika nayakam vinasithebha daithyakam,Nathashubha pranasakam, namami
Ganesa MangalashtakamGanesa Mangalashtakam (The Mangala Octet of Ganesa) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Mangala stotras are normally recited at the end of reciting several stotras or the end of singing several songs or at the end of an auspicious function. The devotee wishes auspiciousness to the Lord. Mangalam may also
Ganesa Manasa PoojaGanesa Manasa Pooja (The mental worship of Ganesa) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(This rare stotra offering worship by mind was found by me in a Malayalam compilation. It is extremely detailed and gives every step of the Puja of Ganesa with great devotion.)Vignesa veeryani vichithrakaani,
Ganesa Dwadasa Nama StotramGanesa Dwadasa Nama stotram (Taken from Narada Purana) Translated by P.R.RamachanderPranamya sirasa devam,Gauri putram, Vinayakam,Bhakthya vyasa smaren nithyam,Ayu kama artha sidhaye. The learned one, who wishes,For more life, wealth and love,Should salute with his head,Lord Ganapathi who is the son
Ganapathi SthavamGanapathi Sthavam Translated by P.R.RamachanderAbheepsithartha sidhyartham poojitho yassurair api,Sarva vignaschidhe thasmai Ganathipadaya nama. 1Salutations to Him, who is the chief of Ganas ,Who is being worshipped even by devas,For fulfillment of their desires,And who cuts
Eka Dantha StotramEka dantha stotram (Prayer to the Lord with one tusk) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (There are several stories about how Lord Ganapathi lost one of his tusks. One of them says that he broke one of his tusks and used it to kill Gajamukhasura. Another says that when Veda
Sastha PancharathnamShaastha Pancharathnam (The five gems on Shaastha) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Shaastha is the son born to Lord Vishnu when he took the form of a woman called Mohini and Lord Shiva. He is believed to have two wives Poorna and Pushkala and a son called Sathyaka.
Sastha DasakamSastha Dasakam (Ten verses about Sastha) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Sastha is the son of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. He was born in this world to kill an ogress called Mahishi. Sastha assumed the form of a baby and was found by a king belonging to Pandya Dynasty ruling
Manikanda SthuthiMani Kanda Sthuthi(Prayer to Mani Kanda)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Lord Ayyappa was found by the king of Pandalam in the forest as a small baby. At that he was wearing a gem tied to a string on his neck, so the king called the baby Mani Kandan. This prayer is addressed to Lord Ayyappa)Bhootha nadha, , Dayambhudhe, Bhuvanadhi Nayaka, Pahi maam,Bhoothalakhila pala , nirmama,Sarma dayaka, Pahi
HariharathmajashtakamSri Hariharathmajashtakam Kambangudi Kulathu Iyer Translated by P.R.Ramachander“'Harivarasanam' was written by Kumbakudi Kulathur Iyer. In 1955, Swami Vimochananad recited this Ashtakam for the first
Bhootha natha stotra dasakamBhootha natha stotra dasakamTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Sastha the son of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu in the form of mohini, was put in charge of all his boothas by Lord Shiva. He had two wives called Poorna and Pushkala. Ayyappa is the incarnation of Sastha for thr purpose of killing Mahishi, the sister of Mahishasura.)Pandya bhoopatheendra poorva punya maohanakruthe,Panditharchithangri
Iyappa Suprabatham (Malayalam)Ayyappa Suprabatham By Kaviyur M.V.Narayana Iyer (Translated in free verse from Malayalam by P.R.Ramachander) This great book was written and published in 1991 by the author with devotion so that the devotees going to
Vishnu SukthamVishnu SukthamTranslated byP.R.RamachanderVishnornukam veeryani pravodham ya parthivani vimame rajaasi yo askabhaya duthara Sadastham vichakramanas threthorukayo We would sing the valorous deeds,Of that Vishnu who has measured even the dust,Of that Vishnu who prevents the worlds above from falling,Of that Vishnu who measured the three worlds in three steps,And of that Vishnu who is praised by the
Vaasthu ManthrasVaasth manthras(Chants of the dwelling)Translated byP.R.RamachanderVasthoshpathe is the God who protects the buildings which are residences. As soon as a building is built he occupies it. So immediately after a house is built, the guardian of the house should be made happy, this prayer in the Rig Veda is addressed to this guardian of the house. This stotra is taken from the book Veda Manthras and
Sri SukthamSRI SUKTHAMTranslaed byP.R.RamachanderHiranyavarnaa harineem suvarna rajaathastrajam,Chandraam hiranmayeem jatha vedo ma aavaha. 1Hey God of fire,Request that Sridevi,Who shines like gold,Who destroys all sins,Who wears silver and gold ornaments,Who is like the moon,And who is golden,To come here,And shower her grace on me.Thaam ma
Shaala SukthamShalaa Suktham(the chant for the house)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This prayer is taken from Atharvana Veda and is meant to be chanted before occupying a house. The prayer has been taken from R.L.Kashyap (2007) Veda manthras and Sukthas, published by SAKSI, Bangalore)Yihaiva dhruvaam ni minoomi shaalaam,Ksheme thishtathi gruthamukshamana,Thaam thwaa shale sarvaveeraa suviraa,Arishtaviraa upa sam
Saraswathi SukthamSaraswathi Suktha (From Rig Veda)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Saraswathi is the Goddess of speech, the goddess of knowledge and she is also a holy river. She is the consort of Lord Brahma, dresses herself in white, sits on a white lotus and rides on the white swan. I have taken this Suktha text from the book by R.L.Kashyap (2007) Veda Manthras and Sukthas and published by Aurobindo Kapali
Rudra prasnam or RudramRudram Translated into verse By P.R.Ramachander Introduction Among the oldest books ever composed by Man are the Vedas-the sacred books of Hindus. The word Hindu is the modern
Purusha SukthamPurusha SukthamTranslated byP.R.RamachanderIntroduction Among the great Gods of Vedas is Purusha, which in simple translation means the “male”. But the word actually indicates Lord Vishnu, who is the God among the great trinity in charge of the care of the created beings. He is supposed to live in the ocean of milk and his consort is Lakshmi the goddess of wealth and prosperity.Possibly
Pavamana SukthamPavamana SukthaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This hymn is for purification. Soma, the sacred intoxicator is the lord of delight. Pavamana is another name for Soma. Pavamana also means that which flows. / That which purifies. A search in the web indicated the existence of a Pavamana of Pavamana Suktha with 114 slokas. What I have presented is the version 21 slokas taken from I have taken this
NIla SukthamNila SukthaTranslated by P.R.Ramachander(This is also called Vishnu Pathni Suktham and also as Adithi Suktham. Nila Devi or Adithi who is the creator of the world is addressed here. Though it is well known that Lord Vishnu has two wives Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Bhudevi, the fact that he had a wife called Nila Devi aka Adithi is not well known. Nila Devi is supposed to have born as Radha, when
Narayana SukthamNarayana Suktham Translated by P.R.Ramachander Shanthi Pata Sahana navathu.Sahanou bunakthu. Saha veerya karavavahai. Tejaswinaa vadheedamasthu maa vidwishavahaii. Om shanthi, shanthi, shanthi. Let Brahmam protect the teacher-student duo, And also protect us, We would work with vigour, Let our learning be lustrous, Let not we quarrel among ourselves, Let there be peace, peace and peace.
Medha SukthamMedha SukthamTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Medha Suktha is an ode to the capacity of clear understandings. Medha can be also translated as genius. This medha Suktha is a part of Mahanarayana Upanishad, I understand there are Medha Sukthas also in Rig Veda and Atharva Veda. I have taken this Suktha text from the book by R.L.Kashyap (2007) Veda Manthras and Sukthas and published by Aurobindo
Manthra PushpamMantra Pushpam (The flower of Vedic chants) Translation By P.R.RamachanderThis great mantra is taken from Taithreeya Aranyakam of Yajur Veda. It is normally sung in a chorus by all the
Laghu NyasaLaghu nyasaThink yourselves as Lord Shiva in the form of Sri Rudra. The Brahmin should initiate the pooja after meditating on Lord RudraWho is of pure crystal white colour, who has three eyes, who has five faces, who carries Ganga on his head, who has ten hands, who is decked with all possible ornaments,Who has blue-black neck, who wears the moon in his head, who wears the snake as sacred thread
Durga SukthamDurga Suktham (From Maha Narayana Upanishad) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is a prayer to the fire God Agni occurring in the Maha Narayana Upanishad. ”Durga” is used her as a word for “Difficult problems” in almost all the stanzas. The salutation to Durga is given only in the second
Devi (Vak) SukthaVAK sukthaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This Suktha is from Rig Veda. It is also called “Devi Suktha”. Vak is literally “word” but could also mean ability of thought and speech. I have taken this Suktha text from the book by R.L.Kashyap (2007) Veda Manthras and Sukthas and published by Aurobindo Kapali Shasthri Institute of Vedic Culture, Bangalore)Aham Rudrebhir vasubhir charami,Aham aadhithyer
ChamakamAgnaa Vishnu sajosh semaa vardhanthu vaam gira.Dyumnai vajebi raagrutham. Vaajas cha may, prasavam cha may,Prayathis cha may, praseethis cha may,deedhis cha may, krathus cha may, swaras chamay,Slokas chamay, suvas chamay,sruthischa may,jyothishas cha may, suvas cha may, praanas chamay, apaanas cha may,Vyaanas cha may, asus cha may, chittam cha may, aadheetham cha may, Vaak cha may, manas cha
Bhoo SukthaBhoo SukthaTranslated by P.R.Ramachander((This is the Suktha about earth and occurs in Taithreeya Samhitha and Rig Veda. It aims at the unification of Yajna, which is the effort of all of to propitiate the Gods. I have taken this Suktha text from the book by R.L.Kashyap (2007) Veda Manthras and Sukthas and published by Aurobindo Kapali Shasthri Institute of Vedic Culture, Bangalore)Bhoomna
Samkshepa Sundara KandamSree Samkshepa Sundara Kandam (From Vayu Purana) Translated By P.R.Ramachander (Those who do not have time to read the entire Ramayana, could get the same effect by reading Sundara Kanda. People who do not have even time to read full Sundara Kanda, Could read this “
Yaksha PrasnaYaksha Prasna(Questions of Yaksha) Translated byP.R.Ramachander(During the time when the Pandavas were living in the forest, a deer took away the stick used to make fire from the sage’s home in the forest in its antlers. The saint tried to recover it but could not. He then requested the Pandavas (sons of Pandu) to trace the deer by its hoof marks and recover it. The Pandavas followed the hoof
Devi Mahathmyam or Chandi pathDevi Mahatmyam Translated by P. R. Ramachander * © Under the blessings of the holy mother. Contents: Devi Mahatmyam I Contents: II Introduction 1 Appendix 1 4 THE ESOTERIC SIGNIFICANCE OF THE DEVI-MAHATMYA 4 Appendix 2 11 DEVI MAHATMYA STOTHRA ASHTAKAM 11 DEVI KAVACHAM 16 (Armour of the Goddess) 16 DEVI KEELAGAM 26 (The nail of the goddess) 26 Sri Devi Mahatmyam 29
Bhagawad Gita in English verseBhagavad Gita in free English verse Translated By P.R.Ramachander Introduction 2 Chapter 1: Arjuna’s state of grief 7 Chapter 2: The way of the discriminative logic 11 Chapter 3: The way of action. 20 Chapter 4: The state of action, wisdom and renunciation 25 Chapter 5: The renunciation of action 30 Chapter 6: The art of meditation 34 Chapter 7: Knowledge and Realization 40 Chapter 8: Non
Pasurappadi Ramayanam of Periavachan PillaiPasurappadi Ramayanam (Ramayanam according to Pasuram) By Periyavachan Pillai Translated by P.R.Ramachander* *{My heart felt gratitude to Mrs.Subashini, a young house wife in USA, who painstakingly checked and corrected (almost rewritten) my transliteration and suggested many an error in my translation. Without her contribution, this indeed would have been a poor effort. May Sriman
Tripura Sundari Pratha SmaranamTripura Sundari Pratha Smaranam(The morning meditation of the beauty of three cities)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a very rare morning prayer addressed to Devi Tripura Sundari)Kasthurika krutha manogna lalaamabhaswa-.Dardhendhu mugha nitilanchana neela kesim,Pralambha manana moukthika hara bhooshaam,Pratha smarami lalitham kamalayathakshim. 1I
Deva Krutha Lakshmi SthavamDeva Krutha Lakshmi Stotram(Prayer to Goddess Lakshmi by Devas)Translated byP.R.Ramachander (Here is a rare prayer addressed to Goddess Lakshmi by the devas)Kshamasva bhagavathyamba , kshamaa sheele parath pare,Shudha sathwa swaroope cha kopadhi pari varjithe. 1Pardon me Oh Bhagwathi, Oh mother ,Who is the divine goddess having patience,Who is the form of the
Lakshmi Ashtothara sathamLakshmi Ashtothara sathamWith translation byP.R.Ramachander(It is usual in Hindu religion to worship gods and Goddesses by chanting their 108 names . Here are the 108 names used to worship Goddess Lakshmi and their meaning. Please note that there is more than one set of such names. Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and was born out of the ocean of milk, when it was churned. Lord Vishnu took her as
Devya aarthrikamDevyaa aarathrikam(Worship of Goddess)Translated byP.R.Ramachander( Here is a typical prayer of Goddess , where after every stanza , there ia a common refrain. When it is sung in a group, the main stanza is sung by an expert and refrain is sung by all those who are present in . The last stanza of this great prayer deals extols Mohini, the feminine form assumed by Lord Vishnu.)Pravara theera
Adhi Shankara's Sharada BhujangamSharada Bhujanga prayathashtakam(The octet to Sharada written in a meter with snake like movement)ByAdhi Shankara Bhagawat PadaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Sharda is the goddess of the temple town of Sringeri. She is supposed to be an incarnation of Goddess Saraswathi.Adhishankara has established one of his Mutts in this town, which is in the shores of River Thunga. This great stotra unlike the
Shakthi Mahimna StotramShakthi Mahimna Stotram(The prayer of the greatness of Shakthi)BySage DurvasaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Sage Durvasa was the son of Sage Athri and his wife Anasooya. His brothers are sage Dathathreya and Soma. It seems once Lord Shiva was so angry that no body dared to approach him. At that time Goddess Parvathi told him “durvasam Bhavathi may” meaning, “I am not able to live happily with you.
Meppathur's Sri Pada SapthathiSri Pada Sapthathi (the seventy stanza prayer of the divine feet) By Melpathur Narayana Bhattathiri Translated by, P.R.Ramachander (This great poetic as well as devotional work has been written by Sri Melpathur Narayana Bhatathiri who is the author of the great and very popular work called Narayaneeyam. But unlike Narayaneeyam, this extremely pretty prayer is not popular. Sri Bhatathiri is
Varahi NigrahashtakamVarahi Nigrahashtakam (The octet of death addressed to Varahi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Varahi is one of the saptha mathrukas(seven mothers) who aided the Devi in her fight against Shumbha, Nishumbha and their armies. She is described to have human body with eight arms, head of a boar and also having three eyes. In the Sri Vidhya tradition, she “is also called the Danda-natha (Lady
Varahi AnugrahashtakamVarahi anugrahashtakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Varahi is one of the saptha mathrukas(seven mothers) who aided the devi in her fight against Shumbha, Nishumbha and their armies. She is described to have human body with eight arms, head of a boar and also having three eyes.In the Sri Vidhya tradition, she “is also called the
Vani StotramVani Stotram Composed by Sage Yagna Valkya Translated by P.R.Ramachander(There was a great sage called Vaishampayana. He had several great disciples and the foremost among them was Yagna Valkya. Once Vaishampayana committed a great sin and got the Brahmahathi (sin committed by killing a Brahmin)
Vamsa Vrudhikara Durga KavachamVamsa Vrudhi kara Durga Kavacham(Armour of Durga that protects family growth) Translated By P.R.RamachanderSanaischara Uvacha:-Lord Sani told:-Bhagawan deva devesa krupaya thwam jagat prabho , vamsakhya kavacham broohi mahyam sishyaya they anagha yasya prabhavath devesa, Vamso vrudhir jayathe,Oh God , Oh god of gods, Oh Lord of the universe, please be kind enough to tell that
Adhi Shankara's Vaageesi SthavamVaageswari Sthavam (The prayer to the Goddess of Speech) By Adhi Shankara Bhagawat Pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Saraswathi is the Goddess of learning and knowledge. Her name is
Tripura ThilakamTripura Thilakam (The Ornament to the Tripurasundari) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(It is very unfortunate that we do not know any thing about the great poet who wrote this very great prayer. The similes and metaphors are interwoven and extremely intricate)Kalpa shakee gana sath prasoona madhu pana
TRipura Sundari Vijaya SthavaTripurasundari vijaya sthava (Ode of victory to Tripurasundari) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (“The goddess Tripura Sundari in her aspect as Shodasi is represented as a sixteen-year-old girl, and is believed to embody sixteen types of desire. The Shodasi Tantra, a treatise on the
Adhi Shankara's Tripura Sundari ashtakamTripurasundari ashtakam (The octet to the beauty of three worlds) By Adhi Shankara Bhagawat Pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Among the several names of the goddess Parvathy one of the very important is Tripurasundari. This means the prettiest woman of the three worlds. It is also possible that
Swayamvara Parvathi StotramSwayamvara Parvathi stotram(Prayer to Parvathi seeking to marry the husband of her choice)BySage DurwasaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Goddess Parvathi, the daughter of Himalayas did thapas addressed to Lord Shiva so that she can marry him. This great prayer is addressed to her. The first letter of the first 45 slokas of this prayer is used to form the “Swayamavara (free choice of one’s consort)
Adhi Shankara's Meenakshi StotramSri Meenakshi sthothram By Adhi Sankara Bhagawat Pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Goddess Meenakshi along with her consort Sunderswarar is the presiding deity of the fabled temple of
Mahalakshmi SthuthiSree Mahalakshmi Sthuthi (Prayer to Goddess Mahalakshmi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Mahalakshmi was born out of the ocean of milk .She was chosen as his consort by Lord Vishnu. He also gave her place to stay on his chest as a mole-Sri Vatsam. She is the goddess of prosperity. Since prosperity has many
Maha Lakshmi StotramMaha Lakshmi Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth. Wealth does not mean only money or assets in Hinduism. It has several aspects. Goddess Lakshmi divides herself into several such aspects to grace the devotee. This prayer is to 15 such aspects of Goddess Lakshmi.)Adhi
Adhi Shankara's Bhavani BhujangamSri Bhavani Bhujangam Written by Adhi Sankara Bhagwat Pada Translated by P.R.RamachanderShadathara pangeruham, anthar virajath,Sushumnantharalethi thejollasanthim,Sudha mandalam dravayanthim pibanthim,Sudha moorthy meede chidananda roopam. 1I bow before
Sree SthothramSree Sthothram (Prayer addressed to Goddess Lakshmi) By Devendra Translated by P.R.RamachanderRajalakshmi sthirathwaya yada indrena pura sriya,Sthuthi krutha thadha rajan jayartham
Adhi Shankara's Soundarya LahariSoundarya Lahari BY ADHI SANKARA BHAGAVAT PADA. Translated in to English verse BY P.R.Ramachander, Bangalore. Introduction Soundarya Lahari meaning waves of beauty consists of two parts viz. Ananda Lahari meaning waves of happiness (first 41 stanzas) and Soundarya Lahari(the next 59 stanzas). It is believed that Lord Ganesha himself has etched the Ananda Lahari on
SitalashtakamSitala Ashtakam(Octet on her who is cool)Translated byP.R.Ramachander Asya sri Sitala stotrasya Mahadeva rishi, Anushtup Chanda, Sitala devatha,Lakshmir Bheejam, Bhavani Shakthi, sarva visphotaka nivruthaye jape Viniyoga:-For the prayer to the Goddess who cools, The sage(author) is Maha deva,The meter is Anushtup, the goddess is “She who cools”, the root isGoddess Lakshmi , the strength
Sidha Lakshmi StotramSidha Lakshmi stotram Lord Iswara Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Here is a very musical and holy stotra addressed to the divine goddess Lakshmi.It is purported to be written by Lord Shiva himself and occurs in Brahma Purana.)Adha Dhyamam:-Now Meditation:
Shyamala DandakamShyamala Dandakam By Maha Kavi Kalidasa Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Kalidasa was perhaps the greatest of the Sanskrit poets. He has written great dramas like Shakunthalam and great epics like Kumara Sambhavam, Malavikagni mithram , the message poetry called Megha Sandesham etc. He is extremely famous for the use of appropriate similes and metaphors. Shyamala Dandakam is perhaps the
Shriya ShatkamShriya Shatkam A sextet in praise of Goddess Sri.(Lakshmi) Composed by Sri. Animesh (Taken from web site Translated by P.R.Ramachander(I do not know who wrote this soulful prayer addressed to Goddess Lakshmi. It is extremely musical and poetic)Na punya yagna karini, na jnana dheepa dharini,Na loka soka bhakshini, na
SaraswathyashtakamSaraswathayashtakam ( An octet to the goddess of knowledge) Translated by P.R.RamachanderAmba, thwadeya pada pankaja pamsu lesa,Sambanda banduratharaa rasana thwadheeyam,Sambhayudhadhipadamapya amruthathi ramyam,Nimbhayathe kimutha bhouma padani thasya.
Santhoshi Matha AArthi (Hindi)Santhoshi Mata ki aarthi (The worship of mother Santhoshi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Santoshi Mata(mother of contentment) is supposed to the sister (daughter?) of Ganesa. . Her worship gained ground during the middle of twentieth centaury. Nothing is mentioned about her in any of the
Raja rajeswari Manthra Mathruka Pushpa MalaRajarajeswari mantra mathruka sthavam (Model prayer to mother Rajarajeswari) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(This great prayer is supposed to be written by Adhi Shankara Bhagwat Pada. But is not included in the list of the works of the Acharya.)
Radha KavachamRadha Kavacham (The armour of Radha) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Radha alias Radha Rani is one of those cowherd maidens(Gopa Sthri) who lived in Brindavan .She is the daughter of a Gopa called Vrisha Bhanu and a Gopi called Kamalavathi The devotees of Lord Vishnu
Lalitha Sahasranama Phala SruthiPhala Sruthi of Lalitha Sahasranama(The effect of reciting the thousand names of Lalitha Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Unlike Vishnu sahasranama, where the phala sruthi is the part of the stotra, in case of Laitha Sahasranama, phala sruthi is the next chapter and separate from it. So it is not recited along with the thousand names of Lalitha. It is as per the desire of a devotee that I am
Nava Rathna Malya StotramNava rathna malya sthothram (The prayer of the garland of nine precious gems) Translated by P.R.RamachanderDhyana slokam(Verse which helps to meditate)Kuchanchitha vipanchikam, kutila kunthala alunkrutham,Kuse saya nivesineem kutila chitha vidweshinim,
Mookambika AshtakamMookambika ashtakam (Octet on the Goddess Mookambika) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Mookambika is the goddess presiding over the temple town of Kollur, 135 km from Mangalore, Karnataka. Here the goddess is in the linga form. In the smaller half of the lings, Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma reside and in the
Meenakshi Pancha RathnamMeenakshi Pancha rathnam Translated by P.R.RamachanderUdyath bhanu sahasra koti sadrusam, Keyura harojjwalam,Bimboshtim smitha danthapankthi ruchiram, peetambaralankrutham,Vishnu brahma surendra sevitha patham, Thathwa swaroopam shivam,Meenakshmi pranathosmi santhathamaham, karunya vara nithim. 1I always bow before that
Meenakshi Nava Rathna Mala StotramMeenakshi * Nava Rathna mala stotram (A garland of nine gems to Meenakshi) Translated by P.R.RamachanderGowreem kanchana padmini thadagruham Sri Sundaresa priyam,Neebharanya suvarna kaduka parikreeda vilolam umam,Srimad pandya kulachalagra vilasad rathna pradhi payidham,
Adhi Shankara's Maya PanchakamMaya Panchakam (The Pentad on Illusion) By Adhi Shankara Bhagwat Pada Translated by P.R.RamachanderNirupam anithya niramaskhepya khande Mayi chithi sarva vikalpanadhi soonye,Ghatayathi Jagadheesa
Mariamman Thalattu (Tamil)Mariamman Thalattu (Lullaby to Mariyamman) Translated by* P.R.Ramachander, Kannabiran Ravi Shankar And Dr .Sankar Kumar Mari, Mariyamma and Marikamba, all denote a grama devata (village goddess) who is very popular in most of the villages of South India. While most of the people believe that she is the goddess Kali (created by goddess Parvathy to kill Raktha Bheeja) or the form of Renuka
Adhi Shankara's Manthra Mathruka Pushpa Mala SthavamMantra mathruka pushpa mala sthavam(Prayer of garland of mantra flowers to the mother) Written by Adhi Sankara Bhagavat Pada Translated in to English by P.R.Ramachander (This is a very pretty mellifluous and remarkable prayer to the mother Goddess
Mahishasura Mardini StotramMahishasura mardini stotram (Prayer to the Goddess who killed Mahishasura) By Ramakrishna kavi Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This very popular stotra of Goddess
Maha Lakshmi AshtakamMahalakshmyashtakam (The octet on goddess of wealth) Translated in to free verse, By P.R.Ramachander Mahalakshmi , who is the consort of Vishnu is worshipped as goddess of wealth by the
Maha Lakshmi Ki Aarthi (Hindi)Mahalakshmi ki aarathi Translated by P.R.Ramachander(This is an extremely popular prayer in the spoken Hindi about Mahalakshmi, the goddess of wealth.)Om Jai Laxmi Mata, Maiya JaiLaxmi Mata,Tumko nis din sevat, Hari, Vishnu DataOm Jai Laxmi Mata
Maha Lakshmi StotramMaha Lakshmi Stotram(Prayer to Goddess Maha Lakshmi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Here is a great prayer addressed to Goddess Maha Lakshmi. The original text in Tamil and Devanagari script is available in the web site www, That web site also gives a Tamil translation.)Kanthasthe purushotham, phani pathi sayyastham vahanam,Vedathma vihageswaro yavanika maya jagan
Maa Maha Kali Aarthi (Hindi)Maa Mahakali Aarti (Worship of Kali in Hindi) Translated by P.R.RamachanderPrema Sahitha nita karun aarthi,Maha kali maiya ki,Arid ala daranii , mangala bharani,Dukh hrini, sukhadaiyaa ki. 1Daily I will Worship with love,The great mother Kali,Who tears her enemies to pieces,Who
Lalitha TrishathiLalitha Trishathi Stotram Or Sarva Poorthikara stotram Translated by Along with transliteration By P.R.Ramachander Though the God Vishnu, Shiva and Brhama (called the Trimuthi) are the most important Gods in Hinduism, there is a very large school of thought which gives primacy to .the Shakthi (literally the strength) which is the female aspect controlling even these gods. The followers
Adhi Shankara's Lalitha Pancha RathnamLalitha Pancha Rathna (Five gems on Lalitha) BY Adhi sankara Bhagwat Pada, Translated by P.R.RamachanderPratha smarami
Kathyayani SthuthiKathyayani Sthuthi (Prayer to Kathyayani) By Pandavas Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Kathyayani is a form of Durga who was born in the
Devi Karumari Amman Stotram (Tamil)Devi Karumariamman sthothram (Prayer to the mother who is the black rain) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Mari which means rain is a very popular Goddess of Tamil Nadu. While scholars believe that she is a goddess of the pre Aryan days, most of the common people believe her as Parvathi, the consort of lord Shiva or Durga who
Adhi Shankara's Kanaka Dhara SthavamKanaka Dhara Stotra (The hymn of the golden shower) BY Sri Sankara Bhagavat Pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander Introduction Adhi Sankara was possibly one of the great saints of his time.He
Kamakshi SuprabathamKamakshi Suprabatham By Lakshmi Kantha Sharma Translated by P.R.Ramachander(This great prayer was composed by late Sri Lakshmi Kantha Sharma as desired by his teacher, the late Sri Chandara Shekara Saraswathi, The acharya of Kamakoti peetam. It is a song to wake up ,
Kalyana Vrushti SthavamKalyana Vrushti Sthavam Translated by P.R.Ramachander(This great stotra on Goddess Tripurasundari is supposed to have been composed by Adhi Shankara. Though I had references from Malayalam, generally this has not been included as one of his works.)Kalyana vrushtibi rivamrutha poorithaabhi,Lakshmi swayam
Adhi Shankara's Kalp Shakhi SthavamKalpa Shaki Sthavam (The poem of praise similar to wish giving tree) By Adhi Shankara Bhagawat Pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander(The goddess Parvathi is called Tripurasundari
Jnana Prasoonambika StotramJnana prasoonambika stotram (Prayer to the mother who is blossom of wisdom) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Jnana prasoonambika is the goddess who presides along with her consort Kalahastheeswara in Kalahasthi, a pilgrim town very near Thirupathi. This beautiful prayer is addressed to her. A spider, snake and
Janaki PanchakamJanaki Panchakam (Pentet on the daughter of Janaka) Composed by Sri. Animesh (Taken from web site Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Here is a very rare prayer addressed to Sita, the consort of Lord Rama.)Mathruke,
Indrakshi StotramINDRAKSHI STHOTHRAM Translated By P.R.Ramachander(Sage Narada during one of his visits to Vaikunta asked Lord Narayana for the reason why whiles Devas and Asuras are healthy by nature, human beings suffer these numerous diseases. Then lord Narayana taught him the Indrakshi sthothra. He told
Adhi Shankara's Gauri DSasakamGauri Dasakam (The ten verses on Gauri) By Adhi Shankara Bhagawat Pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Gauri literally the white goddess is another name of Parvathi. This is yet another great stotra written by Adhi
Durga Sthuthi (Hindi)Shri Durga Stuti Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a heartwarming and popular prayer addressed to Durga)Miti Ka Tan Huaa Pavitra, Ganga Ke Asnan Se ,Ant Karan Ho Jaye Pavitra, Jagadambe Ke Dhyan Se . 1The body made of mud became holy, by
Paramacharya's Durga Pancha RathnamDurga Pancha Rathnam Composed byHH Chandrashekarendra Saraswathi of Kanchi Kama Koti peetam.Translated byP.R.Ramachander and K.Vaidyanathan(This great stotra was composed by Swami Chandrashekarendra Saraswathi of Kanchi Kamakoti matam(1884-1994) who was fondly referred by his devotees as Paramacharya or in hushed tones as Periyava(great person). Though he was a sage, his devotees considered
Durga KavachamDurga Kavacham(The armour of Durga)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Durga is the fierce form of Goddess Parvathi who protects every one. I was not able to know the author or the source of this great armour)Srunu devi pravakshyami Kavacham sarva sidhitham,Padithwa padayithwa cha naro muchyathe sankadath. 1Oh Devi, I am telling you the armour which gets you
Durga Chandra Kala SthuthiDurga Chandra Kala Stuthi By Appayya Deekshithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This durgastuti is like a mantra sastra designed to avert poverty, fear from enemies, fear from death, several difficulties, several unanticipated
Durga Chalisa (Hindi)Durga Chalisa ( The Durga forty In Hindi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The Goddess Durga, the consort of Lord Shiva is an extremely popular Goddess throughout India. This mellifluous prayer addresses her and sings her praise. I have relied upon the English translation
Durga AshtakamDurgashtakam(The octet on Durga)Translated byP.R.RamachanderKarthyayaini , Mahamaye,Gadga bana dhaurdhare,Gadga dharinee chandi,Sri Durga Devi namosthuthe. 1Salutations to goddess Durga,Who is Karthyayaini ,Who is the greatest enchantress,Who carries with her sword, arrow and bow,And who is Chandi who carries the sword.Vasudeva suthe , kali,Vasu deva sahodhari,
Durga Apad Udharaka StotramDurgāpadoddhāraka stotram (The praise of Durga that saves you from danger) (From the Sidheswari Thanthra As spoken by Shiva to Parvathy) Translated by
Durga Aarthi (Hindi)Durga Aarti (The worship of mother) By Shivananda Swami Translated by
Devi aparadha Kshamapana stotramDevi aparadha Kshamapana stotram By Adhi Sankara Bhagwad Pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This great prayer is written by Adhi Sankara who imagines him as the son to Goddess Parvathy who is the mother He says he is an ignoramus . It can melt even very hard hearts.) Na mantram no yantram thadapi cha na jane sthuthimaho, Na chahwanam dhyanam thadapi cha na jane sthuthi kadha,
Devi Mahathmya stotra AshtakamDEVI MAHATMYA STOTHRA ASHTAKAM Translated by P.R.Ramachander Among the sthothras addressed to the mother Goddess Durga, the greatest is perhaps the Devi Mahatmya which is also known as Chandi. This book recounts the story of Durga in her several incarnations. First she
Devi kshma prarthana stotramDevi kshama prathana stotram (Prayer to goddess requesting her pardon) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Goddess Parvathi is an ocean of mercy. This prayer tells what a bad person one is, and requests her pardon. This is a part of Durga Sapthasloki)Aparadha sahasrani kriyanthe aaharnisam maya,Daso
Adhi Shankara's Bhavani AshtakamBhavani Ashtakam An Octet to the “Giver of Life” By, (Adhi Sankara Bhagwat Pada) Translated By, P.R.Ramachander (This great Sthothra by Adhi Sankara would
Annapurna Devi aarthi (Hindi)Annapurna devi aarthi(The prayer to Goddess Annapurna)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Aarthi are Hindi prayer songs, sung in a chorus with the waving of lamps before gods, this prayer is addressed to Goddess Annapurna , the presiding Goddess of Benares.)Bharambhar pranaam maiya, Bharambhar pranaam,Jo dhyave thumhi Ambike, kahan use vishram,Annapurna devi naam thiharo, leth hoth sab kaam,Pralaya
Bhagawathi StotramBhagawathi Stotram (Prayer to Goddess Parvathi) By Sage Vyasa Translated by P.R.RamachanderSri Bhagawathi Devi namo varade,Jaya papa vinasini bahu phalade,Jaya
BhagawathyashtakamBhagawathyashtakam(The octet to the Goddess)ByAmara DasaTranslated ByP.R.RamachanderNamosthuthe Saraswathi thri soola chakra dharini,Sithambaravruhe, shubhe, mrugendra peeda samsthithe,Suvarna bandhuradhare suthdallaree siroruhe,Suvarna padma bhooshithe, namosthu they maheswari. 1My salutations the great goddess Saraswathi,Who is armed with a trident and
Bala Satha Nama StotramBala satha nama stotram (Prayer to Bala using 100 names) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Bala is the form of Parvathi when she is a young. She is energetic, playful, heroic and kind) Aruna kirana jwala, ranchitha, savakasa, Vidhrutha japa vatika, pusthika Bheethi hastha, Ithara kara varadya, phulla kalhara samstha, Nivasathu hrudhi Bala, nithya kalyana roopa. Let that Bala, who is
Sankata Devi NamashtakamSankata Devi namashtakam (The eight names of Sankata Devi) Translated by P.R.RamachanderSankata Devi is known in Kashi as one of the most powerful deities in the entire city. Sankata Ji as she is called, is located high above the Sankata Ghat in the labyrinthine lanes of the city. Sankata Devi means "Goddess of
Bala Mukthavali StotramBala Mukthavali Stotram (The prayer of beads of salvation to Bala) Translated By P.R.Ramachander(Bala is the form of Parvathi when she is a young. She is energetic, playful, heroic and kind)Balarka koti ruchiraam koti brahmanda bhooshithaam,Kandarpa koti lavanyam, Baalaam vande Shiva priyam.
Ashta Lakshmi Stotra IAshta Lakshmi stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Swami Adhyathmanandaji ( writes about Ashta Lakshmis as follows:-“Lakshmi is commonly known as Goddess of wealth. Wealth is not only the money. Tradition and values of life is also wealth. Our family and progress is also
Ashta Lakshmi Stotra IIAshta Lakshmi Stotra II (The prayer to the eight Lakshmis) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Swami Adhyathmanandaji ( writes about Ashta Lakshmis as follows:-“Lakshmi is commonly known as Goddess of wealth. Wealth is not only the money. Tradition and values of life is also wealth.
Adhi Shankara's Ashta dasa Shakthi Peeta StotramAshta Dasa Shakthi Peetha stotram By Adhi Shankara Bhagwad Pada Translated by P.R.RamachanderThere was a great king called Daksha Prajapati who was the son of Lord Brahma, He had 27
Adhi Shankara's AnnapurnashtakamAnnapurnashtakam Translated in to English verse By P.R.Ramachander These prayer gems addressed to Annapurneswari , the queen mother of Varanasi is one of the greatest stotras in existence. Chanting or singing this will help one to achieve all ambitions.Nithyaananda kari,Varaa abhya karee,Soundarya
Ananda Valli StotramAananda Valli Stotram (Prayer to the goddess of happiness) Translated by P.R.RamachanderNamasthe Lalithe Devi,Srimath Simhasaneshwari,Bhakthanam ishtathe matha,Sri Ananda valli namosthute. 1I salute Goddess LalithaWho is the one who sits on the throne,And who is the beloved mother
Adhi Shankara's Ananda LahariAnanda Lahari (Wave of happiness) By Adhi Shankaracharya Translated by P.R.Ramachander(This extremely poetic and devotional work of Adhi Shankara is not as popular as his two other great works viz Soundarya Lahari and
Amba Pancha RathnamAmba Pancha Rathnam (The five gems on the mother goddess) Translated by P.R.RamachanderAmba sambara vairi thatha bhagini , Sri Chandra bimbanana,Biboshti smitha bhashini, shubhakari kadambavatyasitha,Hreengarakshara manthra Madhya subhaga
Akhilandeswari Mathruka Pushpa MalaAkhilandeswari Mathruka pushpa mala(The garland of prayers to Mother of the entire world) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( This rare prayer has been taken from a book called “Ananda Sagaram edited by Dr.Najan who is a great Sri Vidhya upasaka. He mentions that this was written by Adhi Sankara. But this is not found in the approved complete list of works of Adhi Sankara. Another
Abhirami StotramAbhirami stotram (Prayer to Abhirami) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Abhirami (the goddess who is pretty every moment) along with her consort Amrutha Ghateswarar ( he who is the pot of nectar) is the presiding deity of Thirukadyur in Tamil Nadu. It is believed that the pot of nectar
Abhirami Andathi (Tamil)Abhirami Anthadhi (end-start poem) By Abhirama Bhattar Translated into verse By P.R.Ramachander Introduction Abhirami is the Goddess of Thirukadayur near MayiladuThurai town of Tamil Nadu. The Lord Shiva who presides over the temple is called Amritha Gateswarar. It is believed that while transporting the Nectar (Amritha) which they got by churning the ocean of milk, the Devas kept a
Adhi Shankara;s ViuswanadhashtakamViswanathashtakam By Adhi Sankara Bhagawat Pada Translated by P.R.RamachanderGanga tharanga ramaneeya jata kalapam,Gowri niranthara vibhooshitha vama bhagam,Narayana priya mananga madapaharam,Varanasi pura pathim Bhajhe Viswanadham, 1Sing and praise that lord of the Universe,Who is the Lord of the town of Benares,Who has the tufted hair made by
Sri Viswanatha SuprabathashtakamSri Viswanatha Suprabathashtakam(The octet of good morning to Lord Viswanatha)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a rare suprabatham addressed to Lord Shiva. Taken from the book Stotra mala published by Devi Book stall, Kodunagallor)Sri Neelakanda girijesa suresa shambo,Sri Parvatheesa karunamaya deena bandho,Kailasa nadha bhuvanesa Jagan nivasa,Sri Viswanadha thava Bhasura Suprabatham.
Veda Sara Shiva StotramVeda Sara Shiva sthavam Translated by P.R.RamachanderPasunam pathim papa nasam paresam,Gajendrasya kruthimvasanam varenyam,Jada jutamadhye sphurad Ganagavarim ,Mahadevamekam smarami smararim. 1I meditate only on that great God,Who is the lord of all beings,Who is the destroyer of sins,Who is the lord of
VaidhyanathashtakamVaidyanatha Ashtakam(The Octet to the king of physicians.) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Lord Shiva is considered as the king among physicians. He is worshipped in this form in Purlee Vaijyanath. He is also worshipped in this form at a great temple in Tamil Nadu known as Vaitheeswaran Koil(Temple of the lord of physicians). It is
Adhi Shankara's Uma Maheswara StotramUma Maheswara Stotram Composed By Adhi Sankara Bagawat Pada Translated in to English in free verse, By P.R.Ramachander Nama Sivabhyam, Nava Youvanabhyam,Paraspara slishta Vapurtharabhyam,Nagendra
ThodagashtakamThodakashtakam By Ananda Giri (Thodagacharya) Disciple of Adhi Sankara Translated by P.R.Ramachander Vidhithakhila sasthra sudha Jaladhe Mahithopanishath kadithartha nidhe, Hrudaye kalaye vimalam charanam, Bhava Sankara desiga may saranam. 1 Become my refuge , Oh my Guru Sankara, Who is the ocean of nectar of our great holy books, And who is like the Treasure Of the essence of the great
Thulasi Das' RudrashtakamRudhrashtakam(Octet on Rudhra)Composed byGoswami Thulasi DasTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a very rare prayer on Lord Shiva Composed by Goswami Thulasi das who was the author of Ramacharith Manas in Hindi a great Vaishnavite saint)Namam Meesana nirvana roopam,Vibhum vyapakam Brahma Veda swaroopam,Nijam nirgunam nirvikalpam nireeham,Chidakasamaakasa vasam Bhajeham.
Adhi Shankara's Dakshinamurthy StotramSree Dakshinamuthy Ashtakam Written by Adhi Sankara Bhagawat Pada. Translated by P.R.Ramachander*(Adhi Sankara has written very many great Stotras (prayers) but here is a unique prayer, which is not only a prayer but the summary of all the philosophy that he has taught. Even during his time, this stotra was
Adhi Shankara's Shivananda LahariShivananda Lahari Waves of the bliss of Shiva By Adhi Sankara Bhagawat Pada Translated in to free English verse By P.R.Ramachander
ShivashtakamShivashtakam (Octet to Lord Shiva) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(This very musical stotra, describes oneself is a useless human being and not a devotee or fit to be a devotee but requests Lord Shiva for safety. The style of the sthothram points out, it to be a work
Adhi Shankara's ShivashtakamShivashtakam (The octet on Shiva) By Adhi Shankara Bhagawat Pada Translated by P.R.RamachanderThasmai nama parama karana karanaya,Deepthojjwalitha pingala lochanaya,Nagendra hara
Shivaparadha Kshamapana StotramShivaparadha kshamapana stotram By Adhi Sankara Bhagawath Pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Hear this great prayer ) Adhou karma prasangath kalayathi kalusham, Mathru kakshou stithou maam, Vin moothra madhye madhye kwadhayathi niratharaam, Jaadaro jadhaveda, Yadyadwaithathra dukham vythayathi sutharaam, Sakyathe kena vakthum,
Ravana's Shiva Thandava StotramShiva thandava stotram By Ravana Translated by P.R.Ramachander(It is believed that Lord Shiva is the king of all dancers. He
Shiva Shadakshara StotramShiva Shadakshara Stotram Translated by P.R.RamachanderOmkaram, Bindu Samyuktham,Nithyam, dyayanthi yogina,Kamadam, mokshadam chaiva ,Omkaraya Namo nama. 1Salutations and salutations to letter “om”,Which is meditated as a letter Om with a dot,Daily by great sages,And leads them to
Shiva Raksha StotramShiva Raksha Stotra (Prayer of protection to Lord Shiva) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(This great Stotra was revealed by Lord Shiva himself to sage Yagnavalkya, in his dream.)Asya Sri Shiva Raksha stotra mantrasya For the chant of Protection of Lord ShivaYagna Valkya rishiThe sage is Yagna
Shiva Panchanana StotramShiva Panchanana stotram(Prayer to Lord Shiva with five faces)Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Normally Lord Shiva is worshipped as Shiva Linga. Shivalingas with five faces are also found in some places. The Names of the five faces are- Sadyojat, Vamdev, Aghoraa , Tatpurush and Îshana . The four faces of Lord Brahma represent knowledge of 1. creation, 2. sustenance, 3. dissolution and 4.
Shiva Panchanana StotramShiva Panchanana stotram (Prayer to Lord Shiva with five faces) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Normally Lord Shiva is worshipped as Shiva Linga. Shivalingas with five faces are also found in some places. The Names of the five faces are- Sadyojat, Vamdev, Aghoraa , Tatpurush and Îshana . The four faces of Lord Brahma represent knowledge of 1. creation, 2. sustenance, 3. dissolution and 4.
Shiva MangalashtakamShiva Mangalashtakam (Mangala Octet on Lord Shiva) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Mangala stotras are normally recited at the end of reciting several stotras or the end of singing several songs or at the end of an auspicious function. The devotee wishes auspiciousness to the Lord. Mangalam may also
Adhi Shankara's Shiva Manasa PoojaShiva Manasa Pooja (The mental worship of Lord Shiva) BY Adhi Sankara Bhagwat Pada Translated By P.R.RamachanderAaradhayami mani sannibham athma lingam,Maayapuri hrudaya pankaja sannivishtam,
Shiva Mahimna StotramShiva Mahimna Stotram(The prayer of the prowess of Shiva)ByPushpa DanthaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Pushpa Dantha was a Gandharwa-a minstrel of Gods in the court of Indra. He was a devotee of lord Shiva as well as a lover of flowers. He used to steal pretty flowers from the garden of the king Chithra Ratha and offer them to Lord Shiva. As a result, King Chithra Ratha was not able to do flower
Shiva KavachamShiva Kavacham(Armour of Shiva) BySage Rishabha Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Rishbha (deva) was born as a king in the family of Swayambhuva manu. He married Meru devi and had one hundred children,. When they grew up, he entrusted the kingdom to his eldest son and retired to the forest. He became a great sage and a great devotee of Lord Shiva. He met in the forest a prince called Bhadraayu, who
Shiva Dwadasa Nama StotramSiva Dwadasa Nama Smaranam(remembering the twelve names of Lord Shiva)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This rare collection of 12 names of Lord Shiva, was sent to me by a reader of . He has taken it from a manuscript written in Telugu. My thanks to him.)Prathamastu MahadevoDwitEyastu MahesvarahaTruteeyaha Sankaro gneyaChaturtho VrushabhadhwajahaPanchamaha KruththiVaasaaschaShashtaha
Adhi Shankara's Shiva bhujanga prayata stotramShiva bhujanga prayatha stotram. (Prayer to Lord Shiva in Bhujanga meter) By Adhi Shankara Bhagawat Pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander Galadhana gandam, milath brunga shandam,Chalacharu
Shiva ashtothara NamavaliShiva Ashtothra Namavali(108 names of Lord Shiva)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Here are the translations of the 108 names used in the worship of Lord Shiva. I would like to point out that Astotharams of Gods are not unique. There may be other compilations also. Every name is chanted with Om is a prefix and namah as the suffix. I have only translated the name) Shiva DyanamVandhe Sambumumapathimh
Shiv Aarthi (Hindi)Shiva Aarthi(Worship to Lord Shiva)Composed byShivananda SwamiTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Aarthi are Hindi prayer songs, sung in a chorus with the waving of lamps before gods, this prayer is addressed to Lord Shiva)Om Jaya Shiv Omkaraa , swami jaya Shiva Omkaara,Brahma Vishnu , sada shiva , ardhangi Dhara, Om Jaya Shiv Omkara.Om Victory to Shiva, who is the meaning of Om,Oh God , victory to
Shiv Chalisa (Hindi)Shiv Chalisa (The Shiva forty in Hindi) By Ayodhya Das Translated by P.R.RamachanderJai Ganesh Girija Suvan Mangal Mul Sujan 1Kahat Ayodhya Das Tum Dey Abhaya Varadan
ShankarashtakamShankarashtakam (The octet on Shankara) By Brahmananda Translated by P.R.RamachanderSeersha jata gana bharam, garalaharam, samastha samharam,
Adhi Shankara's Shad PathiShat padhi (The poem of six verses or The bees) By Adhi Shankara Bhagawat Pada, Translated by P.R.RamachanderAvinayamapanaya vishno, damaya mana ,samaya vishaya mruga thrushnam,Bhootha dayaam vistharaya, tharaya samasara sagaratha. 1Oh my lord Vishnu,
Sashakthi Shiva NavakamSashakthi Shiva Navakam (Nine stanzas on Shiva with power) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This prayer asks God for several capabilities. The manthraksharas “Iym” and “Kleem” are used to worship Shiva. Devotees interested in any one wish can repeat that Stanza..SAnskrit text posted after translation) Veda shastras purane ithihasa kavya kaladishu, Vijnanam dehi mey, Iym Nama Kleem shivaya sou.
SadashivashtakamSadashivashtakam By Sage Pathanjali Translated by P.R.Ramachander(This Stotra is from Halasya Puranam,(i.e. The story of the city of Madhurai in Tamil Nadu) and is a prayer to Sundareswarar
Pratha Smarana Shiva StotramPratha smarana Shiva Stotram(Morning prayer to Lord Shiva)Translated byP.R.Ramachnder(Normally A Hindu prays God as soon as he gets up. These prayers are necessarily short and should make his mind dissolve in devotion to the God. Here is a morning prayer addressed to Lord Shiva.)Pratha smarami bhava bheethi haram suresam,Gangadharam vrushabha vahana mambikesam,Gadwanga soola varadabhaya hastha
PasupathyashtakamPasupathyashtakam (The octet on lord of all beings) Translated by P.R.RamachanderPasupatheendu patheem dharanipatheem,Bhujaloka patheem cha sathipatheem,Pranatha bhaktha janarthi haram param,Bhajatha re manuja girijapatheem. 1Hey man, pray the
Nathopadesa StotramNatho upadesa storam (Prayer that teaches the devotees.) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(This prayer addressed to Lord Shiva is not a popular one but is very pretty. It has 20 slokas, which are of four sets of five similar slokas.)Mana samadhou
Appayya DEekshithar's Marga Bandhu StotramMargabandhu Stotram (Prayer to the God of the path) By Appayya Deekshithar Translated by P.R.Ramachander(This great Stotra Rathna was written by Appayya Deekshitha(1520-1593). He was the
Maha mrutyunjaya stotramMaha mrutyunjaya stotram (Prayer of the great victor over death) By Sage Markandeya Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Sage Mrukandu prayed Lord Shiva for a son. Lord Shiva asked him
LingashtakamLingashtakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander Brahma Murari Sura architha Lingam,Nirmala bashitha Shobitha Lingam,Janmaja dukha vinasaka lingam.That pranamami sada shiva lingam.I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva,Which is worshipped by Brahma, Vishnu and other Devas,Which is pure and resplendent
Adhi Shankara's Kala BhairavashtakamKalabhairavashtakam, By Adhi Sankara Bhagwat Pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Kalabhairava is the God who is the protector of Benares. He is supposed to be the fearsome aspect of Lord Shiva. Once Brahma
Ayyaval's JambunadhasthakamJambunathashtakam(The octet on the lord of the rose apple)ByThiruvisai nallur Sridhara AyyavalTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Jambunatha or Jambukeswara is Lord Shiva as consecrated in the Temple of Thiruvanaikaval (known as Jambukeswaram in Sanskrit) in the town of Trichinapally of Tamil Nadu. The God is consecrated below the ground level and water keeps on flowing from all directions for all the
GowreesashtakamGowreesashtakam(The octet on the Lord of Gowri)BySri Chinthamani(This reads exactly like Bhaja Govindam of Adhi Shankara, but it does not have the same verve, depth and music of that great work..)Translated byP.R.RamachanderBhaja Gowreesam Bhaja Gowreesam Bhaja manda mathe,Sing about Lord of Gowri,Sing about lord of Gowri,Sing Oh dimwitted one.Jala bhava dusthara jaladhi sutharanam Dhyeyam
Adhi Shankara's Dwadasa Jyothirlinga StotramDwadasa jyothir linga stothram (Prayer to the twelve resplendent lingas) By Adhi Shankara Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Jyotirling or Jyotirlingam is a shrine where is
Daridrya Dahana Shiva StotramDaridraya Dahana Shiva Stotram (Prayer to Shiva to burn poverty) By Sage Vasishta Translated by P.R.RamachanderVisweswaraya narakarnava tharanaya,Karnamruthaya Sasi shekara dharanaya,Karpoorakanthi dhavalaya jada dharaya,Daridrya Dukha dahanaya Nama Shivaya.
Chidambareswara StotramChidambareswara Stotram (The prayer to Lord of Chidambara) Translated by P.R.Ramachander ( The Lord of the Chidambara temple is Lord Shiva in the dancing pose called Nataraja. It is the holiest Shiva temple of
ChidambarashtakamChidambharashtakam(The octet on Lord of Chidambara)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(The presiding deity of Chidambaram is Lord Shiva in the dancing pose called as Nataraja. This unusual prayer is addressed to the Linga in Chidambara Temple and is similar to Lingashtakam)Brahma mukhamara vanditha lingam,Janma jaraa maranathaka lingam,Karma nivarana koushala lingam,Thanmrudhu pathu Chidambara Lingam.
ChandrashekarashtakamChandra Shekharshtakam By Sage Markandeya Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Sage Markandeya was saved by Lord Shiva of certain death at the age of 16 by killing the God of death. This stotra is supposed to have been sung by the sage
Chaithanya's ShivashtakamChaithanya’s Shivashtakam By Swami Chaithanya Mahaprabhu Translated by P.R.Ramachander(The author of this great prayer is possibly one of the greatest exponents of Bhakthi Marga(Path of devotion) Getting God intoxicated is his method for salvation. His chosen path is devotion to Lord Krishna.
BilwashtakamBilwashtakam (The Octet to the Bilwa) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The leaves of Bilwa(Aegle marmelos), which has multiple leaves, with each leaf consisting of three leaves is very dear to Lord Shiva. Offering this leaf to Lord Shiva pleases him especially on the
Bhaja GoureesamBhaja Gaureesam (Pray lord of Gauri) By Chinthamani Translated by P.R.Ramachander(This octet has similar refrain like the great “Bhaja Govindam” of Adhi Shankara , It also is of philosophical
Bhagwatcharana StotramBhagawatcharana stotram (Stotra requesting refuge in God) Written by Brahmananda Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This rare stotra is all about the reasons for seeking refuge in God and is being placed in the web for the first time. Sage Brahmananda has written this
ArdhanareeswarashtakamArdha Nareeswara ashtakam Translated by P.R.Ramachander(This great stotra is a prayer to Lord Shiva in the form of Ardha Nareeswara. According to the references, I have it is written by a sage called Upamanyu. But in my search of the web, I found that it is included as a work of Adhi Sankaracharya by no less a person that the
Venkatesa Vajra KavachamSri Venkateswara Vajrakavacha Stotram(The Diamond armour of Venkatesa) By Sage Markandeya Translated by P.R.RamachanderNarayanam Parabrahma,sarvakaarana kaaranamPrapadye Venkatesakhyaam,Tadeva kavacham mama 1I bow and salute that Venkatesa,Who is lord Narayana himself,Who is the divine Lord of all,And who is
Vasudeva Krutha Krishna StotramSri Krishna Stotram by Vasudeva(Prayer to Lord Krishna by Vasudeva0Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is prayer by Vasudeva , father of Krishna addressed to Krishna. He finds himself incapable of praying the Lord like all others and requests Krishna to assume the form of a baby so that he can fondle him.)Vasudeva:-Thwam atheendraya maksharam nirgunam vibhum,Dhyanasadhyancha sarvesham paramathmana
Varaha KavachamVaraha Kavacham(The armour of Varaha(boar)) Translated by P.R.Ramachander( This armour is about the Varaha incarnation of Lord Vishnu . He had to take this incarnation to save earth which was stolen by an Asura called Hiranyaksha and hid himself in the deep depths of the sea.. Lord Vishnu took the form of a huge boar entered in to the sea, killed Hiranyaksha and brought back the earth. There
Manikkavasagar's Thirupalliyezhuchi (Tamil)Thirupalliyezhuchi(song to wake up God)BySaint ManikkavasagarTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This is a part of Thiruvachagam, one of the greatest Tamil devotional works composed by Saint Manikkavasagar. ( The Tamil people say that “One who is not moved by Thiruvachagam will not be moved by anything in this world.” This work is actually a Suprabatham for the
Shiva Rama Ashtaka StotramSri Shivaramashtaka stotram(The prayer octet of Shiva Rama)BySwamy RamanandaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a general prayer addressed to Lord Vishnu as well as Lord Shiva. )Hare shiva rama sakhe prabho,Trividha thapa nivarana hey Vibho,Aaja janeswara yadava pahi maam,Shiva hare vijayam kuru may varam. 1Hey Shiva, Hey Hare, Hey Rama, Hey friend, Hey Lord,Hey
Sri RamodanthamSri Ramodantham 1 (Story of Rama) 1 Bala Kandam 1 Ayodhya Kanda 7 Aaranya Kanda 9 Kishkinda Kanda 13 Sundara Kanda 16 Yudha Kanda 18 Uthara Khanda 27 Sri Ramodantham (Story of Rama) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (I do not know who is the author of this great summary of Ramayana. This is extremely popular among students of Sanskrit, due to its utter simplicity and is prime example of the
Sri Krishna Sthava RajaSri Krishna sthava raja(The king of prayers addressed to Krishna)BYSage SanatkumaraTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This great prayer taught by Sage Sanat Kumara , son of Lord Brahma to Sage Narada is one of the few prayers available which are termed as the king of prayers. As told in the first stanza , this is rarely available.)Mahadeva Uvacha:-Lord Shiva said:- Srunu devi pravakshyami stotram
Sri Dheena Bhandhu ashtakamDheena Bandhu Ashtakam(The octet on the friend of the oppressed)BySwami BrahmanandaTranslated byP.R.Ramachanderagdhudhedhi chathurmukhaadhyam,Yasminnavasthitha masesha masesha mole,Yathopayathiu vilayam cha samasthamanthe,Drughocharobhavathi medhya sa Dheena bhandu. 1Let me able to see that God who is the friend of the oppressed,From whom this entire world including Lord
Ezhuthachan's Prahlada Sthuthi (Malayalam)Prahlada SthuthiByThunchathu EzhuthachanTranslated byP.R.Ramachander( This great prayer is taken from BHagawatham –kili ppttu by Thunchathu Ezhuthachan. Lord Prahladha praises and prays Lord Narasimh murthy after he saves him from Hiranya Kasipu , his faher. The prayer is very touching. The first part of the prayer is almost in Sanskrit and the later part in Malayalam. This is normally sung to
Pandava GitaPandava Gita(The song of Pandavas)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is an anthology of mellifluous quotations drenched in devotion, in which many characters of the epic Mahabharatha figure as authors. Most of these prayers are not there in the Mahabharatha epic. The existence of such an anthology is mentioned in the Bruhath Stotra Sagara. . Two versions of the Pandava Gita were available to me.
Nrusimha PanchamrithamNarasimha Panchamrutham (The five nectars on Narasimha) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(This prayer is supposed to have been composed by Lord Rama when he visited the temple of Narasimha at Ahobilam. Since each stanza is like nectar, it is called Panchamrutham.Translation of this stotra along with commentary
Narayana StotramNarayana Stotram(Prayer to Narayana)ByP.R.RamachanderNarayana, Narayana Jaya Govinda Hare,Narayana, Narayana Jaya Gopala Hare.Victory to Lord Narayana, who is Lord Govinda and the protector,Victory to Lord Narayana, who is Lord Gopala and the protector,Karunaaparaavara varunalaya Gambeera. Narayana 1Oh ocean of mercy , Of God who is as majestic as the sea NarayanaGhana
Narayana KavachamNarayana Kavacham (The Armour of Narayana) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The Narayana Kavacham occurs in Bhagavada Purana in the sixth Skanda and occurs in Chapter eight. It is an Armour to protect ourselves from our enemies seen and unseen. I personally feel that this is possibly one of the first Kavachams ever taught to man. Raja Parikshith, the son of Abhimanyu asks his teacher Sage
Sage Pulasthya's Mangalya SthavamMangalya Sthavam (Prayer for good happenings) By Sage Pulasthya Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Mangalya sthavam is a great prayer addressed to several avatharas of Lord Vishnu occurring in the forty third chapter of the “Vishnu Dharmotharam Ithihasam.”. It is a conversation between Sage Pulasthya and his disciple sage Dhaulabhya. On being asked about the most suitable prayer to drive away bad
Jayadeva's Mangala GeethamMangala GeethamBySri JayadevaTranslated byP.R.Ramachander(This is a short prayer written by Jayadeva, the author of Gita Govindam. It is very musical and meaningful.)Sritha kamala kucha mandala drutha kundala ye,Kalitha lalitha vana mala, jaya jaya deva hare. 1Victory to you, victory to you, Oh Hari,Who depends on the breasts of Lakshmi Devi,Who wears ear globes and very
Mahadeva Krutha Rama StotramMahadeva krutha Rama sthuthi (Prayer to Rama made by Lord Shiva) By P.R.Ramachander Namosthu Ramaya sasakthikaya, Nelothpala shyamla komalaya, Kireeta harangatha bhooshanaya, Simhasanasthya maha prabhaya. 1 Salutations to the all powerful lord Rama, Who is as black as the blue lotus, Who wears crown , garlands and armlets, And who sits with great luster on
Rupa Goswami's Prathama Kunja ViharyashtakamPrathama Kunja Vihariyashtakam (First octet on Lord who enjoys in forest) By Sri Rupa Goswami Translated by P.R.Ramachander(“Rupa Goswami (1489-1564 CE) is a devotional teacher, poet, and philosopher from the Gaudiya Vaishnava
KaivalyashtakamKaivalyashtakam(The octet in search of the supreme)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(I do not know, who is the author of this great outpouring of devotion to Lord Vishnu. It strums the chords of our heart and brings out the soulful music.)Madhuram Madhurebhyopi,Mangalebhyopi Mangalam,Pavanam pavenebhoyobi,Harair nama Kevalam. 1Only the name of Hari,Is sweeter than
Brahma Krutha Rama SthuthiBrhama Krutha Rama Sthuthi(Prayer of Rama composed by Lord Brahma)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(Here is a pretty prayer addressed to Lord Rama and composed by Lord Brahma. In the last few verses, Rama is described as Krishna.)Vande devam vishnumasesha sthithi hethum,Thwam adhyathma jnanibhir anthar hrudhi bhavyam,Heya heya dwandwa viheenam paramekam,Sathamathram sarva hrudhistham drusi roopam.
Bheeshma SthuthiBheeshma Sthuthi(The prayer of Bheeshma)Translated byP.R.Ramachander(This great prayer occurs in the great epic Mahabharatha. The Grand old man old man of Mahabharatha is Bheeshma, the son of King Santhanu and the grand father of Pandavas and Kouravas. Since he lived with Drithareashtra, he decided to join the war on the side of the Kouravas. Lord Krishna who refused to participate in the war
Adhi Shankara's Bhagwan Manasa PoojaBhagwan Manasa Pooja (Mental worship of God) By Adhi Shankara Bhagwat Pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Here is a very pretty prayer describing the mental worship of Lord Krishna.In the reference book in Malayalam it is stated that it is written by Adhi Shankara.)Hrudambhoje Krishna sakala jala shyamala thanu,Sarojaksha
Poonthanam's Anjana Sridhara Krishna(Malayalam)Anjana Sridhara By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander(This prayer is one of the very popular prayers addressed to Guruvayurappan written by Poonthanam , the author of Jnanapana. Its utter simplicity and great devotion, makes it
Brahmananda's AbhilashashtakamAbilashashtakam (The octet of desires) By Brahmananda Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Here is a great prayer expressed as the unfulfilled wishes of the devotee)Kadha pakshsheendram soparigathamajam kancha nayanam,Ramasamslishtangam
Vishnu Mahima StotramVishnu Mahima Stotram Translated in to free verse By P.R.RamachanderMahim nasthepaaram vidhihara phaneendra prabhu thayo,Vidhur naadhyaapagnas chapala mathirahan nadhanu kadam,Vigneeyaamadhana nalina nayanathmeeya vachaso,
Sri Venkatesa SuprabathamSri Venkatesa suprabhatham By Prathi Vadhi Bhayangaram Annangaracharyar Tamil Translation By Dr.Cha,Partha Sarathy
Venkatesa StotramSri Venkatesa Stotra Translated by P.R.RamachanderKamala kucha choochuka kumkumatho,Niyatharuni thaathula neela thano,Kamalayatha lochana loka pathe,Vijayee bhava venkata shaila pathe. 1Victory to the lord of Venkata Mountain,Whose blue body coated with vermillion From the breasts of Lakshmi appears red,And who is the lord of the universe,With eyes
Vedantha Desika's Vairagya PanchakamVairagya Panchakam By Srimath Vedantha Desika Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Srimath Vedantha Desika is one of the greatest savants of Visishtadvaitha philosophy and author of great many extremely poetic and devotional works. He was eking a very poor existence in his native place. Sri Vidhyaranya Theertha, who himself is a great scholar was at that time minister in the court of Vijaya nagar
Andal's ThiruppavaiAndal's Thiruppavai Thiruppavai Composed by Andal also known as Nachiyar. (One of the thirteen Azhwars) Translated in to free verse, BY P.R.Ramachander Introduction. Saint Andal also known as Nachiar and also as Kodhai was the daughter of Vishnu Chitta alias Periya azhwar of Srivilliputtur. She is one of the most important saints of Sri Vaishnavism. At an early age she well in love
Vedantha Desika's Sudarshana AshtakamSudarshana Ashtakam By Vedanta Desika Translated By P.R.Ramachander (Sudarshana is the holy wheel which Lord Vishnu uses as his chief weapon. There is a story that the daughter of Viswa Karma, who was the architect of the God’s, was married to the sun God and she left him because of his immense heat. It seems Viswa Karma put Sun God in a cage and churned him to reduce his heat. The heat was
Sri Venkatesa Mangala StotramSri Venkatesa Mangala Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Mangala stotras are normally recited at the end of reciting several stotras or the end of singing several songs or at the end of an auspicious function. The devotee wishes
Sri Venkatesa Karavalamba StotramSri Venkatesa Karavalmba Stotram(Prayer for Support of hands from Lord Venkateswara) Composed by Saint Nrusimha Bharathi of Sringeri, Translated by P.R.RamachanderSri Sesha saila suniketana divyamoorthe,Narayanachyutha hare nalinayataksha,Leelakataksha
Adhi Shankara's Sri Rama BhujangamSri Rama Bhujangam By Adhi Shankara Bhagawat Pada Translated by P.R.RamachanderVishudham param sachidananda roopam,Gunadhara madhara heenam varenyam,Mahantham vibhantham guhantham gunantham,
Adhi Shankara's KrishnashtakamSri Krisnashtakam, (The octet in praise of Lord Krishna) By Adhi Sankara Bhagawat Pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander Bhaje vrajaika mandanam,
Sri Krishna StotramSri Krishna Stotram (Prayer to Lord Krishna) Translated by P.R.RamachanderVande nava Ghana syamam, peetha kouseya vasasam,Sanandam sundaram shudham, Sri Krishnam prakruthe param, 1I bow before that Sri Krishna,Who is as black as the new cloud,Who wears cloths made of yellow
Sri Krishna MangalamSree Krishna Mangalam Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Mangala stotras are normally recited at the end of reciting several stotras or the end of singing several songs or at the end of an auspicious function. The devotee wishes auspiciousness to the Lord. Mangalam may also mean “good wishes”, or “wishes for a happy ending”.
Sri Krishna Manasa PoojaSri Krishna Manasa puja Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Authorship of this great stotra is ascribed to Adhi Sankara , in my old stotra book published in Kerala in Malayalam script but this is not included in the list of complete works of Adhi Sankara, and also the style of writing is very much different. The
Sri Hari stotramSri Hari Stotram Translated by P.R.RamachanderJagajjalapalam kachad kanda malam,Sarahandraphalam mahadaithyakalam,Nabho neelakayam duravaramayam,Supadmasahayam Bajeham Bajeham. 1I worship and worship him,Who is the protector of the world,Who wears shining garland on his neck,Who has a forehead like autumn moon,Who is the god of
Sri Hari NamashtakamSri Hari Namashtakam (Octet on Lord Hari) Translated by P.R.RamachanderSri Kesavachyutha mukunda Radangapane,Govinda , madhava Janardhana dhanavare,Narayanamarapathe , srijagannivasa,Jihve japethi sathatham Maduraksharani. 1Hey toungue ,
Vishnu Shodasa Nama StotramVishnu Shodasa Nama Sthothram (The prayer of sixteen names of Vishnu) Translated By P.R.Ramachander This is one of the prayers to be addressed to Lord Vishnu as soon as you wake up. It lists the
Sangushta Nasana Vishnu StotramSangushta nasana Vishnu stotram (Prayer to Vishnu which destroys sorrows) Padma Purananthargatham (From Padma Purana) Translated by P.R.RamachanderNarada Uvacha:
Runa Voimochana Nrusimha StotramSri runa vimochana nrusimha sthothram (The prayer to Lord Narasimha to get rid of debts.) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(The debt could be explained also as the debt of Karma, which we have to get rid off to attain salvation.)Deva karya sidhyartham , sabha
Parasara Bhattar's Ranganatha StotramSri Ranga natha stotram By Sri Parasara Bhattar Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Sri Parasara Bhattar was the son of Koorathazhvar and was the chief priest of the great Sri Rangam temple. This great stotra is said to have been composed, when
Adhi Shankara's RanganathashtakamRanganathashtakam (Octet on Ranganatha) By Adhi Shankara Translated by P.R.Ramachander (with assistance in editing the translation by Dr.Saroja Ramanujam) (Sri Rangam for a Vaishnavite is the holy of the
Sage Vyasa's RamashtakamRamashtakam (The octet on Lord Rama) By Sage Vyasa Translated by P.R.RamachanderBhaje visesha sundaram, samastha papa khandanam,Swabhaktha chitha ranjanam, Sadaiva rama madvayam.
Ramachandra Sthuthi by saint ThulasidasA great Hindi Bhajan on Lord Rama THulasidas the great Saint who wrote Ram Charith Manas in sixteenth centuary has written this great and very popular bhajan On Rama in Sanskrit and Hindi . From the last two verses it is clear that this was what Goddess Gowri
RamachandrashtakamRamachandrashatakam (The octet on Ramachandra) Translated by P.R.RamachanderSugreeva mithram, paramam Pavithram,Sita kalathram, nava megha gathram,Karunya pathram, sathapathra nethram,Sriramachandram sathatham namami. 1I constantly salute that Lord
Jatayu Krutha Rama StotramRama Stotram By Jatayu (From Adhyathma Ramayana) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Jatayu is a great devotee and
Indra Krutha Rama StotramSri Rama Stotram (Prayer to Rama) By Devendra (king of Gods) Occurring in Adhyatma Ramayana Translated by
RaghothamashtakamRaghothamashtakam (The octet on the greatest one in Raghu clan) Translated by P.R.RamachanderKruthartha deva vandanam, Dinesa vamsa nandanam,Sushobhi phalachandanam, Namami Ramam easwaram. 1I salute that God Rama,Who is saluted by grateful devas,Who belongs to clan of the Sun God,And
Brahmananda's Prtha Smarana StotramPratha smarana stotram (Prayer to be recited in the morning) By Brahmananda Translated by P.R.RamachanderPratha smarami phani
Rupa Goswami's Prana Pranaya SthavamPrana pranya sthavam (The song of love of the soul) Composed by Rupa Goswami Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Rupa Goswami (1489-1564 CE) is a devotional teacher, poet, and philosopher from the
Parasurama StotramParasurama Stotram (Prayer to Lord Parasurama) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Lord Parasurama was an avatar of Vishnu. He was armed an axe (parasu) in his hand. He was the son of Sage Jamadagni and Renuka. He beheaded his mother at the command of his father. Later as per his request Jamadagni
Adhi Shankara's PandurangashtakamPandurangashtakam By Adhi Sankara Bhagwat Pada, Translated by P.R.Ramachander This great prayer has been written by Adhi Sankara extolling the virtues of the Deity of Pandarpur in Maharashtra. It seems there was a merchant named Pundarika in this town. His parents became old and he
Vadhi Raja Theertha's Palayachyutha StotramPalayachyutha Stotra (Prayer of protection addressed to Achyutha) By Srimath Vadhi raja Theertha Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Srimath Vadhi raja Theertha was a great saint cum poet of The Madhwa hierarchy. He is considered as
Vedantha Desika's Nyasa DasakamNyasa Dasaka (The ten verse offering) By Srimath Vedantha Desika Translated by P.R.Ramachander (Here is a great work of Visishtadwaitha philosophy composed by Srimad Vedantha Desika stressing and explaining the philosophy of surrender to the almighty. Being a novice in the tenets of that great doctrine, I have given here a very simple translation learned from Stotra rathnavali published by
Narayana Jaya (Malayalam)Narayana Jaya (Victory to Narayana) Translated by P.R.RamachanderAathalil gopikal thappiyeduthoru,Uthama muthanu ‘Narayana’ 1Narayana, you are the peerless gem,Found by gopis after a thorough search.Bhakthiyam sindhuvin madhye vidarnnoru
Vallabhacharya's NandakumarshtakamNandakumarshtakam (The octet on son of Nanda) By Sri Vallabhacharya Translated by P.R.Ramachander“Sri Vallabhacharya (1479 - 1531) was a devotional philosopher who founded the Pushti sect in India
Namam Japikkuga (Malayalam)Namam Japikkuga (Chant thy name) Translated in to free verse By Sri Mavilseri Subramanyan Nambudiri By P.R.Ramachander This stotras by an unknown devotee of Kerala, prays the Lord to help him chant the names of Lord Narayana even in his death bed.The graphic numbing description of the state of the devotee in his death bed and the essentiality of his being able to chant the names of
Nama RamayanamNama Ramayana Translated By P.R.RamachanderA devout Hindu believes that if he reads Ramayana ( The story of Rama) daily , he would be nearing his God.He also would like to meditate on the name ‘Rama’ , so that all his sins are washed off. Nama Ramayana is the story of Rama written for this purpose. Apart from condensing the story , it helps the devotees to meditate on the different
Mukunda MukthavaliMukunda mukthavali (Hymn for salvation on Mukunda) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(I found this Stotra in a compilation of stotras named as Sthorhtra Rathnakaram published by Devi book stall, Kodungaloor, Kerala . Strangely the several slokas in this great prayer
Kulashekhara Azhwar's Mukunda MalaMukunda Mala (Garland of Him who gives immortal bliss) By Kulasekhara Azhwar Translated in to English verse BY P.R.Ramachander Introduction These immortal
Mathsya StotramMathsya Stotram (Prayer to the Fish) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Here is a rare prayer praising the Mathsya avatara of Lord Vishnu)Noonam thwam Bhagawan sakshath harir narayano avyaya,Anugrahaya bhoothanam dhathse roopam jalokasam. 1Hey Lord Vishnu who
Paramacharya's Maithreem BhajhatheMaithreem Bhajatha By Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati Translation by P.R.Ramachander(This prayer was written by Paramacharya of Kanchi to be sung in the U.N. Assembly by Smt.M.S.Subbalakshmi during its 50th anniversary and dealt
Vallabhascharya's MadhurashtakamMadhurashtakam By Vallabhacharya Translated in to English verse By P.R.Ramachander Mahaprabhu Srimad Vallabhacharya (1479-1531)is one of the greatest sage- philosophers of India, who belonged to a Telugu family, was one of the foremost followers of Bhakthi Marga and established his philosophy of Pushti Marga in North India during the 16th century.His Bhakthi was much more than
Lakshmi Venkatesa Charanaravinda StotramLakshmi Venkatesa Charanaravinda Stotram (Prayer to the lotus feet of Lakshmi Venkatesa) Translated by P.R.Ramachander (The prayer is addressed to the Lord Venkatesa accompanied by Goddess Lakshmi. The first stanza is a prayer to Goddess Lakshmi and others addressed to Lord Venkatesa.) Eesanaam jagathosya venkatapathe vishno paraam preyasim, Thadwakshashala nithya vasa rasikaam thath kshanthi
Adhi Shankara's Lakshmi Narasimha Karavalamba stotramSri Lakshmi Nrsimha Karavalamba stotra By Adi Sankara Bhagawat Pada Translated by P.R.Ramachander Introduction* “Adi Sankara had once given his consent to a cruel Kapalika to take his head and offer it as a sacrifice to Goddess Kali in order to win favours from her. Kapalikas were followers of a particular Saiva sect (the left-hand order) who always carried human skulls, wore them as garlands
KamalapathyashtakamKamala Pathyashtakam (The Octet on consort of Lakshmi) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Goddess Lakshmi sits on a red lotus flower and is called Kamala , which actually means, “Lotus flower.”)Bujathalpa gatham, Ghana sundaram,Garuda vahanam ambuja lochanam,Nalina chakra gatha
Poonthanam's Jnappana (Malayalam)Jnana Pana By Poonthanam. Translated to English verse, By P.R.Ramachander Introduction Poonthanam was born about four hundred years ago in a village called Angadippuram in Kerala. Near by is the Thirumandan Kunnu Bagavathy temple which is the family goddess of the Zamorins who ruled over a part of Kerala now called Malabar. Poonthanam is not his name but the name of the Namboodiri
Jayadeva's Dasavathara StotraDasavatara Stotra (Prayer about ten incarnations) Composed by Jayadeva Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Jayadeva was a poet who lived in the 12th centaury in Orissa. He is a well known
Jai Jagadhisha Hare-Poular Hindi prayerOm Jai Jagdish Hare By Pandit Shardha Ram Phillauri Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This is one of the very popular prayers in Hindi sung by all Hindus. It is written in a colloquial dialect
HaryashtakamHaryashtakam (Octet of prayers to Lord Vishnu) Translated by P.R.RamachanderHarir harathi papani dushta chithair api smrutha,Anichayapi samsprushto dahathyevahi pavaka. 1Hari removes sins even from,The bad ones meditating on him,Similar to the
Hari Sarana SapthakamSri Hari Sarana Sapthakam (The Septet on Hari’s protection) Translated by P.R.RamachanderDheyayam vadanthi shivamevahi kechid anye,Sakthim Ganesamaparethu divakaram vai,Roopaisthu thairapivibhasiya thasthwameva,Thasmath thwmeva saranam Mama Sanka pane. 1Some say worship lord Shiva,Some say worship Goddess
Hari Nama Mala Stotram by King MahabaliHari Nama Mala stotram (Composed by King Mahabali) Translated by P.R.RamachanderGovindam Gokulanandam,Gopalam Gopikapathim,Govardhanodharam Dheeram,Tham vande Gomathi priyam. 1I salute that lord, who is dear to Saraswathi,Who gives pleasure to the herd of cows,Who brings joy to
Govindashtakam of Adhi shankaraGovindashtakam By Adhi Shankara Bhagwat Pada Translated by P.R.RamachanderSathyam jnanam anantham nithyamanakasam paramakasam,Goshta prangana ringana lolam anayasam paramayasam,Maya kalpitha nanakara
Govinda Damodara Stotram of Sage Bilwa MangalaGovinda Damodara Stotram By Sage Bilwamangala Translated by P.R.Ramachander(This Stotra has been composed by Sage Bilvamangala, who is also known as Lila Sukha. His greatest work of course is Sri Krishna
Gopika GeethamGopika Geetham (The song of the Gopis) From Bhagawatha Purana Free translation,
GopalashtakamGopalashtakam (Octet on Gopala) Translated by P.R.RamachanderYasmad viswam jathamidham chithramatharkyam,Yasmin anandathmani nithyam ramathe vai,Yathranthe samyathi layanchaida sesham,Tham Gopalam santhathakalam prathivande. 1My
Gopala Vimsathi of Vedantha DesikaGopala Vimsathi (The twenty verses on the Cowherd) By Vedantha Desika, Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Vedanta Desika (1269 – 1370) is a great poet, devotee, philosopher and master-teacher belonging to the Sri
Gopala StotramGopala Stotram (Prayer to the Cowherd) Translated by P.R.RamachanderNaveena neeradha shyamam , neelendivaralochanam,Vallavee nandanam, Vande krishnam, Gopalaroopinam. 1Salutations to Krishna in the form of cowherd,Who is of the black colour of the new cloud,Who has eyes like the blue
Dasavatara Stotram of Vedantha DesikaDasavatara Stotra (Prayer about ten incarnations) Composed by Vedanta Desika Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Vedanta Desika is possibly one of the greatest poets of Srivaishnavism and
Dasavathara StotramDasavathara Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Lord Vishnu took several incarnations in the world. Of them the most important are ten incarnations(Dasavathara).This prayer addresses the ten avatharas. It is written in a way that complains to god that he does not show the same haste in solving the
Bhaja Govindam of Adhi ShankaraBhaja Govindam Translated in to English verse BY P.R.Ramachander A few words about Bhaja Govindam Adhi Sankara who expounded the philosophy of Advaitha
BalamukundashtakamBala Mukundashtakam (The octet on the child who gives immortal bliss) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(Among the several forms of devotion in Hinduism, possibly one of the most easy is that of loving him as if he is your baby. This devotional hymn on Lord Krishna follows that approach. Lord Krishna is supposed to sleep on a leaf of a banyan tree
Ambadi Paithal (Malayalam)Aambadi Paithal (The cow herd baby) By Poonthanam Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This mellifluous simple prayer which is recited by the common man all over Kerala is supposed to be written by the great Poonthanam. If this is true, this prayer would be at least three hundred years old and is simple, composed in colloquial language and is surcharged with devotion to the baby Krishna. I feel
Ahalya Krutha Rama StotramAhalya krutha Rama stotram (The prayer to Lord Rama by Ahalya) Translated by P.R.Ramachander(This prayer is taken from Adhyathma Ramayana. Ahalya was cursed by her husband Sage Gouthama to become a stone. She got back her form when Lord Rama’s feet touched her.)Aho krutharthosmi Jagan nivasa,They padabhja
AchyuthashtakamAchyuthashtakam Translated in to English verse By P.R.RamachanderVersion I1Achyuthachutha, hare paramathman,Rama Krishna purushottama vishno,Vasudeva bhagawan aniruddha,Sree pathe ! samaya dhukka masesham.
Lalitha SahasranamamLalitha Sahasra Namam Translated into English With transliteration By P.R.RamachanderIntroduction This stotra (hymn which praises) occurs in Brahmanda purana (Old epic of the universe) in the Chapter on discussion between
Shiva SahasranamamShiva Sahasranamam (Thousand names of Lord Shiva from Mahabaratha) Translation and transliteration By P.R.Ramachander There are two versions of Shiva sahasranama-one in lInga Purana (Being taught by Lord Krishna to sage Markandeya) and the other which occurs in Anushasanika Parva of Mahabaratha. In the Mahabaratha version (which I am giving here) Yudishtra after hearing the Vishnu Sahasranama
Vishnu SahasranamamVishnu Sahasra Nama Stotram Translated in to English, By P.R.Ramachander INTRODUCTION Stotras are devotional hymns of Hinduism sung in praise of God. This word is derived from Sthuthi which means praise. Though post

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Exhaustive list of gayitri mantras of all gods in telugu english sanskrit with meaning and impact and effect

  1. కోరికలు నెరవేరడానికి - శ్రీ గణేశ గాయత్రీ Sanskrit:  ॐ లంబోదరాయ విద్మహే మహోదరాయ ధీమహి తన్నో దంతి ప్రచోదయాత్। Transliteration:  Om Lambod...